friezaglasiencold · 5 months
why did you even team up with frost in the first place. like he's not even that strong, you could've bodied him without breaking a sweat. did you just want to fuck with him?
I suppose it's because I thought he would be more fun to play with. What an utter drag he was, though... when I saw that farcical display he pulled attempting to actually fight, I made up my mind to eliminate him in the most humiliating way I could fathom.
Goading him into being singled out by the Zenohs was just funny enough to make up for the earlier disappointment.
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kaioshin-kai · 9 months
Meh. Low-ish muse outside SL stuff. I'll take my time on replies in general. It will be on-off, maybe get better after the Holidays?
I'm designing another villain for DB Kudamono and bullshitting random lore that connects well with other's OC's :3
Anyway!! Info dump below.
So Tahinnia used to mess with the "Dream World" and had two sidekicks. Akumuri and Yumusuu. Their names have strong relevance! Meanings based of "Impossible Nightmares" and "Countless Dreams".
Akumuri is the self-proclaimed "Nightmare King" Tahinnia used to serve at one point.
Funny enough, there is no evidence that he is royality (as he claims to be). It's kinda akin to Emperor Pilaf (lol except Akumuri is a genuine threat). Akumuri and Yumusuu helped Tahinnia gain her powers.
This "Dream World" exist much longer than Zenoh's Multiverse. Its existence is dated way before the Heavenly Realm. Despite this, Akumuri and Yumusuu are younger than the demon gods we know. They would be deemed "troublesome brats" by the demon gods.
Akumuri and Yumusuu's species are like a mix of shinjin, other devil/demon designs and majins.
As majin basically already means "demon" in japanese, they can be considered majin as pretty much all Dream Worlders are magic entities. I'd affectionately call them "Dreamons" (dream demons) or "Yumajin" in japanese (Yume majin; dream demon/magic person in Japanese)
There isn't much known about these dreamons/yumajins. They're supposed to be as mysterious as the Demon Realm, I guess. This is also a bit of my way to create more enemies that actually serve a threat-- for story stuff lmao.
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supremeprince-bensolo · 7 months
daniel of dens of geek and mike zenoh clamied that casting of children in rey movie - finn's and rey's children and was true ?
I really hope that is not true 😬
But I don't think they're trustworthy sources so hopefully they're just rumours
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dbfacets · 2 years
Facets: Chapter Fifteen
Summary: Just when Ive thought he was starting to understand how the multiverse works, another wrench is thrown into things...
Author Notes: remember a long time ago when i made like 4 different multiverses? yeah. anyway enjoy!
Shot of the GRAND PRIEST minding his own business on ZENOH’s planet.  He seems to sense a disturbance, so he brings out his staff and looks into the ball on top.  He squints, not finding anything, so he teleports to the white space we all know and love.  There, he looks around, and suddenly he’s startled by a voice.
GRAND MINISTER (off-screen) My, my, Priest, it’s been ages, hasn’t it?
GRAND PRIEST whips around to see the GRAND MINISTER waltzing towards him.  He glares at them.
GRAND PRIEST What are you doing here?  This isn’t your multiverse.
GRAND MINISTER Obviously not.  Can’t a lonely Grand Minister pay a visit to their favorite friend?  We haven’t seen each other in over a millenia.  I was worried you’d forgotten me.
GRAND PRIEST (under his breath) No such luck…
GRAND MINISTER smiles bitterly.
GRAND MINISTER In any case…  I am actually here on business.  I have...an issue.
GRAND PRIEST An issue?  What sort of issue?
GRAND MINISTER starts pacing around with their hands folded behind their back.
GRAND MINISTER A long time ago, there was a wizard living in my multiverse.  Her name was Abra.  She was banished from our multiverse and sent to yours.
GRAND PRIEST I’m aware of this.
GRAND MINISTER Well…  Before her banishment, she created a synthetic saiyan with the gifts of immortality and great power.  She sealed him away before she came to your multiverse.
GRAND PRIEST Let me guess, then…  Someone figured out the spell to break his seal, or something ruptured his prison and he was freed?
GRAND MINISTER looks over their shoulder.
GRAND MINISTER …  He broke out.
GRAND PRIEST looks a bit off-put by this information.  However, he then scowls.
GRAND PRIEST What do you want me to do about it?  It’s your multiverse, of which you are the most powerful being.  Why are you asking for my help?
GRAND MINISTER Oh, you know me--I’m a very hands-off type of god.  I don’t want to get my hands dirty.  However, he is annoying, and I want him gone.  So, I figured, hey, why not ask Gallian for help?
GRAND PRIEST frowns heavily.
GRAND PRIEST Do not call me that.
GRAND MINISTER grins in a sinister way.
GRAND PRIEST In any case, why do you expect someone from my multiverse to be able to take care of your problem when no one from yours could?  We are both well aware of the power differences between our multiverses.
GRAND MINISTER I heard that you have a similar situation to mine, in a way.  Abra had a daughter--Acada was her name, I believe.  From what I’ve heard, she created an immortal saiyan in your multiverse as well, and he’s gone on to become one of your Gods of Destruction.  How nice.
GRAND PRIEST narrows his eyes.
GRAND PRIEST What’s your point?
GRAND MINISTER I believe fighting fire with fire might just do the trick.
GRAND PRIEST glares for a moment before looking away, obviously not wanting to agree to help.
GRAND MINISTER Please, Priest.  I’m practically begging you for help.  You know I wouldn’t come to you if I had any other choice.
GRAND PRIEST finally gives in with a sigh.
GRAND PRIEST …  Fine.  But after this, you leave us alone for good...Mez.
Cut to a shot of IVE meditating in his courtyard.  ROWHEA sneaks up on him and surprises him.
ROWHEA Hey, Ive!
IVE opens his eyes and smiles at ROWHEA.
IVE Rowhea!  Good morning.
ROWHEA wraps his arms around IVE and rests his chin on his shoulder.  IVE nuzzles him, and they both smile happily.
ROWHEA Meditating again?
IVE Yeah.  Thought I’d get a clear start to the day.
ROWHEA Gotcha.  Say, wanna spar a little after breakfast?
IVE I can do that!
POLI interrupts them.
POLI Actually, my lord, the Grand Priest has called a meeting with all of the gods.
IVE Oh…  Alright.  Sorry, Rowhea.  Maybe later.
ROWHEA That’s okay!  Go do your thing.
IVE smiles and slides off the rock he was sitting on, walking over to POLI. Shot cuts to POLI, IVE, and MARDUK teleporting into the white space with all of the other gods.  GRAND PRIEST looks troubled, which concerns IVE.
GRAND PRIEST My fellow deities…  I’ve gathered you here today to share something important.  It is something I have kept a secret from you all for this multiverse’s protection, but...I believe it is time to share the truth.
Everyone looks confused and nervous.
GRAND PRIEST There is another multiverse, aside from ours.  It is referred to as the Ancient Multiverse, as ours is referred to as the Glyph Multiverse.  As the name implies, the other multiverse is much older than ours.  I have kept this information a secret from everyone, even the angels, to keep trouble from brewing.  However, it seems that trouble has found us anyway.  I am sorry.
GRAND MINISTER (off-screen) Oh, come now, Priest!  I deserve a better introduction than that, don’t you think?
Everyone looks up at the GRAND MINISTER in shock.  They are floating above the GRAND PRIEST, who looks disgruntled.
