#cordelia eilidh cousland
TMI! 【Dragon Age】
Canon OCs
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Cordelia Eilidh Cousland
Euryphaessa “Thea” Hawke
Jacquelyn Trevelyan
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Milerias Surana
Nazjatar Adaar
Yu-Kan Lavellan
Feel free to ask me anything!
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“If I am a rose, then you are the pillar and earth that keeps me from wilting” 🥀
-Cordelia Eilidh Cousland
to Alistair Theirin
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“Give this to him and tell him that: despite I have meet him yet, I already love him with all my heart”
-Cordelia Eilidh Cousland; Giving the Grey Warden crest breastplate w/ (Cousland) laurel symbol etched inside, to Morrigan; regarding Kieran.
[The Witch Hunt]
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Got tagged by @life-is-no-sugarlicking
Tagging: @abyss-wolf @sanyflame @my-da-phase @norroendyrd  @whereismywarden and whoever wants to do it.
Rules: pick one OC and describe them with 5 fancy gifs
hmmm Let’s see..... Let’s speak of my beautiful badass Warden Queen
Cordelia Eilidh Cousland
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First of all, she’s very intelligent and cunning. Always trying to think at least two steps ahead. While being so young she still manages to persuade and gain followers and outmanoeuvre the opponent within the nobility with firm authority as a Queen of Ferelden and her time as the Warden-Commander of Ferelden/Arlessa of Amaranthine. Her background as Teryn’s daughter had given her much leeway in introducing into the political game at an early age. Even the Orlesians would be impressed.
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She’s also a wonderful ballet dancer (taught by her sister-in-law Oriana who’s from Antivan); with much elegance and beauty, playful and mischevious, dipped with lethal precision. She fights like she dances. She dances like she fights.
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“With Temperance and Justice” is the official motto of House Cousland; she’s a firm believer of ‘Justice’. She saw the conditions of the Alienage in Denerim and was deeply appalled. She’s trying to improve the lives of the elven citizens, such re-establish the “Night Elves” unit in the Fereden Army and advocating better social standing for elves in general. Cordelia can also be deadly ruthless when the situation requires. She’s loyal to a fault and will also tear anyone apart if they hurt her loved ones.
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 Born in the top of the society can be a blessing and a curse. She can be a wide-eyed idealist sometimes that doesn’t necessarily go with cruel reality, and/or least how to achieve the goal. Struggles between doing right for everyone and doing right to herself. Between duty and love, between being selfless or being selfish.
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Alistair is her emotional pillar as she is to him; Despite all the pressure both being Grey Wardens and the ruling monarchs of Ferelden, they have each other. Reminding one another to take a good deep breath and some joy and fun in this demanding life.
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Miscellaneous things regarding Cordelia [2/?]
There's always something that one might find difficult to get rid off, or perhaps refuse to let go: vices, virtues, objects of affection, items of sentimentality, places of nostalgia, rituals of wisdom, tics of remnants, ...prayers of vengeance.
Since the days of the Alamarri, passed down to their descendants, it is a tradition for the Couslands to cease any grooming other than what is necessary as a sign of grief, especially if the deceased is one of the parents. While the Maker has gifted the soul and the heart, one's mortal body is given to them by the parent's flesh and blood.
With the Castle seized and no ashes to mourn, for Cordelia, her hair had become such physical manifestation, a silent oath to her father and her family; to stop the Blight and bring justice to Rendon Howe. The charred tips of her hair reminded her of the scorching fire that very night, as the stone wall crumbles, the residents screamed, and the last image of her father laying in a pool of blood and mother, who chose to stay behind with her husband, etched into her very soul.
Her voluminous raven hair would often be all gnarled, tangled and puffed up like a lion's mane. That might take hours to brush it thoroughly if they had time to spare. If one gathered all the loose locks (and perhaps some mabari fur shedding) in her tent every couple days, it would be enough to create a suitable bird's nest.
There are moments where loose strands that got in the way of her vision where she simply pushes them behind her ears. At times that long mane has become her bane, and almost cost Cordelia her life. ---
Leliana had offered to trim it short for Cordelia, and no doubt she would do an excellent job.
However, she had refused. Such a decision had piqued the bard's and several other companions' interest, as her hair had evidently become inconvenient on several occasions.
