#yttd chapter 3 part 2
sapphicsundial · 3 months
Proud lover of the new yttd floor master 🍓
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servantofwrath · 2 years
i keep forgetting ive written fanfics for this series
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dailykeiji · 4 months
walrer white keiji shonigi jesse pinkman sara chiduoin
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today’s keiji is: yttd chapter 3 part 2 leak (not clickbait)
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logicroute · 11 months
Your Turn to Die ask game! 🗝 Feel free to reblog :3
1 : who is your favorite character in the game? 
2 : who is your least favorite character in the game?
3 : which of the characters has your favorite design?
4 : whats your favorite moment ingame?
5 : which character did you change your opinions on the most?
6 : which character do you think has the most death flags?
7 : if you had to kill one character, who would it be?
8 : which character do you kin/relate the most to?
9 : which character dynamic/friendship is your favorite? (like anzu and kurumada for example)
10 : whats a song that reminds you of the game as a whole? 
11 : which character do you think about the most? (doesnt have to be a fav)
12 : if you had to pick a character to swap places with, who would it be? 
13 : which character would you get along the most with?
14 : whats your favorite joke from the game/fandom? 
15 : whats a part of canon do you dislike? 
16 : when did you get into YTTD?
17 : do you think. you could survive/get out of the death game?
18 : which of the cards (keymaster , sage , sacrifice , commoner) do you think you would most likely get?
19 : If you had to pick a theory to be canon, which one would it be?
20 : would you sign the asunaro vow/consent form and what would be your wish?
21 : what is your favorite attraction from chapt 2? which one is your least favorite? 
22 : who did you save in chapter two? (ie going the kanna + alice route etc etc..)
23 : were you able to save anzu + hayasaka at their first death chance?
24 : in YTTS, which fondness events are your favorite?
25 : which miniepi is your favorite? 
26 : which YTTS pov are you most excited for and whos fondness event do you want to see with them?
27 : whos miniepi do you want to see next? 
28 : if you had the sacrifice card, would you be able to get out of the DG with a massacre ending?
29 : which floormaster is your favorite?
30 : what do you want to see in chapter 3-b?
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joesarawarrior · 1 month
yttd chapter 3-2 predictions!
i saw a bingo card going around on twitter... and i completed my own but id really like to dive into my predictions a bit!! under the cut because this is going to be loooong!
1. gin / keiji will die
for starters. i do not want either of them to die dude if gin goes... but whatever! i predict that they'll function similarly to shin and kanna, as in they're looked to a certain route. i'm going back and forth on the idea of the player making a conscious decision on who to kill or if it's based on former decisions.
now i don't necessarily believe in the memorandum theory, but i think it's quite interesting that gin and keiji are still alive despite them being mentioned clearly. (man who's views align with the girl = keiji and boy much younger than her = gin.)
at this point sara has come to care so deeply for these two, with gin and keiji constantly being her rock and both of them risking their lives for her in chapter 3-1.
as for how they'll die, gin is really anyone's guess. keiji will probably die sacrificing himself for the group i feel.
someone else is going to die, i feel like that's inevitable. especially in emotion considering that the cast is stacked with either yabusame sibling still being alive.
2. midoris status
i have a sinking feeling that he's not quite dead. do i know what purpose this would really serve? not really! i just feel like he's obviously so influential and important... so i feel like him dying in the coffin would be. i don't know! either way i think we'll get some backstory and or clarification for him!
3. escape
i think an escape ending will be possible. i have a few ways i think it could go. but for clarification, i dont think emotion and logic are going to balance each other out. i've seen some people saying that emotion will take a dark turn and logic will take a positive tone, but i dont buy it.
if i had to guess, id say an escape will happen in logic (?) while i don't think that the two routes will balance out, i do think that some sort of story incentive will be given to make logic a viable option to play. shin is also still alive, and id say he's the most capable of getting the group out. (not to say i dont think emotion won't have a happy ending..)
an escape might happen after someone "wins". i just think nankidai will pull this to be funny. sort of. idk..
a good ending to the death game doesn't necessarily have to be a concrete escape, maybe there's another way to end it? idk!
4. shin tsukimi goes 10 dollar mode
i think shin just losing it would be! interesting!! it doesn't necessarily have to end with him killing someone or being a villain... but i think it'd be cool to see.
i think he will refill his role of being an antagonist in 3-2, and i have my reasons for understanding why he's taken a back seat thus far.
i think a catalyst for this could be learning about his relation to kanna.
5. joe ai
i have no concrete theory for this, it's just wishful thinking. why is there an ai of joe? is there an ai of kugie or nao? i guess we'll never know!
6. miley
miley has been seen helping the group before, so i think it'd be interesting to see her take on a more. neutral stance. she's in the preview images, so she's going to play some part in the story at the very least.
7. mishimas head
wishful thinking again. WHERE THE HELL IS HIS HEAD!!! WHY!! WHO!! WHERE!! WHAT!! HOW!! WHEN!!
8. learn more about saras family
i feel like this is bound to happen, given that it's been hinted at since the first chapter. while it's obvious that the mr. chidouin we see in game is connected to the games, id like to know about her biological family too.
9. shin / sara conflict
i think them arguing is funny. but also i'd like to see it resolved. he literally had an evil joe locked and loaded, hello?
10. closure for dummies
i hope they aren't forgotten when the story wraps up. maybe there's a way to speak with the ai again? idk. especially for emotion ranmaru, id like to see him again.
11. game overs
i think there will be a few random game overs like there were in chapter two (ex: qtaro betrayal, sara hallucination meter)
12. winner
someone is going to win. whether that be someone wins and the game continues or someone wins and it functions similarly to a sacrifice massacre ending.
if i had to place my bets on anyone id assume it'll be either shin or sara. but i think a yabusame sibling for funnies. idk!! it could be anyone!
