#your muse could be in disguise
antvnger · 1 year
((Okay why not, let’s try this out - open starter))
Scott’s more used to pulling off heists, not stakeouts. And honestly, he thought he might never take up a stakeout job again.
When he was asked to do a stakeout against what looked like a ragtag crew of amateur thieves, he thought this would be a piece of cake, especially considering his size and skills set.
Worse. It was boring.
These guys were doing nothing. Scott watched for two full days with nothing to show for it. He was beginning to think his information was wrong, but his informant was hardly ever wrong with stuff like this. They were going for something big, and they apparently needed big help to get it done.
So when the crew had arranged for a meeting with someone who could give them big help, Scott almost cheered. Finally! Something’s actually happening.
When he followed the crew in question to the rendezvous, there was someone there waiting for them already.
“Holy shit,” Scott muttered when he realized who they were meeting. Scott knew them.
“What are you up to?” he wondered aloud from his hiding place as he watched the exchange go down.
Okay so maybe stakeouts weren’t too bad after all…
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gfmima · 1 year
category : 米哈游 原神 work title : another woman claims to be his girlfriend?
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with a subtle bow of your head, you raise the teacup to your awaiting lips, a veil of porcelain disguising the laughter that threatened to escape. how absurd… you muse, as you savor a sip of your tea.
far across — two tables away, there sits one of the new acts of lyney and lynette’s show. she was interesting, to say the least. she sings tall tales with intricate detail, weaving major falsehoods about the nature of her relationship with him.
her words describe his love confession, demanding they be together because he couldn’t bear a day without her. she didn’t fail to mention how his sister adores her and refers to her as ‘my future sister-in-law.’
the outlandish narrative lasts with an overt nudge about his frequent visits to her dressing room after every show, which you tune out due to its unsavory implications.
most women would have risen from their seats, confronting her for spewing fantasies about their lover; not you, though. instead, you stay rooted in your place, your curiosity piqued for what else she might spin.
you were engrossed, and if you were to be fully honest, you would’ve readily admit to the guilty pleasure of eavesdropping on the mundane conversations of strangers. your penchant for gossip was shared with your lover, turning it into an unusual pastime. it was a fun exchange of information over cups of coffee or tea, normally ending with one of you left scandalized by what was said. archons, were you excited to tell him about what you overhead…
“do you swear not to say a word about this to another living soul?” her voice hushed to a near whisper, but it still carries to those within earshot.
“of course! right, ladies?” one of the women quips, with the other two chiming in agreement, creating a chorus of “yes!” and “we’ll keep quiet!”
“if you say so…” she takes a deep breath, as if the weight of her revelation was a heavy burden about to be lifted. “lyney and i are dating…” her shoulders then turn slack, exhibiting the instant wave of relief that washes over her.
you couldn’t help it; a snort of amusement passes your lips. it earned you a few disapproving glances from the nearby patrons, chastising your lack of propriety in a public setting.
she embarks on an exhausting tangent, yakking on the long months she had to weather before she could have confided in her dear friends about her supposed private affair.
she emphasized how lyney insisted on maintaining it under wraps for over a year — eh, wrong! the twins met her for the first time five months ago — out of his desire to protect her from the clutches of obsessed fans and admirers.
the longer she spoke, the closer her stories cross into more ridiculous territory. at one point, she spun a yarn about his grandiose profession of love for their anniversary, including dedicating an entire routine inspired by her.
however, what left you scratching your head was the lack of skepticism from her friends. a quick read of her body language would’ve shone a light at her deception. it had you questioning whether you had somehow gone mad or if they were genuinely as dim-witted as they seemed.
“i knew it! no wonder you’ve been smiling a lot  lately!”
“ah, i’m so jealous~! sigh, he’s such a handsome man.”
“so romantic… i wish that was me!”
assessing the present circumstances, one might figure you would now reveal all of her lies. you didn’t. rather, you found yourself more inclined to watch and observe how this fiasco will play out.
you trust lyney, enough to know he loves you and wouldn’t pursue another woman behind your back, especially a woman he and his sister worked with. it allowed you to cast aside your initial worries about her and her interest in him. regardless of your opinion, she did her job well, even though you secretly wished she wasn’t so uncomfortably obsessed with him — a notion she made no effort to hide.
clearly, given what you were witnessing.
“oh, look, ladies! here he comes!” one of their voices pierces the air, overtly eager to see the ‘happy couple’ they were led to believe. conversely, lyney’s self-proclaimed lover appears to be positively distraught.
the man in question enters cafe lucerne, his gaze firmly laid on you. he shows little to no mind towards the group of women who shadow his every move. he walks by and greets you with a kiss on the cheek, taking the vacant chair in front of you.
“and how was your day, ma belle?” he removes his hat then runs his fingers through his hair — a simple gesture that left you swooning.
his charming demeanor momentarily distracts you from the comedic disaster unfolding in the background.
it was a tumultuous stir of “huh… who’s that?” and “gasp, is he cheating on you?” while the two of you converse in mindless chatter. one second, he was recounting his chores for the day; and the next, three indignant women loom over him whereas the source of this mayhem cowers in the back.
“ugh, the audacity to have a mistress and meet her in broad daylight! you have no shame!”
he glances from you to them, genuine bewilderment etched upon his face. “i beg your pardon?”
“oh, don’t play dumb! you know exactly what you’re doing!” another of the women upturns her nose at him.
witnessing the heated back-and-forth, it was remarkable to find that even arouet was invested in the drama.
it transforms into a three-versus-one impasse, but you were impressed by how gracefully he navigated through their baseless accusations. the culmination of the situation came when recognized his ‘lover’ and didn’t hesitate to call her by name, pressing answers for the lies she’d been spreading to her friends.
“i think you’ve all been misled, the only woman i’m seeing is this lovely one right here.” he turns then directs the gentlest of smiles at you.
unable to resist the itch, you finally laugh at the sudden turn of events. karma was indeed on the prowl, and to be a bystander for the incoming argument after she made a fool out of her friends, just to feed her delusion, was gratifying… for one of you, at least.
“care to tell me what just happened?” lyney tuts, his fingers extending across the table to grasp your hand in his, urging to draw your focus on him.
“later,” you mutter, absorbed by the evolving spectacle. it’s obvious you both will spend the whole evening discussing this…
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from the very start, you weren’t one to rejoice in having any eyes on you. it was natural your bond with the one and only wanderer flourished discreetly.
this change in your life required no announcement. it wasn’t information that demanded broadcasting to the world; it could exist on its own if someone were to ask, you’d directly confirm the status of your relationship. otherwise, you find it irrelevant to insert this in areas where it held no relevance.
in the comfort of your solitude, you thrive, cocooned from nosy onlookers. your happiness, his happiness — these two were what truly mattered to you.
as time flowed by, your connection deepened, evolving into a union that grew stronger with each passing moment you shared. it was a sensation both of you held dear, a genuine and keen emotion that, if you dare to admit, could be called ‘love.’
of course, you weren’t ignorant to assume that your journey would be obstacle-free. beyond his undeniable intellect and esteemed role as the assistant and confidant of the dendro archon, he also began to draw attention for his otherworldly beauty.
you were aware that you might coming across his admirers one day. after all, you weren’t oblivious to the wistful glances sent his way by other women, nor the coy attempts at flirtation. still, you hadn’t taken into account the unusual lengths some individuals would go to win even a sliver of his time and attention.
it was painful to watch their efforts be met with a scoff or a withering frown. on a good day, they might receive nothing more than a mocking, “what do you want now?” from him.
on a sun-drenched afternoon, you find yourself perched on the steps leading to the sanctuary of surasthana whilst you await his return from his meeting with lesser lord kusanali.
yet, the tranquility of the sacred place was soon interrupted by an unexpected revelation — you weren’t alone. a trio of researchers positioned themselves near the entrance, their presence blends into the revered location, evoking no more notice than the everyday sights that surround you.
the sunlight dances upon your skin as you, absentmindedly, fiddle with your bracelet, a habit that had taken root over the years. the food container you had brought stays on your lap, and you can feel its warmth gradually dissipate. a frown on your face as you whisper a plea that he arrives before the snacks you prepared grew cold.
your gaze strays and locks onto one of the women standing nearby. suspicion dripped from her eyes, it lingers far longer than you liked. at first, you considered it a peculiar coincidence — perhaps she mistook you for someone else she knew?
unable to contain her curiosity, she approaches you with an air of authority, disregarding her friends’ endeavors to stop her from creating a scene.
“state your business,” she dictates, her tone icy.
you stand unwavering, refusing to yield an inch in the face of her bid to intimidate you. “if you must know, i’m here for wanderer.”
your words invoke a profound reaction within her, it coursed through her like an attack. “well, save your breath and don’t waste your time bothering him.”
“why not? who even are you to tell me what i should do and shouldn’t do?” your cadence steady and colder than hers, a testament to the time you spent with your dear wanderer — it seems to be paying off.
you expected her to either insult you or begin a monologue about her superiority as a researcher, but her reply took you by surprise.
“i’m his lover, duh! i don’t appreciate you flirting with him.” then, in a single motion, she confiscates the container from your grasp.
glances were exchanged amongst her peers, who advance to mediate the interaction. one of them pulls her away and positions himself between you. “i’m sorry for her behavior, miss. her sleep deprivation has her spouting nonsense.”
“i am not! there are clear signs he feels the same way. we’re dating; he’s just very reserved about his emotions.”
before it can escalate further, a familiar voice slices through the tension like a blade. “where have you been?” he chides, as he descends the steps.
beneath his hat, you spy the glaring discontent he directs at these strangers for taking your time away from him.
when your eyes locks, his gaze softens. the sour expression dissolves and was replaced by a flicker of warmth. you offer a reassuring smile in his direction, a gesture that noticeably eases his mind.
he was a stride away from you when she, flaunting a smirk, stops in front of him. you lay a hand over your lips to quash your laughter after spotting the look of disgust he tosses at her.
“wanderer, honey!” she tries to touch his arm but fails when he sidesteps her. “don’t worry, i already handled this pest to lessen the burden for y—”
“who are you?” he sneers, and the haughty look on her face instantly disappears. she attempts to stutter a response, an effort to remind her title as his lover, but his menacing gaze he wore silences her.
“moreso, who are you to advise my wife what to do?”
eh? his wife?
“your wife?!” her friends turn pale, realization dawning upon them. they shiver at the thought of unintentionally crossing him, all thanks to her behavior.
“i-i just thought…”
“well, you thought wrong; know your place.” in a last display of irritation, he shoots them a cutting glare. then, he seizes the food container from her grip, his fingers then intertwine with yours as he guides you away from them.
as you walk away hand-in-hand, you cast a quick glance at her and stick your tongue out to mock her.
“i saw that,” he snickers and tugs you along, nearly causing you to stumble, “and you say i’m mean.”
“don’t get all smart, you called me your wife earlier.”
“shut up! it was meant to end the conversation early.”
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boltwrites · 1 month
Fandom: Marvel; X-Men Pairing: Logan Howlett/Wolverine / Reader (Gender Neutral) Rating: M Tags: Suggestive, Logan's cat ear hair, Teasing
Synopsis: Sleep-addled and maybe a little horny, you ask Logan if he does his hair like that on purpose.
A/N: Fun fact about this one - you could replace reader with Deadpool and the fic would probably be the exact same (but probably with more stabbing). Enjoy! Also I almost titled it Kittyuuuuuhhhh but decided against it LMAO. Is this good? No. But I needed to expel it like some kind of demon. Anyway-
You made a soft pleased noise, arching your back as you stretched as far as you could under the thin sheet of your shared bed. Muscled warmed, you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, blinking blearily against the morning light that filtered in through the curtains.
You smiled - sleepy and sweet - as you propped yourself on your elbows to see the figure sat at the foot of your bed. Logan was already awake and halfway dressed, jeans hugging his hips as he leaned over to tug on his boots. Meanwhile, here you were - still in the oversized T-shirt you used as pajamas, your hair messy from sleep.
On that thought, your eyes drifted from where they had been admiring the taunt planes of his back, to Logan's own styled hair. He'd already brushed it, those little tufts that curled into what looked like tiny devil horns neatly defined in the soft morning light.
You frowned. Hmm, no, devil horns wasn't quite right. Not really.
You sat up, a hazy plan dancing through your mind as you crawled your way to the end of the bed. Logan glanced back at you - your heart flipped at the soft smile he offered you, making no effort to shy away from your touch.
"Hey, you don't have to get up because of me," he chided. You didn't listen - instead, you draped your arms around his warm shoulders, leaned in to pepper little kisses along his jaw, even if his beard caught most of them. You didn't mind how it tickled.
"But you're wearing my favorite outfit," you insisted, doing your best not to chuckle. You did like him in worn out jeans and no shirt. It looked good on him. Everything looked good on the man, though.
"I'm wearing half an outfit," he replied, turning just enough so that he could press a proper kiss to your lips. You sighed, pillowing your head on his shoulder as his lips met yours - lazy, gentle. Those weren't words you'd use to describe his kisses at any other time of day, really. This was special.
"I know," you replied, offering him a silly smile as you leaned against his shoulder, arm around his chest preventing him from dressing any further. He didn't seem to mind, though, as your free hand carefully carded your way through his hair - making sure not to displace any of his hard work.
"But something I don't know..." you continued, twirling a finger around the tip of one of the tufts. "Is why your hair ends up like this. Do you do it on purpose?"
"Do I do what on purpose?" he asked. It was laced with a chuckle, like he thought this was one of your half-awake musings. And, perhaps it was, in a way. You were, technically half-awake. But you weren't making things up. It was a real question that had crossed your mind on several separate occasions.
"You know-" you insisted, releasing that little bit of hair from your grasp. "The kitty ears."
"The what?"
He laughed it, pulled away from you if only to make sure you caught a glance of his expression - a mixture of shock and amusement that telegraphed to you that he still wasn't taking you seriously.
You rolled your eyes at him, removing your hand from around his shoulders to scratch along his scalp, up to that little tuft of curled hair. He closed his eyes, made a low rumbling noise in his throat that only seemed to further the illusion that he was really just some big cat in disguise.
"The kitty ears," you insisted, "do you or do you not purposefully style your hair so you have these little kitty ear things?"
You sat up on your knees, reaching both your hands up to curl in the tufts - tugging them just hard enough to make his eyes flutter open as he looked up at you.
"Cat ears," he deadpanned, doubt lacing his words. "You think my hair looks like cat ears."
"Kitty ears," you clarified, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of his head. "And you didn't answer my question, which means you absolutely do it on purpose."
"No-" Logan started, tone exasperated. But, unfortunately for him, he was already in too deep.
"Nope, sorry-" you laughed, sitting down behind him to wrap your arms around his bare chest, brushing through the downy hair there. "You're my little kitty now."
"Jesus Christ-" he groaned, rolling his eyes as you kissed his cheek. You made to kiss the corner of his lips next, but he turned his head ever so slightly, trying his best to quell the smile that was spreading. He'd just wanted you to pay attention as he insisted:
"I'm not a fucking cat."
"Why not?" you teased, kissing just under his ear with a little smile. "You've got the ears..."
You snaked a hand up to card through his hair again - making sure to rake your blunt nails along his scalp like you knew he loved. And, despite his dismissive tone, you caught his eyes fluttering closed, his lips parting ever so slightly.
"The claws..." you teased, punctuating each word with a new open-mouthed kiss to his neck - the last dotted with a touch of teeth that issued a sweet rumble from low in his throat.
"The fur-" your free hand slid down his chest - down the dips and curves of his defined abs, to tangle in the thicker hair that disappeared below the waistline of his jeans.
"And, I know how to make you purr," you chuckled, fingers dancing at the edge of his belt as your other hand weaved through one of those silly little kitty ears.
Logan wasn't immune to the way you touched him - when he laughed at your ridiculous comments, it was a bit breathless, even if he sounded absolutely exhausted with your antics.
"I have to get dressed," he insisted, his hand drawing over your own where you'd just started to wiggle your fingers under the tight denim. "And you're being ridiculous."
"Hmm," you hummed, nipping at the junction of his neck and shoulder. The muscles there jumped, tensed, then relaxed - and where he'd been grasping at your hand, your fingers briefly intertwined.
"If I remember correctly..." you pondered, nuzzling against his neck. "Kitties don't wear clothes."
"Oh, come on-" he groaned, laughing as he leaned back against your chest, his head pillowed on your shoulder. You grinned down at him. "How long are you gonna keep this shit up?"
"Until you're sick of it," you promised, kissing the corner of his mouth. He rolled his eyes. "Or, you take your pants off."
"We both know you'll keep saying it even if I take my pants off," he countered, his hold on your hand the only thing preventing you from inching your way into his pants.
"Touché. But -" you bargained. "I'd be distracted."
He laughed, loud and full, and your smile grew even more. That - that's what you really liked. When you could finally get some honest joy out of him. He looked so pretty when he smiled like that, even if it was brief. His hand squeezed over yours - soft, possessive, loving. That made your heart flutter even more than the thought of getting him undressed.
But he was right - you were never going to let him live this down.
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sourlove · 4 months
AN: Sorry for the wait, my darlings. enjoy <333
Yandere!Rockstar who likes the way you look at him, like he hung the sun and the moon stars in the sky.
Yandere!Rockstar who has no choice but to take you along with the band, Jailbird, on tour. After all, what's an artist without his muse?
Yandere!Rockstar who never shows you off. He just doesn't anyone to get the opportunity to steal you away after all. You don't mind though. You're more than happy to play the role of his 'assistant' is that means you get to be close to your favorite musician.
Yandere!Rockstar who spoils you in private, fucking you into the mattress and leaving bruises that decorate your skin for days. He adores you, his little starlight, and whispers his love for you in the dead of the night.
Yandere!Rockstar who takes you out when the band is in a new city to new, interesting places. The two of you giggle together as you disguise him so you won't get mobbed by fans. It's risky, but it brings you closer.
Yandere!Rockstar who loves when you tell him how much you love him, and his music, and his body, like you worship him. It drives him crazy, the way you follow him around like you need him.
Yandere!Rockstar who rewards you when 'Y/N', becomes his most popular song yet. The band throws a small party when the numbers come in, and that night Axel kisses you in front of everyone for the first time. Everyone is cheering and laughing but the only one you care about looks at you, only you and tells you that he loves you.
"You're all I need, starlight. My little good luck charm."
Yandere!Rockstar who starts to be a little more open about your relationship. Now, he talks about his inspiration for 'Y/N' and it's connection to his first song, 'Starlight'. He talks about how he needed a single push with with both songs, the second push being you. He doesn't give all the details but it makes you feel warm inside. Axel had finally acknowledged you.
Yandere!Rockstar who no longer makes you pretend to be his assistant to avoid any questions. Now, he dresses you in designer clothes and everyone who knows you, knows you as Axel's girl, the Y/N.
Yandere!Rockstar who becomes even more famous all of a sudden, his music reaching corners of the world you would have never thought of. He can't take you everywhere anymore. It's too inconvenient, he says, to drag you all over the world. Just be a good girl and wait for him in the luxurious penthouse he bought you, okay?
Yandere!Rockstar who slowly starts getting more annoyed the more you ask him to come home. He's busier than he ever was before and has to get a new album ready while still on tour. You obviously don't know how difficult it is for him, since all you do is mope around all day and wait for him.
Yandere!Rockstar who buys a different house for himself when his tour eventually ends. It's just so the grand parties he throws don't bother your peace. But he spent so much time there it felt like he only came to your place when he wanted to change clothes and take a quick nap.
Yandere!Rockstar who buys you more clothes, more accessories and designer trash when you complain. How could you possibly want any more than this? The world is at your feet, you can have anything and everything you want. Everything, except him.
Yandere!Rockstar who didn't bat an eye when you left, too lost in the high of drugs and fame to care about his old girlfriend who was nothing like the models and celebrities he now had at his beck and call. Sure, you had a nice run, but all good things must come to an end, no? Lucky you, you even got a song named after you. You didn't feel so lucky. But you manage to pull yourself together and move on.
Yandere!Rockstar who starts to feel a bit off. He can't put his finger on it though. It bothers him when he gets to his penthouse and it's a mess from a party. It was never like that before. It used to smell like home cooking and fresh flowers. What changed?
Yandere!Rockstar who becomes restless. It's like he's constantly searching for something that used to be there, just in his peripheral, something he always had but never really noticed until it wasn't there anymore.
Yandere!Rockstar who can't write any more songs. It's like he can't string together a cohesive lyric anymore. His band, his manager, everyone gets frustrated with him because they don't understand. They don't understand that something is missing.
Yandere!Rockstar who feels so lonely. There's thousands of people who would give themselves to him if he so much as breathed in their direction. But no matter how much sex he has, how many fucked up, short lived relationships he enters, there's an empty void that nothing can fill.
Yandere!Rockstar who almost gives up. His music has no meaning now and he can't even mourn what would have been in the privacy of his own home. Because everyone, so oblivious to his turmoil, still wants to party with the star.