GRAND MINISTER I am the Grand Minister of the Ancient Multiverse.  It is a pleasure to meet you all.  In any case, though…  I’m not sure why your Priest decided to call you all here, when I clearly only asked for one of you.  But!  That’s fine.  I suppose I can introduce you to my friends, too.
GRAND MINISTER snaps their fingers, and all of the Ancient Multiverse gods pop in.  Have fun designing those.  They all look down on the Glyph gods.
GRAND MINISTER Allow me to introduce our multiverse:  Universes Thorn, Ampersand, Wynn, Ash, Yogh, Ethel, Eng, and Eth. You may notice we have significantly less deities than your multiverse.  I would like to reassure you that while we do have less universes, our power greatly makes up for this.  In fact, the lowest of our mortal levels belongs to Universe Thorn, which has a mortal level of 14.65.
Everyone looks like they shit themselves at that information.  IVE looks over to ROXA, who looks very nervous, and that makes him nervous, too.  The GRAND PRIEST looks very uneasy.
GRAND MINISTER Don’t look so nervous, Priest!  I just wanted everyone to mingle with each other.  Get acquainted.  Be friendly.
GRAND PRIEST This...is not necessary.
GRAND MINISTER You’re so...uptight.  You need to learn to relax.
GRAND PRIEST I cannot afford to relax in situations such as this.
GRAND MINISTER sighs dramatically before turning back to the Glyph gods.  They notice IVE and form a small smile.
IVE stands up straight.
IVE Y-yes?
GRAND MINISTER Tell me your name.
IVE It’s--It’s Ive, Grand Minister.
GRAND MINISTER Ive…  You were the saiyan granted immortality by the wizard Acada, weren’t you?
IVE hesitates.
IVE …  Yes…  How did you--?
GRAND MINISTER Word gets around when things such as this happen.
GRAND PRIEST No, it doesn’t.  You’ve been spying on us.
GRAND MINISTER It isn’t spying!  I’m simply checking up on you to see how things are going in your neck of the woods.
GRAND PRIEST frowns heavily.
GRAND MINISTER Anyway…  Your Priest was right.  All of this is unnecessary.
They snap, and their gods disappear.
GRAND MINISTER I believe Ive will suffice for our purposes.  That’s only fair, isn’t it?  One immortal saiyan against another.
GRAND MINISTER disappears.  GRAND PRIEST sighs, waving the other gods away.
GRAND PRIEST Everyone may leave, except for Ive and Poli.  I’m sorry for this trouble.
Everyone except IVE and POLI teleport away after looking at each other.  GRAND PRIEST floats up to IVE.
GRAND PRIEST Ive…  I am sorry to have roped you into this mess.  I never thought they would show their face around here and cause trouble, but...I suppose it can no longer be helped.  I will give you the time you need to prepare for your trip to the Ancient Multiverse.
IVE shuffles.
IVE How...strong is this saiyan?
GRAND PRIEST looks grim.
GRAND PRIEST I don’t know.  But, judging by how he’s been wreaking havoc across their multiverse, and given their mortal levels…
GRAND PRIEST hesitates, but then sighs and looks up at IVE again.
GRAND PRIEST …  If there’s anyone who can do it, I believe it’s you.  You’ve proven yourself on multiple occasions to be quite capable as a god.  I have full faith in you.
IVE nods.  Cut to IVE teleporting back to where ROWHEA is.  ROWHEA is sitting on a chair lounging when IVE walks up to him.
ROWHEA Hey, why the long face?  Did something happen?
IVE I...was chosen to go to another multiverse and fight someone really strong.  I won’t be back for a little while.
ROWHEA Another multiverse, huh?  Dang.  Good luck, then.  I know you can do it.  If anyone can, it’s you, right?
IVE smiles a little, and they hug.  Cut to IVE and POLI teleporting back to ZENOH’s planet, where GRAND PRIEST is waiting for them.
GRAND PRIEST Are you ready, Lord Ive?
IVE Yes.  But, I want to ask about the Ancient Multiverse first.  Is there anything I should know about them before I go…?
GRAND PRIEST The Ancient Multiverse is headed by the Grand Minister, who you met earlier. They are at the top of the hierarchy in their multiverse due to the fact that their Omni-King disappeared many years ago.
IVE Disappeared?  What happened?
GRAND PRIEST I don’t know.  But...I have my theories.
IVE gulps.
GRAND PRIEST It is time to go.  Poli…  You know what to do.
POLI nods, and they teleport away.  IVE holds onto POLI while they travel.
IVE Poli, we should go to Universe Thorn first.  That’s where Tarelle originated, right?  Maybe we can find out some more information on him there.
POLI Yes, Lord Ive.
Shot shows Universe Thorn’s Land of the Kais.  It looks...desolate, almost.  Lots of reds, kinda dark and edgy.  IVE and POLI are walking around here until they find SYN, who is minding his own business until they show up, when he looks at them.  IVE walks up to him.
IVE Um, hello!  Are you the Grand Supreme Kai of this universe?
SYN Yes.  I am Syn.
IVE And I’m Ive.  It’s nice to meet you.
IVE holds out his hand to shake, but SYN just glances at it and keeps his hands folded behind his back.  IVE awkwardly takes his hand back.
IVE Well--you know why I’m here, then, I assume.  About Tarelle?
SYN Yes.  I’m surprised the Grand Minister would choose someone like you to take care of him when he’s clearly miles ahead of you in terms of power.
IVE frowns a little.
IVE I’m sure I can figure out a way to defeat him.
SYN looks skeptical.  IVE ignores him.
IVE So, um--Tarelle is from this universe, right?  Is there anything you can tell me about him?
SYN He originated here, yes, but he isn’t here now.  You won’t find anything of use here.
IVE So you have nothing that could help me with this?
SYN You’re an immortal God of Destruction.  You should be able to sufficiently handle this.
IVE Don’t you want to even try to help?  He’s from your universe and he’s just out there getting stronger and terrorizing your multiverse!
SYN In that case, bring him back here once you rein him in.  Maybe then he could help raise our mortal level.
IVE is fuming, but POLI places a hand on his shoulder.
POLI Let’s go, Lord Ive.
IVE frowns and sighs, but he agrees to go.  Shot cuts to the God of Destruction’s planet.  IVE and POLI are speaking to MUL and ISLA.
MUL I’m so glad you’re here to help…  Tarelle has been such a nuisance for all of us.  We are terribly ashamed that we’ve allowed him to get so out of hand…
IVE I’m sure it’s not your fault…  If he’s anything like me, he was built for destruction.  It isn’t any of your faults what he does.  Anyway…  I’m glad to see at least somebody around here is worried for your universe.  The Grand Supreme Kai doesn’t seem all that concerned at all...
MUL sighs.
MUL Syn is much more distant than Nu was, I will admit…
MUL Nu was the previous Grand Supreme Kai before Syn.  He passed away quite abruptly, and Syn had to be quickly given the title of Grand Supreme Kai so that I did not perish as well.  Luckily, Isla was there to transfer the lifelink before that happened.  I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for her.
IVE Oh…  I’m sorry.  When you say abruptly, how do you mean?
MUL He didn’t mention that it was his time to go.  He didn’t even say goodbye.  He just...disappeared.  That never sat right with me.
IVE thinks for a moment.
IVE I’m sorry…  Is Syn at least doing a good job as his replacement?
MUL He’s trying his best, yes.  Although, he seems a bit too obsessed with raising our mortal level…
IVE Why?