When questioned, Cordelia expressed she could not answer. For the burden was hers and her's alone. As the de facto leader of the group in this very time of the Blight, she must steel herself and there was no time to be sentimental.
Most importantly, she knew, when the memory so fresh and fire of hatred yet to be tempered, she knew she would simply break down there and then, unable to recover.
That one time when Alistair asked if she had lost anyone important to her as he had lost Duncan, she almost spilt. With a heavy sigh, she holds her emotion steady and answered the fellow Warden plainly. Alistair apologized immediately. Cordelia shakes her head and expresses she is not offended. She cannot fault him for asking, as she understands what it is like and he means well.
To Cordelia's astonishment and perhaps everyone's, Morrigan was the first person, along with Zevran, to stand in her defence and chastised the rest of the group for prying into someone else's privacy.
Cordelia thanked them soon afterwards. While the Crow simply smiled and nodded, the Witch of the Wilds scoffed at the expression of gratitude, saying that she does not care for gossips when there is a more important task to attend to.
Yet when Cordelia gazed upon the dark-haired woman, the golden eyes were softened with worry. It was then Cordelia knew, she could share her deepest secrets and would not be betrayed.
Hair braiding was first prompted by Leliana as the solution to Cordelia's overlong hair, then gradually became a frequent favourite bonding activity with each other during their downtime at camp.
Occasionally the group contest amongst who can do the most elaborate hairstyles for Cordelia.
Leliana's are extravagant and gorgeous, core to every maiden's heart and dream.
Zevran's are exquisite and alluring, like an exotic beauty from a faraway land.
Wynne's are simple and elegant, with much temperance and wisdom.
Alistair's are a bit sloppy but nonetheless adorable, like home and timeless warmth.
Sten might even join in from time to time, "Showing how it is done under the Qun" he said. The Quanri's style is firm and practical, and Cordelia never had to worry any hair sticking out for the rest of the day.
Morrigan would take much convincing, but eventually, she would yield to the constant plead and anticipation of the Warden. Her's are tribal and wild, adorned with colourful beads, like the tales of warrior women that Cordelia has heard much of in her childhood.
Shale never participated but once in a blue moon, the golem would offer shiny gems she happened to collect along the way for Cordelia to decorate her hair.
Oghren just sits by and watches, and joins in on the laughter while enjoying his alcohol.
And the mabari? He was just happy that his mistress is having a great time.
The Gauntlet at Temple of Sacred Ashes was where she shed her first tears in many months. Cordelia had thought it was all drained and dried up that very night.
She knows it was a spirit conjuring a familiar form, and yet here she is, eyes watered at the sight and voice of the ghost of her father.
She understands now, to acknowledge the pain and the guilt and let go. It will take time, she isn't alone.
Underneath the mansion that belongs to the Arl of Denerim, in the deep ends of cobblestone, with moss growing from each crevice.
Chains lay on the walls, with hammered metal shackles on the floor. In the air hung the scent of death... and suffering.
At last, she came to face Rendon Howe, the murder of her family, the nemesis in her nightmares.
As her family’s sword sank into his heart with one hand, strangling the last breath out of him with her long braided hair. The moment Howe went limp, she feels...calm.
So tranquil that it almost frightened her. This isn't her first kill, and wouldn't be the last. However, this one, in particular, seems to have a large weight on her shoulders lifted and burden in her heart gone.  
As she glances at the fallen corpse, she can only see an entity that consumes power and greed and was in return devoured by it. How fitting it is where he last stands.
Cordelia whispered prayers to the Maker and his bride Prophet Andraste, thanking them for their guidance and forgiveness on this cruel world.
The hurts are gradually soothed by these moments spend together and become Cordelia's treasured memories, that she reminisces often upon fondly.
The scars remain and always will. It is what forged her into what she is now.
Her mind unwavering and blade will always strike true.
Her brother Fergus have survived the Blight and returned, and the Cousland Castle reclaimed, Cordelia and her betrothed King Alistair took some time off and went to visit Highever.
Cordelia stands at the peak of a cliff, the wind is strong and the rain drizzled on her delicate face. The moment is perfect.
She untied her hair loose and hands the ceremonial dagger with Cousland crest to her beloved fiancé. "Will you do the honours? My love."
"I'm going to the miss your long hair, you know."
"It will grow back long enough for the wedding."
