#zhan tianqing
Hi! I'm with another headcannon. Zhan Junbai is suspected of drug trafficking and no one can get close to him. All the evidence points to him, but Junbai denies everything. Jian Yuelou finds out that Director Zhan has a beloved cousin for whom he is willing to do anything. Out of desperation, Yuelou decides to get closer to Chen Yuzhi (he is his cousin), but after meeting him and seeing that Yuzhi does not know about his brother's "second job", he decides to abandon his mission. Yuelow falls head over heels in love with the cute doctor. Zhan Junbai is initially wary of Jian Yuelou, but when he sees that he is in love with Yuzhi, he humbles himself. Only this does not suit Zhao Jingming, who has long wanted to get Yuzhi at any cost. He is infuriated that Junbai does not want to force his brother to marry Zhao and he decides to take revenge. He finds out that Jian Yuelou was supposed to be a spy and tells this to Zhan Junbai and Yuzhi. Yuzhi does not believe this, but Yuelou confirms it and tries to explain himself, but the doctor does not want to listen to him. Jian Yuelou is forced to go away, but promises Zhao Jingming that he will keep an eye on him. Junbai comforts Yuzhi, who has had his heart broken. Despite the exposure of Jian Yuelou, Junbai does not consent to the marriage of Yuzhi with Jingming, he knows that his brother hates his deputy. Zhao Jingming is furious and tries to take Yuzhi away by force. Zhan Junbai sees this and goes berserk. He throws him out and warns him that if he gets close to his brother, Jinmin will not be found. Zhao Jingming turns to Zhan Tianqing for help and he kidnaps Chen Yuzhi. Zhan Junbai is furious and goes to rescue his brother, but falls into his uncle's trap. Junbai finds out that his uncle framed him in the eyes of the police and he is the head of Jinma Hall/let Director Zhan be clean before the law in this universe/ Zhan Tianqing gives Yuzhi to Zhao Jingming and the scoundrel drags the doctor upstairs to the bedroom to get his prize. Yuzhi resists, but they give him drugs and his strength leaves him. Zhan Junbai is furious and tries to save his brother, but his they beat him and throw him at his uncle's feet. Tianqing did not forgive his nephew, who handed over all his machinations to the police and decides to teach him a lesson. However, Wang Meng saw Yuzhi's abduction and he contacted Jian Yuelou. They go with the police to rescue the brothers. Wang Meng saves Zhan Junbai, and Jian Yuelou breaks into the room where Zhao Jingming is trying to undress Yuzhi. Jingming does not survive Yuelou's rage. Zhan Junbai is happy to kill his uncle, because he dared to harm his brother. Yuelou carries the exhausted Yuzhi in her arms and they all go to the hospital together. Yuzhi comes to his senses and he reconciled with Yuelou. The policeman explained that he immediately abandoned his mission and wanted to be with Yuzhi for real. Director Zhan sees that his cousin is in safe hands and does not interfere with their relationship. I really wanted to write very briefly, but I got carried away again😁😁😁
Girl, if this is you getting carried away...then I'm about to go fucking ham (bit of a more mature headcanon, so, you have been warned)
Jiang Yuelou was suspicious of Zhan Junbai
He was very composed, upright, and what seemed to be a good man
But Jiang Yuelou knew better
You see, Jiang Yuelou had been tailing the man, for a while, because he had gotten anonymous tips that he was suspected of smuggling drugs
Hard drugs, like opium
And Jiang Yuelou did not stand for drug dealers in his city so he always had someone tailing him, just to see where he went
Problem was…none of his men could find anything on the drug smuggling accusations, which was annoying as hell because everything in the anonymous tips kept fucking pointing to him
And the other problem that Jiang Yuelou had was that…the man wouldn’t fucking talk about it
If he tried to bring it up in casual conversation, he would completely gloss over the question or change the topic completely, which was entirely frustrating and also suspicious as hell because if he didn’t have something to hide…he would just tell him
So, Jiang Yuelou needed another way to find out of Zhan Junbai really was behind the drug smuggling or not, or if he had a partner in the smuggling business
Of course, because of his extensive background research on the man (and because of all of the covert tailing he’d done), he found out that he had a cousin that he was rather close to: a Dr. Chen Yuzhi
And if anyone would be a good partner for Zhan Junbai’s smuggling business…it would be a doctor
So, he decided to go and see for himself about this young doctor and see if he knew anything about the smuggling operation…or if he had any hand in it
When he arrived at the clinic, he was about to step inside when he saw the doctor (who was quite young, in his opinion, at least a few years younger than Jiang Yuelou himself) kneeling before a young child, a bright and kind smile on his face
As he watched the doctor treat the child, Jiang Yuelou couldn’t help but think…that the doctor really seemed too kind; not the type of person that would work in a drug smuggling operation
But then again…it was always the kind, innocent ones you had to look out for
So, when the checkup was over, Jiang Yuelou waited for the child and their parent to exit the clinic before he stepped inside and walked over to the young doctor
“Dr. Chen Yuzhi?”
The doctor turned and looked at him with wide eyes
“Oh, hello!  Can I help you?”
Jiang Yuelou dipped his head
“Chief Jiang Yuelou.  I’d like to ask you a few questions, if you’re not busy”
Chen Yuzhi blinked before he shook his head
“No, no, please.  Have a seat”
He then motioned to the chairs in front of his desk but instead of sitting in one of the offered chairs, Jiang Yuelou walked over and sat down on the edge of his desk, causing him to blink in surprise before he huffed
“What exactly did you want to ask me, Chief Jiang?”
Jiang Yuelou crossed his arms
“What do you know about the drug smuggling that’s been going on in the city?”
Chen Yuzhi frowned
“Drug smuggling?  What drug smuggling?”
Jiang Yuelou frowned
“You’re telling me you don’t know?”
Chen Yuzhi shook his head
“No…I don’t”
Jiang Yuelou raised an eyebrow
Chen Yuzhi huffed
“Chief Jiang, if you’re implying what I think you’re implying, then you’re clearly mistaken”
He then looked at him before he took a shuddering breath
“I just had to treat a child who nearly died from getting a hold of opium a few days ago…do you really think I would be involved in distributing it?”
