#yushima seidō
justinewt · 5 days
Meet the Hayashi sisters - TOKYO GHOUL REWRITE OCs
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Do not use my character without my consent thanks <3
warning: any arts and pictures you’ll see are not mine (I found them on pinterest) and to portray my oc I took AI generated OC on Pinterest (CREDITS TO LILY/FREESIYA & V I R U S/HARSHXRYU), Junko and Rei are characters 100% created by me, Justine but the style of the bio has been inspired by the Tokyo Ghoul wiki and bios made by director Guillermo Del Toro <3
And PLEASE, you are all very beautiful as you are, DO NOT feel bad about my character’s body/weight/height/measurements or anything !! And you are all beautiful humans <3
words: 4.2k
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Hayashi Junko bio
LAST NAME : Hayashi
MEANING OF NAME: 淳子 means “pure child” and 林 means "grove" or "forest"
ALIASES: Her main alias is The Chimera, or キメラ (kimera). It is unrelated to the look of her mask which is just meant to be creepy and show her unstable character. It is entirely about her condition as a chimera ghoul, having multiple kagunes (Chimera Ghouls have a 0.1% occurence)
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Her second alias as a member of the Clowns is Three-face or 三つの顔 (San-tsu no kao), which some people thought echoed Uta's alias of No face but it's, again, all about showing her unstable character
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AGE: 16-17 (during flashbacks); 28-29 (Tokyo Ghoul; season 1 & 2); 31-33 (Tokyo Ghoul: RE; season 3 & 4); 38 (after the 6 years time jump)
GENDER: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: October 31, 1986 (28 BSBI)
HEIGHT: 172cm (5’7”)
OCCUPATION: High School student (formerly); unemployed
AFFILIATIONS: Uta’s gang (formerly); the Kyoto massacre (her real name isn’t affiliated to the serial murders and mass killing that ensued, her alias The Chimera is); HySy ArtMask Studio; Clowns
WARD: 20th Ward (formerly); 4th ward
RC TYPE: Rinkaku and Koukaku // kakuja
RATING: SS+ (Multiple Special Class Investigators are needed)
RELATIVES: Unnamed parents (mother deceased before the start of the first season); they are direct descendants of the founder of the Confucian scholars' branch of the Hayashi clan, Hayashi Razan (1583–1657), as they are the granddaughters of the 10th Daigaku no Kami, Hayashi Gakusai (1833–1906), formerly Hayashi Noboru, head of the temple Yushima Seidō in 1867.
FRIENDS: Itori; Renji Yomo
FAMILY HISTORY: The Hayashi are direct descendants of the founder of the Hayashi clan, Hayashi Razan, formerly known as Hayashi Nobukatsu, who also founded a clan school in the 1700s, which is nowadays a Confucian temple in Tokyo where the sisters’ parents often took them over the years. They raised their children in the Confucian philosophy, aiming to instil in them ancestor worship and ghoul-centered virtues for living a peaceful life. A phrase that they told the two girls often was “Do not do unto others what you would not want others to do unto you.”, which is the golden rule of Confucianism.
They are the great-great-great granddaughters of the 10th (and last) Daigaku no Kami, Hayashi Gakusai, formerly Hayashi Noboru, head of the temple Yushima Seidō in Tokyo in 1867. He died 80 years before Junko's birth and was the first to have a child with a ghoul, in 1860, unknowingly at first but with his Confucian philosophy, he eventually accepted her true nature as he loved her dearly. They set a trend in the family and their children married and had children with ghouls but hid their nature well and were very peaceful, so they never drew any unwanted attention to themselves. The Hayashi sister's father was first married to a human before meeting their mother and having them. He fell in love with a young human woman and tied the knot with her in 1955. She fell pregnant but the pregnancy killed her; she died basically eaten from the inside by her baby who didn't survive either and his wife and son died in 1957. He became greatly depressed after that, spending his days at the temple or at the graveyard until his good friend, whom he had gone to college with, the heir to the Tsukyama empire, Murimo Tsukiyama, offered him a job at his father's company.
