#yu kan lavellan
TMI! 【Dragon Age】
Canon OCs
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Cordelia Eilidh Cousland
Euryphaessa “Thea” Hawke
Jacquelyn Trevelyan
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Milerias Surana
Nazjatar Adaar
Yu-Kan Lavellan
Feel free to ask me anything!
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Oc fact swap: William Trevelyan's mother is from Starkhaven and always refused to unlearn the accent. So growing up he also started to speak like her until his teachers forced him to stop. Sometimes he still slips into it, especially with people from Starkhaven or when he's drunk.
Oh gosh I wasn’t expecting an ask since this blog usually goes unnoticed lol. Also I actually don’t have many OCs to begin with tbh.
Let’s see hmmmm
Jacquelyn has an interesting mix of accent between Nevarran and Avvar-Fereldan, the latter is less prominent due not being around her people the Avvar as much anymore. When she’s upset /pissed off tho however she would slip in Avvar dialect curses (sometimes even though she might even not remember what it means)
Yu-Kan Lavellan is mellow and level-headed in nature, who usually prefer to sit on the side lines to simply watch and listen. But if he manages to get persuaded to drink and get drunk enough, he starts to get pretty chatty. He might even start singing. He has a wonderful baritone voice.
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For the companion meme: 2, 12, 23 for any oc of yours!
Sorry for the late respond! Most of my characters aren’t really flesh out yet so it took me a while to think.
2. How would they meet the Inquisitor?
Jacquelyn would probably travel to Haven herself and offered her expertise in magic and combat. Sure Solas is the more expert on the subject regarding spirits and the fade, but more like-minded researchers the merrier. Plus she knows much of the Avvar’s customs and can offer diplomacy advises to Josephine in that regard.
Yu-Kan can be encountered at the Exalted Plains; with the War of the Lions raging on, his clan has been affected and being attacked by the war deserters who call themselves Freemen of the Dales. Dismantle them, and Yu-kan and his remaining clan would offer to join the Inquisition in exchange of protection. (Especially if the Inquisitor is elven)
Ishara can be encountered at the Emerald Graves. Due to the elven rebellion, she is helping several city elves escaping from their Orlesian masters, as well as investigating the ruins of the Dales. If the Inquisitor can aid them in giving them safe passage, she would offer herself to join the Inquisition.  
12. Do they believe the Herald of Andraste is really the Herald of Andraste?
Well, Ishara and Yu-Kan are Dalish elves. Jacquelyn is Avvar by birth until teenage when her mother remarried but she still held to her heritage tightly.
So no, so far, none of them do.  
23. In trespasser, what “gift” would they give the Inquisitor, if any?
Jacquelyn would probably make Avvar blessing runes and trinkets.With high approval, she would offer to take them to the annual summer festival her childhood Hold is hosting. So don’t die.  
Yu-kan is a cinnamon roll and pretty crafty with his hands. He would craft a palm-size cherry blossom bonsai using wires made of Silverite and petals made of Dawnstone
Ishara would gift varies of bookmarks that are made from pressed flowers (each w/ its own meaning by the flower language, reminding the beauty and life in this world that the Inquisitor has saved.
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OC meme
Say the first three (3) things that you think of your OC(s)!
(Without an explanation of course)
Cordelia E. Cousland: elaborate hair braids; traditional dance; an oath;
Milerias Surana: cherry blossom; fireworks; pygmy falcon
Thea Hawke: dandelion weed in between crack stones; parting glass; the eye of the storm
Jacquelyn Trevelyan: incense sticks & oils; animal bones; wet earth after rain
Yu-Kan Lavellan: the warmth of the campfire, bedtime lullabies; hot cocoa
Ishara : mother's home cooking; textile weaving handicraft; leather-bind old tomes.
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Quillback Leather and Blue vitriol. ALL THE OCS
Quillback Leather :: What is something your character’s closest people find extremely annoying about them?
Charlotte:You could say she is a bit of “sticking her nose into someone else’s business” that sort of thing. (comment most likely coming from Morrigan). She knew she is born & live privilege, educated in a chivalry mind sense, she tries to do /everything/ in her power to help a hand in need. She rarely talks about her own feelings either, hiding it deep down in her heart (something both Leliana & Alistair agreed on) bc at that moment (during the Blight) she needs to steel herself to endure the hardship and also bc she’s the de facto leader of the group. She used to more talkative especially to her brother Fergus and sister-in-law Oriana before the attack of Castle Cousland by Howe’s betrayal
Milerias:Life in the Circle is a shelter one, so it’s no surprise that she can be pretty naive of social interaction of /real world/. Plus being elven doesn’t help much either; despite  facing discrimination on daily basis it still can get her nerves, easily anger often rushing into more negative conclusions and a bit of a loner. One can describe as a literal puffer fish in elven form.
