project-sekai-updates · 8 months
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[Google Translated Vers.]
🎧Yozaki Kanade HAPPY BIRTHDAY2024
Gacha held🎂🎉
▽Click here for the new birthday limited members
🎂 Kanade Yoizaki
*Birthday-limited members may reappear.
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feyria · 7 years
Yet another bnha oc~
Name:­ Yozaki Torabiru
Nickname: Neko and Zaki
Villain Name:­ Bakeneko
Age: 26
Gender:­ male
Sexuality:­ Asexual
Personality:­ Sly and calculating, Yozaki likes to speak to others as if he knows something they don't. Most of the time he has absolutely no idea but he enjoys getting on others' nerves all the same. He can be considered as laid back or aloof, rarely getting mad and almost always seen with a grin or smirk on his face. As cliche as it is, Yozaki does drop the occasional cat pun, but only occasionally when he is feeling any intense emotion. Yozaki really just enjoys causing general havoc in the middle of the night, normally when its cloudy or under a new moon. He tends to appear from nowhere, his crimes ranging from petty theft to arson and even attempted murder. After having his fun or when heroes begin to show up, Yozaki disappears down alleys or inside parks. His quirk and clothing give him the advantage when it comes to running away.
Likes:­ Surprisingly, Yozaki likes dogs and even has one as a pet. Creating trouble in every and any way possible. He likes to collect nice rocks that he finds for the simple reason in that they just catch his attention.
Dislikes:­ How heroes that only work for money or fame are deemed heroes while he was considered a borderline criminal for trying to help others without a license.
Strengths:­ Cunning and extremely sneaky, Yozaki can make a quick get away and outwit most police officers as well as a good number of heroes. Clever enough to not fall for most baits or traps. Yozaki can handle his anger very well and even when infuriated, he can keep himself from lashing out in a way that will play him into his enemies hands.
Weaknesses:­ Though he can keep his anger under a tight lid, he does hold grudges and it is nearly impossible for him to forgive someone. He could be dying and still refuse help just because he dislikes the person. Very bitter towards heroes, Yozaki is a loose cannon that just barely works with others. There is always the small question of when he will turn on other villains as well just to have more fun.
Appearance: Yozaki is fairly tall, standing at 6'5' with a decently muscular build similar to Bakugo and Todoroki. His hair is short, black and typically slicked back; Yozaki has olive colored skin. His pale yellow eyes have a thin shape as if he always has them narrowed. He wears rounded rectangular glasses, the lense frames only cover the bottom halves and are red in color. He doesn't wear shoes, his mutation quirk gives his feet extra padding to protect them from the rough floor. The padding is very similar to the pads on a cat's paws; he also has black cat ears on the sides of his head instead of human ears along with a sleek black tail about four feet in length.
Standard Clothes: Yozaki likes to wear casual clothing like form fitting black jeans with a black long sleeved shirt and a black sweater vest on top. Most of his wardrobe consists of dark colors like blue, purple and black. Flannel shirts are something he wears on the rare days that he doesn't feel like leaving his home.
Costume:­ Yozaki wears a tight fitting black long-sleeved shirt with a red-gold armor vest on top and black and red cargo pants with extra padding on the sides and knees to protect against damage. He has red and gold armor wrapped around his tail that stops two inches from the tip and two inches from the base. He has similar armor placed on the back of his ears. He keeps smoke bombs, lock picks, handcuffs, razor blades, a taser and various other weapons in the pockets of his pants.
Weapons/Gadgets:­ Silver, red and gold gauntlets with steel claws, they fit his whole hands like gloves and have a steel plate extension that covers his forearm about an inch below his elbows. The gauntlets have metal plates on the tips of his fingers as well as a portion of his palm similar to the pads on a cat's paw. The plates can become heated or magnetic with the flip of a switch on the back of the gauntlets.
Swim:­ Absolutely hates water so he doesn't have a swim suit.
Sleep:­ Because it's much more comfortable for him Yozaki prefers to sleep either nude or with just grey boxers on.
Winter:­ Surprisingly weak to the cold, Yozaki wears oversized fur sweaters, a scarf around his neck, fluffy ski caps, and jeans. He even wears shoes if it's snowing.
Formal:­ he doesn't attend formal events so he doesn't own anything particularly fancy. If he does attend one, he'll just go in his favorite outfit of form fitting black jeans and a long sleeved black shirt.
*Who would they?­ Fall for:­ As wild and erratic as Yozaki can be, he prefers someone that is more down to earth and grounded. A level headed rock to help him relax and unwind after causing trouble. He likes knowledgeable types, those that prefer to fight their battles with common sense and quick with over pure brute force. If they can keep up with his quips and playful taunting, all the better for him in his book.
Befriend:­ Extremely picky about those he chooses to spend more than ten minutes around, Yozaki only befriends a person after determining that they will not hold him back from having fun. He enjoys being around a person that really doesn't care what he does no matter how twisted it is. It's even better for him if that person likes to cause trouble as much as he does.
Hate:­ Heroes like Endeavor and MT. lady, people that only care for their reputation. Those that try to ruin his twisted games and the police force. Yozaki really can't stand a person that follows the way society works; a person that believes anything is illegal if the culprit doesn't possess the proper licenses even if they are doing the right thing.
Respect:­ Yozaki can respect those that don't turn a blind eye to the cruelty of the world. Those that don't try to sugar coat their words or actions. Someone like Stain would be the type of person Yozaki respects, he might have even admired the hero killer for a bit.
