#zeref can love natsu but in a fucked up way!
Hey! Just wanted to ask if you have any headcanons abt ignia, zeref, and natsu being brothers👀
With Ignia that is a big ol no because I just don't like him lol. I don't care for anything introduced in the sequel and he's included in that🤣.
With regards to Zeref and Natsu however, weeeeellllll. I have mixed feelings on that plot point.
Like i was never big on Zeref and Natsu being brothers, I personally think it should've just been Natsu being Zeref's creation alone. That would be a spicy enough plot twist by itseld and neatly answer the zeref and natsu connection. Them being brothers kinda felt like too much on the pile y'know?
But, I don't completely hate it. It does add an interesting layer to connect the protag and our main villain plus interesting backstory and lore because for us the audience Natsu before Igneel was a mystery and this was an excellent opportunity to look into that as well as zeref's history as well. However i think the brother plot point in canon wasn't used to its full potential.
Like i said above it missed the moment to show history. What was ancient fiore like when they were kids? What killed baby Natsu? Did Zeref have to recreate a new body for Natsu from his dna or use the old one? Exactly how long was he at it to make Natsu? To make END?
The brother plot point is a huge source of some delicious conflict which couldve been dug a lil bit deeper from both parties.
On Zeref's side you have this guy who clearly loved his family. He went to all this trouble to bring back his brother after all. But! He only brought back his brother, his younger brother. Not even his parents. Why not bring back all of them? Why stop at one?
Questions my dear anon. Why only bring back your younger sibling? For control? The one member he had authority over. Why bind him to a book that you can easily manipulate?
And then after bringing back Natsu he tied his life to his own so if one goes they both go. And then he gave him to Igneel. There's just so much to unpack there. Zeref's love was twisted and dark and it rotted him.
Can you imagine seeing it from his side, working tirelessly through grief to try and bring back his family- maybe he intended to bring them all back- for who knows how long and his grief and determination morphs to obsession where instead of all he just brings back one. One that he's going to make sure sticks with him to the very end so when Zeref finally falls he won't fall and be alone like when he lost his family the first time.
And then on Natsu's side. Oh on Natsu's side. There is so much there that went unused. Learning that his life is tied to a fragile book, that Igneel knew. To know that you died and was brought back, that the guy who's pretty much responsible for almost all your friends' grief is not only your maker but the only living relative you have left.
How do you process that? How do you forgive if, you can forgive at all? It would've been a moment for Natsu to really question his ideals and think. For Natsu who was always so sure of his identity as Natsu Dragneel, Fairy Tail wizard and Son of Igneel to question himself at the core and for the main theme of friendship and found family to really shine through as chosen family comes face to face with blood family.
I know you asked for hcs and I went off track but there was a lot that could've been done with the brother plot line that could've really deepened a lot of stuff but instead only skimmed surface level and went the easy route of forgiveness after a fist fight which felt really hollow and underwhelming.
I dunno man I just have a lot of thoughts with regards to this 😅😅😅
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cutecatlov3r · 1 year
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨?
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various x reader ! [natsu, gray, gajeel, jellal, and zeref]
synopsis: my head cannons and my opinion on which songs they'd fuck you to .
warnings/tw: all characters are 21+, praise, degradation, and my personal head cannons on what they are like during sex .
a/n: don't copy my work ! like, re-blog, and comment ily ! not proofread .
jjk ver. aot ver. hq ver. bllk ver. bnha ver.
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Natsu Dragneel
Sure Thing [Miguel]
✰ Of course Natsu sees you as a friend and a lover, this song explains how he feels about you. That's why it's his favorite.
✰ He can be a dom or a sub, it's whatever you want from him, he loves you so he will do anything for you.
✰ This song makes him want to fuck you deep, slow, and steady. He just wants you to know that he loves you.
✰ He is a bit dumb so he doesn't always have the right words during sex.
✰ "Holy shit, the way you take my dick is so good! Keep it up babe,"
✰ He is a moaning mess, he can't control himself !
✰ Usually he tries not to cum inside of you, he doesn't want to make a mess or have a mini him running around the house.
✰ But ! Sometimes he has breeding urges so he tries to cum deep in your womb here and there.
✰ He couldn't ask for anyone better than you, you're his person. He dedicated this song to you for a reason.
✰ He doesn't really understand aftercare so all he does is hold you tightly so you can't get up after sex.
"We could do it, baby, simple and plain. 'Cause this love is a sure thing"
Gray Fullbuster
Na Na [Trey Songz]
✰ I can see him being a sweet dom. Like mean in actions but sweet when it comes to talking with you.
✰ It's cannon that he smokes so he probably would light up a cigarette as he plunges himself deep inside you.
✰ He'd offer you a cigarette to but you're too fucked out of your mind to reply to him.
✰ He smirks when seeing you in such a pathetic position.
✰ He'd be the one who would go as deep and as fast as he can, not wanting to slow down.
✰ Butt naked. You and him don't wear any clothes when it comes to sex.
✰ I can't see him as the type to cum inside you, I feel like he'd like to cum on your tummy or on your face.
✰ "Hey, all clothes off sweetheart, including your bra,"
✰ After cumming on you he will clean you up and just hold you close while being naked.
"You feeling lucky tonight, When we leave this party, you gon' love me tonight"
Gajeel Redfox
Locked Out of Heaven [Bruno Mars]
✰ GUYS ! HEAR ME OUT ! This is something he'd listen to! He loves music that has somewhat of a funky beat.
✰ Of course he fucks you to this song. Your sex does take him to paradise.
✰ Degrades you if you act like a brat and doesn't often praise you.
✰ "Shut your damn mouth you brat !"
✰ He manhandles you . Super rough, pushes your head into the pillows etc.
✰ This song during sex isn't very likable to you but if it makes Gajeel happy, you don't mind listening to it.
✰ Cums inside you at all costs.
✰ He sings . He sings this song after you two are done . He can't help it .
"'Cause your sex takes me to paradise"
Jellal Fernandez
Die For You [Joji]
✰ Switch. With this song he is kind of submissive.
✰ He loves you so deeply and passionate. This song expresses that he would die for you, even if you left him.
✰ I can see his deep voice moaning and groaning.
✰ "So... Warm~ Keep bouncing on my cock... So good~"
✰ Praises you but when he's dominate he would degrade you.
✰ He lets you ride him to this song, going at whatever pace you want.
✰ "W-woah, slow down baby,"
✰ If you don't cum he will use his tongue to make you.
✰ Boob guy>
✰ He sucks on your boobs, leaving hickeys on your soft plump breasts.
"And it's true that I need you here closer"
Zeref Dragneel
Apocalypse [Cigarettes After Sex]
✰ His love for you is out of this world . He is the definition of 'would die for you'.
✰ He has never cared for anyone so much.
✰ He is the type to cry after sex because of how much he loves you. The intimacy just makes him so happy to be with you.
✰ Super slow and gentle with you, rubbing on your favorite parts to help you cum.
✰ "Are you gonna cum for me?"
✰ He likes sucking on your skin, he doesn't care where it's at.
✰ He is a vanilla guy.
✰ Moans for you, loud and clearly.
✰ He is so sweet, making sure you're okay. He often gets worried if he hurts you on accident, he would never dream of hurting you.
✰ You're his everything, he couldn't live without you.
✰ After sex he will help you get in the shower, rubbing your back until you fall asleep.
"Your lips, my lips. Apocalypse"
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zorua-adorable · 1 year
Alright, Zeref feels and thoughts time.
First, I find it so interesting that it is because of him that Fairy Tail even exists; like, both the show and the guild. It’s just so interesting that the final villain made actions so long ago that ended up putting all the pieces in place to lead to this reality. He has affected the world in such a strong way, that the ripple effect affected so many of the characters.
Another thing I enjoy about him is something I consider to be his core, most defining trait: how deeply he cares and loves. Cause think about it. He loved Natsu so deeply that he was willing to break rules of literal gods just to get him back.
And he in turn gets cursed in such a way that turns his caring nature against him. So he probably falls into a lot of self-loathing and now wants to die. But another part of that curse is that he now can’t die, so now he returns to breaking god rules just to find a way to create something that could kill him.
And he thinks he's finally made his masterpiece - while also getting his brother back at the same time. But he’s nowhere even close to being ready to kill him, so now he’s just gotta wait it out. But he still cares so deeply so he keeps killing things, so he has to lie to himself and pretend he doesn't actually care; which as we see in his introduction on Tenrou and his first appearance in Zero that he is absolutely shit at doing so, even after all this time, because it goes against his nature. (And at some point I guess he decides creating an empire is a good idea because he’ll hate the job of running a country so much that he’ll forget to care for a while.)
And then one day he meets Natsu again but he’s like “fuck, you’re not ready to kill me.” And the actions of Grimoire Heart seems to make him lose some faith in humanity (and in retrospect, maybe he’s extra pissed at Hades because he recognizes him as Precht and is upset he’s using magic to do evil shit when he’s the one who taught him magic, idk).
But he also notices that Natsu also cares & loves deeply and draws strength from his love for his friends & guild and won't stand for his guild being threatened. So he's like “if I do some evil shit to his guild, maybe I can draw the strength necessary to kill me out of him.” And if that doesn’t work, he has another plan kind of in the works cause he’s dabbled in time travel before, so what if he tries that again but instead of to revive his brother, it’s to kill himself before he becomes immortal (or whatever his plan was there; it’s been a while).
And back to how deeply Zeref loves, it makes him such a great parallel to Natsu. They both love and care so deeply that they are willing to break the rules for those they care about. They’re such good foils in that I feel they are almost the same; by that I mean the main difference between them is that Natsu has a support system in Fairy Tail, and Zeref did not have one back then and now can’t have one due to his curse. Like, I think that Zeref is who Natsu would become if he lost everyone he cared about; I think he might follow that same path and break rules made by gods to bring them back only to be put in a position where he can’t be around them anymore for their safety, leading him to once again follow Zeref’s path toward self-destruction.
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stella-ignis-rosea · 4 months
Character introduction
Name: Kohaku Ember Dragneel
Age: 15-16 (depends on his verse)
Birthday: January 10th
Race: Human(formerly) kitsune
Hair color: White
Hair length: long (up to his waist)
Hairstyle: long braid
Skin color: pale white
Eyes: deep red
Personality: he’s short-fused, rude at times, tends to keep to himself. Those who often meet him for the first time often think he’s just a kid with a horrid attitude when really it’s more of an unconscious self-defense as he’s got his guard up most of the time. But to those who form a close bond or friendship find out surprisingly he’s just someone who’s never got to be a kid. He acts way older than he is, he tries to act mature as much as possible as he often hates being called a kid (tho some certain people do get away with it). If he’s ever relaxed around you? He can either be in a chaotic pranking mood or even just playful
Backstory: his origin story slightly depends on his verse. But the long gist of it was he grew up on an isolated island called Hoshi island, the old chief who ran a village on the island was given Kohaku to raise by a strange man…and the old man Szarlon Henzo became Kohaku’s Sensei..he taught Kohaku magic and martial arts, mainly ninjitsu style. He was trained in skills that most would question why would a parent ever teach a kid, like assassination, stealth, powerful magic, rituals..Hoshi island was cut off from the mainland by Ouroboros, the God of Rebirth and Cycles, keeper of the cosmic flames…the Flames of Of the Stars..Kohaku being raised by the Chief of the island was set to be the next leader of Hoshi island..one horrid day…the island was raided…destroyed, and devastated..he and his friends tried to escape, but after the sacrifice of their leader, Szarlon...they couldn’t do much to escape. After being captured he and other survivors were kept in slave camps for experimentation until 3 years later he led a revolt in an attempt to escape……while he was the only one who survived the attempt….his kin did not survive…he escaped the island and was lost at sea for a certain amount time…and nearly drowned at sea..thankfully he succeeded in reaching the mainland…only to remember..nothing from his past…only the magic he carried..
Magic: little is known about his magic as it came from many rituals for ouroboros. Some call it Azure Fire Magic…but it’s more than that…some say he’s tuned to the cosmos. His fire is supposed to be blue and bathed in some strange energy…however due to his age..it’s a bright hot pink, he has also this strange passive ability to change his color pallet. From white hair to black hair with a cherry blossom pink streak. And his skin gets more of a tanner tone. Aside from his magic from ouroboros, he has his kitsune magic: shapeshifting, fox fire, etc.
Animal companions: a Snake named Stardust. She is his magic bonded companion who tends to mother him.
Fairy Tail
Family: Natsu Dragneel (older brother) Zeref Dragneel (elder brother) @kurogane-redfox (Uncle Gaj…I fucking love these two..despite being uncle and nephew they have a father/son bond..) @draighaearn (Menace Uncle Gajeel..Do not leave these two unsupervised) @mirroredworlds (Natsu-they are wondering if they are even siblings lol.., Gajeel- Uncle that Ko loves to have Sake with) @ignis-venenatus (Natsu-brother that acts like a dad/ Erik-Good friend of Kohaku) @blacksteeldragon (Gajeel- Dad) YES THIS BOY WAS ADOPTED BY A FLIGHT OF DRAGONS 😂
Extra info: because he’s constantly surrounded by dragonslayers, Kohaku has adopted dragon like behaviors. Steaming, hoarding, breathing fire through his mouth!
