#yuma is a gemini. good for him
thehandwixard · 2 months
i like when characters are given blood types and birthdays and stuff its very fun for me to engage in astrology bullshit in a completely inconsequential space. its very toys
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elina-sakura · 11 months
💜🔎Yuma Kokohead Headcanons🔍💜
His casual aesthetic outside of his detective uniform are softboy and goth (mainly pastel goth)
His favorite colors are indigo and lavender, but he likes any colors that are night palette
He loves to play retro games (since they’re the only ones he can afford with his own budget)
He enjoys detective novels alongside any mysteries and thrillers
He likes to research on the supernaturals and mythology since he learned about Shinigami and the Book of Death
His sexuality is pan arospec Orchidsexual (is fine to be in a queerplatonic relationship)
He has an interest in chalk art and watercolor, and draws as like a coping mechanism from all the anxieties and trauma he went through
His age range is young adult and would be 19-21 (age will change depending on the fics I make)
He is confirmed to be a Gemini
He is the most vulnerable of the group when it comes to the rain, ranging from sluggish to a full-on fever if he does not take the right equipment or slow down once in a while
He has a number of journals he uses for doodling, investigation, poetry writing, and venting (that last part had to be suggested by the NDA)
He has an anxiety disorder
He likes to wear fuzzy socks when asleep or when he’s off-duty
He’s not good at cooking, but he is good at baking (or at least making the food look appealing)
He may be good at making sweets though
Now for Game Spoilers, but only check it out until you played the entire game!!
You cannot tell me Yuma doesn’t have “gifted kid syndrome!” The fact he became the leader of the WDO, a highly privileged detective organization, so young with so much regulations on him must have really did a number on him even if he handled it well
His first name really is Yuma, but he had to forgo it when he became “Number One.” Now he goes by Yuma Kagutsuchi after Makoto Kagutsuchi
Because yes, I like to believe Yuma sees Makoto as his ‘brother,’ or at least family since they come from the same DNA, so he takes after his surname so people (and especially Makoto) would know they are family
After the Restricted Area traverse, Yuma now hates any zombie media out there (especially zombie films), it just triggers him too much
He likes to affectionately call Makoto “Mako,” which means sincerity in Japanese, so their first name is of the same length
Before Yuma got his memories back, he actually has acted unconsciously similar to his former self, like being poetically jaded or having a bit of “gifted kid syndrome”
He has managed to have his anxiety under control as Number One, but in his amnesiac state and when he gets his memories back, it begins to surface more
He likes to do poetic inner monologue during cases in order to calm his anxiety; it even remained when he had amnesia
He has a key charm necklace that matches Shinigami’s aesthetic to hold onto some form of remembrance of her, even if he doesn’t remember her
He is canonically a cat lover
Yuma actually believed he was aromantic for the longest time, but once he starts developing relationships with others he decides to consider himself arospec
He has various scars from his time as a survivor of a war, a WDO detective, and being Number One (some on the back and the front torso) and a gun wound from one of his shoulders
He (and Makoto to an extent) are bad at cooking because they were never taught how and never bothered to learn for themselves since they are always on the move and working
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diacripticcomplex · 7 months
I'm into western astrology and I just want to speak on the astrology of the DL boys real quick. Some of the characters embody their given zodiac sign while others don't fully but that could be because of the birth charts, rejet obviously did not give us the year or time of birth all of them were born so I can't go in depth however I will list a few things for each DL boy.
Shu: His given sun sign is Libra. Libras are very social and friendly as well as fickle, but they do have a great sense of judgement. Shu is def an air or even a water sun sign I just don't think Libra suits him. What would be more suitable for Shu would be an early July Cancer, due to the fact that when this sign is depressed, they will make that their personality trait for the rest of their lives, a libra wouldn't.
Reiji: I think making Reiji a virgo was the most genius thing ever. He is a definition virgo, straight from the book, he loves organization and logic. He is a problem solver and dislikes unnecessary bullshit. And his comebacks are so killer.
Ayato: He makes perfect aries. Aries are known to be super loud and chaotic but in reality they are super sensitive and passionate as well, they sometimes struggle with understanding their own feelings and I think Ayato conveys that very well, Aries will always be positive even if the world is ending.
Kanato: I think Kanato should have been an Aquarius, he has a unique style that only an Aquarius can pull off and he is brutally honest like an Aquarius as well, he's quick to anger. Now you can argue and say but Aries are always angry, no they are not, they get pissed and frustrated but its not as scary as when an aquarius or cancer gets pissed off. Aries does not suit him.
Laito: He is the definition of a pisces man, Laito is highly intuitive and can read people like books, he understands how thoughts work very well, he's also quite imagintaive like a pisces.
Subaru: Perfect. Lonely serial killer vibes like a true scorpio.
Ruki: I think Ruki being a Taurus is actually perfect as well. Taurus are very maternal and Ruki gives off the vibe with his brothers the most, also he enjoys cooking and reading for his pastimes, he's homebody for the most part and has known what it's like to live in luxury.
Kou: He should have been a gemini with those crazy mood swings. Yui was super scared in his MB route to piss him off, it was like walking on eggshells with him. Kou also is very social and good at faking it just like a gemini, he also is quick to offer something like a Gemini would.
Yuma: 100% a leo, he thinks a head like a leo would, he's the first person anyone would look at in a room as well and it's not just because he is tall, it's because of that leo energy.
Azusa: an October Scorpio is correct, the amount of detrimental damage Azusa does to himself it just explains a lot.
Carla: He should have been a Capricorn or Scorpio, manz was vengeful and formidable in his planning. Making him a gemini made no sense, I really think Rejet just said a random ass day.
Shin: He should be a Sag, making him an april taurus made no sense to me. Sag's are more adventurous but get shit done, and I think Shin was more on that spectrum.
Kino: A June cancer makes sense for Kino, the self entitlement, thinking that you're better than everyone else and the victim complex...
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redtippedfox · 1 year
Hi, hope your enjoying your spring break and being to be able to draw in peace. I had another odd question, and it's about Yuma (I think that's her name) and the other sentimonsters Older Marinette created.
How many sentimonsters DID Marinette create? You mentioned that Yuma had brothers and sisters, and the only other one you've mentioned was one called Gemini that conceals emotions.
How do, or would, the corrupted holder and kwamis feel about these new sentimonsters? After all, they were created by their beloved guardian.
1. Yuma is a Changeling based sentimonster that can change Marinette into anything, she’s constantly near Marinette at all times while Gemini is a blockade sentimonster, he’s a small little Pegasus creature that is always flying in the sky. His power is to block the aura of the future Miraculouses from Fu, Tikki or any of the past Kwamis from sensing them. He also blocks Marinette’s emotions from Hawkmoth so she isn’t found out through her emotions. He blocks Marinette’s magic and presence from being felt or sensed. I haven’t drawn him yet since I just got back from camping but I might do it eventually. He’s the brother to Yuma, Celeste, and Sybrus Celeste is a spying sentimonster except instead of a Pegasus she’s more like chameleon based Cow who’s job is to spy on younger Marinette. She can transform into anything around her to blend in. Then there’s Sybrus, a Dog/Snake creature who’s job is to protect Marinette. From anything Akuma or corrupted based
2. First is how the Kwamis living with Marinette feel. Nooroo feels comfortable around the sentimonsters since they weren’t made out of negative emotions like the ones Gabriel made when he was Shadow Moth, These sentimonsters were actually friendly to him. Dusuu is thrilled that her powers are being used for good and that the Guarian is making beautiful creatures out of her powers. Tikki doesn’t mind them but fears that the sentimonsters might be out of control and get them caught.
