#zeref x irene
Low-key wondering if you got any hcs on Zeref and Irene in a romantic way ? Since there both 400+ years old ? (If this makes you uncomfortable then just friendship hcs is fine )
That's such an interesting pairing. Lemme see what I can do for ya!
They basically have a long distance relationship without the actual long distance in the beginning
Zeref was too nervous about his magic killing her, but Irene kept telling him she could probably neutralize it with her own powers. He was not willing to test that
Turns out her dragon qualities make her immune to the curse, but it takes them awhile to figure that out
Zeref catches feelings first. Irene figures it out pretty easily because he went from sitting next to her at dinner to sitting as far away as physically possible
The funny thing is neither of them actually need to eat. They just like being near the other
Both of them are fairly logical about things so the crush gets brought up and discussed. They decide it's a bad idea and they should just proceed as normal
Things to do not proceed as normal. They start spending more time together, discussing more personal things, and just growing closer in general (closer mentally. physically it seems Zeref is moving further and further away)
They both realize they are basically dating but don't say anything about it. Irene knows its pointless because he will never actually get close enough for anything
Everyone else just assumes they are together. They never deny it.
Irene finally gets fed up and (after a ton of research confirming she will be fine) makes the first move
Zeref is still cautious. Scared that the curse will lure him into a false sense of security so things progress incredibly slowly
But at least now they are officially together. And they have all the time in the world together
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sprooknooky · 1 year
Irene and Wall for the character ask?
Thank you for the ask!! Two of my favorite guys ever!! This ended up being really long...
favorite thing about them:
Just her <33 She’s like my favorite person. Sorry real life friends, Irene is my best friend and has been since I was twelve years old.
Really though, I actually enjoy her part of the story (ignoring the sequel). I love that she’s a weird old lady who invented dragon slayers and lives in a castle across the ocean from her daughter that she just assumes is dead. Fuckin amazing. She’s flirty. She’s really hot and she knows it. She’s traumatized as hell. Good for her.
least favorite thing about them:
This kinda goes for every woman in Fairy Tail, but I hate that she’s used for fanservice, especially in the sequel, but also how they changed some scenes in the anime to showcase her massive tits. Like really?? She’s better than this. Let her wear clothes. Please.
Also, I really love super overpowered characters, but for a lot of Irene’s attacks, pure plot armor was used to beat her. Like why is she able to summon a meteor? That part is so dumb. Just let her be an enchantress. It just feels weirdly inconsistent to show that she’s powerful. We already know she’s powerful. Whatever. I’m salty.
favorite line:
Irene says some absolutely batshit stuff but I may have to go with this one. I like how sarcastic it is. She’s such an asshole (affectionate).
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Also fun fact: they forgot to color the collar of her top in this panel!
Irene and Bloodman!! I know they don’t interact at all in canon but I love that they’re on the same team during the war. It sparked something within me. They’re both super old and have to put up with Zeref’s bullshit and would bond over that. <3
Irene x Anna! They’re old and traumatized and totally knew each other 400 years ago. Also, Irene is a lesbian so I like it a lot better than Irene x Zeref or Irene x Acnologia.
Ehhhh Irene x Acnologia gives me bad vibes… I understand the appeal I guess? She created dragon slayers to help the dragons and he became a dragon slayer and killed all of them. But MAN is it toxic. They both deserve better.
random headcanon:
I think I’ve said this one before but she watches so much shitty reality TV. Like the dating shows where people are on an island and have sex and there’s drama for no reason. She loves that stuff. She makes fun of it daily.
unpopular opinion:
She shouldn’t have been back in the sequel…. I love Irene. So much. But she really didn’t add anything meaningful and didn’t need the ending they gave her. It was just really dissatisfying in my opinion. I feel like a lot of people didn’t mind her being back, but it really doesn’t make sense.
song i associate with them:
Never Love an Anchor by the Crane Wives thanks to @pencilofawesomeness ‘s post here (it’s so cool!! I hope you don’t mind the tag)
favorite picture of them:
She is SO PRETTY but also so silly and I’m struggling to pick just one…
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But probably this one :)
favorite thing about them:
I love their silly little personality. I enjoy deranged little guys in general but I like that he has a weird lawyer thing going on. He says “indeed” a lot and stuff like “case dismissed” and it’s so funny. Their title is the adjudicator. Why is he a lawyer??? And the best part is he can rewrite his own personality. So he wrote himself to be this way. That’s amazing. Go little funky robot guy go!!
least favorite thing about them:
I feel like Wall was really doomed by the narrative. He should have had so much more screen time. He just has so much potential. Why introduce a species of robot people as well as alchemy just to kill the guy off? It just makes me sad because they’re so fun.
favorite line:
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This is just so badass
Wall and Dimaria are menaces <3 I love that they tease each other in canon and they definitely spar in their free time. Everyone hates it when they’re together because they’ll just gang up on people and make fun of them. It’s great.
I don’t think I ship Wall with anyone… they give me aroace vibes.
I think some people ship him with Neinhart? That’s kinda weird in my opinion. Don’t they hate each other? I dunno, it just feels wrong. Besides, Neinhart is too stupid to get any bitches. (Full offense to Neinhart.)
random headcanon:
He was broken out of jail by the empire and that’s why his outfit kinda looks like a prison jumpsuit.
unpopular opinion:
I don’t think I’ve seen enough people complaining about red lightning but it should not have killed Wall. Lightning is lightning regardless of color or strength or whatever. I would have much preferred Wall die by being outsmarted. I also really hate Laxus fighting Wall at all… I think it would have been so much cooler to give the Thunder Legion a better fight against them! Anyway, I don’t know how unpopular that is, but it’s all I have right now.
song i associate with them:
Hmm… I can’t really think of one right now. I’ll update this if I remember anything though.
favorite picture of them:
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This one’s pretty rad :D (Or the one I used for his quote)
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toshiro-taichou · 9 months
Next Generation Characters: Fernandes Family
Jellal X Erza (Jerza)
Cobra X Oc called Akari Fernandes (Akabra)
Crime Sorciere after the war with Zeref is now a legal guild instead of a independant guild. Their objective is still the same but they're no longer a guild of criminals.
