#zak bagans x dakota laden
ghxstadvxntxres · 2 years
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#13DaysofGA2021 -- #1: First Snow (with Zakota)
SUMMARY: Zak goes to Minnesota to visit Dakota (young!Zak x Dakota -- no age gap) RATING: Mature for mature themes
It was fucking cold and Zak shoved his hands deeper into his pockets in an attempt to warm himself up. He just kept reminding himself that he was almost up the long driveway to Dakota’s house. Around him, snow was falling, starting to cover the ground and the cars in a sparkly overlay. He would have thought it was gorgeous except HE WAS FUCKING COLD!
Finally, Zak came up along Dakota’s car, memories flashing in his mind of how the other boy’s flesh tasted in his mouth in the back of that car. He reached forward, placing his finger against the glass and made a quick heart shape in it. A soft smile was on his face. Zak was always a hopeless romantic.
“Well are you just gonna stand there and fondle my car or you gonna come up here and kiss me, you idiot?”
Zak snapped his head up to the doorway. Dakota stood in the frame, arms wrapped around his bare chest and bouncing up and down on his bare feet. Mist came from Dakota’s mouth as a he huffed. Zak rolled his eyes, “Aren’t you a little cold?”
“Shut up,” Dakota laughed, “Come on!”
“So impatient,” Zak mused as he walked up the short distance to the door.
An evil look appeared in Dakota’s eyes, “I could just leave you out here. I know how much you hate the cold.”
“You wouldn’t…,” Zak’s voice was dangerously low.
And the inner brat in Dakota smirked, “What would my punishment be, sir?”
Zak raised his hands up to the scarf around his neck. A growl tickling his throat, “Get on the bed in five seconds and I’ll make sure it’s not too heavy for your delicate ass.”
Dakota didn’t hear the rest of Zak’s statement as he sprinted back into the house.
Zak chuckled, pulling the scar from his neck, and stepping through the doorway. He shut the door behind him, closing the door off to him and Dakota’s dynamics in the bedroom. The world was left in the deadly silence of a first snow.
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gac-drabbles · 6 years
When Evil Lurks
Part 1 Part 2
Pairing: AaronxFem!Reader
Summary: Aaron and the reader have a sibling like bond after investigating with each other for over a year. When the crew is invited to investigate a towns infamous mansion, something goes awry with Aaron.
Warnings: Mentions of violence
Feedback is much appreciated! ^.^
The afternoon sun was nearing the peak of it’s sweltering heat as it beat down relentlessly on the group, halting their previous mission of getting the equipment unpacked and into the house to set up nerve center, the 6 of them taking up refuge under one of the trees that ran along the side of the wrap around porch.
“Jesus Christ, I hope it cools down in there during the night.” you said with beads of sweat trickling down your neck, taking a large gulp of your now lukewarm water as you considered how it was even possible that the inside of the house was even more stifling than that of the outside.
Even the grass surrounding the property, unkempt and long and probably crawling with ticks and other insects, no doubt suffered from the suns unrelenting wrath as it claimed the moisture from the earth and left it dead and brittle. It could damn well be mistaken for hay at this point.
“Why don’t we continue the murder reports?” Bill suggested from where he laid on the ground a few inches away from your feet. Nothing else was probably going to get done until dusk and hopefully it would be cooler by then, not to mention it didn’t seem like any of you were going to move from the shade anytime soon.
“Are you good to go?” Zak directed the question towards you and you just waved a hand dismissively in his direction, to hot to even bother saying a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. “Alright, let’s see here,” he began as he held his hand over the top screen of his phone to counter the suns glare as he squinted at the words that seemed to have shrunk in a matter of hours.
“Alright so,” he trailed off as he scrolled to find where he had previously left off, “the fifth victim was found outside and it was the murderer himself, having thrown himself off the third story of the house. He was covered in blood that was determined not to be his own.” Zak said as he used the back of his hand to swipe the sweat from his forehead. “the initial search of the basement showed blood splatter across the floor that lead to a pool of blood that seemed to contain remnants of flesh, bone and hair, but no body.”
“The Amity horror house has nothing on this.” Jay muttered as he adjusted to a more comfortable position, the dead grass crunching beneath him as he did so before his solemn eyes went back to Zak.
“The next victim to be found was that of the mans elderly father on the second floor,” Zak lifted his eyes from the screen to cast a sympathetic look your way,”this next part gets pretty graphic are you ok with that?” by now you had gone way past the point of caring, you entire body and mind were completely over heated at this point and you were listening to the story in somewhat of a daze, the information not even processing properly.