Corrupted: They don’t really care, they knew the Guardian would use Dusuus powers so they predicted that there would be sentimonsters involved but they are extremely jealous of the sentimonsters that get to be loved and cherished by Marinette the way she used to do to them before they were captured.
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pluto01doesart · 1 year
Superpowers based off of the zodiac signs in the storyline.
Akari- A knife thrower and a sword crafter
Sign: Aquarius
During battles she tends to be the attacker from behind always got her teammates back
You can count on her to even be your shield, despite how cold she may seem.. she holds compassion for anyone.
Lydia- tessenjutsu warrior (fan throwing during battle), she also has the power to restore balance and repair caused damage
Sign: Libra
In addition she almost instantly comes up with creative plans, and strategies that has been done by no one.
She can also become invisible, disappearing along with the air.
Kyo: A boomerang thrower, trap magic
Sign: Leo
He has real potential to be a good fighter, and also ahead of everyone when it comes to his pride 😶.. but despite all that he's always the most enthusiastic one out of all the team members..
Reiko- a sword user, magical detector through a bracelet.
Sign: Aires
During battle she's hotheaded and reckless.. she usually moves and attacks even without a strategy.. always rushing ahead, and is such an moth to the flame, but her heart is in the right place.
Rai- has the power of enchantment Transmutation magic, He's also a mechanic
Sign: Capricorn
Despite him being a rookie still. In both planning and pulling an operation altogether.. he's good at keeping things confidential.
He tends to fool around only around close friends and family, but he's always reliable during combat.
Also he has the ability to fix all things metal obviously and can transmute crystals types of power that are written in an invisible enchanted form.
Yuma- has the power to control gravity..breaking rocks to bits, due to him being the next leader like figure and mostly likely to be his sister's successor.
His anger is the key to using his power with force and mighty powerful emotions
Sign: Pisces
Try not to anger him because once he is angry the ground shakes and he sometimes doesn't know how to control it with full force entirely yet.
He always sticks up to the ones he cares about and especially when he slowly is growing up, starts having a crush 😅.
Masahiro- has the power of multiplication and shapeshifting, because he's only so young he cannot get control it. And besides he joins the team all because of the rest and says I wanna be of help too
Sign: Gemini
Despite him only being 5 he of course can be always left behind the rest, and whines a lot.. he's a bit spoiled but only because he's younger.
But when it really counts he does show emotions of compassion to others when his friends and family's lives are at stake.
Although he's a slacker at times... For being so young you don't expect much of him yet.
Here are some inspiration for the storyline.
* fairy tail
* sailor moon
* dragon ball z
* keroro guenso
* Httyd
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xxblackgardenxx · 2 years
Rating The Diabolik Lovers Boys Bc I Said So
So I'll be rating the boys from what I felt of them when I first watched the anime, then move to the games
Ayato(6/10)- Your cool, basic bad boy turn good trope. Would be his friend
Kanato(4/10)- Demon, kinda cool, liked that table scene, everything else pisses me off
Laito(-1000/10)- Fuck you, made me question what I was watching, I hate you. I guess your funny. Thought he killed him mum bc his mum gave more attention to Ayato :)
Shu(5/10- Who? Oh that guy. I guess his cool. Higher rank just bc I dont remember what you did, plus his mood was how i felt watching the anime
Reiji(7/10)- Mother, will save me, thank you once again, hot?
Subaru(7/10)- Anger, only nice one, thak you
Ruki(7/10)- Hot, sir 😏, I like smart men, umm kinda of a cry baby
Kou(5/10-ok, umm, you were there, cute that you cant do buttons
Yuma(9/10)- MY GARDENER BOY, please let me garden with you, hot, him and his damn sugar cubes
Azusa(4/10)- fuck off, what did Yui and I do to deserve this, knife kink
Ayato(8/10)-Dumbass, brother figure, his fucking funny, omg he has a personally now, love him
Kanato(6/10)-I can look pass the tantrums, relatable about food stealing, I understand now why he is so fucked up
Laito(1000/10)-My fav, funny, his past makes me want to cry, horny, makes my mind go for a fucking ride, I will give this 300 hundred plus year old man so many hugs, such a strong character, kind when he wants to be
Shu(10/10)-2nd fav, FUNNY, this man doesn't let me down for a laugh, dirty whore, MUSIC, give me your fucking headphones, screams like a girl
Reiji(3/10)-ehh, idk why I liked you so much, does have your moments tho, I love how much of a mum he is. Hitting frying pans :)
Subaru(8/10)-Soft, love him, let me hug you you angry bitch, omg i-it's kinda like a normal relationship, are we sure his meant to be in DL?
Ruki(1/10)-dont even know why I hate you, pisses me off, but still cool bc his smart
Kou(8/10)-Voice is everything, crazy bitvh, tf am I suppose to say to him?, living with a boom that could explode in any second, his cute tho, works hard when he wants to
Azsua(7/10)-Soft, FUNNY, tbh love him so much, makes me fall asleep tho
Carla(6/10)-OLD, pleasse sir the way you drink blood is really gross, scary, deep voice, likes to step on Yui?, omg theres a Gemini in this game?!, likes paintings so gets a higher rank
Shin(5.5)-Didn't like you at first?, and I thought his drinking noises were bad...his brother proved that wrong, cute doggies so gets a higher rank
Kino(6/10)- don';t know too much about you, seem cool, gamer boy, seems funny so gets a higher rank, cant wait to see his past.
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break-slash · 4 years
Puzzleship JP & KR Fancomic Recommendation List
UPDATE (19-12-2020): Added two more artists and two more titles on the Japanese lists!
I don’t consider myself as someone very tidy and organized, but I just like making lists of the things I love, somehow. Hence this post. I haven’t been in the fandom for long but I thought I’d share some of my favorites primarily from two sites: pixiv and postype. Most of the postype ones are behind paywall, and I will mark them differently.
Some of my favorites come from the same artists, so I’ll also link their pixiv profile on top of my favorite work of them.
(I actually bookmarked a lot and picking them isn’t an easy task, so I will update this step by step. If you see only a link of an artist, that’s the reason, but I can guarantee you will love their works! Feel free to recommend me yours through reblogs or DM as well!)
Artist: CYHGM
She is a Chinese and is more active on Weibo (she posted tons of puzzleship there, but my Mandarin is beyond rusty so I could only cry in despair lmao), but she has two fancomics that I absolutely adore of. Those two mentioned fancomics are:
The Past and The Future. You can check my translation for this one here. It tells about Atem who gets transported to 3000 years later before his coronation, and that’s where he met post-canon!Yugi. Just... everything about this comic is so wonderful. I teared up at the last page, not gonna lie ;_;
The Pharaoh and The Fairy: An Ancient Egypt-slash-fantasy AU featuring the S0/TOEI casts. The fairy Yugi was saved by Atem, and it’s an obligatory for fairies to grant their savior’s wishes. However, Atem doesn’t exactly have something he wants of, and this confuses Yugi on how he should repay him back. Pure undiluted sugar, and fairy!Yugi is just so cute.
Artist: Fushitas
Arguably one of the most popular Puzzleship fanartists in the JP fandom (look at their number of followers on Twitter, man), but maybe it’s also due to the fact they were in AoT fandom too. They’re mostly active on Twitter, and if you also watch Zexal, they draw tons of Yuma-centric pairings too. They have released lots of books, and their prices on the reseller sites are... well, let’s just say, unbelievable. Just to show how famous they are. 
