#yukio okumura imagine
jays-therapist · 9 months
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do you ever think about how Shiro straight up had his seven year old attending cram school with kids twice his age
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frobby · 8 months
I know this anime only canon but rin should have mauled shiratori reiji for driving a fucking truck through the side of his house
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everyryuujisuguro · 5 months
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yamatonikado · 6 months
i just imagine that after the series ends, shima would have the hardest time being a spy LOL because most of the spywork he does for mephisto/the illuminati/the order whoever else im forgetting is basically him just tailing yukio wherever the hell he goes and telling all three different details about his activities. imagine what happens after they need him to do something other than tail his oddly endearing boyfailure teacher. think about it 80% of his spywork is just keeping tabs on yukio alone so if he no longer has to do that i bet he'd complain about overwork and then spend every free moment of his time hanging around/running into yukio out of sheer habit. yukio would be like "why do you still follow me around isn't all that stuff over" and shima would earnestly say something like "yea but sometimes i think that the best part of my job was you :/" or "yeah but the job was better when all i had to do was think about you all day :\" and then they both sit in awkward silence bc shima is thinking "why did I think/say it like that. better not elaborate" and yukio in his mind is like "WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN HE THINKS OF MEEEEEEEEE??? IM THE BESTTTTTTTT PART???????" and yeah
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tonguetiedraven · 1 year
You approve of Yukio even after he threatened to kill people and tried to kill Rin and Ryuji?
I have answered this question at least three times now, and I know you're just trying to bait me, but woooowwwwww I must have missed something in the manga. When did Yukio try to kill Ryuuji? If you're referring to the moment when Yukio points his gun at Ryuuji, that wasn't trying to kill Ryuuji. A dead Ryuuji would not have been a Ryuuji who could talk, and that was what Yukio wanted. Answers. Ryuuji wasn't threatened with death in that moment, and Ryuuji -- the only injured party in that scene -- has forgiven Yukio and worked with an armed and loaded Yukio since then, so I think they've both moved on. Ryuuji had also kind of helped lead to one of Yukio's sort of adoptive uncles dying a few days earlier, so I think Ryuuji mostly thinks that was earned. (It was a very messed up little while in that section of the manga.)
I feel like every couple of months everyone in aoex needs to remember that none of these characters are real and none of these situations are real and that they are story devices and plot devices and that they are young teenagers in the canon story and teenagers make stupid choices. Especially when they're tired, stressed, and being made feel like they're older/more mature than they are. (IE, when they're given jobs and responsibilities for others life's well beings.)
I could talk about Yukio being a mentally ill character who has been living in some form of fear since he was born. I could talk about him knowing he was Satan's bastard son for his entire life and knowing that his twin was a ticking time bomb of awakening into a possibly massively deadly demon, but likely no one will care and they'll already know that.
I could talk about Yukio being brilliant in pretty much every way but reading emotions, but people will still assume that any time a gun appears on screen that it is loaded with the most lethal of bullets and wielded entirely with the intent to murder. (And yet not make the same assumption about the flames of Satan that have killed vastly more people than we've seen shot on screen.) And they will assume that Yukio intended to kill instead of intended to interrogate or frighten or slow someone down.
Again, no one would really care about that and they would realize it if they read the manga because it talks over and over about the kind of bullets Yukio uses not being particularly harmful to Rin who seems to take Yukio's bullets like they're the kind in a nerf gun.
I could point out that no matter what Yukio does -- even when he unloads every Armumhael bullet in Rin that they have and he makes Rin entirely human for a few minutes -- that Rin is still the more powerful party. That Rin is the dangerous one in the situation. That one thing we should all be getting in this current arc is that Rin is a god next to these exwires. He got disintegration and disembowled and ripped apart and destroyed in a horrifyingly large number of ways and just kept on going like it was a big old nothing. He can go toe to toe with Satan so I feel like mortal Yukio and his little pistols probably can't do a damn thing against Rin even if Yukio wanted to.
I could talk about the fact that literally the most avid Yukio haters will never loathe Yukio as much as himself or the fact that Rin thinking he wasn't the most incredible person on the planet never even occurred to Yukio as a possibility despite the fact that Yukio thinks of himself as not worth being alive and can't see the way he's admired by a lot of people.
I could talk about the fact that the only person we've really seen Lewin comfort is Yukio, which means that even "I have no empathy for others" Lewin Light could tell that the boy was drowning under the weight of his own self-loathing and endless guilt, or that Shura has been watching him crack, or that Toudou, Lucifer, and Satan all picked him to be the one they tried to manipulate and crack and even pulled Renzou in on their drive to do that, and that Mephisto has also been manipulating and toying with him to try and push him to his own ends. Yukio just might be the most manipulated character in the entire damn manga.
