#aaron goodwin imagine
lustnhim · 5 months
elvis in ‘girls! girls! girls!’ (1962) 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
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𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
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First lockdown
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For @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog
Prompts: #14 & #22
Fandom: Ghost Adventures
Pairing: Zak Bagans x reader
It was your first lockdown with the ghost adventures crew and you’d be lying to have said that you weren’t in any way scared.
Once you reached the St. Anne’s retreat, you had the urge to turn around and go back, but you remained and followed the boys in, wanting to show that you didn’t have any fear in the slightest.
However, when the interviews were wrapped up and night had fallen, that all changed and your nervousness started coming through. You were close losing your composure, and Zak must have picked up on that pretty fast, you suddenly feel his arm drap over your shoulders as he pulled you close. Zak than speaks to you in a tone of voice for only you could hear, and it took you a little by surprise, it was something you wouldn’t think of hearing from Zak.
“Don’t worry, I’ll stay by you the whole lockdown since it’s your first.”
Rather than feeling comforted by his words, you felt more vulnerable than anything else. You don’t know why, you don’t understand why, but you went along with it and everything was running smoothly in the way it was supposed to be until Zak had locked Aaron in another building that sat on part of the property.
Both you and Aaron were freaking out.
“This wasn’t part of the deal!”
You couldn’t understand what Zak had said to that as you got lost in smacking his arm and begging for him to let Aaron out.
“Zak, we can’t just leave him in there by himself! What if something happens to him?!” Zak acted as if he didn’t hear you.
After some convincing, Aaron agreed to stay behind as you and Zak continued making your way around the investigation.
The whole time, you were silently doubting yourself. Thinking of things like, why did Zak choose to become part of the crew, you don’t know. You may seem tough on the outside, but really, you were just as much as a wuss as anyone else. Out of everyone Zak had to choose from, he chose you. Zak saw a lot of great potential in you, and not only that, he had developed feelings for you. Over the short time you’ve been part of the crew, you started growing the same feelings for Zak as well. Somehow, you both know how you felt about each other, but you both remained silent on that. You both unknowingly made it obvious for the rest of the crew, they knew it but stayed silent for obvious reasons.
The two of you were walking to the pool where they say a nun supposedly drowned her baby in years ago, and as you did, the urge to ask the begging question grew. You couldn’t bring yourself to ask it until you were going back for Aaron. It was almost too challenging for you to ask, but you had to do it, you had to know otherwise, it’d drive you crazy. To gain control of your nerves, you begin by keeping it simple, but Zak cuts in before you could say anything. Praising you about how well you were doing on your first lockdown.
“How do you feel now that we’re halfway through your first lockdown?”
“I feel good about it, still a little uncertain about it my investigation skills.”
“I think you’re doing an excellent job, better than anyone I’ve seen handling a lockdown, whether it’s their first or not.”
You couldn’t help but feel slightly shy all of a sudden, but you quickly regained composure and turned the conversation around.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Yes, what’s up?”
“Why did you choose me? Out of everyone there, you had chosen me. Why did you choose me?”
At this point, you were back at the building Aaron was locked in earlier.
Unbeknownst to you, while Zak was about to give you an answer, Aaron was Ron the other side of the door, waiting to be let out when he started listening in on your conversation. As you look at Zak, you notice he seemed to be trying to put the right words to say in his head, as he didn’t want to have accidentally confess to you, confess to you yet, at least. You continue to wait patiently for a response, than he gave it to you.
“You know why, (Y/n).”
That was the last thing you had expected to hear.
You stared at him in disbelief, hardly daring to believe what he meant by that.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Zak was about to respond, but Aaron beats him to it, revealing Zak’s feelings for you.
“It means he likes you, (Y/n).”
“Aaron, shut up! No I don’t!”
“Stop lying! Stop lying to yourself and just admit it!” Aaron shouts back.
You lightly chuckle when you see that Zak seemed to be the most embarrassed than you had ever seen him before.
When he doesn’t say anything, you begin to ask him to know for yourself that if it’s true.
“What Aaron just said, is it true?”
Zak sighs heavily before responding.
“Yes. Yes it is.”
You felt your cheeks burn pink as he continued with an explanation.
“I wasn’t planning on confessing. Well, confessing this soon at least. I’m sorry if this makes you feel weird and I understand if you don’t feel the same way.”
As Zak rambles on, you feel the happiest you ever have been in the longest time.
You decide to confess as well.
“Shut the hell up, you don’t need to worry about that because I like you, too.”
The second you spoke a confession of your own, he was just as happy as you were.
Now was probably not the best place or timing to ask you for a date, but he did it anyway, and of course you agree.
“Can I take you on a date?”
“It’s a date!”
Because you were both caught up in the moment, you had momentarily forgotten about Aaron.
Aaron takes his fist to the door, slightly scaring the hell out of you and Zak as his shouting to let him out.
“We get it! You like each other! Now let me out, I can’t take much longer of being locked in!”
“Stop lying!”
Zak talks back.
This was an interesting lockdown, especially for your first.
You were just going to keep it at that.
Thank you so much for requesting! This was so much fun to write, please feel free to send more stuff in!!’ 💜
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terracebatman · 9 months
If John Cena was on Ghost Adventures...