MUL Syn has always been very ambitious as a kai.  Before Nu’s passing, he was always trying to get his attention with his work, as if he felt he needed to prove himself despite already being a Supreme Kai.  I suppose, in a way, Nu’s death was a lucky break for him, and he’s been using the opportunity to try and better our universe.
IVE I see…  Well, is there anything you can tell me about Tarelle?
MUL All I know is that he was a synthetic saiyan made by a wizard named Abra.  After his creation, Abra was banished to your multiverse, and I believe she had a child.
IVE hesitates.
IVE …  Was her child named Acada, by any chance?
MUL I believe so.  Why?
IVE That’s the wizard that made me immortal.  I suppose me and Tarelle are more connected than I realized…
MUL I see…  That must be why you were chosen for this task.  Well, I will help you in any way that I can.  In fact, I know what universe he went to next.
IVE looks at POLI.  Cut to IVE and POLI in Universe Ethel, where they’re talking to Julep and Fren.
JULEP I’m so glad you’re here.  However, I need you to make this quick, since I will be attending a party on Planet Codys with my Grand Supreme Kai soon.
IVE …  O...kay…  Um, is there any information on the saiyan Tarelle that you could share with me? JULEP thinks for a moment.
JULEP When he came here, he adapted to the way our gods fought and defended against him.  In a way, it seemed as though he absorbed their techniques and power just from fighting them.
IVE frowns, looking discouraged.
IVE So...he just got harder to beat from here.  Understood.
SATET walks in from the side.
SATET Lord Julep, it’s time to go to the party!
JULEP Right, right.  I wish you luck on your quest, Lord Ive.  Oh, by the way, you may want to look into Universe Eth next--that is where he went after he left here.
JULEP walks away from IVE, leaving him to look a little dejected.  Cut to POLI and IVE arriving on GIN’s planet.  They look around
IVE Poli, do you feel that…?
POLI Yes, I do…  This universe has a strange energy about it.
IVE I guess we’ll find out what it is.
They make their way to GIN’s abode, where he’s waiting expectantly.  They walk up to him.
IVE Hello, my name is--
GIN Ive, correct?  We’ve heard about you.  
IVE O-oh.  I see.
GIN You’ve come to stop Tarelle, right?  In that case, I am here to answer any questions you may have.
IVE Thank you.  One thing before I ask about Tarelle, though--there’s a strange energy in your universe.  Can you tell me what it is?
GIN Ah, yes.  This energy you feel is due to the way this universe was formed.  Its stars give off special energy that soaks into each and every planet.  It seeps into every living thing as well, and this is why we are the most powerful universe in the cosmos.
IVE I see.
GIN In any case, I do have some fortunate and unfortunate news for you regarding Tarelle.
IVE What’s the unfortunate news…?
GIN Due to this universe’s energy, he has been soaking in its power and growing stronger every moment he’s been here.  He will be a very difficult opponent now that he’s gained this strength.
IVE looks exasperated.
IVE I...see.  What’s the fortunate news, then?
GIN He’s still here.  I can have Bramble pinpoint his location and then my Grand Supreme Kai Adjet can take you to him immediately.
IVE perks up a little at that news.
IVE O-oh, thank you!
Cut to a distant, rocky world.  ADJET and IVE teleport in, and then ADJET gives him a nod before teleporting away.  IVE then takes in a breath before flying into the sky.  He takes a minute, but eventually he comes upon TARELLE, who is just standing there...menacingly.  His back is turned.  IVE flies down and lands a ways behind him.
IVE Tarelle?
TARELLE turns around to look at IVE over his shoulder.  His expression is unreadable.
IVE My name is Ive.  I’m from a different multiverse.  I was sent to stop you from causing more trouble.  I’m like you--I was made immortal by a wizard, and I was out of control at one point, too.  but I got help, and I want to give that to you, too.
IVE steps forward, but TARELLE pushes him away with a glare like Jiren would.  IVE regains his footing and frowns.
IVE Please, you don’t have to act like this.  You can put your powers to better use.
TARELLE fires a ki blast at him, which he struggles to deflect, but he tosses it away eventually.  He then sighs.
IVE Fine.  If you won’t come peacefully...I’ll have to use force.
He powers up to Albedo, which gets TARELLE’s attention, and TARELLE turns around to face him fully.  They stand there facing each other for a moment before IVE launches at TARELLE and throws a punch, which TARELLE quicksteps out of the way of.  IVE continues going after TARELLE, but he keeps dodging.  IVE grabs his arms and goes to knee him, but TARELLE twists around and kicks him upside the head instead, making him let go.  TARELLE then punches him in the gut and sends him flying back.  Once he regains his footing, he starts firing off ki blasts at him, which he deflects with his glare like before.  IVE then dives in and starts throwing a flurry of punches at him, which he either dodges or blocks, until he grabs him with his tail and pulls him down into a kick.  This seems to trigger something in TARELLE, because he then powers up, knocking IVE back with the force of the powerup.  IVE stands at the ready a few yards away, and when the energy field clears, you can see that TARELLE has gone Super Saiyan Umbra.  IVE looks very concerned with this, but he’s not given time to react, because then TARELLE launches at him and starts just laying into him, punch after punch and kick after kick.  He eventually kicks him into a rock formation.
IVE (thinking) He’s gotten way more powerful…  He’s even outshining Albedo…!  If I don’t do something soon…
TARELLE dives towards IVE again, but this time, IVE knocks him as well as the rock formation back with a powerup.  This time, he goes Ultra Instinct, and I’m talking mastered UI.  TARELLE does not seem fazed, but when he tries attacking, IVE dodges everything perfectly and begins countering.  This goes on for just a moment before TARELLE begins swiping his legs up and nailing IVE despite the UI.  UI is no longer working to dodge.
IVE (thinking) Wh--!!  Ultra Instinct...isn’t fast enough?!  He’s faster than Ultra Instinct?!!
TARELLE starts throwing his own flurry of punches, which IVE tries to block and dodge, but TARELLE is too fast for the dodging so IVE gets hit a bunch.  It doesn’t even look like TARELLE is moving; he just looks like he’s floating, he’s so fast.  Eventually he kicks the shit out of IVE and knocks him through several rocks, leaving him on the ground, defeated.  TARELLE approaches quickly, but HORUS suddenly Kai-Kais onto the scene, grabs IVE, and then Kai-Kais out.  TARELLE is left wondering where they went, and he powers down. Cut to IVE waking up later at HORUS’ place.  He sits up quickly and looks around.  The place is full of wires and weird science equipment as well as monitors everywhere.  Also the lights are off, save for the monitors.  HORUS walks in and notices him awake.
HORUS Oh--You woke up.  That’s good.
IVE Where…  Who…?
HORUS Try not to move too much; you got beat pretty badly.  I’m Horus, the Grand Supreme Kai of Universe Ampersand.  You’re at my place.
He walks over to a big monitor and swipes at the screen, pulling up some data.
HORUS I was watching your fight with that saiyan and I felt like it was a good time for me to step in.  I hope you don’t mind that I took some data from you while you were out.
IVE D...data?
HORUS Yep.  I analyzed your body’s power.  It looks like you really do hold more than you’re supposed to.
IVE rubs his neck.
IVE Well…  I wasn’t always immortal.  A wizard made me this way.
HORUS That explains some things, like why Tarelle beat you into the ground.
IVE What do you mean?
