grinduniverse · 5 years
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unverifiedterritory · 4 years
노래 취향이 비슷한 사람을 볼 때면 그 어떤 때보다 동질감이 강하게 든다. 전혀 모르는 사람이라도 내가 좋아하는 노래, 뮤지션를 똑같이 좋아하면 그 사람이 살아온 삶의 궤적을 나와 빗대어보며 친구가 되고 싶어진다.
옛날(중고딩..)에는 https://blog.naver.com/dlaquf020 내 귀에 좋은 음악의 치평님 플레이리스트를 참 좋아했다. 그래서 댓글에 한번 항상 좋은 음악 올려주셔서 감사하다고 비밀댓글 단 적도 있었는데 찾고 싶다... 여기서 이센스 <비행> 처음 듣고 이런 음악을 하는 사람도 있다는 걸 알았더랬다.
지금은 내 플레이리스트 범위가 아주 좁다는 것을 깨닫고 다시 넓혀나가려 노력하고 있다.유투브 랜덤 플레이리스트는 80-00년대 노래들은 참 좋은데, 최근 노래들은 영 별로여서. 같은 노래 반복이 심하고 내가 기피하는 음악가들의 노래가 많이 섞인다. 아직 알고리즘이 거기까진 따라오지 못 하는건지. 역시 살아있는 인간이 직접 선정해준 음악이 최고다.
https://blog.naver.com/yourtone  서하님도 좋다.
또 *가 가끔씩 자신이 자주 듣는 음악이라며 몇 개 알려주곤 하는데, 그 당시에는 별로라고 생각했다가 나중에 내가 어디서 듣고는 역으로 ‘이 노래 좋더라?’ 하면 자기가 옛날에 들려줬는데 내가 시큰둥했다고 어이없어 한다. *랑 나는 다른 취향들은 극단적으로 다른데 듣는 거에 있어선 비슷한 구석이 많다. 가리는 장르도 없고 처음 듣는 음악에 대한 거부감도 적다. 나는 시디과에 오면 다 나같은 음악만 들을 줄 알았는데 전혀 아니었고 지금은 나와 비슷한 사람이 있다는 것에 만족하고 있다.
고등학교 때 **는 모임별의 노래를 좋아했었는데 어디선가 그 그룹의 노래를 듣고 대체 왜 이런 류의 음악을 즐겨 듣는지 전혀 이해가 안 되었다. 솔직히 약간 중2병 감성 아닌가 했다. 당시 나는 검정치마의 <Team baby> 를 무한 반복 재생중이었다. 이게 더 중2병 같은데...  그런데 최근에 햇빛 잘 드는 귀가길의 버스 맨 뒷자리 구석, 잠들랑 말랑한 상태에서 들으니까 참 좋더라. 상황이 예뻐서 노래가 좋게 느껴진건지 노래가 원체 좋아서 상황도 방금 일처럼 떠오른건지 모르겠지만. 그냥 그렇게. 나에게 음악은 사람과 상황과 촘촘하게 연결되어있다.
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writeyouin · 7 years
Hey there could I request a doctor who ten x reader with: "I can tell something’s not right with you. Come on, tell me what’s wrong.” “You know, I haven’t been asked that in a long time.” Keep up the great work with your writing! 👍🏻
DoctorWho (10) X Reader – About Time
A/N – Well, I’m back. I reallyneeded the break to figure out what I like about running a blog and I feel alot better now. Thanks for being patient guys, it means a lot.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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Red flashing lights. All aroundthe TARDIS, red flashing lights were going off, and, for once, you weren’t thecause. That last part scared you most because if you hadn’t caused the problem,something was seriously wrong. The Doctor strolled in, assessing you and theconsole calmly. “So,” he clapped his hands together cheekily, “what did youpress this time?”
“I didn’t.” You squeaked.
His brow furrowed as his smilefaded away, “What?”
“It just went nuts, I didn’t eventouch it.”
An awful wailing, reminiscent ofold war sirens filled the air, you covered your ears in a weak attempt to blockthe sound out. After that, the few monitors around the room displayed alienwritings.
The Doctor paled upon apparentlyreading the message. He ran to the control panel, ferociously pulling a lever.You fell clumsily to the ground as the TARDIS lurched into action. A momentlater, he smashed a bulbous, silver button, you prepared yourself for theworst, though quickly found yourself relieved when all the alarms switched off.Getting up carefully, you brushed yourself off.