But at the end of the day, the manga is there and people are capable of reading and looking at it themselves and I'd rather just read it and write my stories and draw my pictures and just. Be okay with a well written character who has acted pretty damn human in pretty much every scene he's been in. Who has fought with his super human brother and loved his super human brother and hated himself and is trying to make amends and still hates a lot about himself but is loved by his friends and is trying to save his world from his horrible extended family.
And once again, who is a fictional person that has committed fictional crimes and fictional acts of kindness. Drink something warm and soothing and touch some grass since Yukio and co are stuck in the frozen arctic and can't. (And fictional.)
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weirdxstarseed · 2 years
Imagine you started to catch feelings for Rin Okumura and everybody confused your attitude thinking you like Yukio.
content: a lot of fluff, slight angst, school oriented, best friends to lovers, tsunderegirl! x dumbass guy! | warnings: none! | pairing: reader x rin okumura
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You don’t know where or how, but you fell in love with Rin.
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— At first sight:
Everything where just laughs and fun when he was around you. You loved his bad jokes. The wrinkles in his face when he showed you his canine smile ¡! A/N: Holyfuck
then he started to bring you every morning breakfast cuz you’re too distracted and lazy to do your own
in the beginning, the gesture surprised you but after Rin continue making you the lunch
it became a tradition
Continue with the topic of school…
Everybody knows that Rin sleeps like a rock
You go every morning to his room, and you scream “TAKE OUT YOURE ASS FROM THAT BED” to waking him up
Taking a “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU” in response
At this point, Yukio is taking both of you out of the room so you can arrive early or mid-early to the class
Both of you assist at the same class of exorcist, but since you’re in different desk you’re in charge that this boy doesn’t sleep and pay attention
It’s a caos over there, you’re throwing him paper airplanes or if you have the chance to stand up, you pinch his arm in the way
Bon is always helping you cuz both of you share the same rudeness with Rin
When the class finally finish, both of you like to choose the long way to talk about anything and everything
After all, Rin is a gentleman, and he always, ALWAYS, walks you at home so you can arrive safe
Finally, when you arrive to your home, Rin hugs you in a gesture to say goodbye
In the moment his arms closed you to his chest, you started to feel an extremly nervousness and shyness
You were so schock that you didn't response to the hug, i mean, it wasn't weird at all, but your feelings catch you by surprised.
"What's going on? You're ears are red" he said.
"Nothing" you replied with a weird laugh.
"Yes, idiot, you can go now !!"
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
— Now you're a mix of feelings:
Now, you're attitude was a whole change of 360° grades.
the next morning he arrive to your house, you're too thoughtful to understand that Rin was explaining you his theories of Shura's class
"Y/N, did you hear what I said?"
"You didn't listen anything I was telling you!" he screamed annoyed, passing an arm around your shoulders.
The gesture freeze you completely and Rin notices it.
"Y/N, you're weird since yesterday" he said getting close to your face.
< those red ears, again > he thought.
"I NEED TO GO, I'M GETTING LATE TO THE CLASS" you screamed and start running to the wrong direction.
Rin was so confused that he scratch his head a little worried about your attitude.
Meanwhile he was asking everyone of you're presence, you were hiding in the library, trying to clear up your mind.
"I know this will happen" you said, a little bit angry with yourself.
"Happen what?" Shura asks, behind you.
You scream out of your lungs reaching a lot of -pissed- attention.
"Holyshit, you scared me"
"It´s not my fault you're acting weird, all the class was talking about you"
"Stupid Okumura" you mumble.
"Do you mind if I ask what's going on?" Shura asks confused, taking a book of the shelves to distract the librarian who was watching both of you long time ago.
"I think I start catching feelings for Okumura" you finally said.
Shura was surprised that you we're too honest, but a fine smile trace her lips when she notices that you were a mix of feelings.
"And what's the matter you like Yukio?" she ask, pissing you.
"Yukio?" you ask confused, opening your eyes worried by that supposition.
Shura was going to say finally the name of the other twin, when the librarian kick you out of the place. Leaving a special group boys surprised by the talk, they already heard.
"There's your answer, Okumura" Bon said. "Y/N likes your twin brother"
If Rin was confused at first, now on he was shock by all the information he heard.
