#zara you fucking genius
classpectpokerap · 1 year
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(by @genuinely-unbelievable in the style of Stan Kelly)
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hshouse · 2 years
You are so right about it being a waste of the power of his name. I think it'll do FINE and probably just funnel some money to Xander through his distribution company or whatever, but like. He could have made a KILLING off of like, a gender neutral Uniqlo or Zara collaboration or something. Gucci can get in on it if they want.
Hi bby,
UNIQLO IS A FUCKING GENIUS IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! beep beep goodbye jeff my anon is taking over
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adorethedistance · 4 years
British. Handsome. Charming. - Harry Styles x Reader Retail!AU
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Sorta requested.
Warnings: Swearing, suggestive situations, I say titties like once
Words: 2108
Summary: When your coworker calls out and leaves you alone for a graveyard shift, you unintentionally enlist the help of a certain British, handsome, and charming retail employee from next door.
A/N: Hello this is my piece for @meetmeinfleetwood​ ‘s “to lovers” fic challenge! I put my ‘to lovers’ trope as Coworkers Harry and Y/n but I’m kind of riffing off of that trope because I wanted to do employees at different stores in the same section of the mall.
“So, Ziva just called out...” I hear my manager Kelly break the news from behind me. A groan threatens to escape my lungs but I fight the urge as best as possible to save face in front of customers. This is the third time Ziva’s called out of her graveyard shift in the past two weeks. Tonight, we were supposed to unpack the new shipment of holiday tees, gag gifts, and decorations. On a normal night, I can handle floor set by myself, but the added challenge of holiday items and displays is a different story.
“If I take another lunch right now, I can stay and help with the floor set.”
“No,” I wave her off, already dreading the exhaustion that is bound to set in, “Go home. You’ve already done your full eight, I can fly solo for tonight.”
“Are you sure?”
“Go before I regret letting you!” Kelly smiles with the tip of her tongue peaking through her teeth. She thanks me for freeing her and I finish straightening the last of the yellow champion hoodies on the rack in front of me.
“The boxes are on the left side in the backroom.” Backroom… got it.
Working at Tilly’s was supposed to be my high school job. At the end of Junior year, I opted for a minimum wage position to earn some extra spending money. If I’d known I would be attending the most local university in this godforsaken town, I would’ve picked a better gig; one that pays more. Or at least one that doesn’t schedule me from 7:30PM to 3AM.
The store closes at ten but the other four ish hours are for rearranging the entire floor layout. I have to redistribute the table full of graphic tees strategically around the store to make room for the holiday items we just received. With someone else’s help I could expect to be finished by 12:30. Maybe 1. Ziva calling out wasn’t part of the plan however, so I don’t expect to be finished early at all. If anything, I might have to rush to finish before my shift ends.
Not to mention I have a prose analysis final draft due tomorrow by midnight. Ziva better have some damn good excuses when she gets back.
Readjusting the waistband of my favorite jeans against my body, I head to the dressing rooms to double check for any stragglers. Upon finding myself alone, I go lock the front doors and flick off the glowing “open” sign in the front window. Hopefully time will fly faster than it has since I got here. I should’ve asked Kelly to grab me a coffee or a coke to get me through the rest of the shift. Maybe I should do some coke to get me through the rest of the shift.
Okay. What did Kelly say?
Backroom... Was that all? I hesitantly prop the storeroom’s door with the small, tan, rubber wedge before trying to take in the overwhelming mess of the backroom. The room has painfully bright overhead LED lights illuminating my path; the brightness is mirrored off the polished concrete floors under my feet. Considering there’s no holiday bullshit directly in front of me, Kelly must have given me more directions than just ‘backroom’. Graphic tees, sunglasses, jewelry. Nothing.
In my most goddamn genius idea yet, I search the top of the self of the storeroom to see the holiday boxes sealed and intact. Lovely. I can graze the surface of the top shelf with my fingertips just enough to get them dusty, but not enough to pull down any boxes.
This is what we have a ladder for, but we lent it out to the Zara next door. I don’t know what time they close but intuition tells me it's soon. Figuring I have nothing to lose, I dash out of the back room and unlock the front door to round the corner into Zara. Right as I exit the store, I run into someone hard enough to lose my balance, but not hard enough to take the other person down, thank god.
“Woahhh, you alright there?” British.
I look up to the face of the person I collided with. Handsome.
“I’m so sorry, I need to get to Zara.”
“I’m afraid you’re too late for that.” The handsome stranger’s statement catches me off guard and the fog of my rushed mindset disappears. Charming.
“Jus’ locked up, I’m afraid.” I look at the completely dark storefront, and then back at the stranger. His gleaming green eyes catch mine and, cliché-ly, I’m rendered breathless by the exquisite nature of his face. Employee.
“You work at Zara,” I state dumbly.
“That, I do. And you work…?” Dropping my eyes to my worn work shoes, I’m suddenly overwhelmingly shy about working at Tilly’s.
“Tilly’s, next door. We lent you guys our step ladder and I need it back.”
“Shit,” the man smiles softly, nervously scratching the back of his neck. “I have the key to the store, but I don’t have the key to the supply closet where we kept it.”
“Dammit.” When I pull out my phone to check the time, I groan at the loss of another ten minutes. “By any chance do you guys conveniently have a step ladder that isn’t in an inaccessible closet?” The beautiful man laughs at my question and shakes his head no.
“We don’t, but I am pretty tall, maybe I could help?”
“You’re not that tall.”
“Taller than you.” My teasing is cut short by the man’s quip and I lead him into the store with conviction.
“Basically, I’m supposed to reconfigure the entire floor layout around the table for all the holiday merch, and the shipment came in but someone brilliantly placed them on the top shelf of the back room.”
“Which is why you need the step ladder from the closet that I can’t open. Gotcha.”
“If you could just get those three boxes from the top shelf right there that’d be wonderful.” After clocking the boxes in question, he nods wordlessly, and slips off his nice coat, no doubt a piece from the store next door. Underneath, he’s wearing a grey button up of which he begins rolling up the sleeves to. The action made me stop breathing for a second. His forearms are littered with tattoos of various drawings, one in particular catching my eye.
It’s a two dimensional mermaid figure with no seashell-bra, her skin transitioning into scales only after exposing her pubic bone. In the fluorescent lighting of the store, it’s clear as day that this is quite possibly the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. What’s he doing working at an outlet mall?
Zoning back in, I see he’s already hard at work. With a box no doubt full of gag gifts on his shoulder, he speaks again.
“I’m Harry by the way.”
I return the gesture and he smiles when he hears my name.
Returning his attention to the second box, he reaches up to slide the box closer to the edge of the shelf. When he does so, the hem of his grey shirt rides up to reveal a tiny strip of his toned abdomen, where two mirrored stems of fern leaves are tattooed in strikingly black ink.
I blink quickly a few times to redirect my focus, and divert my attention to the floor where he’s set the first box. This leads me to notice the brown suede chelsea boots he’s wearing. Black coat, grey shirt, brown shoes. Interesting.
“Oh shit!” I hear him mutter in a hushed voice. Looking up to the top of the shelf, I see that the last box has already been opened. Harry is balancing it between both limbs, his shoulder, and his head, but any movement would cause the contents of the box to fall out.
I rush forward to help. Moving the flaps of the box back over the top, I reach across Harry’s body to move them. Then, to keep them shut I place one palm on top of the seam, and use the other hand to support the bottom of the box. It isn’t until I stop moving that I notice the position I’ve put us in. I’m reaching up as far as I can to secure the top of the box which has placed the entire front side of my body to the back of his. I’m painfully aware of how my hips are pressed against his ass, and he must be painfully aware of the way my titties are pressed against his upper back.
“I’m gonna move backwards so it’s off the shelf. Just hold the top in place until I have it right side up again, yea?” I nod dumbly in response before realizing he can’t see me.
“Yeah, got it.” And with that he begins to back up little by little, moving at a pace slow enough for me to consistently adjust. The box is almost intact, but I’ve run out of space from standing behind Harry, and I have to maneuver myself around him whilst keeping the box shut. I cringe before doing what I have to do, and shuffling around the side of Harry’s body, my frontside pressed against him the entire time.
Finally, it’s over and we can set the box down on top of the other two. Harry stands up straight again and dusts off his hands. He adjusts his jeans, pulling them back up his hips, and I have to keep myself from staring once more.
“Anythin’ else I can do for you?”
“I don’t think so? That’s pretty much all the heavy lifting I have to do tonight.” He nods understandingly and… dare I say disappointed? I’m probably just projecting.
“Are you alone tonight?”
“Yeah, my coworker called out, but it’s fine. My boss Kelly got most of the work done earlier when she unpacked a lot of the boxes and folded the shirts into piles, so…”
“I could help.”
“You don’t need to do that. You’re already off and I’m sure you’re exhausted and-”
“I want to.” I guess I wasn’t projecting.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. That way you can go home earlier.” His smile is soft and lopsided until we connect eyes, in which case it brightens to reveal his pearly teeth. I fall shy under his gaze and avert my eyes to the concrete floor below us. My cheeks are radiating at about 1000° and I hope he doesn’t notice.
“Thank you,” I say, more flustered than I would have liked. Why am I getting so nervous? He’s just a retail employee at Zara.
A gorgeous employee at Zara.
“I don’t mind staying back... Spending more time with you.”
“Are you sure?”
“Since I already know what you do for a living, what are your hobbies?” He ignores my question.
“I don’t have much time for hobbies. I’m only part-time while I’m in uni.”
“No way, what are you studying?”
I proceed to tell Harry all about my major and my career aspirations post-graduation and post-retail. I enjoy telling people about my dreams and yet, Harry’s the first person I’ve met in a long time that’s shown any interest in me and my dreams. The way he nods attentively despite having to fold misconstrued t-shirts and holiday sweaters, ignites a fire in my stomach that warms my heart. They way he asks hyper specific, prompting questions to learn more about my plans contrasts the fire inside me by sending chills down my spine.
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“What are your dreams?” Harry stops folding for a moment and exhales a conflicted sigh.
“I’m not too sure at the moment. I’m content at Zara for the moment, and I haven’t decided what’s next. I do write music though.”
“You do?”
“A bit, yeah.”
“What kind of music?” He stops to think again, a bit less conflicted than before.
“It’s like, indie-folk-pop-rock ish.”
“Indie-folk-pop-rock ish?” I can’t contain the laughter spilling from my lips over the mountain of folded t-shirts.
“Yeah. A good bit of variety, really.”
“Well, it’s nice you have something to be passionate about.”
“Judging by how you talked about your dreams for an hour, I wouldn’t say I’m as passionate as you are about your studies.”
“Passion isn’t a competition. It’s what moves you forward as an individual.” It’s Harry’s turn to laugh at me.
“Okay, Gandhi.”
“Hush! I’m allowed to be philosophical.” His laugh draws into a closed-mouth smile, from humor to an adoration of sorts.
“You’re cute when you’re flustered.” I unintentionally mirror his affectionate smile.
A/N: This was absolutely one of those fics that, the longer I stared at it, the more I hated it and cut it down so here’s what’s remaining before I destroyed the whole thing. It’s def a puff piece and not an in depth fic but nuance is not my friend right now so, sorry about it :(
Taglist: @curlybrownhairedboys​ @meetmeinfleetwood​
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
in holt's voice: Pain. That's it.
He looked exhausted like he hadn’t slept at all.
I'm already sad and ready to murder
the baby...
David had never lost someone he loved.
this is fucking foreshadowing isn't it
But real strength was not in surviving the presence of pain. Real strength was in suviving the absence of love.
despite the chaos I'm glad to see these two interacting
The Consul leaned back in his chair and ran his hand through his beard. David had to admit, he looked damn good with it. Even if it made him seem even more intimidating than before.
yes boy YES
it's really hard not to smile right now but my camera is on and im supposed to be finding meanings of foreign words based on my own knowledge so-
“Max is too old for me to tell him what he is and isn’t allowed to do,” the Consul said – although he didn’t sound very happy about it.
It’s going to be okay. It’s going to be okay. It’s going to be okay.
let's hope so
Facts and figures, babe, Max had kissed his cheek last night. Dad likes facts and figures.
deep breathes
it'll be ok
“You’ve done your research,” the Consul nodded. There was a hint of approval in his voice that made David want to do a cartwheel.
“I’d like to take care of the New York institute,” David said now. “Because Jace Herondale and Clary Fairchild took care of me.”
And for the first time that evening, the Consul smiled. David wanted to burst into song.
this is beautiful
David couldn’t help but find that endearing. He wondered what it felt like to be loved like that. He wondered what it felt like to have a father like that – a father who couldn't stop loving his child even for a moment.
A love that was endless and tireless.
Every time he was in the presence of the Lightwood-Bane family he was reminded of what he had lost and what every child deserved.
It made him sad.
But then he would remember. He would remember that Max had grown up knowing nothing but this. Max had grown up with nothing but love.
It made him happy.
alright come here let me hug you
UHUHSCUICDUH "Why do you not like me"
“I know I worry too much about Max,” the Consul said, his smile sad now. “But I can only worry now. I won’t always be there to worry over him.”
it's 9 am boy
"Why are you scared of me" HSUHYUKDUMKDS WELL YOU SEE-
all we can really do is replace the bad memories with happier ones...
“No,” the Consul said, and David’s heart almost stopped. “I mean, of course I care. But I don’t have to be hard on you to show you that I do. There are many ways to show people we care about them without hurting them.”
David thought of his father then. He remembered the way his father had drawn the agony rune on his wrist and promised him it was because he loved David and wanted him to be strong. The memory hurt.
Jace and Clary bestest
“I’m sorry for whatever I did to intimidate you,” the Consul apologized.
that is so alec oh my god 😭
David looked him in the eye. “You’re Alec Lightwood.”
The man looked confused. “Is that supposed to mean something?
I'm smiling so much right now because yeah
yeah I get what he's saying
David hadn’t known that boys were allowed to kiss other boys – not until he heard about Alec Lightwood’s Accords Hall kiss.
David hadn’t known fairy tales existed outside of books - not until he heard about Alec Lightwood adopting a warlock baby with Magnus Bane.
David hadn’t known love can literally change the world – not until he heard about Alec Lightwood changing the world for the man he loved.
don't make me cry during linguistics
“Well,” the Consul chuckled. “To be entirely honest, I did all of that for Magnus.”
as he should
“Everything I have ever done has always been for Magnus,” the Consul said, his voice oddly soft.
we're talking about some wall in class and im here trying not to cry
my teacher just asked why some of us have our cameras off WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY
“I don’t want to be a hero,” David confessed honestly. “I just thought if I ran away to a city full of heroes, they would protect me if someone tried to hurt me again.”
“What’s that?” the Consul frowned, pointing at his neck.
By the angel! David was going to have words with Max when he saw him again.
“Uh,” David said. “Mosquito bite.”
“Do you remember when Izzy got attacked by a demon in Edom?”
“And you drank my blood,” the Consul rolled his eyes.
“Aw,” the Dean of the Academy chuckled. “You do remember.”
poor David is stuck between them talking like this IM SCREAMING
He remembered the way Consul had blamed himself when Max had found the spoils room at the York Institute. The way he had believed he should have done better when his eldest son had been traumatized by foul rumours of the Clave.
oh honey no
There were people who got mad at themselves when things went wrong.
There were people who got mad at everyone around them when things went wrong.
While Alec Lightwood was the former, his son and David’s boyfriend, was definitely the latter.
I'm definitely both
“It wasn’t your fault,” David spoke up then. “When bad things happen to people, it’s because of the people who did those bad things. We shouldn’t atone for someone else’s sins.”
“Yeah. Stop atoning, dude,” the Dean said chuckled. “Listen to the boy.”
“And be careful,” the Consul said, his tone a little different now.
“I will keep an eye on-”
“No,” the Consul said and pointed at the hickey on David’s neck. “With Max. Be careful.”
David was pretty sure his face on fire.
“Um, we have the internet,” David pointed out.
The Consul blinked. “Right. Of course. The internet.”
ao3 and Wattpad
“If he gives you a hard time, don’t give up,” the man whispered like it was a secret. “You just need to weasel your way into his life.”
David chuckled. “Is that what you did?”
“Yeah, and then he had the audacity to get accidentally get drunk and confess his love in the middle of the night.”
“I did have a latte,” her mother said with a straight face.
Georgia didn’t find that funny.
I almost said "BECAUSE IT'S NOT FUNNY" before I realized that is exactly what I would've said
She knew her mother, like so many other people in her life, preferred to use humour to cope with the pain. They preferred to hide their pain away from other people.
Georgia never understood why people did that. Did they think others didn’t know what pain felt like? Everyone was in pain all the time – some kind of it at least. Everyone knew how to cope with it. So, it made more sense to share it than to carry it all by yourself.
i...I never look at it that way
Apparently, hand holding had special healing abilities at times like this.
yeah it really does
Georgia had hoped to find out herself. She had wondered so much about the baby.
tears. literal tears
It didn’t matter that Georgia had wanted to name the baby Abigail after the first iron sister. It didn’t matter that her father wanted to name the baby Jonathan to piss off Uncle Jace.
Abigail Jonathan Lightwood-Lovelace
People said that poison was a coward’s weapon. But Georgia didn’t think so. It wasn’t easy to make poison. It wasn’t easy sneak it into the right place at the right time.
Whoever did this, they were not cowards. They were smart and they should be feared.
yeah, what did happen during the trial?
uh is Selena ok?
like genuinely
is she just a very heavy sleeper or...
Because sometimes the only comfort you needed was your mom.
Except for random parts of the house that were incredibly organized – a sign Uncle Jace had been there
“I’m staying in New York, mom. I’m going to help Selena and the centurions find out who did this to me,” her mother said, her words a promise. “And once I do, I’m going to strangle them with my whip.”
Yes you will
Anjali and Rafe
please be ok. please
ok I know that's not how it works but IM DESPERATE
her bedroom seems amazing though
Rafael gave so much shit to his dad because the other man had the habit of watching his husband sleep.
But now he sort of understood the fascination.
“You do ballet?” he asked, holding up the ballet shoes.
slightly reminds me of rosa
the red binder
it's fucking genius
David can keep his flowers and cookies and scarves.
This, what he held in his hands right now, was the best thing anyone could ever give him. A file full of reforms to make the clave better.
“You think I want to die and leave the Council in your cishet hands?”
“I don’t care what the Clave needs,” Rafael snapped, and Anjali momentarily looked taken aback. “I need you.”
he needs her
“Bulgaria is known as the land of roses,” Rafael told her. “The Sofia Institute is built in the middle of a rose garden.”
“Oh,” Anjali’s eyes momentarily softened. “I like roses.”
you know that tiktok trend? the one which goes "listen it's a good joke it's a great joke even but i need you to stop" or smth like that?
His hand was itching to reach out and hold hers. So, he did just that. He reached out – very carefully – and took her hand in his own.
“I need you to get better, Anjali,” he whispered. “Cause I would very much like to take you there.”
no she's not becoming a vampire
The part that was the shadowhunter – which told him she didn’t deserve to die over some angelic mishap.
The part that was the future Consul – which told him he needed Anjali on his side.
The part that was a Lightwood-Bane – which told him he should never give up fighting.
And then there was the part that was Rafael – just Rafael.
It told him he had to save his heart – no matter the consequences.
we're talking about some powerplant in geography and I'm crying over this
Anjali please please don't die
“Not everything,” Rafael told her. “I know someone who can help.”
“Well, now we don’t know that for sure!” Max grinned. “Who knows what they get up to? Maybe there is someone occasional boning in the bone city.”
“How does manage to get more insufferable every time I meet him?” Jackson demanded.
i...never looked at it that way
Max grinned widely at the other boy. “You wanna be my immortal buddy, Jack-Jack?”
“The boys are back” he yelled, hugging David and Jackson. “Ty, our boys are back! Yas! The London Boys are back!”
“Okay it’s a little disrespectful when you call her by the same name you call me,” Max pointed out.
“True,” Jackson nodded. “Irene shouldn’t be disrespected like that.”
"It’s hard being a celeb,” Max sighed dramatically.
“He is referring to the chaos you unleashed the last time you went there,” Jackson rolled his eyes. “People still remember you.”
“I’m memorable. It’s not my fault,” Max shrugged.
Max no more gambling bestie
“If the assassination attempt on Magnus had been successful, we wouldn’t be sitting and talking like this,” Kit pointed out. “The nephilim and downworlders would be at war.”
As they should. No one hurts Magnus
“So the target isn’t just Magnus Bane?” Jackson asked.
“Possibly,” Ty nodded. “The Consul and his husband…They are the ones who united the shadow world – with the Alliance. With their marriage. So, it’s not surprising that someone – seelie or not – wants to break it all down.”
with every line, I get closer to a breakdown
“There are people all around me to protect me from demons and crazy assassins,” Max smiled. “But you…You protect me from myself. So, don’t give me that I’m not good at protecting bullshit.”
so precious...
“Now let’s go find out which dumbass thought it would be a good idea to try and kill Magnus Fucking Bane.”
i have a few torture methods in mind
If shadowhunters couldn’t fight demons, it would put both downworlders and mundanes in danger. His father’s Clave – small as it was – did their best to keep the demons at bay. They were the only thing keeping the shadow world safe from demons.
Ikr?? Like David said earlier Alec's clave is literally the one doing the actual shadowhunting.
“Jackson is incredibly smart and perceptive. He knows what is good for him, David. He chose you to be his best friend. He has accepted that his family is gone for good and is finally focusing on his future. If this is what he wants to do and if this is who he wants to be, then you should trust that he has thought this through. He wouldn’t have chosen this life if he thought he wouldn’t be happy with it.”
i just want to talk 🙂
“Great,” Max said, feeling frustrated. “So, someone created a fancy new poison just to kill my parents.”
“They did say something else,” Kit said, his tone worried. “The poison…It’s not entirely made of demonic properties.”
“Oh?” David said.
“It’s a mixture of angelic and demon properties,” Ty Blackthorn said. “And we know that-”
“Seelies,” Max whispered. “They have both angel and demon blood.”
Is anyone else scared?
It's an angel and prince of hell working together?
ok that seems highly unlikely
“I don’t think you have a choice, bud,” Kit giggled. “Mina will have your head if you don’t get married. She has been working on a Pinterest board for years now.”
I'm absolutely loving all this angst so much. You said chapter 9 was the most angsty and frankly I can't wait :p
I love how you are complaining but also thirsting for angst yall crazy.
I hope you are taking care of yourself and working on your entry for the competition!!!!!
Also the "we're talking about some wall in class" killed me lmao I laughed so hard fdhvjd.
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seeyounexttime · 3 years
i’m thinking how zenon’s flashback could’ve been a little longer and showed us more about the zogratis because it’s not like we have much about them anyway i mean like the last time they interacted was at that table meeting before the attack
so was little zenon unable to control his magic? because i don’t know... like imagine a panel (one box panel) of little zenon looking at his reflection (a mirror or window) and thinking “oh no they’re sticking out again...” before he gets beat up
like idk did vanica and dante know about allen? consider allen waving outside the zogratis house, little zenon smiles (by the way there was no smile from zenon at all in the flashback), and then vanica leans in like “when did you make a friend? ....k, maybe you’ll stop being a little weirdo. see you later i guess” and she just walks away. or says she’ll tell big brother/mom/dad that he’s out with a friend (which could tell us if mom/dad were around or not too)
or like little zenon going up to his big brother and saying “look, i have better control of my magic now :D”, “that’s very good zenon, i’m sure you’ll make a fine devil host when you’re older” and little zenon clams up because he’s already been reconsidering the whole devil host thing but he’s too small and awkward to bring it up yet
and idk maybe dante or vanica are pushing big bro’s wheelchair too
also actually seeing the three zogratis near each other to get a better idea of their age differences because with that one panel of dante and vanica (and vanica making that face) it’s still hard to establish an idea of that
and idk maybe after allen dies, dante (already in his bored depressed state of mind) puts a hand on zenon’s shoulder (maybe he’s looking at allen’s grave) and says something like “the weak and reckless die first. that’s reality. if you want to survive in the self-defense force, get stronger” and walks away
i’ve seen it pointed out that this flashback gave allen no individual character, and it is pretty much banking on the audience transplanting asta onto him. i’ve already heard allen called “discount asta”, “walmart asta”, “asta wannabe” and there isn’t anything shown or told to differentiate him from asta
zora’s flashback about his dad, and liebe’s flashback about licita, included some inner thoughts about what they thought about zara and licita, and even had little montages of what they did together. we didn’t get that in the last chapter for allen, just like one panel of them training together (the others were training alone)
idk maybe some little zenon and little allen playing, like a snowball fight or roasting food idk. show them being cute, and some bits of allen’s self. like was he wittier than asta? just as dumb? angrier? (note that the boys beating up little zenon apparently knew about allen) friendlier? weirder? quieter? louder? equal volume? i don’t know! we don’t know! we’ve got nothing to work with to make him different from asta besides like fire magic and that he died
and now with this flashback we’re definitely not gonna see what happened during all those mystery minutes where zenon somehow didn’t slash and stab the fuck outta yuno and langris. i mean nothing about this flashback says that he’ll “betray the other siblings” it just showed (part of?) his reason to become a devil host, and now that he’s about to make a deal with beezelbub for more power (probably) doesn’t that suggest that he was seriously trying to kill yuno and langris?
zenon what happened?! you’re a better killer than this! where’s eternal fangs!? portals + bones!? why are you only using the bone tails!? bro the flashback called you a genius with bone magic! where is that?!! i like yuno but i was disappointed to see how unharmed he was. just two scratches on the face? really? what, did zenon suddenly get the other two’s habit of fucking around in fights?? at least some clothing damage damn
for the record the golden dawn attack was under the tabata/iwasaki combo. i mean i had alotta questions about the timeskip but at least this combo brought that yuno angst and light murder
p.s. as of volume 26 the editor is fukuda. admittedly i haven’t found the blank brigade pages for vol.29 yet to confirm if he still is, but for now i gotta assume it’s still fukuda. also the shots of noelle’s whole ass out does suggest it’s still probably the same editor (yes, volume 26 is the start of noelle somehow ending up naked even though valkyrie armor has a history of keeping her clothes when the spell is released). now to be fair, idk if this fanservice is the result of meddling or if it’s because he’s not putting his food down and saying “no” - i’m just saying that there was a change in staff around when this started to happen
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bbbrianjones · 3 years
bestie !!! i need to know!!! what r ur favourite scott walker songs <333
zara lovebug <3333 i'm so sorry for how long this took, i had work but throughout work, i kept thinking about what are my favourite scott walker songs <33 i've also included some walker brothers songs because it's a must!! buckle up there's a few;
the sun ain't gonna shine anymore - an obvious choice but it would be silly if i just didn't mention it! there is something so intoxicating in the song, whether it's the slow brass and quick string arrangement or scott's voice but regardless it's amazing. i particularly like the end when it just comes together and the backing vocals join it <3 it's hard not to get emotional!
mrs murphy - this song reminds me a bit of a pulp song, which makes sense because jarvis cocker was a massive fan of scott walker. it just has such imaginative lyrics, i hear them and i can imagine two british people just gossiping about the people around them.
land of 1000 dances - their best cover song. it's just so sixties!! it's hard to listen to it and NOT think of people in some seedy sixties nightclub just dancing in a mini-dress and go-go boots.
archangel - love the church organ on this song. such a dramatic and intense song made all the more stronger with scott's voice <33 also the line; 'i'll cry the tears of time all day // 'til she wipes them all away'... he needs to stop.
love her - i know this could be seen as them playing into their pop star image however i can't help but let my heart swell at how he wants someone to treat his ex-girlfriend better than he did!! like he knows he fucked up and he doesn't want to see the same thing happen again. reminds me a bit of 'take good care of my baby'
honourable mentions; turn to the moon, genevieve, make it easy on yourself, once upon a summertime && you're all around
copenhagen - it's probably my favourite song of his. it's such a beautiful song and his voice on it is just incredible. again the lyrics just play up such vivid pictures in my head but also the music to!! especially at the end when he sings 'carousel' and then music representing a carousel starts playing!! genius!!
angels of ashes - the music of the song is rather simple but it's so effective. mixed with the lyrics and the way scott's singing, it just creates such an emotional response in me. i don't even know what it is!! also, still waiting for the angels of ashes to give back my passion :///
mathilda - you can tell this is a cover of a jacques brel song because of THE DRAMA IN THIS SONG!! the sweeping and racing strings, the strong brass, the quick drumbeat, you also just hear so much in scott's voice. also love how you can tell so much about the people in the song just from what the speaker in the song is saying to them. AND THE ENDING!! MAMA, CAN YOU HEAR ME YELL YOUR BABY BOY'S GONE BACK TO HELL!!
the amorous humphrey plugg - really just like mrs murphy. i just love how scott can create such evocative characters. such mundane aspects of life are brought to life through the way he sings! also the music is so grand that this contrast between lyrics about the boring part of life vs the grandiose of the music, such a scott staple!!
angelica - very similar to 'love her' for the reason of why i love it so much. but MY GOD!!! this song gets me so emotional, like not stopping to get your lover some flowers because there's always tomorrow?? THERE IS NEVER AN ONLY TOMORROW!!
the girls from the streets - this song really showcases scott's lyrics. it's almost like a poem really. when reading the lyrics, the way the words sounds with the hard consonant and the way scott's sings and the rhythm of the song really creates such a vivid idea in your head. amazing work <3
honourable mention; the entirety of scott 3, plastic palace people, dutchess, next, wait until dark, rhymes of goodbye (the lyrics in this one... oh dear god.) && of course JACKIE!