Jerza Family
Simon Fernandes:
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Name: Simon Fernandes
Alias: Jellal Jr (Joke nickname)
Profession Status
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Romantic Orientation: Pansexual
Personal Status
Affiliation(s): Crime Sorciere
Previous Affiliation(s): Fairy Tail
Guild Insignia Colour: Red (Fairy Tail), Blue (Crime Sorciere)
Guild Insignia Location: Right Eyelid (FT), Left Bicep (CS)
Occupation: S Class Mage, Criminal Hunter
Team(s): N/A
Previous Team(s): Reapers
Partner(s): Reichirou Dragneel and Diego Fernandes
Previous Partner(s): Kaito Knightwalker
Base of Operation: Unknown
Previous Base of Operation: Fairy Tail, Magnolia
Status: Alive
-Rung (Grandfather, deceased)
-Irene Belserion (Grandmother, deceased)
-Itsuki Fernandes (Grandfather)
-Unnamed Grandmother (Deceased)
-Jellal Fernandes (Father)
-Erza Scarlet Fernandes (Mother)
-Eric (Uncle)
-Akari Fernandes (Auntie)
-Rogue Cheney (Adopted Uncle)
-Takumi Scarlet Cheney (Adopted Auntie)
-Osamu Cheney (Adopted Cousin)
-Diego Fernandes (Cousin)
-Iris Fernandes (Sister)
-Kasumi Cheney (Adopted Cousin)
-Rose Fernandes (Sister)
-Justice Fernandes (Brother)
Counterpart: Kaito Knightwalker
Other Information
Magic: Requip Magic and Illusion magic
Magic Details: Requip magic is the same as Erza's but in a male style. Illusion magic is pretty simple, Simon can make illusions.
Weakness(es): N/A
Weapon(s): N/A
Personality: Simon has trouble with portraying positive emotions, especially around family and friends. There will be times where he pushes his siblings away and then regret it. When he's around his counterpart, he'll be a different person and will be a sarcastic 19 year old.
Likes: Books, learning about people's history, travelling
Dislikes: Awkward situations
Hobbies: Reading, finding new things, annoying his counterpart
Friend(s): Kaito Knightwalker, Igneel Dragneel, Reichirou Dragneel, Diego Fernandes.
Freney(ies): Daika Dreyar
Love Interest: Gale Redfox
Extra: Simon was named after Simon from the tower of heaven, the guy who Jellal killed. The Fairy Tail insignia is over his right eye due to the fact that he has always had a fascination with his father's mark. Also technically he's a prince but not a prince
Iris Fernandes
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Name: Iris Fernandes
Alias: Mini Erza.
Profession Status
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Romantic Orientation: Hetrosexual
Personal Status
Affiliation(s): Fairy Tail
Previous Affiliation(s): N/A
Guild Insignia Colour: Purple
Guild Insignia Location: Right bicep
Occupation: S Class Mage
Team(s): Team S
Previous Team(s): N/A
Partner(s): Yuri Dreyar
Previous Partner(s): N/A
Base of Operation: Fairy Tail, Magnolia
Status: Alive
-Rung (Grandfather, deceased)
-Irene Belserion (Grandmother, deceased)
-Itsuki Fernandes (Grandfather)
-Unnamed Grandmother (Deceased)
-Jellal Fernandes (Father)
-Erza Scarlet Fernandes (Mother)
-Eric (Uncle)
-Akari Fernandes (Auntie)
-Rogue Cheney (Adopted Uncle)
-Takumi Scarlet Cheney (Adopted Auntie)
-Simon Fernandes (Brother)
-Osamu Cheney (Adopted Cousin)
-Diego Fernandes (Cousin)
-Kasumi Cheney (Adopted Cousin)
-Rose Fernandes (Sister)
-Justice Fernandes (Brother)
Counterpart: Irene Knightwalker
Other Information
Magic: Heavenly Body Magic. Light Magic
Magic Details: Heavenly Body magic is the same as Jellal's and light magic is very simple. She can use Light magic to temporary blind her enemies or to light an area up.
Weakness(es): N/A
Weapon(s): Katana
Personality: She's very hyper and cannot stay still. She's the youngest S Class in Fairy Tail. She loves to fight anyone, especially her father. Although when it comes to romance, she is clueless, especially clueless to Yuri's feelings for her
Likes: Blueberry Cheesecake
Dislikes: Chocolate cake
Hobbies: Sparing against her mother and cooking.
Friend(s): Gale Redfox, Nashi Dragneel, Igneel Dragneel, Kaito Knightwalker, Osamu Cheney, Kasumi Cheney, Daika Dreyar, Yuri Dreyar, Takeo Eucliffe, Ray Conbolt.
Enemy(ies)/Freney(ies): N/A
Love Interest: N/A
Extra: She looks up to Simon and Jellal but is upset that she cannot spend time with them a lot. Also technically she's a princess but not a princess
Rose Fernandes
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Name: Rose Fernandes
Alias: N/A
Profession Status
Gender: Female
Age: 11
Romantic Orientation: Hetrosexual
Personal Status
Affiliation(s): Fairy Tail
Previous Affiliation(s): N/A
Guild Insignia Colour: N/A
Guild Insignia Location: N/A
Occupation: Guild Member
Team(s): N/A
Previous Team(s): N/A
Partner(s): Justice Fernandes
Previous Partner(s): N/A
Base of Operation: Fairy Tail, Magnolia
Status: Alive
-Rung (Grandfather, deceased)
-Irene Belserion (Grandmother, deceased)
-Itsuki Fernandes (Grandfather)
-Unnamed Grandmother (Deceased)
-Jellal Fernandes (Father)
-Erza Scarlet Fernandes (Mother)
-Eric (Uncle)
-Akari Fernandes (Auntie)
-Rogue Cheney (Adopted Uncle)
-Takumi Scarlet Cheney (Adopted Auntie)
-Simon Fernandes (Brother)
-Osamu Cheney (Adopted Cousin)
-Diego Fernandes (Cousin)
-Iris Fernandes (Sister)
-Kasumi Cheney (Adopted Cousin)
-Justice Fernandes (Twin Brother)
Counterpart: Elsie Knightwalker
Other Information
Magic: Requip Magic. Sage Dragon Slayer Magic.
Magic Details: Requip is the same as Erza's. First Generation Dragon Slayer however, she cannot control the dragon slayer magic as it was somehow passed down from Irene to Rose.
Weakness(es): Motion Sickness
Weapon(s): N/A
Personality: Rose is a chilled person and can also be an excited person. She's like the yin-yang in personality wise. Depending on what time it is, her personality changes.
Likes: The Nighttime sky.
Dislikes: Simon ignoring them.
