#jacquelyn trevelyan
TMI! 【Dragon Age】
Canon OCs
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Cordelia Eilidh Cousland
Euryphaessa “Thea” Hawke
Jacquelyn Trevelyan
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Milerias Surana
Nazjatar Adaar
Yu-Kan Lavellan
Feel free to ask me anything!
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sweetchaosyk · 7 years
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I just wanted to try ShepShy’s pigmentation completion, so I made a new inquisitor. 
But now I’ve become attached and I love her too much.
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breachy-breeches · 5 years
Meg and I are having a lot of fun bouncing off each other’s OCs it’s great .
This pair of Trevelyan “cousins” Ari (@abyss-wolf) and Jacquelyn (mine) would give the world a reckoning and lots of mayhem. The Chantry and nobility are going to have strokes on this lol
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About the Character: Jacquelyn Trevelyan
Tagged by @space-vashoth
Tagging: @eternion @abyss-wolf @coptix @norroendyrd @thebluetemple @sternenstaub28  and whoever wants to do the meme 
― your muse’s name: Jacquelyn Trevelyan
Birth name: Lavena-Enkhtuya an Øyvind o P.unciaHold
―  a favourite picture / faceclaim of your muse:
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(I think the model’s name is Liu Wen 劉雯)
― two headcannons you have for your muse:
An almost-fatal scar at her abdomen; most likely would cause her to be barren, or least much difficulty to bear any children really (although bloodline is the least of her concerns)
Has the habit of soliloquy (aka talking to oneself) especially when she’s bored or frustrated, switching between Trade, Nevarran and her native Avvar dialect Fereldan. Her favourite skull collection (found during one of her travels) are often the object of her focus when doing so.
― three things that your muse likes doing in their free time:
Meditation -Not fully there yet but on rare occasion, her conscious might able to pierce through the Veil without the use of lyrium. But like most mage and not a Dreamer, she doesn't necessarily control her surroundings per say, just more of exploring it.
Making essence sticks and oils -The scents and the process of making it relaxes her. Also, it smells nice.
Working on her tomes & (re)analyzing rituals -she's a bit of a workaholic and dedicated to her passion.  
― seven people your muse loves/likes:
She's been an 'outsider' ever since she left her Avvar tribe to Nevarra due to her mother's remarriage. The "infamous eccentric oddball" is quite prevalent during her years in the Cumberland Circle especially before she was Harrowed. Jac often keeps everyone else at arm's length and her true affections are quite limited.
[Love] Cullen ; *love of her life (might edited in later dates bc tbh not a solid decision yet) Liam; (ex)templar, who basically look after her & befriended her during her years in the Circle. Ari ; her "cousin" (since Jac isn't Trevelyan by blood). They met each other during the start of Inquisition and have become very close and inseparable, like sisters.
[Like] Cole Dorian Varric Josephine/Leliana/Cassandra
[Extra]: Solas << it's more like the mentor admiration she looks up due his knowledge and outlook regarding the Fade (similar fashion between Dorian and Alexios were)
(I know the question said 7, but whatever)
*Ari is an OC belongs to my friend @abyss-wolf
― a phobia your muse has:
Jac isn't fond of dragons, drakes, wryms or any kind of lizard in particular. Since her father (who’s like a personal hero to her) and his scout group were killed by a High Dragon. She  respects the creature, occasionally admired them but still feels quite uneasy since it is a force of nature she’s unable to put under control; tame or otherwise
In general, she just doesn’t like bugs, and finds maggots really disgusting (plus you don’t see that much bugs up in the cold Frostback Mt  or in the Circle tbh)
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4 and 5 for the DA protagonist thingy?
4. What would they think about each other's love interest (if they romanced someone of course)
(*since I'm actually still don't have a solid decision who my Inquisitor Jacquelyn romanced I'm going to leave her out for this one)
[Warden] Cordelia: she find Fenris rather quite and sophisticated individual although ir not a little blunt when spoken to, Stubborn in some aspects but still humble just enough to recognise not everything he feels is set in stone. It is rather amusing to her that for someone who has very strong opinions against mages (with very good reasons of course) and yet still falls in love with one. She can almost imagine the stereotype old couple: warm sweetheart wife and grumpy/broody husband - the thought would made Cordelia chuckled. Regardless, she can see Fenris is usually the kind not to have his emotions cloud his better judgment, have a cunning sense of humour and who is fiercely loyal& would protect his love at all cost. In some ways, she finds similar traits between the Tevinter elf and herself.