When the moment the dagger cut through her hair, she felt her head become noticeably lighter.
Cordelia gazed upon the thick lock of hair that was once part of her one last time, she extends her hand and released it from her grasp.
Watching them scatter with the wind, Cordelia smiled.
Finally, a new chapter can begin.
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4 and 5 for the DA protagonist thingy?
4. What would they think about each other's love interest (if they romanced someone of course)
(*since I'm actually still don't have a solid decision who my Inquisitor Jacquelyn romanced I'm going to leave her out for this one)
[Warden] Cordelia: she find Fenris rather quite and sophisticated individual although ir not a little blunt when spoken to, Stubborn in some aspects but still humble just enough to recognise not everything he feels is set in stone. It is rather amusing to her that for someone who has very strong opinions against mages (with very good reasons of course) and yet still falls in love with one. She can almost imagine the stereotype old couple: warm sweetheart wife and grumpy/broody husband - the thought would made Cordelia chuckled. Regardless, she can see Fenris is usually the kind not to have his emotions cloud his better judgment, have a cunning sense of humour and who is fiercely loyal& would protect his love at all cost. In some ways, she finds similar traits between the Tevinter elf and herself.
[Champion] Thea: The first time she met  Alistair was at Viscount Keep, just months before everything... well... blew up. Being King of Ferelden, Alistair is pretty friendly and approachable, laid-back lighthearted personality with an often sarcastic sense of humour but never cruel. Perhaps due to his more humble upbringing, yet being the monarch of a nation he doesn't (seems to) let power gets over his head as many might have become and genuinely cares for his people. Alistair speaks in so much fondness, admiration and love for his "ball and chain" -in which, according to Anders, he had a similar conversation with the once-Warden-Commander- that is now the Queen of Ferelden. Finding love in the midst of such world-ending event that is the 5th Blight, not to mention being shouldered the responsibility to stop it; A romantic at heart herself Thea is of course very happy for them.
5. Is your Inquisitor jealous that both the warden and Hawke have a mabari hound?
Having a mabari specifically? Not entirely, since mabari has isn't doesn't have that large significant culture in neither her Avvar or Nevaran heritage. A "companion" (animal or otherwise) who they have essentially grew up together with, however, yes. Jacquelyn greatly misses her spirit friend Serenity.
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my beautiful HoF Queen of Ferelden <3
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Miscellaneous things regarding Cordelia  (1/?)
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Arl Rendon Howe's traitorous onslaught on Cousland Castle has made Iona one of the unfortunate victims during this siege. Laying in the pool of blood, on the elven woman's last breath she speaks of her daughter's name. And thus Cordelia made a promise.
During the search for the evidence against Teryn Loghain (Unrest in the Alienage main quest), the party encountered a young elven child sitting on the floor near one of the main gates of the Alienage. By the uncanny sparkle in the little girl's eyes, Cordelia recognised that she's Amethyne - Iona's daughter.  After the Tevinter slavers were dealt with, Cordelia requested Shianni to take care of the girl while the party is away fighting the Blight, and vow to send whatever support the elven woman and the child need.
After the celebration in the defeat of the Blight and later the Royal Wedding, Cordelia decided to give Shianni a place in the royal court, a platform to voice her concerns regarding the City Elves and elves in general, despite the scrutiny and dismay of the general public, particularly from the nobles; and bring the Amethyne under her wings - specifically under the Cousland Household.
Cordelia provided the elven child the utmost education and privilege a City Elf can ever imagine, sending her to various Alienages and Dalish clan (thanks to the help from Keeper Lanaya) across Ferelden to learn her heritage what it means to be elven - as it was her mother Iona's wish, as well as training her in the arts of combat. The royal couple has more or less has become her adopted parents.
When Amethyne is older, in addition to being one of Cordelia’s lady-in-waiting, she became the first Captain of the *"Night Elves" unit, which is re-established by the Queen of Ferelden herself in the Fereldan Military ranks.
*Night Elves 
**Iona is a City Elf from the Elven Alienage in Denerim who was elevated to the position of lady-in-waiting by Lady Landra, wife of Bann Loren, for her family's many years of loyal service. Described as being sweet, shy, and demure, she is present at Castle Cousland in Highever with Lady Landra and Dairren in the Human Noble Origin story. It is canon (as mention in her dialogue) that she has a daughter
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Cordelia Eilidh Cousland
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Age: 18-19 (Origins)
Class: Rogue || Duelist | Bard | Shadows (Awakening) | Assassin |
*(4th Specialization in  Witch Hunt) 
Love Interest:  Alistair
Origins: Human Noble - House of Cousland of Highever.  