After he washed up on the mainland he came across Zeref, who then brought him to achnologia, Kohaku was then sealed in Crystal in a state of sleep stasis for 400 years…only reawakening after the 7 year skip on tenrou. After that Kohaku set out, having no memory at all of his past? He eventually finds Natsu and fairy tail :D
How he became a kitsune, Kohaku will honestly keep that a secret, but Ouroboros prevented his death by turning him into a kitsune. He is not full grown, he was only granted 5 tails, one for each trauma he overcame
Genshin Verse
He turned into a kitsune after drowning at sea, ouroboros saved him from drowning this way. Kohaku then woke up in Liyue with no memory..and a pyro vision
Family: @crimsononiarataki (Official Adoptive Dad) @kurogane-redfox (STILL UNCLE GAJ XD)
More will be added soon
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mdelpin · 3 years
A Proper Send Off
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Gratsu Week 2021 Prompt: Goodbye Pairing: Gray x Natsu
Summary: Natsu is having trouble coping with everything he learned during the Alvarez War and tries to sneak away again, but Gray isn't about to let him go alone.
They take off together and find all their friends waiting for them at the Magnolia town marker. After all, no one is allowed to leave Fairy Tail without a proper send-off.
Gray caught up to Natsu and Happy about a mile from the Magnolia town marker.
“You going somewhere, Flame Breath?”
Gray’s heart caught in his throat when Natsu refused to look at him, his eyes staying firmly on the ground.
“I tried to talk him out of it, Gray, but he wouldn’t listen.” Happy complained, “It’s just like last time.”
“Don’t worry about it, Happy, I’m not about to let him make the same mistake again.”
“I have to go.” Natsu said in a strangled voice. “Please don’t try to stop me.”
Gray wasn’t really surprised. He’d been expecting something like this for days.
Tartaros, Alvarez, Zeref, END…
Any one of these was a lot to handle, but all of them at once? It was just too much.
For both of them.
Things still hadn’t gone back to normal between them, and truth be told, Gray was still worried that Lucy’s attempt to rewrite the book of END might have changed Natsu somewhat.
But he knew that wasn’t exactly fair. It wasn’t so much that Natsu was different now; it was more that he didn’t know how to act around others.
And who could blame him? Even the people around town who had always treated Natsu as a friend had begun to treat him differently.
On top of that, after spending years searching for answers to his past, he’d certainly learned more than he’d bargained for. Who his family was, how he’d ended up with Igneel, the connection he shared with Wendy, Gajeel, Sting and Rogue as well as Lucy’s ancestor.
Even more, he’d learned what he was and the purpose he’d been meant to fulfill.
How many people had been killed or had their lives destroyed because of Zeref’s attempts to resurrect him? How did anyone live with that knowledge?
It was something Gray could easily sympathize with. After all, guilt was something he dealt with daily. For the people who had died so he could live, for not returning Juvia’s fervent affections, and for not being able to offer his father the peace he’d asked for.
And now he could add trying to kill the person he loved most and breaking a promise to the list.
Gray didn’t know how they were going to come back from any of this, but he knew that as much as he wanted to tell him he was wrong, Natsu was on to something. He needed to leave to sort through all of his doubts and fears, including this new one that he was a danger to his friends.
Zeref might be gone, but that had never stopped dark sorcerers from searching out any vestiges of his magic, and that was part of what Natsu was now.
But Gray wasn’t just about to let him do it alone.
And he wasn’t taking no for an answer.
“Who said anything about stopping you?” Gray said. “I’m going with you.”
Natsu’s head jerked up and Gray pointed at the travel bag that hung on his shoulder.
“But what about Juvia?” He blurted out before adding in a softer tone, “And the others?”
“Juvia will never get over her creepy obsession if I stay, and as for the others,” he paused, because the truth is this part did make him sad. “They’ll be fine.”
The members of Fairy Tail had been his family for so long, he knew he’d miss them all terribly.
But everyone had to leave home sometime. It was part of growing up, and he truly felt that his future lay with Natsu.
He knew mending their relationship wouldn’t be easy, but it was important to him to try. Besides, he’d already discussed it with Gramps, and the old man had agreed. This was what was best for Natsu right now, and it would be much better if he didn’t go alone.
“I don’t know where I’m going.” Natsu said, looking a little embarrassed by the admission.
“I expected that from a Flame Brain like you.” Gray laughed. “That’s okay. We can figure it out on the way. I doubt it matters much, anyway.”
“Are you sure about this? It could get dangerous.”
“Standing next to you is dangerous,” Gray scoffed. “Don’t worry about me, love, I can hold my own.”
“Love?” Natsu said, sounding puzzled at hearing the familiar term of endearment. “But I thought…”
“Well, that was your first mistake,” Gray quipped, but when Natsu didn’t laugh, he gave up the pretense that everything was alright between them.
“I know I fucked up. Said and did things I didn’t mean, but that doesn’t mean I stopped loving you. And I know it won’t be easy, but I want to work on us again.”
Natsu searched his eyes for the briefest of seconds, and satisfied with whatever he found in them, he began walking, pulling Gray along with him.
Happy flew around them, looking much more cheerful now that he knew Gray was joining them on their journey this time around.
They heard the commotion before they saw what it was, and Gray groaned as they got to the top of the hill, only to find Erza and just about everyone else in the guild waiting for them.
“You didn’t really think you’d be able to leave us without a proper sendoff, did you?” Erza asked, looking incredibly pleased with herself as everyone else snorted their agreement.
Yes, he’d rather hoped so. Gray hated scenes and he could already feel Natsu stiffening next to him. He shot an annoyed glare at Gramps, but the old man merely shrugged his shoulders unapologetically.
Natsu was examining the ground again, and curious what brought that about, he looked around and noticed Lucy heading towards them.
“It’s alright, Natsu. I’ll be just fine this time.” Lucy smiled. “I’m even working on a book about all of our adventures. Levy is helping me.”
Natsu looked up at that. She wrapped him up in a quick hug, and Gray backed away to give them some space.
“I-I just wanted to say thank you for everything. All the times you saved me, and all the fun we had. These last couple of years I was able to find a family again, and it was all thanks to you. I’m going to miss you. You too, Gray!”
“We saved each other,” Natsu corrected with a fond smile, even as Happy flew into Lucy’s arms and hugged her.
“Don’t let him destroy too much, Happy, okay?”
Happy nodded solemnly and gave his customary, “Aye, sir!”
Everyone jumped in with well wishes and words of encouragement until there were only a few left.
“I promised myself I wouldn’t cry,” Wendy wailed as she hugged them tightly.
“It’s okay, kiddo. You’ll see us again!” Gray assured her, hoping that he was right. He didn’t know how long this journey of theirs would take, but he hoped they could return someday.
“Try to keep your pants on,” Cana said as she hugged Gray. She whispered, “Unless you don’t have to…”
“Cana!” Gray protested as he shoved her away playfully.
“I heard that,” Natsu grumbled.
“I know,” Cana winked, capturing him in a hug as well. “Take care of each other, and say hi to my old man for me if you bump into him on the road.”
Natsu nodded.
Mira, Elfman, and Lisanna came as a group. Mira handed Natsu a bag with food.
“Here you go, I packed you both some lunch.” Mira fussed over them, “Don’t forget to eat, and write us letters from time to time to let us know how you’re doing.”
Lisanna giggled, “Like Natsu would ever forget to eat.”
She gave him a big hug, “Take care of yourselves.”
She whispered something into Natsu’s ear that Gray did not catch, but his face turned an interesting shade of red, and he shushed her.
Gray had little chance to think about what she might have said because Elfman enveloped them in a hug and slapped both their backs hard enough for it to hurt.
“Elfman, are you crying?” Mira asked, watching her younger brother with an amused smile.
“Crying is manly,” Elfman wiped away at his eyes.
Warren stepped forward and handed them each a mobile lacrima device. “Here, take these, in case you want to get in touch or something.”
“You don’t have to-”
Gray got no further as Warren turned away, muttering “Just take them.”
“Is he crying?” Natsu whispered, and Gray could only shrug in response.
Macao and Romeo came next, and neither made any effort to hide their tears. “Take care, you two, and try to get along, will ya?”
Romeo only stared at them and it was then Gray remembered he’d been the one who’d never given up on them all those years they’d been stuck on Tenrou.
“You’re going to have to train hard,” Natsu told him, “Cause I’m leaving you in charge of the guild while I‘m gone, okay?”
Romeo nodded, and like Wendy before him, hugged them both at once. Gray found himself petting his head, as Macao used to do to them when they were younger. It didn’t feel like it had been all that long ago, really.
“I’m not gonna say goodbye, since I plan to pop in on you now and again.” Loke gave them each a fist bump. “So make sure you have interesting stuff to tell me.”
He stepped back to stand between Cana and Lucy.
“Juvia doesn’t see why Natsu has to take Gray-sama with him,” Juvia wailed loudly to anyone who would listen.
“Try not to get too lost in that little head of yours, alright?” Gajeel slapped Natsu on the back. He shook Gray’s hand and muttered. “I’ll try to keep the crazy away as much as I can, but you guys might want to hurry the first couple of days, so there isn’t a trail for her to follow.”
“Thanks, man.”
“Don’t mention it.”
Gajeel waited while Pantherlily and Carla said their goodbyes to Happy.
That left only Erza and Gramps. Erza pushed Makarov’s wheelchair over to them.
“I better not hear you two are running around destroying towns and bothering people,” Erza started off sternly, but by the end of her scolding, there were tears in the corner of her eyes.
Gray could feel matching tears coming on and he could hear Natsu sniffling next to him too.
“Come here, you two,” Erza said, grabbing them both into a fierce hug. “You’ve come so far. You’re going to be just fine, I just know it. I’ll- I’ll miss you.”
They held on to her tightly, letting her cry over them. Gray had known she’d be the hardest. For as strict as she’d always been on them, they shared the most history. Not to mention she’d also been the one to force them to get past their stupid rivalry.
They finally let go of her, smiling as they wiped away their tears.
“There’s only one thing left to do.” Gramps said, and everyone lined up behind him.
“While you are leaving us, always remember that Fairy Tail will always be your home, and should you, no, when you choose to return, it will be here waiting for you.”
“Now, as you know, there are three rules that any mage who leaves Fairy Tail must abide by.
Number One - You must never reveal sensitive information about Fairy Tail to others for as long as you live.
Number Two - You must never use former contacts met through your being in the guild for personal gain.
And Number Three - Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might. You must never consider your own life to be something insignificant, and you must never forget about your friends for as long as you live.”
Gramps looked so small in that wheelchair, fragile almost, and Gray had a passing thought that this might be the last time they got to see him. He felt his heart clench at the thought, not ready to think about losing anyone else that was important to him.
“Thanks, Gramps.” There was so much more Gray wanted to say to him, but he had a feeling the old man knew. “For everything.”
“Yeah, Gramps, thanks for taking me in.” Natsu smiled, the first genuine smile Gray had seen since the war had ended.
“The pleasure was mine,” Gramps grinned, “Well, most of the time anyway. Now, get going!”
“Take care of yourselves boys, and try not to be so reckless.”
“Bye everyone!” Natsu and Gray called out, waving to everyone before turning around and walking away.
Gray reached out for Natsu’s hand, wanting to test the waters, and was pleased to find Natsu didn’t fight him off.
Now that they were finally on their way, the wave of sadness lifted and the excitement creeped in again, and as they turned back one last time they saw everyone had lifted their hands in air making the Fairy Tail hand signal.
Even if we can't see you... no matter how far away you may be... we will always be watching you.
“We’ll be back someday,” Gray squeezed the hand he held in his.
“I hope so.”
Happy took one look at their joined hands and squeaked. “I knew it! You looooove him!”
“Do not, shut up!” Natsu yelled, pulling away from Gray and chasing after the Exceed.
“You looooove him, you looooove him!” Happy chanted, flying just out of Natsu’s reach.
Gray watched them and chuckled, glad to see Natsu acting more like himself. They had left their home behind, and it would be tough going, but in the end, he truly hoped Natsu could find the peace he was looking for, and he wanted nothing more than to share it with him.
But of course, there was nothing wrong with having a few adventures along the way!
A/N: This is immensely personal for me. Today is the last day of the last Gratsu Week hosted by @becausewhenyoupracticeyouimprove and the @gratsu-week blog on Tumblr. It was the first event I ever participated in back in 2018, and it's an event that I have helped organize for the last three years. It's very special to me.
So it is very fitting that the last ever prompt was goodbye.
More than just a story, this represents my goodbye to canon as well. I will go no further than this point.
I was one of those people who was really excited by the announcement that Fairy Tail would continue in 100 Year's Quest, because God knows I wasn't ready to let go.
But from the moment it first came out, I was horrified by what it turned out to be (a horrible story whose only purpose was to further the big 4, with even more fan service than before, and I won't even get into the character assassination). As such, I refuse to have anything to do with it. So I have ended things my way, because if the point of Fairy Tail is now ships, then I will sail with mine.
Hopefully, this will also provide some of you with the same comfort it gives me.
