#yuto blurbs
sadienita · 1 year
Extras Masterlist
I no longer write for or take requests for these groups.
One Shots
2k Song Blurb Masterlist
BTS Married Life Drabbles Day to day life married to BTS
House Hunters (Seokjin) Sunny Side Up (Yoongi) Have You Met My Wife? (Hoseok) Babysitting Duty (Namjoon) A Dog Is A Practice Baby (Jimin) DIY (Taehyung) Grocery Day (Jeongguk)
Song Drabbles BTS Fluff
Stay Stay Stay (Seokjin) You Got Me (Yoongi) If I Could Fly (Hoseok) Moonlight in Atlanta (Namjoon) Animal (Jimin) Absolutely Smitten (Taehyung) YOUTH (Jeongguk)
The Four Seasons Season themed drabbles
Let It Snow (Namjoon)
Deck the Halls (Hoseok)
Sleigh Ride (Yoongi)
April Showers (Jimin)
To Market, To Market (Seokjin)
How To Beat The Heat (Jeongguk)
Apple Crumble (Taehyung)
Miscellaneous One Shots Should Have Deleted That (Hoseok)
BTS Babies Seokjin / Yoongi / Hoseok / Namjoon / Jimin / Taehyung / Jeongguk
Boyfriend BTS Seokjin / Yoongi / Hoseok / Namjoon / Jimin / Taehyung / Jeongguk
BTS Cuddles Seokjin / Yoongi / Hoseok / Namjoon / Jimin / Taehyung / Jeongguk
GOT7 Cuddles Mark / Jaebum / Jackson / Jinyoung / Youngjae / Bambam / Yugyeom
Mamamoo Cuddles Yongsun / Byulyi / Wheein / Hyejin
Pentagon Cuddles Jinho / Hoetaek / Hongseok / Shinwon / Changgu / Yanan / Yuto / Hyunggu / Wooseok
Twice Cuddles Nayeon / Jeongyeon / Momo / Sana / Jihyo / Mina / Dahyun / Chaeyoung / Tzuyu
BTS on a Road Trip
My Friends as an Idol Group
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year
So, the new structure of the main sets seems:
**Cover theme.
**Secondary animé legacy theme (major, different series from cover)
**Secondary animé legacy theme (minor, same series as the major one)
**Tertiary animé legacy theme (different series from both)
This is a very ARC-V-ish set structure, but I guess it would make sense to have this for the Ilusionist Type. This basically means most of the generic cards from now on will be Extra Deck ones/Rituals rather than Main Deck ones (like in ARC-V). One difference seems to be that we are no longer getting two concurrent storyline themes, like how Zefra War happened alongside Dracoverlord/Dracoslayer storyline. But concurrent storylines weren’t a thing in VRAINS era, so w/e.
We are still getting a new storyline theme anyway, since Visas Starfrost storyline seems to have concluded, and we need new archetypes for the new type, so eh...
Next V-Jump promo’s blurb confirms there is going to be a Dandylion retrain of sorts in Age of Overlord, even though the next V-Jump promo itself is a Dandylion retrain. Amazing.
This probably means Judai is going to be the major secondary animé legacy theme of Age of Overlord, which further means Japanese fandom is likely going to be wrong, and I’m going to be right this time around, ie. this set will be Yuya/Yuto, and not Z-ARC. But we’ll see. They called Alit correctly, so my score is very low anyway.
I don’t what can be the tertiary animé legacy theme for Age of Overlord. I want it to be Droite, but it is likely going to be one of the Barians, possibly Mizael, to match with the upcoming Chaos Dragon support in Dragonic Legion R.
Emma’s presence here likely means she is going to be the next VRAINS character for Duel Links, but that will probably be relevant in June earliest.
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ppaltagon · 4 years
“You were so cute,” Yuto giggled, melting at the sight of your baby pictures. He looked so happy while looking through them that you almost forgot about the burning embarrassment you were feeling. Almost.
“Stop looking at these,” you sighed, trying to snatch the photo album from his grasp but he held it out of your reach.
“No way, I have to see every picture of the most adorable baby in the universe.” With that, he gave you a quick kiss to emphasize his point and tongue-tied, you let him continue. Saying no to him was not something you were good at.