[Champion] Thea: The first time she met  Alistair was at Viscount Keep, just months before everything... well... blew up. Being King of Ferelden, Alistair is pretty friendly and approachable, laid-back lighthearted personality with an often sarcastic sense of humour but never cruel. Perhaps due to his more humble upbringing, yet being the monarch of a nation he doesn't (seems to) let power gets over his head as many might have become and genuinely cares for his people. Alistair speaks in so much fondness, admiration and love for his "ball and chain" -in which, according to Anders, he had a similar conversation with the once-Warden-Commander- that is now the Queen of Ferelden. Finding love in the midst of such world-ending event that is the 5th Blight, not to mention being shouldered the responsibility to stop it; A romantic at heart herself Thea is of course very happy for them.
5. Is your Inquisitor jealous that both the warden and Hawke have a mabari hound?
Having a mabari specifically? Not entirely, since mabari has isn't doesn't have that large significant culture in neither her Avvar or Nevaran heritage. A "companion" (animal or otherwise) who they have essentially grew up together with, however, yes. Jacquelyn greatly misses her spirit friend Serenity.
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Oc fact swap: William Trevelyan's mother is from Starkhaven and always refused to unlearn the accent. So growing up he also started to speak like her until his teachers forced him to stop. Sometimes he still slips into it, especially with people from Starkhaven or when he's drunk.
Oh gosh I wasn’t expecting an ask since this blog usually goes unnoticed lol. Also I actually don’t have many OCs to begin with tbh.
Let’s see hmmmm
Jacquelyn has an interesting mix of accent between Nevarran and Avvar-Fereldan, the latter is less prominent due not being around her people the Avvar as much anymore. When she’s upset /pissed off tho however she would slip in Avvar dialect curses (sometimes even though she might even not remember what it means)
Yu-Kan Lavellan is mellow and level-headed in nature, who usually prefer to sit on the side lines to simply watch and listen. But if he manages to get persuaded to drink and get drunk enough, he starts to get pretty chatty. He might even start singing. He has a wonderful baritone voice.
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47. What do they think about the Champion of Kirkwall?
What does Jacquelyn think about Thea?
hmmm that’s a good question.
Initially, Jac didn’t have much of an opinion of Thea. What Jac “heard” about the Champion are mostly what she would consider the generic gossip from taverns to taverns in which she doesn’t pay much attention to since Jac herself was occupied with other things - mainly her exchange studies and research with the members of the Dairsmuid Circle in Rivain (that’s another topic for another time).
It was after speaking to Varric at Haven that Jac became intrigued about the infamous Champion and borrowed a copy “Tales of the Champion” to read in detail during her downtime.  What Varric has written of the Champion in his book gives the impression that other than the basic information: Thea was a refugee originally from Ferelden and also a mage (apostate) who manage to make a name for her self. The Champion seems to be simply a kindhearted woman who usually keeps to herself although obviously no pushover. Probably the last person one would expect to get herself involved in ludicrous shenanigans one after another, least to say one of the “key” individuals who are the centre of the storm that is Kirkwall if not the person responsible. Jac takes the “known” information with a grain of salt; plus Varric intends to over exaggerate or leave out details often
Jac felt rather surprising flabbergast by Thea’s presence during the initial meeting in Skyhold.  "Radiant" is the word that Jacquelyn would use to describe her. Thea undoubtedly looked worn, but there’s almost like a “halo”-like aura about her: warm, welcoming, safe, “motherly” almost. A sense of maturity and prudence despite, or perhaps due to past experience, yet such optimism when facing such a dire situation. And of course her unapologetic sarcastic sense of humour.
Perhaps Jac now understands why Varric was and still is so fiercely protective of his friend, and the unwavering loyalty inspired in the Champion’s companions.
50 Inquisitor Ask
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Of Harmony & Discord
It had been almost a month since the grand ball hosted by Lady Lucille Trevelyan and the discovery of the truth of Jacquelyn being a mage.
