haikyuus · 7 years
hi there! i just wanted to say thanks for reblogging my haikyuu gifs ;u; i was wondering how they magically got so many notes.. and then i realized you guys track #hq!!edit LOL and you even reblog my crappy ones.. i can't believe it, thank you ah it's an honour honestly - because i love your blog ; A ;
thank you! we’re glad you enjoy our blog. if we can spread our love for haikyuu, then our job is done!
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softchako · 7 years
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🌃Suho City Moodboard🌃
i was tagged by @dromina
(tysm love!!❤) to do the selfie + bias moodboard but because i didn’t have any matching selfies i didn’t post one lol
i’m tagging @ocxrina @ilovepcy @softriko @yumeio
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sugabeans · 7 years
yumeio → sugabeans
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jeonsweetpea · 9 years
YOU TURNED 18 TODAY? WELL THEN HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE!!!! i hope you had some great food todayday
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darkexorcist · 11 years
yumeio replied to your post:I CAN’T FREAKIN TAKE A SELCA OMG
ITS SO HARD OMG ; A ; sadlifewithoutafrontfacecamera
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sookashira · 8 years
GABBYCAKE !!! 7. Describe the outfit you truly want to wear // 13. What is your definition of love?
Omg I just received an ask from an angel (///∇///✿) 
7. Describe the outfit you truly want to wear. 
I replied this question but I want to wear a lot of pretty things so even if I get 10000 asks it will have different answers xD This time I’ll pick Princess Serenity dress ouo It’s so pretty! (lmao seems I like white dresses)
13. What is your definition of love?             
Karina whY. I’ve always been in trouble trying to answer this kind of questions when you have to define what something means for for you ahaha I could just reply with Olaf’s quote from Frozen ¿? Because is kinda like that how I see it, except because there they was talking about the love for another individual. Love is a mix of a lot of things like trust, respect, confidence, admiration, protection, etc. But I’m talking in general because it involes all kind of love! Not only love for another person but also the love for yourself.
Like, the other day I found an amazing cover of 3 Disney songs and they put as title “Disney love songs medley” and a person wrote as comment that Hercules’ “Go the distance” wasn’t a love song. (The other ones was I see the light from Tangled and You’ll be in my heart from Tarzan).
I see the light is a love song for a couple, in a romance way.
You’ll be in my heart is a love song about a family bond.
And for me, Go the distance is a self love song. It talks about Hercules wanting to find where he belongs, because he feel out of place and somehow to understand and like/love himself he needs to know his past, where he came from.
This is a complicated topic lol and my english is bad to explain myself better but basically is something like that haha omg I’m sorry xD Thanks for asking me, my love!
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sookashira · 8 years
Really random but you all should check and follow @yumeio because she is the most precious princess bean ever and she deserves more love ~ uvu
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sookashira · 8 years
crimson & rose
Crimson - What was an event that’s shaped you to be who you are today?There’s an event that happened when I was 11 years old that shaped me into this insecure and lame person lol but I’m not gonna talk about that x’D
Rose - Where do you feel most comfortable?In my house using the laptop watching or drawing when I have energy, but parents and sister must be sleeping so the answer is at home after 1am? Like… knowing your family is there and safe but they aren’t being loud and complaining about everything lol
Thanks my rainbow, and cheer up!
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sookashira · 8 years
18. First Disney orientated memory?, 22. Favourite villain?, 24. Are there any characters who didn’t have a romance but you wish had?, 29. Favourite soundtrack?, 34. If you could be a face character at one of the parks, who would you be and why?, 35. If you could be in any scene from any Disney movie, which would it be and why?, 49. Funniest Disney scene? // i'm asking all of these bc i love disney and i love you and thus i want to know ((:
All of that and because you know we all need distraction… *hugs more*
18. First Disney orientated memory?I remember a lot of moments of my childhood clearly but I’m not sure of a first Disney memory lol The Little Mermaid comes to my head, because I made a tantrum when my grandmom brought me the movie (you know, from Blockbuster) and I didn’t want her to return it to the store lol
22. Favourite villain?Cruela De Vil lol My mom calls me “Ela” because she knows I like her and my name ends the same lol I also love Ursula.
24. Are there any characters who didn’t have a romance but you wish had?Ehhh… not really? Quasimodo had a romance in the second movie lol So, I think he was the only one who deserved some love but I also dislike how everyone ends with a couple idk.