Rival:­ Yozaki doesn't believe in rivals as he has no competitive spirit at all. He sees life as a playground and he's just there to have fun. The only thing he is ever serious about is showing heroes how efficient and cunning he can be, what they ended up missing out on when they labeled him a criminal in his early days.
Hobbies/Skills:­ Yozaki likes to brand his victims with the heated plates on his gauntlets, leaving paw shaped burns on their body. Collecting nice rocks and precious jewels that he steals.
*How they Act­ Towards Romantic Int­erests: A huge cuddler, Yozaki loves to initiate physical contact with those that he is in a relationship with. He doesn't go much farther than hugs, cuddles or laying on them. He also likes to bring gifts whenever he can; mainly jewels he steals or something specific that the other person enjoys. He can't cook to save his life but he still tries for them any way. Yozaki is a shameless flirt, showering his love interest with cringey pick up lines and embarrassing dirty talk.
Acquaintances:­ Yozaki likes to be off on his own most of the time so any acquaintances he has he rarely speaks to unless he's bored or stuck near them for some time. Anything he does say to them is normally carefully worded to get a reaction out of them and if he likes how they respond, he may hang around them more often.
Towards Friends/Clos­e Friends: For those that manage to hold his attention long enough, Yozaki tries to get them to join him on his night time "games" of causing trouble in the cities. He drops the habit of trying to annoy them unless he's in a bad mood. Otherwise he just hangs around them, lounging about or snacking on something to pass the time.
Rivals:­ Since he doesn't see anyone as a rival, Yozaki treats them the same way he treats acquaintances, he only speaks to them when necessary and most of it is baited speech as he tries to annoy them for fun.
Towards Enemies:­ Yozaki is vicious with his enemies, nearly going out of his way to find any and every weakness on them and relentlessly exploiting them. He doesn't hesitate to end their life if he's given the chance but he tends to fail because he tries to drag it out, giving others a chance to come to the rescue.
Towards Iconic Figur­es: With no one other than Stain to admire, Yozaki doesn't see anyone else as iconic so there's no change in how he acts. Unless that iconic figure is a hero that others admire, then Yozaki makes it his mission to physically break them and show the public just how weak they can be under pressure.
Meeting Strangers:­ Most of the time when Yozaki meets a stranger it's someone he is getting ready to attack or rob but he still may say a random sentence with little to no meaning, normally a way to distract them or catch them off guard. If it's another villain or someone that happens to like trouble, then Yozaki is just friendly enough to introduce himself before taking off.
When Facing Fears:­ Yozaki doesn't have many fears but when facing any of them, he tends to get angry with himself for being afraid in the first place. He becomes reckless and nearly twice as more likely to make a horribly simple mistake. He more or less goes on autopilot with only two things in mind: fight off the fear or escape from it.
In a life changing s­ituation: Yozaki considers every major event in his life as one that could change up his whole way of living. He takes everything in stride, regardless of how dangerous it can be to himself, he really just enjoys living in the moment. That's not to say that he doesn't fear death or things similar to it, it's more that he will try to go out with a bang- taking anyone else with him in the process.
History:­ Yozaki originally started out as a vigilante after being rejected from U.A, taking down criminals under the cover of darkness but that changed when he was caught. He was forced to spend a week in jail after ignoring multiple warnings from other heroes. He believed they were just bluffing, after all, he was helping them stop crime. He never understood how it could be considered illegal when he wasn't even severely hurting the perps. Nevertheless, after the week in prison, Yozaki began to hold a grudge against heroes and the whole society. He would still punish criminals, but as they continuously reprimanded him instead of thanking him for his help, he began to branch out damaging the surrounding area and any hero who tried to stop him. The final straw that pushed him completely over the edge was when he helped saved three other heroes from a villain tag team that had used hostages as bait. The heroes never thanked him for the help even though they nearly died and to make the whole matter worse, they treated him like he was part of the duo villain group. They believed his rescuing them had gone off entirely too smoothly, almost as if it were planned and they very nearly arrested him as well. He was able to escape from them but ever since then, Yozaki has despised heroes and all they stand for. He stopped playing vigilante and went full criminal, commiting any illegal act that could pop into his head and playing cat and mouse with the heroes or police force that may come after him. His favorite phrase is, "you don't need a license to have my brand of fun!"
Ethnicity/Nationality: Yozaki was born and raised in Japan, around Shinjuku to be exact.
Fighting Style: His fighting style really depends on who exactly he's fighting. Most of the time he goes for an ambush, sneaking up on his victims under the cover of darkness. Depending on his mood he'll either try to end them quickly or torment them until he's satisfied, using his strength to pin them down.
Habits: he likes to run his fingers through his hair when bored or thinking of ways to cause trouble. The first thing he does when he gets home every day is to dig through his rock and precious gem collection. It's not that he thinks anything has been stolen, it's more that he just really enjoys looking through them.
Family: Tanzaki Torabiru(father)- he's the one that Yozaki inherited the cat quirk from. He knows his son is a villain but has long since given up on trying to get him to stop. He also has no idea where to find him as Yozaki broke off from all contact years ago.
Mizumi Torabiru (mother)- Yozaki inherited his stretching quirk from her. She also tried to get Yozaki to quit his devious ways up until Stain came about. The whole situation with the hero killer helped her understand why Yozaki did what he did, even if it was way past the extreme level.
Residence: Thanks to all the trouble he likes to cause, Yozaki now has to live either on the run or on the low. He currently lives in a pretty run down neighborhood on the outskirts of the city. It's a small studio home with an even smaller bathroom and kitchen. He has a sofa bed, a small flat screen TV equipped with the most basic of cable and a laptop he stole a while back. It's not much but Yozaki is more than satisfied with it.