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daddychims · 5 years
The Muse
Genre: Smut, PWP, Author AU
Pairings: Fuckboy!Tae X Author! Reader X Colleague! Jungkook
Other BTS members all make a cameo as well because I’m an OT7 Trash!
You find yourself in a dead end , contemplating if you should just quit your job as an author in a big publishing company when your boss demands you to add more “Edge” to your writing. But your best friend is quick to give you a hand out of your misery, suggesting he could be your “Muse” for the night to help you in desperate times.
Word Count : 30K
Smut, Dom!tae , Fuckboy!tae , implied DDLG , Cum play , Throat fucking, Gagging , a bit of Breath play, Choking Kink, Thigh riding, rough sex, Unprotected sex, Spanking, daddy kink, alcohol use, swearing, PWP, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Pure filth basically! Read at your own risk!
Author’s Note: If you think this fic is familiar is because I posted this a long time ago. While I was polishing my masterlist I accidentally deleted all chapters. I was devastated but I figured I’d just edit it and repost it as a one shot. If you’ve already read this and enjoyed it please reblog and like! If you havent, well enjoy 30K of pure filth, you’re welcome! 
Inspired by It Aint My Fault by Zara Larson
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You knock the black file on the table, the sight of it makes your stomach turn at the memories associated with it. You spare a glance at the guy flipping his purple hair away from his face, totally ignoring the masses of people behind the bar waiting to be served with their cash in hand.
“You alright Babe?” He asks in pure concern and you nod settling on the chair that is too high for your height.
“Can I have something strong, anything will do!” you breathe out with an exhausted tone and he quickly turns around and reaches for one of the higher shelves, pushing a couple of bottles to grab the hidden bottle before coming back to where you’re sitting
“Is it that asshole again?” he asks as he grabs a big piece of ice and starts shaving it skilfully into an Iceball before placing it in a glass and filling it with some of the magical drink.
“This is why you shouldn’t get married, Jimin.” You say as you take a sip and wince at the stinging burn rushing down your throat while the guy standing in front of you waits patiently for more elaboration on your bizarre statement “Because then when your marriage is fucked up your employees will have to pay for it”
He laughs as he quickly fills the top of your glass with the bottle in his hand “Maybe you should just fuck him and relieve some of the stress his wife gives him.” he suggests and receives a glare from you as your indulge yourself back on the hard liquor
“Fuck who? me?”  The deep voice echoes in your ear and you sigh, already annoyed at the guy who’s done nothing but is settling beside you.
“Jung is giving her a hard time,” Jimin explains to his friends before placing the bottle in front of you two and making his way to the rushes of people his colleague can barely take care of at the other side of the bar.
“So you wanna fuck him?” Taehyung asks as he leans in over the bar and grabs a glass for himself, a couple of weird looks being thrown his way, he can’t care less about. He practically owns the place so if anyone has any right to lean in and use and abuse the bar all he wants, he would be the rightful owner.
“He’s already fucking me up in that meeting room every single day,” you scoff gulping down the rest of the glass and he quickly fills it up for you “And I let him and his assistants take turn fucking me like their little corporate whore, like the idiot I am.” you scoff bitterly, the rageful words leaving your lips one after another
“Damn … you really are a writer. You just described a really good gangbang. Are you into writing porn these days? ” He muses receiving a scolding hiss from you “Easy!” he spits back holding his hands defensively.
You place your elbow on the table and rest your head on your palm as you mutter “He says my final draft doesn’t have enough edge to be published, He wants something that is enough for people to either drink or masturbate.” You roll your eyes as you repeat the man’s quote from your meeting earlier
“So he wants either a sex scene or a tragic death?” Taehyung clarifies as he shakes his head “Jesus, Seokjin Hyung wasn't joking when he said his marriage is fucking him up.”
“I fucking know,” you groan in agreement “He either really wants to bone his wife or he wants to kill her in her sleep,” you scoff “Either way I’m the one being mind fucked here.”
“Well …” Taehyung presses his back on the high chair as he calmly suggests “If he wants it so bad, just write one.”
You knock the glass on the table “As If I haven’t considered that Genius.” you snarl
“Well, I mean you’re a fucking writer. You’ve written more ridiculous things than a tragic death or two people banging. Can’t you just push one in?”
“The main character has already had a near-death experience she lived through, its gonna look super cringy if I push another tearjerker”
“Then make them fuck,” Taehyung shrugs “Can’t be that hard if your character is a modern-day thot.”
You gulp biting the corner of your lips at his statement “I don’t write erotica, Tae” you say through gritted teeth
“You’re making a big deal out of this. just think of the last time you got laid and put it into words-” he pauses midway through his sentence as the corner of his lips curves into a smirk “Ah Right!” he nods “I forgot it’s been too long since you put your genitals near any other human being.”
“Shut up!” you growl back at him like an angry wolf being nudged at the sensitive spot.
“This is why I tell you, you need to come out of your room instead of writing fanfictions all night long and just get fucking laid.” He nags like the mother in law you don’t have but have described multiple times in your pieces.
“I write for a living Mr Get fucking laid,” you reply with a sarcastic tone “I don’t live to fuck any living, breathing creature I can find like you.”
“Boring,” he snorts looking away as he eyes the group of  hot girls in the not very far table that give him a look and all laugh together when he winks at them “We are mammals, we were designed to fuck and enjoy it.”
“The sole purpose is to reproduce and continue the human species. Which I think is the only last thing on your list when you bone a girl.” You mention turning on your seat to face him
"Well …” he nods in agreement “That’ll happen sometimes later, We’re still young, we can just fuck for the sake of pleasure and curve the system”
You sigh, realizing the argument you started with your best friend was as useless as the alcohol you tried to flood your system with. “Alright Casanova, why don’t you go and put your dick somewhere to curve the system and leave me alone?”
Taehyung’s eyes are fixed at the group of girls, his eyes squinting as if he is onto something. Considering how much of a fuckboy he is, you assume he is trying to imagine which position he can try with the poor girl who will be the prey of his one-night stand.
“Hey Nerdy,” his eyes glances back at you “I have an idea”
“Oh really?” you laugh asking in a mocking tone “So when did you develop the ability to think? That's quite a new one.”
“One day I’ll put your smart little mouth to some good use,” He uses the husky self-proclaimed “dom voice” he uses to seduce girls as he furrows his eyebrows.
“It’s a pass from me, I’m sure there are many others opting for that position,” you reply unfazed “Not sure if they’re as smart but you should settle you know!”
“Listen to me,” he ignores your statement completely, not very unexpectedly since the guy has a great selective listening for only hearing  things that boost his ego “I have a bomb idea for your fanfictions.”
“I told you they are NOT fanfictions, Jesus!” you growl, your voice rising as the alcohol starts to get to your head and make you bolder and louder than your usual calm and collected office worker self.
“You write while looking at the images of rapper August Rush or whatever his name is, most of which are half naked selfie mirrors. Even five years old can tell your last novel’s male lead’s character was exactly based on him.” He says with an anger tinted voice as you watch him with tipsy and amazed eyes.
“Since when do you read, Tae? You’re surprising me too much tonight!” You ask batting your eyelids slowly at him “also it's August D you idiot, not August Rush.”
“Anyways …” He clears his throat as his face hardens “Since you don’t have intentions to get that pussy working in any other way than your vibrator, I have a better idea”
You bring your not very hopeful eyes to him, slight anticipation blooming in your heart “What?”
“Second-hand experience …” he suggests crossing his arms across his chest as if he is one great intellectual “You can watch me fuck and write it.”
You stare at him for a few seconds before bursting out and laughing, your eyes travelling to his messy silver hair as you ruffle the strands playfully “you need to change your dealer Tae, the new pills are messing with your head.”
“you already know I don’t do drugs anymore,” he hisses through gritted teeth “I’m not joking, since Jung wants erotica so bad, just write one for him.” He smirks, confidence radiating off his body and his cocky tone “I’m sure people would bust a nut over my sex scenes”
“You’ve lost your mind,” you shake your head as you turn around and reach for the bottle of whiskey in front of you “It must be pussy deprivation, please go and get laid. you're scaring me with your nonsense”
“No, No listen to me Y/N …” Taehyung grabs your shoulder and turns you to face him “You’re good at writing what you see, you remember that time you wrote that whole scene based off our summer camp in high school.”
“Tae, can you hear yourself?” You said in disbelief “You want me to watch you while you bone a random girl just so I can write a sex scene for my draft?”
“Exactly” He nods in an excited tone, “I think It’ll turn out a bomb ass sex scene.”
“You know what, I wanted to believe you’re still sober but this is dragging it. I’m leaving.” you stand up grabbing the black file in front of you as you pull your backpack on your shoulder only to be stopped by Taehyung’s firm hold around your wrist.
“If you think about …” He starts with a deep voice, deeper than usual as he mutters “Jung is looking for an excuse to push you to redundancy, I heard from Seokjin Hyung his company isn’t doing so well.”
You pause, biting your lips in rage as you knew deep inside what Taehyung was saying is not totally wrong. The company wasn’t doing so well for the past year, having published many unsuccessful books.
On top of that, his wife was on bad terms with him after he caused a scandal with one of the female interns. So he was finding excuses to redundant any female employees he could to kill two birds with one stone and redeem himself.
“I know …” you sigh looking back at the guy and slapping his hand away “But it still doesn’t make sense to intrude someone’s intimate moment just for the sake of my job.” you sigh ruffling your hair in frustration.
“I mean …” Taehyung pulls you to stand In front of him as he looks up at you “first of all that person is me,” he then smirks naughtily as he continues “And those intimate moments you’re talking about, we usually share them with a couple of other people down my balcony.”
“You disgusting bastard,” you wince, face scrunching with disgust at the guy’s explanation as you protest “I … I still can’t …”
“why?” He smirks as he stands up and leans closer “Are you scared you might wanna join?” he smirks as he messes your bangs "We can always negotiate a threesome if you want."
“Yeah sure, as if I haven’t seen you pee your pants before,” you roll your eyes “You’re the only human with a dick I wouldn’t wanna put my genital anywhere near.”
“That was in middle school okay?” he hisses, his face contouring in anger as he reminisces the memory that flashes through both of your minds “Also Don’t worry, you won’t be able to handle me anyways.”
He then releases your hand, quickly running his eyes around for a good target for the night as he mutters “come to my apartment, I’ll come home with the lady of the night,” he says as he manages to annoy you one last time by digging his hand in your hair and completely messing it before drifting away from you.
You sigh as you watch the guy walks through the masses of people before standing behind a girl who’s wearing a short dress, barely covering her nonexistent panties. He wraps his arms around the girl’s lower waist, dangerously close to her ass while whispering his dirty seductive words in her ear.
You turn around and wave for Jimin who flashes a warm smile and mouths “Take care,” with his usual bright energy as you make your way to the exit. The club is a frequent place for people like your age to get wasted at nights so you don’t have trouble catching an Uber to make your way home.
You fish for your earphones and place it in your ears, playing your favourite sad song, staring out the window as if you’re the main character of your favourite novel, weeping over a lost love.
You smile bitterly as you realize how lame your life is, everyone else around you either getting laid or getting their heart broken but you’re here, at the back seat of an Uber tearing up over the company that doesn’t appreciate your pieces because they’re not as “Edgy” as they want.
You flinch as the phone vibrates in your hand and you roll your eyes at the name on the screen “Yes?” you reply, tone dangerously low and raging
“Ooh cold …” the guy across the phone winces at your formality “The meeting must have had a toll on you.”
“Piss off, I’m too tired to deal with you Jeon,” you snap back, knowing the guy over the phone already knows the reason behind your rage “I’m hanging up!” you warn him but he’s quicker than you
“Hold up Hold up,” he replies and you can clearly hear his smirk through the phone “Don’t be a bitch Y/N.” He hesitates, the sound of lips smacking on his skin with the nasal moan of a girl you could clearly imagine based on his ideal type echoing in the device “Do you want a hand?”
“I think you need a hand, Jeon!” you scoff “I’m hanging up before your girl cums on her own.”
“No need to be jealous,” he laughs darkly as he shifts over the phone the sound of the girl’s lips rising even more and you bite your lips “You could be in her place if you want, you just have to ask nicely!” he suggests and you immediately scoff
“Thank you for the offer Jeon but I have a draft I need to submit tomorrow morning,” you reply through gritted teeth “9:00 am SHARP” you mimic the way Jung threatened you about your deadline earlier that day.
“You think you can pull it off on your own?” he asks and you can feel the teasing in his voice
“Isn’t it better for you if I don’t?” You ask with a sarcastic tone “You get off  seeing me fail don’t you?”  
“Mhm that’s your issue Y/N, you never believe me but …” he mutters in a lower voice “I’ll rather cum in your mouth ”
“You will,“ You bite your tongue “Probably in your next porn script, make it good, I’ll watch in my free time.” You say in a mocking tone
“Brats like you need to be taught a lesson instead of sitting behind a desk and write all day,” he says through gritted teeth and you smile at the taste of victory “call me if you change your mind, I have a good “edgy” scene sitting on my drafts, just like the ones Jung loves. I can prepare for tomorrow at 9 am SHARP!”
“Send it to him instead,” you reply sharply “It seems like his wife sucks just like your girlfriends!” you don’t hesitate to receive his response as you press the button on the cord extension of your earphone and press your head on the cold window.
Your eyes then perks open as you lean closer to the driver “Sorry, Can you take the next exit to left, I have to go somewhere else?”
The middle-aged man nods without any words and takes the next exit to your destination. You’re still contemplating your decision when the car pulls over in front of the apartment complex you frequently visit, you quickly press a few buttons and pay the driver with your phone, thanking him for putting up with your sudden change of mind.
You step out of the car and enter the complex , the old man who you barely know his name smiles at you and calls for you “Oh, you’re here again”   You nod flashing a smile to him as you walk to where he’s sitting to show him your ID when he quickly says “You can go up, I know you’re with Young master.”
You mutter a quick thanks as you make your way to the elevator that leads you up to the penthouse at the very top of the building where Kim Taehyung lives.
He is the youngest son of the very well known Kim Group. You truly never knew what exactly his family were up to, but you knew that they “live comfortably” as Taehyung would love to describe.
But one thing you knew for sure, was that his definition of comfortable was owning an apartment complex in the heart of the city while yours was maintaining grocery budget to the end of the week after paying the bills.
He was a rebel, very much different from his older brother Seokjin who was also the heir of their family business. Since he barely had any hands in the family business, he used his privilege as a rich kid to party and hook up with girls, his ridiculously attractive face and body helping him in the whole process.
He bought the club a year ago, realizing his passion for partying might also be a venture to explore his business side. Which thanks to his prolonged history in being one of the “Gangnam Rich Kids” immediately received attention and customers from all over Seoul.
Your friendship with him, amazes you till this day, considering you were just a scholarship transfer to the private middle school he attended. You started off hating him since from the beginning he was the typical snobby, cocky rich boy who just wanted to dominate everyone around him including you. so you promised yourself to steer clear of him.
But your new school year resolution didn’t last long when the guy offered you to do his homework for a “couple of bucks” a week as he said. The money that was equal the total allowance you received from your parents for the whole year.
Your nerd ass decided God doesn’t knock the door with a stupid rich guy who can’t even do his homework, more than once. So you took the offer and became his personal homework slave for the rest of your school years.
Well, not much has changed since those years, Taehyung still trying to dominate, girls mostly these days considering he grew up to have a ridiculous amount of stamina.
And you … you hate to admit it but you’re still a slave for money, writing for Jung’s publishing company to pay your bills at the expense of your creativity. Because as Jung loves to remind you “Rainbow and unicorn” you love to write about doesn’t sell well.
Well except for one thing. you somehow managed to developed a surprisingly close friendship with Taehyung from school years into adulthood which made your decision to watch him while he hooks up with a  girl sound even more absurd in your mind.
You sigh, stepping out of the lift as you make your way towards the door of his apartment, already imagining that cocky smirk on his face once he sees you.
Especially considering you already texted him right after you exited the club telling him you won’t be showing up at his place, not realizing a phone call from Jeon Fucking Jungkook would be enough to make you angry enough to change your mind.
You furrow your eyebrows as the door opens quickly after you press the bell button and a freshly showered girl, with the water glazing her skin and the bathrobe covering her body greets you.
“Hi hon, Come in!” she says with a smile as she opens the door and moves away so you can enter the apartment “We were waiting for you”
You stare at her with lost eyes when Taehyung’s voice echoes in the hallway.
“Y/N,” you turn around and your face heats up at the sight of Taehyung’s  half-naked body, with the towel loosely hanging his lower body which had a fall hazard any second coming to your sight “I told you it’ll be a good idea, Come In,” he says pointing at his room before bringing his teasing gaze to the girl and she giggles in return.
The girl pats your shoulder and moves in excitement ahead of you, as your heavy footsteps take you to the last room in the hallways. You enter Taehyung’s master bedroom, quickly searching for his study desk which he probably does anything  but studying on it, placing your backpack on the wooden surface
“A-Are you guys sure about this?” You ask, hesitation resonating in your tone, your eyes travelling between Taehyung who’s drinking from his can of beer and the girl who’s spraying herself with some expensive body mist.
“Yeah Hon,” The girl smiles as she drops herself on the abnormally huge king sized bed, batting her eyelids at you “So you’re gonna write your story based on us?”
“Yeah, I guess!” you reply with an awkward tone, the whole situation suddenly feeling too surreal. In a moment both of the people in the room will be naked, doing God knows what and you’ll have to watch.
“That’s so cool,” the girl says clapping her hands in excitement “Hon, Make me look pretty in your story okay?”
You stare at the girl, nodding your head in disbelief that the only concern the girl has about you watching him get dicked down is looking pretty. People are indeed strange, you wonder as you sit down on Taehyung’s comfortable wheely chair and open your tablet to set your tools up.
“Just so you know, you can both stop and tell me to leave the room at any point!” you firmly point out, eyeing both of them as if you were a referee explaining the rules of the game.
“I’m sure you’ll leave this room earlier than us, Hon.” the girl chirps in a jolly tone, laughing with Taehyung and you can’t help but grit your teeth at how much of a joke this situation is to both of them.
“I told you it won’t be a problem,” He says winking teasingly at you. He then walks to you placing his can of beer just beside your tablet “your muse is a bit of exhibitionist” he smirks as he turns around and attacks the girl on the bed like a hungry beast, devouring her mouth in a swift motion.
You’re still trying to set your instant sync function working on your word document, when the sound of their lips smacking together echoes in the silent room and your stomach drops as you peek at them through the corner of your eyes before immediately looking back at the screen in front of you.
Ironically the sound of their intense makeout session reminds you of the phone call you had earlier with Jungkook and you grit your teeth with determination, reminding yourself that the only reason you’re here is to not give Jeon Jungkook the satisfaction of your failure.
Your eyes slowly glaze on the pair in front of you, perfectly angled so that you get a pretty decent view of both of them, Taehyung covering the girl’s body with his huge built. Since they really don’t care, you might as well get the most of this experience and write a good erotic piece.
You place the tablet on your thighs, facing them with the turn of the chair, your fingers quickly dancing on the keyboard to describe the way your best friend digs his tongue in his one-night stand’s throat.
Do people actually like this? You wonder as you keep searching your brain for appropriate words other than the ones already popping up in your conscious while the other part of your brain scolds you to not judge your reader’s preferences.  
You try to find enough decent words to describe the girl’s lips being bruised by Taehyung’s. Since she is sharing her most intimate moments with you, you might as well play along to her request and make this sound as pleasing as possible on her side.
They part their lips with a gasp from each other, you almost shout at the top of your lungs like a movie director to get back to work but then you remind yourself, you’re watching two people actually doing this for pleasure and they also need to breathe.
You quickly finish the description on each of their faces since their panting moments was probably the last few seconds it would look normal for the rest of the night as you hear their little conversation in the background.
“So,“ the sound of the girl’s lips rising even more and you bite your lips “safe word?” Taehyung asks in a deep voice, the girl giggling and squirming under him.
“Is it really necessary, Taehyung?” you flinch at how needy the girl’s voice sounds just after a quick make out, wondering what exactly is about your best friend that has girls losing their shit over him.
“Trust me, Once we get too deep in this, you might need it” he groans leaning closer and nibbling her ear and she moans
“Carousel,” she replies with a giggle and you furrow your eyebrows at her strange choice of safe word but again you gotta push through the night, reminding that the only person deserving to be judged is you for sitting in the middle of two adults having sex and try to use them for your creative purposes.
Taehyung pulls away and kneels on the bed, your eyes quickly travel to him to see what he’s up to. He grabs the hem of his towel,  tearing it apart and immediately a small gasp find its way out of your lips at what his action uncovers, his dark orbs travelling to yours.
You assume the girl is as surprised as you about what’s standing proudly between Taehyung’s thighs because what echoes in the room while you gulp catching Taehyung’s eyes on yourself, is her breathy gasp.
“Mhmm …” he hums to the girl but his eyes are still on your dilated pupils “You like what you see?”
You get a grip on yourself quickly bringing your eyes to the screen, your fingers which stopped drumming on the keyboard quickly getting back to pace around as you hear a small groan from the guy.
You bring your trembling gaze back to the scene and realize his groan is only because his ginormous dick is being pampered by the girl with slow strokes and small kitten licks along the shaft.
"Foreplay", you quickly think before pressing enter and quickly typing the girl’s skilled actions, his dick now growing into more of a hard-on and starting to lay flat against the girl’s welcoming lips.
She parts her lips and devours him into her lips in a quick motion and you wet your lips as your eyes travel between her little show and Taehyung’s head which falls back with a loud husky moan falling off his lips.
“Fuck …” he groans as his hand quickly reaches for the strands of blonde hair, holding firmly onto her head as he thrust his hip forward “That feels good.” he compliments with a groan of pleasure and the girl starts to bob her head.
You quickly write his words just like the way they leave his lips, wishing you could record his voice and use them later, OF COURSE FOR WRITING PURPOSES, you remind yourself while the muscles of your inner thigh clench painfully closer together reminding you that you also are a human with needs.
Maybe this is why people loved sex scenes in a book, sex in writing although was portrayed through the dry black and white fonts plastered on a piece of paper, it gave them enough freedom to manipulate and grow it in their own horizons of imagination when they were in need, just like you were now.
You lick your lips in anticipation as you try to describe the way your friend fucks the girl’s mouth in the most pleasing way, tinted by slight hazy bits and bobs so you give your readers the perfect amount of imagination to grow.
Your breath cages in your lung when Taehyung snaps his hip forward against the girl’s lips, keeping it firmly against her throat as the slight sound of her gagging echoes in the room and your heart beats in concern. You quickly look for the girl’s expression in worry before her eyes curves into a tiny smile as they sew themselves to Taehyung
"You like that slut?” He asks biting his lips as a smirk plasters on his face watching her faint smile “You like it when I gag you on my big fat cock huh?” He pulls away, moving the girl’s head away from his hip just reaching his tip before snapping his dick back into her mouth, this time tears  with a mixture of the girl’s mascara running down her cheek
“You messy little slut, you like it when Daddy fucks your throat huh?”
You quickly try to write the words down on the screen before bringing your gaze back to the girl, for some reason expecting her to look unhappy with her gag reflex constantly being stimulated
But instead the scene you witness has another muffled gasp leaving your lips, the girl nodding persistently as one of her hands are dipped between her legs indicating she’s touching herself.
“You dirty little slut,” Taehyung groans as he keeps her there for a few more seconds, watching her touch herself “You wanna cum while sucking Daddy’s cock?”
The girl nods again, more tears leaving her eyes as she continues to move her fingers on her clit In speedy circular motions.
“I wanna see you try dirty slut,” Taehyung smirks and your breath hitches as his eyes momentarily glances over you as he mutters “Try and cum slut … cum while Daddy fucks your nice tight throat, ruining your mouth and your makeup.”
Your breath hitches in your throat as he orders the filthy words, looking directly into your eyes. Your brain screams at you to write his dirty talk down, since you would never, in thousand years come up with such filthy words on your own.
But your widened eyes are fixed on his until he spares you and looks down at the girl as he starts fucking the girl’s throat, who’s rubbing her clit in an insane speed searching for her release.
But her hopes shatter, as much as yours when Taehyung’s hip stutters and he bursts with a couple more thrusts, his head falling back and his loud moans echoing in the room as he cums in the girl’s mouth.
The girl swallows every drop attentively like she’s been dehydrated in Sahara desert for a few days and the only way for her to survive is to swallow Taehyung’s cum.
You make a mental note, not to describe the scene in the way you just thought of as probably not many people will find your strange example sexy and arousing but rather hilarious. Taehyung’s head snaps back up and the first thing he does has you struggle with your breathing pattern again.