From everlasting to everlasting: Set after DSOD. A mysterious figure appears in front of Atem, claiming to be his queen. Everyone in the after life somehow acknowledges this person, which makes him even more confused because he’s the only one unaware of this. On the living realm, Yugi who is on the way to his home got hit by a truck (isekai much??) and when he woke up, he suddenly plays the role of Atem’s queen. I’ve always adored Fushitas’ drawing, and this is no exception. The story is pretty simple, but is still good! The ending of this comic is everything I’ve always wanted from the canon lol. 
The King’s Guest: Ancient Egypt AU. The councils are starting to get worried because Atem shows no interest in marrying someone, so Shimon opens up a “chance” sort of for civilians to become “someone for the Pharaoh to talk with”. The civilian Yugi takes this chance right off the bat, and stuff happens? This one is just so sweet and the misunderstanding later in the story kinda cracks me up. I really love the way they build the two’s chemistry in here.
Artist: usi 
They only draw two puzzleship fancomics, but both are so good and explores the themes I’ve loved from the pairing.
The Lotus’ Devil: Set post-canon with a flashback. It tells about Yugi’s regret in the past where he wanted to show Atem a small pool supposed to be full of lotus flower only to arrive seeing them not blooming. Fast forward to the post-canon, he found out that there’s actually a monster residing on that pool. I really, really loved the ending scene of this one.
Who’s The Detestable, Fortunate Guy Here: I think this is set sometime in the canon story, although the exact timing is unclear. It’s a short comic of Yugi asking Atem to pretend to be his date and go on a “dating practice”. A very pleasant hurt-and-comfort kind of story, and who doesn’t love a story of them dating anyways? :”D
Artist: Houzuki Anzu
She doesn’t draw much YGO, but she has some Arc-V and 5D’s fanarts too if you watch the series! 
Hourglass: Sets after the Memory World arc. Yugi keeps hearing a strange sound inside his mind, and he finds out there’s a huge hourglass standing there, guarded by the will of Millenium Puzzle. Apparently, the hourglass is linked to Atem’s remaining time in the living realm? Anyways, the ending of this comic might look like a cliffhanger, but I personally think it isn’t. I love the theme this comic picks to explore and the way it is presented.
Present: Same setting with Hourglass, but this one focuses more on Atem sorting out his feelings about the Ceremonial Duel and what he has learned from Yugi in general. It’s a very nice extra detail that the canon slightly lacks of, and I just love... bittersweet stuff in general haha.
Artist: Chiriko
Are you the type who wants puzzleship to be full of happiness and fluff and nothing else? Well, she has a number of comics to fill that need! I actually love all of her works, but if I have to pick, these two are my favorite:
...Don’t Ever Leave Me Again: A short story about Yugi having a nightmare of where he was stuck in the fire accident at Otogi’s store. Well... this isn’t a fluff sort of, but it’s... a happy ending still? /shot
[Untitled]: A dialogue-less comic, but this is the sort of post-canon what-if that I really, really like. Atem stroking Yugi’s face while sleeping is just... so soft man....
Artist: Komori Nea
Their art style was one of those that’s very noticeable and has a certain charm on it. They are pretty active on Twitter, and even draws puzzle comics once in a while that haven’t been uploaded to pixiv (which is why I recommend you to check their twitter gallery too haha)
The Soul Stays Awake: Post!DSOD. Atem comes back from afterlife in hoping that Yugi would be as happy as he is, but months after, Atem’s existence still hasn’t been registered on Yugi’s life just yet. Another post!DSOD take that I like which involves the fear of another farewell and uncertainty, but this is a good hurt-and-comfort. I swear, it’ll hurt you just... for a while. :”)
The Attack’s Aim: Set during the canon series. A short comic mostly portraying Yugi’s hidden strength but also the tenacity of duelist that is not only targeted toward the opponent, but also to Atem, without the person actually noticing it. The last page of this one is so... soft and gentle I had to put it into this list.
Artist: caf
Often draw with S0/TOEI style, characters and characterization in mind. Their coloring in illustrations is so soft, plus artists who specialize in S0/TOEI style can’t be found so easily. Their comic style is not a manga-like one and they write the dialogues with handwriting, but if you can read hiragana and write and understand how kanji works (so you can write it on translation machine), their comics are easy to understand!
magenta: S0/TOEI AU where Yugi and Atem are two separate person. A short comic of Yugi lying under the rain as Atem searches for his whereabouts. I really love the way they portray the rain and the atmosphere surrounding the scene. Or maybe I’m just biased with rains in general, ahahaha.
Yuugi and Mao’s Stay Home: Same AU as above. Our two boys has to face the same shit we do IRL in this comic, which is quarantine. Atem offers to cook something for Yugi since he can’t eat outside. You love seeing Yugi eating stuff? This is a perfect comic for y’all. 
Artist: Kkyut
Artist: Kayu(i)
Gemini: As Atem comes back to the living world, Yugi faces the dilemma of having being separated by “his other self” physically and mentally. A short comic, but the lines the artist used are so... beautiful. Like, the way they describe Yugi’s loneliness?? Just hits the park so much. 
Until The Hourglass Runs Out: Set after the Memory World Arc. As their farewell day goes closer, Yugi decides to give Atem a full control of his body at school so he could spend his time with Jounouchi and the gang more. However, things don’t go as smooth as Yugi had expected. If you like that little teeny weeny pain before the Ceremonial Duel, this comic perfectly suits the taste. 
see you sometime: Post-canon. Mahaad offers Atem a chance to meet Yugi in the living realm one more time, but with several conditions. Firstly, he could only stay for a day at maximum. Secondly, Yugi won’t be able to remember who he spent his time with after Atem hangs out with him. Thirdly, Yugi will not be able to “recognize” this Atem; he will only be registered in Yugi’s mind as a new classmate. A bittersweet comic in whole, but seeing the two having fun like a normal teenager would just makes me grin.
After The Rain: A dialogue-less comic, so everyone would be able to read this right away. A short comic of the two, but still very cute and wholesome!
The Tropics of Horus: Post!DSOD, Atem has to chase Kisara who lingers around Kaiba’s soul and he needs Yugi’s help to bring Kisara back to afterlife, but he has his own ulterior motive. This manga is so dialogue-heavy and might be hard to dissect especially if you don’t understand JP grammar and context, but the time spent trying to understand the meaning behind every words will be worth it. That much I guarantee. Just... everything about this comic, and how Atem’s “ulterior motive” connects to our boys’ adventure in canon series are so well planned. You can also purchase the R18 version in a form of the book here (toranoana)
Christmas Day: S0/TOEI puzzleship hint (dark puzzle???). There’s something in store for Yugi in Christmas, but this one might surprise Yugi a lot. It’s not that the prompt of “Atem gets separated from Yugi temporarily” is uncommon, but it is still a sweet one and makes you smile throughout the pages. 
All titles mentioned here are not free unless mentioned otherwise. Also I don’t understand Korean except being able to read Yugi and Atem’s name, so my story interpretation might be wrong. If you understand Korean, I’d really love for you input! ;_; 
You can check out on how to buy comics from postype here
Yugi’s 2020 Birthday Anthology: Rain and After End
This is an anthology consisting of four titles, but they share the same (or similar) setting where Atem is reincarnated, but he doesn’t remember his past (or has not yet, depending on how the story portrays it). Some are age-gap (adult!Yugi and high school student!Atem), so you might want to consider that if it’s not your cup of tea.
To Like Someone is to...: Age-gap setting. Mostly tells about how Yugi deals with his feeling as the reincarnated Atem in front of him turns out to have a feeling on him. I like how the story’s conclusion is that Yugi will sort it out slowly while also teasing Atem how he’s “too early” to date Yugi w.