Yandere!Rockstar who, in a drunken tirade, turns to a model that keeps latching herself to him asks her what she thought of his music. She liked it all, of course. But what's your favorite song, he urges. She thinks for a while and finally mentions a popular song in one of his albums. It's good. A really good song. But Axel frowns and asks, what about Starlight?
Yandere!Rockstar who immediately remembers you. Sweet, loyal you. Because you would never scoff and dismiss Starlight as 'that cheesy song'. You knew how important it was. You were the first to hear the song and see it for what it really was, to see him for what he really was. Starlight, 'Y/N', every single song he had ever written was a love poem to you. The only problem with his new songs was that you were what was missing.
Yandere!Rockstar who got his manager to dig up your information, the woman would do anything to keep Jailbird up and running. Axel barely even thinks of the details or perhaps of what to say to you. All he wants is to see your face and for you to look at him like you always used to, like he was your everything.
Yandere!Rockstar who wanted, more than anything, to have you love him again. And this time, he swore he would never let you slip out of his grasp again.
Please leave a like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed. It took me a while to get inspo so I really hope you guys liked this.
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whorefordean · 14 days
wear the hat || d.w
i read exactly one cowboy romance so enjoy (fake)cowboy!dean and the cowboy hat rule
wc: 1.9k
cw: raw dogging, semi public sex, use of petname (sugar), the cowboy hat rule
taglist: @the-last-ry
mdni 18+
you can’t help yourself. dean looks so goofy in the outfit, and you can’t refrain from teasing him about it. on this hunt, for whatever reason, dean thought it’d be best if he poses as a cowboy. 
“to get more information from the locals. they’ll never talk if i look like a city boy, sweetheart,” dean says with a simple shrug. there’s a smile playing on his face, and you cann’t help but to roll your eyes. 
“dean, you’re from kansas and you wear flannels every day. nobody thinks you’re a city boy. the hat is most definitely overkill,” you tell him as you cross your arms over your chest. 
“i’m not taking it off,” dean huffs, matching your pose. you glare at him momentarily. he doesn’t look bad. in fact, he looks hot as fuck, and maybe, that’s why you need him to chill out on the disguise. 
you toss your hands up in defeat and follow him into the bar. the two of you split up rather quickly. you’re working your charm on the drunken men for any information you could pry out of them about the missing people while dean made his way to a group of women to do the same. 
almost an hour later, you finally manage to get the information you need, and you’re off to find dean. it’s nearing eleven pm at this point and you are ready to go. that is, until you see dean sitting at the bar with a girl who is entirely too close for your comfort. 
you and dean aren’t an item, per se, but the two of you have been a little more than friendly on more than one drunken occasion. 
you tap on dean’s shoulder lightly in an effort to get his attention. nothing. the girl he’s talking to is shooting you glares every chance she gets. you roll your eyes and decide that there was only one way to get his attention. 
so you snatch the cowboy hat off his head and slip it onto yours. dean whips around to face you. you’re expecting him to snatch it right back, but instead, dean just smirks, seemingly forgetting all about the blonde he was talking to a minute beforehand. 
“i’m ready to go,” you huff, adjusting the hat on your head. your hands finally rest on your waist, hip popping out. dean doesn’t say anything. just kept staring and grinning. 
“dean, seriously? what?” you puff, annoyed at his behavior. 
“you know the cowboy hat rule?” dean muses, leaning back to get a good look at you. his gaze rakes over you, sending a shiver down your spine. 
“the what?” you ask evenly. dean’s grin grows wider, and you are half tempted to slap it off of him. 
“the cowboy hat rule, sugar. wear the hat—” dean trails off. he leans forward until his hand rests against your waist, and his mouth is brushing your ear. 
“—ride the cowboy.” your eyes widen as he finishes the phrase. he pulls away just enough to watch your expression change from shock to compliance. he smiles proudly, knowing that you're more than willing to obey the rules. 
no words leave your mouth as you nod, allowing dean to drag you through the mess of people in the crowded bar. the cool summer air bathes both of you as dean pulls you through the exit door and ushers you to the impala. 
his rough hands in yours had your mind racing with thoughts of what they'd feel like skimming your body. in the three times that you and dean have slept together, both of you were too wasted to remember much about it the next morning. you'd wake up with those delicious bruises on your thighs or hips and hate yourself for not being able to remember what the hell went down the night before. however, you aren't ballsy enough to ask him to fuck you when you’re sober, so you settle for forgotten nights. 
your senses snap back to reality when you hear dean clear this throat. that shit eating grin is back on his face when he realizes that you'd been staring at his hand. 
"what is it, sugar? got a thing for hands or just mine?" dean teases relentlessly. you roll your eyes at him, shoving his shoulder lightly. he catches your wrist before spinning you around until you're bent over the hood of the impala. 
"dean," you gasp, bracing yourself against the black metal. dean laughs behind you and leans down until his chest is flush against your back. his lips brush against your shoulder, and you breathe out a sigh, dropping your head against the cool metal when dean starts to lift the hem of your dress up. 
"tell me what you want," dean says softly in your ear, pressing a kiss against your jaw. you have never been more grateful to be parked at the back of the lot. 
"you. need you," you whimper, reaching behind you to grasp at any inch of dean you could reach. 
"mm, 'm right here, sugar," dean says playfully as he hums against your skin. you groan, shaking your head and letting your hand slip down to dean's wrist. you grab his hand and lower it to your aching core. 
"need you here, dean," you say breathily when dean starts toying with your panties. you can hear him inhale sharply behind you, and you arch your back slightly. 
"fuck, sugar," dean groans. without warning, dean rips your underwear down your legs, helping you lift one leg at a time until the fabric is completely off your body. the cool air makes contact with your exposed cunt, causing you to hiss in pleasure. the cold doesn't last long because dean is shifting onto the ground behind you. his hands grip at your thighs, nudging them further open before he dips his tongue into your waiting pussy. 
you mewl as dean laps at you like a man starved. he hums something against your cunt, but you're too lost in the pleasure to listen. that is, until he slaps your ass. hard. you wince, lifting your head to look back at him. 
"answer me when i'm talking to you. being nice enough to eat this pretty little pussy," dean growls, but he doesn't mean it. he'd gladly get on his knees for you, and he'd stay there forever if you'd allow it. 
"what?" you whine, eyes rolling as dean sucks your clit into his mouth. 
"thought you were supposed to be ridin' me?" dean hums again, clearer this time. he doesn't give you time to answer before slipping a finger into you. you cry out when he adds another almost immediately after. 
"yes! yes, i will," you ramble, dropping your head to rest against the car again. your release is so close, and you clench around dean's fingers, his tongue still lapping away. 
before you can cum, dean withdraws his fingers and pulls away completely. you jerk your head around to meet his gaze, eyes wide with need. 
"no! please!" you beg pathetically, desperate for release. dean grips your chin lightly and pulls you back until he can kiss you, allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue. you moan into his mouth before he finally pulls away. 
"come on," dean orders, and you nod compliantly as he pulls you up from the hood of the impala. dean slips into the back seat first, pulling you in behind him. you barely touch the leather seats before dean is tugging you into his lap.
his hardened cock strains against his jeans, and you can’t stop from rolling your hips over his clothed bulge. you tug at his shirt impatiently. dean doesn’t object, tossing the fabric off his body and into the front seat.
his hands grip your hips as he leans in to kiss you again. he guides your hips, the two of you groaning at the friction. your arms are wrapped tightly around his shoulders. 
“fuck,” dean grunts again. he taps your ass lightly, so you pull away with a huff. your pout quickly dissolves when dean lifts you up just enough to undo the button of his jeans, allowing his cock to spring free. 
“oh my god,” you mumble as you stare at his dick. dean smirks before pulling back onto his lap. dean settles your cunt over his cock, but he doesn’t push himself inside of you. not yet. instead, he opts for getting his cock wet with your slick first. 
your eyes roll as you slide your pussy against his hardened dick. you grind your teeth when the head of dean’s cock slips against your clit repeatedly. 
“please,” you pant. dean hums, watching as your movements get more erratic. 
“dean, please. let me ride your cock,” you beg again. your eyebrows are knitted together with your eyes clenched shut. 
“go ahead, sugar. take it,” dean grunts before settling into you completely. you inhale sharply when he grips your ass, pushing you even further onto himself. 
you brace your hands against his shoulder, dropping your head to rest against one of them. dean gives you a second to adjust before he grabs your hips, urging you to move. 
so you do. 
you bite your lip, trying to keep your moans and mewls in as you ride dean. you couldn’t remember a time you felt so fucking full. dean’s dick was fucking perfect, hitting every spot that made your  vision blur with ecstasy. 
you lift your hips repeatedly before settling on grinding against him. you writhe in delight as dean drops his head back against the seat, hands gripping at the sides of your thighs as you continue to bounce and grind against him. you lower yourself to kiss against his neck before burying your face in his shoulder. 
“right there,” you whisper repeatedly, nipping at dean’s neck as your hips start to stutter. dean grips your hair in one hand, tugging your head back until your neck is on full display for him. his arm wraps around your waist, holding you flush against his chest. dean groans as he adjusts the two of you until he has the mobility to drill his hips into yours, cousin you to cry out in pleasure. he doesn’t relent as you finally come around his cock. 
deans sucks a deep bruise into your neck when he finally comes, muttering curses under his breath when his hips finally settle. the only sound in the car now is the two of you panting against each other. you lift your hips, whining as dean’s cum drips down your thighs. 
you look up at dean, but he’s distracted by the sight. his cheeks are reddened, and his eyes are hazy as he watches his cum drip out of your cunt. 
“fuck, sugar. gonna have to let you steal that fucking hat more often if it means i get to watch you take my cock like that. you look so fucking pretty like this, sugar,” dean grunts, swiping his thumb through the mess on your thighs. he swipes his thumb up further, pressing against your clit before finally bringing his thumb up to your mouth. without speaking, dean nudges your lips open, making you taste the two of you. 
“goddamn it, sugar. can’t wait to use that pretty mouth next time.”
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frogchiro · 1 year
I hope I’m not bothering you with my ancient greek mythology stuff my little brain is going into overdrive👉👈
Just…sculptor/painter reader using the gladiators as her nude model…running your hands over their muscles and gushing how strong they are and how amazing your latest piece is going to come out!
You don’t even notice they’re getting hard as you run your fingers over their adonis belt commenting how they’re your new muse for your art
I almost (s)creamed the moment I saw this ask nonnie dear you're a genius ;;
Also I feel the need to mention this; please do keep in mind that this is only my silly au and most probably will have historical inaccuracies so if you're a true history/ancient greece/roman enjoyer, please go mild on me ;;
But back to the drill...You are so right??? Like...I imagine that reader would be a young, aspiring artist with a knack for painting. Maybe she doesn't come from a wealthy family so any true school for it is out of the question, your own parents only came along when you started selling your painting and doing commissions for nobles and it actually started to bring in money. Your road to success is still long but you're managing! Plus you're 'stupidly determined like your father' as your mother says so you try to stay positive!
The one problem you had was something you believed many artists suffered from; inspiration and models. Specifically human models. The human body and physique fascinated you from an early age, the moving muscles, facial expressions to different stimuli and so much more but...the problem were the models, or rather the lack thereof.
You could probably hire someone but the money spend on that would be way too much for your limited budget so the next best thing was the coliseum! It was a blessing in poor disguise, the gladiators trained there almost daily and luckily the head keeper of the arena begrudingly let you stay there and practice in exchange for a satchel of money but to be honest...the practice wasn't the only thing you longed for when visiting the coliseum almost daily, it was the gladiators.
They were huge, burly men in their prime, all of them looking like they were born with a sword or spear in hand and to grow up to become warrior and you'd be lying if you said that warmth didn't spread through your body and centered in your lower belly whenever these big, loud and boisterous men didn't call out for you and purred in dripping, low voices how pent up they are and what they wouldn't give for a pretty soft thing like you :((
The worst (or best) part was when you were practicing nude drawings which were equally fascinating and hard to draw, especially with all these men being so...shameless with it. You loved the human body, all artists do but still you were a young lady and watching all the gladiators walking around the barracks all naked and proud was...an experience to say the least and brought a pang of warmth between your thighs, especially when they were so happy to parade themselves like proud stallions in front of you :((
Strong, toned bodies glistening with sweat and water, their hardening cocks proudly on show whenever you run your soft hands over their toned torsos to study the way muscles move and twitch whenever you run your fingers over a sensitive spot, the most reactive being two of the many foreign gladiators, Johnny or like he insisted to be called 'Soap' and Kyle or 'Gaz', like he wants to be called.
These two are always purring low withing their chests to you as you look all over them, their backs, chests, stomachs, making you promise to do a special commission only for them but you're just nodding dumbly because you're too transfixed on the god-like bodies to draw :(
Another gladiator you're very fond of is a huge, blonde foreigner named Simon, or 'Ghost'. A formidable warrior, a veteran for sure, it looked like Ares himself send this one here to grace the people with a demigod of war. He was always incredibly patient with you, letting you roam your hands over his body and all the numerous scars decorating his skin. Once you saw Simon up close you immediately realized why people called him a demigod-he was beautiful. A strong and powerful man in his prime, his muscles jumping and twitching beneath his thick skin and a layer of fat, power and virility was literally radiating off of this man, and you insistently tried not to look at the long and thick cock hanging between his legs, twitching and pulsating with arousal whenever you marveled over his body and your fingers ran over his adonis belt <3
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suguae · 5 months
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ain't no saint...but we pretend to be .ᐟ
જsynopsis. you aren't as innocent as suguru assumed.
જpairings. g. suguru x fem! reader
જcontents. mdni! masturbation, oral, male receiving oral.
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Suguru's chuckle was a low rumble, accompanied by the flick of the joint's butt cast into the shadows. His eyes, a flicker of mischief, remained fixed on his white-haired companion, Satoru. "She's a cute one, no doubt. But innocent? Oh, unquestionably," he mused, the corners of his lips curling into a smirk. "The canvas of her experiences remains pristine and untouched for sure."
Satoru raised an eyebrow at Suguru's comment, a smirk playing on his lips. "You never know, Suguru. Sometimes the innocent ones surprise you." He took a drag from his own joint, exhaling the smoke slowly. "Besides, experience isn't everything."
His gaze remained fixed on Satoru, his white hair gleaming under the muted glow. "Yeah, then why don't you give her a go," he mumbled, his words punctuated by the faint scent of smoke lingering in the air, a testament to the joint he had just finished. There was a playful challenge in his tone, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes as he awaited Satoru's response.
Satoru chuckled, a knowing glint in his eyes as he took another drag from his joint. "Oh, Suguru, my dear friend," he said, the smoke swirling around him like a shroud of secrets. "Some canvases are best left unmarked. Besides," he added with a sly grin, "I prefer to be with those who can keep up."
As Satoru and Suguru headed back into the lively party, laughter and music greeted them at the door. The atmosphere was electric, the air filled with excitement and energy. They exchanged nods and casual greetings with familiar faces as they made their way deeper into the crowd.
Unbeknownst to them, the party happened to be hosted by your older brother.
Suguru's footsteps echoed softly as he navigated the lively party, his eyes scanning the crowd in search of you, despite his earlier declaration to Satoru that he wouldn't dare mess with someone like you. Yet, as the music pulsed and laughter filled the air, you remained elusive, your absence noticeable to him.
Unable to shake the curiosity gnawing at him, Suguru excused himself from Satoru's side and began to wander through the familiar halls of your brother's home, his steps guided by an instinct. Eventually, he found himself standing before the closed door of your bedroom, hesitating for a moment before rapping his knuckles against the wood.
"Hey, it's Suguru," he called out, his voice low but audible over the din of the party. "Mind if I come in?"
There was a moment of silence before the door creaked open just a crack, revealing your curious gaze on the other side. Suguru offered you a sheepish smile, his expression softened by a hint of vulnerability. "Sorry to bother you," his voice sincere.
Suguru's breath caught in his throat as the door swung open further, revealing you standing before him in an outfit that sent his mind reeling. The sight of you in one of the shortest skirts you owned, paired with a revealing top, ignited a flurry of thoughts and desires within him that he struggled to contain.
For a moment, he was speechless, his eyes tracing the contours of your figure with a hunger he couldn't disguise. The soft glow of the room accentuated every curve and exposed inch of skin, leaving him feeling utterly captivated by your presence.
"Suguru?" Your voice broke through his reverie, pulling him back to reality. There was a hint of amusement in your tone, as if you could sense the effect you were having on him.
He cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. "Uh, sorry," he managed, his cheeks flushing slightly. "I, uh, just wanted to make sure you were okay. You know, with all the chaos downstairs."
Your lips quirked into a knowing smile, and for a moment, Suguru felt a surge of embarrassment wash over him. But beneath it all, there was an undeniable spark of attraction that lingered between you, begging to be explored.
As Suguru stood there, still slightly flustered from the unexpected encounter, you took matters into your own hands. With a mischievous glint in your eyes, you gently pulled him into your bedroom, closing the door behind you with a soft click.
"The party's fine, really," you assured him, your voice low and inviting. "But I just prefer it in here, away from all the chaos."
Before Suguru could respond, you found yourself unable to resist the temptation any longer. With a playful grin, you pushed him back against the plushie-filled pink bed, the soft fabric enveloping him as he landed with a surprised laugh.
His eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of amusement and excitement dancing in their depths. You hovered over him, your proximity sparking a palpable tension between you as you met his gaze with a daring smirk.
In that moment, the world outside your bedroom faded away, leaving only the two of you and the electric energy that crackled between your bodies. With a soft chuckle, Suguru reached up to pull you closer, his lips curving into a knowing smile as he surrendered to the irresistible pull of the moment.
"You reek of weed by the way," you remarked casually, your voice tinged with amusement as you sauntered across the room. The soft glow of the fairy lights accentuated the curve of your silhouette, casting a spell over Suguru as he watched you move with effortless grace.
With a playful grin, you reached for your collection of fragrances, the bottles arranged neatly on a vanity table. The delicate clink of glass echoed in the air as you selected a strawberry-scented perfume, the fruity aroma dancing on the breeze as you sprayed it into the air.
Suguru couldn't tear his gaze away as you turned back to face him, the scent enveloping you in a tantalizing cloud. But it wasn't just the fragrance that captivated him; it was the way you moved, every sway of your hips a silent invitation.
"Better?" you asked, a hint of mischief in your voice as you met his gaze.
He nodded, his eyes drinking in every detail of you, from the subtle curve of your lips to the playful glint in your eyes. "Much better," he replied, his voice husky with desire.
As Suguru's desire surged, he closed the distance between you with an almost reckless abandon. His hands found purchase on your hips, pulling you closer until there was barely an inch of space between your bodies. The air crackled with electricity as his lips crashed against yours in a fervent kiss, hungry and urgent.
You responded eagerly, your fingers tangling in his hair as you melted into the kiss, your heart pounding in your chest. His touch sent shivers down your spine, igniting a fire within you that threatened to consume everything in its path.
The world around you faded into oblivion as you lost yourself in the intoxicating heat of the moment. Time seemed to stand still as you and Suguru became lost in a whirlwind of passion, the boundaries between you blurring until there was only the two of you and the raw intensity of your connection.
With a sly smirk, your hand snaked down Suguru's chest, fingers dancing over firm muscles and trailing hot whispers along his skin.
Your voice dropped lower, filled with a mixture of lust and amusement, “I've always wanted you, Suguru," your words sending a shiver down his spine as you pulled him closer. Your eyes locked with his gaze, unwavering as you added, "And now I finally have you all to myself."
Suguru found himself growing rock hard in response to your words and dominant demeanor, Suguru couldn't help but be surprised and turned on. He had never seen you like this, and as you pressed your body against his, he released a low moan, "I...”
You felt your lips curl into a giggle as you watched Suguru struggle to find his words while under the influence of your sudden display of dominance. You pressed your advantage, your fingers tracing teasing patterns along the front of his pants.
As you pulled down Suguru's pants, his long and veiny cock sprang free, catching you by complete surprise. The sight of him sent a jolt of pure desire straight to your core. "Wow," you breathed, taking in the size and girth of him.
Despite the sheer size of him, you didn't hesitate to wrap your plump, peachy lips around Suguru's tip. You teased the head of his cock with your tongue, savoring the taste of his pre-cum.
You could hear the loud music from the party outside mixing with Suguru's throaty grunts and moans as you eagerly sucked him off. Your plump lips glided up and down his length, the veins on his shaft standing out from your tight grip.
"Fuck Y/N," Suguru whimpered, his voice thick with pleasure as he grabbed a chunk of your hair, gently guiding your head further down his shaft, making sure to give you every inch of his long and veiny cock.
As you sucked Suguru off, you couldn't help but slide a finger or two down to your wet and throbbing clit. Vigorously rubbing the pearl, letting out soft whimpers as the pleasure built up inside of you.
Suguru felt himself getting closer to the edge, the vibrations from your soft whimpers only adding to the pleasure. "Keep it going, princess," he groaned, losing his words as you took him deeper in her mouth. "Ah!"
In a matter of seconds, your cute face was covered in Suguru's white, hot cum. He tried to distinguish what just happened as the cute and innocent girl he knew turned out to be such a dirty little slut.