Hobbies: Training
Friend(s): Raven Dragneel, Zenku Dragneel, Irina Eucliffe, Elliot Strauss, Eva Strauss, Lein Strauss, Ray Conbolt
Freney(ies): Kari Fullbuster
Love Interest: N/A
Extra: She is aware of Zenku's crush on her but she's not interest in romance at the moment. She gets very annoyed at Simon's personality. Also technically she's a princess but not a princess.
Justice Fernandes
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Name: James Fernandes
Alias: Justice Fernandes
Profession Status
Gender: Male
Age: 11
Romantic Orientation: Bisexual
Personal Status
Affiliation(s): Fairy Tail
Previous Affiliation(s): N/A
Guild Insignia Colour: N/A
Guild Insignia Location: N/A
Occupation: Guild Member
Team(s): N/A
Previous Team(s): N/A
Partner(s): Rose Fernandes
Previous Partner(s): N/A
Base of Operation: Fairy Tail, Magnolia
Status: Alive
-Rung (Grandfather, deceased)
-Irene Belserion (Grandmother, deceased)
-Itsuki Fernandes (Grandfather)
-Unnamed Grandmother (Deceased)
-Jellal Fernandes (Father)
-Erza Scarlet Fernandes (Mother)
-Eric (Uncle)
-Akari Fernandes (Auntie)
-Rogue Cheney (Adopted Uncle)
-Takumi Scarlet Cheney (Adopted Auntie)
-Simon Fernandes (Brother)
-Osamu Cheney (Adopted Cousin)
-Diego Fernandes (Cousin)
-Iris Fernandes (Sister)
-Kasumi Cheney (Adopted Cousin)
-Rose Fernandes (Twin Sister)
Counterpart: Justin Knightwalker
Other Information
Magic: Summon Magic and Heavenly Body Magic
Magic Details: He can summon anything he wishes. However, when he uses this, it changes his hair to light blue.
Weakness(es): N/A
Weapon(s): Knives
Personality: He's a serious guy that prefers to stay on topic.
Likes: Chocolate cake.
Dislikes: Blueberry cheese cake
Hobbies: Stargazing
Friend(s): Kari Fullbuster, Grace Redfox, Raven Dragneel, Ray Cobolt. Lein Strauss, Irina Eucliffe.
Freney(ies): Zenku Dragneel
Love Interest: N/A
Extra: He has no clue about Irina's crush on him. His white hair comes from his grandfather, Itsuki. Also technically he's a prince but not a prince. Yes, he is inspired James Holloway or Justice from Edens Zero
Akabra's Family
Sixth Generation Dragon Slayer: The sixth generation of Dragon slayers have had their bodies implanted with Dragon Lacrima granting them the ability to use Dragon Slayer magic but unlike the second generation, they are taught by another dragon slayer, usually their parent(s).
Diego Fernandes
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Name: Diego Fernandes
Alias: Nephew of a Criminal
Profession Status
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Romantic Orientation: Homosexual
Personal Status
Affiliation(s): Crime Sorciere
Previous Affiliation(s): Fairy Tail
Guild Insignia Colour: White (Fairy Tail). Black (Crime Sorciere)
Guild Insignia Location: Left Pectoral (FT). Crime Sorciere (CS)
Occupation: S Class Mage
Team(s): N/A
Previous Team(s): Reapers
Partner(s): Reichirou Dragneel and Simon Fernandes
Previous Partner(s): N/A
Base of Operation: Unknown
Previous Base of Operation: Fairy Tail, Magnolia
Status: Alive
-Itsuki Fernandes (Grandfather)
-Unnamed Grandmother (deceased)
-Jellal Fernandes (Uncle)
-Erza Scarlet Fernandes (Auntie)
-Erik (Father)
-Akari Fernandes (Mother)
-Simon Fernandes (Cousin)
-Iris Fernandes (Cousin)
-Rose Fernandes (Cousin)
-Justice Fernandes (Cousin)
Counterpart: N/A
Other Information
Magic: Poison Dragon Slayer Magic. Hearing Magic.
Magic Details: Sixth Generation Dragon Slayer. Both his magic is identical to Cobra's.
Weakness(es): Motion Sickness
Weapon(s): N/A
Personality: He has a very quiet personality. Due to his father being quiet and speaks when needed and his mother being mute, he had gotten used to being around quiet people. Thankfully his friends understand.
Likes: Quiet places
Dislikes: Loud environments.
Hobbies: Reading.
Friend(s): Simon Fernandes and Kaito Knightwalker.
Enemy(ies)/Freney(ies): N/A
Boyfriend: Reichirou Dragneel.
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spriggan-tail · 5 years
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Prank Wars - Part 8
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
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sansan9 · 5 years
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autumnalsunrises · 5 years
Irene and acnologia should of just dated.
It could of been fairytail's first evil ship.
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Zeref X Wahl, Zeref X Irene, Wahl X Irene, Dimaria X Irene
Zeref X Irene: C+ : It could happen? Maybe? It defiantly is a creative ship.
Wahl X Irene: C : That lady is bonkers, stay away from my totally sane robot child (cutish) 
Dimaria X Irene: B : @everybodys-chains WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME, 
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loosesodamarble · 3 years
☕️ some of your favorite animes that had disappointing endings or started going downhill?
Hiya Rin! Welcome back to the inbox!
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Thanks for dropping this question on me.
Although, can I really call something a favorite if I dislike the ending? Actually, wait. What am I thinking? Liking something despite having some unlikable elements is completely possible and reasonable.
But in seriousness, the series I'm going to talk about are ones that I did like while watching them but my love for them has waned over time. Maybe it's because of their bad endings or maybe because of how long it's been since I watched them.
Now let's see about that answer.
picks up mace and slams it into Voltron: Legendary Defender
(I know this iteration of Voltron isn't an anime but when am I gonna get another opportunity to air my complaints?)
Yeah so I think the show died along with Shiro at the end of season two. There were a few good episodes in later seasons. Pidge and Coran were the best characters because of how consistent and funny they stayed.
But other than that, there were a handful of issues: -Keith's Galra status was underused. -Hunk in general was underused. -The Lance x Allura romance was definitely forced (seriously, everyone should've just stayed single). -The "What Happened on Earth" two-parter. -The antagonist situation was whack. -The final sacrifice. -Shiro.
I think if I ever consume any Voltron content again, it's gonna strictly be fanfiction and fanart.
