#yuno is always a troll
The competition between Gloryon and Yuno to get the Sultan is just so good
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sunnyreblogsthings · 2 years
milgram characters on a minecraft server because i said so (and also you people like these for some reason)
es: server owner, they’re barely online but OH BOY, WHEN THEY ARE.
haruka: animals!! so many animals!! if even one of them gets slightly harmed he will sob
yuno: pink house. pink dyed leather armor. pink dye always in her inventory. pink dyed cat collar. pink everything.
fuuta: gaming pc & a cool skin. he streams the server and thinks it makes him cool (mikoto streamsnipes him to the point of fuuta punching a hole in his dorm room wall)
muu: big fancy modern house, girl this is a survival server nobody thinks you’re cool
shidou: very practical player, probably does hardcore in his spare time. no dumbass pranks or anything and we respect that.
mahiru: aesthetic texture packs or death, has a single parrot named after her boyfriend and if you threaten it warcrimes will be committed (in minecraft)
kazui: he’s just trying to figure out how the hell it works, so many philza minecraft jokes that he doesn’t understand, he is not a crow nor a father please stop-
amane: i-pad kid. a actual straight up i-pad kid.
mikoto: actually satan himself. the biggest troll known to minecraft, and so many fucking hacks. es has tried banning him more times then they can remember but it never works someone please he just nuked fuuta’s house for the tenth time today
kotoko: attempts to be a mod despite having no admin. es is very, VERY sick of it but she causes no harm so they let her continue.
(if any of you have other ideas or scenarios add on as you please <3)
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
A Double Enchanted Tale
Here's my contribution to the Disney crossover event from @vs-redemption.
This is Disney’s Enchanted (with some plot changes) featuring Nacht x Josele (my oc) and Finral x Mallory (@sailor-muno's oc). Cameo from the ZorAcy ship (from @faewraithsworld). And not to worry I'm using my friends' ocs with permission~!
Cast -Josele as Giselle -Nacht as Robert -Finral as Prince Edward -Mallory as Nancy -Sterling as Morgan (Robert’s daughter) -Yuno as Pip the Chipmunk (but a more character appropriate bird here) -Liliane Vaude as Queen Narissa -Alecdora as Nathaniel (the queen’s lackey) -Zora and Acylla as Phoebe and Ethan (the couple that almost gets divorced but doesn't)
Putting this under a cut because it got loooooooooooooong. Lots of little headcanon notes as well as some drabbles for scenes in narrative format (not my best prose writing but I think I would've gone insane trying to do it all in headcanon format).
As with the original film, this story begins with Josele waxing poetic and singing about True Love’s Kiss. She imagines her True Love™ with pitch black hair and sparkling blue eyes.
Yuno, Josele’s little songbird friend, helps put together the statue of Josele’s True Love™.
Josele’s song attracts the attention of a troll. When it tries to take her away, she fights back.
Elsewhere in the forest, Prince Finral is returning from a diplomacy mission in another kingdom, attended by Alecdora, Queen Liliane’s henchman.
Liliane keeps sending Finral away as a foreign ambassador to keep him distracted from romance. So long as he doesn’t find a bride, she can remain on the throne.
Finral isn’t a fighter but he’s always concerned about people who might need help so he rides into the woods, following Josele’s (kinda wretched) screams.
Alecdora attempts to follow but is left behind as he’s without a horse. He can only grumble that Liliane should try to have Finral killed and not just distracted. He’s fed up with the guy too.
Finral is chasing after Josele’s voice. Josele is fighting for her life.
Josele is up in the trees, trying to smack away the troll with tree branches. Yuno is desperately pecking at the troll.
Finral followed the shouts of a woman’s voice through the forest until he happened upon a troll the size of a house, reaching into the trees.
“Leave me alone already!” Finral looked up to where the voice emanated from and saw a lady with brown hair. “There’s no way I’m going anywhere with you!” She had a tree branch held in both hands and used it to smack at the troll’s fingers when it got too close to reaching her. Finral also barely made out the flittering movements of a bird flying at the troll’s hands one in a while.
“Ahem!” Finral forcibly cleared his throat then projected his voice. “Sir Troll! I know I just arrived but it’s clear to me that you’re bothering that lady. She has no interest in you so I suggest you be on your way.”
The troll didn’t look at Finral and instead just grunted and continued to reach up.
Finral groaned but went on, “If you seek the attention of a fair lady, you must do better than this. Attempt a more gentlemanly approach. Give your name and offer a small gift in greeting, like flowers or even a particularly lovely stone.”
Granted, Finral had no clue if those strategies worked. He had always wanted to attend balls and other events in search of his True Love™. But he was so busy helping his mother establish friendly relations with other lands that he never had the time for romantic socialization.
“Love isn’t something you can force. It’s something you build through mutual efforts.”
“Would you be quiet?!” the troll snapped at Finral, finally giving the prince attention.
“Ah… Well…” Finral uttered.
“Or how about you leave?!”
The lady in the trees jumped down and swung her branch down on the spot between the troll’s eyes, the weak spot of those creatures. With a pained roar, the troll held its face and ran off into the woods. Finral wished he’d been able to do more. But he couldn’t not feel glad that the monster was driven away and that the lady in the trees was safe.
Speaking of…
Finral watched the woman land on a lower branch of a tree and lean against the trunk, probably letting out a sigh of relief. He got a better look at her. Brown hair that shined like varnished wood, a fair complexion, and arms that showed more muscle than Finral had ever seen on a woman.
“Excuse me, miss! You’re alright, yes?” Finral called up to the woman.
She turned her face to Finral and his breath was taken away by the beautiful depth of her brown eyes.
“Me?” She gestured to herself. “Yes, I’m oka—”
All of a sudden, her foot slipped and she was falling to the ground. Finral spurred his horse forward. And not a moment too soon as Finral caught the woman in his arms.
For a moment, the two of them stared into each other’s eyes.
“Hello…” the lady whispered, her face now colored a rosy hue. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Prince Finral,” he managed to say despite the tenseness of his throat and the heat in his face. “And you are?”
“A name that’s as lovely as you are brave.” Finral’s heart thumped in his chest. He’d never had such a reaction to a woman. Did that mean that Josele was… his True Love™? “Would you… marry me?”
“Y-yes! Yes of course!” Josele blurted out, giggles bubbling in her voice.
“Then it’s settled, we’ll be married in the morning!” Finral exclaimed with glee.
As Finral and Josele rode into the sunset, singing refrains that came to them as naturally as breathing, the little bird that had been around earlier watched them leave. The bird was Yuno, Josele’s faithful companion.
“But he doesn’t even look like the True Love™ from your dreams, Josele!” Yuno yelled while flying after them.
In New York City, Nacht and his daughter Sterling are on their way home in a taxi.
Nacht brings up to Sterling that he’s going to propose to his girlfriend, Mallory Demiscura.
Sterling: Her name sounds like an evil stepmother's name. Nacht: That’s not nice to say, Sterling. Mallory is a fine woman. And what’s more, she looks like she could actually be your mother. Sterling: Is that why you’re thinking of marrying her? Nacht: … Maybe.
Sterling frowns at the lame reasoning. It’s so unromantic. She wants her dad to marry someone he loves, not someone to be her mom.
As Sterling pouts and stares out the window, she spots a lady in an elaborate wedding dress climbing up a telephone pole.
Sterling hurries out of the car to investigate and Nacht of course follows.
Sterling: Aren’t you afraid of falling from there, miss? Josele: Not to worry! I’m used to being in high places! Nacht: So she’s a drug addict… Sterling: Or she climbs stuff often. Jeez dad, no need to be judgy. Nacht: Lady, I think you should get down from there! It’s not safe! Josele: Nah, I’ll be fi— (slips and falls) WAH!
Nacht instinctively goes to catch Josele because of course. Nacht is hurt more by the collision than Josele is. Sterling’s jaw drops at how durable and muscular Josele is.
Sterling: How did you get like that, miss? Josele: Get like what? So disheveled and dirty? Heh, well I’ve been wandering around, completely lost, all day. But I’ll be fine, I just need— (wobbles and collapses on top of Nacht again) To rest. Nacht: Uh, well, uh… We can take you in for the night? Sterling: (pumps her fists in victory) We’re bringing a princess home!
Nacht pinched the bridge of his nose after pushing all of the rats, pigeons, and roaches out of the apartment. First a lady climbing in a wedding dress and now a vermin-led housecleaning job. Maybe he was hallucinating. He was pulled from his thoughts by Sterling tugging on his shirt.
“Do we have to wash the dishes again? Because the rats touched them?”
“Use the disposable ones for now. Please,” Nacht groaned.
After Sterling left his side, Nacht noticed a sing-song voice coming from the bathroom. It had to be Josele. Nacht approached slowly, taking in the sound of Josele’s voice. Admittedly, she had a lovely voice. There was then a pang in Nacht’s heart as he remembered how Morgen used to sing.
Morgen probably would’ve loved a weirdo like her, Nacht thought with a scoff. He couldn’t help but smile though. Nacht stopped in front of the door but before he even knocked, Josele opened the door.
