jazzyjuno · 3 months
fantine in 1817?
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fantine + the 1817 girls !
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alicedrawslesmis · 4 months
Barricade Day Advent Calendar
Day 8: Dahlia, Favourite and Zephine
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or as I call them, the Powerpuff Girls
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fillsta · 4 months
Monsieur Mabeuf
I CANNOT stress this enough, I LOVE him. He's just this nice old man that likes plants and books, what MORE do you want??
I don't care if Victor Hugo didn't care enough to give her a storyline like her sister, I CARE and so should YOU
Madame Houcheloup
I think she deserves it, with all that shit she went through plus auntie figure for les amis
Dahlia, Favourite and Zéphine
I just feel like we completely forgot about them as a whole after Tholomyes happened but they have SO much potential + Fantine deserves to have girlfriends
Georges Pontmercy
Yeah, yeah, he's supposed to be dead but so are Les Amis and we all sure don't seem to mind that. I know we love the whole 'Marius doesn't have a dad now' thing because you know, angst, but come on!
Montparnasse gets attention, why shouldn't the other silly criminals get some too?
He is Feuilly, I'm sorry, if you don't believe me, you're wrong, take a look at my research
Bonus: That one feminine guy Eponine swapped clothes with before she went down to the barricades
I know, far fetched, but we can do SO MUCH with this
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ueinra · 4 months
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Les Misérables "A Merry End to Mirth" Illustrated by Carlo Chiostri (Italian Edition, 1930)
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pureanonofficial · 2 years
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - A Chapter In Which They Adore Each Other , LM 1.3.6 ( I miserabili 1964)
Dahlia, as she ate, said in a low voice to Favourite, amid the uproar:—
“So you really idolize him deeply, that Blachevelle of yours?”
“I? I detest him,” replied Favourite in the same tone, seizing her fork again. “He is avaricious. I love the little fellow opposite me in my house. He is very nice, that young man; do you know him? One can see that he is an actor by profession. I love actors. As soon as he comes in, his mother says to him: ‘Ah! mon Dieu! my peace of mind is gone. There he goes with his shouting. But, my dear, you are splitting my head!’ So he goes up to rat-ridden garrets, to black holes, as high as he can mount, and there he sets to singing, declaiming, how do I know what? so that he can be heard downstairs! He earns twenty sous a day at an attorney’s by penning quibbles. He is the son of a former precentor of Saint-Jacques-du-Haut-Pas. Ah! he is very nice. He idolizes me so, that one day when he saw me making batter for some pancakes, he said to me: ‘Mamselle, make your gloves into fritters, and I will eat them.’ It is only artists who can say such things as that. Ah! he is very nice. I am in a fair way to go out of my head over that little fellow. Never mind; I tell Blachevelle that I adore him—how I lie! Hey! How I do lie!”
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All four were ravishingly beautiful. A good old classic poet, then renowned, a good man who had an Eleanore, the Chevalier de Labouisse, who was walking that day under the chestnut trees of Saint-Cloud, saw them pass by about ten in the morning and exclaimed, with the Graces in mind, “One too many!”
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ioniccolumns · 1 year
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My girl Zephine being like yeah well I'm part dragon so I'm cooler than you at every oppotunity. She be nice though
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zeph-holzenberg · 11 months
A very odd sequence of events has led to me writing a fanfic about my own characters going to a pride parade for my math class
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daydream-cruisin · 2 years
Decided to do the unrequited love personality test with Aidma's siblings! (Except Iarekie)
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Amalie (Aidma and Amalie are only really bound together by their shared childhood experiences but otherwise they're pretty strained)
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Navshai (same as me!)
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Zephin (Ironically, although Aidma does carry a level of love for him they don't get along great, so I guess the notion these two personalities wouldn't get along applies to those two)
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snejkha · 6 months
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Zephine for @taken-by-storms // Thank you so much/
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pilferingapples · 2 months
Fantine Fic Recs!
Things being how they are for Fantine, these are pretty much all AUs, but I'm going to roughly sort them into Canon Era AUs and More AU Than That:P
Actual Canon Era:
A Bit of Philosophy on Love, by mgrbienvenu A conversation between the grisettes
Canon Era AU
the Less Miserables series, by @robertawickham : Chance twists a little differently for Fantine, and she starts on the road to a very different life. Featuring a lot of Zephine , too !
At Summer's End, by @saltedpin : Fantine meets a stranger on the road to M sur M , and it changes her path and theirs. A fix-it for multiple characters!
Ailes des Jais, by @akallabeth-joie : canon era, BBC setting, following up on THE hot new character from that series: Fantine's Bead Bird. Ignore my snark, this is a very sweet little tale.
Silent Night, by crimsondust/ @aflamethatneverdies : fixit for Georges and Fantine !