In A Circle: A story about how the two met through an online chess game. Iirc Yugi works in a game company and Atem is sort of a famous e-sports player in this setting. There’s a lot of dialogue in this one and the app sometimes can’t process them very well, but I liked what I can understand from it! not very convincing is it haha i’m sorry i shouldn’t have done this
Familiarity: Age-gap setting, where Yugi becomes Atem’s caretaker. The comic mostly focuses on how Atem notices how kind (or too kind) Yugi is sometimes, but there are times where he feels distant. The plot where Atem gets into a fight with the other kid in his school because the kid mocks Yugi, and how Yugi just... accepts it even when Atem doesn’t want to say his reason of punching the kid is just.... god... I love this kind of age-gap setting like this I guess ;_;
Touchdown: Age-gap setting, but Atem is older in here (university student). The two goes to Atem’s university festival and they think about their own feeling when they got separated. On their way to drop Atem off, he confesses to Yugi, but Yugi is still unsure on his overlapping feeling between the reincarnated Atem and the Atem he knows. Make sure you play Motohiro Hata’s Rain and Aimer’s After Rain during the car scene to make the “rain” mood works even better :”)
Try For Point: A continuation of Touchdown, where Atem (like, the one from the past) visits Yugi in his dream and helps Yugi in sorting out is his feeling toward his reincarnated self. Atem’s advice is so sweet and there’s one certain line from this comic that I remember very deeply - there’s a part where he says, “If you don’t pull out the card, you won’t know what card it is, right?” to help Yugi clearing out his hesitancy ;w; at this point, I curse myself for not being able to understand Korean
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galaxwrites · 3 years
That time Kaito (accidentally) seduced a dragon
Yugioh writing, this time.
crossposted on my AO3
A mix of Zexal and Arc-V
Ship: ...what's the ship name for Kaito x Shun? that's the one
Dungeons and Dragons AU!
Please, enjoy~
The very way Yuto Sakaki was sitting on the throne radiated power, but... His face looked sorrowful. Kaito had seen plenty of sorrowful kings, but never one this...gloomy. Almost as if in mourning.
He did find it weird how there was no advisor or queen that sat besides him. The last time the pirate was in front of the king, he had the Kurosaki siblings at his side. But now...He was alone.
Yuma's voice snapped the pirate out of his thoughts, as the paladin spoke to the dark-robed king. "Your majesty, I am Yuma Tsukumo, Paladin of Ellipas. And me and my gang have a proposition for you."
The king raised an eyebrow. "What kind of proposition, and what is in it for my people?"
"Well, you may already know about your brothers and their kingdoms. And...The threat that Yuri's kingdom poses." Yuma stated. "We believe it'd be best to reunite the kingdoms into one. We've got King Yuya of the Kingdom of Flames on board. We want to continue with you."
Yuto rose from his throne, and walked up to the party of four. Kaito noted that his cape was...well, pretty long. "Reuniting the kingdoms would be vital to our survival, but if I am to get on board with this plan...I need something in return." He stopped right in front of Kaito. The pirate gulped. "My advisor and my queen, Kurosaki Shun and Ruri.. They've gone missing and I am assuming it has to do with the two dragons that have shown up at the edge of my territory. I wish for you to find them, and get rid of my little dragon problem."
Ryouga nodded. "Piece of cake."
The king only narrowed his eyes, at Kaito in particular. "You've been in my kingdom before, and caused quite a stir.. I don't trust you, Tenjou."
"I assure you, your highness, I won't cause that sort of trouble again." Kaito replied, having to physically stop himself from shaking by gripping his arm.
Yuto had lead the group to a dark forest he called "Raptor's Hollow". It was thick and twisty and Kaito wondered how any creature could live here.
A distant roar, that steadily grew closer as the group pressed forward, was heard. One of the dragons, maybe.
It took about an hour of walking before the group had reached it-a large, dragon-made clearing. Stumps of wood and full trees were scattered around it. Two dragons sat in the middle, one roaring in pain and the other whimpering while trying to help the other.
The roaring one was much bigger than the other. Its scales a dark green, with a lighter teal underbelly and wings. Its gold eyes shimmered with a sort of familiarity.
The other was a deep purple, with hot pink eyes and pastel purple wings. A small ribbon was tied around its tail.
The bigger one lifted its snout, sniffed the air, and roared, heading straight towards the gang. Yuto and Kaito simply jumped out of the way, with Ryouga and Astral simply running.
But like always, Yuma was an idiot and froze up, getting rammed into a tree. He cried out in pain. "OW-"
"YUMA!!" Astral yelled, obviously concerned. The paladin flashed a thumbs up.
"I'm okay! I think I broke a few ribs but I'm okay!"
Kaito sighed. That's gonna be a Cure Wounds later. For now, he had a plan. A risky one, but when were his plans ever risk free?
He took his lute, and strummed a small tune, letting the spell he had prepared be cast on the dragon. The dragon tilted its head and looked at the bard, listening to the tune. Kaito continued to just...play. Not just for his spell, to to calm himself down as well. Playing music always seemed to help.
As his tune ended, the bard put his lute back, and held a hand out to the dragon. "Hello, there." He said. "Are you hurt?"
The dragon nodded, holding up its tail. A rather large bear trap was secured on it, and dark blood still steeped out of it. Kaito winced. The thing looked painful to even look at. But he nodded and walked over to the dragon's tail. He wasn't a formal healer, but he knew a thing or two about traps and how to get unstuck from them.
He barely even touched the trap when the dragon roared. He held out his hand again. "Easy, there." He said, softly. The dragon layed his head down next to Kaito, softly whimpering. Kaito placed his hand on his head. "Try and stay still."
The smaller dragon tilted its head in confusion as Kaito got to work. With all the strength he could muster, he opened up the bear trap. The dragon roared again and raised its tail, only for Kaito to push it back down. "Let me patch you up, first." He reached into his pack and took out two large rolls of gauze, and started wrapping it around the dragon's tail.
Meanwhile, Yuto turned to Ryouga. "Are your party members always like this?"
Ryouga nodded. "Sadly, yes."
"...I am deeply sorry for you."
The siren shrugged. "Eh, I'm used to it. Though Yuma's idiocy can be a bit much."
"I figured." Yuto said.
As that went on, Kaito finished wrapping the dragon's tail. "There. You should be good for now."
The dragon bowed his head in thanks, and made a sort of friendly growl.
"...I can't understand you, you know." Kaito stated, but he got an idea. "Hang on." With a snap of his fingers, he casted a spell; Speak With Animals. "Try now."
Thank you, kind stranger. The dragon said, in its growly voice. Who are you?
"My name is Kaito Tenjo, I'm the captain of the Starry-Eyed serpent." Kaito replied. "Part time bard. And your name?"
Kurosaki Shun. I was cursed to stay in this form until someone breaks the spell placed on me and my Sister.
Kaito raised an eyebrow. "And how do I do that?"
Shun shrugged. I've no idea myself..
The bard thought for a moment. What breaks curses?
....A kiss? That might work!
"...I have an idea, but I have to ask if it's alright for me to kiss you."
In the background, Ryouga mumbled "Of course he's suggesting that." Yuto facepalmed, and Yuma just weakly cheered Kaito on.
Shun tilted his head. ...Why?
"In some of the old fairy tales I've read, the curse is broken with a kiss." Kaito explained. "It might be the case here."
...Just do it then. I can't take this form any longer,
Kaito nodded, and pressed a kiss to Shun's snout. In a flash of dark magic, the dragon-just the one, the other who Kaito guessed was Ruri was just hugging Yuto at this point-seemed to shift into a young man who was just Kaito's type. Dark hair of green and turquoise, yellow eyes, and dressed almost like a classy vampire.
