e-icreator23 · 8 months
Liu: Zeya, Zether and Zepra *holds them and gives them bottles* your mother has her birthday today, can you wake him up so we can give him the birthday cake
*Mephiles opens the windows*
*they look and nod
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designbrowser · 3 years
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Animals and Flowers Seamless Patterns by Busy May Studio
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superbasschocobo · 7 years
"Maybe I can go one deeper”
le drooopppp
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haydarzba · 6 years
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My Characters 6: Kyki Starchaser
We’re back with another special on my various characters that I have played or desire to play!
 Growing up in a desert land known for it’s ties to elementals and genies, Kyki had a typical childhood for a gnome growing up in a walled city. In particular, she was always fascinated by the wealth of wonders to be found at the bazaar, such a spices, beautiful works of art, and of course, magic. Her favorite, however, were items forged or empowered by the elements. Jewelry made from sand glass, perfectly polished river stones, and the like. She seemed to be able to read impressions from these objects as well, getting flashes of insight as to their history.
When she was old enough to travel, she hired herself out as an assistant to a merchant, hoping to see even more wonders, and it was on her travels that she realized her insight was more than just intuition, but the spark of occult understanding.
Fascinated, she did research into the nature of her gift, and in doing so, learned how to call forth her jin companions, Zepra, Kragg, and Smoldr, the three of which being usually small, but with an infusion of her power, can grow to great size and unnerving handsomeness.
With her own power established, Kyki quit her job in favor of the life of an adventurer, eagerly seeking new wonders with her elemental allies in tow.
 Ever-curious and ever-fearless, Kyki has been described as naïve and reckless before, but to her it’s simply being eager to explore and accept what life has to offer as one would accept a gift. While she finds the idea of violence abhorrent, she is also aware of the harshness of life. She won’t start hostilities, but she will end them. She’d much rather make a new friend and share her interests with them. Few things excite her more than a brilliant mind willing to indulge her in debate and observation.
 As a gnome, Kyki is a short, spritely thing with brown skin and bright blue hair that she wears in a messy ponytail. Her elemental allies joke that such is the missing “water” to their elemental trio.
Kyki favors the loose desert attire from her homeland, but always wears brightly-colored outfits regardless of weather, and she is never seen without her braided skirt of trinkets, each composed of a material weathered and changed by the elements, worn stones, fire-blackened wood, and so on.
 For this build, Kyki is a gnome with the explorer alternate racial trait, and her class will be the sha’ir archetype for occultist, preferably taking an air jin as her first choice (Zepra) with the conjuration school, followed by Smoldr the fire jin with evocation and gem-studded Kragg the earth jin with the enchantment school. She would be built for damage-dealing, utility, and social encounters in terms of her skills, spells, and focus powers. As far as magic items go she would favor those made from natural materials or with a clear elemental connection.
 That does it for today, but I hope you enjoyed it!
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Breach - Jack (Zepra Remix) by ZEPRA http://ift.tt/2FA7T9L
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betulsjune · 3 years
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greenkey14 · 6 years
Lost (Zepra Flip) by FE https://ift.tt/2N5Yjxn
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sakura108645 · 7 years
Yandere Sinbad x Reader: The One That Denines the King:Part 1
When she first arrived to Sindria, well more she appeared out of nowhere, the king saw her wandering around, confused and scared. She was a strange one. Not a sound ever left her lips, not a sound ever left her steps, it was almost as she was ghost. And with the reactions his djiins were giving and told him that the girl had unexplainable knowledge of the world, he made up his mind to have her in his kingdom. One problem....