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— Nobody knews the talk Shura had with you, but your attitude with Rin was a holy change:
Rin and you can't talk freely as they do
You always are in your thoughts and Rin is the same as you
You think is necessary to confess your feelings but isn't that easy
You don't want to lose his friendship
And you don't want to be humiliate
in the past a bitter experience caused you to no longer like confessing your feelings
So...you didn't admit it, but you were afraid.
You are afraid.
In the other hand, Rin is confused cuz he understand you can like his brother, everyone loves him. He's intelligent, handsome and brave.
But he can't accept that you didn't have the confidence to talk with him of that topic
He thought you we're best friends
Now, you don't joke with him, you don't go all the afternoons for a ice popsicle, you make your own breakfast, you don't visit his room and stay all the afternoon talking about mangas and playing with Kuroo.
He feels out of orbit.
"Rin" you said, taking out if his thoughts.
"Yes?" he asks.
"I don't think is a good idea to continue bringing me home"
He stop walking believing he heard wrong, and a evident "HUH" is in the air.
"What the fuck are you saying, Y/N?" he ask angry.
"Language, Okumura" You said, furrowing your brows.
"Language, my ass!" he scream. "You have been acting strange for weeks except with Yukio and Shura, did I do something wrong to have this attitude of yours?"
"Rin, isn't something we can talk in the middle of the institute" you said, stressed that a lot of people was watching the scene.
Now, everyone is paying attention and you're getting angry.
"I'll say it again, I'm not talking about this topic here. If you don't calm your shit down, I'll leave" you challenge him, holding tightly to the strap of your bag.
He gets close to you.
He watch's you directly to your eyes
Oh god, his eyes
For an instant, the butterflies in your stomach were raising, but the anger was stronger. And your eyes were getting crystallizing by the anxiety.
He notices it, and when he was going to say something to mend the situation, he heard those words that freeze him eternally.
"Don't talk to me ever again, Okumura".
"Stay away for me" you said, finally. Leaving quickly, feeling your heart in your throat and your breath stuck in your chest.
Rin was going to chase you, but Bon hold him up, leaving him and all the class surprised by your mad attitude.
You used to be happy, calm, rude and angry as a normal person. But the attitude recently you show...was so cold. Nobody expect that of you. No one except Shura that knows your feelings.
A/N: this wasn't supposed to be angst, but hell yeah...
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— THE DRAMA FINALLY END, but you weren't assisting school:
Your mom didn't pressure you
She knew what happen in the past and she understood your attitude.
You were eating a little bit, but you missed the lunches Rin prepared you. You missed his jokes, his laughs, his eyes, him.
You were so annoyed by your own attitude.
You were out of your mind.
All your life you were honest with all kinda people, but when it's about love, you're totally a dumbass.
You're phone was turned off all the week and Rin was getting anxious about you.
Nobody knew what happen with you
All the teachers said you were sick, but Rin didn't believe that. He was going to run out of classes, when Shura stopped him.
"Hey, kiddo. Calm down, where are you going?" she asks, clearly interested in the situation.
"It's not of your business, Shura" he said. "AUCH! WHY DID YOU HIT ME?"
"Are you going to see Y/N, aren't you?"
He nod, feeling his cheeks warm.
"Listen to me, you little dumb kid" Shura started. "The reason Y/N has those attitudes was because of you. I didn't want to say something cuz I appreciate her, but if you want to know. . . ask her directly, not in front of the middle of the school, idiot" she scold him.
"Ok, I admit it. Was my fault, but I was so stressed cuz I heard you both of you talking and I-"
"Nosy" she said, hitting him in the head. "Be a man and go an see if she isn't throwing by the window, she's a little impulsive like some guy I know"
Rin went to Y/N house the faster as he can, that when he finally arrives, he was just blanked. He saw Y/N in the street too thoughtful petting a cat that he didn't notice that a happy smile was tracing in his lips.
He reached you in silence when you stand up, you hit with his chest.
"IDIOT, WHAT ARE YOU-" the words were in the air in the instance your eyes met.
All the mixed feelings you were carrying all those weeks were finally a war all over your body.
"Rin" you finally said. feeling goosebumps just by saying his name.
He didn't response. He didn't know what to do. He got closer to you and before you said something. He hugged you. He hugged you with a gentleness that you feel dizzy just by smelling his cologne.
"I miss you" he finally said, hugging you more stronger.
"I miss you too, idiot" said honestly, corresponding to the hug.
Now on, you were in the park. Both of you in each swing waiting patiently for someone who can break the ice. You breathed harder and watch your jet black hair friend lost in his own thoughts.
You hit him in the arm in the middle of a joyful laugh after that coincidence that Rin couldn’t help to dedicate you a warm smile tracing in his lips.