He glances over at you again, biting his lips with his orgasmic and fucked out face as you rub your thighs together unconsciously. You avoid eye contact, quickly bringing your attention back to the screen to make sure you haven’t actually written how suddenly thirsty you are for your best friend by accident.
“Naughty little slut,” You hear his dark voice but continue to finish your sentence when the sound of his hand coming into a slap on the girl’s body has you jolting up on your seat and your attention is quickly back on him “No touching now.”
You watch as he grabs the girl by her hair, pulling her up on her knees to face him, the girl’s lips parting to pant for air as the droplets of cum are dripping on the corner of her lips.
“Daddy, Please …” she begs to stare at him with seductive eyes but Taehyung is not having any of it.
“I said you can only cum before I cum,” He says as he grabs both her wrist and pins them in one of his own big hands above her head before bringing his other palm into another sharp smack against her ass cheek “You know dirty girls get punished. You wanna be punished, little whore?”
“Yes,” the girl nods “Punish me, Daddy,” she licks her lips in anticipation “Punish me like the little slut I am.”
You furrow your eyebrows at girl’s request , quickly typing the words leaving her lips with the description of how fucked out and needy she looks like with her hand above her head, her towel lying on the bed away from where It should be on her body with some juicy description about the red marks of Taehyung’s hand on her bottom.
“Yeah?” his eyes perks at the girl’s words “You want Daddy to teach you a lesson?”
“Yessss -Aaahhh …” she gasps as another smack comes into contact with the flesh of her ass and you have to bite your lips harshly to stop the breathy sound leaving your lips.
He is ruthless with his “punishment”, you start to judge his scene as your eyes dance on the harsh red flesh of the girl’s bottom. But she looks somehow content and aroused as if she wants even more of the harsh treatment more.
“Is this why you’ve been a bad girl?” Taehyung asks in a husky tone and the girl moans in response nodding her head
“Yes, Daddy … I’ve been bad … I’ve been really really bad …” she purrs in response, igniting a fire in Taehyung’s eyes as his hand comes into another whiplash against her bottom.
You flinch as a drop of arousal slowly trickles between your legs, your fingers immediately stopping their actions on the keyboard as you watch Taehyung “punish” the girl as she asks for, while the girl’s loud, wanton moans ring in your ear.
You were never the type to be aroused to such type of scenes, your taste rather being “vanilla” as Taehyung would love to usually tease you about. You weren’t particularly pressed about your taste, preferring your sex rather sensual and romantic than wild and kinky. Even the porn you’re watched reflected your taste, with your most recent search including things like “romantic couple” and “porn with a romantic plot”.
You believed your life had too much of angst in the office you had to spend your day at, typing words after words describing a fantasy that had people clench their fists in anger or blink their tears away while reading that you preferred to keep it all chill and relaxing back at home.  
But yet again, you’re here, watching your best friend executing his kinky actions on his one night stand and you can’t totally deny that your body is somehow enjoying the scene.
shifting up on the seat, you press your thighs together, the ticklish arousal between your legs distracting you too much from your writing but you immediately regret your decision when Taehyung brings his lust hooded eyes to you as the chair under your screeches due to your weight shift.
You gulp like a kid being caught shattering the fish tank in the living room, the unreadable expression on Taehyung’s face not helping your nerves either.
You’re still contemplating if your best friend can sense the damp spot on your panties that you are desperately trying to ignore when his next action has you drip even more from your core. He keeps his eyes fixed on you while he strokes the red flesh of the girl’s ass cheek, reaching for her clit with the other hand and pinching her bundle of nerves.
“Aaaahhh …” she whines, shuddering at the harsh touch
“You’re so fucking dripping for Daddy” he gasps as he touches her arousal and makes a mess of her cleanly shaved pussy with the juices he acquires from her “All wet and ready for Daddy’s cock huh?”
You stare into his eyes, your eyes glancing back and forth between his face and his hand on the girl’s private part, blush to creep into your cheeks as the juices smearing all around her inner thigh somehow resembles the mess between your own legs. You let out a gasp of relief as Taehyung finally tears his gaze from you and looks back at the girl
“I’m sure if you sit  on Daddy’s cock, you’d just slide right down” he suggests as he fastens his finger on the girl’s core
“Yessss Daddy … I’d take you well … I’d take all of your cock…” she promises with a needy tone and Taehyung nods before shifting back from her, the girl whining as his hand leaves her core.
You quickly finish the girl’s part, your goal at this point being to just write down their dirty conversations and memorise the rest of the session in your mind to elaborate on later. You didn’t wanna admit but your own pussy was already too aroused for you to think straight and write a decent scene with enough details.
Taehyung sits down at the head of his bed, his back resting on the bedpost while his long muscular legs part to unravel his proudly standing cock even more. He strokes his shaft which you can swear has grown larger since he first took the towel off while looking at the girl standing right in your line of sight.
“Come ride Daddy then” he orders staring at the girl with unimpressed eyes
The girl moans in excitement quickly shifting closer to his lap, straddling his big thick thighs while holding onto his shoulder. You bit your lips realizing the girl’s back is now facing you and a sigh of disappointment leaves your lips knowing you would have to improvise the girl side of the scene on your own.
You secretly hate Taehyung for choosing that position instead of choosing a more conventional one like missionary or doggy so that you get a better view of both of them. But then again you realize you’re writing a sex scene, which you’ve never done and could have never pulled off without his help so you better stop being an ungrateful bitch and take advantage of the situation.
You glance up from the screen as you hear a wanton sound leaving the girl’s lips, watching in anticipation of the event as she slides down on Taehyung’s cock painfully slow. You take a moment and just blink your eyes at how his thick girth parts her pussy lips apart, admiring her for her flexibility down in her kitty.
Before you know, you find your mind drifting as you imagine how would it be if that was your pussy and imagine your tight walls that haven’t experienced much would probably rip apart with the first few inches at the tip, considering he’s the thickest up there.
You quickly shake the thought off and your fingers fasten their pace on the keyboard as if the keys under your fingertip are being punished for your dirty mind.
“Fuck” you hear the girl sighs in a weak tone and you look up “Daddy … It’s so big …” you gulp and silently agree with the girl as you quickly write what she says along with a couple of sentences explaining the reason behind her statement being your best friend’s abnormally huge dick.
You furrow your eyebrows when you patiently wait for Taehyung’s response but nothing comes out and you find yourself looking up at him with almost annoyed eyes. Your eyes tremble as you see his eyes fixed on you, a cocky smirk plastered on the corner of his lips as you raise an eyebrow as if you wanna convey to him your frustration over his silence.
“Mhmm …” he hums , his gaze still fixed on you “I thought you said you can take me” he growls with an arrogant tone “Come on” the girl shrieks as a sharp slap comes in contact with her ass “Take it like the good slut you are” he says all the dirty words looking past the girl’s body which was directly in your line of sight, into your eyes.
“Fuck Daddy …” the girl digs her nails on his shoulder as she pushes herself lower “AAAHH … I can’t”
“You can’t,  can you?” He asks with a teasing tone as he grabs her ass and holds her right there, filled to the brim as the girl whines  "Its okay, you’re not the first one that failed to take me.“
You roll your eyes at Taehyung’s proud statement, hating that the girl’s inability to take him to boost his ego immediately. This is why he is the cocky bastard he is, you think as your quickly type his remark at how proud he is about his size.
"Cheeky whore” he slaps her ass again receiving a soft whimper from the girl “Thinking you can take Daddy just because you fucked some dick” he scolds and you tilt your head in confusion as you hear his tone changing to more of a dark and angry one “Move” he orders as his fingers dig into her ass flesh and moves her on his dick “Ride Daddy like a good girl”
The girl quickly complies and the room soon fills with the sound of her loud cries of pleasure, the sound of skin slapping with the mixture of the girl’s wanton cries being your background music as you continue to describe the intercourse with your limited knowledge of what you’re watching.
“Aaahh … Daddy … your cock feels so good …” The girl whines fastening her pace, riding Taehyun’s cock as if she’s riding some kind of racehorse “I wanna cum all over your cock, Daddy, I wanna cum …”
“Yeah? You wanna cum little slut?” He asks as his hands reach for her throat and grasp her windpipe tightly “Then beg like the little whore you are, beg for Daddy”
“Please … ” the girl pants as little air reaches her lungs but her moans only intensify in sound “Please let me cum Daddy”
“You think you deserve it? You think you deserve to cum on Daddy’s cock?” Taehyung asks as you watch his other arm moving down between the girl’s leg which is not totally clear to your eyes. The girl’s head falls back and you realize where his hands are working, her sensitive clit, you assume, pushing the girl closer to the edge.
“Yessss … Yes, Daddy … let me cum … I wanna cum while you fill me up” the girl voices out the words in a rushed tone, tears  tinted by her mascara  flowing down her eyes again
“You want Daddy’s cum in your tight  cunt huh?” Taehyung smirks, his eyes suddenly dancing on you while he says “You want Daddy to fill your messy cunt with his cum huh??”
You gulp, feeling your own walls clench around nothing, your carnal desires and possibly your deprived vagina screaming at you for the same attention the girl is receiving between her legs like a jealous ex-girlfriend. You dig your teeth into your bottom lips, tasting the blood having you hope that the pain might help distract you from your whiny pussy down there.
“Yes Daddy …” the girl finally musters up a sound “Fill me up with your cum”
Taehyung thrusts his hip up, helping the girl to reach attain her wish as he’s nearing his own release while his hand continuously works on her clit. Your finger has completely stopped working, the only thing you can do is watch the mess between their legs as they both work towards their big moment.
“Fuck …” Taehyung’s lustful groan echoes in your ear and you look up “I’m gonna cum …” he says his eyes glancing over your before closing for a few seconds as he stills the girl’s hip and ruts himself into her ruined cunt.
He grits his teeth, his eyes still fixed on you when he suddenly frowns and a deep groan leaves his lips as his head falls back but his hip still works hard deep inside the girl’s walls.
“Aaaahh … Daddy …” The girl shudders, her body shaking violently on him and you can safely assume she’s experiencing some great moments of pleasure by the way her mounds bounce in the air with every shake of her body.
Taehyung’s hip stutters and you know he’s reached his climax when the transparent droplets of his cum come rushing down where his cock is thrusting deep inside the girl’s pussy.
Their sloppy moans and groans are your last few sentences, describing the magical moment of sparkling stars and breathtaking orgasm your readers probably love to read.
You’re slightly bummed out you have to sit there watching your best friend have a blast while you just get to watch and write it in the best possible way for other people, your poor muscles clenching around nothing but air. Become an author they said, its very fun they said.
“Ughh …” Taehyung’s deep groan has you looking up at the guy who’s now coming down from his high, blinking your eyes nervously as you make eye contact with each other and his eyebrows furrow closer into a deep frown.
You quickly press the save button on the top of the screen, knowing better not to trust the sync function as you quickly stand up and grab your bag “I’m gonna leave you guys alone now” you quickly whisper , trying your best not to ruin the intimate moment they probably would have preferred you not to disturb “Thanks Guys , I’ll buy you dinner some time” you quickly suggest as you make your way to the door and rush out of his apartment.
You sigh in relief as your Uber finally arrives in front of the apartment complex and you settle in the car. It’s only then that you realise so much tension and stress in leaving Taehyung’s apartment had you forget the wet spot in your panties that are sticking right to your slit.
You sigh as you make a promise to your neglected kitty that you’ll treat her to a nice, exciting high induced by the new rabbit vibrator you ordered last week from Amazon on sale once it arrives.
You open your tablet and glance over the quick messy document you wrote in an hour, already starting to see how you can elaborate or change details so its appealing enough to Jung’s taste.
You nervously click your heels on the floor as you pull your phone out of your pocket, glancing over the secretary who is doing her paperwork before pressing your iMessage app and press on the first name.
You furrow your eyebrows noticing the seen icon with time indicating two hours earlier flashing underneath the message you sent to Taehyung earlier in the morning.
After working on the draft you pulled off at Tae’s house, you ended up spending the rest of the night polishing and using your short term memory to recall the parts you missed as it was happening.
Once you were happy with the draft it was already 5 in the morning, meaning you could have exactly two hours of sleep before getting to the meeting you had with Jung. Which also meant you would have to use makeup and heaps of concealer to give the world the illusion you have had a good night sleep.
“Y/N … You can go in” the secretary who knew you very well notifies you and you quickly push your phone back into your pocket and enter Jung’s room.
He is sitting behind his desk as always, glancing over his iMac screen with his attentive eyes. You can’t lie, you sometimes find yourself intimidated by his gaze since his job is being a critic, imagining he judges everything about you even and it’s not just your writing.
“Sit down,” he says and you take a seat on the couch across his desk, glancing nervously at the glass plate reading “CEO Jung Hoseok” which runs a shiver down your spine.
You are nervous, considering the meeting you are in, could determine if you should go home and buy the new Gucci handbag you wanted to buy for a month or you should start looking for a new job; Your desperate wish being that the first possibility is the one winning.
You gulp as he finally departs his gaze from the screen and he walks around his desk to the single sofa set at the tail of the two couches
“Sorry I had you waiting, I was still looking at the draft you sent me this morning”
You nod flashing a fake smile “That’s alright Sir” you reply softly, hoping your manners would be any help on his decision
“You know why I like you Y/N?” He asks and it takes you a few seconds to really digest his words. Jung? Likes me? The fuck is he on about!
“I’m not sure Sir” you reply deciding the stupid silence is not gonna help you get anywhere.
“Its because I can see the determination in you …” he says as his eyes settle at your lost expression “I’ve seen many writers come and go in my company, but none of them has what you have. You know why you write, and you’re not afraid to push your limits.”
You stare at the guy with confused eyes, in all of the worst-case scenarios you tried to come up in your creative mind, none ended up as you being praised by Jung Hoseok, the single most difficult writing critic of this company who almost never had anything good to say.
Oh, the realization hit you, your face falls as you realize what the guy is doing. He wants to parts ways in good terms so he’s trying to fool you with nice words.
“Thanks, Sir … but you don’t really have to do this. I already cleaned up my desk, I can hand in my resignation by tomorrow” you say, your voice trembling despite having rehearsed the words a couple of hundred times already
“Wait what …” Jung looks at you with furrowed eyebrows, his expression hardening “Where are you going? Did you get any offers?” He raises an eyebrow suspiciously
“Well no … but I’ll be onto it as soon as you issue my resignation … “ you sigh finding the guy caring for you slightly hypocritical since he was practically firing you “Anyways, it’s not something that concerns you …”
“Y/N” he calls with his stern tone “What the fuck are you talking about?” He raises his voice, using the f word he almost never uses even in his most furious moments “You still have a contract with us and I’m not accepting any resignation until I know the reason”
“Sir …” you sigh as your blood boils at his statement “I know you wanna redundant me, So I’ll just play along and hand in my resignation. I think I at least deserve the redundancy claim, don’t I? How am I supposed to survive until I find another job …” you pant as the lump in your throat doesn’t allow you to finish your sentence without your voice trembling
“Wait a second …” he shakes his head in confusion “Who said I’m gonna redundant you?”
You stare at him with dazed eyes, tears pooling in your eyes as you whisper “You’re not?”
“God …” he whispers as he watches the tears run down your cheek and quickly reaches for the tissues on the coffee table In front of you “I mean I knew you have a creative mind but Christ, your imagination went wild didn’t it?”
You grab a couple of tissues in a rushed manner and wipe your tears as you hear him explain
“I was about to tell you, send the draft to the editing team and get it edited before we send it to the printing department.”
You bring your teary eyes to him, the lack of sleep and the tears not allowing you to see him clearly ”W-What …”
“What I told you yesterday was a way for me to test you “ He explains as he quickly stands up and walks to the mini fridge across his office to grab a bottle of water “I want you to step out of your usual writing style and experiment a bit. Your pieces are already doing fine but since you’ve come so far, why not try the mainstream writing a bit!”
He opens the bottle and places it in front of you “When I read your draft this morning I felt happy about my job after so many years. This is why I do what I do, I need to critique your work so you can push further out of your comfort zone and try new things” he hesitates as you grab the water and gulp it down to calm your nerves as he continues “And as far as I’m concerned you did beyond my expectation”
You choke on the water in your throat at his words before looking at him in disbelief “Sir …”
“Yes?” He replies firmly
“Is this a dream?” You ask with a disappointed tone and he smiles shaking his head watching your burst into tears again
“ go home and sleep for a bit first, you look awful.” he says and you wince at his unkind words “Then send your draft and prepare for a meeting with the printing team”
You nod your head, still In daze as the guy explains what you need to do next before patting your shoulder
“Now quickly leave my office before someone comes in and thinks I made you cry. I have enough rumours roaming around. ” He laughs standing up and walking back to his desk
You quickly mimic what he did and jump to your feet bowing deeply for him “Thank you, sir, I’ll work harder.” you say in a determined tone
“Alright, Go get some rest.” he nods and you quickly turn on your heels and march your way out of his office.
Your heart is beating fast as the whole news is suddenly settling in your body. You’ve finally received the green light on publishing the book you worked on over the past 6 months and not only that, you were finally acknowledged by the grumpy and harsh critic, Jung Hoseok.
You quickly reach for your phone in your pocket, your eyes scanning over the screen you forgot to press out of, the seen icon under your message still flashing to your eyes like it was before the meeting with Jung.
But you’re too excited to care as you quickly press on Tae’s name and press the green button and press the device on your ear. You sigh as he doesn’t answer you, expecting it as Taehyung almost never replies your calls on time, either he is too drunk, too sleepy or too busy hooking up to do so.
“Y/N …”  You turn around and see Jungkook walk towards you with his smug smirk plastered on his devilishly handsome face as soon as you get off the lift on the first floor “heard the news … must be a party In your pants huh?”
He stops right in front of you and you swear you would have punched that smirk off his face if you were gonna resign from this company anytime soon. But for now, you’re too happy and content with your job to let him win over your nerves
“Well, it can’t be that its always in yours can it? That’d be too ...” you scoff as you smile victoriously “sexist!” Jungkook’s dark eyes settle on you in amusement, his silence creeping a tension between the two of you that you soon brush off  "Now excuse me, I need to go home and prepare for my meeting with the printing team" you wink at him mischievously before turning on your heels
“That scene, it’s not yours, is it?” Jungkook’s voice reaches your ear and you turn around
“What are you talking about?” you raise an eyebrow
“You’re telling me you pulled off your first sex scene, mind you a good one, in one night while you’re spending all your life in that office doing anything …” he hesitates before a mocking smirks fly through his lips “but get laid”
“Why? Does it hurt your ego?” You ask tilting your head to the side “Don’t worry, this is gonna be my last sex scene for life. The porn scripts are all yours. You know I don’t usually do dirty work.” you say in a sarcastic tone
“That’s not any of my concern …” he says , his expression hardening while his smirk is still persistently adorning his lips “Jung sent the draft to me to have a look before he gives you the green light,” You grit your teeth knowing, in the end, you needed his acknowledgement even when clearly Jung liked you work “what you wrote, mind you if it’s yours,  cannot be from watching porn or a reference text.”
You gulp, nervously reminding yourself that what Jungkook is saying is totally right but he still necessary doesn’t have to know your strange, unconventional ways of writing a crazy sex scene.
“I take it as a compliment Jeon,” you flash a sweet smile “If you wanted some of my reference texts, hit me up. I’m more than happy to share.  We’re colleagues after all.” you bluff, knowing very well you wouldn’t be able to actually share Taehyung’s intimate moment with anyone but you also know that Jungkook is too much of a proud head to actually ask for it
“I’d rather be your reference next time … ” he chirps as his smirk deepens “Specially now that I know I’m exactly the type you like your references to be” he hesitates before your face that turns pink in shade as he looks around to make sure no one is around “Rough and Kinky.” It is his turn now to wink your way before he walks past you to the lift that leads him upstairs.
Your hand falls on your side as you sigh, It wasn’t the first time Jungkook acted this way. You always shrugged it off thinking he just has some kind of insane fantasy of boning someone in the office and probably the nearest target would be you considering you both live half of your life in there, writing your way through the day and night.
But his last couple of words rings in your mind, catching you off guard as you start to wonder if what he said is right. Obviously, the piece you’ve written was not based on your personal experience, But you couldn’t deny the persisting tingle between your legs since the night before. You quickly shake your head, putting it on the sexual frustration you’ve been delaying to address for a month now as you make your way outside the office.
You place your bag on the bar table, the specific high seat you always occupy that catches Jimin’s attention as always. He smiles at you over the till as he politely serves the young girl who’s handing him the dollars for her drinks.
He quickly passes the changes with a customer service smile that makes his eyes almost disappear as he makes his way to you.
“Hey Babe …” he chirps as he grabs a tequila shot adorned by sugar and a piece of lemon as he fills it with an opened bottle he already has idly rested against him “Good to see you finally in good mood.”
“First of all, I had some proper sleep in a while …” you say as you lean in to show him your nonexistent dark circles “I didn’t even use the Tarte concealers after months, can you believe that Park Jimin?”
“You look great babe. Is it your ovulation?” He teases wiggling his eyebrows playfully
“No I’m not ready to get pregnant, ” you roll your eyes before licking your lips in excitement “But I’m ready to publish my next book”
“SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!” he screams at the top of his lungs, a couple of people around throwing their confused and questioning looks at you as you rush him to be quiet
“Hey Hey … We’re in a public place Park Jimin. Keep your loud ass for someone else,” you scold him with a smile that unconsciously finds its ways at your friend’s happiness
“God,” he gasps “You’re finally publishing it Oh My God!” he says in disbelief
“I know … I almost thought It’ll never happen,” you pout with a smile before leaning “You’re the first person that knows!” you say with a jolly tone
“he’s the first person to know what?”
You body tenses at the signature deep voice of your best friend, quickly turning around and watching the guy who’s ignored your message and calls all day.
“If you were interested enough you should have answered my calls,” you snap back at him, feeling annoyed that despite ignoring you the whole day he’s standing there, all cocky and haughty as if he’s done nothing wrong
“I was busy,” He shrugs off walking closer to your seat and sits beside you “so are you gonna tell me or should I ask Jimin?” he points out at the guy who’s smiling and keeping his silence over your quarrel like always
“They decided to publish my book,” You say crossing your arm across your chest and watch his expression soften into a smile
“For real?” He asks leaning closer to you
“Yes and if you answered your calls instead of spending the whole day get laid, You might have been the first one to hear the news.”  you hiss back at him in anger, not knowing why you’re so pressed about the fact that he’s ignored you considering he almost never answers his phone anyways
“That’s … Great, ” he says as his soft smile dances on his lips and you look at him in surprise, not seeing the cocky expression or his usual teasing comebacks when almost immediately his expression turns all around into his fuckboy self “And that’s thanks to who?”
“Well, ” you clear your throat as the memories from the night before rush all your blood to your cheek “I was gonna thank you for your contribution if you weren’t a dick and didn’t miss my calls.”
Taehyung studies you having a hard time making eye contact with him when your voice is called out by a stranger’s voice
your head snaps back at the source of the voice and you internally sigh at the sight of your colleague who forced you into buying him drink because as he said “You owe him” for winning Jung’s heart 
“Seriously, did you have to come all the way here for just drinks?”
“Well, you could have just … not come I guess, Jeon” you roll your eyes at his whining,  missing Taehyung’s careful gaze which examines the guy walking to you
“Who’s this?” He asks, only then you look at your best friend and realize his hardened expression
“Jeon Jungkook, a colleague from work”  you quickly reply him
Jungkook raise his hand into a small wave before bringing his attention back to you "Are we staying here?”
“Of course,” You furrow your eyebrows, before realizing his eyes which stops at Taehyung who’s occupied the only seat beside you “Oh, he’s leaving.” you say patting Taehyung’s shoulder, so he knows to empty the seat for Jungkook.  
But he just sits there, his gaze dancing on the guy who’s standing with his arms across his chest waiting for him “Taehyung” you call and finally he tears his gaze from him and back to you
“What?” He growls in an angry tone
“Get off the seat,” You hiss, urging him to do as you say by pushing against his big arms and he finally picks his weight off and makes the seat empty for Jungkook
“Thanks, I guess.” Jungkook finally occupies the seat before grabbing a menu and looking through the drinks
You glare at Taehyung who’s still standing there, watching Jungkook with furrowed eyebrows, sighing in relief as he finally leaves the two of you alone.
“Boyfriend?” Jungkook asks raising an eyebrow as he points at Taehyung who’s now sitting idly with a couple of his rich friends
“Friend, an old friend who also owns this place.” you shrug it off as you grab the menu of his hand “He doesn’t charge me so we can drink all we want” you bring your gaze up to Jungkook as you hear him snort
“You really brought me all the way here for free drinks?” he says in disbelief
“Why not?” You shrug your shoulders “Who knows if the book does well or not, I need to save up just in case the royalties are not enough for a living.” you say as you wave your hand for Jimin
“Woah …” he shakes his head in disbelief “You’re a different species Y/N” he groans “A very cheap and stingy one.”
“Hey Hey, you asked for a drink, I’m getting you some. Stop being a dick.” you scold him as finally, Jimin makes his way to you
“Mhmm Who’s this new face I see here?” He teases you eyeing Jungkook who drums his finger on the bar table in front of him
“Jeon Jungkook” you quickly reply and Jimin’s lips form an O shape indicating he knows immediately who he is
“So what would you like me to serve you Jeon Jungkook?” Jimin asks with a flirty smile he usually offers the customers he wants to impress
“What about ... ” he hesitates as he scans through the menu “Some Johnnie”
“Oh, Thank Jesus I brought you here. You would have maxed my credit card at this rate.” you whine as you quickly face Jimin “Just the usual Jiminie. ” you sing song with a smile and thank him as he walks away to prepare your drinks
“Why? You were worried I make you pay for my drink?” He smirks as he turned on his seat to face you
“Isn’t that what you were trying to do?” You scoff in response “obviously I was smarter enough to not fall for your trap.”
“Y/N, ” he sighs as he leans closer to you, as you watch him travel the distance between your bodies “I’m gentleman enough to not allow the girl to pay,” he tilts his head to the side as his smirks deepen “Also you’ll fall for my trap someday, dont worry.” he mutters the words with a haughty tone
You gulp at his suggestive words, despite it not being the first time he openly flirts with you, finding it weird with the context of now being in a club rather than the safe four walls of your office.
"Well you don’t need to impress me Mr Gentleman,” you quickly reply shaking off the momentary tension that arises between you and Jungkook quickly pulls away and Jimin places your drinks in front of you
“Keep your money for the next girl you wanna get into her pants,” you say teasingly as you look around and grab your shot of tequila, immediately gulping it down in one go.
The fluid still rushing down your throat when your eyes double take at the scene. There he is, Taehyung sitting back on the soft and comfortable sofa, the girl draping over his body kissing her way up his neck as he drinks from his glass of alcohol you recognise as a glass of Henney.
That’s his favourite drink, you think as the scene along with the alcohol flooding your blood starts to flash back to a not very foreign memory of the girl riding his thigh in the same position.
You lick your lips as you quickly try to tear your gaze away from him so you don’t fall to the black hole you were trying to avoid all day, reminiscing every moment of your best friend fucking the shit out of that girl.