“Upon finding a trail of blood leading from the top of the stairs into one of the upstairs bedrooms, they found then mans elderly father strung up by a meat hook from the top frame of the sturdy wooden four poster bed. The suspect had taken the hook from the cold cellar where they stored their meat,” he stopped briefly to take a gulp of water to refresh his parched lips. “The murdered managed to bypass behind the left shoulder blade and pierce directly into the heart.
A unanimous cringe flowed between everyone at just the thought. It seemed even Zak was becoming increasingly disturbed by the increase in brutality. “Bloody hand prints and streaks along the wall suggest the suspect had stumbled his way towards the attic. There they found disturbing messages scrawled across the walls in blood, some asking for repentance, others too dark to mention. It was also here they found the eldest and only son.” Zak stopped abruptly before pocketing his phone. “The eldest daughter was never found.” he said in almost a whisper.
“Wait...what happened to the son?” Jay asked as you all sat there in absolute confusion as to why all the other murders had been outlined but Zak seemed reluctant to share the details of this final murder. “Its dark, even for me.” Zak said before casting his eyes to you. ”It’s enough to give even me nightmares, I don’t want to freak her or anyone else out.”
The curiosity was gnawing away at you but so was the anxiety of what could be so horrific even Zak couldn’t bring himself to say it. “Zak,” your voice was low and unsure as you bit your lip, carefully picking what words you were going to say. “we need to know what we’re dealing with. What did this guy do to his son?” finally you cast your eyes to meet his in a reassuring and determined way. Zak sighed, his head falling so his chin met his chest for a brief moment before looking towards the house of horrors as he responded.
“He...he was laying on the floor, there was blood everywhere...his rib cage was exposed from his open torso...his heart was ripped out and crushed...he gutted his own son.” 
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ghxstadvxntxres · 3 years
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#13DaysofGA - Day 8: Nightmare Before Christmas (Zak x Dakota)
RATING: Explicit (sexual content) SUMMARY: After a night of horror in an asylum, Zak and Dakota have a restless night back in their hotel room.
"I am the one hiding under your bed Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red I am the one hiding under your stairs Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair This is Halloween."
"DAKOTA!" Zak screamed into the darkness of the asylum.
His voice echoed down the empty hallways and there was no response.
"DAKOTA!" Zak cried out and burst off into a sprint down the hallway.
Footsteps ran after behind him and Zak tried to calm his fear thumping his heart.
"No! Stop it!" he yelled to the footsteps, but they just kept coming with him.
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ghxstadvxntxres · 5 years
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Dakota: *silly dance* Zak: (✿˵◕‿◕˵)
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ghxstadvxntxres · 4 years
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those who wronged him by goddess-of-time-and-magic (RATED EXPLICIT)
The first thing Dakota notices when he wakes up, having fallen asleep in Zak's arms as they ran through the forest for what seemed like hours, was the soft furs he was laying in. He nuzzles into it and inhales, expecting his scent, but then there's a heavier and richer scent that he catches instead. It startles him and his brown eyes snap open. All he sees is an empty room. He sits up fast.
"Woah, little one," a large hand comes to rest on his knee.
Dakota snaps his head to the side and sees the other man, thick muscles and deep brown hair with sparkling sapphire eyes. He looks at Dakota with worry and then compassion. A sight Dakota had not seen since his parents and siblings.
"You're safe," Zak says softly.
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ghxstadvxntxres · 4 years
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those who wronged him by goddess-of-time-and-magic (RATED EXPLICIT)
Zak steps forward to Dakota, raising his hand to cup the side of Dakota's face. It's a sudden move and Dakota is startled by it, though it isn't unwelcomed, "Because I think you need a project? I know it helps me when I have one. "
"You trust me?" Dakota cocks his head to the side, leaning into Zak's hand.
A thumb caresses Dakota's cheek and all Dakota wants to do is close the distance between them. That thought scares Dakota so much. After having been rejected by his mate in his old pack, those feelings were gone form him and Dakota never thought he would get it back. It had been less than a day since he met Zak and, yet, Dakota feels so differently with him than he had with his rejected mate. The Omega wolf in Dakota is prancing around at the thought the of the Alpha.
"I do," Zak replies.
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ghxstadvxntxres · 4 years
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those who wronged him by goddess-of-time-and-magic (RATED EXPLICIT)
"Jesus Christ, Zak," Billy continues his anger toward Zak even while in the bathroom.