Moving on!
fires crossbow at giant target where Fairy Tail is already pinned down with numerous other arrows
I only remember Fairy Tail fondly because it was my very first modern anime series. It holds a special place in my heart for that. But even I can admit that the character writing wasn't the strongest and the final arc was pretty all over the place.
And that final arc. Oof. I remember feeling like the final arc dragged on forever. The only reason I finished was because of my loyalty to it and the need to finish it.
Bad things: -As I said before, the final arc went on forever. -The running gags in the series really lost their initial charm by the end. -The humorous breaks between the fights weren't actually that funny. A lull in the action is nice but bad comedy just makes me want to return to the fights faster. -Some of the reasonings for the victories were just anti-climactic. -The reincarnation of two specific characters. -The most powerful wizards in Fiore not getting to fight at all (not even a page or single panel, we just cut to them already defeated) and one of the enemies has to be taken down by a bigger, badder enemy. -Some magics (from the series as a whole) just made no sense to me. But maybe that's because my brain cells don't work half the time.
Some good moments were Irene's defeat and the Gajevy confession. And I suppose the way Zeref was defeated was interesting too.
Fairy Tail is a special series but now that I've seen things like Black Clover (which does the "chaotic team of mages that is recognized by the government as being functional in some capacity" thing much better), My Hero Academia, and Demon Slayer, I can't truly call it one of my favorites anymore.
Honorable (or maybe dishonorable) mention: Blue Exorcist. I remember watching the anime. I know I did. I have a replica of the main character's sword in my room to prove that I watched and liked the series. But for the life of me, I cannot remember any of the plot of the ending. I only remember being bored by it. I didn't even pick up the manga after learning the manga continued much further on.
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doodledearest · 7 years
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DONE. These aren’t the best but I tried!
The only ones who were not anonymous were @penny222000 and @wenkeid THANK YOU! FEEL FREE TO REQUEST! Any character, ship, brotp or even guild.
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natsubeatsrock · 6 years
The Rewrite of Fairy Tail: Part 6 (Magic)
What's up with the magic system in Fairy Tail? 
This isn't going to be too heavy on serious criticism of Mashima. Like, there are some things I think need to be fixed about this, but it's not too many serious things. Most of this will deal with clarifying/justifying things that are already canon and changing some minor details. I've had to do a lot of reading up on magic in order to do this. 
As it stands, I don't think that much is wrong with magic in Fairy Tail. Yes, there are absolutely things that different, specific branches of magic in Fairy Tail that are not the best developed (i.e. lost magic). However, as a magic system, Fairy Tail's magic is one of my favorite things about the series. In fact, I prefer it much more those like the Nen system in Hunter x Hunter or even alchemy in FMA. About the only "magic" system that I like more is that of Blue Exorcist, where spiritual items are used to kill demons. 
Let's start with brass tacks. How does magic work in Fairy Tail? 
In chapter two, Makarov gives a speech to the guild about magic. It's fairly flowery language, but it provides a good basis for understanding magic.
"Ours is a power that goes beyond the bounds of reason. But it is born of reason itself. Magic isn't some miracle. What we do is match the energy that flows between us with the wavelength of the world's natural energy. And take what is embodied in that union using our force of will and concentration. More than that, we pour our entire soul into it to make what we call magic." 
What does that actually mean? 
In the world of Fairy Tail, the manifestation of energy flowing between the world and mages is known as ethernano. What mages do is store/charge this energy inside their body as Magic Power. Whenever mages use magic, they're drawing from the Magic Power in their body and changing its form with their soul. 
The easiest way I can explain the types of magic is that there are three basic categories to magic: division, branch, expression. 
As many of you know, there are two main divisions of magic: Caster and Holder magic. Caster mages manifest Magic Power directly through their bodies. Holder mages manifest Magic Power through various magic items. 
There's also a third magic that exists as an overlap between the two called Spatial Magic, where mages use Magic Power to manipulate the magic energy. I describe it as a third type because it's easy to see how it can be used either as Caster Magic (Mest's Teleportation) or Holder Magic (Celestial Spirit Magic). Though to be honest, it's more like an overlap of circles on the Venn Diagram of the Magic than an outright third circle. 
Within these divisions of Magic, there are different specific branches of magic. This is where we get branches like Maker Magic, Solid Script, Requip, and the like. I'd even say that something like the different types of Maker Magic would be better explained as different branches of Maker Magic than to be different expressions of the same magic. The reasoning behind this should be obvious.  The basic skills are similar, but it should stand to reason that Gray's Maker Magic is emphatically different than Rufus' Maker Magic or Laki's Maker Magic. Levy and Yomazu (the one guy from Grimoire Heart) both use Solid Script Magic, but, by virtue of gaining their origin in different sides of the map, it makes sense to call them distinct branches of magic. 
However, within the distinct branches of magic, there are distinct personal expressions of magic. This is how mages are able to have their own personal magic style despite knowing the same type of magic. The most obvious example is the difference between Ice Make mages. Gray and Lyon are both Ice Make mages, but Gray's style is static whereas Lyon's is dynamic. Gray recognizes Ultear's use of Ice Make magic as similar to her mother's and mentions how he'd never thought he'd see it. It shouldn't be that much of a stretch to say that means it's different from his own. 
The instruction of magic usually consists of getting people who are able to use magic to the point of being able to use the branch of magic. How they personally express the magic within the limits of the branch is up to them. Most regular magic people know throughout the series could be taught with the help of some master, a magic instructional book, or some combination of both. 
Of course, there are exceptions to this. Erza is able to use magic without much training during the slave revolt in the Tower of Heaven. Juvia was unable to control the rain around her until around the Phantom Lord arc (and that one time in Ice Trail). Erza's may find root in later explanations involving her and Irene. 
But considering that, as I'll get to soon, one's capacity for magic is somewhat biological, it shouldn't be that much of a stretch to say that these kinds of things kind of happen. Stuff gets messed up in genetic material and people aren't able to use magic the way they'd normally be able to. Sometimes it's good and other times it isn't. Again, this isn't absolutely canon, but like I need to explain this somehow in the rewrite. 
A bit of a word on Earthland magic items. It goes without saying that magic items have magic within them. This means that anyone can use them. However, the power of the item also depends on the power of the person behind it. So if someone who isn't a mage has a magic item, it will be less powerful than if a mage. I'm not entirely sure that this is canon, but I want to make sure that this is understood for the rewrite. Of course, Edolas magic items will be usable by anyone as their magic system relies heavily on magic items. 
