#youre telling me he *wasnt* thinking about his insane bestie and how it felt like something was missing from his life??
dilfkuza · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 龍が如く | Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kiryu Kazuma/Majima Goro Characters: Kiryu Kazuma, Majima Goro Additional Tags: Insomnia, Comfort, Long-Distance Relationship, Regret, Mutual Pining Summary:
Adjusting to life outside of Kamurocho is harder than Kiryu thought it would be. Especially when it feels like something is missing.
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missn00tson · 1 month
Am I the only person that hated s4 of tua?
Look, i am a big fan of the series, and I was so happy when the new season came out.
And s3 was a bit long for me, in the sense that some scenes were boring, so I wasnt too unhappy with a shorter season.
But what was this
Spoilers for The umbrella Academy season 4!
First of all, the whole Five and Lila relationship.
They are platonic friends, like siblings. Who thought it would be a fun idea to make them romantic all of a sudden?
"Oh, but they got stuck in time for 7 years its only natural"
You have to be shitting me.
I've been celibate for over 7 years, you think I'd date my brothers WIFE if we spend time tgt for those years? No. Fuck no.
It doesnt even seem to click with Five's personality, because he's so insanely loyal and caring towards his family. He would not do that, if we were to follow his personality from s1 to 3.
This brings me to Ben.
I have never been the biggest sparrow Ben fan, I'll admit that. I've always been an umbrella Ben fan and sometimes I wished sparrow Ben was more like him.
So you can imagine, I was happy when he started to appear more caring for Jeniffer.
Until they totally switched up his character.
Yes, he was influenced by the bond (which reminds me of the whole nesting situation of the last episode, which I must admit was very entertaining) which made him more loving yadaydaydaya. But everyone shows their love in a different way, sparrow Ben' type of loving is in no way shape or form sweettalking and grossly cutesy forms of affaction.
You might think so (the writers apparently did) but I surely disagree.
So his personality was, as you might guess, also out of the window.
His talking brings me to my next point. The dialogue.
I'm not sure if its just me, but it was so.goddamn.messy.
It was no dialogue, it was just a bomb of one liners aiming for nothing.
It had no feeling, no personality. Its as if the writers saw the one liners we liked, pasted them into an ai engine, and let it spit out 100 new ones to fill the movie.
I would like to give specific examples, but it happened all.the.time. If you dont believe me, watch the last episode. The only in character person was Victor (even though he's not my bestie, I loved that they stayed true to his character) with wanting to save his siblings, standing up to their father, wanting to keep his peace but always choosing to help his siblings no matter how much they hurt him in the past.
He was the only one who felt like the same person as the other season. Even Reggie was a goddamn mess (and thats something to say about that uptight bastard)
Now this part is purely personal. But the plot? The scenes? The entire construction was such a mess.
First of all. 7 years in that station? 7years? Youre telling me that super smart old man Five didnt think to look at those lines first before stepping in that train? You think "I must know everything and enything about everything and anything" Five didnt look up, took a good glance at those letters and knew. "Mhmm. Thats that weird writing my father used. How bout I try to TRANSLATE it BEFORE i step on this mystery train?"
If you think him stepping on a random train, not even looking at the map he picked up is in charcater? Sincerely, quit shitting my dick cuz no way you think that.
And then him giving up on finding his siblings? He was in an apocalypse for what? 50 years? And he always kept the stupid eye, thinking it might save his siblings. And now, here he is, giving up on them cuz he' a lil lost in daddy's train station?
Babes, you cant be serious.
Im aware that this post is very opinionated, and perhaps negative, but thats just how itll be. But if you feel offended by anything here, I do apologise. I love the series aswell, but his season, felt more like a 12 year old' followup story of season 3 (and that is not to say that 12 yo' cant write, cuz some of them r amazing, but you get the idea) and I cant believe they actually funded this.
And that is not to start about the decisions they made. Ben making them drink the marigold? Five not just going back to that moment if he could time travel (which he coulve bcz him and Lila went back to the "present" which is 7 years earlier than when they were stuck). Then stop them from drinking the Sake/Marigold. Merging the marigold with Jennifer and everything is fixed? Bcz they didnt have their powers anymore?
Either way
I might follow up on this, I might not.
But I do hope that some share my opinion, even if many dont.
Bye loves!
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sillysadduck · 2 years
I'm a bit embarrassed to say this, but you're the only reason why I come onto Tumblr every day. When you reply to my stuff, I get so excited! I like seeing your art, but I also like you! /p
I think you're a really cool person, even though i know you've said that you sorta put on a persona so you don't come off as "rude".
I have a feeling we would have been friends, or at least acquaintances, if we had known each other irl.
Sorry if this came off as creepy, and you don't need to post this, just wanted to get it out of my system.
Also, I'd suggest getting a pocket knife or something for when you go to college, since you'll be going at night. And make sure to have someone who you can text or call to tell them when you leave the house and college and when you've arrived back. If you feel unsafe, pretend to call a friend and say something like, "Yea, I'm almost to you." and, I hate to say this, but make it seem like a man is on the other line, or call a male friend. It's just how society is, even though it sucks. The deeper the voice, the better. My friend did this with me a few times.
Stay safe!
HI BABE HOW ARE YOU this means a lot to me you're so sweet hope you dont mind the long answer😭😭😭 I feel like I'm more myself here lately, when I just started I felt like the slightest bit of sass would upset people so I pretty much acted like fuckin spongebob in hopes that people would like me. Then I started dropping one or two jokes and finally felt a bit safer. I just act a bit more over the top than I would irl (like answering with lots of emojis and caps so I don't sound cold and dry) and I also more like I would with close friends instead of strangers! When people get to know me I am in fact an loud clown that loves to be the center of attention.
I'm just used to people disliking me at first because when it comes to strangers I'm always called "stuck up, intimidating, and scary" BUT I'M JUST SOME GUY. Guys approach me A BIT more often that girls but truth is everyone thinks I'm "mean" at first sight and I'm not... But I kind of internalized that belief that everyone thinks I'm rude and stuck up.
As for safety with going to college at night, yeah, my only concern is people who carry guns and pocket knives with them. I'm not a rational person when I'm angry, when I told the story about fighting the guy who tried to rob me everyone's answer was "You're insane, what if they have a gun?" But girl I wasnt going home without ending the chat with my then-bestie about her ex, if that dude wanted my phone he was gonna have to WORK for it and catch these hands 😭 and he lost so what🙄💅🏻
I'm so glad you can find me entertaining, with the silly puppets and with my silly little life stories <3
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