"Not the first time, Billy," Zak calls back and Dakota cocks an eyebrow, but keeps his gazed lower-- not wanting to inflict the wrath of the Alpha.
"And won't be the last time," Jay humors as he walks back into the bathroom. A wide and friendly smile appears on his face and he extends a hand to Dakota, "I'm Jay, Beta, in charge of keeping all the other Beta's asses in line."
"Fucking hell," Billy curses as he comes out of the bathroom too, the red gone from his cheeks, as he walks over to the couch, sitting down and interrupting the handshake between Dakota and Jay.
Jay rolls his eyes and extends his hand again, over the other male, of which Dakota takes it.
"This lump next to me is my mate," Jay teases, giving Billy a wink.
With a huff, Billy turns to Dakota and smiles, extending his own hand, "Billy, Omega, I'm the one who really makes sure all the Beta's behave and Zak doesn't get too much grey hair."
Zak scoffs, "Like hell you do."
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ghxstadvxntxres · 4 years
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#13DaysofGA2019: Prompt 7: Werewolf AU
The small white wolf was frightened, as he dashed into a hallowed out and fallen tree. His body shook as he closed his yellow eyes, trying to ignore the sounds of this whole new world he was thrown out into. Dakota was only 19 years old, young for a werewolf, and had already experienced the soul-wrenching pain of being rejected by a mate and of being thrown out of a pack. Everything was noisy to the young werewolf and his heartbeat was thudding incredibly loudly in his ears. Dakota's chest began to ache as he tried to catch his breath, but it kept slipping from his grip, and his body just kept shaking like a leaf in the wind.
Suddenly, there was a black wolf before him, staring at Dakota with large glowing eyes. Dakota whined and curled into himself, trying to force him back into the wood log further. The black wolf only cocked its head to the side in confusion. A cry escaped Dakota, a desperate plea for help and for the black wolf to leave him alone. But, no one would come.
Instead, the black wolf took a step backwards and Dakota watched as the small body contorted and reshaped till a well-built human man kneeled on the ground where the black wolf was. Dakota stilled, observing with wide yellow eyes. The man, muscles defined by the full moon above, looked up at the white wolf hiding in the tree. Dakota noted the man's eyes were a deep blue and cheekbones were sharp and angled. A few tattoos littered his skin, but he was mainly smooth skin, like he was carved from marble. A tongue licked lips and the man rose from the ground, naked and handsome in the soft moonlight.
"I won't hurt you," the man spoke, voice sounding like velvet.
Dakota let out a small whine, though it wasn't as loud as the one from before. It was more as if Dakota was trying to remind himself that he was in trouble, even if Dakota was starting not to feel that. This man felt different than anyone Dakota had ever come across.
"Come out," the man spoke again, a bit of dominance laced in his voice.
The white wolf, slowly, crept from his hiding spot. The moonlight above igniting the fur like neon. It just seemed to glow. Once cleared from the fallen tree, Dakota glanced up at the other man for a second before lowering his gaze. The other man had more dominance than Dakota (held himself like an Alpha) and he submitted willingly.
"Change to your other form," the man ordered.
Dakota closed his eyes and his wolf form began to break apart. A few seconds later, a lanky and thin boy kneeled on the ground where the white wolf had stood. Bones tried to push through pale skin and scars and fresh scratches marred the boys chest, back, and face. Bruises, blooming like purple dahlia's, dotted Dakota's body. Brown eyes opened and stared down at the ground, refusing to rise and meet the older man's. Fear coursed through Dakota and his body gave incontrollable jerks. This was how he was going to die…, Dakota thought.
He saw two bare feet come into his peripheral vision to stand before him and then he felt fingers run through his shaggy brown locks. A sigh escaped his lips and he felt himself lean into the firm hands. The fear dying in his veins.
"Tell me, little one," the man whispered, "Tell me of those who did you wrong."
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ghxstadvxntxres · 5 years
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#13DaysofGA2019: Prompt 2: Serial Killer AU
Dakota could feel those sapphire eyes on his, watching his every move, and yet there was something about that feeling that both soothed and disturbed the younger man. He shouldn’t be feeling this way. He knew that. Yet, that man seemed to have ensnared him in a clever trap. 
Suddenly, warm breath fell upon Dakota’s neck, making the hairs stand up. Something metallic was pressed to the side of Dakota’s neck, right under his ear lobe. A thrill chilled Dakota, but he wouldn’t allow the other man to know. Then there was a voice, “You look handsome tonight, my love.”