There will be one major exception to this rule, which is Celestial Spirit Keys. I feel as though it's different opening up space from one part of the world and opening space in order to summon spirits from the Celestial Spirit World. Anyone who wants to be able to use Celestial Spirits ought to be able to open up said dimension and that should take some extra level of practice as opposed to other Holder magic. 
Unison Raids work when people with similar magic combine their abilities to create one bigger, more powerful spell. In canon, it is implied that this is normally so difficult that people have wasted their lives trying to pull it off. I don’t want to make it easier for these things to happen as, to be perfectly honest, they barely happen as is. However, it doesn’t feel right to just let this explanation sit on its own. 
I feel as though this should be explained as something that was a really early attempt at gaining stronger magic that was theorized during Zeref’s time but wouldn’t be made possible until much later. This kind of thing will make more sense when I explain the history of magic in Fiore.
An important part of Unison Raids will also have to do with emotions. It’s not too big a deal to say that the magic system in Fairy Tail is somewhat linked to emotions. Emotions help with one's ability to channel or enhance their magic abilities. The stronger the emotions you feel, the more powerful magic boost you get. While this has to do with Second Origin or the extra storehouse of magic within a person’s body, I feel as though it would be good to cap Unison Raids off to people whose intents are linked as if they are one.
As cheesy as it sounds, it does the job. And, considering the other requirement for Unison Raids is having similar magic, it should stand to reason that there are not going to be very many groups of people who can or will use Unison Raids.
My favorite thing about the magic system is the freedom it allows for. You aren't bound to a single type of magic. There are no elemental factors that limit you to a single type of magic. You're not even limited to just one of the two main sections of magic.  
Wizards are able to use however many different types of magic. Some people who are masters of one style of magic can utilize completely different types of magic. This is to the point where you have Jellal who has to be able to use Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water magic well enough to use Abyss Break near instantly. If you don't remember, that's the spell that the four members of the Element 4 needed time to charge for their individual elements. That's on top of being able to use his actual main magic - Heavenly Body Magic. 
This brings up an issue with this system of magic. Why don't people use more than one magic more often? It's certainly possible within the series. I mean, Jellal is admittedly an extreme example, but Ultear knew Ice Make magic in addition to Arc of Time. Thanks to Duke Everlue, a mage capable of using Caster and Holder magic is canonically possible. So why don't people do it more often? While there's not much of an in-series explanation for this, I can think of a pretty obvious practical reason. 
While a lot of the same basic principles may apply to the use of different types of magic, you probably wouldn't be using different magic in the same ways. This is especially true if you're going to be going from Caster to Holder magic. The vast majority of wizards likely aren't going to pour the kind of effort it would take to learn another magic skill if they can pour that same effort into learning how to better use the skills they have. The ones that do will probably be few and far between unless the magic they use is very similar in nature. 
One interesting thing about magic in Fairy Tail is who exactly can use magic. The canonic statistic goes that only 10 percent of people are able to use magic in the world of Fairy Tail. I'm not joking about this. I thought this was something that was made up until I say that Elfman actually said it during the Tenrou arc. 
I've gone back and forth over how to deal with this stat. I honestly don't have that much of a problem with the idea of only 10 percent of the world population of Fairy Tail being able to use magic. I know that this is and can be seen as a bad thing, especially considering how many people who use magic we see. That being said, this is a series that focuses on the exploits of wizards. It makes sense that we're going to see plenty of them. 
However, I was considering changing this stat from being the amount who can use magic to the people who do use magic. The difference changes the semantics of things. Case in point, the plan in the Tenrou arc. Grimoire Heart's ultimate plan involves wiping out people who can't use magic. This is where we get the line that only 10 percent of people can use magic. If using magic is a matter of personal ability, then Grimoire Heart is punishing people for something they can't control. If it's a matter of choice, then it's punishment for something they'd have more control over. 
Ultimately, I decided to keep the original implication of ten percent of the population having the ability to use magic. However, there is an important addition to this. This only applies to the continent of Ishgar. My reasoning will become more clear as I talk about the history of magic.  
One final issue is that of the balance of Ethernano within a person's body. In the Tenrou Island arc, we learn Ultear was sick because she had too much magical power. And in the Grand Magic Games, Wendy and Carla suffer from having too much magic taken out of their bodies. There are two things to mention from this issue.  
The first is explaining how Ultear got how she was. I think it's a good idea to think of this explanation as unscientific and nonliteral. That there is a problem of concentration of ethernano within Ultear can be explained as a birth sickness.  
The second is that an important matter of training for some characters will be a matter of pushing the threshold of magic they can have in their bodies.  For example, Erza will have to build up the amount of magic she will be able to use so she can use the Nakagami armor and Lucy will need to train to be able to use two spirits, maybe even eventually three, at once. 
If you remember, this was done in the original by Ultear unlocking Second Origin for the members of the Strongest Team, Levy and Juvia. (Jet and Droy bailed before getting the boost.) While Second Origin is absolutely something that I feel should be a part of Fairy Tail as it helps with explaining how characters can draw extra energy when they need it, I think it's better that they don't unlock it for the Grand Magic Games. As you could probably tell from my previous posts on the subject, I think it's better to show a natural progression between the states they start the time skip in and the abilities they gain and use in the Grand Magic Games.
Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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blackmachine312 · 7 years
Fairy Tail chapter 516-517 thoughts and chapter 518 theory
Chapter 516
I like the Erza & Wendy vs Eileen fight in the last chapter because it’s was fun seeing Wendy capable of holding her own against a foe like Eileen. Sure she had help from Erza but in the same time, she was not a burden to her at all. I found it so funny Eileen lost it because she can keep up whit Erza & Wendy. Yes, it’s one agains two but we talk about the Eileen Belserion AKA The Scarlet Despair AKA the former Queen of the Dragons. I don’t know about you, but in a fight when an opponent speak a lot is because he or her is most insecure. When Eileen took control of Wendy, I just wanted one: Please don't kill Wendy!! She's just an innocent child that wanted to help Erza for once. Her and Carla we’re willing to give up their lives in the Tartaros arc SHE CAN’T DIE.
My favorite part of that chapter was the part in Natsu’s heart. When he met Igneel because we finally know why he is dying and he doesn’t look scared about it. It’s looks like he just accepted. I think the only way for him to survive, would be if someone remove the demon seed from his body so that he could go kill Zeref without him dying. But we’ll just have to wait and see.