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bagansarmy · 2 years
— Masterlist
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Aaron Goodwin x Reader
Let’s get in the Christmas mood!
Christmas was your favourite time of year, well it used to be. This year had been hectic with you opening a new photography studio. Your fiancé Aaron was due back from an investigation this afternoon and you felt bad because you hadn't even thought about decorating the house for Christmas. He loved coming home to see all the lights on the Christmas tree and the stupid little decorations you'd both gathered over the years together scattered around the house.
All you could do was leave him a note saying you'd be back later because someone had broken two lights in your studio and they needed replacing as soon as possible. You hated not being there when he opened the door to your house, normally you'd scream his name and jump into his arms but today wasn't like all the other times.
I couldn't wait to see my beautiful fiancé again, Ghost Adventures had just finished a few back to back investigations and y/n had to stay back because she was setting up her very own photography studio because she wanted somewhere to work on her photography that looked more professional for clients.
When I pulled up to the house we'd bought together I couldn't help but notice that there were no Christmas lights outside which was odd, around this time in December the lights would be up and on. Jay was staying with us while his house was under reconstruction so when we walked into a bare hallway both of us were surprised to see the house empty and not a single Christmas decoration in sight.
'I thought you two loved Christmas Aaron? This place doesn't even have decorations on the tree.'
Jay was right both y/n and I loved Christmas. I found numerous boxes of decorations and lights which had been unopened. I left Jay to go unpack in his room as I trudged into the kitchen and noticed a note on the counter in y/n's familiar handwriting.
Sorry, I couldn't be there when you got back but I got called into the studio last minute as some idiot broke two lights. I'm sorry I couldn't have the house decorated for you but with the studio and editing pictures, I just have been rushed off my feet and had no time. I wanted the first Christmas in our new house to be special but I kind of ruined that. I'll be back later, tell Jay if he isn't already reading this letter over your shoulder that the fridge and cupboards are fully stocked with your favourite food.
y/n xxx
'We should do something for her Aaron.'
I jumped at the sound of Jay's voice behind me, y/n was right about him reading the letter over my shoulder. I felt bad that she was pinning the blame on ruining our Christmas on herself, I'd been away the last few weeks and she'd been left to deal with everything on her own. Jay was right about doing something for her.
'Jay do you think we could get the house decorated before she comes back from the studio? I think it will make her day if she comes back and the house is all festive.'
Jay nods, 'I could call the other two, four sets of hands are better than two. Plus they love y/n and will understand. You're a good fiancé, Mr Goodwin.'
It looked like we had a plan. If we could rope Zak and Billy in the decorations would get put up quicker. y/n was going to have the best surprise when she walked through that door.
You got a message from Aaron just after the second light had been fixed, normally it would have taken a week to get replacements but you got things done when you were in a mood. Aaron's text lightened your mood.
AARON: We got back safe; Jay thanks you for the food. Hope you get the lights fixed and I can't wait to see you tonight. Four weeks is a long time and I have a surprise for you xxx
You wondered what the surprise could be as you finished a few things around your office. Usually, you hated surprises when people did them to you and Aaron knew this, but in the six years, you'd been together his surprises were the best.
Y/N: I'm heading back now so I should see you in half an hour if the traffic is good x
Aaron didn't reply and you thought nothing of it as you locked up the building and got into your car. You were surprised that Aaron hadn't bought up the lack of Christmas decorations; maybe he was being nice knowing you weren't in the best of moods. You were just happy that you had him back.
Pulling into your drive you did a double-take upon seeing Christmas lights lit up on the front of your house, you didn't remember putting them up. Had Aaron done this? Was this his surprise? He should have been resting after the investigations and not putting up decorations.
Before you could unlock the front door it opened revealing a smiling Aaron. He engulfed you in a hug and all your worries vanished, 'God I've missed you y/n.'
'I've missed you more Aaron. Did you put the lights up? You should be resting,' you fake scold.
He pulled back and grinned and only then did you notice he had a blindfold in one hand. You didn't question him as he turned you around and tied it around your head.
'That's only part of your surprise babe, I and my little elves did something else for you.'
He took your hand and led you into the house. It wasn't that long of a walk before he stopped you and told you to take the blindfold off. You took off the blindfold and gasped at the beautiful sight in front of you, Christmas had puked all over the lounge and hallway. The tree was decorated and lit up, stockings hung above the fireplace and tinsel-covered everywhere else. All the little decorations you'd gathered were placed around the room. You felt tears come to your eyes; this was the best surprise you could have ever asked for.
'It's beautiful Aaron; you didn't need to do this. This must have taken you a long time.'
He shrugged his shoulders, 'I had three little helpers who all agreed that you've been worked off your feet and deserved a nice surprise. Look up.'
You glance up and laugh upon seeing mistletoe hung above you, it was very well placed, 'I'd be a bit of a scrooge if I didn't kiss you, Aaron.'
'Jay is crashing at Billy's so we have the house to ourselves tonight. So we can do more than a kiss under the mistletoe,' he says, wiggling his eyebrows.
You smiled and wrapped your arms around his shoulders before standing on your tiptoes and kissed him. He smiled against your lips and picked you up around the waist before deepening the kiss. You had your fiancé back for Christmas and it finally looked like things were getting better. This was going to be the best Christmas yet.