He began working there in the early 60s and from then on, he didn't interact with human much and was often thought to be snobbish as he basically ignored and disregarded them. In 1978, he met a 23-year-old young woman, also a ghoul a she began working as a front desk attendant at the company he worked at. Despite being twice his age, the two grew closer and becama couple in the early 1980s, having their first child in 1986, a daughter, Junko. By then, he was a higher-up at the company and could provide for the family on his own so his wife decided to quit her job and become a stay-at-home mom. To her, her child was the most beautiful thing she could ever have in her life. That is why she named her “pure child”. The couple would often be invited over at the Tsukiyama manor for diner, and they presented their first child to them, a few months after she was born. As a child, Junko started displaying traits and behaviours that her parents for some reason overlooked. She never felt any guilt or remorse over eating human flesh and never thought it was strange to like the sight of blood. When she was 7 years old, her mother got pregnant again and gave birth to her younger sister, Riona and the arrival of this baby really forced their parents to admit to themselves that something was wrong with their eldest daughter. She wasn’t the pure baby they thought they had. Junko had a strong dislike for her sister from the start. She thought she looked weak, and viewed her as an enemy from the start.
As a child, Riona looked up to her sister and idolized her, worshipping the ground she walked on and following her around which annoyed Junko but her sister kept coming back even when she pushed her away and she realized she could do whatever she wanted with her so she made her do things for her, treating like a pet rather than her little sister. She was often told by her parents to be nicer to her sister but she was pretty convincing and always managed to get them on her side. When Riona was 6 and Junko 13, she pushed her sister down a flight of stairs and because they're ghouls, they heal quickly so she would do it multiple times a week, leaving enough times for her to heal before their parents saw it and doing it again. When she was 15 and Riona 8, one of Junko's classmates, whose younger brother was Riona's classmates, bullied Riona. Junko didn't take kindly to her toy being used by someone else so she got into a fight with the boy, breaking his nose and biting off his earlobe with her teeth. He was sent to the hospital. The Tsukiyama helped sweeping the whole thing under the rug and the boy was expelled while Junko was pulled out of school by her parents and began being homeschooled by her mother. One evening that same year, she hunted down the boy and stalked him and cornered him in an alleyway where she tear off his tongue so he couldn't scream and began torturing him, eating him alive and disemboweling him.
Around the same time she began hearing about things happening in the 4th ward and thought it sounded pretty cool and entertaining. There was a ruthless gang that basically ruled the area. She wanted to know about it and see it for herself so she tried to find a way to get their attention. She was from the 20th ward and no one had ever heard of her there so the moment she stepped there and began hunting there, she stuck out like a sore thumb and became a target of the gang since it was their hunting grounds. That's also when she was first called the Chimera as no one ever told her it was strange for a ghoul to have two kagunes. Until then she had no idea. The rumour of a "chimera" ghoul hunting in the 4th ward spread quickly because she would attack other ghouls but leave them alive so it could get to the gang members and leader. After the second attack, she also began cannibilizing the ghouls she attacked, eating flesh from their thighs, arms and bellies. It tasted gross compared to human meat but it was fun to her and she kept doing it. By the time Uta finally caught up with her - it took a few weeks because during the day she was in the 20th ward and no one knew so at first he thought people were fucking with him and he murdered those telling him there was a chimera ghoul and he shut them up saying it didn't exist and he thought it must have a lone ghoul attacking people and ghouls at night -, she had attacked and cannibalized half a dozen ghouls and almost ate and killed twice as many humans.