“Good morning,” Josele said with a grin. Such a blithe and innocent look. Like she hadn’t nearly fallen to her death—or at least a broken bone—last night. “You’re looking well, Nacht.”
“Uh…” Nacht glanced down before hurriedly locking eyes with Josele. Holy hell, she is ripped! “Morning. So uh… you…”
“The shower is absolutely lovely,” remarked Josele, glancing back into the room. “I’m used to bathing in rivers but that was a whole new experience!”
“In rivers?” Nacht repeated. Did she grow up in the wilderness or something? “Right. So look, the thing is—”
“Nacht? Who’s that?”
Nacht’s head whipped in the direction of another woman’s voice. Mallory stood a few feet away, jaw dropped and eyes wide in a look of confusion and hurt.
Mallory was there. Seeing Nacht talk with Josele. While Josele was only in a towel.
“Oh hello there! I’m Josele!” She strode up to Mallory without a second thought and began to shake the redhead’s hand. “It’s so nice to meet you! What’s your name?”
“Oh that’s a gorgeous name!”
“Thanks?” Mallory pulled back a bit. Her face twisted, looking more horrified by the millisecond. “Uh, what are you doing here?”
“I was on my way to the castle to be married—”
Nacht hurried to the women and stepped between them.
“Mallory, please listen,” Nacht started while holding Mallory’s shoulders and moving her away from Josele. “She and I, we’re not— You have to understand.”
“Understand what, Nacht? That you’ve finally decided that I’m not good enough for you?” Mallory choked out. Tears had already formed in her eyes. “I thought we were just taking it slow because of Sterling and…” Mallory quickly rubbed her eyes. “And we have our careers to worry about too! But I guess the real reason was—!”
“That’s not it at all!”
Mallory pulled away from Nacht and stormed towards the exit. “I’ll go! If she makes you happy, I won’t get in your way!”
“Are you leaving already?” Josele asked, stepping in the way of Mallory’s exit. “But you just arrived.”
The question made Mallory pause. “You don’t want me to leave?”
Josele and Mallory stared into each other’s eyes for a moment. Both seemed confused. And Nacht had to step in.
“Ladies, please, I can explain everything,” Nacht said as he got between them.
“Okay then…” Mallory nodded for a moment then looked Nacht dead in the eyes. “Explain.”
Nacht explains to Mallory the situation with Josele. And she listens.
Mallory is baffled to say the least but considering Josele’s behavior, it seems to be the most believable explanation.
Nacht asks Mallory if Josele could stay with her only for Mallory to say her apartment is getting renovated and she’s already sharing a space with her three sisters.
But Mallory promises to help look for leads about how to get Josele home.
The situation still puts a strain on the relationship since Nacht will be focusing his attention on Josele until she returns to Andalasia.
Mallory is jealous of Josele’s hopeless romanticism and optimism. She was once a romantic herself but lost her spark. She ended up with Nacht because of proximity and convenience.
Nacht takes Josele to his workplace. He hands Josele over to his coworker, Secre, hoping she can help locate Josele’s home.
Meanwhile, Nacht tries to help move along the divorce proceedings for Acylla and Zora. In Nacht’s opinion, they had to split sooner rather than later.
Josele approached Acylla with a wide-eyed, almost awestruck smile.
“Your eyes…” she whispered sweetly. “They’re gorgeous with that little sparkle in them. And your presence is so calm and graceful.”
“I, well…” Acylla flushed at the forward compliments being given to her. “Thank you, miss.”
“The person who holds your heart is a very lucky individual,” Josele commented as she took Acylla’s hands.
And those words made Acylla’s shy grin drop into a deep frown instantly. “He may have held it before but he dropped it like a hot potato.” The words made Josele reel back. Acylla only continued, “And believe me, I doubt he feels lucky to know me at this moment.”
“I don’t understand…” Josele whispered as she shook her head. She glanced at Zora who scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Aren’t you two in love?”
“Read the room, lady,” snapped Zora. “We’re sick of each other.”
Nacht buried his face in his hands and groaned. First his personal life. And now his professional life was being torn asunder by a woman who made a dress out of his curtains before skipping away, without shame or guilt.
When he raised his head, Nacht had every intention of snapping at Josele to keep her nose out of Zora and Acylla’s business. But then he saw them, the tears in her eyes. Soft and real, truly broken up by something most people would brush off as an unfortunate but unextraordinary event. So Nacht ended up pulling Josele aside and quietly letting her know that she didn’t have to worry since the divorce was what the former couple wanted.
“But they’re losing the love of their lives, Nacht,” Josele whimpered as her tears fell. “I can’t imagine loving someone one day and then… not loving them the next…”
“That’s just how the world works,” Nacht said. He almost included an “I’m sorry.” But what did he have to be sorry for?
When Nacht glanced past Josele’s shoulder, he saw Zora staring at Acylla. Not with annoyance as he had been earlier. But rather, he looked curious, as though examining Acylla for the first time. As for Acylla, she was red-faced and avoiding Zora’s eyes.
The air between the two had changed. Nacht didn’t know how but it had…
Mallory is still on her own commute to work. On the way, she spies a man in an elaborate medieval style tunic standing in front of a bus.
Finral: Be still you beast of steel! Those poor civilians in your belly don’t deserve to be eaten! Bus Driver: (honks aggressively) GET OUTTA THE STREET! Mallory: Oh no. That man’s gonna get himself run over. (runs over and grabs Finral out of the street) Finral: Hey hey! Wait wait wait! I was helping those people! Mallory: You were causing a traffic jam! (brushes Finral down because he looks like a mess) You good, man? Finral: I am a good man, yes. Or I’d like to think so. Mallory: Um… Yeah I don’t think you’re doing so hot, sir. (thinking) He does look hot though…
Mallory and Finral get to talking once they get some distance between themselves and the street.
Finral goes on and on about finding his “precious doe” and “other half.” But he doesn’t mention Josele by name.
Still, Mallory gets a weird feeling that Finral’s fairy tale dreamy attitude is familiar…
Alecdora runs up from out of nowhere and grabs Finral away, saying he knows where to find Finral’s love.
“Lead the way, Alecdora!” Finral exclaims as he and Alecdora run off.
“Alec-darrel? What kind of name is that?!” Mallory asks. She tries to chase them for a moment but she’s not fit to keep up.
And then, a little songbird (Yuno), lands on her shoulder and seems to glare at Alecdora.
“What’s your story, little guy?” Mallory asks sarcastically. “I’m actually thinking of chasing after Prince Charming there.”
Yuno chirps aggressively at Mallory and directs her to follow Finral. So she does!
At some point, Alecdora makes his first attempt to kill Josele with a poison apple provided by Liliane. Only to fail.
“That’s how you know~!”
Josele’s melodious voice rang through the air.
“That’s how you know~!”
Came the harmonious echo of what felt like half of New York City, somehow knowing the song that Josele had begun.
Nacht had thought he was dreaming. Honestly, he’d thought that since he first met Josele. Yet sitting in an open carriage as everyone from street musicians to newlyweds performed in Central Park felt strangely real. Every smile on the people’s faces was wide and genuine. The clouds from the morning had parted and the afternoon sun made the colors around Nacht brighter.
And the brightest person there was Josele.
The song and dance had concluded. But people were lingering, mingling amongst themselves or approaching Josele as she stood within the carriage with Nacht.
Nacht blinked a few more times. But he couldn’t take his eyes off of Josele as she spoke with the people who complimented her song or thanked her for the experience. And she replied with a “no, thank you for joining” and such.
How did she manage to be so kind and genuine? Okay, Nacht knew why: fairy tale princess turned real. The question still lingered in his mind. He wondered if the kind of magic Josele exuded was something everyone had a little of, and that’s what made everything happen.
With Mallory, she’s caught up with Finral who is separated from Alecdora thankfully. As they’re walking, she tries to get across that she knows where Finral’s “other half” is.
As she tries to explain, she gets a text from one of her sisters.
[Is he cheating?] The question is accompanied by a picture of Nacht and Josele, sitting in a carriage and surrounded by… a lot. [Check social media. They’re there.]
Mallory looks up what’s trending and finds pictures and videos of some chaotic flash mob. With Josele and Nacht seeming to lead it.
The doubt in Mallory’s heart starts to come back. She and Nacht had never done anything like dance or sing together, especially not in public. And yet with Josele…
“Is something the matter, Miss Mallory?” Finral asked gently, breaking Mallory out of her gloom.
“Oh! Uh…” Mallory slid her phone into her purse, making her chest tight with guilt at hiding Josele’s location from Finral. But perhaps their reunion could wait an hour or two? “I’m… fine?” She shook her head. “It’s just that the man I love…” The words felt so heavy in her mouth that she trailed off and had to take a breath. “He’s not all that good at being loving.”
Finral blinked then stared wide-eyed at Mallory. “But how can that be? A fine woman such as yourself is surely easy to love. Why, I can already name several things that make you splendid!”
“L-like what?”
“Well for one, your hair! It’s the loveliest shade of red I’ve ever laid my eyes on!” Finral exclaimed with a wide grin. “I bet if you were to give a twirl, it’d fan out so beautifully that the crowd would stop and stare.”
“I don’t think I could do something like that!” Mallory squeaked, feeling herself warm up as people were already eyeing her and Finral because of his loud voice. “But, um, thanks for the compliment.”