“I’m sorry for being so cold to you that day” you said.
“You don’t need to apologize, it was my fault. I put a lot of pressure on you and it wasn’t correct to expose you in front of all the school” he said, resting his face in chain of the swing.
You sigh, nodding with your head. You stop swinging and leaned to him in a chance to express yourself the things that were in your mind for a long time.
And the reason both of you were in this chaotic situation.
“I need you to tell you something, Okumura” you started, feeling your blood rushing harder through your veins.
“Woah, why you need to be so serious?” He asked with a piece of playfulness in his voice.
“Just, listen to me” you supplicated, closing your eyes pretty nervous.
He opened his eyes bigger as usual and placed all his attention on you.
“I think, no, sorry” you inhale nervously.
“If you are trying to broke our friendship is not fun enough, huh” he joked, watching your hand in his arm. You hit him, again.
“Ok, I’m going to say it now” you said. You breathe again and speak as faster as you can. “Im in love with you and I was to shy to say it cuz you’re my best friend and I didn’t want to break our friendship and now on, you’re watching me weird, what’s the matter?” You said the final phrase in a scream, preparing your feet to run for your life.
“I’m not going to say it again” you said, covering your face with both hands.
“I thought you liked Yukio” he said shocked, not moving your eyes from you, contemplating how your hair falling in your hands that covered your face.
Rin was going to take your hands when you lift your head just to scream “WHAT?”
“I never liked Yukio, how do you get to that conclusion?” You continue, showing your red ears and cheeks standing up of the swing and begin to walk from one place to another.
Now, he was embarrassed. He mumbled the response to himself and for an instance you need to get closed to his face so you can hear.
He instantly got red by the closeness. You were a mess too but your curiosity was more.
“That time you run like a crazy donkey, I told to the guys that you were acting weird. Izumo proposed that you’ll be in the library. So…all the boys went there and in the exact moment Shura was asking you what happen, we heard that you liked Yukio” he told you, watching how the iris of your eyes make smaller.
“Idiots. I didn’t even say that. Shura proposed that on purpose” you explained, bending down at the height of him.
“Well, that’s a relief…”he mumble, passing a hand over his hair.
You didn’t understand what he was trying to suggest with that reply. But you were standing up when he stopped you taking delicately your hand.
“Don’t go. You didn’t hear my opinion about your feelings”
“I know what you’re going to say and it’s okay, I don’t mind ignoring this and continue being -“
A soft pair of lips were in yours, stopping your speech.
"I was trying to say that I like you too" Rin smiled. He contemplate your reaction for a second. Your cheeks and ears were red as always. Your eyes were sparkling. And your brows were furrowed in a funny gesture showing your tsundere facade.
He was stunned by the way you looked and the way you looked at him.
Like a dumbass he leaned into you, again. Waiting for a kiss. Rin was telling you that with his eyes. But you tried to provoke him just a little.
"What?" you raised a brow crossing your arms in front of your chest.
"I'm waiting my kiss, I gave you one, it's time to give me one in return"
You looked at the sky being a blushing and erratic mess trying to concentrate
"I'm still waiting ~ " he sang, enjoying the view.
"Oh shut up, you idiot" you said finally closing the distance between the two of them, giving him a much more needy but still sweet kiss.
"Thank you, sweetie. I love you" Rin said, hugging you harder.
"I hate you" you said, laughing after the guy of your dreams make you tickles trying to give you a butterfly kiss.
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
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yukiocumura · 1 year
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im gonna start crawling and screaming and crying so hard i throw up
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askingexorcists · 1 year
Everything pictured is for sale, I live in the UK can ship worldwide but shipping will be extra. Would prefer bundles! Just selling for extra money, all items have been taken care off and are in good condition. There are some extremely rare pieces only available in collabs for a couple of days period. Different things have different prices according to this, however if your wanting to buy a couple of things I’ll discount ❤️
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Could I get some hcs about Yukio Okumura with an s/o who slowly starts to act a little more like Rin every day?
The concept is funny to me. Like could you imagine he falls for some sweet innocent girl who ends up being an absolute menace
Yukio Okumura with an s/o that is slowly acts like Rin Over time Headcanons
Fandom: Blue Exorcist/ Ao no Exorcist
Rated: G
Warnings: none!
Admin Wisteria:
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-When Yukio first dates his s/o everything seems just fine. 
-They are smart, sweet, calm and collected just like him. 
-He is in bliss. 
-But once he sees his s/o becoming more…loud? Excited? Silly? Like Rin, he doesn’t pay attention to it because he just thinks, oh they are just now comfortable around him, so no big deal. 