Musical Themes: Demi Lovato- sorry not sorry (no matter how many times I listen to this song, I always think of Yozaki)
Quotes:­ "I wanted to be a hero once...turns out being bad is a hella lot more fun!", "Why be a simple cat burglar when I can be a CAT-tastrophe??", "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" "In this crappy society it doesn't matter what you do, if you don't have the 'right documents' for it, you may as well be a villain- that's how this shitty world sees it!"
Quirk Name:­ Stretch cat
Type: mutation as well as transformation
Description:­ stretch cat is a two part quirk, the first being that he has cat-like features: a cat's tail, cat ears, whiskers, pupils that dilate and retract depending on sunlight, retractable claws on his hands and feet, and soft pads on his hands and feet as well (inherited from his father). The second part of his quirk is that he can stretch any of his limbs (arms, legs and tail)up to three feet from his body. The downside is that they don't give him extra strength, he has to work and build muscle on his body as well as increase his endurance (inherited from his mother) Overusing his quirk is similar to overusing any muscle: it causes pain, soreness, burning and he could even pull or tear something if he gets carried away. He displays some cat-like behaviors as well: purring, hissing, letting the odd meow or two slip past his lips and, of course, having better reflexes.
Strengths:­ Enhanced reflexes give Yozaki the upper hand in close combat fights, his reaction time is impeccable and he can easily dodge some dangerous blows. With the stretch ability, he can turn a close quarters fight into a long ranged one on his end. His ears and eyes also give him the upper hand at night with slightly better vision but not as perfect as a cat's while he ears raise his hearing level.
Weaknesses: His ears and whiskers are very sensitive to pain so he tends to fight in a way to protect them. A good hit to one of those areas will cause him to either flinch away or become stunned for a few crucial seconds. He's gone through mental and endurance training to fight this but there's still a good 50% chance that he will be caught off guard.
Main Skills:
Caudal whiplash: Yozaki lashes his target with his tail three times in succession. He attacks with his tail stretched taut to maximize the damage, the third strike having a 65% chance of drawing blood at the cost of causing pain to himself.
Branding paw: flips the switch to heat the metal plates on his gauntlets before going on a near reckless attack against his target. The metal plates can heat to a scorching 450° degrees but to keep from burning himself, Yozaki only keeps the heat on for twenty seconds, not including the heating and cooling down times. Takes a good ten seconds to fully heat and another ten to cool down.
Spider-cat escape tool: flips the switch to activate the magnetic force in his metal paw plates so he can scale most steel surfaces. The magnet itself is strong enough to support his weight so he doesn't lift his hands to climb, instead he slides his hands up in a shuffle motion. It saves him energy until he's ready to deactivate the force.
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ryuzakizansworld · 6 years
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Ok so I know many of you who I have known always the way back sense 2003 but this is my true first form I took. Yozaki. He was a sorta a God of cross dimensions and calamity. I know it was a strange idea what do you see what I had Invisioned for him to be? I don't know how many of you guys know of what animes but what this character was suppose to be was a kinda fusion of Kenpachi Zaraki from bleach. Minato from naruto and Gogeta from dragon ball. I've finely had my master peice created. Yes, he has other forms and abilities but this is his natural state. What do you think? Artist credit: Michael DC https://www.instagram.com/p/BtkDGhSgVwa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=oyw36c23nmbt
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□■□ 2021-22 V.LEAGUE DIVISION2 MEN Nov.26(Sat),2022 奈良ドリーマーズ VS 東京ヴェルディ 西脇市総合市民センター (兵庫県西脇市) □■□ 東京ヴェルディ (TOKYO VERDY) #1 : 與崎 風人 (Futo Yozaki) : Outside Hitter □■□ #東京ヴェルディバレーボール #tokyoverdyvolleyball #稲沢市 #東京都 #與崎風人 選手 #FutoYozaki #鹿児島市 #鹿児島商業 #バレー #バレーボール #vリーグ #vリーグはバレーだよ #vleague #スポーツ #アスリート #ポートレート #ポートレート好きな人と繋がりたい #東京カメラ部 #ファインダー越しの私の世界 #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #volley #volleyball #pallavolo #voleibol #волейбол #排球 #sportphotography #sportsphotography #gettysport #gettyimages □■□ (西脇市総合市民センター) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca07suvlMJ1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ao3feed-hartwin · 5 years
Not in so Many Words
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36ut0qe
by yozaki
Kingsman 1的AU,kid!Eggsy成長日��,非常非常慢熱。 因為想要寫某些特定情節,所以稍微更改了一些原著的設定。分上下兩部,共約十萬字(已經寫完了,不是坑)。 故事裡時間的寫法是歐式的: 日/月/年。
Words: 5117, Chapters: 1/?, Language: 中文
Fandoms: Kingsman (Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M
Relationships: Harry Hart | Galahad/Gary "Eggsy" Unwin
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36ut0qe
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project-sekai-updates · 8 months
「プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク」をいつもご利用いただきましてありがとうございます。
2月10日0時より「[宵崎奏]HAPPY BIRTHDAYガチャ」全3種を開催いたします。
[宵崎奏]HAPPY BIRTHDAY2024ガチャ
