#zanthi fever
catboyelimgarak · 11 months
How could you leave us on such a brutal cliffhanger? Do you not value my sanity? /j
(Latest chapter of ur Garashir fic is 🤌chefs kiss)
I assume you mean the Sugar Baby one? But even if not, the answer is always:
es funny 🤭 /j
u3u besitos tho on your heart homie
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clementine-kesh · 2 years
What's the funniest thing that could save Picard the tng reunion? In my opinion Jean Luc should spontaneously combust in the next episode so they could scrap the whole 3 seasons and make a better show (with no Picard, a better storyline and Seven of Nine is still in it)
the funniest? well my friend there’s only one answer to that question and it’s BAREIL SWEEP
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First son of Bajor Arm 'round the major
Prophet chosen playa Snuff Cardassian danger
Hot like a bout of the Zanthi fever Voices from the temple and I'm the receiver
Let me take your pagh and make you a believer
Vedek to the people, and never a deceiver
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More things I think would happen if Jeeves and Wooster were on DS9
Part 1 Part 1.5
It's a bit harder in space than in London for Bertie's relatives and school friends to track him down and beg for favors. Unfortunately, Jeeves’s reputation as a problem-solver has spread around the station, and the problems Bertie's NEW friends bring to him are even more ridiculous.
Week after week: "Help, I got Zanthi fever at the Gratitude Festival and now my fiancée won't speak to me"—"I love a girl from a few star systems over, but on her homeworld unmarried men and women are only allowed to communicate via each other's same-gender parent and her mom hates me"—"Your Uncle Tom wants a rare silver thing but this asshole Ferengi trader won't let him have it" (sometimes his relatives DO visit)
When he doesn’t end up with dubiously legal, stolen, or dangerous alien merchandise smuggled aboard his ship against his will (and also when he does), he keeps managing to stumble coincidentally into the exact combination of words and actions that make up some alien culture's courtship ritual (nobody told him that on Glorgon, pushing somebody into a body of water is considered the first step in a marriage proposal!)
The Gussie/Madeline/Spode love triangle follows him to space, obviously. No matter where he is in the galaxy, fiancé(e)s of the week will come and go, but the Gussie/Madeline/Spode love triangle is a universal constant. There is no galaxy or universe he can escape to where the triangle will not follow.
I feel like this goes without saying, but Gussie is a human scientist stationed on Bajor to study newts native amphibious life forms found in the planet's rivers. He and Bertie still went to school together. Spode is a firebrand Bajoran nationalist politician who had ties to the Circle before their failed coup, but not quite enough for anything to be proved against him.
Bassett Madeline is a Bajoran astronomer who writes poetry on the side and visits the station sometimes to help with research on the wormhole. She’s actually a very qualified scientist, but there’s nothing stopping her from knowing how the stars work AND believing they’re the Prophets’ daisy chain.
Kira really, REALLY wants to like her. She wants to like her so badly. Another highly accomplished religious Bajoran woman is visiting, she should be thrilled! They have so much to talk about! Madeline's fervor toward their shared faith is nothing less than admirable and inspiring and an example to us all, and not at ALL "mawkish" or "a bit much," JULIAN, and no Kira does NOT have a headache, but on second thoughts maybe she should head to the infirmary just in case.
Fortunately, Madeline is usually on the station to work with Jadzia, who regards her mushy tendencies with gentle amusement.
Kira eventually warms to Madeline somewhat when, one day, she (Madeline) visits the station after a fight with Gussie, and Jadzia, taking pity, invites her to play Camelot with her and Kira in the holosuites. Kira has to grit her teeth through the first half, but the three of them end up bonding when something inevitably goes wrong with the safety protocols and they have to fight a real dragon or something. Kira still wouldn't call Madeline her best friend, but she can find it in herself to tolerate the daisy-chain talk with a more bonhomous spirit.
Bertie has no idea any of this is happening, but is just grateful that Jadzia managed to whisk Madeline off to the holosuites before she could try to marry HIM again. He has the Bajoran Rite of Separation memorized by heart and he's running out of bowls.
He also isn't sure what all that was about when Jadzia assured him that she's got this, don't worry about it, you go on and spend some quality time with Jeeves, and then winked at him. Or why this made Jeeves tighten his jaw by the minutest degree and disappear to "supervise repairs," even though Bertie is almost certain there are no repairs left to be done.
It's all a bit rummy, but Jadzia is a dependable sort of cove, and if she says there's nothing to worry about then he trusts there's nothing to worry about. She's a bit like Jeeves in that respect, what? So he shrugs it off and goes to play darts with Julian and Miles instead.