29. Favourite soundtrack?*sweats* JESUSCHRSIT, I’LL MAKE A MAN OUT OF YOU but I love a looooooooooooot of Disney songs. Who doesn’t?
34. If you could be a face character at one of the parks, who would you be and why?I think I have to choose a human because if I pick an animal I’m not showing my face ¿? I don’t fit in any of the Disney princess so… lol or maybe Wendy’s daughter (I don’t remember her name… in Peter Pan 2, but I disliked her tho hahaha) Because she is a child with short brown hair and I have a similar body shape.
35. If you could be in any scene from any Disney movie, which would it be and why?With Elsa in her ice castle Seeing the lights in the boat with Rapunzel and Flynn ¿? I mean… that scenery is so gorgeous, I could cry.
49. Funniest Disney scene?There’s too many funny moments and movies I can’t remember… so I’ll mention some of them xd-Timon and Pumba dancing the Hula hula-The cocodrile playing the saxo in The princess and the frog.-That slow dude animal in Zootopia, idk the name in english. -KUZCO. ALL THE KUZCO SCENES. Actually, the whole movie lol-Mushu broking the dragon monument and the spirits fight choosing someone to go and pick Mulan.-Hades yelling at his evil friends (Pena and Pánico in spanish) because they are wearing and eating Hercules merch lol-Gerald and the bird in Finding Dory xd-Flynn saying “I don’t sing” in Tangled.-Anna and Kristoff talking about Hans lol her replies are so funny, I mean.. yeah xd (Frozen)-The cute robot in The Treasure Planet lol if I’m not wrong is called BEN. (In spanish, idk in english) and also the little pink thing.. Morphy? when he imitates the spider.-The fairy mother fight because of the dress in The Sleepy beauty.-The damn seagull in The Little Mermaid xD-That scene in The Great Mouse Detective when Basil and Dr Watson tries to find info about the rat in a club and the doctor is drunk lol And The villain’s song x'DDDDDDDDDDDDD-THAT FRENCH CHEF IN THE LITTLE MERMAID TRYING TO KILL SEBASTIAN.-The woman in Mulan who tries to see if she can be a good wife and ends with her butt on fire xd
Ok this is too long and I havent finish yet.. lol so I’ll just leave this ones here xd
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sookashira · 8 years
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sookashira · 7 years
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There should be a new constellation called Ymir, which brighter star is called Historia.
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sookashira · 8 years
do you have an aesthetic blog?
Ahh yeah. I think is.. super girly/pink lol
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sookashira · 7 years
Tagged by @pureren aka the queen of the tag games lol Thanks! I liked this one xD
if i were a month: april (in my bday duuuh)
if i were a day: tuesday lol
if i were a planet: mercury
if i were a god or goddess: Hera
if i were a sea animal: Sea horse
if i were a piece of furniture: A chair lol
if i were a gemstone: diamond
if i were a flower: tulip or a sunflower
if i were a weather: windy day
if i were a color: lavender
if i were an emotion: dreamy
if i were a fruit: ehh… a watermelon x’D
if i were an element: wind
if i were a place: a forest in winter
if i were a taste: bittersweet
if i were a scent: vanilla
if i were a song: Turtle by Davichi
if i were a body part: Eyes
if i were a pair of shoes: Converse
I feel like tagging lot of people this time x’D @micasaas @minhyshadowjutsu @dirtylevi @lolakasa @helloseashell @yumeio @nanasity @ss-perfect-otp @choromeki @ackersoul @kenken-chan @nakamatoo @tatakaeeren @erensjaegerbombs @aplevi @aurieackerman @cupcake-canine @kyojinofbraveos @annieleonhardt @jaegsae @shiningscarletmoon @pretty-eyes-jaeger @uchisuke @eren-eren-eren @omeinfreund @kisukke @lunarcrystals
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sookashira · 7 years
2, 3, 6?
