awsam · 5 years
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“When I see you I forget to b r e a t h e”
I’m a month late for Gratsu week but it’s still technically Gratsu month lol. And I couldn’t not draw anything for my favorite Fairy Tail ship. So I have risen from the dead just to post this 😂😬
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Gratsu week/ Bingo:
Day 11 / 18: Dreams / Spring
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mdelpin · 5 years
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Fan Art by @celestialrayna​ , this was a commission she did for me last year.  It is from my story To Kill A Dragon and its currently unfinished sequel To Save A Dragon. I don’t think of them with kids often, which is probably why I evaded this prompt for as long as I did, but when I do Kai Dragneel-Fullbuster will always hold my heart. Gratsu Bingo 2019 Prompt: Kids
Kids. It was a word that floated around their home, often in jest. The idea of either of them being responsible enough to care for another human being was laughable, wasn’t it?
Gray could barely keep his clothes together while destruction followed Natsu around like an old friend.
And kids were a lot of work, weren’t they? There was constant feeding followed by burping and bathing. There were sleepless nights and worrying about their safety and future.
Yeah, they couldn’t possibly pull it off.
Then again, no one ever thought they could manage to be in a relationship without killing the other and yet here they sat. Together for years with possibly the most stable relationship out of all their friends.
Was it really so crazy? To dream of a little boy with Natsu’s boyish smile, who would lead all his friends into amazing adventures, even if it was only in their backyard. Or of a little girl with Gray’s beautiful eyes who would capture everyone’s heart, especially her fathers’.
More and more the word was said less with laughter and more with a longing so intense it threatened to burst out of them.
Natsu and Gray, with kids? Was it even a good idea considering how powerful they both were?
They tossed and turned, went back and forth, even talked to Makarov about it, thinking he would try to talk them out of it. Instead, he only grinned and handed them a card with the name and address of someone who could help them achieve their dream. The product of his own desires for a great-grandchild.
Natsu and Gray looked at each other, and as always it was Natsu who threw caution to the wind and held out his hand. Gray, who believed in Natsu more than he believed in his own doubts, grabbed it and laced their fingers together. They set off, hand in hand, to the address listed on the card.
Natsu and Gray were ready to embark on their most ambitious adventure yet, a family of their very own.
A/N: I left it open so you could imagine how they managed it on your own. And yes, if you squint I managed a drabble. :)
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zerefserigala · 5 years
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Gray x Natsu + Sunflower
“Anywhere you go,                                Let me go too...                                                          Natsu...                                                                      ...that’s all I ask of you.” ~ All I Ask Of You | Jonathon Young ft. Malinda Kathleen Reese (cover)
For: @fuckyeahgratsu (GraTsu Bingo 2019)
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splendidlyimperfect · 5 years
Written for Gratsu Bingo/Week; prompt: flying
When Gray's girlfriend dumps him right before Christmas, he's stuck with a non-refundable, three-week holiday to Paris. Without another choice, he agrees to go with a stranger - a man who is remarkably charismatic, and a lot cuter than Gray is willing to admit. It's supposed to be platonic (Gray's straight, right?), but Paris isn't called the City of Love for nothing.
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Chapters (1/4): 1 Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Cana Alberona Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Holidays, Vacation, Christmas, Paris (City), Romantic Fluff, Mutual Pining, Holding Hands, First Kiss, Trans Character, Falling In Love, Strangers to Lovers, Romance, Gray thinks he's straight but he's not, Natsu falls in love hard, Gray speaks French because reasons, Tumblr: FTLGBTales
“Gray, if you don’t stop moping, I’m going to have to kick your ass.”  
Gray groans, tipping his head back against the couch and looking at Cana upside-down. She gestures to the mess of takeout containers around him, rolling her eyes.  
“Get your shit together, man,” she says, flopping down on the couch next to him. “I know you feel like crap, but at least take a shower.”  
Gray rubs his eyes, sitting up and reaching for his coffee mug. When he realizes it’s cold, he makes a face.
“I didn’t ask you to come over here,” he grumbles, glaring at Cana over the top of the mug as he drinks the cold coffee anyway. “If you don’t like how I’m coping, feel free to leave.”  
“You’re not coping,” Cana says, flicking his forehead. “And as your sister, I have a duty to drag you out of this wallowing mess and make you less miserable.” Gray scowls at her. “C’mon, it’s been a month. She wasn’t even that nice!”  
“Suki was perfectly nice,” Gray protests, but there isn’t much energy in his voice. “And that’s not…” He trails off, shaking his head.  
“That’s not what?” Cana asks, frowning and pulling her legs up under her.  
Gray sighs, digging through the pile of blankets around him until he finds his phone. He flicks through a few messages, then hands it to Cana. Her eyes widen as she reads the e-mail.  
“Okay, now I really wanna kill her,” Cana growls. “You were gonna take her on holiday?”  
“Mm.” Gray flops back against the cushions. “Three weeks. She’d always said she wanted to go to Paris, and I’d been looking for tickets – they popped up on that super discount site, so I grabbed them. I was gonna take her for Christmas.” 
“Well now you can take me!” Cana says. Gray shakes his head.  
“They won’t let me change the name on the ticket,” me says. “One of those ‘non-refundable-fine-print-blah-blah-blah’ things.”  
Cana looks down at the e-mail again, then back at Gray with a grin on her face.  
“You’ll just have to find someone else with the same name!” she says excitedly.
Continue reading on AO3
“Have to… what?” Gray frowns at her.  
“The same name!” Cana exclaims. “If you can’t change the name on the reservation, find someone else with the same name to go with you!”  
