#zavok yes to all
iratusmus · 1 year
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fallenzangel · 2 years
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It’s criminal I haven’t drawn more of these two, especially cause they are my favorite couple duo to date. Seriously, love this husband and wife.
Have some more Zavok & Zangel goodness. Cause I love them and I am trash for this big bad asshole having a soft spot only for his sweet wife whomst he loves to death. My favorite kind of pairing.
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milolunde · 5 months
So, Sonic Forces! … again. Posts like this will be put under Forces!RW from now on, just so I can keep things together.
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Following this post, I’ve been thinking about my reimagined Sonic Forces a lot. It’s high up on my list of things to rewrite, but… that list is quite long and is made up of stories that, for the most part, will live exclusively in my head. However, I had so much fun making my last post that I wanted to make another.
I wanted to touch on an aspect of the Phantom Ruby: how it’s able to make hordes of copies at Infinite’s will.
In my mind, the Phantom Ruby makes clones with the same attributes as any other illusion. Those made to witness the illusion will be unable to control feeling, despite reason, what they are witnessing is real. This enhances the Phantom Ruby’s powers, making its illusions able to affect the world as if they were real.
However, copies are different as they can perform most of the abilities their source can, but only if Infinite has a solid grasp on what those abilities are. For example, Chaos remains in his base state because Infinite does not understand his evolution, but he does understand chaos energy and chaos manifestation, so Shadow’s copies is able to harness Chaos Spear (though its nowhere on the scale of a true Chaos Spear. It gathers available chaos energy and turns it into a weapon, but without an emerald the copy has to draw upon the natural chaos energy around it). This is also one of the reasons Zavok is so… lame, for lack of a better word, and why Infinite resigns his copy to being Sonic’s jail keeper.
Why, then, would Eggman have Infinite stop at making copies of Zavok, Chaos, and Shadow? Of course, it’s because he finds them worthy allies as they have all put Sonic in close life or death situations and all have beaten Eggman himself at least once. If they worked together, they would undoubtedly be able to take Sonic out without the need for more manpower.
But… why not copy Sonic himself after his capture? Eggman chooses to copy Metal Sonic so, with Sonic himself imprisoned, having Sonic’s speed and agility on Eggman’s side would be a valuable resource.
vvv Continuation + Close Ups/Textless Art vvv
Eggman told Infinite they should make copies of Sonic to torment the world they were conquering. Having their precious hero, or at least his likeness, working with Eggman would destroy their moral… Infinite proposed, instead, not only was it too soon to show their cards in Infinite’s full abilities, but that tormenting the world with their hero acting against them would be nothing compared to the psychological play of allowing the world to believe Infinite, a hand in the Eggman Empire, had taken him out for good. Letting a likeness of their hero wander around could work against them, influencing people to gain a “hope against all odds” approach.
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While Eggman agreed, it wasn’t until after he had Infinite show him the Ruby could, in fact, make a copy of Sonic. Despite not wanting to, having the copy ended up working in Infinite’s favor. After commenting on the pest Sonic was, the Doctor agreed that, yes, looking at that hedgehog for too long was giving him a migraine; he didn’t want to imagine what having hundreds of him would do… Good. Because Infinite thought Sonic was too annoying to waste his power forging copies of him, anyway.
Infinite looked at the copy. He could appreciate the hedgehog’s indomitable spirit and his ability to ruin things. He could even acknowledge that, yes, he was enough to be the world’s hero.
Until now.
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Five, closing in on six months after Sonic’s defeat, Tails found himself miles from his live-in workshop, the last one left after Eggman’s takeover. He managed to gather supplies before his home was invaded and made it out by his scruff on the Tornado, but she hadn’t gotten them out without taking severe damage. Still, she flew, and she landed, and Tails could start repairing her to the best of his ability. He didn’t need a plane since the sky had been put under lockdown, but the Tornado was Sonic’s. He’d hate for Sonic to find out he had wrecked the Tornado and done nothing to fix it.
While sorting out the damaged parts, Tails heard something scuff behind him… He tensed before he moved, much too caught up with the Tornado to remember he should defend himself first, worry later, when his eyes caught the source of the sound.
Tails didn’t think it was possible, but he tensed more at the sight of his brother, his big brother, the sight of Sonic walking idly past him. Something slipped past Tails’ lips, maybe it was supposed to be words, but he didn’t know which ones. His big brother stopped. And turned towards him…
Gotta cut myself off from my more story-writer way of telling this before I get carried away. Apologies! But, if I’m able to work on this more, maybe there will be a full scene in a full chapter in a full story for this? Perchance…
Shadow would appear and, before Tails could process it, would be fighting the copy down the street. Shadow’s been dealing with Phantom copies since day one of Eggman’s invasion, and he knows Sonic well enough to be able to spot a fake from anywhere.
Tails would, of course, chase after them, leaving behind the Tornado and all of his supplies. As far as he knows, it was Shadow who helped take Sonic down in the first place and he’s ready for answers as to why, and answers on how Sonic got back, and why they’re fighting again, and…! Well, a lot of answers!
By the time Tails gets there, Shadow would have already taken the copy down; it’s on the floor, lifeless, and starting to disappear. Tails would launch himself at Shadow, claws and teeth bared, kicking and scratching out of everything he’s thought and felt about Shadow for the last five months, but Shadow would easily subdue him. Tails is tired, and hungry, and most of all he’s devastated.
