#anybody want to play?
antvnger · 1 year
((Okay why not, let’s try this out - open starter))
Scott’s more used to pulling off heists, not stakeouts. And honestly, he thought he might never take up a stakeout job again.
When he was asked to do a stakeout against what looked like a ragtag crew of amateur thieves, he thought this would be a piece of cake, especially considering his size and skills set.
Worse. It was boring.
These guys were doing nothing. Scott watched for two full days with nothing to show for it. He was beginning to think his information was wrong, but his informant was hardly ever wrong with stuff like this. They were going for something big, and they apparently needed big help to get it done.
So when the crew had arranged for a meeting with someone who could give them big help, Scott almost cheered. Finally! Something’s actually happening.
When he followed the crew in question to the rendezvous, there was someone there waiting for them already.
“Holy shit,” Scott muttered when he realized who they were meeting. Scott knew them.
“What are you up to?” he wondered aloud from his hiding place as he watched the exchange go down.
Okay so maybe stakeouts weren’t too bad after all…
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blackkatdraws2 · 5 months
I have a lot of leftover drawings in my gallery. [Blank Scripts AU]
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[Content Warning: Images below contain Gore, Death, and Disturbing/Uncomfortable Imagery]
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I find it a bit cute knowing they start out as crazy and then slowly settle into something calmer and relatively healthier after learning to adapt to each other's lust-turned-love. [Stanley did it first but hey :3]
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farshootergotme · 3 months
Game-night in the batfamily has got to be crazy. You're putting a bunch of geniuses against each other and that's asking for chaos to happen.
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puppyeared · 10 months
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beep beep im a sheep
speeddraw below the cut (audio warning)
song: "Cult of Dionysis" by The Orion Experience
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ckret2 · 2 months
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My interpretation of sinner bill-
there he is. origami Bill.
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Sanuso Soulmate AU in which everyone has a bracelet painted around their wrist like some sort of tattoo but it's the color of their soul, and inside there's a circle with their soulmate's color. So, you know, if you both have the same colors but the other way around, then you know you're soulmates, yadda yadda yadda.
The Vinsmoke siblings don't have those because Judge made them that way, except Sanji. Sanji has a blue bracelet painted around his wrist and decorated with a yellow circle. Which would be great if it wasn't because he hates that color. It's always the color Judge chooses for him and it always reminds him that he can never escape that damn thing. But, well, when he escapes and meets Zeff and stays with him, the thought of having a soulmate starts being more and more appealing. He's sure she's the prettiest girl in the world! Cheerful and fun and bright like her color. He checks every girl's wrist in case he sees yellow and blue together, and sometimes he does, but it's never the same tone, and by the way the girls act around him he knows they're not his soulmates. But he doesn't lose hope. He'll find his girl someday.
Usopp doesn't really care much about it. He has a yellow bracelet and a blue circle and meh, he thought Kaya was his soulmate but turns out she isn't and that's just about it. He doesn't think much about it and he thinks that, if they're destined to be together, they'll find each other at some point. Tbh, he thinks it's stupid to be forced to be with somebody just because the universe tells you to. Even if he meets his soulmate, he'll probably choose for himself instead of jumping into a relationship like an idiot. Who does that? Forcing a relationship just because some colors tell you to?
He learns, soon enough after some years, that there's an idiot who does that and his name is Sanji. When they meet at the Baratie, Nami points out their soulmate marks (hers being orange and blue. A wonder who that tone of blue might be) Sanji is, uh, very dramatic. He starts panicking, of course, because he never thought his soulmate would be a man. And Usopp is pretty and all but- And he makes his heart go insanely fast, especially now that he knows he's definitely his soulmate. But it can't be. Really. He can't be. Usopp tells him that it's okay and that they don't even have to be soulmates. Perhaps the colors are just really similar. And if they're soulmates (thing Usopp was not expecting either) they don't really have to be if they don't want to. One thing leads to another and Luffy tells him to come with him and be his cook, and Sanji has to admit that even if it takes a lot of convincing, he goes with them. Both for Luffy and for the All Blue. And... For Usopp. He really, really wants to know more. He knows he doesn't have to listen to the universe and do whatever it wants with him, the way he doesn't have to be a Vinsmoke if he doesn't want to. But the soulmate mark- Love. It's. It's kind of a sign of not being a Vinsmoke. So he really, really wants to know about this guy before he starts panicking because it's, uh, a guy.