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moeruhoshi · 4 years
Just a short bc @scarletgray9 put bad boy Natsu on my mind again
Lucy squeaked as her foot slipped on the lattice wall, tightening her grip on the squares as she regained her footing.
She held her breath, hoping no one had heard her short, startled outburst. She continued down the vine covered wall, smiling to herself as she made it safely to the ground.
She was able to quickly make her escape, grinning as none of the staff had come out to investigate.
Slipping through the front gate of her property was easy, a gap in the hedges hidden from plain sight.
The chilly night air nipped at her skin as she waited on the sidewalk for her ride, purposely having left her sweater behind.
The gentle hum of a motorcycle engine rounded the corner, Lucy’s heart pounding in her chest as it slowed to a stop.
"Hey, Luce," His gruff voice made her cheeks flush, the sight of him pulling off his helmet enough to make her melt. He put his bike into park before getting off, taking off his leather jacket to wrap around her shoulders.
"Hey, Natsu," Her words came out in a breathy whisper, feeling her vocal chords tighten as he leaned into her.
His hands fell to her hips as they shared a kiss, fingers dipping into her skin. She whined a bit as he pulled away too quickly, his smirk enticing her into wanting more.
"We've got all night," Natsu chuckled, pecking her on the cheek. "Let's get going before it gets any later."
Lucy slipped on the spare helmet he had for her, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist as they took off.
She felt most comfortable when on his bike, feeling the vibration of his driving and the warmth that radiated from his back.
Lucy closed her eyes, soaking in the silence of their long drive.
They always drove a ways away from town, not wanting to be caught by any prying eyes.
After all, she was the only daughter of one of the most successful business men in town. And Natsu was the third son of the most famous mafia boss in Fiore.
Her father had caught them together before, as Natsu used to sneak into her bedroom all the time. She was forbidden from ever seeing him again, let alone think about thinking about him.
But there was no stopping true love, both refusing to even fathom the thought of leaving each other.
So Natsu picked her up almost every night of the week, taking her to what became their most favorite date spot.
It was on a series of hills a handful miles away from the closest house or storefront. The next town over was Akane Beach, but it was at least fifty miles away. The blank patch of nature left itself to become the perfect stargazing meadow.
They always walked up to the highest hill, laid out a blanket, and ate the snacks that Natsu brought along.
"Your rice balls are always so good," She sighed happily as she bit down on the pointy mount, leaning her head against Natsu’s shoulder.
"Thanks," He hummed, laying them down, pointing up at the constellation above them. "That's Lyra, right?"
"And Hercules right above her," Lucy nodded, laughing as he whooped.
"I'm gettin' better at recognizing them," He grinned, stuffing a rice ball into his mouth. "There's Deneb too!"
She giggled, having missed his sweet childish behavior. It upset her that no one was able to see what a good heart he had, even if he was a part of the mafia. She wanted her father to understand that, but there was no way he'd accept anyone he didn't pick himself.
"You're so cute," She mumbled, finishing the last bite of her food. "I missed you,"
"I missed you too, Luce," Natsu said, making her laugh again as he rolled over her, his spiky hair gravitating downwards. "I'm sorry it took so long for me to come home. I hate it when the family has to get together,"
"But it was nice seeing your brothers, I hope? I know you missed Zeref, are he and Mavis doing okay?"
"They're just fine," He pouted, dropping himself slightly to nuzzle his nose against her cheek. "I don't wanna talk about them right now, there's somethin' more important we hafta discuss,"
"And what would that be?" Her heart began to pound slightly as his serious eyes glazed over his face.
"I saw you on the news," She squeaked as his hand began to make its way under her shirt. "And that freak Sting was kissin' your hand, holdin' your hip,"
"Does it make you feel better if I tell you that I slapped him later when he tried to make a move on me?" Her teeth sunk into her bottom lip as he growled against her throat, lifting her shirt to expose her bra-clad self.
"Kinda," He chuckled, moving his mouth to caress the space between her breasts. "But until I beat the bastard up myself, I'm not gonna feel very good,"
"Can I watch?" Lucy smirked as he smothered her with a sudden kiss, groaning as he pulled off his shirt.
"You're so fucking hot," She laughed as he returned to her chest, snapping the front clasp of her bra. Her fingers threaded through his hair as the chilly night air made her nipples stand on end, Natsu’s tongue licking over the pair.
She admired the dragon tattoo that wrapped around his chest and shoulder, the black and red ink glaring warmth at her.
He sat up, wiping the drool from the corner of his lip. He looked over her disheveled appearance and rosy cheeks, grinning at the quick mess he made.
"You're real pretty all wrapped up in my jacket like that," Natsu grunted as he tugged on her jeans, pulling them down and off. Lucy flushed as he spread her legs, eyeing the wetness that had already gathered. "And all sexy getting wet like this. You pent up, baby?"
"That one phone call we had wasn't enough to get me through the week," She playfully frowned as he tugged on the lace material; grinning as it was the pair he bought her.
"I'm gonna wanna take you right here right now," He groaned, Lucy rifling through the pocket of his jacket.
"You brought enough for us to be sloppy," The lust felt heavy in her breath as she held up the few condoms he always had on him. "I'd really like it if we started out rough,"
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twomanyideas · 3 years
Somewhere Only We Know
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A Collaboration by @mdelpin and @oryu404​
Gratsu Weekend 2021 Prompt: Protect Pairing(s): Gray x Natsu, Ultear & Gray
And if you have a minute, why don't we go Talk about it somewhere only we know? This could be the end of everything So why don't we go somewhere only we know? Somewhere only we know
-Somewhere Only We Know by Keane
Summary: Their combined might hadn’t been enough to take down Zeref, and the one thing Gray might have been able to do to stop him was the one thing he’d promised Natsu he’d never do.
He should have done it anyway.
If he had, they would never have been captured.
It was Gray’s obsession with fulfilling his promise to his father that had brought him to Alvarez. He’d wanted to find Zeref, and that goddamned book of E.N.D. It had been a stupid idea; he realized that now. But he’d been grieving, and he’d never expected Natsu to track him down.
He’d never expected a lot of things.
Natsu had tried to convince him to return home, but Gray had been too stubborn to listen, and he’d recognized that despite his protests, Natsu had wanted to fight Zeref as well. After all, there’d never been an enemy they couldn’t defeat once they put their shit aside and set their minds to it, and if they died trying- well, he doubted either of them would regret it.
They’d decided they would fight together to make that bastard pay for everything he’d done. For the lives he and his followers had taken with his magic, for the demons he’d created, who had caused so much suffering and destruction. And in doing so, they would protect their Fairy Tail family and prevent any additional bloodshed.
Their combined might hadn’t been enough to take down Zeref, and the one thing Gray might have been able to do to stop him was the one thing he’d promised Natsu he’d never do.
He should have done it anyway.
If he had, they would never have been captured.
He would never have learned who Natsu was.
Never would have said those hateful words he didn’t mean.
Never would have seen the light fade from Natsu’s eyes as he accepted the truth of it.
Gray had let his rage consume him at Zeref’s revelations, and he’d hurt the one person he’d always loved. He’d really fucked up this time.
They were all but helpless now. Their minds and bodies locked by Invel’s spell, their magic contained by sealing cuffs. No way to struggle, nothing to do but live inside their heads while they waited to see what would happen to them.
How were they going to make it out of this one when no one knew where they were?
It couldn’t end like this, not after everything they’d been through together. There had to be a way out, they just needed to figure out what that was, and soon. But first, Gray needed to make Natsu listen to him so that he could take his words back and beg for his forgiveness.
But the words wouldn’t come, no matter how much he tried.
Hours passed in uneasy silence until a lacrima lit up the inside of their cell, broadcasting its feed in vivid color and sound. The screen showed other prisoners, robbed of their dignity and forced to perform sexual acts. They seemed barely human. Used, abused, and reduced to nothing but toys.
It didn’t matter how much Gray tried to look away or willed his eyes closed; they remained riveted to that screen, even as the sounds and images made his stomach wrangle up in disgust.
Soon that would be them.
The message was obvious: their punishment had yet to begin.
Gray didn’t much care what happened to him, but the thought of anyone but him touching Natsu that way was enough to make his blood boil. They belonged to each other and no one else. That was how it had always been.
After what seemed like forever, the lacrima finally turned off, revealing Natsu’s strangled cries as he tried to break through the collar using brute force.
“Stop it!” Gray pleaded, “You’re only hurting yourself.”
Natsu stopped his efforts, but he still refused to look at him.
Guilt crushed Gray even more than the thought of what the future had in store for them. All these years had passed, and he hadn’t learned a goddamn thing. Just like when he’d gone after Deliora as a child, convinced that he was strong enough to defeat him, he had underestimated his enemy’s power. Ur had paid the price then, and now both he and Natsu would suffer a fate worse than death for his folly.
“This is all my fault,” Gray strained against the spell, stretching his arm enough so that his fingers grazed Natsu’s hand. “I won’t let them touch you.”
He stopped short of making a promise, but he could feel his eyes burn with rage at his impotence.
“Maybe, uhm... maybe if I agree to join him, Zeref will let you go.”
Natsu had finally spoken, but his words were not what Gray had wanted to hear. What was the idiot thinking? Like he’d ever let that happen.
Gray couldn't care less that Zeref had been waiting for Natsu for hundreds of years, or that it had been his brotherly love that had brought Natsu back to life. His heart might have been in the right place once, but it had become corrupted over the years as his mind deteriorated. A life by Zeref’s side would be a nightmare for Natsu, forced to become the demon that Igneel had tried so hard to protect him from. Gray would never allow that outcome, certainly not for his sake.
“No! Besides, we both know I’d never leave without you.”
“Then you’re an idiot.” Natsu declared, turning away to stare at the wall. “Because there’s nothing here worth saving.”
“Don’t you dare say that! You know I didn’t mean any of the shit I said.”
“No. You were right. I’m E.N.D, Gray. A Book of Zeref, no different from Deliora or Mard Geer. You even came here to kill me.“
Gray sighed, realizing there was no easy fix to what he’d done. It was going to take them a long time to get through this. Time they didn’t have.
“None of that matters now. You saw that lacrima. Who knows how long we’ll be able to stay us. I don’t want to waste any of it arguing about things we can’t do anything about.”
“I’m sorry.”
Gray could hear the tremble in Natsu’s voice and it broke his heart. Why was this happening now?
“You don’t have to apologize to me, Natsu. None of this is your fault, it’s his. All you’ve ever done is help others.”
He grabbed Natsu’s hand in his and pulled with all his might until he could wrap his arms around his boyfriend, the chain from their collars dangling between them. “I’m so sorry I got you into this,” Gray murmured into Natsu’s ear as he ran his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair.
“Sealing cuffs didn’t work on those Tartaros demons since they used curses. Do you feel anything like that at all? Anything that can help break your collar?”
Natsu shook his head, looking defeated for the first time since Gray had known him.
“Oh well, it was worth a shot,” Gray shrugged, acting like he wasn’t giving the matter any importance, for Natsu’s sake.
“Just promise me you won’t do what you said before. Whatever happens, I want to stay with you.”
“I don’t want... that to happen to you.”
“I don't want that to happen to you, either.”
They lay down on one of the cots in their cell, clinging to each other tightly. Gray refused to let go, fully aware that things could change at any moment. He reveled in Natsu’s warmth, letting his fingers travel Natsu’s skin, trying to soothe away the hurt his words had caused. Over and over, Gray reminded Natsu of how good he was, how much he loved him, and how he’d rather die than live without him. But Natsu remained eerily silent. It worried him.
Gray heard a voice calling out to him, waking him up from the little sleep he’d managed, but it was too faint for him to recognize who it belonged to. Natsu was still snuggled up against him as he slept. Listening to his snores made Gray smile. He could almost pretend they were back home, their capture nothing more than a nightmare he’d finally woken from.
He opened his eyes to find that although nothing had changed in their cell, that voice still called out to him. It felt closer this time.
Was that Ultear? How?
“Ultear?” He called out to her, even though he realized there was no way she could be there.
But against all of his expectations, Ultear appeared before him a moment later, looking as young as she had at Akane Beach months earlier.
“Good, you heard me. I had a hard time locking on to you.”
“How did you- I saw you, you were...”
“Old?” Ultear laughed, “I was. I cast a spell during the Dragon King Festival, thinking I could turn back time and fix everything, but it didn’t quite turn out that way. Even though it used up all my life force, I could only get one minute back.”
“You saved me.”
“Yes, and thanks to that I can do this now.”
“You mean you can get us out of here?”
“I don’t understand.”
“I’m not really here, not in the way you think. I exist only as a concept within a time distortion. I can’t get you out, but I can offer you an escape.”
“You and Natsu, you’ve both died and were brought back to life through magical interference. Because of that, you’re technically living outside of time.”
“Ultear?” Natsu sat up, rubbing his eyes, “Why can’t I smell you?”
Ultear moved closer until Gray thought she was going to touch the bars of their cell. Her expression became apologetic when her body went straight through them.
“Not now, Natsu,” Gray peered at Ultear, “You said you can offer us an escape, what did you mean?”