Jiang Yuelou looked at him with wide eyes before he shook his head
“No…which is why I had to come here and confirm it”
Chen Yuzhi huffed
“Couldn’t you have just said that instead?”
Jiang Yuelou smirked
“Ah, but if I said that first, you would have easily admitted it.  And everyone can just admit easily to something to get suspicion off their back”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him and frowned
“I take it you don’t trust or believe people very easily”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“Not in my line of work, unfortunately”
He then looked at him
“But I believe you”
Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widened before he cleared his throat, a light dusting on his cheeks
“Is there anything else I can help you with?”
Jiang Yuelou hummed
“What can you tell me about your cousin?”
Chen Yuzhi frowned
Jiang Yuelou nodded
“Mm.  Does he know anything about the drug smuggling?”
Chen Yuzhi frowned again
“Why would he know anything about that?  He’s the minister of finance, he has no reason to go anywhere near that stuff”
Jiang Yuelou sighed
“I’m just covering all my bases”
He then pushed himself to his feet and looked at Chen Yuzhi
“Thank you for your time”
He then turned and headed out of the clinic, Chen Yuzhi watching him leave before he shook his head
Meanwhile, as Jiang Yuelou walked away, he placed his hands in his pockets and hummed; Chen Yuzhi definitely wasn’t lying
You see, Jiang Yuelou had been studying the doctor’s eyes and body language the entire time and he could tell when someone was lying…and the doctor definitely wasn’t
Not if his big, doe eyes had anything to say
People’s eyes were always telling…and Jiang Yuelou couldn’t find a hint of a lie anywhere in them
He then sighed heavily; he would have to go back and apologize for being rude
The next day, as Chen Yuzhi was sitting at his desk, working, a paper bag appeared before him, making him look up to see Jiang Yuelou standing before him
“Chief Jiang!”
Jiang Yuelou smiled slightly
“Dr. Chen”
Chen Yuzhi then shook his head
“What can I do for you?”
Jiang Yuelou motioned to the paper bag
“Brought you baozi, as an apology.  And because it’s lunchtime and I haven’t seen you move from this seat all day”
Chen Yuzhi blinked before his eyes widened
“Have you been watching me?!”
Jiang Yuelou chuckled
Chen Yuzhi frowned
“Should I be concerned that you were watching me?”
Jiang Yuelou laughed and shook his head
“No; I actually just got here.  The baozi really are an apology though.  For yesterday.  I was rude”
Chen Yuzhi blinked before he waved his hand
“I didn’t think you were being rude; you were just doing your job”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“No, I was being rude.  And I’m sorry”
Chen Yuzhi blinked again before he huffed
He then reached out and opened the bag, pulling out a baozi before he held it up
“I will take this then.  As an acceptance of your apology”
Jiang Yuelou smirked
“Thank you”
Chen Yuzhi hummed before he took a bite of the baozi and let out a soft hum
“Thank you, for these by the way.  I really haven’t eaten yet, so you saved me”
Jiang Yuelou huffed
“A doctor should know better than to not eat”
Chen Yuzhi blushed
“I know, I know, but I’ve been busy, so it just slipped my mind”
Jiang Yuelou hummed, just as Zhan Junbai stepped into the clinic, making Chen Yuzhi look up
“Oh, Junbai!”
Jiang Yuelou looked over and when he saw Zhan Junbai, he dipped his head
“Executive Zhan”
Zhan Junbai smiled and walked over to them
“Chief Jiang.  What are you doing here?”
Jiang Yuelou motioned to Chen Yuzhi
“Just came by to give Dr. Chen some lunch”
Zhan Junbai raised an eyebrow in surprise before he smiled
“Well, that was nice of you”
Jiang Yuelou nodded before he cleared his throat
“Well, I’ll be off”
He then turned and headed out of the clinic, Zhan Junbai and Chen Yuzhi watching him leave before Zhan Junbai looked back at Chen Yuzhi
“What do you think of him?”
Chen Yuzhi frowned
“What do you mean?”
Zhan Junbai huffed
“I meant what I said.  What do you think of him?”
Chen Yuzhi hummed
“He seems…nice”
Zhan Junbai barked out a laugh
“Nice is not exactly the word most people use to describe him”
Chen Yuzhi frowned
“What do you mean?”
Zhan Junbai hummed
“Well, most people call him aggressive, rude…an attack dog.  Sometimes, they even call him cruel”
Chen Yuzhi shook his head
“He didn’t seem that way to me”
Zhan Junbai hummed
“Well…just be careful around him”
Chen Yuzhi frowned but nodded anyways as he looked at the bag of baozi before him; Jiang Yuelou really didn’t seem cruel to him
He just seemed…distrustful
Later that evening, as Chen Yuzhi was heading home, he was surprised to see Jiang Yuelou sitting at one of the tables at the wonton stand before his house
He stared at the police chief for a moment before he walked over to him and smiled slightly
“Chief Jiang?”
Jiang Yuelou looked up in surprise before he smiled slightly
“Dr. Chen!  What a surprise!”
Chen Yuzhi chuckled as he sat down before him
“I could say the same”
Jiang Yuelou then tilted his head
“Do you live around here?”
Chen Yuzhi smiled and motioned to the house across the street from where they were sitting
“I live right over there”
Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened before he laughed
“What a coincidence!  I live right over there!”
He then motioned to the house parallel to Chen Yuzhi’s, causing Chen Yuzhi’s eyes to widen
“I had no idea we were neighbors”
Jiang Yuelou laughed
“I didn’t either”
He then tilted his head
“Have you eaten yet?”
Chen Yuzhi blinked before he shook his head
“Oh, no not yet”
Jiang Yuelou huffed softly and shook his head before he turned towards the wonton stall owner
“Ma’am!  One bowl of wontons, please”
Jiang Yuelou then looked back at Chen Yuzhi smirked
“Looks like I’m going to have to be checking up on you more so that I make sure you eat”
Chen Yuzhi blushed slightly before he shook his head
“You really don’t have to do that…”
Jiang Yuelou hummed
“But what if I want to?  Will you let me?”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him with wide eyes before he smiled slightly
“If you insist”
Jiang Yuelou smiled, just as the stall owner brought over the bowl of wontons and placed it before Chen Yuzhi, smiling
“Nice to see you again, Dr. Chen”
Chen Yuzhi dipped his head to her
“Nice to see you too”
She then headed back to her stall as Jiang Yuelou raised an eyebrow
“I take it you come here a lot?”