She avoided him like the plague and it irritated him to the fullest. So he made his quest, to make the girl speak. To hear her voice. "I've noticed you have your eyes set on certain someone." Ja'far said one days as he brought a stack of papers to his King's office. Sinbad smiles, pretending not to know. "I don't know what you're talking about?" Sinbad said back as he signed papers. Ja'far gave him a blank face and the King sweat drops. "I know you have your eyes on (Y/n), Sin. She isn't just some conquest you can conquer. And based on the just the few days she stayed here, she doesn't like being around you." Ja'far said straight to his face. "You think she may be a spy from Kou? Reim perhaps?" The king said, trying to change the subject. "Sigh.....I don't think so. She's...how do I say it....afraid of people. She looks at people with fear and is mute." He said. "Wait? What do you mean she's mute?" Sinbad said, confused.
- Garden -
"That's so pretty Miss (Y/n)!! Please teach me!" Kougyoku said as you gently gave her the flower crown you weaved using the flowers and roses you picked. "Thank you." A water bubble appeared in your hands that smelled the words out. "No thank you. You make a better teacher than Alibaba." Kougyoku giggled and Alibaba pouted. Morgiana, Aladdin, and Hakuryuu were also present. "(Y/n), why won't you talk?" Morgiana suddenly asked and you stiffened. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you!" She bowed and you shook your hands to make her stop. You sighs and gave them a sad smile. Once again, you had your words spelled out into the water bubble for them to read. "Growing up, I was always looked down upon and made fun of. I was bullied and harassed for 20 years. I have no mother or father. And when I would speak, people would ignore me. I was told if I would speak, my voice would sound hideous. I endured mental, physical, and emotional for 20 years. I was always told to be silence so I stayed silent. Since then, I have not spoken for 15 years. Reading books help me run away from my reality, even if it was just for a moment." You spelled out and everyone looked at you shocked. "I was never shown kindness is receiving it, and speaking to you all, is a....overwhelming." you said and grinned crookedly. Everyone was silent and you stiffened when you felt Aladdin suddenly hug you, and put his face in your chest. "It's okay miss (Y/n). We understand. I know being with us can be overwhelming, but can take your time. You don't have to up to us right away. And I'm sure if you ever talk again one day, I'll be the prettiest voice in the world! So, take your time!" Aladdin grins to you. Tears slowly fell from your eyes and everyone began panicking and you couldn't help but cry. Feeling kindness for this moment and from now on, was the greatest joy in the was the best thing that had ever happened in your life.
"Okay! Seeing as you can create a water bubble, I've decided to make you my apprentice! You will be joining Aladdin when I teach him magic." Yamuraiha said happily as you stared at her. "Aaaww!! I wanted to teach her how to fly and manage the birds!" Pisti pouted and crossed her arms. "I wanted to teach her the way of the sword with Alibaba!" Sharrkan glared at Yamuraiha. The others watched as Yamraiha and Sharrkan began to argue who was going to train you. You couldn't help but smile a bit. When you told the others that would read, you would read manga and watch anime. So you knew everything that was going to happen in the future in this world. But......
"What's going on?"
You felt someone behind you and turned. It was Sinbad. Fear filled you and you quickly went towards Ja'far. "I want to teach (Y/n)!!" Pisti, Sharrkan and Yamuraiha yelled and then glared at each other. Sinbad's eye twitched as he saw you run from him again. Don't get it wrong. When you first read about Sinbad, you liked him. He is a kind man, you've read what he's gone through. But, as the story went by, you saw the actions he did were wrong and made you hate him. It's a love and hate relationship with Sinbad. But now that you are here, with the real thing, flesh and blood, you feared him. If he ever found out you are from another world, you had knowledge of the future, everything about everything and everyone, he wouldn't let you leave Sindria at all. That's why you avoided the man like the plague. But seems you are catching his interest more and more. "Really?" He said and smiles, "How about I train you personally?" Sinbad said. "HEY!!" The other three said. You shook your head. You refuse, you refuse, you refuse!!! "Oh! She rejected his offer!" Hinahoho laughed at the face Sinbad was making. "Respect her decision everyone. Alright then, who do you want to train you?" Sinbad said and smiles. You stayed silent and everyone watched as you walked up to.....and took his hand. "M-Me?!" Said person said in shock. "SPARTOS?!" Everyone said in shock. Hakuryuu smirked. "That means you'll be training with me also." Hakuryuu said and patted your head. You liked his warm touched and couldn't help but nuzzle, which made the poor boy turn red with embarrassment. You liked Hakuryuu, the boy is like a little brother to you. You smiled and hugged him to your chest, grinning and the poor boy with a bloody nose. Sinbad felt some sort of rage stir within him and then you pat the boy's head.