13. joe
joe has been a driving force for the narrative since the very beginning, and i don't think he's going to go away just like that.
even if it's cheesy, i'd like for sara and joe to have another ai (or something like that) moment in the emotion route.
i would like to see him in logic though! whether sara remembers him or not, i feel like it hasn't been wrapped up as neatly as it was in emotion.
extra : my opinions on some prevalent theories!
memorandum : BOOOO!!!! TOMATO TOMATO!!!! IDGAF!!!!!
gin / joe mastermind : i honestly don't see this happening... i mean, gin is twelve! and he bleeds so we know he isn't a doll, so i don't see any reason for him being involved.
i feel the same way for joe. "surely her friend will also take part" doesn't really hold any weight with me? he's always with her, obviously he'll end up taking part. i'm assuming asunaro was expecting to pick up collateral damage since participants and candidates are literally written into the rules.
kai isn't dead : ahhh i don't really see it. i don't see a reason why he would be alive. the only person i could see living would be mishima!
ai theory : this only works as a concept for a banger fanfiction. feels lazy and similar to "it was all a dream".
and that's it!! i didn't proofread this at all so. pardon me i was just sort of rambling!! but anyways if there's anything i missed lmk
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sylkiescoat · 2 months
YTTD chapter 3 part 1 section 2 ‼️spoilers‼️
Oh my god that part where Midori tells Kanna who she’s related to is so funny because you’d SWEAR it’s the guy who looks almost exactly like her but nah it’s just Shin
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danganronpa96 · 7 months
So is the hypothetical 3rd kg more like YTTD rather than Danganronpa. If so, how would you make it work? Also, idk if you know but are you aware of Danganronpa Fictional Quadrilogy series, as from what I’ve seen, it’s pretty good so I thought you want to check it out. Also, another fanfic that I’ve read isn’t related to Danganronpa but a YTTD with crossover characters is Your Turn to Cross Over by Caitemis, thought you might check that one out.
I always had the idea I wanted to do this one as a YTTD death game with a main game rather than a DanganRonpa murder mystery honestly.
I don’t think the format has been very tried and tested yet in a purely written way like fangans have, but I think it would be possible. Just like YTTD, I was thinking there could be some type of sub game before the main game where someone may die, and then during the main game itself, about two more would die (going by the rules of the original card game of course, I was sort of thinking of spicing it up to make it a bit different). So that’s about 2-3 (or potentially more) deaths per chapter.
I feel like each chapter would only be split up into two parts, the ‘daily life/sub game’ and the ‘main game’. It’d be kinda fun to see different scenarios of what sub games and hurdles the death game throws at the cast.
As for executions however, since YTTD’s aren’t as flashy and long as DanganRonpa’s, I’m not sure what route I would go for. I would rather stick to DR’s executions to be honest, but I guess it all depends on how it’ll fit with the mood. Also I feel like I’d want to keep ultimate titles, or I could just replace them with occupations like with YTTD.
Moving onto your recommendations, I can’t seem to find that fictional quadrilogy series when I search it up. Can I find it on a particular website?
For the second one, however, I managed to find it, and it’s an interesting start to see how we could potentially format a YTTD-esque story! (And they were inspired by DR69 which is sweet hehe)
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a-ghostiee · 11 months
Everything I found in the new DRDT MV
We’ll start with the footnotes. I found nearly all of them, the exception being [8] which I couldn’t find. I will provide timestamps for each, and try my best to explain what it means.
[1] (1:22) - It is talking about solving the crossword, meaning that J would go by Julia and Xander would be Alexander. It’s also saying that David isn’t in the crossword, yet Teruko is. I will go into more detail on the crossword later.
[2] (3:02) - Arabidopsis is a thale cress plant; Drosophila melanogaster is a fruit-fly; and E. coli is bacteria. I’m not quite sure how these link, though.
[3] (2:18) - Literally a quote from Title 17 of the United States Code; which talks about Copyright.
[4] (1:47) - This footnote is attached to a bit of text in the background that says “subtract 4, add to tetraphobia.”. Tetraphobia is the practice of avoiding the number 4, which is mentioned in the description.
[5] (3:10) - As it says in the description, this part of the song has been mistranslated several times, so there is no reliable translation for it.
[6] (2:02) - The little 6 can be found next to the hands that look like this: 🙏. I assume the previous hand gestures were referencing a specific prayer, but I’m not sure.
[7] (2:41) - I’m gonna be honest, there isn’t much to work with here. The footnote in the description isn’t much help and the little 7 appears to be attached to the word “mind”
[8] - I couldn’t find [8] in the video, however, I googled the quote from the description and it comes from Alice in Wonderland.
[9] (2:08) - Again, the footnote in the description isn’t that helpful. This time, its attached to “sing a degraded copy”. The phrase “degraded copy” is in pink, so it’s probably important (maybe), but I really don’t know.
[10] (2:01) - The bit in the description mentions that “10 in Roman Numerals is X” and footnote 10, can be found on the right of the big, pink X in the background. Maybe the footnote is hinting that only 10 people will die in DRDT, because the pink X is very similar to the dead portrait Xs.
[11] (1:32) - Now, this one is probably the most interesting, because it says that ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ doesn’t exist. Given that this video centres around David, we can assume that this is most likely talking about his sister that he mentioned in Chapter 2 Episode 10, Diana. She fits the amount of letters perfectly. As for why this footnote is attached to “suspicious gaps”, I’m not quite sure. All I know about the gaps, is that there’s four of them.
[12] (2:02) - This part of the video shows that one person received 16 votes, and no-one else received any. This fits in with the description talking about majority vote (YTTD ref? /hj)
[13] (2:40) - Now this one is definitely next to something that’s been encoded. It seems like it’s been encrypted into Base64, but when I put those letters and numbers into a decoder, I got utter nonsense. It could have been encrypted several times, or it could just not be Base64, I’m still trying to work that out. The symbol in the description appears to mean correct as well, which fits with the placement.
[14] (3:52) - This appears to be at the end of a long chain of numbers, split into several parts. If you look at the equals symbol in the back, you’ll find the little 14. The hint in the description says “word length of 256″, which I could easily link to ASCII. ASCII is a form of character storage which only has 256 possible characters. Again, I’ll figure out what all the numbers mean, and translate it into something readable at some point.
[15] (1:48) - Not quite sure what to say here. The 15 is attached to the word “happiness” and the description talks about “ignorance is bliss”
[16] (2:50) - This is found on several screenshots(?) of a music sheet, which is “Entry of the Gladiators” by Julius Fucik.
[17] (2:01) - Probably the first footnote I spotted, I think I noticed it during my first watch, when it premiered. The description is right though, “Democratic-ly” isn’t a word.
[18] (3:04) - This one can be found with the dandelions (weed). I don’t know what the description is talking about though, the flowers are beautifully drawn ^^
[19] (3:42) - This one’s quite interesting because it’s part of a conversation. Not quite sure what it’s about but I’m pretty sure one of the mystery people is David.