[blurb game]
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jisungmark · 5 years
Rough morning sex with pentagon yuto please!
you knew it was gonna be a rough morning when you woke up to him littering kisses along your inner thighs,, your lower half having a mind of its own as your hips bucked into the air. he’d be eating you out like it was your last time together. there’d be spit dribbling down his chin and from your hole. he wouldn’t spend too much time eating you out, just getting you stretched and wet enough for him. he’d take you from the back so he can watch your ass bounce back. he’d have your head flat against the bed with your back arched just right for him to hit certain spots. his thrusts would be powerful and precise, never missing a beat. he loved it when you reached your hand back so he could lace his fingers with yours. he’d be whispering dirty praises to you as your hole swallowed every inch of you. i bet his voice would drop a few octaves whenever he was so far gone in bed. plus his sleepy morning voice?? when he noticed you were having trouble keeping your waist in the air, he’d let you sink down fully on the bed. he’d hold himself up on his fists as he continued to pound you. he would absolutely lose it when you moaned out his name in broken sobs. you’d be trying to move your hips back to meet his thrusts and he’d applaud you for trying but would never force it. he’d ask you to hold off with letting go until he was close. when he gave you the green light, you’d cum together. your arousals dripping onto the bed. he’d continued to thrust into you until you both reached oversensitivity. you’d take a few moments to collect yourselves as he kissed behind your ear and neck. he’d pull out of you and lay next to you before whispering good morning,,
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soft4pentagon · 5 years
Yuto planning a vacation to Japan for the two of you so he can take you to his hometown and to all of his favorite places.
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virgoterritory · 3 years
My back is so sore from work, but I wouldn't mind Adachi Yuto breakin it even more rn
this is an 18+ blog so please do not interact if you are a minor
King of foreplay! I just know he would have you in tears from sheer need and he’d love it! He’d be above you, face so close to yours as he fucks you with his fingers and watches as your eyes well up with tears as you beg him for the third time to let you cum, he’d be chuckling as he pulls his digits out of you and puts them in his mouth, humming to himself as the taste of you hits his tongue before telling you to get on all fours. He’d kneel behind you and lick a stripe up your pussy just to watch you shudder before lining himself up to your entrance. you’d be arching and moaning out his name before he even starts to push himself into you and he’d be laughing softly asking if his princess was that needy. The pace would be slow to start with, just to continue teasing you, he’d be spreading your ass checks to watch you swallow his cock and it would turn him on so much that he’d start fucking you deeper and faster, so much so that you’d be gripping onto the sheets underneath you and smushing your face into the pillow in front of you. He’d be grunting so much as he grabbed your hips to steady you and watched your ass bounce back onto him, he’d snake his hand around to rub sloppy circles on your clit and you’d be biting your lip as you clenched around him. You’d feel him drape himself over your back to bite on your shoulder before telling you to cum all over his cock like a good girl
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minheeology · 3 years
onf reaction ➵ s/o kisses them in front of the members
pairing : onf x gn!reader
requested? : yes!
he’s simple! i don’t think he would mind very much, honestly. he would brush it off as a casual thing, and maybe even lean in for another kiss.
seungjun (j-us)
similar to hyojin, he doesn’t mind. it’s a normal thing for couples to do, right? so why should it matter if his s/o kissed him in front of his groupmates?
changyoon (e-tion)
so dramatic, but loves it nevertheless. when you kiss him, he’ll give some kind of reaction like “woah, there, babe! what was that for?” but it’s all in good fun as he will give you another small kiss right after.
jaeyoung (wyatt)
he loves when you do this. it’s nice knowing that you aren’t shy in front of the members or ashamed of your relationship. 
minkyun (mk)
so giggly. it’ll be like he forgot the other members were in the room with you two. he will kiss you again, and if any member has anything to say to you two, he’ll make some cheeky comment about the others being jealous or something.
yuto (u)
so shy. he was caught a little off guard, and if the other members start teasing him, his cheeks will turn bright pink! however, as the youngest member, this would give him a boost of confidence as his hyungs might see him as more grown up.
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daybreakx · 4 years
secret santa
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❅ pentagon yuto x neutral reader, school au, exes au.
❅ warnings: none
❅ wc: 1.14k
❅ masterlist
❅ a/n: had to repost this because tumblr is a joke:) 💖
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“Secret Santa is bullshit, why would you make me do it?” Yuto complained yet again, rubbing the sides of his head. He hadn’t dropped the dirty look on his face since Wooseok mentioned the Secret Santa he’d planned for the class.
“Because everyone else is doing it, too.” Wooseok sighed, “Apparently, we need to be closer as a class, and it’s Christmas… plus, you get a gift.”