A string of cum dangled from your lip, but you didn’t care. With a flick of your tongue, it was gone. You smiled at Suguru, not ashamed of what you had just done at all. The smeared cum on your lips was proof of your enjoyment.
Suguru felt his heart race. He had never experienced such an intense and passionate moment like this. And it wasn't just physical pleasure, but an emotional release as well. Seeing you like this, so wild and unashamed... it was incredible.
Yeah, it was the first time seeing you like this—but Suguru had a gut feeling that this definitely wasn’t gonna be the last.
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dabisqueen · 11 months
trick or treat
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Trick or Treat
Ghost/Dabi x fem!Reader x Konig/Shigaraki
⇢ word count: roughly 3.2K ⇢ plot: It's Halloween and you make the mistake of knocking at the wrong door.  ⇢ warnings: Minors DNI, tw smoking, consensual rough sex, rough kissing, rough manhandling, a bit of degradation, slapping, oral sex (m receiving), deep throating, cum in throat, unprotected PIV-sex, anal fingering, deep creampie, Ghost and Konig aka Dabi and Shiggy are actual sweethearts and take care of the reader later ⇢ A huge shoutout to my beta @blankexpressions-and-falsefires. without you, this wouldn't happen. without you, this wouldn't be as great. i am forever grateful for your help!
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You and your friends were on your way to a Halloween party, which was going to take place in an old warehouse. The invites had been distributed months ago already, and everyone had been looking forward to it. 
What you were wearing wasn't very unique at all: Black high-heel boots combined with a short, ruffled red velvet skirt, a black petticoat underneath, and a matching red underbust corset. It pushed your boobs up so high that they nearly popped out any time you bent over. Thankfully, a white, off-shoulder blouse helped to keep a little bit of your decency intact. The last finishing touch was a red velvet cape. 
You guessed it—you'd picked the Little Red Riding Hood as this year's costume.
Getting off the subway station, your group walked down the dimly lit street, the wind blowing leaves and scraps of garbage along the street. The clacking sound of your high heels echoed off the walls and you wrapped your cape tighter around you and hoped that the warehouse would offer some shelter from the cold. Trying to avoid the cracks in the concrete with your pointy heels, you followed the rest of the crowd—as something off to the side caught your attention. 
A lone, lit pumpkin sat at a shabby door, a flickering lamp above it shedding just a bit of light.
“Hey girls!” you called out. “There's someone inviting trick-or-treaters over here!”
Your friends stopped and looked at the door you were pointing at. Nonetheless, they turned while your best friend called over “It's just a prank, forget about it!”
“I want some candy, though.” Pursing your lips into a pout, you stalked over to the other side of the street, calling over to the rest of your small crowd, “Go on ahead. I'll catch up to you later!” 
You didn't mind them rolling their eyes at you—cause you have been known to have the sweetest tooth of them after all.
Taking a deep breath you raised your hand and knocked on the door. Once. Twice.
No answer. 
Okay, you reason, it was just a prank. Just as you were about to turn, you heard voices closing in behind the door.
"Didn't think anyone would fall for this shit.” A dark voice hissed. “What kind of dumbass are they?"
"Beats me." Another husky voice spoke.
The door swung open and you inhaled sharply. Before you stood two men dressed head to toe in combat suits, one of them wearing a sniper hood, the other a Balaclava complete with a hard plastic skull attached to the disguise. 
Each of them was a character from the game Call of Duty– Konig and Simon “Ghost” Riley. 
The one dressed as Ghost casually leaned against the door frame. His eyes scanned over you, and your gut tightened, watching the brilliant cerulean of his irises take you in. His skull Balaclava, obscuring any other feature on his face, sent chills down your spine. The other's smoldering amber gaze grazed the curves of your body and lingered especially long on your décolleté before stopping back at your face. As far as you could make out, they both looked well-toned, and your gut instinct told you that they were stunningly attractive underneath those masks. Your heart started beating faster.
“Oh, look what we have here.” The man dressed as Konig mused in a sneering tone. “If it ain't Little Red Riding Hood.”
“What a coincidence—" his friend chuckled, his voice low and husky. "Cause you can consider us the Big Bad Wolves—”
It sent goosebumps crawling up your spine,  but you still bravely muttered with a shaky voice, “T-trick or t-treat?”
Konig and Ghost looked at one another, chuckling, before their gazes went back to you. 
"You really looking for a treat, little red?" Ghost cocked his head, brilliant blue seemingly burning into you.
Both men's lustful stares were unmistakable as they looked at your body with a desire mirroring the feeling that rose quickly in your chest.
"U-uhm, I guess?" You stuttered, heat rising into your ears now.
“Treat it is,” he said. With that, his strong fingers circled your wrist and he pulled you inside, Konig slamming the door shut behind you.
A shriek left your throat when he pressed you against the wall, his ghostly mask hovering right in front of you.
"You really want this?" He asked, tilting his head, "We'll only proceed if you do."
One hand propped him against the wall, the other trapped your jaw between thumb and forefingers. His hips wedged you in place and it sent a jolt of pleasure right between your thighs. You shamelessly squeezed them together, cheeks starting to glow with fear—and excitement.
"I-I don't know," you licked your lips as subtly as you could, and you could swear you felt him twitch in his pants. 
His eyes fixated on your lips as he pulled the Balaclava down from beneath the skull, tucking the fabric under his chin to reveal the lower half of his face. His lips alone, sharp and sultry, had you aching for more.
"I think you do," Ghost chuckled, his warm breath fanning your lips, the hard plastic of his mask almost brushing against your nose. His fingertips felt scorching yet delicate when he pulled you in for a kiss.
His tongue pushed past your lips, moving languidly around yours. The kiss turned raw and bruising, growing rougher by the second. His cold mask dug into your skin but the thrill of it all made you forgive it easily. Groaning into his mouth, your hands ghosted over his chest, feeling the taut muscles underneath his clothes. Your legs buckled, but Ghost was quick to react and slip a leg between your thighs to hold you in place. His firm thigh pressed right against you, delivering much-needed friction to stimulate your growing desire. 
“Fuck,” he breathed out, half-lidded eyes smoldering with desire when he broke the kiss. He pulled the Balaclava back and straightened up, chuckling at the sight of a wet spot left on his pants. "You really love this, don't you?"
You nodded hazily. You were given no chance to catch your breath as he dragged you to a small, square table nearby. His grip was rough but gentle enough not to hurt you. You shrieked again when Ghost pressed your chest flat against the surface. Konig stepped close, his hand stroking the heavy and full shape of the growing bulge beneath his clothes. Ghost clasped his hand tightly around your wrists, pinning them against your back, holding you down. 
“P-please be gentle,” you pleaded, having seen both outlines of their dicks —not small in size—  strain against their boxers, ready to be strangled by your tight pussy.
"Don't be a chicken. You agreed to this.” Konig rasped. “So, we get to destroy you, corrupt your little pussy—" 
Your breath caught in your throat at his words, and your heartbeat started to pick up as you struggled against Ghost's iron grip.
"Aw, don't scare our little bunny, Shigaraki" Ghost tutted, stroking your back with his free hand. "We aren't gonna hurt you, doll."
Something in his voice made you feel like you could trust him — you felt that he meant it — and your body relaxed, your breath evening out.
"Party pooper–" Konig grumbled behind his hood, as he rounded the table to stop right in front of your face. 
"W-what are you gonna do to me–" You swallowed thickly, thrill shooting through your body in a rush of  adrenaline. 
“You want us to be gentle,” his voice suddenly deepened, “Or should we treat you like the little tramp you are?” 
“I am no tramp—” you replied breathily.
“Hm— Am I wrong to think that this turns you on?” Ghost chuckled. “The idea of getting fucked by two strangers just like this?” 
Ghost's hand trailed up your thigh, hiking up your skirt and petticoat to reveal the curves of your perfect ass cheeks. A growl erupted in the back of his throat at the sight, his hand stroking the soft skin he found there. The coil inside your stomach tightened as you felt his crotch grind against you from behind. You realized he was giving you a small taste of just how much of a treat you would be getting. Trying to push yourself back against his thick meat, though, earned you a harsh slap against your ass with his tactical leather gloves.
“Ow!” you cried out, the stinging pain driving tears to your eyes.
"Fucking lay still." Ghost growled and you instantly froze at the sheer authority in his tone, a hot pulse shooting straight between your legs.
He leaned over, whispering against the shell of your ear. "So, little Red, what's it gonna be for you?”
Your lips parted in a strangled whimper. You didn’t want them to be gentle. You didn’t want them to be respectful. This was thrilling, you've always dreamed about being roughly taken, about being manhandled. 
“Fuck me, please.” You pleaded.
“It's Sir to you!” Ghost slapped you again, the pain searing this time.
"Yes—Sir—treat me like your cumdump!” You choked out, tears spilling from the corner of your eyes.
"Atta girl." He purred and you could almost hear the amused smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 
Ghost pulled your soaked panties down until they dangled between your ankles and dropped to the floor with a wiggle of your heels.
"Why do you always get to use the pussy, Dabi?" Konig whined, annoyed even as he unzipped his combat pants.
"Cause you only know how to fuck, boss." Ghost chuckled behind you. "Not how to please."
You swallowed thickly, feeling your heart beating so fast.
His hand gently stroked your ass again as he hummed. "This is supposed to be a treat after all."
A sense of comfort washed through you but you knew better than to rely on it. And oh boy, were you right.
“Spread your legs,” he commanded, moving to stand in between them as you eagerly complied.
Konig freed his hard cock from his pants. It was so thick and heavy that it was hanging low even though it was fully erect. 
"Open up. I’m gonna fuck your face," giving it a few lazy pumps, he closed in on your face. His shameful words sent electricity to your nerves, and your mouth started to water as you opened it in eager anticipation.
Konig slipped the fingers of his free hand into your strands, holding your head still as he slotted himself at your lips before pushing his length between them. His spongy tip quickly slipped in and he let it rest on your tongue for a brief moment before pressing deeper.
Groaning against Konig's cock, you barely made out the sound of a zipper being undone behind you. Ghost lined up his cock with your soaked cunt, gathering your slick on his spongy tip, and only then was it that you knew that this really was going to happen. He snapped his hips forward without warning, quickly hitting resistance. 
The force pushed you down on Konig’s length further until its tip hit the back of your throat. He was breathing hard, bucking his hips forward, loving the way you loosened your jaw and let him fuck your mouth.
The man behind you slowly started thrusting into you, the metal barbells of his Jacob’s Ladder continuously stroking your insides, his Prince Albert piercing kissing your cervix and making you tighten and flutter around him. Each time he pulled out, his cock was covered in more of your glistening juices.
“Ah—fuck—look at that dripping cunt—” Ghost growled, rocking his hips against your behind, watching how your greedy, sloppy pussy kept taking him, even if he could only fit halfway.
They filled you up so perfectly—Ghost’s thick, pierced cock stretched your whole pussy without getting close to being balls deep, Konig’s heavy one sitting deep in your mouth, his fat testicles slapping against your drool-covered chin with each thrust forward. A gargled moan bubbled up your throat, feeling so stuffed from both ends, with Ghost's piercings rubbing perfectly against the spot that made stars erupt before your eyes.  
Goosebumps erupted all over your body as your mind began to swim.
"Aw, are you enjoying yourself?” Ghost leaned forward. "We'll make you feel even better soon...”
Then he started pounding into you, again and again until your brain was shut down. You choked between gasps as every thrust he made knocked the air from your lungs and forced Konig’s cock to slide deeper than before– until it was buried deep down your throat. You struggled to take it, breathing heavily through your nose, pleading watery eyes shooting up to his face to silently beg for a second of reprieve. 
"You look so beautiful, stuffed with my cock like this–” Ghost said in a voice that was just a low rasp. 
You were dizzy, breathless as he kept filling up your pussy with short, harsh strokes. He watched you writhe in pleasure on the table, your sloppy mouth stuffed with Konig’s dick. Ghost bent his head down and you could feel his breath on your neck as he inhaled your scent. 
"You're taking both of us so well, little cockslut." Konig's words made you whimper even louder, glistening eyes meeting his as you struggled to breathe.
With Ghost’s hand still pinning your wrists behind your back, there was no escaping the assault. He slammed his hips harder against your pussy until you mewled out in pleasure, his piercings rubbing your g-spot just right.
The feeling of both men relentlessly working themselves in and out of you was overwhelming. Heavy grunts and growls accompanied the wet sounds of your sloppy holes getting fucked as they worked themselves into a frenzy. Ghost's cock drove deep, but you knew with a little effort, you could accommodate more of him. You parted your legs further to give Ghost even more access to your cunt. His dick began to throb and twitch, his hips bucking back and forth to find the perfect angle to thrust into you. 
And he did find it. Your body shook with pleasure, making you squeal deliciously around Konig's length. Ghost let out a breathless chuckle and spread your ass cheeks, wetting his thumb before sticking it into your puckered hole.
His friend watched the scene before him, half-lidded crimson eyes glazed with lust and desire. The sight before him turned him on so much that his hips stuttered and he came without warning. He let out a strangled groan, his hand grabbing your hair tightly as he forced you to take his entire length, his tip slipping past the back of your throat. You moaned, feeling him twitch on your tongue, spilling his hot seed deep inside of you. His free hand rose to massage your throat, savoring the way you gulped and swallowed around his twitching meat.
“That's it, baby, take every drop of his cum," Ghost praises you. "Fuck– you're such a good girl.” He looked down to where you two were connected, his thumb buried deep in your ass, a sticky wet mess covering the base of his cock.
You tried to breathe but Konig didn’t budge, staying buried deep inside of you as Ghost picked up the pace now. He gave you strong thrusts that grazed the right spot, making your eyes roll back in pleasure. You moaned, your vision turning blurry. The lack of oxygen, the continuous onslaught from behind— it was too much. it pushed you over the edge and you came, clamping around his dick while your sounds of pleasure remained muffled by Konig's cock still buried deep inside your throat. 
Ghost kept pounding into you while you rode out the high of your orgasm and finally, Konig pulled his softening cock from your mouth, letting you sputter and gasp for the air he'd denied you. He let himself fall back against the table behind him, his flaccid, drool-covered cock still massive in size and twitching slightly. Reaching out, he pushed your hair behind your ear before wiping off the saliva dribbling down your chin as you frantically gasped for air.
Ghost behind you kept up the pace, rutting his thumb in and out of your little pink hole in a contrasting beat to his thrusts. It became too much— you completely lost it, overstimulated and moaning unabashedly like a porn star now. Your cunt spasmed around his cock for a second time and you threw your head back in ecstasy, crying out through your climax.
“There you go, you're so fucking hot coming for us, doll." Ghost praised, continuing to rock his hips against yours. His deep thrusts grew messier and messier, being himself close to his release. 
Konig watched, eyes glowing with re-awakening desire as he tucked himself away.
"I'm gonna fucking cum inside of you." Ghost let out with a low growl in his throat, sending goosebumps along your body. “Gonna fill you up, gonna breed you so good—”
He gained speed and with a final snap of his hips, he groaned out loud when he came, his hips stuttering as he shot ropes of hot cum against your womb. You could feel his cock throb with each shot, before he plummeted forward, breathing heavily. His chest pressed against your spine, and you felt his semen seep out, dripping onto the floor below. Silence took over the room while all of you tried catching your breath, hair sticking to sweaty foreheads, cocks sticky with release. 
Ghost started chuckling, pulling out of you with an obscene pop. His eyes were still glazed with desire as he watched how your pussy struggled to contain the load of his release. "You look so damn pretty filled up with my cum." he said with a hidden smirk as he kept pushing it back into you with his fingers. 
He stepped back to tuck himself away, and you stood back up on wobbly feet, brain foggy from the orgasms. Carding your fingers through your messed up hair, you reached for your panties but Ghost was quick to grab and stuff them into his pant pocket.
"Nu-uh," he tutted, his brilliant azure eyes twinkling with mischief. You sighed in defeat, trying your best to smooth down your skirt.
He pulled his balaclava down, slid his hand into his pocket to retrieve a pack of cigarettes, and lit himself one. Taking a deep drag, he exhaled slowly. “So, what were you doing here anyway?”
“I was on my way to a Halloween party with my friends.” You coyly replied, carding your fingers through your hair. 
“Ya still wanna go?” He cocked his head, smoldering azures taking you in.
“What do you mean?" You looked up at him through thick lashes, still damp with the heavy tears that had sprung from your eyes in the struggle to keep down Konig’s cock.
“What Dabi wants to know is if you wouldn't rather continue our little party.” Konig snickered.
“Oh.” Was your simple reply. 
“C’mon doll, let's get ya cleaned up," Ghost pressed a kiss against your forehead. "In the meantime, Shigaraki is gonna get us some  drinks.” 
He swung an arm around your shoulder, leading you toward the door next to the dimly lit bar on the far side of the room. “We still have more treats for you…”
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Happy Halloween and thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! If you comment or reblog, you'll make my day!
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nnight-dances · 1 month
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PAIRING: park wonbin x fem!reader
GENRE: fluff, hurt/comfort, suggestive dialogue but nothing explicit
TROPES: established relationship!au, idol!wonbin, age gap vibes but no real mention, reader babies wonbin like he deserves to be, texts at the end, just sickening sweet stuff
WATCH: wonbin's night routine
NOTE: inspired by the video above! once again, these wonbin fics write themselves ... he might be my favorite boy to write rn or maybe that's just my way of coping!! anyway don't be surprised if i just start spamming u with the wonbin fics i just have too many good ideas. but they're all gonna be set in this same established relationship style, he's just so bf coded lol... anyway, enjoy <3
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you've been in bed for a good twenty, clad in cream pyjamas and skincare intact, when you hear the frontdoor open – signalling your boyfriend, wonbin's arrival. you pause the video you're watching on your phone and sit up to greet him, "bin? welcome home." his heavy footsteps stop where his figure finally comes into your view.
wonbin looks wiped out, no doubt, eyes shadowed by his somnolent lashes. he stares at you for a moment before humming, the sound halfway between a thank god you're here and i could die right now. he peels his layers off with speed, black leather jacket hung up on the tree-shaped rack near your closet and his other outerwear finding its place on the small cabinet next to it.
you watch fondly as even in his fatigue, he patiently makes sure no outside clothes pollute the bed. as soon as he's in nothing but his white tee and boxers though, he jumps onto you, deflating the air out of you like a body pillow.
"hello," he mumbles, face disappearing into your chest where he snuggles closer. 
"hi, love," you welcome him warmly, fingers carding through his hair as a force of habit. you breathe against his limp body, letting him unwind on top of you as he often does. it's a silent activity, a night routine of sorts for wonbin on his longest days. he'd trudge home and settle close to you, wordlessly like a cat looking for soothing. 
sometimes, you talked to him about your day and he'd hum along, eyes on yours telling all you needed to hear. other times, you would go back to doing whatever you were doing – watching a show, playing a game, or talking to a friend – while he recharged. he even insisted it worked best when you were just doing your own thing.
today, you do neither. setting your phone aside, you occupy yourself with wonbin himself, first meandering through his charcoal hair and then trailing down to his neck, tracing hearts and stars into his skin. you can feel him relaxing under your touch, his face finally coming back into your vision. 
"tired," wonbin says, voice coarser than ever. "need to sleep." 
"i know, baby," you croon, "wanna wash up first?"
he shakes his head adamantly, "no. sleepy."
you laugh softly, "angel, i'm sure you are but you can't sleep with your makeup on, can you?"
"had a few drinks with taro hyung," he murmurs as if that explains his behavior.
"really? you had time after practice?"
"he snuck it into practice. beer after all that sweating was nice."
"wow, look at you," you muse, hand brushing his bangs out of his eyes, "you sound like an old man."
"i am," wonbin pouts, "let the old man go to sleep."
"sorry, love, i can't do that," you say.
"say what you will," you sit up fully, pulling your sluggish boyfriend with you. ignoring his groans, you kiss his nose, "wash up, okay? can't have my rockstar breaking out because he was too lazy to wash his face before bed."
he groans again but this time it's an endearment, his kiss on your cheek disguising his smile. "but i can't move, y/n. please."
"i'll help you," you snake out of the sheets, squatting as you heave wonbin out as well. he stands up unwillingly, head wilting like a sad flower. you laugh, pulling him toward the washroom, "will you listen if i do all the work?"
that gets the job done alright because two minutes later, wonbin's settled against the sink with you between his legs. you crane around his tall limbs to reach for his products, having memorized his night skincare by now. 
cleansing balm in hand, you carefully cover every inch of his face, the makeup turning into oil gradually. "okay, babe, now rinse your face for me."
"you said you'd do all the work!" he complains without missing a beat. 
you glare at him, "i can't possibly wash your face without making a mess of both of us."