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moeyy-writes · 4 years
Imagine Aaron video-chatting with you before a lockdown…
Aaron Goodwin x Reader
Warnings: fluff. Aaron being an adorable marshmallow.
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“Hey cutie,” you greeted your boyfriend as his face popped up on the screen. He smiled, making you giggle. Then, his eyes widened a little.
“Wow, you look stunning,” he gasped, his eyes fixed on the screen. Your whole body flushed at the compliment.
“Babe, I’m literally in one of your old shirts with almost no make-up on.”
“So?” he questioned, seeming almost offended. “You always look stunning.”
“Well, thank you, you handsome goober.” You earned yourself a playful giggle. “Are you excited for the lockdown tonight?”
Aaron nodded, then shrugged. “Yeah, I am. I’m just wondering what part of the location Zak is going to lock me in by myself.” You laughed, scrunching your nose.
“Yeah, he’s kind of predictable, huh?” Aaron laughed along with you, nodding. “Well, whatever you do, come back to me in one piece, okay?” Aaron’s smile softened.
“Oh course, darlin’.” He winked making you giggle again. “I almost always do.”
“Hey, I mean it, don’t get hurt! I’m serious, Aaron. If anything hurts you, I’ll kick its ass. And if your hurt yourself, I’ll kick your ass.” You narrowed your gaze, struggling to keep your lips from curling. Aaron stared at you for a minute, then bust out in laughter.
Once Aaron calmed down, his eyes met your through the screen. “Y/N, I’m going to marry you one day.” You just smiled, having heard those words a few times recently. You had a feeling that something was up his sleeve.
“Oh, yeah? Well, I’m going to hold you to it.”
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gac-drabbles · 6 years
When Evil Lurks
Part 1 Part 2
Pairing: AaronxFem!Reader
Summary: Aaron and the reader have a sibling like bond after investigating with each other for over a year. When the crew is invited to investigate a towns infamous mansion, something goes awry with Aaron.
Warnings: Mentions of violence
Feedback is much appreciated! ^.^
The afternoon sun was nearing the peak of it’s sweltering heat as it beat down relentlessly on the group, halting their previous mission of getting the equipment unpacked and into the house to set up nerve center, the 6 of them taking up refuge under one of the trees that ran along the side of the wrap around porch.
“Jesus Christ, I hope it cools down in there during the night.” you said with beads of sweat trickling down your neck, taking a large gulp of your now lukewarm water as you considered how it was even possible that the inside of the house was even more stifling than that of the outside.
Even the grass surrounding the property, unkempt and long and probably crawling with ticks and other insects, no doubt suffered from the suns unrelenting wrath as it claimed the moisture from the earth and left it dead and brittle. It could damn well be mistaken for hay at this point.
“Why don’t we continue the murder reports?” Bill suggested from where he laid on the ground a few inches away from your feet. Nothing else was probably going to get done until dusk and hopefully it would be cooler by then, not to mention it didn’t seem like any of you were going to move from the shade anytime soon.
“Are you good to go?” Zak directed the question towards you and you just waved a hand dismissively in his direction, to hot to even bother saying a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. “Alright, let’s see here,” he began as he held his hand over the top screen of his phone to counter the suns glare as he squinted at the words that seemed to have shrunk in a matter of hours.
“Alright so,” he trailed off as he scrolled to find where he had previously left off, “the fifth victim was found outside and it was the murderer himself, having thrown himself off the third story of the house. He was covered in blood that was determined not to be his own.” Zak said as he used the back of his hand to swipe the sweat from his forehead. “the initial search of the basement showed blood splatter across the floor that lead to a pool of blood that seemed to contain remnants of flesh, bone and hair, but no body.”
“The Amity horror house has nothing on this.” Jay muttered as he adjusted to a more comfortable position, the dead grass crunching beneath him as he did so before his solemn eyes went back to Zak.
“The next victim to be found was that of the mans elderly father on the second floor,” Zak lifted his eyes from the screen to cast a sympathetic look your way,”this next part gets pretty graphic are you ok with that?” by now you had gone way past the point of caring, you entire body and mind were completely over heated at this point and you were listening to the story in somewhat of a daze, the information not even processing properly.
“Upon finding a trail of blood leading from the top of the stairs into one of the upstairs bedrooms, they found then mans elderly father strung up by a meat hook from the top frame of the sturdy wooden four poster bed. The suspect had taken the hook from the cold cellar where they stored their meat,” he stopped briefly to take a gulp of water to refresh his parched lips. “The murdered managed to bypass behind the left shoulder blade and pierce directly into the heart.
A unanimous cringe flowed between everyone at just the thought. It seemed even Zak was becoming increasingly disturbed by the increase in brutality. “Bloody hand prints and streaks along the wall suggest the suspect had stumbled his way towards the attic. There they found disturbing messages scrawled across the walls in blood, some asking for repentance, others too dark to mention. It was also here they found the eldest and only son.” Zak stopped abruptly before pocketing his phone. “The eldest daughter was never found.” he said in almost a whisper.
