#your sp art got me back into the fandom! and tumblr!
runtwithwolves · 1 year
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quick art of @emilyartstudio-s GORGEOUS BABY DURI ((i love him))
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sparkles-and-trash · 6 years
4K followers celebration shoutouts <3
I know most of you are probably waiting for the next part of the AU, but I really, really want to do this, and I’ve meant to ever since I hit 4K on... Friday, I think, and since I don’t do any art or stuff that’s adaptable to give away as a price, I decided that this was a nice way to mark off this little miracle! 
 So, here are an assortment of my favorites on Tumblr, from my friends, mutuals and biggest supporters, to the people I’ve been a fan of for years, to people I just generally think are amazing! 
There is a lot of them tho, so they’re under the cut, but please, take the time to check these guys out. You won’t regret it. 
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So, starting this with anyone but Limes would just be ridiculous, as Caroline is singlehandedly the person who got me to actually get my shit together and make a Tumblr account. 
I found her when someone posted her Hey! Arnold art on Imgur, but left the signature and BOOM, I was hooked. 
Then she got me into Gravity Falls, she made me re-watch KND and Teen Titans, and she will forever remain a huge inspiration to me, both as an artist and as a human. 
The first time I DM’d her I literally felt like I was talking to a childhood hero and I was so ridiculously nervous, and she was, and is, such a kind and funny person, so easy to talk to, and sometimes I see her on my snapchat contacts and have to pinch my arm lol. 
Thanks for being you Limes, I love you forever <3 
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Ahh fucc I’m not gonna be too emotional here, but Pugs is the first person I feel like went from a mutual to an actual friend, you know? 
I found her when I was in the middle of my Bob’s Burgers obsession some time last year, and I stumbled over her amazeballs dark!AU, and that inspired me to start making both AU’s and the short stories with aesthetics boards, which is pretty much all I do now so??
When I decided to make the Bob’s AU she was on board from the first second, and she continues to support me, help me with writing and ideas, and is generally a fun, supportive and all around great friend! 
She still does amazing AU’s for everything from Bob’s Burgers to South Park to German Musicals, and you’re legit missing out if you’re not following her, I promise! 
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Ah, Lea, the little sibling I never had, who writes like an angel but is too insecure to share it, brutally honest, loyal as holy hell and just in general one of the best people I’ve met on this site. I could go on for hours about you, L, but I hope and think you know how much I love you, and I’m just... Yeah.
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When I fell back into the holy hell that is the South Park fandom just before Christmas, I never imagined to find so many wonderful friends in this fiery pit of hell (that I love), and Tea is probably the best friend I’ve taken away from this fandom. 
Her art is, as any of you guys in SP fandom should know, amazing, original and hella creative, her fantasy AU is so inspiring and entertaining, and not to mention, she drew the piece of art that is my icon. Also, she’s like the one person who’s Bunny content I still adore, and I’m so hella grateful for that!
Also, I had never imagined to find someone that appreciates both South Park and Barbie; Life in the Dreamhouse as much as I do, but dang Tea, here you are, and I’m so extremely grateful for that <3 
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baby, your blog is mostly posts reblogged from me or the Bob Belcher blog but you’re my absolute favorite person in the entire world and you deserve a place on here, if not only for the way that you so graciously deals with my rise to internet fame. 
Fuck you for going to the literal other side of the world for six months tho, fuck you. 
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Jordan, my dearest, like Lea I hope you know how much of an impact you’ve had on my life, and how much I love and appreciate you ever single day. One day the bitches who hurt you will get what they deserve, if so I have to see to that myself. 
I love you<3
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Another one of the most talented artists in the South Park fandom, and such a kind, interesting and inspiring person to follow. Also, the second person I ever commissioned, and I love my Stenny piece to, well, pieces? 
She’s still saving up for a new tablet after her old one broke, so if you like her stuff PLEASE considering a commission or Ko-Fi, you won’t regret it, I promise!
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The last person on this list is another amazing South Park artist, like, ridiculously so, but also an extremely talented AU maker, and very, very nice person to get to know! 
Like, I recently started talking to her, but I already value her so much, both her art, her opinions and her general support, and I really, REALLY hope ya’ll are already following both her main, and her Creek ask blog, but if not... well, freaking do it! 
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murfeelee · 6 years
CC Creators Questions
I saw this on my dash and got so excited -- a questionnaire for CC makers! :D
1. What was the hardest project you’ve worked on so far?
Y’all have no bloody clue how many unfinished projects I have given up on, and how much time I spend/waste on CC I never even finish. I often have no idea what I’m doing, and once I reach a certain point where the effing thing just won’t come out right, and I don’t know who to ask for help, or I do and never get a response, I just lose total willpower to keep going.