The Trevelyans would've have been punished and disgraced for harbouring an "apostate" under Chantry laws if not for the thwarting of the assassination of the ball's honoured guest - a highly regarded Grand Cleric, the very reason why Jacquelyn's magic was exposed. Thus it was decided the girl was to be sent to the Cumberland Circle instead, which is considered to be the most powerful and resourceful of the Circle’s but also less restricted compared to the rest in Thedas.
It was curious, however, that Jacquelyn wasn't shipped to Circle immediately. Perhaps it was a reward from the Grand Cleric to let the girl spend her last remaining days with her family in peace before departing.
Jacquelyn had been having dreamless nights for the past few days, which is particularly rare unless she is truly exhausted.
What's more, Serenity - her spirit friend since back in the Hold when her magic manifested - disappeared, which never happens; they are inseparable!
Even if Serenity was to return to the Fade it would always notify her first and the departures were never long, a few hours, a day at the most.
But this? Completely vanished without out a trace? This is completely unheard of.
The thought of her friend’s disappearance made the girl feel restless, she feared for her friend’s safety and something about this abnormality tells her that her instincts are correct.
She is unable and won’t sleep until she finds out what is going on.
Jacquelyn made her way out of the bed, grabbing her robes and an oil lamp and left the room.
The moon is still high up in the sky which means her mother is most likely still in the library room. ‘Mama might know something.’ the girl thought to herself.
Vanessa knew of her daughter’s magic abilities and was the person who kept this fact a secret from the rest of the Trevelyan family - including her current husband Julian Trevelyan.
Despite Neverra having a more liberal attitude on magic compared to the rest of the Andrastian nations, being raised in a "civilized" society and of noble status, Vanessa knew how the Chantry and most of the population view magic and mages.
She had hoped to live a peaceful life from the grief of the death of her Avvar lover and former husband and wished not to lose her only child to the Circle. Perhaps also out of reassurance that Jacquelyn had acquired great knowledge in controlling her magic already.
As was expected, the tawny-haired woman is sitting in an armchair by the fireplace, with unfinished embroidery in her hands.
Vanessa paused when she heard the approaching bustle of the footsteps of her daughter. She turned around and sees Jacquelyn's face in apprehension. Vanessa raised her brow in concern, putting her sewing kit aside and welcoming the little girl's embrace.
"Something’s troubling you my dear Lavena?" Vanessa asked softly as she pets her daughter's wispy onyx hair; 'Lavena' - “joy”, the girl's former name when she was still a member of her Avvar clan, and now only used as an endearment from the mother to her child.
Jacquelyn looked up at her mother, her eyes filled with confusion “Mama, They’ve been missing for days and I don’t know where They’ve gone! This never happens!”
The girl’s complaint had Vanessa pause and avert her eyes away. An expression of guilt, unable to look at her daughter. “Mama, Mama? What’s the matter?”
“Your mother did what is right, child”  a voice spoke from across the room; the voice that belonged to the master of the house - Julian Trevelyan. Behind the authoritarian man, a senior mage in a confident posture followed.
Jacquelyn shot up, facing both men, still confused but also afraid. “What…?”. The girl noticed a thick scroll in the mage’s possession, she rushed up to him, snatching the scroll from the mage’s hand.
As she opened up the scroll, her eyes went wide, horror crawling upon her face and her hands began to shake violently with disbelief as she read each word and magic symbol presented on the parchment. “What….have you done..!” she finally breathed out.
A rare and powerful artifact called “The Scroll of Banishment”, rumoured to be originated from the Ancient Tevinter Imperium.
As the name implied, it was used to banish demons and spirits alike back into in the Fade.
Jacquelyn recognised it since the Avvars of her Hold had displayed similar magic rituals when the situation required. However there were other unfamiliar symbols and formulas in the scroll, this one appeared to be an altered version of the original artifact.
Knowledge unknown to her made it even more unsettling.
Julian stepped forward reaching out his hand, “Jacquelyn...” he spoke, in the attempt to soothe the distressed adolescent, but she was in no mood, nor had patience for this.
The young woman slapped away the reaching hand, snarling at the man, “Don’t touch me!” she snapped at him.
She breathed heavily, clutching the scroll tight with anger, tears tumbling at the corner of her eyes, threatening to fall. She tried holding her breath, in order to hold herself from further emotional outbursts.
