#zhao rang
stellarflex · 2 years
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25th Sohu Fashion Awards
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sixplusfive · 2 years
[FULL] Gu Cloud [2020.03.08] Ep6 with R1SE (He LuoLuo, Yan XuJia, Ren Hao, Zhao Rang)
Full sub via NekoCap browser extension:
Tencent's Official YouTube: https://nekocap.com/view/5FQrEzGafz
Watching from the link above will contribute the view counts back to the original video 🙌🏼
Disclaimer under the cut
Translations may contain inaccuracies! Mandarin is not my first language, and I don’t have full cultural context cause I don't live in China.
Askbox is open to corrections if any!
Small request:
Please don't claim the translation as yours! 🙏🏼
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chineseredcarpet · 7 months
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Zhao Rang for Hunan TV 2024 Spring Festival Gala
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bwops · 8 months
有你在 黑白都变成色彩
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trixibebe · 1 year
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Zhao unhinged pt.1
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lesbianjarvan · 11 months
is there a canon age for j4? or like an approximate age
He doesn't have a canon age but I would say he's probably like 26 or 27
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alphynix · 5 months
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Trilobozoans (also known as triradialomorphs) are some of the more enigmatic members of the Ediacaran biota. In the past their unique three-way-symmetrical body plan was interpreted as linking them to groups like sponges, cnidarians, or echinoderms, but currently they're considered to be their own weird little phylum with uncertain evolutionary affinities, classified no more specifically than "probably some sort of early eumetazoan animal".
Lobodiscus tribrachialis is a newly-described member of this mysterious lineage. It lived in warm shallow marine waters covering what is now Southwestern China, and with an age of around 546 million years it's currently the youngest known trilobozoan, extending the group's time range by several million years.
About 3.7cm in diameter (~1.5"), it had the characteristic trilobozoan disc-shaped shield-like body, with a central depression surrounded by three triradially-symmetric lobes with branching ridges and grooves.
Its body would have been soft but fairly rigid, and it's not clear if it was capable of moving over the seafloor or if it had a more static lifestyle. Like its relative Tribrachidium it was probably a filter feeder, with the grooves on its surface directing water flow towards the central depression – and this surface ornamentation may also have been covered with cilia that actively caught and transported suspended food particles.
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Ivantsov, A. Yu, and M. A. Zakrevskaya. "Trilobozoa, Precambrian tri-radial organisms." Paleontological Journal 55 (2021): 727-741. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0031030121070066
Ivantsov, Andrey, Aleksey Nagovitsyn, and Maria Zakrevskaya. "Traces of locomotion of Ediacaran macroorganisms." Geosciences 9.9 (2019): 395. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences9090395
Hall, C. M. S., et al. "The short-lived but successful tri-radial body plan: a view from the Ediacaran of Australia." Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 67.6 (2020): 885-895. https://doi.org/10.1080/08120099.2018.1472666
Rahman, Imran A., et al. "Suspension feeding in the enigmatic Ediacaran organism Tribrachidium demonstrates complexity of Neoproterozoic ecosystems." Science Advances 1.10 (2015): e1500800. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.1500800
Zhao, Mingsheng, et al. "A putative triradial macrofossil from the Ediacaran Jiangchuan Biota." Iscience 27.2 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2024.108823
Wikipedia contributors. “Lobodiscus.” Wikipedia, 29 Mar. 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lobodiscus
Wikipedia contributors. “Trilobozoa.” Wikipedia, 10 Mar. 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilobozoa
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illubean · 8 months
Can I req an influencer/celebrity Iso x bakery owner reader?
Or just an Iso x bakery owner in general :0 <3
Sugar and Stardust
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Characters: Li Zhao "Iso" Yu Type: Fluff, Oneshot, Gn!reader, Normal AU??? like the vp and all that doesn't exist
did I name the bakery after a mlp character? Yes. Yes I did.