2. How long have you been creating cc?
2010-ish -- that’s when I first started uploading to TSR at least, ider. Early on it was just simple wall art (an effton of murals) but I kept reading the tutorials at BPS & MTS & TSR, and once I figured that out I started trying out rather craptastic conversions that are still up for DL, if y’all wanna point and laugh at me. :P Effing sad. Some of it turned out pretty okay though, IMO.
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3. What’s your most favorite thing you’ve created?
At TSR my favorite CC uploads are the Clutter Bug and LOTR Scribe sets.
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The admins gave me such a hard time when I first submitted this, and I had to throw out like half of the objects included in the set, cuz of the effing UV Maps and blah blah. But the rest of it came out cool.
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I am constantly using those objects in my lots. Constantly. The LOTR period was also the very first time I learned about making Alpha Channels on .dds textures -- that opened up so many possibilities! Single objects I’m also really proud of over there are the Ivy/Flower Column, and the Vintage Art Collage, which I also use a lot.
At Tumblr this is a lot harder for me to decide on, since after I came here I could do and make so much more than what was allowed at TSR. I think I had the best time converting from The Witcher 3. I effing love that game. But I also think just the process was the easiest for me, cuz I’ve been doing this crap for a while now and finally knew wtf I was doing -- except the CAS stuff. O_O LAAAAAWD! I gave up on that junk quick fast and in a hurry -- NOPE! Not today, Satan! But yeah, I really like some of the stuff I did from that game, like the Peacocks (duh) and everything I shared for my Lupo Bianco gameplay.
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4. What’s your most hated thing you’ve created?
Things I hate don’t get uploaded. XD Y’all think I complain about the crap I DO upload -- that’s cuz I’m being honest when I tell y’all that my work has flaws that I don’t know how to fix, or don’t have the energy to work on anymore. Practically all of my CAS CC is a raggedy amateur mess. I hold on to a lot of crap that I just can’t upload in good consciousness, cuz I know how I react when I install others’ CC and I’m using it thinking wtf, did they upload the wrong file by accident? :P
5. What inspires you to create?
When I first started, it was cuz it was still early in TS3, and the game was still pretty empty, and I didn’t have any of the EPs/SPs/Store CC yet, so I was desperate for content. Then once I started converting, and realized that I could extract stuff from other games myself, I immediately knew that I wanted to recreate my favorite games in TS3. I’m inspired by the fandoms I’m part of, and  my style of simming mostly revolves around me trying to create my own extended version of other games and shows I like.
6. What gets you unmotivated to do anything or to delete your project?
Failure. When things start going wrong, I quickly get frustrated and lose patience. I post WIPs sometimes that I don’t even end up revisiting. I just can’t fix the crap, so I rapidly lose the energy or desire or interest in the entire project. I often blame it on laziness, when really I just give up.  :\
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7. What’s one thing you wish you knew how to do/do better?
I generally just stick to what I know and am comfortable with, which is why y’all don’t see me making build mode stuff, or much functional buy mode cc, or mods/scripts, or creating skintones or poses, or any of the cool stuff I’d love to make but just can’t figure out for the life of me. U_U
8. How long does it usually take you to make something?
Depends on the project, and my motivation to see it to the end. Some stuff will sit on the back-burner for literal years before I finally go back to it. I’ll tell myself I’ll work on it later. Lies, mostly. ^_^
9. Is there a certain schedule you stick to when publishing?
Unless there’s a certain holiday/event going on, where the CC needs to be finished now! now! now! (Halloween & Lunar New Year are my busiest times), I just do what I want. I get so distracted, and often I’m working on a zillion things at once. Sometimes I’m running on pure adrenaline and not sleeping, to make sure I finish the CC on time. I feel bad if I miss something going on that I could’ve participated in, but most times I just tell y’all the CC’s still in beta, and it’ll be ready when it’s ready. :P
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10. Your favorite programs to work with?
Crazy as it sounds, Milkshape. :P I effing hate Blender. I don’t understand it -- there are too many buttons and controls and everything’s just a confusing mess. 3DS Max is easier for me! O_O I legit can’t even figure out the frikkin view/camera in Blender! And you constantly have to switch between modes, and everything’s buried under all those effing THINGS on the sides, and I can’t stand it. >_<
11. Who do you look up to (creator wise)?
For CC in general, I worship Sandy/AroundTheSims; always have. Everything they make is just so clean and professional and works splendidly in game. Jelly.