“I can take your souls with me. You would escape the horrible future that awaits you and exist as I do, and you’d be together.”
“So we’d die?” Natsu frowned.
“Not exactly,” Ultear shook her head. “Your souls would pass on, leaving your bodies behind. They’ll still suffer your fate, but you won't experience any of it. You must decide quickly, they’ll come for you in about one minute.”
“I don’t care if we die, we both have once already,” Gray said resolutely, his mind inevitably going back to the images of molestation on the lacrima, once again thinking that would soon be their daily fare. “At least this way, we can stay together. Or would you rather live out your remaining days as a slave for those sick perverts?”
“Of course not! I just wanted to underst- wait a minute... When the hell did you die?”
“Boys!” Ultear snapped, her tone reminding Gray of Ur whenever she tried to break up fights between him and Lyon.
He’d never see him again, or Erza, or any of their other friends. But odds were they wouldn’t have, anyway. From the sad look on Natsu’s face, Gray could tell he was having similar thoughts.
“What do you say, Flame Brain? You ready to spend eternity with me?”
“Yeah, it wasn’t like I could get rid of you, anyway,” Natsu joked weakly, a small smile breaking through his grief.
The sound of footsteps approaching their cell grew louder, and Gray snuck in one last kiss.
“Grab hold of my hands and don’t let go of each other,” Ultear offered each of them a hand and they grabbed on, clasping each other’s hands tightly. There was no pain, although they felt a slight tearing sensation when their souls separated from their bodies and entered the time dimension.
Neither of them looked back.
It saddened Gray that Ultear had needed to come to his rescue once again, but he was grateful. At least this time, no one had died to save him.
They had earned that much.
Ultear tried to explain the rules of the time dimension to them, but they didn’t really get them. It was hard to understand what was real, but they didn’t worry about it much. It was just somewhere only they knew. A place that existed just for them, where they could bicker, laugh, and love each other for as long as time existed.
Sometimes Gray worried that Ultear’s rescue had all been a dream, a place he escaped to to avoid what was happening to his and Natsu’s bodies. He thought if that were true; it was a kindness he shouldn't question.
Either way, it didn’t matter. They had their magic, and they had each other. That was all they could ever ask for.
They discovered they could visit just about any place they remembered, but their favorite spot was still the river by the old Fairy Tail building. It held so many memories for them, and they spent countless days sparring and coming up with endless competitions. The dumber the better.
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splendidlyimperfect · 3 years
When Gray wakes up one night with a voice in his head, the last thing he expects is to suddenly be sharing a body with a demon. Natsu is nothing like Gray expected, though. He's surprisingly charming, and more concerned about getting Gray to eat vegetables than he is with taking over the world. Since Gray can't push him away like he does with everyone else, he begrudgingly accepts Natsu's place in his life - for now. But when Natsu ends up needing Gray's help, what started out as an inconvenience turns into a road trip - and a friendship - that changes Gray's life.
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written for @fuckyeahgratsu​ gratsu weekend 2021 event
day 2; prompt: secret/confession
Chapters: 1 | 2  Fandom: Fairy Tail Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster Characters: Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel, Lyon Vastia, Mard Geer Tartarus Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Humor, Adventure, Demonic Possession, but the good kind, demon Natsu, References to Depression, Depressed Gray, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Sort Of, Road Trips, Falling In Love, Natsu's not an evil demon, he really just wants to take care of Gray, Gray sucks at feelings
Lyon didn’t answer Gray’s first text, or his third, or his tenth. Eventually Gray gave up, shoving his phone in his pocket and grabbing his shoes.
“Where are we going?” Natsu, who had been quiet during the texting, reappeared next to Gray’s reflection in the hallway mirror. “Are we finally getting something to eat? I know you’re not hungry, but I am.” Gray could tell Natsu still didn’t believe him about not wanting to eat, but his first cup of coffee hadn’t kicked in yet and he was too tired to argue.
“Fine, we can get food.” He shrugged on his jacket and locked the door behind them, then started down the road toward Main Street. “What do you want?”
“What’s the best thing you’ve ever had for breakfast?”
Continue reading on AO3
Gray considered the question as they made their way past the morning crowd. A cool spring wind carried cherry blossoms down from the trees and dusted them in pink and white across the street. The sun was thin but warm, and Gray felt some of the tension in his shoulders relax.
“Uh, probably cinnamon buns? There’s a good place down the street. I haven’t been in a while, though.”
“You haven’t been anywhere in a while,” Natsu agreed.
“Stop going through my memories,” Gray hissed. He pushed the button for the crosswalk and caught the eye of the woman standing beside him. She was giving him a strange look and it took him a second to remember that she couldn’t see Natsu.
“I’m not doing it on purpose,” Natsu insisted as Gray shoved his hands in his pockets and hurried across the street, away from the woman’s puzzled gaze. “I haven’t done this in a long time. It’s weird.”
“You’ve possessed people before?” Gray kept his voice low.
“…why? When?”
“Uh… what year is it?”
Gray raised his eyebrow. “2021.”
Natsu was quiet for a second – all Gray could hear was a low muttering that sounded suspiciously like someone counting on their fingers. Eventually Natsu said, “About two hundred years ago? I can’t remember exactly.”
Gray stopped talking as he stepped into the café, trying to ignore Natsu’s excited exclamations while he studied the pastry shelf.
“Ooh, what’s the pink one? Is that cake? Can we have cake for breakfast? And more coffee. What’s a latte? You should get a banana or something too. You don’t eat a lot of fruit.”
“That’s none of your business,” Gray grumbled under his breath, but he grabbed an apple from next to the till and added it to the cinnamon bun and coffee he purchased.
Natsu made a contented sound as Gray sat down at one of the tables outside the café and took a bite of the cinnamon bun. A pleased aura radiated from him, somewhere in the back of Gray’s mind.
“Can you taste it?” Gray asked. He’d pulled out his headphones and put an earbud in one ear, hoping that it looked like he was talking on the phone rather than to an imaginary friend.
“Sort of.” Natsu hummed appreciatively when Gray took another bite. “I know it’s good and that I like it, but it’s kind of… blurry.”
Natsu sighed. “It’s hard to explain. It’s like there’s a… a filter on things, between you and me. So, when you touch or eat something, I feel it, it’s just… blurry.”
“Huh.” Gray finished the cinnamon bun and the apple in silence, giving his brain time to process everything as he watched the world go on around him. There was a part of him that kept wanting to panic, but nothing about the situation felt dangerous. In fact, it was kind of nice to have some company. And he did feel better after eating.
“See?” Natsu sounded pleased with himself. “I knew you were hungry,”  
“Shut up,” Gray said half-heartedly. He looked around to make sure nobody was watching him talk to Natsu, then said, “You don’t seem very evil. For a demon, I mean.”
“I’m not evil!” Natsu said indignantly. “That’s why I haven’t possessed anyone in so long. Usually, people – warlocks, whatever – summon demons for shitty reasons, like they wanna hurt people. Or get revenge, or whatever. I don’t do that.”
“You can just refuse to show up when you’re summoned?”
“It depends. If someone calls on me specifically with my true name, I can’t say no. But if it’s just a generic, ‘I need a demon to strike down my enemies, blah, blah, blah,’ someone else can take it. There’s lots of other demons and I’m nobody special.”
Gray frowned, poking at the crumbs on his plate. “So…why are you here now? And why me? If Lyon summoned you, why aren’ t you possessing him?”
“He did the spell wrong,” Natsu explained. “Like I said, he’s a shitty warlock.”
“Not the only thing he’s shitty at,” Gray said, rolling his eyes. “Why’d he try to summon you, anyway?”
“Something about his ex.”
“Figures.” Gray took another sip of his coffee. “Did he know your real name, then?”
“Then…you decided to possess me on purpose?” He caught a glimpse of their reflection in the window of the café and could see Natsu’s embarrassed expression.
“Yeah. Sort of. I guess.”
Natsu didn’t answer right away. An uncomfortable sensation started to spread down the back of Gray’s neck, and he couldn’t tell if it was coming from Natsu or himself. He shifted in his chair, fighting the sudden urge to go home and go back to bed.
“You’re not tired,” Natsu said. “Why do you want to sleep?”
Gray’s chest tightened and he shook his head, staring down at his half-empty coffee cup. “I don’t,” he insisted. “I just…” He felt a gentle tug at the back of his mind.
“Is it ‘cause you’re sad again?”
“I’m not.” Gray ground his teeth, then interrupted Natsu’s next question. “Stop poking around in my head and tell me why you’re in there.”
“I need to find my body,” Natsu said reluctantly.  
Gray frowned. “You have your own body? Here?”
Natsu’s reflection nodded. “Well, not here here, I’m not sure where it is right now. But someone else has my body and I want it back.”
“How did that happen?”
The version of Natsu in the café window reflection settled down in the seat across from Gray and rested his chin on his hands. Even though Gray couldn’t see Natsu, the invisible gaze made Gray feel naked.
“I was really sick when I was a kid,” Natsu said after a moment. “Like, really sick. All the physickers said I was gonna die, and my brother didn’t wanna believe it. He was always trying to save me. Nothing worked, so he started messing around with dark magic.”
“With demons.”
Natsu nodded. “He thought he could do some sort of exchange – his soul for my life – so he summoned this demon, Mard Geer, who agreed to make a deal with him. Zeref was so excited that it worked that he didn’t word the deal carefully enough. Mard Geer agreed to fix my body for a soul.”
“Let me guess. He took your body and tossed your soul into Hell.”
Natsu scowled at the table. “Yep. Technically he didn’t lie – he fixed the problem. My body isn’t sick anymore, it’s just not mine.”
Natsu’s anger crept through Gray’s mind, winding threads of bitterness around his own ache of exhaustion and sadness. He let out a quiet gasp at the sensation, leaning forward with his head in his hands as the feelings washed over him. For some reason it made him want to cry.
“Shit, I’m sorry.”
Gray felt the tingling sensation start to creep up his arm again and he sat up quickly, pulling his hand to his chest and clenching his fist.
“Stop doing that.” He tried to keep his voice down, but the flood of emotions overwhelmed his common sense.
“I didn’t mean to—”
“I don’t care.” He swallowed hard around the lump in his throat and stood up quickly, nearly knocking over his chair. “Please, I…” He kept his eyes down, cheeks burning as he avoided the stares he knew he was getting. Leaving his half-empty coffee behind, he stormed away from the café and down the street.
“I’m sorry.” Natsu’s voice was soft in his head, and the angry sensation from before was quickly replaced by regret.
“It’s my body,” Gray whispered as he ducked around a crowd of people. “You can’t just… you can’t.”
Natsu didn’t say anything for a second, then very quietly said, “I didn’t know. I’m sorry.”
“Stop going through my fucking memories!” Gray ignored the stares he got as he darted across the street, ignoring the blaring of car horns. He knew exactly what Natsu was seeing – images of someone he tried hard to forget, someone who never took no for an answer.
“I’m sorry,” Natsu said again. “I’m not trying to, I promise, I don’t know how to… to turn it off.”
Gray didn’t reply, just kept walking as he clenched and unclenched his fists. Natsu was quiet – the only indicator that he was still there was the undercurrent of shame and sorrow. Eventually Gray’s breathing started to even out, and by the time they reached the intersection before the park, the sensation of wanting to cry was gone.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Gray interrupted, cutting off what he assumed was going to be another apology. He jabbed the crosswalk button, hard, then tried his best to turn his mind back to the conversation from before. “So,” he said. “We just need to find your body, exorcise a demon, and somehow get you back inside it.”
A wave of surprise washed over Gray’s mind. “You’ll help me?” Natsu sounded genuinely shocked. “For real?”
“That’s why you possessed me, isn’t it?”
“Well, yeah.” A bus passed in front of them, and Gray could see Natsu in the window reflection, standing next to him with a small smile on his face. “I wasn’t sure you’d actually help, though. Nobody ever has.”
Gray felt a hot flush rush to his cheeks, and he wasn’t quite sure why. “Well, I don’t want you in my brain forever,” he said quickly, shoving his hands in his pockets as they crossed the street. “I have to do something about it. I’m just… not sure how.”
“We’d, um, need a locating spell,” Natsu said. “To find my body. I’m pretty sure it’s close-ish, I dunno how to do that kind of magic, though.”
“Me either,” Gray said. He looked up at the building that now loomed in front of them – the college dorm. “But Lyon does.”
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100 Headcanon Challenge: Natsu Dragneel
Zeref named Natsu. His parents didn’t have a name for Natsu when he was born, but Zeref said his name should be Natsu, because his pink hair reminded him of the summer.
Natsu was born on November 24
Natsu was a totally mama’s boy
Natsu actually behaviors a lot like his mother when she was younger
Natsu wasn’t in school when his village was destroyed, but Zeref was. Everyday his mother would send Natsu to the school to bring Zeref his lunch.
Natsu had trouble pronouncing words when he was young, so he didn’t really talk. He didn’t need too anyway, Zeref was always there to do the talking for him.