Warning: none
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Being an idol wasn't as glorious as people made it seem. There were so many factors that lots of people wouldn't be able to handle. There was paparazzi, demanding managers, and crazy fans who sometimes forget their favs are human too.
Needless to say, Li was exhausted after his last tour. He had spent around 4 weeks performing under his stage name Iso, bouncing around countries that we're far from home. But now, he was finally able to relax.
He decided to spend his time off back at his hometown, visiting family and old friends. Iso's birthplace was relatively small compared to the big cities he's grown used to, meaning it was much safer to go out without some disguise. He walked through the market place, looking at all the familiar shops and reminiscing of his younger years.
There were a few street vendors, a convenience store and... wait a minute.
Huh, that place must be new.
Iso stopped, looking up at the sign that read "Sunset Shimmer Bakery" in fancy writing.
I guess I'll give it a try.
Iso entered the bakery and was immediately struck by the scent of freshly baked pastries. He looked around, taking in the warm and cozy atmosphere. There were warm toned lights strung along the ceiling, which gave a much gentler feel compared to bright florescents. The air around him was warm and there were tables with soft cushioned chairs in sort of a gold-yellow hue.
You perked up at the sound of a customer entering and made your way towards the counter from the kitchen.
"Hello, and welcome to Sunset Shimmer Bakery. Are you ready to get an order started or do you need a moment?"
Iso looked up at the source of the voice and his pupils dilatated. In front of them was the most beautiful person he had ever seen, despite being in a flour covered apron.
"I uh- one minute please."
"Alright, I'll be over here when you're ready."
The man stood staring for a moment as you returned to what you had been doing before. Snapping out of his trance, he took some time to assess the sweets in the display case in front of him. There was a plethora of pastries and other sweets, ranging from mini cheesecakes and muffins to more Chinese snacks like custard buns and jiandui (sesame balls).
After a few moments more, he looked up to see you had finished your task and were now waiting on him.
"Are you ready to order?" You asked with a sweet smile. You were just doing your job but god Iso couldn't help but to think you were adorable.
"Yeah, I think I'll take one of those," he said, pointing into the display case."
Somehow, your face seemed to light up even more as you went to open up the case.
"This one is one of my favorites! I like to call it Star-berry Shortcake!"
The pastry was a single serving sized strawberry shortcake, with a tiny bit of gold powder sprinkled over the top with some star sprinkles decorating the top.
You packed up a slice in a box for him before sticking something to the top of it and putting it in a small bag. The man got out his wallet, ready for you to tell him his total before looking up and seeing you holding the bag out to him.
"This one's on the house!"
He was quick to argue, being more than willing to pay you but you just smiled and shook your head with an "I insist".
Iso sighed, taking the bag and then thanking you. He begins to head towards the door before stopping in his tracks and turning back to you.
"By the way...what's your name?"
You let out a soft and angelic laugh before answering "It's Y/n."
The idol nodded before bidding you goodbye once again, making his way back home. Once there, he sat down and pulled his sweet treat out of the bag before reading the note you had stuck to the top.
"I never thought such a big star would walk into my little bakery. Thank you for the visit, Iso <3"
Iso smiles at the note and the little heart you drew in the corner. Setting it aside, he began to eat the cake he just bought- was given. The cake was delicious and seemed to be just as sweet as you had been.
He would have to visit your shop again. If not for the baked goods, then it would be for the cute owner that has piqued his interest.
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leeneir · 10 months
Angst; Iso x GN!Reader Headcanons <3
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7.12 leaks just dropped. Ya boy has angst about our favorite.
As I've mentioned before, these are taken mostly from my Iso x oc ship but with alterations to fit (hopefully) any narrative!
And ngl, this kinda deviated from headcanons to a mini drabble so uhm. oops.