"sounds like an excuse to me."
sulking, he turns around, washing the balm off. next, you go in with his foam cleanser, gently circling his cheeks and forehead. despite all his earlier declarations, he watches you attentively, his hand loosely clasped around your waist to keep you in place. you have to scold him midway at one point when he gets cheeky and sneaks a hand down your pyjamas, feeling the hem of your panties. 
eventually, you dry his face off with a hand towel. "there," you peck his cheek, "all clean."
when he doesn't let go of your waist, you raise a brow at him. "you only love me when i'm clean," he scowls, "don't you?"
you narrow your eyes at his tantrum, "i think you're forgetting how i'm sacrificing my screen time before bed to clean you up right now."
he looks unconvinced as he tails you out of the bathroom. he's about to throw himself back onto the bed when you stop him by his hand. "change first," you explain, pulling out fresh pyjamas and throwing them at him. 
wonbin stands idly and it's only when he starts raising his arms up that you realize he wants you to do it. you sigh, "bin, you're such a baby today." but you smile as you pull his shirt off, disregarding the way he instantly flexes when he catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror. slipping his pyjamas on, a piece at a time, you clap when he's done.
"i would make a great mother," you pat yourself on the back.
"you can adopt me if you want," he shrugs and you snicker, "i don't think i need to." 
"you want anything to eat before you sleep?" you ask as if you hadn't quite literally brushed his teeth. "chocolate," he says without any conviction and you roll your eyes at him, watching as he launches himself at the bed.
"quick, come here," wonbin whines. you pad over to your side of the bed and join him, giggling when his body curls around you instantly. his nose finds its indent against your neck this time, cold and fresh. 
for a minute, you think that's all you'll hear out of your boyfriend for the night. but it's just as you're about to reach for your phone when he speaks up again, "sorry if i'm boring."
you're not sure if your ears hear right, "what?"
but his voice is solemn, "...i'm probably kinda boring lately. so i'm sorry."
you turn on your side to face him completely, hand coming to rest against his cheek. "bin, you idiot. you coming home is the best part of my day."
"really? even though i'm too dead to do anything?" he perks up but his eyes gloomy, "we don't even fuck anymore. or go to the movies. or go out at all."
you laugh, "you're making us sound like an old couple on the verge of divorce, baby. you're just busier because of your comeback! i'm so excited and you should be, too."
"i am. but i don't want bore you."
"you don't, though. i'm lucky enough i get to see you at night and take care of you when i can. plus, it's not like you won't have more time after your promotions, right? we can do everything you want then."
wonbin blinks at you, his cool hand finally coming to meet yours where it was still caressing his cheek. he kisses your palm, "thank you. i'm glad."
"of course, love. now, go to sleep or you'll regret it tomorrow," you chirp, rolling over and shutting the lights off quickly.
"...you really would be a great mom," wonbin laughs at your behavior. 
"good night, wonbin."
"good night, mom."
you hit his arm at his brazenness but when he just laughs again, the sound is too sweet for you to even pretend to be mad. so instead, you hug him closer, hand on his bicep and his legs tangled with yours. 
you: …
you: how would ur fans react if i leaked our texts
you: so much for being mysterious
you: "shackles of it" boy have you ever touched a book
bin: okay so you're rude today
bin: i miss y/n mom version
you: ew?? if u have a kink i dont think this is gonna work
bin: because…? 
you: is sungchan still single
bin: i was kidding! haha!
you: ok.
bin: seriously tho let's do smth fun 2nite
you: i get off work late today :(
bin: whatttt you have a life outside of me :0
you: do you WANT me to break up with you???
bin: what i meant was i will be there to pick you up <3
you: wtv man idgaf anymore
bin: noooo
bin: i'll do anything you want don't be mad
you: anything?
bin: well other than leaking our texts ofc
you: i want to live together
bin: ???
bin: we alr do
you: wonbin 
you: baby
you: you just always come over to my place
bin: i sleep there it's my home wdym
you: and you still pay the bills for your place?
bin: i don't make that bag for nothing
you: ok so what if we lived together instead
bin: but i really like your place!!
you: i do too
you: let's make it our place 
bin: shit
bin: i just actually blushed irl
you: :) 
you: is that a yes
bin: i want to marry you
you: okay well let's calm down
bin: did u just reject me
you: i'm telling u that you're gonna regret proposing through text
bin: i love u and i want u to be my wife
bin: omg i just shed a tear at the thought of calling u that
bin: wife…. im changing ur contact name
bin: or should i change it to fiancée? since we havent yet tied the knot
you: park wonbin
you: we are 20 years old
bin: untrue
bin: im 22 
you: i am not marrying you right now
bin: … is there someone else
you: i'm not marrying anyone right now
bin: ok so i'm not husband material
you: you are
bin: i'm not father material? you: no comment
you: but we aren't ready babe
you: let's take it slow k?
you: just move in first
you: we have so many memories to make
bin: you're such a flirt
you: ??? u just asked me to marry you but sure
bin: i'll be moved in by the time you come back home
you: i thought you were picking me up
bin: that was before u asked me to move in
bin: now i have to bring all my stuff over
bin: which side of your closet can i use? bin: also thoughts on letting me keep my rock collection next to your figurines?
you: right side and no
bin: wow u didnt even think about it
you: imagine we get into a fight
bin: i refuse to
you: i'm just saying i would be tempted to throw them rocks at u
bin: you would do that????
you: depending on what u do
bin: why are you expecting me to do anything at all????
you: …experience
bin: wow
you: to be loved is to be known
bin: you can't flatter me now
you: i love you 
bin: …
bin: i love you too
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sadnymi · 5 months
「 ✦ One of your girls .✦ 」
[Theodore Nott x reader]
Summary: Theodore Nott was the love of my life, the one I'd trade my whole world for. But this summer, I yearned for a different role in his life, even if it meant becoming just one of his girls
Warning:fluff,angst,smut, oral (f!received), fingering, lying about virginity,(+18)
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In this world of labels there are , "good boys" and "bad boys," Theodore Nott existed in a category all his own. like devil in disguise, but manlier. And definitely hotter by like a thousand degrees .
As I stood there, captivated by his interaction with a Gryffindor girl, two stark realizations crashed over me. First, I desperately needed to refine my Marauder mischief skills. And More importantly, I needed to bridge the chasm between myself and Theodore. This summer, I wouldn't just be his little sister's best friend; I craved a different role in his life.
Lana's voice, sharp and cutting through my reverie, jolted me back to reality. "Y/N, are you with me?"
"Forgive me, my thoughts wandered," I muttered, composing myself with practiced neutrality.
“I was just saying, I really want Dad to approve this environmental camp," she continued, her enthusiasm undeterred.
"Absolutely," I agreed, forcing a smile. "Those Larus birds undeniably deserve all the protection we can offer." However, my gaze remained tethered to Theodore and his seemingly animated conversation with the Gryffindor girl.
"Right?" Lana beamed. "Perhaps Theo or Christian could help us sway Father?" Lana suggested hopefully.
"An excellent suggestion," I managed, a barbed comment forming on my tongue.
Perhaps your brother would engage in more productive activities than fraternizing with the Gryffindor girl. But I swallowed the retort.
"Christian can be a bit overprotective, bless his heart," Lana began, "but I do believe the 'puppy-dog eyes' technique, as he calls it, might work on Theo," Lana mused cheerfully.believe
A pang of curiosity shot through me. Could this "puppy eyes" technique be effective on Theo as well? I stifled the urge to inquire.
As if sensing my scrutiny, I almost choked on a gasp when he turned, our eyes locking for a beat too long. Then, as if a switch had been flipped, he resumed his conversation with the Gryffindor girl. My mind conjured elaborate – and disturbing – daydreams of her demise.
"Are you alright?" Lana's voice held a hint of worry.
"Perfect," I muttered, the word a lie heavy on my tongue. My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the backdrop of my escalating jealousy.
"Then let's proceed," she declared, taking my hand in hers.
The world became a blur as we walked, the proximity to Theo and his unwelcome companion amplifying my agitation. My pulse pounded in my ears, a relentless drumbeat against the backdrop of muted classroom sounds.
Finally, we passed them. Still, Theo's gaze lingered on me, a silent connection that sent a wave of heat through my body. Just as abruptly, , Then in a move that stole the breath from my lungs, the Gryffindor girl cupped Theodore's jaw, pulling him down for a rough, aggressive kiss. I averted my eyes, a wave of nausea washing over me.
“ EWWW “ Lana muttered, mirroring my own disgust.
“Perhaps," I ventured, my voice tight with unspoken emotions, "you should utilize those puppy dog eyes sooner before he gets distracted again “
Potions became a blurry mess of bubbling cauldrons and swirling fumes. Snape's usual scathing commentary faded into the background, as my mind replayed the scene on loop: Theo, his lips locked with the Gryffindor girl, a stranger who somehow managed to snag his attention. Her triumphant smirk as she pulled away felt branded onto my eyelids.
Jealousy gnawed at me like a rogue Flobberworm. Every stolen glance his way felt like a betrayal, a secret message only I could decipher. Was this what Lana meant by "puppy eyes"? Because right now, all I wanted to do was unleash my inner dragon and set the damn girl ablaze.
The Great Hall echoed with the boisterous chatter of lunchtime. As I joined my friends at the Slytherin table, a familiar warmth washed over me – camaraderie, yes, but something more potent simmered beneath the surface. My stolen glance at Theo, however, sent a jolt of conflicting emotions. He was already there, his dark eyes locked on mine for a lingering moment before he averted his gaze.
A playful tug on my braid brought me back to reality. Lana, a mischievous glint in her eyes, was trying to get me out of my misery that she can’t quite understand what gets me into
Mattheo, being his usual blunt self, decided to stir up some trouble, "Just want to make sure the rumors are true. Did our little Y/N break Cedric Diggory's heart?"he said, causing Theo's gaze to intensify on me, igniting a mix of excitement and nervousness within me.
"Sorry, what?" I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper.
"It's okay, y/n, we can see that you're at that age for those kinds of things. What puberty did to you can't go unnoticed,"
My cheeks burned a furious red. The air crackled with tension as Blaise's words hung in the air.
Before I could retort, a cold fury replaced Theo's usual nonchalance. "Shut the hell up, Zabini, before I make you."
His sharp tone silenced the table. I stole a glance at him, he looked relaxed despite his tone , his eyes locked in a silent battle with Blaise. And that was well- very awkward
Matteo, unfazed by Theo's outburst, pressed on. "Back to the broken heart thing, did you really ditch a date with Diggory?"
My cheeks burned under the scrutiny of the table. "It wasn't like that, he understood," I stammered, desperately trying to salvage the situation. "I just said I had to study."
Lana, oblivious to my boiling frustration, jumped in. "No, no, she's just being humble! Cedric was head over heels! He was moping around for days after she said no, his heart practically shattered. Still he can't seem to take his eyes off her today."
I shot her a glare that could curdle milk, but she just winked back, clearly enjoying the drama.
"Why'd you turn him down, then?" Blaise pressed, his amusement evident.
Theo, however, surprised everyone. "She's still too young for that," he muttered. Really? The audacity! My hand twitched, a silent promise of violence aimed at his handsome but infuriating face.
My temper flared. "First of all," I stated, fixing him with a hard stare, "I'm only a year younger than you. Second, I said no because it wouldn't be fair to either of us. I already have feelings for someone else."
A collective gasp rippled through the group.
"You never told me that!" Lana exclaimed, her eyes wide with surprise.
"No," I said, trying to project a confidence I didn't entirely feel. My gaze locked with Theo's, daring him to look away. "I was planning on telling you… tonight."
"Who is this mystery man?" Matteo leaned forward, his tone laced with curiosity. "Do we know him?"
"No, you don't," I lied smoothly, a flicker of defiance sparking in my chest. "He graduated."
A wave of disappointment washed over Blaise's face. "Oooh, Y/N, you sneaky minx! Who knew you had that in you?"
The Hogwarts Express rumbled to a halt, signaling the end of the semester and the glorious (or dreaded, depending on who you asked) freedom of summer. Bidding farewell to Lana, whose eyes held a knowing glint that made me sweat, I trudged off the train, eager to reach the familiar comfort of my own home.
Living just two houses away from Theo and Lana meant constant proximity, which could be either a blessing or a curse depending on how things unfolded. The lie about a mysterious older boyfriend sat heavy in my stomach. It was a desperate attempt to buy myself some breathing room, a chance to navigate the confusing maze of emotions swirling within me.
The oppressive heat of summer hung heavy in the air, mirroring the nervous knot in my stomach. Lana's father had finally approved the conservation camp, and while I was happy for her, a pang of disappointment shot through me. That meant less time to figure things out with Theo.
Taking a deep breath I slipped into a summer dress – the kind that hugged my curves perfectly and left a trail of cool air on my skin.
Taking a deep breath, I crossed the two houses separating our homes and knocked on Theo's door. My heart hammered a frantic rhythm against my ribs. What was I even doing here?
The door creaked open, revealing Mrs. Finch, the Nott family housekeeper, her face etched with surprise. "Miss Y/N? What a surprise! Mr. Theo is the only one home, I'm afraid. Miss Lana's still out."
My cheeks flushed crimson. This was not the grand entrance I'd envisioned. "Oh!" I feigned surprise. "Goodness, how forgetful of me. I just realized I left something in Lana's room. Terribly sorry to bother you, Mrs. Finch."
The housekeeper's expression softened. "No trouble at all, dear. Just head on up, third door on the right."
With a mumbled thank you, I practically sprinted up the stairs, my heart thundering in my chest. This impulsive, poorly-planned visit was already spiraling out of control. Would he see through my flimsy excuse? Most importantly, what was I going to say to him once I was alone with him under the guise of borrowing something from Lana?
The familiar chaos of Lana's room swam before my eyes. Clothes littered the floor, forgotten textbooks sat precariously on the desk,I don’t know why she insisted that no one else but her clean her room when she barley do it
"Are you lost?"
The sound of Theo's voice cut through the mental fog. I spun around, heart hammering against my ribs like a frantic hummingbird. He stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame, his gaze lingering on me a beat too long.
And then, his eyes scanned me from head to toe, a slow, deliberate sweep that sent a jolt of heat straight to my core. Merlin's beard, I wanted to be on my knees (respectfully, of course). That summer dress, the impulsive visit - everything suddenly felt like a terrible, wonderful mistake.
"N-no," I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper. "I, uh, just came to… borrow something from Lana." The lie tasted like ashes in my mouth, but I couldn't bring myself to confess my real motive. Not yet, anyway.
Theo pushed himself off the doorframe, taking a slow step closer. The air crackled with a tension that had nothing to do with the summer heat. "Is that right?" he drawled, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down my spine. His eye held an unreadable depth that made my breath hitch.
"Yes," I managed, forcing myself to meet his gaze. "She mentioned a book on… Larus migration patterns? I thought I might borrow it for some summer reading."
He raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement playing on his lips. "Larus migration patterns, huh? Sounds like a fascinating read for a summer day."
His words were laced with a double meaning, and a blush crept up my cheeks. Was he teasing me? Did he suspect my real reason for being here?
The silence stretched, thick and heavy. My carefully constructed plan was falling apart faster than a poorly brewed Amortentia potion. But before I could stammer out another excuse, Theo surprised me with a soft chuckle.
"Well," he drawled, his voice softer now, "since Lana's not here, perhaps I could help you find the book."
The breath caught in my throat. Here I was, caught red-handed (or rather, red-dressed), and yet, Theo's amusement was oddly disarming. His casual demeanor didn't quite match the intensity I'd glimpsed in his eyes moments ago.
"Really?" I squeaked, my voice barely above a whisper. The air crackled between us, charged with a sudden shift in energy.
A slow smirk played on his lips. "Yeah, why not? Did you want someone else to help you, maybe?"
He took a slow step forward, his presence filling the room. I instinctively leaned back, my back hitting the wall with a soft thud. A thrill shot through me as his eyes lingered on my face, a storm brewing beneath the surface.
"He's not here, though," he drawled, the amusement leaving his voice. "So bad."
Confusion clouded my mind. "He?" I stammered.
Theo's brows furrowed. "Oh, your older, hot crush? That's what you said, right? So you're here all dressed up and making excuses for nothing." The smile that had been playing on his lips vanished completely.
A wave of panic washed over me. "Are you kidding me?" I blurted out, unable to contain my frustration. Heat crept up my cheeks. "Are you that blind?" just then I realized the depth of my mistake. He thought my crush was Christopher, his own brother!
He was close now, so close I could feel the warmth radiating from his body. His hands braced themselves on either side of my face, caging me in. My breath caught in my throat.
"Trapped?" he murmured, his voice a low growl.
If looks could kill, I would have been dead. Theo's expression was a mix of anger, hurt, and confusion. I reached out hesitantly, my fingers brushing against his cheek. Thankfully, he didn't pull away.
"It's not Christopher," I whispered, my eyes darted drawn to the tempting curve of his lips.
"Oh yeah?" he challenged, his voice husky.
I couldn't hold back any longer. This was it. With a surge of desperation, I cupped his face with one hand, the other finding its way to the back of his neck and I kissed him.
It was a moment of pure, unadulterated passion. I was kissing Theo it wasn’t a dream , feeling the heat and intensity of the moment wash over me. My lips on his, our breaths mingling, it was my first kiss, but that fact faded into insignificance. He was the only thing that mattered.
Panic briefly gripped me when he didn't immediately respond to the kiss. I pulled away, searching his eyes for any sign of reciprocation, my heart pounding in my chest.
"Fuck," he muttered, pulling me closer, lifting me effortlessly until my legs were wrapped around his waist. His kiss this time was harder, more urgent, our bodies pressed against the wall as he devoured my lips.
It was a hungry kiss, filled with raw desire and longing. I moaned into his mouth, unable to contain the pleasure that surged through me. As his tongue sought entry, I responded eagerly, my hand finding its way to his shoulder, the other tangling in his hair. It felt intoxicatingly good, every touch sending sparks of pleasure coursing through me.
He didn't stop, his kisses growing more intense, more mind-blowing with each passing second. I felt myself teetering on the edge of something powerful, something I had never experienced before.
When he finally pulled away, our lips still touching, he whispered, "We shouldn't do that." I leaned in, wanting more, desperate to recapture the fire he had ignited within me. But this time, he stopped me with a gentle hand on my cheek.
"We shouldn't," he repeated, his words laced with a battle between desire and control.
" You ... don’t want this?" I asked, desperation creeping into my voice.
"Fucking hell," he muttered, before claiming my lips once more in a kiss that left me breathless and wanting more.
He kept kissing me, then his lips dipped lower, trailing a path of fire down my neck. Each touch ignited a new spark within me, a desperate need for more. But just as quickly, he pulled away, his hand clamping over my mouth the moment a moan escaped my lips.
He released me with a ragged breath, fingers brushing my lips – a touch that felt both accidental and deliberate. "Don't fucking let me do that again," he growled, his expression unreadable.
"Theo..." My voice trembled, a choked whisper lost in the deafening silence.
"Don't," he cut me off, his voice laced with a raw emotion that sent shivers down my spine.
I ignored him, the dam of my emotions threatening to burst. "No, Theo, I do like you so much! No, I think I love–"
He slammed his hand down on the nearest surface, the sharp crack echoing through the room. "Stop talking! Stop fucking talking and get out!"
My heart plummeted to my stomach. I stared at him, disbelief etching lines on my face. This couldn't be happening. This wasn't the answer I'd envisioned.
"I said, get out!" he roared, his voice raw with something akin to despair.
My body reacted before my mind could catch up. Fear, a primal and cold sensation, gripped me. I couldn't stay there, not with that look in his eyes. Tears blurring my vision, I turned and fled. I ran blindly out of the room, my feet pounding against the wooden floorboards. I didn't stop until I was out of the house, gasping for breath on the front porch steps. My legs felt like jelly, my vision obscured by a torrent of tears.
After four days of crying in my room, watching romcoms, and indulging in ice cream, I had practically shut myself off from the outside world. Ignoring calls and messages, I had no intention of leaving my room anytime soon.
But then, my phone started ringing, and the name that flashed on the screen caught my attention – Blaise Zabini. Why was he calling me? I debated whether to answer or not, but curiosity got the better of me.
"Hello?" I answered tentatively.
"Hello, beautiful lady. What are you doing tonight?" Blaise's smooth voice flowed through the phone, surprising me.
"Did you mistake my number for someone else?" I asked, slightly bewildered.
Blaise chuckled. "No, Y/N, I'm calling you. There's a party tonight, and you should come."
I couldn't believe it. Blaise inviting me to a party? It seemed surreal, especially considering how distant I had been lately. "Is this some kind of dare?" I half-jokingly asked, recalling how Lana and I had once begged to be included in their circle last year.
"No, of course not. Lana is away at camp, and I figured you must be bored. Plus, you're old enough now. So, are you coming?" Blaise explained.
I was shocked but managed to say, "Yes."
"Good, I'll pick you up," he said confidently.
"Um, what should I wear?" I asked, feeling a bit out of my depth.
"Something hot for sure," Blaise replied, causing my mouth to drop open. Surely, there must be more to it than just small talk and an unexpected invitation.
I dragged myself out of bed, feeling a bit more alive than I had in days. The prospect of going out, even to a party, was both daunting and oddly exciting. I made my way to the bathroom, deciding that a hot shower would do wonders for my mood.