“And I have more to give, still!” Finral quickly followed up. “Your smile. It shines as bright as the sun. Surely, that smile alone has made the day of your sweetheart.”
Mallory shrugged, not wanting to admit that she’d never seen Nacht smile. Not truly. Only ever the empty, cordial smile he used at work.
“There’s also your heart, so full of kindness. We only passed by each other this morning and yet you’ve returned to aid me.” Finral went on waxing poetic. It was incredible how genuine he sounded. Not a hint of irony to him. “Your lover, whoever he may be, should be ashamed for not treasuring you the way you should be!”
Mallory pursed her lips and nodded a little. She did want for a love that was… more. But she was never brave enough to ask that of Nacht.
Raising her head, Mallory locked eyes with Finral. His warm grin and the way his eyes looked at her with gentleness. The deepest parts of her heart wanted that.
Mallory wanted the bold and free love that Finral was offering.
It’s just that he wasn’t offering it to her…
Finral breaks out into song. Let’s call it “With All Your Heart.”
I’m not writing the whole thing out (not a lyricist here), but the gist of the song is Finral explaining his belief that love should be expressed boldly and being proud of one’s love will make them happier. It’s why he’s so forward.
Finral’s song number gets the crowd going as much as “That’s How You Know” did. Mallory is in absolute awe of the literal magic in front of her eyes and excitedly runs alongside Finral as he encourages other couples to loudly proclaim their love for each other.
Yuno is following along the whole time and is picking up on the vibes with this pair.
When the song ends, a pair of doves fly up to Mallory. They give her a wreath of flowers and tickets to a ball happening later that week, addressed from Nacht.
And now she’s thinking of Nacht again and her heart hurts realizing that she’s already smitten with another man, a taken man.
Finral hears of the ball and excitedly thinks of taking Josele there before returning home.
Mallory agrees to help him get tickets. She wasn’t just going to give up the tickets for her and Nacht, but she’d at least help Josele and Finral’s love.
Alecdora finds Mallory and Finral and takes away the prince saying he has a lead on where Josele is. Mallory tries to argue that she knows but Alecdora ignores her.
Yuno comforts Mallory for a moment then chirps, as if to reassure her that he’ll get Finral back.
Nacht blinked a few times, not quite believing what he was hearing.
“Can you say that again?”
“We don’t see any reason to divorce,” Zora repeated with a smile. He looked at Acylla who grinned back. “That lady from yesterday, she was so right. Acylla’s eyes have a beautiful sparkle to them. It was the first thing I noticed. I really am lucky to have fallen for her.”
“But just the other day you two were having problems,” Nacht pointed out, to which the couple snickered.
“Everyone has problems, Mr. Faust.” Acylla’s hold on Zora’s hand tightened. “But should we really allow the bad things in life to outweigh the good ones?”
Nacht raised a brow. “You’re really going to try again after a chance encounter with—”
“Have you considered that it wasn’t merely chance?” Acylla posed. “Maybe we were meant to meet that lady and she would remind us of what really mattered.”
“Like how sweet you are when I’m not bothering you,” Zora joked. The couple laughed again before sharing a brief kiss. “Yeah, I could get used to this all over again.”
Nacht fell silent. His mouth snapped shut as he had nothing to say.
There it was again. That strange magic that Josele’s presence exuded. At work again in Nacht’s life.
Nacht guided Acylla and Zora out of the office while reassuring them that Josele would hear of their gratitude towards her. There was no doubt in his mind that Josele would be overjoyed to know that the couple’s marriage had been saved.
“What a peculiar woman,” Nacht muttered, feeling a smile come to his face just thinking of everything Josele had done in only two days. “What else could possibly happen now?”
The timeline of events does get extended. There’s an extra two or three days of shenanigans.
Mallory keeps on putting off telling Nacht that she’s met Finral because 1) Alecdora keeps dragging Finral off and Mallory would rather not say “I’ve seen him but I’m currently not with him” due to the inconvenience, and 2) she just wants more time with Finral herself.
So Nacht and Josele have their misadventures while Finral and Mallory have theirs.
Josele and Nacht’s misadventures include: 1) taking Sterling to an archery range since the kid is interested and when Josele tries her hand at the bow, she cuts her fingers on the fletching, 2) Josele helping some kids find their lost pets with her little animal summoning ability, and 3) Josele decorating a statue with flower wreaths and teaching Nacht and Sterling how to weave flowers together during that time.
Mallory and Finral’s misadventures include 1) getting caught up in a dance off on the streets which Finral absolutely flops since its break dancing and not ballroom, 2) coming across a runaway teen and talking things out with them (Mallory gives more grounded advice like finding a shelter while Finral’s advice is optimistic but helpful in keeping the teen’s spirits up), and 3) meeting Mallory’s sister Athena and her boyfriend, during which Finral convinces the boyfriend to go ahead with proposing.
Meanwhile, Yuno is fighting for his life against Alecdora, trying to separate him from Finral so Finral can meet up with Mallory again. Alecdora has tried clipping his wings, selling him to a pet store, and even threw him into a bird of prey exhibit at the zoo. It’s crazy.
Nacht eventually takes Josele and Sterling out for dinner, during which Nacht reveals the story behind Sterling’s lack of mother.
Sterling is Nacht’s adopted kid, but she wasn’t meant to be. She was supposed to be adopted by Morgen, Nacht’s brother.
Years ago, Morgen’s apartment building caught fire. Something about a stove being left on.
Instead of escaping immediately, Morgen went to every room he could to help others get to safety.
He eventually found a woman with one of her legs pinned under debris and a baby in her arms. The woman insisted that Morgen take her baby and leave her to die. If her baby lived, that’s what mattered.
Morgen carried the baby girl out, using his own body to protect her from the smoke and flames.
Morgen and the baby escaped, but he sustained some bad injuries.
While in the hospital, Morgen said he wanted to adopt the baby girl, named Sterling, once he was recovered. However, he wasn’t getting better, only worse.
With his dying breath, Morgen asked Nacht to take care of Sterling. “I know you have no attachment to her, brother. But please, watch over her. Don’t let the hope that lives in that child die.”
And so Sterling became Nacht’s child.
Alecdora makes a second attempt with a poison apple and Yuno saves Josele from this one.
Alecdora and Yuno face off. It ends with Alecdora “killing” Yuno.
After they return to the Faust apartment and Josele comforts Sterling, Nacht talks to Josele about staying in New York.
“It’s been nearly a week since you’ve arrived, Josele. And if he hasn’t come by now, I just don’t think your so-called prince is coming at all,” Nacht whispered, trying to be gentle with the woman’s feelings.
“But he is,” Josele insisted once more. “I believe in him.”
“And maybe that belief is misplaced. You can’t hope for the impossible.”
At Nacht’s words, Josele’s expression twisted into a frown. A look which Nacht hadn’t seen since Josele had cried over Acylla and Zora’s situation days earlier. But the current frown she wore was markedly different.
“What’s with you, Nacht? Why can’t you have a little hope?” Josele asked as she leaned forward, closer to Nacht, more aggressive than she’d ever been before. “Why is it always ‘let’s stop now’ or ‘it won’t work’ or ‘it’s a waste of time’? Why are you always so gloomy?”
“I’m not gloomy, I’m realistic.” Nacht felt his chest grow tight as Josele’s eyes narrowed and she let out a sharp exhale. “You can’t always get your hopes up. Otherwise, you’ll get disappointed a lot.”
“So I should be like you and never get my hopes up?” Josele shot to her feet as she yelled.
“That’s not what I said!” Nacht rose to his feet too. “I’m just saying that hoping for the impossible will never work out!”
All Nacht has wanted to do was to spare Josele from the heartbreak of someone giving up on her. He didn’t intend to get Josele fired up, to cause her to come to the defense of her own hopes and desires.
“Well at least I have hope! Unlike you!” Josele jabbed Nacht in the shoulder, as if to emphasize. “You’re so afraid to try new things! You’re afraid to open your heart! Sometimes you’re so kind and sometimes you’re like this!” So caught up in her emotions, Josele started to pace back and forth. “And it just—! I don’t know—! All of it makes me so—! You make me so—!”
“I make you what?” Nacht pressed, leaning in close without really thinking.
“You make me so angry!” Josele snapped. “I’m angry with you, Nacht Faust!” The fierce scowl on Josele’s face was blinked away, and then she grinned. “I’m angry! Oh my gosh, I’m angry!” Her laugh, like a chime, echoed for a moment. And then, “Wait, I’m angry.”
Josele frowned again and then punched Nacht square in the stomach. The impact sent Nacht to the floor—it still shocked him how surprisingly muscular she was. Nacht groaned and held his aching torso.
“I’m sorry! Oh I’m so sorry!” Josele yelped while kneeling on the floor beside Nacht. “I didn’t think—!”
“You’re good, Josele. It’s fi—” Nacht paused when he felt Josele pick up his head and then rest it on her lap. “Josele?”
“I’m still angry, you know,” she whispered. Her fingers stroked through Nacht’s hair. “Just because not everything is as good as I want it to be, doesn’t mean I should resign myself to the bad, right?”
