#zionists either keep scrolling or block me either way i'm not in the mood for your stupid shit
thedepressedweasel · 9 months
Everybody who supports Israhell (especially blindly) is a child abuser! Reblog if you agree.
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thedepressedweasel · 4 months
Palestinian kids: *get bombed alive by the IOF cowards* Zionists: *crickets* Palestinian women and girls: *get raped by IOF cowards and Israeli settlers* Zionists: *crickets* Palestinian kids: *get burned alive in front of their parents by IOF cowards and Israeli settlers* Zionists: *crickets* Palestinian kids: *go to training camps in addition to watching shows that train them to become resistance fighters* Zionists: ZOMG WhY aRe HaMaS tEaChInG cHiLdReN tO hAtE uS aLl?! tHeY'rE sUpPoSeD To LoVe IsRaEl AnD wOrShIp ThE gRoUnD wE zIoNiStS wAlK oN!!!!!!!!! oR eLsE yOu'Re A DiSgUsTiNg AnTiSeMiTe AnD aN oVeRaLl DeSpIcAbLe TeRrOrIsT!!!!1111!!!111one!!11
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