But then your eyes stop at his dark orbs, which are directly staring back at you. Your mind quickly flashbacks to those suggestive glances he gave your during his erotic action that had your pussy dripping like your whole body needed some release right there and then.
This time, however, his eyes glaze with a tint of something else, something you couldn’t properly read. His thick silver dyed eyebrows knitted into a frown as he parts his lips, perhaps due to the girl’s sinful action on his neck and it takes you all the willpower in your whole body to finally snap your gaze back at Jungkook.
“I gotta go to the loo!” you whisper as you quickly get on your two feet
“I’m gonna order more drinks, the same one for you?” He asks pointing at your shot and you nod, mouthing a quick thanks before making your way to the bathroom, you would be able to find your way to even if you were blind because of how often you have gotten drunk at this place.
You carefully make your way down the small hallway to the bathroom which is hidden at the back of the bar, almost reaching the women’s section when a hand grabs your wrist and pulls you back, pushing you to the nearest wall.
You gasp in the sudden coldness of the stone wall greeting your back, feeling the person’s weight pushing you to the wall and allowing you small to no room to move.
Your head snaps back up at the figure of the guy, with the silver strands of hair covering his forehead messily, The mixture of alcohol and his expensive cologne that usually persisted on your pillows when he came over to sleep at your place for the night hitting your skin.
“Kim Tae … ” you call softly, looking at the guy’s expression contouring in anger “What’s wrong?” you ask dumbfounded
“Am I joke to you?” he asks through a clenched jaw, his eyes burning in dark rage  “Huh?” He’s panting, his eyes travelling between your two dilated pupils as he demands an answer.  You just look back at him, in pure shock as you witness the side of him, you’ve barely seen before.
Taehyung sighs for the nth time that morning watching the director presenting his achievement in his very recent business trip, at the tail of the large table.
There is a reason he hates being a part of his dad’s business and these painfully tedious business meetings formed by men, who are mostly in their 40s and 50s, with the exception of him and his brother, make a big part of this reason.
He grabs his phone lazily, scrolling through the notifications as his eyes trace through the bunch of messages he’s received from you
“Tae, I didn’t find you at the club that night? where were you?”
“Is everything alright?"
"Why aren’t you answering my calls?”
"Pick your phone up, I wanna talk to you!"
"Tae, call me when you’re free!"
"Tae Tae? Hello?"
"Earth to Kim Tae, Earth to Kim Tae!"
“Fine, dont answer me! you’ll regret it once I find you!”
His heart clenches at the sight of the last angry message, his slender fingers carding through his silver coloured hair. After his impulsive actions with you that night, he decided it was for the best to avoid you for a while until the topic becomes that of memory for both of you, more specifically for him and he can face you again.
His mind flutters to the night from a week before, the memories still fresh like he’s still in amidst that hallway, with you caged across his arms.
“What’s wrong?,” you repeat staring into the hooded eyes of the guy pressing your body to the wall, concern creeping on your expression “What? You’re scaring me with your ugly face Tae.” you chuckle nervously to try and ease the tension but he seems to not take your lead
“I guess it’s all a joke to you-” he mutters but his sentence is interrupted with a familiar voice
You both turn to your side, observing Jimin standing there with stern eyes that are directed only at Taehyung.
“What?” Taehyung spits back in an annoyed tone that catches your attention “I need your help with the accounts, one second.” Jimin quickly replies, his eyes still intensely boring into Taehyung’s.
Taehyung hesitates, his hands still firmly pressing you against the wall, a gasp leaving your lips only realizing how firm his hold can get when he loosens his grip and you shift forward towards his chest.
“Fine” he hisses as he glares back at you for a few seconds, biting his lips as if he’s chewing the words that are about to slip out.
“Taehyung, I said I need your help!” Jimin rushes him with an angry tone. You furrow your eyebrows examining Taehyung’s face before bringing your eyes back to Jimin.
“Tae, I think you should go,” you suggest pointing at the guy who’s waiting for Taehyung to react but the guy standing against you don’t have any intentions to move.
“Let’s go,” Jimin says as he grabs Taehyung’s arms and pulls him behind himself while you just stand there and stare at the back side of your two friends drifting away from you.
Jimin pulls the guy behind himself throwing him inside the first empty VIP room he finds before locking the door behind himself.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He shouts back at the silver-haired guy who’s brushing his messy hair off his forehead.
“What?” Taehyung asks in an unfazed tone receiving a mocking scoff from Jimin.
“What? Are you really acting dumb with me?” Jimin frowns in disbelief, examining his best friend “Kim Taheyung, she’s your best friend”
“So what?” Taehyung growls bringing his dark eyes to the guy “Just because she is, it doesn’t mean she can’t be more.”
“Oh yeah?” Jimin mocks in disbelief “So you want her to be more huh? That’s what you want?”
“She’s fucking around with that fuckface from her company” Taehyung snarls through gritted teeth “Why can’t she do the same with me?”
“Do you really want me to answer that question Tae?” Jimin furrows his eyebrows watching the guy avoid his eyes nervously “fine, I’ll answer it for you. Its because you’re the type of guy who’s gone to STD checkups on a more regular basis than visiting your own parents and she-” Jimin sighs, hand carding through his rainbow-dyed hair “she can count the guys she’s slept with on one hand.”
“She’s as pure as virgin mary is what you’re saying” Taehyung nods in agreement “I already know that Jimin, you should be more creative than this old cliche story of bad boys dont fuck with good girls. I already know that by heart.”
“Do you?” Jimin jeers, his eyes widening in amusement “Is that why you’re trying her?”
“What do you wanna hear Jimin?” Taehyung’s dark, vulnerable eyes gaze at the shorter guy who’s staring back at him in rage “I fucking love her-” his eyes wander around as a small sigh leaves his lips “No, I  always fucking loved her. I loved her since the day she pulled my shredded pieces together and forced me to face myself and quit being a fucking coward, hiding behind drugs and alcohol.” Taehyung brings his tear glazed eyes to his friend “Are you happy hearing it?”
“Taehyung you can’t,” Jimin shakes his head “You’ll hurt her and you know it as much as I do”
“I know …” Taehyung sighs, falling down on the soft single sofa as he dips his head into his hands, his voice barely audible as he murmurs “I just fucking lost my mind when I saw her with that guy,” he then brings his head up and faces the guy “Who the fuck is he anyway?”
“Jeon Jungkook, one of the writers at Jung’s company” Jimin replies in a quiet tone and his friend scoffs “He’s been hitting on her for a couple of months now from what I know,” Jimin adds the extra information in an attempt to hint his friend at the possibility of you with another man.
Taehyung clenches his jaw, the fine line on his jaw protruding as the thoughts of you and Jungkook flashing in his mind.
“Get yourself together before you come out,” Jimin walks closer to the guy and presses a warm grip on his shoulder “Think about a creative explanation too, she’s not like the dumb girls you sleep with. You gotta give her something she believes.”
Taehyung sighs leaning back against the headrest of the sofa in the quiet room as the door closes behind Jimin and he’s left on his own and the silence that creeps in the four walls of the room.
After his eye-opening conversation with Jimin, he decided that he was too drunk to come up with a good explanation for his childish jealousy over you and your colleague. So he did what every other emotionally immature guy his age would do, he started avoiding you.
Well, one could argue that the move was even dumber than giving a vague explanation to you. It could perhaps spark even more suspicion in your mind that something is really going on but he couldn’t come up with a better plan so he just went with what his guts told him to do.
His attempt, however, was barely successful as you guys basically were all over each other’s life at this point. Your favourite place outside the office you practically lived your life in, was the club he owned where you downed a concerning amount of alcohol, your system could barely handle.
So he locked himself in his apartment, knowing you’d never visit him without letting him know first because of the number of times you walked on him while he was fucking a random girl.
He winces at the thoughts, realizing how he’s been basically labelling himself as a fuckboy in your eyes, practically all the years you’ve known him. All the times you visited him at his apartment only to be greeted by the sight of him boning a girl.
It is practically idiotic of him to even imagine that you would accept him as a possible significant other, considering you’d be one of the few people who know exactly how many girls he’s been with.
His eyes travel from his phone to the director that concludes his talk with a couple of flattering sentences for the Chairman of the company which happens to be his dad.
he has to stop his pupils from rolling to the back of his head, thinking the middle-aged director probably badmouths his whole family in his late-night drunk conversations with his colleagues, while sucking his dad’s dick in this meeting room.
The meeting is over and the Directors greet them one by one, their obvious flattering greetings for his brother and very reluctant greetings to him not going unnoticed from his observing eyes.
He is known to be good for nothing son of Kim Corporation, being famous to be on the list of useless rich kids who basically contribute nothing to their family business.
So it wasn’t much of a surprise for him to see the directors treat him with such underwhelming attitude, considering he’ll be not much of a use to them anyway.
“Both of you, come to my room!” his dad orders sternly, before leaving the two young men in the meeting room, the room now completely empty after everyone leaves.
“I shouldn’t have come,” Taehyung sighs in frustration, ruffling his messy hair as he grabs a bottle of water from the table and looks at his brother “I mean honestly no one really cares if I’m here or not.”
“Dad cares,” his brother replies in a soft tone “and I care, so you’re attending the directors meeting until we are here.” he then glances over the guy before asking “You alright? you look a bit out of it, Tae?”
“It’s alright,” Taehyung replies, feeling slightly taken off guard by his brother’s question “Just some personal shit.”
Seokjin isn’t always indifferent to him, but the age difference between them hasn’t allowed the two brothers to be super close to each other. He doesn’t blame Seokjin for it. after all, he was taking care of all the responsibilities since forever and he was always thankful for it. But still, it was quite hard for him to open up to the older, considering they barely had much one on one time growing up.
“By the dark circles under your eyes and your unwashed hair I can tell its girl issues,” the older suggest, watching Taehyung tense on his spot at the remark “I’ve been there, dont worry! I know how it usually goes.”
“You’ve had-” Taehyung asks with a frown on his face “lady issues?”
“Of course,” Seokjin laughs at his surprised expression “What did you think? that I’m just a heartless jerk?”
“No It's just that-” Taehyung scratches the back of his head “You dont seem the type to be into that shit!”
“What shit?” Seokjin raises an eyebrow “Love?” he asks mischievously
Taehyung clears his throat, blushing like a little kid being who is caught doing something embarrassing “Yeah, Whatever that shit is called.”
“Oh dear,” Seokjin shakes his head watching his younger brother “poor girl, If I ever meet her I’ll tell her to run.” he scoffs, watching his brother grimace at his remark “let’s go, dad is waiting!” he says before leaving the room ahead of him.
You press the green button beside Taehyung’s number for the 100th time that week, pressing the device to your ear as you murmured “Pick your phone up, you little bitch!” under your breath
The phone continues to ring for a few more times before sending you to the nasal voice of a woman asking you to leave a voice message. Well, the first few times you did, you left angry voice messages on his phone, screaming at the phone for him to stop ignoring you but you have given up by now.
You reach for your bag on your desk and push the phone in it as you whisper “Fine, ignore me all you want. I’ll just barge into your house and confront your ugly face by force.” you mutter the angry words to your computer screen as you quickly save your drafts when you hear Jungkook’s voice.
“Should we go for a drink tonight?” He stops by your desk, looking at your sour expression  "Having a bit of slump?“ he asks lightly, not realizing he’s playing with the edge of the knife considering how angry you are "I could probably help-”
“Piss off Jeon,” you hiss, throwing an angry glare at him “I dont have the nerves to entertain you right now.”
“Jesus,” he mutters, frowning at your heated tone “I was just trying to be helpful, you dont need to be so aggressive all the time.”
“No thank you, Mr Jeon,” you face him after grabbing your handbag and standing across him “I haven’t changed my mind and I dont wanna fuck you.” you say in a calm tone complemented by a fake smile.
“Seriously?!” he scoffs, leaning closer as you take a step back unconsciously, caging you between his body and the desk “After all this, you still think I just wanna get into your pants?”
“I …” you breath out, you expression softening as you realize perhaps you overreacted a bit “I’m sorry, I haven’t had the best day. I shouldn’t have vented my anger on you.”
He’s taken back by your apology, you can tell by how his dark eyes soften into those round, soft orbs that sometimes, although you desperately want to deny has you melting for them.
“It’s alright,” he takes a tiny step back, but still close enough to be face to face with you “My offer is still on, do you wanna have a drink tonight?” he hesitates before sighing “It’s on me, you dont have to take me to your friend’s club for free drinks.”
“Did you hate it that much?” You furrow your eyebrows at his remark
“I mean-” he hesitates before muttering “He was onto us the whole time we were there, It was a bit awkward.”
“What?” you laugh at his statement “No he wasn’t! Taehyung is not like that, he’s never the type to be counting how many drinks I have there.”
“Oh Gosh, ” he sighs with a mocking tone “You’re a bit dense, aren’t you?”
“Jeon Jungkook-” you hiss but he’s fast to interrupt you
“You didn’t answer me?” he raises an eyebrow “Drink? tonight? Yes or No?”
“fine,” your roll your eyes at his impatient tone “I’ll save you from wasting time, finding a chick to drink with if you’re that desperate!”
“That’s so nice of you Y/N,” he nods as he leans closer and licks his lips seductively “Do you also take responsibility for my other needs?”
Your jaw drops in disappointment, realizing men are looking for one thing after all, “Changed my mind,” you reply with a forced smile “Go find a chick to meet all of your needs, It’ll be easier for both of us.”
You walk past him when he grabs your wrist and stops you midway
“8 PM, the bar across the office!” he says in a firm tone as if he’s implying that he won’t accept any rejection
“I’ll think about it,” you reply, refusing to give in till the end as you leave the office.
You get into the uber you called a few minutes ago, apologizing to the young man for making him wait, cursing Jungkook under your breath as you hand him the address to Taehyung’s place.
It’s been a week now; since the night Taehyung stopped you in the hallway leading to the bathroom you frequently visited in the club. He was looking with a displeased expression and as you started to recognize the type of anger glazing his eyes, you grew even more concerned.
It was the same type of rage you witnessed once before when you sat there in Taehyung’s living room while his dad lectured him with venom in his voice about how disappointed he is.
He then went on to scold Taehyung for living like scum and hanging out with beggars like you.
You sat there, barely feeling any anger for the older man, at this point in life you were old enough to know a thing called the gap between rich and poor and how people from the higher socioeconomic status perceive those like you.
His dad was a dick but what concerned you the most was Taehyung glaring at his dad’s direction while panting heavily in anger, looking like he might charge towards him any second.
Your prediction turned out to be right when the guy shifted on his spot, about to do exactly as you guessed but your hands were quick to cover his thigh, urging him to contain himself by pressing as hard as you could on his quads muscles.
You remember this expression very well because what followed after his dad left his apartment was him screaming the anger he felt for the older man followed by the two of your drinking until you could barely speak.
When you both had enough alcohol in your system and your words started to become more of a slur than a clear speech, Taehyung cried in your chest and apologised for all his dad said to you while you reassured him that you were fine. The next day both you decided to forget the night.
But it was different now, there was no involvement of his dad and the only person in the equation he could be angry at that night was you. because you somehow managed to piss him off enough to bring out the worst you could ever imagine out of him.
Your heart sinks as you remember once again what happened after your discontinued conversation which was interrupted by Jimin. These days you never see Taehyung in the club at nights, barely receiving any replies to your calls and texts.
Although you decided to not read much into it and try to give him time, you started to become more suspicious that he’s avoiding you as he continued ignoring your calls. And today, you finally lost it.
You were looking at the edited version of the scene you’ve written based on him, every line reminding you the buried anxious feeling you had about losing him. He’s been your best friend for years now, and even the thought of losing him over a mistake that you weren’t even aware of committing it, was suffocating for you.
The car pulls over and you quickly get off the backseat, greeting the driver in a rushed manner as you run in the apartment complex. The old security greets you with his usual friendly tone but you’re too anxious to return the favour as you press the button on the side of the lift.
After a few seconds, the door opens and you get in, pressing the number that leads to Taehyung’s flat a couple of times as if it will help get you there any faster.
You grab your phone and attempt to call him one last time, you’ve already decided to barge into his flat even if he doesn’t reply but it doesn’t hurt to try and be respectful of his privacy before you say fuck it and force yourself into his personal space.
You’re not surprised when the phone sends you to voicemail, considering this has been the pattern of you attempting to contact him for the past few days.
You stand in front of his flat, inhaling air into your lungs as you feel all the anger and emotions that have been piled up in your heart finally get to your head as you punch the passcode in the key slot and twist the doorknob.
“Don't you dare blame me for invading your privacy when I fucking warned you Kim Tae-” you start to rant your way in with a raised voice as you throw your shoes off your feet on the side, bringing your gaze up only to see Taehyung with another unfamiliar, older guy sitting in his living room.
“H-Hi!” you force the greeting, suddenly all your anger disappearing upon seeing the two men
“Y/N,” he calls, his tone hoarse and breathy “What are you doing here?” he stands up walking to you
Your eyes travel between him and the guy who’s drinking from his pint of beer, eyeing you from head to toe as you reply “You kept ignoring my calls,” your eyes are still at the guy who smiles with himself, taking a bigger gulp of his beer upon hearing your voice “So I came here.” You finally bring your focus back on Taehyung as you abruptly ask “who’s that?”
“His brother,” the guy finally stands up and waves at you “Glad you asked. I thought I’m gonna have to sit here awkwardly the whole time. I’m Seokjin.” he then eyes his brother with a playful smile “and who are you?”
“Y/N-” you mutter but your self-introduction quickly comes to an end after a word when Taehyung grabs your arm and pushes you to the door
“Look, I’m actually busy now. I’ll call you and we can talk later!” he says as he reaches for the doorknob, while you repulsively move towards the door
“Tae, I think she can join us,” Seokjin calls for him and you look back to see if the guy is serious about his proposition “I mean she must be pretty close to you, to know your passcode. She might be able to help with your issue.”
“Help?” You quickly perk at the words as you pull your arms out of Taehyung’s grip and step closer to where his brother is sitting “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Taehyung says gripping your wrist this time and pulling you back towards the door “It’s nothing you should be concerned with-”
“He’s getting married.” Seokjin declares and your eyes are about to pop out of socket as they travel between him and Taehyung.
“What?” you shriek with lost eyes “W-When … How’s that even possible?” you ask as you shake your head in disbelief “Kim Tae? Getting married?” you laugh hysterically, trying to cover up the sinking feeling in your heart. 
You’re not even sure why you’re feeling so out of breath hearing about your best friend’s plans for marriage “Is that a joke?” you ask with a mocking tone
“Does he look like he’s joking?” Taehyung frowns at your response
“So you’re telling me, you,” you hesitate to point at his chest “Kim Taehyung is getting married?” you laugh again before pausing to look at him “Its must be a  joke , right?”
Taehyung sighs as he releases his grip on your arm before throwing himself at the nearest couch, shutting his eyes closed. You realize at this point, that perhaps, it’s not a joke after all so you quickly sit across him and look at his brother.
“But he’s not ready!” you protest in a rushed tone, not even considering the implications of your word before his brother speaks out.
“Mhmm Interesting,” he nods as he eyes his younger brother “And why do you say so?”
“Because-” you start the sentence, watching Tae bringing his gaze up onto you as you clumsily make the sentence “Because he’s still immature and-” you bat your eyelids trying to think of the next word “and he’s a fuckboy. he messes around with girls and he’s not the type to commit to one girl. How can he ever be bound to one person by marriage?”
You dont realize how the words that are leaving your lips carelessly could be interpreted as you’re saying them, but only come to your senses when Taehyung’s eyes darken.
“So that’s what you think of me huh?” his husky voice rings in your ear and you gulp, feeling intimidated by his tone for the first time in your years of friendship “That I’m immature, that I can’t commit to girls and I just mess around with them huh?” He scoffs, his head falling back as he shuts his eyes closed, making the bulging vein on his neck come to view.
“I mean- I, I-” you stutter as you try to form a response, eyeing his older brother who’s watching the scene in silence “I’m not totally wrong, am I?”
“No,” he nods, his eyes still shut and his voice lowered an octave “You’re right!” he nods again with a dark smirk plastered on the corner of his lips as he brings his gaze to you “But that’s not any of your concern as I said. So why don’t you mind your own fucking business?”
“T-Tae,” you call softly, your eyes glazing with tears that are threatening to fall down your cheek. It's been a week since you’ve seen him, you’ve missed him so much that all you want to do is to hug his stupid gigantic chest and feel at ease again. but instead, you are sitting across him being told that you should mind your own business right into your face “I … you’ve been avoiding me … and I just wanted-”
“Stop invading my personal space,” he spits back, his voice filled with sharp venom that cuts right through your heart “And you’re right, I’m immature, a fuckboy, a scum as my everyone else say. But that’s not any of your concern,” his jaw protrudes as he pauses before adding “That’s my future wife’s concern and she’s apparently fine with it.”
“F-Future wife?” You repeat, the words somehow translating to the fact that you will lose your best friend very soon “You’re really getting married? With who?” You ask in disbelief
“The daughter of JH Group,” its Seokjin’s voice that responds you this time and your gaze drifts away from your best friend “she really likes him,” he suggests, a playful smile fluttering on his lips that for some reason makes you want to punch him right there “I guess she doesn’t mind his past with other girls.”
I don’t mind his past, you scream in your head but you quickly have to shake the thoughts off and scold yourself for thinking of such an absurd thing. You have to blink rapidly to stop the tears from rolling down your eyes.
“Good,” you nod flashing a forced smile to his brother “I was just worried,” you dig your teeth onto your bottom lip “Watching him play with girls like playing cards, changing from one to another so fast because he got bored of them easily had me worried, wondering which stupid girl would ever want to stay with him.” you say through gritted eyes, your gaze piercing into Taehyung’s dark and furious orbs as you stand up “Good for you, I better go before I’m late for my date with Jungkook.”
You’re not sure why you include that extra information about your so-called date with Jungkook; probably one of the many questions that sparked during this conversation along with others like why you were so heated over Taehyung’s marriage and why you felt jealous of this girl you didn’t even know just because she was Taehyung’s soon to be wife.
You shut the door behind yourself after bidding Seokjin a polite goodbye, leaving the two guys on their own.
What you dont know is that the two remaining men sit there, conversing about no other person but you.
“That’s it?” Seokjin asks the guy who has his head between his hands, falling low against his body “You’re not gonna even go after her?”
“Hyung,” he breaths out facing the older guy with rage “With all due respect, can you please shut the fuck up?” he’s panting, his nose flaring with air that he exhales every time “Why the fuck did you tell her about the marriage?” he scoffs , his gaze wandering on the empty couch that you were sitting on a few seconds ago “To see how she belittles me and calls me a scum?”
“You’re an idiot Tae,” the older shakes his head in disapproval “You both are.” he sighs as he stands up from his seat, placing his pint of beer on the glass tea table “I did what I could, but I can’t make two blind people see eye to eye when they both refuse to even open their eyes." 
he says as he walks closer to the frustrated guy "Open your eyes, or you’ll have to watch her sleep in another man’s arms. That’s all the advice I can give you.”  he says before walking to the door and leaving Taehyung on his own.
“Hey,” you flash a tipsy smile which has the guy furrow his eyebrows as he gets closer to you “sit down!” you offer the seat beside you to him
“Are you planning to kill me?” he asks in a suspicious tone
“Not today, Jeon!” you chuckle and watch his expression contouring in more confusion “Maybe some other time. for tonight I need a drinking buddy.”
“Are you sure?” He flinches at your strange behaviour as he continues “You’re acting really weird.”
“I’m trying to be nice,” you roll your eyes at him as you fill up his glass with the bottle Johnnie  you ordered earlier “Your favourite right?”
He nods, gulping the shot down as he eyes you carefully “Spit it out, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you gulp a gentle sip of your glass “I just had an argument with my friend.”
“Kim Taehyung?” he asks and you look at him in surprise
“How do you know?” you ask, tensing at how easily he can read you
“He was giving me death glares the whole night,” he smirks as he turns around to face you on his side “Are you sure you guys are just friends?”
“Y-Yeah,” you nod, feeling slightly uncomfortable about the question, after your earlier conversation with Taehyung and his brother you are still baffled about your confusing emotions about him and his marriage “why?”
“He seems to like you,” he shrugs “I mean if he was really just your friend, he would have never cockblocked you like he did that night?”
“Wait, What?” you shake your head at his statement “he never cockblocked me?”
“He was literally watching us for the first half an hour I got there,” he smirks looking at your surprised expression “I guess you have things to clear out with your "friend”.“
You consider Jungkook’s words for a few seconds before quickly shaking it off with a bitter smile "There is no need. He’s getting married soon, that should be enough to clear things out.” you reply and Jungkook raises an eyebrow
“Interesting,” he nods, tapping his shot at yours “Okay then.” he shrugs indifferent and gulps the shot down “To your friend’s marriage.”
You enter the familiar space of the club you visit almost every night, greeting Jimin who’s cleaning the shelves filled with different bottles of alcoholic drinks.
“Hey Jiminie,” you call for him, catching his attention as he looks at you and flashes soft smile “How’s it going?”
“You’re early tonight!” the voices out with a grin
“I thought maybe I can find Tae if I come early,” you reply in a hesitant tone, avoiding his piercing gaze which is trying to figure you out “Is he here?”
“He … ” he starts, hesitantly glancing his way up at the VIP rooms upstairs and you immediately know you finally found your prey as you make your way to the stairs
“No, wait-”
You hear Jimin calling for you from behind but you can barely stop yourself from barging into each room at the second floor, checking in to every single one of them, one after another to find him.
It’s been 3 days since you talked at his place, 10 days since he’s been ignoring your calls and texts and you were not having it anymore. If it took another confrontation and an argument to come to closure, you were prepared to go all the way.
It’s the 5th room you open the door to when you find him, half sitting on a couch while a girl in her lingerie’s is kneeling against his thighs, pleasing him.
His eyes are shut, resembling the way he closed them the day you argued in his flat, droplets of sweat running down the side of his neck while his plump lips part and wanton moans leave his lips.
“Fuck,” he breathes out, holding onto the girl’s hair firmly as he orders “Deeper, suck me deeper.”
The girl complies and you lick your lips, watching her gag on his girth, this time not very surprised by his ridiculous size since you’ve seen it all before. You have to leave, you clearly tell yourself that in your mind but still your feet are stuck to the floor, your eyes not tearing themselves apart from the erotic scene of your best friend receiving pleasure from another girl.
You dig your teeth onto your bottom lips as you remember the weekend you spent at home, bringing yourself to orgasm again and again just by the aid of your newly arrived vibrator and the dirty erotic scenes you’ve had saved in your memory from watching your best friend fuck another girl.
You just blamed it on the time of the month, your ovulation, the fact that you missed Taehyung and also was immensely pissed at him that he was the key to your delicious highs all weekend.
But you can no longer deny it, you are thirsting over your best friend and his seductively large dick. You bite your lips, feeling a drip of arousal running down your thighs as you confess to your sin in your mind.
You gasp as Taehyung suddenly parts his lids and bring them to you, pupils, dilating in surprise as he catches sight of you. but what follows causes your eyeballs to practically popping out of the socket.