The senior Mage stepped towards in a prideful manner “I see you have noticed, young one. This version is much thorough, not only seeks to exorcise but also can “mark” and eliminate the target completely.”
Julian knelt down to be on eye level with the girl, with a reassuring voice he spoke again, “Child, it is for your own good.”
That was the last straw.
Without warning the girl’s hands ignited, as rushes of rage engulfed her mind, incinerating the scroll in the process.
The sudden burst of flames startled and knocked down everyone in the room, especially Julian, with his loose sleeves catching on fire.
Her eyes flared with arcane energy, tears all but evaporated. The fire in her palms burnt, changing its colour from orange to green to violet and then lastly to ghostly blue.
“Why would you do this?! They are my friend!”
“It is a demon!”
“You are the ones that turn them to Demon!”  the flaming maiden roared with fury, voice echoing through the hallways.
A fist of fireball landed on one of the vases and spread to the nearby, rather unfortunate furniture. The guardsmen, alerted by the noise caused by the earlier blast, arrived at the room, quickly standing between their Lords and Jacquelyn, holding their shields and swords up in ready stance.
“Lavena, please!” Vanessa pleaded.
“Please? You would let a man push you and your daughter around because he is the Lord of this fucking mansion? Where is the stubborn pride you always carried with you, Mother?” Jacquelyn spoke through gritted teeth, as she neared the woman.
“Enough! You will not address your father this way!” “This imbecile lowlander son of a bitch is not my father just because you are married to him!”
The next instant Jacquelyn felt a stung across her face and the fire in the girl’s hands dissipated as shock overtook her. Silence.
Jacquelyn slowly turned her head back to her mother, staring at her; her expression still showing how betrayed she felt as ran off to the hallways.
Vanessa looked at her hand shaking as she sobbed into them,  heart swelling with regret. Julian placed his hand on her shoulder in an attempt to reassure her.
The guardsmen and servants were ready to give chase but the Lord made the gesture to do otherwise. “Let her go, she needs some space”  
Not long after, the sound of a door slamming unnecessarily loud, could be heard, quickly followed by broken glass, splinters of wood and angry screams.
Three days had passed and not a single sign came from Jacquelyn’s room, despite the frequent check-ups from Vanessa and her maids.
The food delivered at the doorstep was left to turn cold, untouched, until servants went to retrieve it. Gossips could be heard in the halls, nothing that could be helped, but no matter what they only kept spreading and growing.
Several Templars arrived at dusk, and a servant leads one of them to Jacquelyn’s room.
“My Lady Jacquelyn, I am here to inform you that the Templars have arrived,” said the servant after she gingerly knocked on the door.
“I….understand that it may be difficult for my lady to say farewell, but please do pack the necessities soon… it has been decided that my lady will be leaving with them on the morrow.”
Not moments later, the door slowly creaked open. Jacquelyn stepped out of the room and closed the door behind her, already dressed, a travelling bag on her back. “No need, we can leave now,” the girl said in an almost monotone voice. “Oh...um, as my lady wishes then, I will go make preparations immediately” the servant seemed slightly taken aback, but quickly bowed and took her leave.
“Hello, you may call me Liam” The templar stepped forward and reached out his hand in a greeting gesture “My companions and I will be escorting you to the Cumberland Circle, a pleasure to meet you.” Jacquelyn eyed him up and down for a moment, and without a word, proceeded to walk away and towards the main entrance.
“Well, that went well” the templar awkwardly scratched his cheek with the hand that had been ignored and followed the dark-haired girl.  
When Jacquelyn reached the staircase, Julian and Vanessa were already waiting at the bottom, along with the other Templars. Vanessa attempted to reach out for her daughter, Jacquelyn simply walking pass her without looking at her once, refusing to acknowledge her presence.
Lord and Lady Trevelyan, along their servants watched in silence as Jacquelyn entered the prepared carriage and departed.
When the carriage could no longer be seen upon the horizon, Vanessa finally broke into tears. Julian held his Lady close to comfort her, whispering prayers to the Maker as he did.
Basically, the explanation of how Serenity disappeared and what caused the huge relationship rift between Jacquelyn and her (step/)parents
. This backstory has been sitting in my files for months before I actually remembered about it and finally finished it. Writing still needs much improvement tho bleh lol.