They faced off one day and showed to be of equal strength until she showed her two kagunes which shocked the gang members and only further picked Uta's curiosity. No one had ever seen a chimera ghoul. There she met Yomo, who was the one to step in and put an end to the fight when it was clear neither Junko nor Uta was going to prevail and he talked Uta into allowing Junko to join the gang. She became a member that night and didn't go back home which got her parents incredibly worried. Her mother was worried for her eldest daughter's safety while her father was more worried for the humans, and other ghouls, of wherever she had ran off to. Riona was only 9 and didn't really know what was going on. Their father spoke with the Tsukiyama patriarch, and his old friend, Mirumo and they sent men working for their organization to look for Junko. The orders were clear: look for her, find her whereabouts but DO NOT engage. She was young but they knew she was ruthless and a chimera which already made her a threat, even to older ghouls.
A week later, it was brought to Mirumo's attention that a chimera ghoul was wrecking havoc with the 4th ward gang. He asked them to confirm if it was Junko and they did; it was her, and from what they were told, she was close to the gang's leader and right arm. Her mother desperately wanted her daughter back and asked her husband to find a way to bring her home but Mirumo and him decided against it and left her to her own device, thinking that, eventually, she would be caught by the CCG and they would put an end to the threat she was but less than a year later, as Junko turned 17, her mother ventured in the 4th ward. By then, the CCG was actively searching for the ghoul they had nicknamed "the Chimera", alrealy labelled a SS+ ghoul, having no idea it was a teenager who. They knew of her cannibal tendencies and speculated she must have a kakuja as well though there was yet to be a report of her using it in combat. By then, her Rc cells level was SO high that her kakugan couldn't be turned off anymore.
Her mother was brought to Uta and Junko one night after letting herself be captured and she pleaded with her daughter. The latter turned a deaf ear to her mother's words and began attacking her, activating her kakuja at some point, shocking her mother. She destroyed her body to the point her mother had to crawl on the ground to move. She also crushed her spine, completely losing it. That evening, her father noticed his wife's absence and instantly knew where she must have gone off to. He went there with a few other men and found Junko's murdering her own mother. She didn't listen to him as he tried to talk to her, her kakuja having already gotten to her too badly and she murdered, on her own, her father and his detail. When CCG agents showed up, the gang members either managed to flee or were killed. Yomo and Uta watched the fight from a rooftop because Uta refused to leave and if he couldn't fight he was gonna watch. Junko's face was already kind of covered by her kakuja and the fight lasted half an hour but she killed the special agents and fought until exhaustion where she just collapsed to the ground and was picked up by Yomo. The fight and use of the kakuja had taken a toll on her body and mind and it took a while for her to recover.
The gang lied low for the next year or so. Riona was 10 when the massacre of the 4th ward happened and was taken in by the Tsukiyama and raised alongside Shuu and his cousin. Meanwhile Uta and Junko got into a relationship. She controlled her kakuja better too but at Yomo's advice, rarely used it, almost never really. By the time the trio entered their early 20s, the gang was no more and they kind of settled down. By the time they were in their mid 20s, Uta now had his mask shop, Yomo began working and helping the Anteiku and their friend Itori had her bar. Junko lived a carefree life, staying home, sometimes being a special guest at the Ghouls' restaurant. She was almost royalty among the Ghouls for the rarity of her condition, a chimera ghoul who also had a kakuja, but she was also greatly feared and people treaded lightly around her and being Uta's muse. She also struck a deal with the Anteiku, promising not to cause another massacre in any other ward and they thought she realy held up her end of the deal but really she was a member of the Clowns with Uta.
PERSONALITY : Like her sister and Uta, she has a very nice way of speaking and seems friendly when you meet her but the smile on her face quickly becomes creepy. She is very manipulative and a great liar and doesn't show remorse. She used to abuse her sister when the latter was a child, manipulating and gaslighting her. She lacks empathy and doesn't care about anyone but herself and is unfazed by most things. As a teenager, she was savage and sadistic and liked to see other ghouls fight each other - the fights were always very violent - and she showed to be brutal and ruthless, torturing someone for the first time when she was just 14, before eating him alive. It was fun to her.