Jacquelyn:She is an expert in her field of research ( perhaps besides Solas but he’s a thousand-year-old egg so that doesn’t count..ahem I digress).She welcomes people to discuss about magic and the nature of the Fade, however being born and taught magic as an Avvar before her mother re-married, she often disregard many of the Circle method and scoff at Chantry /superstitions/, stubborn of her theories and methods bc she knows she is “right” ( of course until proven otherwise, then she would accept her mistake wholeheartedly). Despite with good intentions to share knowledge with her fellow mages, even among many of her close colleagues sometimes find her rather insufferable and aloof at times.
Yu Kan:Ask his friend Ygritte(OC belong to the ask-”er” @filidais ) and she will tell you that this elven ranger is a diplomat at heart and have patience of a mountain… in fact, Ygritte would say he is too nice, and smiling too much….and the kicked puppy face when he got yelled by Cassandra . “By the Creators’ wipe that goofy smile off your face”“I think that [Yu Kan] face is going to crack someday with all that smiling”“It is just me or I feel like I saw flowering blooming around you, stop it.”“They are f*cking shems! Why are we even talking to them!!”
Blue Vitrol :: If your character has to impress a complete stranger, how will they go about doing it?
Charlotte:She’s smart, fast learner and enjoys challenges. She especially loves beat people at their own games by using their rules against them. Leliana once commented that if she wasn’t so fiercely loyal to her beloved homeland Ferelden, she would be a perfect bard. Even some of the Orlesian nobles admitted to be impressed how well she can be in the Game. That said something.
Milerias:She’s a spirit healer, blood mage, battlemage, and an arcane warrior (she can shape-shift she wants to but it’s mostly for convenience and pranks)She can break every bone in the body while naming it (-quoting from Watson from The Abominable Bride episode lol), basically a combat medic.
Jacquelyn:She is a huge nerd when it comes to magic and science (yes that’s right, technology); she’s a walking encyclopaedia. But if you are tired of her talking too much on magic theory and spirits, you could take a look at her personal grimoires - there’s three of them. Although one most likely not able to understand them bc it’s full of symbols and written in her native language (learn from her Hold when she was younger)
Yu Kan:His organisation and diplomatic skills are both pretty impressive. With his soft demeanour and level head, he was to be trained as the clan’s next quartermaster, which includes distributing the clan resource and negotiating trading from outsiders. He is also superb with a bow and arrow; some commented that he probably should have chose Andruil’s vallaslin, but he picked June’s simply bc he enjoys the crafting of items more.
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Elfroot for Jacquelyn, Spindleweed for Charlotte and Rashvine for Milerias Arbor Blessing for all of the babes!
Elfroot :: What is a small, mundane thing that brings your character great comfort?
  Jacquelyn is not claustrophobic, but she prefers to have at least open windows in the room where she can look out to the skies and landscapes (especially mountains). It reminds her of her home - her Hold, her care-free childhood, her friend Serenity.
Spindleweed :: Had your character ever been grievously wounded or ill before? What was their memory of that occasion?
Charlotte has a deep scar that runs across her back and also just below the ribs area. The search for Branka in the Deep Roads leads the group to the Dead Trenches; during the confrontation of the Broodmother, she was ambushed by shriek who left that scar on her back, the split second of  "shock paralysis" made her unable to dodge an incoming tentacle in time which impales through her chest and then threw her across the room. Fortunately, the Broodmother was on her last breaths, where Alistair and Oghren finished the Broodmother and Zevran deal with any remaining darkspawn and immediately rushes to Charlotte’s side.
She was knock out for the rest of the day (brought back to Orzammar) and have to stay in bed at least another 2-3 days while Wynne and Morrigan attend her wound.  
The first thing she remembers after coming to consciousness is the pain and the soreness of the whole body and was amazed and grateful that she’s still alive…
Rashvine :: Who/what is the one thing or person your character simply cannot stand?
Prejudice disdain, disrespect and disregard of life. Something that Milerias has to face pretty much every day. Being called “knife-ear” by the human, overheard being referred as “flat-ear” by the Dalish, and being feared and seen as a monster simply because she’s a mage. It frustrates her to no end but it is not something can be changed immediately. “Why it is so hard to be treated as a person” is often on her mind.
And that Tevinter blood mage slaver fucker yeah? She has that piece of shit taste his own medicine by using blood magic on him and ripped him to shreds.  
Arbor Blessing :: What is the happiest ending you can think of for your character?
( I assume this also means Yu-Kan so I’m going to include him as well.)
For Jacquelyn, she wishes to know the fate of Serenity and reunite with this old friend however briefly (preferably a peaceful one). Continue to research with College of Enchanters and perhaps lit an old flame with a Templar named Liam (he was a good friend, the only person she might consider “family” during her days in the Circle)  
Charlotte; Life is complicated and dangerous in Court as it is in being a Grey Warden.  She wants many things but can only accomplish so much.
1.First of all, of course, is to find the Cure to the Taint.
