dailydiary03 · 3 years
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I love this mans with all my heart😍
He my boyfriend but he don't know it yet🙊
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sleepinzion · 4 years
don’t blame me - z.k.
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based on Don’t Blame Me by Taylor Swift
Your love made me crazy.
He knew how he made me feel. He was the blood running through my veins.
I stared as he sauntered towards me, he caught every girls eye. He had that impact when he came into any room. A smirk rose across his face. It seized my heart, into a net like a goldfish.
“Hey, beautiful” His voice was deep and husky. He knew exactly how I liked it. How I craved it. How I yearned for it. He drew his hand towards my lips, he glazed it softly. A whimper fled through my lips.
“I need you to moan my name,” He asked, bestowing me a lustful expression.
“Y/N!” Taking me out of my thoughts, I heard my friends. Zion was still there, he didn’t move. I glanced behind him to see my friends waving at me.
“You planning to leave” They asked. All the other girls who were watching Zion with thirsty looks, watched waiting for a reply.
“You go ahead, I’ll meet you in a bit-“
He shook his head. “I’m not sure I would be done in a few minutes, I have to take my damn time” He looked me up and down. “I have to make my mark” He chuckled.
God. All the things I want that man to do to me.
“I’ll meet you home tomorrow” I quickly responded.
“She’s gone too far this time” I heard my friends mutter, they thought I hadn’t heard. I looked back at Zion, who smiled, clearly proud of himself. Well they aren’t wrong.
Don’t blame me your love made me crazy.
“Let’s go somewhere, private?” I asked him. He laughed, I tilted my head to the side and smiled softly, watching him laugh. Lord save me.
Without thinking, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me up. My legs wrapped around his torso. I reached down to taste his lips against mine. I knew there were people watching us but I couldn’t give a fuck.
Before I knew it, he threw me on to the bed.
He crawled towards me, I briskly was about to remove my dress when his hands grabbed mine to stop me.
“I want to” He began kissing my neck, causing me to moan louder with each kiss.
I felt him begin to unzip my dress. His touch was cold against my bare skin. He carefully undid my bra, and watched it drop. His hands began to explore my bare body, and I gave in to him as if he was my drug.
I woke up to see a damn angel asleep. He was beautiful.
I stared at him, when the clock began buzzing which sent us both up. I quickly stood up, which he woke up to the movement. I was wearing a satin lingerie, he sat up to get a better look.
“Are you planning on not leaving my room?”
I spun around, “Huh?”
“If you look like that, you aren’t going to be leaving this fucking room.” He stood up from the bed, walking towards me and smiling. He knew what he wanted. He pushed me towards the wall, I let out a gasp. Suddenly I heard someone banging on the door.
“Zion!! We need are going out! Are you done?” He moved away from me.
“I have to go” he rolled his eyes.
I stood against the wall, trying to get my composure back. I didn’t want him to leave.
“Should I walk you to the front door, mamas?”
He questioned. Waiting for my response. He stood there with his arms crossed. He was shirtless, with boxers. His tattoos were perfectly done. I walked towards him.
“Without a round 4?” I pouted. He stood there, his eyes were filled with lust.
I stalked over to him. My hand started to touch his chest, going down to his boxers.
He gave a smirk and brought me up to his height.
“Oh baby-“ he began.
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multiiiii · 4 years
literally me the whole day and my sister is getting annoyed
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enrapturedbythemoon · 4 years
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Our boys are killing me with their scruffy faces y’all. It’s not a boy band, it’s a man band.
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scftedits · 4 years
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PRETTYMUCH photoshoot for schön magazine wallpapers / lockscreens
- like or reblog if you save
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ahhhhaustin · 5 years
Bringing back videos of the boys that you probably forgot existed pt. 8
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zion snitching everybody's lane ♡
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porterxcomics · 4 years
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ρᥲᥴk ρrᥱttყmᥙᥴh.
ᝰ ᥣιkᥱ or rᥱbᥣog ιf ყoᥙ sᥲvᥱ. ♡
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jadeisthecooliest92 · 4 years
Some Lovin’- A Brandon Arreaga One Shot
Hi all!
I’ve recently started getting into PrettyMuch and decided to write some stuff about them.
Please let me know what you think and maybe I’ll even start doing more and open up requests?
Green eyes scanned the living room full of people, mostly strangers as Sophia desperately looked for her best friend Zara.
Trying her best to shimmy through the sweaty bodies dancing to the music blasting off the walls, she sighed and held her red plastic cup in a death grip.
These types of parties were not her scene but as always, she fell victim to Zara's puppy dog eyes.
Finally getting to the kitchen, she slipped out the back door to the pool area that still held a lot of people but definitely less than inside.
Sipping the drink from her cup, she once again began to search for her friend, keeping her eyes out for her signature sleek black hair tied into a high ponytail.
She had almost given up hope until she spotted her, though she seemed a bit preoccupied judging by the guy attached to her mouth.