- A week Later -
You clashed your spear with Hakuryuu's, both of you using magoi manipulation. Spartos watched and nodded in approval. He was amazed by how quickly you picked up the spear and you combined your skills with water and sound magic, you have been given the name, Lady of The Lake. You sweat drop at the name because that name belongs to Azura from Fire Emblem Fates. "I think you should get a real spear." Hakuryuu said as both of you were taking a break. You thought for moment and turned to Spartos, who was also in thought. "I think it's a good idea. You've been using the practice ones from here, so I believe it might be time to get your own." Spartos smiles and you bowed to thank him.
During dinner, you saw all your favorite spots, that were far from Sinbad, were gone. And the only seat left was the one next to him. Sinbad smiles and you sigh and make yourself to the chair. "Glad you could join us! How's training?" Sinbad asked as he saw you sit down, but you scooted away from him. You took a bite of your food and smile. Hakuryuu must have cooked today. You picked up your cup and took a sip and immediately spit it out. "Are you alright?!" Sinbad went up to you and lightly patted your back. You coughed and shooed him away. You made a water bubble appear and spelled your words out. "I hate wine......." it said and everyone stared at you. "No worries sis! I can't drink wine yet but we can share some orange jucie together!" Aladdin said and you nodded. So you were poured a glass of orange juice and sat back down. "Ahem!" Spartos cleared his throat and everyone turned to him, "my king, I was wondering if we could go to the blacksmith's shop tomorrow for (Y/n) to obtain her own spear. She's done an excellent job in training and I believe it is time." Spartos said and you nodded. Sinbad thought for a moment then then spoke. "No need for her to go to the blacksmith. I think I have the right spear that may suite her." Sinbad said and you looked at him shocked. You shook your head, refusing anything that he offered you. "She says no. (Y/n), do you have something against the king?" Drakon asked and you shook your head. "Please understand, I do not wish to accept anything out of personal values. I grew up where I must earn my achievements." You wrote. "You've done well and you have earned it. So please, accept it." Sinbad said as he took your hand but slapped his away. He was starting to get annoyed by your attitude towards him. "I REFUSE!" You spelled in bold letters and your face showed anger and you stormed out. "Rejected once again....5 STRIKES IN A ROW!!" Sharrkan laughed.
You went to your room and slammed the door shut. You flopped onto your bed and hugged your pillow. And about to close your eyes when you suddenly felt a breeze and looked to your window, and your eyes slowly went wide. "I really am hurt (Y/n)....." Amber eyes looked at you as you sat up and with a smile.
You were frozen then........water suddenly surrounded you and turned to dragons and charged at Sinbad, which completely caught him off guard and bolted. At times like this, he wished he didn't use Zepra. While he was trying to get away from your water dragons, you huffed and shut and lock you window and locked the door to your room.
- The Next Day -
Kougyoku looked at you confused as you made a green gem go into her chest. "What's this?" She asked as pink sakura blossom appeared on her forehead. She blushed as she saw herself in your mirror, she looked like a cute shrine maiden. "I placed a protection spell on you. If anyone uses their djiin powers on you, it is completely nullified and has no effect on you." You spelled out. "Incredible! Thank you (Y/n)!" Shemsaid and hugged you. One, you truly care for her, that is why you placed the spell and to stop Sinbad's plan. The two of you left your room and of course, today Kougyoku and Sinbad would battle. A dew hours later, that actually happened. You were glad you were brought when the Zagan arc ended. Hakuryuu has Zagan, and lost his arm.... You watched as Sinbad transformed to Zepra and you made everyone go deaf with your magic to protect them, same with you. As Sinbad used Zepra, the sound hit the entire empire but......