2. Fixing the “corruption” in politics as much as she can, among other things.
3. To see Ferelden recover from the Blight and prosper again
4. To see her child(ren) on the throne ( the ones that she has w/ Alistair) and happy of whatever they were doing.
5. Reconsult with Anora (if possible) and establish a university if possible during her lifetime (education are essential)
6. After “retire” from politics, and have Zevran by her side in her remaining days.
The primary task for Milerias, of course, was to find the Cure to remove the Taint so she doesn’t have to live in constant fear of loose herself to the Taint and left her love behind. After that, she might go join up the College of Enchanter, become one of the instructors especially children as well as a representative of the College to the Chantry since her wifey is busying being Divine.
(She might meet up and get to know Jacquelyn)
Yu-Kan’s wishes are simple, to go back to his old life with his clan. However being the Inquisitor and with the World (Thedas) change drastically, he knew that it’s hardly going to happen. After everything calmed down (i.e Solas the Dread Wolf, the elven “gods” and other whatever disastrous shites), he is more than content to be by his beloved Seeker.
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10 & 12 !
10: Does your character have a particular way of talking or acting?
As a Cousland, Charlotte has an eloquent demeanor, proud yet humble, graceful yet fierce, commanding yet uncontrolling authoritarian yet lenient. Usually, she speaks and writes in a more formal tone until once she gotten more familiar & friendly with the individual.
Spending most of her life in the Circle burying herself in tomes and scrolls, as well as the discrimination against elves, her skill in the social interaction can be a little lacking.
Her speech can be rather naive sometimes, misspoke or use the wrongs idioms from time to time (and blush fiercely when someone corrects her) which Leliana finds it quite adorable. Nonetheless, she is confident of who she is: as a mage and as an elf. If someone is being rude about it, one would expect a hurl of stonefist and couple arrows (from Leliana) towards them
It depends on who she is talking to. She is an expert in her field of research - Spirits. To many of her colleagues, she may seem rather aloof and often scoff at Chantry superstitions about magic and mages. However, she is an individual who hungers for knowledge, a strong willingness to learn from perceptive, and insightful individual such as Solas. She knows where her limits are.
Some would find the way she talks rather flirtatious and sweet, there is an undeniable confidence and fierceness (some would say “savageness” due to her Avvar Origins) qualities.
His voice would be described as soft, soothing and slow paced, almost whispering and a rather polite person in general. He could easily calm a crying frighten child, or put them into sleep as he sings elven lullabies. The nature of his voice also makes a very persuasive negotiator when situation requires.
12: Does your character have any addictions, allergies, diseases, illnesses, disorders, or disabilities? How does this affect their life?
She suffers from PTSD (survivors guilt and re-enacting nightmares) from time to time due to Howe’s betrayal which results in massacres of her family.  
Spring is a bad time for her, she’s allergic to pollen.
She would be very unlikely to have children in the future due to severe injury (impalement) in her abdomen.
He’s lactose intolerance, it gives him diarrhea.
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for Yu Kan did he play a significant role in his clan, or did he prefer to stay in the background? Did the others have an overall shared opinion on him? Also what's his opinion on magic/mages?
You could say that he has a significant role if you count babysitting make sure the well being of everyone else in the clan. The Quartermaster trainee if you will. He’s practically the mum/dad friend (or mother hen) of the group. 
Himself, he rather stays in the background and has other decide the major decisions, but if people ask, he would answer and analyze/ explain his opinion, but never force others to agree. Most people listens to him.
He dislikes conflict in general and rather go for the diplomacy route whenever he can. He usually tries not to judge the book by its cover (although it can be a little difficult sometimes when the first thing the human says is calling them “knife-ears”). Anyhow, most of the time if people are open to discussion he would be too. He has pretty strong insight/
If negotiations really go horribly wrong between his people and the opposite party and have to result in violence…..
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He won’t hesitate to act.
(This is why his keeper send him to spy the conclave)
He doesn’t see mages and magic much of a problem. Magic are tools, just like his bow/daggers, it is a means to an end. Plus much of the elven lost history are very much entangled in magic (to put it mildly), so he is actually quite interested.
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Yu-Kan Lavellan
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Name: Yu-Kan Lavellan Age: 32 (Inquisition) Class: Rogue ||Archer || Spec: Assassin Love Interest: N/A Yu-kan is rather soft-spoken, lay back individual, often act as a big brother to many clan members and rather work it out diplomatically but will not hesitate to defend if an ally is in danger. Usually, take things with a grant of salt but there are times he’s pretty gullible as well 
He’s also a bit of a klutz from time to time, bumping into people or object sometimes even walls if he is seriously not paying attention, can trip himself over for no particular reason. He and stairs do not go mix together (especially the spiral stair that leads from Solas’s “office” to the up the library where Dorian in Skyhold), he prefers the wilderness.
When he is with his bow and arrow is another story. As long as the arrow can travel he would never miss. He’s also an excellent ranger/tracker as well as scaling the quickest and safest route through difficult terrains (People would be like, “by the Gods/Maker’s breath how did you get up/down there!)
Background: [To to be Edit]
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