Chen Yuzhi shrugged
“I come here enough”
Jiang Yuelou chuckled before he motioned to the bowl
“Go on, eat”
Chen Yuzhi smiled and dipped his head, beginning to eat as Jiang Yuelou watched with a small smile before he went back to eating as well
After they had both finished eating, Jiang Yuelou tilted his head
“Do you want to come by for some tea?  Or some other time?”
Chen Yuzhi blinked before he shook his head
“I have time; tea would be lovely”
Jiang Yuelou smiled and motioned for Chen Yuzhi to follow him as they headed over to his house, both men stepping through the door just as a grey and white ragdoll padded over to them, meowing happily in greeting
“Xiao Bai”
Jiang Yuelou then reached down and scooped up the cat, giving it an affectionate nuzzle as Chen Yuzhi looked at him and the cat in surprise
“You have a cat?”
Jiang Yuelou smiled and nodded
“Mmhm.  His name’s Xiao Bai”
Chen Yuzhi smiled slightly before he reached out his hand, allowing Xiao Bai to sniff him before he pet him gently, Xiao Bai letting out an affectionate purr
“What a good kitty”
Jiang Yuelou smiled
“He likes you”
Chen Yuzhi chuckled
“He’s cute”
Jiang Yuelou then tilted his head
“Can you hold him while I go make the tea?”
Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widened before he nodded and reached out, taking Xiao Bai out of his arms as Jiang Yuelou smiled
“Make yourself at home, I won’t be too long”
Chen Yuzhi nodded and walked over to the couch as Jiang Yuelou headed into the kitchen to make the tea
While he was preparing the tea, Chen Yuzhi sat on the couch and smiled as he gently pet Xiao Bai’s head
“What a good kitty you are”
Xiao Bai meowed and nudged against his hand, causing him to laugh softly
“Oh, you’re adorable”
“He’s quite cute, isn’t he?”
Chen Yuzhi looked up to see Jiang Yuelou standing before him, a cup of tea in each hand
“Yes, he’s very cute”
He then reached out and took one of the mugs as Jiang Yuelou walked over and sat beside him, both men sipping their tea in silence before Jiang Yuelou looked over at Chen Yuzhi and smiled slightly
“Would you like to do this again, maybe?”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him in surprise before he smiled and nodded
Over the next couple of weeks, Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi began seeing each other
It first started off as simple things, like Jiang Yuelou popping by to bring Chen Yuzhi lunch or sometimes coffee, and then it started to escalate to them meeting up after work to have dinner and tea at each other’s house and then it escalated to them being seen together almost all the time (whenever they had a free moment of course)
Of course, when Zhan Junbai found out that Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi were seeing each other, he was a little…how do you say, nervous (just because of the rumors he heard about Jiang Yuelou) but when he saw how brightly Chen Yuzhi smiled and how loudly he laughed because of Jiang Yuelou…he found he had nothing to worry about
And the way Jiang Yuelou looked at his cousin, like he hung the moon and stars…yeah he had nothing to worry about
But while Zhan Junbai was happy for Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi…there was someone who was not and that was Zhao Jingming, Minister of Trade
You see, he had been eyeing Chen Yuzhi for a while and had asked Zhan Junbai many times to introduce his cousin to him or vice versa, but Zhan Junbai wouldn’t do so
And the fact that Jiang Yuelou was able to get so close to Chen Yuzhi and make him happy and smile the way that he did pissed him off even more
So, he decided to go talk to Zhan Junbai and demand to know why Jiang Yue-fucking-lou was able to date and be close to Chen Yuzhi but he wasn’t
“Because Chief Zhao…you are not a good fit for my cousin.  And I know him better than anyone.  And I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a hundred times, no is no.  Now please, kindly get out of my office”
Zhao Jingming growled
“Chief Zhao”
Zhao Jingming froze as Zhan Junbai slowly stood to his feet and looked him in the eyes
“Kindly get out of my office before I throw you out”
 Zhao Jingming blinked before he dipped his head and quickly left, Zhan Junbai narrowing his eyes after him before he sat back down in his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose
How irritating
Meanwhile, as Zhao Jingming stormed out of finance building, he growled
He would have Chen Yuzhi for himself…but how would he get Zhan Junbai to give him to him?
He then stopped and smiled; he would just have to get rid of Jiang Yuelou
And he knew exactly how to do that
A little while later, Zhao Jingming headed to Chen Yuzhi’s clinic and was delighted to find Jiang Yuelou there, which just made everything easier
He then stepped into the clinic and smiled
“Hello Dr. Chen”
Both Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi looked up before Chen Yuzhi frowned
“Chief Zhao…what are you doing here?”
Zhao Jingming chuckled
“I was just in the neighborhood…but I’m glad I caught you two while I was here”
Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi frowned as Zhao Jingming smiled
“Dr. Chen, do you know why Chief Jiang approached you?”
Chen Yuzhi frowned
“Approached me?”
Meanwhile, the hair on the back of Jiang Yuelou’s neck began to stand up…he knew damn well where Zhao Jingming was going with this
“Zhao Jingming—”
Zhao Jingming looked over at him and smirked
“What?  Are you going to tell him…or do I have to?”
Jiang Yuelou snarled
“Don’t you fucking say anything”
Chen Yuzhi frowned and looked between the two men
“What are you talking about?  Tell me what?”
Zhao Jingming smiled
“That Chief Jiang approached you to get close to Zhan Junbai”
Chen Yuzhi frowned and looked over at Jiang Yuelou
“What is he talking about?”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“Don’t listen to him—”
Zhao Jingming huffed
“The only reason he’s dating you is because he believes that your cousin is a drug trafficker and if he can get close to you, he can get close to Zhan Junbai and catch him in the act”
Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widened and he looked at Jiang Yuelou with hurt in his eyes
“Is that true?”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“No?  Then why did you have Zhan Junbai tailed for months on end?  And only now you’re dating his cousin?”
Zhao Jingming then looked over at Chen Yuzhi and tilted his head
“Don’t you think this is all a little bit too convenient?”
Jiang Yuelou growled
“Zhao Jingming, SHUT UP!”