“Who said that?” Yuto whined, “I like about half of those people, I don’t need to be close to them.”
Wooseok stared at his friend blankly, “Just grab a damn paper, Yuto.”
With a groan, Yuto sank his hand on the Santa hat Wooseok was holding. Touching all the paper pieces before finally grabbing one between two fingers. “Wait, let me change it!” 
“No,” Wooseok closed the hat, keeping it away from Yuto. “You can’t do that, who did you get, though?”
“y/n,” Yuto crumpled the paper in his fist, more annoyed than before. 
“Well, at least you’ll know what to get them. You know them well,” Wooseok patted his friend’s back in a consoling gesture, feeling a little more sorry for him.
Yuto knew you more than ‘well’, he was your ex-boyfriend after all. It only meant this Secret Santa thing had only turned worse than before. You hadn’t talked to each other since the break up, even if you were in the same classes and often encountered each other around campus. Many people would conclude it had been an ugly breakup, but in all honesty, it hadn’t. 
The ugly part was how you became strangers after.
Yuto was haunted by the thoughts of what to get you. He didn’t want to get too personal, which is why he discarded basically every idea of what he knew you’d love. But he still didn’t want to get anything you wouldn’t like because he was aware of how pissed you would get about it. 
It was a nightmare, and all thanks to Wooseok.
“What do you mean you don’t know what to get them?” Wooseok hissed, taking a deep breath so as not to smack Yuto in the head. “You know everything about them, their favorite music, shows and I don't know how many things else.”
“And what am I supposed to do, huh?” Yuto whined, “I don’t want to get something that seems too personal.”
“You are being ridiculous,” Wooseok put his hands inside the pockets of his coat, glaring at his friend once again. “It’s not like they’re gonna think you want them back.”
Yuto looked away and remained silent, hiding his mouth under the hem of his scarf. 
“Oh my god, you want them back?” 
Yuto chuckled anxiously, “Of course not,”
It was a blatant lie, of course. He had thought about it a lot through the months that followed your breakup. Although at first he tried to convince himself that being separated was for the best, he missed you a lot more than he thought he would. 
It wasn’t even in the sense of being a couple, but you two were also very good friends before things fell apart. He missed walking to class with you, getting a coffee together or simply seating in comfortable silence in the library as each minded their own business. He missed you, a lot.
“Well,” Wooseok continued, hitting Yuto’s shoulder with his own. “It’s all up to you, anyway.”
“You all have to stay after class,” Wooseok grumbled as he entered the classroom, his eyes darting from student to student as they chatted and shook their poorly wrapped gifts. “Don’t forget it’s secret Santa day.”
He only got a few ‘yeah’s’ before everyone turned their heads to ignore him again, although the buzz for the Secret Santa project remained.
 “You look like you’re about to throw up,” Hyunggu laughed, leaning against the outside wall of the classroom. 
“ha,ha,” Yuto mocked, wiping his sweaty hands on his jeans. He really wished he wasn’t that nervous, or that he didn’t show it as much. 
Hyunggu looked at Wooseok, questioning what was wrong with their friend, but Wooseok shook his head. Yuto had made him promise he wouldn’t tell anyone about the Secret Santa Issue, as he started to call it. 
“Your turn,” Hyunggu pushed him inside the classroom, “Can we speed this up, people? There’s still a couple finals and I would love to go and pretend I’m studying for them.”
There was a gift on his table already when Yuto entered the classroom again, but he paid no mind as he looked for your seat. His gift was inside a small envelope with ‘Merry Christmas!’ in bright red and a tiny ribbon sticker to close it. He left it there carefully, and ran back out.
Everyone buzzed with excitement again as they picked their gifts and showed them to those around, already trying to guess who had been the one to leave it for them. Yuto looked at you from the corner of his eye, opening the bag that contained his present: a red scarf with the pricetag still hanging from the hem. Still, he made himself busy wrapping it around his neck.
You tapped his shoulder gently a few seconds later, holding his gift on your left hand behind your back. 
“Oh, hi y/n,” Yuto cleared his throat, “How are you doing?”
“Very well, thank you,” you smiled at him, not surprised he was still trying to play dumb. 
“That’s awesome,” Yuto continued, his eyes searched for Wooseok or Hyunggu, but they were nowhere to be seen. And deep down, he thought it was time to stop acting so childish. 
“I know you’re my Secret Santa, Yuto,” you showed him the envelope, the two paper bracelets that were inside visible from the edge. “And I just wanted to say thank you.”