Bertie is obviously a common fixture at the dartboard in Quark's. He also plays tennis with Julian sometimes (Miles being kind of done with tennis after what happened last time). Quark tried to start a betting pool on their games one time, but hit a snag when it turned out that many of the non-human bar customers had trouble telling the competitors apart.
Bertie once sat with Jadzia over a couple drinks as she patiently tried to explain the concept of joined Trill to him (he had been asking about why Sisko calls her "old man"). The discussion ended with Jadzia kindly patting him on the shoulder and inviting him to a game of Dabo.
As it happens, there weren't really any repairs to be done on the ship, but in pretending he was carrying out inspections Jeeves DID discover a hidden device on the warp engine that would have caused everyone on the station to hallucinate their worst enemy's face onto random strangers when the engine was engaged, so the day wasn't a complete wash.
(He kept the device instead of reporting it, naturally. You never know what might come in handy some day. But the plot would have fallen apart anyway, as the aliens who'd planted it suddenly found themselves succumbing to infighting after their first officer received an anonymous message alerting them to the fact that the captain had been planning to short the crew on their pay.)
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breezybeej · 3 months
So the episode where characters are affected by Lwaxana's brain waves and start getting all horny for each other: just a little note -
They explain that all of these characters had to have been holding on to some latent attraction in order for zanthi fever to have this effect. there's obviously the inherent humor of Kira and Bashir since their actors were dating and eventually married and real life.
but I want to talk about Quark.
They made it very clear in the beginning when Miles is down in the dumps, Keiko wears a lot of clothing and quark comments how he only ever seems to see them fight each other. this is after waxing poetic about ferengi females and Ferengi marriages.
And yet, when he's struck by the horny waves, he falls for Keiko pretty hard. One might almost think he enjoys when a strong female is argumentative. The same way he was drawn to grilka, the same reason he's in love with Dax. he loves being challenged and humiliated by assertive women
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jimintomystery · 5 months
DS9: "Fascination"
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Ambassador Lwaxana Troi of Betazed attends Deep Space Nine's celebration of the Bajoran Gratitude Festival, mostly as an excuse to make another pass at Constable Odo. When a case of Zanthi fever projects her pining onto random people, it's a recipe for wackiness!
OK, I've been putting this one off, but it's gotta get done.
I didn't actually see "Fascination" until many years after it aired--another situation where my family was probably out on Saturday evening and I didn't set the VCR. I wasn't terribly upset about missing a Lwaxana episode, especially based on what I read about the plot. But I did miss one crucial bit of continuity, in that Lwaxana establishes for the audience that Odo has a crush on Major Kira. We'll circle back to that when I found out about the crush, with "Heart of Stone."
There's not much to say about this episode--it's just a bunch of broad comedy that doesn't fit the show very well. So instead let's use this episode as an excuse to examine a general trend in '90s Star Trek.
Jake Sisko is brooding about breaking up with Mardah (from "The Abandoned"), but one jolt of Troi's Zanthi fever triggers his latent attraction to Kira, and he decides she's the love of his life. OK, he's sixteen years old, so I get it. Vedek Bariel catches the fever and he's ready to kick Kira to the curb and propose to Lieutenant Dax. That's wild, but the fever is making people act like Lwaxana, so, fair. But when Dax gets it, she not only macks on Commander Sisko, she acts as though she's always felt this way. And that's where this dumb plot says something about the franchise's weird notions about romance.
This era of Star Trek doesn't know how to handle any unrequited romance except as a secret crush. You can't just fancy another character and kick yourself when you miss a chance to make your move--you have to have been melodramatically pining since the day you met them, because It Was Meant To Be...! So even in an "everybody has horny fever" episode, Jadzia can't irrationally fall for Sisko without also irrationally deciding she's felt this way all along, because in the language of this show, there is no deeper form of romantic attraction. Indeed, there is no other form of romantic attraction at all, except for a casual hook-up.
To be fair, some of the angsty pining in Star Trek works. But they do it with so many characters over the course of this show, and I haven't even brought up all the examples from the other shows. It started bugging me about a year before this episode, and about a year after I was well and truly fed up with it. "Fascination" just happens to be near the epicenter--sort of a sex pollen ground zero, if you will.