Dakota swallowed the lump in his throat, unconsciously running his hands over the thin black shirt he was wearing, “Thank you.”
A chuckle reverberated through Dakota’s body and down his spine, along with the cock of a gun, “There’s no need to be so formal, Dakota. After all, we did fuck each other pretty good last night, wouldn’t you say?”
Dakota’s bottom lip trembled, replying, “Yes.”
The older man pressed a kiss to back of Dakota’s neck and then the warm gun (freshly shot from the older man’s night of killing) pulled away. There was some part of Dakota, of which he had been trying to deny since he and this murderer started seeing each other, that wondered if the older man's hands were covered in his victim's blood and whether the older man would grip Dakota's hips tightly, stain his skin crimson. 
“Good boy.”
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ghxstadvxntxres · 5 years
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      “Is everything okay, Dakota?”
      Dakota gave a quick side glance to the other man in the bed before going about to gather his clothes that were strewn across the floor. All he needed was to get out of here quickly and that would be it, nothing more, nothing less, “Yes.”
      “Doesn’t seem that way,” Zak commented, “Was it the… you know?”
      Dakota paused, standing up and pulling his shirt over his head and down his chest. His eyes never left Zak’s, “The sex was cool, bro.”
      “But?” Zak was pulling strings to get Dakota to talk and it was getting hard to ignore him.
      Dakota sighed, running a hand through his hair, “I can’t do this, Zak.”
      Zak stared at him in confusion, “What do you mean?”
      “What happened between you and Nick, Zak?” Dakota snapped.
Let’s Be More by goddess-of-time-and-magic Rating: Explicit (sexual content) Summary:The first time, it was an accident and they were both drunk, but it lead to a repetitive mistake. Dakota isn’t sure what they are anymore and his growing feelings for the other man are not helping Dakota’s situation. However, what the youngest member of the Ghost Adventures Crew doesn’t realize is that there is more to the lead member of the crew than meets the eye.
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ghxstadvxntxres · 5 years
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Overprotective Dad Mode Activated™️
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ghxstadvxntxres · 5 years
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In reference to THIS post (DM more in!). send me a pairing and I’ll tell you who:
falls asleep on the couch--> Both (especially after late nights investigating when they forget they have a bed)
makes friends with the neighbors--> Dakota (Zak totally is introverted and shy and could care less)
is the adventurous eater-->  Zak (and likes to try to get Dakota to eat more adventurous things)
hogs the covers at night --> Zak (but Dakota is used to it ;) )
forgets to do the dishes--> Dakota (but Zak is used to it)
tries to surprise their partner more often--> Dakota (Zak loves doing things for Dakota and loves to scare him on investigation)
leaves dirty laundry on the floor--> Dakota (let’s face it, Dakota is messy)
stays up til 2 AM reading--> Zak (reading all those occult books)
sings in the shower--> Dakota (and loves to blast Miley Cyrus at the top of his lungs, which Zak finds both annoying and cute)
takes the selfies--> Both (when either of them has a camera, they’re lost)
plans date night--> Zak (he just loves to rain love on Dakota)
More detailed response <here>
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ghxstadvxntxres · 5 years
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zak bagans + dakota laden: Icarus + Apollo
“You beckoned  With sunlight soaked fingers And he followed With tragic wax feathers To love is to burn And he burned  b e a u t i f u l y “ (x)
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ghxstadvxntxres · 6 years
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25DaysofGA2018: Day 10- Historical AU in Winter
In the Summer of 1924 and Dakota Laden moves into his small cottage on the Long Island Sound, looking for a fresh start and some work. However, his neighbor is more than what he bargained for. Zak Bagans, famed mobster under the name of the Demon Lord, finds interest in the younger man, both as a partner and a lover, but things take an unexpected turn on Christmas Day.
(Video) (fanfic) (playlist)
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ghxstadvxntxres · 6 years
Zak: Who is that idiot that is playing with an Ouija Board?
Zak, realizing it’s Dakota:
Zak: omg, that’s my idiot.