-Things start to get more of a turn when his s/o becomes hot-headed and reckless especially when they are in battle. 
- Yukio will definitely freak out when his s/o starts to become more reckless. 
-”What the hell are you doing?! You know better than to go into battle recklessly!” 
-This boy is going to have an aneurysm because of his s/o’s recklessness. 
-Will become a bit more worried if his s/o is also friends with Rin because he will think Rin is a bad influence on his s/o. 
-Once his s/o clearly acts like Rin you know Rin is going to tease Yukio. 
-”Hahaha you think I will make a great Girlfriend!”
“Don’t say it like that you Idiot!” 
-Don’t worry, other people will also take notice and will tease as well, from Shura to Mephisto. He will not escape the teasing. 
- Yukio will eventually accept his fate that he loves someone who is a lot like his brother. 
-Because he won’t break up with them especially if they have more positive qualities that Rin doesn’t have. 
-But if they are straight on just like Rin there is more of a chance they will not last… but hey you never know!
- If Yukio loves the person despite being just like Rin then he will love them and stay with them no matter what.
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lesbian-myth · 5 months
Yukio gets a service dog au
I may be forced to write a fic, let me know if anyone’s interested
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vampvvy · 9 months
Could I request Blue Exorcist Rin relationship headcanons with a female half angel half human reader? Please and thank you!
Angelic. | R. Okumura.
warnings: none it’s SFW.
A/N: So polite<3 Ofc you can request so. I don’t know of the specific angelic features you wished for but i’ll imagine the reader to have long wings.
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Rin had a hard time trusting most celestials, simply because of the horrible experiences he’s gone through with most, but with you he has become quite awestruck.
At first he would simply watch from afar, not knowing of your secret. While training alongside you in True Cross Academy he couldn’t find himself to resist you, as if you were a delicate temptation sent from his grotesque “father”.
After a while he noticed how you never took off your layers of drapes and robes, how you carried around a plain staff made of a pure metal, stronger than one would believe, and soon he vowed to find out what you were hiding.
Long pearly wings slipped out of the simple bind that wrapped around your chest and wings, pressing them together.
Stretching out and fluffing far behind you, losing some feathers behind you as you prolonged the freedom of your luscious wings. The prominent shock on his face as his pointy ears and cheeks flared up like the color of a cherry wine.
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Rin would be extremely proud of who you are. A strong being such as you marveling in his own presence left him stunned.
Very protective. Worries about you constantly as if you weren’t stronger than him with your heavy staff and long stamina. He nearly threw Suguru in the fountain for him simply shoving you a little too hard.
Treats you with the upmost of care, always delicate with you.
Helps you pluck and fluff out your irritated or damaged feathers. Soothing your stretched wings as he massages conditioner on the sensitive follicles. (You do the same with his tail.)
Turns to putty whenever you show complete and utter affection to him. Has no problem with PDA but would rather his enemies not know of your relationship so it’s private for the moment.
Poor baby is a sensitive boy, so many things has happened to him in such a small span of time. His heart aches constantly and he confides in you with his troubles. He can’t ever bear having any arguments with you.
Extreme crybaby behind closed doors. His heart is not nearly as strong as his will, and with the constant betrayal of his friends and his own twin his strong facade always strays.
Loves cooking for you, makes bentos and breakfast for you. Always knows you’ll give him the best commentary and suggestions. Making his meals even better than before.
Argued with Yukio once because he believed that you were a bad influence on Rin, saying that you bring out a bad side in him and that he was clearly unstable with you, but in fact Rin was at his best with you. (Rin believed he was simply jealous because of you being so “amazing”.)
Shiemi constantly tries to advance on him with the help of Izumo not knowing of your relationship with him. You trusted Rin with about every ounce of your human and angelic being, but she was very persistent. Of course Rin was loyal to you, more than you could ever believe.
Rin loved kissing you, hugging you, practically merging with your being while doing so. Very inexperienced and constantly bites your lips and tongue with his fangs, might cause you to bleed slightly.. he had no control.. Oops.
Loves to fall asleep with your angelic voice speaking to him. Whenever he wakes up on your lap after falling asleep, he swears he genuinely goes to heaven. The gorgeous light illuminates the deep color of your hair and bounces off of you. He falls in love over and over with you.
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frobby · 9 months
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everyryuujisuguro · 1 year
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at1nys-blog · 7 months
Can I get HCs for the cram school boys finding out their crush is a half demon? :O (blue exorcist)
If is okay for you I’m making reader Mephistopheles’ child in every HC. I hope this turned out how you imagined. Please leave a feedback even in anon is okay
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Rin Okumura’s HC
Boy is like “???!!!!! What?”