[20] (1:53) - The description mostly explains that the 5 stages of grief are kind of outdated because they can be classed as reductionist, only considering nature.
[21] (3:49) - Again, another pretty simple one that I’m not sure I need to really explain.
[22] - This one is literally on screen for barely a second right at the very end, just before the video stops.
Now, I’ll move on to discuss the YouTube comment type things that appeared on the screen at around 1:09. These are in the order of when the appeared on screen (i think lol).
1.  “ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ is like the byakuya/nagito/kokichi of the cast.” - This is probably talking about David, given the personality he showed during Chapter 2 Episode 11. Also, David has the right amount of letters. 2. “lets play spot the komaeda.” - Again, most likely about David. 3. “I like that  ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ is a protagonist who also plays the antag[onist]” 4. This one is likely about Teruko given how she’s our protagonist and can be quite antagonistic at times. (*cough* pulling a knife out on several people during Chapter 2 *cough*) 5. “mm  ⚪⚪⚪⚪ anyone?” - Not sure who this is talking about because there are so many people who have a four-letter name. (Levi, Whit, Arei, Nico, Rose and Eden) 6. “⚪ and  ⚪⚪⚪⚪ totally swapped places” - Ok, this is definitely about the J and Arei swapped theory. 7. “ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ will obviously die in ch5″ - Could be talking about David again, but there’s something later in the video that might suggest otherwise, which I’ll talk about later on. 8. “I just hope ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ doesn’t go crazy and kill in chapter 3. That would be way [too] predictable.” - Arturo 100% 9. “Everyone in the comment section is a fucking idiot” - Now this one’s kind of mean, but also very interesting. This could be David telling us we’re all wrong, or the creators.
At about 1:22, a crossword shows up briefly, as mentioned during [1]. I like crossword type things so I took some time to solve it. After this crossword shows up, there are several bits of text, which are matched with a roman numerals, so I matched those phrases up to the roman numerals from the crossword.
I. Alexander IV. Arei - “Right now, why do you cry?” VI. Arturo - “mind exercises 1234” VIII. Nico - “even if I try to think, idk!!! (lmao)” IX. Levi - “look aside from that, give me the usual medicine” - I wasn’t sure what was going on here XII. Eden - “But you’re in my way, aren’t you?” XIII. Teruko - “or” / “To be or not to be” XV. Whit - “Remaining ignorant, isn’t that “happiness”?” XVI. Hu - “Go and cry.”
II. Rose - “Ego cogito ergo (terbatus) sum” III. Charles - “If you doubt brittle things are broken.” V. Ace - “Right now, why do you go insane?” VII. Julia - “Do it like that, let’s live together” X. Min - “Democratic-ly”  XI. Mai - “God is dead” XIV. Veronika - “Things like substance of the arts”
And to finish off this post, I’ll talk about anything extra that couldn’t fit anywhere else. I’ll provide timestamps as well, lol.
(0:37) - Text says “I am a cat” before the word dog quickly covers the word cat. This could be a reference to how MonoTV looks like a cat, but insists they are a dog.
(1:00) - Text that is very briefly on screen says: “I did love you once so you should not have believed me.”
(1:04) - The person on screen looks like she could be Mai? Not really sure here, but she seems important.
(1:05) - Text at the bottom of the screen says “I’m guilty as charged. Sorry, we’re not there yet.” This could be a reference to how David says “I’m guilty as charged” in Chapter 2 Episode 11.
(1:28) - Text in red says “I hate the things that I love, and I love the tings that I hate.” This could be a reference to the photos of Mai and Teruko.
(2:02) - “Voting results: Everyone will be executed. There is no such thing as “victory” in a killing game.” This does not look good for the DRDT cast.
(2:22) - This looks like Xander. It looks like its from before he got his eyepatch, but that could just be the angle. If it is from before, does this mean David knew Xander before the killing game but lost(?) those memories.
(2:38) - “Note to self: put something here” Maybe something will be added to the video later?
(3:00) - “portrait of someone dearly loved” with an arrow pointing to the photo of Mai Akasaki. Maybe David loved Mai before something tragic happened?
(3:00) - “portrait of someone dearly unloved” with an arrow pointing to the photo of Teruko Tawaki. I think Teruko has something to do with whatever happened to Mai and David hates her for it. I think David was the person at the very beginning of the very first episode of DRDT, he’s the only person that I think has a motive. You can also spot a fork in the background of the MV and at the beginning of the prologue.
(3:04) - There’s a QR code on the books to the right. I haven’t been able to scan it so I don’t know what it leads to yet.
(3:06) - The supporting cast list has Mai Akasaki scribbled out and what looks like “Ms Naegi”  cut off underneath it. On the right of the screen, there was faint text that says: “(i.e. these are the only characters who make an appearance.) which could mean that Arei, Hu and Ms Naegi are in the video. This is a stretch but maybe Hu killed Arei. Probably not, though.
(3:10) - It looks like Xander is the one holding the gun here.
(3:20) - No, that’s wrong!
(3:44) - The lyrics here say “I’ll disappear” and David disappears from the chair, leaving what looks like splattered blood. The words “Chapter 3″ flash on the screen, though its cut off. David dies in Chapter 3 maybe?
Thank you for reading this extremely long post; I’ll reblog it anytime I get more information.
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princesseevee06 · 8 months
i am so so incredibly curious about kugie and sou's hypothetical ytr dynamic... just. blinking at them. i recall you mentioned maple thinking sou is a very nice polite man and i was wondering if she's like the only one to think so :o
I LOVE KUGIE AND SOU!!!! they are so shaped. the general dynamic between them is that sou likes kugie well enough, and kugie’s feelings on sou are…very complex tbh. she really doesn’t trust him but she ends up feeling sympathetic for him in a lot of situations
their relationship starts off pretty well, as sou is one of the main people to comfort kugie while she’s grieving. he kind of projects onto her a little bit, because he’s also grieving kanna in his own way, so he empathizes with her. yet, as much as she appreciates this effort, i think part of her would be…unnerved by sou. kugie’s a very perceptive person, and something that struck me about her relationship with kanna is how she initially thought kanna was ‘creepy’ for always smiling and laughing, not realizing she was just trying not to inconvenience anyone. in that same way, i think she’d recognize that something was off about sou in that his whole demeanor just seemed sort of…fake.
