okdnn · 5 years
Okada Nana’s Mail April 17th, 2019
April 17th
Yesterday I goes to dream land … very quickly
The first thing that I thought when I wake up this morning
is my beloved STU …
to sing and dance like that everyday,
you need energy, patience and physical strength.
Looking at how everyone did their best
on practice, rehearsal and the performance
it gave me courage too …
It made me think that I have to do my best too, let’s survive
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They did their best
to overcome the harsh training…
they even cut their sleeping time for practice.
It remind me of my old self
as expected they will sleep during the break(;e;)lol
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I won’t lose too. I will do my best.
I have a lot to do
I will do my best too … right now
my head is full too
and when I remember『 Yumechikara 』it’s kind of hard
That song’s lyric, no matter how much I sing it, see it, listen to it
it echoed in my heart.
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Far away eyed sisters
tall・beautiful leg
She’s a 14 y.o with a nice body figure !
In this 2 years
I can say that she is the one who grow the most…
During the practice and rehearsal
She always been so serious, and she keep practicing by herself
during the break too.
Her growth speed and range is amazing… ! so touching … !
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2 years ago,
I was taller than her
but now she’s bigger than me
and she’s as big as Yumirin … !
I’m looking forward to her growth
from here on too
I properly looking after your growth you know.
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Aoi chan on the opening costume.
She always look so calm … kind … just like a Buddha.
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Her sining and dancing is so stable
during『 Amaiiro no kami no Otome』
Aoi chan is the only one who sing the harmonize part
piano … bass … pianica …
She can perform in many wyas I ! respect ! her !
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Setouchi ni Maifurita
During『 Machi no Akari 』
MaiQ perform a ballet dance
on the interlude before my singing
It just naturally made you applaud it
To sing right after that
feels so good.
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Doing a new thing
made me feel restless & lose my cool aaaaah
I always get distracted by it
but this person always stay calm.
and her calmness made me feel calmed too lol
also once she can get rid of that expressionless face
when performing
and can be extra expressive during performance it would be great !
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mommylevi · 9 years
Send me a "♛"
My favorite thing about your blog:
Aaah I love everything about it! You mostly reblog aesthetic, fandom or beautiful posts in general, but also humor and references post that important to read. Also I really like some stories or facts or info you often reblog over there like, all of them are so interesting to read and make me to understand better ;7; And you have the simplest theme ever that makes me easier to scroll through your blog, and it’s organized well with tags and all fhdslkfjdslkal. Just perfect okay.
What fandom I associate you with the most:
SUIKODEN :”D but also I think I often see other fandoms too but not as much as Suikoden so far lol.
What I think of your URL:
It’s a beautiful URL I must say, I like it! It’s like telling us that dreams can give us strength to keep going on what we want to do or what is right for us to do in life. Well...that’s just my interpretation tho lmao.
If I follow you and why:
I follow you because you’re one of the cinnamon rolls (aka ibu2 arisan) I love so much. Of course I will follow you forever -paps face- also sometimes we’re compatible in some things so chatting with you will never get me bored at all
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ayuuka · 9 years
yumechikara replied to your post :holy shit vitri url really a waste?????? Not only...
dita.tumblr.com tumblrnya dita lebih parah Kang (…) #KENAPA
Justru tumblr kosong uda biasa Yum (walo kezel emang, sayang url orz)
ditapratiwi.tumblr.com juga kosong cih (...)
http://meidita.tumblr.com/ <<<unyuu loh Yum (...)
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mikanseinomono · 10 years
Uhh, Teal and Green?
KTKR /apa
TEAL:We have quite a lot in common.
GREEN:I find you cute.
Well, we indeed have quite a lot in common /u\ /snuggle2 yume /plaks
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nicebeachhouse · 10 years
yumechikara asked:
So, now, the question! So you eat mushroom in the creepy alley? Did you have another strange food that you ever eat? (Was your stomach okay? Lol)
The mushrooms are for emergencies.  [ You never know when you'll be out of mp, after. ]
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... What's strange about what I eat?
[ Pictured: Lazlo with a meat bun.  'A meat bun made of mystery meat', to be precise.  Let's not solve the mystery here. ]
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okdnn · 5 years
Okada Nana’s Mail March 31st 2019
Rehearsal start soon
Found my favorite food
at break room breakfast corner … ! getting excited … !
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Just now Kokoa said
「 Look at it in secret ok 」
while handing a mysterious letter. Looking forward reading it.