His eyes went wide as he saw Kougyoku smirking at him. "Sorry to tell you King Sinbad, but djinn magic has no affect on me." She grins. Everyone else was confused why they didn't fall asleep. You released the spell on them and yourself. "So you have a djinn that can nullified djiin magic........" Sinbad said as the two landed and undjiin equip. You inwardly smirked and hugged Kougyoku from behind. Sinbad stared at the two you while the princess was blushing. Kougyoku is my sister! You are forbidden to touch her!" You spelled out and glared with puff cheeks at Sinbad and hugged Kougyoku tighter. Sinbad sweat drops then noticed the sakura marking on Kougyoku. "I don't remember that marking on your forehead princess. What happened?" He asked. "This is symbol that shrine maidens in Kou wear as a symbolism of peace and prosperity. It's to show that I wish for peace between our countries." Kougyoku smiles. You smile and look up to Sinbad. "I see. That is a beautiful way of showing it." He then turned to you, "(Y/n), I would like to make a deal with you." He said and everyone began to get confused. "Since you rejected the spear I wished to give you, how about this? We will have a match. If you win, you don't have to accept it and I will do whatever you want. But if I win, " he smirked and she narrowed her eyes, "you will accept it and become my second vizier." Sinbad said. The world around you froze. You clench your fist and walked up to him then....
Everyone gasped and couldn't believe what you just did. Sinbad slowly turned back to you and saw you holding in tears.
Everyone froze as retracted your hand and glared at him, the ground underneath you frozen solid. "I am not a conquest." You said in the coldest voice ever and left.
- A Few Hours Later: Your Room -
"(Y/n)....." Kougyoku said as you had your head lying on her lap, and lightly running her fingers in your hair. You stayed silent and just relaxed in her warmth. Aladdin, Alibaba, Morgiana, and Hakuryuu were present. "We've wanted to hear your voice but....not like this..." Morgiana said as she patted your head. "Sis...uncle Sinbad is sorry.....he knows what he's done wrong....will you please accept his apology?" Aladdin said and you shook your head. You sat up and patted his head. The other day they were discussing their plans for the future. You made your choice. Tomorrow, the ship for everyone's departure leaves. You will leave, making sure none of the generals know, especially Sinbad. You will leave to Kou with Hakuryuu and Kougyoku. You already the trio and Kou siblings and they swore not to say a word. They said goodnight and left your room. You sigh and sat on your bed and opened the window a bit. You hugged your knees and began to sing....
Those days were like dreams Now you've gone Left me with a coward smile and those gentle nails
Just like those boring petals Let me forget the pain Gently, behind your back Cried and smiled
I was filled with such a strange kindness, Made me recalling those never returning days Holding back my breath inside the miniature garden
Seasons have forgotten to pass They were inside the peaceful time as if in the bottom of ocean
Freezing petals Scattering and blooming in the night How painful, Just like the white snow All the deep sorrow that befell upon you, I just want to drive them all away
I believe, I can't forgive every single creatures who have hurt you I want to back to those gentle days so much that my tears are falling Petals of flowers that we looked together have withered and fallen
Moon was hiding behind the clouds You lost your way Those eyes were about to burst into tears
If you try to combine those two parts I believe, a gentle thing will be born even from a jagged heart
You've never forgiven every single creatures who have hurt me That's all enough for me
I clang hard onto your hands that you've reached out just for a joke Finally, a warm ray of hope has lit up upon this world I gave up
Freezing petals Cutting off through the night I gather every plucked lights into a bouquet Just like a happiness I just want to scatter them all Right above you
You've promised me, right? That you'll get angry if I do something bad That's why, I believe that you'll find me once again I don't need to be in a lonely place anymore, right? Petals of flowers I looked up all alone by myself have withered and fallen    
You sang and let your tears fall. "I'm sorry......" you suddenly heard and saw Sinbad standing on the window edge. You glared and closed the window in his face and used magic to turn the glass black, so he wouldn't see inside,  Sinbad sighs and knocked on it but no response. You were packing your belongings and put them in your magic closet. "(Y/n), open the window this instant." Sinbad ordered and you glared at the window.