HORUS Tarelle was immortal from the start.  He’s a synthetic saiyan, meaning he was created to be a saiyan by unnatural means--in this case, magic.  He doesn’t act like a saiyan outside of his lust for battle and I guess his ability to transform.  Other than that, he’s an emotionless weapon.
IVE That makes sense…  Maybe that’s why Ultra Instinct didn’t faze him.
HORUS That surprised even me.  He’s somehow ascended to a form even Ultra Instinct can’t touch.  I don’t know what you plan to do to defeat him, but you’ve got your work cut out for you, kid.
IVE looks discouraged.
HORUS The Grand Minister wanted you to defeat him, right?
IVE Yes.  My Grand Priest said that they wanted me to fight him because we were so similar.
HORUS I see…  That makes me wonder, then.
IVE …?
HORUS If you two are so similar, then who’s to say you can’t achieve a form like Tarelle’s?  Who knows--maybe you can make one that’s even better.
IVE I don’t even know where to begin with a form like that.  It was different than anything I’ve ever felt before.
HORUS How so?
IVE It felt...dark, and cold.  It almost made me feel sick.
HORUS rubs his chin before going through his files.  IVE watches curiously.
HORUS I’ve actually been studying Tarelle for a long time.  You’re right--his form is nasty.  It’s some kind of void of dark energy coming from within him.  Now, I’ve also looked into saiyans and the forms they’re able to take, so I’m basing my data off of this, but it seems to me as though saiyan forms are affected by the circumstances by which they’re made.  For example, the initial Super Saiyan form is triggered by anger, right?  Jump to Super Saiyan 4, which is triggered by the oozaru transformation paired with Super Saiyan.  Super Saiyan God is achieved through harnessing godly energy, and Super Saiyan Blue is achieved by intense training with said energy.  Now, your Albedo form was achieved both by your immortality and also the power that the wizard bestowed upon you.  Tarelle experienced this same thing, yet his form--what I’ve started to call Super Saiyan Umbra-- is completely different and even more powerful.  Why is that?
IVE opens his mouth to answer, but HORUS cuts him off.
HORUS I believe it’s due to your entire life’s circumstances.  You said you were a normal saiyan before your immortality, right?  You probably had a family and friends and a normal life before then.
IVE Y…  Yeah?
HORUS Tarelle never had any of that.  He just started existing one day, immortal, with all this power, and he’s been alone ever since. He’s never had anyone to lean on, he’s never gone to anyone for help, he’s never had support like you have.  He’s been on his own for his entire life.  He’s never developed emotions because he never learned them.
IVE So, you’re saying he could learn to feel emotions like me?
HORUS I mean, I guess, but that wasn’t the point.  What I’m saying is that if you develop a form like his, I’m almost certain it will be much different due to how you’ve experienced life.  Maybe yours will be even more powerful than his.  After all, you’ve got people backing you, don’t you?  Maybe you can use that as strength in itself.
IVE seems to think about it.  Cut to HORUS Kai-Kai-ing in with IVE at MUL’s place.  POLI looks a bit worried, and she walks over to IVE.
POLI My lord, I’m glad to see you’re alright…
IVE nods at her.
IVE Poli…  I need you for more training.
POLI Of course, Lord Ive.  What did you have in mind?
IVE I’m going to surpass Ultra Instinct.
MUL, ISLA, and POLI all look surprised.  HORUS just gives a knowing look. Cut to the white space they usually train in.  IVE powers up to UI.
IVE I’m ready.
POLI darts forward and starts attacking him.  He dodges everything and starts to counter, but she dodges him as well.  He jumps back.
IVE I have to get faster.
He powers up more before coming after her again, and she continues to dodge and block.
POLI My lord, are you sure you can attain a power beyond this?  You’re pushing yourself so hard as it is…  Can you handle something beyond what you have?
IVE Yes!  I have to.  Everyone is depending on me to do this.  If I don’t defeat Tarelle then the whole multiverse is going to suffer, and who’s to say he wont find a way to cross over to ours too?  I have to stop him.
IVE backs off for a moment.
IVE Everyone believes in me and I can’t let them down.  Horus said I have to make their belief my strength, and I’m trying, but--but it’s so hard!  I feel like I’ve reached the limit of what that can do!  I...I’m going to let everyone down.  I’m going to fail.
IVE sinks to the ground, discouraged as hell.  POLI walks up to him.
POLI Ultra Instinct is achieved when you give up thinking about your next move in a fight, and you allow your body to move on its own, transcending the mental processes that hold back normal fighters.  I wonder...if perhaps there is something else holding you back still?  And this is why you cannot achieve a higher power.
IVE looks up at her questioningly.
POLI You're so afraid to fail your friends and the people around you.  Maybe this is what you need to let go of still.
IVE But...so much is at stake!  If I fail, the whole universe could be destroyed…
POLI Everyone knows that, but has that caused them to stop believing in you?
IVE hesitates.
IVE …  No…  They...still believe in me, despite everything.  I still have people behind me no matter what.
IVE seems to realize something, and he stands up.
IVE It doesnt matter if I fail.  I’ll still have people supporting me no matter what I do.  I could never let them down.
IVE smiles a bit.
IVE Thank you, Poli.  My head is a lot clearer, now.  Let’s keep going.
POLI Yes, Lord Ive.
IVE I want to try something this time, though.
POLI What would you like to try?
IVE I’m going to try channeling Albedo’s power into Ultra Instinct.  I can’t believe I didn’t think of it before, but it just might work.
POLI I see.  Let’s try it, then.
IVE looks determined. Cut to TARELLE sitting on the ground somewhere, probably on the same planet he was on before.  He’s meditating.
IVE (off-screen) Tarelle!
TARELLE opens his eyes and turns to look at IVE.  He then stands, looking vacant as ever, while IVE stares him down.
IVE I’ve come to defeat you once and for all.  This is your last chance to stop this.
TARELLE stares at him for a moment before powering up to Umbra.  IVE sighs.
IVE Okay…  We’re doing this, then.
TARELLE makes the first move this time, launching at IVE at high speeds.  Before he can reach him, though, he’s blown away by IVE powering up.  The powerup is all rainbowy and shit and looks really pretty.  TARELLE stares blankly at the transformation, and soon IVE is revealed to have gained a new form--Super Saiyan Nova.
IVE You know what this is, don’t you?  You can feel it.
TARELLE tilts his head a little.
IVE This is Super Saiyan Nova...and it’s going to defeat you.
TARELLE seems to get serious, launching at him again, but this time when he gets close, time seems to stop.  IVE walks calmly to move behind TARELLE, and when he’s behind him, he whaps him with his hand, sending him flying into some nearby rocks.  When the dust clears, he gets up and shakes himself off, looking at IVE for a moment.  He then starts firing energy blasts at him, which IVE completely cancels out.  TARELLE darts forward before doing some wack speedy shit, diving here and there until he appears behind IVE.  He thinks he has the drop on him, but IVE does the time manipulation thing again and everything moves in slow-mo.  He then performs a slow-mo roundhouse kick, nailing TARELLE directly on the side of the head and sending him flying through several rock formations.  TARELLE gets up again while IVE flies over to meet him, but when he gets close enough, he notices that TARELLE is actually trembling.  IVE blinks.
IVE You’re trembling…
IVE takes a step forward, which makes TARELLE instinctively step back.
IVE Oh…  I know what’s happening.  This feeling you’re having…  You’re experiencing fear.
TARELLE looks down at his hands, which are trembling like leaves.  IVE powers down to base form, and TARELLE stares at him curiously.