「[宵崎奏]HAPPY BIRTHDAY2024ガチャ」からは、バースデー限定の新メンバー「宵崎奏」が登場いたします。
2月10日0時00分 ~ 2月16日23時59分
■「[宵崎奏]HAPPY BIRTHDAY2024ガチャ」新メンバー
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[復刻][宵崎奏]HAPPY BIRTHDAY2023ガチャ
「[復刻][宵崎奏]HAPPY BIRTHDAY2023ガチャ」からは、2023年に登場したバースデー限定メンバーが再登場いたします。
2月10日0時00分 ~ 2月16日23時59分
■「[復刻][宵崎奏]HAPPY BIRTHDAY2023ガチャ」再登場メンバー
バースデー[Happy Birthday!!2023] 宵崎奏
・本ガチャからは「[宵崎奏]HAPPY BIRTHDAY2024ガチャ」より新登場するバースデー限定メンバーは出現しません。
・本ガチャからは「[復刻][[宵崎奏]HAPPY BIRTHDAYガチャ」より再登場するバースデー限定メンバーは出現しません。
[復刻][宵崎奏]HAPPY BIRTHDAYガチャ
「[復刻][宵崎奏]HAPPY BIRTHDAYガチャ」からは、2022年に登場したバースデー限定メンバーが再登場いたします。
2月10日0時00分 ~ 2月16日23時59分
■「[復刻][宵崎奏]HAPPY BIRTHDAYガチャ」再登場メンバー
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【[宵崎奏]HAPPY BIRTHDAYガチャシール交換所の交換対象】
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バースデー[Happy Birthday!!2023] 宵崎奏
バースデー[Happy Birthday!!] 宵崎奏
【[宵崎奏]HAPPY BIRTHDAYガチャシールの交換期限】
3月16日 14時59分
引き続き「プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク」をよろしくお願いいたします。
[Google Translated Vers.]
Thank you for always using "Project Sekai Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku".
All three types of “[Kanad Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha” will be held from 0:00 on February 10th.
[Kanade Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY2024 Gacha
From “[Kanad Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY2024 Gacha”, a new birthday-only member “Kanadou Yoizaki” will appear.
The only members that will appear from the gacha are the newly appearing [Birthday] and [★3][★2] "Kanade Yoizaki", and you can draw the gacha up to 100 times.
■Event period
February 10th 0:00 to February 16th 23:59
■“[Yozaki Kanade] HAPPY BIRTHDAY2024 Gacha” new member
[Birthday only]
Birthday [Happy Birthday! ! 2024] Kanade Yoizaki
No live costumes
Birthday limited members have the following characteristics:
・The rarity of birthday-only members will be the birthday-only rarity [Birthday].
・The experience points required for master training and skill improvement of birthday limited members are different from other rarities.
・Birthday limited members cannot undergo special training.
・Birthday limited members can exchange for “Fragments of Thoughts x 300” when exchanging in the waiting room.
・From this gacha, only the newly appearing [Birthday] and [★3][★2] “Kanade Yoizaki” will appear.
・Birthday limited members that appeared in the past will not appear from this gacha.
・★4 members will not appear from this gacha.
・This gacha can be used up to 100 times.
"Once a day paid gacha" that can be used with paid crystals is not applicable to this gacha.
・The benefit “Free Gacha once a day” of “Colorful Pass ~PRECIOUS~” does not apply to this gacha.
・Gacha bonuses are not applied to this gacha.
・The event schedule is subject to change without notice.
[Reprint] [Kanade Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY2023 Gacha
From “[Reprint] [Kanad Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2023 Gacha”, birthday limited members who appeared in 2023 will reappear.
The only members that will appear from the gacha are the rarity [Birthday] that appeared in 2023, and [★3][★2] "Kanade Yoizaki", and you can draw the gacha up to 100 times.
■Event period
February 10th 0:00 to February 16th 23:59
■“[Reprint] [Kanade Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2023 Gacha” re-appearing members
[Birthday only]
Birthday [Happy Birthday! ! 2023] Kanade Yoizaki
No live costumes
Birthday limited members have the following characteristics:
・The rarity of birthday-only members will be the birthday-only rarity [Birthday].
・The experience points required for master training and skill improvement of birthday limited members are different from other rarities.
・Birthday limited members cannot undergo special training.
・Birthday limited members can exchange for “Fragments of Thoughts x 300” when exchanging in the waiting room.
・From this gacha, only [Birthday], which appeared in 2023, and [★3][★2] “Kanade Yoizaki” will appear.
・Birthday limited members newly appearing from “[Kanad Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY2024 Gacha” will not appear from this gacha.
・Birthday limited members who reappear from "[Reprint] [[Kanade Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha") will not appear from this gacha.
・★4 members will not appear from this gacha.
・This gacha can be used up to 100 times.
"Once a day paid gacha" that can be used with paid crystals is not applicable to this gacha.
・The benefit “Free Gacha once a day” of “Colorful Pass ~PRECIOUS~” does not apply to this gacha.
・Gacha bonuses are not applied to this gacha.
・The event schedule is subject to change without notice.
[Reprint] [Kanade Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha
From “[Reprint] [Kanad Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha”, birthday limited members who appeared in 2022 will reappear.
The only members that will appear from the gacha are the rarity [Birthday] that appeared in 2022, and [★3][★2] "Kanade Yoizaki", and you can draw the gacha up to 100 times.
■Event period
February 10th 0:00 to February 16th 23:59
■Returning members of “[Reprint] [Kanade Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha”
[Birthday limited]
Birthday [Happy Birthday! ! ] Kanade Yoizaki
No live costumes
Birthday limited members have the following characteristics:
・The rarity of birthday-only members will be the birthday-only rarity [Birthday].