Nacht held his tongue for a moment. As refreshing as it had been to see Josele upset, he wasn’t going to risk a second bruise to the stomach.
“I still don’t know if your prince is coming. But… I guess we can give it a few more days.”
“Thank you, Nacht.”
It was then that Nacht dared to look up at Josele. The look on her face was… She wasn’t beaming the way she normally did. But she wasn’t scowling either. She looked… impassive. Yet peaceful. As if she was lost in thought. Something about Josele in that moment was… beautiful.
“Josele?” Nacht reached up and touched her cheek with the back of his hand.
“Hm?” Her eyes drifted down to meet Nacht’s gaze.
“We should get to sleep now. So we’re not exhausted in the morning.”
The silence that followed was heavy. Not even a “goodnight” was shared, only quick and quiet nods of acknowledgement.
When Josele sat back down on the couch, she noticed how fast her heart was racing. And she knew that the thought of Nacht, of standing so close to him, was the reason. But that couldn’t be right. Her True Love™ was Finral. Right?
When Nacht sat on his bed, he buried his face in his hands, feeling how warm he’d become. Seeing Josele and the new sides of her brought on by conflict, however small, had him wanting more. But she was not his to love.
Rest wouldn’t come easy to either of them that night.
The morning before the ball, Mallory finally is able to get Finral away from Alecdora for good (taking Finral to her sisters’ place ensured that the man wouldn’t come knocking).
And Mallory is finally able to explain to Finral that she knows where Josele is.
Nacht receives a call from Mallory and she explains everything to him.
Mallory brings Finral over to Nacht’s apartment for the reunion.
Finral tries to prompt Josele into song but it’s Mallory who picks up on it and tries to feed Josele the words.
Still, everyone (except Sterling) agrees that Finral and Josele should return to Andalasia together. But not before a date in New York and some time at the ball that evening.
While Josele and Finral head out for their date, Nacht and Mallory sit down and chat.
Mallory: Sorry I couldn’t bring Finral by sooner. Nacht: Mallory, it’s fine. You were probably busy with work so it makes sense that— Mallory: No no, I wasn’t putting it off. I literally couldn’t bring him because some other guy kept dragging him off! He was super weird and really rude too. Even his name is weird: Alec-darrel. Nacht: That can’t be his real name. Mallory: That’s what it sounded like to me. Also, this bird kept on finding its way to me and it acted a lot smarter than the birds I usually meet. I haven’t seen him in a couple days though. Nacht: That must be the Yuno bird Josele told me about. Mallory: The bird’s name is Yuno? Not something like “Cheep” or “Chirpy”?
When Josele comes back from the date, she’s very worried about going to the ball. Mallory and Sterling immediately volunteer to help.
The time came for the ladies to pick out dresses to wear to the ball.
“If you really want to get… to get Nacht’s attention, try wearing complementary colors,” Josele remarked while eyeing the rows of dresses.
Her chest ached as she thought about how lucky Mallory was to have Nacht’s attention on her. To be the one to make him stop and stare in awe. But why? Josele had Finral so why did she want Nacht to see her, to admire her?
“S-since your hair is such a lovely shade of red, you would look good in green.”
“Yeah! Daddy says green makes my hair look extra pretty too!” Sterling piped up. “I’ll go find something for Mallory! Just you wait and see!”
“Hmm.” Mallory pursed her lips and tilted her head to the side. “But isn’t Finral’s tunic green? It’d look weird if he and I… matched.”
The suggestion of which actually made Mallory’s heart flutter. She knew how silly her thoughts were but she couldn’t help it. The days spent beside Finral repeated in her mind and she wanted to remain beside him, even knowing they were both promising themselves to others.
Josele gave a weak laugh and shook her head before saying, “Oh no, it’s fine if you two matched.” She shrugged. “You two already do a fine job of matching energies so matching appearances isn’t out of the question.” She blinked and caught herself. “N-not that you and Nacht don’t also get along well! You’re both intelligent and understanding of me and Finral’s… peculiarities. A-and you, uh…”
“Sele, it’s okay.” Mallory took Josele’s hands in her own then patted the back of them. “I know Nacht and I aren’t two peas in a pod, but we’ve managed.” With a reassuring smile, she stepped back. “Now, let’s think about what you’ll wear. You ought to look like a princess for… for Finral, huh?”
A sickening jealousy twisted Mallory’s stomach. There had to be something wrong with her for wanting to be with Finral despite Josele being his True Love™. So she pushed down the wish for Finral to serenade her as his love.
“Let’s think about what you’ll wear now.” Mallory approached the dress rack. “Black goes with everything. And I know you’re more for blue but I personally think purple works better with black.”
“Yes, they make quite a pair…” Josele muttered, immediately imagining Nacht in the black suit and purple dress shirt she’d seen him wear the night they met. It was a dark and elegant look. Nacht looked…
“Oh right! Nacht!” Mallory yelped. “Maybe you shouldn’t wear black or purple because then you’d kinda be wearing Nacht’s colors! Not that it’d be bad if you did. It’d actually be good. More than good! Great even!” Mallory paced the boutique floor and gesticulated wildly as she spoke. It was quite cute, how animated and lively she was.
Smiling as she watched, Josele recalled when she first met Mallory. The red-haired woman seemed like she had been trying to restrain her feelings that fateful morning. But now, her fluster was on full display. It was cute. And she seemed more like herself.
“Because you two honestly look great together in my opinion. NOT THAT YOU’RE TOGETHER! WE CLEARED UP THAT CONFUSION ALREADY!” Mallory laughed in a way that sounded painfully forced. She then turned to Josele. “What I’m trying to say is that you’ve done each other good! I mean, you’ve brought Nacht out of his shell and he’s really gotten you adapted to New York!”
Josele blinked. “Finral hasn’t gotten used to New York?”
“Not really?” Mallory replied while giving a shrug. “He’s not talking to buses anymore but… It’s just not the place for him.”
“Well I quite like it,” Josele admitted. “It’s not as pretty as the forest I grew up in, but there’s so many people and so much to do. Each new day is an adventure.”
“There sure is a lot. Though I personally would want adventures like fighting a troll,” Mallory joked and earned a giggle from Josele as well.
The laughter between Josele and Mallory died down however. Though neither said it out loud and neither recognized how the other felt, there was a sad tension shared between them. The lives that they initially saw for themselves were no longer what they wanted.
“Mallory!” Sterling piped up, finally returning from her search. “I found the perfect dress for you!” She looked between the women. “Did I come back at a bad time?”
“No no no, Sterling!” Josele quickly knelt down by the girl. “Thank you for coming back.”
“You said you had a dress for me?” Mallory asked, hoping to dissipate the earlier atmosphere.
Sterling glanced between them again. She may have only been six, but even she knew that something was wrong.
The ball scene! AAAAAHHHHH!
Finral would try to profess his love for Josele but he’d fumble it, so unlike his usual eloquent self. He’s got Mal on the mind.
Josele does her best to compliment Mallory and Nacht as a couple but Mallory points out that she looks sickly when trying to speak.
Mallory and Nacht can barely look each other in the eyes because they know they love Finral and Josele. But they stubbornly think they should stick with how things are.
Finral dances with Mallory. Nacht dances with Josele. Both men hold the women as close as they can in the dance because no one wants to let goooooo!
Still, Finral guides Josele away so they can return to Anadalasia. And when he goes to get Josele’s cloak, Liliane (disguised as a hag) comes and offers Josele the poison apple.
Finral only tries True Love’s Kiss with Josele once. After one try, he knows it’s not gonna work.
When Nacht tries to deny that his kiss might save her, Mallory snaps at him, “Don’t you dare give up. Josele needs you!”
Josele’s fight against Liliane is much bloodier, actually drawing blood from the evil queen.
But it’s Yuno pecking Liliane directly in the eyes which makes her fall to her doom.
Once the dust settles, the four adults finally speak honestly.
Mallory and Nacht officially break up and wish each other the best with their new loves.
Finral and Josele bid each other goodbye and hope for one another’s happily ever afters.
Mallory takes to the fairy tale world well, evening singing her own song on her first day.
After a year of dating, Mallory and Finral have their full fairy tale wedding.
Josele gets herself established in the real world, working some odd jobs before being able to establish her own boutique.
While Nacht does propose early on, they still take a couple of years to date and plan.
“And they all lived happily ever after. The End,” Sterling stated with finality. “So? What do you think?”
Sterling’s younger siblings—Dawn, Dusk, Sirius, Merel, and Vivian—stared in awe.
“It explains why Mommy’s so good with animals,” commented Dusk.
“Mommy was gonna be a princess?!” Dawn gasped.
“But she married a lame lawyer instead…” Merel grumbled.
“Daddy’s job isn’t lame!” Sirius retorted.
“Daddy’s kinda lame for being kidnapped by a dragon though,” Vivian muttered.
“Kids, it’s time for bed!” Josele said before poking her head into the living room.
Nacht leaned his head into the door frame too. “And what was that about me being lame?”
“Sorry Daddy,” Vivian whispered.
Together, Nacht and Josele tucked in the kids before going to their own bed.
“Are we living happily ever after, Josele?” Nacht whispered as he stroked her hair.