Yuto finally smiled back at you, his tense shoulders resting little by little. “I’m glad you liked it. You always want to go skating on Christmas Day but the rink is always so full…”
“Thank you so much!” you giggled, “You were the only one who could know that, so I really appreciate it.”
“Anytime,” he nodded, throwing the end of the scarf over his shoulder. He honestly had no interest in finding out who’d given it to him, especially when this was the first time in a very long time that he was holding an actual conversation with you.
“Skating isn’t fun when you’re alone,” you hummed, reaching out to him and fixing the folds of the scarf neatly. “Would you like to join me?”
Yuto stared at your hands and finally let his gaze meet yours. Secret Santa was stupid, but at least it had opened a door that he thought would remain closed forever. 
“I’d like that, sure.” he replied, with a smile that made your heart flutter like many times before.
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apileofkpop · 4 years
07:51 PM It’s right before their stage starts and you can see Yuto shaking from where you’re standing. His eyes finds yours and you flash him a sweet smile. It’s your own litttle way of saying ‘good luck’ without drawing attention to you.
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soonyorita · 4 years
pentagon outfit references | yuto
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ok but that 1st and 5th outfit tho????? imagine yuto wearing those aaahHHHhHh also yuto's smile lights up my world KSKSK
jinho | hui | hongseok | shinwon | yeo one | yanan | yuto | kino | wooseok
(pics are not mine! i got all of these from pinterest. credits to the rightful owners!)
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noris-nebula · 5 years
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[9:34 am]
“Shh you’ll get us caught!” Woo said to Y/n, lifting her into her bedroom window.
“Ow! Shit!” whisper-yelled Y/n when he dropped his girl on her ass. Both of the slap-happy teens fell to the ground, laughing.
“it is...” said Y/n, grabbing for her phone
“3 fucking 40 am, babe.” chuckled out Wooseok
Jung Wooseok
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universeyuto · 4 years
please look at me | yuki
Hyunggu sighed and laid his head against his friend’s shoulder.
“Have you talked to him lately?” Hui asked carefully, softly as to not upset his friend more than he was already feeling. “He won’t answer my texts. Every time I go to his apartment, he isn’t there or he won’t answer the door. He talks with Wooseok, and I asked Wooseok to talk to him about it. Yuto won’t bring it up or answer. He brushes it off and moves on. I don’t know what to do about it anymore, you know? I don’t know why he is giving me the cold shoulder. I didn’t do anything wrong I don’t think… If I did, I don’t know what.” Hyunggu felt like he could cry right now. Hyunggu and Yuto have been dating for almost a year now. Yuto wasn’t used to dating anyone, especially someone like Hyunggu. As cliche and cheesy as it sounded, they were complete opposites. Hyunggy was such a bright, bubbly person. He brought happiness and smiles wherever he went. He found the good in every situation. He never missed a moment to make someone smile. He never had a frown on his face ever. Yuto was the opposite. He was a cold man. He didn’t like to show his emotions. He always had a poker face and kept his feelings to himself. He could care less about other people’s feelings and he didn’t give anyone the time of day except his family and his best friend Wooseok. They couldn’t be more different. Hyunggu loved so many happy things. He loved animals, he loved nature, he loved bright things in life. Yuto didn’t. He liked more personal things, like music and creating it in his own style without other influence. He would never see himself liking someone like Hyunggu. When he first met him, he didn’t even think about him as someone he would get along. However, in his way, Hyunggu changed Yuto’s view of him. Yuto began to realize that he was such a happy spirit and he really brought light to Yuto’s life that he didn’t know he needed. Hyunggu tried his hardest to get Yuto to see his point of view and change his a little bit. Yuto wanted to and he really tried for Hyunggu, but it didn’t always work out for him. He wasn’t as happy-go- lucky. He didn’t see the world the same way as Hyunggu did and he was a little upset. He tried his hardest but Hyunggu would have to try harder to get him to think differently. Hyunggu knew that there wasn’t much more he could do. He loved Yuto and he saw a different side of him every so often, but Yuto often gave him the cold shoulder, not on purpose and it wasn’t personal, but Yuto needed his space sometimes and he told Hyunggu that. Hyunggu tried