Needless to say, it was pretty much love at first sight.
"Thank you, Kaito." Shun said, with a smile. His voice was smooth and deep.
Kaito took a bow. "You're welcome, Sir Shun."
After the incident, Yuto joined the alliance, and Shun joined the group. Turns out having a shapeshifting sorcerer as a teammate is a good idea. As night fell, the Starry-Eyed Serpent set sail once more, towards the Kingdom Of Winds. Kaito stood out on the main deck, the wind blowing in his coat. Most of the crew-minus Droite and Gauche- had gone to sleep. But, Kaito never slept. Not like he needed it, anyways.
As the moon and stars rose, Kaito held a hand up to one of the constellations. Gemini.
"Hang on, Gem." He whispered. "I'll find you.."
"What's all this about?" Shun asked, walking up behind Kaito.
The bard turned around, and smiled. "Shun. You need anything?"
The shapeshifter shrugged. "No, just...Couldn't sleep. Why you up?"
"I don't exactly need to sleep." Kaito stated, pointing at his pointy ears. "Just meditation every once in a while. Comes with being a half elf."
"Ah." Shun said. "...May I ask who Gem is?"
"...Gemini is one of my siblings." The bard stated. "Hart isn't my only one. We have ten others, and Gemini's one of them." Kaito explained. "...They'd be 15, today."
"...Did they die?" Shun asked.
Kaito shook his head. "No. Just...Father mistreated them and Virgo. So all of us ran away from him and...we somehow got separated. I'm still searching for them."
"What were they like?"
"Well, Gem's really bright and fun. They loved it when I sang. And Virgo was just really shy, but she got along well with basically everyone." Kaito said. "I miss them..."
"I know the feeling, dude." Shun said. "One time I lost Ruri, and I almost went insane trying to find her."
Kaito chuckled. "I can see it, I suppose."
"Yeah..." Shun gave a small laugh of his own. "One more question?"
"...Your siblings seemed to be named after the zodiacs, but you and Haruto aren't?"
"Oh, that. We chose these names to distance ourselves from our father." Kaito explained. "My real name is Sagittarius."
Shun smiled. "..Kaito fits you a bit better."
"I know, it does. Now I've got two questions of my own." Kaito stated. "One, mind calling me Kite? We're friends, now. You don't need to be so formal."
Shun nodded. "Sure, Kite. ..What's the second?"
Kaito-Kite-smiled. "....Is there anyone out there whom you like?"
The shapeshifter blushed. "..T-there's someone. Not s-sure if he reciprocates."
The pirate raised an eyebrow. "Who?"
"...W-well, it's you.." Shun confessed.
Though Kite kept his cool, he was screaming on the inside. This hottie liked him? WHAT THE HELL?
He took a deep breath, and calmed himself. "What if I said I liked you back?"
Shun's face gained a dusting of red. "...Wait, seriously?"
Kite nodded. "Why wouldn't I? You seem like a nice fellow, and it helps that you look positively handsome."
"I.. I m-mean... Oh fuck it." Shun grabbed Kite by the coat, and pulled him in for a kiss.
Kite blushed heavily, but...well, he kissed back. His arms wrapped around Shun's waist and pulled him close.
It wasn't anything big, it was just a kiss, but Kite, in that moment, felt utterly elated.
When the two had to pull away for air, he smiled. "Look at that. I seduced the dragon."
Shun huffed. "Yeah, yeah. Guess you did.."
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Hello! I'd like to request a match up.
Physical features: Eyes are brown, hair is very long slightly wavy dark chestnut brown. I'm 156cm tall and wear small and medium sizes.
Preference: Confident and prideful person
Personality: I'm easy going and a good listener. Approach things from looking at many angles. Bilingual. I’m very quiet but also playful when I'm comfortable. I find it difficult to maintain motivation and I get distracted easily. I’m an INFP-T and a gemini. I wear sophisticated and cute styles.
Likes and dislikes: Love video games, drawing, reading fantasy, romance & horror novels, walking in nature, animals, tea, cake, milkshakes, memes, electronic & classical music. I hate public speaking, needles, loud chewing noises and uncooked tomatoes.
Ava: I’m sorry for getting to these late! ^^
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“Oi, you’re really gonna refuse my tomatoes?! Don’tcha trust me and my garden? They aren’t gonna kill ya... Don’t get an attitude with me! Che, fine we’ll cook ‘em first then. Just start harvestin’ them.”
Your appearance matches Yuma slightly, and he will often tease you about that - as if you’re trying to look like him on purpose, especially if you ever tie your hair up. He does find you very pretty.
You’re significantly shorter than him, but he doesn’t mind at all. Whenever he bends down to your height or throws you over his shoulder, he expects you to get a little heated at him.
Someone who is a good listener would go far with Yuma. Sometimes he might just need to rant about his garden or his brothers when alone with you, and having someone who will listen really means something.
You might also be able to give him some advice, seeing as you approach things from different angles, after all.
One way to get him hot headed quickly is to use your bilingual skills against him. He is likely to get frustrated with you if he can’t understand and might even punish you for it, be warned.
Yuma tries to get you to open up a bit whenever you’re more shy than usual, but he does find your quieter side rather cute too. He enjoys messing around with you whenever you’re feeling playful.
Yuma might tease you for being like “The NEET” whenever you can’t keep motivation for something. He’ll be almost like a personal trainer, though, and will be there, encouraging you.
Your more sophisticated/cute style is quite a bit different to how Yuma dresses, but he actually doesn’t mind. It balances you both out whenever you go out places together.
Your Interests:
While Yuma isn’t one for reading or drawing and other activities with details and quiet time, he enjoys watching you whenever you read or draw. He finds it delicate and fragile, in a way, and this makes his strive to protect you whenever and wherever.
He will often take walks with you and have a game or two of video games whenever you’re chilling together. 
He’ll insist you use his carrots or lemons to make cake, and his strawberries and other fruit to make milkshakes.
Although you dislike uncooked tomatoes, Yuma likes to tease you by trying to get you to taste one whenever you’re in the garden. He’ll even purposefully put you on tomato harvesting duty.
Other Possible Matches: Ruki Mukami, Carla Tsukinami.
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theaviskullguy · 3 years
Dungeons and Dragons but the Zexal Quartet play it
cause, wtfn?
Yuma's a Chaotic Good human paladin, with the sailor background. Basically, he and his parents traveled the world together. When he was 10, they were assasinated by pirates, but Yuma stayed alive and was found by the Order of Utopia, and was raised as a Paladin by it.
Astral is a Lawful Neutral High elf Sorcerer, with an Acolyte background. He was found on the doorstep of the temple of Astria when he was a child, along with his twin. While his twin was sent to the Cult of Baria, Astral was raised as an acolyte in Astria. The first adventure the party does is actually Astral's first time out of the temple.
Ryouga is a chaotic neutral human fighter, with the noble background. Basically, he was raised to be basically be a political pawn. What he did instead was teach himself to swordfight and stowaway on Yuma's parent's ship. That's how the two met.
And Kaito's my favorite-True neutral bard, with the pirate background. Basically, he's one of 12 siblings-each named after a Zodiac sign (Kaito was Sagittarius and Haruto was Capricorn). However, after his father disrespected two of his siblings-Virgo and Gemini-all 12 of them decided to run away. Kaito took an infant Haruto with him, and fled in the middle of the night. He found a ship and a crew, and since then has reigned as a pirate captain with Haruto as his first mate. And he's still looking for his siblings.
