#yr fanficiton
gulliblelemon · 4 months
Controversial Clothing Opinions
My contribution to Day 15 of Wille Month: Fashion.
What does Wille think of the infamous plaid pants? A ficlet snapshot into the Fab Four post canon.
Read 1.3k of propaganda on AO3.
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bigalockwood · 2 months
should've said no (and you might still have me) - chapter 8
“I think the whole time, I was ignoring my feelings, because I was afraid I’d fall harder for you, and that it would be even worse once you left. I never meant to hurt you, though. That was never, ever, my intention.” “I need some time to think about that,” Wille eventually whispered. His voice sounded thin and brittle. “Will you come to the school talent show? I’d like – I’d like to talk to you in person.” “I don’t know, Simon. I don’t know.”
As the talent show approaches, Simon worries he'll never be able to make up it up to Wille. Will he ever be able to forgive Simon?
The final chapter is here! I wasn't sure I would manage to finish it in time, but here it is. I hope you'll like it.
My prompt for Simon's month will follow tonight. Whenever I find time to write it. Oops.
If you want to read from the start, go here.
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grodprinsen · 2 years
Tumblr media
My lovely friends! It's here, the first chapter to my spiderman!simon au fic!! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it 💖
Simon Eriksson has a lot on his plate. He's still trying to get used to his new school, his classmates are classist assholes, his grades need to stay on top, he needs to look out for his sister, practise his singing to stay in the choir... and also, try to juggle the responsibilty that comes with magically gaining superpowers overnight.
But he's doing fine, okay? He can handle this.
Until a certain floppy haired prince that likes to get himself in trouble any chance he gets stumbles into his life and Simon suddenly finds himself in the middle of an organized weapons dealer ring and and-
Yup. He's definitely doing just fine.
The spiderman!simon au you didn't know you needed
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dedeenmarie · 2 years
Hello! I'm loving ABFTB, and I love you writing style. I want to write But I'm very scared, how did you start?
Anon, I just sat down and started writing. If you look at my fanficiton archive you can see my first fic, which I posted over 10 yrs ago! It's not good, I can tell you that. It didn't have structure or was there much thought behind it, but I knew writing was something I liked doing.
It is very scary to post something for others to see (criticize). It touches that vulnerable side of us, and as an introvert having that part of me exposed can be terrifying at times. I've said this a few times, but I wrote ABFTB and had the outline and nearly most of the chapter written for nearly a year before I posted the first chapter - for the exact reason I mentioned above. What helped was having a Beta to calm my nerves and friends that encouraged me to get it out there.
The more practice you have, the better you get at it. And slowly you find your voice. It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be YOU.
Hope that helps a little. 🥰
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save-the-spiral · 7 years
Writing Comparison: 13 vs 16
So, like, it’s no surprise that all artists improve over time, and, as writing IS an art, I’d like to um,,, illustrate that through showing my horrid minecraft fanfiction. I was thirteen when I wrote the original scene, and I’m sixteen now, so let’s see how I do! 
(pls be gentle.)
Warnings for suicide, murder, human experimentation, blood, hallucinations, mind control, me writing like a melodramatic ten year old, minecraft fanficiton, gross abuse of italics, misunderstanding as to how to write a paragraph, and 13 yr old me doing her best, okay.
13 year old me: 
A scene from my first completed fanfiction, The Testing, a Merome Story. Second half of chapter 17, originally posted on Wattpad.
*Mitch’s POV*
I've been assigned to do the climbing wall because they want to reassess my skills.
I climbed the first 10 feet easy. I looked down at Dr. Wing, the one who's supervising my climbing. She's pulling out a remote.
I only have time to think, What's that remote for? when she presses the button.
Immediately I'm in one of my nightmares. No, all of my nightmares.
I see everyone I've ever known. Dead.
Dr. Lock Standing over me in a white room, coming at me with a knife. I only have time to scream when the scene changes again.
I'm falling off a building.
Watching my friends get tortured.