The water cascaded down my skin, washing away some of the heaviness that had settled over me. I washed my hair, taking extra care to make it look presentable. After all, Blaise had mentioned something about looking hot, and I wanted to at least make an effort.
Once out of the shower, I wrapped myself in a fluffy towel and stood in front of the mirror, contemplating my options. My wardrobe seemed to mock me with its array of dresses, each one a reminder of happier times. But tonight was different. I wanted to feel good, even if just for a few hours.
My eyes settled on a vibrant off-shoulder red dress, short enough to be playful yet elegant. It had been a while since I'd worn something so bold, but tonight felt like the perfect occasion. Slipping into the dress, I couldn't help but admire how it hugged my curves in all the right places.
With my hair styled in loose waves cascading down my shoulders, I turned to my makeup. Opting for a subtle smokey eye and a bold red lip to match the dress, I added a touch of highlighter to give my skin a healthy glow.
Just as I finished applying the last stroke of mascara, my phone rang again. It was Blaise, letting me know that he was waiting outside. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed my purse and headed out.
A slow smirk spread across Blaise's face as he took in my entire outfit. "Damn, Y/N," he said, his voice dropping a cool octave. "You look goodness. Tonight, you're not just breaking hearts, you're shattering them."
"Thanks," I managed, trying to project an air of confidence I wasn't entirely sure I possessed.
The drive to the bar was a blur of conversation and upbeat music. Blaise gave me a heads-up that this was a different scene than the usual hangouts Lana and I frequented. No sticky floors or questionable punch here. This place oozed sophistication with a healthy dose of trendy vibes.
The closer we got, the bigger the butterflies became. "Just a heads-up," Blaise said casually, "Theo's gonna be there."
My eyes widened like headlights caught on high beams. "Why are you telling me this?" I blurted, my voice shaky.
Blaise held up his hands in mock surrender. "Whoa there, little firecracker. Easy now. Listen, I know what happened," he said, his tone gentle but firm.
He paused, his gaze meeting mine in the rearview mirror. "You've got two choices tonight," he continued, his voice low and serious. "Option one: Go in there, drown your sorrows in overpriced cocktails, and cry yourself to sleep like you have been for the past week. Option two: You walk in that door, head held high, and have the best damn night of your life. Show him what a colossal mistake he made. But more importantly, have fun. Forget Theo for the night. You deserve it."
My initial suspicion flared. How did Blaise know about Theo? Did Theo tell everyone, maybe even paint some twisted narrative of what happened? The worst-case scenario played in my head: everyone knowing I'd forced myself on him. I pushed those thoughts down, refusing to let them take root.
"Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked, my voice laced with a hint of suspicion.
Blaise raised an eyebrow, feigning offense. "Oh, the nerve! Here I am, trying to be the ever-so-charming host, and you accuse me of… niceness?" He placed a hand dramatically over his chest. "Honestly, Y/N, I'm deeply wounded."
I couldn't help but laugh, the sound light and genuine. It felt good, a welcome change from the constant ache in my chest. As we pulled into the bar's crowded parking lot, I spotted a familiar face – the Gryffindor girl from school, the one with a permanent case of RBF.
Suddenly, the prospect of a night out filled with new faces and zero Theo drama seemed a whole lot more appealing.
"Alright," I announced, a determined glint in my eyes. "Going inside and having fun sounds way better."
Blaise's smirk widened. "Now you're talking," he said, finally pulling the car to a stop. "Let's do this."
We pushed through the heavy bar doors, the sudden wave of loud music and flashing lights hitting me like a physical blow. My eyes squinted against the assault, struggling to adjust to the dim, pulsing atmosphere. The air was thick with the scent of sweat, spilled alcohol, and something vaguely floral that I couldn't quite identify.
Then I saw it.
Bodies. Everywhere bodies. Couples intertwined on couches, limbs tangled in a way that left little to the imagination. People grinding against each other on the dance floor, clothes barely clinging to their sweaty forms. My mouth fell open in a silent scream.
"Are you kidding me, Blaise?" I shrieked, my voice barely audible over the pounding music. "Did you invite me to an orgy ?"
Blaise chuckled, his earlier cool persona replaced by something a little more… suggestive. "Not quite, sweetheart," he drawled. "But if you're interested, I know a guy…"
Blaise winked, then turned his attention to a group of women across the room. My stomach churned. Had he brought me here just to ditch me?
"Where are you going?" I demanded, grabbing his arm before he could slink away.
He looked back at me, a sly smile playing on his lips. "You wouldn't want to know, sweetheart. Trust me." Before I could argue, he was weaving his way through the crowd, leaving me stranded in a sea of strangers.
Panic clawed at my throat. I was completely out of my element, suffocated by the throbbing music and the overt displays of affection. Trying to navigate the throng of people felt like trying to walk through a mosh pit. Elbows jabbed, drinks sloshed, and muttered curses collided with the music. Every step forward felt like a battle.
Just when I was on the verge of tears, a familiar voice cut through the din.
"Y/N? Is that you?"
I snapped my head towards the source of the sound, relief washing over me like a tidal wave. There, standing a few feet away, was Cedric Diggory, a friendly face from Hogwarts. He looked as surprised to see me as I was to see him.
"Oh, thank God!" I exclaimed, practically throwing myself at him. He caught me with a smile, a steady presence in the swirling chaos.
"What are you doing here?" I blurted out, clinging to him like a lifeline. "I came with Blaise, but… well, he kinda ditched me."
Cedric's smile faltered slightly, but he recovered quickly. "Don't worry about him," he said reassuringly. "I can take you home if you want."
The offer was tempting, a safe haven from the overwhelming sensory overload. But then my gaze fell across the crowded room, landing on Theo. He was… well, making out with someone. Not just anyone, but two someones. His hands were everywhere, his lips moving feverishly between two very enthusiastic girls.
The sight of him sent a fresh wave of anger and hurt coursing through me. I wanted to scream, to cry, to set the whole place on fire. But instead, I did something completely unexpected.
"Actually," I said, my voice surprisingly steady, "Do you want to dance?"
A slow smile spread across my face as Cedric offered his hand. Relief momentarily eclipsed the anger simmering beneath the surface. He led me onto the dance floor, his touch light and hesitant on my waist. Compared to Theo's rough possessiveness, it felt… foreign.
"Theodora Nott," I muttered under my breath, the name a bitter curse on my tongue. Every fiber of my being ached to tear my gaze away from Theo.
Cedric's breath tickled my ear as he spoke, but my mind was elsewhere. Then, our eyes met. Theo's. His face contorted in a mixture of surprise and disbelief, like he'd seen a ghost.
Theo seemed momentarily speechless, his jaw clenched tight. Then, in a move that surprised even me, he shoved the two girls aside, their confused faces momentarily forgotten. He barged his way through the crowd, a determined scowl on his face.
"Diggory," he spat, his voice laced with venom.
"Nott," Cedric replied, a flicker of confusion crossing his features.
"Think I can take this from here?" Theo said, his gaze never leaving mine. "Thanks for keeping Y/N company."
Cedric glanced between us, a hesitant frown creasing his brow. Knowing I needed to act fast, I plastered a sickly sweet smile on my face.
"It's alright, Cedric," I chirped, my voice dripping with fake sincerity. "Theo's here now, and you know, practically like a brother to me."
Theo's jaw clenched tight, his anger barely contained. It fueled a fire within me, a perverse satisfaction at seeing him squirm. Cedric, oblivious to the undercurrent of tension, simply nodded and melted back into the crowd.
As soon as he was out of sight, I reached out and lightly touched Theo's arm. "Hello, brother," I purred, the word laced with mockery. "Enjoying yourself?"
He swatted my hand away, his voice tight with irritation. "What the hell do you think you're doing here?"
"Dancing, drinking, you know ," I replied, my voice light and carefree. "Hopefully getting some… you know, without having to share." I couldn't resist adding a pointed jab at his earlier display of affection.
A muscle ticked in his jaw. "That's not the right answer, Y/N."
"Oh, so now you're the authority on what's right and wrong?" I scoffed. "Just get lost and let me enjoy my night."
"Not happening," he growled, stepping closer. For a fleeting moment, I swear his eyes flickered to my lips, sending a tremor of something unexpected through me.
"Not happening," he countered, his eyes flickering towards my lips for a fleeting moment.
A shiver ran down my spine, but I refused to let it show. "So you get to have fun, but I can't? Because from where I'm standing, it looks like you were having a blast with your little… (here I paused, searching for the perfect comedic insult) …buffet." I forced a smile, pushing myself away from him in a playful, yet firm, manner.
He didn't get a chance to retort before a gasp escaped my lips. A clumsy dancer, fueled by who-knows-what concoction, careened into me, spilling the entirety of his drink down my dress. The scarlet fabric clung to my body like a second skin, leaving little to the imagination.
Theo let out a frustrated curse under his breath. "Damn it, Y/N, and your damn stubborn red dresses ," he muttered, before grabbing my arm and pulling me away from the crowd. His gaze darted around frantically, before settling on a nearby staircase.
The world spun a little faster as Theo pulled me through the crowd, his grip tight on my arm. We navigated through bodies and flashing lights, finally ending up near a darkened stairway leading upwards. He pushed open a door, revealing a large, beautifully furnished room – a stark contrast to the party raging outside.
"Stay here," he instructed, his voice low and urgent.
I rolled my eyes, annoyed at his bossiness but strangely comforted by his protectiveness.My mind was still reeling from the sudden alcohol shower, my thoughts fuzzy and disconnected.
Theo's presence alone was overwhelming. All the anger, hurt, and confusion I'd been feeling seemed to coalesce into a potent cocktail of emotions. My mind, however, wasn't processing things clearly. The red dress clinging to my body, the sting of Theo's earlier words, the memory of seeing him with those girls – it all swirled together in a chaotic mess.
Ignoring the instruction to stay put, I crossed the room and locked the door with a satisfying click. Grasping the hem of the ruined dress, I ripped it upwards in one swift motion. There, standing before a giant mirror, was me in all my red lace glory – bra and panties matching the ruined dress.
Theo stepped in, a black t-shirt clutched in his hand. His gaze locked with mine, a slow burn spreading across his face. He scanned me from head to toe, his eyes lingering on the shocking red lace bra and matching panties that were now my only attire.
For a moment, the room seemed to shrink, the music fading into a distant hum. The air crackled with a tension that sent a jolt of electricity through me.
"You're drunk, aren't you?" he finally managed, his voice rough with a mix of concern and something else – something deeper.
The question snapped me out of my haze. A defiant chuckle escaped my lips. "Not a single Shot," I replied, my voice surprisingly steady as I walked towards him.
The t-shirt fluttered to the floor, forgotten. His eyes were fixed on me, his face a mask of conflicting emotions. I stopped just inches from him, tilting my head up to meet his gaze.
"What are you doing?" he whispered, his face just inches from mine. The heat of his body radiated against mine, intensifying the buzz in my head.
"We don't have to be in love," I slurred, my heart pounding a frantic rhythm against my ribs. A part of me knew this was insane, But another part just craved his attention, his touch.
All I craved was his attention, his touch.
"I just wanna be… one of your girls tonight," I continued, my voice barely above a whisper. A shiver ran down my spine as the reality of my words hit me. Was I really saying this? But then I remembered Theo with those other girls, the way they would whisper about him at school, the way they boasted about their "experiences" with him.
Suddenly, a strange sense of defiance mixed with a simmering desire fueled my next words. "I want what you give them," I confessed, my eyes locked on his. "The kind of thing they brag about to their friends for years."
He reached out, a single finger brushing against my cheek. My breath hitched at the contact.
"Give me tough love don’t hold back," I whispered, my voice thick with emotion. "Push me, choke me. Show me what it's like to be… yours even if it’s just for a night ." My voice dropped even lower. "Anything," I whispered, "just don't pretend you don't want me."
My words hung heavy in the air, the audacity of them making my cheeks burn. But before I could even think about backtracking, Theo surged forward, scooping me up into his arms. A gasp escaped my lips as he pulled me close, the familiar scent of his cologne washing over me.
He lifted me, wrapping my legs around his waist as he pulled me close. My hands instinctively found purchase on his broad shoulders, the heat radiating through his shirt setting my skin alight.
"That's wrong," he rasped, his lips brushing dangerously close to mine.
"It's not," I insisted, the defiance laced with a desperate plea.
He didn't answer. Instead, he kissed me. It was a hard kiss, desperate and hungry, as if he was trying to erase everything that had come between us. My body melted against his, all thoughts fleeing my mind except for the fierce press of his lips against mine.
He carried me across the room, depositing me onto a large table. pulled away after what felt like an eternity, his eyes blazing with an intensity that sent a tremor through me. He pushed a stray strand of hair from my face, his eyes searching mine. "I'd hold onto something, if I were you." he murmured, his voice thick with possessiveness that both terrified and excited me.
My fingers brushed against his face, his warm breath ghosting over my lips as he leaned down.
His hand moved down my body, a slow, deliberate caress that sent shivers erupting across my skin. His fingers grazed my thighs, a light touch that somehow managed to ignite a fire within me. My breath hitched, a moan escaping my lips as desire battled with the remnants of reason.
His lips brushed against my ear, his voice a husky whisper against my sensitive skin. "Choose a word," he murmured, his breath sending shivers down my spine.
I nodded numbly, unsure if I would even be able to speak if I needed to.
"Red," I managed to whisper, my voice laced with desire as his lips trailed along my neck, eliciting a soft moan from deep within me.
"Fucking red again," he muttered, his lips pressing against my skin with a hunger that ignited a fire within me. I arched my neck, offering him more access, more of me.
"You use this if it gets too much, understood?" he said, his voice commanding. I nodded eagerly.
He continued to kiss my jaw and neck with an intensity that left me breathless. My hand tangled in his hair, urging him closer. When he bit down on a sensitive spot on my neck, I couldn't contain a scream of pleasure.
His hand cupped my core through my panties, and I instinctively gripped his shoulder, my body responding to his touch. I had never experienced anything like this before, but I couldn't admit that to him.
"Have you done anything like this before?" he asked, his breath hot against my earlobe. I moaned softly as I lied, nodding in response.
"Yes," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the rush of sensations.
He parted my legs forcefully and held my jaw in his hand, locking eyes with mine. "You did?" he questioned, a hint of possessiveness in his tone.
I nodded again, unable to speak as desire coursed through me.
"He's dead, whoever he is," he declared, sending a shiver down my spine. His fingers slipped inside my panties, and I gasped at the sudden intimacy, my body responding eagerly to his touch.
"Theo," I managed to gasp out, my heart pounding in my chest.
"Yes, baby?" he responds, his voice deep and husky. The way he says "baby" sends shivers down my spine. It feels too good, too right, felt like a sweet caress to my soul.
"You can do whatever you want to me," i whispered, my fingers tracing his jawline. "Anything."
He responds by parting my lips with his finger leaning down to take my lower lips into his kiss. It's so soft, so gentle, that I feel like I've been transported to heaven. His tongue enters my mouth at the same time he touches my clit, and I moan.
He rubs my clit in gentle circles, and I hold onto his shoulder, digging my nails into his skin. He pulls away from the kiss, my lips are still on his, and I moan into his mouth. His tongue continues to explore mine as his fingers work their magic.
"Oh Merlin," I cry out, and he smiles against my cheek.
"Not Merlin, baby, but me," he whispered against my cheek, his touch sending me spiraling further into ecstasy. He added a finger inside me, and I cried out, my back arching with pleasure.
"Fuck, you're so tight. You sure you've done this before?" he questioned, a hint of disbelief in his voice. I've done this before, in my dreams, with him. I bite my lip to keep from moaning too loudly, and he looks displeased with that.
"Keep making those sounds, I love the sound of your voice," he says, and I do it again. He stops kissing me” you did that again and i stop, understood? “ I nodded immediately.
He’s not done yet. He pushed my bra strap down, placing kisses along the exposed skin.
His fingers start to move faster, as he kissed me, swallowing all my moans. He adds another finger, and I scream, my back arching again.
I bite my lips without even noticing and he slowed his movements I hold onto his hand fast, afraid he'll stop.
"Please don't stop, I'll be good, I promise," I beg, my voice barely above a whisper.
"Fuck, say it again," his gaze intense with desire.
"I'll be good, Theo," I repeated, my voice a desperate plea.
He moves his fingers faster in response, hitting a spot inside me that makes me see stars. He keeps hitting it, over and over again, while circling my clit.
"I'm going to--" I try to say, but I can't finish my sentence. Pleasure consumes me, and I scream his name. He plays with my hair, pushing my tears and hair away from my face.
"I know, sweet girl," he murmured, his words pushing me over the edge into a mind-blowing orgasm."So sweet, so good."
He watched me with intense desire as I came, his fingers never ceasing their movements. "And so fucking hot," he added as he looked at me while experiencing his own release.
“you look so pretty when you’re cumming for me,” he murmured, placing soft kisses on my neck
I breathed heavily as he pulled his hands from me, bringing his fingers to his mouth and savoring my cum. "You taste so sweet, baby," he murmured, his gaze locked on mine.
He cupped my face, placing soft kisses on my lips, again and again. "So sweet, so angelic,"
With a gentle touch, he lifted me from the table, carrying me softly and placing me on the bed. His face was close to mine, his nose brushing against mine, and he kissed me deeply. I moaned as he opened my bra clips, leaning down to place a soft kiss on my jawline, then my collarbone.
He traced his way down, kissing every inch of my body until he reached my breasts. I closed my eyes as he put a soft kiss on them, my heart pounding in my chest.
"Eyes on me, baby. Don't shut them," he commanded, and I nodded, my breath heavy. I looked at him, my love for him overwhelming.
With each lick and kiss, I moaned louder, the pleasure building with every touch, and I arched my back, my fingers gripping the sheets.
With a final lick, he traced his way down, kissing every inch of my body. He kissed my stomach and looked up at me, his gaze intense.
He parted my legs, the sight of him between them is my idea of heaven. I nodded, and he pulled my panties down.
As he pulled my panties down, I felt a rush of shyness,"You will keep them open," he said, and I nodded again , my breath hitching.
"Good girl," he praised, his lips trailing kisses along my thighs. I couldn't resist running my fingers through his soft hair, pushing it from his face.
"You want rough love, you say?" he stated, using my own words against me.
"Yes," I moaned, my mouth gasping as I felt his mouth on my wet pussy.
"And you keep listening to what those girls say?" he asked.
"Yes, and it hurts," I managed to say.
"So I have to make up for it then, baby, don't you think?" he asked,
He didn't waste time. His tongue explored my folds, and it felt strange but in a good way. He licked and sucked, and I felt like I might explode.
He kept doing it, for what felt like an eternity. He kept my legs open, and my back ached. I cried heavily, it was the best thing I had ever felt. I could feel my body already over the edge.
"Don't cum," he said, and I shook my head. He continued eating me out, so much. I could feel his fingers inside me, and I screamed again.
"Please," I begged, unable to resist the overwhelming pleasure he was giving me.
"You cum, and it's over," he warned, his finger entering me gently.
I held onto his shoulder tightly, my body teetering on the edge. "Say the word, and I'll stop," he offered.
But I couldn't bring myself to say it. "No," I managed to whisper, my voice filled with need and desire.
His tongue flicked my clit, and I felt my orgasm building. I screamed his name, and he kept going, pushing me further and further over the edge. I screamed again, and again, and again. I couldn't take it anymore, and I came hard, my body shaking with the force of it.
He looked up at me, his lips glistening with my juices.
I was still trying to catch my breath from what just happened as Theo's words registered in my mind. "You are a virgin," he said, and I shook my head fast, trying to dispel the shock.
"No, no, I'm not. The boys I've been with before weren't experienced," I managed to say, feeling a rush of embarrassment at my slip of words. Why did I say "boys"?
Theo's gaze held fire as he processed my words. "Boys?" he repeated, his voice tinged with something I couldn't quite decipher.
I immediately felt the need to defend myself. "You don't think I'm attractive enough to be with more than one boy in my life?" I asked, a hint of defiance in my tone.
"Quite the opposite," he assured me, but his expression remained serious. "I want to know who dared and did that," he added, his eyes searching mine.
I bit my lip nervously, realizing the implications of what I had unintentionally revealed. Boys were afraid to pursue Lana because of Theo's reputation, but the way he reacted made me wonder if he wasn't threatening the boys for just getting close to lana .
"You can't just control who I can be with, Theo," I said, surprised at my own boldness.
"I think I can," he asserted firmly.
I took a breath, trying to calm the tension that crackled between us. "I won't mind," I said softly, my voice pleading. "I would do anything to please you. I would do anything you ask me to."
"Stop talking like that, y/n," he ordered, his tone strained.
"Okay," I acquiesced, sensing that I had crossed a line.
"Fuck," he cursed under his breath, clearly struggling with his own emotions.
I reached out and touched his hand that was on my face, trying to ease the tension. I smiled while kissing his hand, then surprised both of us by putting one of his fingers inside my mouth and sucking on it gently.
"You are going to be the death of me," he muttered, but there was a hint of amusement in his voice.