And Mizar is the tired but willing DM.
any questions?
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robin-the-enby · 3 years
Hi! :) I would like a diabolik lovers matchup. Would it be okay to get a matchup for both the Sakamakis and Mukamis if that's fine? If not, either is good.
I'm a 16 year old baby bat goth (not quite goth yet) genderfluid (fem most of the time) and I use any pronouns. I'm pansexual but I lean more towards guys. I'm quite small, around 159 cm with a hourglass figure. I'm not skinny but neither chubby? I have dark brown hair that is bra strap length and eyes. My hair is very layered and most of the time fluffy because of the layers. I also have bangs and longer side bangs. Most of the time I have make up on, eyeliner being a favorite of mine. I am a fan of piercings and I have quite a few. I have a smiley piercing, a nostril one, a septum, a belly button one and a fair number of ear piercings.
As for my personality, I am an ENTP/ENFP 8w6 ambivert. My Harry Potter house is Slytherin. My big three are Capricorn Sun, Libra Moon and Gemini Rising. People describe me as flirty, witty and philosophical. I really enjoy deep conversations and analyzing different topics. I'm also a good debater. Overall, how I act on a typical day depends on my mood. Due to adhd, sometimes I can be very hyper, a bit too talkative or anxious though but people don't seem to mind?? To me it seems like people really enjoy opening up to me even if they don't know me that well. I tend to make others feel understood and safe with me. I definitely take pride in this! It simply makes me happy. I'm very conscious of my every move in my daily life but people can't seem to tell since I tend to hide my awkward-ness very well. Half of the time, I don't even know what I'm doing, haha. I get jealous easily but I tend to hide that as well. I can be possessive but very lowkey since I prefer and LOVE being fair to my s/o.
I really enjoy gothic themes so that explains why my favorite director is Tim Burton and my favorite manga is Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler. I aspire to be an actor when I grow up and I really enjoy playing music, learning new languages, travelling and long discussions. Sorry if this all was too long!! Ty:) p.s. I really enjoy your writing!
I'm so glad you enjoy my writing! I also looooove Tim Burton and Black butler! My favourite piece from T. Burton is definitely Vincent, even though it's short XD That said, I match you with:
Ayato Sakamaki
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Okay, I did this before, I stand by it now. ENTP goes really well with Ayato, because he is attracted to your confidence.
Oh so you're a good debater? Well, he's definitely gonna put that to the test. Ayato needs to be the best in everything so he will try to start up an argument with you on anything, until he beats you. And then he will continue just to rub it in your face that he won one argument.
He doesn't strike me as very philosophical, but I feel like he's a philosophical kind of drunk, so try that. Also if you start a deep conversation when he's half asleep, really on the brink of consciousness, then he'll happily murmur about the intricacies of life, but it won't make much sense.
I feel like no matter what mood you are in, Ayato can really vibe with it. You feel so energetic that your whole being feels like it's buzzing with electricity? You bet that he's on the same level, even hyping you both up.
It's also great that it's easy for people to take refuge in you, because no matter how cocky and confident Ayato may seem, he's very insecure and his need to be the best is borderline obsessive.
That's why he is kinda glad for your anxiety, as bad as that sounds, because that is a thing that slows you down sometimes. It doesn't really show and it's definitely not like he'd go out of his way to make your anxiety worse, it's more of a subconscious relief for him, because you can't be #1
He's so relieved when he sees that you care about him, just him, no need for great accomplishements or anything, you're there because you genuinely like him for who he is and that makes him feel very soft and warm, but he'd die before he'd admit that.
Since you make him feel these strange emotions that he never knew he desired his whole life, he becomes protective of you. He can't risk anyone taking you away from him when he finally found someone who was really interested in him.
Definitly wouldn't mind you being protective/a bit posessive over him as well, if anything, it would spur him on.
In conclusion: Ayato would be a protective, but loving partner once you get through to him (but that can be said literally about any of the Sakamakis)
Yuma Mukami
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Again yet another one who would love your confidence!
Yuma, much like Ayato, would love to debate with you, but not as frequently and seriously as Ayato. Yuma sees it only as fun after all.
He would definitely tease you to try and get a reaction out of you, because he loves your witty responses or even flirtatious comebacks.
He would have no problem getting philosophical with you as well, you could be spending time in his garden, just looking at the clouds when he'd bring up some topic that you'd then spend at least an hour talking about. But it's only during quiet and comfy moments like these.
Yuma, along with Ruki, are the ones taking care of the Mukami houshold and its residents. He is kind of like the mom friend (though not as much as Ruki), so he doesn't mind your very energetic days. He may not get on your level like Ayato can, but you definitely don't have to worry about overwhelming him.
He is perfect for when you feel anxious. If you tell him what he can do to help you, he's gonna follow it to a T and do an amazing job in helping you calm down/relax.
His first instinct may or may not be to put a sugar cube in your mouth-
Just because he is so responsible and always handles everything with ease doesn't mean that he doesn't like to get spoiled by you or doesn't need to vent sometimes. If you can be there for him in these times, he'd be eternally grateful.
I think all of the vamp boys are pretty jealous, some more than the others, it's just something that comes with being a vampire. It's a animalistic instinct hidden deep inside of them, so Yuma woul be protective of you, but not like Ayato.
Whereas Ayato would try to scare anyone away, Yuma let's you be most of the time, he just keeps an eye on the person you're talking to. Just to make sure they're not sketchy.
Again, because it's in their nature to be at least a bit posessive, he wouldn't mind if you were posessive of him. If it's in a healthy amount of course. But that's totally up to you!
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aliuzumaki · 4 years
hello! can i request a romantic matchup for assassination classroom? i prefer to be match with male characters!
— i’m a female, infp, gemini. i have shoulder length black hair, dark brown eyes, and i wear glasses.
— i’m an introvert but friendly. i’m can be really dense and my friends told me that i’m way too innocent for my age. i’m usually calm, but that depends on my mood. i can’t make decisions for myself. i can be short tempered sometimes and i get bored easily. i always try to look at the bright side in any situation and i’m also a good listener.
— my hobbies are sleeping, watching movie, reading, and listening to music. my love language is quality time and acts of service.
thank you and i hope its not too long. also, don’t forget to stay safe, healthy, and happy!
hi lovely you’re so sweet, this wasn’t long at all don’t worry!! thank you for requesting <3
i match you with...
➳ Isogai Yuma♡
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Isogai is an ENFJ which is extremely compatible with INFP’s which is great because while you may have an introverted nature he is more extroverted giving the relationship a good balance of activity 
being a gemini and him being a scorpio means you’d guys have to have constant communication and maturity just to make sure you’re both happy in the relationship 
with him having a job and such he’s had to learn responsibility and leadership skills so you not being able to make up your mind every time isn’t much of a problem because he can help you decipher what you want exactly
work can be hard most days so he might call you after to complain a little because he knows you’ll always be there to listen 
he’ll always make time for you whether it be texting or calling you in between shifts or just trying to spend time with you after work without being too clingy ofc
➳Tomohito Sugino♡
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Sugino is going to try his absolute hardest to get you out you as extroverted as he possibly can just to make sure you don’t get bored
he’s the type of person that would love to take you out to a ball game or dancing then come home and watch movies with you
he’s really kind so even though he is also kind of dense he’ll try his hardest to learn and teach you
you know that he is trying to become a strong baseball player and kind of struggles with perfecting things so you might try to help him by reading up on some techniques 
Sugino can go on and on about baseball and you love to hear what he has to say but sometimes he talks too much and you start to get bored and try changing the subject but he wont stop talking and then you get angry and ofc he apologizes multiple times  
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koukuron · 3 years
Kuron Mukami (無神 クロン)
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Kuron Mukami (無神 クロン Mukami Kuron) is the fifth member of the Mukami household. He is a Idol in the human world as a full time job.