“You mean… a stranger?” Gray asks. He rubs his temples, yawning. It’s too early to deal with Cana’s exuberance. “Why would I want to do that?”  
“Because it’s an adventure,”  Cana insists. “And it’s either that, or spend Christmas with me and Lucy.”  
Gray takes his phone back from Cana and considers her proposition. Taking a three-week trip with a complete stranger doesn’t sound particularly appealing, but neither does spending Christmas with his sister and her handsy girlfriend.  
“Fine,” he says, looking up at Cana. “But where the hell am I gonna find someone else named Natsuki?”
Gray hates to admit it, but Cana is right. It takes a few days after Cana posts the information online, but eventually someone reaches out. They exchange a few messages, and after Gray decides that she seems normal enough, he agrees to have her come along.  
Now it’s a week later and he’s sitting in the airport, rubbing his face and looking down at his phone for the hundredth time.
I’ll meet you outside security, the message says. Pink hair, I’m pretty hard to miss ;)  
Gray’s stomach twists as he fidgets, looking at the clock on his phone six times before finally registering the time. The flight doesn’t leave for two hours, but Gray’s been here since check-in opened. He knows he’s being overly cautious, but it’s better than missing the flight. Plus, he’s anxious as hell about meeting someone new.
Nearly half an hour and another cup of coffee later, Gray spots a flash of bright pink through the crowd. He stands up, tossing his cup into the trash and taking a deep breath before walking over. She’s about the same height as him, hair pulled back into a short ponytail, dark sweatshirt and jeans that definitely flatter her—
Oh shit,Gray thinks as the figure turns around and smiles at him. She’s a guy.  
“Um.” Gray stops, his mind still stuck on tight jeans, nice ass, and continuing to apply it to the guy who is standing in front of him. “Hey? You’re… Natsuki?”  
“Natsu,” the man corrects, sticking out his hand. “I mean, Natsuki is what it says on here—“ he holds up his passport and waves it “—but if you call me that, I might have to kill you.” Natsu grins. “You’re Gray?”  
“Yeah,” Gray says slowly, brain still attempting to catch up to the fact that the pretty girl that he’d envisioned has been replaced by a guy – who is, admittedly, still very pretty. Natsu’s smile is warm and the bright pink of his ponytail stands out against his dark brown skin. His nails are painted dark purple, he’s definitely wearing eyeliner, and he has more piercings than Gray has ever seen on one person. A brightly colored tattoo peeks out from the collar of Natsu’s shirt and winds its way up his neck and behind his ear.  
“You okay?” Natsu asks, frowning. Gray realizes with a start that he’s been staring, and snaps his mouth shut.
“Fine, yeah,” he says quickly, holding out his hand. Natsu’s fingers are warm against his, and Gray realizes that his tattoos extend halfway down his knuckles. “Sorry, I- god, I feel dumb now, I, uh, I thought you were a girl.”  
Instead of looking offended, Natsu laughs. “It’s okay,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s… it was a girl’s name. Before. I, uh, probably should’ve said something. Sorry.”  
“Oh! No, it’s—fine, it’s fine,” Gray insists. His eyes drop down to the multitude of buttons pinned to Natsu’s bag, and realizes that one of them is white, blue, and pink. The trans flag.  
Ah, Gray thinks. That makes more sense.  
Gray reaches into his pocket and pulls out the ticket with Natsu’s name printed on it. “Honestly, I’m just amazed I could find someone with the same name as her. It’s not very common.”  
Natsu takes the ticket, looking down at it and toying with his lip ring. “Ex, I’m assuming?” he asks as Gray gestures for them to head toward security.
Gray nods. “Yeah.” He’s about to say,  it’s a long story,  but it really isn’t. “We, uh... broke up after I bought the tickets.” Really, she had dumped him, but Natsu doesn’t need to know that.  
Natsu looks over at Gray as they hand their boarding passes to the security officer, but Gray keeps his eyes forward, wanting to avoid the look of pity. He’s surprised when Natsu touches his arm and gives it a gentle squeeze.  
“She’s an idiot,” Natsu says. “And she doesn’t deserve you.”  
Gray can feel his cheeks heat up and he looks away, focusing on the straps of his backpack. He’s not sure why the hell he’s so flustered. It’s probably because Natsu is nothing like what he was expecting, and he’s still trying to find his mental balance again.  
“It's her loss,” Natsu says, nudging Gray forward. “C’mon. Let’s go to Paris.” 
Gray is much, much cuter than Natsu had expected, and he can’t stop stealing glances as they settle into their seats on the plane. Gray’s movements are graceful and his smile is shy, occasionally hidden by the short dreadlocks that fall in his face. His skin is darker than Natsu’s, and he’s wearing a t-shirt with a World of Warcraft logo on it that Natsu finds endearingly geeky.  
“Have you been to Paris before?” Natsu asks as they settle into their seats. He’s next to the window and he peeks out across the tarmac, watching the snow drift down from the dull sky.  
“Never,” Gray says, shaking his head as he tucks his backpack under the seat in front of him. When he shifts to do up his seatbelt, his thigh presses up against Natsu’s, and the touch is warm even through his jeans. It sparks something electric in Natsu’s chest.  
Stop it, Natsu thinks. You’ve known him for like... twenty minutes. Get a grip.    
Natsu has always fallen in love hard and fast. It’s gotten him into trouble before, and he refuses to do it again. Gray is straight – Natsu is still embarrassed about the whole ‘forgetting to mention that he’s a guy’ thing – and Natsu’s not going to make the next three weeks awkward.
“Have you?”  
Gray’s question takes a minute to register with Natsu, and he realizes that Gray’s still talking about Paris.  