12. How many projects do you have at the moment?
An ungodly number, half of which will no doubt be abandoned before y’all even get the chance to hear about them. :P
13. Screenshot your wips folder (if you have one)
Cute of you to assume I have just one WIPs folder, in one fixed location. XD
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That’s what my backup’s thematic specific folder looks like, but that’s not where I keep any of my other game conversions WIPs -- those are all over the place. I’ve had to restart several projects after my external harddrive broke, and now especially I’m keeping everything in different locations and on different drives.
14. Do you plan on creating for a long time or is there a certain period you know you’ll stop?
Dunno if I’ll ever stop, but I know I’m slowing down; I have been for a while now. I’m tired. I hate making CC. It’s stressful, exhausting, time-consuming, and no dang fun, especially when crap is going oh so wrong and you have to keep quitting the game, doing crap over, loading the game, seeing if it’s fixed, and trying not to cry when it’s not. I do this crap out of desperation, when there’s something in particular that I want that I can't find a good substitute for in the game or community at large. So as long as I’m still simming, I know I’m gonna keep being forced by necessity to make crap. But I doubt I’ll ever go back to the workhorse nonsense I was up to in like 2015/6 or whenever my “heyday” was, when I was still experimenting like mad and learning everything.
15. What helps you keep focus during your creating process?
I play a lot of music, that fits the theme of the CC I'm working on, or is lifting my spirits at the time. I can’t work in silence. IDKY, it just makes me bored and tired.
I tag all y’all who ever made anything for us poor unfortunate souls!
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kkking · 6 years
Back from the dead
Hello again, tumblr. If you got this post on your dashboard, that means you followed me 4+ years ago when I was into Homestuck. Now after all this time I’ve finally found enough free time and motivation to start posting my arts again.
As so much time has passed since my last posts, it shouldn’t be surprising that I’m in a different fandom now. As much as I still love Homestuck, I probably won’t draw it, unless I suddenly get all nostalgic.
My current passion is South Park, so most (all?) of my arts are obviously going to be sp arts. So if for whatever reason you don’t want my stuff on your dashboard anymore, I’ll totally understand if you decide to unfollow me. Either way, thank you for sticking with me as long as you have ^u^
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schaynotchan · 8 years
I've been through all of the anti-SS moments our fandom would poke fun of (and at times when I was a bit "meh", made fun of myself) to cheer ourselves up from our sadness. I've read respectful anti-SS rants. I don't know what happen since the Boruto movie came about (that's when I started notice and distance myself from fandom), but the Naruto fandom in general started to become very spiteful. I remember when some SS shippers drove one of their own out of the fandom because she wanted more [2/3]
SSmoments because of the lack of attention. And I also remember SNS getting intoa meaningless argument over who tops (one I didn't participate, luckily). Andsome NS shippers getting into a debate over RtN and whether it was anti-Sakuraor not. Short: I've seen people arguing and insulting their own shippers overmeaning crap that have never existed before the ending. It became that bad. Istarted distancing myself from SNS during the whole "who tops?"debate, but when 685 came out [3/4]
animated,I couldn't stay. The insults some SNS shippers had towards the SS shipperslegitimately triggered me. My personal story: I have a brother who has autism.My father, when he angry, would always talk down to my brother when he had donesomething very wrong. He would say how much he wish he could send him to amental hospital, "why is so r-slur", "look how dumb he'sbeing"...I know my dad doesn't truly mean it, sometimes life isn't great100% of the time. But man, it hurts, it [4/5]
reallyhurts to hear the names brother has been called, and my brother can't do shitbecause he doesn't understand the insults. It would cause a tear in my housewith my dad, mom and sis; my dad wants to send him away because he can't takeof him. I pray everyday that my brother would talk, and that my dad wouldn'tharbor such bad feelings. So I was WTF! when I see anti-SS, some in my own OTPfandom, call out SS shippers as "needing to go to some mentalhospital" or "how they need [5/6]
therapy",and how "they are so sick in the head". "What's in yourhead", "I only wish the worst for them, tbh". Like shit, thislow class insults over a fiction couple? It triggered me to where I couldn'tship SNS anymore (my bro is always first over fiction) becuase, like this NEVERhappened before (at least I've never seen this throughout my time in SNS,before the ending, and even a bit after the ending). Like I've seen shit withSS, NH, and NS, but it just hurts a lot more when it's [6/7]
comingfrom your own OTP's fandom. I just couldn't keep shipping, and I had to drop.Luckily, Yuri on Ice came out weeks later to cheer me up from the toxic fandom.I mean I still ship SNS (I lurk around to view art then leave), but's its myex-OTP. More so, I'm trying to move on, because the Naruto fandom has turn intoa pile of (tasteless insults, personal stalking and bashing, and at timedoxxing) shit. And to be more honest, I became more open minded to SS because Idid meet cool [7/8]