Iso has a difficult time sleeping caused by his career as an assassin. He dreams of endless blood on his hands, lifeless bodies all around him, and the organization simply sending him his next target without a regard for how he feels. His dreams were mostly filled with past victims who he unalived, but lately, the hand pulling the trigger pointed to someone else, someone that was never an intended target. You.
He doesn't understand why it's you, and he doesn't understand why he's completely terrified of the idea of killing you. It's gotten to the point where if Iso finds out that mirror!you was gonna be one of the enemies on his mission, he'll pull out of it, saying he doesn't feel too well to accomplish the mission.
Iso wonders if he should go through with offing Omen, but then he see's you chatting with said shadow entity and he can't stop the overwhelming feeling of... regret? Pain? He doesn't know, but what he does know is that he doesn't like it.
The protocol is so warm and welcoming... the agents were always inviting him to join in on their shenanigans of messing with the senior agents. At first, Iso was really scared. How could they pull such childish pranks on their higher ups? But then you're the one recruiting him with a grin on your face, and he realizes that the organization was deathly cold in comparison.
You notice the shift in his behavior, observing how as continued to watch everyone, walls upon walls of defenses slowly come down, revealing the true Zhao Yu that no one has seen in years. Nobody realizes it, but you do.
He thinks about the differences a lot, and the best way he can think clearly is bu practicing his aim. Unfortunately, Iso could go hours of shooting and one tapping bots, lost in his own world of nothingness as the echoes of the gunshots throughout the range remind him of nothing but the organization.
You don't tell him, but Omen raised his concern abour Iso to you and you both bring it up to Brimstone in an email.
You decide to go check on Iso who is still in the range, repeatedly shooting and reloading his gun while he was fixed in his trance. You call his name, he doesn't respond. You try again, he still continues to shoot. You then decide to touch his shoulder, but you barely even graze him before he knocks you away and points the gun at you.
It takes Iso a moment to process who or what just happened, but the moment he does, he is horrified. This was just like his nightmare, him holding the gun, finger on the trigger, a mindless assassin doing what is told, and on the other end was you, shocked and afraid of him. He drops the gun and apologizes profusely, completey terrified of the idea of you being scared of him.
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its-isover · 10 months
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Li Zhao Yu had zero doubt in his mind that he was, indeed, one of the best. After all, not just anybody could hit radiant in Valorant. He leaned back in his chair lazily, stretching with a yawn. His gaze flickered to his webcam and then back to his screen. His career was a crisp green carpet, with him fragging well enough to be the top or at least second highest fragger each match.
“I think that’s about enough for today, chat,” he muttered into his mic as he rubbed his eyes. It had been…five hours? He swore it did not feel like he had been playing for that long. Unfortunately, right as he was about to log off, he heard a little ping from his phone. Picking it up, his expression turned to one of mild annoyance. With a little “tsk”, he put his headphones back on.
“Change of plans, chat, seems like a few friends want to grind comp for a bit. We’re in for some…five-stack shenanigans.”
With a few final stretches for his shoulders and neck, he joined his friend’s party, the four already present members waiting for him. His eyes narrowed at their lack of rank.
“Weh, what gives?”
“I needed help carrying some new friends,” his friend responded dryly. Li only sighed, “Whatever, man, just don’t make me derank.”
As it would turn out, lower elo was absolutely god awful atrocious to him. Li had half a mind to cut the stream, almost certain he would get into trouble of some kind for the level of toxicity he was displaying. Granted, he only said about a third of what he really thought in team chat, but given the words circulating through his head, he had little doubt what he was saying was awful enough.