“Y/N-” he moans in a whiny tone, holding onto the girl’s head as he thrusts his hip forward into her throat “Fuck, Y/N …” he calls again, throwing his head back “Its feels so good, Fuck …” he sighs, shutting his eyes closed again.
Your eyes travel to the girl and that’s your epiphany, you wanna be her. you wanna be on your knees, with your lips around Taehyung’s girth, deep throating and gagging on his ginormous cock until he calls your name like how he is now.
The rush of arousal drips down your core as blood races up your cheek and you finally come clean with yourself and realize you should no longer stay there. You turn on your heel, finally tearing your gaze from the sensual scene before rushing out of the room and down the stairs.
“Y/N … what happened?” Jimin asks in concern, his eyes examining your crimson tinted face
“N…Nothing …” you say panting heavily as you practically ran down the stairs “I gotta go, see you later.” you manage to form the words clumsily before you rush out of the club.
It's been officially two weeks since your quarrel with Taehyung. If for the first ten days he was the only one guilty of avoiding the situation, now it was on your side too. After practically finding yourself drooling over your best friend’s cock in another girl’s mouth, you decided you really need to get your life together.
Your first defence mechanism was to bring up excuses, it’s been long since you were in a relationship, its been even longer since you put your genital anywhere near another human being. So you assumed you were just confused and flustered by the carnal desires.
There is still that turn of your stomach at the thought of Taehyung marrying the girl you secretly hated even before meeting her, that was kind of nagging you to prove you otherwise. but you are stronger to let it sink into your thoughts and make their destructive effects.
You decide to organize your room on your day off, the whole organization giving you both time and venue to organize your mind at the same time. you aren’t even surprised when you spend the whole morning cleaning the room you basically leave in the morning only to come back late at night, intoxicated by alcohol to sleep in.
You sigh as you pull out all of your drawers, emptying the content of each of them to vacuum the month old dust that has accumulated in it. sitting in the middle of the pile of notebooks and journals you find your photo album which contains all your memories growing up.
You decide a walk down memory lane would be a good idea for a mundane day like this so you flip through the pages, smiling at how silly you look in each picture.
Your finger stops flipping through the page when there is a picture of you and Taehyung, both in your school uniform making faces to the camera with your graduation certificates in hand.
You dont even realize you’re crying, the wet trail of tear down your cheek is your only clue to the emotions pouring out on a physical level.
“Idiot,” you whisper touching the guy’s tanned skin in the image “I missed you.”
your attention diverts to your phone on your side, glancing at the text notification on the screen from Jung.
“Hey everyone, dont forget the party tonight. We’re all gathering at EVE, the bar across the office. dont forget everyone can bring their partner/significant other. See you all there!”
You sigh, remembering you committed to attending the party that Jung decided to throw to celebrate your new book with everyone else. your eyes glaze over the word partner/ significant other and you heave a sigh. These are the times you hated being single the most.
Jungkook is your momentary option, but considering how much of a big ego he is, you would never bring yourself down to ask him first. it is already late and you have to come up with an idea.
you scroll through your contacts, considering every guy friend you have. Jimin is your go-to option but you know in these situations but you know he works at the club tonight and since its weekend, he won’t be able to leave the place to the inexperienced part-timers either.
you fingers stop scrolling at Taehyung’s name, gulping nervously as your finger hovers over his name when suddenly the phone goes dark and then his name flashes on the screen along with the ring of the phone.
“Hello?” you immediately answer the phone, cursing yourself for appearing so desperate when his voice echoes in the device
“Hey…” he greets awkwardly as he shifts over the phone “H..How are yo-”
“Do you wanna go to a party with me?” you ask in a rushed tone, interrupting him midway through his greeting
“O-Ok …” he replies hesitantly “when is it?” he leads you on to your surprise
“Tonight!” you say nervously as you shift the phone to your other ear, your gaze fixed on the guy’s younger version in the image “Are you busy?”
“N-No … I … I mean-” he breaths out nervously as he murmurs “Its fine, I’ll pick you up then.”
“Okay, see ya.” you disconnect the phone before rushing to the shower to get ready.
The office parties are one place you need to show that you are more than the nerd author who spends her days stuck onto her chair writing fictions. So you usually put a lot more effort than the dark pencil skirt and white dress shirt you usually sport at work.
But this time, you’re not sure why but you’re feeling all giddy inside, like a teenager going on her first date who wants to look good to the boy of her fantasies.
You spend another half an hour staring into your vanity as you try to perfect your makeup and eyeliners, the masses of Q tips and wet wipes messily spread over the table indicating your failure.
You sigh in relief as the final touch of lipstick comes to your lips, and you check the time on your phone realizing you’ve got ready just on time.
A simple text from Taehyung, saying he’s waiting for you downstairs has you rushing down your hallway, with your handbag and heels in each hand. you quickly slide into your heels before finally leaving the house.
Taehyung is in his bright red Audi, which usually has eyes drawn to it, just like its owner. You feel nervous, something in your tummy turns when brings his gaze from his phone up to you as he hears your heels click on the ground.
You hold your breath in your chest, the momentary eye contact fluttering the memories of the last time you saw those dark orbs looking back at you.
“Hey!” you pant as you get in the passenger’s side, reaching for the seatbelt when he leans in and pulls it for you
“Hey!” he murmurs in his deep voice, his warm breath hitting your neck as he shifts away and fastens the seat belt “Where is the place?”
“EVE, the bar in front of the office.” you quickly mutter as you search for your GPS but he presses his hand on yours to stop you
“I think I know it,” he mutters and you gulp, feeling his touch on your hand.
You can’t believe you’re craving for the simplest touch from him only after two weeks. You wonder if spending time with anyone for so long would make you so needy and craving for their existence as you craved for Tae
“How have you been?” he asks, his eyes fixed on the road
“Good, pretty good,” you reply, proud of yourself for not stuttering your answer
“How’s the book going?” he asks, glancing at your for a moment before drifting his attention back on the road
“Good, we’re due to publish it next month,” you hesitate before you add “Tonight’s party is held because of the book.”
“Mhmm,” he hums in response, nodding his head “You should have told me, I would have brought a gift or something,” he says as he purses his lips into a tiny pout.
It takes all your willpower to not lean in and kiss that tiny pout on his lips but you manage to hold back and mutter “Its fine,” you chuckle awkwardly as you add “I mean, you were my muse, so I should be the one buying you something.”
He takes his eyes from the road, glancing at you for a second while having the steering skillfully controlled without having any view of the road ahead, his only view your anxious expression.
“Muse?” he asks, narrowing his eyes “Right!” he nods, his tongue poking to lick his lips as his aura changes into his usual mischievous mode “I forgot I was the reason you finished the book.”
“Yeah,” you agree with him “I kind of owe the publication of this book to you,” you confess honestly
“And as long as I remember you never paid me back,” he says in a sassy tone, while he reverses parks his sports car into one of the spots allocated in front of the bar.
You ignore his words, reaching for your seatbelt when he leans in, his face a few inches away from you as he holds onto the hand your trying to unfasten your seatbelt with.
“So,” he hesitates, his dark eyes piercing into yours “how are you gonna pay me back?”
“H..How do you want me to pay you back?” you ask as you bat your eyelids anxiously “I mean- I mean it’d be ridiculous for me to pay you back in money.”
“right, It can’t be money but there should be another way right?” he asks, a faint smirk glazing on his lips when the click of the seatbelt echoes in the silence of the car and the fabric is pulled back into its place in a fast pace “I’ll think about it,” he says simply before getting off the car.
The party is as boring as it always been. a bunch of colleagues who absolutely have no interest in each other’s life, showing up with their significant others, only to prove others that somehow their life is more than what they do in the company which is perhaps not even true.
You can sense the eyes of the ladies and even some guys on Taehyung from the all over the room. it wasn’t the first time the silver-haired guy attracted attention in a social gathering like this so you were somehow used to having people swooning over his beauty.
But for some reason, you feel your throat going dry every time he greets another lady with his suggestive and seductive words. The guy has a big sign reading “I have the best dick in the room” plastered all over his confident tone and expressions and the fact that you know that is true anger you even more.
Who are you kidding, you were practically one of those girls who wanted to be served by his dick a few days ago and you’re not even sure if you’ve changed your mind since or not.
So you have no right to judge when one of your colleagues who come alone to the party starts to engage him in a heated conversation about the new clothes line released by Gucci which Taehyung’s body was adorned by.
You quietly walk away from the two, walking to the bartender as you ask for a tequila, reminiscing all the times you’ve asked Jimin for one. You miss him, considering you’ve met the guy at Taehyung’s club more often than your own parents.
You down the tequila feeling suddenly down about the whole situation you put yourself in. Was this book even worth it? you wonder as you glance back at the silver-haired guy who’s seducing yet another girl for the night.
Maybe if you weren’t aware of how good he dicks his girls down, if that night you refused to cave in to the temptations of beating Jungkook, if you just wrote the piece from a text reference or something … maybe then your feelings was never ignited for your best friend. Maybe now you wouldn’t be feeling the turn in your tummy from the sight of him flirting with other girls. or that sinking feeling in your heart every time you remember that he’ll be married soon.
“I was waiting for your call!” Jungkook orders a shot for himself glancing over at your best friend before muttering “But I guess you had someone else to come with.”
you glance at your side, hearing Jungkook’s voice, a heavy sigh leaving your chest as your reply “I was waiting for yours.”  at this point you dont even care if you place your ego aside, you’re too tipsy to keep your head high.
“We’re both quite thick-headed, aren’t we?” He scoffs at your response “That’s why we’ve been breathing on each other’s neck for two years in that office and yet …” he takes a sip of his glass of Johnnie “none of us have the balls to do anything.”
“I assumed you’d have the balls,” you raise an eyebrow, the alcohol dissolving in your blood giving you extra courage “I guess not much is happening down there, Jeon.” you motion down at his crotch with your head
“You’re so fucking cheeky all the time … ” he inhales as he takes a step closer to you “I bet that smart mouth of yours would look so good around my cock,” he whispers the filthy words and you have to take a moment to digest the fact that he just suggested such filthy thing in a public place like this.
“Why dont we try?” you challenge him and this time you take a step closer “I’d love to see if you actually have any balls.”
He smirks at your play on words, clenching his jaw as his eyes darken in pure lust “the bathroom at our 3 o'clock, be there in 5 minutes."
he doesn’t allow you to question his proposition for a second time, as he turns on his heel and makes his way to the location he just notified you about.
You take your time, downing another shot since what you were about to do needed a bit more alcohol courage than you already had. You’ve never done public before but for some reason, with the jealousy and frustration blinding your vision, you found the idea extremely appealing.
You place the glass shot before turning on your heels and nervously making your way to the male bathroom that Jungkook disappeared to earlier. To your utter surprise, no one is around and you make your way inside without embarrassingly caught red-handed.
After a quick knock, the door opens and Jungkook yanks you in the small cubicle, pressing his lips on your as he pushes you to the wooden door.
You impatiently reach for his belt, loosening the leather material before unbuttoning and unzipping his pants all in a few seconds.
"Impatient huh?” He breathes out, watching you focus your attention on his crotch as your lower his pants down, dropping to your knee.
“It’s not like we have much time,” you spit back with a frown, keeping your gaze at him as you lower his boxer on his thighs.
You gulp, your eyes slowly drifting down to his toned muscles, wondering how the hell he manages to be so muscular and fit considering he spends most his time sitting on his desk like you.
“I guess you do have balls,” you point out mockingly as you glance up, watching him scoff at your remark
“Are you just gonna examine my balls or you wanna do something about it?” He raises an eyebrow
“Of course …” you reach to grab a fistful of him, pumping his dick to get the blood rushing in his manhood, watching his muscles contract and relax against your hand “I’m gonna show you my balls now,” you say before leaning in and enveloping him between your lips.
“Fuck,” he writes, his head falling back as he thrusts his length even more in your mouth “It feels even better than what I imagined.”
You furrow your eyebrows at his words, thinking exactly how many times the guy imagined you in the current position to have come up with a certain expectation like that.
He’s not as gigantic as Taehyung, you realize within the first few pumps of his cock in your mouth, but he is good in his own league. It doesn’t take long before his hand grips onto strands of your hair, pushing himself further in your throat and your gag reflex starts to get in the way.
“Shit,” he clenches his jaw as he brings his gaze down to you “I need more, take me more Y/N.”
You slack your jaw and ease your throat to allow the guy in even more, as your fondle with his balls at the same time to amplify his pleasure.
“God YES!” He cries as he fucks your throat “You take me so well baby, its feel like heaven.”
The praising words encourage you to move your head faster while using your free hand to hold onto the guy’s iron thighs as a handle. Jungkook picks up your attempt and fastens the snap of his own hip in and out of your mouth and he reaches his high.
“FUCK Y/N … ” he calls in a needy tone “I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum in your mouth baby,” he warns and you give him a nod of approval, Jungkook releasing a big spurt of his cum down your throat.
His hip stutters and he slows down before completely pulling out and quickly grabbing your wrist to pull you up onto your feet.
“Fuck,” he voices out “That was-” he tries to form the words but instead he leans in and kisses your lips, tasting his own cum in your tongue.
As you shut your eyes close in the kiss, you can’t help but see Taehyung’s dark orbs glaring your way. a rush of guilt fills your heart, thinking he’s probably out there in the boring party you brought him to, while you’re fucking your coworker in the male bathroom.
“Jungkook …” you gasp as you pull back, nervously shifting your gaze as you  mutter “I should get myself fixed before anyone comes.” you quickly turn around to unlock the door when his voice stops you
“before anyone comes?” His dark voice echoes in your ear as he adds “Are you worried your "friend”, Taehyung,  sees you with my cum all over your lips? “ he whispers against your ear as he leans closer to you, his chest pressing against your back.
You furrow your eyebrows, sensing a tint of evil in his voice, but for now, all you were concerned with was to leave this cubicle and clean your cum covered lips.
So you open the door of the bathroom and step out, bringing your head up to face the mirror only to see your best friend standing there with his hands across his chest, glaring at you as he rests his back on the tiled wall
"Tae …” you call for him, voice shaking at the thought of him hearing all the filthy things you’ve been doing with Jungkook a few seconds ago “W..What are you doing he-”
“I know what I want as payback for being your muse,” he says through gritted teeth as he points at the closed door of the cubicle where Jungkook is in behind you “I’ll have what he had!” he says in a demanding tone and your eyes widen in surprise.
You glance over at your friend whose eyes are fixed on the road. After your embarrassing confrontation in the bathroom, followed by his bizarre request, he left you on your own in there.
You proceeded to fix yourself up in the bathroom mirror, not even bothering to bid Jungkook a goodbye as your only goal at this point was to leave this place and all memories associated with it behind.
So here you are now, sitting in your friend’s sports car, driving to God knows where.
You bite your lips nervously upon seeing his well-defined eyebrows furrowing close together. He seems pissed, you can tell by the silent treatment he’s been giving you all night at the party.
He even had the audacity to flirt with every girl who was on her own, completely ignoring the fact that he was supposed to be your so-called “partner” after interrupting your session with Jungkook.
You scoff at the thought, which immediately draws his attention, his hollow eyes travelling momentarily from the road to you. You gulp quickly looking away, not bearing to watch his angry eyes.
No matter how many years its been since you’ve known him, you feel your blood running cold when he gives you those angry glares. He is intimidating, no matter how much you deny it with yourself or him.
The car pulls over and you glance over at the sight of his apartment complex coming to your view, Taehyung stopping just in front of the lobby as the security waves for him.
you watch as he gets off the passenger side, and you have no other choice but to follow as he hands the car key to his security. Your rushed footsteps follow after him inside the lobby, watching him press the elevator button while tapping the front of his shoe on the marble floor.
As you stop across him and attempt to ask what you’re doing here, the lift’s door opens and he steps in. You hesitate to watch him from the outside as he presses the button to his flat.
The door proceeds to close between you when he quickly presses the button and gives you an unimpressed look
”What?” He raises an eyebrow “Are you coming or not?”
You feet unconsciously step in upon his questioning and the door closes behind you. You totally lose all trail of your thoughts, and the questions you were gonna ask, just watching the digit on the lift increasing dumbfoundedly.
The lift stops with the sound of a bell and your best friend steps out. You follow after him silently like a kid who is waiting for her punishment, knowing very well there is something coming up with his angry demeanour.
Taehyung walks in the kitchen which is across the entrance, immediately reaching for a bottle of beer and snaps it open before pressing it against his lips and gulping half the bottle while he glances at you.
you push your shoes to the side, entering the familiar place while making a momentary eye contact with him which makes things even more awkward between the two of you.
”You’re not gonna give me one!?” You chuckle lightly pointing at his fridge trying to ease the mood
“You already had enough drinks for your limit,” he says unimpressed as he takes another sip “5 shots of tequila, I wonder if that’s why you were sucking dick in the bathroom.”
“Taehyung-“ you wince with furrowed eyebrows, suddenly feeling defensive about his statement
”anyways,” he shrugs it off, glancing away as he mutters “I already said what I want, it’s up to you.” He declares as he stares back at you with waiting eyes
“What-“ you part your lips but then gasp, mouth wide open at the realization “Were you serious!?”
“You dont have to do it,” he quickly replies in a rushed tone, raising his shoulder in a quick shrug “I never did it for something in return anyway.”
You hesitate, waiting for him to break that serious expression he’s wearing on his face any second and tell you its all a joke. But he doesn’t, instead, he just takes another big gulp of his bottle of beer, his Adam’s apple moving between the toned muscles of his neck.
”If you’re still on your words, get in my room and think of your safe word,” he instructs simply as if it’s not weird at all “If not, I’ll drop you off at your place.”
You stare at him in a daze, trying to digest his words. He just suggested you go wait in his room like those girls he bones every other night. The image has you clenching your thighs together. You wanna believe you’re weirded out and you wanna walk out. But in reality, you really wanna walk down his hallway and get on your knees to be one of those girls shamelessly.
”Let’s go,” he says as he places the bottle of beer on the kitchen top “I’ll drop you ho-“
”I’ll do it,” you quickly interrupt, retracting your arm from his reach “I wanna pay you back and if this is your preferred method, fine! I’ll do it.” You say determinedly
”you dont have to,” he says looking directly into your eyes, stepping closer across your body
”I want to.” You repeat firmly, looking back at his eyes that suddenly turn darker in lust
”Fine,” he nods, hesitation still evident in his quivering pupils as they travel between your two eyes “Go wait in the room,” he hesitates as he glances down at your body “naked!”
Your breath hitches at the request, eyes unconsciously widening at his words.
“Alright,” You nod, standing there, still on your spot as if you’re still trying to think this plan through “Alright!” You nod again before turning on your heels and walking down the hallway to his room.
There is an odd feeling at the pit of your stomach when you step in the room, the sheet messily curled on the bed reminding you of the other night you were here. the night you watched Taehyung fuck that girl so intensely, it left you high and dry craving for some.
The realization finally hits you, now it’s you, you’re another one of those girls who you always used to mock over the years. sure, Taehyung was always an attractive young man, but you never understood why girls loved to be in his bed just as a playtoy for a night between his thighs.
“I thought I gave you an order!”
you turn around facing the guy, a shiver running down your spine the moment you hear his deep husky voice echoing in the four walls of the room.
“It’s not late,” he explains softly, no trace of anger or authority evident in his voice “If you regret it, step out and leave the apartment. I’ll be out in the lobby in five.”
“Why are you so insistent on me leaving?” You raise an eyebrow as your hands trace down to the hem of your dress “Do you regret asking me?” you step closer to him daring “Do you not want this with me?”
“No,” he snaps, his eyebrows furrowing closer together at the daring question “I dont regret a single thing. I just want you to know you have a choice.”
“And I said I’m fine,” you persist as you roll up your tight dress onto your waist and up to your chest, the fabric creating some friction with the curves of your chest before driving up onto your neck.
You throw the piece of dress aside, gulping nervously as you watch Taehyung’s eyes fixed on yours. You are slightly surprised that he almost resists to look down on your body.
“Am I gonna be the only one naked here?” you ask raising an eyebrow, trying to fight for dominance in the conversation despite your crumbling confidence due to your exposed body.
“No,” He says as his eyes falter away, hand reaching to loosen his tie that is perfectly hugging his neck “We have things to discuss before that.”
“What?” you voice out almost annoyed and impatient
“Safeword,” he replies bringing his eyes back, and for the first time you see his gaze scanning over your cleavage before shooting back to your face “Choose one.”
“Caramel!” you immediately reply, biting your lips as he squints his eyes on your quick response. Shit, you shut your eyes closed before quickly opening them.
“Okay,” he breaths out nodding his head as he steps closer to you “you know the game, if you wanna stop anytime, you say the word.”
“What if I can’t speak?” you muse looking at him with curious eyes
His eyes grow darker in shade, examining your face for more hint on the meaning behind your words. He exhales softly, the combined smell of his cologne and alcohol hitting your nose.
“So you already know what I’m gonna do with you?” he asks watching you closely as he dips his hands in the side pockets of his suit
“I got an idea,” you reply nonchalantly “"I’ll have what he had”, wasn’t that your request?“
You watch his face hardening at the mention of the earlier memories, the line in his jaw protrudes, indicating the pressure he’s exerting with his jaw on the bottom row of his teeth.
"two taps and I’ll know,” he says sternly as he points on the floor with his chin “down on your knees.”
The words are enough for your knees to give in. You slowly drop on your knee, maintaining eye contact with him as you do so. You reach forward for the button of his pants but he slaps it off.
“Hands off,” he shakes his head, looking down on you with unimpressed eyes “Hands behind your back.”
You gulp, lips slightly pursing into a pout before bringing your hands behind your back and clasping them together.
“Since you’re so good at giving heads, why dont you try with your mouth only?” He smirks at you “your skilled little mouth should be able to do that much.”
You blink up at him before drifting closer and tugging on his unbuttoned pants with your teeth. a sense of pride rushes through your veins as you feel his abdominal muscles clenching and unclench under your touch, he is affected by you and you barely touched him and that is enough to rush a considerable amount of arousal between your thighs.
You struggle to lower the fabric of his suit pants down, and after a few attempts whine quietly before bringing your eyes up to him.
“You seemed like you’re pretty good with your mouth when you were deep throating Jungkook,” He tilts his head to the side looking at you with haughty eyes as his fingers trace down to his pants “You need a hand?”
You nod frantically, impatient to have his clothed bulge exposed against your eyes and he senses your longing gaze on his hand.
“Why dont you beg for it?” He asks and your eyes widen, head flicking up to his face to see if he’s serious
“Kim Tae-”
“Daddy,” he bites the corner of his lips with anticipation “That’s what you’re gonna call me.”
You hesitate, eyes trembling on his stern expression, waiting any seconds for him to break out of character and tell you otherwise. But he remains unfazed as if he has planned all of this way before and is in no intention to change his mind.
“Remember Y/N, we’re playing by my rules but,” he mutters, his hand cupping your chin to bring back your head up to face him “You can say the word and we’ll stop-”
“Daddy,” you voice out, head tilted back and chin pointing at his face “Please, help me undress you,” you begin a seductive word and smile in victory as you see the guy’s eyes darken in lust
“You know how to beg,” he smirks, affectionately stroking your cheek “Such a good little whore, I guess I should give you a hand now that you asked so nicely.”
His other hand then travels down to unbutton his pants, before zipping it down and tucking the fabric lower on his thighs. You swoon over the toned thighs that come into your view, all those times you’d see him after his gym sessions with his toned thighs covered with sweats or shorts flashing through your mind.
Your eyes then freeze at the sight of his Calvin Klein brief that hugged his groin firmly, the bulge tightly pressing against the material and begging to be freed from its cage.
You lick your lips, imagining the monster you’ve seen before popping out in a few seconds, core trembling in excitement and urging you to drift closer to him.
“Mhmm,” he hums, hand tracing back from your cheek to the back of your head “Keen aren’t we baby?” he winks at your heated expression, pulling you with your head forward, “I think you can do the rest on your own babe, show me what that mouth can do.”
You keep your eyes fixed on him for a few seconds, taking up the challenge before leaning in and grazing your lips against his lower abdomen, where the hem of his brief is sitting.
You smirk hearing his groan in the background, knowing the touch of your lips on his skin is already affecting him giving you a sense of pride. You then hook your teeth on the hem of his brief and slowly yank the fabric down, against the resistance of the elastic band around his waist.
Taehyung watches you attentively, breath caging in his chest at the sight of your lips so close to his manhood as you pull his brief lower on his thighs, his eager and throbbing cock springing out against your cheek.
“Fuck,” he breathes out as he watches you finishing up your task of undressing him “When did you learn to be so good with your mouth?”
You tilt your head back, leaning in to graze your tongue on his angry red tip before muttering “I haven’t even started it, Daddy” you tease with a smirk
“You’re a fucking Cocktease,” he groans, head falling back as your lips resume their sinful action on his tip “OH FUCK!”
You smile in satisfaction at his cry of pleasure, taking half of his length in your mouth before pulling it all the way out and fondling his shaft with your tongue.
Taehyung’s expression contours in pain and frustration, wanting to slam his dick at the back of your throat any seconds but he stops his urges by firmly pulling on the strands of your hair.
“Why?” he asks, eyes glazing over you carefully “You dont think you can take it?”
“I can,” you raise an eyebrow, cupping his balls between your lips to attain a groan ripping from his throat “I’ve had big things in my mouth before”
“So you really wanna be a cocktease huh?” He squints his eyes at you remembering how you were on your knees with Jungkook’s cock in your mouth a few hours ago “You seemed in more of a rush with that bastard Jeon Jungkook,” he then smirks darkly as he mutters “Or was he too disappointing that you wanted to finish him up soon?”
Your eyes lighten with excitement at the mention of the other guys, lips still continuing to play with his balls and watch his abs clench with your action.
“Not really,” you lick your lips, eyes wandering around as you mutter “He was actually quite impressive for his own,” you gulp as you feel his hand tighten in your hair to tilt your head up but you remain unaffected as you continue “It was more of a quickie before we get to his place, that was if-” your voice trails off to look up at him “thing went as planned.”
You can see a strange tint of anger in his smirk that persistently stays on his lips, it’s quite similar to the rage he presented the other night at the club when he slammed you against that wall.
The difference is it no longer scares you or concerns you, but it only gives you a bit of excitement. The possibility that the high and mighty Kim Tae who never bats an eye on any girl would be pressed about you and another man shoots arousal right into your core.
And even if the thought of your best friend being possessive over you might have been more of a joke till a few hours ago, it was now making you all hot and bothered in all the right places.
“Now that the plans have changed,” he mutters darkly “You might as well go ahead and enjoy it, babe.”
He then grasps your head by the anchor of hair and pulls you towards his waiting cock and you compliantly part your lips, enveloping the warm muscles around his breadth.
“Fuck YES!” he groans, head falling back from the immense pleasure as you take him in, his cock twitching against your tongue as you lean closer and closer on his shaft
You whimper, the vibration making his knees weak as you realize his tip is already stimulating your gag reflex, hitting the back of your throat, but you’re only two third of your way on his cock.
His hooded eyes travel down to you, realizing you’ve stopped “You’ve had big things in your mouth but not this big,” a cocky smirk plasters on the corner of his lips again “You can’t take it all in can you?”