"You are not my king."
Fury filled him. "Open this damn window right this instant or so call help me!" He said furiously and you spoke, the voice of a queen. "You are not my king. I am not a conquest. I belong to no one." And with that, you heard the window shatter, the glass looking like rain around him. He walked up to you and both of you looked dead in the eyes. "You are no longer the same man you were once. I admire you but I despise you. I serve no one. You are a man that does not take no for an answer. Then I shall continue to be the one that says no." You said and the black rukh surrounded the two of you. Sinbad glared menacingly then chuckled. "Very well then. I----!!" He froze the instant he saw a rukh silhouette hug you and glare at him.
Zepra began reacting all of a sudden and Sinbad felt like he was looking at Serendine. You closed your eyes and pointed out the door and spoke.
- The Next Day -
"WHAT?!" Sinbad yelled as all the generals stiffened. It's been 8 hours since the boat left and you were nowhere to be found. "We checked her room and all her belongings are gone. But she left a note that she is going with Morgiana." Spartos said. But he lied on the part of Morgiana. He knows you are heading to Kou and respected your decision. Sinbad gritted his teeth. His plan....ruined! Everything was ruined! His plan to use the Kou princess, his plan to get information out of you....everything! When he woke up this morning.....
"My queen has returned. Forgive me king Sinbad but I shall return to her. For she is my one true King."
Zepra disappeared from his ring and left to who knows where. Most likely with you. He swore he'll get you back and make you his. If you are the spider then he is the one that can kill it.
- With you -
You had Kougyoku come with you and Hakuryuu as the three of you rode your horses to the army base that Hakuei was at. You didn't want Kougyoku to be endanger, that's why you had her come with you and Hakuryuu. You touched the golden and beautiful spear you had secretly made for you, and was now, your metal vessel. "For my true Queen has return! I shall serve you till the very end!" Zepra said cheerfully and smiled. The three of you stopped near a village to restock on supplies. You sat down and closed your eyes.
You were transported to a labyrinth of pink spider lilies and there, standing in the center of the labyrinth, was Serendine. You walked up to her and smile. "I'm you're alright. Sinbad has changed so much. He isn't the same man as before." She said and you nodded. "It seems I'm on his...to kill list." You cringed. Serendine chuckled and walked up to you and clasp your hands. "He won't hurt you. That man has an interest with you. What do you plan to do from now on? You won't see him for an entire year till the war of Magnoshat." She said worried. You smiled and pointed to your metal vessel. "I can assure you that I will protect her!" Zepra said. "I will, stay three months in Kou, then 3 in Reim, 3 in Partevia, and three in Magnoshutatt." You said and she grins. "Sounds like an adventure to me! I will teach you my countries studies of poisons. I think you will like it." She winked and you giggle.
You opened your eyes and saw Kougyoku speaking to Hakuryuu about the cute bunny sweets that she bought. You smile and looked up to the sky, unknown to you, Sinbad was too looking at the sky from his kingdom. He smiles as he walked back to his room, where he had a shirt that belonged to you on his bed. He picked it up and smelled it. The scent of jasmins and spider lillies, but also cherries. He licked his lips. He can see it. You, squirming underneath him as he ravished you and had you screaming his name at the top of your lungs. He chuckled darkly and already had a room prepared for you. One that only he can enter......