i think this feeling of distrust would come to a head in the first main game, where it’s revealed that big ol’ liar “sou hiyori” and the more quietly deceptive “shin tsukimi” are working together. kugie and shin really mutually dislike each other when they first meet (recognizing the self through the other (derogatory)), and so kugie’s feelings about shin sort of rub off onto how she feels about sou too.
so, moving into chapter 2, we have this weird dynamic where sou is liking kugie more and more and kugie is liking sou less and less. yet, this begins to change when kugie comes to the conclusion that sou is being manipulated by shin. why does she think this? well,
at some point, sou finds the phone from kugie and kanna’s first trial room, and much like shin does in yttd he rewrites the message to sound like something kind: something kanna would actually say. he then goes to kugie to, effectively bribe her for the laptop, saying that he’ll give her the phone if she gives the laptop over to him.
initially she’s like HELL NO, i’m not falling for that, but then sou pulls his sadboy act and is like “but…if i can’t get the laptop, then i’m not sure what sou will do to me” which of course IMMEDIATELY activates her big sister instincts and she’s like ok what. we are not doing this. take the laptop do NOT hand it over to “sou” he’s clearly just using you for his own personal gain. so basically sou emotionally manipulated this poor girl into believing that he was being emotionally manipulated 👍 hate this guy (affectionate)
i think that from this interaction, kugie starts to trust sou more (which is ironic because this is one of the only times he just straight up lies to her). weirdly, i feel like kugie starts to see kanna in sou and sou starts to see shin in kugie. obviously they’re very different people but they have similar attitudes about lots of stuff. it’s just the elder sibling activation instinct over and over except they’re both trying to be the elder sibling
their relationship starts getting rocky again at the beginning of the violet route, though. and it’s because sou crosses the one line that kugie will never accept anyone crossing— hurting ryoko. she gets extremely angry at him and sort of holds this resentment throughout chapter 3. so now we’re back to that tumultuous nature of kugie getting really mad at sou, and sou atp in time realizing that he really really actually cares about kugie, which he never expected to.
…but then she goes BACK to being protective over him once she realizes how badly he’s going through The Horrors with his mom. kugie just. can’t make up her mind about this man. AND I CANT BLAME HER HES A MESS!!!
i hope this satisfies the greenbling urge but yeah they are the sibling dynamic of all time i luv them <3 that’s sou’s weird emotional support teenage girl who wears screws in her hair for whatever reason and beats him up for his wrongdoings /j
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icedtoastt · 1 month
Pretending I don’t care about yttd chapter 3 part 2 so it comes out quicker
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artbyizzyd · 1 year
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manifesting yttd chapter 3 part 2 ; ig @/miikan.arts
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coolcattime · 11 months
Hi hi hi!
So since there was some interest in Mianite Your Turn to Die, and I know that it'll be a while before I actually write it (since I want to play at least most of the alternative route I haven't before deciding how the deaths are going to pan out in the AU), so I thought I'd share my planning description document for what is Chapter One, Part One of the game or Volume One of the manga.
As a little bit of a warning this is kinda long, as in this is 5000 words because in a fic I'd split this into at least 2 or 3 chapters and it's mostly just all together because of the game structure. I'm not sure how much sense it all makes because, well it's written for me to remember what's going to happen and to make sure I don't miss events or foreshadowing (or even just little details I found cute or funny).
For more general warnings, this will contain spoilers for Your Turn to Die. It's a bit of a mix of the game and the manga, just because I think there are moments I prefer in the manga so I wanted to include them when possible.
Within this there will be major character death and a somewhat graphic description of violence. This is kind of unavoidable for this story, but still please read at your own caution. These warnings only really apply under the heading 'The Practice Vote' however, there will be discussion of death throughout.
But with all that cleared up, this is my way too descriptive planning document for Mianite YTTD!
Tom wakes up in a darkened study room realising he fell asleep without meaning to and that he's now going to have to walk home in the dark. This puts him more than a little on edge as he has been being stalked recently, which is actually why he'd been so tired in the first place (as it turns out being on edge isn't the best way to get to sleep). But as much as he might not want too, he does need to get home.
As he's leaving, he runs into Jordan, who he certainly didn't expect to see but he definitely is a welcome sight. Jordan says he remembered that he was studying and thought he'd meet him and walk him home, but jokes that he never expected Tom to stay so late studying. Tom laughs this off and happily accepts company on the way home.
On the journey back, they discuss Tom's stalker which puts him on edge. They swiftly change topic to the fact that Jordan is apparently planning on asking someone out soon but won't tell Tom who, and Tom is trying to get more details so he can guess. 
"Come on, you've got to tell me. What if he's a jerk?"
"I promise you he isn't a jerk."
But before the conversation can reach any sort of realisation Tom spots a figure watching them. Not just a figure, it's his stalker he's sure, and they're attempting to approach them, practically yelling as they do so. 
Seeing this they both take off running, not stopping until they're inside of Tom's house which they quickly realise is less safe than they thought as the whole place is a mess. Clearly someone has been inside, and that just makes Tom panic more. Tom is so panicked and Jordan is so preoccupied with trying to calm him down that neither notice the people still in the house until they're already being grabbed and knocked unconscious. 
The First Trial
Tom wakes up looking at a bright light on the ceiling, lost as to what just happened. He's momentarily confused as to what happened, but upon remembering he panics, tries moving only to realise he's strapped down, aside from one free arm. In his attempts to escape, he realises Jordan is in the same position as him. They briefly discuss the situation, the likelihood of being kidnapped by the stalker, but are distracted by Jordan's phone ringing. Answering it, hoping to god that whoever is on the other end can help them, they're instead met with an automated voice. 
"Beginning voiced guidance. The First Trial will now begin. Tom, and Jordan. Find the key hidden in the room, then remove your restraints. If you cannot do so before the time limit expires, the device on the beds will activate... and your bodies will be crushed with a thud. By all means, please enjoy the thrill with all your body and soul. The time limit is a healthy 5 minutes. And please note there is only one key, so please discuss who will use it."
They both panic, because this can't be real, but Tom realises they just don't have time to think like that. He starts checking his pockets with his free hand, prompting Jordan to do the same. Jordan finds a key in the same pocket that he found the phone. He offers it to Tom, but he insists that he unlock himself first despite what the message said about there only being one key. He does so and is released from his bed, but quickly finds that the key doesn't fit the lock on Tom's bed. Though more than a little panicked, Jordan manages to work out the trick, needing to remove the outer coating of the key in order to be able to unlock Tom. Pulling him off the death trap, the two spend a few moments attempting to process what the hell kind of situation they're in.