“I’d like to think so…” she whispered back, smiling.
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j10kkuno · 3 years
CG vs CB/GG is so much cringe fan drama but also really good RP and Yuno is stuck between a rock and a hard place and those two are two parts of his heart. So basically, Chang Gang and Gulag Gang is going at it and Yuno's being caught in the middle of it. It started Monday with X getting grenades and deciding to blow up cars at the CG Holiday Party after Ramee and a few friends had played nice at the CB one, so CG robbed Gulag Gang and Mickey after a VAR Heist.
All was supposed to be good but then Marty found out the next day and camped VAR and tried to 1v6 them. He got ocean dumped, Carmella let them use her yellow(She finally did an all girls Vault! She showed Yuno her new mansion and of course Yuno trolled Ramee that his girlfriend invited him over) to buy the PixelPad for the Yacht, which was meant to be Jack, X, Marty, and Yuno. CG pulled up and kidnapped them. Ocean dumped the other three, but kept Yuno alive.
Asked him why he still hung around with X and Marty because they kept pulling dumb shit and pulling Yuno and CB into it. Because CG didn't want to fight, but if X continued this, they would. And CB would be pulled into this. And why was Yuno still continuing to hang out with X when X was ignoring that Yuno and CB didn't want to fight?
And Yuno knew X was doing dumb shit. That this time CG wasn't really in the wrong and they're his friends too. Like-Randy and Ramee, he goes really far back with them. Randy was on his first bank job. Ramee used to drop everything to save him from house robberies. Mickey used to whine because Yuno was Ramee's favorite way back when. It's hard to go against them.
But X and him also goes way back. X inspired him to hack. He has his femily-Tony and Lang and Ray and Mickey- because X inspired him to hack. And he lost Ramee and Randy, in a way, because he chose Lang and co. Because their two and a half groups always ends up at war and driving wedges between each other. And friendship is so important to Yuno. No matter how much CG hurts CB, he can't fully cut off Ramee and Randy because they're his friends. They were there for him until the reality of gang life set in.
And so is X. So even if CG is right, he's dumb and he doesn't respect what CB wants and he's not even really one of their boys, he can't turn his back on X. And Lang is loyal to X too. And it's tearing him up because he knows it all logically. But it's X. So he asked them to ocean dump him so he'd forget the past hour or two. But they didn't.
K said don't tell anyone but Lang, to tell Lang to call him tomorrow and they'd all talk, the CB boys. Like I get it. I get it. All three groups mean a lot to Yuno. When X gets along with CB, it's perfect. But Marty just... is eh. He brings out the X in Jean Paul(Also X doesn't trust Yuno anymore and lied to him last night because he thought he was leaking info to CG).
It's a lot of good roleplay and I'm really glad Mr. K and Lang are going to be sitting down and talking because it's a mess and I think something needs to change. I get all sides. Excited to see if this goes anywhere.
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Yeeaaah… so this ended up turning out longer than I intended… but it’s a theory I felt like sharing nonetheless. Hopefully tumblr doesn’t eat this & if this is too long or odd to answer… don’t worry, I understand. I just wanted to share while it was in my head, ya know? So: Long Post Warning!
I am not 100% caught up on every chapter yet, but I do have a brief understanding of all the events up til now. So please forgive me if this has been revealed and I just don’t know about it yet.
Bell 🧚🏻 = wind spirit🌬🌪
Salamander (who honestly looks more like a dragon than a salamander so he’s gettin’ the dragon emoji) 🐲 = fire spirit 🔥
Undine 🌊 = water spirit💧
As far as I know, we don’t yet have an inkling of who the earth spirit will be or to whom he will “choose” to contract with.
Tbh, I have a some of feelings about possibilities surrounding the earth spirit…
Bell and Undine are both obviously women and I’m 96.8% sure that Salamander is a boy… but who knows, I also wouldn’t be the least bit freaking surprised if Tabata threw that back in our face and Salamander ends up being a girl like in Shrek (and on that note, I just need to ask, in Shrek 2 when Shrek and Donkey drank the Happily Ever After Potion, it’s described as “"Happily Ever After Potion maximum strength. For you and your true love. Drink of this potion and bliss will be thine, happiness, comfort, and beauty divine.” This stuff turned both Shrek and Fiona human while it turned Donkey into a pure white stallion… am I the only one that still gets peeved we never got an answer on wtf that stuff did to Dragon??? Or how it would’ve affected their dragon donkey hybrid babies??? That’s the only thing that irks me about Shrek 2… okay, whew, now that I’ve gotten that out, back to Black Clover theorizing)
Going by the assumption that Salamander is most likely a boy, it would stand to reason that the earth spirit has a good chance at being male as well like 2 female spirits, 2 male.
Salamander’s inspiration obviously comes from dragon lore, I can’t find one singularly specific mythology reference Tabata would have based Salamader on so I’m guessing Salamander is based on dragon lore.
Bell has, for the most part, 2 inspirations Tabata based her on. The main one being Sylphs have power over the skies and air. They've been delineated to have control over the wind and the clouds, and even have the ability to purify the air and control the weather itself. Sylphs are not officially from a specific type of mythology, but if they were to be categorized they’d qualify as European folklore, same as Undine and Gnome which will be explained a few bullet points later. The second and most obvious (my fav of the 2) inspiration Tabata drew from for her character is Tinkerbell; from the blond hair, green dress, gets pissed when male partner pays attention to any female that isn’t her, yeah no denying she’s based on tinkerbell; my guess is Tabata combined her with Sylphs wind magic because it was Tinkerbell’s pixie dust that Peter, the lost boys, and the Darling children used to be able to fly. “Faith, trust, & a little bit of pixie dust” (Which is even more perfect because, even if he doesn’t show it, there is no one else in the series that has more faith & trust in Asta than Yuno does… Yuno’s infinite faith/trust in Asta both drives their rivalry forward and, by this logic, is one of the very reasons Yuno can sore so high🥰).
Undine is the only spirit character, for now, that is directly based off of a real water spirit in European folklore (again, even though Sylphs technically qualify to be categorized under European mythology, as far as I know, they are not officially categorized as such which is why I say Undine is the only one) - “Undine, also spelled Ondine, is a mythological figure of European tradition, a water nymph who becomes human when she falls in love with a man but is doomed to die if he is unfaithful to her.” Being that Undine is described as being able to take human form when she falls in love with a man *cough cough* Ariel *cough cough* Black Clover’s Undine’s background states that she made a contract with the first queen of the newly formed Heart Kingdom and has thus stayed loyal and made a contract with every Heart Queen since. Maybe she fell in love with the father/brother/husband/male-figure associated with the first queen and since the queen is the predominant ruler of the heart kingdom - Undine made a contract with her to be close to this man while knowing he could/would never be hers… she wouldn’t die if her love is one sided… if her love is unsaid and unrequited then anything this man does with another woman isn’t considered being unfaithful.. and maybe she’s maintained contracts with every Heart Queen since out of sheer devotion, loyalty, and love to that original man whom she took human form for. Or she was in love with the first queen and has made a contract with every queen since out of sheer devotion, loyalty, and love not on just for that first queen but every one of her descendants. Who knows?
Tabata’s mythological references (demonology excluded because that a whole other thing) for the most part mainly circulate around Greek mythology, Norse mythology, and European folklore.
Going based off of Undine (and Sylphs) , there’s a strong possibility that this yet to be named earth spirit will possibly directly based on, even if only slightly, someone of those three categories above.
Greek mythology, I find somewhat unlikely seeing as there’s no official male god of earth in Greek mythology. There are deities that have roles related to the earth yeah… but no god surround the earth itself or the element itself. The closest thing to a god of earth in Greek mythology is Gaea - goddess of earth. Simplify it to god of dirt and still the only result is Demeter goddess of agriculture (which seems similar to Mimosa in some ways but I don’t think she will obtain an earth spirit because I think the earth spirit will have more to do with mineral earth than plants and agriculture). If there is to be any inspiration drawn from Greek mythology in terms of an earth spirit, but even this seems a little unlikely, my guess would be possibly some characteristics from Satyrs seeing as they are the male equivalent of nymphs - what Undine is technically classified as.
Norse mythology seems a bit more, but not by much at first, plausible in terms of gathering reference for an earth spirit. It probably wouldn’t be the Norse God of Earth Jörd because she is still technically a goddess and mother of earth like Gaea. However, Norse mythology does have a deity of rocks - Hrungnir is a jötunn (a type of entity contrasted with gods and other non-human figures, such as dwarfs and elves. The entities are themselves ambiguously defined, variously referred to by several other terms, including risi, thurs and troll). There is also one more Norse aspect that goes along these lines - Dvergar or Norse dwarves are entities in Norse mythology associated with rocks, the earth, deathliness, luck, technology, craft, metal work, wisdom, and greed.
Norse mythologies depictions of both jötunn and dvergar tie into the third category of European folklore’s depiction of earth deities/spirits. In European folklore, Gnome, is a dwarfish, subterranean goblin or earth spirit who guards mines of precious treasures hidden in the earth. He is represented in medieval mythologies as a small, physically deformed (usually hunchbacked) creature resembling a dry, gnarled old man. - this description is similar to that of jötunn/dvergar and also ties into Charmy being revealed as part dwarf which will most likely be explored in a later arc.