“Wait...what happened to the son?” Jay asked as you all sat there in absolute confusion as to why all the other murders had been outlined but Zak seemed reluctant to share the details of this final murder. “Its dark, even for me.” Zak said before casting his eyes to you. ”It’s enough to give even me nightmares, I don’t want to freak her or anyone else out.”
The curiosity was gnawing away at you but so was the anxiety of what could be so horrific even Zak couldn’t bring himself to say it. “Zak,” your voice was low and unsure as you bit your lip, carefully picking what words you were going to say. “we need to know what we’re dealing with. What did this guy do to his son?” finally you cast your eyes to meet his in a reassuring and determined way. Zak sighed, his head falling so his chin met his chest for a brief moment before looking towards the house of horrors as he responded.
“He...he was laying on the floor, there was blood everywhere...his rib cage was exposed from his open torso...his heart was ripped out and crushed...he gutted his own son.” 
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demonsandmischief · 3 years
Ghost Adventures - A Zak Bagans Imagine
Zak x Female Reader
400 Words
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Watching horror movies with Zak. Fluffy.
Thanks for requesting!! :))
"You're such a know it all," you huffed playfully. "Just watch the movie."
Your boyfriend, Zak Bagans, grinned, stretching is arm over the back of the sofa. His fingers grazed your shoulder and you leaned into his side.
"It's not even that scary," he said, letting his head drop back.
"Maybe not to you," you pout, adjusting the blanket so you could curl closer to him. "Now hush, you're killing the vibe."
You could feel his chuckle as he settled down.
"Oh no," you groaned, pulling the blanket over your eyes. "Something's going to pop out."
You peeked through your fingers at the screen, concentrating very deeply.
Until a hand grabbed your side. You jumped with screech.
"Zak," you whined, feeling you heartbeat viciously. "That wasn't funny. You scared me." You buried your face in your hands, having to recuperate.
He rubbed your back. His gentle laughter was enough to trigger your own. "I can't help it. You're too easy to scare."
"Am not," you protested. "You caught me at a bad time."
He grinned, leaning down to kiss the corner of your mouth.
"Don't do it again," you said, but he made no promises.
You curled closer to him this time, practically laying in his lap. He strokes your hair and the movie continues.
"There's no way that could actually happen."
"Zak, I swear," you groan, but can't help but giggle. "I'm never going to watch anything with you ever again."
"Never?" he teases, bending over to kiss your head. "I'm sorry, baby. I'll be quiet."
Except this time when the jump scare comes around, you reach to grab his leg, startling him.
"Ha," you said, sitting up. "Now you know how it feels."
"I wasn't even scared," he said back, reaching out for you so he could pull you back to his side.
"Why'd you jump then?"
"Who's disrupting the movie now?"
You roll your eyes and he gives a low chuckle, brushing his lips with yours. A soft love you leaves his lips and you smile, tucking yourself under his arm.
Read more Zak fics here in my Masterlist.
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actorfrustration · 3 years
Black & White
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Title: Black & White Chapter: One-Shot Pairing: Zak/OC Rating: T Fic Summary: Zak wants Lexi to meet his co-workers/friends/brothers.
[A/N - Sequel to "No Judgement". I chose another Niall Horan song for this one.]
“You…you want me to meet your friends?” Lexi asked him.
Zak nodded. “Yeah. They’ve been asking who I’ve been spending so much time with.”
Lexi was apprehensive because for the longest time Zak wanted to keep his personal life separate from his work life.
Sure, he worked with his friends, men who were his brothers at this point, but she’d always kept to the shadows. When Zak came over, he left his work at the door.
Lexi bit her bottom lip. “But…”
Zak frowned and put his hand on her cheek.
Lexi leaned in towards the touch.
“What is it, sweetheart?” he asked her.
“What if they don’t like me?”
Zak wanted to laugh. How could anyone not like Lexi? Her happy and calming energy was enough to pull him out of any lockdown hangover.
“They’ll love you, because I…I care about you and they know that. It’ll be okay, because I’ll be your side the whole time,” he reassured her, “It’s totally informal. Just cooking out and hanging out with friends. I really want you to be there.”
Lexi looked into Zak’s technicolor eyes. “Okay, but you’re not allowed to leave me. At all.”
Zak laughed and wrapped his arms around her. “Deal.”
Zak led a nervous Lexi into his living room.
She had tried to slip away multiple times and run back to the car. She looked through the floor to ceiling windows to the backyard.
Gracie was running around with two other dogs.
Billy stood at the grill with a beer in his hand, while a woman sat on the edge of the pool with her feet in the cool water. A tall, bearded guy she assumed was Aaron was in the water talking with another guy. The other man had to be Jay.
She’d seen pictures from Zak’s Instagram and his camera roll. She also tended to watch reruns of Ghost Adventures if she was missing Zak.
“If I go and change, can I trust you not to run off?” Zak asked. He kissed Lexi on the forehead and disappeared down the hallway to his bedroom.
Lexi noticed one of the men’s heads turn towards the living room. She squeaked and hid behind the couch.
Zak came out in a pair of black swim trunks and found Lexi. “Lex, what are you doing? Get up.”
She stood up and grabbed onto Zak’s hand as they walked out.
“’Bout time. We were about to send a…search party,” Billy said, his eyes on Lexi.