Chapter 517
I really love that one, I was begging to know what Erza will do make Wendy return to her own without hurting her. I found interesting when Eileen in Wendy’s was able to make a big blast of magic on Erza and she said that she said that her magic didn’t dropped and that Wendy had a great potential.
I don’t know if there’s comic book readers among you, but it made me think of a moment in the X-Men comics When the telepathic Emma frost took control of Iceman AKA Robert “Bobby” Drake and make him do all sort of things with his power that even him didn’t know he could do.
A part of that I wasn’t expecting to see was Wendy casting an enchantment that made der take control of Eileen’s body. I really didn’t know that could do that and plus, using a spell to made them switch in the good body. Even Eileen couldn’t believe it. THAT’S WHAT YOU GET FOR MESSING WITH FAIRY TAIL YOU BITCH!!! Eileen hurting Wendy so that she will not want to return to her body. I’m just worried that Wendy will be seriously hurt after this fight. because she can’t heal herself like Sherry could so we will have to wait and see.  I think that it was pretty cool, but I just wanted to have more of Eileen in Wendy’s body fight. I could have been more fun.
Chapter 518 is called “Master Enchantment” I think that it will probably be the climax of battle between Eileen and Erza. Maybe Eileen will play her trump card and make an enchantement that will her win. I hope there will be another vision in Natsu’s heart and I hope the final person that will appear will be Lucy (that could be so cool!!. What do you guys think will happen?
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lightdark18-blog · 7 years
Fairy Tail: Non In-Universe Questions
Was Anna?Was Zervis planned? Was Zeref always planned to be completely evil?So @ac-fairytail posted some Fairy Tail non in-universe questions (all credit goes to her) and I figured: “Maybe I could attempt to honestly answer these questions and reverse-engineer Mashima’s thought process!” Of course, no sane person would ever attempt this, but here I am, so...
WARNING: Spoilers for the entire Fairy Tail manga.
Did Mashima base Stardresses off of Bravely Default’s Conjurerclass? Or was it Dresspheres? Or both?
Never played Bravely Default or Final Fantasy X-2 (even though they’re on my list of games to play), but if I had to guess after a quick wiki search, it would be Dresspheres. Problem is that the Stardresses are far less interesting, balanced, or explained. Oh well; Mashima trying to replicate a franchise with the writing quality of Final Fantasy is like an ant poking a dinosaur with a stick.
Was he always planning the time travel plot? If so, why did Erik refer to second gen dragon slayers as a “new” generation? There haven’t been dragons for centuries.
Considering that the “dragons vanished seven years ago” plot-point was established at the beginning of the series and further cemented by Natsu meeting Gajeel, I’m guessing he was planning to include time travel once he decided to continue the series past Tower of Heaven. 
As for Erik, I’m guessing that he just declared himself as second-gen because a) he heard about Natsu and Gajeel as traditional dragon slayers from the Fairy Tail-Phantom Lord war (which caused ripples across Fiore) and assumed himself to be superior because dragon lacrima were invented after the age of dragons, and b) he never heard of Sting or Rogue.
If Irene was always planned to be Queen of the Dragons, why did he barely integrate Dragnof Kingdom into anything? And why didn’t Acno realize?
I think that once Mashima created Irene’s concept, he tried to integrate her into the stories of the Dragon King Festival, but failed to create anything even remotely interesting or new, so he just quickly scrapped together a kingdom and called it a day. Yes, it’s infuriating.
As for Acno, well...he’s Acno. He don’t give two flying fucks about anything.
Was Natsu always planned to be END? Why is there no foreshadowing for it prior to the Tartaros arc?
When Zeref mentioned that Natsu specifically couldn’t kill him back in Tenrou, he was alluding to an ability that Natsu would gain in the future to beat Zeref. However, when Mashima realized that nakama bullshit wasn’t a valid ability (yeah, he went back on that in Alvarez, whatever), he solidified this ability in the form of END around Tartaros. So yeah, I would refer to Zeref’s line in Tenrou as “shot-in-the-dark” foreshadowing.
Was Zeref always planned to be completely evil? If so, why was he established as sympathetic in his introductory arc? Was this bad writing on Mashima’s end?
See, this is what really intrigued me about Zeref in Tenrou. He was established as sympathetic, but he couldn’t remain passive because that would kill people. He was FORCED to be malicious and completely evil if he ever came into contact with people until he could find someone that could kill him because that is the nature of his curse. For him, it was better to intentionally than unintentionally kill if the person or life were to die anyway. It’s why I really fell in love with him as an antagonist.
However, what is bad writing on Mashima’s end is how completely Zeref flipped to Ruthless Big Bad in Alvarez. Him being “excited” about his battle with Natsu is inexcusably inconsistent writing, and him gaining Fairy Heart just to rewrite time for his own selfish reasons should’ve activated his Death Magic on the spot because of his optimism towards a life where he won’t kill. Plus, his loss due to nakama bullshit.
Was Zervis planned?
As much as I hate to admit it, probably. The light and dark love relationship is about as cliche as you can get, and Mashima is certainly not one to dodge cliches or subvert tropes in his writing.
Was Anna?
Hell no. However, I did think that Layla was planned. When Hades was ranting about primordial magic to Team Natsu during Tenrou, Lucy, in thought, said, “I think I’ve heard of this primordial magic somewhere. Mom?” Even though Zeref had no interest in primordial magic (as proven in him killing Hades in anger), Eclipse and the Heartfilias did. Hence, I assumed that Layla would play a huge role in the final arc of the series. Boy, was I naive and optimistic.
Was Clear Heart made so OP because Mashima knew he’d fucked up managing Requip?
No. Because fanservice. Duh. Although, I did think that Clear Heart was perfectly balanced in her fight against Azuma, with her magic power bring directly converted to her Crimson Sakura blade. Any other use just feels unnecessary.
Why did Erza never use Nakagami Armour again? Too OP?
Mashima’s reason: huge audience backlash from its magic-breaking abilities and pulled-out-of-its-ass reveal. Erza’s reason: she..doesn’t want to use it because of its magic draining properties???
Why introduce the bunny armour?
The bunny armor isn’t the armor Mashima introduced that made me mad. The Seduction Armor is. Seriously, isn’t the whole point of seducing a man to take off clothes? Does that even make it armor? At least the bunny armor is cute and cosplay-ish, which fits with Erza’s happier, more playful side we see of her outside of fights; the Seduction Armor is just flat-out nonsensical.