Like Uta, she is quite hedonistic and sadistic in nature, which is probably why they got along so well and grew closer quickly, feeding off each other's inner chaos. Despite all this, she can show concern for others, though you gotta take it with a grain of salt. She shows genuine concern for Uta, for example when he fights Yomo. She had fun watching the fight but was very worried about him at the end as Yomo carries him on his back. She also sometimes shows concern for her sister, which does not erase the fact she abused her, but for example, the first human she ever tortured and ate was a boy that bullied Riona in junior high school and there are times when she fought with other ghouls, Junko would watch, until she was no longer entertained which happened when her sister got hurt. She would instantly step in and brutally kill the other ghoul.
Her relationship with Uta was ironically the least toxic of all the relationships she ever had - though being the only romantic one - because Uta and Junko see themselves as equal and never abused each other but their relationship was quite peculiar but it worked for them. Uta had a sort of eye fetish so when she played with her victims and then killed the, she would pluck their eyes out with her own fingers and bring them to Uta. She sometimes bit his lip when they kissed, just to taste his blood and they also sometimes bit flesh off each other, basically eating each other which aroused them.
Unlike Uta, she didn't develop this personality because of traumas or hardships she might have gone through in her childhood or things she witnessed, because her family was rather well off, though not wealthy like the Tsukiyama. She was just born like that and it got worse when her sister was born which seemed to be the trigger for her violent and abusive tendencies. She actually suffers - it doesn't really feel like suffering to her - from antisocial personality disorder. Because of the disorder, and the fact she remains undefeated among ghouls, she never learns from negative experiences and remains the same. Only after Uta kind of changes his views of the world does she question her behavior. She agrees to let others support her and though the lack of actual empathy remains, she manages her condition better and improved her behavior and her relationship with Riona and she reduced the harm she put her through.
APPEARANCE : Junko is a beautiful woman to the point it is almost creepy and the smile that always stretches her lips is just as scary and intimidating. In Tokyo Ghoul, she has mid-back lenght hair. In RE, and the time skip, her hairstyle has changed, adding bangs similar to that her sister had in S1 & 2 (her sister actually started letting her bangs grow out when Junko got hers) and her hair now reached the very bottom of her back. She also has tattoos all over her body, like Uta (see post time skip pic, she got them in her mid 20s)
Junko always dresses in black and her regular clothes are a turtleneck, with long sleeves, black pants and she always goes out with sunglasses to hide her eyes because her kakugan is constantly on (Because of her chimera nature, her RC level was naturally higher when she was born but her inability to turn it off came about when she started actively cannibalizing and stopped eating humans altogether - funfact: Uta greatly enjoyed/enjoys watching her fight and eat other ghouls). At home she always wears a black, kimono-like robe, with of course nothing underneath. It goes on to show how provocative she wants to be in private, because she is also dressed like that when people run into her when coming to see Uta. It amuses her to see them being embarrassed and awkwardly try to keep looking at her face. And, really, she couldn't be bothered to get dressed for any other reason than having to go outside.