Once Tails is able to hear anything Shadow tries to tell him, he would tell Tails about the fact Eggman is generating copies. Shadow has a certain soft spot for Tails, especially in his current situation, so while the scene would be to get information about the Phantom Ruby to Tails, it would also serve to give him the comfort he needs, and closure that no, Shadow didn’t hurt Sonic and, no he’s also not looking for him but, if he hears anything, he’ll let the kid know.
I don’t know if I’ve said it, but I’ve got a biiiiig list of media I’ve rewritten entirely in my head for fun and that usually means I have the most barebones chapter layout for them and even some ‘first drafts’ for certain chapters; like this hypothetical chapter!
That’s it, really. I had fun talking about Forces and showing how I would do things! I tend to get carried away a lot when I’m writing about the things I like. I really didn’t plan to write this post out the way I did. Hopefully the difference between my presenting the concepts and writing them out for a more entertaining read of what I would do wasn’t too confusing.
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redpenship · 9 months
Happy New Year! I’d love to know if you have any headcanons about Mobian culture and/or holidays, either based on things you’ve seen in the games/comics/movies etc OR just stuff you’ve made up for fun. :) Maybe this isn’t really your forte but I thought I’d ask haha!
Happy new year!
I actually don't have too many headcanons on Mobian culture itself. However, I do have HCs for their society in general which I guess would feed into the culture idea anyways. I'm just going to put all of it here because why not.
(Heads up: this post is 1.8k words long).
Thesis I: There is no Mobian state.
If you've read my fic Buzzsaw Dilemma, then you'll have already been given a basic run down on how I think this works. Since I like rambling about this kind of stuff, I will explain everything again, but this time with evidence from canon to support my theory!
To begin, it's always best to define what a "state" actually is. I prefer the Max Weber view as a state being an "organization with a monopoly on the legitimate use of force". Let's break down what this actually means with an example:
The state establishes a rule that you can't assault other people. One day, you feel that someone has wronged you and decide to punch them in the face. A police officer nearby notices this and responds by punching you in the face and detaining you. After spending the night in jail, you're charged with felony assault and the police officer is not. Why?
As a random citizen, you do not have a right to the legitimate use of force. You cannot punch people to get what you want with impunity. The police, as official arms of the state to use against domestic populations, do have a monopoly on the use of force. They can shoot people, put them in prison, and basically do whatever they want (within reason, technically, but the state doesn't like challenges to its authority and will always resist holding itself and its officers accountable for perceived illegitimate uses of force) because they're the only ones allowed to do so! Your boss at work can't kidnap you and hold you prisoner for a year because you broke a rule. The state can do that to you because it is seen as a legitimate use of force.
Now that we both know what a state is, I can explain why I don't think one exists on the Mobian islands. I am going to cite a lot of stuff from IDW since it's allegedly canon now and the games tend not to focus too much on day-to-day life on the islands anyways.
Point one: the Restoration. Since aid organizations apparently don't like working on the islands, which I suspect might be due to the Eggman Empire's fixed presence there, the Restoration was forced to step up after the war to fix up the islands. Although it's true that some states just don't give a shit about their populations, I don't think it's wrong to say that post-war clean up would typically be a job for an existing state. The lack of any central authority points to the conclusion that one may just not exist.
Here are some panels from IDW issue #42:
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Here, Zavok is surprised about the lack of security at Restoration HQ. Master Zik explains that Mobians don't see a need to prepare for violence because they aren't violent to each other. This is an interesting assertion given Tails' backstory, but I guess his two tails were just that disturbing to the people at home!
The main takeaway here is that the islands don't really have security guards or police officers. I like these panels for that reason only. I'm afraid the reasoning provided by Zik still implies that police/guards would be necessary if there was violence among Mobians, so it's not really that revolutionary of a worldbuilding moment and realigns the comic with statist ideology.
So, let's summarize: the islands don't have a central authority. They don't have any means to enforce a monopoly on the use of force. Does this mean that they don't have a state? In the absence of government, does the Restoration pave the roads?
In my general opinion, yes. There are some instances that could be used to disprove this theory, such as the Everhold Prison seen in Bad Guys, which is seemingly guarded exclusively by dog Mobians:
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The existence of a prison implies a functional penal system, which in turn implies that somebody on the islands has a legitimate monopoly on force. On the other hand, it's never explicitly stated that Everhold Prison is hosted on the islands, so for now I can still cope and pretend it never happened. Yippee!
Thesis II: The islands don't use money.
I hosted a poll on this subject a few weeks ago, in which I learned that most people think there's money on the islands. Allow me to argue otherwise!
The most common theory for the origin of money is that it came into existence because bartering for stuff fucking sucks and nobody likes doing it. Nothing has a standardized value, so if the guy in your village responsible for making shoes is a pompous asshole who makes ludicrous demands such as asking for FIVE bushels of wheat in exchange for a pair of shoes, even though you've heard the guy in the next town over only asks for three bushels, then you're shit out of luck and have to fork over all your wheat. Maybe the shoemaker is on a gluten-free diet and refuses to trade with you, so as a wheat farmer who only trades in wheat now you can't even barter for a new pair of shoes! Sucks to be you, buddy.
Under a monetary system, a bushel of wheat and a pair of shoes both gain a standardized value. A bushel of wheat is $1, and a pair of shoes is $4. After selling enough wheat that you have $4 in profits, you can walk over to the shoemaker, slap some coins down on the table, and tell him to get to work. Now, you might say, "wait, if you're in a captive market, can't he just charge whatever he wants and you have to deal with it?" The answer to that question is yes, but asking economic theorists to consider greed in their theories is a bit hard since they don't really care about fairness at all and still don't understand what's wrong with kids making carpets in factories since their hands are the perfect size for that sort of thing. All these stupid labour rights activists don't understand comparative advantages and it's sickening!