Laughing quietly and sending her friend encouraging thoughts, Sophia decided to chill and lean against the wall, nodding her head slowly to the beat from inside.
It's not that she was a prude, far from it but she just tended to be a bit shyer than her counterpart.
While Z could talk herself into any crowd, Sophia stood back and usually waited to be invited or noticed, that's just how their friendship was and it was perfect for her.
Pushing a stray piece of hair from her face, she enjoyed the end of her drink and pushed away from the wall in search of another.
Before she had made her way back inside, she was suddenly blocked by a tall body.
Almost stumbling back in surprise, she looked up at the persons face and relaxed slightly.
"Zion, you almost gave me a heart attack."
The dreaded boy grinned sleepily and reached a hand over, ruffling her hair as she scowled and swatted his hand away.
"Sorry shorty, I just couldn't help notice you over here looking all lost and shit. Wanna come smoke with me?"
Letting out a quiet laugh, she nodded and followed her friend to a more secluded area of the garden, her shoulders tensing a little when she noticed a few people she didn't recognize look their way.
"Someone pass me that shit so I can mellow shorty out."
While she didn't appreciate Zions taunts, she knew he meant well. The two had become unlikely friends over the last year from working together in music studios.
Sophia was a lyricist and composer working with lots of L.A based artists and she had met Zion and his group at one of the crowds parties.
They had all instantly got along, hanging out every once in a while when their schedules allowed it.
Smelling the familiar scent of weed, Sophia was snapped from her memories and accepted the rollie from her friends hands, not even hesitating to inhale deeply, her eyes closing and her nerves finally easing.
She passed it back to Zion and sat beside him cross-legged on the grass, her empty cup discarded as she leaned back onto her arms.
"So lil mama, why did I find you wandering around alone? Where's Z?"
Shrugging her shoulders, she relaxed and stared up at the dark sky, no signs of stars because of the light pollution from the city.
"You know I don't vibe like a lot of people here, I'm happy chilling alone, plus my girl seemed to be preoccupied with some dude."
Laughing, Zion offered her another hit but she shook her head and let him pass it to someone else in the group.
"So Z's getting some lovin', what about you?"
She scoffed and looked to her friend, raising a brow.
"I'm not the person that gets approached at parties, Zion and you know that."
"I know someone who would like to give you a lil sum sum."
He shoved her lightly and she noticed a shit eating grin fall onto his features.
"I know that fucking look, don't even think about--"
She was cut off when the guy stood suddenly and ran off like a giggling four year old, in search of what, she had no idea.
When he hadn't returned in a few minutes, she grumbled to herself and lay flat on the grass, eyes closing as she started contemplating finding Z again and dragging her home.
"You know, talking to yourself is a sign of losing your mind, right?"
She was surprised to hear someone speak to her as she opened one of her eyes to see who it was.
Her heart almost flew into her mouth as she looked up to see it was none other than Brandon Arreaga, one of Zions band mates who she was low key feeling from the day she met him.
The two had never hung out alone but they had spent hours together in studio with the others writing songs.
"It's a good thing I'm already aware of the fact I've lost my mind."
He flashed her a smile and offered her one of the cups he had in his hands.
She sat up and took it from him, thanking him quietly as she watched him join her on the grass.
Suddenly, Sophia was very aware of everything around her. She could smell his aftershave and he was close enough that his body heat radiated towards her.
Taking a sip from the cup, she paused and glanced at the handsome guy to her right.
He still had that smile on his face as he casually glanced back at her, eyes flashing with mischief.
"So Soph, what's up? You enjoying the party?"
She shrugged and looked down at her hands, fiddling with the plastic between them.
"Sure, I always enjoy these parties."
He laughed an almost snort and nudged her gently.
"Don't lie, come on you can tell me if you're not feeling it."
She chewed the inside of her cheek before letting out a sigh, a small grin playing on her lips.
"Alright, you caught me. I'm not exactly having the best night but Z is enjoying herself so I'm not going to whine and I'll take one for the team so she can have fun."
Brandon didn't say much for a minute as he studied her face, making her almost blush.
"Well, what would help you have fun?"
She didn't hear the underlying tone in his question and simply shrugged, not having much of an answer.
"Cause y'know, a little birdie told me..."
She almost spit out her drink as she scowled across the garden, her eyes scanning for Zion above the heads.
"That little birdie needs to watch himself or he might get de-feathered."
She was pulled from her murderous thoughts as an arm slid across her shoulders.
Turning her head quickly, Sophia almost instantly regretted all of her life choices as Brandon's beautiful, rich brown eyes stared at her intensely.
"I'm just sayin', you were over here alone and I approached you."
She thought back to her conversation with Zion and didn't know whether to thank him or bury him six feet under.
"Yeah but that's because Zion probably paid you to" she joked and licked her lips nervously.
Brandon inched his face closer to hers, eyes still boring holes into her own.
"Don't do that."
She frowned and raised a brow "Do what?"
"Don't play off your insecurities as jokes against yourself."