“Bai chi ya…zhen me wu yong…” Frankly, he was way too tilted to be playing. Did that stop him though? Of course not. Because Li Zhao Yu was not a quitter. The night was off to a horrible end, and three matches in, Li was throwing in the towel. “I’m done with this,” he had declared, leaving the party and slumping back in his chair. He ran his hand through his hair, eyes shut and brows furrowed, pulling his hair back and ruffling it, leaning forward, sighing, and ruffling his hair again. “I’m done,” he repeated. Done with what, exactly, he did not bother to elaborate. He got up to stretch a bit, finally feeling the dull ache in his neck. The pain absolutely was not worth it. Playing with those idiots? Deranking this much? Disgusting. He had never seen this much red in his career since he…he couldn’t even remember the last time he’d done this badly. Except it wasn’t even his fault. How could it be, when he was the match MVP in almost all of them? He should stop. He should get some rest, some time away from the blasted game. But no.
Against his better judgement, he hopped back into solo queue. There were various reactions to his decision in chat, ranging from “You sure about this?” to “I really think you ought to rest” to “Hell yeah! We don’t end on a loss!” Not that any of that mattered to him. Li felt like shit, and since it was caused by numerous losses, his only logical solution was to garner just as many, if not more, victories to compensate himself emotionally.
What a stupid decision. These random guys he ended up with on his teams weren’t much better. Left to his own devices, he very well might have played through the night to recover all his lost rr. It took his roommate, Ryo, pulling the plug on his PC for him to go to bed. With that abrupt end to his stream, Li hauled himself under the covers, passing out as his frustrations turned to exhaustion and overcame him.
Maybe Ryo was right, all he needed was a little rest. Li thought, until he had breakfast and Ryo said he was going out with Kirra. “You’re not gonna duo with me?” had been Li’s first reaction, breadcrumbs dropping as he dropped his bao onto the table. Ryo only shook his head. “Maybe tonight,” Ryo offered. “Maybe you should come along, the fresh air might make you less insufferable.”
His suggestion was met with a sharp glare, lavender eyes piercing through dark onyx ones. Li looked nothing short of scandalised at the notion of his grind being interrupted. Was he expected to agree? Hell no. There was nothing Ryo could say to convince him to go out just to be a third wheel on his roommate’s date. Li was sure Ryo knew him well enough to know that, so he wasn’t really sure why he had bothered asking. However, that clarified itself when Kirra showed up, an unfamiliar face in tow as she declared they would all be going on a double date.
It was awkward, to say the least. Ryo and Kirra walked on ahead, hand in hand, leaving you behind with Li. Perhaps it wouldn’t have been so bad if Li wasn’t already bothered, but there was no way of knowing that as you walked beside him, trying to gauge what would be an appropriate distance to put between the two of you. It didn’t help that Ryo and Kirra took the dog, which left you and Li with even less of a buffer.
How does one start a conversation with a stranger your friend set you up with when they look completely disinterested? One option is always to just…not. For better or worse, you weren’t a quitter (though not to Li’s extent). Just your luck that you managed to hit the topic of Valorant. By the way he perked up subtly, you had to assume it was of interest to him. Progress was progress, and you were quite satisfied with how you’d managed to chip the ice. That is, until the dreaded question arose.
“What’s your rank?” Li asked, seemingly nonchalantly, but the sideward glances he shot you told you otherwise. Subtle as it was, his gaze wasn’t one so easily ignored, and you happened to notice the pale lilac of his irises rather acutely. You laughed nervously, rubbing the back of your neck in hopes he’d catch onto your awkwardness and change the topic. At this point, you weren’t sure if he was socially inept or just insensitive, because rather than act according to your hopes, he’d turned his head to look at you properly, tilting his head slightly as though prompting you to get on with your answer.
“I don’t have a rank, I don’t play comp,” you replied sheepishly. You swore you saw a flicker of disappointment cross his face, but by the time you’d blinked, his features had returned to their usual bored expression. “We can hit an internet cafe after lunch, I’ll duo with you and we’ll find your rank.”
His offer was more of a statement - no, an instruction. You felt a smidge of betrayal, not quite sure you like Kirra’s boyfriend’s roommate very much in spite of her insistence that he’d be a good match for you. Then again, you didn’t think it was her fault since you don’t exactly love Ryo very much either when she thinks he’s brilliant. Perhaps this was just another clash of opinions, since you’re sure she meant well.