Natsu is eight (8) years younger than Zeref
When the dragon destroyed his village, and when he died sorry, Natsu was four (4)
The Tartaros demons were actually created to keep END (Natsu) safe, they were basically his babysitters
Natsu was actually taken from Zeref against his will, Natsu
Igneel thought it was the only way to defeat Acnologia, but when Natsu wouldn’t stop crying for Zeref, he used a spell to erase Natsu’s memory
Igneel did his best to teach Natsu how to read and write in the modern language, but Natsu didn’t really understand
Igneel celebrated Natsu’s birthday on January 1, because he didn’t know Natsu’s birthday
Igneel was a good, patient, father towards Natsu
Natsu knows how to hunt and get clean water, so he actually survived on his own for a while before joining Fairy Tail
After Natsu joined Fairy Tail he came out of his shell a bit
He had to be re-taught how to use a fork
He once cried because Mira hammered him so hard about how dragons were extinct and Igneel wasn’t real-It’s one of her biggest regrets
Natsu got very upset when people asked him about his birth parents, so people eventually stopped asking
It was very hard for Natsu to start calling Fairy Tail his family, but he did after he got hurt on one of his missions and was relieved when he woke up in the infirmary
Natsu’s ears are pierced because Mirajane used a piercing gun while he was in the infirmary
Natsu loved making flower crowns with Levy, and they once teamed up with Cana and Lisanna to make a flower banner for Makarov on his birthday-Makarov kept the banner until the flowers died
Natsu made Happy’s middle name “Dragon”
Natsu and Happy went to tea parties with Levy for a long time
Natsu used to take singing lessons for Mirajane. Meaning that he would sing songs with Lisanna and Elfman and then Mira would demand that he pay her
Natsu is actually an incredible singer though
Gray found out the hard way that Natsu should not be tickled
Natsu also started learning how to cook for himself after Happy hatched
Natsu is pretty good at grilling and cooking with spices, but Happy likes to eat fish raw, so he mostly cooks for himself
Natsu and Lisanna loved going to the hill they raised Happy’s egg on, even after his hatch
After Lisanna’s “death”, Natsu stopped going to the guild all together for a few months
Mirajane and Elfman felt that he blamed them for her being gone, so he finally talked to them and told them he didn’t blame them
Given his forgiveness, Mirajane began to put on a nicer persona because she wanted to keep a part of Lisanna alive
Natsu doesn’t normally drink coffee, but when he does, he only drinks pure black coffee
Natsu hoards candy like a dragon hoards jewels, especially on Halloween 
He refuses to share candy with anybody, not even Happy
Natsu has freckles
In his END form, Natsu’s hair bleaches white because of the lack of nutrients
Natsu is very protective of Wendy, and calls himself her big brother
Natsu has ADD and Aspergers Syndrome
Natsu can, and has, picked up his entire team at once
Natsu almost always falls asleep when he takes a bath, so he has to take showers
Even then, Happy has found him asleep in the shower a multitude of times-Natsu calls himself and the other Dragonslayers “the Dragonfam”-They all actually like it, no one but Wendy and Sting will admit it
Natsu had a crush on Laxus, you can NOT convince me otherwise
Natsu is overprotective of people he loves because he’s terrified of losing someone the same way he was forced to watch Igneel get killed by Acnologia
Once the heater in the guild broke, which resulted everyone fighting over who gets to snuggle next to Natsu because of his naturally high body temperature
Gender is an abstract concept to dragons, so Natsu doesn’t have a strong sense of gender roles
Dragon Force is unique to each dragon slayer, and each time their power triples, the slayer gets more dragon-like characteristics
When Natsu first discovered Dragon Force, during the ToH arc, his face and arms had scales, but other than that he was the same
As Natsu grows more powerful, he develops sharper fangs, his pupils turn to slits, which allow him to see heat signatures, his hair turns a darker pink, almost red, as do his scales (see his transformation in the Dragon Cry movie)
Natsu got tables thrown at him while the guild watched Titanic because he yelled “Get to the sinking boat!” at the screen
Levy taught Natsu about space, and ever since, he’s been obsessed with it
Natsu is allergic to bees
Give Natsu a bunch of sugar and he can’t calm down until he gets knocked out
Lucy really loves Natsu’s cooking, even though it gets really spicy
Most people like Natsu’s cooking, even if it’s extremely spicy
Natsu enjoys missions that envolve finding/taking care of animals
Natsu’s nails grow really fast, and he has to clip them almost every other day
His hair grows really fast too
Natsu enjoys doctor visits because he always gets a lollipop afterwards
Natsu has gone with Erza to get a manicure before, and he liked it
Given the chance, Natsu loves lazy days spent napping and fishing
Natsu has been arrested multiple times
Sorcerer Weekly has constantly asked Natsu which Fairy Tail Lady he’d like to date, but he’s never given a clear answer
Natsu is definitely MLM
Natsu loves memes, okay
Legends say that if Gray Fullbuster says the word iced, shell, or death in the same sentence Natsu Dragneel will appear and proceed to beat him up
Team Natsu has had to share a bed before, a single bed
I’m 100% sure that Natsu has dimples when he smiles
Natsu definitely eats cereal for dinner when he doesn’t want to cook
Natsu prefers baths over showers, but he really enjoys long, hot, bubble baths
Natsu has fangs, regularly
Look, Natsu is a chaotic dumbass, but he means well
Natsu can’t drink straight, black coffee, it has to be sweet
Natsu definitely needed to get an artificial arm after the war with Zeref, okay? His arm was literally showing the muscle underneath
Natsu looks really good with long hair, and he’d keep it, but he doesn’t like it in his face and is too lazy to learn how to tie it back
Let’s be honest, Natsu probably has a dragon tattoo on his back in memory of Igneel
If fusion magic is/was a thing in the FT universe, the first person Natsu would want to try to fuse with would be Gray - You can’t tell me otherwise
Natsu with an eyebrow piercing, not a head canon, but think about it
Look, Natsu is definitely a contortionist, okay, he is super fucking flexible
One time, someone threw a chair at him and he bent backwards to dodge it, and everyone thought he broke his back
Natsu is a cuddler, and when he wants cuddles he will pounce - Luckily for him, a lot of girls in the guild (like Mira) think its cute so they cuddle with him
Natsu is very likely to go to the hospital for a stupid reason when its not caused from a mission gone south
Natsu got very frustrated as a kid, because he always melted the snowman he was trying to build
Natsu doesn’t really like gum, because his fangs always get in the way, which means he often bites his tongue
Natsu flirts, but he normally doesn’t realize he’s flirting, which means sometimes he comes off as oblivious
Natsu can’t flirt on purpose, for the life of him
Natsu hates being called a “monster” because deep down he thinks of himself as one
Natsu would be a VERY good dad
Natsu probably has eaten dirt at some point
Lucy once ate pizza with a fork and a knife, and Natsu nearly cried while watching it
Dragonslayers’s eyes can glow in the dark, so Natsu is constantly scaring the shit out of his teammates
When first shown deodorant, Natsu thought it was food
Natsu was once dared to wear one of Erza’s bras for a day - and he did - even stuffed it with toilet paper
One time when Natsu went to Sabertooth, he ate their bonfire and then was chased by anger Sabertooth members who wanted smores
Natsu loves kids, okay? And he’s really good with them!
Natsu has gotten very upset because he couldn’t remember his parents’s names
It took a while for Natsu to work up the courage to tell Fairy Tail that Zeref was his brother
Natsu is kind of insecure about his height
Natsu watched all of Twilight with Lucy, but got super pissed that the end battle wasn’t actually a thing - He may have broken the TV
I did it!
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soft-yan-angel · 5 years
🖤Yandere Zeref Headcanons 🖤
Yeah so this is where listening to a bunch of Fairy Tail AMVs leads you. Be warned mentions of possible spoilers ahead? Granted I haven’t seen everything up to the most recent episode of the last season but I am past mavis’ backstory. Also I’m so sorry to Mavis x Zeref shippers but this is a reader only blog. ~Jade 🌸✨ ☠️ Whee~ still doing the basic two tropes here. I feel like Zeref would be both a possessive and obsessive yandere. ☠️It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re a childhood friend who survived the outburst of his death magic or perhaps you were one of Mavis’ friends? Maybe even a fellow guild mate of Natsu, and you run into Zeref on Tenrou Island? The circumstances of your meeting doesn’t matter. All you need to know is that if you meet him, and he falls for you, he’ll fall hard and fast and by then it’s too late to avoid his attention, especially if somehow you’re immune to his magic. ☠️ He always needs to know where you are, be it through spies, his minions, the etherious he creates, though he prefers to watch you himself. ☠️ He won’t make it very long without kidnapping you, he can’t live without you in his arms at all times. ☠️ A way you can tell this poor boy is mad maybe even furious at you is to watch his eyes?? Black? Usually for any emotion but angry. Black w/red or just fucking red?? Apologize, beg, grovel, etc... ☠️That said he would never hurt you physically. But he may do some mental/emotional punishments. He wouldn’t dare withhold food or water but locking you in your shared room isn’t above him. Emotional would be along the lines of him avoiding you, thinking that you crave to have him by your side too but really you’re just happy he avoids you for a couple of hours or days. ☠️ As far as jealousy goes, it’s never you. It’s always others. They’re always flirting with you, tainting your innocence or filling your head with futile ideas of freedom, he’s all you need. ☠️ He would never force himself on you, but he will manipulate you to like him eventually. Trust me, he uses tears to his advantage. ☠️ He likes taking items of yours with him while he’s away from you, and in turn makes you wear things of his while he’s away. ☠️ He finds a way to make you immortal or temporarily immortal. ☠️ Oh, he also threatens family and friends in the softest tone of voice with a smile on his face if you try to escape or misbehave too many times so maybe don’t? ☠️ He cant choose between you and natsu?? He’s like a platonic familial yandere brother for natsu so he can have you, his brother, and Lucy for his brother while the rest of the world burns. ☠️ He honestly loves the idea of a family but, well, his curse ya know. ☠️ This nerd probably looks to books when he’s lacking at a certain knowledge. Probably looks up more ways to be romantic. ☠️ Speaking of books he has a library if you got a thirst for books then good for you. ☠️ This boy is a Vers. He’s a neutral bottom, either of you can take lead. If he tops, he’s a bit shy at first, but once he gets really into it he’s not necessarily dirty talking but pointing out your reactions like “you jumped when I touched here” or “the more my finger rubs the more wet you get, you like it. It’s okay to admit it.” ☠️ He’s definitely a virgin the first time, like he knows what to do but he’s never practiced it. ☠️ Get him really riled up and call him daddy, that’s also a tactic to use when he’s angry. He’ll fuck you silly but don’t think he’ll forget why he mad at you, it might help lessen your punishment though. ☠️ He probably has light bondage kinks, like tying your hands to the bed, and sensory deprivation. Blindfolding you, muffling your hearing, or both. ☠️ (This may be a personal preference lol- Jade) he may also have a chase kink, run from him and pretend to be scared it gets him off, especially when he catches you and pins you against the nearest surface whispering a couple things in your ear. ☠️ He’s so wholesome though, he buys you cute little gifts (though flowers tend to be given dead and wilted, and with a sheepish expression). ☠️ (This could be read as gender neutral but this headcanon is specifically for girls) on your period? He’s the type of lover/bf to bring you chocolates, movies, tissues, heating pads, and cuddles. If this was a modern AU he’d be calling you in the pad or tampon aisle asking you what brand/size you get?
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Iam looking at your phoenixverse laxus design with both eyes OPEN 👁👁 but now im so curiojz as to what else the phoenixverse has to offer. PLEASE tell me youve got any headcanons about how zeref refived natsu. Like any thoughts at all on that?
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Ohohohohohohohohohoho anon my guy my dude, my man (genderless) I am about to speak. Pull up a fuckin chair bro. Also puttin this under read more because uh, long lol
This is actually one of my favourite things to think about regarding Natsu (apart from yknow, END lol) and Zeref because it is such an interesting little story point.
For Natsu, the interest comes from the fact that he's not who he thought he was. Natsu's always confident about his identity, he's quick to announce who and what he is in a situation and he's proud of who he is. The knowledge that yeah sure, you are Natsu Dragneel, but uh Natsu's not who you think he is buddy- that Natsu, in some way died so many centuries ago but was pulled back and reshaped, reborn- repackaged even- into you in a body that you thought was human but is some almagamation of that and more? All tied to a book? Can he still say with confidence that he is Natsu Dragneel when he hardly knew the truths about himself? And if sayin that is even true when he could easily just be something molded to look like what Zeref lost? (Ofc we the readers know otherwise but imagine the dilemna man) The reality of it would've- should've- been earth shattering. It would've been an identity crisis and then some.
For Zeref, oh man. Zeref's whole thing stems from the fact that he loves Natsu. He loves Natsu so much (and his parents too i guess) that when the tragedy struck and he lost everything, it fucked him up. He just couldn't deal with the incredibly unfair hand that life dealt him that he was willing to turn the world on its head and essentially change the course of fioran history to try and undo what happened to him. To save something from his old life that he loved.
But heres the thing about Zeref's love. It's twisted. It's fucked up. It's dark.