Agreeing that they shouldn't stay in the room with the death traps, they head out of the room into a dark corridor. They barely walk for a minute before Tom senses a presence behind him. However, before he can turn around and confront whoever it might be, the floor gives out from under them, leaving them with one message before they fall, both physically and into unconsciousness.
"You have survived the First Trial. Suffer and die."
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Tom wakes up in a large room to an absolute mess of noise coming from the group of mostly strangers. Looking around he sees mostly people confused and yelling among themselves. A couple different people are demanding answers as to where they are, one woman in punk clothing being particularly abrasive in demanding to know where her stuff is. Some people are quieter, either seeming to just observe or two young teens who seem terrified, one much more than the other.
*Wait, seriously there's kids here?*
After a short amount of time observing, Tom notices that Jordan is in the room with him, and approaches him, jokingly chastising him for leaving. Jordan at first asks if he knows Tom before then revealing this to be a joke. As they joke around a little, kind of forgetting the situation before they're approached by an man (older than them but certainly not old) who greets them in a way that comes across as creepy, and as if he may be the kidnapper, but they have very little time to process that before another man grabs him from behind.
The new man establishes himself as a detective, but while attempting to restrain the other man, one the two teenagers starts attacking him, telling him to get off her dad. After a few moments of getting everyone to calm down, the apparent kidnapper introduces himself as Mot Screziato and the teenager as his daughter Alyssa. He apologises for scaring them and notes that they are all in the same position given that they're all wearing a collar, which is when Tom realises everyone including him is wearing an identical collar. Given that there doesn't actually seem to be any reasons to fear each other, and since it seems like a good way to get the teenager to stop attacking him, the Detective suggests they all introduce themselves.
The Detective introduces himself as Spark Conway, as well as one of the older adults (a woman in a scarf) as his daughter Martha and the other teenager (who seems barely responsive) as Andor, his grandson. Jordan properly introduces himself and Tom, mentioning Tom's stalker, but doubting this was the work of just one person. Next, the punk woman introduces herself as Capsize, to which Jordan recognises her as Capsize Dunbar, that he's heard of her band and seen her in magazines. Capsize confirms this, but notes that it isn't really the time to be discussing that. The other people introduce themselves as Sonja, Tucker, and Waglington. Tom asks if he’s met Wag before as he feels very familiar, however the other man doesn’t appear to know him, so he writes the feeling off.
They begin to discuss how they got there and what's happened since they arrived, though very few actually discuss the trials they've been through up to this point. Spark was captured when working on a case; Sonja and Wag were in their own homes; Mot and Alyssa were stopped in a car by a traffic checkpoint; Martha was walking to a hotel she had been staying in; Tucker had been on a night out; and Capsize was heading to meet her bandmates after finishing a track. Tom attempts to talk with Andor again, asking what he was doing before. He manages to get him to talk about being taken alongside his sister, but then begins screaming and crying that he killed his sister, continuing to panic worse until he collapses.
The fact that death clearly has happened puts the whole group on edge, with Spark and Martha obviously quite disturbed. It also causes Tucker to panic as on his First Trial he'd found a box that he was meant to find three keys to open and he doesn't particularly want to die. Jordan heads over the key from his and Tom's first trial, which fits the box, prompting Alyssa to hand over the key from her and Mot's Trial. Acting on his own suspicions, Tom searches Andor's pockets and finds the final key, still covered with its original coating but thankfully it still fits the lock. Given the danger of the situation, Spark volunteers to open it. He advises everyone to stay back, which very few people actually do, so he opens the box, revealing a head. Thankfully the head turns out to be a fake, a doll's head, though highly detailed enough to be mistaken for a real human head. Alongside it is a note. 
Find my body. Bring me back. For I don't have legs or arms. 
None of them exactly understand what the note means, though it doesn't seem all that threatening. It does however point to the idea of exploring the area. Given that they don't have much else to go on, they decide to split up and explore the area. Jordan suggests splitting into pairs with someone they don't know to better bond as a group, which is agreed to (though Tom feels a little weird about splitting from Jordan in this situation).
The pairs end up being Spark and Jordan, Martha and Tom, Mot and Sonja, Tucker and Wag, and Capsize and Alyssa. Capsize is asked to stay with the unconscious Andor while the rest of the group split off,  which she gladly does, but tells them to yell if they need help. So they wander off, hoping they won't run into any new dangers.
Before setting off exploring, Tom stays to talk with Capsize and Alyssa. With Alyssa he talks about Mot and also the plushie she has with her. Meanwhile with Capsize they talk a little, partly about Tom's excitement about meeting a famous person, and also about the stuff that Capsize was so annoyed about losing.
"You must've had something really precious with the way you were yelling."
"’Precious’ is exactly the word. I mean, my phone and even my stage clothes and wig I could replace, but my bongos?"
Tom and Martha then proceed to begin their own exploration. Most of the rooms are labelled, or have coloured doors making them easy to nickname for identification's sake. 
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(Central Hall: Capsize, Alyssa, & Andor.
Bar: Mot & Sonja.
Blue Room: Spark, Jordan, Wag, & Tucker)
Firstly exploring the Cafeteria, Tom starts trying to get to know Martha. She tells him about her travels, that this is the first time she's seen any of her family in well over a year. She seems more than a little terse, which Tom understands but finds it frustrating. At the very least she isn't being openly hostile, he just can’t feel all that relaxed around her.
Throughout exploring Tom and Martha find the following items in the following locations:
Cafeteria: A dart and a lighter
Pink Room: 6 blanks
Smoking Area Hall: Cigar (within the collection slot of a brown vending machine)
Blue Room: A gun, and 3 bullets
Tom and Martha explore around all the rooms they can. In the darkened area at the back of the Cafeteria they find the door to the Pink Room, in which they find the body of the doll. Neither can manage to lift it, so they decide to leave it where they find it and instead bring any doll parts they find to the Pink Room.
In the bar, Tom gets the cigar taken off him by Mot.
“You shouldn’t pick up smoking, it’s a bad habit.”
“I wasn’t planning on--”
“Then you’ll have no problem handing it over.”
He does, but suspects Mot might have a different motive when he also takes the lighter off him.