・The experience points required for master training and skill improvement of birthday limited members are different from other rarities.
・Birthday limited members cannot undergo special training.
・Birthday limited members can exchange for “Fragments of Thoughts x 300” when exchanging in the waiting room.
・From this gacha, only [Birthday] that appeared in 2022 and [★3][★2] “Kanade Yoizaki” will appear.
・Birthday limited members newly appearing from “[Kanad Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY2024 Gacha” will not appear from this gacha.
・Birthday limited members who reappear from "[Reprint] [Kanad Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2023 Gacha" will not appear from this gacha.
・★4 members will not appear from this gacha.
・This gacha can be used up to 100 times.
"Once a day paid gacha" that can be used with paid crystals is not applicable to this gacha.
・The benefit “Free Gacha once a day” of “Colorful Pass ~PRECIOUS~” does not apply to this gacha.
・Gacha bonuses are not applied to this gacha.
・The event schedule is subject to change without notice.
About “[Yozaki Kanade] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha Seal”
Every time you get one member from "[Kanade Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY2024 Gacha", "[Reprint] [Kanade Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY2023 Gacha", "[Reprint] [Kanade Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha", ]HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha Seal” You can get 1 piece.
You can use 100 "[Kanad Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha Seals" and exchange them with one member in the "[Kanad Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha Seals" exchange.
You can consume 1 "[Kanad Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha Seal" and exchange it for 5 "Fragments of Thoughts" in the "[Kanad Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha Seal" exchange office.
*“[Kanad Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha Seal” cannot be exchanged for various gacha sticker tickets.
*Various gacha sticker tickets cannot be used at the "[Kanad Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY gacha sticker" exchange office.
*There is an exchange deadline for "[Kanad Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha Seal". please note.
[[Kanade Yoizaki] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha Seal Exchange Target]
Birthday [Happy Birthday! ! 2024] Kanade Yoizaki
Birthday [Happy Birthday! ! 2023] Kanade Yoizaki
Birthday [Happy Birthday! ! ] Kanade Yoizaki
Fragments of feelings x5
[[Yozaki Kanade] HAPPY BIRTHDAY gacha sticker exchange deadline]
March 16th 14:59
Thank you for your continued support of "Project Sekai Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku".
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project-sekai-updates · 8 months
🎧宵崎奏 HAPPY BIRTHDAY2024   ガチャ開催決定🎂🎉
2月10日0時より、新たな誕生日限定メンバーが登場するガチャの開催が決定✨ また、過去の誕生日限定メンバーが再登場するガチャも復刻開催します💫
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[Google Translated Vers.]
🎧Yozaki Kanade HAPPY BIRTHDAY2024 Gacha will be held🎂🎉
A gacha featuring new birthday-limited members will be held from 0:00 on February 10th✨ We will also be reprinting a gacha in which past birthday-limited members reappear 💫
*Birthday-limited members may reappear.
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□■□ 2021-22 V.LEAGUE DIVISION2 MEN Nov.27(Sat),2021 東京ヴェルディVS サフィルヴァ北海道 日野市市民の森ふれあいホール(東京都日野市)都 □■□ 東京ヴェルディ (TOKYO VERDY) #1 : 與崎 風人 (Futo Yozaki) : Outside Hitter □■□ #東京ヴェルディバレーボール #tokyoverdyvolleyball #稲沢市 #東京都 #與崎風人 選手 #FutoYozaki #鹿児島市 #鹿児島商業 #バレー #バレーボール #バレー部 #バレーボール部 #vリーグ #vリーグ男子 #vリーグはバレーだよ #vleague #龍神NIPPON #バレーボール男子 #男子バレー #男バレ #バレーボール好きな人と繋がりたい #スポーツ #アスリート #スポーツ写真 #ポートレート #ポートレート好きな人と繋がりたい #東京カメラ部 #ファインダー越しの私の世界 #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい #写真好きな人と繋がりたい □■□ (日野市 市民の森ふれあいホール) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZZN4GcFPSM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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□■□ 2021-22 V.LEAGUE DIVISION2 MEN Nov.13(Sat),2021 兵庫デルフィーノ VS 東京ヴェルディ 千葉公園体育館(千葉県千葉市) □■□ 東京ヴェルディ (TOKYO VERDY) #1 : 與崎 風人 (Futo Yozaki) : Middle Blocker □■□ #東京ヴェルディバレーボール #tokyoverdyvolleyball #稲沢市 #東京都 #與崎風人 選手 #FutoYozaki #鹿児島市 #鹿児島商業 #バレー #バレーボール #バレー部 #バレーボール部 #vリーグ #バレー #バレーボール #バレー部 #バレーボール部 #vリーグ #vリーグ男子 #vリーグはバレーだよ #vleague #龍神NIPPON #バレーボール男子 #男子バレー #男バレ #バレーボール好きな人と繋がりたい #スポーツ #アスリート #スポーツ写真 #ポートレート #ポートレート好きな人と繋がりたい #東京カメラ部 #ファインダー越しの私の世界 #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい #写真好きな人と繋がりたい □■□ (千葉公園体育館) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYq54aeF2rr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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feyria · 7 years
This was so many different levels of wrong, he couldn't stand it. His breath puffed out of him in short, rapid bursts, the trees around him were a blur as he weaved in and out of them with ease. He had just wanted to catch sight of the meteor shower tonight and now he was running for his life. A stray thin tree branch slaps his face making a few orange strands of hair stick to the sweat on his cheek; he doesn't even feel the sting.