You cough as he snaps his hip forward, your throat closing down on his tip as tears well up in your eyes.
“You dont need to act tough babe,” he smirks watching your perseverance in taking him further down your throat “You know you’re not the first one to fail to take me-Aaahh FUCK!”
His sentence is left unfinished as you ease your throat around him and take him further in, his hand pressing against the back of your head while you push yourself against his pelvis.
Your nose digs into his lower abdominal muscles that clench and unclench under against your touch while your gag reflex continues to try and resist your attempt to keep him in.
“FUCK,” He cries, knees buckling and almost giving in as the sensation of his length completely enveloped by your mouth sends him to cloud nine “You take me so fucking well, God!” he says out of breath and you moan with him deep in your mouth, sending more pleasure shooting in his vein
“I wanna fuck your mouth so bad,” he groans bringing his pleading eyes to you “I wanna slam my cock in your throat so fucking much babe.”
You hesitate, eyes fluttering close and open, considering his proposition before hollowing your cheek and moving your tongue against his shaft to urge him.
“Fuck,” he exhales in disbelief “You want it, dont you?”
You nod, hand reaching at the back of his hips, to press him against your mouth before bobbing your head back and forth on his length.
“You’re such a cockslut,” he mutters in adoration, gripping your head to keep you still “I’m gonna fuck your mouth as you love it, babe.”
You stare at him with anticipating eyes, his firm holds on your head stopping you from bobbing your head on his cock as you planned. He then snaps his hip forward in a sudden movement and starts fucking your mouth in an erratic speed.
You remain still, the sound of his balls slapping against your chin and your gag reflex kicking in every few thrusts echoing in your ears in the background while the sight of the man groaning and moaning to the intense sensation of your mouth around him arousing you more and more.
Your hand travel down to your exposed core, finding the sensitive bundle of nerve that is throbbing to receive any stimulation possible and flick your finger on your clit.
The motion sends shivers down your spine and you moan against his cock, the vibrations attaining a painful groan from the guy who’s about to come undone in your mouth.
His eyes flick back onto you suspiciously and find your hand toying with your clit but the scene is not all too pleasant to his eyes. His eyes darken and he holds himself still in your mouth on the next thrust before harshly pulling back from you.
You stare up at him in surprise, gasping heavily for the air you were denied because of his enormous length in your throat when you meet his angry gaze on you.
“I thought I gave you an order,” he tilts his head to the side, watching your through hooded eyes “you’re not really good at obeying are you?”
Your hand cease their action on your clit and immediately retract back to their original place beside the other hand at your back but the action doesn’t go unnoticed from his attentive eyes on you.
“I-I J…Just-”
“Sssh,” he stops your attempt to justify your action as he wraps his hands around your neck, gently lacing around your throat without exerting any pressure “You disobeyed me and wanted to be a sneaky little whore huh?”
Your eyes tremble as you consider your options out of this situation, licking your lips carefully before leaning to take his cock back in your mouth but he’s quicker to realize your intentions to distract him.
“Tsh Tsh,” he scolds, fingers pressing against your windpipe and yanking you up on your feet “and you continue to be a naughty cockslut huh?”
his other hand travels down to your core, where your fingers were toying a few minutes ago. His fingertips touch the silky rope of arousal that covers your core and he groans.
“Fuck, you’re soaked,” he whispers as if he’s talking to himself, expression softening for a moment before his dominating aura takes over his expression again “Are you that thirsty for some touch babe?” he says seductively as he grips you by the neck and toys with your clit in a slow manner
“Nghh,” you whimper, moving your hip to make more contact with his touch “Yesss there!”
His eyes lighten, loving the way you move in his control so he proceeds to stretch the lips of your pussy apart and thrust one finger in to retain a cry of pleasure from your lips.
“I guess Jungkook only cared about his own pleasure and left you needy huh?”
“Yes,” he nods, yanking your head closer against himself and pressing his forehead against yours “Call my name.”
“Tae, please,” you beg, every nerve fibre in your body screaming for his attention
“Please what?” he asks, eyes glazing with anticipation for the next words to fall out of your lips
“I need more,” you roll your hip shamelessly on his finger, “please Tae, please fuck me.”
He smirks, lips curving into a crooked smile as he realizes he has you wrapped around his fingers “This was never about you babe, It was about my payback for being your muse and I haven’t even cum-”
“I know,” you hiss in frustration looking up at him “You can cum then,” you urge nodding your head “fuck me and you can cum in me.”
his pupils dilate at your lewd words, expression then immediately hardening as he presses his fingers tighter around your throat “Was that your plan with Jungkook?” he raises an eyebrow, tone almost sounding like he’s hurt “Were you gonna let him fuck his cum in you like you’re begging me now?”
you look back at him with guilty eyes, gaze wavering as you flashback to the memories of you and Jungkook in the bathroom cubicle. If it wasn’t for your friend’s unannounced presence, you probably would have got in the car with Jungkook and followed him to his place.
“You naughty little girl,” he murmurs, in a mixture of rage and teasing tone as he adds another finger inside you, starting to pace the way he finger fucks you while casually having a conversation with you “You had dirty plans in your mind didn’t you?” his hand then release your neck and travels down to give you a spank on your ass “answer me, babe.”
“Yes Daddy,” you nod, looking at him with needy eyes “I’ve been a bad girl, I’m sorry.” you fake a pout, using your last weapon to melt his walls down and to your surprise, it works on him.
“you know what happens to bad girls Y/N?” he asks, eyes curving into a teasing smirk, following your little act up with his own “do you wanna have a guess?”
“I d-dont know,” you reply simply, batting your lids innocently in response
“bad girls get punished by their Daddies,” he murmurs and he digs his knuckles in your pussy, hitting your sweet spot as a sloppy moan falls from your lips “what should I do with you, babe?”
you just moan in response, the intense pleasure from the way he cuts air to your throat and the fingers pressing against your g-spot making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“Fuck, No Tae,” you whimper as he stops his action in your pussy and takes away his fingers immediately, the cum coated fingers travelling up to his lips as he tastes your juices casually against your needy eyes “Please, Tae dont stop.”
“Answer my question first,” he slips his finger out of his lips with a pop, eyes staying stern and hollow “What should I do with a cock tease like you?”
“Punish me, Daddy,” you murmur seductively, needy eyes piercing into his orbs as you whisper “Have your way with me the way you want.”
He inhales sharply, eyes lighting with a new rush of excitement as he eyes you carefully “Are you sure Y/N?” he furrows his eyebrows attentively “Are you sure you want this?”
“I’m sure,” you nod determined before smirking against his cheek “I’ve been very bad Daddy,” you whisper to ignite the fire in him “Why dont you teach your little whore a good lesson?”
“dont worry,” You feel his cock twitching against your thighs, a growl buzzing in his chest as he wraps his arms around your waist “I’ll teach you in a way you’ll never forget babe.”
“Get on your hands and knees,” he demands, keeping his eyes fixed on you carefully
You look at him for a few moments before turning around and settling into his requested position, keeping the weight of your body on your elbows and knees.
“Ass up for me,” he orders, hands gripping your ass and guiding it up against his body “I’m gonna give you 10 spanks as your punishment babe, if you take them well you’ll be rewarded after.”
You remain silent, considering the weight of his words when his hand grazes over your ass cheeks.
“I need to know if you’re fine with this Y/N,” he murmurs carefully, tone suddenly much lower and serious before blending into his act again “Do you want Daddy to punish you?”
“Y-Yes Daddy,” your voice trembles and he gives you hum of approval
The first impact comes to your flesh abruptly and your body stumbles forward on the mattress while a muffled moan rips through your lips. The delicious sting spreads over your ass cheek and you can feel the arousal dripping down the side of your inner thighs from pleasure.
“Do you know why you need this punishment?”
“Yes Daddy, I was a bad girl-Aaah*
"Right,” he mutters in approval “Bad girls need to be punished to learn their lesson. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Will be acting like a thirsty whore again, babe?”
“Never Dadd-Aaah!”
“Good, remember the pain next time you wanna get on your knees for another man’s cock like the filthy slut baby.”
“I will Daddy,” you whisper uncertain, the slight genuinity in his voice making you question whether all this is just an act or he is saying all those things seriously
You whine as the pain starts to spreads in your body, your core dripping from the pleasurable sensation shooting in your nerves.
You would have never expected such ruthless treatment would turn you on but somehow being the receiving end of Taehyung’s seemingly cruel punishment was turning you on far more than you could ever imagine.
“Can you take more Babe?” he murmurs, hand gently touching the red marks spread on your bottom “you don’t have to-”
“No,” you voice out, sticking your ass up towards him “I can take it, Daddy, give me more please.”
He gulps, as his nervous hand raises up to come back down on your ass but he stops midway and instead leans in to spread gentle kisses on the red flesh of your ass cheek.
“Fuck, you’re so good for me babe,” he breathes out, plastering butterfly kisses on the abused flesh “So good for your Daddy.”
You jolt in surprise, feeling the gentle touch of his lips on your ass making you whimper from the soothing sensation. His lips then trace back to your core, parting your ass cheeks, the cold air making you shiver.
He plasters some gentle kisses on your inner thigh. He observes the dripping lips of your pussy, throbbing and red, inviting him to sink his cock between them.
“You were so good for me babe,” he murmurs as his fingers spread your pussy and stretch you ready for him, “I think It's time Daddy rewards you, babe.”
“Yessss,” your voice trails off weakly as your anticipation for your high finally seems to come to an end “Please Daddy, Please.”
He positions himself against your body and lines himself over your dripping cunt. Spreading your lips with two fingers, he palms himself before sliding it over your dripping entrance teasingly.
“Nghh, Daddy please,” you beg, losing your mind as your walls clench around air “please fuck me.”
“You want Daddy’s cock in your cute little pussy?” He teases with a smirk, enjoying the way your body moves in his accord
“Yes, Daddy Ye-AAAHH” you cry as he sinks his pulsing member deep inside your walls and your body trembles as he slowly moves his way in.
“Just like that baby,” he coos watching his length disappear inside you “I knew you’d take me well.”
“Taehyung,” you call out, hand reaching back with your hand to hold his thighs desperately “Fuck …. give me- give me a second …”
He immediately ceases his movement as he realizes you’re having difficulty with his size, your walls squeezing his cock tightly testing his self-control. He leans closer, careful to not push his length any further as he comes down in level with your ear and whispers
“We can stop if its too much babe,” he murmurs the reassuring words as he tucks your hair to the side carefully as he observes your painful expression
“No,” you shake your head, the sensation of your walls slowly accommodating to him setting your pleasure off to another delicious start “Just a moment, just-” you sharply inhale as he shifts slightly away “No, Tae, Please …” you turn around facing him as your hand comes to hold his chin against your shoulder “I can take it, Please.” You beg desperately
“I don’t want to hurt you!” He murmurs, words tinted by concern
“I know,” you flash a grimacing smile to him, hoping it would convince him “You can move now.”
“Are you sure?” He murmurs, nose digging deep in your neck as he murmurs ever so gently “I can always make you cum with my fingers-”
“No,” you groan in frustration as you move your hip back to him “Fuck me, please Tae, Fuck me!” you demand helplessly
“Alright,” he grunts, voice strained as he tries his best to control his urges to fuck senselessly into you “I’m gonna move now.”
He thrusts his hip forwards slowly, each movement of his hip parting your pussy further apart as your walls slowly adjust to his ginormous girth.
“F-Faster,” you breath out, hip bucking back to his thrusts “Faster Tae.”
“As you wish babe,” he fastens his pace, hip snapping against your walls in an insane pace, hitting every sweet spot in your walls.
“Yes, Yes,” you cry as you dig your head in the mattress, the muffled word echoing in the air “Right there!”
“You like it, babe?” He asks as your pleas flutter his ego, hand reaching forward to toy with your clit “You like me pounding your tight little cunt?”
“YES,” you cry, the bundle of nerves being toyed, shooting pleasure all around your veins “Its so fucking good,”
“You wanna cum on my cock?” he asks as he leans closer and presses his lips against your ear “You wanna cream Daddy’s cock babe?”
“YES YES,” you nod frantically “Please let me cum Tae!”
“Cum on my cock,” he urges, fingers flicking your clit at the same pace as his thrust in your pussy “Cum all over and make a mess babe.”
You scream your orgasm out as the pleasure takes over you, body withering and shaking with waves of pleasure under him. Your sensitive core burns with overstimulation as he continues to fuck through your orgasm, his thrust becoming sloppy and messier by each second.
“F-Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he warns as he presses your hip against his body “I’m gonna fill your tight cunt with my seeds.”
“YES,” you nod in approval, moving your hip to facilitate his thrust despite the burning sensitivity between your legs “Cum inside me Tae, fill my pussy please.”
He suddenly ceases his movement, drawing a whimper from your lips as he retracts his body and falls back sitting on the bed “I can’t,” he breathes out in a vulnerable tone.
You immediately turn your body around with bewildered expression covering your face “What’s wrong Tae?” You ask him in a dazed tone, not bearing with the immense craving to be filled by him
“I can’t Y/N,” he shakes his head, avoiding your eyes “I can’t do it,” he gulps nervously as he shifts away from you as if he is scared of touching your body again “I can’t continue this.”
“This was your idea,” you snap back, brushing your hair away from your face “You can’t just chicken out now. This was all about you getting your payback, for you to cum.”
“I’m s-sorry,” he hesitates as he grabs a blanket and wraps it around your body to cover your quickly, “I think I’m too drunk- No, I was too drunk when we came here-”
“Is it my body?” You ask in a quiet tone, voice weaker with embarrassment “Do I turn you off?”
His widened eyes travel to you, not believing your interpretation of his actions “What are you talking about?”
“I knew it,” you nod as you quickly cover your body with the blanket he wrapped you with “After all, you’re Kim Taehyung, you wouldn’t cum if your girl is not a Victoria’s Secret models.” you chuckle trying to mask your embarrassment
“You need to stop your bullshit,” he yells back as he raises on his knees in rage “it has nothing to do with that.”
“Then what is wrong with you?” You demand, leaning closer to him “Why do you play this game of push and pull Tae?” You ask, with furrowed eyebrows, anger taking over your words “why did you stop me from fucking Jungkook, only to bring me and make me fall on knees for you to just say you can’t cum with me here.”
“Stop fucking talk about him,” he yells back furiously as he cards his hair back from his face “I didn’t plan for things to turn this way. And I- ’m sorry if I messed up your plans with Jungkook.” he continues with venom in his words, as if he doesn’t really mean what he’s saying.
You watch him with trembling gaze as he starts to build the walls between you, although the physical distance between your bodies is quite short.
“It was a mistake,” he declares looking at you sternly “I can’t just fuck you and pretend to be your best friend tomorrow,” he hesitates before looking away and forcing the words out “I’m gonna sleep in the guest room, you sleep here.”
You then watch as he gathers a few pieces of clothing before exiting the room you’re in, leaving you all alone with your thoughts there.
You wake up to a throbbing headache pounding on your temple, squirming on the bed sheet to sniff the familiar scent of Taehyung’s Giorgio Armani cologne you bought for his birthday.
You sigh as the memories of the night before flashes through your eyes, remembering how you fell asleep thinking of the guy abrupt leave after your scandalous time together. Somehow you wish that his warm embrace was what you woke up to instead of the scent of his cologne.
You scoot over the bed, tiptoeing your way to his drawer to grab an extra large shirt that can cover your body for now before leaving the room to find him.
You footsteps cease as you hear his deep voice reaching you from the living room, conversing with someone and from the lack of response you can tell he’s on the phone.
“Hyung, I understand,” he snaps in anger, trying to keep his voice as quiet as possible “but you need to talk to dad about this, I’m really not sure if this will work,”
You drift closer, hating yourself for eavesdropping when he speaks up again
“I know who she is,” He suddenly grunts “Jung Seri, the daughter of JH Group, I’ve seen her in last year’s-”
You’re so focused on hearing his words that you dont realize the increase in the clarity as the voice gets closer to you until you see Taehyung standing at the door, staring at you with surprised eyes.
“Hyung,” he heaves, observing you carefully “I need to go, I’ll talk to you later.”
You stay still, gulping nervously as he disconnects the call and examines the situation for a few seconds before abruptly questioning “How long have you been listening?”
“N-Not long,” you quickly shake your head defensively “I’m sorry, I was gonna say I’m here-”
“What did you hear?” He interrupts anxiously
“Jung Seri,” you pronounce the name, trying your best to hide the slight jealousy that may drip out from your tone “The daughter of JH Group,” you bat your eyelids slowly as you mutter “Is she the girl you’re marrying?”
“I guess,” He shrugs, gaze trembling away from you
“Oh,” you breath out, stomach sinking at his simple response as you lose all the words you prepared earlier “Okay.”
“My dad wants me to!” he adds as he brings his gaze to you and observes your expression carefully
“I heard about their company,” you nod, blinking rapidly to fight the tears “they’re pretty rich.”
“Y-Yeah,” he nods, shoulders slumping down upon your words “They’re an affiliate of our company.”
“Your dad must like her a lot then,” your voice sounds far more bitter than you intend and Taehyung doesn’t fail to notice it
“he doesn’t care,” he responds uninterested “He just wants me to settle down and have kids,” he hesitates before continuing, “he says he’s getting old and he wants grandchildren before he dies and since I’m not contributing to the company I should at least make babies.”
Your heart suddenly drops at the thought of Taehyung having babies, imagining mini versions of him running around the house tugging at the strings of your heart knowing another girl would be sharing that happiness with him.
You suddenly feel a rush of anger through your body, the situation seeming unfair on your end. You were fine with being his best friend, with having only a platonic relationship with him for years.
But he had to go out of his way to change the way you perceive him, tangling you in this complicated tug of war between your feelings only to be declaring another girl will have his babies.
The complicated rush of emotions all surge through you and you find yourself blurting out the words carelessly.
“Then what about me?”
“Why did you do all those things with me?” You ask defeated, fist clenching by your side “Why did you have to bring me over and fuck me over your sheets?”
“B-Because … I just thought- I mean, It was about the payback …” he explains nervously
“What does that make me then?” You snap back, tears threatening to roll down your cheek “I was your best friend, but after all of this I dont even know where I stand in this relationship …” you inhale sharply as your gaze wanders on his dazed expression before asking “Or you want me to be your side chick?”
“WHAT?” He asks bewildered by your sudden accusation
“Is that what this is about?” You ask as the sudden realization hits “You want to marry her, but you kind- kinda want to have me as your side chick, like friends with benefit-Aaah”
He cuts your sentence short as he grips your arms and presses you against the wall, his eyes tingling with rage and fiery.
“That’s all you see isn’t it?” He asks through gritted teeth “You look at me, and all you ever fucking see is a boy trying to play with girls…” he sighs "a fuckboy, isn’t it?“
"Can you blame me?” You ask, your eyes glazing with fresh tears “You ignore me for days, making me worried sick about you only for me to find you cumming deep in a girl’s throat in your VIP room,”
You press your hands against his chest, trying to create some distance “Then you fuck me on your bed, bringing me onto my knees only to tell me you’re marrying another girl in the morning who you’re probably going to fuck on the same sheets.”
“What do you want me to do?” He yells back furiously “My dad wants me to get married and the only girl I ever imagined a future with is dating someone else … So I’m trying to take it like a man and move on so I at least dont lose her friendship, ” he goes silent for a second before staring directly into your eyes “Can’t you fucking see I’m trying?”
You furrow your eyebrows, still trying to make sense of his words when he shoots the next question
“Are you serious about Jungkook?” He interrupts you as he looks at you with a serious expression, “Jeon Jungkook, I’m asking do you fucking like him?”
“W-What?” you furrow your eyebrows “Why is he coming into this-”
“Answer my question, how far did you guys go?” He asks “Do you like him?”
“No,” you simply shake your head, the train of questions he’s bombarding you with not allowing anything but raw truth seeping out your words
“Did you fuck him?” He asks before quickly adding “Other than the bathroom incident, how far did you go with him?” he asks again, face frowning at the mention of the infamous incidence
“Nothing,” you quickly stop him “We- It was just that-”
“Alright,” he nods, reassured by your responses “So I can still call dibs on you.”
“Call dibs on me?” You chuckle awkwardly at his choice of words not believing him “What am I? a candy?”
“ I like you Y/N,” he shots back in rage, eyes observing your lost expression.
Your reaction is exactly as he expected, eyebrows furrowing closer before your eyes widen in shock.
“Tae … W-What-”
“Right,” he nods panting heavy in anger “I like you so fucking much I couldn’t see you sucking that bastard’s dick, So I brought you back home to suck mine,” he scoffs at the irony of his words “I was jealous like a five years old, that’s why I need to know if you regret following me here and if you’re serious about him.”
“Tae,” you call for him, thoughts rushing to your brain at an insane speed “Y-You, seriously, You …”
Your voice trails off as you try to digest the words that come one after another, your attempts fail completely as your brain shots back a big error to you. Your thoughts are blank as you try and process the guy’s devastated look along with his previous words.
“I can’t even cum without imagining your face,” he exhales bringing his eyes to you “I’m fucking the "Victoria’s secret models”,“ he quotes you with a bitter tone "But all I can ever think about is you and your God damn face.”
“How long-” you ask with a dazed tone “Since when-”
“I dont even remember when it started,” he replies, head falling low as he tries to think “I believe it started when we started going to rehab,” he mutters eyes wandering as he reminisces the memories “I used to lay in bed, sore all over from my cravings for those pills and all I could ever think of was your face.”
You look at him, listening attentively to his words as you remember the days you used to go to his rehab sessions together. Back then he decided to quit his addictions to the recreational drugs he used to take with his rich friends and you promised to help him go through the process.
You never truly realized how deep he was attached to those pills and how much you neglected him until you followed him to his therapy sessions, watching him scream and tremble from his cravings for the drugs that gave him his highs before.
Deep inside you felt guilty for being so careless about what he did or who he hung out with while you were working your ass off to get recruited in a prestigious company.
So you made sure you’d be with him every step of his heart-wrenching battle with the addiction, ensuring you don’t regret neglecting your best friend ever again.
“It’s not my fault,” he snaps defensively as he presses your body against the wall “You were always there at my weakest,” He breathes out as he watches you carefully “I just wanted to close my eyes and die and you were on my bed forcing me to eat and drink into another day.”
“I-I’m …” you start, stumbling through the words “I didn’t know!”
“Of course you didn’t,” he scoffs with a bitter smile “I worked so fucking hard to hide it, sleeping with every God damn girl in this town to hide the fact that I want to bone my best friend every time she hugs me innocently like a friend.”
You sigh imagining how hard you were making it for him all these years, without even realising you might be torturing the guy with your overly affectionate behaviour, barging into his life and his personal space almost all the time.
“I’m sorry Ta-”
“Cut it,” he hisses eyes closing close “That’s exactly why I worked so hard, I dont wanna fucking hear you pity me for my feelings,” he clenches his jaw “I shouldn’t have started this, my jealousy about you and Jungkook got the best of me and I thought with my dick for a moment, I’m sorry-”
“No,” you quickly shake your head “I dont regret a thing about last night Tae. We both made a decision and we did it knowing fully what the consequences could be.”
He goes silent for a few seconds eyes lowering as his grip on your arms loosen and he stands passively against your body.
“Are you serious about what you said?” you ask with a defeated tone, letting emotions take control of your words “about having a future with me?”
He brings his wavering eyes to you, lips parting “All I ever wanted was to be with you Y/N,” he whispers “No matter how many girls came and left my life, It was always you.”
“Then let’s make babies,“ you blurt out, the words slipping your tongue before you even chew them properly
"You- You seriously …” his eyes widen in surprise “What?”
“I wanna be with you Tae,” you drift closer to him "and if this what it takes for your Dad to accept me, I will have your babies,” you then hesitate before biting the corner of your lips shyly and adding “even if he doesn’t, I’ll probably still have your babies.”
“Y/N,” he breaths out in disbelief “You want to be with me?” He asks, eyes about to pop out of socket from your sudden suggestion “Me?”
“Yes,” you nod determined “I dont think I have the confidence to let you go Tae,” you admit, heart trembling at the thought “I dont think I can trust any other woman to take care of you either. That day when your brother said you’ll be getting married, I felt like a piece of my heart was ripped right out of my chest. The only reason I said those horrible things was because I was lost and confused and didn't know how to deal with my feelings.”
His expression softens to a sweet smile, eyes glittering with joy for a few seconds before his mischievous aura takes over his features again. He leans closer to your ear with a smirk as he whispers
“You want to have babies huh?” he murmurs making your cheeks heat up from the suggestive words “and I thought your daddy kink was a surprise, Who would have known my baby has an impregnation kink?”
He then grabs your thighs firmly, picking you off the floor, legs automatically wrapping around his waist as he settles you on the wall “Since you asked so nicely,” he smirks as he hoists his hands around your torso “Daddy will give you babies.” He whispers before crashing his lips on yours.
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rosalind-of-arden · 4 years
Sword and Pen Reread, chapter 20
Here we are. Last chapter. Fuuuuuuuck.
Ephemera: directions from Nobel. Fuck you, Nobel.
Jess has seen Santi very, very upset. Quite a few times. But when he mentions Nobel’s name to Santi, “Jess had never seen the man so shaken.” Santi realizes right away how bad this is.
According to Wolfe, Santi doesn’t call things “unthinkable”, but destroying the Archives is just that to him. Looking back at previous books, Santi hasn’t even described the prison in Rome as unthinkable. Disturbing, yes (enough that he thought it would get through to Zara just to see it), but not something he couldn’t conceive of the Library doing. Going by Stormcrow, Santi has know about (or at least suspected) the Library’s corruption for a long time, he’s seen the Library’s dark side up close, and even he finds this hard to grasp.
Wolfe says “Nic”, not “Lord Commander” or even “Santi.” Stress = intimacy.
Right. So. Only the Archivist and Lord Commander know about Nobel’s system. But they had to have told foreign leaders about it - a threat is useless if they don’t tell anyone. But it hasn’t become common knowledge - the kids are all shocked to hear of it. Is that a sign of just how tightly the Library controls information? Someone threatens the Library, there’s a quiet meeting between their king and the Archivist, and everything gets hushed up? Maybe.
Another possibility: only the Archivist and Lord Commander have ever known. Things never really reached the point of any foreign leaders being told. Library propaganda passed down from one Archivist/Lord Commander to the next says it worked, though. Santi hasn’t had his job long enough to look into it or question it.
Wolfe heard rumors about the fail-safe system. Even he’s surprised it’s real.
The Archives are about to burn. Wolfe and Santi debate the finer points of Library bureaucracy. This is actually a nice little look at their perspectives on the whole corrupt mess of the Library. Santi sees the system and how it’s supposed to work, and he’s naturally inclined to work within its confines. Wolfe sees the system, recognizes it as stupid, and starts looking for a workaround, only to become irritable when there isn’t one.