Working years, decades- possibly even centuries- on the single minded task of reviving his brother (and why just Natsu? Why not the parents well? Why only the younger sibling? Did he intend to bring them all back but became single minded on just his brother?) could lead to obsession. Obsession with making him perfect, no longer just as a human but more than that. Stronger so he won't be killed as easily. Obsession with keeping him close, tying him to his soul in such a way that if Zeref goes, Natsu goes as well. Making sure that he's pulling the strings that when it comes to, when he finally closes his eyes at the hands of his brother, he has a comfort in knowing that his brother is going with him and he won't be left alone, like what his very first tragedy did to him. (Plus also making Natsu, his creation that he brought to life, kill him would be a back stab at Ankhserham. Because the god cursed him for fucking around with life and death, so having his demon kill him would be Zeref controlling the life he chose to create and determining his own death. It'd be a last gotcha).
Zeref may have loved Natsu enough to bring him back, and he still loves him in a way, but it's messed up. Because the whole ordeal of everything messed him up.
But I digress, this is just side stuff, your question really. How did Zeref really bring Natsu back?
Now since you asked specifically for phoenixverse, i can get a lil bit loose with canon details and not feel as restricted.
So we have our hard facts- Natsu and Parents die in Zeref's youth, Zeref fucks around tryna undo their deaths and finds out by getting cursed for doing this, then proceeds to use the curse to his advantage and over an undisclosed amount of time to create his demons and what not.
'Undisclosed amount of time' being the key thing here.
Canon implies that the time between Natsu's death, Zeref getting cursed and Zeref reviving Natsu happened within a relatively close period of time. And if it's anything I love, it's spacing out events.
I'd like to think that between the loss of his family and when he gets cursed is a decent gap of time, like a decade or so to really push the fact that he's so fixated on the loss. Then after getting the curse he sets to work of reviving Natsu over the course of decades to almost a century and a half.
(Am i implying Zeref to be a bit older than the 400 years? Yes, yes i am. The way I saw it the events of 400yrs past were inciting incidents i.e Zeref giving Natsu to Igneel, slayers gettin sent to the future, and not the actually set date where everything happened. And again, I like the idea of Zeref fixating on this for a very long time. Him being older drives home the single-mindedness and determination to get it done)
As prodigious as Zeref is, creating life and being the first wizard to do so, i don't think he could do it so easily within a few short years which is why i personally love the idea of Zeref taking so long to be able to revive Natsu. A touch of realism to something magical kinda grounds it in a way, gives it some weight at the very least.
Specifically Natsu being Zeref's final project ever and all the other demons he created over the years prior being experiments and steps taken to perfect the process so Natsu would be the culmination of all that he learnt (demons like deliora and lullaby being demons of inorganic matter given humanoid form-> tartarus- esque demons being humanoid demons with animalistic features (organic matter) -> Natsu, human demon and hybrid traits all working together in cohesion).
And speaking of a touch of realism, or sorta realism anyways, riddle me this.
Zeref needs something to make Natsu well, Natsu. Sure he could probs make a demon that looks like him, but thats not what he wants. He wants his actual brother so, what could he get to add into the mixture to really do that? Why a few samples of course :].
But Phoenix! I hear you cry, how could he have gotten samples if you said in your version that it took him forever to finally revive Natsu?
And so leads into the actual true definitive answer to your question anon.
Zeref, in needing the most important ingredient in the Natsu stew took things from the OG body to help build the new one. But! The kicker here is the samples I imagine him using aren't blood but instead, bone.
Maybe he realizes a decade or 2 down the line in his demon experiments that he missed a step in what he needs to see this through. Maybe he thinks he's too late because what can he do now at that point. Maybe he realizes that he can use not flesh and blood, but what remains for his plan. Maybe he commits another sin in the hopes of it bringing for another and digs up his young brother's bones. Maybe he whittles them down piece by precious piece over the long period of time after failing so many times (am i also implying failed Natsus? Failed ENDs? Hell yeah i am) and coming dangerously close to it all ending for naught, with the last shard of bone. And maybe after so long and so many atrocities, he finally succeeded?
TL:DR Zeref snagged OG Natsu's bones and used those to help in the process of quite literally rebuilding him from scratch to give us our Natsu.
I dunno man, it just adds a layer of fucked up-ness to the whole situation of how far Zeref was willing to go- even defiling his brother's bones to get him back.
And on Natsu's side learning about all this would just twist the knife of his identity crisis even deeper (especially on that implication of failed END attempts before him).
Also like, by stretching out the time of events and making Natsu being the very last demon Zeref ever made bring so much for layers of meaning to the name END in itself.
END, being the literal meaning 'Etherious Natsu Dragneel'
END, signalling the last demon Zeref's made. An end to his experimentations.
END, as in the last and perfected version of his brother, with the last remains of OG Natsu's bones going towards his creation.
And END, as in Zeref's end, where he intends for Natsu to kill him thus ending his life.
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arkus-rhapsode · 4 years
Ok. So what do you think of the latest chapters of fairy tail 100 years quests? What what's happening to characters? I think you're so possed that you even stopped reading more
Hoo boy... *Cracks knuckles* We may be here for a while.
So before I start, let me make clear that I actually keep up with 100YQ, though not for any actual interest anymore. I now stay with it for ironic enjoyment. Because I could say EZ has dumb stuff, but at this point, if you’re Hiro Mashima’s main audience, its fine. No, 100YQ is unique in that it has WTF moments that transcend just the FT fandom sensibilities.
Before I dig in, I’m gonna lay out some formatting rules because we’re cover A LOT. Im gonna be fair and split this up into positive and negative aspects of the series. Because I at least try to be intellectually in what I do.
To avoid from going on tangents and jumping around, I’m gonna be going in chronological order of events. Now this will not be an overview of the series up to this point because that’s stuff I’ve already talked about. Instead I’m gonna start from the point this went from genuine interest to ironic interest. That begin the Whited Out FT Guild.
The concept of the wood dragon god having a kingdom on his back is really cool world building. Its actually something that I really liked about the Sea Dragon God as well. Having a realm reliant on the dragon as well as a reason to revere them. What with the water dragon god controlling the tides while wood dragon god is the supporting the city on his back actually makes them seem like god figures and adds to the lore of the world of Earthland in a way that Ishgar and Alvarez sorely failed at.
Laxus punching out Kyria. Petty yes, as Kyria is my least favorite dragon slayer. However a lot of Whited out FT mages were getting jobbered like crazy or just given unceremonious defeats. So Laxus actually seeming like an obstacle was good.
The cat twist with Touka is actually a funny bit of trolling and was one of the few times there was effective foreshadowing with Touka having a tail. (Too bad it was suck in the meandering Gajeel plot.)
The Dragon Eater guild is a much better final villain army than Spriggan 12. The 12 had little structure as to who was the stronger members, resulting in multiple Spriggans feeling like such major disappointments.
Most Mashima Villain organizations tend to broken up like this: Boss->Special Units (I.E Spriggan 12, Nine Demon Gates, Element 4)->Fodder Units.
No one cares when the fodder of a villain group is beaten as they’re just faceless minions. However, when you get to the special unit, that’s wheen there are actual obstacles and the villains start becoming more like characters. However, Hiro has been bad at this when he’s dealing with bigger organizations.
He never had to worry about telling you which member of the villain group’s special unit were more powerful than the others. Due to working with units composed of low amounts of characters, such as Team Lyon, Element 4, and Death’s Head.
You could say that all were roughly around the same power threshold. However, where the spriggan 12 royally failed was there were 12 of them in that unit and they were all just given the blanket term of being on the same level of the number 1 wizard saint. Yeah... that’s a check so large that Hiro could not cash it.
Hiro even seemed to retroactively acknowledge this by stating that August, Irene, and Larcarde were the three best to cover his ass for the fact that all the spriggans seemed to be jobbered far easier than ones supposedly equal to the number 1 saint.
However, the Dragon Eaters are opponents we’re gradually introduced to over the storyline and we actually see a demonstration of what a group of them can do, instead of 1 just trying take on all of team Natsu at once. We see that Skullion’s team is roughly equal to Team Natsu, giving us a gauge for the Dragon Eater strength, but then we get both Wraith and Nebal, underlings not part of Skullion’s thre man team, implying that are of a weaker variety and thus serving as a stepping stone to fight Skullion. But also introducing us to the Black Dragon Slayer Cavalry. Members above Skullion’s team that give us an idea if when they show up what the audience should expect of their strength level.
There’s a reason why in One Piece why Yonkou opperations have so many categories. You’re not gonna care about the minor thugs, but by making a distinction between the Headliners and the Disasters in Kaidou’s crew, you’ve made it so that we the audience will not feel disappointed if a Headliner is beat by a weaker character like say Usopp but still know that they are more than a foot soldier so this win meant something.
Now time for the negatives:
The concept of White Out is not awful, and is actually a fairly interesting concept for a villain motivation in FT. However, the White Witch is one of the most transparently evil characters in the series, thus you know that she’s doing this morally ambiguous action because she’s evil. Imagine if this were about humans or royals who feared the growing power of mages. Or a disillusioned mage with the concept of people like Zeref or the GMG, where is seems like magic is endless and how that’s a threat to the world. No, White Witch really seems like she wants to be this grand manipulator and actively enjoys calling heer whited out people, puppets.
However, there’s also the fact the whiting out doesn’t make too much sense. Some characters seem like mind controlled puppets like Juvia, while others are basically the same except their evil now like Gajeel, Mira, Elfman, Laxus. And some are dumb jokes like Jellal.
So there’s no consistency to this brainwashing. Only other time I’ve seen a mind control plot like that in media before is Yugioh GX. Sometimes people act like they’ve been brainwashed into something different like Alexis. But then people like Bastion and a lot of the gag members of the society like Rose and Bob act as if they’re not affected by anything.
Yeah, this white witch plot feels distractedly ripped off from the society of Light from Yugioh GX.
The concept of Team Natsu vs FT in the vain of the fighting festival arc is dumb narratively from two standpoints. First from a story standpoint in the idea that why the battle of FT arc was opportunity, due to the fact they were all willing to fight to free the frozen girls. Which allowed for others to show shades to their motivations Like Alzack willing to mow through his other comrades for Bisca or Thunder God Tribe assisting in protecting Laxus so he’s the last man standing. There’s a tangible reward on th line that motivates the characters to act as do.
Here, the characters are clearly fighting against their will because of an intangible force. This white magic makes them slaves and are fighting because “white doctrine.” Something they only believeebecause brainwashing. As such, you want to see Natsu and gang beat them up to stop the white witch and free them. There’s no force or intrigue that makes the audience care about both sides like seeing Alzack vs Jet and Droy because you know they both want to save their partners but only one can. Instead people only care because a surface level of “friend turned evil” device. It takes the B and C list cast of the FT guild and makes them props.
And from a meta standpoint, there is no tension, due to the fact this is a post final battle with acnologia Team Natsu. The team is bounds ahead of so many guild members like Macao, Reedus, Max etc. that the only real threat is the S class mages. So that makes that big page spread of evil FT in cult robes dull as only like 3 of them are gonna actually matter.
Then there’s Wraith. Nebal was a boring an generic crazy guy is unimpressive, Wriath was actually really interesting at first. Is ghost magic allowed for an interesting fight and his possession actually having limitations on how effective it was made for a cool skill.
But then the reveal about him and Makarov. I eye-rolled at that point, but then I saw the previews and was like, maybe this’ll be the best thing to come out of this series. Everyone wants to know more about past FT around team Makarov’s time.
But all the potential of young Makarov and young Porylusica and the rest of their team is put on fast forward as they’re all suddenly thinking about leaving. But maybe the reveal with Wraith could be interesting. I saw a lot of good theories like Wraith was Makarov’s half brother or Wraith was the son of Makarov and Porylusica who was killed by Ivan.
Well... Any theory would’ve been better than Wraith was some random ass mage and when they say he a Makarov are related its because the bonds of FT that is real family and transcends death itself.
...Gag me...
And and Wraith just fucks off into the afterlife. Because we can’t actually end a fight because of the protagonist’s ingenuity. No, the villain just kills themselves because feels. Isn’t that right August and Irene?
In conclusion
That’s my thoughts as briefly and coherent as I could make them. So if you wanna know my feelings on 100YQ, it can basically be summed in FT being FT. If you expected more, you’re gonna be disappointed. But if you genuinely love the world and character regardless of Hiro’s writing, you’ll probably still enjoy it regardless of what I’m saying
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darkcitrin · 5 years
Hi, there is a reason I was not able to write about it again.
This canon ship and canon Juvia are indeed like water, being almost impossible to grasp. How can one analyse things without consistency and shape? I guess by getting wet and all-embracing since every concrete scene analysis will be counter able by other scenes.
Additionally, Hiros Mashimas established definition of “love” within the franchise makes it also really difficult to argue anymore within this universe…
at the same time it demolished also any value ability of this series, meaning and morality which it may had hold for the real world so far but ok he was willing to pay this price to find an ultimate plot excuse for his poorly execution of his story and  characters towards the end, while he was overworked by three big projects and travelling, leaving him not even time to think and to conclude his masterpiece appropriately .
A refresher for all, his definition of love would be that one can only truly love somebody if one wants the best for this person despite hating this person for other character sides  or due to actions he or she did in the past.