to respect that but it was hard. He didn’t like that. He wanted to be with Yuto as much as he could. He knew he was clingy and Yuto used to like that but more recently, he didn’t. He started to get a little annoyed with Hyunggu. He would push him off sometimes and Hyunggu would often cry to his best friend, Hui. He didn’t understand why Yuto would act that way to him. Maybe it was because Yuto wasn’t used to someone acting so loving towards him, but Hyunggu was just trying to show him how much he cared about him. Maybe Yuto didn’t want that. That was what scared Hyunggu. But it was just every so often he would push him away and a couple days later, he would be okay again. He didn’t understand Yuto sometimes, but he still loved him nonetheless. But now, it has been over a week without any word from Yuto. Hyunggu had texted him a couple of times every day, just to ask him how he was doing and that he loved him, but Yuto would never answer. Hyunggu didn’t know what else to do. He asked what Hui would do, and it wasn’t the answer he wanted of course. Hui told him that he should just let Yuto come to Hyunggu, that Yuto would come around when he was ready. Maybe he was going through something mentally or emotionally. Of course, when Hyunggu heard this, his mind tried to think positive but it immediately jumped to the conclusion that Yuto was considering breaking up with him. He couldn’t think like that, maybe Yuto just needed his space and he would leave him alone until Yuto came to him. Now, it has been two weeks and Yuto hasn’t really spoken to Hyunggu. He didn’t know why, honestly. He didn’t feel like himself. He had been thinking about Hyunggu and about their relationship. He wasn’t confused about it, he knew he cared about Hyunggu, but he felt like he was a burden to him. Hyunggu had been trying so hard to pull him out of his shell, to get him to be a little happier and to be more into their relationship, but Yuto just wouldn’t get on board. Hyunggu was tired of trying and Yuto could tell, but Hyunggu loved him which he could see as well. He wasn’t really sure what to do and instead of talking to Hyunggu, he stayed to himself and stayed inside of his own head. He wasn’t sure what to do. He knew one thing though; he needed to talk to Hyunggu and now. When he tried though, he had gotten the same treatment. Hyunggu wouldn’t talk to him. He hadn’t answered him in a couple days. Yuto did the same thing, so he wasn’t so surprised, but he thought Hyunggu would be happy about him talking again. He had to think, he needed time to himself, and he told Hyunggu that. Maybe he should have at least texted him back every so often, but he couldn’t get out of his own head long enough to. Now, he was getting the cold shoulder and he couldn’t help but beat himself up about it. He shouldn’t have treated Hyunggu that way because this sucked, this hurt. He felt himself hurting and he could only imagine what Hyunggu went through. He started getting desperate at this point. He missed Hyunggu’s smile. He missed the sunshine he carried with him everywhere. He missed his warmth that surrounded Yuto’s heart every time he saw his smile or heard his laugh. He missed holding his hand lazily as he worked in his studio, Hyunggu not minding the two not talking. He missed his boyfriend so much and he was scared that his overthinking was going to cost him. He was scared that Hyunggu was tired of the way he acted. He was horrified to think he could lose Hyunggu and in that moment, he made a promise to himself that he would change for the better. He would be more open, try not to be so cold, especially to Hyunggu. After what felt forever, but it was only two weeks, Yuto finally broke down. He was going to find Hyunggu. He was going to talk to Hyunggu. He was going to make things right. He was going to prove his love to him and that he was ready to do whatever it took to make their relationship work. He knew he fucked up, but he prayed Hyunggu would give him another chance. He tried his apartment first, but came up empty handed. He tried Hui’s place, and again with the same result. Hui told him that he hadn’t seen him in a while. He tried to think of where else to check. He didn’t want to go to his family’s house, and he had a feeling he wasn’t there. After he drove around for a while, he decided to try and go back to his apartment to get his head on straight. When he got there, he saw Hyunggu sitting in his living room, arms crossed over his chest. He didn’t look happy and he almost looked like he wanted to kick Yuto’s ass. Honestly, he wouldn’t blame him. “Hyunggu..” Yuto breathed quietly, almost in relief to see his boyfriend again, at least he hoped he was still his boyfriend. “Yuto, I only came here to tell you that I-” Yuto didn’t want to interrupt him but he had to.