Here's the problem with an existing Mobian monetary system: it assumes greed! Or, at the very least, assumes that Mobians have normalized the hoarding of commodities for personal gain. I don't believe this is the case at all.
Let's recall Zik's statement to the Zeti: Mobians don't steal from each other because they are kind and compassionate to one another. I would argue that the origins of property/commodity ownership implies large-scale theft, as developing something like an apple orchard requires dispossessing your neighbours of a plot of land and claiming it for yourself. Then you grow a ton of apples on your land--that they once could have used as they pleased before you took over--and tell them that they can't eat any of these apples unless they give you something in exchange. But the apples are right there, bro, they'll complain. You can't eat all of those on your own. You'll tell them to suck it up and eventually they'll bring you items (or money) in exchange for some apples.
This doesn't seem like something we'd see the cute Sonic furries do to each other. Since we're talking about farming, here's a panel from there IDW 2022 annual where all the characters are helping out on some kind of communal farm:
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Moving on, let's look at why Sonic hates Eggman so much. Eggman has always served as a representation of industrialization, environmental exploitation and degradation, and individualist greed. If the islands had a monetary system, and the ideals required to develop one in the first place, then a lot of what Eggman is attempting to implement would have already existed! Economic development requires exploitation, both of other people and natural resources. Money is the result of economic development. It just doesn't fit for me.
Thesis III: Equity as a norm.
This is basically the section on culture. Leading up to this section, I've established a rule: Mobians live in a stateless and moneyless society. Here are some cultural norms that might have lead to such a society in modern times.
Ecology as a priority. This is consistent with the environmentalist themes in the series, but also with the way that most Mobians we meet in the series seem to really care about the environment. My personal take is that they simply haven't developed the view that they are above nature, which is something seen in Eggman and other industrialists. In Sonic Prime, we see Thorn Rose react aggressively when she notices that her friends harming plants by taking more than they need from them. This may have been because they violated a strict cultural norm! Although this occurred in an alternate dimension, I like to think about its implications for the main universe, too. Is the cultural pressure to maintain and protect the land they live on enough to suppress industrial development? Maybe!
Conformity as a means of social cohesion. Generally, I think Mobian society demands a lot of personal sacrifice from people. A core tenant of collectivism is that you have to put up with not getting what you want most of the time, and sometimes this even comes at a direct cost to you. Maybe your neighbour stole your favourite toy truck and you can't complain about it or everyone will accuse you of trying to establish private ownership over something stupid. Or, maybe, there hasn't been a lot of rain this year and your communal farms are flopping. Out of desperation one day, you wander into the woods and find some bushes of edible berries that could help you survive better for the next few days. However, since eating while your neighbours starve would violate the ethical values imposed on your by your collectivist society, you must accept only having a few berries instead and sharing the rest with your village. If you're someone like Tails, who stands out because of a physical mutation, then tough luck if your village cares about appearances. Everyone knows your business and you're dependent on them for support. As soon as they decide they don't like you, you're going to suffer severely. Upsides and downsides to everything.
Alternate methods of punishment. A society without a state likely wouldn't have prisons. Building on the concept of conformity, social crimes would be mitigated through social pressure--basically, if you do something wrong, everyone will be mean to you and not like you as much as they did before. Fear of risking the judgment of peers is a very strong deterrent for most crimes, arguably moreso than prison itself.
Everything I've written here is my basic take on Mobian culture and society! In terms of holidays, I'm sure they have stuff relating to harvest times and seasonal changes.
Thanks for the question!! Sorry if this isn't what you wanted at all haha.
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whotfletamothhyperfx · 9 months
Can you get hurt in Oz?
Yes! You can get externally hurt in oz infact! I mean what would be the fun in making a whole world and not letting the characters in it get extremely hurt am I right? Anyway getting Hurt in oz is pretty much just the same as if you got hurt in the real world, even despite the fact there’s magic.
However there isn’t really healing magic; none of the witches really ever learned it, at least the core four witches right now didn’t. Eggman didn’t believe in using his magic to help the people he was more just in it for the power, all the witches get to rule over a part of Oz since Oz isn’t actually that big. (it’s just a small country that’s surrounded by the deadly desert. A desert that stretched out far beyond the eye can see and no one’s been able to pass it. If you get stuck in the sand you can’t escape it and are better left for dead))
The last time there was a healer witch was the four witches that took the four current witches place before them. Before Eggman, Starline, Shadow and Sonic there was Maria, Zavok, Vanilla and Chuck. Vanilla was the witch of the south and chose to be a healer, she’s the only one from the original four that’s still alive. She’s out there somewhere living with her three kids in a nice little cottage, she has no need for her healing much anymore.
Eggman really disagrees with healing magic though. He taught Starline, Shadow and Sonic that it was forbidden and that they should never learn it. Both shadow and sonic wanted to learn it however. Shadow because of how he was told Maria died and Sonic because of how he was told Chuck, Sonia and Manic died. They promised when they were little that they would learn it in secret.
Sonic kept his promise and used to it to heal tails, his healing magic isn’t very strong at all and can only heal scraped but that was good enough for him. He regrets not having learned more and maybe then he could have saved tails before he died
Sonic doesn’t use his healing magic anymore.