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ghxstadvxntxres · 2 years
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#13DaysofGA2021 -- #6: Paranormal/Supernatural (with Nakota!Fam)
SUMMARY: Nick and Zak prepare to celebrate Yule as warlocks, but also in preparation for a very important day-- Dakota’s Ascension. Introducing a new member to the Nakota!Family. RATING: Teen/Mature
Black smoke swirled around Zak’s arms (his black dress shirt pushed up to his elbows) as he shut his eyes, mumbling words beneath his breath. Across from him, his husband was doing the same thing, but white smoke swirled around his well-dressed form instead. The smoke combined in a dull grey at the center, and electrical sparks started to fly out of the center of their combined powers. 
In the distance, a huge bang caused both men to freeze, and the smoke collapsed onto the floor, as they looked toward the door of the massive room they were in, heavily decorated in pine and cranberries and other Yule decorations. A minute later, both warlock men watched as their young son fell through the door with his friends. They piled on each other as the heavy wooden doors swung on their hinges, complaining loudly. Each boy was in various states of regular and warlock clothing, but in their hair was woven pine.
“Dakota?” Zak took a step forward with a cocked eyebrow, “What the hell are you doing down here?”
“You should be preparing for you Ascension, young man,” Nick furrowed his eyebrows and gave his son a pointed glare. 
The young warlock sheepishly stood up from the pile, as his friends quickly scrambled to present themselves nicely to their warlock covens’ leaders, “Sorry, Dad and Papa. We just wanted to watch you guys call forth the Spirit...”
Zak’s frown turned to a soft smile, remembering how he was exactly like this during his Ascension, but Nick was still frowning, “You know you shouldn’t be here. It’s bad luck for your powers.”
“Oh come on, Papa,” Dakota tried to reason with his oldest father, “You don’t really believe--.”
“Enough,” Nick was stern, “Regardless, you shouldn’t be here. Where is your sister? She should be helping you with your robes. You’re ascending a midnight tonight.”
‘Okay...,” Dakota sighed, running a hand through his long brown hair, “Chels is upstairs...,” and then mumbled something.”
“What was that?” Nick pursed his lips, doing a quick glance over each of Dakota’s friends who seemed to crawl into themselves deeper. 
“We locked her in my closet,” Dakota inhaled sharply, preparing himself for a punishment. 
“My gods, Dakota,” Nick started to laugh and so did Zak.
Dakota looked at his father’s with a confused expression, “Huh?”
“He really is so much like you,” Nick turned to his husband as Zak rolled his eyes, coming up to stand beside the other man, grasping their hands together. Sparks flew at their touch. Dakota was used to the physical magical manifestation of their love, and he hoped that he would find someone some day to share in that. 
“Go prepare, Dakota,” Zak nodded to their son, “And tell Chelsea that when she is done helping you that we need her assistance down here.”
“Yes, Dad,” Dakota smiled softly at the other man and then turned to his friends, “Come on, assholes.”
And the group was gone from the room.
Nick raised his hand and with a flick of his wrist, the doors swung close. Beside him, Zak let out a breathy noise, “I will never get over how hot you are when you use your magic.”
Nick smiled wickedly, turning to face his husband. Their noses caressed each other, “Remind me, love.”
Zak smiled as he pressed his lips to Nick’s, groaning lightly as the other man nipped at his bottom lip. Fingers flew into Nick’s hair, gripping it tightly, wanting to be so lost in the feeling around Nick. But, Nick pulled away, exhaling, and pressing his forehead to Zak’s, “We better stop or we won’t have time to prepare for the Spirit to join us and grant Dakota his full powers.”
“Do you remember when you got yours?” Nick asked softly.
Zak nodded, “You looked magnificent that night. I thought I was going to mess up my lines when I saw you in the crowd. Thank the gods Aaron was there to bring me out of my trance.”
Nick laughed softly, “I thought you were going to jump me in the middle of the ceremony.”
Zak growled lightly, “Oh how I wanted to,” and pulled Nick possessively into him, pressing another kiss to his lips.
Nick reached up into Zak’s hair, yanking on it, making Zak hiss as his head was pulled away from his husband. Nick smirked. Feeling the need to give into his desires for his husband, Nick held back, knowing it was the magic in the air of the Spirit coming to join them. Instead, he gave a long lick to Zak’s neck, pressing a kiss to Zak’s cheek, “Careful, love. This is Dakota’s night, not ours.”
Zak rolled his eyes as Nick let go of his grip on Zak, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay,” and stepped away from his husband to take his place again in the middle of the room, “Shall we start again?”
Nick smiled softly as Zak raised his hands to form black smoke between them. He did the same, white smoke falling from his finger tips to join Zak’s and electricity crackled between them. The Spirit was amongst them a few minutes later.
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