This definition was established when Marvis was saving the “life” of her sexual abuser who threatened humanity and worse and pretty much now justifies Nalu, Gruvia, Jerza who may be to some extend abusive ships…...
It was a newly made definition and contradicts the previously established love definition throughout the series.
Love was previously a feeling of home, acceptance, friendship, support, understanding, despite how strong you are, where you come from or how beneficial you were, as established not only within the guild the members towards their master, family, friends
Lucys love for her guild based on these experiences was stronger than towards her own father who provided her everything except enough love since he was still grieving about the loss of her mother and who even wanted to determine her partnership.
Ren and Sherry become a couple being compatible as fuck, Bisca and Alcsec the same, Gajeel fall in love with Levy rebuild a love relationship by scratch based on these values and oh boy their relationship is beautiful.
 In case of our other canon ships well lets only focus on gruvia
 Despite people interpreting the water prophecy different than I do, Gruvia was not really treated nicely at the beginning of the series
Juvia who experienced happiness in her life at the first time by meeting Gray thought she can obtain him and secure an eternity happiness by doing so. I selected the word obtain intentionally, since she was using it herself.
Her happiness resulted due to Grays kindness towards her.
To obtain Gray she offered him to protect him, and she started to try to monopolize him, which is seen at different covers as well.
It was shown that she didn t understand and cared for his will to protect other bonds. And sadly she didn t till the very end eventhough she stated differently. First she didn t understand his bond to Erza, Lucy, Lyon and at the End Natsu, being surprised that he would help Erza despite Erza being stronger than him or most others, Lucy by fighting even injured or hanging out with her eventhough he had now Juvia, his bond to Lyon was interpeted as lover instead as a brother, protecting Natsu against Zeref, was for her also really “new”. Simply put, she does not understand that he finds happiness by several people for her a monopolized lover is the key for happiness and there they are not compatible.And this is portrayed in media as if that would be the case contradicting the whole franchise most important message. 
( She reminds me of Pinocchio but she never received a more human becoming development) 
Furthermore she is portrayed as a real fangirl, not loving gray for who he is since she does not even know, ask, understands him but for what he did for her and later on also for others? There is even a scene she is dreaming gray up being different shonen characters she would all marry.
It is also not as if others would not have offered her to get a closer relationship to them… Juvia is just not interested in that.
 However, she claimed that fairytail was making her happy at the famous Cana Game Scene so she seemed to be pretty happy with them.
This scene is really important, aswell as the ova where she proved that she would trust Gray over his behaviour tricking everyone.
 These were scenes where I personally thought it could develop into sth but these were the only exceptions... so ... yeah he let me down even there I guess. 
 Juvia was willing to change to get Grays affection also willing to lose her identity and self independency since being dependent of gray would mean being together with him, as fighting partner or as a person he has to protect now. (I rather preferred her when she said she was stronger than him and wanted to protect him, but well I guess she is not really just fine to love him only as she putted it and wants to feel loved..... by heroic harmful ways like he did for the others... male authors have a really war time driven love declaration definition)
 So what is the problem… “it is fucking crazy that a person is doing that” ( Grays wording), however is she a person or is she water indeed… which can produce blood conveniently ….. Can one expect her even to behave like a human?
 Yes to not be alone is nice but well she did not give him really an option to chose somebody else and then it got a habit…… is this really love?
Well maybe
I mean I would also love my dog, for eating my left overs and following me around and being there if I am sad losing my dad
 To be in a relationship, maybe intending to get a family together and to live together 24 h a day
In my regard not enough 
I at least would like to have a partner who respect my boundaries, knows me, supports me how I need support and not how my partner thinks what I would need
I would like to be also a friend of my partner and I would like to have friends beside this partner.
But ok, I also have a different definition of love, love as a feeling of extreme friendship, trust, understanding, comfort and would love to be equal partners playing together the game called life
 But oh well this is just a realistic healthy relationship goal I have and I thought and assumed Gray would as well by acting like a rather normal nice person which seemed to have changed suddenly to make way for the next generation, how lovely
 However, this is fiction and the words and scenes of the all mighty author are inviolable
Except maybe if he would contradict himself.
Or if he would have admitted that he hadn’t enough time to think things though and would have said that he would have rushed things or if mistakes like scar positions and plot inconsistency may exist
 oh wait let me check
He did and they do
 Oh well, I guess it is ok then, to post this
 And in case people are using a certain flashback scene as contra argument…. 
For my part at least, I do not trust Juvias imagination, wording and memories, and by looking at canon material I wonder if you would
 How exactly is it nice to throw water slicer at lucy and gray in in the police ft spinoff an attack which destroyed the avatar girl in the avatar arc  ? Only because he prevented Lucy to fall and hurt herself?
Juvia really evolved into a better person hasn’t she
(can contain sarcasm)
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phoneboxfairy · 5 years
Ashes - Aftermath for 100YQ Ch 22
(AO3 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/18388856)
Wendy did what she could. Which, given the strength of her magic, was a lot.
Still, she had her limits. Once the wounds were dressed the young lady went to lay down and recuperate...and most likely get chastised by Carla.
That left Natsu and Lucy alone. She sat next to him, rubbing healing salve over his still sensitive skin. Her usual cheerful smile replaced with a frown.
"You're ridiculous, you know that?" Not looking up from her handiwork.
"What d'ya mean?"
"You always go rushing in recklessly no matter how dangerous the situation is. Do you want to die or something?"
"What? No! No way! You know I'd rather live and fight for this guild than die."
"Yeah, that's what you say." Harsh, hurting laugh. "Your actions don't always match your words."
"That battle was a fluke. I didn't know what Ignia's flames would do."
"Not just today, Natsu." Her voice got quiet, almost a whisper. "The fight against Zeref. You didn't even think. You just took off without a word trying to take on the most powerful dark wizard in history by yourself. And you could've died."
"I didn't."
"That's not the point. I...we were all so worried about you." A pause. She sniffled, then whispered something almost inaudible.
...inaudible for anyone who didn't have dragon slayer hearing, that is. Natsu heard it loud and clear.
"I don't want to lose you."
"Luce..." He reached over, touched her hand. Then winced. Damn battle injuries.
"My point is...maybe instead of rushing around like you have a death wish, you should think of something to live for."
"Maybe I already do."
Her heart stopped for a moment. Eyes widened.
"Natsu...what are you saying?"
"The same thing I said when we left on this damn quest."
"Together forever from now on...?" Tears were threatening to spill now.
"That's right." He took her hand, ignoring the pain. "We're more than just teammates. Swear sometimes it's like you're the only one who can keep me sane. Like, y'know. Today. Anyway, I think that means I love ya."
"I....I'm with you. And yes, that means I love you, you big dummy." Tears flowed relentlessly.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Natsu pulled her into his arms, not sure how else to react. This was a completely new situation for him.
"Natsu? Can I kiss you?"
"Yeah, if ya want, I guess..."
Slow, soft, sweet. Eyes slid closed. She leaned into him, while he slipped a hand over her cheek.
They were both really into it...at least until he heard something.
Lucy was whimpering.
He took one look at her face, saw the raw pink skin on her cheek, right where his hand was. Immediately lowered his fingers.
He didn't deserve to touch her, not if he caused her so much pain.
"Fuck...Lucy...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you like that."
"Shhh, dummy. It's fine. Here...you can help heal me." She held up the salve, put some on his exposed fingertip. "Go ahead."
Slowly, with more gentleness than he thought he was capable of, he stroked the salve over her cheek. She angled her head to give better access, and he kept working. She smiled, traces of sadness in her eyes.
He looked away.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't deserve to touch you. I'm...a monster."
That was when Lucy Heartfilia did something truly unexpected.
She slapped him.
"I...deserved that."
"Yeah, you definitely did. Natsu, you are not a monster. And you're NOT gonna sit here wallowing in self pity over something you can't control, either." Big, heavy sigh. "Sorry for slapping you."
"No. I needed that. You knocked some sense into me. As usual." Chuckle as he brushed a little more salve over her cheek. "What do we do now?"
"I think we need to regroup and plan our new steps. Am I right to assume you're not planning on giving up and going back home?"
"Hell yeah. I ain't a coward." Fanged grin, with traces of that usual sparkle in his eyes. Lucy couldn't help smiling.
"Now that's my Natsu."
"Well your Natsu wants his Lucy to scoot a little closer."
"And why's that?"
"It's a surprise. Come here, you." He pulled her close, kissed her, hoping he was doing it right.
Kissing was weird. Like, how did you do it without boinking the other person with your nose? And where the hell were your hands supposed to go?
At the same time...he liked it. Natsu might not have been particularly skilled, but kissing Lucy was pretty awesome. She smelled light, almost flowery, further blessing his senses with a taste that reminded him of sweet vanilla.
And she wasn't resisting. She leaned into it, one hand feathering through his hair.
Once they broke for air he rested his forehead on hers.
Out of the corner of his eye he noticed something.
She shivered. Not much, only slightly, enough to catch his attention.
Impulse took over. He grabbed his scarf, wrapped it around her shoulders, pulled her close, letting her rest her head on his own shoulder.
“Natsu?” “You looked cold.”
What sounded like a content sigh eventually became an unmistakable soft snore. He let his guard down, allowed himself a smile. Slowly, carefully, he shifted down on the cot. He wanted to lay down, not daring to disturb her slumber.
Unfortunately, at that very moment, a blue flying cat came zooming through the open window and buried his face in Natsu's hair.
“Natsuuu! Lucyyyy! I was so worried!” “Happy! Shhh!” Dark glare and a gesture at the now-stirring blonde in his arms. She opened an eye.
“Huh? Oh. Hey Happy.” Yaaaawn. “Now pipe down so I can sleep.”
“What happened? You two weren't makin' babies or anything were you?!”
“Why would you even think that, cat?”
“Why wouldn't I? Everyone knows you two loooooove each other.”
“Ugh we can talk about this later. For now I think we all need to get some rest. It's been a long day.”
Natsu knew that look on her face. That was the look she picked up from Erza somewhere along the line, the one that meant crossing her was a bad idea.
“Yeah you're right. We got plenty of time to figure things out.” A yawn that wasn't entirely faked. Happy curled up on a nearby pillow, and Natsu curled his arms back around Lucy. Right where they belonged, he thought. “Night, Happy. Night, Lucy.”
“Night-night, Natsu. Sweet dreams.” She brushed her mouth against his collarbone, then settled her head down.
Somehow, despite the chaos that had engulfed most of the past several days, sleep came easily. Exhaustion made for a good night's sleep, at least.
The team had a lot to think about. What was their plan of action? What was the next step? What the hell was going on with Natsu's powers? And, more importantly, what about his newfound relationship with Lucy...?
Sure, there was a lot to figure out, a lot of the usual sort of chaos they were all used to.
For now, though, a moment of peace was more than welcome.
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mdelpin · 5 years
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Gratsu Bingo 2019 Prompt: Play AO3 | FF.Net
Natsu Smiles
Summary: Gray was relieved when Natsu confesses that he's begun writing fanfiction as a way to help him not miss Gray so much while he's away at college. But as months go by and Natsu's smile begins to dim, Gray fears he might not be able to save Natsu from himself.
Trigger Warning: In later chapters, there will be mentions of cutting, and there will be talk of suicide. This chapter, however, is pure fluff.
Chapter 1
“Hey Babe,” Gray spoke into his phone, excited to finally get to talk to Natsu for the first time since he’d left for college. It had been a long week, full of orientations and the beginning of his training schedule.
Gray could almost touch the excitement in Natsu’s voice, and he immediately became homesick. He could picture the way Natsu’s eyes lit up when he smiled, and it made him ache to touch him. They’d never been apart this long since they’d started dating a few years earlier.
“The one and only, I finally got a break to myself, and I couldn’t wait to hear your voice,” Gray gushed sounding like a lovelorn idiot and not caring one bit, “What have you been up to while I was gone?”
There was a pause and then a nervous chuckle, “Promise you won’t laugh?”
“No can do, but now I’m really curious, you been thinking about me?” Gray asked.
“Yeah, I miss you,” Natsu’s voice was sad, but he continued, “Do you remember Lucy?”
“Yeah sure, the blonde.”
“Mhm, well she suggested I try writing as a way to get my mind off you for a bit, so I did.”
“Writing, huh? That’s cool, what did you write about?”
“Remember that anime I was really into? I wrote a fanfiction about it, and I posted it online.”
“Fanfiction? I leave for a week, and you turn into a girl,” Gray teased, but he was secretly glad. He’d been worried that without him there to force Natsu to go out and socialize sometimes he’d just sit home and mope about him being gone. Writing sounded like a good thing.
“Shut up, guys can write fanfiction. A few people liked it, and they commented on it, it was kinda cool. They liked something I wrote, can you believe it?”
“Of course I can, you’ve always had an awesome imagination. Can I read it?”
“Sure, I posted it on fanfiction.net, my username is firedragon777. Anyway, tell me everything!”
So Gray did, he told him about Lyon, his roommate, who was also there on a hockey scholarship. He told him about the grueling practice schedule, and the terrible food, and what his room looked like but mostly he told him how much he missed him, and how he couldn’t wait to see him the first break he got. They hung up ten minutes later, feeling happy, but also frustrated at not being able to see each other.