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egg-emperor · 4 months
This talk about Zavok reminds me of this duo of drawings I had seen of Eggman before and after a threesome with Zavok & Bowser… Yes he was still standing because Eggy is a gd champ
I know what art you're talking about and I looove it. Both Bowser and Zavok are his type for being big buff strong monster guys they're so alike, certainly makes a very fun tag team and threesome hehe. I like how rough and wild it got with the destroyed room and his scratches and bruises. That's exactly the way he should be treated when it's time to turn the tables and show him what it's like to be the one dominated. I like his nervous anticipation in the first part, he knows they could tear him apart but damn it's gonna be fun to take that risk 😍
He may be the one ordering them around when teaming up with them in public but he likes letting those monstrous beasts use him in secret, letting them take their frustrations with him bossing them around all day out on him- their aggression and roughness in it is his pleasure. Happiness is being between two big beastly monstrous guys that could obliterate you. And he can take it like a champ as the power type he is, albeit he may be a little sore after being stretched and roughed up by those beasts but that's the way he likes it 🥴
He's lucky he can hide evidence with the full body coverage of his main fit. Walking around being condescending and bossing them around in public while secretly being marked up by them under his clothes is hot af. Nobody would guess it to flip behind closed doors. If he's in a situation where people can see like when he's at the pool or in the Olympics, he may say they're injuries from a recent battle with Sonic but it'd clearly be a lie as he has scratches that look like claw marks and it'd be visibly a little uncomfortable to sit for a while after >:)
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Happy Birthday, @star-critter
Words: 1,274 Time Taken: 4 Hours and 2 Minutes
Part 1 because Tumblr couldn't handle how long this fic is. Dr. Starline was suspicious of his team. Well — colleagues. He wouldn’t call them a team just yet; there were still many things the ragtag group of villains must work on before they could be considered a fully functional team. 
Back to the issue at hand, the platypus was growing wary. For the past month or so, not one person dared to speak a word to him. They were always a mile away from him, at best, and not even the loud and obnoxious Rough and Tumble came to annoy him. Starline found it odd that everyone has decided to keep their distance — it was good for the work, yes, but why now of all times? The doctor couldn’t figure out the reason and it was driving him mad. Perhaps a stakeout would wield results? Starline was good at being stealthy, yes, but not as good as Mimic. That octopus could sneak up on anyone, and if he were to find Starline stalking the team, things may get a little out of hand. But then again, Mimic was also avoiding him, so there really wasn’t any risk, was there? Oh, who was he kidding; Starline still had to calculate all of the other factors and variables before starting this observation.
…  Honestly, though? Starline just wanted answers.  And that’s how the platypus doctor found himself squished between the pipes and the roof, his maroon eyes glued to the hallway below. He swore he would get to the bottom of this — but he sure had hoped he changed into something less pristine.  “Hello, Doctor. Fancy seeing you here.” 
Starline whipped his head around to spot Mimic, disguised as a child mobian, sitting on the pipe beside him and wrapping what seemed to be red ribbon around the mental tube. Just as he was about to question the octopus, Mimic did a double take, his black eyes wide with shock. He leapt off the pipe, changing into the streamlined form of Sonic the Hedgehog and racing down the hall, calling out to the rest of the Deadly 4 to lock the warehouse.  Starline grumbled, climbing out from behind the pipes. Activating the flight powers in his Tricore, he landed on the floor with ease and grace before chasing Mimic down with the speed powers.  Mimic flew into the warehouse and the door slammed behind him.  Starline stood at the door, brushing his perm away from his face and knocking on the door.
“I know you’re in there,” he announced, “open up.” Zavok’s broad shoulders just barely squeezed out from the slim opening in the door. He groaned, mumbling something under his breath before addressing the doctor.  “Starline, why so hasty?” He asked. The Zeti crossed his arms. “This behaviour is unlike you.”
“Would you like to explain to me why you and the rest of the group have been avoiding me for weeks?” Starline glared through his orange-tinted glasses, pushing himself onto his tip-toes in an attempt to match Zavok’s height. “And what are you doing in there? There’s delicate projects in the warehouse.” “We’ve been, um–” Zavok stuttered. He never stuttered. “We’ve been…reorganising the warehouse. Between you and me, I believe the team has been on one too many raids, as of late, and there’s been too much loot. We’ve taken the liberties of rearranging the warehouse, so you can focus on your work. Leave the rest to us.” Starline raised his eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. Zavok gulped quietly as a single bead of sweat dripped down his forehead. He cleared his throat.  “Well then, if you could please leave us to our work?”  Starline sneered as he turned and walked away, glancing back at the warehouse every few steps to check for any other clues. Zavok simply stood in front of the door, obstructing Starline’s view to the inside. The doctor eventually gave in and left the warehouse, returning to his laboratory.  Not enough clues, not enough details, but only more suspicion. What was the group hiding from him?
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bumblekastclips · 11 months
KYLE CROUSE: Alright, here's another one from Peter M.! "Previous question again, only this time with a twist. Eggman is dead, and somehow his death is even more disappointing. Cubot mistakenly mixed up the coffee creamer with engine coolant. Oops. What is the reaction from Sonic & Co, the badniks (Orbot, Cubot, Metal Sonic, etc.), the public, and other foes like Zavok? If he weren’t the one meeting him at the gate, how would Starline react?"