Tbh, I picture this guy’s personality being somewhere between Grumpy from Snow White, the grumpy but well-meaning and wisecrack Lorax, and Phil from Disney’s rendition of Hercules… (not only does imagining this type of personality have me laughing… imagining the 2 most whom I find most likely to be chosen by this earth spirit… imagining them being partnered up with this personality has me near cackling😂)
As for the 2 whom most likely might be the “chosen one” of this earth spirit?
Even though he is technically described as being Arcane in terms of his magical attribute, Mercury is by definition “a naturally-occurring chemical element found in rock in the earth's crust, including in deposits of coal.” So mercury is naturally occurring, derived from earth, and the fact that it can come from deposits of coal ties in perfectly to the hypothesis of this earth spirit/deity being along the lines of dwarves which (not JUST in Snow White) are heavily associated with miners in various mythologies and folklores. So even though technically classified as being arcane, I do think Nozel has a strong possibility of being chosen by the spirit of earth (+ it would make for an EVEN MORE epic rivalry between Nozel and Fuegoleon if they both have an elemental spirit) (++ based off of how dwarves are depicted in mythology and based on how I decribed how I think this guy’s personality will be, I can see this guy as wise/rational but also getting grumpy/irritated easily with a short fuse and just imagine him getting irritated and kicking Nozel in the shins when when he doesn’t communicate his feelings properly & almost always kicks Solid/Nebra/Augustus in the shins when he says something he shouldn’t have - omg this guy’ll be a hoot!!🤣)
The second possible “chosen one” of this earth spirit could be Sol. Not only is she 100% raw earth magic but I also feel like it would balance her out a bit having a male spirit attached to her and that’s where the wisdom side of the Lorax/Phil could kick in and help her not only improve as a mage but also as a person helping her not see things so one sided. You notice, even though the Blue Rose Knights are an all girl squad… Sol is the only one that goes to that much of a degree in despising men; everyone else on the squad detests men on the surface but for the most part not truly. Charlotte keeps up the façade of detesting men to both appear strong for her squad ladies but also to mask her own insecurities. Sol, while she has gotten a little better since her initial introduction, is the only one who barely tolerates men… the only one who’s depicted as not having a façade and genuinely detests all men with a few exceptions. Having a male spirit like character who does not take her BS (*shin kick💥*) but also offers her wisdom and guidance that helps her grow as a person would be phenomenal for her character overall.
I find Nozel to be the more interesting outcome (NO! not just because I’m a Nozel simp… who told you that? They lie) but either of these characters would be interesting and could improve drastically in character development and as a mage having someone like this joined at the hip.
What are your thoughts?
– Grimoire_Girl📚
OKay, okay *takes a moment* (Also: did I just stop what I was doing, just to read and reply to this? .... Maybe)
I'd like to platonically kiss you on the mouth (with your consent ofc, because consent is a big thing on this blog), because I love this. Okay the Fue simp in me was hoping to have more of him, but in the end I didn't even mind. And can I just say that I love, lovelovelove the idea of Nozel getting the Elemental Spirit of Earth.
The theory is made *so* *much* *better* by the mental image of him (supposedly 'him') being a Lorax/Phil (from now on, let's call him Phorax). Because can you just imagine this duo?! Nozel, our lovely tsun-tsun who is in need of a big, warm hug and therapy. (Like Nozel, sweetie, I know that there aren't many therapists around, but you need to talk to someone.)
I'm also thinking that since it's probable that there'll be the 2-2 divide between boy/girl spirits, because I kinda agree with you on Sal being a boy (I'm aware of Shrek 2, but unfortunately I have no answers, but I laughed *so hard* while reading that), if there'll be a divide between the Spirit forms that have wings. Because I can't see the Earth Spirit giving a flying Spirit Dive form.
I mean, what, everyone else, aka the rest 3 spirit owners can rise to the skies and then Nozel is left behind like a plucked chicken? (I'm so, so sorry for that comparison, but ain't no one leaving him behind! Nozel. Needs. To. Be. Included.) I don't think that's fair. So, it could very well be that the two else give a "grounded" Spirit form, and Bell and Undine give a flying form.
Aaaanyways... I do like your theory/thoughts on how Undine came to be. And I could very well see that to be canon.
I, honestly, have nothing further to add at this point. Because this is brilliant. I love this.
But Tabata please, give us a tiny bit more lore. Please? A pretty please
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sparda3g · 5 years
Black Clover Chapter 205 Review
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Nothing is more tragic end to a deep friendship than one friend killing another. No matter how many times you see the prologue of every anime episode, it’s hard to unseen the truth behind the disaster. This chapter unveils Lumiere’s point of view when challenging against the Demon God that was once known his best friend, Licht. While everyone is crying for help, Lumiere is crying to end the suffering. It’s a cruel world.
I stated in my last review that this scenario is no longer seen as a simple good versus evil. It’s now seen as a tragedy. It reached to the point Lumiere believed his purpose to be powerful was to end a Demon God. It’s as if his self-proclaimed reason no longer valid and fate put him here. Not to mention, the magical tools were used for destruction, not unification. Life sucks; he and Secre deserved better.
The chapter doesn’t show the battle, which is a bit of a shame, but it’s really not necessary. It does skip ahead to the point where Lumiere was slowly losing, badly wounded and all. Maybe it’s a way to hide his skills since we are due for one very soon. That and a way to hide the top level of magical duel. It’s like how in one series, they brought back a guy, who was said to be incredibly powerful, but hindered due to reasons. Basically, we won’t see it for a while and since the series will continue after this arc, it’s understandable to keep the fans excited.
A quick note on the Devil. I’m glad Tabata addressed the reason for it not chasing after Lumiere’s body. After all, he is extraordinarily powerful, so why not go after him. It’s the light magic that is so overwhelming, it won’t able to take control for so long. An elf or Licht was the perfect victim for despair. Despite failing, he enjoyed the tragic fate of friendship; what a douche.
Tabata does a really good on introducing Secre as her normal self. In other words, a really good first impression. The sight of Teita’s body is haunting; I’m not so sure if her eyes are open or not. I felt bad for Secre and she was once a troll bird. I thought she would stand by and cry, which it wouldn’t bother me; life was going well until now. Fortunately, she arrived to Lumiere to help to defeat the Demon God, proving negative comments toward her means absolutely nothing. She deserved a lot of credit for assisting Lumiere with the magic tool seal. It’s even better with the thought of his tool is used for the greater good, not always the mean for destruction.
The saddest part is the end of the Demon God. You look at the anime prologue before, it’s an incredible legend of a hero. Now, you look at the tragedy of two friends forcing to kill under a terrible circumstance. It’s worth noting that Lumiere was going to get killed while the Demon God reigned supreme, close to annihilate the kingdom. If it wasn’t for Secre with the tool to absorb tons of mana, Black Clover the series wouldn’t exist. I like this direction of hiding the true capabilities of high level combat; that is if it’s Tabata’s intention.
It’s now tragically sad to witness Lumiere to kill his best friend. It’s even sadder that Licht found a chance to hold back and told his best friend to end his madness. I don’t know if it was intentionally or not, but the markings on the Demon God’s face that looks like tears helped out the sad dramatic effect from Licht’s final words. It’s reinforced with Lumiere’s tears, killing him to end their misery. The pacing may be a bit too quick, but the effect still left me feeling bad.
As Secre didn’t leave a good enough impression, she was the sole reason to prevent the Devil from making Black Clover non-existent. She sealed him with Sealing Magic Eternal Prison with the boost of magic stones. For a magic that was supposedly to be useless, it’s very useful and impressive. That’s why every magic (for the most part) has its use and it’s great for Tabata to prove so. Now we just need to have the use of gravity to be useful.
The reason for her horns is pretty simple but understandable. She used the forbidden magic; eventually, turning her into the iconic bird. There may be more explanation down the road as she doesn’t understand why she transformed, so consider it more questions to ask. The Devil did escape before the seal completely shut it down. Otherwise, this arc wouldn’t happen the way it did. There’s one last nice moment with Secre and Lumiere, reassuring hope is on their side. Once again, she helped him out by sealing him; clearly, she’s MVP. I’m impressed how Tabata made her great so quickly in the span of two chapters; probably became best girl for many fans as we speak.
The last two pages are hype for it is time for the final battle. It was already hype enough with Asta, Yuno, and Patoli finally arriving to the top to confront the Devil, but then it add Lumiere and Secre as well. The last panel with Asta summed up the moment perfectly. I can’t wait for some fun reactions, especially once Asta learns about Nero.
This was a pretty good chapter with a solid cliffhanger to get the fans rolling. More questions were answered, but more questions were asked. There are also some old ones that weren’t answered, including why Asta has the Five-leaf Clover. For now, he is not related to any of the past figures, so his origin remains a mystery. The backstory was really good and Secre impressed me for a short amount of time. Noelle, watch your back. The pacing was a bit too quick, but it’s probably done on purpose to hide the true power and if I recall correctly, this is the last chapter of the volume. The artwork is so good, I regret not covering much, but there’s a lot of panels to appreciate. The final battle is here. Is it truly the end of the franchise or is phase 2 coming? We’re in the endgame now.