Many thanks to my friend @abyss-wolf for proofreading and edit for me. :D
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Yay! For the OC description meme 1 and 19 for both Jac and Thea ☺️
1)Them as a child
Thea:When Thea was young she’s a happy little girl, curious about the world around her and always anticipates all kinds of strange gifts that Malcolm bring back from his ‘job’. She was the light of their life.When her twin siblings were born, admittedly she was little envy since all the attention that was all hers are divided among the twins. But soon after her affection for her young siblings grew and overcome that jealousy because now she would have playmates and not be lonely anymore when Malcolm was away. A typical childhood until that point.
It all changed when Thea’s magic manifest less than a year after the twins were born; Leandra found out Thea trying to use her new founded “glow” on her hands to entertain the twins one night before supper.
Leandra seems to get her temper more often, whether due to the become overly protective of the twins and/or discovery of Thea’s magic and have to move around more often.While Malcolm had become to stay with the family more frequently, everything starts to become overly cautious around the house and Thea pick up on it fairly quickly. Thea grew to more solemn, reserved and emotionally matured quickly, ‘be a good girl’ and not wishing to upset her parents.
When Bethany’s magic manifest, the circumstances are less drastic since Malcolm and Leandra already have their first-hand experience with their first born. Thea continues to always keep an eye for her younger siblings, dispute most, if any, conflict as diplomatically and lighthearted as possible and trying to not draw too much attention. Although occasionally Carver would complain a bit about “ruining his fun’.
Jacquelyn :Lavena’s childhood has always been surrounded by ridged cliffs with snow and the many ‘gods’ (spirits) floating about as they please. The ancestorial location of P.uncia (Snow Leopard) Hold where the tribe returns every summer was quite high up in the Frostback Mountains and the Veil is naturally thin. Even then the Hold has frequent trades with the local Dalish clans, interestingly enough. It is a sign of friendship ever since the days of the Dales where the Hold sheltered many of the elves during the Exalted March. The Snow Leopard’s reasoning was “we do care not of the preposterous politics of the Lowlanders nor their religion”. Thus it is not unusual to find elven craft and occasionally artifacts in the Snow Leopards’ possession.
Lavena was around 7 when magic manifested, it was the proudest day of her life. Despite neither of her parents is a mage, she remembered her father Øyvind picking her up with such pride and enthusiasm and show her to the Hold’s Augar. While Vanessa was less keen on having a spirit possessing her daughter and insist on the spirit mentor her child by the side instead of within. Even then Lavena’s natural talent with magic and connection with spirits were nurtured beautifully with encouragement and much love. There are even talks within the Hold that Lavena might most likely the heir to succeed the position of the Augur.
Unfortunate befalls when some of their hunters stubbled too close to a dragon lair and Øyvind and 3, 4 others scouts held off and perished in the hands of a High Dragon in order for the rest of the members to escape. Those hunters were exiled. Lavena was only 13.
The grief has taken a toll on both Lavena and Vanessa, especially the latter. While the Hold has been welcoming and accepting, there are moments where Vanessa finds herself unable to adapt. Such as regarding Andrastian religion and the Avvar traditions. In mourning, Vanessa wrote to her family in Neverra after years of disconnection. When she got a reply surprisingly; even though the mother and daughter could have stayed with the tribe, whatever was in the letter has convinced Vanessa to go back to Neverra and remarry (to a ‘decent nobility’ this time). Vanessa would not leave her daughter behind.
While Neverra has a comparably more liberal stance on magic, the lack of spirit presence and her people and the pressure of the Andrastian Chantry society regarding magic has never made Jacquelyn feel home.( Lavena-Enkhtuya is her birth name)-
19)Them drunkThea:Thea has always been cautious in pretty much she does while maintaining a lighthearted outlook. Usually, she would pause or stop drinking when she starts to feel the effects of alcohol. When she and her family arrive Kirkwall and eventually met the companions that become dear to her, she starts to be more relaxed and much more talkative (sometimes sharing embarrassing childhood stories, much to Carver’s dismay) knowing that her friends would watch her back, notably when Varric is around.