    It had only been a quarter past one in the morning when he felt a distinct sense of wrong. A taller man dressed in dark clothing had stepped into his yard. Sleek black hair reached to the nape of his neck, slicked back with gel. Yashiru had to admit the man was quite handsome until he noticed the black tail that swayed in an all too familiar motion- a cat looking to torment it's prey.
     The stranger caught on right away that Yashiru was nervous, a twisted smirk curling his lips deviously. The act brought out an image of bloody paw marks on a pristine white wall. That was when the older man bolted like a jack rabbit into the nearby trees, even before the cat-like man said anything. Yashiru's healing quirk was pretty well known and it wouldn't be the first time a villain came looking to kill him. The only difference was that he knew exactly who the stranger was even with the fact that it was the first time he ever met him.
     He was frantic at this point, very nearly tripping over a crop of gnarled roots when he chanced a glance over his shoulder. He couldn't see anything in the half second that he looked, just darkness and his own blood roaring through his ears. The one time he chose not to bring his suitcase outside; the vast array of smoke bombs would have been extremely helpful right about now.
      An owl diving by his ear to snatch a mouse from the brown leaves jars a half scream out of him and he ducks his head, arms thrown over his orange locks. Pathetic, he was so terrified, a harmless bird could fray his nerves. It wasn't as if he didn't have a reason to be scared, this had to have been the same person that murdered Meirin. He was a cat after all and with that thought, Yashiru mentally flashes back to the blood splattered all over the gates of U.A. The ghastly red paw prints etched into the wall in super fine detail, the stench of blood assaults his senses in real time. It only serves to bring about the image of the blue haired diva, her gorgeous face disfigured and burnt nearly beyond recognition. Yashiru feels bile rise in his throat; he had always had a soft spot for the charming woman and he never gotten the chance to properly ask her out for coffee.
     He couldn't even count the sheer number of times he had embarrassed himself in front of the homeroom teacher. From stuttering like a child to being caught watching her grading papers, Yashiru's list of embarrassing acts were near endless. Meirin would always playfully roll her eyes or a twinkling giggle would escape her every time and Yashiru knew he was smitten since day one.
     Now that same murderer was after him, no doubt ready to vandalize his body in the exact same way. Bloody cat paws would be stamped all over the walls of his home and he had only just started at U.A. Why was he being hunted like an animal not even a full week after starting out? All too suddenly he remembers that he could have gone straight into his house to barricade himself and call for help- instead he had gone into the woods like a fool. This was a nightmare he really did not want to be a part of- if only it were just a nightmare.
     Yashiru is snapped out of his thoughts when his left foot snags on a stray root, sending him tumbling with a broken shout. He hits the dirty, leaf covered ground hard, getting sand in his mouth. Dressed in nothing but a deep red robe and boxers to match, he can feel every loose rock and twig dig into his skin. They would leave cuts and bruises no doubt, but if that villain caught him, he wouldn't live to see morning.
    Almost as if conjured by his thoughts, Yashiru sees a pair of bare feet equipped with short white claws land silently in front of him. There was no way he could have caught up to him so quickly. Yashiru had been running at his fastest and he was sure he had taken enough turns to lose even a bloodhound. He looks up at the malicious man, bright golden eyes leer at him from behind red half framed glasses, the same twisted smirk from earlier still plastered on his face.
  “You're so fast, I almost had a hard time keeping up with you. Almost.” Yashiru feels himself beginning to tremble at the sickly sweet words. Now that he had stopped running, his legs ached to the point that he could feel his pulse throbbing through them. He was, in every sense of the word, stuck.
   The villain must have been expecting Yashiru to say something because he tilts his head, “what's the matter, cat got your tongue? I mean I don't have it yet, but you get the idea. Or maybe you're wondering how I found you as quickly as I did?”
  Yozaki thrusts a hand out to grab onto Yashiru's hair, claws dig into his scalp as his head is wrenched further back painfully. “My eyes are so much better than yours but even a blind man could have followed this brightly colored hair you have. You really should consider dyeing it sometime. By the way, that was very rude of you to just up and run away when all I wanted was to have a little chat. Now we get to play a fun game instead.” Yozaki flicks his wrist and a small switchblade appears in his free hand. The silver edge gleams dangerous and bright in the moonlight filtering through the trees.
      This was it, this was the moment Yashiru's life would end. Dead at the hands of a cat man in the middle of the small forest not even ten minutes away from his own home. The older man at least has the decency and energy to struggle in vain as Yozaki flips him onto his back. Exhaustion and fear make it so very easy for the dark haired man to pin Yashiru's arms above his head with one hand while he plants himself on the older man’s thighs.
      Now he really was trapped and the realization has him testing the grip Yozaki has on his wrists. He grits his teeth when the other man squeezes, making his bones rub together painfully through his skin.
     It was becoming increasingly more difficult to breathe with extra weight on him but Yashiru is able to gasp out, “Why are you doing this? What grudge do you have against me that...I'm not aware of?”
     “Oh I don't have a grudge against you, I just want to tear U.A down piece by piece,” Yozaki drags the back end of the switchblade down Yashiru's chest, making him shudder. “That blue haired crybaby teacher was the first step. Can you believe she put up about as much of a fight as you? It was so sad I wanted to vomit.”
    As if he needed confirmation that the feline man was the culprit. There was a ball of dread the size of a soft ball forming in the pit of his stomach. He couldn't move his legs very well, his arms were still pinned down, already beginning to ache and cold steel was now caressing his cheek. Yozaki’s tail can be seen flicking out of the corner of Yashiru's eyes.