“Oh, uh, no,” he says, doing up his own seatbelt. “I’ve never been on a plane before, actually.”  
“Well,” says Gray, “here’s hoping you don’t get motion sickness.”  
Natsu definitely gets motion sickness.  
Half an hour into the flight, everything starts feeling uncomfortable. It’s too hot, the pressure in his ears is overwhelming, and every time the plane hits a patch of turbulence, Natsu’s sure he’s going to either throw up or faint.  
“Are you okay?” Gray asks, gently touching Natsu’s shoulder. Natsu shakes his head and immediately regrets it as his stomach churns.  
“No,” Natsu groans, leaning forward and breathing deeply through his nose. “Are we almost there?”  
“We’ve still got six hours,” Gray says apologetically. Natsu swallows down an embarrassing whimper, pressing his forehead against the seat in front of him. He’s not sure he can make it six hours.  
Gray says something Natsu doesn’t quite catch, and then he takes Natsu’s hand, pressing something into it.  
“Someone had Gravol,” Gray says, pulling a water bottle out of his bag. He hands it to Natsu, who takes it gratefully and tosses the pills back, hoping they work quickly. “It usually makes me tired,” Gray says. “Maybe it’ll help you sleep.”  
“Here’s hoping,” Natsu says, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. His cheeks are burning, but he’s not sure if it’s from embarrassment or the jolting of the plane.  
“Can I do anything to help?” Gray asks, hand on Natsu’s shoulder again. Natsu swallows hard, leaning forward again and taking deep breaths. When Gray’s thumb runs over his shoulder, Natsu sighs, leaning into the touch. There’s a moment of hesitation, and then Gray’s hand starts to move, rubbing comforting circles on Natsu’s back.  
“Thank you,” Natsu says, hands shaking as he grips his knees. Even through the nausea, Gray’s touch is thrilling, pulling Natsu deeper even though he knows better.  
Goddamnit, he thinks as he squeezes his eyes shut. I am so screwed.  
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fuckyeahgratsu · 5 years
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Gratsu Summer Events begin on July 1st!
Remember to make sure you use the tags gratsubingo2019 for the bingo (July1 - August 31) and gratsuweek2k19 for the week (July 16-22) in your first five!
To check out the prompts for Gratsu Week go to the event post.
Prompts for the bingo, which also includes Gratsu Week can be found here
You can mention the blogs @fuckyeahgratsu and @gratsu-week on your post to make sure we see it. 
We will be keeping track of your entries for prizes.
Don’t forget there are Collections on AO3 for both events, so if you post there please add your work to them:
Gratsu Week 2019 Collection
Gratsu Bingo 2019 Collection
Have a great summer!
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uzunotegaki · 5 years
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NatsuGray Week (Gratsu Week) 2019 Day 04: Water
Gray is drowning in the water of angst and it is up to Natsu to save him from such torture.
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entomjinx · 5 years
A Sunflower Amongst the Roses
The glaring sun tore through the atmosphere, heating the warm summer air as they walked. It burned on the back of their necks as they trudged through high grass and wildflowers on a mission neither knew much about. Natsu ran up ahead of Gray, twirling and dancing as he grabbed random flowers, his mind far away from the world around him.
He’s beautiful, Gray’s mind screamed. The soft breeze ruffled Natsu’s hair as it burst from the sky itself, nothing to hinder it it it’s everlasting travel. As Natsu’s fingers gently grabbed another flower for the group, Gray’s mind began to race. He’s always so kind… so gentle with the world as if it’s done nothing to hurt him. 
Gray remained lost in his thoughts until Natsu’s laughter bubbled out of his throat and through his lips. In an instant, he was covered in the flowers that were picked by Natsu’s calloused yet still soft hands. “What’s all this for?”
Natsu giggled softly, “You looked mopey! Can’t have that now can we?” He grabs Gray’s hand and pulled him along.
Gray could feel the smile that pulled at his cheeks as they stayed close for the rest of the trip. He’s brighter than the sun, like a fresh yellow sunflower drifting amongst a sea of lovely crimson roses. 
The moment Natsu looked back and smiled at him once more, he knew he’d choose the single sunflower over the infinite roses any day.
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gray-and-natsu · 5 years
Day 1: Sunflower (Headcanon)
•Since Gray and Natsu are the opposites that attract ; Natsu is the sun and Gray is the moon and it gives each of them a warm and tingly feeling to think about the other that way . Natsu loves how beautiful Gray is like the moon and Gray loves how warm and bright Natsu is like the sun but more importantly they conpliment each others so well .
• Natsu and Gray only go soft with each others when they know for a fact that they are either alone ( where they can go all out in being cheesy ) or when no one can hear them ( or so they thing ) and that’s when they go from flamebrain and iceberg to sunflower and snowflake .
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divinion1990 · 5 years
A Softer Touch
Gratsu Week; Prompt ‘Pet’  Fandom: Fairy Tail Characters: Gray Fullbuster & Natsu Dragneel Themes: Fluffy fluff fluff Summary: In a rare and quiet moment, Gray and Natsu find an awkward kindness
Shadows curled around limbs, chests and pink spiked hair. The beside lamp shone a soft light over sweat, skin and damp, dark hair. Silence ruled over them both.
Both pillows were taken with a head on each, eyes gently closed, and faces turned towards the ceiling. Their breathing was still a little elevated, waiting for the rising and falling of their chests to calm in tense anticipation. Soon, they would get up, gather their clothes, and throw each other an insult or two. They’d laugh, shove one another, and then the fighting would begin again. The only difference between now and a few weeks earlier was that sometimes the fighting turned more… physical.