Kanji: 無神 クロン Rōmaji: Mukami Kuron Birthday: June 20th Sign: Gemini Age: 19-21 (physically) Status: Alive Race: Vampire Werecat Hybrid Gender: Male Height: 178 cm (5′10) Weight: 73 kg (160.94  lb) Blood Type: O Hair Color: Dark Greyish Purple (Graphite) Eye Color: Burgundy (Contact Lens: Emerald)  Occupation: Idol Household: Ruki (owner) Yuma (godbrother) Azusa (godbrother) Kou (Significant Other) Hobbies: Reading Favorite Food: Lasagna
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Kuron has a delicate face that almost seems feminine. His hair is dyed in the gradient color of the darker value of dark graphite to maroon, to pastel pink and its permed in big waves and is styled to draped over his left side of shoulder, a dark grey bow with a diamond at the centre is attached to the back of his hair resembling a pair of cat ears, elongated strands of maroon ribbon with diamond details on the laces that reaches down to his spine is draped over the right side of his shoulder. His eyes are artificially bright emerald with dilated dark purple pupils overall resembling a feline of its thrilled state; while his actual eye color is actually burgundy in color. He wears a specific black cat ear hook with a silver dangling chain that connects the black cat and hook, another chain that hangs by the cat’s tail and dangles with a ruby red diamond on its end.  
He usually wears a getup of a dark maroon sleeveless inner dress shirt with fur on the sleeves along with an abnormally goth black tie with its end dangling by his waistband, outside he wears a custom tailored vest with the hardly noticeable lace sewn patterns of roses and special half translucent laces that drape over his elbows, and uncommon darker maroon sleeves with squared shaped holes at the hems. He wears matching trousers with a golden chain belt wrapped around his waistband and two balls of chain dangling, three distinct black lace layers sewn on the lower part, overall paired together with a pair of black breaches with its inside being maroon. On his palms he wears a pair of dark grey gloves, around his right wrist, he has on a golden bracelet with tiny stars and around his neck, he wears a dark grey collar with a dangling long end with a silver bell attached to it. 
His signature idol outfit contains a dark maroon tight long sleeves shirt with the picture of a dark cat with diamond eyes and red bow on its ribbon, and beside it, four visible scratch marks. The upper arms part  being a gape sewn with fishnets, Outside he wears a sleeveless short fur coat with crimson red strings connecting the v shaped collar. Below he wears a pair of above knees black shorts with a thin maroon belt. Outside a bigger dark grey belt that connects a burgundy fur coated half skirt, with dangling black cats and a fishbone chain that is connected to the belt. He also has a pair of black stockings in which he rolled down until his knees that he wears with the dark brown heeled beaches, with the right one having a bow attached to it. His usual hairstyle is altered slightly with his front bangs tied back and clipped with a dark grey bow that also resembles cat ears alike. 
He appears stoic at first, however he’s quick to lighten up in the mood, depending on the situations. He’s usually friendly otherwise charming. He can also be pretty playful and sarcastic at times. And is deemed to have a cat like attitude, and moods.
He’s actually very short tempered, quick to anger especially when one doesn’t appreciate one of his ‘goodness’. However he’s quite skilled at maintaining a composed charisma, and try to resolve any matters as calmly as possible.
He is a Do-S, but this side is rarely displayed towards the outsiders, but more towards Kou. 
Despite being an individual that was formerly not part of the Mukami household. However in time, he was accepted and then considered as one of them, thus existing as the fifth member of the household, acted as three specific identities in the family: One being their domestic house cat that behaves like an actual feline and enjoys sleeping on their lap or being lured to play with toys or simply to entertain the brothers, Second being the knight and protector of the household, being born as a powerful descendant of the first blood and pure blooded vampire hybrid, this provides him the advantage to keep the family safe and unharmed from the other vampires or attacks as he takes form of a big cat puma and fends off every danger that the family encounters. Third being the illegally married significant other to the fourth brother of the house, Kou, as the relationship was kept as low profile as possible from the knowledge of the society for the sake of their personal reputation and career means.  Familiars
Three Mystical Creatures that are particularly close to Kuron and often act under his commands, whom occasionally resides with him in the Mukami Mansion. (tbc...) Ryu Fuunosuke 
Kuron’s nightmare of an identity which still haunts him till these days. His three years worth relationship of toxic partner that had brought scarring impacts in his soul and had changed his point of views in the aspects within his life. (tbc...)
Amethyst Kurohime
Kuron’s former girlfriend and ex- fiancée. They have a history of a romantic relationship worth almost a year together until it was destroyed by Kou. The unplanned for marriage was canceled and the engagement was withdrawn as a final point of their connection. 
Kou Mukami
Kuron’s present husband who he refers to as ‘Master’. They have a heartwrenching history together that was first led by the bond of a rivalry, then best friends/roommates, and a few mishaps that eventually led to forced apart broken friendship which did not meet the conciliation of Kou. In the long run as their relationship started to grow worse later as Kou finds out that Kuron has been taken and thus settle to a serious dating with a girl named, Amethyst. 
Like all vampires, he has an inhuman strength as well as increased speed,(more than a pure born vampire), increased vision, hearing and smell, teleportation and heals at an accelerated rate.
Being a werecat, Kuron is given the ability to transform to either a domestic home cat or a big cat species puma given any time he desires upon his very own free will. 
An underrated skill of vampire species which he uses more commonly to control objects. 
He claimed himself to be gay yet is actually bisexual
He refers Kou as Master and Ruki as Owner
He refers newcomers as little one (Shou-Sha)
In terms of age, he is the oldest and considered adult among the household
His foot size is 27 cm.
He likes taking form of a feline for easy access or escape .
He absolutely adores kittens (koneko)
He obsesses over lasagne, cod fish and salmon
He enjoys shopping especially for fashion
He feels underestimated by taller newcomers
He’s very forward with his motives and actions and won’t likely hesitates to do something
He can be sexist
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bloody-bara · 6 years
Megumi Hoshino Character Sheet
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Name: Megumi Hoshino
Kanji: 星野 (meaning “star field”) 恵 (meaning “grace”)
Birthday: May 26
Star sign: Gemini
Age: 17
Occupation: 2nd year high school student
Status: Alive
Race: Human/First Blood
Ethnicity: Japanese/American
Height: 157 cm (5’2)
Weight: 54 kg (120 lbs)
Languages: Japanese and English
Father: Keiji Hoshino
Mother: Elizabeth (Jones) Hoshino
Eye color: Blue/Green
Hair color: Dirty blonde with a changing colored streak
Hobbies: Listening to music, drawing, cooking, helping in the garden
Favorite colors: Purple and indigo
Favorite food: Anything with strawberries
Least favorite food: Liver
Favorite season: Autumn
Fears: Hurting those she loves, abandonment, heights
Style: Pop punk, casual, all the hoodies
Headstrong and stubborn
Takes it upon herself to protect her loved ones
Cares deeply for said loved ones, but tries to hide it
Is very kind, but if pissed off goes into attack/protect mode
Sarcastic and has a morbid sense of humor
Megumi is the daughter of politician, Keiji Hoshino, who she lived with after her parents separated until age 11. One day, her father brought her to a party of sorts that was put on by his colleague, Tougo Sakamaki. After that night, Megumi went into a strange fever that left her bedridden for weeks until the next full moon, when she discovered her craving for blood. Some time passed, and her father tried everything to find a cure, until finally finding a group of “healers” that would take her in. She lived with the cultish healers for years, befriending one named Rose who secretly fed Megumi blood that wasn’t tainted with healing herbs. During this time Megumi also learned to hunt, following a code of only attacking/feeding in self-defense. When she turned 16, Megumi started attending Ryotei Academy due to her father’s wishes. Once there, she discovered the Sakamaki brothers including Laito who she had met previously during a hunt. It wasn’t long before the Mukamis arrived and she eventually meets Yuma.
