#yozoraarashi asks
secret-engima · 4 years
Any/All Nox Verse - Does Nox ever give the Kingsglaive magic? The Kingsglaive are under Nox's protection after all and have been claimed by that Lucis Caelum 'Mine' instinct. So does Nox ever share magic with the Kingsglaive? How would it occur? How would it feel on both sides of the bond? How would people feel about Nox being the one sharing magic? Can people have the magic of more than one person inside them at one time?
Hmmmm I think eventually he does? He definitely gives it to Nyx once they become a Thing in Nox verse Main. In Little Nox then I don’t think he ever does? Or at least not for a long time. But in Nox verse Main, Fem!Nox, and Nox!Taur I can definitely see him sharing magic with the Kingsglaive as a way to lay claim on them.
I feel like he’d start with just the ones he knows best? Like Nyx and Libertus and stuff, then when he finally trusts Luche and co he just kinda- GIVES THEM MAGIC. All at once. He only realizes after the fact that he just overturned Regis’s magic and replaced it with his own so OOPS.
For the Glaive I think it would feel like a jolt of energy and a really brief but painful snap of Regis’s magic getting banished and then a RUSH of power as Nox replaces it with his own and he has ... a LOT more magic to share than Regis does by dint of being the Chosen King and all so the bond is actually closer to a Retinue bond than a Glaive bond in sheer strength. So now the glaives get really vague impressions of Nox’s emotions when he’s nearby, and also have way more magic to pull off spells with (and also have a lovely adjustment period to their new power boost that ranges from migraines to vomiting and coincidentally when Nox apologizes and says something about how every LC has some Bad Days adjusting when they use too much magic or when they grow into it too soon all the glaives take a Long Look at Regis’s bad health issues are are like “oh no, oh that’s why”).
Regis btw has a minor freak out when he feels like- ALL his Kingsglaive bonds go poof. Because he can’t really sense when single ones go out, there’s too many and they’re usually too far away, but since most of the glaive are in Insomnia when Nox just MASS REPLACES it he FEELS that and is like “CLARUS WE’RE UNDER ATTACK.”
Then he learns no, Nox just did something recklessly.
Also yes, I think someone can have more than one person’s magic at the same time, but when the magic is as powerful as Nox’s it tends to get ... possessive and gently but firmly boot out any other magic. XD
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yatengarasu · 7 years
Chapters: ½ Fandom: Bleach Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kurosaki Ichigo/Urahara Kisuke Characters: Kurosaki Ichigo, Urahara Kisuke, Shihouin Yoruichi, Kurosaki Isshin Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Telepathy, Pre-Slash, Slash, Prompt Fill Series: Part 7 of Tumblr Prompts 2015 Summary:
yozoraarashi asked: Prompt: Cross-dressing or telepathy for Urahara/Ichigo.
yozoraarashi asked: Can I change my prompt to Soulmates/Soul Bonds for Urahara/Ichigo? I like that prompt even more than the one I previously asked for and I have never seen it done with these two. Now I really want to see it done with these two.
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wordsdrippinginink · 7 years
Since you asked me to remind you: please make a sequel of the Shanks trains Ace and adopts him fic requested by yozoraarashi.
“Why did you kidnap me,” Ace demands, eyes bright and full of fire, his hands curled into fists looking far more like his mother than his father, the same brand of righteous anger and coldness that he had seen during attacks. “You had no right, I trusted you.”
“You wouldn’t have talked to me if I had told you, little one.”
Ace growls, “You don’t get to call me that. You kidnapped me, you stole me and locked me up.” He shakes his hands, the chains rattling. “I’m stuck here because of you.”
“Ace,” Shanks says softly, his hand held up to calm him down. “I’m not going to hurt you, I want to help you. But if I had told you why, you never would have let me.”
“Why would I refuse your help?” Ace demands. “You’re Luffy’s friend. He trusts you.”
Shanks tilts his head, “I was one of Gol D Roger’s cabin boys. He use to say that when he had children that I could be their older brother. He was so excited when Rouge said that she was pregnant with you.”
“Fuck you,” Ace growls. “Fuck you and fuck him.”
“Ace,” Shanks states trying to get him to calm down. “What do you know about your father?”
“I know enough,” Ace snaps. “I know enough about him. About what a monster he was and what he did.”
“Oh, little one,” Shanks sighs, moving closer, ignoring the fist that Ace tries to throw at him. “Little one, I’m not going to hurt you, please relax please?”
“Fuck you.”
“I take it that he’s not taking it well,” Benn says leaning against the wall as Shanks comes out of the room they had locked Ace away in.
“Of course he hasn’t,” Shanks sighs, scrubbing his face. “He’s pissed.”