There was a quiet shuffle against the crinkled sheets. A subtle movement. A sign, one that had come far too early. A domino effect of one movement to another, to another, to sitting up, to standing up, to leaving the room, to getting on with their lives. Until the next time.
Gray wasn’t ready. He was determined to keep his body as still as physically possible. The bed was safe, these four walls were calming and the rhythmic breathing beside him was a blissfully sweet sound. Adrenaline still coursed his body, pheromones in the air, salty sweat against his lips. It was far too early to break the spell.
Suddenly, he flinched. Natsu’s hand was just above him, a finger drifting just in front of his eye. His entire body tensed, watching intently as it brushed against his forehead and pushed back his sticky, dark fringe.
“What are you doing?” Gray asked breathlessly. It was too soon for stupid pranks and childish attacks. Even Natsu should have understood the sanctity of this moment.
The Dragon Slayer looked like a deer caught in the headlights. The shuffling must have been Natsu turning over, now lying on his side to watch Gray intently with those slanted eyes he’d always mocked. His skin was still sweaty, cheeks still flushed and only seeming to grow pinker as he stumbled over his words. It was enough to make Gray wonder what attraction he’d ever had to the idiot, while simultaneously feeling an overwhelming urge to pin him into another kiss.
“Uh…” he stammered. “I’m… you know…”
“… petting?”
Gray laughed. It was so unexpected, sounded so ridiculous, he couldn’t stop the sudden outburst.
“You’re ruining it!” Natsu snarled at him, pulling away his hand suddenly.
“I’m not the one who called it petting! What the hell does that even mean?!” Gray asked, feeling the laughter growing just slightly more forced. He pointedly kept lying on his back, his eyes staring up to the ceiling and only occasionally glancing back to acknowledge Natsu’s existence. He deserved that much, but… petting? Even with any other description, the action sounded unpleasant. Soft, gentle, romantic, not at all like their erotic ‘accidents’.
“I don’t know! But you’ve ruined it now!”
Gray didn’t look back to him for that one. He didn’t want to see that adorable pout he could hear in those words, imagining him holding the pillow stubbornly like a teddy-bear that could quickly double as a punching bag when needed.
This silence felt heavier. Forced. The first movement had happened. They’d done this arrangement enough times to know that meant life moved on. It was just pure stubbornness that kept them both pinned to the bed.
And then Gray suddenly felt something else. The softest touch, a completely foreign mark against his shoulder. He glanced down, seeing the dragon slayer had pressed his lips to his pale skin. There was a strangely warm tingle where he had been, though nothing as vicious as a mark or bite.
Just a kiss?
“What are-?“
He stopped himself from asking. He was going to ruin something again.
Natsu looked up at him, a softness in his eyes the Ice Maker wasn’t used to. It was like watching a night horizon turn into day. It was captivating enough to make him resist breaking the gentleness, though terrifying enough so that he couldn’t turn away.
Natsu shuffled again, this time closer. His head moved onto the other pillow, directly in front of Gray’s stunned gaze. He wore a warm and lazy smile, oblivious to the cold fear he was spreading. He almost seemed proud of it. And as he shifted closer, his hand moved close to where it was before. Fingertips again starting to dance, from Gray’s cheekbones to pushing away the hair from his Galuna scar.
It was a struggle for Gray just to breathe. He was convinced he hadn’t blinked since Natsu had pressed that soft kiss on his shoulder, hadn’t lost eye contact even as Natsu’s gaze had roamed every part of his face. Natsu was acting strange. Close. That could only mean one thing. He wouldn’t let himself be defeated by a challenge, not by any means, but that didn’t mean he wanted to go again so soon.
“Natsu… I’m-I’m kind of tired…” he breathed.
“Me too,” Natsu told him softly, closing his eyes and shifting a couple of inches closer.
In just two words, Gray was convinced. This wasn’t another way to trick his lips onto his. It wasn’t a way to prank him, insult him, laugh at him. It felt strangely alien. And… nice?
Gray let himself lean just a little closer. His forehead connected against Natsu’s much quicker than he realised, but that was only returned by a slightly wider smile from his partner. It was hard to let himself smile, but as Gray felt the forehead against his, nose brushing against nose, and breath mingling with breath, it all felt a little easier. A little calmer, softer, and quieter.
He could stay like this for a while longer.
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gratsu-week · 5 years
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Hope that you have been excitedly waiting for it because Gratsu Week is back again . But this time the week is back with a surprise , this year we are collaborating with @fuckyeahgratsu for a summer long event the Gratsu Bingo
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A lot of prizes awaits those who will take part on this event more events will be given by @fuckyeahgratsu on how to get a bingo and a prize . 
Concerning #gratsuweek2k19 this year’s prompts are all those in the pink squares the little twist this year is that you are free to choose your seventh prompt which means the main prompts are :
Day 1: Pet  Day 2: Voice  Day 3: Flying  Day 4: Water  Day 5: Dreams  Day 6: Breath(e)
As for day 7 you can choose between :
Sunflower  Kids  Play  or a snowflake (stands for a free prompts )
As always late submissions are accepted especially since our joint event lasts all the way from july 1st all the way to august 31 But keep in mind that Gratsu week is keeping the same dates going from July 16th to July 22nd (keeping to this date for Gratsu week would be favored) 
As always all content is approved and welcomes be it : art , edits , fanfictions , aesthetics , drabbles , peoms , headcanons ... etc 
Traced and stolen work is not accepted and will be reported unless it was reposted with the owner’s consent 
More importantly don’t forget to have fun during the week
For all fellow authors on AO3 here is the collection for the Gratsu week : here
For everyone else posting on tumblr as always you can either tag your posts as : #gratsuweek2k19 in the first 5 tags or submit your work here  (do send a message if your work is not reblogged within 2 days )
Big thanks to @x-thekid for the header 
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ao3feed-gratsu · 5 years
Small Sacrifices
by mdelpin
Gray kissed Natsu’s head and smiled contentedly. It was nice to be able to spend time together like this. It sometimes astounded him how much he loved this man, even after so many years together. Just being like this was enough to make him happy, and he felt his worries slowly melt away.