He then turned back to Chen Yuzhi
“Yuzhi, don’t listen to him”
Chen Yuzhi was quiet before he looked at Jiang Yuelou
“Is that why you came to me, that day?  Asking about the drugs and Zhan Junbai?”
Jiang Yuelou faltered before he nodded
“I mean, yes, but—”
“And was everything else afterwards…the apology baozi, the dinner, the tea…everything…was that just to get close to me to get to Junbai?”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“No, no, Yuzhi, it’s not—”
Chen Yuzhi shot to his feet
“Do you really even love me or do you still see me as a means to get to Zhan Junbai?!”
Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened
Chen Yuzhi shook his head
“Get out”
Jiang Yuelou frowned
Jiang Yuelou flinched at Chen Yuzhi’s scream before he sighed and nodded, slipping off his doctor’s desk before he made his way towards the door
However, before he left, he reached out and grabbed Zhao Jingming by the front of his shit, dragging him out of the clinic to give Chen Yuzhi some space
Once they were out of the clinic, Jiang Yuelou glared at Zhao Jingming
“You will regret that.  And if you do anything to him, I swear to god, God himself will not be able to save you from my wrath”
He then released the front of his shirt and walked away, Zhao Jingming staring after him before he smirked and looked towards the clinic
Now, he could finally be alone with Chen Yuzhi
However, before he could step inside, Zhan Junbai appeared and raised an eyebrow at him
“Zhao Jingming?  What are you doing here?  Didn’t I tell you to stay away from Chen Yuzhi?”
Zhao Jingming blinked before he cleared his throat
“I was just passing by, Zhan-xiong.  Nothing more”
Zhan Junbai narrowed his eyes
“Then keep passing”
Zhao Jingming’s eyes widened and he nodded, quickly walking away as Zhan Junbai turned and stepped into Chen Yuzhi’s clinic, only to stop and stare at his cousin in surprise
“Yuzhi?  What happened?”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him before he shook his head, letting out a sob
At his sob, Zhan Junbai’s eyes widened and he quickly rushed over to him, pulling him in for a hug
“What happened?  Yuzhi, what happened?”
Chen Yuzhi, however, didn’t answer and just let out another sob before he buried his face in Zhan Junbai’s chest, Zhan Junbai hugging him tightly
“Did Jiang Yuelou do something?  Did he make you cry?”
At the mention of Jiang Yuelou, Chen Yuzhi just sobbed harder, causing Zhan Junbai to growl before he gently pet Chen Yuzhi’s hair
“This is why I told you to be careful of him…he’s a cruel man”
Chen Yuzhi whimpered and nodded as he continued to bury his face in Zhan Junbai’s chest, Zhan Junbai’s arms tight around him
When he finally calmed down, Chen Yuzhi pulled away and sniffled
“Jiang Yuelou…Jiang Yuelou didn’t really love me”
Zhan Junbai frowned
“What are you talking about?”
From what he could see whenever he saw the two of them together…Jiang Yuelou was very much so in love with Chen Yuzhi…so what did he mean that Jiang Yuelou wasn’t in love with him?
Chen Yuzhi sniffled and nodded
“He…he only got close to me so that he could get close to you.  To see if you were being the drug smuggling.  He didn’t…he didn’t really love me”
Zhan Junbai’s eyes widened before he growled softly; Jiang Yuelou would really stoop so low and play with his cousin’s heart…all for some case? 
Oh, he really had some nerve
He then looked at Chen Yuzhi and reached out, gently wiping away the tears
“Well, it’s alright now…you never have to see him again.  So, don’t think about him, okay?”
Chen Yuzhi looked him before he nodded but Zhan Junbai could tell that his cousin was heartbroken
And he didn’t blame him…he knew that Chen Yuzhi really loved Jiang Yuelou
At the thought of Jiang Yuelou, Zhan Junbai clenched his fist; if he ever saw the police chief again…he was going to throttle him
After Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi’s “break up”, Chen Yuzhi was once again single, much to Zhao Jingming’s delight
And because he was single, he decided to see the doctor almost every day and try and flirt with him, just like Jiang Yuelou had
The only thing was…Zhao Jingming was not Jiang Yuelou.  And he never would be
And Chen Yuzhi wanted nothing to do with him
Like, there were days Chen Yuzhi thought about calling the police station and asking for Jiang Yuelou to just come and take Zhao Jingming away but then by doing that he would have to face the police chief again and he wasn’t sure if he was ready for that yet, so he just decided to suffer in silence
(Baby, just call Jiang Yuelou, you know he’d drop anything and everything for you in a heartbeat)
But after a while, Chen Yuzhi just couldn’t take it anymore and decided to go to Zhan Junbai and ask him to do something about it because this was getting ridiculous
Of course, Zhao Jingming had to follow him, like some pitiful lost puppy and when they arrived at the mansion, Chen Yuzhi burst into the mansion and stormed over to Zhan Junbai, pointing at Zhao Jingming
“Do something about this”
Zhan Junbai frowned
“What’s going on?”
Chen Yuzhi huffed
“Tell him to leave me alone!  I won’t marry him, but he keeps asking me and I can’t take it anymore!”
Zhan Junbai’s eyes widened, and he looked at Zhao Jingming for a moment before he slowly stood to his feet and walked over to him, stopping before him, a good few inches taller than him
“Chief Zhao…I thought I specifically told you to leave my cousin alone…do I need to call the police and report harassment?”
Zhao Jingming scoffed
“You wouldn’t do that…because you know who would show up?  Jiang Yuelou.  And your precious cousin can’t bear to look him in the eyes right now—”
Before he could finish his sentence, Zhan Junbai slapped him, the slap echoing throughout the mansion
“Get out”
Zhao Jingming looked at him with wide eyes, as did Chen Yuzhi, as he pointed to the door of the mansion
“Get.  Out.  And if I find out you come anywhere near Chen Yuzhi again…no one will find your body”
Zhao Jingming blinked and opened his mouth to say something when Zhan Junbai snarled
Zhao Jingming nodded and quickly rushed out of the mansion, Chen Yuzhi and Zhan Junbai staring after him before Chen Yuzhi let out a heavy sigh as Zhan Junbai looked over at him
“Why didn’t you call the police?”