“No, please let me go first. I don’t even know what to say if I am going to be honest. I want to be honest with you about the last couple of weeks. I know that I fucked up. I know that I messed up with you and you probably don’t want to be with me anymore and I understand if this is the end for us. If this isn’t what you want, I understand. If you’re tired of trying for me, I get it. I hope you’re not, god, I pray you aren’t. I love you, Hyunggu. I know that I have been a terrible boyfriend. I didn’t know what to do, I had never been in a relationship like this before with someone like you. You’re so happy and so bubbly and you’re walking sunshine all the time. You make things so much brighter, you make people so happy and that smile of yours, that’s my favorite sight in the entire world. I never want to see you upset and not smiling, and right now that’s killing me. We both know that I am somewhat of the complete opposite. I’m hardly ever that happy or bubbly, I never show what I am really feeling, I keep to myself way too much and I just push people away. That’s what I was doing this whole time, these last couple of weeks and days. I needed time to myself because I needed to evaluate what I was feeling, how I was feeling, and how to fix it to where I could be who you want me to be without you being disappointed. All I want is you. All I want is to make you happy. I know I’ve done the complete opposite, and all I want is to fix it. I love you, so much. I’ve never felt like this before and now more than ever I realize I need to change for you, I need to make sure you know how much I love you and care about you and I can change, I can. I just need you to give me the opportunity.” Yuto finally stopped, breathless and tears in his eyes as he stared at Hyunggu. He wasn’t looking at him. Hyunggu was staring at his lap, not making any movement to look at his boyfriend. It was silent for a few minutes, the two of them not making any move towards one another or a sound. Finally, Yuto was going to break down. 
“Hyunggu, please.” His voice was already breaking as he kneeled down on the ground in front of him. He tried to make eye contact with him, but every time he did, Hyunggu would look away from him. Yuto was heartbroken. “Hyunggu, please.. Please look at me.” He whispered, barely audible. Hyunggu closed his eyes and that was it, Yuto thought. Yuto knew that it was over. He didn’t know what to do, he didn’t know what to think. All he could do was cry. Hyunggu had never seen Yuto cry before, never. But now, he was crying like he just lost the most important thing in his life, and to Yuto, he did. He didn’t think he could take it, losing Hyunggu was like losing his own life. He loved him more than he could describe and he knew it was too late. It was too late for him to fix things. He was completely heartbroken and he could barely get a hold of himself. After a few minutes of Yuto crying into Hyunggu’s lap, he slowly stood up, wiped his eyes and let out a shaky sigh. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t what you wanted. I’m sorry I let it get this far without trying to fix it. I’m too late, and.. I understand. If you want to go, you should. Whatever you feel like you need to do. I can stay away for awhile if you need me too.” Yuto whispered, looking down at his feet and shuffling them slowly. Hyunggu didn’t know what to say and he almost didn’t have any words to let out. His heart was just as broken as Yuto’s, but he couldn’t bring himself to say what he wanted. He came over to tell him something completely different, but now he was completely reconsidering. He takes a deep breath and just stands up. He looks over at Yuto and kisses his cheek softly. “Take care of yourself Yuto. Take some time to think, that’s what I’m doing. I’m not saying it’s over but I won’t say we are together, either.” Hearing those words broke Yuto’s heart but he just nodded slowly. “Alright”, that was all Yuto could say. Hyunggu didn’t say anything else and walked out of Yuto’s apartment, heart broken and the tears threatening to fall from his eyes. He held himself together until he got home, but as soon as Hui asked him if he was okay, he broke down in his arms. 