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ao3feed-ds9 · 6 months
The Perek Flower and the Meya Lily
https://ift.tt/lgbUL6m by Meya_lily This story follows the relationship of Garak, a former Obsidian Order agent, and Mara, a young xenobotanist with a troubled past and a deep-seated desire to belong. Despite the rough start to their friendship and the many obstacles in their way, they find companionship and understanding in each other's company. Will they let their past mistakes define them or will they choose to forge a new path? Follow their journey to find love and redemption amongst betrayal and deception. I wrote this because I was unhappy with the way Garak's story ended in the show. While remaining major canon compliant, I've changed some small things here and there. So yes, this story will have a happy ending (er, happier). Fair Warning: This is still in the process of being written. I've outlined all the chapters and written most of them, but it is not finished yet. Because of that, updating this will be slow going in the beginning. I plan to upload a new chapter every month (if things go amazingly well, perhaps even every two weeks) while I'm still writing. Once I've finished writing it, I'll upload the rest every week or so. Alpha/beta reader(s) needed. Words: 1187, Chapters: 1/79, Language: English Fandoms: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, Other Characters: Elim Garak, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Omaara "Mara" Ekir|Noral Zamor, Omaara "Mara" Ekir Relationships: Elim Garak/Original Female Character(s), Elim Garak & Original Female Character(s), Elim Garak/Original Character(s), Elim Garak & Original Character(s) Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Meet-Cute, I'll add more tags once I add more chapters, Some things that will be happening though include, Canon-Typical Violence, Zanthi Fever (Star Trek), I'm not sure but for safety I'll tag it, Mildly Dubious Consent, Smut, Angst, Past Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Suicide, I will also try and add tags to the notes of chapters, Friends to Lovers
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starfleetpetaq · 7 months
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my headcanon that is 100% correct is that klingon/betazoids would PROBABLY be more susceptible to zanthi fever and also go through The Phase a LOT younger so have some dumbass oc art
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dykebeckett · 2 years
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oldschoolfic-ds9 · 2 years
Surfacing Desires
by Calicia, 2000
What if Dukat had been on the station when everyone was getting Zanthi-fever? Timeline: During 'Fascination’.
Words: 2751, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: none listed
Characters: Dukat, Kira Nerys
Relationships: Kira/Dukat
Reader suggested tags (what are these?): Scaly Tales issue 6
links (link broken? report it and try the archive.org alternative):
archive.org - option 1 / option 2 / option 3
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borgcast · 17 days
Borgcast Lower Decks 4.05- I've got Zanthi fever
Anne-Marie and Peter give their thoughts on Lower Decks S4's, Empathalogical Fallacies.
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agnesandhilda · 2 years
zanthi fever got me acting unwise
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A concept: An Altean and a Betazoid have a child. Once the half Altean half Betazoid is old enough, they get Zanthi and the slipperies. At the same time. Disaster ensues.
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colnerys · 2 years
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it’s no secret that kira nerys despises the starfleet frivolities of diplomacy.  the collar of her dress uniform had been suffocating but she prevails. taking the station’s visitor onto the first steps of the promenade, she casts her gaze @aempathie​ with a smile —— a twinge of amusement.  it doesn’t take an empath to know that the major’s entertained by her own thoughts. thus one brain lofts, words hang at the tip of her tongue before she finally speaks.
“   i’m ... i’m sure ambassador troi — your mother — must’ve told you a few things about her visits to the station.   ”   nerys attempts to stifle a laugh, more out of embarrassment than amusement.    “   so ... where do you wanna go first, counsellor?   ”
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soongtypeloverboy · 2 years
ba bareil ba ba bareil ba bareil ba ba bareil ba bareil ba ba bareil ba bareil vedek bareil first son of bajor arm round the major prophet chosen playa snuff cardassian danger hot like a bout of the zanthi fever voices from the temple and im the receiver let me take your pagh and make you a believer vedek to the people and never a deceiver cause i got flowers in my garden heart'll never harden step up on the springball court guess what you'll be smartin startin to feel my flow yeah you know like watching a feloran bromeliad grow do i trust sisko i dont know but cray cray kai batty winn gotta go ba bareil ba babareil ba ba bareil vedek bareil ba bareil bababareilbabareil vedekbareil
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garakshowhole · 3 years
ngl they should have committed to the bit in the zanthi fever episode and had julian become infatuated w keiko and/or vice versa
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ao3feed-ds9 · 8 months
Fever Dream
https://ift.tt/yOjUo1N by TerokNope After the Zanthi fever incident, Dr. Bashir chats blithely away as Garak stews in his own, thankfully unnoticed, humiliation. Words: 605, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 8 of Interstitials Fandoms: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen, M/M Characters: Elim Garak, Julian Bashir Relationships: Elim Garak/Julian Bashir, Elim Garak & Julian Bashir Additional Tags: Pre-Slash, Episode Related, Age Difference, Missing Scene, Post-Episode: s03e10 Fascination (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine), Zanthi Fever (Star Trek)
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