“Guys, this is Alexis,” Zak said.
“Lexi. Call me Lexi,” Lexi told them.
Aaron’s eyes zeroed in on Zak and Lexi’s intertwined hands. “So you’re the famous Lexi,” he said.
Lexi’s eyes went wide. Had Zak talked about her?
“Don’t worry. It’s all good things. Never mentioned you by name though,” Jay reassured her.
Zak led her over a couple of pool chairs and Gracie came over to them.
Lexi smiled as the border collie put her front paws on Lexi’s knees and leaned up to lick her face. Lexi giggled and scratched Gracie’s neck.
Hearing Lexi laugh made Zak smile.
“Hey Zak, come over here for a second,” Billy called.
Zak got up and Lexi finally got a good look at the tattoo that had always remained hidden to her.
She knew the story behind it. How he became possessed by a spirit in Poveglia, Italy and how it had changed his life.
Jay and Aaron came over to her and sat down.
“I’m Jay and this is Aaron.”
Lexi laughed. “I know. Zak talks about you all the time. All good things, of course.”
They quickly fell into easy conversation.
“I can see why Zak always wants to visit you after a hard lockdown,” Jay told her, “You have a very calming energy.”
“Thank you.”
Zak had often expressed the exact same thing to her. That she was the only person who calmed his mind and pulled him out of the dark place his thought often went to.
“God knows how you can put up with him sometimes,” Aaron said.
Lexi laughed. “Well, I have very strict rules when he comes to see me. He has to cleanse before he walks through the door and he leaves work at work.”
Zak looked over and saw Lexi laughing at something Aaron said. He smiled seeing her get along with his friends.
“You love her, don’t you?” Billy asked Zak. He could tell his friend was head over heels for Lexi.
“I don’t know if I’d use the word love, Bill. But I care about her a lot.”
Lexi was the white to his black. The light that counteracted his darkness.
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wilhellmine · 7 years
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Zak Bagans “Imagine...” - This time Zak is video calling with you :-)
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Silent treatment
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For: @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog
Prompts: #17 & #33
Aaron Goodwin x reader
There was a time where you wouldn’t even dream of asking Aaron to take a different career path.
As proud as you were of Aaron, you worried of the gut instinct feeling that his career was pulling your relationship of two years apart in slow motion. You just didn’t notice it until after Aaron had come earlier than planned when he had gone to investigate the Winchester Manson with the crew back in San Jose, California.
Ever since than, you watched and feel as Aaron seemed to be becoming more distant and even cold towards you. You tried sitting him down to talk about it, but he was stubborn and didn’t listen, wouldn’t listen to you and that did hurt a lot. You felt that you were running out of options on ways to get to the bottom of things and it wasn’t long before you couldn’t take anymore of it and had actually made arrangements to meet Zak at a coffee shop to talk about Aaron. This felt strange to do, but you didn’t know what else to do, you didn’t want to breakup. Breaking up was not an option in your book, it never will be.
During your time with Zak, you both decide to try and talk to Aaron together. That almost turned out disastrous, half of it turned into a screaming match, everyone yelling at each other and saying things no one meant at all. But when Aaron brought up the topic of breaking up, you couldn’t handle it anymore as more things have been said. Zak seemed to be surprised yet disappointed when Aaron suggested breaking up.
“Are you kidding me, Aaron?”
“I don’t think so.” he admits to you.
“Do you really think breaking up will do us, or anyone else good?”
Aaron only glared at you.
“Aaron, you can’t do this, you can’t shut me out. Please don’t shut me out.” you plea with him.
That was the end of it.
Talking to Aaron obviously hadn’t worked as you hoped it would.
All of this could have been left behind in the past, but Aaron was being difficult and wouldn’t let you in. You were upset and decided not to talk to him for the following days ahead. It’s not that you weren’t doing this to purposely hurt Aaron, you just wanted him to see what you were seeing. It seemed to have worked, giving Aaron the silent treatment actually brought him back to his senses and he didn’t like or appreciate your silence. That’s when he knew how badly he must have messed up, and had become determined to make it up to you.
Aaron convinced Zak to help him out on that, they put their heads together and had the idea that Aaron should gift you with something special. They had gone to the store after Aaron mentioned that there was a piece of jewelry that he knew you had been eyeing to Zak while you stayed home, unaware of what was about to happen. Aaron decided to get you that heart shaped pendant necklace along with (f/c) dozens of roses. Once he had everything, they had gone back to your house to find you, which wasn’t hard. When Aaron walked into your shared home, he found in the kitchen, preparing a meal. He walked in with the gift bag and flowers, not knowing this was going to be the first time you talk to him in days.
“Do you want any of this?” you ask, gesturing to the meal you were preparing.
“Actually, no. I have something for you.”
Aaron hands the gift bag over to you and as you open it, you couldn’t help but gasp, pulling the heart shaped pendant necklace you had been wanting.
“It reminded me of you.”
A smile was brought to your face, light up the room and moods.
You almost didn’t know what to say, so you decide to tease him a little.
“Is this your way of trying to be apologetic? Because you need to try harder.” you tease.
You were only kidding.
But when he presented the (f/c) roses to you, you were shocked.
“You shouldn’t have. I forgive you, though.”