But of course, the peace couldn't last forever, and Gray sighed when he heard Natsu ask the question he’d been dreading.
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Words: 2330, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Summer of Gratsu 2019
Fandoms: Fairy Tail
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster
Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster
Additional Tags: gratsuweek2k19, gratsubingo2019, Tumblr: FTLGBTales, Fluff and Humor, Boys In Love, Established Relationship, Sweet, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Living Together, Healthy Relationships
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Gratsu week / Gratsu Bingo:
Day 10 / Day 17: Water / Summer
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mdelpin · 5 years
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Gratsu Bingo 2019, Gratsu Week 2019 Prompt: Pet AO3 | FF.Net
A Family With You
Disclaimer: All Fairy Tail Characters Belong to Hiro Mashima
Gray walked beside Natsu as they made their way back from an unexpectedly successful mission. No town had been destroyed, Natsu had listened to their plan and for once actually followed it perfectly. They’d received the full reward for their work. As Lucy and Erza walked ahead of them, happily discussing how they were going to spend the jewels they’d earned Gray couldn’t help but worry about his boyfriend.
Natsu just hadn't been himself since Happy had passed away, and Gray had to admit there was a Happy shaped hole in his heart as well. The Exceed had been a large part of both their lives from the moment he'd hatched when they were young. He'd been a constant companion to Natsu, helping him get over such things as Lisanna's loss, and finding out that not only was he Zeref's younger brother but also the most powerful demon ever created, E.N.D.
Happy had always had a smile at the ready or a prank, and only he was capable of getting Natsu into even more trouble than Gray ever could. But he’d also been a great friend, a good listener who never judged, even though they’d all learned to suffer through his “You looooooooooooooooove him” taunts. They all missed him.
But of course, none of them had shared as strong of a bond with him as Natsu had and for someone who had already lost so much in his life this most recent loss was almost enough to send him over the edge.
Gray sidled over to his boyfriend and grabbed his hand as they walked, something he didn’t often do. Even though they’d been together for years now, and there were probably few people left in Magnolia who weren’t aware of the fact that the Salamander and the Ice Prince of Fairy Tail were an item, Gray still didn’t like to bring attention to their relationship. It was something he cherished, and he preferred to only expose that side of himself to his lover in the privacy of their home.
Natsu looked over at Gray and gave him a small smile before going back to staring straight ahead.
Not one to give up easily, Gray decided to step it up a notch.
“How about we go away somewhere when we get back, just the two of us?” Gray asked, squeezing Natsu’s hand, “We could go to Akane Beach or anywhere you want.”
He peered at Natsu's reaction, hoping to see a flicker of excitement in the otherwise distant mage. Given how destructive they both were, they rarely had extra jewels to do something as extravagant as going away on vacation.
Gray could almost picture it, the two of them frolicking on the beach during the day, and making love at night. In his daydream, they had a private bungalow of some sort where they could give voice to their passion without anyone hearing them. Who knew, if things went well he might even get his act together and finally propose like he'd been meaning to.
When Gray finally came out of his daydream, he realized Natsu was openly staring at him, a slight smile peeking at the corner of his lips.
"That might be nice," Natsu agreed, and although his enthusiasm was nowhere near what Gray had hoped for, when Natsu squeezed his hand back, Gray was satisfied. They walked hand in hand until they reached the outskirts of Magnolia.
They'd talked about their vacation a few times, but something always seemed to come up to keep them from going. Bit by bit Natsu seemed to be getting back to normal, his appetite was returning, and his infectious grin had made an appearance a few times.
But it wasn’t until the day that Gray suggested they go for a hike in the woods that he finally saw glimpses of the old Natsu. They had, of course, turned it into a competition because anything else was boring.
They'd raced through town from their apartment, but once they'd left the more populated areas behind them, no holds barred rules applied. The use of magic was acceptable as long as the terrain was not harmed, as was tripping and anything else they could think of to give themselves an advantage.
Gray hadn’t realized the ground around them was loose and when he tripped Natsu, the fire mage wasn’t able to grab hold of anything before the ground gave way underneath him, he began sliding down a steep ravine, shouting expletives at his boyfriend the whole way down.
Gray went after him, worried Natsu might have broken something when he heard a cry that he assumed to be of pain. He found Natsu sprawled at the bottom, looking intently at something in the distance.
As soon as he saw Gray, Natsu got up excitedly and grabbed him by the hand, all thoughts of their hike forgotten as he dragged Gray with him towards the object he’d detected.
“Where are we going?” Gray asked, not being able to make out anything but leaves.
"It's just up ahead," Natsu remained cryptic, but he sped up, and Gray let himself be pulled along, happy to see Natsu taking an interest in something.
When Natsu finally stopped, it was unexpected, and Gray nearly crashed into him.
“Careful,” Natsu hissed, “You’ll break it!”
That's when Gray finally saw what had captured Natsu's attention, and his heart sank. It was an egg, a relatively large one at that. It reminded Gray a bit of the one that Natsu had found all those years ago and had cared for with Lisanna until it hatched and Happy had entered their lives.
Why did it have to be another egg?