I mean he still has to come to the realization HE is half a demon
Found out by accident because overheard Mephistopheles
After being very confused he is chill
100% asks you about your childhood with your… condition?!
Rin: so… how was your childhood considering.. your condition yk?!
YN: dude… really?
He asks you a lot about Gehenna and about your father, mostly if they should trust him because is Mephisto we are talking about
Rin: you truly believe him?
YN: he is my dad?!
You help him with homework because… self explanatory
Fascinated by your demon form. He would learn to draw so he can have scratches of you in his notebooks (will fail? Possible. Would he give up? After a while)
Is a must like, at first is just when possible then it becomes once a week and then every day?!!!!
You don’t complain, you like Kuro
Cooking dates
He teaches you how to cook even though you can have all the food you want with a schiocco of fingers
He introduces you to manga
Asks you your favorite hobby so he would try and learn it
Yukio Okumura’s HC
100% saw it coming
Maybe not that Mephisto is your dad, which took him a couple of minutes to realize, but he saw it coming you are half demon
Very chill, I mean he is half a demon too
But still suspicious about you a little
Asks you how it is to have him as a father
Asks you to show your powers so he can work a routine for your training (he is amazed by your powers but wants to keep it professional)
Sometimes would use you as a spy
Doesn’t know what fun means sometimes
YN: Yukio you should get out your room and have some fun
Yukio: No
YN: COME ON *tries to get him off his chair but fails*
Yukio: No
Always there if you get hurt, I mean as much as you could get hurt
Sometimes forgets you are half demon and heal faster than humans
Yukio: here take this so you won’t bleed much
YN: …
Yukio: Right
If you are a Meister trusts you with the mission
If you are a student…
He is careful you don’t get in trouble
You think is because your dad told him to, and is actually because your dad told him to (but he wants to make sure his crush is fine)
A good friend overall
Ryūji Suguro’s HC
Man is dying inside
His crush???? A half demon????? When???? Why????
He avoids you… FOR WEEKS
Doesn’t talk to you. Doesn’t acknowledge you in class. Nothing
Renzo and Miwa knock some sense into him
He is shy to say the least when he apologizes to you because 1: he likes you and 2: he feels like trash for avoiding you
Mephisto would follow him around school as a dog just to piss him off (he broke his little baby’s heart)
Would be careful about what he talks to you because of your nature no matter how many times you assure him you are with the good guys
YN: Bon…
Bon: don’t call me that
YN: okay, sorry. Suguro I told you already I’m not the bad guy here
Bon: Uhm… sure
The more you spend time with him the more he realizes you are actually good
Feels stupid for his prejudice on you
Gives you an anonymous gift to apologize (he might or might not have written a letter too)
Introduces to his family immediately as his friend. Renzo’s brothers teased him about that
Makes sure you eat
Bon: try this one, is my favorite food here
YN: thanks but I’m not in the mood
Bon: then maybe this? This is not my favorite but you might like it
Also make sure you are safe during missions and are not hurt
Very observant about you
Renzō Shima’s HC
Shima would NOT care about it
Renzo: you are half demon???😍😍
YN: yes, are you okay with that?
YN: you know I might betray you all one day?
Renzo: whatever you want to do my dear
Totally wrote back home about him having a special S/O just to make his brothers jealous
Already planning the wedding
No fr he is so in love with you and the fact you are half a demon means nothing to him.
Very open about his feelings for you
Would do everything to make you happy
If you attend Cram School as a student/teacher would leave little gifts on your desk
If not would try and find a way to come see you
100% asks you to things (festivals; out on Valentine’s Day etc) with a big gesture
And jealous too
Random person: *looks at you for 1s*
Renzo: that is my partner you are looking at you perv
YN: Renzo…
Do not expect him to cook for you unless you want the kitchen on fire
Not very romantic but tries his best
Totally told you what your dad asked him to do
Konekomaru Miwa’s HC
Scared. Not only because you are half demon, or because your dad is the principal of the school but because this thing is new to him overall
Avoids Renzo for advice and goes to Rin or Yukio
Also asks Izumo and Shiemi
Gentleman throughout
Boy is chatty but you like listening to him
Actually asks Mephisto if he can ask you out
You found out because your dad can’t keep secrets for his own good
Would shyly ask you to show him your power
Miwa: not to bother you or anything but… can I maybe, just if you want, see your powers?