The Bar doesn’t have much in it, though it is very well stocked. On the wall is a board that lists who can and cannot drink, much to Tom’s annoyance as he’s just too young to drink. Otherwise there’s nothing really in plain sight, but there is what seemed to be an open cupboard on the front of the bar that none of them can open. Given that it feels stiff rather than locked, Mot suggests that they go and find Spark or Tucker to help open it. Sonja says that she bets Capsize could get it open too, though Tom doubts that she’ll leave the kids at least until Andor’s awake.
They proceed to the Games Room in order to find one of the others to open the cupboard. Before entering the Blue Room, they notice that, beyond a large gap in the floor, is a dartboard. Both know that it's likely if they can hit the board with the dart they found that’ll do something, but they don’t want to risk the throw when they will almost certainly only have the one chance.
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They enter the Blue Room where everyone else seems to be. Jordan greets Tom happily, discussing the weird stuff in the room, namely the dolls in 5 of the 9 chairs in the room. Wag has been examining them, and notes that they appear to have some sort of liquid inside their heads. Tom decides to give the room a once over given the amount of items he’s found in other rooms. Martha talks to Spark about opening the cupboard door, but he’s reluctant to leave the room before it’s thoroughly looked over as he’s found 3 bullets, which unlike the blanks found earlier are live ammo.
Martha understands this, and gives a glance towards Tucker, who is standing by the wall not doing anything. After mulling to herself for a few moments, she says she’ll go and ask Capsize. As she turns to leave the room, Tom spots something between the cushions of one of the chairs. He pulls it out, revealing a gun just as Martha room. Then--
Russian Roulette
Bars drop down from the top of the doorway, sealing Martha out of the room and the five guys on the inside. Everyone panics, especially as the painting on the wall starts talking and presents that they’ll be playing Russian Roulette, four of them becoming targets and one of them being the shooter. Martha yells that she’ll go and try to find something to help pry the bars open. Meanwhile inside the room everything devolves into chaos as Tucker tries to wrestle the gun from Tom, noting that he’s shot a gun before and therefore will be able to shoot better than any of the others, and in response Tom kicks him away and points the (admittedly unloaded) gun at him. Spark and Wag manage to calm the situation down, though they’re still stuck in a deadly game.
Jordan takes a breath, and then asks the painting if the person shooting will be safe. The painting notes that yes, only those acting as targets will be in danger in this game. Jordan immediately voices his opinion that Tom should be the shooter. However, Tucker still insists that an experienced shooter should be the one with the gun. Wag points out that surely as a detective Spark would be the one with the most experience, however Spark rebuffs the idea and says he would prefer Tom to have the gun. When Tom questions why, Spark seems avoidant of the question.
Tucker again insists that someone with experience should be the shooter, however Tom notes that with the 6 blanks he found, this is likely about figuring out a solution where no one dies rather than sharpshooting. And as Tom considers that, he begins to cite his own solution, before Spark shushes him and questions if Tucker has a solution. Tucker panics and notes that he didn’t even know about the blanks until Tom mentions them. Spark says that he can’t figure out a solution because he’s only focused on saving himself, while Tom wants to save Jordan.
Tom once again questions why Spark believes he should have the gun, hesitant to take it when he has experience and a level head. To which Spark darkly admits that since an incident where he shot someone on the job, he can’t pull the trigger on a gun, much less point one at a person and shoot. He looks towards both Tom and Tucker and asks both of them if they are going to be able to point the gun at each person in the room and pull the trigger, which causes both of them to hesitate. But Tom looks towards Jordan, who seemed so confident in his belief that Tom could do the task, and he declares that he can do it, that he’ll make sure everyone survives.
Jordan suggests a vote, just to make sure that everyone is confident in who they want to be the shooter. As everyone points to vote, it’s 4 votes for Tom and with Wag voting for Tucker, Tucker happily concedes to Tom’s confidence. As those who have agreed to be targets sit down, Jordan teases Tucker about not realising that it’s a puzzle. The moment they sit down, the painting talks again, presenting the full rules for Tom.
Tom will take the 9 bullets (3 live, 6 blanks) that he has and load them into the revolver chamber in any order. Once he does this, the chamber will automatically spin, leaving the bullets in a random order. He then needs to shoot each target once in the head, and each target can only be shot once. Tom breathes a sigh of relief knowing that it is a puzzle like he suspected, and puts the solution he came up with into action. Thankfully it works, leaving the three bullets in the doll’s heads rather than living people. 
“That’s some sharp shooting there, let me give you a hand.”
With those words, the painting stops talking, the bars in the doorway lift, and a Right Arm drops from the ceiling. Thankfully the Right Arm is a doll’s arm, though it certainly scares Jordan as it drops into his lap. Tom tells them all about the doll’s body in the Pink Room, and suggests taking the two doll parts they’ve already found there while they look for the others. Spark volunteers to do this, suggesting that Jordan explore with Tom for a little while as Martha never returned and no one should be exploring by themselves.
“Wait! But won’t you be left alone then?”
“Ah, don’t worry, I can handle myself, but I wouldn’t want you two running into trouble.”
As they all exit the Blue Room, Wag congratulates Tom on holding his nerve throughout the game. At this moment, Tom realises where he recognises him from. Wag, the seemingly friendly man in front of him, is his stalker. He freezes, unable to communicate this fact with the others as he internally panics, and before he says anything Wag is dragged away by Tucker to investigate other areas.
Jordan asks Tom if he's okay, which he affirms, shaking off his uneasiness as he doesn't want to cause distrust in the group. Instead he decides to focus on the dart board, having noticed when loading the gun that the chamber could be fully removed and notes that in that set up it seems like it may be able to fire the dart. Obviously he's a little hesitant to do so with the possibility of losing the dart, but he's encouraged by Jordan.
"I'm sure you can do it, you're a sharpshooting master now!"
"Point blank is a lot different to shooting at a distance."
"Yeah, but it's better than throwing it, and I've never held a gun so…"
"I've only had ten more minutes of experience than you!"
Despite the joking bickering, Tom does load the dart into the gun and fire it at the target. As he aims, he swears for a moment that he sees the door to the Red Room open just a crack. However, the moment the dart hits the target, a noise you'd expect from winning an arcade game plays and once again a doll's limb drops down onto Jordan, this time the Left Leg, distracting him. By the time he turns back and checks, the door is firmly closed and most definitely still locked. He decides to write this off as himself being paranoid and they exit and head back to the Central Hall.