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Hayashi Riona bio
LAST NAME : Hayashi
MEANING OF NAME: 凛 means "dignity, majesty, awe-inspiring" and 桜 means “cherry blossom”
ALIAS: The doll (it's the only mask on which Uta didn't work alone, he made it, sculpted/painted the flowers but Junko painted the "makeup")
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AGE: 16 (flashback//Tokyo Ghoul Days); 21-22 (Tokyo Ghoul; season 1 & 2); 23-24 (Tokyo Ghoul: RE; season 3 & 4); 31 (after the 6 years time jump)
GENDER: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: May 4th, 1993 (21 BSBI)
HEIGHT: 168cm
OCCUPATION: College student (formerly); Violonist; Peacekeeper
AFFILIATIONS: Tsukiyama family; Anteiku; Ghoul Restaurant (defected); Kaneki's group (formerly); Goat (formerly); United front; TSC
WARD: 4th ward (formerly); 21st Ward; 20th Ward (temporarely)
RC TYPE: Koukaku
RATING: S- (Equivalent to the ability of an average Associate Special Class Investigator)
RELATIVES: Unnamed parents (mother deceased before the start of the first season); Mirumo Tsukiyama (father-in-law)
FRIENDS: Ken Kaneki; Renji Yomo; Kanae Von Rosewald, the Anteiku crew
LOVER: Shuu Tsukiyama (to whom she's actually engaged in Tokyo Ghoul, gets married the year before RE, gets pregnant by the 4th season and gives birth to their son in the first year of the time skip, their son is already 6 after it, when he was around 4, they welcomed their second child, another son. // unlike them, Junko has no desire of ever having children and neither does Uta)
PERSONALITY : The Confucian philosophy greatly influences Riona's character. She comes off as a gentle and friendly young woman. She always has a sweet smile stretching her lips, and seems efortlessly elegant. She's also actually nice, caring and trustworthy and even though she is Shuu's fiancé, and Junko's sister, she's not manipulative and deceiving at all but that doesn't mean she's an open book either. People she interacts with and befriends always feel like they know her and easily see through her when they really don't. She's stronger than she lets on, though still weaker than the likes of Junko or Uta, for example.
She's also very selfless and puts Shuu's needs before hers. The latter had poor control over his emotions, with intense outbursts or "meltdowns" and she was always the one who had to deal with him. She showed great patience in those moments. He would always then gets to his knees and cry, his arms around her waist. She wouldn't react to him until he stopped and would just stand there.
In the early days of Tokyo Ghoul, she was pretty much like this already though she was less confident but again, she never showed it. During her adolescence, she was more self-conscious because she wasn't sure that the feelings she had for Shuu were reciprocate and she also felt unworthy of him reciprocating her feelings because she felt inferior to him because though she lived in the Tuskiyama's manor, she didn't feel like Shuu's equal. His father had only become her guardian since she became an orphan after her parents' murder and despite the ancient history of her family, the wealth they might have had had been watered down through the generations.
At the time, Shuu had trouble understanding other people's emotions - he viewed their only human friend, Chie Hori, as a pet - but he did care about Riona as she was one of the only people he valued. Knowing this made her feel better and realize he had actually always viewed her as a friend and equal. They even began dating when they were around 16 and Shuu's intetions were very clear from the beginning. He intended to marry her and after telling his father of their relationship, Mirumo Tuskiyama betrothed the two teenagers. They married when they turned 18 and began going to college.
Since that time, he wasn't well-liked by their classmates and other ghouls for his kind of haughty behavior and on the contrary, Riona was very well-liked by both classmates and professor and people really wanted to be her friend but she rarely hung out with anyone other than Shuu and Hori.
Regarding her sister, Riona has become quite scared of Junko. When she was younger, she idolized her and basically worshiped the ground she walked on despite the fact that throughout her childhood, she was abused both physically and mentally by Junko but she kept coming back to her. This toxic relationship "stopped" when Junko was forced to leave Tokyo. Riona was 12 or 13 at the time. Even as an adult, Riona is still fearful of Junko and she hides behind the power that's carried by the Tsukiyama name. Maybe the treatment she suffered at her sister's hand is the main reason for her overly selfless and nice personality as an adult. When Junko came back to Tokyo, and let her sister know, Riona became quite paranoid, never feeling at ease - she was right to be on her guards because Junko spent most of her days stalking her when Riona was still in college. It was so much that sometimes, at the end of the day, she broke down in tears, comforted by Shuu, telling her he and his family would keep her safe.
APPEARANCE : Rei is a really pretty young woman, just slightly shorter than her older sister. Her kakugan isn't always on, unlike Junko, and her eyes are grey. She has long black hair and until the end of Tokyo Ghoul season 2, she also has blunt bangs which by the end of it turn into curtain bangs as she bleaches one side of her hair, giving this dual black and white look. During the year before Tokyo Ghoul: RE, her sister cuts similar bangs so Rei ditches hers and let them grow out, regularly bleaching her roots to. She sticks to that look until the 6-year long time skip where she stops bleaching her hair after doing it for four years as it's damaging it and she was pregnant by the end of RE so she stopped. She goes back to plain black hair and most often wears them in a low bun.