Gray had already thought of getting Natsu a pet, a cat or a dog that Natsu could love but it wasn't a good idea to replace one pet with another, and while Happy had been much more than a pet to them the idea was still the same. Natsu had to finish grieving for Happy before considering adopting another creature. Gray could only imagine whatever was in that egg would not be a typical pet. When did Natsu do anything normal?
Gray glared at the egg like it held the key to their imminent destruction. They had no idea what was inside it. He remembered Kemokemo and his destructive tendencies and shuddered. Eggs and Natsu were not a great combination.
But…. he couldn’t deny that Natsu already looked happier than he had in months. And, oh gods no, the puppy eyes were already aimed his way. Not fair!
“Can we keep it?”
“You have no idea what’s in there, the mother might have gone to catch food or something. If we touch it she’ll never come back,” Gray tried to put on a strong front, but he knew he was beaten as soon as he saw the flash of pain cross Natsu’s face. What kind of monster was he to deny his boyfriend the one thing that might make him happy again?
Natsu considered Gray’s point briefly, his nose sniffing the air around them. “There aren’t any other smells here besides ours and the trees. If the mother left it was a long time ago, she’s not coming back.”
Once again, those pleading eyes were aimed at him, and Gray caved like they both knew he would.
"Fine," he grumbled, and Natsu leaped into his arms, a massive smile on his face. The force of his jump propelled them both to the ground, and Gray took advantage of the moment to wrap his arms around his boyfriend and hold him against him, absorbing the joy Natsu was exuding. Maybe he'd been wrong, maybe Natsu was ready to move on.
Gray chuckled as Natsu peppered his jaw with kisses before taking off his topcoat. Gray gazed at him with longing, his hands already moving to touch the well-loved body only to find them slapped away as Natsu got off him.
He walked over to the egg and knelt next to it, picking it up gently and placing it in his coat, wrapping the fabric around it before cradling it in his arms.
Gray groaned in disbelief, what the hell had he done? The thing wasn't even hatched yet, and it was already a cockblock. He remembered their planned vacation and sighed, yeah, that wasn't happening any time soon. Still, that smile, it was just too cute. Natsu was happy, and that was all that mattered to him at the moment.
“I think it’s a dragon!” Natsu exclaimed excitedly.
“We’ve been over this, dragons are extinct, the last ones lived inside you,” Gray reminded him. They had this conversation every day.
"Yeah, but Levy found a book, and it said that dragon eggs could go into stasis for a long time!"
“If it makes you happy to think so go ahead, I just don’t want you to be disappointed when it turns out to be a skunk or something.”
Natsu laughed, “Skunks are mammals stupid, they’re born not hatched.”
Gray blushed as he realized his mistake, “Whatever, it’s not a dragon.”
Natsu had become utterly obsessed with the egg. He took it everywhere, even covered it in blankets at night. Gray had put his foot down at having it share their bed, reminding Natsu that they were both restless sleepers and might accidentally hurt it. Thankfully Natsu had seen the wisdom in his words and had been satisfied with making a little bed for it in their room instead.
The following day Gray came home to find Natsu covering the egg in his flames.
“What are you doing?! You’re going to cook it!” Gray yelled, rushing to get the egg away from his idiotic boyfriend only to have Natsu wave him off.
“No, look, it likes it,” Natsu insisted and damn if he wasn’t right. The egg seemed to respond to the heat, wobbling until it reached Natsu, making the Fire Dragon Slayer laugh and hug it against his chest gently.
Truth be told Gray was beginning to get jealous of the egg, Natsu spent all his time obsessing over it and in Gray's opinion not enough time on him. He was getting tired of it, but at the same time, he was glad to see that whatever was inside the egg was alive.
He hadn't known what he would do if it didn't hatch. He did have the presence of mind to worry about the fact that the creature was drawn to fire.
But then Natsu began to sing the egg a lullaby, one Gray had never heard before, and he couldn't help but gaze at them fondly. He felt a warmth spread across his chest, putting thoughts in his head of their future.
Now that the egg had started interacting, Gray found he was just as fascinated with it as Natsu. The dragon slayer had somehow convinced Wendy and Gajeel that the egg contained a dragon inside it and now both of them were over at their house, sitting in a circle on the floor with Natsu, all of them staring at the egg in awe.
It surprised no one when Sting and Rogue appeared out of nowhere and made themselves at home. There was almost no room for Gray to sit in his own home and he swore that if Laxus and Cobra showed up, he was just going to move in with Erza. He couldn't handle all seven dragon slayers at once. No one could.
Thankfully that didn't happen, what did happen was quite amazing though. They heard a little crack, and a small tear appeared on the surface of the egg. The creature was ready to hatch. Natsu began purring, and the other dragon slayers joined in. They were ecstatic when the creature purred in reply.
The egg began to vibrate as the little creature inside it tried to break free. Gray went to try to help it only to be stopped in his tracks as five pairs of eyes fixed on him, and the dragon slayers all growled at him as one. He stepped back quickly, startled by their response.
“What are you doing?” Natsu asked him, looking, dare he say, disappointed in him.
“I was trying to help it,” Gray replied, thinking his actions pretty obvious.
“You can’t do that Ice Princess, it’s the dragon’s first test. He has to make his way out on his own.” Natsu explained in a voice that sounded like he was speaking to a slow child. It irritated the crap out of Gray, and it sure as hell didn’t help that the other dragon slayers seemed to agree with him.
“For the last time Natsu, that’s not a dragon,” Gray replied with exasperation, rolling his eyes as five pairs of eyes once again gave him a once over and seemed to find him wanting.
“Shhhh” Was the only reply as they all turned their eyes to the miracle that was happening on their floor.