"I need you, Theo, all of you, even just for the night, please," I pleaded, desperate for him to understand.
"Don't cry, unless it's from the pleasure I give you," he said, brushing away my tears gently.
I propped myself up on my elbow to get closer to him, craving his touch and his reassurance. He kissed me again, and in that moment, I felt like I could live in this bliss forever.
He reached for a condom, and I tried not to show my nerves as he prepared himself. His size was daunting, and I couldn't help but wonder how it would fit inside me. My head hit the pillow again as he spread my legs, his hardness teasing my entrance.
He entered me slowly, and I cried out as the pain shot through me, tears streaming down my face. "You are a fucking virgin," he exclaimed, his own frustration evident.
"It's not a fucking game, y/n," he continued, his tone softer but still edged with tension.
"I'm sorry, please do something," I pleaded, feeling overwhelmed.
He wiped my tears away, his features softening. "Fuck, baby, don't cry. It will get better, I promise. Just relax," he reassured me, his voice soothing.
"Breathe, it's just me," he added, placing kisses on my forehead and then my cheek.
"I think... I think you can move now, please," I managed to say, trying to regain my composure.
He held my face in his hand while the other supported him as he moved slowly, allowing me to adjust to him. I closed my eyes, focusing on the pleasure and the connection between us.
"You want fast, I can take it," I said, unsure if I was ready but wanting to prove myself to him.
"It's not a competition, y/n. You don't have to prove anything, baby,"
"The girls you've been with, they must have..." I started to say, but he cut me off.
"They didn't matter. You do," he said, surprising both of us with his confession.
He settled into a rhythm that felt perfect, and I closed my eyes, reveling in the sensations. His thrusts ranged from slow and tender to fast and intense, driving me wild with pleasure.
"Talk to me," he urged, and I struggled to form coherent sentences amidst the pleasure.
"It feels... good," I managed to say, my words coming out in fragmented breaths.
"Yeah?" he questioned, and I nodded, unable to articulate just how amazing it felt.
He increased his pace, and I arched my back, meeting his movements eagerly. "What about this?" he asked, his touch sending waves of pleasure through me.
"Do it again," I begged, wanting more of him, more of this intense pleasure.
He obliged, and the pleasure intensified, pushing me closer to the edge of ecstasy. I moaned and cried out his name, lost in the sensations that only he could evoke.
He thrust a few more times, then finally reached his own peak, his body collapsing slightly against mine as we both caught our breaths.
After a moment, he pulled out and disposed of the condom, then lay beside me.
Silence stretched between us, thick and suffocating. I was afraid to talk afraid to ruin what we just had, My hand hovered in the air, reaching for his face, but Theo stopped me, his grip surprisingly tight on my wrist.
My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drum solo against the backdrop of my racing thoughts. Please, no. Not the cold shoulder again.
" The- Theo," I whispered, my voice trembling, but he pushed my hand away before I could say more. His sudden change left me feeling lost and vulnerable, like I had done something terribly wrong.
"You… sore?" he finally spoke, his voice strained.
I blinked, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. The Theo who had been making love to me just minutes ago seemed to have vanished. This was the cold, distant Theo I knew all too well.
"A little," I managed to whisper, my voice cracking.
"Then get dressed," he said curtly. "I'm taking you home. Your big night is over." his words cutting through me like knives. I tried to speak, to explain, but he silenced me with a stern command. "Not a word, y/n. Not a fucking word."
He got out of bed and started putting on his clothes, tossing a t-shirt and his jacket in my direction. As he grabbed my phone and things, I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. It was as if everything we had shared meant nothing to him.
As shaky legs carried me to my feet, I pulled on the clothes, tears blurring my vision. A choked sob escaped my lips, and another, and another.
"Congratulations, Y/N," I whispered to myself, my voice raw with emotion. "You're officially one of his girls."
"Congratulations, y/n. You’re officially one of the girls," he remarked, his words cutting deep into my already wounded heart.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
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biolumien · 3 months
Might I say that the Hoshina x Painter! reader was a brush stroke of genius. It's superb so if its possible, I'd like to request a part two?
Maybe Hoshina gets to go out on a date. And of course, the recruits quickly finding out about this and they sort of try to spy on them while they go about their day. Up to you really. I just live for the concept, and I defo want to see how things play out. Especially since their worlds are so far apart from each other.
He probably doesn't know the first thing about art. And Reader probably knows nothing of Kaijus. Let alone swordsmanship or martial arts. And the sudden match made between them is sure to make rapid news around Tachikawa base because, 'Ayo that's our Vice Captain with the famous painter who just so happened to paint his portrait a few days ago?' AKAKHSKNS such an endearing concept.
notes: insanely good pun. i hope this is okay! part 2 of this fic.
the second stroke
soshiro hoshina x gn!reader no warnings apply, i think! let me know, though. word count: 1306
talking to hoshina was–awkward. or so you thought, at least. you couldn’t exchange many words following the panel, apart from saying hi–hoshina had immediately gotten swarmed with questions–what was the relationship between the two of you? what was the meaning behind what you’d said? so you’d managed to find him in the aftermath, pulled him aside and made tentative plans to meet up in the coming days.
you stopped having dreams of your mysterious muse altogether at this point. once in awhile, you thought you might have felt the faint whisper of warmth, the ghosting touch of lips brushed against the side of your face. that had to have been real, right? but the fact that you couldn’t remember your dreams now–if you even had them at all, worried you more th an you’d like to admit.
you’d agreed on a date in a discrete location–but despite that, you held a pretty large parasol in the park, with loose-fitting clothes to disguise the bulk of your figure.
“so it’s true, then?” hoshina asks as the two of you wander the park, past some shady trees. “that’s… i mean, it’s… pretty… ha, i mean, that kind of stuff comes out of a romance novel, no?” 
you like the way the sunlight dapples across his hair, dances across the bridge of his nose. your fingers itch to paint, to scrape a palette knife across a stretch of canvas. 
“it sounds far fetched to me, too,” you mumble, spinning the straw of your drink. “that i would dream of a man from a past life–who… happens to be you. happened. to be you. also in a past life. and i think… well, i–i think we were lovers? or-or something like that.”
“lovers,” hoshina echoes. 
he pauses.
your face feels hot.
“it’s stupid,” you mumble. “i know. i know it is.”
“it’s not,” hoshina says. “i mean–i’m not… a believer. in most of that kind of stuff, but. you painted me.” he laughs. “that’s gotta be proof of something bigger than the both of us. i don’t know if i should be happy or sad that it’s real. like–”
he flexes his hands.
“do you get what i mean? like–like… i’ve been telling myself that-that… i was doing everything within my power–to be the way i was, and then… if there really is some kind of divine providence, pulling us together–some red string of fate, the kind that bonds lovers together–how am i so sure that a god didn’t just decide the limits of my capabilities? i’m not sure… how to feel about it.”
you ponder his words.
“fighting kaiju is… a completely new world, compared to me,” you say. “but i’m sure even if it–even if it was divine providence, you’re doing something only you can do. and–and i think that’s wonderful.”
hoshina’s eyes soften.
“wonderful?” he murmurs. 
“yeah,” you say. “someone–not just someone, but… we’re all… relying on you. that’s something i could never imagine.”
“i mean–” hoshina laughs, brushing a hand across the back of his neck. “i couldn’t imagine painting the way you do. that seems so overwhelming–to conjure things from your imagination and deliver them to the page.”
you shake your head.
“it’s a bit of that, but it’s not completely from my imagination. i do a lot of portraits–with real models, things like that,” you mumble, your face flushing a little bit at his words. “it’s… mm. a complicated progress, but it’s not nearly as physically intensive as you fighting kaiju. i-i read a bit. from some of your press interviews.”
“oh?” hoshina’s eyes widen, and he laughs. “that’s–well, i didn’t… most of those were just–scripted.”
“my press interviews are, too,” you say.
hoshina’s lips quirk up.
“i guess we’re kind of the same, yeah?” hoshina says, nudging you slightly, his hand reaching out to cross the gap between the two of you–of you. he doesn’t intrude further though, even as he crosses the gap—seemingly shy and nervous, worried and careful not to do more until you were okay with it. 
you relax your stance a little, and his hand brushes against yours. 
“i guess so,” you say, blinking up at him. your face feels hot.
you don’t know whether the fluttering in your heart is from you or if it’s from that whisper of a past life, the repeated lines of affection–that it should feel this easy to fall for hoshina, because some version of you did, a stranger-yet-familiar-yet-familiar. hoshina’s expression is somehow fond, and he leans closer before–
he suddenly perks up, his head whirling around, checking the surroundings.
“what’s–” you start, but hoshina raises a hand, glancing at you before raising a finger to his lips. you fall silent, your heart pounding against your throat.
“come out,” hoshina says sharply. “you guys aren’t subtle at all. you’re lucky that kaiju are so stupid.” 
from behind one of the trees, several people come skulking out with lowered heads, as if they were scolded toddlers.
“i told you this was a bad idea,” says a boy with mint green hair, elbowing a taller, older man. the man hangs his head, recoiling dramatically at the boy’s touch. “you can’t get past hoshina at all.”
“in my defense,” the man says apologetically, remorsefully, “i was just curious where he was going… it’s not often he takes days off. you know this.”
“i warned you,” says a woman with her hair drawn up in a tall ponytail. her voice is quiet, but she’s striking–and you wonder what kind of charcoal you might use to sketch out the sharp lines of her face–and then you realize you’ve seen her face scattered across billboards. mina ashiro?
“i love this bit you guys do,” hoshina laughs, archly, “where you talk like i’m not even here. come on. if you want to–hey, put that–put that down. don’t–”
mina lowers her phone as hoshina blurts it out, her face bemused. 
“sorry,” mina says. “force of habit. i keep an album of every moment where you let your goody facade drop. do you want to see?” she looks at you, holding out her phone. “i have some where he’s asle–” “not on the first date,” hoshina says, his voice pitching higher. 
“first date?” the man’s eyes widen. “captain hoshina, you’re on a date? with that artist? the one who drew you?”
your eyes scan between him and hoshina.
“yes,” hoshina says tersely. “is it that weird?”
“no,” the man says. “just–you don’t seem like the romantic… type?”
“i’m not,” hoshina says.
you feel something like cold ice seize your throat.
“but i… i want to try,” hoshina amends, and his hand reaches out for yours, a grasping thread of intent. you entangle your fingers in his, and the weight of his hands feels right. like a preordained fate–you were always meant to find each other, and the weight and feel of his fingers entangling yours, his knuckles tightening as if he was afraid to see you disappear–
that was right.
“if we’re really bonded by fate, anyway,” hoshina says, glancing at you–and your heart seizes in your throat, caught by how earnest he seems– “i want to see it to the end.”
your face heats up.
“it was–it was just a painting,” you mumble. 
“a really good painting,” hoshina adds, and he laughs.
“you guys are cute,” mina says. “but you’re grossing me out. just a little.”
her face is impassive, but the corners of her lips quirk up a little as she says the words.
“oh, how it hurts,” hoshina says dramatically, pulling you closer to him, “to have stirred the ice-cold heart of mina ashiro so.”
and your face flushes again, brighter, but you cling tightly to hoshina like a lifeline, and wonder what shade of red you might use to carve out the feeling of love in your chest.
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esoteriamaya · 2 months
The First House Glow
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The first house is the side of us that blooms when we first enter into the world. It is the energy we merged with and bring with us upon meeting new people and enjoying our experiences here. It is the first song we listen to upon birth, and throughout this life time we will listen to its words, time and time again.
Today, I present a short n sweet diary of small interps of each planet in this house. Enjoy <3
Sun in the 1st - A personality that is big and boastful. Light hearted and full of joy. A person you want to get to know and always keep on your side. It is as if they shine a light on your behalf, just so you can see the beauty that is life. Special individuals who's purpose is to show who they are no matter what the world tells them. Have angels by their side guiding them into the sun, as they we're born to be it after all.
Moon in the 1st - Empathetic souls who's desire to bring love into the universe is heard from the stars and is brought back down to them as a gift to us. These individuals carry a heart that heals the world in some way shape or form. Their desire to heal themselves helps others see the internal light that is in us all. They have an ability to see beyond what others wish for them to see, and whatever they show back to you is a blessing in disguise, truly.
Mercury in the 1st - Very patient individuals. Fun, loving, child-like creatures who's playfulness can cause an uproar. They will give you a round of emotions just dealing with them, but its alright. There is always a purpose in it. They enjoy the rollercoaster that life brings. They could be naughty or nice, like a sour patch kid. You never know what's truly up with them. They're tricky beings after all.
Venus in the 1st - A poised, graceful personality. A beautiful delight to the world and everyone knows it. They're chosen to be well-known for their looks, beauty & charm and they use this to their advantage. Delicate creatures who's joy brings people to a full stop. Having to take a picture before they go, just so they can hold onto it forever more. Very brilliant underneath the surface. Stick around longer, don't just keep staring at em!
Mars in the 1st - Wise, strong, gifted creators of their world. They take all of their strength and vigor and find the path worth taking. Their confidence is looked upon as something that most people would never be able to conquer themselves. How do they get up each day without a care in the world? Even when the world is constantly throwing stones, they pick them up and throw them right back. Or, they make a special throne out of them. Glued together with sticks and used as a comfort seat for all the times people tried to hurt them, but they always got back up wiser and stronger every time.
Uranus in the 1st - The Impeccable, brilliant star has to back to earth to show us what they're really made of. The lightening that strikes before the storm. They are comfortable in their universe and as should you. A compass of the future, and a super star that ignites the flame in those who need it for themselves. Energy healers who's code is to open up the minds of a few, to prepare for world domination. Stellar individuals who's experience isn't like anyone elses. Simply came to be a new version of society.
Neptune in the 1st - Angels of the delight. The muse of the heavens. The imagination is their physical experience. Whatever it is they wish to see, it comes true times three. In the mind, soul and body, they become the world that is inside of themselves, and they bring it out for you all to watch. Compassionate hearts that lead them to the true path. That is to connect to the highest waters that reaches to the divine. Only here for a little while, to show the universe what the heart wants.
Jupiter in the 1st - Captivating auras who's presence takes us on a journey with God. Divine experiences can happen at any moment. You call it luck, while they call it a blessing. Only the real will survive with this placement. Their optimism is more of a medicine than something that you just do. They came a long way just to get there, and in no way shape or form will anyone ruin it. Life changing experiences happen only once and a lifetime, and they can tell the difference between that and something that isn't aligned with their true calling.
Pluto in the 1st - Precise thinkers. Level headed warriors. Strong survivors of the life they once lived, and only they know what it is like to live a certain way and come out on top. They do not hold on to lasting behaviors that drain them, they conquer their deepest desires by hunting for the deep, darkest part of themselves and opening a doorway for that new reality to enter. Very special people when you get to know them, they never hide in the dark for long.
Saturn in the 1st - Capable of anything because their hearts beg for it. If they want it they always go for it with a strong mind.No one can stop them from enjoying the fruits of their labor because they sought after it for years on end. Mature individuals that depend on themselves more than anyone, and their beautiful souls go on an every lasting journey to find it. Smooth, charismatic individuals who are looked up to by others. Can be very sweet, when they want to be.
I hope you all enjoyed this one ! Let me know what you think in the comments !
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mcflymemes · 17 days
PROMPTS FOR ROCKSTARS, ACTORS, AND CELEBRITIES *  adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of action prompts
i just got ambushed by a horde of photographers.
think we could slip in the back without being noticed?
i don't like to draw attention to myself.
tonight's the big premiere.
i was born to be on stage.
it's too late. i'm front page news.
tonight's the biggest show of my life.
no one told me fame would be like this.
they're all shouting my name, but they don't know me. not really.
i hate saying no to fans.
so many people look up to me. i can't let them down.
i don't think i can go up there and sing tonight.
if i can help just one person, it's worth it.
let's take the private jet this weekend.
someone told the media i'd be here.
i'm wearing a disguise. don't you like it?
if we could make it out of here without being seen, that would be ideal.
don't let them get a photo of me.
how many bodyguards does one person need?
i don't know, my schedule's pretty packed enough as it is.
how did i sound? did i sound okay?
we're running late for our mic check.
i don't want to go on stage tonight.
that was the longest standing ovation i've ever seen in my life.
they're looking forward to seeing you perform.
you've earned this.
don't let the fame get to your head.
no one knows the real me.
we are now "instagram official."
the gossip websites have it all wrong.
how does it feel, dating a world-famous celebrity?
never take this job seriously.
someone spotted me last night leaving your house.
they're going to write endless articles about us.
i didn't do this for the fame.
that was the worst interview of my life.
where did they get that photo of me?
ACTIONS AND SETTINGS these are very generic on purpose so you can adapt them to whatever kind of celebrity your muse is. please adjust as necessary and specify 'reverse' if needed
[ dressing room ] sender finds receiver in their dressing room minutes before a big performance
[ red carpet ] sender and receiver make their first public appearance as a couple on the red carpet
[ thanks ] while sender wins an award, they find receiver's eyes in the crowd and thank them for their support (and make a dramatic love confession, perhaps?)
[ crowd ] while sender is on stage, performing, they lock eyes with receiver in the crowd and continue to find them throughout the performance, offering smiles and winks their way
[ sign ] sender signs something for receiver
[ selfie ] sender and receiver take a photo together
[ protect ] sender protects receiver in a sea of photographers and fans as they race to safety
[ speech ] sender gives a speech and mentions receiver
[ dedicate ] sender is about to sing a song, and dedicates it to receiver in the crowd
[ gossip ] sender and receiver find an article written about them that suggests they might be a couple, as they were seen together recently
[ fans ] sender watches receiver interact with their fans and sees how sweet and generous they are to their supporters
[ standing ovation ] sender and receiver receive a standing ovation for their performance
[ celebrate ] sender is waiting backstage for receiver and greets them with a huge hug after their achievement/performance
[ flowers ] sender brings receiver a bouquet of flowers to celebrate their latest achievement/performance
[ champagne ] sender douses receiver in a spray of champagne to celebrate their achievement/performance
[ gesture ] while in the middle of their performance, sender makes a gesture of love to receiver that only they can identify
[ photographers ] sender and receiver hide from the paparazzi as they make a pubic outing together
[ reserve ] sender reserves a public space for just them and receiver, and they get to wander the space alone without the public or photographers bothering them
[ jet set ] sender and receiver take a private jet
[ comfort ] before a big performance, sender comforts receiver and reassures them they'll be amazing
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yan-lorkai · 17 days
Hello! :) I just really love all of your works for Hellsing and an idea popped into my mind. Could you write an Alucard x darling!Reader where Integra sends them on a mission to Brazil in disguise as a newlyweds on their honeymoon? I'm just sooo obsessed with his Riocard look, I thought it would be so fun to imagine! <3
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: To be honest I get you anon. He is so handsome in his RioCard form, with his little glass full of blood and wearing that suit 🤭💕💕. @marieisaghost
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, reader is unsettled by Alucard but both of them keep flirting with one another lol, mention of killing, gn!reader
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"Lulu, you travel a lot, don't you?" You turn your face to stare at him, gorgeous smile already on his lips as soon as that little nickname left you. "What is it like in Brazil? How are the people?"
He thought about. Ancient as he was, Alucard was present to see or hear about all major events from humanity. And later on, to visit those same countries, as you two are doing now - hunting for a potentially dangerous vampire who climbed the stairs to the success, he was so important now, so powerful but Integra had her way of getting you and Alucard into one of his big parties.
After a few seconds pondering, Alucard glanced at his glass full of blood, long, dark hair hiding his eyes from you as he chuckled.
"The air smells like golden hour and the birds sing so loud, as if they wish for you to sing among them. The Brazilians are like fairies, if you will, as they can't lie but contour whatever promise they made with polite words and jokes. And the common folk are very affectionate." He sipped from his glass, little trinket of blood running down his lower lip before he could lick it. You laughed at that. "And their words sounds like a gentle song, so familiar yet so distante you can't quite remember where you have heard it."
The gentle hum of the plane's engines filled the cabin, the dim lighting casting soft shadows against the sleek leather seats. You sat beside Alucard, watching the clouds drift by through the small window. A moment goes by before you answer him.
"Quiet poetical, don't you think?" You mused, imagining the country based on his description. "Well, I'm looking forward to see it. We will be able to sightsee after the mission is done, right?"
Alucard turned his head slowly, he was still sipping from his glass, sometimes just shaking it to see the red liquid sway gently. His crimson eyes glimmered with amusement, lips curling into a slow, knowing smile. He always found your mortal, innocent optimism endearing — if not a bit naive. But he never discouraged it outright. No, he enjoyed watching you dangle the idea of freedom, without realizing he was the one holding the string.
He was the one who chose you for this role. So beautiful and all his, pretending to be his cute little spouse.
“Sightseeing?” Alucard repeated, his voice low, filled with the silky cadence you knew too well. He leaned back further into his seat, fingers steepled together as if considering your words. “That all depends. If the mission goes well and... if you behave, darling.”
You shifted uncomfortably, pretending to be preoccupied with the view outside. Sometimes Alucard took his jokes too far, the line between truth and joke unclear.