YN: sure *powers on display*
Miwa: wow
If you are a student helps you studying
Flash cards are his way to go and would freak out if he looses his
Miwa: please tell me you have seen my flash cards
YN: *joking* no, sorry
Miwa: *full on panic attack*
YN: calm down I was joking. Here
Quality time is his favorite time
He would make you see all his favorite movies so you can get quotes
Introduces you to the concept of inside jokes (he is big on inside jokes. I can see him randomly dropping a joke and laughs at Renzo and Bon not understanding what he is saying)
Always asking you how are you feeling and/or how your day went
Makes you list of human things you should try
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(Does contain spoilers and suicide mentions) Ok so the main issue I see people having with him is because he has threatened his brother and has shot him before. (His brother, Rin, is also the fan favorite so you can probably imagine people's feelings towards those scenes.) A lot of times Yukio also comes off as mean because he's a pretty closed off person and people don't like that either.
Although what people love to ignore is the reasons as to *why* he acts this way. (Granted, harming your brother is not an ok thing to do and it doesn't excuse that but it explains why he did what he did.) For starters, Rin was the one who inherited Satan's demonic power, not Yukio, meaning that Rin could potentially become dangerous even though his powers were locked away until he was about 15. Because of this, the boys' adoptive father, Shiro, put the responsibility of protecting Rin onto Yukio from the age of 7. So while Yukio was training to become an exorcist at a very young age, Rin got to live without knowing anything about demons or exorcists. This did cause some envy from Yukio, who felt the crushing pressure of having to do everything for his brother while Rin had no idea. Later on, Rin's power awakens at 15 (the present time in the story) and after a series of events, Shiro ends up dying due to becoming possessed by Satan. With their legal guardian dead, Yukio is now the one who has to take care of Rin because if his demonic power gets discovered, Rin will be executed by the Vatican. So yeah. In the span of ONE DAY Yukio now has even more pressure put on him and he didn't even get to say goodbye to Shiro, let alone grieve for him because he had to be the calm and collected one in the situation. (Yukio is also 15 btw!!) Now, both boys are going to enroll in True Cross Academy, a school that also has a secret exorcist program. At this time, Rin has no knowledge that Yukio knows what's going on. It's only until he's at the exorcist cram school that Rin finds out that his teacher is Yukio. This leads to a confrontation between the brothers as Rin feels rightfully betrayed that everyone knew except him. This is also where Yukio reveals some of his concerns, leading to people not liking him. Essentially, Yukio says that Rin could be a danger to others because he can't control his powers yet and that Yukio will kill him if it's necessary (this is also where he threatens his brother with a gun). Eventually the conflict does get resolved and they go back to normal for the most part. So not only does Yukio have to keep his brother from getting into trouble (which he does. several times. Rin does eventually get discovered.) but he also has to be an exorcist AND a teacher. Yukio constantly has to act like an adult throughout the series, and HE'S ONLY 15!! He has so much pressure put on him by everyone and if he makes a mistake, either him or Rin could die. As the series continues, you can see Yukio's mental health rapidly worsening due to his self-hatred leading him to several suicide attempts (which he doesn't die because Satan is now residing in his body). Yukio also feels that Shiro never really cared about him and only kept him to be raised as a weapon. All this and the fact that he's being manipulated by another antagonist character leads him to join sides with the Illuminati (the evil organization). By doing this, he will be able to take down the Illuminati from the inside and hopes that he and Satan will die along with it. The entire time up to this point Rin does not realize just how bad Yukio's mental health has been (which to be fair, Yukio is pretty closed off and has lied to his brother several times). Yukio then tries to force Rin to kill him, and ultimately fails because Rin cares too much. Overall, Yukio had so many responsibilities and felt as though he had to take everything on alone. It's honestly very tiring seeing people villainize everything bad he's ever done while completely ignoring how much he actually cares for his brother + all his mental health issues. This is only a summary of the things he's gone through so there's definitely some other details that show the escalation of his depression that weren't included here. But yeah. Justice for Yukio. He does not deserved to be treated like Satan (pun intended).