Regarding her clothes, in Tokyo Ghoul, her regular outfit consists of a black mao neck jacket with gold buttons and black dress pants, she also sometimes wears a black yukata with flowers or a form fitting black dress when going to the Ghoul restaurant. By the end of Tokyo Ghoul and throughout Tokyo Ghoul: RE, her style seems less elegant. She wears a black zipped hoodie with white kanji on the left sleeve. After the time skip and becoming a mother, she starts wearing blouse dresses.
After the timeskip, she's just 31, while her sister is pushing 40 but when the two are around each other, people mistake the sisters for twins though they are 7 years apart, as they look like they're the same age which is because Rei does not cannibalize other ghouls unlike her sister, who has managed to look almost 10 years younger after exclusively and regularly eating ghouls since her late teens.
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mizunokisu · 6 years
湯島聖堂、文京区、東京、日本 — Yushima Seidō, Bunkyōku, Tōkyō, Japan by Tiphaine Rolland Via Flickr: 2018.03.17
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boschintegral-photo · 4 years
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Yushima Seidō (湯島聖堂) Tokyo, Japan
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yamada50 · 6 years
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今日湯島聖堂に伺ったら馬がいる、、、 と思ったら神田明神の神馬あかりちゃん! よくお散歩に見えられるそうです。 2年前脱走して道路を疾走するあかりちゃんが話題になりましたよね😅 #湯島聖堂 #神田明神 #あかりちゃん #神馬 #神社巡拝家 (Yushima Seidō) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo6Fc7mHj9t/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bm7ffpas111e
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muratagawa · 3 years
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Yushima Seidō, Tokyo, January 2022
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worldvmdblog-blog · 7 years
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湯島堂🇯🇵Yushima Seido used to be a school in the edo period🎓 #tokyi#sightseeing #edo#edoperiod #tokugawa #mensstyle #lifstyle #trip#architecturephotography #archtecture #culture#phitography (Yushima Seidō)
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thoxt · 8 years
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獸。(在 Yushima Seidō)
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ymmtknt · 8 years
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#landscape #history #blue #sky #tokyo #japan (Yushima Seidō)
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takehikogata · 7 years
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#孔子像 #湯島聖堂 #御茶ノ水 (Yushima Seidō)
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naokiing · 6 years
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juta-nagata-blog · 7 years
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パワーアップリカ (Yushima Seidō)
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mizunokisu · 6 years
湯島聖堂、文京区、東京、日本 — Yushima Seidō, Bunkyōku, Tōkyō, Japan by Tiphaine Rolland Via Flickr: 2018.03.17
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boschintegral-photo · 4 years
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Yushima Seidō (湯島聖堂) Tokyo, Japan
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originalcatbeard · 7 years
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Prayer boards are showing they got their successes in entrance examinations or graduation exams. And me too! (Yushima Seidō)
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Day 4: Today we ventured ALL OVER Tokyo (12 miles of walking total) visiting Shinto shrines, the video game/ anime district, Harajuku and Shinjuku/Red Light district. We're exhausted and our feet hurt but we learned so much. I can't wait to share in our upcoming blog post coming soon! #travelblogger #travelgram #instatravel #wanderlust #backpacker #backpacking #travel #hike #explore #optoutside #getoutside #nature #destinationearth #explore #activetravel #womenwhoexplore #beautifuldestinations #glt #gltlove #girlslovetravel #japanawaits #Tokyo #japan (at Yushima Seidō)
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ingoodpoptaste · 7 years
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Yushima Seidō. #yushimaseido #bunkyo #tokyo #japan #temple #shrine #confucius #edo #history (at Yushima Seidō)
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