Gray logged on to fanfiction.net and looked for Natsu’s story. He thought it was good, but what he loved the most was being able to hear Natsu’s voice in the words. He grinned and left a ridiculously sappy comment that would probably embarrass the hell out of Natsu when he read it and went to bed with thoughts of his lover floating through his tired brain.
School started almost before he was ready, and it was much harder than he’d expected. The added pressure of having to keep his GPA up while having to adhere to his team’s practice schedule kept him in constant stress. He wished Natsu were there with him, he always slept better with him in the bed.
They emailed back and forth, but their schedules didn’t mesh up for long phone conversations very often. Today had been a particularly grueling day for Gray, and he needed to hear Natsu’s voice, so he forced himself to take a break between practice and dinner and call him.
“Hey Babe, Is this a bad time?” Gray greeted as soon as the call was picked up.
“Hi, No, I was just looking up some stuff online,” Natsu said, sounding a bit distracted.
“Resorting to porn already?” Gray teased, knowing porn made Natsu uncomfortable.
“Gods no, that stuff is gross. I’ve been talking to a few other writers, and we’ve been thinking of starting a writing group on Tumblr, maybe Discord.”
“I have no idea what any of those are.”
“Me either, that’s why I’m looking into them. Discord sounds interesting. It’s like a chat thing for gamers, but it has video calling. Maybe you can get it too, and we can at least see each other from time to time.”
“That actually sounds like a great idea, I’d love to see you right about now. I’ll check it out once I get back to my room.”
“Rough day?”
“Yeah, any day without you is rough.”
“That was pretty smooth.”
Gray chuckled, “I have my moments. So the writing thing is still good?”
“Yeah, I’ve published a few other things.”
“Oh, man, I didn’t know. I’ll check them out later.”
“You can subscribe to me, then you’ll get emails whenever I post anything.”
“Okay. Damn, I have to go eat dinner before the dining hall closes for the night. I love you.”
“I love you too, bye!”
Gray hurried to eat, looking up Discord on his phone while he sat at the table. He decided to install it on his laptop when he got back to his room. He really wanted to see Natsu.
“Can you see me?” Natsu asked once he saw Gray’s image come up on the screen. He waved excitedly.
“Wow you weren’t kidding, he really does have pink hair.”
“Natsu, this is Lyon, my idiot roommate. Lyon, this is my boyfriend, Natsu. Now go away so I can enjoy seeing him for the first time in a month.”
With a wave Lyon left the room, closing the door behind him.
“Wow, his hair is really white,” Natsu couldn’t help but say.
“You know that’s ridiculous coming from you, right?” Gray rolled his eyes and just stared at his screen. “You’re looking good babe, wearing a bit more clothes than I was hoping for. I always picture you naked when we talk.”
Natsu laughed, “I bet you do, Zeref always leaves the fucking thermostat too cold, and he bitches if I move it.”
“He still working nights?
Natsu nodded, and Gray just wanted to reach out and touch him, what he wouldn’t give to be able to somehow go through the screen and just magically appear at Natsu’s house.
“You look tired, Princess,” Natsu noted, observing the dark rings around the other’s eyes.
“Yeah, they’ve been running us ragged. We have our first game soon. What about you? How’s school going?”
“It’s fine, nothing too hard yet. I’ve been working on the writing group. We have a blog, and I’m playing around, trying to learn how to create a website. We’ve been talking about organizing events too.”
“No offense babe, but that sounds like a lot of work. I thought you were in this for fun.”
“It is, and I am, but you know me, I like learning new things. It’s a little stressful though, there are a few people in there already, and they don’t all get along.”
“Natsu, don’t go in all crazy like you always do? If it gets to be too much just let go, okay?”
“It’ll be fine, you worry too much. Anyway, show me your room,” Natsu changed the subject, and Gray let him. He walked him around the room, showing him where he lived.
“I can’t wait for you to come here next year, we can get a little apartment off-campus, it’ll be awesome! I’ve already started asking which are the best buildings.”
“That does sound nice, I miss you sneaking in here to sleep while Zeref is at work.”
“We didn’t always sleep,” Gray reminded him with a wolfish grin.
“No, we didn’t,” Natsu smiled and held his hand up to the screen, and even though it was girly and he felt dumb, Gray did it back.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
To be continued...
A/N: I'm gonna be honest with you, I had no plans to write any more new stories for the Bingo but something happened last night and I just had to get some stuff out. So this was born late last night while not being able to sleep and stressed out beyond measure as to whether a friend would wake up again or not.
This story has nothing to do with anything ftlgbtales related (or any of my other blogs). This is more drawing on my limited experience in fandom and how it can tear you apart if you let it.
It will be in Gray's POV, mostly because I'm trying to understand how my husband might have felt when I first joined the Fairy Tail fandom. Think of it as my penance for doing that to him. The man is a saint.
I have not decided on the ending yet and I have no idea how many chapters it will be. I had originally meant to do a one-shot but this is where I left it 4AM and when I was rereading this morning I could not bear to spoil it with anything bad. Can't vouch the other chapters will be as fluffy.
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bladerivalen · 5 years
Rugged Love Pt. 2
Lucy's eyes slowly fluttered open, feeling the sun on her face. Shielding her eyes from the light, she looked around yawing. That's when she remembered what had happened last night. "Did I really do that?" she asked herself, thinking it was a dream. She looked around and saw all of Natsu's stuff, telling her it was real. She fell back with a smile. "I really did it. I told him I love him, and he loves me back." she said as she licked her lips, still tasting him. Then a wonderful aroma found her, and she shot straight up. Following the smell, she made her way into the kitchen to find Natsu cooking. He heard her and turned his head with a giant grin.
"Hey Luce! I'm making pancakes, want some?" he said as he flipped one. She sat down at his table and rested her head in her hands, staring at him.
"Sure thing Natsu." He smiled at her as he carried the food over and sat it down in front of her. Sitting down next to her, he went about eating his own. She cut a piece of and put in her mouth, melting away from the taste. "Oh my god Natsu, these are delicious."
"Hey Natsu, where's mine?" Zeref asked as he fiddled with a camera. Natsu smiled and sat them on a little automated vacuum.
"The're on their way bro." he said as he turned it on and sent him his food. Lucy giggled at the whole ordeal, which caught his attention. "Was that a cute little Lucy giggle I heard?" he said as he leaned closer to her. Starting to go red, she tried pushing him away.
"No it wasn't." she was saying, when he suddenly kissed her cheek. She looked at him and blushed again.
"Don't worry, I thought it was absolutely adorable." he said with a grin. He finished the last it of food on his plate and stood up, grabbing her empty plate as well. Walking over to the sink, he dropped them in and turned around to look at her. "So, what do you want to do after school?"
"Hang out here. If that's okay with you." she said with a smile as she stood from her chair. He smiled back and walked over to her, wrapping an arm around her.
"Sounds like a plan. Come on, let's go." he said as he led her out of the house. Hopping on his bike, he started it up and waited for her to get on. She sat down behind him, slipping her arms around his waist and holding tightly. They both blushed slightly from how close they were. He started his bike and sped off for their college. Looking up at him, she smiled lightly at his face, the wind sweeping through her hair. Thinking back to last night, she smiled brighter now, but it quickly faded.
"Natsu, about last night. Was-"
"Yes Luce. It was real. I meant everything I said and did." he replied before she could even finish. She smiled again as a small tear came to her eye. "Well, we're here." he said again as he pulled into the college parking lot. Hopping off, he helped Lucy off and she went to go to her classes, but he grabbed her before she could.
"Natsu, wh-" she was saying before he stopped her with a kiss. He pulled away and smiled, leaving her shocked.
"See ya after school Luce!" he called back as he left for class. Shaking back to reality, she left for hers as well, licking her lips slightly. "Natsu.." she said before trailing off into thought, marveling at his taste on her lips. - - - - - Lucy sat there on his bed, scribbling away at her story. She was spending the night again, and he had left for a shower. But the thought of spying on him was eating her away. She wanted to see so badly, but she knew it was a bad idea. Annoyed, she threw her book down and flopped backwards with a sigh. Then she heard the shower turn off, which meant he was finished and getting out. Deciding to take the risk, she snuck out  his room and towards the bathroom. Peering in, she saw him facing the other way, fastening his jeans. She stood there and stared in awe at his muscular, tattooed back. Stalking in, she lightly traced her hand across his back. "Hey there hot stuff." she said as she rested her head on his shoulder. He smiled and arched his head to the side to kiss her head.
"Hey there gorgeous." She kept rubbing her hand across his back, loving the feeling of their skin touching. That's when she noticed something that troubled her. Hidden under the tattoos, were countless scars lacing his back.
"Natsu, why is your back so scarred?" she said worriedly, holding him tighter. He broke away from her hold and sat on the edge of the tub, staring at the ground. She walked over and crouched down, trying to look into his eyes. "Natsu, please tell me." she asked quietly.
"My step-dad. When our actual dad died, our mom became a drunk. One day she came home with some new guy and said he was our dad now. It was sick, the way she just scrapped him to edge and found some new guy to love. Well, new guy didn't like either of us, so he would beat us when mom wasn't around. It all came to breaking point when he was drunk of his ass and tried to stab Ze with a chunk of glass. Right there's where it ended up." he said pointing at a large scar on his shoulder. "Soon enough, they both got fed up with us and left. Ze got his job as a photographer which pays enough for us to get through. I'm in college to get another high paying job and we can finally live in peace. Hopefully." he said before remaining silent, staring off into space. He looked up at Lucy, who had rivers of tears pouting from her eyes.
"Oh Natsu, I'm so sorry." she said as she wrapped him in a tight hug. "I wish I was there for you. To help you, anything. I'm so sorry." she said through her sobbing. He smiled and held her head.
"Don't worry Luce. You're here for me now. That's all that matters right now." he said. She looked him in the eyes, and he did the same. Slowly, she pressed her lips against his, feeling all the sadness and pain melt away. He raked a hand through her blonde hair and pulled her deeper into the kiss, which she happily accepted. She pulled away quickly and wrapped her legs around him.
"Natsu, can we.." she was sating before she trailed off in embarrassment. He kissed her again then pulled back, smiling.
"Only if you want to Lucy." he said, to which she nodded. He slid his hands around her ass and picked her up, once again kissing her passionately. Slowly, he carried her to his room and sat her on the bed and knelt down. He started to kiss her stomach softly, trailing up her body as he removed her shirt. She shuddered at how soft he was being and moaned lightly. Encouraged by the noise she made, he sped up, kissing his way past her chest and onto her neck, fully removing the shirt. "You're mine Lucy. You okay with that?" he whispered into her ear as he bit it lightly. She moaned out in pleasure, causing him to smile. "I'll take that as a yes." he said as he undid her bra. He kissed his way down her neck and onto her breasts, lightly kissing at her perked nipple.
"Oh fuck.." she moaned out as he started to rub the other breast. She stared off at the ceiling, her vision blurring from the overwhelming pleasure she was experiencing. He moved his mouth down her body again, stopping right above her pants. Undoing them, he slid them off and kissed his way onto her already soaked pussy. Sliding his tongue up and down it, he pulled her hips closer to him. "Natsu..I think...I think i'm gonna cum!" she yelled out as she climaxed all over his face. He licked at her juices with a smile.
"You already came and I didn't even get to have fun. Guess we'll just have to wait till next time." he said as he stood up, teasing her. Immediately, she hooked her legs around him and pulled him to her, their hips touching.
"Please Natsu..." she said softly, out of breath slightly. He leaned closer to her with a sly grin.
"Please what?" he said to her, making her go red. He kissed at her neck again, causing her to moan.
"You know what." she said quickly, gasping as she felt his lips on her neck.
"Yes I do. But I wanna hear you say it." he said into her ear. She turned away slightly, biting her lip. He traced his hands down her sides to her hips and pulled her closer to him.
"I...i w-want....." she stuttered out before she fully resolved herself. "I want you to fuck me Natsu! That's what I want!" she yelled out before hiding her face from him. But, upon hearing metal clink on the floor, she peeked our from behind her hands, her eyes going wide.
"Such a naughty girl, having thoughts like that. But i'll give you what you want Luce." he said as he grabbed her hips and pulled her closer, his cock pushing deep inside her. She moaned out, almost screaming, as she gripped the bed sheets. "God, you're so tight Lucy." he said, groaning. He slid backwards then pushed forwards again, causing her to yelp.
"Oh god Natsu, it feels so good!" she managed through her constant moaning. Her hips bucked slightly towards him, already on the verge of cumming again. She started rubbing her breasts as she closed her eyes and listened to him fuck her.
"Luce, I think i'm gonna cum!" he said, trying to pull out. She bit her lip, then pulled him closer, not letting him. Surprised, he came hard, filling her up inside as she moaned again. Once finished, she let him pull out and he looked shocked. "Lucy, you know what you just did, right?"
"Yep. I made the best decision of my life." she said with a smile, rubbing her stomach.
Happy birthday @phoneboxfairy!!! Also, thank you to @petri808, @bmarvels, and @rosechi for help during the time it took me to write this. @dark0angel13 @fairywithajetblackheart this is also for you two!
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