Apple White
everyone shut up about her being evil and selfish she is a teenage girl who has been raised HER WHOLE LIFE with this ideology, she can’t unlearn her entire belief system overnight especially when it’s so deeply tied to her identity as a person. also she literally does let go of it eventually, because she’s not a static character, she has an arc. apple is my favorite because she’s complex, not in spite of it. on the flipside there’s the people who act like she didn’t do anything wrong. i’ve seen people call raven the selfish one? this show was made for 5 years olds. how do you have less media comprehension that a 5 year old. and also, you’re loving apple the wrong ways!! she makes mistakes. she fucks up so much, and it’s awesome. i get overcompensating because the haters are so loud or whatever, but saying she’s perfect is erasing what makes her interesting. this propaganda is not very good because I’m guessing a lot of propaganda looks identical (edelgard and vriska have similar issues in fandom spaces) so here is my final pitch. vote for apple because she’s a lesbian (her canon soulmate was a girl). vote for apple because she’s a protagonist in a kids cartoon who was a lesbian way back in jan 2016. vote for apple because mattel let the face of their new franchise be a girl who likes girls (still feels surreal) #gayrights #applesweep
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weirdxstarseed · 1 year
imagine you need to take care of a sick rin
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content: pure fluff, friends to lovers, platonic love, sick!rin x carer!reader | words: idk | warnings: none
It was a peaceful afternoon when you suddenly received a call from Yukio
He asked if you can take care of his brother cuz he had an important mission and he can’t take care of him
You hesitate to risk your sunday for being in charge of one of your classmates
Even tho you had a good relationship with anyone
taking care of rin was a complete challenge
rin was the type of sick person who always complain about his illness
and you didn’t have the patience to deal with a trouble-maker
at the end, you accept with the condition that yukio will let you absent any day you want
consequently, he replied with an assertive answer letting you know all the information that you need to take care of rin
you arrived at their home and gave an esceptic glance to the surface
It looks pretty neatly to be a department where two boys lived.
you knock twice the door to verify if there was someone in the room
unexpectedly, a blue-haired boy open the door with an angry face
your eyes were bigger than usual and without hearing anything rin said, you guided him to the bed
“HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” he screamed before start coughing like a sick dog
“Stop, you’ll get hurt” you scold him, leaving your bag in a chair
He examined you with a distrusting glance and you showed him your tongue
mocking him
Rin rolled his eyes annoyed and started complaining
“I don’t know why Yukio told you to take care of me”
“I like money” you said, winning a indignant glance like a drama queen
“He offered you money?”
“Yes, a lot of yen is at stake”
“REALLY??” he sit on his bed, watching at you with a red blush in his cheeks
You smile openly and laugh at his expression
“Of course not, idiot” you replied “Sleep a little bit, you’re in great hands”
“If you said it. . .¡OUCH!”
You hit him with a pillow when you heard his comment and start organizaing everything in the room
Believe me, it was a challenge to shut him off
He always complained aboy everything
The coldness in the room, the hot weather outside, his sore throat, his headache
You patienly heard every complaint controlling yourself preventing to hit him again
Until you started organizing in the table
Towels, fresh water in a little bowl, termometer, analgesic, more towel
You know, things you need to take care of a sick person
The noise transform into silence
And when you saw rin sleeping peacefuly
A little smile cross your face
Feeling your heart beating
You roll your eyes trying to ignore the feeling raising in your chest
Prefering to concentrate in your labour
You sat in the floor to read a little bit watching over your shoulder if your patient was calm
Ignoring that when you read time goes by
You scream after feeling an air going through your spine
Rin was reading your manga behind you so you stand up trying to search the termometer on the table
He was a little bit slow so he didn’t notice your nervousness
Nervousness that went down the trash when both of you start to complain cuz the little baby didn’t want to swallow his pills
Sometimes when you change his front towel, he distracted you by talking about the manga you were reading, but suddenly you stop him putting the towel all over his face
Both of you stayed fighting like cats and dogs for an hour until rin proposed you to sit near him
You’ll be in an easiest way to check him out and he could bother you in a simple manner
You were with one eye reading and with the other one, watching the breath of rin
He would sleep multiple times and just wake up to say “I’m hungry”
In those spaces, both of you would love to talk about your favourite tv show
Or even complain about the difficult things that it’s to be an exorcist
Again, he would be in the land of dreams and you’ll be so astonished about his curious beauty
You check the clock, it’s 9.15pm time to Yukio arrive to their home
Carefully, you’ll approach to Rin’s face and leave a soft kiss in his cheek
In a sign of “good-bye”
Without noticing that some boy was awake and feeling your kiss over his cheek put him as a weird tomato
faster, you’ll clean all the room
Picking up food packaging, clean towel in the table and ofc medicine in order
You’ll write a cute letter to rin and a letter to Yukio telling all the stuff that you did for his cares
And when you’re to leave, Rin calls you
You gave a glance of confusion and he look away blushed as hell
“Can you give me another kiss?”
You soul left out your body when you hear those words and with shyness, you gave him another kiss leaving the room with your heart in the sleeve
Rin went to school the next day screaming that he was in there in a good health cuz he received the best treatment in the whole world
Provoking you to choke with the water that you were drinking
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