Since than, your relationship has been improving.
It was all okay now.
Thank you for requesting!!! 💜
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azbagans · 4 years
Future Haunting
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Pairing: Zak Bagans x Reader
Summary: (Prompt) "If I die because of that idiot I'm going to haunt him for the rest of his life."
Warning: None! :)
Author's Note: I'd really like to write some more for Zak and the Ghost Adventures crew, feel free to request!
The evening had arrived sooner than the crew had hoped. The Ghost Adventures crew had finished up the last of their interviews just about an hour ago, and now they were enjoying some dinner at a nearby diner before they initiated their lockdown. “There’s absolutely no way! You’re lying bro.” Aaron’s loud comment snapped you back into reality as you all enjoyed your dinner. “Actually… I agree with Zak on this one.” You laughed in response, while stealing one of Zak’s cheese fries.
“I don’t know, I stand with Aaron on this one. I haven’t had a burger this good back in Vegas before.” Billy countered, earning a high five from Aaron. You pouted as Zak playfully swatted your hand away as you went for another fry. “Wow, rude.” You huffed and reached for your glass of water. “Jay, you’re the tie breaker here man,” Billy pointed out. Anticipation grew in the playful atmosphere as everyone’s focus landed on Jay. A tense silence fell upon the group as Jay set his drink back on the table, “Sorry guys, I’ve definitely had better in Vegas.” He admitted. Seconds later groans and protests from Aaron and Billy were heard, soon covered by cheers and teasing from you and Zak.
Zak wasn’t much for playful spirits lately, considering the last few investigations were quite heavy and dark, so it was refreshing to see him laughing and smiling. Dinner was soon wrapped up and enjoyed, resting your head on Zak’s shoulder as Billy went up to pay. “You guys are such dorks,” Aaron teased at the sight of you and Zak so comfortable and casual, his phone out as he recorded for an Instagram story, you blushed and stuck your tongue out as Zak laughed, grinning down at you for a moment. “Shut up bro,” He laughed.
“Zak and y/n sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love, then comes-“ Aaron sang, having a field day with the love birds of the crew. “Don’t you dare!” You cut him off, Billy and Jay laughing as they gathered their things, the rest of you following along to gather your belongings and start heading back to the car.
“No Aaron!”
“Yes y/n! Its adorable, fans are gonna love it,”
“I don’t care!”
“I already posted it,”
The small argument progressed as they entered the vehicle. “In that case, you no longer have shotgun.” You playfully pushed him aside as you got into the passenger seat, Zak in the Driver’s seat, and the rest crowding into the back seats. Zak couldn’t help but chuckle in amusement at the childlike argument, “What’s wrong babe, I’m not that ugly am I?” Zak teased as he clicked on his seatbelt before starting the engine, lacing his free hand into yours. You playfully rolled your eyes as you laughed. “Oh shut up Bagans, you know all too well you’re far from ugly.” You countered as you pecked his lips softly.
“Oh get a room!” Aaron groaned teasingly, Jay and Billy supporting the idea. “You guys could always walk there,” Zak smirked as he glanced back at the three, before beginning the drive to their location.
The lockdown had commenced only a few hours ago, the crew having split off. Jay was monitoring the cameras back at nerve, Billy had taken charge of the fourth floor of the old asylum. Aaron, you, and Zak were about to split off after having investigated the top floor with not much activity. “Hey guys, I definitely think someone should head to the basement. I’ve been hearing strange and loud sounds since we started.” Jay called in through his walkie talkie.
Aaron sighed deeply as he had a feeling, he was about to be sent off to investigate on his own.
However, Zak’s decision hadn’t been anticipated. “Yeah alright.. y/n why don’t you head down there? Aaron and I will cover the second floor.” Zak stated as the three began to walk down the staircase. Aaron couldn’t contain both his shock and laughter, “Good luck y/n, don’t let the spirits bite.” Aaron teased, which would, of course make their audience laugh once the episode aired.
“If I die because of that idiot I’m going to haunt him the rest of his life.” You paused as you told Aaron’s camera that, glaring at the pair as they continued down the stairs. “Yeah? Join the club, babe.” Zak laughed as they soon turned back into their work mode.
Off you went, further down to the basement for an investigation of your own.
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redspaceace-writes · 5 years
My Angel - (Zak Bagans x Reader)
Request: I GOT INSPIRED BY YOUR CONVERSATION WITH THE OTHERE ANON!!!(hope that's okay with you!!) SOOOO how about a Zak x guardian angel from reader, where like the reader is hiding that fact they are the GAC guardian angel, (reader be pretending to be a human (apart of the crew) and in a relationship with Zak). So like the crew finds out because of like a Spirit bix session with a demonic spirit or something (I didn't think this far in advance 😬) sorry!!! If you hate this request I'll understand 🖤🖤🖤
Author's Note: Thank you for the request, anon. I hope you enjoy. Sorry, this isn’t very good, but I couldn’t think of what else to do with this :/
Word Count: 740
Warnings: Angst
Tags (open):
Forever: @starwarsprequelfangirl​
Not my GIF. Credit goes to the owner.