Why did Mashima specifically want 12 Spriggans? There was apparently a reason for this, but Mashima never revealed what it was.
Originally, he wanted six and Zeref to be the seventh member, since Mashima is obsessed with the number seven. However, I think that he wanted to get a few character concepts out before he copped out of the series, and he had too many to just have six. Thus, he probably got up to nine or ten, but then he remembered that Tartaros and Avatar had the same amount of members, so he just said “fuck it” and moved the number to twelve. This would explain why Invel and Bloodman were shoehorned in with no original magic whatsoever; Mashima just threw them in to get the number to twelve.
Were Lisanna and Loke sidelined because they were threats to NaLu, or because Mashima couldn’t be bothered writing them?
Both. The first goes without explaining. However, I have theories on why Mashima didn’t bother to write either of them.
Lisanna: Mashima’s absurd obsession with redemption arcs, nakama bullshit, and fake-out deaths prove to me that he follows by the “heroes can’t die” code of writing, something which I hope no mature, aspiring writer follows. Thus, he brought Lisanna back into the story to follow this code and thought, “Maybe I could do something with her later.” Turns out he couldn’t think of anything when he was developing each new arc. The closest we ever came to Lisanna getting in the spotlight (besides that god-awful scene from Tartaros) was when Azuma “killed” Mira. Originally, as much as I like Mira, I would’ve loved to Lisanna fill in Mira’s shoes and dedicate herself to become a stronger person because of the death of her sister. But no, Mashima didn’t have the balls to really kill Mira and the Nalu shippers were clawing at his door, so she ended up as a void of nothingness.
Loke: Once his arc was done, Mashima wanted to develop the rest of the Zodiac Spirits. Not that he really did, but he didn’t want to single out Loke too much, as much as I like Lolu. However, Loke being the key that Lucy sacrificed rather than Aquarius would have worked a lot better in the grand sense of the narrative, and would’ve really hammered in a new dimension to Lucy’s potential character arc in Alvarez. So much failed potential, Mashima. So much.
Why did Mashima skip to having Mira being fine using her Satan Souls all of a sudden in the Tenrou arc?
Because since the cause of Mira’s initial stress and reluctance has been completely retconned by the narrative, she’s perfectly able to go all out again, guys! I mean, it’s not like real-life victims of PTSD still suffer for years and years on end even with achieving social and financial success, getting married, and having children, right? RIGHT!?
Seriously, fuck Mashima.
If Key of the Starry Skies and Eclipse Celestial Spirits are canon, why weren’t they just written into the manga?
Because Mashima didn’t care enough about these arcs; A-1 just pitched the filler arcs to him and said, “this is what we’re gonna do, kay?” and he was like, “Oh, these are cool. Canon.” He couldn’t be bothered to write them because he was ready to launch into GMG and Tartaros, respectively. Also, while Eclipse Celestial Spirits works well into the show’s canon, Key of the Starry Skies doesn’t. GMG was effective in setting up the future of the series after the timeskip and NEEDED to happen right after it (doesn’t make the arc necessarily good, though). Plus, the Neo Oracion Seis feels unnecessary since they canonically are released from prison in Tartaros.
Why completely change what Wendy’s capable of in the last arc? Possession? Really?
Problem is, though, her arc was finished the moment Doranbolt saved her and Carla from Face. Her facing Sherria proved that she is willing to fight for her guild regardless of her moral issues with fighting, her going Dragon Force proved that she has gained the experience to become a tactical and efficient fighter, and her resolve to be with Carla and protect the people she loves by choosing to die when Face is about to self-destruct solidifies her developing outgoingness with the new people that she loves. As a character, her arc was concluded before Alvarez began. In my opinion, she wasn’t capable of anything more in Alvarez.
As for the possession, it’s infuriating because of the pedophilia implications, not ruining Wendy as a character. I see possession as a tool for character growth only if the possessed person is able to grow in strength and become a stronger person to overcome the weakness that allowed them to become possessed. Take Aoi Zaizen from Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS. I really hope that her upcoming character arc will be based around the possession that corrupted her in her very first on-screen duel and how she can overcome the weakness that the Knights of Hanoi exposed from her. Wendy’s possession...did not have that potential. Once Irene left her body, Wendy went right back to her fighting as usual and didn’t seem bothered by the possession. Why? Because her arc was finished and the show was nearing its end anyway. You can be mad about that, and I won’t blame you, but any further growth from Wendy would feel redundant in my opinion.
Was he planning on doing an arc about gods?
Yep. I have a theory that Avatar was supposed to be his “god” arc, but I’ll talk more about that later.
Was it really Ankhseram that cursed Zeref?
I...guess? Mashima never introduced him as a character, but I guess he can still exist. Makes Mashima a bad writer, but it doesn’t make Ankhseram invalid.
Why bring Rogue’s shadow back as a minor plot point in Avatar? He had no intention of addressing it in Alvarez.
Okay, in Mashima’s hardly-deserved defense, Alvarez would not have been the best time to discuss Rogue’s shadow; to me, Avatar was a good point to address it because it was our first full arc with Devil Slayer Gray. To me, it makes sense that Rogue’s shadow would possess him after the dragons emerge through the Eclipse Gate and Gray would become easily corrupted by Devil Slayer Magic without his friends for support (since they’re dead in the alternate timeline, though that raises the question of does Tartaros still exist there). There was really no better time to address it.
Did he give up after Tartaros?
Well, the anime gave up after GMG, that’s for sure. For Mashima, I’d say it was in the middle of writing Avatar. I think that he was planning on fleshing out Avatar as a cult, since their existence was the whole reason that Hades formed Grimoire Heart and “awakened” Zeref’s malicious heart. In addition, since they had enough influence to convince countless wizards that Zeref could be revived with keys and/or Towers of Heaven, they would have the influence to interact with gods and God Slayers. As a writer, Mashima could’ve killed two birds with one stone and be ready to tackle Zeref’s big final arc. What probably actually happened was him waking up after a drunken tirade and realizing that his series was being more and more ridiculed for its poor writing decisions, his fanbase was becoming one of the most toxic in all of anime, and he was just running out of ideas. He questioned every life choice he ever made, decided to trash the remainder of Fairy Tail just to start over with a new work, burned through the rest of Avatar, and threw Alvarez together haphazardly just to prevent himself thinking about potential endgames any longer.