Gray managed to wedge himself in between Natsu and Wendy, grabbing Natsu's hand in his as they waited anxiously. The little guy hadn't moved in the last thirty minutes, and Gray hated to admit it, but he was worried. The dragon slayers began purring again, and the creature replied in kind. Relieved that it seemed to be okay, the other dragon slayers went to buy some food, but Natsu and Gray decided to stay and watch over their egg.
Twenty minutes after the dragon slayers had left, the egg started to shake, the movements bigger than they had been earlier.
Natsu smiled proudly, “It was taking a nap, I think it should be any moment now.”
Gray draped his arm over Natsu’s shoulders, pulling him closer to him as they both watched the little guy struggle with bated breath. Natsu continued to purr to it, sometimes switching to the lullaby and Gray knew then without a doubt this is what he wanted someday. A family with this idiot, his idiot.
Finally, they were able to begin to see parts of the creature. It was red in color, and it was covered in scales. Its eyes were closed, but it was sniffing the air, it's head moving towards the two of them. He finally climbed out of the remains of his egg. His small wings unfurling behind him.
“I told you,“ Natsu couldn’t help but gloat when he took in the disbelief on Gray’s face as he gazed wide-eyed at the creature that sat in front of them licking himself.
Holy fuck! There was a red baby dragon sitting in their living room. How in the hell had a dragon egg survived all these years? All of a sudden, he remembered how the egg had been drawn to Natsu's fire and began to panic.
"Natsu, we can't keep a dragon as a pet," Gray pointed out, trying to sound reasonable.
“Why the hell not?” The temperature in the room increased as Natsu made his anger known.
"What do you mean, why not? He's going to burn our house down!"
"He'll do no such thing, Ice Block. Besides you said we could keep him, you can't just take it back!" Natsu's voice became louder, and it was making the dragon nervous, smoke began to trickle out of its nostrils.
“That’s when I thought it was a skunk or something.” Gray tried to keep his voice down, not wanting to upset the dragon further.
“I already told you skunks are born. Ugh you always do this! Why can’t you just let go for once?”
To Gray's surprise, the dragon made his way into his lap, away from Natsu. It curled up in its wings and in a few minutes was fast asleep. Gray looked at Natsu with pleading eyes, but Natsu would only smirk at his predicament. Next thing he knew, Gray found himself petting the infant in his lap, marveling over how smooth its scales were.
“Fine, we can keep him for now, but he’s soon going to be too big for this house.”
“I know, we can think of something then,” Natsu assured him.
“He needs a name,” Gray muttered.
“Igneel Junior!” Natsu announced.
“I’m not calling him Igneel Junior,” Gray protested.
“Fine, then how about just Junior?”
Gray rolled his eyes but accepted the name. The dragon slayers returned, upset they’d missed all the excitement but fascinated by the baby dragon sleeping in Gray’s lap.
It turned out raising a dragon was about as bad as Gray had anticipated, quite often he came home to find Natsu trying to ingest enormous amounts of fire and trying to pass it off as his own. Gray had decided early on to pretend to believe him, he didn’t have the heart to remind Natsu that he was an elemental Slayer as well and knew that wasn’t possible.
Natsu had taught Junior to talk, and he would call them Papa and Dad. They would take Junior with them on jobs and not surprisingly they had an easier time of things. Being able to ride a dragon made all their transportation easier, and it had the added benefit of not making Natsu motion sick. It turned out that very few bandits or monsters wanted to go against a dragon, even a young one. And Junior was very charming, he quickly became a favorite with all the guild members but especially with all the dragon slayers who had accepted him as part of their own.
Two years had passed since Junior had come into their lives and although Gray had yet to ask Natsu to marry him or take that vacation they’d become a family in everything but name.
After a particularly difficult mission, they had come upon a small girl on their way back to Magnolia. She looked to be about three or four years old. She was covered in dirt, and her clothes were tattered, but she didn't seem to be afraid of them.
Natsu and Gray checked her over, deciding to take her back to the guild to see Wendy before figuring out what to do with her. The little girl was fascinated by Junior, she would extend her arm to touch him and then quickly pull it back when he tried to get closer. By the time they had gotten to Magnolia, Junior had managed to get her to sit on his back as he walked beside them, while Natsu had her talking and laughing softly.
Gray left Natsu and Junior with the little girl and went to report to Laxus what had happened. From the moment Gray entered the infirmary, he could feel the combined effect of two pairs of large puppy eyes directed at him and he pretended not to hear Laxus snorting at his predicament. It was ridiculous and unfair, Natsu was bad enough, but come on, a dragon shouldn't even be capable of that!
Fuck! He tried to fight it, but one look at his boyfriend and their dragon son, who had shoved his head in through the infirmary window, and their obvious desire to have this little girl join their family, had Gray’s heart melting.
“Fiiiiiine,” Gray groused, although they all knew it was an act.
It looked like he'd finally gotten the family with Natsu he'd always wanted. It was loud and unusual, but he wouldn't want it any other way. He guessed at this rate he'd have to get around to making an honest man out of his boyfriend. Gray chuckled, wondering what new adventures their honeymoon would bring.
A/N: I'm really excited that Gratsu Week is finally here! My favorite week of the year. I loved all the episodes with Natsu and eggs so I figured I'd write something along those lines. I hope you enjoy!
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splendidlyimperfect · 5 years
Written for Gratsu Bingo/Week; prompt: pet
Gray is in love with life, and with Natsu. All they need is their farm, each other, old songs on the radio, and a tiny, furry addition to their family.
A series of short drabbles in the "tho much is taken, much abides" universe.
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Chapter Summary: When Natsu goes out to get eggs for breakfast, he finds something that he’s not expecting.