people.It's one thing I wish from the Naruto fandom; what need do have to resort topersonal bashing just to get a point across? We know how significant SNS wasfor Naruto in general. Since when do we wish for the worst for others who havea different opinion over a work of FICTION that makes them happy as well? It'snot like I've never seen the insults from the pro-enders, but that's why Istayed within SNS. So it hurts when even the place you seek for comfort is nolonger comfortable. [8/9]
I'msorry for the long winded rant. Tbh, you aren't the first shipper I told thisabout in anon, but when I saw your response, I was like "Okay! Anothershipper that isn't blinded to how bad the fandom became!" I mean, I'm herefor SNS Week because it's one of the rare times the fandom is enjoyable; beforethe ending. I wish people would have an engaging debate without the need toinsult; it's one of the major reasons why the Naruto fandom is so close mindedin opinions. If people just [9/10]
respected each other in fandom, had chapter 700 came out, we might havehad pro-enders more understanding on why the ending was flawed or why we seeSNS; we probably would have been more sympathetic towards SS's treatment withSP. But you have pro-enders simply staying so more out of spite against us, andI definitely don't feel that much sympathy for SS for the shit I've been withthem. I hope I didn't give you the idea that SNS is bad; I'm saying that thewhole Naruto fandom is bad. [End]
So I didn’t got the first ask because tumblr ate it. But because I think you send me each part right after writing it, and probably don’t have a copy of the first part I’ll try to answer all that without it!
Oh god, I actually don't really know what to answer. Idon't have any experience with answering such kind of asks. I hope that I canstill give you a more or less good answer. I knew that we and other Naruto fandoms where through a lot of toxic times. I personally didn't experience any of those (where I'm grateful for tbh) because I only joined the SNS Tumblr fandom about a Year ago.  So I can't really talk out of my own point of view, but I knew it was really bad. I know a lot of people left or distanced themselves like you back then. Although I must say... reading all this, with the examples you gave me... sounds a lot worse than I imagined... I'm always shocked when I read about these times.
I understand why you left the SNS fandom and tried to move on, especially with your personal story behind it. You know, I have always support happiness and mental health about everything else, so moving on was a good decision in your case. When I would've been in the fandom back then I probably would've also left.
I think nowadays the SNS fandom is acceptable and non toxic (although it could be better) but I also know that this is only MY experience and that some of my mutuals disagree. As I said in my game reply before, we often only see a small part of the actual fandoms content depending on what blogs we follow. I strictly unfollow people who insult too much or make fun of any kind of deeper topics like mental health, sexuality, ethnic etc. You couldsay that I somewhat turn a blind eye to the unhealthy part of the fandom. Soit's still a safe place for me. But regardingless of what I just said, I agreewith you anon. Especially with this part:
It'sone thing I wish from the Naruto fandom; what need do have to resort topersonal bashing just to get a pointacross? We know how significant SNS was for Naruto in general. Since when do we wish for the worst forothers who have a different opinion over a work of FICTION that makes them happy as well?
I wish the Naruto fandom could prove their pointswithout bashing, insulting and looking down on others. I also wish thatwe could discuss about the positive and negative things about a fictional workwithout dictating other peoples views and what they should enjoy and what not.
As you probably know, I personally am anti ending/anti SS/anti NH, but I respect other peoples opinion. As long as they are happy with their ship and their ending and respect me, they shall have it! I know that some pro Enders actually follow me so I know it is possible to get along with each other even when our opinions don't match. I don't know why this seems to be so difficult for others.  
And no, you didn’t give me the idea that SNS is bad, I was mostly already aware of all that. Even that “The whole Naruto fandom is bad”. I know that the Naruto fandom is one of the most toxic anime fandoms out there.
The thing is, Naruto was a fictional work that did go on forever. A lot of people grew up with it and it became a big part of them. Myself included. If you hold something - fictional or not - so dear to you, for so many years, you want to defend it, you are angry about some parts and you try to push everyone who tries to crush your view about the show away. Because at some point, it starts to get REALLY personal. Your feelings for the stories are real and valid. I believe that that’s one of the reasons why the Naruto fandom is like this. A lot of us take things that are about Naruto really personal and get biased about it.
I still hope that we could get along better with each other. We are all one fandom. And if we can’t get along side by side, we at least could try our best to talk with each other politely. Without insulting one another.
Thank you so much for taking your time to share your story with me!
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