2. How old were you when you made your blog(s)I answered this one already!
3. Who is your best tumblr friend(s)? @yumeio and @helloseashell
6. Favorite tumblr editor(s)? @omeinfreund like hello??? those edits haha.
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sookashira · 7 years
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Tagged by you know who lol @pureren I have to post 9 characters I relate the most~ I'll pick the first ones that comes to my mind or I remember someone told me more than once "this character looks like/reminds me of you" xd
My insecure/deep/serious or whatever you call it side: -Elsa (Frozen) -Christa/Historia Yes, both (SNK) -Fujioka Haruhi (Ouran)
My stupid and dramatic side lol: -Suou Tamaki (Ouran) -Sid (Ice Age) -Tsukino Usagi (Sailor Moon) -Fear (Inside Out)
Because someone told me I look like this character: -Bambi (my sis calls me like that for my super thin legs lol) -Kinomoto Sakura (basically every girl who looks small and with short brown hair and big (brown) eyes will "look like me" lmao People says that.)
*Friends always says I'm real life Haruhi lol aaaand Sid -my sister says- looks like me too because we have the same teeth's shape lol
I’m tagging: @eren-eren-eren @pretty-eyes-jaeger @yumeio @dirtylevi @choromeki @kyojinofbraveos @rikirinka @ss-perfect-otp @nakamatoo @akatsuki-uchiha-lover @minhyshadowjutsu @kenken-chan @erensjaegerbombs @lolakasa @sarapyon @jaegsae @nanasity @roseacherie @uchisuke etc etc lol
Don’t do it if you don’t want to e_e I’m not sure who plays tag games x’D
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sookashira · 8 years
Tagged by @pureren ! She is the queen of the tag games, I swear lol Thanks! @eren-eren-eren also tagged me just when i was about to post this. Two beautiful Eren fans tagging me, I cry <33 thanks thanks.
✍ Tattoos… Nope. I don’t like tattoos lol I don’t like piercings neither. 🏥 Broken bones… Nope, which is strange because with the hipermobility should be easier to break a bone lol and I’m basically skin and bones ahaha. 🔫 Shot a gun… Piun piun e-é! Only the toy ones ¿? 😕 Quit a job… Nope lol I’ve never worked x’D ✈️ Flown on a plane… No :( 🚙💨 Driven 100mph… No, I don’t have a licence. 🚁 Rode in a helicopter… Nope. ⛑ Gone zip lining.. what’s zip lining, google translator says “tirolesa”.. what. 🍼 Watched someone give birth… In tv shows xd 🏈 Been to an NFL game… Nop lol 🍁 Been to Canada… I haven’t been out of Chile xd 🚑 Ridden in an ambulance… No, but I had the opportunity ¿? 🏦 Visited Washington D.C… Duh, no 🌞 Visited Florida… no 🗻 Visited Colorado… no 🎉 Visited Mexico… no 🎲 Visited Vegas… no 🍔 Eaten alone at a restaurant… nope xd 🎤 Sang karaoke… Yes. I love doing karaoke even when my voice sucks. I sang Wings of freedom once in a very lame way because my voice is too soft. 🐶 Had a pet(s)… When I was a child... 🎿 Been downhill skiing… no and i want to :( 🎼 Ability to read music.. ehhh.. when i was younger 🚵 Rode a motorcycle… no 🏇 Rode a horse… when i was a child... x’DDDD 🏥 Stayed in a hospital… nop 💉 Donated blood… I cant donate blood ~ xd in Chile you need more than 50kg to donate blood and I’m 39~42 kg haha 🏕 Slept outside… yes and i hated 🚗 Driven a stick shift… nop 🚓 Rode in a Police Car… nop 😇 Grandkids… i had a fake family with my friends but my son never had a baby ¿¿¿??? 🚤 Driven a Boat…  nop.. i’ve been in boats tho 🐌 Eaten Escargot… nooo ewww 👽 Seen a UFO… no but i believe in aliens, i’m one.. i mean.. i’m out of this world ¿? have you seen my alien eyes lol lol 🚢 Been on a Cruise… no xd i’d like to be in one tho ⛽️ Run out of Gas… nop 🍣 Eat Sushi… i did but i hate seafood ;; 👻 Seen a Ghost… no but i also believe in ghosts xd my grandmom and other people in my family used to see a girl of 12 years old in her old house xD she was the daughter of the previous owner who died at that age. I’ve been in this paranormal things too and I’m a person who believes in a lot of things lol
My answers are so boring, I apologize. I’m tagging @choromeki @akatsuki-uchiha-lover @pretty-eyes-jaeger @uchisuke @yumeio @minhyshadowjutsu @dirtylevi @kyojinofbraveos @jaegsae @roseacherie @ss-perfect-otp... ¿? don’t do it if you don’t want xD i’m not sure about who likes to be tagged in games eve xd
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