Every thing is happening all at once, yet not at all. I know it's not real, but part of my mind thinks, This is real. Everyone's dead. You have nothing to stay sane for. 
16 year old me:
A scene I’ve reworked from the bones of what I was given above. I changed it into third person and the past tense, because the day I attempt first person in a fic again is the day you should delete me from the internet.
Mitch had been assigned to attempt the climbing wall because they wanted to reassess his ‘skills’. His only skills included crying, screaming, and sometimes flashing in and out of vision like the chameleon they spliced his genes with, thanks to the endless mental abuse and experiments.
Him and his ‘skills’ aren’t going to get that far up the wall.
He stared up at the faux cliff face, the grainy plastic texture of the dark grey wall rough against his sensitive skin. His stomach dropped when he stared straight up to where a gleaming golden bell hung, the florescent lights of the training facility making the metallic glare all the brighter.
Taking a deep breath, he placed a bare hand on one of the colorful molds of plastic meant to serve as a handhold, and hauled himself upwards. It wasn’t easy. Living off of a diet of fruit and anxiety doesn’t exactly bulk someone up.
Mitch climbed the first ten feet easily, and let himself rest for a moment, panting a bit. He then made the mistake of looking down at Dr. Wing, the professional who was supervising his climbing.
She seemed to notice his small break, and pulled a large remote out of her pocket, pressing a menacing red button.
Immediately Mitch was plunged into darkness, still clinging to the wall. He was blind to everything, still clutching the handholds as he began shaking. Images flashed in his mind, until they settled into showing one small scene at a time, a snippet of every dream.
No, definitely no dreams here, not in his mind. A nightmare. All of his nightmares, to be exact.
And in the past few months, he’s had a lot of nightmares.
They shudder, flashing and layering over each other like the most terribly edited horror film in existence.
The glint of a knife fills him with sharp and freezing fear, the approaching anonymous face in a lab coat cackling.
His hands cupped gently as lukewarm blood drips down delicately, eventually overflowing, sloshing like an inebriated man’s cup of liquor in hand. The blood pools beneath him, slowly creeping upwards, towards his chest, his mouth, as he just stares at his hands.
His stomach dropping as he takes a running leap off of a building- bridge- no, a chair, the noose tightening around his neck, the sharp crack of his spine as it snaps, the vertebrae’s fragments digging into the back of his throat-
He watches each of his friends die, one by one, all of them lining up for the slaughter. Each of them has the same blank smile, the same trusting look in their eyes, a trust that is only betrayed by each of their voices chiming in with the same few words.
“It’s your fault.”
Mitch experiences it all, and he lets go, lets himself fall.
He knows, he knows for a certain fact that it isn’t real, that it can’t possibly be real, but a chilling part of his mind only presents one thought to him.
If this is real, you have nothing to live for. If they’re all gone, you might as well be too.
(if you managed to get this far, please, tell me how you think I’ve improved!! I really want to show that just a few years of (pretty inconsistent) dedicated writing can go a long way in the path of bettering yourself as a writer!!)
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girlsline · 8 years
11 questions thingy
I was tagged by @doesnamiisgay​ and @lycanroc-ruff​ for this thing, so im gonna be answering 22 questions in all  lol
RULES: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write 11 new ones. Tag 11 people to answer your questions, as well as the person who tagged you.
1st round:
1 . What’s your ideal house? 3 bedrooms, a living room, a good kitchen and two bathrooms. simplistic but cozy, only 1 floor and is located by the beach.
2 . Thoughts on the Pineapples on Pizza discourse? i dont personally like it, but u do u
3 . If you had to wear a single color for a month which color would you pick?( white and black aren’t allowed) blue
4 . Silliest pet peeve ? uhhh idk tbh. 