Thank you again to @ac-fairytail for these questions. The channel’s all about Fairy Tail critique, analysis, and salt; go there if you’re interested in that stuff. It really pains me to see Fairy Tail crashing and burning towards the end, but for what it was worth, I enjoyed it. It’ll be harder for me to go back and enjoy it because of my investment in much better shonen manga, such as HxH, JoJo, and YYH, but it holds a lot of memories for teenage me, and I’ll certainly treasure them. 
Also thanks to Mashima for teaching me what NOT to do as a screenwriter. Helps a lot.
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spriggan-tail · 5 years
A couple that I’m friends with was just talking about cosplaying their favourite spriggans, that in case are Invel and Eileen, when I realized that they would probably be the ultimate senseless, vomit worthy, end-of-the-world pairing and probably something that could be a nice comic here
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Interesting …
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I ship the Spriggans with organization XIII. Invel X Vexon, Wahl X Vexon, Wahl X Larxene, Irene X Larxene X Brandish, Zeref X Xemnas, Neinhart X Xigbar, the list goes on.
Who are those? ~ Mod Wahl
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marumigamer · 7 years
Sorry to bother you,but can you make a Zeref X Irene fanfic? I don't mind if you use your OCs, thanks!
For various reasons, I’m not comfortable shipping Eileen with anyone.
I don’t even want to imagine that...
Anyway, thanks for this request, and I hope you find someone who could write it.
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everybodys-chains · 7 years
Masked X Acnologia and Anna X Irene
Masked x Acno. ❤Who’s the first to wake up in the morning: Since I guess Acno has the same efect of dragonification as Irene... I think He's used to been awake first hahaha Altho I think Masked doesn't get enough sleep.❤Who’s the one to make breakfast: Masked, even if they have service because... u know... Alvarez have a castle and servants ... but he likes to cook something special.❤Who’s the one to serve the other breakfast in bed:Probably Masked too. I don't see Acno being the romantic type... also dragons are kicked out of the kitchen.❤Who would suggest a quickie in the morning before work: YOU KNOW THE ANSWER FOR THIS. Especially during Mating season. The rest of the 12 are used to hear the noise.❤Who suggests they both ditch work to lay around all day:Niether. You know. World destruction and paperwork for being a general are hard works.❤Who chooses the movies:Masked know more about movies, so he usually chooses. Acno doesn't care... he would probbly fall asleep if he can.❤Who initiates kissing during the moving, thus distracting the other from the movie all together:Acno, because he was bored. ❤Who orders lunch:Both. Palace serviiiiiice. Also they are hungry at diferent times so is useful.❤Who steals food from the other’s plate without asking:Acno. Totally. He just don't give a fuck about an angry Masked. He laughts after it.❤Who curls up next to the other and falls asleep due to a full tummy:Probably Acno without the sleeping part... because... DRAGONIFICAAAATION. But dragons like to curl.❤Who distracts the other from trying to work at home:Niether. Both respects eachother work. They are used to being distracted by the 12 tho. (They don't respect personal space.❤Who asks to go get ice cream like a five year old:Not like a five year old but them both agree about getting Ice cream.❤Who takes pictures of their partner eating ice cream:Masked, he loves to take pictures and keeping them.❤Who makes a sexual joke about the dripping ice cream on their partner’s face:Acno, but it wasn't his fault... he only pointed out something and didn't know it was like a Joke. Masked blushed a lot and, for his akwardness, Wahl was near so he told everyone.❤Who cooks dinner:Nieeether, seeeervants... unless is a special date, then Masked ask for help to make it look niiiice.❤Who cleans up the kitchen afterwards:Seeeervants. (They are both lazy af. Also Masked has enough work)❤Who stays up until 2 reading:Probably Masked too. He likes it, Acnk on the other hand likes to stare at him.❤Who stares at their partner while their sleeping:Acno. Totally. One benefit about not being able to sleep due to dragonification.❤Who kisses their partner while they sleep:Acno. Sometimes Masked feels it while on sleep, but he haven't said anything to Acno, afraid those will end. ----Anna x Irene❤Who’s the first to wake up in the morning:We have dragonification issues too. So Irene is the one who is awaken till morning. She likes to stares at Anna, especially when she wokes up.❤Who’s the one to make breakfast: You know... Irene was kicked out of the royal kitchen while trying to make breakfast to Anna... it tasted like shit since she can't feel the flavor... People said it was poisoned but Anna eated it... anyway.❤Who’s the one to serve the other breakfast in bed:After the breakfast disaster Irene was kicked out, that's true, but sometimes she gets up from bed early and wait for a nice breakfast to bring to Anna.❤Who would suggest a quickie in the morning before work: I'm sure Anna doesn't do it. Altho it has to be a very special date (or M-season) for Irene to suggest one.❤Who suggests they both ditch work to lay around all day:Irene. She likes to be around Anna ALL THE TIME. She doesn't care about reunions or anything.❤Who chooses the movies:Anna does it. Irene doesn't care a lot.❤Who initiates kissing during the moving, thus distracting the other from the movie all together:Irene. The only reason to watch movies.❤Who orders lunch:Anna. Since Irene can't taste food she usually don't eat... so Anna has to order lunch for her.❤Who steals food from the other’s plate without asking:Niether of them. Or if they do, it's usually to give it to the other.❤Who curls up next to the other and falls asleep due to a full tummy:Irene. Anna doesn't mind and usually falls asleep. Irene doesn't cause dragonification but she likes to curl a log around Anna.❤Who distracts the other from trying to work at home:Irene. She's a five year old around the blonde.❤Who asks to go get ice cream like a five year old:Did I mention Irene behaves as a five year old around Anna? She asks to get an Ice cream, she likes the faces Anna makes while eating it.❤Who takes pictures of their partner eating ice cream:Anna. Irene looks so cute while acting like a child that... well... she can't resist it. ❤Who makes a sexual joke about the dripping ice cream on their partner’s face:Irene, but only the first time. It made Anna uncomfortable so she stopped. ❤Who cooks dinner:Niether, Zeref has servants. Anna likes to help tho. ❤Who cleans up the kitchen afterwards:Seeeervants. (They usually are sleepy afterwards)❤Who stays up until 2 reading:Both. But they usually tells storys one to another. They both listens happy to their loved one.❤Who stares at their partner while their sleeping:Irene. She can't sleep and likes to make sure Anna is safe. So she curls next to her and watch her all night.❤Who kisses their partner while they sleep:Anna. Irene can't sleep but sometimes she closes her eyes and her breathing becomes slow, those rare times Anna kisses her with love.
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