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It’s rather strange to interact with a species where most of them believe in a higher power. What makes it strange is that they don’t know their beliefs are real. How do you know this? Well, you’re an angel. More specifically, you’re a guardian angel. As the title implies, your job is to protect the creatures of Earth. Each of you guardians is assigned to a group of humans. Your case is special. You are supposed to protect a man named Zak Bagans and anyone he holds sacred. What also makes your case special is the fact that you fell in love with said man. It’s not forbidden to have relationships with humans, but it does come with a twist: you must hide your identity no matter the circumstance.
You’ve observed all your previous subjects from above, but something drew you to Zak. Being with him gave you the opportunity to mill about the intelligent species you’ve watched for so long. It also allowed you to better protect Zak. He’s the first human you’ve interacted with, so it gave you a chance to put what you learned to the test. And it worked. He was drawn to you just as you were to him. But then a problem arose: he found out about your true identity. This is the story of how that happened.
When you woke up that morning, a sense of unease washed over you. You tried to brush it off, assuming Zak or the boys could be headed for trouble that night. You made sure to be more alert. Zak noticed you looked weary throughout the day, but he didn’t question it until you pulled up outside the night’s location. Aaron, Jay, and Billy climbed out of the vehicle but Zak stopped you.
“Hey, babe, what’s wrong?” he asked concerned. His question surprised you, but you hated keeping things from him.
“I don’t feel right about tonight,” you sighed. “I can’t shake the feeling something’s going to happen.” Zak nods at your answer.
“Listen to me, try not to worry about it too much. Whatever happens, we’ll handle it, okay? We’ve been doing this for a long, long time,” he assured. You smiled at his reassurance and leaned in to press your lips to his before exiting the car. You met them at the rear of the vehicle and gathered up the required equipment. Jay and Billy started their cameras to begin filming Zak as he talked about what was happening to the audience that would be watching when the episode aired. After he finished monologuing, you all warily stepped inside the building.
The first few hours of the lockdown proved the location was indeed haunted. Plenty of voices were captured and cold spots felt, you were even grabbed a few times. The interesting thing about the evidence you’d gotten was that it all revolved around you. You got all the attention and had to get the boys to confirm what was happening. This is what led to their discovery of you.
The idea to split up was conjured and you were partnered with Zak. As the two of you explored your designated room, you turned on the Spirit Box. Almost immediately, without either of you uttering a word, a voice came through. It was very deep but undeniably clear.
“Your girlfriend has a secret,” the voice mocked, talking directly to Zak. Your eyes widened at the intelligence of the entity. At that moment you knew this is what you were feeling panicked about. “She’s not human. She’s an angel.” You could feel Zak’s eyes look in your direction.
“What? Angel’s aren’t real,” he responds, confused.
“Ask her…” the voice growled. Zak turned off the Spirit Box, the silence consuming you.
“Y/N, do you know what that was about?” he asks. You don’t answer. That threw  Zak off. “Y/N?”
“It’s right,” you whispered, hating lying to him. “I’m not human.”
“What? That’s impossible-”
“It’s not,” you interrupted. “I’m an angel. We’re real. And my job is to protect you.” Zak’s stunned silence is exactly what you expected. He doesn’t say anything, walking out of the room. You heard his footsteps fade away, and let the tears pricking at your eyes fall. You collapse to your knees on the floor, sobbing quietly. You hear a menacing cackle echo around the room. You struggle to believe what had just happened. What were you going to do now?
Requests are open. Check out who I write for and feel free to ask for anyone not on the list.
Posted: March 1, 2020
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fangirl94stuff · 4 years
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Aaron Goodwin x Reader
Fall was your favourite time of year, you loved everything about the season from wearing sweaters to the leaves changing colours and falling at your feet as you walked through the local park to get to the bakery shop you owned called Simply Desserts. Fall also meant Halloween your favourite holiday which allowed you to decorate the shop as soon as October 1st rolled around. Your creative window displays always drew customers in.
With fall comes the infamous pumpkin spice craze. You weren’t a big fan of the flavour but you tried to put it in as many baked goods as you could because customers craved it. Your staple pumpkin pie was a bestseller all year round, and this year you’d decided to experiment. You were still selling normal pumpkin pies, but your new creation had you adding green food colouring to the crust and a stencil design of a generic carved pumpkin face on top with chocolate dusting gave it extra depth.
Just as you take a fresh pie out of the oven and place it on the cooling rack the bell chimes above the front door indicating a customer, so you walk out of the kitchen, smiling when you see a familiar face except this time he wasn’t alone.
‘Good morning Aaron. I see you’re not alone today,’ you say, throwing a cloth over your shoulder you’d used to dry your hands after a quick wash.
Aaron scratches his head looking a little nervous which wasn’t like him, usually, he came in all hyper and excited. You knew what he did for a living so you knew his friends were also his colleagues Zak, Billy and Jay.
Zak steps forward and extends his hand, ‘hi you must be y/n, we’ve heard a lot about you and your baked goods from this guy.’
You chuckle and walk around the counter to shake Zak’s hand, ‘and I’ve heard a lot about you guys, big fan of the show. Can I get you guys something to eat?’
Billy clears his throat, ‘we’ve heard about your pumpkin pie, Aaron says they are to die for.’