IVE It’s okay.  I won’t hurt you anymore.  But you have to promise to not attack anymore, either.
TARELLE looks down at his hands again before closing them and powering down.  IVE steps forward more.
IVE I knew it…  I knew you could learn.
IVE Learn how to feel.
He holds out a hand.
IVE You don’t have to do everything alone.  You don’t have to be alone.  You can find people who will support you when you need it...and I’ll be the first one on that list.
TARELLE seems to just be confused as he stares at him, but when IVE smiles at him, he looks down at the hand he’s being offered.  He eventually takes it. Cut to the Land of the Kais in Universe Thorn.  MUL, ISLA, and SYN are sitting around talking when POLI and IVE walk up with TARELLE.  When the others notice them, MUL starts freaking out while the other two remain calm.
MUL T-that’s…!
SYN I see you managed to rein him in.
IVE He’s calmer now.  I talked to him and he seems to be ready to change for the better.
SYN For the better?  He was fine as is.  I just wanted him back in his home universe so that I could put his power to good use at the very least.  
IVE He isn’t just some tool to be used, you know.
SYN Isn’t he?  That’s why he was made.  He’s a weapon, and he always has been.  Tarelle, you will come with me at once.
TARELLE stays the fuck put.  SYN gets annoyed.
SYN Did you hear me?  I command you to come with me.
TARELLE kind of...glares.
SYN I am your Kai!  You will obey me!
IVE looks concerned.  He thinks for a moment before turning to MUL.
IVE Lord Mul…  How long ago did Nu pass?
MUL About 400 years ago.
IVE When was Tarelle created?
MUL About...400 years ago…?
IVE frowns before looking at SYN.
IVE How were you appointed Grand Supreme Kai?
SYN What kind of absurd question is that?  After Nu’s death, Isla gave me the title.  I took up the position before it was too late.
IVE Why you, though?
SYN I beg your pardon?
IVE Why were you given the title over everyone else?  Mul, did Nu ever tell you if he had appointed someone to take his place if he were to pass?
MUL No, I don’t remember him mentioning anything like that…
IVE And you said his passing came out of nowhere, right?  Everyone was surprised because he didn’t say anything?
MUL Yes, but...what are you trying to say?
SYN Yes, please explain what exactly you’re accusing me of doing.
IVE Nu didn’t pass on his own, did he?
SYN sneers.
SYN Are you implying that I killed him?!
IVE That’s exactly what I’m saying.  Why else would you be right there when he passed, if he hadn’t appointed you already?
IVE turns to ISLA.
IVE Isla…  Angels are supposed to be completely neutral.  There’s no reason for you to lie.  Did Syn kill the Grand Supreme Kai?
SYN looks at ISLA, who looks back at him.  ISLA then grins a bit, which makes SYN’S expression drop.
ISLA Yes, he did slay the Grand Supreme Kai.
SYN Isla…!
ISLA He cut him down, and since I happened to be there to witness it, I appointed him as the next Grand Supreme Kai in order to save my lord Mul from perishing.  It was merely out of convenience.
Everyone looks at SYN in shock.  He glares angrily at ISLA before pulling out a ki sword.
SYN You…!!
ISLA If you attempt to strike me, it will only ensure your erasure.
SYN looks a little scared at that, his sword dissipating.  MUL steps forward.
MUL Syn…  Why did you do it?  Why did you kill Nu?
SYN Because he wasn’t doing his job!  This universe is the lowest ranking out of all the universes in the multiverse.  I only wanted to help it grow, to see it become stronger, but he--he wouldn’t put his foot down and do anything about it!  I couldn’t stand to see this universe go to ruin with him at the helm.  I had to do what I did to set this universe in the right direction!
IVE You killed Nu to get the title of Grand Supreme Kai in order to further your own agenda, and after doing that you ordered the creation of Tarelle to boost your universe’s mortal level.  Then you banished his creator to get rid of the evidence.  Is that it?
SYN So what if it’s true?  I was doing what was necessary for the sake of the universe!
IVE Were you doing it for the universe’s sake, or your own?
SYN What are you talking about now?
IVE You felt like you needed to prove yourself as a Kai, so you took matters into your own hands and killed Nu in order to prove that you could get things done.  You didn’t do what you did for the universe--you did it for yourself.
SYN looks like he’s been read like a book.  He looks away angrily, though there’s a tinge of shame in his eyes.  He clenches his fists.
SYN ...  Our universe is the lowest ranking in the cosmos.  I wanted to prove that I had what it took to change that.  I wanted to let everyone know that I deserved my title. I wanted to prove that I...wasn’t a failure.
IVE looks a bit empathetic, but MUL steps in.
MUL You could have done a million other things to prove that!  You didn’t need to kill the Grand Supreme Kai!  What you’ve done is worthy of destruction!
SYN looks frightened, but IVE steps between them.
IVE Wait…!!  It doesn’t have to come to that just yet.
MUL What?
IVE Does your multiverse have super dragon balls?
MUL I...believe I’ve heard of them, yes.  Why?
IVE We can bring Nu back to life, but we need the super dragon balls to do it.  I can help you gather them.
MUL and ISLA look at each other. Cut to NU being resurrected.  He blinks and looks around confusedly.  MUL looks emotional.
MUL Nu…!  It really worked, you’re really alive…!!
IVE Grand Supreme Kai Nu…  Do you remember what happened to you?
NU No, I can’t recall…  It feels like I’ve been gone for ages.
IVE You’ve been dead for 400 years.  You were murdered.
NU Murdered?  By whom?
IVE looks at SYN.
NU Syn…?  What is he talking about?
SYN looks away while MUL steps forward.
MUL He was the one that murdered you.  He wanted to prove he was worth something by taking the universe’s mortal level status into his own hands, and he thought killing you would be the best way to do that.
He steps closer to SYN with a hakai at the ready.
MUL I will deliver a swift punishment for such a heinous act.
NU holds up his hands to stop him.
NU Wait, Mul…!
MUL stops, and he and SYN look at NU.  NU walks up to SYN.
NU Is it true…?  Did you kill me to prove yourself?
SYN doesn’t answer, which is enough of an answer for NU.
NU Syn…  You were always trying to prove to everyone that you were worth the title of Supreme Kai.  You should have known that you were already worth it...no, I should have told you.  You were always trying to get my attention by going a step beyond what was asked of you, and I hardly ever acknowledged you.  For this, I am sorry.
SYN closes his eyes shamefully.
MUL I don’t understand…  Why did you feel so unworthy that you needed to kill Nu to prove yourself?
NU sighs.
NU When Syn was still a young Supreme Kai, still fresh at his job, I chose him to accompany me on a trip to a certain planet to check on the inhabitants’ growth.  While we were there, a creature surprised us and attacked.  Syn stepped between us and protected me, but in doing so he was injured and lost sight in one of his eyes.  From then on, he must have seen this injury as a symbol of shame, and he tried to overcompensate for it by doing more than he was required to do as a Supreme Kai.  However, this mindset must have eaten at him and caused him to grow too ambitious, and this must have been why he felt that killing me was the right course of action.
MUL doesn’t seem impressed.
MUL What do you suppose we do with him, then?  You’re the one he murdered.  What do you think his punishment should be?
NU looks at SYN for a moment.
NU …  He will be demoted and no longer serve as Grand Supreme Kai, or any Supreme Kai.
SYN looks heartbroken.