Lying to Kanna
As they re-enter the Central Hall, they see Mot and Sonja talking with Capsize and Alyssa. They head over and join the conversation, and realise that Mot and Sonja had come looking for Tom after retrieving someone to open the cupboard was taking quite a while. He apologises and explains about the Russian Roulette game, which causes a lot of concern from the others, though Tom wonders to himself how they could've missed Martha, who surely must've been panicked and looking for help.
However, before he can ask, Andor wakes up. He looks around, asking for his sister before remembering the situation. Capsize immediately goes to comfort him, asking if he wants them to find his grandfather or his aunt, however, he ends up locked onto the others in the room. He looks to Tom, and Jordan, noting that he doesn't remember much of the introductions, but he heard that they did the first trial as him, with the beds and the keys, and asks if he could've saved his sister. 
Tom hesitates to answer. If the trials were identical, then it stands to reason that he could've saved her, but how could he possibly say that to a kid? He tries to think of anyway to sugar-coat the truth, but Mot speaks first. 
"You were just unlucky, kid. That trial, it was one of brute strength."
Mot lies, says that he and Jordan had had to rip the restraints away in order to free their loved one. Andor objects, insisting that Alva was trying to tell him how to solve the puzzle but that he was too stupid to understand. Jordan objects to this, affirming Mot's lie that he had to free Tom by force. He continues that he is sure his sister wouldn't be angry at him. 
"I know it, if she was here right now, she'd tell you: Don't blame yourself because beyond anything, I'm happy that you're still alive."
Andor begins crying, clinging to Jordan as he lets out all his tears. When he pulls back, he smiles a little for the first time and asks about Spark. Tom says he should be in the Pink Room, giving him and Alyssa directions (the latter volunteering to take him to make sure they're still travelling in groups, and leaving before Mot can get an adult to join them).
After they leave, Tom turns to Mot and Jordan.
"I didn't realise you were both such great liars."
Mot and Jordan become a little skittish while Capsize and Sonja are a little shocked that the two were lying. Mot ask if they think less of him, which they all deny. Sonja notes that a lie might be better than the truth if it brings hope rather than crushing reality.
They then remember that they still need to open the cupboard and go back to the Bar. Capsize quickly gets the sliding door open, and immediately stumbles back as it contains the doll’s Right Leg. As she pulls it out, she complains about the place being filled with creepy stuff. The only other thing in the cupboard is a cigar cutter which Mot quickly takes, though he insists that he doesn’t want to smoke. Tom decides to goad Mot a little about the cigar.
“Must be hard to get time to relax as a single dad.”
“Well, yeah, obviously.”
“And that’s a pretty nice looking cigar.”
“I-- I guess it is.”
Mot still denies wanting to smoke the cigar, but does decide to “investigate” it due to Tom’s prompting. He cuts it, doing so in a way that Tom can only describe as experienced, and is visibly dejected when it turns out to not be a real cigar and instead they find a coupon for a free drink inside. Far too disappointed, he hands the coupon and the unused lighter to Tom, clearly trying to hide disappointment. Tom remembers a vending machine selling drinks in the passage just outside the Bar, so goes to try the coupon in it. It does work, but instead of a drink, he gets the doll’s Left Arm. He’s unsure if he should be relieved or disappointed, but that is the last doll part they’re going to need.
He quickly leans back into the bar to tell the others that they should probably all head to the Pink Room, finding Sonja, Jordan, and Capsize all looking at the bar board.
“There’s twenty names on there, do you think that the nine we don’t recognise are all… you know?”
“Urg, it feels wrong to say it so casually.”
“Capsize are you--”
“I’m fine, I just can’t believe so many people could already have been killed.”
Tom pulls their attention to himself, showing the last doll part and saying they should probably head to the Pink Room, which they all do. However, before they leave, he sees Capsize staring back at the bar board again.
The "Practice Vote"
Arriving in the Pink Room, they find everyone else already gathered. Most surprising is Martha, who notes she got distracted when she found a secret room with no further elaboration. Spark is happy to see the last two doll parts, and makes sure everyone is ready before he fixes the last two onto the doll. Everyone affirm that they are, Capsize saying she’s got the door fixed open to make sure there’s a route out if this turns out to be a trap. With as much confidence they can have given the situation they’re in, Spark puts the last two parts onto the doll body.
The room starts filling with a thick white gas. Panic spreads throughout the room as quickly as the gas does. Everyone tries to rush for the exit when an unfamiliar voice cuts through the noise in the room.
“Please relax, the gas isn’t poisonous. Ahaha good day.”
As the gas clears, the doll that was previously on the ground lifeless is now standing before them seemingly as alive as any of them. Everyone panics more at the sight, their own emotions juxtapositioned against the calm of the doll. However, once Tom and Spark more calmly ask for information, she introduces herself as Sue Miley, the Laughing Doll.
“My Master has instructed me to guide you brave souls, who have already overcome several trials, to the Main Game.”
Everyone quickly puts together that this means she’s working with the kidnappers, which gets everyone riled up. After quite a few people begin yelling, Miley seems quite bored of them all, and a sharp beeping pierces through the noise. A beeping coming from Sonja’s collar. Obviously Sonja panics, and demands to know what’s happening, only to panic more at Miley’s answer.
“I’m making your collar explode of course!”
“Huh? What! No-- no-- this can’t-- Someone get this off!”
“I’ll stay away from her if I was the rest of you, that thing is pretty dangerous.”
The beeping stops suddenly, Sonja collapsing to her knees, distinctly not exploded. Miley laughs that of course that collar can’t explode. Capsize yells at the doll and is barely held back from attacking by Tom, instead moving to calm Sonja when she’s let go. The doll laughs that she of course will not be picking and choosing who should die herself, as that will be up to the group.
“Yes, the least wanted, the most hated, the one who will die, will be decided by you all via majority vote!”
Everyone stands in stunted silence, unsure what to say or do, as Miley rolls out a cart containing a pile of tablets, handing one to everyone in the room, notably leaving one uncollected, though she doesn’t take it herself. She says that, in order to understand the concept, they will have a practice vote. However, for this vote there will be no discussion.
“But, please, all enjoy yourselves and vote for whomever you’d like.”
Tom stares down at the tablet, seeing a photo of each person in the room. He wonders who he should vote for, if he should even take the idea of voting to kill someone seriously. He thinks of Wag, his stalker, someone he’s sure has something to do with him being her. He reaches out to press his face, only to feel Jordan’s hand on his back. And realises that if he votes, he’ll just be playing into the trap, giving it.