Grand-père Noël, by @akallabeth-joie : fix it fic! Victurnien makes a grave error and ends up helping out. And Cosette and Fantine get a mysterious visitor...
A Right to Flowers, by @midautumnnightdream: Fantine stays in Paris, and life goes a little more gently. Fix it fic for Fantine and many others.
Vulture, Lark, Sparrow, Owl, by @breadvidence: " ... in those explorations of the Infinite there are realities where the most wretched souls are extended pity in life which they elsewhere knew nowhere but under the sheltering mantle of our mother. All that Providence required was a little more snow, and a cloud traversing the sky out of season sufficed to renew a world" . Fix it fic in M- sur -M.
More AU Than That
A Favour, from @shitpostingfromthebarricade : Modern setting. Fantine and Favourite meet again some years later, now both single mothers, and renew their acquaintance.
As a Hen Gathers Her Brood, by @shitpostingfromthebarricade: A Scarlet Letter AU!! getting out classic lit in our classic lit....
Miserable Spectres, by crimsondust/ @aflamethatneverdies : a Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell AU ! Focuses largely on Fantine and Eponine as parallel figures.
En l' annee 2014: a wonderful modernizing and rewriting of Fantine's story --and Favourite's , and Dahlia's -- to bring it into the 21st century. I am in awe of the translation of themes and details across the centuries. Go go go read.
If You Ever Need Help, Call For Me, by jubilantly: a fairy tale AU! " Fantine helps three animals, and gets help in return when she needs it."
Under a Moonlit Sky, by badassindustries / @badassindistress : " The year is 1817. After Félix Tholomyès' little suprise, a despairing Fantine thinks she might go to her hometown of M-sur-M to find work. Instead, she decides to find Tholomyès and make him acknowledge Cosette. Enter a young man who would love to have an excuse to travel South (as far away from the law faculty as possible) and is uniquely suited to hunting down terrible men" . Also Bahorel is a werewolf. Don't worry about it .
And as always , tip your fic writers (leave comments !)
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fluorescentbalaclava · 5 months
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"Miniature portrait of an unknown tiefling girl recovered by The Watch from the body of Zephine Duskvale, known bard."
A bit of angst for my oc Elysen's background, Zephine was her mentor and this was a portrait of Ellie as a teen that she used to carry with her. 🥺
Clean version and process down the cut!
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Basically Ellie was abandoned by her family but she met her mentor when she was a child and Zephine basically raised her as best as she could, teaching her all the ways of a bard, manipulation 101, and how to survive in the city.
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Raz Reads Les Mis (III)
Fantine - The Year 1817
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This chapter starts with a little overview of the undocumented historical events of 1817
Which I admit confused me a bit, had to read a few pages more than once
But the main point of this chapter is introducing us to eight more characters - four students and four prostitutes
At least, I think they're prostitutes? I stand to be corrected
The students are Tholomyes (the leader), Blacheville (the second in command), Fameuil & Listolier (who have no discernible personality)
The prostitutes are Favorite, Dahlia, Zephine and Fantine
We've finally met Fantine!
About time, with this whole book being named after her
The students are extravagant, taking the women on excursions and outings and to parties
The descriptions place Favorite as the learned eldest - who has been to England and that makes her 'favorite'; Dahlia and Zephine as similar, melancholy nymphs and Fantine as the fallen angel, the corrupted grace, the demure beauty
She's also blonde and that's a personality trait to the students
Tholomyes is also a fuckboy before early 2000s tried to convince people fuckboys were a thing
He's slimy, I don't like him
The whole time, the students have been promising the women a surprise
What is this surprise? Who could this surprise be for?
Finally! The surprise! A letter!
Which Favorite reads, being the only one of the women who can
Basically the thing is the students are running away and want nothing to do with them, see you never ladies type stuff
Maturity really showing
Made all the worse when - plot twist! Fantine is pregnant with Tholomyes' child
I know I'm only three chapters in so far, but this feels like the first chapter where things are about to start. Also, I'm really not sure what it is that the women do, because they're described with terms like 'workerwomen'; 'grisette' and being fond of the needle. And I can't tell if those are euphemisms or just part of the language. Anyway - on with Fantine's story.
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If Hugo hadn't been such a mean bugger and had bothered to allow Javert to have a girlfriend in one of the female characters in the 'The Brick'
I may have missed one or two one of them I think would have been too old for Javert if I missed any others (My brain just hasn't been awake all day today so I apologize) it wasn't intentional but feel free to add them in the comments.
This was done just out of curiosity and for fun. I'm having a little break from reading 'The Brick' I've read quite a bit tonight. A few more chapters then I'm off to sleep.
Also please excuse my typos. I noticed about 15 minutes after posting and can't correct it.
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The girls chirped and chattered like uncaged warblers. They were delirious with joy.
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