He's a bit too clingy with Usopp, he has to admit. He doesn't treat him like one of the girls but he definitely cares about him way more than he cares about other men. He protects him more. Keeps an eye on him. Decides to spend more time by his side. Usopp lets him know that nothing will happen between them if he doesn't want to and that he won't date Sanji just because a soulmate mark says so. Sanji accepts it gladly, but he never stops being this way. He just wants the opportunity to love somebody, Usopp doesn't have to feel the same.
So they grow closer. Become best friends, even. Inseparable. Usopp has to admit that, after all, he enjoys Sanji's company the most. And when he's not forcing the soulmate thing between them, he's a sweetheart.
Then Skypiea happens, and Usopp knows that Sanji is more than what he looks like. Water 7 comes next, and Usopp misses Sanji the most. He won't stop staring at the stupid colors. And he thinks that if he's going to leave for good, he wishes he could take Sanji with him. He guesses Sanji would say yes. But he can't do that to him, or the crew. When he joins them again, he thinks about asking Sanji out on a date or something. Or- Or at least saying that he can feel it too. But it would be like following the universe orders and he wants to be more than what the universe tells him to be. He knows soulmates aren't a bad thing (hell, Zoro and Luffy are happy and Nami and Vivi are insane about each other too) but still... Usopp thinks that they need more time. Sanji waits patiently, too, perhaps he has forgotten about it already. The thought of Sanji moving on from him bothers him in the worst of ways, and Usopp feels extremely selfish for even thinking that. So, he'll confess. At some point. Something. He doesn't know exactly what. Is he in love with Sanji? He- He isn't sure. He needs just more time.
Oh. And the universe gives them time. Two fucking years of time to think on his own. Fucking perfect. And that's when Usopp instantly regrets not saying anything, because the first night alone after so long he dreams about blue seas and blue eyes and blue skies and blue blue blue. He decides, then, that he'll grow into somebody Sanji deserves to be with. And he'll fight against the universe for keeping them apart when they were meant to be together. Sanji, during his two years in Momoiro Island, learns that liking boys perhaps isn't that weird. That it could also be a way of showing he is not a Vinsmoke, because Judge would never make somebody who has a soulmate and whose soulmate also happens to be of the same gender. Well- Talking about gender, he's- He's not so sure about that one either, but he doesn't think about it too much.
When they meet again after two years being apart, it's like they know what the other is going to say. There's a confession. It's emotional. Usopp is the one crying, surprisingly enough. But they're together, and that's what matters, right?
Except that the world sort of happens to hate Usopp, and from the moment they step in Dressrosa they don't see each other for a long time. And suddenly Sanji is getting married to some random girl? He- He just really, really, thinks the universe is against him. But there's a force of power way stronger than the universe. Way stronger that the gods. So when Luffy promises him to bring back Sanji for him, Usopp trusts him with his whole soul.
For Sanji, it's a bit weird. Whole Cake is an experience. His brothers tell him he doesn't have the right to have a soulmate so he can't complain about getting married to somebody else. Besides, as if he had any right to do so. Pudding is a gorgeous, precious girl. How can he complain? Sanji starts thinking the things his brothers tell him, somehow. How could he reject somebody like that? Besides, Usopp deserves better. And he has never been too into the soulmate thing, anyway. He'll find someone else and Sanji will get married to a pretty girl that, even if she breaks his heart, will at least keep the crew safe with the marriage. Then Luffy waits for him. And starves for him. And then his captain says something about Usopp too that Sanji does not want to hear but shatters his heart into pieces anyway. He really, really wants go back home.
And he does, after a wild ride. And he has never been happier, even if he knows this is going to hunt him for his whole life and he'll never forget what happened.
He sees Usopp when they get to Wano, and he looks happy without him. He looks like he is, yet he clearly isn't, when his eyes meet Sanji's. Usopp hugs him and kisses him and hits him and insults him and cries and tells him that he's the dumbest guy in the history of men and that he should've thought about his soulmate before pulling this self-sacrificing shit on him. And Usopp keeps yelling and he's extremely angry but Sanji kisses him anyway. And- And they're fine.
They will be fine, the universe likes it or not.
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cosmicwhoreo · 1 year
Vezzpa during the prelude of the @kirbyoctournament
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note: it was not.
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for those not in the know, she did not at all willingly enter this tourney. That honor goes to her childish boss, who was looking for amusement via the suffering of someone who yells at him daily.
