lostat-heart · 5 years
I always thought id pick you in a busy room,                                                        but when the day came i couldn’t.                                                                      and thats how i knew i didn't love you anymore, those big blue eyes were the only thing that got me and only after multiple looks.                                              I dont know how long its been since the day i saw you for the first time in two years, but i didn't even recognise you.                                                                     The person i was once so in love with a complete stranger unrecognisable.         One metre away and still no idea why a “stranger” was intensively staring at me... until i realised that stranger was you.                                                          The person who taught me so many life lessons, bought me so many toxic memories as well as so many good ones.                                                              Seeing you was a bitter sweet moment, one that didn't feel the way i expect it too.                                                                                                                       The first moments of realising it was you was pure shock, then it turned into anxiety, then sadness .                                                                                       Sadness only because in that moment i realised that the person i always thought you were never existed, because in that moment i saw that you weren't the person i ever thought you were.    
Trying now move past the way you treated me and the way you made me feel and meet someone else, its hard. Not because I still love you because the person i feel in love with wasn't you; but because trying to find someone who is worth the risk of going through potential heart break again.
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50schick313 · 6 years
You use to be one of the people that texted or wrote on my Facebook first to tell me happy birthday now you act as if it doesn’t matter. Like you didn’t remember... I can see right through you and where your loyalty is..and honestly it fucking pisses me off/ hurts me.
I don’t want to even call you my sister but I’ve called you this for 10 years that it is just a habit... but I don’t know what you’re to me anymore... the relationship feels dead.. dry and feelingless. It’s honestly sad... I knew you were parting for 3 years but this is... just proving what I’ve felt for a long time...
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