IAN FLYNN: Cubot's all like, [Cubot voice] "In my defense, the bottles do look really similar." KYLE: [laughing] "Mistakenly," quote-unquote... "accidentally..." Yeah, Eggman just fell down the stairs. [chuckles] IAN: [laughs] Um, I think most folks in Sonic's circle would be relieved to a degree. Maybe a little sad that, y'know, he never had a chance to turn around, or... y'know, they're not going to celebrate someone's death, that's tacky, but most of 'em aren't really sad to see him go. Sonic, I think, would be bothered a little bit by it. It wouldn't weigh on his mind forever, but he wouldn't be happy about it, and not just in the whole virtue of "wanting the best for everyone and y'know, life in general." Just... it's a big part of his life that's just now gone, and it would weigh on him a little bit... Zavok would laugh. Oh, he would laugh. He would just laugh, and laugh, and laugh at the weakness of it all. KYLE: Mhm. IAN: The patheticness of it. It's- that's his favorite joke now. KYLE: [chuckles] IAN: Uh, Cubot would feel guilty. Like, I mean... he wasn't designed to kill Eggman, he was designed to serve him. He's gone against his primary function, now what? What does he do? And Orbot's like, permanent vacation! [Orbot voice] "I don't care! I have no orders anymore. Ta!" KYLE: [laughs] IAN: I mean, Metal Sonic's kind of let off his leash at that point, he can attack Sonic whenever he wants, but he doesn't really have any greater directive beyond that. So... yeah, he's a prime candidate for being captured and reprogrammed and turned into yet another friend. KYLE: Mhm, mhm. Uh... and Starline? IAN: [at the same time] Oh, and Starline. KYLE: Starline would be devastated, probably. IAN: [chuckling] Devastated and infuriated. KYLE: Oh yeah, he- IAN: [Starline voice, enraged] "That's how you decide to go out?! After all we've been through?!" KYLE: [chuckling] Oh boy, oh boy. 'All we've been through,' yes. Yes, of course. IAN: His undying spirit trying as hard as he can to resurrect Eggman. [Starline voice, still enraged] "You're going to die and you're going to do it right this time!" KYLE: [laughing] Of course! Oh, Starline... [sigh] oh, Starline.
--- TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It's just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don't like an answer, you don't have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It's all just for fun! ----- Do you want a specific question transcribed and posted? Send the question and the episode date to my ask box! Or if you just want questions about a certain character, send me their name and I will see what I can do!
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robowilofficial · 6 months
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I think it's a good time for me to post an updated version of my favorite character bingo card. Because it has been a while.
All characters listed below!
ROW 1:
BurningGreymon (Digimon)
Freddy (Dislyte)
Incineroar (Pokemon)
The Huntsman (American Dragon: Jake Long)
Magma Dragoon (Mega Man X4)
Boss Bruce (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Ryutaros (Kamen Rider Den-O)
ROW 2:
Shou Ronpo (Uchu Sentai Kyuranger)
Reptillus Maximus (Toy Story That Time Forgot)
Dragonoid (Bakugan)
Dorbickmon (Digimon)
Kintaros (Kamen Rider Den-O)
Benedict (Animaniacs 2020)
Wolf O'Donnell (Star Fox)
ROW 3:
Long (Wish Dragon)
Batzz (Future Card Buddyfight)
SpongeBob SquarePants (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Momotaros (Kamen Rider Den-O)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Zekrom (Pokemon)
Beelzemon (Digimon)
ROW 4:
ExVeemon (Digimon)
Black Dragon (Sonic Superstars)
BlackWargreymon (Digimon)
WarGreymon (Digimon)
Zavok (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Zen-Aku/Duke Org Rouki (Power Rangers Legacy Wars/Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger)
ROW 5:
Puss in Boots (Shrek series)
Wolzard/Koragg (Mahou Sentai Magiranger/Power Rangers Mystic Force)
Koraidon (Pokemon)
Sisu (Raya and the Last Dragon)
Flamedramon (Digimon)
Doggie Kruger (Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger)
Death (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish)
ROW 6:
Urataros (Kamen Rider Den-O)
Killer Croc (The Batman 2004)
Agunimon (Digimon)
Vice (Kamen Rider Revice)
Red Hood/Jason Todd (Batman)
Kai Ozu/Magi Red (Mahou Sentai Magiranger)
Garu (Uchu Sentai Kyuranger)
ROW 7:
Vector the Crocodile (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Deneb (Kamen Rider Den-O)
Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
Hackmon (Digimon)
Godzilla (MonsterVerse)
Mr. Wolf (The Bad Guys)
Drek'ar (Omega Strikers)
Yea. Also I know Balance can be seen in Shou Ronpo's icon but shhh- (though I also like Balance a lot)
and yes me placing Puss and Death on opposite ends of the same row was deliberate
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star-critter · 1 year
Time for my long overdue post of.....
If the Sonic Villains were in The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog instead of the game cast!
[ This is just for the funsies, so don't take it too seriously ]
[ Edit : Came back to add Team Hooligans & Infinite ]
Don't ask me why or how they all manage to get on this train and do a murder mystery, but they somehow did.
I don't have much idea of what everyone's roles are, but I know Clutch probably has a role similar to Rouge & Blaze (business tycoon stuff)
and Surge & Kit are the "Neutral Party." Surge is the Chaotic Reporter & Kit is the Detective that is desperately trying to keep Surge from eletricuting everyone & stuff.
Now, before you ask, yes. Yes, the train still goes with the plan of taking these guys to Eggman because it's the conductor's last day and the train is desperate.