Chapters (1/?): 1 Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Aged-Up Character(s), Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship, they have a farm and are living happily ever after, Tumblr: FTLGBTales, they're so soft Series: Part 2 of i am a part of all that i have met
Gray woke to soft morning sun and a warm hand on his stomach.
“Hey, handsome,” he murmured, turning onto his back and pressing a kiss to Natsu’s forehead. Natsu curled up closer to him, sighing happily and shifting so his head was pressed against Gray’s chest. His hair tickled Gray’s nose and Gray ran his fingers through it, trying to tame the tangled mess.
A warm beam of sunshine spilled through the open window, dust motes dancing through the light as it spread across the bedspread. The window was open, propped up with one of the smooth rocks that Natsu had found in the river, and Gray could hear the chickens squabbling with each other in their coop.
“Your rooster is terrible at telling time,” he said, turning back to Natsu, who snorted, slipping his hand under Gray’s shirt and drifting his fingers across Gray’s chest.
“’s a myth,” he said, yawning.
“What is?”
“That they only crow in the morning.” Natsu tipped his head up and gave Gray a smile that creased the corners of his eyes. “And it means we get to sleep in. I’m not complaining.”
“Mm.” Gray ran his thumb across Natsu’s cheek and pulled him in for a kiss. “You hungry?”
Continue reading on AO3
Natsu stretched, fingers tightening around Gray’s hip, then he rolled onto his back and sat up. The sun filtered through his hair, giving him a golden glow that highlighted the freckles spilling across his shoulders.
“What?” he asked, tipping his head at Gray as he reached over to grab a shirt from the pile on the floor.
Gray shook his head, leaning over and kissing Natsu’s stomach before pushing himself out of bed. “I’m just lucky, that’s all. Now go get me some eggs and I’ll make omelets.”
Gray turned on the radio, nudging the dial until it picked up the closest channel and a soft, unfamiliar song filled the kitchen. He pushed the curtains aside, opening the window over the sink to let in the cool morning air, then grabbed the coffee pot and filled it with cold water. The screen door slammed shut behind Natsu as he left the house, and Gray watched him head across the yard toward the chicken coop.
“Grab some raspberries, too!” Gray shouted out the window. Natsu turned back and waved, blowing Gray a kiss before making a detour toward the garden.
The coffee maker started to hiss as Gray rummaged through the fridge. They were almost out of jam – hopefully they had enough rhubarb for him to make another batch before the end of the summer. He set the orange juice and butter out on the table and was about to light the stove when the screen door banged open again.
“Did Atilla try to peck you again?” Gray asked as Natsu kicked off his boots and made his way into the kitchen. He had something bundled in his arms, wrapped in an old blanket, and Gray frowned. “That’s not eggs.”
“Look,” Natsu said softly. He pulled back the edge of the blanket to show Gray a little bundle of fur with a wet, pink nose.
“Is that…”
“It’s a kitten,” Natsu said, sitting down at the kitchen table and pulling the blanket back a little further. The kitten was tiny – barely the size of one of Gray’s hands – and its eyes were still closed. “I found him in the shed, by the buckets.”
“He’s so small,” Gray said, keeping his voice soft as he leaned in. Natsu ran his finger over the kitten’s nose. “Was he alone? What about his mom?”
Natsu’s face dropped and he shook his head. “He’s the only one that was still alive.” Gray made a sound of sympathy. “He can’t be more than a couple days old, though. I was in there on Monday putting the gardening things away.”
Gray reached out carefully and brushed his finger behind the kitten’s ear. It tipped its head toward his hand, keeping its eyes closed.
“Here.” Natsu shifted closer to Gray and passed him the bundle, tucking the blanket closer around the kitten. “We’ve gotta keep him warm. He’s probably starving – I’ll drive over to the feed place and see if they’ve got kitten formula.”
“Kitten formula?”
“I mean, my mom used to make her own with evaporated milk and eggs, but that was thirty years ago. I don’t think you’re supposed to do that anymore.”
Gray looked up at Natsu, whose face was creased by a fond smile. He didn’t talk about his mom often, and Gray was suddenly struck by a mental image of Natsu as a child, sitting on his mother’s lap and cuddling a kitten just like this.
The kitten made a soft, mewling sound, and Gray looked back down at it. “I think he’s cold,” he said. “Do we have another blanket?”
Natsu shook his head, reaching over and undoing the top button on Gray’s shirt. Gray frowned, then realized what Natsu was doing. As soon as the shirt was halfway open, he gently lifted the kitten out of the blanket, tucking it under the fabric and against his skin.
“He likes you,” Natsu said, brushing his finger against the kitten’s head as it nuzzled against Gray’s chest. Gray could feel its tiny heartbeat, fluttering against his chest like rain drumming the roof in a storm.
“We’re keeping him,” Gray said, pulling the blanket back up to cover his chest. He’d meant it as a question, but it came out as more of a declaration.
“Of course we are,” Natsu said softly, kissing Gray’s forehead and running a calloused hand over the kitten’s head one more time. “I’ll be back soon, okay? Keep him warm.”
Gray nodded, lips curving up in a smile as the kitten burrowed further under his shirt, eyes still shut tight. He’d never had a pet before – never wanted one – but this tiny, purring bundle was suddenly the only thing he could think about.
“I will,” he said softly as Natsu headed back down to the front door, grabbing the keys and closing the front door behind him. “We’ll be just fine,” Gray murmured to the kitten, stroking his finger over its ears. “Everything’s going to be all right.”  
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fuckyeahgratsu · 5 years
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Gratsu Week- July 16th to July 22nd 2019. (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/G9ZtKrgXEZ My collection of Gratsu one shots for this year's Gratsu week! I'm extremely excited for this one- I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them!
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