Morgan tries to hack the records to make Khalila count as an official Archivist. She says she can’t because whoever wrote the protection was much more powerful than her. But she’s ridiculously powerful right now and wearing a magic ring. What’s going on? Pay attention to her hands: “Morgan flinched and dropped the Codex. Her hands looked red, as if she’d been burned by it.” Jess picks up the key detail, but interprets it wrong. The Codex didn’t burn Morgan. The ring did, just like it has other times when she’s tried to take power for unapproved reasons. She reached for the power to hack the records, and Gargi stopped her.
Why, though? Maybe she just couldn’t do it without killing people in the process? Maybe Gargi considers Nobel’s system to be a choice the Library made that she won’t save it from?
Nobel’s device is alchemy-powered. Morgan can sense it gathering power. Ok, time to stop trying to make sense of the technobabble. That way lies madness.
Gargi won’t give Morgan the power to hack the Archivist records. Kind of assuming Gargi won’t give Morgan the power just to stop the device, either (is that possible? I mean, why not? It seems to be alchemy? Ok seriously not trying to figure this thing out). She will give Morgan cryptic clues to turn off Nobel’s device. Gargi, you’re really kind of a bitch, you know that?
Everything’s going to shit, and it’s not Khalila who takes charge, but Wolfe. And he doesn’t hesitate. They’re falling back into the roles they’re used to under stress.
These are split-second choices for Wolfe, and for all I know they’re based on where everyone’s standing, but let’s read too much into things. Nic and Khalila together - both highly competent in Wolfe’s view, both absolutely essential to the library; it’s a sign of trust that he sends them both together. Thomas and Jess - there’s a balance of skills here, with Thomas’s mechanical genius and Jess’s experience spotting traps, but it’s also possible that Wolfe just thinks Jess might need someone to carry him. Wolfe and Dario - interesting, considering the last time we saw them together, Wolfe did not approve of Dario’s actions - keeping Dario where he can see him, maybe? Or is Wolfe bringing Dario along to balance out his own overconfidence in seeing traps, figuring Dario might spot tricks Wolfe overlooks? Morgan and Glain - wizard and warrior paired up; Morgan to handle the alchemy, Glain to do the heavy lifting.
Each team also has different talents. There’s the leadership/strategy team, Nic and Khalila. Mechanical geniuses Thomas and Jess (Jess might not give himself much credit, but he’s damn good with locks and such). Sneaky bastards Wolfe and Dario. Brute force (both physical and magical) Morgan and Glain. Splitting everyone this way means each wing gets hit with a different approach. Wolfe is possibly hoping that if ALL of them can’t figure it out, at least one team will have the right skills for the job, and they’ll potentially be able to help the others once they get their own.
Nobel’s an asshole. Zeus is an asshole. Fitting Nobel would put this shit in Zeus statues, really.
The trick is one Jess recognizes as the kind of thing the Library would do to catch thieves: an easy answer that’s a trap and a hidden correct answer. Jess gets it because of criminal background. Going to guess Wolfe and Santi both have enough experience with setting up these kinds of traps that they would recognize it. Dario’s political/spy training might predispose him to look for a trap, too. Khalila might be analytical enough to catch it, but maybe not. Morgan and Glain are the least likely to recognize this: neither has relevant experience. The only thing that might have helped Morgan would be a clue in the flow of energy, but that apparently wasn’t there.
Pardon me while I have Jess feels. Poor baby.
Jess hears Wolfe shouting - Wolfe still in charge as of this point? Seems that way. And when Jess does hear Wolfe, Wolfe is shouting for Morgan to leave. He’s choosing his kid over the Archives.
Khalila. Fuck. So one minute, she’s in tears, trying to save Jess. The next, she’s in Archivist mode, telling Morgan to save the Archives. Not just that, but explicitly reasserting command of the group after letting Wolfe give orders for a bit, specifically so she can order Morgan to die for the Archives.
I feel like we’re missing some really big internal conflict in Khalila here. From the beginning of the chapter, Khalila’s seemed off balance. She doesn’t really know what’s going on, she doesn’t have control of the relevant scripts or mechanical systems, she’s basically just been told that she doesn’t really count as Archivist. And this is right after the sphinx incident with Dario, which was also a blow to her confidence (which we could see was a bit shaky even there). From shock, from being overwhelmed by it all, something, she temporarily stepped back and let Wolfe take charge. But the moment Wolfe gives an order that contradicts what Khalila feels is their duty, Khalila snaps back into her role. She might not be fully confident in herself as Archivist, she might not know everything about the Library or her job yet, but she does know that her greatest duty is protecting the Archives at all costs.
Khalila may be more inclined than the others to see the sacrifice of Morgan for the Archives as the best solution. Putting aside emotional motivations (and damn is there a lot of that to go around), Khalila is going to be inclined to see the Archives as the one and only source of irreplaceable knowledge. She’s a law-abiding kid from a noble family, and until the events of canon, didn’t question the Library much. Compare that to Jess, who knows just how many illegal books are out there. Or Wolfe, who knows very personally how possible it is to go on after losing everything. Those backgrounds are going to factor in, whether consciously or not.
A thought on the whole mess of the library system. This was the chance to let it all burn down and start something new. Archivist Khalila decided to save the existing structure. Archivist Wolfe wouldn’t have. Interesting contrast with ideas that have previously been discussed concerning how Wolfe was too wrapped up in the Library to see beyond it - he was ready to accept the destruction of the whole thing to save Morgan. AU potential? Wolfe took the Archivist job and kept it, saved Morgan, Archives burned, now everyone’s rebuilding from the ground up? (This seems like your sort of thing, @eli-wray).  (Of course, all this assumes Morgan would actually listen to whoever is the Archivist and not do her own thing... which... you know... Morgan doesn’t work like that.)
Everyone does defer to Khalila, or at least, no one argues with her. The kids all stand back and keep quiet. Wolfe and Santi try to get to Morgan, but don’t try to persuade anyone. No time to argue? Kids are too shocked to do much of anything? It just occurred to me that after he drags Jess out to the middle of the Archive, we don’t see anything else Dario does.
“I’m glad I loved you.” *cries*
Interesting as it is to dissect Khalila’s choice here, it’s not actually her choice. It’s Morgan’s. Sure, Khalila gave the official order, but Morgan was already doing it. She wasn’t waiting for anyone’s approval. As we know, but the characters really don’t, Morgan was already dying, and even if she weren’t, Morgan has never hesitated to sacrifice herself for the others. It goes back as far as staying with Jess after the train crash in France. Then going back to the Iron Tower after Rome. Philly. Going back to the Iron Tower again. Corrupting herself again and again. This choice is as Morgan as it gets, and even if Khalila had ordered Morgan to run away, I think Morgan would have stayed and put the fire out anyway.
And this is so obviously something Morgan is doing not just for the Archives, but for her family. She pushes Jess back. Takes the time before walking into the fire to reassure Jess and Glain. Puts up a barrier to keep Wolfe and Santi back. She’s saving them, and she’s saving the Library for them.
Wolfe throws himself against Morgan’s barrier first. Then Santi joins in. As usual, here’s Wolfe running into danger (or trying to), and Santi following. We get no indication of Santi’s thoughts here, but I suspect he would have been ok with letting Morgan sacrifice herself. I’m sure he’s let soldiers sacrifice themselves in battle, and he can make the calculation of the value of that many books over one life. But Wolfe feels strongly about trying to save Morgan, so Santi’s right there with him.
It’s Santi who gets to Morgan first and picks her up. Interesting closure there. He was the greatest threat to her in the beginning, the loyal soldier who sent her to the Iron Tower. Now, in the end, he holds her.
The wing that burned was the one labeled “knowledge is power.” That’s symbolic, obviously. The Library’s corrupt practice of using knowledge for power literally just got burned down. Is it too much to hope that that wing might also be the one where books on weapons and such were stored, thus even more literally burning down the Library’s use of knowledge for power? Can’t decide whether I like that headcanon better or the headcanon that the wing that burned happened to be the one where the books that already were copied were kept, meaning that Morgan’s actions prevented anything at all from being lost.
Fuck it. There’s too much in this chapter. Finishing the rest of it and the epilogue in another post.
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regularbeans · 6 years
Best Singles of 2018 but it’s chill this year
This category should speak for itself but I just tacked so many amendments onto the description that it’s like... it just makes no fucking sense anymore. Technically this is a list for any single that was released this year or last year December (since I write these lists in December it’s easier for songs to slip under my radar so I sometimes count them for the next year, like the Grammy’s eh? But then sometimes I let a November 30th release date slide as well... or maybe the single was released earlier but the video would qualify or just... any dumb fucking reason. If you see a song that shouldn’t qualify just trust me to find a loophole so... lezzgo.
Also hey, I guess I’ll just straight up say it then, there’s no best covers, best collaborations OR best pop songs list either, I just kinda threw them all on here. With a good portion of this list being kpop I’d have to make a whole different kpop list too? No sir, no thank you, I’ll just dump it all on here especially since the past few years most of the pop songs list was already featured on the singles list so like... why make the extra effort? Enjoy All Songs.
Also the order is just ugh, it’s 200 songs, get off my weenie.
200 Seventeen: Oh My! 199 Nicky Jam: Live It Up (feat. Will Smith, Era Istrefi) 198 Ariana Grande: imagine 197 Mona: Not Alone 196 The Lumineers: Pretty Paper 195 James Bay: Pink Lemonade 194 Lily Kershaw: Moonlight 193 GOT7: Lullaby 192 Bishop Briggs: Baby 191 Zara Larsson: Ruin My Life 190 (G)I-DLE: Hann (Alone) 189 Matt Simons: We Can Do Better 188 Cardi B: I Like It (feat. Bad Bunny, J Balvin) 187 Apink: I’m So Sick 186 Pentagon: Shine 185 Moon Byul & Seulgi: Selfish 184 FOURS: Sweet Reality 183 The Tallest Man on Earth: An Ocean 182 LSD: Audio (feat. Sia, Diplo, Labrinth) 181 David Guetta: Flames (feat. Sia) 180 The Strumbellas: Salvation 179 Wanna One: Boomerang 178 White Lies: Finish Line 177 Gabrielle Aplin: My Mistake 176 Lykke Li: hard rain 
175 Poets of the Fall: False Kings 174 Netta: Toy 173 Highlight: Loved 172 Dua Lipa: IDGAF 171 Christina Aguilera: Accelarate (feat. Ty Dolla $ign, 2 Chainz) 170 Tom Walker: Angels 169 Astro: Always You 168 Craig David: I Know You (feat. Bastille) 167 Vance Joy: Call If You Need Me 166 Years & Years: Sanctify 165 Imagine Dragons: Machine 164 LSD: Genius (feat. Sia, Diplo, Labrinth) 163 Jennie: Solo 162 Wanna One: Spring Breeze 161 Mumford & Sons: If I Say 160 Alle Farben: H.O.L.Y. (feat. RHODES) 159 Vance Joy: Saturday Sun 158 Eric Nally: Spirits 157 Gabbie Hanna: Monster 156 Sunmi: Heroine 155 Amy Shark: I Said Hi 154 Taemin: Eclipse 153 Scenic Route to Alaska: How It Feels 152 Sam Fender: Friday Fighting 151 The Score: Glory 
150 Sloes: Misunderstood 149 Ina Wroldsen: Mother 148 Dan Owen: Icarus 147 Amber Run: Heaven Is A Place 146 Cosmos & Creature: I Am Free 145 Echosmith: Over My Head 144 NONONO: Friends 143 Grizfolk: Endless Summer 142 Retro Video Club: Chemistry 141 Sam Smith: Fire On Fire 140 flor: get behind this 139 FOURS: Even In My Dreams 138 X Ambassadors: Don’t Stay 137 Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness: Ohio 136 (G)I-DLE: LATATA 135 Clean Bandit: Solo (feat. Demi Lovato) 134 Momoland: BAAM 133 Momoland: BBoom BBoom  132 Florence + the Machine: Hunger 131 Demi Lovato: Sober 130 Loïc Nottet: Go to Sleep 129 The Mowgli’s: Real Good Life 128 Twice: What Is Love? 127 Imagine Dragons: Bad Liar 126 Muse: Thought Contagion 
125 Shinedown: Devil 124 Three Days Grace: The Mountain 123 Imagine Dragons: Natural 122 iKON: Love Scenario 121 Snow Patrol: Empress 120 Sigrid: Sucker Punch 119 Will Jay: Never Been In Love 118 YUNGBLUD: Medication 117 Monsta X: Shoot Out 116 The Carters: Apeshit 115 Jess Glynne: I’ll Be There 114 Florence + the Machine: Big God 113 OneRepublic: Connection 112 Vance Joy: I’m With You 111 The Boyz: No Air 110 Vance Joy: We’re Going Home 109 Imagine Dragons: Next to Me 108 Alexander Oscar: Number 107 flor: heart 106 HAUS: Shameless 105 888: Are You Out? 104 Pop Evil: A Crime to Remember 103 The Collier: I’m Older 102 YUNGBLUD: Psychotic Kids 101 The Record Company: Life to Fix
100 The New Pacific: Anchor 099 The Midnight: Scream 098 Modern Me: Dead to Me 097 Layup: Whole New Level 096 Jack & Jack: No One Compares to You 095 FRENSHIP: Mi Amore 094 Bebe Rexha: I’m a Mess 093 IU: BBIBBI 092 dodie: Human (feat. Tom Walker) 091 FOURS: Snap Out of It 090 dodie: If I’m Being Honest 089 Walking On Cars: Monster 088 Tessa Violet: Bad Ideas 087 dodie: Party Tattoos 086 Tessa Violet: Crush 085 Years & Years: Palo Santo 084 Janelle Monáe: Pynk (feat. Grimes) 083 Rudimental: These Days (feat. Jess Glynne, Macklemore, Dan Caplen) 082 OneRepublic: Start Again (feat. Vegas Jones) 081 EXO: Tempo 080 Ariana Grande: God Is a Woman 079 Ariana Grande: no tears left to cry 078 Christina Aguilera: Fall In Line (feat. Demi Lovato) 077 Iz*One: La Vie en Rose 076 Mamamoo: Starry Night
075 Gabbie Hanna: Honestly 074 American Authors: Do My Own Thing 073 AJR: Sober Up 072 The Wombats: Cheetah Tongue 071 Hayley Kiyoko: Curious 070 Bastille: Quarter Past Midnight 069 Jess Glynne: Thursday 068 AJR: Burn the House Down 067 Matt Maeson: The Mask 066 Shawn Mendes: In My Blood 065 Bill Wurtz: And the Day Goes On 064 Shawn Mendes: Nervous 063 Hozier: Movement 062 The Chainsmokers: Sick Boy 061 Kendrick Lamar: All the Stars (feat. SZA) 060 NCT 127: Regular 059 Zendaya & Zac Efron: Rewrite the Stars 058 Mamamoo: Wind Flower 057 Cö Shu Nie: Asphyxia 056 The Faim: Saints of the Sinners 055 Loïc Nottet: On Fire 054 Mamamoo: Egotistic 053 Avril Lavigne: Head Above Water 052 Céline Dion: Ashes 051 Billie Eilish: lovely (feat. Khalid)
050 Bastille & Seeb: Grip 049 Snow Patrol: Life on Earth 048 Mumford & Sons: Guiding Light 047 Imagine Dragons: Zero 046 Childish Gambino: This Is America 045 Blackpink: Ddu-Du Ddu-Du 044 Bruno Mars: Finesse (feat. Cardi B) 043 Matt Maeson: The Hearse 042 Banners: Let Go 041 Kodaline: Follow Your Fire 040 K/DA: POP/STARS 039 Keala Settle: This Is Me 038 Fall Out Boy: Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) 037 Panic! at the Disco: Say Amen (Saturday Night) 036 Twenty One Pilots: Nico and the Niners 035 Bishop Briggs: White Flag 034 Sunmi: Siren 033 YUNGBLUD: 21st Century Liability 032 SIgrid: High Five 031 YUNGBLUD: California 030 Nothing But Thieves: Forever & Ever More 029 j-hope: Daydream 028 Zedd: The Middle (feat. Maren Morris, Grey) 027 j-hope: Airplane 026 BTS: Airplane pt.2 - japanese ver.
025 NEEDTOBREATHE: Bullets 024 Hozier: Nina Cried Power 023 Janelle Monáe: Make Me Feel 022 Panic! at the Disco: Hey Look Ma, I Made It 021 Twenty One Pilots: Jumpsuit 020 X Ambassadors: Amen (feat. Billy Raffoul) 019 BTS: Fake Love 018 Snow Patrol: What If This Is All the Love You Ever Get 017 Matt Maeson: Hallucinogenics 016 Mother Mother: So Down 015 Steve Aoki: Waste It On Me (feat. BTS) 014 BTS: Idol 013 American Authors: Deep Water 012 Editors: Darkness at the Door 011 Twenty One Pilots: My Blood 010 Mamamoo: Paint Me 009 Amber Run: Carousel 008 Editors: Hallelujah (So Low) 007 Years & Years: All For You 006 Snow Patrol: Don’t Give In 005 Panic! at the Disco: High Hopes 004 Editors: Magazine 003 Years & Years: If You’re Over Me 002 Editors: Cold  001 X Ambassadors: Joyful
I mean I was also surprised a little but in the same time they (they) only have three like, official singles this year as far as I’m aware? And they’re not among my most favouritest songs they released this year so... thaaaaaat’s politics!
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betweenorbits · 7 years
I’d always imagined it would be uplifting, that I’d be standing with friends and a planet at my back or behind some great captain: watching Intel or Zara or John or Amelie dress down the ignoble while I protected them from the hidden assault. Or that it would just happen naturally, without any serious issues. But they were all so far, well, not all of them. But I was standing there. Amelie had agreed, Invel had agreed, and Jimmy and Term. Brutus, well, I don’t understand what Jimmy (Mayor and Mayor’s Wife to you) and our bubble Term did, but Brutus sent the code. I was informed, not particularly politely, that it wasn’t my problem to get Brutus’ consent, that the two Silicate Generals would take care of it. And they did. Amelie had sent her code to me as a physical as a letter apparently, and Invel had sent a proxy, but I’m not ready to talk about that, I couldn’t let myself think about what it meant. But I had the codes, I would push the button.
The IPC council chamber, deep under the rocks of Luna City (Hubble City officially), was grandiose Brutalist trash, high stands of carved concentric layers, full of lights and chamberlains, councilors, Xorp executives, and elected officials from all across the solar system. The beautiful diversity of the Solar System was incredible, but the balance was sliding back towards mercantilist aggrandizement at a scale that worried the future. And for some reason, a large fraction of them in this room, were conspiring against Mars. 
The rallying point of Expansionist policies, Mars, was putting a cramp on the designs of Xorp and autocratic government asset creation. Not every Executive, but any Executive. We had friends in many of the national governments of Terra, but not too many, who were still overly concerned with their own citizens, because of centuries of ecological and economic (they were still taught separately) mismanagement. The Loonies were our friends, but largely fractured and concerned with their Barrio politics. The isolated communities of the O’Neills and Asteroids, and the small Jovian research communities supported us as the same ‘oppressed’ peoples, but they were beholden to the same capital rich Xorps or governments that put up the money for the original settlements. And, many of the Xorps saw benefit to the tapestry of humanity, or some of their top executive felt that way. 
It was difficult to piece apart the competing goals of these chambers, in Geneva (where the UN relocated), and here in Luna City; but the statistical nature of our work clearly meant only one thing: a cabal not in our favor. We had known so long ago it could happen, and had fought for balance, had fought for patience, had cajoled, tricked, traded, and made alliances that protected our rights, and in general making sure that life improved for the settlers and citizens of the Red Planet. But what about all peoples? What about our Silicate friends, when would they have a seat at the table? Would humanity always choose the xenophobic path where the game was setup to make a formless and changing ‘us’ the first priority. It had happened so often in our ‘glorious’ history. 
Would our governing bodies always be designed for that centrism that Invel and I, in particular, had spent our lives fighting against? Someday we would go further afield, after those probes sent back their data from Centauri’s planets, or when we reached the next system or the next; somewhere we would find others out in the stars, and would humanity greet them as people or as ‘them.’ If the treatment of Silicates was indication, the current trajectory was poor. This is what Jimmy left the limelight for, to ‘hide’ out of sight and make a place of their own. The silicates wanted to be ready, and Jimmy and Term and other bio-metal brains I didn’t know were ready for their voices to be heard. We fought for ‘people’ everywhere, for every shape, every governance, every strand of dna, or line of code, for values that ignored species or race or orientation, the belief that we were an ‘all’ even when we are wildly different. 
But still, I sat in a painfully uncomfortable chair—wood if you can believe it, since no expense was spared for the delegates—watching my favorite clock system in the solar system. Up high ticked the atomic counters, the system timing array headquartered here on Luna, but Solar Coordinate time was taken from all the primary standard clocks in the system. Fifteen gorgeous clocks, of three different standards were mixed for uncertainty and then beamed out to the waiting billions. The old standards: ytterbium and strontium optical ran in Paris and Boulder for historical reasons; but the gorgeous new thorium nuclear fountains that graced Mercury, the Solar standards Labs liberating at the Earth-Moon-Sun L5 lab, two Venusian O’Neill’s, and at the Mars Technical University were the primary standards fed here, and mixed for output, were the real clocks of humanity, showing a staggering system wide fractional uncertainty of 10^(-26)! I tried to read the papers that came out, but alas, the freedom of information from Terra on such matters was just as poor as when I left grad school. The council chamber had a direct feed, 90 km or so of cable, which went to the Standards Lab on the Imperial Campus. Kept running on directly was System Standard time, and from it was calculated the official times all around the Solar System, lovingly displayed on brass handed clocks, with bold-type font under each movement; they showed the time in Denver (the North American Union’s new capital), Geneva, Pearl City, Hubble City (all of Luna kept the same time since it was all underground anyway), New Greenwich on Mercury, and Burroughs on Mars (our first city). The second was the same, everywhere, and I watched them tick by, not listening to the debate, waiting for the dramatic moment. 
I would start talking before it kicked off, in order to not be interrupted by the beeps and chimes of phones, communicators, across the chamber; but John would just tell me I was being dramatic again—probably true as well. Melody was with the underground at this moment, probably in her office, telling the teams where to go, readying the cry. Jarvis was sitting next to me, a wonderful boy. He is a young thirty-nine, the elder statesman of the mission here; a genius, the star student of the Applied Political department back on Mars—devious, honest to a fault, and ambitious. He was here to watch, as I’d told him it would all kick off here, the reactions in the chamber because I would be too busy not fucking up my lines. He invited the newspeople too, at least the ones that we we thought should definitely be there. I’m sure every consular staff knew that we had asked them to come too, there are no secrets from these people, it is their job. Normally there wouldn’t be stereo reporters, the top political career ones, at a regular meeting of the IPC where the agenda was tariffing amongst the Voyageur—the spacemen, sky jockeys, traders, void-caravaneers, smugglers, whatever you’d like to call them—on multi-legged trips. More and more looks, I’d noticed, or Jarvis told me later, that people kept looking at the two of us, dressed in our finery, knowing something was happening. 
The Xorps: Tharis and Vensus Conglom, and the rest, had smug, assured politicians here in the chamber. They were cooking up something terrible, and John’s discovery was surely connected. Invel’s proxy mentioned something about it as well, but the key thing was that the Xorps had convinced the major governments back on Earth that something needed to change to keep the Red Planet in line. The only way to stop it, well, was to change the timeline, to do the thing that I had promised the whole solar system, that we wouldn’t have: a war. 
And I’d talked with Mayor, Term, and the whole crew, and I was going to break my promise to Invel: I was going to go too far. I would go too far because, because if we didn’t, it would all disintegrate. I close my eyes, willing this all to be a dream, the choking, gagging feeling climbing up my throat, the feeling and the reality dancing in my chest, my heart sounding too fast; but the mind reminds, with emotions, visions, memories and pain, that this terror and this moment was what I had wanted. I had been ready for 30 years. 
I put my hands on the table and thought, two minutes till zebra hour, time to make hay. My feet were rooted in the soft rock, sweating in their thin socks and soft-shell coverings with modern gore-tex stickies to keep me from floating off around corners at 1/6 g. Both hands pressed into the desk, the w-shaped veins and arteries, and dark aged spots on my hands reminding me of my grandfather or perhaps because I wore his ring, my wedding ring, today of all days. And, I pushed myself to my feet, not too hard that I shot out of my seat and ended at the roof, which had happened to high-grav newbie representatives in this chamber. Across the oval, a representative from Venus was speaking, I don’t know about what, but sye stopped in mid-sentence when I stood. The chair, a quiet, ferocious young person from Pearl City, looked over at me and asked, “Do you have something to add to this discussion Ambassador Miller?” 
“I do your honor, and I would appreciate it no one would interrupt me for the next two minutes, I trust you will understand why,” I said, and took two deep breaths, and had I been a believer, I would have sent off a prayer to any deity that would hear me. I noticed, Mallory Padwr, the great political analyst slap her camera person, telling him to focus on me carefully, her eyes alight with what she would assume would be something weighty. I’d always liked her, so sharp, I wish she had been from Mars. “I wish to briefly address you: honored delegates, friends, foes, citizens of Sol, organic, bionic, and semi-conductor alike, and especially my friends from Mars. It is a lifetime’s achievement that I stand here before you today. It has been my eternal honor to serve you all, in whatever capacity you will have me. This council was founded with so many hopes, a new way to solve humanity’s oldest problems: rewarding endeavor, legislating anger and fear, legislating the distribution of the power that the creativity and drive of so many individuals to the great mass of our citizens who share the light of this small, yellow star. This has always been difficult, in any scheme humanity has tried, and in some ways this has been a startling success; but in others, we have failed once more. Once more we stand looking at a future where the gulf between those that have and those that do not is widening. Once more, we seek to classify different echelons of humanity, making wealth or genetics or cellular structure the basis for moral or political worth. Once more, the wolves in our hearts have marshalled the might to impress their own will over those of other thinking beings. Once more, the powerful seek to utilize law as justification for the unacceptable oppression of those who dissent.
“I have spent my life dedicated to the belief that war is a state of lawlessness in the human condition, that war is the complete opposite of civilization. Each election, debate, discussion, or side I have taken has been to further and not to diminish civilization; further that it is the role of each individual to expand the thoughts and rights of their fellows, and it is the responsibility and honor of officials such as ourselves to be the custodians of the fraternity of empathy, civilization. Your honors, I find this council lacking.” 
Throughout the beginning of the speech, there was a hush, and then a murmuring, the crossing of eyebrows and the shaking of heads. Several key players looked on apparently impassively, but they were the architects of the current fracas, and their surprise was a re-evaluation of the scheme. I smiled to myself as I imagined how their thoughts would change over the next few minutes. By the end of my breather, delegates were talking loudly with their colleagues, with chattering punctuations of ‘crazy’ and ‘what on earth is he talking about?’ and my personal favorite ‘uppity miner.’
“Chair, do we have to listen to this nonsense?!”
The chair agreed, “Dr Miller, while I much appreciate your prosaic style, I must agree that if you only have a few half-hearted injuries to spew at this council, that I will be forced to find you in contempt and ask you to sit down and reconsider wasting our time,” said the delicately worded steel-eyed promises of the chair. 
“Please, please, I’ve not lost my marbles colleagues, I’m still the same practical and demanding opponent or comrade as you are used to, so let me give you some facts, and then I will allow you or the press to ask me questions.”