[ Maybe some villains that Eggman wants dead would be enough to get my wish! ]
( Barry / You are about to have a VERY stressful first day )
So yeah, the train speeds up and then slows down. Barry, Surge & Kit, break out of the closet to find Starline "dead," and the mystery begins!
Rough & Tumble got too busy playing Super Monkey Ball in the saloon car and forgot why they're here (chaos forbid they find the casino car).
Whoever plays the role of Locksmith trapped Infinite in the libary car.
You find him scratching and whining at the exit door like a dog. You literally have to pry him off the locked door in order to find out what he was doing during the hour.
You all exit through the secret passage and move on.
Clutch is the one that drags you into stealing the Fabrege Chao Egg in the Casino Car.
Team Hooligans, despite all their roles being in different cars, meet up and joined Clutch in his search for the Egg.
The moment it starts ticking, Fang tries to make a run for it like the coward he is. Also, Bean would so do all the crazy things you suggest. /lh
Once you all find out about the treasure in the egg, it's an everyone for themselves fight over it.
Zavok is a little confused by this all being a game, but he tries his best to play along because there isn't much else to do.
Everyone thinks it's Mimic.
Mimic was alone the entire hour and therefore doesn't have that much of an alibi. It's not Mimic, he wasn't alone because he was "killing" Starline, no he was alone because he doesn't like social gatherings and got dragged onto this train kicking & screaming like an upset child.
Unfortunately, you 3 aren't able to solve the mystery before the train reveals itself to be a badnik and says it's taking you all to Eggman.
So everyone comes together in beating up the train (though Starline probably considered taking over the train for himself, he knows better atm).
You all beat the train and unintentionally free the flicky & conductor along the way (no one really cared about the conductor besides Barry).
Everyone gathers along outside, the conductor & flicky sneak out, wondering what crazy last day they just had.
As everyone's talking, they all begin to realize they never solved the murder mystery. Most of them either don't care anymore or are like
"Well, I guess we'll never know."
And move on.
Now I could write an actual plot and say which of the villains was the murder,
Or I could say it was Belle because Surge & Kit dragged her into this for some sibling bonding and despite being terrified, decided to make the best of it. Also, everyone forgot she was there the whole time.
As everyone's getting off the train car and Belle & Starline are shooting death glares at each other.
There you go.
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atangledfate · 2 days
👑 The Zeti (One, several, or all. Which ever catch your attention.)
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" Unfortunately i never was a fan of the Zeti as a whole, i don't necessarily hate them or anything, But i always found them a bit of an oddity in the sonic universe. Like aesthetically they don't really look like they belong in a sonic game. Zavok has a neat personality though i like idea that he's big and strong but just as intelligent and witty. The rest of the Zeti though at least canonically are lacking big time... all in all i dont think i'd bother unless it was for a big plot or something "
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beevean · 10 months
Controversial(?) opinion: Forces' story would have worked better if the war had been significantly shorter than six months? ^-^
Oh, yeah, I saw that you mentioned it in a post! That in short you expected everyone to show more signs of being tired or traumatized after six months of war, right?
Mmh, I see where you're coming from, but I don't think the length of the time skip is the issue. In fact, six months of war would justify how Eggman managed to conquer almost the entire world (yeah, he's Eggman, he's awesome and we know it, but that still takes time :P) and why the Resistance would be at the end of its ropes.
Forces, simply, is missing chunks of the story, because much like '06 it was very clearly rushed. Just because you don't walk on walls it doesn't mean the signs aren't there :P yes i'm still salty that we never see eggman actually ruling his dystopian world
Also, personally I do believe Sonic was affected by his long stay on the Death Egg. Yes, he was smiling and cracking jokes, and back then I was also expecting to see him more shaken by the supposed "torture" he went through. But don't forget that he literally beat up Zavok's clone with his bare hands! The only other times he used physical blows like that were when he was Darkspine (a form created by negative emotions, right off the heels of Shahra's death) and the Werehog (again fueled by negative energy, although he otherwise was generally fine. Yeah, Sonic is also surprisingly chill in Unleashed all things considered, but people don't point it out as often as with Forces lol). And he very calmly threatened to kill Infinite in their last encounter, talking about his epitaph! Bro was mad, and was venting his frustrations in an unusual way for him.
I agree with the general sentiment that Forces did not, or could not, take advantage of its massive premise. I don't agree with the specific complaint that the time skip was too long, because I think that it's perfectly fine and it's not the root of the issues. The main issue is that the game doesn't show most of the things we would expect it to show.
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ev-rebound · 18 days
Chapter 4: The Council
Sonic, now with cuffs on his hands and legs, and Nine are brought to the egg castle and pushed into an elevator, the jackals on all sides, and Zero in front. Sonic tries not to grin; they were taking him straight to eggman! Soon he’d be kicking his butt all over again, and then he’d make him fix this.
“One more thing” Zero says, Sonic looks up in time to see him holding a remote, the jackal presses a button and everything goes dark as the cuffs shock him.
Meanwhile, Knuckles and Rouge sit in the back of a truck heading for the egg castle, the council had a number of citizens working there. Human and mobian, but they were relegated to just operating security doors and bringing supply shipments in and out. Of course a number of them also worked with the pair. 
“You sure about this Rouge? I mean he’s fast, but it’s not like he’s the only special one in this city”
“Exactly! We can’t let him fall into the Council's clutches, they’ll just abuse his power. We need all the help we can get” 
Knuckles crosses his arms, “All I’m saying this is a lot of risk for one hedgehog”
 Rouge smirks, “And when has risk stopped us before?”