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Rehearsal now
Gave me Yumechikara. Aaaaaah
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Aaaaaah so hot
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Looking forward to the performance
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【 STU48 2nd year anniversary concert 】
Was soooooo fuuuuuuuuuuuuun !
2 years of effort. Everyone… You have worked hard.
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I will love STU48
in our 3rd year too(* ´ ▽ ` *)
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Doughnuts after the live…delish.
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I will mail you
about the 2nd anniv tomorrow ~ 。
Phew …so tired …a good tired …
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ayuuka · 9 years
yumechikara replied to your post:yumechikara replied to your post “Ok so this is...
Jadi sebelumnya username lo apa….
‘Qmsh bs ttawa hahaha’
Empat itu ‘ ‘b
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saintdork · 9 years
I have an OC who loves flowers very much that he gives names to his flowers and talks to the flower like they can speak back. I learn about flower meaning because of him.
My OC is a princess whose hobby is gardening. Her magic is earth-based and her design is inspired by mori kei.
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mikanseinomono · 11 years
3, 4, 10, 13, 16, 17, 33, 36, 40, 49, 54 \' '/
Ngetake tempat dulu, biar bisa direadmore =)) /shot
Pertama-tama, sebelom gw menjawab meme seabrek dr Yume, ini Yume semacam cenayang apa ya =)) =)) pertanyaannya bikin orang galo aja oTL oTL /lemparin bolu meranti ke dear /hoi mana pms belom kelar, hormon gak stabil /apa
3. do you miss anyone?
Lebih ke gw kangen banyak orang :-? Dan agak juga kangen sama kepribadian dulunya, daripada sekarangnya =)) Kangen dear juga :"> abis gak nongol-nongol (w '    ')w /lemparin batu /hoi jadi susah kan klo mau curhat drama cd gak ada lapak /plak
4. what are you looking forward to?
Looking foward ini lebih ke gimana? Menantikan? *abis liad di google translate* /plak* Hmm apa ya, sebenarnya sekarang sih sedang kepingin banget bisa men-fast foward hari, biar langsung awal bulan, biar langsung gajian :| /digeplak/ Dan gw juga tengah menanti lowongan kerjaan yg baru, biar bisa cepet-cepet resign dari kantor yg sekarang o
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?
... *benamin kepala ke pasir dulu* /KENAPA/
Hiding feelings ya... =)) Tergantung sih sama subjeknya siapa *halah* Klo sama keluarga, im good. Klo sama beberapa temen dekat, ya mereka peka-peka aja untuk ngeh ada yg terjadi gitu :-? Tapi kadang gw juga gak kepingin ganggu, jd gw diem-diem aja :lala
13. how do you feel right now?
Kayak mayat idup lagi jalan gitu /shot/ Tp jujur aja sih =)) Belakangan ini lagi mikirin banyak hal banget, ya emang tiap kali tambah umur begini, ngerasa kyknya beban idup itu nambah aja.... o
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn't?
Pernah, sering =)) Gw lebih hesitate untuk ngasih tau ke orangnya. Tp klo lagi saking jengkelnya sih bisa dibablasin o
17. opinion on insecurities.
Pendapat ya :-? Semua orang punya hal ini, dan kalau gw mau bilang sih 'deal with it'. Gampang sih ngmg 'deal with it' ini, tapi ya... kita bakal jadi 'better person' klo kita bisa 'deal with it'.
33. something you want to learn
Sampai sekarang masih kepingin masuk sekolah masak =)) dan pingin kembali masuk ke dunianya sastra. pingin belajar percaya sama orang lagi /shot
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
Tetep pingin jadi penulis/novelis, yah mimpi tidak ada batas kadarluarsanya. Pingin bisa bawain orang tua minimal jalan-jalan keluar negeri di hari tua mereka. Pingin bisa ke Jepang /tetep =))
40. favourite memory
Hari Ultah gw pas dirayain di apartemen Maya dulu? =)) Yg dibeliin kue tiramisu yg gak manis >/////soalnya ultah blom pernah dirayain sih /apa
49. where i want to be right now
Pingin ada di seiyuu eventnya Otomate Party ato Tokimeki ato Tales of Festival /HOI/ Ato di acara meet and greetnya seiyuu favorit
54. something thats worrying me at the moment
*ngos-ngos* akhirnya last meme..... /geter-geter /apaaa
Berat badan gw yg naik lagi (.........) gw akhir2 worrying ini lebih ke scare sih, klo nyokap tau.... gw bisa diapain.... /apa
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the-other-promise · 11 years
Hello there, beautiful person! Once you get this, you must share five random facts about yourself and then pass it on to your 10 favourite followers. :)
1. Sebelum jadi fans Tales of secara akut, sebenernya fans beratnya seri KH. Tapi sebelumnya lagi sebenernya juga udah suka Tales dari jaman SMP, tapi baru jadi seperti ini (...) waktu masa kuliah cuma gegara ga jadi main FF 12 karena dengernya ngebosenin (...)