“Will he understand and forgive you for this at some point?”
“I don’t know. Not with how much he seems to hate Roger. I want him to understand why Roger did what he did, I want him to know what his father was like. What he was really like, not what he was told about.”
Benn sighs, “This might not have been the best idea, Captain.”
“He’s my little brother, Benn, I have to at least try.”
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secret-engima · 4 years
I know this might not fit into the main canon of the Deleantur verse but the thought wouldn't leave me. How would people from Del's original timeline watching over him in the Afterlife react to the things he is doing and experiencing in the past? Just Nyx and Libertus' reactions alone would be hilarious I'm thinking especially when Del is pegged as an Ulric and no Ostium steps up to Braincell. Though reactions to hearing the full story of everything when Del tells it would be wrenching too.
It definitely doesn’t fit into the canon of Deleantur verse, but it IS an interesting thought. Just- Nyx and Libertus cringing and yelling over all the misunderstandings happening in the clan, Libertus having a meltdown when he realizes that OH NO DEL REALLY IS LIKE AN ULRIC AND HE HAS NO BRAINCELL.
Of course Iggy would also be there, lecturing Del and Fussing to no avail because Noct eat something it’s been two days. Noct sleep it’s been 18 hours. NOCT SELF CARE. I SPENT A LIFETIME TEACHING YOU SELF CARE STOP IGNORING IT.  N O C T.
The reactions to the full story of everything that happened would Gut Them tho. Just- Gut Them.
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secret-engima · 5 years
Since you like the genderbend and time travel tropes so much have you ever thought of writing about an AU version of Nox verse with a Fem!Noct time travelling/dimension travelling with Uncle Ardyn? Or even Fem!Noct in general because I confess I would love to see Fem!Noct(Nox) with Male!Nyx and all the shenanigans their courtship, marriage, and overall relationship would entail. Because I think it would be just as entertaining as Nox and Fem!Nyx's.
I have actually thought of that yes! Never got around to writing because I have TOO MANY AUS but sure let’s add another Nox verse spinoff to the pile. We shall call this one Fem!Nox verse.
-Same backstory as Nox, possibly dresses up as a boy to keep people from hitting on her out in the wilds when she is Smol and Skinny.
-A LOT more sarcastic than Nox main. It’s a defense mechanism.
-Nyx is not prepared for this sarcastic old soul of a princess who likes to pop in and visit the glaive and is just as warptastic as he is and appreciates his humor rather than finds him annoying and has wildly flyaway hair that Nyx just ITCHES to braid into some semblance of tameness because Nox is always annoyed with her own hair and he wants to help plus it looks super silky and-
-Oh no.
-Cue Libertus facepalming in the back.
-Unlike Fem!Nyx that went into Denial Mode, Nyx goes into Panic Mode because HE’S FALLEN FOR THE PRINCESS. OH NO. And he’s a refugee soldier so OBVIOUSLY that would never work but it doesn’t stop him from pining/flirting like crazy until Nox clues in that she LIKES this dork.
-Nox is the one to kiss Nyx first in this AU rather than the other way around, Nyx just sputters about how she’s a princess and he’s a soldier refugee so surely this isn’t gonna work out and Nox is having exactly NONE OF IT. They hold a whirlwind dating spree with some culture shenanigans as outlined in previous posts about Nox main and Fem!Nyx and then Nox accidentally gets herself married to Nyx.
-You read that right. Nox accidentally marries herself to Nyx. She notices that he wears braids and she knows Galahdians wear braids so when thinking of a gift she’s like- how about jewelry I know he’ll wear? so she makes him this beautiful bead out of fire opal using some old jeweler memories rattling around from the Ring and offers it to him next time she goes down to Glaive HQ.
-In front of all the glaives.
-You can see where this is going.
-Nyx gets breathless and wide-eyed because HIS PRINCESS IS PROPOSING TO HIM GFDGHGFDFGH and Libertus is speechless because WHAT and Tredd is wolf-whistling in the back while Luche just goes “wait- wait does she KNOW or is this another misunderstanding-” but it’s too late because Nyx has accepted the bead and is kissing Nox senseless before braiding it into his hair with the GOOFIEST SMILE on his face.
-Axis hears about this from Luche later and comes to yell at his Queen because WHAT WERE YOU THINKING.
-So yeah. Nyx is married to Nox for several months before he’s caught sleeping with her (as in actual sleeping, he was tired from his time on the front and Nox invited him for TV and Cuddles and they both passed out because one is a Princess who naps at the drop of a hat and the other was exhausted). Regis is Not A Happy Camper. He’s pretty ready to MURDER actually until Nox tells him that she’s married to Nyx already and so it’s FINE (It is not fine, Regis is going to get to walk his daughter down the aisle SO HELP HIM).