She is a 39 year old pencil pusher with back problems. She would not win in a real fight-
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ramblebramblefun · 15 days
Izuku bounces on his feet as Kacchan steps off the platform, unable to keep the smile off his face as red eyes catch sight of him. He waves, a tad manically.
"Kacchan!" He yells, ignoring the looks he gets. "Over here!"
Kacchan is followed over by several other, familiar looking people. A man that can only be Chargebolt leans forward.
"Oho! Who's this?"
"My pet stalker."
"Kacchan, that's not very nice," Izuku says absently.
Kacchan ruffles Izuku's hair with more force than necessary.
"I'm not very nice."
"That is true!" Chargebolt grins, stroking his chin faux-thoughtfully.
"So," Kacchan says next. "What's new in nerd-land?"
"Oh! Um, well... Did you read that paper I sent you?"
"That thing on fuckin' Freezerburn?"
"Yeah, about the indicators! Like how you've got your mom's skin-"
"I don't want to hear about my mom's skin." Kacchan groans.
Too bad.
"- Your mom's skin" Izuku continued, "as well as your quirk in your palms and-"
Izuku cuts himself off this time. Red Riot (his hair's not that bad, Kacchan) is waving his hand in the air like a student. So was the Alien Queen, with a shit-eating grin on her face, and then Chargebolt also started to flail about and nearly hit-
"Oh my god! Are you Cellophane?!"
"Not if he knows what's good for him." Kacchan mutters.
"It's an honour to meet you! I'm a big fan! I really loved what you did last week in that fight with Athenium- actually, um, wait, I think I have-"
He starts to rummage through his bag, but Kacchan is faster and snatches his notebook out with a hiss.
"No. They don't know you. We're not doing this."
"Kacchan." Izuku frowns.
Red Riot seems unable to contain himself any longer.
"Bakubro, who is this guy?" he shouts, at the same time as Alien Queen cheers.
"This must be that guy that Katsuki's always-"
Kacchan whirls around and slaps Izuku's notebook over her mouth, because he is an oaf with no respect for other people or their property. Izuku is what, Kacchan?
Whatever. Izuku brought extra notebooks today, just in case. He pulls one out, and a pen, and then Cellophane takes the pen? And Izuku's notebook? Oh, he's signing the notebook, that's nice of him.
"Here you go," Cellophane smiles, handing it back.
Izuku already has three Cellophane signatures that Kacchan mailed to him through Auntie, because Kacchan is the best but also weird, but this is cool too. Izuku will have to cut it out and paste it in his album later.
What he actually wants to know is-
"Um, what's your name? I can't call you Cellophane when you're on vacation..." He flips open to a new page, ready to start writing...
The silence stretches too long. He looks up to find Cellophane looking at him uncertainly.
"Actually..." Cellophane starts slowly-
"That's what we wanna ask you!" Chargebolt shouts excitedly, and then Kacchan steals Izuku's notebook, again, and his bag, and Izuku has more important things to worry about than social niceties.
"Bakugou Katsuki!" he screeches. "Get back here!"
He starts running after Kacchan, who must have lost his mind on the train ride over if he thinks Izuku is going to let him get away with this. He'll tell Auntie! He will!
Auntie will just laugh at him if Izuku tells her that Kacchan has taken up purse-snatching but she'll laugh at Kacchan too, and then Kacchan will be really annoyed, just like Izuku is right now, and he's taking up running as a hobby first thing tomorrow because he's tired now already and curse Kacchan's longer legs, Izuku is going to cut them off-
They leave the Bakusquad blinking in their dust.
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cherrrygoblin · 4 months
Thinking about playing with Jo Togame’s long hair…
He’s asleep. The steady rise and fall of his back is evidence of it. With his head resting over your heart, he lay on top of you with your leg hooked around his. Every time he does this, you wonder if it’s because he wants to be held. You never ask.
Instead, you silently card your fingers through his untamed, dark locks. The slight waves flow between your fingers until the ends curl around your fingers. Every now and then, your nails scrape against his scalp, but he doesn’t stir.
Your wrist gets tired of the motion, so you pick up a stray section and start twirling it around your finger. His hair isn’t the softest, but it’s nice. Long locks slip through your grip only to be picked up again to repeat the action.
Before you know it, your hand is getting heavy, and your view of his sleeping form is getting blurry. So, you place a soft kiss to the top of his head, breathing in the scent of some generic shampoo, and follow him into a restful sleep.
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mayhemspreadingguy · 2 years
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Today I woke up and chose silliness!