Yuma Mukami: Megumi’s keeper and eventual lover. Her stubborn nature made a rocky relationship to start, but eventually they came to understand each other, at least a little.
Rose: The only healer Megumi befriended, and also her first crush.
Keiji Hoshino: Megumi’s father. Her relationship with him is strained, as she feels he cast her aside to maintain his good image as a politician.
Elizabeth (Jones) Hoshino: Megumi’s mother. Elizabeth is a descendant of the First Blood race, which leads Karlheinz to take an interest in Megumi.
Fun Facts:
Megumi’s hair changes colors based on her mood! It happened when she and Rose tried to cast a spell to reverse her vampirism. But unfortunately, it backfired and left Megumi with color changing hair.
She likes to draw, but feels she isn’t very good at it.
She took an interest in cooking soon after living with the healers because she hated how their food tasted.
Megumi is an only child.
While she is very stubborn and protective in nature, she also gets embarrassed very easily.
Megumi is bisexual.
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sqbr · 4 years
Dreamwidth update: Love365 Free games for February 2019
It looks like Love365 will be the game of the month at otome_games, so as a good mod I decided to try out all the free games for February. Alas, I didn't like any of them (except Dui, who I'd already played), but they generally weren't objectively bad, just not my jam, so hopefully this will still help people find something they like. Here's my general Voltage/Love365 post. Links below lead to my reactions posts, where I've written one. Note that there's some variation in when these games are free for, and what "free" means. Irresistible Mistakes: Shunichiro: The protagonist wakes up realising she had a drunken one night stand she can't remember with one of her coworkers. Shunichiro is her cheerfully hedonistic boss, it glossed over the consent issues too much for me but he had a certain skeezy charm. This seems to be permanently free. Irresistible Mistakes: Yukihasa: a brilliant but emotionless doctor who thinks love is a delusion and just wants to be friends with benefits. I had complicated feelings on him as a character, but the route seemed to be going in a "fix the neuro-atypical person with loving sex" direction which, no. Free for February. Butler Until Midnight: Yuma: The protagonist finds out she's the daughter of a prestigious man and is bullied into letting a butler train her to be a refined lady. They were so manipulative and mean in the prologue it felt more like a butler themed horror game, but it's probably fun if you like domineering butlers? I've heard there's a lot of fat shaming, though. Yuma is apparently extra mean to start with but becomes nicer. Free for February. Star-crossed: Dui This is a cute romance with the god of the star-sign Gemini, who has two sides to his personality. Free with ads until February 11. Destind: Araya: the protagonist matches via a dating app with a younger friend from highschool who's been pining over her. He's rapey and manipulative and I'm not sure the game even saw it as a flaw D: It's "Love Choice" which means the good choices, leading to the super happy end, cost money. Normally you'd also have to wait or pay to read the episodes, and that part seems to be permanently free, but unlocking the super happy ending still costs like $30 and even people who liked the route gave it a low score for the poor value for money. A little more spoilery detail about the routes with no posts of their own under the cut. I made it like 3 episodes in to all of them before giving up. I describe Destind: Araya at the end, and mark where it's going to start. ( Read more... )
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Zexal Month: Day 17 Alternate
Since my contribution to day 17 was so short, I have an alternate contribution to my “Yuma is a Girl” AU as well. 
Alternate: Gemini (for the astrological prompt; we don’t know Yuma or Tetsuo’s astrological sign, but in this universe they’re both Gemini). Takes place prior to my episode 1 rewrite.
Akari drives Yuma and Kotori to Heartland Academy for their orientation day.
“Wow,” Yuma says as she climbs out of the car. “It’s pretty.”
Kotori nods and links her arm through Yuma’s. “I can’t wait to see the pool! It’ll be so cool to be able to go swimming for gym.”
Yuma wrinkles her nose. “Yeah, if you like smelling like chlorine.”
“Oh, come on,” Kotori says, “Everyone else will smell the same, and it’s better than B.O.”
At that, Yuma laughs. “I suppose that’s true.”
There are signs pointing incoming students to the auditorium. Kotori and Yuma find it with no trouble, and they sit in the very front, where no one else has dared to go. They chat for a while, and even have a few laughs. Yuma feels like the distance between them is getting smaller every day. They used to be friends, in the way that one becomes friends with the kids of their parent’s friends. Yuma’s rebellion distanced her from Kotori, but having to repeat her last year of elementary school and being in the same class rekindled their connection, and Yuma has done her best to be a reliable friend. She’s always going to be grateful that Kotori approached her on her first day back at school.
After a while, the Principal stands at the front of the cafeteria and welcomes everyone. She gives a speech that no one really pay attention to, and then it’s time for the tour. Student guides call out homeroom numbers, and the students with matching numbers get up and follow their guides to their homeroom. Yuma and Kotori already know that they’re in the same class, and they follow their guide at the back of the group.
“Yo,” Yuma whispers to Kotori, “Check out that guy.”
They both look at a boy who towers over the other students and appears to be scowling. Yuma looks impressed. “Never seen him before. Dang, you’d think I would recognized him.”
Kotori look at her wide-eyed. “Where from? Not a gang?”
Yuma scoffs. “I mean he’s gotta be what, sixteen?”
“Don’t make assumptions,” Kotori scolds.
Yuma holds up her hands. “Okay, okay! You’re right.”
But Yuma keeps glancing at the boy through the day.
At the end of orientation, Kotori leaves Yuma alone for a minute so she can take a picture of the garden, and she comes back to find Yuma and the boy in each other’s faces.
“I don’t take orders from a delinquent!” The boy shouts.
“You wanna go, bro?!” Yuma shouts back, rolling up her blazer sleeves.
Kotori’s heart sinks and she runs over, getting between the two and shoving them apart. “BOTH OF YOU KNOCK IT OFF!” She yells.
The two step back, looking stunned. Kotori whirls on Yuma. “You know better than to go around shouting in public!” She scolds. Yuma looks appropriately ashamed, and Kotori turns to the boy. “And you! Where do you get off calling someone you don’t know a delinquent?!”
The boy looks down. “Well, she said she was in a gang…” he mumbles.
“Yeah, and you have a resting bitch face,” Yuma snaps.
The two look ready to go at it again, but Kotori glares them into submission. “Good lord, you’re exactly like each other, aren’t you?” She groans.
At that, Yuma snorts, and it turns into a full blown laugh. “My god, she’s right,” Yuma gasps, doubling over as she laughs. “It’s no wonder!”
The boy starts to laugh too, and to Kotori’s amazement, the two grin at each other and shake hands.
“I’m Tetsuo,” the boy says.
“I’m Yuma, it’s nice to meet you.”
“So, we’re in the same homeroom…where do you live?” Tetsuo asks. “Maybe we’ll see each other on the way to school.”
Yuma points in the direction of her house. “’Bout ten minutes that way, and if you do see me, I’ll be riding a grey skateboard with my name spray painted on it.”
“Cool,” Tetsuo says approvingly.
Kotori throws up her hands. “How?!” She demands.
Yuma shrugs. “Hey, you were right. Just roll with it.”
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