-Nyx is bowled over when not only does he SURVIVE having the king for a dad in law but also when the Lucian Wedding stuff is underway he learns that Nox is causing All The Scandal by insisting she take the Ulric name rather than the other way around. I mean- that’s an accepted thing for the Galahdian who proposes to take on the name of the spouse but Nox is ROYALTY he didn’t think-
-gfdhgfd he has the best wife. Doesn’t he have the best wife Lib?????
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secret-engima · 5 years
That Fem!Nox snippet was wonderful and I can't thank you enough for sharing it with us! It does make me wonder just how everyone found out about Nox and Nyx's relationship/marriage. Because obviously Ardyn was more than aware probably from the beginning and Regis was one of the last to know which probably was a 'fun' revelation for everyone involved, especially if Nox's protective Lucis Caelum 'Mine' instinct got invoked over Nyx. Poor Libertus though, the things he endures for his idiots.
Ohhhh XD yeah that was probably a fun but slow trainwreck.
-Ardyn knew from the beginning. Libertus was aware of Nyx’s terrible crush from the beginning, but I think it actually took him a little bit to realize that Nox and Nyx had gotten together.
-Then he catches Nyx looking giddy and spots Nox disappearing down the other end of the hall and he just- SIGHS. Into his hands. Looks up at Nyx miserably and goes “You’re dating the princess aren’t you.”
-“She started it!”
-Libertus wants a refund on his life pls.
-Most of the glaives totally guess the relationship before actually catching Nyx and Nox in the act, but they DO keep catching them in the act. Luche, who has been living stubbornly in denial, walks into the glaive obstacle course room one day to find Nox and Nyx kissing each other senseless in the rafters. Luche immediately backed out of the room yelling about “getting a NON-PUBLIC ROOM YOU TWO”, Nyx just laughed at him.
-Axis knew from the start and threatened Nyx with horrible murder if he hurt Nox, so there’s that XD.
-Titus took longer to know, not because he was unaware of the clues ... he was just firmly in Denial. Ardyn kept teasing him about it, Titus kept intentionally playing dumb until he found two certain somebodies hiding from Clarus in Titus’s office. After blandly handing a blushing Nox her lost hair tie (Nyx had pulled it out while they were kissing cause he likes tangling his fingers in her hair), he very firmly told them that he was NOT going to report them, but he also wasn’t going to be their alibi. If he found them in his office doing this again, he was going to put Nyx on gate duty for the rest of the YEAR. Now scoot.
-They scooted.
-Cor ... suspects. He doesn’t find out until Ignis tattles to Regis, because otherwise he would have murdered Nyx and then gone to inform Regis. But he SUSPECTS and Nyx and Nox have more than a few close calls of the Marshal sniffing around.
-I feel like Ignis is somehow the one to find them? Like- I know I said they get caught napping in Nox’s room so logically it’s a servant or something that catches them but I want it to be Ignis okay? Ignis who came in to- idk check on Nox because the youngest princess was worried about Nox not showing up for their video game tournament and Ignis knows sometimes Nox has bad Quiet Days and so was just coming to make sure she was okay and sees Nyx and her (who are totally married by this point) snoozing in her big bed because Nyx is exhausted from a mission and Nox likes cuddles. But Ignis, unaware of the marriage and the entire relationship up until this point, concludes All The Worst Things and runs straight to Regis.
-Literally straight to him, I’m picturing Ignis walking straight into a council meeting and going “Kingsglaive Ulric is sleeping with your oldest daughter right now” and everyone can feel Regis’s magic ERUPT throughout the entire Citadel (Nox jolts awake, worried and startled, wondering why her dad’s magic feels furious and alarmed and is ... coming ... closer... oh no.)
-Regis is ... NOT a happy camper at first. Very not. Not that he doesn’t want Nox to be happy and find the love of her life but- just- she didn’t breathe a word about it to anyone and no one told him till Ignis worded it in the worst way possible. So he ... overreacts.
-Nyx sees his life flash before his eyes via enraged Dad King until Nox jumps in with her own armiger and yells over Regis’s fury that SHE’S MARRIED TO NYX, KNOCK IT OFF. Complete with angry magic sparks and bared teeth because that is HER HUSBAND and not even her father can touch him without consequences.
-Regis goes dead still. Stares at Nox like he isn’t sure if he believes her and is horrified or if he thinks she’s lying to save Nyx’s soul. Nox shows Regis the wedding bead and explains that they had a Galahdian wedding and Galahdians wear beads instead of rings.
-Regis looked dangerously at Titus, who is following a cackling Ardyn into this disaster, and Titus sighs as he nods and confirms that bit of culture.