Chen Yuzhi shook his head
“Because he’s right…Jiang Yuelou would come.  And I can’t…I can’t look at him right now”
Zhan Junbai nodded slowly; he supposed he understood…but this was Chen Yuzhi’s safety they were talking about
If he knew anything about Jiang Yuelou, and he was pretty sure he did, he would put professionalism above personal feelings and take care of this mess
But if Chen Yuzhi didn’t want him to get involved…then Zhan Junbai would respect that
Meanwhile, Zhao Jingming was fucking livid
How dare Zhan Junbai 1) not give Chen Yuzhi to him and 2) how dare he slap him
He then let out a growl; he would get revenge on the cousins…but how?
He then paused before he smiled darkly
Oh…he knew exactly who to go to
A little while later, Zhao Jingming stood before Zhan Tianqing, the man raising an eyebrow boredly at him
“So…what is it that you want?”
Zhao Jingming smiled
“Dr. Chen Yuzhi”
Zhan Tianqing huffed
“So just take him”
Zhao Jingming shook his head
“I can’t.  Zhan Junbai won’t let me have him.  Which is why I’m here asking you to take him”
Zhan Tianqing hummed
“Well…you know I don’t just do things for free…”
Zhao Jingming nodded
“Oh, I’m well aware.  Which is why I’d like to offer you a little trade”
Zhan Tianqing raised an eyebrow
Zhao Jingming nodded
“I know you’re the real mastermind behind the opium smuggling in Jing City…and I’d like to offer you a scapegoat”
Zhan Tianqing frowned
“Scapegoat?  Who?”
Zhao Jingming smiled
“Your own nephew”
Zhan Tianqing narrowed his eyes
“Do you really think that by giving me my own nephew will get you your doctor?”
Zhao Jingming nodded
“I do.  Zhan Junbai is already under the police’s scrutiny…it would be like giving them his head on a silver platter.  What do you say?”
Zhan Tianqing looked at him before he smiled darkly
“You’ve got yourself a deal”
Zhao Jingming grinned
Later that evening, as Chen Yuzhi was heading home to have dinner with Zhan Junbai (as he no longer had dinner with Jiang Yuelou), a few of Zhan Tianqing’s men appeared out of the shadows and grabbed him, dragging him away, much to his protest
Thankfully, one of Zhan Junbai’s men, Wang Meng, saw what was happening and quickly ran to Zhan Junbai’s mansion, bursting inside before running over to him
Zhan Junbai looked up at him and frowned
“Wang Meng?  What is it?”
“It’s Chen Yuzhi.  Your uncle’s men grabbed him”
Zhan Junbai’s eyes widened
“They what?!”
Wang Meng nodded, causing Zhan Junbai to growl and shoot to his feet, rushing towards the door
“What the fuck is my uncle up to?”
He then rushed out of the mansion, Wang Meng on his heels
Meanwhile, at Zhan Tianqing’s mansion, Chen Yuzhi, who was still being held by Zhan Tianqing’s men, glared at Zhan Tianqing and Zhao Jingming, who were standing before him
“What the hell?!  What is this?!  Why did you take me?!”
Zhan Tianqing then looked over at Zhao Jingming and motioned to Chen Yuzhi
“Here.  I got him for you.  Now where’s what you promised me?”
Zhao Jingming smiled
“Oh, don’t worry.  He’s coming”
Just then, Zhan Junbai burst into the mansion, fire in his eyes as he stormed over to Zhan Tianqing and Zhao Jingming
“Zhao Jingming!  Uncle!  What’s going on here?!  How dare—”
However, before he could finish his sentence, one of Zhan Tianqing’s soldiers cracked him in the back with their gun, sending him to the ground
Chen Yuzhi then tried to get to him, but the men holding him just yanked him back before they threw him in Zhao Jingming’s direction, Zhao Jingming grabbing him
“You’re finally mine now”
He then began to drag him away, Chen Yuzhi fighting him the entire time
“Let go!  Get off!  Junbai!  Junbai!”
Zhan Junbai, however, didn’t answer and instead just laid on the floor, still, as Zhao Jingming continued to drag him away, dragging him upstairs
While they were heading upstairs, Zhan Tianqing looked at his men and nodded, his men nodding in reply before they began to beat the ever-loving shit out of Zhan Junbai
(Of course the bastard would have someone else beat the crap out of his own nephew…can’t be bothered to get his own hands dirty.  Gotta make someone else do it)
While Zhan Junbai was getting beaten to hell, Wang Meng, who had followed behind, saw what was going on before he quickly turned and rushed out of there
He needed to get help
He continued to run through the streets of Jing City and as he was running, he noticed Jiang Yuelou leaving the police station, as he had stayed to finish up some reports for Commissioner Bai
He then ran over to him and stopped before him
“You’re Chief Jiang, right?”
Jiang Yuelou blinked before he nodded
“Yes…can I help you?”
Wang Meng nodded
“You need to come, right now”
Jiang Yuelou frowned
“Come where?”
Wang Meng huffed
“There’s no time to explain, if we don’t go now, Zhan Junbai will die, and Chen Yuzhi will probably be raped!”
Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened before something shifted in them and he looked Wang Meng in the eyes
“Where are they?”