“I abstain!”
Everyone stares at him as he makes an impassioned plea for no one to vote, to show they aren’t going to give into this situation, that if they vote it just gives the kidnappers votes to tamper with and sew discourse. And he’s sure it works, that his words get through, however when the timer ticks down to zero and the results are displayed.
1 Vote: Tom Syndicate, James Waglington, Tucker Jericho, Martha Conway
2 Votes: Mot Screziato
He stands in shock, staring at his own face. Who voted for him? No one in the room will make eye contact with each other, just looking away with darkened faces. Miley laughs at him for believing he could get everyone to not vote, even telling him to just ask the room if there was any tempering. Mot cuts through with a slightly uneasy laugh, to which Miley asks if he’s scared.
“Of course not. Though I think you should end this joke, not that you have a heart to want to.”
“Ah no fear! Well, let those be your final words!”
Again, shocked, uneasy silence.
“This collar, you’re not going to convince me that it explodes.”
“That’s right it doesn’t explode.”
A groan and then a much sharper grunt of pain emerge from Mot as the collar begins to heat up. Becoming red hot. Alyssa screams, trying to get close to her Dad, only for him to push her back as she tries to grab the collar from his neck. Tom doesn’t know what’s worse, watching him stumble and cough up more blood than Tom’s ever seen in his life, or the smell and sound of cooking flesh and blood filling the room. With the collar as hot as it is, all anyone can do is watch as it burns through Mot’s throat and the man falls to the ground dead.
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bsd yttd au,,, my brain is so big and no one is ready for it
the doa (plus shibusawa and ivan) are the floor masters. I like to think that in this au every chapter would have a floor master AND a vice floor master.
Chapter 1: Nikolai and vice is Ivan
Chapter 2: Shibusawa and vice is Sigma (Fyodor is there too. He pulls a Gashu and kills Shibusawa. I really like this idea bc in yttd Ranger is already dead cuz hes a doll and Gashu just kills him again, which is basically what fyo did to shibu in dead apple IIRC)
Chapter 3: Fukuchi and vice is Bram. Except I dont rlly think Bram is a vice floor master i think he’d take Meister’s place
I also think Fyodor would take Midori’s role moreso, but everyone thinks Fukuchi is the main bad guy when it’s actually fyo who is pulling the strings
the plot wouldnt go the exact same but i think it’d go pretty similarly
in this au, there’s no special abilities, port mafia are still criminals but arent actual mafia members (for the most part … i think it’d be cool if Chuuya and Akutagawa were still in the mafia and Dazai still used to be in the mafia). No one knows each other aside from a few exceptions (…like chuu and aku knowing dazai) (but like, atsushi wouldnt know dazai and kyouka wouldnt know aku and so on and so forth)
Some would come in pairs too like yttd- I like the idea of Atsushi and Kyouka already knowing each other and being kidnapped as a pair, as well as Chuuya and Akutagawa being kidnapped as a pair
I dont actually have a set story (shrug) BUT I have some ideas
I think in ch1, Dazai would plant evidence that he’s on the kidnappers’ side (when he really isnt, he just wants ppl to be sus of him), so he ends up getting the most votes in the first Main Game. But, kinda like what Kai did in yttd, Dazai kills himself instead of accepting punishment. HOWEVER, Dazai has this weird ass character trait where he keeps trying to kill himself but it never works. It’s more of a running gag atp in bsd (even in the gakuen au), but like it’s still a thing yknow. And I think Dazai would know that and completely take advantage of it. He ends up surviving his attempt while everyone moved on to the next floor, completely thinking he’s dead. And he planned all of that. He faked his own death completely trusting in that weird gag of his. He goes into hiding- it’s much easier to fight the enemy while they think you’re dead.
It’s actually Sigma who finds him. I personally think she would have a similar role that Safalin does in yttd and would run the clinic (even if Sigma doesnt rlly know much about medical stuff. He was just kinda assigned this).
Sigma isn’t exactly fully on the DOA’s side, and so when she finds Dazai, she actually works to stop his bleeding and stuff, and Dazai convinces her to betray the kidnappers (can u tell i like sigzai)
That’s most of the story I actually have planned out- haven’t thought about the other deaths or anything yet. But I am SO chronic abt it
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imp-thing · 3 months
Your turn to die spoilers lol (mainly chapter 3 section A part 2)
thinking the time when I finished yttd and I spammed the friend who introduced me into it's retrospring after finishing chapter 3 section A
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yttdsmostpathetic · 1 year
Guys, this poll is probably gonna end with a Sou vs. Ranmaru (which is alright cause I love these wet cats). And I personally think that everyone else had their pathetic moments BUT CONSIDER THIS.
Shunsuke Hayasaka Sweep. This man may not have had more screen time than anyone else on the poll, but he has been farming pity like no one else. Does he ever fight back? OF COURSE NOT, the only thing this feeble second-rate worker could do is curse a person as his last words, and only fights back with an apologetic bow, so low to the ground that he might as well become one with the Earth. He was simply not paid enough or given a raise to kill anyone in the Death Game.
A follow-up to this statement is that this man has been memed on by the fan community as “That one guy everyone forgets™️”. How pathetic can he get? Most, if not all, the Obstructors target him first! Even Gin has more power over Hayasaka that he can’t do anything but be anxious, sweat, pants and catch a breath. W E A K.
I believe that the power of Shunsuke Hayasaka’s sheer pathetic-ness will carry him to at least the semi-finals (and perhaps the finals if I manifest hard enough). If possible, I would like everyone to support this poor underpaid office worker <33
#VoteShunsukeHayasakaForMostPathetic #ShunsukeHayasakaSweep
a convincing argument...
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keychainedd · 4 months
why doesnt the shadow shin just kill the real shin? is he stuypid?
Hi yttd final chapter thoughts and stuff bc the cg w sara with a knife has been on my MAIIIIIIIND...!!!!!!!
put under the cut to avoid clogging up the main tag and also because there is MENTIONS OF CHAPTER 3 PART 1 SHIN LIVES ROUTE SPOILERS!!! but also kind of spoilers for everything else beforehand too i guess idk
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extra/additional thoughts: i'm really not sure where the knife could come from or where sara got it. theres just so many damn appearances of this knife so it's really really hard to pin one direct location from esp since the one in the cg has no defining differences to any other ones we've seen. i'd love 2 hear other's thoughts... rubs chin...
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