She might even sing Ferelden folk songs if she’s in the mood. One time, *somehow* she manages to get everyone to dance with her (including…actually especially Fenris)  in the middle of the tavern at Hanged Man. (She was really drunk and can’t remember most of it). Let’s just say that it seems to tint Fenris’s cheek with blush every time (no matter how much the elf profusely denies it) when it is brought up by the group. (Usually by Varric and Isabela, occasionally Merrill)
Jacquelyn:One can never quite tell if Jacquelyn is actually drunk or not. The Avvar people, seemly her tribe, in particular, has a strong alcohol culture, might due to the cold weather high up in the mountains. Jacquelyn has her first taste of liquor ever since she was five. It always guaranteed people become drunk during celebrations and festivals and more often than not the elders will invite even the children to share drinks with them. Her alcohol tolerance built up ever since.
If anything, Jacquelyn becomes very bold (if not bolder) with her actions and very flirty and much more affectionate even with people she’s not closed with. On rare occasions when she is really drunk she might slip into the Avvar dialect where nobody understands what she’s talking about (with the exception of her mother perhaps). Some of the mages and templars in the Circle had even suspected her that she might have been possessed and was chanting for an insidious ritual.
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For the companion meme: 2, 12, 23 for any oc of yours!
Sorry for the late respond! Most of my characters aren’t really flesh out yet so it took me a while to think.
2. How would they meet the Inquisitor?
Jacquelyn would probably travel to Haven herself and offered her expertise in magic and combat. Sure Solas is the more expert on the subject regarding spirits and the fade, but more like-minded researchers the merrier. Plus she knows much of the Avvar’s customs and can offer diplomacy advises to Josephine in that regard.
Yu-Kan can be encountered at the Exalted Plains; with the War of the Lions raging on, his clan has been affected and being attacked by the war deserters who call themselves Freemen of the Dales. Dismantle them, and Yu-kan and his remaining clan would offer to join the Inquisition in exchange of protection. (Especially if the Inquisitor is elven)
Ishara can be encountered at the Emerald Graves. Due to the elven rebellion, she is helping several city elves escaping from their Orlesian masters, as well as investigating the ruins of the Dales. If the Inquisitor can aid them in giving them safe passage, she would offer herself to join the Inquisition.  
12. Do they believe the Herald of Andraste is really the Herald of Andraste?
Well, Ishara and Yu-Kan are Dalish elves. Jacquelyn is Avvar by birth until teenage when her mother remarried but she still held to her heritage tightly.
So no, so far, none of them do.  
23. In trespasser, what “gift” would they give the Inquisitor, if any?
Jacquelyn would probably make Avvar blessing runes and trinkets.With high approval, she would offer to take them to the annual summer festival her childhood Hold is hosting. So don’t die.  
Yu-kan is a cinnamon roll and pretty crafty with his hands. He would craft a palm-size cherry blossom bonsai using wires made of Silverite and petals made of Dawnstone
Ishara would gift varies of bookmarks that are made from pressed flowers (each w/ its own meaning by the flower language, reminding the beauty and life in this world that the Inquisitor has saved.
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OC meme
Say the first three (3) things that you think of your OC(s)!
(Without an explanation of course)
Cordelia E. Cousland: elaborate hair braids; traditional dance; an oath;
Milerias Surana: cherry blossom; fireworks; pygmy falcon
Thea Hawke: dandelion weed in between crack stones; parting glass; the eye of the storm
Jacquelyn Trevelyan: incense sticks & oils; animal bones; wet earth after rain
Yu-Kan Lavellan: the warmth of the campfire, bedtime lullabies; hot cocoa
Ishara : mother's home cooking; textile weaving handicraft; leather-bind old tomes.
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Quillback Leather and Blue vitriol. ALL THE OCS
Quillback Leather :: What is something your character’s closest people find extremely annoying about them?
Charlotte:You could say she is a bit of “sticking her nose into someone else’s business” that sort of thing. (comment most likely coming from Morrigan). She knew she is born & live privilege, educated in a chivalry mind sense, she tries to do /everything/ in her power to help a hand in need. She rarely talks about her own feelings either, hiding it deep down in her heart (something both Leliana & Alistair agreed on) bc at that moment (during the Blight) she needs to steel herself to endure the hardship and also bc she’s the de facto leader of the group. She used to more talkative especially to her brother Fergus and sister-in-law Oriana before the attack of Castle Cousland by Howe’s betrayal
Milerias:Life in the Circle is a shelter one, so it’s no surprise that she can be pretty naive of social interaction of /real world/. Plus being elven doesn’t help much either; despite  facing discrimination on daily basis it still can get her nerves, easily anger often rushing into more negative conclusions and a bit of a loner. One can describe as a literal puffer fish in elven form.