Wang Meng motioned with his head
“Follow me”
Jiang Yuelou nodded and quickly followed after him as they ran back to Zhan Tianqing’s mansion
Meanwhile, upstairs, Zhao Jingming dragged Chen Yuzhi to a nearby bedroom and shoved him inside before he locked the door behind them, so Chen Yuzhi couldn’t escape
Once they were alone, Zhao Jingming looked at Chen Yuzhi and smiled lustfully
“Finally…I have you”
Chen Yuzhi shook his head and slowly backed away from him
“Don’t you fucking touch me…don’t you come near me”
Zhao Jingming, however, just ignored his order and just slowly began to walk towards him, Chen Yuzhi backing away from him until his legs suddenly bumped against the edge of the bed, making him look back at it in horror
Shit, he was trapped
Just then, Zhao Jingming rushed towards him and pounced, pinning him to the bed
“Now I’m going to do whatever I want with you”
Chen Yuzhi, however, was not just going to lie there and take it, so he began hitting and fighting back, refusing to let Zhao Jingming touch him
As he fought, Zhao Jingming found himself growing angrier and angrier until he couldn’t take it any longer and reached into his pocket, pulling out a syringe full of clear liquid
He then took the syringe and stabbed it into Chen Yuzhi’s neck, Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widening as he looked at Zhao Jingming
“What did you—”
His eyes then fluttered as his body went limp, causing Zhao Jingming to smile
“Just something to…soothe your nerves”
He then took a step back and reached out, carefully shifting Chen Yuzhi so that he was properly lying on the bed before he got on top of him and smiled lustfully
Oh…he was looking forward to this
Meanwhile, downstairs, Zhan Junbai was still getting the shit beat out of him when the doors burst open and Wang Meng and Jiang Yuelou rushed in, their guns drawn
As they rushed in, Zhan Tianqing looked over at them and frown
Before he could finish his sentence, Wang Meng fired a shot at his leg, sending him to the ground before he fired shot after shot at the men beating Zhan Junbai, sending them all to the ground as well
Once they were all incapacitated, Jiang Yuelou looked over at Wang Meng
“Where’s Chen Yuzhi?”
Wang Meng hummed
“Last I saw, Zhao Jingming dragged him upstairs”
Jiang Yuelou nodded before he put his gun back in his holster and rushed off, running upstairs
When he reached upstairs, he tested each door by turning the knob and pushing them open until he came to one door that when he turned the knob and pushed…the door didn’t open
The minute he realized the door was locked, Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened before he snarled
No door was going to stand between him and Chen Yuzhi
So, with one swift kick by the doorknob, Jiang Yuelou broke open the door, causing Zhao Jingming, who was straddling and undressing an unconscious Chen Yuzhi, to look over with wide eyes
At the sight of Zhao Jingming on top of Chen Yuzhi, Jiang Yuelou saw red before he stormed over to Zhao Jingming and grabbed him by the back of his suit, yanking him off of Chen Yuzhi
He then threw him onto the floor before he pounced on him, grabbing him by the front of his shirt
“I warned you”
He then began to whale on Zhao Jingming, beating him until his face and Jiang Yuelou’s knuckles were a bloody mess
Once he had beaten Zhao Jingming unconscious (or at least he thought he was unconscious, the man wasn’t moving), Jiang Yuelou pushed himself to his feet and rushed over to the bed and gently shook Chen Yuzhi’s shoulder
“Chen Yuzhi.  Chen Yuzhi!”
Chen Yuzhi let out a soft noise before he slowly opened his eyes, frowning slightly before his eyes flew open and he gasped, beginning to fight against Jiang Yuelou, who blocked his attacks before he reached out and gently cupped his face in his hands
“Chen Yuzhi!”
At his voice, Chen Yuzhi blinked a few times before he slowly looked up into his eyes, which were full of concern
“J-Jiang Yuelou?”
Jiang Yuelou nodded as he gently stroked his cheek
“It’s me.  It’s me, baby.  It’s me”
Chen Yuzhi sniffled before he let out a soft sob, Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“Shh, don’t cry.  Don’t cry.  Come on, let’s get you to a hospital and get you looked at”
Chen Yuzhi nodded, Jiang Yuelou smiling softly before he reached out and scooped him into his arms, Chen Yuzhi’s arms going around his neck as he buried his face in his shoulder
“I’ve got you, baby.  I’ve got you”
A little while later, both Chen Yuzhi and Zhan Junbai were admitted to the hospital, Jiang Yuelou at Chen Yuzhi’s side the entire time
When Chen Yuzhi finally woke up, he looked over at Jiang Yuelou and frowned
“Jiang Yuelou?”
Jiang Yuelou looked at him and smiled softly
“Yuzhi.  How are you feeling?  Are you okay?”
Chen Yuzhi nodded
“I still feel groggy…but I don’t feel like I don’t have control of my body anymore”
Jiang Yuelou smiled and nodded
“Good…that’s good”
Chen Yuzhi then looked at him and shook his head
“I’m sorry…for shouting at you that day”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“No, it’s my fault.  I wasn’t honest with you”
He then took a deep breath
“When I first met you…I really did want to use you to get close to Zhan Junbai…to see if he really was the one smuggling the opium into Jing City.  And I also wanted to see if you were involved with the smuggling…because using medicine is a great way to smuggle opium throughout the city.  But…before we even spoke, I watched you with a patient, a young child, and I thought to myself…there’s no way this person is involved with drug or the smuggling operation.  He’s too kind.  And when we were speaking, I could see you were an honest person.  So, I put off my mission to use you to get close to Zhan Junbai…and just decided to get to know you.  I wanted to know more about you, not your cousin…which is why I kept coming back”
He then looked at Chen Yuzhi, who was looking at him with glassy eyes, and smiled softly
“I do love you, Chen Yuzhi.  I’ve loved you this entire time…nothing about our time together was fake.  It was very real”
Chen Yuzhi blinked before he sniffled and shook his head
“I’m sorry…I said those cruel thing…I’m—”
Before he could finish his sentence, Jiang Yuelou leaned forward and gently pressed a kiss to his forehead
“Shhh…it’s not your fault.  It’s not your fault, sweetheart”
He then pulled away before he gently wiped away the tears streaming down Chen Yuzhi’s cheek, Chen Yuzhi leaning into his touch before he noticed that his knuckles were red and raw, causing him to gasp
“Jiang Yuelou!  Your knuckles—”
He then reached out and took Jiang Yuelou’s hands in his, looking at the knuckles in horror before he looked at him
“—what did you do?!”
Jiang Yuelou huffed
“Made good on my threat”
Chen Yuzhi frowned
“What threat?”
Jiang Yuelou looked at him and smiled
“I told Zhao Jingming that day I dragged him out of your clinic that if he did anything to you that God himself that would not be able to save him from my wrath.  And when I saw him on top of you, undressing you…I lost it”
Chen Yuzhi stared at him with wide eyes before he looked at his knuckles again
“So what did you do, beat him to death?”
Jiang Yuelou shrugged
Chen Yuzhi looked at him in shock
“Jiang Yuelou!”