2. Pemalu banget sama orang yang baru dikenal, tapi bawel banget kalo sama orang yang udah dikenal.
3. Kalau lagi bosen, suka banget noel2 orang di skype, WA atau sarana komunikasi apapun. Jadi maaf ya kalo misalnya ada yang ngerasa keganggu u-u
4. Waktu kecil suka melihara ikan, tapi selain itu nggak pernah melihara hewan peliharaan apapun lagi karena ortu ga kasih ijin
5. Kehabisan fakta random untuk ditulis lagi (...)
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nicebeachhouse · 10 years
I don't know this blog is still active or not, but I really love your Lazlo! It's close to my headcanons. I know many people see Lazlo as hard worker/shy/maybe simply a quiet and serious character, but I really love to see him in this way. Easy-going (in my case, somewhat blank), loves food, and random. And without realized it, he's what you're say a douchebag, and living the life as the way he likes.
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[ Lazlo smugly checking a laptop while sprawled out on the ground. ]
(It isn’t, but it’s more ‘indefinite hiatus’ than completely dead. Which is also why I’ve mostly forgotten how I was drawing them, haha.
Thank you so much!  I’m really glad to hear that.  I’d’ve responded to this earlier, but I was too depressed to draw anything and I really wanted to have a drawing for this.  … I also just liked beaming at this being in the inbox, too.
Thanks 8D)
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ayuuka · 9 years
yumechikara replied to your post “Ok so this is my current twitter profile pic And ppl will see it with...”
A-aku sudah sadar amat sangat sadar what’s wrong sayang ;)))))
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ayuuka · 9 years
yumechikara replied to your post“Why my xkit uninstall itself and why I can't reinstall it again orz...”
 Hah, gimana bisa keunistall sendiri? Masalah browser mungkin, Kang? Atau ada add-ons lain yang nggak kompatibel sama x-kit?
Cerita panjang (...) tapi intinya, gw ga sengaja instal virus yg bikin chrome gw rada2 orz gegara desperate sma program penting yg expire. Kynya kudu direinstall chromenya tapi entar2 lah, gw ga gitu sering buka tumblr juga blkgn ;u;
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mommylevi · 9 years
crème brûlée
send some sweets to my ask box !
crème brûlée ー what’s your current obsession?
overthrown the government eh well lately I’ve been interested to learn cooking, especially how to make Japanese curry rice with decent curry sauce because I am still stuck on the sauce part until now. I am curious how to make it taste really good, I think a few people also put apple or honey into it?? This recipe is so confusing everything I read is always different each time lmao.
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ayuuka · 9 years
yumechikara replied to your photo:Staaaaaaaaaare
Tbh I really like your manual inking.
Me too. Eh, but the problem, if I do manual ink, I can't see is it balanced enough or not because I can't flip horizontal T_T I used thick paper, so it's kinda hard to look through behind it, not to mention it's not as easy as fixing unbalanced part by flip it horizontal digitally. But in other hand, I learn to not too rely on digital when doing manual ink, so...
I still have some days before I start work on my next doujin, so I guess I'll thinking about it carefully. Thank you masukannya Yum /endingnya Indo juga/
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ayuuka · 9 years
nawtsoo replied to your post “nawtsoo replied to your post: Holy shit I have so many old commissions...”
Thank youuuu :* I can say proudly this is one of my talent /no
makashialan replied to your post “Holy shit I have so many old commissions to finish orz I’ll make sure...”
ganbaruze! *kitty eyes*
Arigachooo :* /heh
yumechikara replied to your post“Holy shit I have so many old commissions to finish orz I’ll make sure...”
[s]hilang satu kerjaan muncul kerjaan lain ya[/s] Semangat Kang! /o/
IYAH AAA /goentjang2 Umeh tepatnya numpuk kerjaan sih hahaha orz Yum, daftar absen kastil udah Yum? /heh
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