The pair sit there until the truck comes to a stop and a moment later a human woman with short blonde hair signals for them to get out. “Thanks Topaz” the pair slip out and make their way into the ventilation system. 
Back in the castle Sonic wakes up in a large dark room, his arms and legs strapped to a table by powerful clamps, the jackal squad and Nine nowhere in sight. “Argh!” he hisses as lights suddenly go on stinging his eyes, he shuts them and when they open….
A part of him wishes he kept them shut.
He’s surrounded by the Jackal squad again, but that’s not the worst part. Up on a raised platform stands five familiar wicked faces. Zero, Sage, Zavok, Dr.Starline, and in the center of them all stands the mad doctor himself. Eggman grins down at Sonic, he sports a more militaristic version of his usual attire, all five of them do. Doesn’t matter.
“Ah the rodent finally awakens” he drawls as Sonic glares up at the doctor. “Oh shut it! What have you done to my friends?!” Sonic growls. 
A metal fist slams down next to the blue blurs head, “You will show Lord Eggman and the rest of the Chaos Council respect” a familiar, yet lifeless, girl's voice says. 
-No…- Sonic watches in horror as the fist lowers and Amy steps into view, everything but her face, ears, and one of her eyes is metal, her quills look like a metal helmet, and the rest is all silver and red. The Jackals all back away as she walks towards Sonic staring at him with no recognition or life behind her eyes, sweet Amy rose…reduced to this.
“Amy…?” “Rusty Rose” she stops a foot away from him then turns to look up at the council, “Scans show that he contains energy similar to that of the shard” 
Sonic can’t hear her, he sees red, he feels a fire burning in him as he grits his teeth and begins to struggle against the restraints, he needs to get free! He needs to make Eggman and the rest of the council pay for Amy and everyone else they’ve hurt! “AHHHHHH!” he’s shocked for his efforts but he continues, Zavok tilts his head, “We could certainly make a warrior out of this one”
 Starline hums in agreement, “Yes but there is still the matter of that energy, we must be sure its the same as the shards and not whatever gives him his speed”
Rusty glances at Sonic then back up at the council, “Perhaps a series of grueling tests?” The council all agree with wicked smiles as Sonic is tossed into a room with a treadmill and a blast proof glass wall slides in front of him. 
Sonic growls as the floor below him begins to move faster and faster, he runs able to keep up and soon out speed it. Sage’s eyes glow and soon obstacles begin to appear in his path and turrets from the ceiling. He kicks off the wall and bounces off all the turrets shattering each one with ease. 
The next test has Sonic run around in a metal ball that seems to generate power as it spins the more he runs. The council now all stand near it watching it glow.
 “These power levels…are something else” Sage says with wide eyes, “We could power even stronger machines! Expand our reach even farther across the world!”
Sonic growls at this, Eggman had taken over, his friends had changed and didn’t even know who he was! 
“Oooh here’s something you should test for! What happens when you push this hedgehog TO HIS LIMITS!” 
He runs even faster now. Blue sparks and multicolored energy following him and enveloping the orb. The energy reader in front of the council begins to beep in warning. “Sonic! It’s broken!” A voice shouts and what looks like a ghostly blue silhouette of Shadow the hedgehog appears next to him. “Shadow…?”
 “Sonic! I’m stuck in the void! It's all broken!” the hedgehog shouts in desperation. 
Broken..? The void…? “What are yo-”
The energy can no longer be contained as it explodes from his body in all directions. 
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randomthefox · 2 months
“Why do people not like Lost World?”
Maybe it’s because the controls are clunky, gameplay is slow and lazy compared to previous titles, the story tries to raise the stakes but doesn’t fully commit to it, Tails is out of character for most of this story as he’s never been this egotistical, the conflict between Sonic and Tails feels forced, the Zeti are lame one-dimensional villains with only Zavok having a shred of an interesting character, a lot of the humor doesn’t land, and the final boss is just a retread of the final boss from colors.
I could go on, but it would be hard to list all of Lost World’s problems in one ask.
I will say, I do agree with you that the ending where Sonic just rests with his friends is nice, but that’s about it.
“Only people who haven’t played this game think it’s bad!” “People pretend this game is bad!”
Uh, no. People have played this game and do think it’s bad, or else it wouldn’t have the reputation that it does now. People don’t pretend to hate this game. This game is bad no matter how much you want to deny it.
More power to you since you enjoyed it, but don’t act like only people who haven’t played this game dislike it. You can look up plenty of people on YouTube who have played that game and have legitimate gripes with it.
>Maybe it’s because the controls are clunky
>gameplay is slow and lazy compared to previous titles
No it isn't
>the story tries to raise the stakes but doesn’t fully commit to it
Yes it does
>Tails is out of character for most of this story as he’s never been this egotistical
No he isn't
>the conflict between Sonic and Tails feels forced
No it doesn't
>the Zeti are lame one-dimensional villains with only Zavok having a shred of an interesting character
The Zeti are awesome and hilarious one dimensional villains.
>a lot of the humor doesn’t land
Subjective. Even in that, saying "a lot of" it implies you think some of it DID x3 kinda defeating your own argument there
>and the final boss is just a retread of the final boss from colors.
You didn't actually bother reading any of my posts did you? Why would you send this ask if you didn't actually reading anything I had been saying about the game?
>People have played this game and do think it’s bad
I don't believe you.