Jiang Yuelou huffed and pulled his hands away as he looked at him
“What, I was just supposed to let him do that to you, Yuzhi?!  Huh?!  No!  The bastard got what he deserved, and I don’t regret doing it.  Hell, I’d do it again if I had to”
Chen Yuzhi stared at him with wide eyes before he huffed softly and shook his head
“Attack dog indeed”
Jiang Yuelou smirked
“I’m just protecting what’s important to me.  Is that so wrong?”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him before he shook his head
Jiang Yuelou smiled before he leaned forward and rested his forehead against his, Chen Yuzhi letting out a soft hum of content
“Just rest, Yuzhi.  I’ll be right here.  I’m not going anywhere”
Chen Yuzhi hummed and nodded before he looked at him
“When I’m discharged, I’m going to clean and bandage your hands”
Jiang Yuelou blinked
“You don’t need to—”
“And let them get infected?!  No.  You’re getting treated and that’s final”
Jiang Yuelou blinked again before he laughed softly and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead
“Yes, Dr. Chen”
Chen Yuzhi hummed content, reveling in the feeling of Jiang Yuelou’s lips on his skin, not realizing that Zhan Junbai, who was standing outside, was watching the two of them
He had originally wanted to yank Jiang Yuelou away from Chen Yuzhi and tell him to stay the hell away from him but after Wang Meng told him what Jiang Yuelou had done and how he had saved Chen Yuzhi…he decided to let it slide
If he made Chen Yuzhi cry again like how he had cried in his clinic…Zhan Junbai would bury him
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skylerbluexd · 1 year
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JunChun - modern/entertainment industry AU
Actor and performer Yu Tangchun needs money to pay for his medical bills, and thus works himself to the ground by going on small gigs to bars and parties, while at the same time taking on small acting roles in various small-scale film productions. His health deteriorates the longer he goes on without taking any breaks, but he fears that the company that he signed his contract with will let him go if they realise that he would cost them more money with his poor health. After all, the entertainment company that he works for, Pear Garden Entertainment, is a small, and fairly unknown company, so they would not keep an actor like Yu Tangchun, who is mostly known for his good looks and voice.
One morning he gets a call from his agent. The company has successfully landed him a supporting role in a high-budget production. The up-coming and highly anticipated series is starring a few very popular A-list celebrities, so this might be Yu Tangchun and Pear Garden’s breakthrough moment. Yu Tangchun accepts the job and is temporarily transferred over to East Wind Entertainment, a multimillion entertainment industry conglomerate owned by the Zhan Group.
On his first day on-set, Yu Tangchun helps Yuan Zining get to the filming location due to a mishap with the communication between the transportation team and the company staff. They meet up with the rest of the crew together, garnering a bit of publicity once a few photos are purposely leaked to the public by production. New fans quickly discover Yu Tangchun because of his striking looks and it doesn’t take long before they start shipping him with Yuan Zining. This eventually blows up and their interactions land on the top trending list. Yuan Zining, who plays the main female lead, is already shipped with her co-star by her large fanbase, so a storm is stirred up online. Fans of both the two A-list stars start trying to bring Yu Tangchun down.
It starts with accusations of Yu Tangchun clinging onto Yuan Zining for the fame. Production fan the flames by filming more behind-the-scenes of the two together, because any publicity is good publicity for the up-coming drama. It then escalates to Yu Tangchun being talentless and unworthy of his role because he only landed it due to his face and because he sought favours with the production team. Yu Tangchun continues working hard, ignoring the talk online like his agent advised him. His deteriorating health start showing on his body and antis begin circulating rumours of substance abuse. This is where production looses their control over the flow of publicity. Then finally a few months in, everything backfires; the top rumour becomes that Yu Tangchun slept with the chairman of the Zhan Group, Zhan Tianqing.
The rumour was spread by an anti who claimed to know some of the higher-ups of East Wind. Since this was a serious act of defamation against both Yu Tangchun and East Wind, the matter was not to be taken lightly.
The scandal drew the attention of the old chairman who quickly got annoyed by the commotion it was stirring up. Zhan Tianqing ordered his nephew Zhan Junbai, the current director of East Wind, to solve everything as fast as possible as he actually had a few skeletons in the closet regarding similar matters.
(I am thinking about writing a whole fic of this, but it might take quite some time.)
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Zhan Tianqing:
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You watch your fucking mouth about how you speak about Zhan Junbai, ya fucking BITCH
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I told you, dumbass, you don’t get to tell Zhan Junbai or Yu Tangchun what they can and can’t do in their own fucking house
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Absolutely go fuck yourself my good sir
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Look at Zhan Junbai's face...he does not want to be a part of this war plan. He doesn't want to be a part of it at all
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Zhan Tianqing eyeing Zhao Moqing up and down is setting off all the alarm bells and I just *shudders*
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An absolute fucking serve from Yu Tangchun
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killerandhealerqueen · 7 months
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(I'm not sure if these are the correct translations so if anyone who speaks chinese knows what they're actually saying, I'd appreciate it)
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The way Zhan Junbai looks at him...
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Oh, his little smile...he's a clever man Yu Tangchun is
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Yu Tangchun, you know the fucking answer to that
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The only time I would actively step in and protect Zhao Moqing is when she offers herself to Zhan Tianqing as his bride.  It’s the only time I will step in and be like “Nah bitch, you deserve better”.  It’s the only time because Zhan Tianqing is a grade A CREEP and she does not need to be around that
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Well yeah, of course he’ll go.  Because who else holds more power in Jing City than Zhan Junbai?
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killerandhealerqueen · 5 months
✨seven sentence sunday✨
rules: post 7 sentences of an unfinished work
Another excerpt from my Mignon au
Jiang Yuelou was quiet before he placed his gym bag down and got down on his knees as Zhan Tianqing walked over to the umbrella stand and reached inside, grabbing out a cane before he walked back over to Jiang Yuelou and began to beat him with it.  As the cane cracked against his back, Jiang Yuelou gritted his teeth and clenched his hands into fists; he wasn’t about to give Zhan Tianqing the satisfaction of hearing his pain.  The beating continued for a while until Jiang Yuelou couldn’t take it anymore and he collapsed to the ground, Zhan Tianqing looking down at him in disgust before he knelt before him and reached out, grabbing his face in his hand.          “You better not lose tonight, understand?  You’re my cash cow and I expect you to perform well” he growled before he released his face and pushed himself to his feet, placing the cane back into the umbrella stand before he headed upstairs, leaving Jiang Yuelou alone on the cold marble floor.  As he laid there, his back spasming in pain, Jiang Yuelou took a deep breath before he rolled over onto his back, hissing softly as the cold floor began to soothe his practically burning back.          “Fucking bastard…if you’re already so damn rich, why do you need me?  I’m sure you make enough money doing whatever shady business it is that you do” he grumbled as he stared up at the ornate chandelier above him before he paused and hummed softly.          “I wonder…if he drank my blood too” he mused. 