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rosegoldcas · 6 years
@yunoaccept tagged my main but I thought I’d put it on this blog! Thanks, Yuno! :)
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
Nickname: Cas (my real name is Cassidy, for anyone wondering! :) )
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: I haven’t measured in awhile but I think I’m around five foot four.
Last Movie I Saw: How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (and I cried for HOURS)
Although if you count non-theater movies, the last movie I saw was Moonlight.
Last Thing I Googled: “George Lopez Sharkboy And Lavagirl” (I was looking for a picture to troll my BF 😂)
Favorite Musician: Fall Out Boy
Songs Stuck In My Head: She’s American by The 1975 (I’m really starting to fall in love with their sound!!!!!)
Other Blogs: @atomicnightfury (my main/misc blog) @bishopsgeetrick (my Geetrick blog) and @paddysgaybar (my It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia blog)
Do I get asks?: I get plenty of asks, especially on this blog and @bishopsgeetrick ! Mostly from the same people, but ones I love so much!
Following: Not sure, I have to check again. (EDIT: I follow seventy nine people)
Amount Of Sleep: Not Enough.
Lucky Number: I HATE numbers but I’ve noticed that a lot of good things have happened to me on the nineteenth of the month so I guess nineteen.
What I’m Wearing: Blue t shirt and pink shorts with a fluffy white poncho over it.
Dream Job: Singer (preferably the lead singer of an alt rock band)!!!
Dream Trip: for so many years my dream trip was Chicago but I actually live here now so there’s one dream that came true 😁!!!!! So I guess the places I wanna visit next are places like London, Sydney, or Paris.
Favorite Food: My mom makes this delicious dish called Baked Mostaccioli which is kind of like a lasagna but with different pasta called Mosaccioli and a few switched ingredients and it’s to DIE FOR
In general, I guess any Italian food.
Play Any Instruments?: Vocals, a bit of guitar, and I’ve taught myself a bit of piano.
Languages: English and German (conversational German, I’m not totally fluent yet)
Random Fact: I’m very good at origami
Describe Yourself As Aesthetic Things: That tingle in your spine when music swivels from one earbud to the other, small tattoos, graphite smudge on your fingers, bikinis, staying out all night long, the sound of heels clicking on the sidewalk, giving an animal a hug, catching caterpillars in your backyard and releasing them when they turn into butterflies, earthy smells like dust and fresh dirt.
Tagging: @becausepuns @flippinunicornsm8 @sarcasticemo @person-without-a-life @betteroffaspetekey @patrickortreat @elenamatisstuff @geekyx @geetrick
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todokori-kun · 7 years
(Ugh, sorry for this late reply! OTL I’ve been busy and whenever I sat down to try and write this message it would be bedtime before I’d even gotten halfway through)
If we want him to be happy the best, most plausible and canon-compliant choice is Saiko…yet Ishida’s been ignoring her ever since she told Urie she loves him ;-; #IshidaY
Correction: Ishida (like Shuu and Uta) is a picky eater. He’ll only eat human flesh that’s been steadily stewing in misery for at least a year, and the bitterest, saltiest tears are all he ever drinks.
Ishida’s eating habits being similar to Uta’s makes sense though, since he actually said he gave Uta some of his hobbies lol
Just stop hurting us, please…Ishida needs to redeem himself with Hide’s return as quickly as possible. Either that or something bad needs to happen to Furuta (if Rize somehow breaks free and eats him I’m sure at least half of the fandom would realize that they can, in fact, be satisfied).
Hmm, I was fine with Re up until this arc. Touken feels forced, shippy fluff and Mutsuki drama is getting in the way of the ACTUAL plot (even with all his trolling skills, Ishida cannot convince me that sex scenes and love triangles/squares are more important than how the Q squad is dealing with their trauma from the last battle, what Juuzou, Urie and other investigators are going to do now that they suspect Furuta is lying, how the rest of Goat is doing, what Uta and the Clowns are up to, and Furuta finding a way to, oh, I don’t know, BRING BACK THE FREAKING DEAD). It’s like Ishida has a really interesting plot in there somewhere, but he’s buried it beneath the pointless, badly timed romance.
As for Mutsuki, I used to be a bit 'meh' about them (I used to like them, and then I didn’t mind their backstory/the treatment they got at Torso’s hands simply because I got spoiled and knew it was coming from the very beginning, plus the parellels with Kaneki had me thinking they’d get a similar interesting development) but I’m starting to become more and more indifferent towards them because they just feel really flat now- a basic murder-bot, a copy of characters like Yuno Gasai. Maybe I’d sympathize with them more if their love for Sasaki/Kaneki felt a bit more genuine, but as it is, it seems lacking. It feels like we’re viewing Mutsuki from an outsider’s POV; not much about their actual feelings or thought process about the entire situation, just a bunch of crazy, yandere moments with a few
That AU…make it canon, Ishida. (jk, but seriously). I’m one of those people who won’t complain no matter how much the creators pile on the angst as long as it’s plausible angst (I’m afraid I’m a bit of a masochist when it comes to fandoms…) but I like to think of my favorite characters being happy for once ;-;
 0/////0 TYSM ;-; You’re so supportive and sweet and just asdfj;lk (it’s not easy to reduce me to keyboard-smashing but I have a lot of feelings right now) <333 I’m still scared because there are two ways this could go (either I somehow get over my fear and do ok, which would probably be really good for the anxiety, or I just freeze the second I step onto the stage…which would probably make things worse) HOWEVER, for Queen Luna I shall do my best !!!! <33333 :D
But wait a sec…‘King’…
Plot Twist: I am the real One-eyed King
‘Urie & Tumblr(Evans): A short story’
-Urie pretends not know what tumblr is
-Only he totally does
-It’s an addictive hole of darkness
-And Luna spends way too much time on it for his liking
-Ok, so it’s not tumblr he’s worried about, really
-It’s this guy called Evans that Luna keeps talking to
-And no, he did not just assume this person’s gender, he (ACCIDENTALLY) saw one of Luna’s messages to them calling them a ‘king’
-She never calls HIM stuff like that there’s only that stupid nickname ‘Oreo Cookie’
-N O
-That’s for the common folk like Sasaki
-Look, he’s just worried about his s/o ok
-Then one day he brings it up
-'The 'King’ thing was an inside joke of sorts’
-'Evans is a heterosexual female’
-R.I.P Urie, who must now admit that he was indeed jealous
(super awkward crack that suddenly popped into my head
And aww, I’m really so glad you enjoy the HCs ^^)
Me + a person with Shuu’s personality would be pretty hilarious if we managed to get along well. Since at first sight, I appear like this really quite and polite person who’s way too nice for their own good (sort of like an even more introverted and awkward version of Kuroneki), but with people I’m really close with I suddenly turn into Haise with all of his cringe-worthy moments- plus a little bit of dry humor and sarcasm.
Haven’t got the chance to listen to all of those yet but what little I’ve heard sounds lovely! The first three and Soldier Game are my favorites, I think :)
Give it a few weeks and I’ll probably be joining you in Idol hell…
Loki’s hair is actually as long/maybe longer than Thor’s in later movies tho XD but I’m glad Thor’s getting some love! A lot of fans just characterize him as this big blonde idiot who has no clue what he’s doing, when in fact he’s grown quite a bit since the first Thor movie, where he was a reckless, hot-blooded, proud and arrogant person who really did have no clue what he was doing…sort of like musical-verse Hamilton minus his book smart nature and power of speech (isn’t that a terrifying thought?). Never knowing when to shut up and back down, which is coincidentally one of the things that damaged his relationship with Loki- who is his opposite in almost everything.
Without spoiling too much, let’s just say:
Thor is the extrovert, Loki is the introvert. Thor relies mostly on his raw physical power to get the job done (though he’s much more diplomatic now than he was in his first movie), Loki’s power lies in his words (he IS the god of lies after all) and his cunning. Thor can sometimes be a bit thick about the emotions of those around him, Loki reads people like open books and manipulates them like puppets on a string. No matter how much Thor grows up he’ll still have a bit of his old hot-tempered, non-stop personality, while Loki usually prefers to wait for it until he’s sure of the situation.
Unfortunately, Asgard (Thor and Loki’s 'home’- though Loki doesn’t consider Asgard his home anymore) values courageous warriors over quiet scholars and sorcerers like Loki. They praise honesty and boldness; Loki’s lies and illusions make them uneasy and they see him as a coward.
Despite being a prince, Loki has spent almost his whole life being identified as simply 'Thor’s brother’. People tolerate him because he’s a prince and Thor’s Brother, 'friends’ hang out with him because he’s Thor’s Brother, few openly show that they dislike him becuase he’s Thor’s Brother. Heck, when he lands on earth during the first Avengers movie, humans immediately identify him as none other than Thor’s Brother. He’s spent his entire life in Thor’s shadow.
It’s a very Burr-Hamilton relationship, and you can’t really blame Loki for wanting to be in the room where it happens.
(Also, the daddy issues.