“Hey, hey what’s going on?” Hui was unaware that Hyunggu had gone to Yuto’s to talk to him, so seeing his best friend like this really did pull at his heart strings more than he could ever be able to describe. “Hyunggu calm down, what happened?” Hyunggu was crying his eyes out, body shaking, trembling with immense feeling. He couldn’t speak, he couldn’t stand, he could barely breathe. Hui knew it was bad, whatever it was. He helped him to his bed and laid with him until he calmed down enough to be able to tell him what happened. He hoped that it was nothing too serious because with Hyunggu, he cried a lot, but never like this. After about an hour of Hyunggu crying and just trying to calm himself down, he took a deep breath and laid his head on his pillow, staring up at the ceiling. “Yuto apologized. Yuto told me why he wasn’t answering. He told me that it wasn’t because of me. He said he needed time to think about it because he was never that happy before. He loves me and wants to be with me, but he would completely change himself however I wanted to.” Hyunggu whispered hoarsely to Hui, who gave him a bit of a confused look. He didn’t understand. “Isn’t that a good thing, though?” He asked a bit intrigued as to why he was crying so hard over this. “Yes, Hui that’s a very good thing.” He sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes, shrugging. “It’s a good thing in theory, at least.” “What do you mean?” “Well,” Hyunggu started, playing with his hands a bit, “It’s a good thing that he is willing to change for me. It’s a good thing he is so quick to do something for me that would in turn cause him to completely change himself. He wants us to work out so much that he will change himself completely. But, I don’t want him to do that. I love him just the way he is. Sure, he could maybe work on opening up a little bit more and not going MIA every time he has a problem, but I love him. I love how he isn’t as happy and bubbly as I am all the time. I love that he keeps to himself sometimes and makes you work to get him to talk. I love the way that he shows the other side of himself to me when no one is around, but he still figures out ways to show me he loves me. I love him. I love him the way he is, I just need him to work on a couple things.” Hyunggu could feel himself smiling at the thought of Yuto. Hui saw the smile on his face, and nodded slowly, patting his back. “If that’s the case, then why are you crying?” He asked carefully, he didn’t want him to start crying all over again. Hyunggu paused and sighed softly, placing his hands in his lap. “Because I realized how much I hurt him by doing what I did. I realized how much hurt he really does keep buried deep inside of him. I realized how much he truly loves me, and how much he wants to be with me. But I didn’t say anything. I just sat there. I didn’t look at him, I didn’t say a word. He thinks we are breaking up because I didn’t say anything. He thinks I hate him and want things to be over, and instead of reassuring him, I just walked out. He probably is at home crying his eyes out, too. Today was the first time I saw him cry and it was because he thought he was losing me. If that doesn’t show how much he loves me, I don’t know what will.” Hyunggu sniffled as he said those words and immediate realization hit him. He couldn’t lose Yuto either. They had some bumps in the road, they had things they needed to work out. It wouldn’t always be rainbows and sunshine. It wouldn’t always be gray clouds and rain. But no matter what, they’d always have each other. They’d always be in each other’s corners when they needed them and show them how much they love one another. It was at this moment that Hyunggu knew what he needed to do. “Go to him.” Hui said softly and nudged his best friend. “Go back to his apartment and tell him how you feel. Tell him what you just told me, and make sure he knows. Make sure that Yuto understands how you feel, what you want from this, and how you two can make it work. He loves you, and you love him. You two will work it out, now go on.” Hyunggu smiled and hugged Hui tightly before hopping out of bed and making his way right back to where he just came from. He didn’t even bother with the door, busting it open and walking into the apartment. As soon as he walked in, he saw Yuto still sitting in front of the couch, head in his hands, crying about losing the closest thing to pure happiness in his life. He didn’t know what to do and was heartbroken. Hyunggu was already on the verge of tears when he saw this and he didn’t even announce himself. He just closed the front door and ran to Yuto, throwing himself into him and wrapping his arms around him tightly, burying his head into him. “Hyunggu?” Yuto asked carefully, confused as to why he was there again so soon after what happened. He wouldn’t complain, but he also wasn’t too quick to move his arms back around him. He had thought this whole time that they weren’t together anymore. He thought Hyunggu had broken up with him and that was it, there was no more of them being in a relationship. He was confused, but he wanted to wait to ask Hyunggu about it. Hyunggu sighed, just tightening his grip before looking up at him. “I shouldn’t have walked out on you like that. I shouldn’t have just walked out and let you think I didn’t care or I didn’t want to be with you. I let my emotions get the best of me. Hearing you pouring your heart out like that, hearing you say you would change for me no matter what it took to make our relationship work, it was too much for my heart to bear, honestly. I love you. I don’t want you to change, I just want us both to work on things that we both need to work on, together. I always want you in my corner. I always want to be able to call you mine and hold your hand while you write, and lay with you when you’re restless at night, and have you comfort me when I get scared, and whatever else comes our way. I love you too much to just let you go, and I know you do too. We both love each other, and I want us to be together. I want us to work through this. Can we please do that?” He looked up at Yuto, who was just staring around and not at Hyunggu. Hyunggu could feel tears fill his eyes. “Look at me, Yuto, please?” He had just given him his entire heart on a platter, let all of his vulnerability out, and now Yuto wasn’t making eye contact with him, but he was holding him close to him still. Finally, Yuto looked down at him, bringing his hand up to cup Hyunggu’s cheek. “Hyunggu, I love you so much. I love you too much to let you go. I will do whatever we need to do to make this work. I will work on my issues with myself. I will work on not pushing you away when I need you and when you need me. I’ll make sure to be the boyfriend you expected me to be, and I promise that no matter what, I will always love you. Always.” Yuto whispered to him, and Hyunggu could feel his heart beating out of his chest and all he could do was nod. “I love you.” Yuto leaned down, holding his boyfriend in his arms for the first time in weeks and kissing him like it was the last time he would ever be able to. He let all of the feelings he had been holding in for the last couple of weeks out as he kissed him, and the two men knew that no matter what happened, as long as they had one another and loved one another, everything was going to be fine. 