Li seemed to have little interest in much else, to your mild dismay. While he would respond to any conversation topic you decided to jump into, he never quite seemed nearly as interested as he did when you brought up Valorant. Until music, that is. At which he promptly asked to see your playlist, his brows furrowing as he found little common ground. With a murmured promise to send you a few of his playlists and then some he'd try curate more towards your taste, he returned your phone.
If only your awkward date ended with a walk in the park. Lunch was an equally tense affair, with Li mostly feigning disgust at the couple with you, and you trying your best to avoid his gaze. As lovely as his eyes were, there was something cold and piercing about them that made you feel like he'd see right through you, and you weren't yet sure if you enjoyed it very much. Worse still was the way his hand found its way to your waist immediately after dropping enough money to cover both your meals in Ryo’s hands as he steered you away after lunch, bidding Ryo and Kirra farewell as he led you to an internet cafe. To his credit, he did keep his word…
“Um, look, Zhao Yu, I'm really not good at the game, I just play casually,” you began, trying to excuse yourself.
“I'll play casually with you then,” he insisted with a shrug, not at all bothered by the change in plans. Without waiting for any further protests on your part, he ushered you into the cafe. He strode up to the front desk with a comfortable familiarity, and you wouldn't be surprised if he'd told you he was a regular there. As you pondered his screentime, he had already paid for the time, once again returning to your side to usher you in. It was, in part, a sweet gesture, but a part of you felt the firmness of his hand was also partly to keep you from running off. Left with little other choice, you obliged and sat at the computer beside him.
You grinned sheepishly as your final game ended in borderline disaster.
“You weren't joking when you said you're bad,” Li quipped. For a moment, you half expected him to curse at you the way you'd heard him swear at the enemies and some teammates, but the barrage of insults never came. Instead, you felt a cold hand reach up to brush the hair from your face, his fingers gently twirling a lock of it before dropping his hand. His expression had softened, seemingly placated by the contact. “It's fine, it's not competitive…and you're cute.”
His last few words were mumbled, too mashed together for you to catch, but if the tips of his ears turning red was anything to go by, you'd guess he'd complimented you.
“Did you say something?” you pressed, hoping he'd repeat himself, but he only shook his head. “Mei shi ba, zhi shuo ni ke ai.”
Once again his words were quick, melding together like a fluid melody in his native tongue. It felt like you were hearing him properly now that he wasn't whisper-shouting at a screen, and it was…charming. You smiled to yourself. Cuteness privileges, huh? You could probably make use of that.
“Right, so how much do I owe you? For both the meal and this?”
Your questions were halted by a shake of his head and cold purple eyes enrapturing your own. “Another date, probably, I don't take cash.”
“Ah, then I guess I'll see you some other time?” So maybe he was a little pushy.
“We can plan while I walk you home. Zou ba.” Scratch that, he was a lot pushy. But it was part of his charm, you'd suppose, from the way he'd kept you on the inner side of the sidewalk to the protective hand on your waist as he insisted on escorting you to your door, Li Zhao Yu was a very straightforward individual, especially when it came to his interests.
“Zai jian le…unless you've anything else to say before I go?” The slight bit of hope in his voice was apparent.
“I don't need thanks from you, I want to do things for you.”
It was hard not to giggle at his bluntness. “I know, you make that quite clear,” you point out, kissing his cheek as a goodbye.
Perhaps for the first time on your date, Li was speechless. You'd tease him for it if you weren't into him too. Well, there's always more opportunities on future dates.
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souldagger · 7 months
hi! i was wondering if you know of any nonbinary sci-fi authors? i'm taking part of a storygraph challenge and one of the challenges is to read a scifi novel by a nonbinary author so i thought maybe you'd have a rec! thank you and hope you have a great day <3 (btw do you still have the link to the doc you had of all the vintage lgbt scifi novels? thanks again!)