NU However...he will not be destroyed.  Instead, he will serve as my attendant, as well as my pupil.
SYN looks up with a bit of hope.  Everyone looks shocked except IVE, who smiles a little.
MUL What?!  Why are you allowing him to become your apprentice after all this?
NU He may have strayed down the wrong path, but I believe with proper guidance, he can earn the title of Grand Supreme Kai instead of having to take it by force.  Miraculously, my death has been undone...and I am taking it as a second chance not only for me, but for him as well.  We can make this universe better, together.
SYN looks like he’s about to straight up cry.  IVE steps in.
IVE Um…  I don’t mean to interrupt, but what are you going to do about Tarelle?  He needs a good place to stay and good support as well.
NU Who are you…?
IVE O-oh, my name is Ive.  I’m a God of Destruction from another multiverse.
NU I...see.  And who is Tarelle?
IVE gestures to TARELLE.
IVE He’s an artificial saiyan.  He was causing trouble here for a while, but I convinced him to stop.
NU thinks for a moment before smiling up at IVE.
NU Why don’t you take him with you?
IVE H-huh??
NU I don’t know much about you, but if you were able to convince someone with as much power as I’m sensing to stop causing trouble, then I think you’re the best support he could ask for.
IVE looks at MUL.
IVE I-is that even okay?  Taking him from his multiverse?  What about your mortal level?
MUL Oh, don’t worry about our mortal level.  We’ll get by now that we have Nu back again.  I think it’s a fine idea to take him with you.
IVE looks at TARELLE, who stares back.  IVE then smiles a little.
IVE …  Okay.  Tarelle, you can come home with me.
Cut to TARELLE, IVE, and POLI teleporting back to the white space they usually meet the GRAND PRIEST at.  TARELLE is behind the two.  The GRAND PRIEST and GRAND MINISTER are talking when they notice them come in.
GRAND MINISTER Back so soon?  I told you, Priest, this wouldn’t take very long at all.
GRAND PRIEST What of Tarelle?
GRAND MINISTER Let me guess--he was too much for you to handle?  I figured as much.  Tarelle’s power surpasses that of every deity in my multiverse, so I--
They notice TARELLE poking his head out from behind IVE.  They seem startled.
IVE steps aside to fully reveal TARELLE.
IVE I know.  He’s very strong.  I was amazed, too.  But things worked out.
GRAND PRIEST smiles a little, amused, while GRAND MINISTER seems to lose their shit.
GRAND MINISTER H-how…?!  How are you not destroyed?  How did you bring him here?
IVE I had to overpower him and convince him to stop acting out.
GRAND MINISTER Impossible!  His power nearly rivals mine!
IVE It sounds like you never expected me to defeat him, Grand Minister…
GRAND PRIEST As I suspected.  You just wanted to show off your multiverse’s power, didn’t you?  You sent one of my destroyers on a suicide mission to show your strength.  How does it feel to have it shoved back in your face, then?
GRAND MINISTER growls nervously.
GRAND MINISTER There’s no way you could have overpowered him at the level you were at when you left.  What happened?  What did you do?
IVE You want to know what I did?
GRAND MINISTER Yes!  I demand to know.
IVE suddenly powers up to Super Saiyan Nova.  GRAND MINISTER looks blown away, and GRAND PRIEST looks shocked as well, but he soon closes his eyes and smiles a little.
GRAND PRIEST Well…  It looks like if I’m not careful, I could be out of a job.
GRAND MINISTER looks at him, then back at IVE.  IVE powers down after a moment.  GRAND PRIEST looks at GRAND MINISTER.
GRAND PRIEST Well?  We got rid of your problem.  What say you now?
GRAND MINISTER clenches their teeth and glares at everyone for a moment.  
GRAND MINISTER …  Fine.  I will bid you farewell and leave you alone.
As they float up to leave, GRAND PRIEST gives a small wave.
GRAND PRIEST It was a pleasure to have you visit us, Grand Minister.
GRAND MINISTER glares before disappearing.  GRAND PRIEST then turns to IVE with a sigh and a grin.
GRAND PRIEST You never cease to amaze me, Lord Ive.
IVE smiles bashfully. Cut to ROWHEA sleeping outside somewhere.  He wakes up when he senses IVE and POLI return, and he runs up to meet them.
ROWHEA Ive!  You’re back!  How did it go?  Are you okay?
IVE smiles.
IVE I’m okay.  It went pretty well.  I brought back a surprise, actually.
ROWHEA A surprise?
IVE steps aside to reveal TARELLE, who just stares blankly.
IVE This is Tarelle.  He’s the saiyan I was sent to defeat.  He’s immortal like me and is crazy strong, too.  He’s basically me from another multiverse, more or less.
ROWHEA Wow!!  So, you’re strong, too?  Now I can have two training partners!
TARELLE looks a bit nervously at IVE, who smiles reassuringly.
IVE It’s okay, Tarelle.  Rowhea’s a little energetic most of the time, but you’ll get used to it.  He’s not here to hurt you--he wants to be your friend, too.
ROWHEA holds out his hand.  TARELLE looks down at it for a moment before taking it.
TARELLE …  Row...hea…
ROWHEA It’s good to have you here, Tarelle!
For the first time, TARELLE smiles a little himself.  Shot pans out to show them all standing together.
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sulan1809 · 2 months
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Androides 17 e 18 do futuro - Por que eles são puro mau?
Quando você assistiu Dragon Ball Z, deve ter notado uma certa peculiaridade, certo? Os androides 17 e 18 da era presente impunham terror nos Guerreiros "Z". No entanto, contrário à crença da obra, eles não eram malevolência pura, quando comparados às contrapartes do futuro, que são malignidade absoluta. No futuro de onde Trunks veio, Goku morreu em razão de uma doença desconhecida, e pouco tempo depois, emergiu uma ameaça ainda maior do que qualquer inimigo que Son Goku já enfrentou, os Androides 17 e 18. Os Guerreiros "Z" até mesmo tentaram lidar com eles, mas foram assassinados um a um. Os únicos sobreviventes da tragédia, Gohan, e Trunks, formulavam uma estratégia para lidar com a dupla assassina, no entanto, o jovem Trunks não era capaz de se tornar um Super Saiyajin, mas ele se esforçava arduamente. Para piorar, Gohan foi pego em uma cilada meticulosamente calculada pela dupla, e ele foi morto covardemente pelos dois androides, e só depois de ele ver Gohan morto, Trunks pôde se transformar em Super Saiyajin. Trunks não teve muita escolha no momento, a não ser pegar a máquina do tempo, e avisar Goku e aos companheiros dele sobre a ameaça iminente dos androides 17 e 18, criações do terrível Dr. Gero. No entanto, sem que eles soubessem, Gero também tinha outra criação ainda mais aterradora: Cell...
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Felizmente, Trunks retornou ao futuro dele muito mais poderoso do que ele era, e para o azar dos androides 17 e 18 daquela era, Trunks os derrotou sem piedade, obliterando a dupla demônica sem muito esforço, para vingar a morte de Gohan e a dos Guerreiros "Z" que eles assassinaram a sangue frio. Teve satisfação maior do que ver o garoto se vingar da dupla assassina? Mais tarde, O Cell do Futuro seria o próximo a sofrer nas mãos de Trunks. Depois de ter sido derrotado por Trunks, Cell foi obliterado e a missão de Trunks foi cumprida com sucesso. Atualmente, a Androide 18 do presente está casada com Kuririn(Eita bastardo sortudo!!), e o Androide 17 do presente atua como um guarda florestal. Em Dragon Ball Super, eles foram convidados por Son Goku para participar do Torneio do Poder, organizado pelos Irmãos Gêmeos Zenoh(全王双子の兄弟).