The chair said dryly, “I’m not sure the press should be allowed to ask questions inside a legislative proceeding, it sets a bad precedent; however, we can of course grant you two more minutes for your remarks.”
I bowed briefly, “Thank you Chair.” 
I straightened up. “The facts: Mars has been the joint colonial holding of several Terran nations, under the charter of operation of Tharsis Mining, Infinity Xorp, and several others; and under the protection of the IPC. We have been granted delegates to this council due to our population, but never full autonomous control over rules of commerce, emigration, taxation, or the like of our space. Our outstanding commercial success for our corporate masters not-withstanding, the freedom of the peoples of Mars been a subject long-overdue, and much derided for the last thirty years by this council and those like it. The people of Mars, in conjunction with other marginalized peoples of this Solar System thus declare their severance with this council, declare themselves free of political or economic association with any entity that believes it owns or directs choices without the expressed opinion, through election by the people, and declares our debts paid. The people of Mars ask that representatives of the relevant parties make themselves available for discussion about the roles that their organizations would care to play within the Martian sphere of influence in the future, but rest assured that it will not be in the form of governance. All infrastructure vital to the survival and livelihood of the Martian People will be retained by the Martian people as part of the same statement of Independence.
“Any resistance will be viewed as an aggressive act, and these oppressed people shall not be caught defenseless. The nascent Republic of Mars will deport all Peacekeeping Forces of the IPC, except those that wish to join the Republic as citizens, and will defend its right to Independence with every fiber of being at our disposal.
“As of, let’s see, six minutes ago, to protect these rights, an interdict has been placed on travel between the inner planets, including Luna, and the outer planets and stations until a new accord has been ratified by all relevant authorities. Any craft seeking to break this interdict will be viewed as an act of war against the people of Mars, and will be treated as a hostile force, except where sanctioned by the Republic. Does anyone have any questions?”
Suffice to say that many people clamored to be heard at once. I stayed standing, though my legs shook under the strain. The large council doors opened, and in them stood a stone man, several other silicates, and a healthy, exhilarated, but messy Melody and some of her apparent group of revolutionaries. The council could not help but notice that all of the menacing shadows in their door were armed. A hush fell over the chattering children as the image of a silicate holding a gun, the stillness of resolve painted on the faces of the revolutionaries at their door. And then, General Mayor spoke: “The interdict has been enforced on the Port, and our forces are deployed and ready to maintain protection on the craft aiming for the gates.” 
“Thank you General, was there any resistance,” I asked quietly, listening to the audaciously silent council chamber, with every eye and lens on the ancient Silicate form, an anger from the crowd turned to chill foreboding at the clinical descriptions from the non-human person.
“Yes, but there seem to be few casualties at this moment. The majority of the capital ships are in orbit, and we have hailed them and will discuss their surrender. We are waiting to hear back from the other system targets. We expect to maintain Republic victory of any engagements with 96% likelihood, though we expect hostile casualties as the chance of immediate surrender seems, unlikely.” 
  “General, I would appreciate it if you would also answer any questions that the councilors or the press has for you, would you join me?”
“I’d be honored to Mister Miller. Long Live the free republics of Sol!” and with that, my friend Jimmy walked across the hall towards me as tears rolled down my old and tired face.
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adzpower · 7 years
Lord of Shadows Review - SPOILERS
Lord of Shadows. FUCK THIS BOOK.
That’s what I said out loud to myself as I finished the final page. What a ride.
What an incredible journey from start to finish. Cassandra Clare is one of those rare creators who just gets better and better with each release. Her writing is top class and it frightens me to think about where she will be in five or six books time.
The basic story of the book is follows. Annabel Blackthorn is bought back to life by Malcolm Fade, who didn’t die in Lady Midnight like we thought, he sacrifices Arthur (RIP) to do this and so he nobly died in place of his family, good for you Arthur.
Annabel has the black book which the Seelie Queen wants for some “unknown” reason, she tasks Julian with getting it for her, and she promises him that she knows a way to break the Parabatai bond so he and Emma can be together. Julian then has to arrange the players into place, have Kieran testify that the Unseelie King is plotting against the Nephilim, and that the Queen has agreed to help them if she gets the book and the Cold Peace is broken. Seems straightforward enough right? Wrong.
Enter my now most hated fictional character of all time, as I like to call her, Zara FUCKING Dearborn, that bitch. She is a racist, big-headed, lying bigot and I can’t wait for her to die.
Zara as well as a group of others make up the Centurions, an elite force of Shadowhunters who study at the academy, they’re supposed to be the best and most skilled for their age, unfortunately, Zara is a big fat liar and makes up all the stories of her heroics, she’s basically a female Gilderoy Lockhart, she gets her Centurion minions to back her up on all her claims. And together with her cronies and her father they make up a group called The Cohort, basically the Nazi’s of the Nephilim world, who want to see a return to Downworlders being treated like crap, and branded with signs, and put on a register, so at this point Zara and her father are like Hitler and Voldemort teaming up together (shivers).
To escape the threat of Malcolm the Blackthorns portal to London (yay), and stay in the institute there, until the very end when they must go to Idris and present Annabel and Kieran to give evidence against Zara and the Unseelie King.
That’s when things turn to shit.
The Cohort arrive and start heckling Annabel, she is given the Mortal Sword so they know she is telling the truth when she reveals Zara is a big phoney. Annabel then goes nuts and kills some people, which I will discuss more later.
Throughout all of this we have Emma and Jules trying to not feel anything for each other, Emma pretends to date Mark so Julian will stop loving her, of course this fails and they end up seeking help from Magnus Bane and the Inquisitor.
We see some older characters appear, Clary confides in Emma that she is having dreams of herself dying, and that she turned down a proposal from Jace because she thinks it will be harder for him if they are married when she dies. Hmm. Her and Jace then go on a secret mission to the Faerie world, we’re not sure what that mission is yet, but I have a pretty good guess.
Now to talk about the individual characters.
Emma, I feel doesn’t get a whole lot of progression in this book, aka she’s still an awesome badass, she manages to kill one of the seven warrior Faeries (I forget what they’re called) which is said to be near impossible, though I feel that has more to do with Cortana than it does Emma, but we will see.
Julian, this guy scares me, he is the perfect liar, I think Kit mentions that Jules would be great as a con-artist, he perfectly slots puzzle pieces into place, he’s a genius, I wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of him, he’d do anything for his family and for Emma, I will be very interested to see how his arc continues in the next book after what happens at the end of this one.
Mark, sweet, sweet Mark, he pretended to date Emma just so he could curl up on her floor and talk and not feel so alone, someone hug this guy! I feel like him, Kieran and Cristina are headed for a throuple situation, they all seem to gel so well, and I still love how he speaks to people, its hilarious.
Cristina, still a  great character, very caring, and I’d love to see more of her with Jamie and their long friendship with the Fae.
The Twins, Ty is my favorite character in this trilogy HANDS DOWN, he is written SO well, Cassandra has definitely done her research on Autism, I used to know a boy at school who also had it and he acted almost the exact same way, the sensations, the music, its scarily accurate. Livvy, my heart broke, I thought we were headed into a Harry, Ron and Hermione type friendship, sweet, fierce Livvy, rest in peace up in heaven with your parents and uncle.
Dru, this is who I actually thought was going to die, she seemed to be getting neglected right up until she meets Jamie, who is keeping the Seelie Queen’s secret child well….a secret, for reasons unknown, clearly Sebastian is the boy’s father, I won’t go into detail about my big theory surrounding the queen, the boy, Sebastian and Clary’s death as I’ve already made a post about my theories regarding that, but if Cassandra pulls this off, there will be some very upset fans.
I won’t really talk about Tavvy, he doesn’t do much except play with Alec and Magnus’ kids and throw tantrums, he’s seven, I forgive him for that.
Kit goes through so much growth in this book, he is so likeable, he’s our “way in”, the normal one who we can relate to because he grew up in the human world, believing himself to be a mundane. The Herondale is strong in this one, sarcastic, handsome, and grows very close with the twins, he’s going to become Ty’s rock now Livvy is gone, I still can’t work out if they’re going to become lovers (the gay is strong in the Blackthorn family) or just Parabatai.
Diana, “No way” I said out loud when her origin was revealed, she used to be a man, I certainly didn’t see that coming, what a revelation! I really felt for her when she poured her heart out to Gwyn (who is actually a big softie), that’s been her big secret this whole time, I’m sure that bitch Zara will find out and reveal all at some point but Diana is strong, she’ll get through it.
 I’d like to point out how seamless it is that the situation Malcolm and Annabel faced with the clave, is almost the same situation as the one Julian and Emma are facing, a forbidden love ruled as wrong by the law. Interesting the parallels we can draw from this. I almost feel like sometimes I’m reading about Incest, because the Parabatai relationship seems to be like siblings, strong, reliable and unconditional, it almost feels wrong reading about it, but its not like Cassandra Clare hasn’t touched on this subject before.
Also, Robert Lightwood was the other big death of the book, Annabel kills him as well as Livvy, she could have just dropped the sword and called it a day, but nope, she has to go bananas, thanks for breaking my heart Annabel, you bitch.
  My predictions for the next book. Julian will go batshit crazy on a quest for vengeance, and Emma will be the only one who will help him through that.
Mark, Kieran and Cristina will grow closer and we will learn even more about Cristina’s close ties to the Faerie world.
The Queen will get the book, kill Clary and resurrect Sebastian using her blood. I know his body was burnt but I think there will be a twist, she’ll create a new body or use the child to host his soul.  I detailed this theory more in a previous post, so check out the full details if you’re interested.
I’m pretty sure this ending will lead into a new trilogy, one where we get points of view from all the present characters, the Blackthorns/Carstairs clan as well as the Herondale/Lightwood clan.
Also I think Simon and Isabelle will appear, as they’re really the only two from the original series not to appear in the Dark Artifices yet.
 Stunning book, such a shame we have to wait until 2019 to see what happens next!
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bookloversreviewer · 5 years
"A fantastically fun, HOT love story." - Kendall Ryan, New York Times bestselling author
Parental Guidance, an all-new, sexy and laugh-out-loud romantic comedy from Wall Street Journal bestselling author Avery Flynn, is available now!
All I want is to play hockey on the Ice Knights, instead, I’m in a viral video for all the wrong reasons and my mom—yes, my mom—has taken over my dating apps. Then, when I think it can’t get any worse, the fates deliver Zara Ambrose, a five-feet-nothing redhead with more freckles than inches and who’d rather be anywhere other than on a date with me.
Now a bet with her friends and my PR nightmare have us both stuck in this go-on-five-dates-with-the-same-person hell situation. But if we band together, we can get the whole thing over with and go on with our lives. It’s perfect! No feelings. No future. No fuc— *ahem* fun. No naked fun.
What could go wrong? Nothing—as long as I remember the rules. Don’t notice the way she looks in a dress. Don’t react when she does that little shivery sigh thing whenever we touch. Don’t think about the fact that she’s never had a toe-curling orgasm that wasn’t self-delivered and just how badly I want to change that.
Five dates—that’s it—and then we go our separate ways. At least, that was the plan.
Download your copy today!
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“So why are you on Bramble?”
She took another small bite from her roll before answering. “My best friend is blackmailing me, and my dad wants a SAG card.”
That was definitely not the answer he’d been expecting. “And I thought my reasoning was twisted.”
“I’m sure it all makes sense in Gemma’s head,” Zara said. “She thinks I work too much and need to loosen up. She’ll let me be her plus-one to go meet a collector if I do the Bramble five dates thing. And my dad? Well, let’s just say he’s never met an unlikely plan he didn’t think he could pull off.”
All the possibilities this created sped around inside his head until one broke free like a perfect fast break late in the third period when the game was on the line. All he had to do was put the biscuit in the net.
“So neither of us really wants to be here,” he said. “We’re each other’s solution to getting back to our regular lives as soon as possible.”
It was fucking perfect. Petrov’s job with the team would be safe for another season—well, as safe as he could be, considering he didn’t have a no-trade deal in his contract.
Zara, though, didn’t seem to be seeing the genius of it, going by the suspicious look she gave him as she took another bite of her roll. Instead of giving him a straight-up no, though, she started eating. The words—okay, begging pleas—were bubbling up inside him but for once, he kept it in lockdown. He wasn’t about to rush this play, no matter how it had every nerve in his body jinglejangling.
Finally, she used her napkin to wipe the corners of her mouth, straightened her spine, and looked him dead in the eye. “We’d have to have ground rules.”
“Sure. Whatever you want.” Ice Knights season tickets? He’d make that happen. A photo op with her dad’s favorite player? Done. Whatever it took, he’d do it.
“This isn’t a real or fake relationship, it’s a temporary alliance,” she said without an ounce of humor in her tone. “I’m not pretending to be your girlfriend or the random chick you’re banging this week.”
“Agreed.” All of that sounded like it would cause more problems than it would solve anyway. “I’ve got a condition. Dressing up is not required. I’m not putting on a suit.”
The best thing about the off-season was not having to strangle himself with a tie multiple times a week just for a bus ride to the rink or a plane trip to another city. Coach Peppers was old-fashioned about doing things the original way.
“Fine.” Zara held up three fingers. “The third stipulation is that I’m not putting on a good attitude. If it’s been a crappy day, I don’t have to pretend to be a manic pixie dream girl.”
He snorted. “No one who’s met you would believe that. You’re a little salty.” That was putting it mildly based on her attitude when she showed up for their date.
“I have my reasons.” She added another finger, so she was holding up four. “Oh, and no making love. Sex?” She paused and looked him over quickly. “Maybe. Emotional, heartfelt, staring-each-other-in-the-eyes making love? Not gonna happen. No offense, but you’re not my type.”
What the hell? Not her type? He was a professional athlete making millions. He’d been led to believe he was everyone’s type.
“Not a problem, since I don’t think we could see eye to eye while having sex unless you magically grew a foot,” he said.
“You’re not into being creative?” Zara rolled her eyes. “I guess that’s expected for someone who has probably had women throwing themselves at him for years. You haven’t ever had to work for it.”
Caleb had no idea what to say to that. He’d been punched square in the face by the most feared goons in hockey and it hadn’t knocked him as senseless as this little five-foot-nothing of a snarky woman had done with a few choice words.
“I have one more rule,” she said, reaching for another roll. “Five dates and we’re done. Period. Do we have a deal?”
About Avery
USA Today bestselling romance author Avery Flynn has three slightly-wild children, loves a hockey-addicted husband and is desperately hoping someone invents the coffee IV drip.
She fell in love with romance while reading Johanna Lindsey’s Mallory books. It wasn’t long before Avery had read through all the romance offerings at her local library. Needing a romance fix, she turned to Harlequin’s four books a month home delivery service to ease the withdrawal symptoms. That worked for a short time, but it wasn’t long before the local book stores’ staff knew her by name.
Avery was a reader before she was a writer and hopes to always be both. She loves to write about smartass alpha heroes who are as good with a quip as they are with their *ahem* other God-given talents. Her heroines are feisty, fierce and fantastic. Brainy and brave, these ladies know how to stand on their own two feet and knock the bad guys off theirs.
Connect with Avery
Instagram: @AveryFlynn https://www.instagram.com/averyflynn/
Website: http://averyflynn.com
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/avery-flynn
Mailing List: http://averyflynn.com/newsletter/
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ismael37olson · 7 years
Jon ALi Presents: The Top 20 Music Videos Of 2017!
Hello, it’s me (again). Just yesterday, I worked my way through my Top 50 Albums Of 2017. And now, it’s time lay your eyes on a visual treat: My Top 20 Music Videos of 2017!
This list was fairly easy to make, considering we don’t really get that many great music videos anymore. It’s been a dying music accompanying art form for years, but luckily, there’s always a handful of artists who decide to step up their game and rise above the basics of the world. As always, let me know what you think and feel free to comment below with your own list. BESOS!
20. Logic – 1-800-273-8255 (feat. Alessia Cara & Khalid): The California-based rapper’s “1-800-273-8255” was already powerful to begin with, but paired with this music video, its message was lifted up higher to new heights. It’s a stunning visual that does the talking for itself. With so much hate in the world right now this message couldn’t be more important and timely, especially to P.O.C, the LGBTQ community, and the trans community. For anyone struggling with depression or thoughts of suicide, please call this number. Thank you, Logic.
19. Majid Jordan – Body Talk: Neon-drenched dance party with two Toronto-based babes. SIGN ME THE FUCK UP. Sleek and cool eye candy done right.
17. The Aces – Physical: When it comes to female fronted rock bands, there’s a major shortage in the mainstream. 2017 luckily blessed us with The Aces and their undeniably joyful visual for “Physical.” In the pastel-colored clip, directed by Charlotte Rutherford, we see the fierce foursome taking full control of the spotlight as they parade around in prom dresses with absolute no f*cks to give – these girls ain’t got time for your unrequited love and I was all about it.
16. St. Vincent – New York: Directed by Alex Da Corte in conjunction with All Ages Productions, the clip features Queen Vincent at the center of a series of stunning and colorful imagery. The Big Apple has never looked so vivid, fantastical and surreal.
15. Lorde – Green Light: Lorde gets a lot of shit for her left-of-center dance moves and in the visual for “Green Light” she uses it as her main strength to properly depict her breakup anthem. It’s “Dancing On My Own” magic all over again.
14. Little Mix – Touch: It’s no secret that I love me an all-female anything. There is just something about a group of fierce ladies standing together that takes me to a higher place. Little Mix kept my faith in girl groups alive all year, and this colorful non-stop dance romp is exactly what we’ve been wanting to see from them for years. A major win.
13. Selena Gomez – Bad Liar: I don’t know if it was the ’70’s-theme, the lesbian nods, or the fact that Selena Gomez played every single character in this quirky video that did the trick for me, but I am very happy it exists. I sometimes wonder how much work had to go into this to make it work. Selena did that, y’all, period.
12. Kelela – LMK: If you thought the song already sounded like a blast from the past with its Aaliyah-esque vibe, then its accompanying music video truly furthered that sentiment. From that shiny metallic trench coat, to the bold backdrops, to the non-stop choreography and wig changes, everything about “LMK” looks like and feels like a celebration of an era.
11. Lana Del Rey – Love: Lana‘s dreamy escape to outer space is everything I’ve always wanted and more. Cheeky wink and all, she nailed this one.
10. SZA – Supermodel: Boyfriend drama? Feeling alone? Isolated? Not good enough? Daydream about fiercely strutting your way through an enchanted forest in a see-through black blouse with matching Ctrl panties. You’ll be better for it.
9. Grimes & Janelle Monáe – Venus Fly: As if having Grimes and Janelle Monáe together on one track wasn’t enough already, they went ahead and released this Sailor Moon meets Final Fantasy-like visual trip to accompany their monster of a song. I’ve never been the same…
8. Billie Eilish – watch: Billie was one to “watch” all year long, but she really went ahead and did the damn thing with this visual masterpiece. With the help of director Megan Park, she truly brought the meaning of the song to life as a newly empowered version herself sets fire to her old self – her old self being the one who let a bad relationship affect the way she was viewing herself for the worse – and her old inner thoughts (represented by a crew of female dancers). A major emotional punch in video form.
7. BANKS – Trainwreck: Continuing a tradition of unhinged visual glory, the Marie Schuller-directed clip for BANKS‘ The Altar standout “Trainwreck” exercises her unpredictable and dark sensuality as she performs in front of an old-school VHS camera for anonymous suited ghouls who seem to be trying to control her, follow her, and record her. BANKS goes along with it but knows they’re a bunch of creepy fakes, so eventually she gets her revenge. Are the suited ghouls supposed to represent the mainstream media? record executives? Your momma? WHO KNOWS, either way I absolutely lived.
6. Clean Bandit – Symphony (feat. Zara Larsson): This is here mostly for the beautifully touching story being told. It speaks for itself “like a love song on the radio.”
5. Taylor Swift – Look What You Made Me Do: I’m not like the biggest Tay Tay fan or anything, but I will give credit when credit is due: “Look What You Made Me Do” is what a pop star music video should look like. Narcissism at its finest.
4. HAIM – Want You Back: This dreamy, ’80’s-esque rock throwback was already excellent to begin with, but the track got a major boost thanks to the fabulous dancing featured throughout this Jake Schreier-directed extravaganza — the HAIM sis’ seriously brought the moves. Everything about this video just works, and the fact that the location holds sentimental value to HAIM makes it even better. They’re joyfully strutting down the valley streets they grew up on. Everything, really. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!
3. Dua Lipa – New Rules: Dua Lipa finally got the recognition she deserved the second she dropped the highly memorable music video for her meme-ready, breakup anthem “New Rules.” What seemed like a normal girls’ night out quickly turned into very uniquely executed dance routines spread throughout the rooms, the hallways, and pool area of a Miami hotel, making for quite the visual treat. It’s a feminist concept, if you will, done in the most fun of ways. Dua Lupa is the pop star we deserve.
2. Kendrick Lamar – LOYALTY. (feat. Rihanna): Picking just one Kendrick Lamar music video for this list was no easy task because, honestly, Kendrick gave it to us good all year round. “LOYALTY.” with my Queen RiRi is simply here to represent them all. The megastars channel a modern day Bonnie and Clyde in the clip, directed by Dave Meyers, which is essentially a series of symbolic images, pieced together to tell a twisted story of romance, trust, and love. Someone get these two up on the big screen ASAP!
1. Charli XCX – Boys: Objectification of men in a music video? HOW DARE SHE. Charli XCX comes in hot with a parody that features a veritable who’s who of high-profile boys: Joe Jonas, Diplo, Rostam, Wiz Khalifa, D.R.A.M., Kaytranada, Stormzy, Riz Ahmed and Swet Shop Boys, Jack Antonoff, Mark Ronson, Flume, Ty Dolla $ign, Joey Bada$$, Chromeo, Charlie Puth, Khalid, and tons more appear in the boy-stuffed visual. HOW DID NO ONE THINK OF THIS BEFORE?!? Pure genius.
from Jon ALi's Blog http://jonalisblog.com/2017/12/24/jon-ali-presents-the-top-20-music-videos-of-2017/
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rosalind-of-arden · 5 years
Smoke and Iron Reread chapter 10
Time for more Morgan! And Annis! There is a mention of sexual assault, seeing as we’re in the Iron Tower and Gregory is Gregory.
Morgan wakes up hung over. Headache, nausea, aches, sensitivity to light.
Annis seems to like trolling Morgan while she thinks Morgan just has a hangover, but she gets more sympathetic when Morgan says she was drugged. WTF did Gregory tell Annis when he dropped unconscious Morgan off in the room?
Annis has a Scottish accent, red hair that is going gray, and a round face. She can do crown braids without looking in the mirror, and I am jealous. She is well-known for her cheerfulness in the tower.
Gregory makes a habit of drugging people “when he thinks he might not get his way,” and Annis is not at all amused by this. What is Gregory doing with people he’s drugged into unconsciousness? So, add this to Morgan waking up with a “deep” ache that makes her feel ill, and we’ve got some disturbing implications. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to conclude that he raped her. But I’m also not saying it happened. The text does not otherwise give any indication that an assault happened there, and it would be a glaring omission in a series that otherwise acknowledges characters’ trauma to have that happen to Morgan and leave out the aftermath. Granted, it treads relatively lightly around the creepier implications of the breeding program, but still. I’m going to theorize that he drugged her for whatever exams they do on pregnancy-capable Obscurists in order to get around her resistance to participating in the breeding program. Another possibility: he needed her unconscious to mess with the scripts in her collar more, adding more options for control.
Annis seems very concerned about Morgan once she says she’s been drugged. She gives her assessing looks. I get the feeling this isn’t Annis’s first time playing caretaker after Gregory drugged someone.
Annis is considered expendable because she has very little power and can’t have children. She’s being used as a hostage to Morgan’s good behavior, and Morgan to hers. Gregory thinks he’s killing two birds with one stone with this arrangement. He doesn’t think that he’s putting two enemies in a position to collaborate because he underestimates both of them, especially Annis.
“Too old to bear another child”. So Annis has had children. Still in the tower? Or all sent away for having too little power?
Keria welcomed Annis and didn’t make her feel inferior for her lack of power. Here’s that friend of all Obscurists side of Keria that we don’t get to see much of.
“Dying for her son’s folly.” Annis, like a whole lot of people, assumes that Wolfe is the instigator of the rebellion, and blames him for its negative outcomes. She sees Keria’s death as part of her “destiny,” and recognizes that Keria wanted to die to help the Wolfe pack, but she doesn’t approve. She thinks changing the Library is impossible, which leads nicely into one of the recurring themes of the series: adults who have given up on changing the system being convinced to hope and try again by these kids.
Morgan thinks that liking Annis will make her job harder. So she would be quite willing to sacrifice someone she disliked.
Morgan is so insistent on her own agency in the plan that she almost blows her own cover.
More of Morgan Hault, genius hacker. This time she’s rewriting monitoring scripts to given them an on/off switch. Why does she choose Spanish, I wonder? A result of hanging out with Dario?
Annis speaks Spanish. This will be relevant for Khalila/Dario/Annis fic, of course.
 The High Garda aren’t happy about being involved with the Feast of Greater Burning. Another factor making it easier for Zara to sneak Troll into the prison? Too many soldiers refusing to participate?
Annis is so delightfully unashamed of her sex life. She is a very good influence for Morgan at this stage in Morgan’s own development. Morgan has just started learning to be bolder in asking for what she wants, and here’s Annis telling her there’s nothing wrong with having lots of great sex with lots of people.
“Heaven knows, we’ve got little else to do for entertainment.” Obscurist kink is so a thing, y’all. A whole tower full of bored people. They are going to come up with all manner of creative ideas.
Morgan’s response to hearing about Annis’s gleeful promiscuity? “Morgan started to laugh in uncomfortable delight.” Yes, Morgan, you really like the idea of being like Annis, don’t you?
Really, this just reminds me that I kind of want to write Morgan/Annis sin.
Annis might not be entirely happy about Keria dying to protect Wolfe, but she’s even less happy about him being in prison again. She does not want Keria’s sacrifice to go to waste.
Keria regularly bent the rules to keep parents and children together longer.
Morgan knows that Eskander is Wolfe’s father. She can’t have just learned that; she only just got out of solitary confinement. So she knows this from her first time in the Iron Tower. Interesting that she didn’t mention that detail when telling Jess about Eskander. 
Eskander was offered the position of Obscurist Magnus before Keria, but refused. Annis suspects that was the end of their relationship. He was also unhappy that she let Christopher be sent away. Considering that we have no indication he had any kind of relationship with little Chris, this seems a bit hypocritical of him.
Only Keria could break Eskander’s wards. Gregory tried and failed. Right, so, odds that the Artifex really brought Eskander out as opposed to exchanging angry notes under his door or something along those lines? Or just flat out lying to the Archivist about it?
Morgan is wary of pushing Annis too far in her search for information on Eskander. She knows how dangerous their position is.
“I told you, I’m brilliant with Spanish. [...] And with Spaniards, too.” That’s it. Now Khalila/Dario/Annis really has to happen. You can’t just say you’re good with Spaniards and not end up fucking Dario in fanfiction, Annis.
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