     “By the way, this game doesn't have a name unless you like the sound of 'let’s see how long it takes me to get bored of cutting you up’.”
    Cutting me up??, Yashiru pales as his heart begins to race in his chest once again. Of course the villain wasn't going to make his death quick and painless. He would be forced to lay there completely powerless as the man cut him to ribbons. He wanted to struggle anew, hoping and praying he had enough energy in him to knock the villain off but his body was frozen stiff. Just how cruel could this world be?
     Shocked out of his thoughts, Yashiru whimpers from Yozaki finally dragging the sharp end of the blade down his face. From the stinging pain and meticulously slow movement of his hand, the older man knows the other is carving something into his face. Tears prick at the corners of his eyes as the process drags on for an agonizing twenty seconds. He's endured pain before but never in a place so sensitive as right now. He can feel the blood oozing and trailing down the side of his face, in a few seconds it would be staining his hair.
      Yozaki cuts into his face again, making Yashiru clench his eyes shut and groan. He didn't need to see it to tell by the feeling that at least the second mark was a crudely done paw. Yozaki chuckles, running the back end of the blade down Yashiru's chest. It left a thin trail of blood in its wake, bright red against his paling skin.
     “The human body is such a wonderful, wonderful thing, don't you agree? We can survive so many hardships and wounds with only scars as proof that anything ever happened. Don't even get me started on how nice the scars look.” Yozaki sighs in bliss, then his armed hand is moving again, digging the blade into Yashiru's shoulder. The cuts had to be letters now, the movements short and quick but hurt all the same. Pain arcs up and down his shoulder to his arm and Yashiru clenches his eyes shut again. Three more paws are etched into his chest, trailing down to his stomach and each one makes him writhe in a sad attempt to escape the pain. He was panting now, shaking and shivering both from cold as the blood cools and from his growing terror. The grueling process takes all of two minutes, but to Yashiru it feels like an eternity.
       Yozaki leans back to admire his handiwork, lifting the blade up to lick away the blood. Less clothes on his victim meant more room for him to practice his art. He almost didn't want to stop but….
     “I can't have you dying on me so soon, so I’ll end our game early today,” he pats Yashiru's cheek, not bothering to avoid the cut. It makes the older man hiss at the sting, his eyes focused on a point above the cat’s shoulder.
    “Oh and I'll be taking this as a memento of our little game~.” He doesn't know what this is and he doesn't want to know either but Yashiru's eyes still widen when Yozaki swings the switchblade at him with blinding speed. His eyes were closed but with no pain, he can only open them to stare in confusion. The dark haired man is holding a thick chunk of orange locks between his claws and Yashiru knows immediately that it's part of the bangs he keeps over his eye. How twisted, what sane person takes their victim’s hair?
    Yozaki sniffs it, narrow eyes glittering, “you have to tell me what shampoo you use next time. Until then, stay safe and healthy. I had a lot of fun tonight.” Yashiru would have curled his lip in disgust if he wasn't fearing for his life. The black cat finally lifts himself off of the other man and saunters off into the trees, humming a light tune as his tail sways.
      Yashiru lets the minutes tick by, his ears straining for any sound of the other man returning before he finally allows himself to believe he actually lived. He struggles to a sitting position, not bothering to fix the sticky robe clinging to his body. There were bruises just now beginning to turn purple on his wrists, the cuts on his face and chest were steadily stinging more as time went by. However, he knew it would take a good three hours for the wounds to kill him; Yashiru would survive. He silently thanks the gods for his healing quirk; willing the tears to come was never a difficult task and not all of them were shed out of necessity.
    Oh Meirin, why was I spared while you were tortured to death? The thought flutters around his mind like an injured bird as he works his tears into his wounds. Once again, Yashiru was struck with the grief of losing the beautiful woman. He lived while she was dead. He would walk away with not a scratch on him thanks to his quirk while she was vandalized like an abandoned store in a delinquent neighborhood. The realization pulls a sob out of him. Yashiru doesn't care about the blood slowly drying and crusting on his skin, he can only muster the energy to curl back up on the ground and shudders off the rest of his adrenaline until dawn peaks through the trees.
    He knew very well that he wouldn't be getting any sleep within the days to come. That villain had more or less promised they would run into each other again and next time….next time Yashiru may not be so lucky.
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ryuzakizansworld · 6 years
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Ok so I know many of you who I have known always the way back sense 2003 but this is my true first form I took. Yozaki. He was a sorta a God of cross dimensions and calamity. I know it was a strange idea what do you see what I had Invisioned for him to be? I don't know how many of you guys know of what animes but what this character was suppose to be was a kinda fusion of Kenpachi Zaraki from bleach. Minato from naruto and Gogeta from dragon ball. I've finely had my master peice created. Yes, he has other forms and abilities but this is his natural state. What do you think? Artist credit: Michael DC https://www.instagram.com/p/BtkDXMHg7g0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=oy1d1l6bxa1k
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feyria · 7 years
Some simple facts about my BNHA ocs until I go into more detail
Oboru Namikawa:
-Oboru is probably the only one who's name isn't a pun or related to his quirk in some way.
-He doesn't start using his quirk for mock flight until the age of 37, his fear of heights was just THAT bad and it stemmed from an incident when he was only 11.
-Oboru was the one that came up with the special move Firestorm Road. It's an attack that involves his Slicing Mealstrom and Ritsuo's Gattling Flame which in turn creates a massive fire tornado.