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questlation · 2 years
ZettaScale to demonstrate Zenoh and Cyclone DDS protocols at ROSCon 2022
ZettaScale to demonstrate Zenoh and Cyclone DDS protocols at ROSCon 2022
Zenoh, an innovative, power-efficient middleware, and Cyclone DDS, a best-in-class OMG DDS implementation, are poised to accelerate growth, innovation and adoption in robotics and autonomous vehicles PARIS, Oct. 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — ZettaScale Technology, an innovator of technologies to communicate, compute and store at any scale, is demonstrating its two advanced and highly anticipated…
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stalkerkyoko · 5 years
Sarah Wiedenheft - Always hidden powers
Charmy- I MEAN We Knew that there’s waaaaaaaaaaay more than meeets the eye
“HEHEH I’m adorable
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Accidnelty spoiled sefl in her tag but YEEEEEEEEEEEEP don’t fuck with charmy
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pulpsbordeaux · 6 years
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La nouvelle série de POPs Dragon Ball arrive ! #kingkai #bubbles #zenoh #casualgokussj #videl #yamcha #plume #dragonball #pop #dbz #funko #bordeaux (à Pulp's Bordeaux) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtV-9IsBgbl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wrqkeyteoxh9
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adventuresofaaron · 6 years
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They came to tell me that I was the only one who could save the universe. #lordbeerus #zenoh #whis #dbsuper #dragonballsuper #dbz #cosplay #lbcc2018 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnsk8yUl1Qo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1alutxozu3385
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cowcat44 · 7 years
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dbcade · 6 years
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使います!最近チョウ熱い!🔥😅 #hankerchiefs #doragonball #animehankerchief #animetowel #animetowels #zenoh #zenohsama #chikaranotaikai #ドラゴンボール超 #dbsmemes #タオル #アニメのタオル #アニメタオル #toohot🔥 (at Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnLzrN0B90m/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3rzxakypca0t
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son-chalupa · 7 years
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HOLY SHIT THAT WAS SUCH A GREAT EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM CRYING MAN I’M SERIOUSLY IN TEARS!! 17 GOT HIS BOAT, ALL UNIVERSES WERE REVIVED, and Frieza was revived. When Goku and Frieza tag teamed Jiren holy shit man that was fucking GODLIKE!! Can’t wait for more Dragon Ball in the future...I love this series. 
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jinfinityz · 7 years
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Dragonball Super episode 131 was... pretty disappointing. It wasn't the fight, cause that was great. It was the ending that killed it for me. In the first place, Zen Oh intended to erase certain universes as he felt there were too many. Goku suggested having the Tournament of Power , giving them a chance to survive as they were originally supposed to be erased due to low mortality rate. With Android 17's wish of restoring all erased universes, it basically made all the drama and the entirety of the Tournament of Power arc redundant. Hence my unsatisfaction as a result.
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this-week-in-rust · 2 years
This Week in Rust 465
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tweet us at @ThisWeekInRust or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
This Month in Rust GameDev #38 - September 2022
Project/Tooling Updates
Progress report on rustc_codegen_cranelift (Okt 2022)
Announcing KataOS and Sparrow
rust-analyzer changelog #151
A Memory Safe Implementation of the Network Time Protocol
Zenoh 0.6.0, a Pub/Sub/Query protocol, was released and it is packed with new features.
GlueSQL v0.13 - FSM based SQL query builder is newly added
Rust on Espressif chips - 17-10-2022
Introducing BastionAI, an open-source privacy-friendly AI training framework in Rust
Platform Agnostic Drivers in Rust: Publishing to Crates.io
A first look at Rust in the 6.1 kernel
Asynchronous programming in Rust
Why Rust?
What If LaTeX Had Instant Preview?
Magical handler functions in Rust
Rust Walkthroughs
Rust: Type Concealment With Any Trait and FnMut
Practical Parsing in Rust with nom
The Little Joys of Code: Proc Macros
How to Build a Machine Learning Model in Rust
[video] Building Awesome Desktop App with Rust, Tauri, and SurrealDB
[video] AsRef/Borrow Traits, and the ?Sized Marker - Rust
Using Neovim for Rust Development
[series] Sqlite File Parser Pt 3
Simulating C++ references in Rust
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is HyperQueue, a runtime for ergonomic execution of programs on a distributed cluster.
Thanks to Jakub Beránek for the self-suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Participation
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but didn't know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
zerocopy - Add defensive programming in FromBytes::new_box_slice_zeroed
zerocopy - Add tests for compilation failure
Fornjot - export-validator does not support Windows
Ockam - Add clap based ockam sub command to create a vault without creating a node
Ockam - Add clap based ockam sub command to rotate identity keys
Ockam - Partition rust test jobs with nextest
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
Updates from the Rust Project
388 pull requests were merged in the last week
support casting boxes to dyn*
support default-body trait functions with return-position impl Trait in traits
mark derived StructuralEq as automatically derived
allow compiling the wasm32-wasi std library with atomics
detect and reject out-of-range integers in format string literals
drop temporaries created in a condition, even if it's a let chain
fix let keyword removal suggestion in structs
make dyn* casts into a coercion, allow dyn* upcasting
make overlapping_impls not generic
point out incompatible closure bounds
populate effective visibilities in rustc_resolve
print return-position impl Trait in trait verbosely if -Zverbose
add suggestion to the "missing native library" error
suggest == to the first expr which has ExprKind::Assign kind
suggest candidates for unresolved import
suggest parentheses for possible range method calling
suppress irrefutable let patterns lint for prefixes in match guards
unify tcx.constness query and param env constness checks
remove type traversal for mir constants
scoped threads: pass closure through MaybeUninit to avoid invalid dangling references
never panic in thread::park and thread::park_timeout
use semaphores for thread parking on Apple platforms
nicer errors from assert_unsafe_precondition
optimize TLS on Windows
stabilize map_first_last
constify Location methods
add MaybeUninit array transpose From impls
add Box<[T; N]>: TryFrom<Vec<T>>
add IsTerminal trait to determine if a descriptor or handle is a terminal
add is_empty() method to core::ffi::CStr
panic for invalid arguments of {integer primitive}::ilog{,2,10} in all modes
impl AsFd and AsRawFd for io::{Stdin, Stdout, Stderr}, not the sys versions
prevent UB in child process after calling libc::fork
fix Duration::{try_,}from_secs_f{32,64}(-0.0)
SIMD: mark more mask functions inline
futures: fix soundness hole in join macros
cargo: fix deadlock when build scripts are waiting for input on stdin
cargo: support 'publish.timeout' config behind '-Zpublish-timeout'
rustdoc: change default level of invalid_html_tags to warning and stabilize it
clippy: add as_ptr_cast_mut lint
clippy: add unused_format_specs lint
clippy: add a suggestion and a note about orphan rules for from_over_into
clippy: add new lint partial_pub_fields
clippy: change uninlined_format_args into a style lint
clippy: don't lint ptr_arg when used as an incompatible trait object
clippy: fix to_string_in_format_args in parens
clippy: don't lint default_numeric_fallback on constants
clippy: don't lint unnecessary_cast on negative hexadecimal literals when cast as floats
clippy: zero_prefixed_literal: Do not advise to use octal form if not possible
clippy: add cast-nan-to-int lint
clippy: fix box-default linting no_std non-boxes
clippy: fix: uninlined_format_args shouldn't inline panic! before 2021 edition
rust-analyzer: migrate assists to format args captures, part 2
rust-analyzer: diagnose some incorrect usages of the question mark operator
rust-analyzer: fix formatting requests hanging when r-a is still starting
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
Overall a fairly busy week, with many improvements and regressions, though the net result ends up being a small regression. Pretty busy week in terms of regressions in rollups as well, which unfortunately mostly were not followed up on prior to the report being put together, despite the relative ease of running perf against individual PRs now.