“Well, I just thought… if we’re pretending to be newlyweds, we might as well enjoy the facade a little more!” You explained your point of view, trying to sound casual. “A little sightseeing wouldn’t hurt. Husband.”
Alucard’s chuckle was soft but dark, a sound that sent a shiver down your spine. It was a beautiful sound yet terrifying in other circumstances. “Oh, you’ve been enjoying this facade more than you admit, darling” He teased, his eyes narrowing as he studied you. “Playing the role of my beloved spouse… It suits you.”
His words were laced with a possessiveness that you couldn’t ignore. You swallowed hard, your heart pounding as you tried to maintain composure under his piercing gaze. Alucard thrived on your uncertainty — on the way you balanced between curiosity and frustration in equal measures. He loved seeing you struggle. You knew that. He was an asshole like that sometimes.
“Maybe,” You replied softly, your voice barely above a whisper and your face heating up. Ultimately it was better to let him have this little win or he'll pout and throw a tantrum the entire time. “But it’s hard to keep up the act sometimes, you’re very convincing. I fear I won't be as convincing as you are.”
Alucard’s smile widened, a dark, predatory gleam flickering in his eyes. He leaned toward you, his cold fingers brushing against your cheek, tracing the line of your jaw with a delicate yet possessive touch. He seemed like he wanted to say something, a secret passing through his eyes, black long hair hiding his face like a curtain, and then he pulled back.
“Rest now, my love,” Alucard said, his voice softer as he reclined back in his seat but the command was clear. "We still have a few hours until we get there. And perhaps, I’ll indulge you with that sightseeing you’re so fond. There's so very interesting places that are open at night.”
You rolled your eyes. "Aye aye captain."
Yoou reached out, your hand sliding around his arm and tugging him toward you. His eyes widened slightly, not in surprise but in curiosity. You didn’t say a word, there was no need. All that mattered was the closeness, the warmth, even if it came from the cold embrace of a vampire. Without a word, you rested your head against his arm, and he allowed you to whatever you wanted, his lips curling into a soft smirk as he watched you for a few seconds.
The private plane had landed hours ago, and the sun now hung low on the horizon, casting the hotel room in a warm, golden glow. You stood in front of the full-length mirror, adjusting the fabric of your outfit, a carefully chosen disguise for the next phase of the mission. The luxurious suite you were in felt almost too extravagant, too different from what you were used but trying to argument with Alucard was near impossível. And he wanted to stay at the most expensive place just for the sake of it.
Greedy vampire, you thought, he wouldn't even be able to sleep. After all, he's used to sleep at morning and you, as a Hellsing soldier, is more than used to sleep in whatever you can lie on during night. Extravagance was not your style.
Behind you, Alucard moved with quiet grace, his eyes fixed on you in the mirror. He had already shed his coat, his shirt untucked slightly, looking every bit the devilish rogue he was. He stepped closer, slipping a gloved hand around your waist, guiding you as you fumbled with the buttons on your collar.
"Let me," He asked, his voice low and smooth, as he brushed your hands away and began fastening the buttons for you. His fingers worked skillfully, but his touch lingered a bit too long. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, though a small smile tugged at your lips.
"You know, I can dress myself," You teased him, raising an eyebrow at him through the mirror.
"Of course you can," Alucard replied with a smirk, not missing a beat. "But why would I miss the chance to enjoy this view?" His hands slid up to adjust the collar, his eyes flickering with amusement.
You let out a soft laugh, shaking your head. "You’re impossible, you know that?"
Alucard chuckled softly, his breath warm against your neck as he leaned in just a bit closer. "I’m many things, love. Impossible is only one of them." He finished with the last button, his hands lingering on your shoulders, fingers tracing the fabric as though he couldn’t help but touch you. You turned slightly to face him, a playful glint in your eyes.
"So husband, what's the plan?" You teased him, emphasizing the word, adjusting your sleeves as he watched you with that ever-present intensity. "Or you're just want to take care of everything alone while I stay helpless by your side, like a damsel?."
Alucard raised an eyebrow, his lips curling into a smirk. "Playing the damsel role certainly is fun but not safe. Besides it's counterproductive. I'II catch our target while you search his office for those documents."
You nodded, trying to think of ways to enter the target's office, but the warmth in Alucard's eyes made it impossible. His thumb traced small circles against your waist, and though you hated to admit it, his presence was comforting in moments like these, when the mission loomed large and the stakes were high. He knew how you soothe your worries and fears with just a few gestures.
"Focus, Alucard," You said, but your voice lacked any real conviction.
"I am focused," He replied smoothly, his lips dangerously close to yours. "Just… not on the mission right now."
You felt your heartbeat quicken, and before you could stop yourself, you leaned into him just a little, your fingers brushing the fabric of his shirt. "You’re incorrigible."
His eyes gleamed as he leaned down, his lips brushing the shell of your ear, his voice a low, teasing purr. "And you love it."
You laughed softly, shaking your head again as you turned back toward the mirror. "You’re lucky you’re helping with this mission. Otherwise, I’d leave you to flirt with yourself.
Alucard chuckled, stepping back slightly, though his hand never left your waist. "Oh, I can flirt with myself just fine. But it’s much more fun with you."
You met his gaze in the mirror, your reflection showing the playful tension between you two. Despite everything, the danger, the complexity of your relationship, moments like this felt oddly natural. Easy, even.
"Fine," you said, adjusting the last piece of your outfit and putting your weapons in their proper places. "After this mission and you taking me to sightsee, you should really take me on a date, Alucard. I wouldn't say no."
Alucard’s smirk softened into a more genuine smile as he pressed a kiss to your temple, his hand squeezing your waist lightly. "Whatever you want, darling. But until then…" His eyes sparkled mischievously. "We make quite the team, don’t we?"
You couldn’t argue with that. Despite the chaos, despite the danger, there was something undeniably magnetic about being at his side. Even if he drove you crazy half the time and acted strange sometimes.
"Yeah," You said with a sigh, a smile tugging at your lips. "We do."
The night air was crisp as you stepped out of the grand hotel, the city’s lights reflecting off the polished black limousine waiting at the curb. The distant hum of life in the city created a soft backdrop of noise, but here, in front of the sleek vehicle, everything felt quieter, more intimate. Alucard, as always, had his hand lightly resting on your lower back as he guided you toward the car.
“After you, love,” He said smoothly, his voice laced with amusement as he opened the door for you. His crimson eyes gleamed under the streetlights, and even in the dim evening, he looked effortlessly sharp in his tailored suit, dark and dangerously handsome.
You gave him a playful smirk before slipping into the limousine’s spacious interior. The leather seats were cool against your skin as you settled in, and a faint, luxurious scent lingered in the air. Alucard followed, closing the door behind him as he took the seat beside you.
As the driver began pulling away from the curb, the city lights blurred past the tinted windows, creating a dreamlike atmosphere. Alucard stretched his arm along the back of the seat, his fingers lightly brushing against your shoulder in a way that felt casual yet intentional.
“Excited?” hHe asked, his voice low and teasing as his eyes flickered to yours. “Or is it nerves I sense?”
You glanced at him, rolling your eyes slightly. “Excited isn’t the word I’d use. This is a mission, remember? Focus, Alucard.”
He chuckled, his hand sliding down to lightly squeeze your shoulder. “I’m always focused. It’s you who seems to be on edge, dragul meu.” His voice was a playful murmur, but there was that undercurrent of seriousness you knew all too well. He thrived in these high-stakes situations, while you, well, you preferred a little less danger and a little more simplicity.
You preferred a better plan, you preferred having more allies. Yet, you had to make it do with just Alucard by your side. Either way, you knew he wouldn't let you hurt yourself.
“I’m not on edge,” You retorted lightly, turning to face him fully. “I’m just thinking about the plan. We’re supposed to be subtle, blend in, gather intel. You remember the whole ‘don’t draw attention to ourselves’ part, right?”
Alucard’s lips curled into that familiar, devilish smirk. “Subtlety isn’t always the most fun, but I suppose I can behave for one night.” He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “Of course, if things get boring, I might have to… stir the pot a little.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “You’re incorrigible.”
“I prefer the term ‘charming,’” He corrected you, eyes gleaming mischievously.
The limousine cruised through the city, the lights outside glowing brighter as you approached the heart of the bustling nightlife. The party you were heading to was in one of the city’s most elite venues — a towering glass building that loomed in the distance, sparkling against the night sky. The event was exclusive, crawling with high-society types, all hiding secrets beneath their polished exteriors. You and Alucard were here to uncover one of those secrets.
As the limousine neared the grand entrance, you adjusted your clothes, making sure everything was in place. Alucard watched you with an almost predatory gleam in his eyes, though there was a softness in the way his gaze lingered.
“You look stunning,” He murmured, his voice softer now, devoid of the usual teasing edge. “They won’t know what hit them.”
You met his eyes, feeling a flutter in your chest despite yourself. “Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself.”
He smirked, leaning in just a bit closer. “Just ‘not so bad?’ I think I deserve more credit than that.”
You nudged him lightly with your elbow. “Let’s just get through this without any chaos, alright? Then I’ll give you all the credit you want.”
The limousine came to a smooth stop in front of the towering venue, the driver stepping out to open the door for you both. Alucard was out first, offering his hand to help you out, his grip firm but gentle. As you stepped out onto the red carpet, the flashes of cameras and the murmurs of the crowd were already starting.
He pulled you close, his arm slipping around your waist as you both made your way toward the entrance. You could feel the weight of his presence beside you, commanding and magnetic.
“We’ll be the perfect couple tonight,” Alucard whispered into your ear as you ascended the stairs, his breath warm against your skin. “Just follow my lead.”
You glanced up at him, your lips curving into a small smile. “I’m used to that by now.”
With that, you both stepped through the grand doors into the glittering party, where the real game was about to begin.
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cuubism · 11 months
a very silly story for you. johanna, dreamling's weird baby, and an accidental kidnapping (and subsequent rescue)
Johanna’s seen a lot of weird shit in her time. It comes with the territory. Magical shit also tends to be horrible shit which also tends to be weird shit. But even she is finding herself flummoxed by this one.
She’d broken into this flat prepared to perform an exorcism. Amateur occultist, planning to summon a demon? That’s what she’d heard, and yeah, that wasn’t going to go well. And it hadn’t—the guy was on fire when she arrived, so on fire that there was no way she could put it out or help him, though she had throne a blanket over him in a meager attempt. It was too late, though. He was charcoal in seconds.
That, while horrible, wasn’t even the weird part. The weird part was that there wasn’t even a demon, but there was a baby.
Sitting in the middle of the room, in a bird cage.
Johanna stares at it now, barely noticing the acrid smoke she’s still breathing in. Why the actual fuck is there a baby in a birdcage?
It doesn’t seem to be hurt at all. It’s just sitting there on a blanket at the bottom of the cage, clutching a little cat stuffed toy in its chubby fingers. But it’s in a birdcage. A bird cage.
Johanna goes to open the cage, of course she does—
And the moment she touches the latch she jumps back, shaking out her hand from the spark. Holy hell, that thing is warded to high heaven. That cage could probably keep a demon contained. Why is a baby warded like that? It’s just a human—
It looks like a human baby.
Johanna circles the cage, more wary now. She should know better, should know that an occultist like that wouldn’t be carrying around a regular baby in a cage. Even if you’re a real sicko, you don’t need a cage to keep hold of a baby. It can’t even walk.
So it’s not a regular baby. Sure looks like one, though. Makes the hair on the back of her neck stand up, that does.
As Johanna looks more closely at the wards, the baby watches her with wide eyes, sucking on its thumb. It’s actually pretty cute. It’s even wearing a star-print onesie. The wards are hardcore, though. Nothing’s getting in, and certainly nothing is getting out.
“Either you’re some fucked up thing disguised as a baby,” she muses out loud, “or you’re an actual little baby fucked up thing, which means your fucked up nightmare mummy is going to come looking for you.”
The baby blurbles in agreement.
Either way, she can’t exactly take it to the authorities. Which means she’s going to have to take the baby home, at least for now.
“Fuck me,” Johanna says, and picks up the cage.
The baby is silent on the drive home—buckled awkwardly into the back seat of the car—and remains so as Johanna puts the cage down on the floor of her living room. It watches her with big eyes, sucking its thumb. It doesn’t seem particularly afraid, though Johanna can’t imagine being in a cage is very pleasant, even for a baby that probably doesn’t understand what’s going on anyway.
Or who knows, maybe it does. Jo doesn’t really know much about babies’ development trajectories.
“Right,” she says, looking at it with hands on her hips. “I’m not really looking to become a mum, so we’ll have to get you out of there and back where you belong. Fuck if I know where that is.”
The baby makes a gurgling sound that could be agreement or just gassiness.
Johanna gets out some chalk and starts to draw a containment array around the cage. “Sorry about this, little chap,” she says, “but I still don’t know what you are. Better safe than sorry, eh?”
The baby is silent, watching her.
Johanna finishes the containment circle, binding it off with a final rune. It’s not so mean of a ward as the cage had. Just enough to keep the baby from exploding with power once she does break the cage open. If that’s something it can even do.
She studies the ward. “Think I can pick this lock,” she says to herself. “Take me a sec, though. Don’t suppose you want a beer while you wait?” This to the baby. “I haven’t got any formula. Or are you old enough for baby food?”
The baby just sucks on its thumb. It really does seem quite sweet. Shame about secretly being a monstrosity in a cage, and all.
Johanna works on the ward, occasionally chatting out loud to the baby. It doesn’t reply, obviously, but it listens. Johanna is feeling more invested in getting it back to its parents the longer she sits with it. Even if it is some gross creature, it doesn’t deserve to be in a birdcage. It’s just a baby.
“Good trick we met each other, my friend,” she says as she finally unravels the last bit of the warding. “Doubt that guy had good plans for his captured baby.”
She clicks open the ward.
As soon as she does, the formerly placid baby starts screaming. And Johanna realizes that part of the ward’s function had been to stop it from crying for help.
“Mama!” the baby wails, tears pooling in its eyes, little fists scrunched tight around its plushy’s legs. “MammaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!”
Its voice warbles outside the normal sound range and straight into her brain, ringing like a bell. She covers her ears, but it doesn’t help. Great, now the thing’s mother is going to show up and eat her. This is what she gets for trying not to be a total asshole for once. Should’ve opened the cage in the street and fled.
“Shhhhhh,” she tries to soothe the baby, “it’s okay—” But it’s too late. And Johanna isn’t a very soothing person anyway. It probably wouldn’t have worked, even if the room hadn’t been plunged into sudden darkness.
Johanna stumbles back, though she can see nothing. Thunder and static ripple through the air, cold wind tangles her hair. Jo claps her hands over her ears as the air pressure increases and increases and—
The baby squeals, and it sounds happy now, rather than afraid. “Mama!!”
A voice scraped from the utter depths of mental torment booms through her flat.
C  O  N  S  T  A  N  T  I  N  E
Ah, fuck.
“Morpheus,” she tries, because she does recognize that voice, unfortunately, “listen—”
A wall of sand knocks her backwards.
As it does, some light returns to the flat, and she can see Morpheus, looking markedly less pathetic than when she’d last encountered him, standing in the center of the living room, looking down at the baby. His eyes flash with otherworldly light. His sand rushes around him, scrapes through the binding circle she’d drawn like it’s nothing but chalk, dissolves the birdcage to nothing, plays with the baby’s curls and pools in the crevices of its onesie. Meanwhile, it flattens Johanna against the wall, wraps in winding strands of wind around her chest and squeezes.
The baby reaches for Morpheus, who kneels and picks it up. He says something to the baby, the words low and solemn but inaudible over the rushing sand, then holds it close to his chest.
Then his gaze turns to Johanna.He looks murderous. Johanna had thought he’d been pissed off about his sand. She hadn’t seen even a tenth of it.
“I guess you’re mama?” she says, past the sand squeezing around her chest. This really is just the kind of stupid thing that would happen to her.
Morpheus’s eyes are like black holes in his pale face. “Constantine,” he growls, with much of the same danger as before, though at lower volume. “I thought we had parted on neutral terms. More fool I. What grudge do you still hold against me?” The sand squeezes her tighter. “Speak quickly, for your time is limited.”
“There’s no grudge, I have nothing to—”
“Ransom, then?” says Morpheus, seeming, if possible, more angry. “You would compel favors from me by threatening a child?” He clutches the baby to his chest. It’s started chewing on the lapel of his coat. The whole picture would be kind of hilariously adorable if she weren’t on the verge of being torn apart by nightmares.
“I’m not responsible for this!” Johanna insists. “Consult your stalker encyclopedia of all minds if you have to. You really think I’m going around kidnapping infants?”
“I think,” says Morpheus, each syllable a new threat, “that you must explain why you had my daughter in a cage. NOW. And count yourself fortunate I have granted you the mercy of an explanation.”
“I literally just found her!” Johanna says. Doesn’t she deserve even a little bit of good faith? She did help with the sand and all. Morpheus’s eyes narrow as if he does not believe her. “Look. Caught wind of this amateur guy messing around with occult stuff. Thought he’d summoned a demon so I went to exorcise it. Found this baby instead.”
“And what of this man?” says Morpheus in a tone that suggests exactly what will soon become of him.
“He was practically dead by the time I got there. Burned alive.” She shudders. She still hasn’t figured out exactly what was going on there, if he’d meant to summon Morpheus’s baby in the first place—ill-advised choice, that—or if it was a spell gone wrong. “‘Fraid you’re too late to torment him.”
“Hmm,” rumbles Morpheus, with evident displeasure, but the sand finally releases Johanna and she sways, standing on her own feet again. Morpheus doesn’t apologize for throwing her against the wall. “You will show me where you found her.”
“Sure, mate,” Johanna says, sucking in a wheezing breath. “Might want to get your baby home first, though.”
Morpheus doesn’t get a chance to respond. Behind Johanna, the front door bursts open— bursts off its fucking hinges, goddammit, now she’ll have to get that fixed— and a man runs through. A very ordinary man, except that he’s carrying a sword. An actual, medieval-looking sword. And in a way that suggests he knows how to use it, too.
He looks almost as murderous as Morpheus, except that no one can quite match Morpheus’s shadows-and-cataclysm level of murder. Evidently, Johanna found the most radioactive baby in all the occult world. But at least it has people that care about it. That’s nice, she supposes.
As soon as he sees Morpheus with the baby across the room, he relaxes, sheathing the sword in a scabbard strapped to his back. “Ah, love. You found her.”
“Dadaaaaaa!!!!” yells the baby with its piercing voice, reaching for him. And the man smiles, striding past Johanna and taking the baby from Morpheus, leaning in to kiss Morpheus on the cheek as he does.
“Hob,” says Morpheus, with a little smile that finally breaks his stormy countenance. “Yes. She called for me when she was able.”
“Good lass,” says Hob, kissing the baby on the forehead, then looks warily at Johanna.
“Ms. Constantine is not responsible,” says Morpheus, and ‘Hob’—his partner? Coparent? Johanna’s not sure she even wants to know—relaxes further.
“Great. Glad we’ve established that. How the hell did you find my flat.” This she demands of Hob.
Hob reaches into the back of the baby’s onesie and plucks a small disc off the collar; he shows it to her with a little wave, then slips it in his pocket.
“Is that an AirTag?”
“We aren’t all plugged into the whole collective unconscious.” He taps the baby on the nose fondly, and she giggles, grabbing at his finger. “And you’re Dada’s little flight risk, aren’t you?”
Johanna sighs, finally flopping down on the couch now that it seems she’s unlikely to get swept away to nightmare-land. She definitely needs a beer after this. “You have a baby?” she says to Morpheus.
“Evidently,” he says flatly. So much for getting answers on that.
“Have we gone after the person who was responsible?” asks Hob. Johanna thinks he means it to come out mildly but it doesn’t, really.
“Already got set on fire, mate,” Jo tells him. “Found him like that.”
“Set on fire?” says Hob with a frown. “Was the rest of the room on fire?”
As a matter of fact, it wasn’t. Which is strange.
Silently, she shakes her head, and Hob turns back to the baby. Now he’s grinning. “Did the bad man wish for power?” he says, in a baby-talk voice, bouncing the baby in his arms. “Did he? And did my little Sparkle take that literally and turn him into a lightbulb?” As a conspiratorial aside to Johanna, he says, “She loves electricity.”
“Sparkle?” she says. “She’s a baby, not a My Little Pony.”
“That is a nickname,” says Morpheus, with a sideways glance at Hob that suggests he finds it questionable at best. “She is Wish.” He says this in the same way he might say I am Dream, rather than my name is Dream.
A moment later, Johanna learns where the nickname came from, as Wish giggles and taps at Hob’s face, sparks dancing around her fingertips. Sparkle. Jesus.
“She does not yet have a firm grasp on her abilities,” says Morpheus.
Wish. Half-Endless baby. Kidnapper set on fire. Jo thinks she gets it now. She shivers.
“You have sworn to show me where you found her,” Morpheus reminds her. Sworn. Does he have to be so dramatic?