He didn’t respond, in fact heseemed to be in full shock.
He snapped to attention, staringwith an intensity that unnerved you.
“What’s happening?”
The doctor swallowed thickly, hewas paler than usual, worrying you further.
“Doctor, please.”
“We’ve landed on a planet whichis being torn apart by a rift in the space-time continuum; that’s not a fixedpoint in time, it’s not supposed to happen.”
“So?” You hid your fear behind adetermined mask. “It can be fixed, right?”
“I… I don’t know. We’d have tofind out who caused the time line to rupture and reverse it from there. Besidesthat, the planet has only a few hours - if we’re lucky.”
You grabbed his hands, pullinghim towards the TARDIS doors. “Then we’d better hurry.”
The Doctor smiled at yourenthusiasm. “It’ll be dangerous.”
“Oh please, you knew that thesecond you drove us here-”
You pushed the door open, fallingsilent at the sight in front of you.
Several orange skinned men withridges on their heads and donning robes were examining the TARDIS, which hadlanded in the crumbling remains of some sort of stone chantry.
The doctor appeared behind you,shocking your unwitting hosts further. Startled gasps echoed around the room,you turned to see around 100 civilians, all staring at the two aliens in frontof them.
“Who are you?” Theapparent leader of the robed men addressed you.
The Doctor jumped in front ofyou, once again filled with his usual bravado. “Hello, I’m the Doctor andwe’re here to fix-”
“LEAVE.” The manboomed, cutting the Doctor off.
“Excuse me?” You stammered,aghast by the fury in his tone.
“We know who this man is- what he is. We do not want the help ofhim or his-” He looked you up and down in disgust, “Lackey.”
“He’s here to help.”
“No. Destruction follows inhis wake. We have no need for that kind of ‘help’.”
“You need him.”
“Perhaps,” The manthundered, “you should question the company you keep before bringing itwhere it’s not wanted. Now go. Our people will suffer the end of our world withdignity and without invaders walking upon our most sacred grounds.”
You protested angrily as hegrabbed your arm, throwing you back at the Doctor as the rest of the robed menformed a semi-circle, herding the two of you back into the TARDIS.
Once the doors were shut, youbegun a frustrated rant. “Of all the arrogant, power mad, delirious-”You faced the Doctor, stopping upon seeing him hunched against the controlpanel, a look of utter melancholy in place of his usual, cheeky grin.
“Hey.” You kept yourtone light, “Don’t worry about it, we can still-”
“No.” The Doctorwhispered, barely audible. “We can’t help now.”
The Doctor’s morose toneterrified you, making you anxious for what was to come. You approached himcautiously, even more worried when he wouldn’t look at you. “Okay.”You began slowly. “This is way more than some pompous jerk, I can tellsomething’s not right with you. Come on, tell me what’s wrong.”
“You know, I haven’t beenasked that in a long time.” He replied despondently.
“Then it’s time thatchanged.”
“(Y/N),” his voicecracked and tears glistened in his eyes as he finally met yours, “If youknew, you wouldn’t- After Gallifrey- You’d hate me.”
You pulled his head onto yourchest, letting him cry while you stroked his hair, attempting to speak throughyour own, shaky breaths.
“Now you listen to me, no matterwho you were, I’m not leaving you. I love-” You paused, quashing yourfeelings for a time more appropriate. “I love how selfless you are and howhard you try to help people that you’ve never even met before. You giveeverything 110% and right now, those people out there need that can-do attitudeyou’re always so full of.”
“How can you say that?”He muffled. “You don’t even know my name.”
“Yeah I do. I know you choseto be called the Doctor because doctors help people. Those people out theremost definitely need our help so we’re going to march out there, heads heldhigh, find the cause of this mess, save the world, and maybe, if we have time,yell at that idiot at the end of it all. Right?”
The Doctor lifted his head.Wordlessly, he nodded. You smiled, gently wiping away his stray tears with yourthumbs. He hugged you tightly before heading back to the door and straighteninghis jacket.
“Time to fix theplanet.” He spoke strongly, as if trying to convince himself more thananyone else.
“That’s my Doctor.” You thought proudly, following him out andsaving thoughts of the conversation for a time when he would hopefully chooseto confide in you.
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