Triage done by @simulacrum. Revision range: 1e926f06..e0f8e60
2 Regressions, 4 Improvements, 4 Mixed; 4 of them in rollups 47 artifact comparisons made in total
See full report for details.
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No RFCs issued a call for testing this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
No RFCs were approved this week.
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
No RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Tracking Issues & PRs
No Tracking Issues or PRs entered Final Comment Period this week.
New and Updated RFCs
[new] Add RFC for calling default trait methods
[new] Add lang-team advisors team
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2022-10-19 - 2022-11-16 🦀
2022-10-19 | Virtual (Boulder, CO, US) | Boulder Elixir and Rust
Monthly Meetup
2022-10-19 | Virtual (Chennai, IN) | Techceleration at Toyota Connected
Techceleration's! Let's Talk Tech! Rust | BreakTheCode Contest - 14th Edition
2022-10-19 | Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA) | Vancouver Rust
Rapid Prototyping in Rust: Write fast like Python; Run fast like C
2022-10-19 | Virtual | Boston NoSQL Database Group (ScyllaDB)
p99 Conf: All Things Performance (including talks on Rust) - Free | Official conference page
2022-10-20 | Virtual (Bellingham, WA, US) | bellingham.codes
Software Forum 8 (with Language small groups: Rust)
2022-10-20 | Virtual (Buenos Aires, AR) | Nerdearla
Rust y el desarrollo de software en la próxima década
2022-10-20 | Virtual (México City, MX) | Rust MX
Graphul, un web framework escrito en Rust
2022-10-20 | Virtual (Stuttgart, DE) | Rust Community Stuttgart
2022-10-25 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn
2022-10-25 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Last Tuesday
2022-10-26 | Virtual (Redmond, WA, US / New York, NY, US / Toronto, CA / Stockholm, SE / London, UK) | Microsoft Reactor Redmond
Your First Rust Project: Rust Basics | New York Mirror | Toronto Mirror | Stockholm Mirror | London Mirror
2022-10-27 | Virtual (Charlottesville, VA, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Using Applicative Functors to parse command line options
2022-10-27 | Virtual (Karlsruhe, DE) | The Karlsruhe Functional Programmers Meetup Group
Stammtisch (gemeinsam mit der C++ UG KA) (various topics, from C++ to Rust...)
2022-10-29 | Virtual (Ludwigslust, DE) | Ludwigslust Rust Meetup
Von Nullen und Einsen | Rust Meetup Ludwigslust #1
2022-11-01 | Virtual (Beijing, CN) | WebAssembly and Rust Meetup (Rustlang)
Monthly WasmEdge Community Meeting, a CNCF sandbox WebAssembly runtime
2022-11-01 | Virtual (Buffalo, NY, US) | Buffalo Rust Meetup
Buffalo Rust User Group, First Tuesdays
2022-11-02 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK) | Rust and C++ Cardiff
Rust and C++ Cardiff Virtual Meet
2022-11-02 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2022-11-02 | Virtual (Redmond, WA, US / San Francisco, SF, US / New York, NY, US / Toronto, CA / London, UK) | Microsoft Reactor Redmond
Getting Started with Rust: From Java Dev to Rust Developer | San Francisco Mirror | New York Mirror | Toronto Mirror | London Mirror
2022-11-02 | Virtual (Stuttgart, DE) | Rust Community Stuttgart
2022-11-08 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Second Tuesday
2022-11-08 | Virtual (Stockholm, SE) | Func Prog Sweden
Tenth Func Prog Sweden MeetUp 2022 – Online (with "Ready for Rust" by Erik Dörnenburg)
2022-11-10 | Virtual (Budapest, HU) | HWSW free!
RUST! RUST! RUST! meetup (online formában!)
2022-11-12 | Virtual | Rust GameDev
Rust GameDev Monthly Meetup
2022-11-15 | Virtual (Washington, DC, US) | Rust DC
Mid-month Rustful
2022-11-16 | Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA) | Vancouver Rust
Rust Study/Hack/Hang-out
2022-10-20 | London, UK | Rust London User Group
Rust London x JFrog SwampUP After Party
2022-10-25 | Paris, FR | Rust Paris
Rust Paris meetup #53
2022-10-25 | Roma, IT | Rust Roma
Meetup Golang Roma - Go + Rust Hacknight - Hacktoberfest 2022
2022-10-26 | London, UK | Rust London User Group
LDN Talks October 2022: Host by Amazon Prime Video
2022-10-26 | Bristol, UK | Rust and C++ Cardiff/Rust Bristol
Programming Veloren & Rust for a living
2022-10-27 | København, DK | Copenhagen Rust Group
Hack Night #30
North America
2022-10-20 | New York, NY, US | Rust NYC
Anyhow ? Turbofish ::<> / HTTP calls and errors in Rust.
2022-10-20 | New York, NY, US | Cloud Native New York
Cloud-native Search Engine for Log Management and Analytics.
2022-10-25 | Toronto, ON, CA | Rust Toronto
2022-10-27 | Lehi, UT, US | Utah Rust
Bevy Crash Course with Nathan and Food!
2022-11-10 | Columbus, OH, US | Columbus Rust Society
Monthly Meeting
2022-10-20 | Brisbane, QLD, AU | Rust Brisbane
October Meetup
2022-10-20 | Wellington, NZ | Rust Wellington
Tune Up Edition: software engineering management
2022-10-25 | Melbourne, VIC, AU | Rust Melbourne
October 2022 Meetup
2022-11-09 | Sydney, NSW, AU | Rust Sydney
RustAU Sydney - Last physical for 2022 !
South America
2022-11-05 | São Paulo, SP, BR | Rust São Paulo Meetup
Rust-SP meetup Outubro 2022
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
Please see the latest Who's Hiring thread on r/rust
Quote of the Week
I think it's worth noting that the fact that this program fails to compile whereas the analogous Python runs but gives the wrong answer is exactly what Rust's ownership and borrowing system is about.
– Kevin Reid on rust-users
Thanks to Kill The Mule for the suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
Discuss on r/rust
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rinichar · 7 years
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me, on a bad day
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eddman-cometh · 4 years
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Segundo alguns “#especialistas” esse #Mangá e só um monte de lutas sem sentido, mas para é muito mais que isso. Tem início o torneio entre todos os #Universos, promovido pelo senhor #ZenOh. As regras do torneio são: o universo que tiver todos os competidores do time jogado pra fora da arena é automaticamente eliminado, os participantes não podem voar, com exceção dos que tiverem asas, ao todo o torneio vai durar #48min. Lutem! #DragonBallSuper #AkiraToriyama #Toyotaro #PaniniComics #PlanetMangá https://www.instagram.com/p/B_5lRuLpIki/?igshid=g7aztf3glkwn
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