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marsmingi · 5 years
how you started dating — pentagon vers 1/10
jo jinho lee hwitaek yang hongseok kim hyojong ko shinwon yeo changgu yan an adachi yuto kang hyunggu jung wooseok
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no one was really shocked, chemistry was there from the start. you met through friends a while back and, because of this, you grew close due to how often your friend groups hung out together. despite being within a group of friends, you both seemed closer to eachother than with the others. feelings started to arise in both of you as skinship and flirting got more frequent. neither of you knew how to confess, however. the fear of having your friend group react badly to two of their members dating lingered in both of your minds. hed talk to his friends about the situation in private and thats when he found they all had been secretly routing for you two. this spurred slight confidence in him. he would be freaking out, wanting to make sure the way he asked you was amazing and sure to make you say yes. he woke up one morning with confidence and adrenaline. he rushed to the nearest flowershop to buy you a bouquet of the flowers he knew you loved, then showed up at your doorstep and choked out the cutest but sweetest confession.
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jisungmark · 5 years
hi lovely human being ♡ could you do onf’s reaction to you getting a tongue piercing? (smut if you want)
hi sweetheart!!! i’m so sorry for the delay :(
he noticed you were talking a bit differently than usual today. you were talking as if your tongue was swollen. he tapped your chin as an indication to open your mouth. he sucked in a breath as soon as he saw the pretty earring in your pink tongue. his normal soft and cool attitude switched immediately.
“on your knees now, i wanna feel that ring on my dick.”
changyoon (e-tion)
you two were in the middle of a heated make out session. there was so much spit and teeth clashing. his tongue pushed into your mouth to dance around with yours. he paused when he felt the cool metal against his tongue. he pulled away and forced you to open your mouth.
“shit, that’s so hot baby girl. i love this piercing the most.”
seungjoon (j-us)
it was actually his idea for you to get your tongue pierced. he heard that the cool ring felt so good against heated skin. his friends told him stories about their sex life and how much more intense it seems to be now that their significant other has a tongue piercing. he had a sly smirk on his face when you stuck your tongue out with a slight blush.
“i can’t wait to feel that thing all over my body.”
jaeyoung (wyatt)
he was talking to you about different opinions on clothing. you weren’t opening your mouth to respond. just nodding your head or letting out a hum of approval. when he asked you why you weren’t speaking, you felt yourself immediately get nervous. he grabbed your face and made you pucker your lips until your mouth opened. you shut your eyes slightly when he swore under his breath. he fixed his lips to spit into your mouth, spit hitting the piercing. you whimpered as you swallowed.
“you didn’t have to be nervous to tell me you have this, shit.”
minkyun (mk)
as soon as you showed him the piercing, he would turn to his phone and try to find new rings for it. you know how he feels about cats so you decided to surprise him one day while the boys were out with kitten lingerie. (yes kitten lingerie anon this is a shout out to you since i still haven’t finished that request sksks) now he was in love with the idea of you putting on a show for him with your lingerie and new ring.
“do you know how good you’d look with the lingerie on plus a kitten tongue ring? i’m about to explode right now just thinking about it.”
yuto (u)
he knew you wanted a new piercing but you were being pretty indecisive about it. he had to go to practice and you finally made up your mind on what you wanted. you decided to take a picture at the shop after you finished. you posed in the mirror with your tongue out and a peace sign. he opened your text immediately. the three dots popped up and you waited. you felt yourself giggle at his text.
“fuck practice, i’m on my way home right now.”
minseok (laun)
you explained to him that it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. your friends thought it would look super cute on you and so you decided to get it. you liked it and you hoped he wouldn’t be mad at you. you stuck your tongue out and nervously twirled your ring. he just looked at you with a unreadable expression.
“well if you like it, i love it.”
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soft4pentagon · 5 years
Taking Yuto to a baseball game just so you can see all of his cute reactions throughout the game
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saltys-writings · 5 years
[Pentagon] Imagine stealing Yuto‘s sweater. When he sees you wearing it, he hugs you tightly, telling you he was planning on taking it back, but since you look so adorable in it he lets you keep it on.
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