-Regis growls, deep and draconic in a way that makes Nyx’s teeth vibrate, then slowly lets Nyx down from the wall. He turns to his daughter and tells her that 1. she is in BIG TROUBLE for not telling him. Yes, he knows she’s a legal adult but she is his daughter, he is the king, and this is his HOUSE. He should have gotten at least three months heads up rather than finding out via Ignis saying “a glaive is sleeping with your eldest daughter”. 2. he won’t kill or fire her husband but he WILL be putting Nyx on suspension for lying to his king and FATHER-IN-LAW. and 3. he wants a Royal Wedding. He is GOING to walk his daughter down the aisle in a proper Lucian wedding ceremony so help him.
-Nox, not being an idiot and frankly wanting to keep her husband, agrees to these terms.
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secret-engima · 5 years
I was wondering if you had any Fem!Nox/Nyx headcanons you would care to share? I have loved the last few bits you have graced us with. Perhaps first interactions, a cute/funny date as they ease into Courting - I can see the two going on a Hunt, Nyx seeing Nox really fight for the first time, the two fighting together, absolutely anything you have thoughts on or inspiration for that you care to share. Thank you!
Hmmmmm I haven’t thought of that AU in a bit but I’ll see what I can do!
-Sooo pretty sure I said that Nox was the first one to kiss the other, but Nyx was the first one to suggest a date. It was the most adorably awkward conversation Nox has ever had in her life, because while Nyx is CLEARLY used to being the suave one, for some reason it just ... goes out the window with Nox. Possibly because she’s a literal princess and Nyx is feeling a teeny bit convinced of his own inferiority even though she willingly kissed him.
-He awkwardly mentions that he’s off duty tomorrow so, and that there’s a small festival going on in Galahd that day, so you know, if she wanted to get out of the Citadel for a while Nyx could ... show her around the festival? Or something?
-Nox grins and says it’s a date and Nyx quietly dies inside because he just ASKED THE PRINCESS OUT ON A DATE TO THE SLUMS. LIB. LIB HELP.
-Nyx does not get ANY help from Lib because Lib is the Braincell and frankly he’s not touching this until he has to. So Nyx shows up the next day, dressed in his nice off duty clothes (read: not completely beat up jeans and the t-shirt from his uniform which totally counts as casual in his mind since no one ever sees him without the glaive coat when on duty anyway). Nox shows up between one blink and the next, her flyaway black hair done up in the world’s sloppiest ponytail and dressed in her own casual clothes of black ankle leggings, a pleated skirt Monica got her, and a thin long-sleeved black shirt. Nyx takes one look at her cautiously bright smile and thinks that he suddenly understands why books like using the butterfly in stomach metaphor so much.
-He takes her down to the Festival, cringing internally the entire way there despite his easy conversation because oh astrals he’s taking her to the SLUMS what is she going to think of this and this is a first date he could have at least taken her on a Hunt instead or something-.
-But when they get down there, Nox is ... fine? She’s watching everyone and everything with keen eyes, but she doesn’t flinch from the grime and doesn’t hesitated to join in the festivities despite not knowing what half of them are for and honestly Nyx and Nox have a blast there.
-Also Nyx coaxes her out onto the “dance floor” (read: main square where everyone is happily dancing Galahdian dances) and is surprised when Nox turns out to be a really good dancer. She might now know Galahdian dances but she’s really good at adapting on the fly and her grin is frankly making Nyx feel a teeny bit high.
-Afterward he escorts her back to the Citadel and they kiss goodbye and the other glaives who are NOT privy to Nyx’s love life yet are confused why Nyx is kinda riding high for the rest of the week.
-Also the two TOTALLY go on a Hunt as one of their early dates, Ardyn thinks it’s hilarious, Titus has a headache.
-They end up running into unexpected trouble because NYX AND NOX, but with them being the Hero of the Glaive and the time-traveled Chosen Queen, they handle it just fine (also Nyx gets to ogle his girlfriend as she uses a great sword literally twice her size to smite the enemy and Nox gets to admire Nyx who has lost his shirt SOMEWHERE along the way, warping around like a maniac and chain killing enemies like a boss).
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secret-engima · 5 years
I am loving everything that you have been sharing with us! So thank you very much for letting us enjoy your writing. I also want to check that you received the ask I sent a few days ago about Nox and the Kingsglaive. I know how Tumblr eats asks and would rather ask if you had gotten it rather than stew in anxiety worrying, though I am more than willing to wait until you have the time and the muse for answering it if it inspires you. You spoil us all anyway so everything is worth waiting for.
You’re welcome! I’m so glad you enjoy! And yes, I received your Nox and Kingsglaive ask and am pondering how to answer it. :D.
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