I mean, look at what Odin and Laufey did
(SPOILERS for first Thor movie)
What Laufey (king of the frost giants) did:
1: Abandoned Loki because he was a 'runt’
2: Didn’t just abandon him; left him outside in the freezing cold in the middle of a freaking battlefield
What Odin did:
1: He rescued Loki when Laufey abandoned him because he felt sorry for the child…and also because he was planning use him as a pawn to someday make peace with the frost giants.
2: was planning to never, ever have a decent, reasonable 'you’re adopted, but you’re just as much my child as Thor is’ conversation with Loki
3: 'Yes, frost giants are terrible, bloodthirsty creatures, they are completely irredeemable’
4: some years later- 'Am I…? 'Yes, you are also a frost giant’
5: it’s heavily implied that he, like most others, always paid more attention to Thor than Loki
6: 'FATHER! I could have done it! For you…!’ 'No, Loki.’ *lets his adoptive son FALL INTO AN ABYSS IN SPACE. Like, he literally just stands there, watching Loki let go and fall to his death (well, not actually death, but that’s what it looks like)*
6: 'Both of you were born to be kings’
Later: 'All this because Loki desires a throne…YOUR BIRTHRIGHT WAS TO DIE! As a child, cast out on a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in, perhaps you would not be here now to hate me.’
I don’t hate Odin as much as the rest of the fandom seems to, and I do think he had reasons for doing what he did, but the fact still stands that he can be a massive hypocrite (tells Loki that he can’t try to take over the earth because they are no different from humans in the end, then tells Thor he shouldn’t date a human woman and calls her a 'goat’) and the things he did to Loki were just cruel.
Also, Thor, though he never wanted to hurt Loki, didn’t help. From what little we got to see in the Thor movies, it seems he also thought Loki was a bit weird for his quiet nature and interest in books and magic, usually refused to listen to anything he had to say, and just took his presence for granted most of the time so that he never realized how much Loki mattered to him until he lost him.)
Ok, so I’m trying to start the fic and I’m narrowing it down to Urie, Ken, and Shuu. I mean, the obvious choice is Urie since it seems like he’s one of your faves, but Heathers is a bit of a…graphic…story and while I’ve thrown in a bit of extra fluff IT WILL NOT BE A HAPPY FIC. So. Maybe you don’t want to see your favorite character hurt that way…
Also, because it’s HEATHERS, the story that’s set in a normal high school with absolutely no sci-fi or fantasy yet manages to be almost as dark as Black Butler, I guess I should put some warnings…
Slight yandere-ish behavior, murder, bullying, very vague mentions of self-harm and suicide (nobody actually does it or did it though), implied child abuse, sort-of-smut(scene cuts off right before anything smutty actually happens), and a ton of angst
(hint: it’s probably angstier than that thing I wrote about Viktor in a TG AU)
Is this ok with you?
Last note: Heathers and DEH both have a lot of dialogue to fill up the spaces between songs so you might want to either read the plots on wikipedia or talk with me every one or two songs so I can help explain what’s going on ^^
No worries ^^ I was a bit worried though, since I though you interpreted my ‘no new fandoms until the weekend!’ as ‘no messages until the weekend’
About the new chapter (127), has there been another time skip? Also, Shuu’s back! I’m sure you’re happy to see your hubby again (・ω<)☆ And I’m so proud of Naki ;-; My boy’s finally speaking properly.
#bringSaikoback  #becauseHe’sEvilThat’sY
Wait, she confessed her love? Man, I’ve forgotten a lot of things…
Yeah, that seems about right… What a gourmet.
Mask making, then? or eating eyeballs, that also wouldn’t be so weird. 
I want Hide to come back to life and become the next Jesus or something, saving absolutely everyone, because why not? I mean, he’s Hide after all.  Rize eating Furuta would be enough to get me to read the manga again (I already am, tho, at least somewhat. It’s your fault)
Maybe Ishida’s trying to redeem himself by giving us all the lovey-dovey stuff? It’s a shitty redemption attempt, but still…  and bringing back the dead certainly is an interesting way to advance the plot. hopefully it turns out to be a good one as well. hopefully.
i understand how/why mutsuki would fall for sasaki, but it was done in a very bad time and generally doesn’t fit with anything. id be a lot happier if they went murder crazy, but without the whole sasaki obsession. just let the guy be happy for fucks sake
You’re definitely a masochist. I mean, anyone who reads TGRe is (does that make me one as well…?). The AU is my pride and joy, the best idea I’ve ever had. I mean, just imagine it. Everyone being happy and enjoying life without suffering.
I’m sure you’ll do just fine ^^ I may not have anxiety but I do know the feeling of stage-fright. I mean, just a few weeks ago, I was at the japanese speaking contest and I still remember how badly I was shaking before, during and after my speech. I was so afraid I’d mess up… and I did! I did not understand any of the questions they asked me. Only later did I realise what they were trying to say, but in the moment, I was too scared to comprehend basically anything.  However, I got through it, no matter how scared I was. So I’m sure you’ll do just as well, if not better!
All hail King Evans, the One Eyed King! Now go stop the fighting between ghouls and humans, please.
Yeah, Evans is a bit of a boyish name. My first association with it before I met you was Soul Evans, from Soul Eater, a guy.  It’s also part of the reason why I was really afraid to write anything that might delude your gender, since lots of people get mad when people assume. 
Jealous Urie would be one of the most hilarious things ever. He’s to awkward to admit it, which means he also doesn’t do anything about it. How fun.
But you still haven’t answered my question… Who would you pick to be your significant other from the other fandoms we share, like Kuroshitsuji, AoT or YoI? Or even the Avengers universe ;)  You’re not avoiding it!
Honestly, Shuu is one of those people who get along with basically everyone, so I’m sure you’d get along with him. Besides, he’s empathetic, so he’d give everyone a chance to open up.
IDOL HELL! Join us... 
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Oh really? Well, I was planning on watching the first Avengers movie and the Thor movies today and tomorrow (and maybe during the next week), so I’ll definitely tell you my opinion, then ^^ But Thor has short hair in the new movie. I am definitely not satisfied =3=
The whole family has some huge issues, doesn’t it? (thor’s family)
I say Kaneki, because it’s not a happy fic and out of the three, I like him the least. 
Sure, I’m fine with basically everything at this point. TG has ruined me in the darkness of itself (i don’t know what im typing anymore, don’t question me, please)
Okay, I’ll make sure to ask you about anything I don’t understand when I start listening to it ^^
0 notes
j10kkuno · 3 years
Note: This is ALL RP. Harry, Blau, Ray__C, Buddha are all playing League together right now and laughing and all the RPers I watched told their chats it's really good RP. I cannot wait to see how this all continues and I love both Ray and Mickey.
So, basically. Ray and Mickey has always had this tension. Mickey likes pushing Ray's buttons and annoying him. He's gone too far before, and Ray has shot him before, minorly. Lang has warned Mickey to stop poking the bear. So there's backstory there. Mickey goes too far.
Today, I didn't watch clips of the earlier parts, but they set up a paleto for Egg the nerd to hack and Ray was on the phone in the trunk and Mickey hit a fire hydrant and shot at the car that held Mickey and other members of the family. Then he went off, and later demanded Mickey be taken off the job. The others refused, so they said Ray was off the job. Ray camped the laptop pickup spot and kidnapped Mickey.
He had a gun to Mickey's head and Mickey was still defying him/not turning around so he could rob him(Mickey said Ray was going to shoot him either way). So Ray shot him and ocean dumped him.
Ray thinks he was justified since he warned Mickey and Mickey still kept pushing. He talked to Harry and Bjorn about it. Harry told Ray Mickey was in the ICU and Ray was honestly disappointed Mickey lived. So he wants Mickey to perma(IC).
Harry and the nerds can't believe that Ray would go that far with family. Harry thinks they should've sat down and talked at the dinner table and worked it out. Bjorn couldn't believe that he ocean dumped Mickey-that that was a line you don't cross. They kept telling Ray they'd never trust him again and Ray didn't get it. He said he'd never threatened to shoot any of them, never warned them. Why wouldn't they trust him.
I 100% understand that this was the last straw for Ray. I get it. If he had shot Mickey and sent him to Grandma's, fine. I wouldn't have an opinion really. But ocean dumping and genuinely wanting to kill Mickey? That's crossing a line imo. There are very very few reasons that would be warranted between family members(Such as betrayal like Mickey leaving CG, killing a family member, if the person asks like Yuno asked CG so he didn't have to live with memories X didn't). I get in character Ray's point of view but it shows how... Fucked up Ray Romanov is. And it's SUCH good RP from Ray because IRL Blau is one of his best friends.
I cannot wait for tomorrow and for the rest of the boys to wake up and deal with this. I cannot see Tony standing for this because they were at Maldinis and he made a joke about Kitty and Goofy and Ray raised a gun to him and Tony went off on him about not shooting his boys. I can't see Lang being thrilled either-especially as most of the family(and even Jack and Marty!) hates him. Yuno is... Hard. He's a troll. But I would hope this would be too far for him. I can't see Ray being kicked out-Nor do I want that, I adore Ray, every 5/5 member- but they need to have some serious conversations. And at first-At first I think it needs to be the original heist crew. And then with Mickey.
RP has been so good these past few weeks.
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