"Soon my sweet spider lily......you will soon be the maiden that I deflower and make mine for all eternity....."
(To be continued......)
Why this popped up in my head, I don't know. Still crying over new Sinbad no Bouken chapter that was released......WHAAAAAAA!!!! MY SMOL BEAN MYSTRAS!!!!😭😭😭 OKTAHA YOU SADIST!! 😡😡😡😠😠 So those that have requested for halloween, I may not finish them all by that day, but I will keep working on them and publish them till I am done! Also, I noticed that you guys like my Masrur and Natsumi pair from my story, Change it All, and will release a one shot of them soon!! Till then, enjoy!
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autumnsadventures · 5 years
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My babys first zepra ride with a mokey!! #babies #baby #funny #happy https://www.instagram.com/p/B4WNlAzHiFu/?igshid=ygf19ub510o6
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eliadamar · 5 years
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חוגגים והפעם 50 למיכל (אחות של גל) אחלה אוכל! ושוב אין אור...מסעדות אנטי אינסטגרם (: (at צפרה|ZEPRA) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzBha3eHHNU/?igshid=1cxlon7n12brp
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un-enfant-immature · 5 years
Lifen raises $22.7 million for its healthcare messaging platform
French startup Lifen is raising a $22.7 million (€20 million) funding round. Partech is leading the round with Idinvest Partners and Majycc eSanté Invest also participating. Existing investors Serena and Daphni are also investing again.
Most of the healthcare industry in France still relies on good old physical letters with stamps and everything. Lifen wants to help practitioners and hospitals switch to digital letters instead to save time and money.
While it’s easy to send a digital receipt instead of printing one, it gets a bit more complicated with health information. Companies have to comply with regulation and make sure that everything remains confidential. Lifen says that everything is encrypted in transit and at rest, and the company can’t access your data.
Lifen acts as an interface with multiple electronic messaging protocols — MS Santé, Apicrypt, Zepra and Medimail. You can send a letter using those protocols in a few clicks. And because paper isn’t going to die overnight, you can also send letters through the French postal service using Lifen as well.
The startup manages a directory of healthcare professionals and also handles read receipts. When it comes to receiving messages, Lifen acts as a unified inbox that lets you receive messages, documents and reports from various channels — it essentially looks like an email interface with an inbox and an outbox. You can then export each document and sort them in a patient folder.
When it comes to user experience, the startup tries to automate as many things as possible. After setting up Lifen, you can select it as a printer in the printing popup — it’s compatible with any app that supports printing.
The service then tries to detect names and addresses to figure out who is supposed to receive the letter. Lifen searches its directory to find out how to contact this particular healthcare professional.
Individual healthcare professionals can access Lifen for €25 per month. And I’m sure hospitals pay a lot more to access the service.
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mosaicofsoul · 5 years
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@zepra_rest #restaurant #table #chef #food #lovetoeat #evening #goodevening #light #night #glass #2/5 #2019 #happybirthdayfriend 21.5.19 (at צפרה|ZEPRA) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx5Zf5CnJlY/?igshid=14isr3aeh6ggw
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endthedj · 6 years
New BODY MOVES Sets On Mixcloud
Early responses to this new series on Mixcloud have been fantastic! Thank you to those who tune in, listen, repost, favorite and of course - keep moving  ^_^
CLICK HERE FOR END: the DJ Body Moves Jan 5.2019 Mix
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Welcome to a new mix set series highlighting the direction I’ve been taking my club sets into the new year & beyond. This is beat-driven, stomp inducing dark alternative electronic dance music - I love the grittiness and the raw beats simply kick. 