-Around the time he hits 28, Oboru teaches himself a new move called Tempest Punisher. He creates a tornado about 3 feet in length with both hands and revs the wind speeds up to nearly 100mph, then he'll keep the tornado attached to himself and essentially drill his target with it. If it doesn't send them flying first, it leaves them with some nasty cuts.
-Oboru has an orange colored beta fish that he keeps in a relatively large tank. Twice a month, he rearranges all the decorations in it.
-He thought it would be cool to use his quirk underwater in an attempt to make a whirlpool. It worked but he almost drowned himself in the process.
-He's a great ice skater; not professional level but if he got a lot of practice, he would be close.
-Oboru's winds actually blow out at the same temperature as his body I.E. warm tornadoes.
-Outside of All Might, Oboru is also a big fan of Kamui Woods and wishes to learn techniques to use his quirk the same way the hero does; rescuing others or snagging villains.
-As his quirk began to appear, the pores on his palms and arms started as very itchy red spots. He thought he was getting chicken pox until they sunk in and formed the holes he can blow air from.
Ritsuo Kiyobi:
-as he ages, Ritsuo adds more tails to his costume. Approximately 2 every ten years until he has nine. He started with one back when he was seven but it was more of a tail shaped keychain. He gets rid of it by the end of middle school only to have three costume made tails for his hero costume in high school.
-his last name, Kiyobi, is a bit of a pun on the word kyuubi. The classic nine tailed fox from Naruto.
-his favorite hero is Thirteen and he even cried when he heard of the USJ attack. He was so worried that the hero would have permanent scars from that event.
-He's very flashy with his techniques, often calling their names out right as he uses them or a little after. He even makes hand symbols while using them.
-He wants to be a rescue hero just like Thirteen but his main focus would be fire emergencies.
-Ritsuo finds his first stepping stone to becoming a rescue hero through working at an orphanage. At one point it gets attacked by a villain because their child had been put there after being taken away from them. Not the smartest villain.
-He was the one to come up with the special move Lotus Prison. The move is formed through his Lotus Blossom and one of Oboru's mini tornadoes. It causes the flames to form a much larger flower that then collapses on itself and the target.
-Ritsuo's favorite thing to bake is macarons and he typically makes them macha green tea flavored.
-He can collapse his flames to make sparks that look like glitter. It's warm to the touch and his main tool for cheering up kids.
-Ritsuo's quirk manifested when he was copying the hand symbols his father made while they were playing. The small blue flame had gotten onto his bed sheets and would have set the whole thing ablaze if his father hadn't quickly clapped it out.
-Around the time he acquires his ninth tail (age 44) he learns how to create a ball of super heated lighting from his mouth. Similar to Avatar, his strong fireballs gain enough power to manifest as lightning. However he can only do this with the ones from his mouth and can only make one a day as they cause him severe pain.
Yozaki Torabiru:
-if Yozaki had stayed true to being a hero instead of dropping to the villain side, his alias would have been Nekomata. The name is based around cat spirits with twin tails.
-He is severely allergic to anything with milk in it. The stuff destroys his stomach lining to the point that he would need to be hospitalized but since he's a villain....you can see his issue.
-he has a tongue piercing. It's just a simple silver stud right on the center.
-Yozaki's name can mean several things: tiger, stretch and twist are just a few of them.
-He once spent an entire night from dusk to dawn tearing up random parts of the first city he lived in. The second he heard sirens or heroes, he would take off to go destroy something else.
-Yozaki has a villain friend that can create damaging music notes the size of stones and softballs just by singing. They like to go on nightly rampages together every few months.
-While Yozaki does get the random urge to play with cat toys, if someone were to send one his way, he would return it to them by shoving it in a place it really doesn't belong.
-He lives off a constant supply of instant ramen, tv dinners and canned soup because he can't cook to save his life.
-Yozaki is completely nocturnal, he sleeps during the day and goes about his business; whether it be causing trouble or just hanging around; at night.
-His bones don't stretch when he uses his quirk, instead they separate similar to Renji's sword with a limit to how far they can go. If Yozaki pushes that limit, on the way back, his bones will end up painfully grinding against each other from the momentum.
Yashiru Kosenzu:
-Yashiru has had so much coffee that now it no longer boosts his energy. He has to drink hard expresso when he's tired.
-He has three pet snakes; a brown and black spotted ball python, an orange and cream corn snake and a brown and tan gopher snake. He keeps them in separate tanks to avoid fights or stress on the reptiles.
-He once fell asleep outside because he waited too long to watch a meteor shower. He woke up when the sprinkler system went off and soaked him.
-any tears Yashiru produces have healing powers and with years of using his quirk, he can cry on command. Like when using the primary part of his quirk it, will still end up leaving him dehydrated should he over do it.
-The more severe a wound he heals on someone, the faster it dehydrates himself and the less tears he produces after the wound is healed.
-He chose the hero name Phoenix based on the legendary bird that could heal with it's tears from Harry Potter. It also fits his own look because of his brightly colored hair.
-He's a big fan of the Korean band bts and on any given day, he can be caught singing their songs when he thinks he's alone.
-While Yashiru can heal many things, mental illnesses, cancers and severed limbs are not on his heal list.
-Because he's learned so many languages, there are times when he gets words or phrases mixed up, especially if the words are the same with different meanings in each language.
-Yashiru is mostly passive aggressive and doesn't like fighting unless it's to protect himself or someone else.
-The first thing he ever knit was a set of three "sweaters" for his snakes during Christmas. He adores the reptiles and likes to spoil them.
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