Jacquelyn:She is an expert in her field of research ( perhaps besides Solas but he’s a thousand-year-old egg so that doesn’t count..ahem I digress).She welcomes people to discuss about magic and the nature of the Fade, however being born and taught magic as an Avvar before her mother re-married, she often disregard many of the Circle method and scoff at Chantry /superstitions/, stubborn of her theories and methods bc she knows she is “right” ( of course until proven otherwise, then she would accept her mistake wholeheartedly). Despite with good intentions to share knowledge with her fellow mages, even among many of her close colleagues sometimes find her rather insufferable and aloof at times.
Yu Kan:Ask his friend Ygritte(OC belong to the ask-”er” @filidais ) and she will tell you that this elven ranger is a diplomat at heart and have patience of a mountain… in fact, Ygritte would say he is too nice, and smiling too much….and the kicked puppy face when he got yelled by Cassandra . “By the Creators’ wipe that goofy smile off your face”“I think that [Yu Kan] face is going to crack someday with all that smiling”“It is just me or I feel like I saw flowering blooming around you, stop it.”“They are f*cking shems! Why are we even talking to them!!”
Blue Vitrol :: If your character has to impress a complete stranger, how will they go about doing it?
Charlotte:She’s smart, fast learner and enjoys challenges. She especially loves beat people at their own games by using their rules against them. Leliana once commented that if she wasn’t so fiercely loyal to her beloved homeland Ferelden, she would be a perfect bard. Even some of the Orlesian nobles admitted to be impressed how well she can be in the Game. That said something.
Milerias:She’s a spirit healer, blood mage, battlemage, and an arcane warrior (she can shape-shift she wants to but it’s mostly for convenience and pranks)She can break every bone in the body while naming it (-quoting from Watson from The Abominable Bride episode lol), basically a combat medic.
Jacquelyn:She is a huge nerd when it comes to magic and science (yes that’s right, technology); she’s a walking encyclopaedia. But if you are tired of her talking too much on magic theory and spirits, you could take a look at her personal grimoires - there’s three of them. Although one most likely not able to understand them bc it’s full of symbols and written in her native language (learn from her Hold when she was younger)
Yu Kan:His organisation and diplomatic skills are both pretty impressive. With his soft demeanour and level head, he was to be trained as the clan’s next quartermaster, which includes distributing the clan resource and negotiating trading from outsiders. He is also superb with a bow and arrow; some commented that he probably should have chose Andruil’s vallaslin, but he picked June’s simply bc he enjoys the crafting of items more.
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Elfroot for Jacquelyn, Spindleweed for Charlotte and Rashvine for Milerias Arbor Blessing for all of the babes!
Elfroot :: What is a small, mundane thing that brings your character great comfort?
  Jacquelyn is not claustrophobic, but she prefers to have at least open windows in the room where she can look out to the skies and landscapes (especially mountains). It reminds her of her home - her Hold, her care-free childhood, her friend Serenity.
Spindleweed :: Had your character ever been grievously wounded or ill before? What was their memory of that occasion?
Charlotte has a deep scar that runs across her back and also just below the ribs area. The search for Branka in the Deep Roads leads the group to the Dead Trenches; during the confrontation of the Broodmother, she was ambushed by shriek who left that scar on her back, the split second of  "shock paralysis" made her unable to dodge an incoming tentacle in time which impales through her chest and then threw her across the room. Fortunately, the Broodmother was on her last breaths, where Alistair and Oghren finished the Broodmother and Zevran deal with any remaining darkspawn and immediately rushes to Charlotte’s side.
She was knock out for the rest of the day (brought back to Orzammar) and have to stay in bed at least another 2-3 days while Wynne and Morrigan attend her wound.  
The first thing she remembers after coming to consciousness is the pain and the soreness of the whole body and was amazed and grateful that she’s still alive…
Rashvine :: Who/what is the one thing or person your character simply cannot stand?