Tagging: @friendlynbhddevil @theotherwhybietoldmeso @hyperbolicgrinch @sunriseverse
@clawbehavior @ahhhnorealnamesallowed and anyone else who sees this and wants to play
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Favorite thing(s) about Buddy Daddies?
Oh, there are so many things I love about Buddy Daddies.
Hitmen/assassins taking care of a child. Like come on. Accidental found family --> real found family? It's my shit bro
That the anime feels very...real? Like, I thought it was going to be more spy x family type vibes, which it is, sort of, but...I don't know, you can kind of see yourself in Kazuki and Rei (not in the sense of their jobs but like...in the more "human" sense, I suppose)
The backstories. Oh my god, this drama does not hold back when it comes to backstories. Like, given their jobs and shit, you kind of wonder like...how fucked up they are and like...oh my god. The fucking flashback to how Kazuki's pregnant girlfriend died?! Hello?! Like holy shit
The relationships. I love the relationships in this drama and how they've grown and shaped and everything
I don't know man, there's so many things I love about this anime...and I hope and pray to God that Rei's dad gets gunned down or some shit ala Jin Dacheng gunning down Zhan Tianqing because uh...yeah. Rei's father is Zhan Tianqing and he needs to go
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killerandhealerqueen · 4 months
🤔 🤯 🫂 ✈️ !
Thank you my darling!
This is from my Mignon au
🤔 Share a line where a character makes a decision.
            “No.  No, I’m not losing you.  I’m not” he growled before he raised his wrist to his lips and opened his mouth, quickly slitting his wrist with one of his fangs before he grabbed Jiang Yuelou’s mouth and forced it open as he held his bleeding wrist over his mouth, watching as his blood dripped onto his tongue. 
🤯 Share a surprising line, or one where a character realizes something.
Jiang Yuelou didn’t answer, causing Zhan Tianqing to growl before his eyes widened in realization.             “It’s that doctor, isn’t it?” he snarled, making Jiang Yuelou look at him with wide eyes before he growled.             “Stay away from him” he ordered.
🫂 Share a line (or dialogue exchange) that shows the relationship between two characters.
            “Jiang Yuelou” he whispered.  Jiang Yuelou, however, didn’t answer, causing Chen Yuzhi to whimper before he reached out and carefully pulled him into his arms, hugging him gently but tightly.             “I’m sorry.  Jiang Yuelou, I’m so sorry.  I lied…everything that I said was a lie.  I’m sorry.  I love you.  I really, really love you.  So please…please don’t leave me” he begged as he clung to him and buried his face in his neck.             “Don’t leave me.  Please don’t leave me” he pleaded.  Jiang Yuelou, however, didn’t answer again, causing Chen Yuzhi to let out another whimper before he hugged him tighter.             “Please” he whispered, just as two strong, but gentle, arms came around him and hugged him back.             “I won’t” a weak voice whispered, causing Chen Yuzhi to gasp and lift his head out of Jiang Yuelou’s neck as he looked at him with wide eyes.             “Jiang Yuelou” he breathed as Jiang Yuelou slowly lifted his head and smiled at him.             “Chen Yuzhi” he replied, causing Chen Yuzhi to let out a sob before he buried his face in his shoulder and hugged him tightly, making him smile weakly as he gave him a tight squeeze in return.             “I’m here.  I’m here.  I’m not going anywhere” he whispered. 
✈️ Share a line where a character is traveling somewhere.
Later that evening, after his match, Jiang Yuelou returned to the clinic, only to find it empty and with the lights off.             “He’s not here” he murmured before he sighed and turned, heading out of the clinic and back over to Zhan Tianqing, who was waiting for him, before they headed out of the underground fight club and walked over to Zhan Tianqing’s car, which was parked a little ways away from the club, Jiang Yuelou getting in the backseat as Zhan Tianqing got into the driver’s seat before they drove away.  The car ride was silent, allowing Jiang Yuelou’s thoughts to wonder back to what he had seen earlier when he entered the clinic: Chen Yuzhi, with glowing red eyes, small sharp fangs, and blood dripping out of the side of his mouth and down his chin.
WIP Excerpt Ask Game | send me asks
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killerandhealerqueen · 8 months
Hi, my love!!! :* Happy Heart's Day!!!! ♡ May you be happy and be able to find the love that you deserve! ♡
3, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17, 25, 32, 44 pls! ^^ Thank you!!!
Oh, thank you my darling!
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3. favorite love song?
Does this count as a love song?
(I kid, I kid...or do i?)
Anyways, my actual favorite love song is either a tie between Can't Help Falling in Love by Tim Foust or Can You Feel the Love Tonight by Peyton Parrish
7. do you prefer poems or love letters?
Honestly? Love letters. I mean, they're both personal, but I don't know, I just like love letters more
8. favorite fanfic trope?
Oh, I have many...but I'd have to go with enemies to lovers or hurt/comfort
15. what’s your ideal first date?
Going to like either the zoo or an art museum
16. favorite love story?
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Do they count?
17. what’s the most attractive thing a person could wear?
A long coat or a long flowing cape
25. do you believe in love at first sight?
I think it can happen. It hasn't happened to me, but I know it can happen
32. favorite romcom (or any romantic movie)?
27 dresses. fuck man, my mom and i used to watch that movie all the god damn time. It's one of my mom's favorites and it's definitely one of mine
44. fuck/marry/kill?
Oh...you didn't give me 3 people of my choice, but I'm gonna pull from my Killer and Healer boys
I wouldn't fuck anybody but if I had to, fuck Song Rong, marry Zhan Junbai (dude's rich), and kill Zhan Tianqing ala Jin Dacheng style. Gun that motherfucker down
valentine’s day asks! | send me asks
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