Track list:
REZZ- Lost (Zepra Flip) feat. Delaney
The Cure- Lullaby (JFJP Remix)
Diversant:13- Riot Brigade
b l o x x c h a i n- digitallust
Marilyn Manson- Say10 (AGLORY Vision)
REZZ x Deathpact- Life Death
R Λ V Λ Y Σ K- Insolence
ESA- Bad Blood Will Out
AGLORY- Bagarre
Perhopes- Schizophrenia
Airmann- The Blackening
JFJP- Misfortune Black Bird
[:SITD:]- Brother Death
NEUS- Counters
Ivardensphere- Grounder
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endenogatai · 5 years
Lifen raises $22.7 million for its healthcare messaging platform
French startup Lifen is raising a $22.7 million (€20 million) funding round. Partech is leading the round with Idinvest Partners and Majycc eSanté Invest also participating. Existing investors Serena and Daphni are also investing again.
Most of the healthcare industry in France still relies on good old physical letters with stamps and everything. Lifen wants to help practitioners and hospitals switch to digital letters instead to save time and money.
While it’s easy to send a digital receipt instead of printing one, it gets a bit more complicated with health information. Companies have to comply with regulation and make sure that everything remains confidential. Lifen says that everything is encrypted in transit and at rest, and the company can’t access your data.
Lifen acts as an interface with multiple electronic messaging protocols — MS Santé, Apicrypt, Zepra and Medimail. You can send a letter using those protocols in a few clicks. And because paper isn’t going to die overnight, you can also send letters through the French postal service using Lifen as well.
The startup manages a directory of healthcare professionals and also handles read receipts. When it comes to receiving messages, Lifen acts as a unified inbox that lets you receive messages, documents and reports from various channels — it essentially looks like an email interface with an inbox and an outbox. You can then export each document and sort them in a patient folder.
When it comes to user experience, the startup tries to automate as many things as possible. After setting up Lifen, you can select it as a printer in the printing popup — it’s compatible with any app that supports printing.
The service then tries to detect names and addresses to figure out who is supposed to receive the letter. Lifen searches its directory to find out how to contact this particular healthcare professional.
Individual healthcare professionals can access Lifen for €25 per month. And I’m sure hospitals pay a lot more to access the service.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8204425 https://tcrn.ch/31vYpa0 via IFTTT
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Lifen raises $22.7 million for its healthcare messaging platform – TechCrunch
http://tinyurl.com/y3ocq89n French startup Lifen is elevating a $22.7 million (€20 million) funding spherical. Partech is main the spherical with Idinvest Companions and Majycc eSanté Make investments additionally taking part. Current buyers Serena and Daphni are additionally investing once more. Many of the healthcare business in France nonetheless depends on good previous bodily letters with stamps and every thing. Lifen needs to assist practitioners and hospitals change to digital letters as an alternative to avoid wasting money and time. Whereas it’s straightforward to ship a digital receipt as an alternative of printing one, it will get a bit extra difficult with well being info. Firms need to adjust to regulation and be sure that every thing stays confidential. Lifen says that every thing is encrypted in transit and at relaxation, and the corporate can’t entry your knowledge. Lifen acts as an interface with a number of digital messaging protocols — MS Santé, Apicrypt, Zepra and Medimail. You’ll be able to ship a letter utilizing these protocols in a number of clicks. And since paper isn’t going to die in a single day, you may also ship letters by the French postal service utilizing Lifen as nicely. The startup manages a listing of healthcare professionals and in addition handles learn receipts. With regards to receiving messages, Lifen acts as a unified inbox that permits you to obtain messages, paperwork and studies from numerous channels — it primarily appears like an e-mail interface with an inbox and an outbox. You’ll be able to then export every doc and type them in a affected person folder. With regards to person expertise, the startup tries to automate as many issues as potential. After establishing Lifen, you may choose it as a printer within the printing popup — it’s suitable with any app that helps printing. The service then tries to detect names and addresses to determine who is meant to obtain the letter. Lifen searches its listing to learn how to contact this specific healthcare skilled. Particular person healthcare professionals can entry Lifen for €25 monthly. And I’m positive hospitals pay much more to entry the service. Source link
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