Prejudice disdain, disrespect and disregard of life. Something that Milerias has to face pretty much every day. Being called “knife-ear” by the human, overheard being referred as “flat-ear” by the Dalish, and being feared and seen as a monster simply because she’s a mage. It frustrates her to no end but it is not something can be changed immediately. “Why it is so hard to be treated as a person” is often on her mind.
And that Tevinter blood mage slaver fucker yeah? She has that piece of shit taste his own medicine by using blood magic on him and ripped him to shreds.  
Arbor Blessing :: What is the happiest ending you can think of for your character?
( I assume this also means Yu-Kan so I’m going to include him as well.)
For Jacquelyn, she wishes to know the fate of Serenity and reunite with this old friend however briefly (preferably a peaceful one). Continue to research with College of Enchanters and perhaps lit an old flame with a Templar named Liam (he was a good friend, the only person she might consider “family” during her days in the Circle)  
Charlotte; Life is complicated and dangerous in Court as it is in being a Grey Warden.  She wants many things but can only accomplish so much.
1.First of all, of course, is to find the Cure to the Taint.
2. Fixing the “corruption” in politics as much as she can, among other things.
3. To see Ferelden recover from the Blight and prosper again
4. To see her child(ren) on the throne ( the ones that she has w/ Alistair) and happy of whatever they were doing.
5. Reconsult with Anora (if possible) and establish a university if possible during her lifetime (education are essential)
6. After “retire” from politics, and have Zevran by her side in her remaining days.
The primary task for Milerias, of course, was to find the Cure to remove the Taint so she doesn’t have to live in constant fear of loose herself to the Taint and left her love behind. After that, she might go join up the College of Enchanter, become one of the instructors especially children as well as a representative of the College to the Chantry since her wifey is busying being Divine.
(She might meet up and get to know Jacquelyn)
Yu-Kan’s wishes are simple, to go back to his old life with his clan. However being the Inquisitor and with the World (Thedas) change drastically, he knew that it’s hardly going to happen. After everything calmed down (i.e Solas the Dread Wolf, the elven “gods” and other whatever disastrous shites), he is more than content to be by his beloved Seeker.
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10 & 12 !
10: Does your character have a particular way of talking or acting?
As a Cousland, Charlotte has an eloquent demeanor, proud yet humble, graceful yet fierce, commanding yet uncontrolling authoritarian yet lenient. Usually, she speaks and writes in a more formal tone until once she gotten more familiar & friendly with the individual.
Spending most of her life in the Circle burying herself in tomes and scrolls, as well as the discrimination against elves, her skill in the social interaction can be a little lacking.
Her speech can be rather naive sometimes, misspoke or use the wrongs idioms from time to time (and blush fiercely when someone corrects her) which Leliana finds it quite adorable. Nonetheless, she is confident of who she is: as a mage and as an elf. If someone is being rude about it, one would expect a hurl of stonefist and couple arrows (from Leliana) towards them
It depends on who she is talking to. She is an expert in her field of research - Spirits. To many of her colleagues, she may seem rather aloof and often scoff at Chantry superstitions about magic and mages. However, she is an individual who hungers for knowledge, a strong willingness to learn from perceptive, and insightful individual such as Solas. She knows where her limits are.
Some would find the way she talks rather flirtatious and sweet, there is an undeniable confidence and fierceness (some would say “savageness” due to her Avvar Origins) qualities.
His voice would be described as soft, soothing and slow paced, almost whispering and a rather polite person in general. He could easily calm a crying frighten child, or put them into sleep as he sings elven lullabies. The nature of his voice also makes a very persuasive negotiator when situation requires.
12: Does your character have any addictions, allergies, diseases, illnesses, disorders, or disabilities? How does this affect their life?
She suffers from PTSD (survivors guilt and re-enacting nightmares) from time to time due to Howe’s betrayal which results in massacres of her family.  
Spring is a bad time for her, she’s allergic to pollen.
She would be very unlikely to have children in the future due to severe injury (impalement) in her abdomen.
He’s lactose intolerance, it gives him diarrhea.
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[From left to right] Charlotte Margaret Cousland Milerias Surana Jacquelyn Trevelyan Yu-Kan Lavellan
Welp, What do you like to know of my children? 
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