Jo sighs, but heaves herself up from the couch. “Yep. Alright. So long as you promise to keep better track of that monkey’s paw baby of yours.”
Morpheus bristles, but Hob just chuckles. “This is the easy part. Wait ’til she gets better at flying.”
He doesn’t appear to be joking. “Don’t envy you,” Johanna says. Then grudgingly admits, “She is cute, though.”
Hob beams.
Morpheus is still fixated on her. Johanna can read the demand without him having to voice it. “What, you’re gonna bring the baby along on the revenge mission?” she asks.
They both just look at her. Neither moves to take Wish home.
“Figures,” Johanna says, with a sigh. This is what she gets for not choosing a more normal profession. She opens the front door and gestures them on. “Fine, then. Let’s go.”
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amourcheol · 1 year
angel (or devil)
❝Because the devil, too, was once an angel.❞
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one night stand! au | smut | 4.2k words
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s u m m a r y : when your friends drag you to a nightclub, all you want to do is run away. that is when a boy with light, silvery curls and a hypnotic smile offers an escape, and you think you have found your angel in disguise. his intentions with you, though, are anything but saintly.
c o n t e n t : this is literally just filth nothing else, seungcheol has silver hair, he is in that exact fuck ass white outfit from that concert (you know which one), too many angel and devil references, seungcheol is an arrogant ass, reader is low-key a brat, dirty talk galore, fingering, orgasm denial, unprotected sex (don’t be stupid like these mfs), lowkey choking kink, eventual orgasming, cheol has a big cock (everybody act surprised)
p l a y l i s t : angel by the weeknd || acquainted by the weeknd
a u t h o r ‘ s  n o t e : i wrote this in one sitting my god this is so unedited.... thank u to alice for believing i could write pwp thank u to the weeknd for his horny ass songs and fuck you 230709 cheol this is what you’ve made me... i literally have no words.... so sleep deprived... anyway pls do enjoy the horny musings and thank u for reading </3
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You had always considered it religious fanatics, glorified myths to lure the naive populations to believe in things that would harm them in the future. The idea of angels to you was sweet, but unsatisfactory, a religious relic that should have stayed in history. 
Angels were a myth long dismissed until you saw the boy with the silver curls.
It was meant to be a forgettable night. You were dragged by your friends to some downtown club, urging you to get out of your apartment for once in your life. Never did you think you would find anything worth entertaining you as you scanned your surroundings, your friends already occupying themselves with the bar, leaving you at the seats next to all the dancing.
You distinctly remember trying to plan your escape route when you saw him.
Leaning along the bar surface, club lights flashing all over him and his friends’ bodies—but you did not care about his friends, because he was there, solitary in your eyes, as if he appeared out of the pages of a religious text. The darkness of the vast room could not devour the white attire he had donned; a simple white shirt was tucked into trousers of the same colour, the fabric tightening upon his chest with every shift of his shoulders. His cream-coloured boots tapped against the thundering beat of the music, chuckling at some distant joke his friends were reciting. 
You blinked back, not quite sure whether what you were witnessing was fatal attraction or the consequences of too much drink. Because you only had one cocktail, you knew your eyes were not deceiving you.
But then his gaze slid to you, catching you red-handed.
His lips morphed into a smirk, and maybe you were dreaming. 
Your dream was confirmed to be a full truth when he whispered something to his friends, and began walking over to you, a bottle in hand.
Had the club not been so loud, you were certain he would have heard your heart beating out of your chest. “You really need to work on your checking out skills,” was the first thing he ever said to you, and you blamed the heat of too many people when your cheeks burned.
You could not help it—angels were meant to be too beautiful not to stare.
“Are you gonna tell me your name, or are you only gonna acknowledge me when I’m halfway across the club?”
The angel seemed to have a mouth on him. Just your luck. “How about you tell me yours first?” you asked, sipping your cocktail.
A click of his tongue. “You’re the one who stared.”
A narrow of your eyes. “You’re the one who came.”
The boy snorted, running his hands through his hair—you wondered what they would feel like underneath your fingertips. “Seungcheol,” he then said, settling down next to you. 
“Seungcheol,” you repeated, trying out the syllables on your tongue. So the angel had a pretty name.
He raised a groomed brow at you. “This is when you tell me yours.”
Another sip of your cocktail. “Never said I would.”
This time he chuckled, a sound that resided nicely in your ears. “I guess I’ll have to be happy enough with you ogling at me from afar.”
“I was not!” you lied shamelessly.
“You were.”
“I wasn’t!”
But he knew you were lying because he pinned an incredulous stare upon you, laced with something undecipherable. “You were, sweetheart.”
Fuck. As you took the last sip of your drink, you said, “_____.”
The victorious grin he offered you had your stomach fluttering. “There we go.”
It was at that particular moment, when you both stared at each other a little too long, that this smart-ass, angel-like boy would be your escape. 
Of course, he did not possess wings, but he replaced the skill of flight with the skill of flirtation, which was working too well on you. By the next hour the two of you were joined at the hip, your friends forgotten as the two of you took your conversations to the dance floor. 
If his art of conversation was not already exquisite, the way his body moved along to the music was something else entirely. The people around you noticed the clear attraction, simpering off the two of you, more so when this Seungcheol’s hands skirted along your figure, resting upon your hips as he led you to the heavy beat. You found yourself welcoming his touches, a notion you found absolutely shocking, seeing as this was the first time you had seen him. 
As the night began to age, the two of you became all the more courageous with your casual touches. He was handsome, there was no doubt about it. You wondered whether he felt the same when he confirmed your suspicions with whispers in your ear. 
“You’re too beautiful to keep you in the club lights,” he said to you that night, a hand on your back as he walked with you to the entrance. “Let me take you somewhere else.”
“And where would that somewhere be?” you asked him, hoping he would answer what you had in mind.
“How does my apartment sound?” 
He truly was an angel—just a horny one at that.
How fortunate that you shared his sentiments.
“That sounds perfect.”
The smile that morphed his cherry lips had your insides singing, as he took your hand in his and led you out of the club.
The journey to his car was only a few minutes, but the way back to his place felt like forever—there was an unspoken arrangement now, the two of you acutely aware of what was going to happen. It made you lock and unlock your hands in your lap; for Seungcheol, it had him drumming his fingers against the car wheel, bouncing his leg in anticipation.
But then his complex was in view, and you could barely keep your head from spiralling as he parked his car, almost flying out of his seat. The tension had been built up to an uncomfortable extent, neither one making the first move until his home was in reach.
The moment he spotted his apartment, though, his greed took the reins of his entire body.
Grabbing hold of your waist, he pushed you against the door, relishing the way your eyes widened at the sudden impact. 
When you noticed his fingers begin to wander, you got out, heart in your throat, “What happened to going inside?”
He leaned in, and his lips brushed against your cheeks, finding solace in your ear. “Do you want to wait that long, sweetheart?” 
His breath on your skin could have set you on fire. You tried to speak, but your delays only had him insisting, “Answer me.”
One more graze of his mouth against your jaw, and you had had enough. 
“I can’t wait anymore.”
Pulling away, but only enough to look you in the eye, the curve of his mouth had your nerves in a frenzy.
“Didn’t think so.”
And with that, he swooped in, colliding his lips against yours. 
Instantly, like second nature you melted into him, wrapping your arms around him as he kissed you like a boy parched, your lips being his only source of sustenance. Harmoniously your lips moved together, no doubt aching to be connected the moment you both saw each other at that nightclub. His one hand like iron upon your waist, the other travelled to your jaw, holding your face in his fingers. 
Angling your face, he deepened the kiss, boosting the pleasure for you, and he revelled in your hums against him, desire radiating off your urgent hands gripping onto his tight white shirt. You were so compliant, so good for him, even as he broke the seam of your lips with his tongue, an invitation for more. 
How could you refuse an angel when he offered gifts?
You opened your mouth, and his tongue slithered inside, warm against your own. You swirled it with his, and his panting had you becoming more urgent, fisting the fabric of his shirt, snuffing out any distance that should keep you from him.
You needed him here—you needed him now.
“Seungche—” you tried, breaking away from his mouth, a sacrifice you had to make to reap a greater reward, but then his mouth planted on the corner of your lips. He trailed down, pressing open-mouthed kisses upon your throat, and a soft whine escaped you—at this rate, your fists were going to rip his shirt off.
The very thought had your insides chanting in excitement.
“Seungcheol—!” you rasped out when he took a liking to a particular spot between your neck and shoulder. “Wait, we need to go inside—!”
He mumbled against your skin, teeth grazing upon your collarbone. With great strength he released you from his hold, but only for a minute as his hands scrambled in his back pocket for the keys. 
Fishing them out, the dolt nearly dropped them, but how could he help himself? Could he be stable now, when all his thoughts were rooted around you—your spit-slick lips, your fingers on his shirt, your eyes darting between his shaking hands, and his ravenous gaze?
He jabbed the keys inside the lock, twisting and turning till the door unlocked, and he thanked every deity in the universe when the door flipped open. Wasting no more time, his hands caged you again, and this moment, when he swooped down to capture your lips again, he was having no more distractions. 
You stumbled back against him, his boot kicking the door shut as he pinned you against the wall of the hallway, the lights automatically sparking to life in your presence. His mouth was upon you once more, snatching the very breath from you as his hands crept to the buttons of your skirt. 
As his mouth distracted you, eliciting the sweetest whimpers from your throat, he unravelled each button—one soft tug, and the useless garment fell to the floor. He broke away from you, catching the sight of your black underwear, laced at the edges, and he was sure he was going to lose his mind. 
A shuddered fuck escaped his glistening mouth as his palm slid down the lace, your eyes widening when he found the fabric wet beneath his fingertips. His curse was louder this time.
You watched him ogle at your soaked panties, heartbeat pumping in your ears from the sheer sensation.
You wondered whether the angel you had met in the club was truly as saintly as you had imagined.
When Seungcheol began to move his fingers upon the dripping fabric, you knew you had made up your mind. 
A string of groans slipped out from you as he sensed your clit underneath, a phantom smile parting his mouth. “You like that?” he asked you, sweet as an angel, sweet as heaven when his fingers were doing the devil’s work. When you nodded hurriedly at him, shuddering out your breathing, he tutted at you, fingers slowing. “No, no, baby, I need you to say it.”
“Y-yeah, yes,” you could only get out, the only words in the English language that you could comprehend because then his pace increased, and you shut yourself up completely, hanging onto his shoulders. “Feels s-so good.”
“Hmm…” He circled your bundle of nerves, you tensing with each perfect movement—your hips constricted against his touch, feeling your release on its way should he continue. He fastened his slender fingers, and your legs nearly buckled as that impending feeling crept closer, threatening to crumble around him.
He could feel it coming, you supposed, with the way your eyes dazed out, mouth going slack. “You’re close, are you?” he got out, his free hand pinning your enthusiastic hips to the wall. “God, so excited to cum on my fingers?”
You tried to answer him with good, sane, words, because that’s how you reply to a boy when he asks you a question—but this was no man, and these were not good, sane words he offered you. From his baritone you could tell he was taunting you, something you should have known the moment you had your first conversation with him.
His torment only brought you closer to your ruination.
“Answer me, sweetheart,” he whispered to you, voice grating. “Do you want to cum or not?”
But your mind was a fog, and the only clear thing in sight was his fingers, moving so fast, so perfectly around your clothed clit that you could not respond to his fated question. You could only whimper out unintelligible words, voice heightening to the clouds. 
That did not suit him at all.
“Is that how you wanna play this?” he muttered as he leaned into you, his harsh, uneven breath fanning your ear. “Just wanna do whatever you want?”
God, you were so fucking close. You could almost taste it, sense the mind-fuck that was about to crash—
You could have screamed the lights off when you felt him repel his fingers. 
Your mouth gaped open, legs shaking as it awaited your orgasm, only for the feeling to slowly fade, as if the boy had never even touched you. “Wh-what the…” Now, with your senses enlivening, you could deign to speak—or rather curse his existence. “What the fuck?!”
“Oh, so you can talk now?” He rubbed his fingers with his thumb, eyeing the wetness that glistened.
You would have glared at him if the sight of him playing with your arousal did not send a bonfire alight in your core. So you only watched him and the pads of his fingers, rasping out, “You can shut me up again…if that’s what you want.”
The way Seungcheol’s gaze burned could have had you collapsing to the floor. “Fuck,” he could only say to that, his hands upon your sides again. They played at the hem of your shirt, tugging it upwards. “You shouldn’t say things like that to me.”
“Why?” you asked him, barely a whisper, slowly raising your hands.
When he began to pull your shirt upwards, you let him take it off, sending it on the floor. The matching bra, laced to perfection, had him almost speechless. His hands found solace at your sides, just underneath the strap. “Because I won’t be able to stop myself.”
Instinctively your tongue slid along your bottom lip, feeling the slight swell, courtesy of his truly. “Did I…did I tell you to stop?”
He parted his mouth. 
Oh, he was going to ruin you tonight. 
If you had any clinging ideas of his angelic qualities, they were completely snuffed out from this point onwards. 
He kissed you with a bone-crushing intensity, hands trailing down your thighs as he lifted you up. He did not give you a moment of surprise, drowning out your yelps with the harsh movements of his lips as he led you to the bedroom, a journey he had memorised with his eyes closed. 
He kicked his boots off as he laid you down on the bed, you watching as he took his shirt off, his silver chain resting along his collarbone. You were shameless as you admired his physique, muscles rippling off his tight abdomen, trailing down to the real treasure, cut off from the band of his white jeans. His silver hair glittered in the lamplight of his room, you not caring about the details when the boy who inhabited it had his eyes on you.
His stare had goosebumps rippling all over your skin. When he noticed, a smirk rose upon his dark, cherry mouth. That smirk remained as, with his stare pinned on you, he unbuttoned his trousers, peeling it off his legs, and the thighs that were exposed could have struck you dumb. You had half a mind to merely focus on them alone, but when your gaze short-circuited on his Calvins, the package that welcomed you had your mouth watering.
Your blatant staring had a low chuckle brushing from his lips. “Done checking me out?” he teased, stepping closer as he entered the bed, climbing atop you. His chain dangled just above you, his fingers finding their familiar dwelling along your hips. “Looking at my cock would be enough, wouldn’t it?”
You decided to be brave. “Not anymore,” you said, your hand reaching the waistband of his underwear. “I need…need your cock inside me.”
“God,” he voiced out, finger hooking upon the straps of your panties. “Such a pretty face, but such a dirty mouth.” He brought the strap down, you then easing them off. The sight of your cunt in front of him had his eyes going heavy-lidded. “And such a…fuck.”
“Your turn,” you murmured, tugging down at his boxers. His cock sprang free in result, and your eyes nearly bugged out of your sockets. 
His laugh was a seductive melody in your ears. “Don’t hate me later when I turn cocky.”
“Let’s see if you know how to use it,” you bit back, hips aching to lift themselves up.
The carnal look on his face could have made you cum right there and then. With ease he spread your legs apart, one hand on his cock as he directed the head between your folds. He was the biggest fucking asshole, teasing you as he carressed the edges of your cunt, panted breaths leaving you with every phantom touch.
“Hurry up,” you seethed out, aching to buck your hips upward had his other hand not pinned you down. 
“So needy for me, already?” he jeered, sliding his cock ever so slightly within you. The seam of your lips broke open at the sensation, barely in but already beginning to stretch you out. “What’re you gonna do when I’m fully inside you?”
“P-probably nothing,” you gasped out, needing to push him to the limit—a comment like this, and he was sure to pound you into the bed. 
You thanked the deity that made Seungcheol when his eyes darkened.
“Nothing, huh?”
With one last tease of his head, he decided to prove you wrong.
He slid his cock past your folds, and you had to dig your nails into his shoulders to not shatter beneath him. Fuck, he was so big, it should have been impossible for you to accept a challenge as substantial as he possessed. Thankfully, he was still languid in his journey, slowly easing it in to help you adjust. He seethed through his teeth at the semblance of your cunt, pulsating around him, delighting at the way your brows knitted together at the sensation.
Once he bottomed out in you, he looked at you, waiting for your approval to continue. 
You nodded, but decided to vocalise it. “I-I’m good,” you whispered, holding onto him. “Just…don’t stop, okay?”
The devilish quirk of his lips, silver hair curling over his beautiful features, had you unable to breathe.
“Great minds, sweetheart.”
With that, glancing at where he connected into you, he began to pull out. 
Although he was slow, languid, gentle in the beginning, the mere action of his cock sliding out brought unspeakable amounts of pleasure radiating off your skin. There were many you had spent nights with, who, even when they were finishing off within you, could not bring you even an atom of satisfaction. This boy before you, over you, with one simple action, had driven you to the barriers of your sanity. 
One more push, and you would be thrown into the abyss of madness. 
The ring on his pinky was warmer against your skin, skimming past your hips as his head welcomed back the edges of your cunt, Seungcheol razor-focused on his movements. With every glance towards you, though, he seemed to lose his sharp edge, jaw slacking at the way your whines tumbled off your tongue, unable to restrain them. To bring you to that state, where you could not even control yourself…
The man, too, indulged himself when he slipped his cock back into you again.
He was a little faster this time, but you could have praised him till eternity for the change of pace as you arched your back against him. His hands began to wander, fingers sliding beneath your arch to unclip your bra, tossing it to the floor. He hummed in ecstasy at the sight of your breasts, and he wasted no time pressing his lips against your nipple. The swirl of his tongue along the peak had you mewling, carding your hands through his silver locks, pulling every so slightly with every sloppy touch of his mouth.
Soon, though, he quickened his pace, feeling his heartbeat thrumming in his ears, his throat as he relished the sounds that came from your mouth, louder with his every thrust into you. God, he did not know what specifically it was about you, but never before had he tasted the lust that resided in the room, satisfied himself in the heightened moans that elicited from you.
He watched you, desire curling in his hands as they slithered up your chest, fingers resting on your neck. “So loud, now, huh?” he taunted, his chain rocking back and forth with his movements. “Said you were gonna do nothing…look at you now.”
You could have whined out your tears with his torment, but the blood pumping at your core exposed another tale entirely. You could only answer with your panting, louder the more pressure between your hips grew. 
“Not gonna…ah, answer me are you?” His fingers curled around your neck. “Just gonna pant at me?”
Because you were in the same situation before, when his hands were doing the work, you did not answer him, only offering him trembling breaths. When his fingers exerted a little pressure on you, you felt that very oxygen decrease, panting muting out to shivering, choked exhales. 
Watching you breathless beneath him had him nearly cumming inside of you. 
But because he was not that selfish, he only indulged in his fantasy for a couple of moments, dipping into the waters of his experiment—apparently, with the way you grinned lazily at him, it seemed a success.
A note for later. 
He replaced his hands with his mouth, pressing open-mouthed kisses upon your throat for penance as he slammed his cock into you once more. He devoured your moans with his tongue, opening your mouth completely because he could not have enough of your lips, could not indulge enough in rendering you at his mercy.
Tasting your blubbering, he could tell you were nearing your orgasm. “Close, now?” he murmured upon your mouth, and you nodded hurriedly against him, feeling your spit-slick lips graze up and down his own. He smiled.
This time, he was completely, carnally relentless.
His cock worked overtime, moving at lightning speed inside of you. His fingers brought in an earlier prospect, circling your clit, uncovered before him now, and the pleasure you received from so many ends had you relinquishing all sanity. Forget the edges of madness—you were engulfed in lust-stricken hysteria, encouraged by Seungcheol’s antics. 
You were in another world, drifting from normality, his every thrusting driving you further away from everything you were familiar with. You thought that maybe people could die from pleasure, and that it was not such a terrible way to go out, if it meant you could savour the sensation forever.
But of course, these joys never do last forever, even if the one who offered such ecstasy would have laboured forever for you. You, however, had your weaknesses, which came in the form of your blood pumping, so loud in your ears you thought they would explode. 
With one last circle of his fingers against your clit, and you were completely undone.
Your orgasm had you crying out, legs shaking uncontrollably as your walls pulsated around him, gripping onto him so hard you knew his shoulders would bruise. The apparent asshole was extremely gentle as he slowed his ministrations, his own restraint about to snap. With a violent curse he slipped out of you, spilling himself onto the sheets. Some of his release had landed on you, but he did not notice, collapsing beside your recovering figure. 
With the commotion the two of you created, the silence was deeply felt, the only sound now being the harsh breathing you both shared. You stared at the ceiling, a white darker than his hair, blinking back at the events that had occurred since you saw him.
You put your hand on your heart. It still beat a mile a minute.
You had to give it to yourself—that may have been the best fuck you ever had. 
Turning to face the boy who was responsible for it, he too, followed your actions, silver locks matted upon his forehead, sheen with sweat. 
As his heavy-lidded eyes rested on you, he offered a lazy smile—no, a languid smirk. 
As if he knew that he was the best you ever had.
You could have scoffed.
How you thought this boy was an angel was beyond you.
Because as the two of you stared each other down, uncovering one mystery after another, you knew that this was no guardian of the heavens.
No, because tonight, you had most likely slept with the devil.
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