DO I!!!! :DDD
Sarah Gailey - The Echo Wife (domestic scifi thriller with gone girl vibes)
Ada Hoffmann - The Outside (cosmic horror)
S. Qiouyi Lu - In The Watchful City (mosaic novella with stories that range from scifi to fantasy)
Ness Brown - The Scourge Between Stars (scifi horror ala Alien, good for some low brainpower horror thrills) CORRECTION: while ness brown goes by they/them pronouns, i don't think they've actually confirmed if they identify as nonbinary, my bad!
Avi Silver - Pluralities (bit hard to categorize but i'd recommend this one if you'd like a weird scifi novella with gender and transness as a main theme!)
Neon Yang - The Genesis of Misery (science fantasy with mechas) (i haven't read it yet, but i'm a huge fan of neon yang's other work!)
Rivers Solomon - An Unkindness of Ghosts (generation ship scifi) (another one i haven't gotten around to yet, but it's by all accounts exceptional - though, note, very heavy from what i've heard - and i really enjoyed the author's fantasy novella The Deep)
and a couple more whose work I haven't read, but who are pretty high on my to-read list:
Emma Mieko Candon - The Archive Undying
Nino Cipri - Finna
Merc Fenn Wolfmoor - So You Want to be a Robot and Other Stories
Xiran Jay Zhao - Iron Widow (tbh i've heard some mixed opinions abt this one, but it is also undeniably the most popular book on this list)
Bogi Takács - The Trans Space Octopus Congregation: Stories, Power to Yield and Other Stories (i also wanna shout out eir reading blog, which has an absolutely incredible list of resources, including the trans and intersex fiction and poetry timeline and the neopronouns in fiction timeline!!!)
as for the vintage LGBT scifi doc: why yes of course. here it is in all its 150+ book glory <3
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grendel-menz · 11 months
Omg can I ask to know more about your pirate ocs? They're lovely 🥺🤲🤲🤲
Thank you for asking omg!! I love OC questions. Right now the pirate crew ocs are still just little mullings in my head as I work - some of them more fleshed out than others.
What I do have down pretty solid is their ship name and time period - Moon Swallower, late 1600s. It's a references to the Bakunawa, a serpent from certain mythologies in the Philippines that's set out to eat the moon for reasons that can vary depending on who's telling the story. The crew originally sailed about South East Asia, but later moved to waters around the Caribbean and North America's east coast. It's why a lot of the older crew members are SEA or Southern Chinese (Lintang, Liwliwa, Bato, Zhao, Hai) and the newer additions/younger crew range differently.
The running theme for the story is vengeance and closure, though everyone aboard the Moon Swallower has a different approach to it. Atm I'm fleshing out the captain's story and personality since it seems a good place to start. Lintang claims to be a ghost of revenge, and wants to wipe imperialists off the map. She's a soft spoken tactician and unbending in will or mercy.
Expanding out from her I've taken a shine to the first mate Liwliwa and the young Orisa. I'm not tooooo sure on their exact backstories yet, but I do know the dynamics between them and the captain. Liwliwa suffered a life similar to Lintang and acts as her mouthpiece to the crew, however, where Lintang is reserved and controlled Liwliwa is painfully heart-on-sleeve and in search of guidance. Orisa is Lintang's daughter picked from a bad situation in a port. Orisa is afraid of her own face, but confident in her lucks and skills. She grows from a quietly sorrowful child to a loud and frequent laugher.
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sixplusfive · 2 months
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赵让_R, weibo (2024.06.15)
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chineseredcarpet · 8 months
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Zhao Rang for Tencent Video All Star Night 2023
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bwops · 9 months
快点躲进我的 white porsche
white porsche
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trixibebe · 1 year
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I know it's probably just used as a derogatory term and shouldn't think much further about it but I find it fascinating how Zhao calls Kume kid.
Makes you sound old, man.
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