As you remove your hand from Zak’s you take note of Aaron’s blush, was he embarrassed? He came in daily and fell in love with your pumpkin pie, and over the past year, the two of you got to know each other well.
‘I just made a fresh one if you guys want to take a seat. Would you like it plain? Or with cream or ice cream?’ you ask going into host mode.
Zak and Billy go for cream, Jay goes for ice cream and Aaron doesn’t say anything but you know he takes it plain. You walk back into the kitchen leaving the door a little ajar as the guys pick a table near the counter.
‘Why did you guys have to come? You embarrassed me,’ Aaron whines.
‘Because you’ve talked about y/n for a whole year and of course we’re going to be curious,’ Zak speaks up.
‘Also we knew if you came alone you’d chicken out of asking them on a date,’ Billy chimes in.
You nearly cut your hand with the knife you were using to cut the pie when you heard Billy say Aaron had come here to ask you out. Did you like Aaron? Of course, you did, who wouldn’t love his huge personality, humour and compassion. Now you knew the feelings were mutual.
‘Go help y/n in the kitchen,’ Jay suggests.
You hear a chair move and you go back to slicing up the pie humming to yourself, and then Aaron walks into the kitchen looking even more nervous and flushed.
‘You okay Aaron?’ you ask.
Aaron nods and takes a deep breath, ‘I have two questions y/n. Question one, will you go on a date with me? And question two, what the hell if that green monstrosity?’
You can’t help but laugh, this was the weirdest way you’d been asked out, ‘wow insult my baking Aaron. But yes I will go on a date with you.’
Aaron lets out the breath he’d been holding, closes the space between us and hugs you. He gave the best hugs you’d ever received.
‘Wow so romantic dude, this is one to tell the kids,’ Zak mocks, stood in the doorway with Billy and Jay behind him while Billy filmed the scene.
Aaron releases you but stays by your side, ‘seriously guys?’
You roll your eyes, ‘if you’re in my kitchen then you’re going to work. Aaron get the plates, Zak continue slicing the pie, Billy get the cream out of the fridge and Jay the ice cream is in the freezer behind you.’
When no one moves you snap your fingers which stirs the guys into action. You wish you had your phone on you so you could film the Ghost Adventures crew helping out in your bakery.
Aaron squeezes your waist, ‘I’m going to eat the green pie to make it up to you y/n.’
‘Yes you are Goodwin now get to work,’ you say sternly, but can’t keep the smile off your face.
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moeyy-writes · 4 years
Imagine getting the boys a treat before a lockdown...
Zak Bagans x Reader
Warnings: None, just goofy fluff.
GAC Imagines Master List || My Full Master List
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You arrived to the site of your next lockdown, excited to get inside. Sure, you weren’t going inside the site for another hour or so, but that didn’t mean there was nothing to do.
You approached the crew near the gear tent and smiled. You loved surprising them with little treats, especially on those investigations where there wasn’t enough time to tour the area and let off a little steam. Since the five of you were going to be up all night investigating, you thought a little fuel wouldn’t be a bad idea.
“Hello, gentlemen,” you greeted your friends, coffee tray in hand. The four of them lifted their gaze from their individual equipment. “I thought you could use a little boost.” All four of them smiled simultaneously.
“Thanks, Y/N,” Jay thanked you sweetly. You handed him his coffee.
“Soy latte with one stevia for my vegan love,” you patted your dear friend’s shoulder, then turned to Billy. “Cinnamon Dolce latte for my cinnamon roll.” Billy scowled at your words, then laughed before thanking you.
“What about me?” Aaron whined from behind you. You chuckled and rolled your eyes.
“I have three more coffees here. How about we play coffee roulette and see which one you get? You have a one-third chance of getting Zak’s gross sugar-free garbage,” you teased. Aaron scrunched his nose and shook his head.
“No way, man. I’ll wait.” 
You smiled. “That’s what I thought.”
You read the labels on the cups and smiled, finding Zak’s. Since Aaron was being impatient, and you were going to be the pesty best friend that you were and make him wait as long as you could. 
“A sugar-free mocha for my handsome man.” You handed him his coffee, and stole a kiss before placing your own coffee on the folding table beside you. “And, for my man-child of a best friend, a sugar-free, four stevia, seven pump mint syrup--”
“What?!” Aaron exclaimed. You leaned your head back and laughed.
“I’m joking. A very normal caramel macchiato for Aaron.” He accepted the coffee from you, blowing you a kiss. You smiled, and watched as the guys sat back for a moment and enjoyed their surprise.
“Oh man, this hits the spot. Thanks, Y/N,” Billy thanked you. Jay nodded beside him, grinning, clutching his paper cup with both hands.
“Yeah, this was very sweet of you, babe. Thanks.” Zak wrapped a free arm around your shoulders. He kissed your temple, the smell of sweet chocolate wafting from him. “You spoil us.”
“Yeah, this is the freaking best,” Aaron added. He hummed, enjoying his favorite coffee. “Dude, Zak, if you don’t marry this girl soon, I freaking will.” 
Zak cocked an eyebrow, then let out a laugh. His arm around you tightened just a little bit. Obviously, none of the guys had noticed the ring on your finger, the one Zak had given you two days prior when he asked you that very question. You just sipped your coffee, admiring your friends, waiting for them to catch on.
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