>or else it wouldn’t have the reputation that it does now
What kind of logic is that??? "People wouldn't think the game was bad if they hadn't played it"? Have you... been on the internet before?
>People don’t pretend to hate this game
Yes they do
>This game is bad no matter how much you want to deny it
I literally just got done playing it and it was good, so you're objectively wrong and I can prove it. Look through the Foxeh Plays Lost World tag and see the gameplay videos I posted of myself playing it. Where is the bad game in those clips? Point to the screen where you see a bad game.
>You can look up plenty of people on YouTube who have played that game and have legitimate gripes with it
And there you have it, folks. Just straight up admitting they get their opinions from youtubers.
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disabled-battlekukku · 4 months
Since it’s pride month, what are your gender/sexuality headcanon’s for the main cast (sonic, tails, Amy, knuckles,…) and side characters(you pick)?
Ooooo I've always wanted to do this one but was scared of people calling me a "forced diversity" guy lmao. Not gonna put all characters ofc but mainly game canon, since otherwise the list will be too damn long (more than it already is, at least):
Sonic: AroAce. Trans Male (Typical Sonic headcanons, basically)
Tails: Questioning, future Asexual (he's baby still). Trans Male
Knuckles: Bisexual, male preference. Cis Male
Amy: Pansexual. Trans Female
Eggman: Bisexual (yes shut up i watch snapcube). Trans Male
Mighty: Unlabeled. Cis Male
Ray: AroAce. Non-Binary
Metal Sonic: Unlabeled. Genderfluid
Has Bean (he matters too!): Unlabeled. Agender
Fang: Bisexual, male preference. Non-Binary
Espio: Gay. Intersex Male
Vector: That one kind of dad that likes women but will make very unstraight comments about other men™. Cis Male
Charmy Bee: Unlabeled (he's baby). Trans Male
Heavy and Bomb: Unlabeled. Agender
The Witchcarters in general: Unlabeled, they're just kids causing trouble and having fun (maybe questioning on Focke's part). All cis
Witchcart: Grandmother that says that "we all have those kinds of thoughts towards other women". Cis Female
Speedy: Closeted Gay. Cis Male
Dr. Fukurokov: Homophobic™. A trans person would give him radiation poisoning
Great Battle Kukku: Gay Homophobic™. Cis Male
Bark: Gay. Cis Male
Bean: He ain't cishet alright
Honey: Lesbian. Trans Female
Tails Doll: Baby. Beyond the concept of gender
Metal Knuckles: "I might be gay but I have a job so idrc"
Gamma: No sex. No gender 👍🏼
Big: AroAce. Non-Binary
Tikal: Bury Your Gays™. Trans Female
Void: Technically canonically trans male??
Shadow: Gay. Trans Male
Rouge: Bisexual. Trans Female
Cream: Baby. Cis Female
Vanilla: Bisexual. Trans Female
Omega: Attack Helicopter
Blaze: Lesbian. Trans Female
Jet: Closeted Gay. Cis Male
Wave: Lesbian. Cis Female
Storm: AroAce. Cis Male
Silver: Gay. Cis Male
Marine: Baby. Trans Female
Shade: Lesbian. Cis Female
Zavok: i may not have a headcanon for him but i sure headcanon myself as gay for him
Sticks: Something for sure
Lyric: Boomer who doesn't understand about neither gender nor sexuality
Avatar/Rookie/Gadget: Unlabeled. Non-Binary
Infinite: Closeted Gay. Closeted Non-Binary
Barry: AroAce. Canonically Non-Binary
Trip: Closeted Lesbian. Non-Binary
Ariem: her and Illumina are married
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darknesslioness · 1 year
Hey, I just wanted to ask, do you have any voice claims for your nutcracker characters? I just wanted to know because I love them so much :3
I do, actually! I considered it a lot years ago and made a list of possible voice actors for every character I had planned at the time (with example performances where I thought I best heard my characters in pitch and intonation because we all know great voice actors can have a great range of voices). I won't list all my characters since I've never mentioned most of them outside of a Discord server, but I can mention the big four here.
Note: This is subject to change at any time, but this is what I have from the last time I binged voices. Enjoy. :)
Daemon Thuringia- Troy Baker (Tailon - Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Joel - The Last of Us, Greed - FMA:B, Booker Dewitt - Bioshock Infinite) & John Hopkins (Marius - Ryse: Son of Rome) (I could never decide which one I liked more, so if I could combine Troy and John's voice performances into one, that would probably be it)
Althea Voronina - Laura Bailey (Ioreth - Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Serena - Skyrim, Lucina - Fire Emblem: Awakening) (As you may have noticed, Althea has a voice performance alongside Daemon's in Middle Earth, so if you want to closest thing to an audible conversation between them, watch the opening of that game.)
Althea Voronina (elder) - Pam Hyatt (Frieda - Silverwing, Kaede - Inuyasha) (For Althea in her 80s. Wanted a wizened voice, but a strong one. Probably one of the most likely to change however.)
Draven Thuringia - Travis Willingham (Roy Mustang - FMA:B, Isaac Frost - Fight Night Champion, Spartan Paul DeMarco - Halo 4, Zavok - Sonic: Lost World, Reggie Rowe - Infamous: Second Son) (Yes, I find this very ironic and a bit weird since Laura Bailey is married to Travis, but is what it is. He's got the tone and depth I want here.)
Guinevere Cawthrone - AAAAAANNnnnddd I once had a possible voice for her, but I fell out with it after a while. Sometime after that, I decided that there would be a reason for that..... ;)
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