5 . When/Why did you join tumblr ? i joined for the first time in late 2014, then deleted bc of the 4chan raid, then made a new one in april 2015. i joined bc i wanted to see what the fuck “crave that mineral” meant
6 . Thoughts on the color brown? overall.... i like it 
7 . What type of food do you like/eat? PASTA chicken rice sweets coconuts tomatoes curry pesto noodles anything like that
8 . How many blogs do you follow? 4144 blogs....i need to go an unfollow spree soon woops
9 . What’s something you wish you could do? hmm.....go to a matd concert
10 . What kind of music do you like to listen to? ohhhh it depends. im bad at sticking to one genre, but i love singer/songwriter stuff (eg: tom odell, mindy gledhill), alternative (eg: matd, jon bellion) and kpop (eg: bts, exid)
11 . Coffee or tea? COFFEE
BONUS : 12 . Does nami is gay?  i mean shes married to vivi already thats kinda gay
2nd round:
1: coffee tea or hot coco? COCOA
2: biiiig fluffy dogs yay or nay? YAY YES YAY
3: whats your go-to thing(s) to do to pass the time? read fics on ao3, play tetris, go on tumblr, rant about mamamoo to @clannads
4: how many ocs, if any do u have? which one(s) is(/are) your favorite/most developed? OHHHHHHH uhh. i dont rlly keep count of them??? like ...  25 prolly. my favorite is ... either mika or alice. mika is a .....loose girl. she has a lot of problems that shes bad at handling, and shes mostly based on myself. alice is a princess, and is very morally grey. i love them both, though alice is probably the more develeped one.
5: tell me about your favorite character at the moment? that ive made or others have? if u mean my own then look above, if u mean others then ...prolly yurio from yoi???? i KNOW hes one of the most popular in the fandom but like....hes so angry all the time and hes so  humane and also sweet and he works SO hard and.,......idk i just love yurio
6: about how long would u say ur attention span is on a good day? sometims im able to watch 4 episodes of a 20 minute show in a row :0 its rlly bad lmao
7: opinions on: milk, fahrenheit vs celsius, pineapple on pizza, mayo, candy corn, licorice, and mac and cheese? milk is a go, celsius is superior, no to pinaple, :/ to mayo, ive never tasted candy corn so idk, LICORICE IS AMAZING, and mac n cheese is also amazing.
8: do u draw/write/sing/[insert any other artsy thing here]? if so for how long have u been doing that? YEAH i do all three of those u mentioned lmao. ive been drawing all my life, though i didnt sart practising more til last yr. ive been writing since i was around 11-12. ive also been singing all my life, but i didnt start learning more abt the technical of it until 2-3 yrs ago!
9: can u whistle? nope
10: can u do the thing where u make ur tongue a little U shape? yes i can B)
11: about how much do u think u could lift? like 40 kg i think
NOW for my questions
1. DFIGIFJIGJ ILU or I love you?
2. lady gaga or katy perry?
3. whos ur favorite person?
4. whats your happiest memory?
5. do yu read fanfiction? if you do, then whats the best fanficiton youve read?
6. do u prefer romance or action?  or both?
7. horror, no or no-go?
8. would you call yourself a confident person?
9. sjw or anti sjw?
10. are u a enfp (extrovert naruto favorite person) or istj (introvert sasuke tickle jacket)?
11. if you could delete one thing from the world, what would it be?
OKI I TAG @animoozies @katyalaskyy @clefeah @dragolla @neato-ft @illustraice @caelestisqueen @bighitgays @clannads @lottoexo​ and @thunderkrystal !! u dont have to do it if u dont want ofc c:
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grodprinsen · 2 years
Let’s see how Simon got so humiliated he assaults the Crown aka, the last chapter to ‘and just for tonight’ is posted now!! 😂
Huge thank you to everyone who left kudos, a comment or just read it, thank you all so much!! 💖 I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it!
Read the description and rating after the cut 💕 
Rating: Explicit
As he stands there, petrified and welded to the ground by the sheer horror that’s forcing his eyes open like pliers, he can only watch as Wille contorts his face in confusion, before pulling the glowing orange fabric of his sweater from underneath Simon’s bed.
Wilhelm finds something in Simon's room that absolutely does not belong to him and Simon learns of Wilhelm's incident in the communal showers.
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