Major & minor Decisions:
Side with the Mages
Reasoned with both Elves & Werewolves; Break the Curse
Side with Caridin. Destroy the Anvil. Made Bhelen King
Saved Redcliffe,
Saved Connor w/ the help of Circle Mages
->Saved Arl Eamon
Let Brother Genitivi made the Urn public (although warily).
Did not kill the High Dragon
Duel Loghain but let Alistair execute him.
Made Alistair King, **while ruling beside him.
Agreed to Morrigan’s Ritual
------------------------ Cordelia identifies herself first and foremost a Ferelden, then second as a Cousland [noble] which she does pride to be well-educated and a long-line loyalist family to their homeland. As the ancestors before her,  she is fiercely loyal to her country, genuinely cares for her country and people regardless of origin. Lastly as a Grey Warden which to her is it “convenient” position to protect her homeland, or so it was in the beginning. “If it the price I must pay to protect my homeland and avenge my family, so shall be it”  She learns to become more accepting of people from other nations.
— Cordelia is a wild mischievous little gremlin when she's a child, setting up traps and playing pranks - harmless... mostly, such as throw a bag of flour and/or buckets of cold water from the top of the Castle, occasionally even to important guests -though usually she’s not aware of, which brings her mother Eleanor many headaches. She often slips treats for the servants when Nan isn't looking. As she has gotten a little older, Cordelia used to sneak out of the Castle a lot, hiding her identity by dressing up as a peasant when she's away. Had many rough and tumble play with the local children, and even made a few friends at the nearby Alienage in the Highever area. She's bold and righteous and will fight them if some shit head (more often than not are nobles) harass her servants and/or friends especially if the victim was an elf ( as Bryce always reminds her to treat the servants in the household with kindness and respect and it is her duty to protect them) 
Cordelia calms down a bit and became more '”lady-like” after she met her sister-in-law Oriana, Fergus's wife; learned many subtle and feminine arts from the Antivan woman. They were very close. Although the notion of being aunt makes her feels "old', she was completely ecstatic when Oriana became pregnant with Oren. She loves her nephew dearly.
 Her personality becomes more reserve after the massacre of the Cousland Castle due to the trauma of the loss of her family, and much harder to get into her good grace. Rarely genuinely smiles other than to her close companions/inner circle. 
Before leaving her family that night, she tries to take as much time possible to defend and save as many people as possible. She is saddened to not able to see Gilmore anymore as he is her close childhood friend. 
She’s both logical and emotional woman. While she would steel herself & put her feelings aside for agenda, she also would hold hard grudges towards people or do personal favours for people. She’s more passive-aggressive when she’s upset. 
When being put in charge of the group’s agenda, while at first, she was desperate to find Fergus, Morrigan (figuratively) slapped some sense on her when they arrived Lothering. She views her duty of being the de-facto leader as a distraction to cope with the loss of her family. Cordelia finally shed tears and break down in front of her companions when she met her father Bryce’s “ghost” at the Gauntlet in the Temple of Sacred Ashes.  ------------------------
**Originally I headcanon that she is content simply being a mistress since she doesn’t know what would happen in future, especially when there’s still a Blight to fight at the moment. However, later in the Post-Coronation celebration, Alistair decide to take the matter in his own hands and proposed to her - making her his Queen Consort)
Many thanks to this modder making this dream come true
Initially, I was going simply replay Charlotte w/ a different name bc I feel "Charlotte" sounds too French (Orlesian). After stepping back and consider what she would think, turns out more than I have expected.
One of the fascinating things about replay the same characters over and over again is to sometimes discover new qualities about one's OC(s) that one may not be thought about and/or develops into quite a separate individual. Despite the end result/decisions are the same, the reasoning behind it is not quite.
There are many things about her I'd love to talk about but it is scattered all over the place, as one may lead to another and there will be no end to it - considering how my thought process works.
Perhaps I should do the Character Sheet for my Warden at some point if I can find the template.
All questions are welcome.
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