(yes, the mood of my posts is all over the place but this is what you signed up for, it's literally in the name x'D)
This is another contribution to the silly rabbit au (by @cuubism ) featuring @magnusbae 's Dream in a hoodie.
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lesbianalanwake · 10 months
Alan Wake 2 going up in a popularity contest against things with undeserved hype and sweeping best narrative and best art and game direction regardless
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geekynightowl1997 · 8 months
Okay- but...
Has anyone else noticed that at least with Dean Devlin- Christian Kanes characters all have some sort of ties to each other?
I mean:
Eliot Spencer; A military bred, mercenary trained, with multiple aliases- with a specific skill set, con-artist.
Jacob Stone; An art historian, with multiple aliases, genius brain, eidetic memory (?), librarian.
Alex Walker; con-artist, with multiple aliases, an eye for detail, retired giftshop owner.
The characters might not be the same but there still enough for them to be long lost triplets or something.
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modernsuperhero · 2 months
Saddest thing in the world is that in an in-universe sense it is absolutely insane that Cleo is technically the sixth victor. Others have pointed it out but I thought the fact that their addition means all the victors are SOULMATE PAIRS WITH EACH OTHER, even including the CHOSEN SOULMATES, should make everyone batshit insane. And i would LOVE to uphold the time-honored tradition of taking something silly that doesn't really mean anything (like an april fool's prank "series") and drive blood from the stone making lore out of it. Also? Cleo was one of my top picks for people to root for victor the next season ANYWAY. DREAM COME TRUE. And yet, alas, as someone severely prone to migraines who already struggles to watch the minecraft videos I have, not only do a) Cleo's shaders make it impossible for me to get more than 2 minutes into any of her videos before my brain starts self-cannibalizing but b) it's VR. Which ALSO gives me migraines, without fail, no matter how cool it is and how often I try to force myself to gain an immunity through exposure. I've seen animated clips and references to Real Life but I PHYSICALLY CAN'T WATCH IT, in ANY pov, and this feels like my own personal hell. Like I want to nerd out and be meta and shit and I cannot. Dog on a leash with a treat just too far to reach
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coconut530 · 7 months
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#Nevermore#Nevermore Webtoon#Webtoon#Funny episode liked it a lot#Monty playing with Prospero’s cravat funyyyyyy#“I’m anybody” HE’S SO DONE IT’S HILARIOUS#Prospero Monty relationship who thought#He’s the dad of the group it’s hilarious and all the kids and his wife are giving him troubleeeeeeeeee#Doctor’s bag??????? What did you use it for in life my guy#“We couldn’t just leave Montresor to die!” …it was an option and omg their faces on the bottom panel 🤣#LENORE STOP YOU’RE TOO HOT OH MY GODDDDDDD *FANS SELF* “LOOK WHO IT IS GENTS” LENOOOOOORRRREEEEEEEEEEEE#I want to redraw but life be busy so soon ish#Episode 25 “Stains are so hard to get out of mahogany!” I knew it before Duke even said it 😂#He saw a ghost and it hit him on the head smacked his face sliced his shoulder sliced his side and broke his leg 😂#Lenore is unfaaaaaaazzzzzzeeeeeddddd also Duke wanna protect his bestie#“…A little bit. Maybe” I THINK IT’S MORE THAN A LITTLE BIT#MAZE TRIO LAUGHING BEING FRIENDS LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTT#LENORE AND MONTY SHOWDOWN MY FAVE IT ESCALATES SO WELL ALSO ANNABEL’S THE ONE WITH A BULLET IN HER GRAVE SORRY TO SAY#“Go to hell” 😂 this is the best#Annabel did NOT prepare for her to say that#Will doesn’t even have a roommate just throw Monty in there Will likes him enough and Prospero’s kinda wary of people it works out#Although Prospero you gave Annabel your key with ZERO hesitation or question so mayyybe you should’ve been more careful#Very funny episode I liked it a lotttttttttt oh no we’re heading into the formal divorce arc oh nooooooo
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mackingonmac · 2 months
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panels 1 by 1
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ sorry everyone who already saw this days ago. tumblr marked me as spam and nothing would show in tags or search so.. im trying again..
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muffinrag · 1 month
i went to Target to try and buy some boxers and their entire men's socks and underwear section was in locked cases. i want to make this perfectly clear: i would dig my gallbladder out with nothing but a pocket knife and a spoon and then eat it raw before i would ever page a fucking employee to get me my fucking undies. everyone at target corporate should kill themselves. go to hell and fucking rot there
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