She didn't know what to say, no one had ever called her out on her bullshit before.
"You're beautiful, funny, talented and you need to learn to be more confident."
Her face was definitely red now, she could feel it. Brandon was speaking so honestly to her and she felt vulnerable.
The dark haired singer set his cup aside and brought his now free hand up to her cheek, gently running his thumb across her warm skin.
She noticed him leaning in even more, his eyes flickering to her lips as if asking permission.
After a moment of holding her breath, Sophia glanced off behind Brandon where their stupid pineapple head friend stood, cheering them both on.
Rolling her eyes, she felt Brandon turn her gaze back to him and time seemed to stop before he whispered between the two "Fuck it."
Just like that, their lips collided in a kiss that could only be described as an explosion.
Hands became entangled in hair as their bodies pressed closer together, both of them completely drowning in each other.
After what seemed like minutes, the two pulled apart enough to catch their breath.
Neither of them spoke, they simply stared at each other with new eyes.
As Brandon opened his mouth to speak, they were interrupted by Zion obnoxiously throwing himself on top of them both, causing them to groan in protest, everyone's alcohol spilling onto the grass.
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poutypngs · 5 years
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sleepinzion · 4 years
a Little too Late - z.k.
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based on too little too late by jojo
He was the type of guy who hadn’t had his life set up yet, which made sense why he constantly kept hopping from several girls. You were one of them. The girl who fell for that charm he wore like perfume. Which devoured you.
You heard him behind you utter “Come with me, stay the night” You release a sigh. You anticipated what would result if you accept to his sweet words.
“I’ve changed, Y/N. For you” He struck a smile underneath his long blonde dreads enclosing half his face. You caught a glimpse of his eyes, you knew his system was replenished with alcohol. He wasn’t serious. It was the alcohol talking.
The breakup abruptly blazed through your mind. Prompting, why you couldn’t fall for his words.
“Caleb, I’m tired. I’m sick of just being a fling to you” You spat the words at him. Wielding the tears from breaking out.
“Please stay, Y/N” His voice was shaky. You wanted to. You truly wanted to stay but your gut warned you to leave. You pulled open his room door. You turned to bestow him one final glance. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, resting his head on his hands. He understood how much he screwed things up. He was never serious about everything. It was all simply a game to him.
When he heard the front door downstairs close, that’s when it struck him. It was over.
His pleads drew you back to the present, you were standing in front of him. His chocolate brown eyes scanned your eyes for answers. He gawked desperately but you had grown stronger since the break up a few months ago. You were prepared to move on. You had come to this party to confess something to him and prove your self, you’ve moved on.
“You know it’s just a little too late” You mumbled. Around you the party had died down, everyone was starting to take off. Mainly drunk and undoubtedly going to get a hangover the following day. You saw the other boys behind Zion, they were tidying the leftovers, you knew they were paying attention to both you and Zion’s conversation.
He seized a step towards you, you took a step back, attempting to maintain as much distance as you could.
“Caleb, I’m moving back to London” You eventually reveal the secret you had retained from him for so long. You realised you unlocked his emotions. They all surged through him.
He stood there bewildered, not recognizing the emotions which were going through him, but one he understood was the anger at himself was filling his mind. He needed to clench onto you but deep down he understood he was too late.
He gawked as you turn on your heels and walk away from him. You had offered him everything, he just tossed it out the window and now he had to live with the consequences, how he lost his first love because of his so-called game. He was stiffened. He hadn’t remembered the boys appearing next to him.
“We didn’t know as well. Z” He heard Brandon behind him. He wanted to grab you and pull you closer to him and confide how he didn’t know what these emotions he was having were, it was love but it was a little too late.
“I’ve changed, Y/N. For you” He struck a smile underneath his long blonde dreads enclosing half his face. You caught a glimpse of his eyes, you knew his system was replenished with alcohol. He wasn’t serious. It was the alcohol talking.
The breakup abruptly blazed through your mind. Prompting, why you couldn’t fall for his words.
“Caleb, I’m tired. I’m sick of just being a fling to you” You spat the words at him. Wielding the tears from breaking out.
“Please stay, Y/N” His voice was shaky. You wanted to. You truly wanted to stay but your gut warned you to leave. You pulled open his room door. You turned to bestow him one final glance. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, resting his head on his hands. He understood how much he screwed things up. He was never serious about everything. It was all simply a game to him.
When he heard the front door downstairs close, that’s when it struck him. It was over.
His pleads drew you back to the present, you were standing in front of him. His chocolate brown eyes scanned your eyes for answers. He gawked desperately but you had grown stronger since the break up a few months ago. You were prepared to move on. You had come to this party to confess something to him and prove your self, you’ve moved on.
“You know it’s just a little too late” You mumbled. Around you the party had died down, everyone was starting to take off. Mainly drunk and undoubtedly going to get a hangover the following day. You saw the other boys behind Zion, they were tidying the leftovers, you knew they were paying attention to both you and Zion’s conversation.
He seized a step towards you, you took a step back, attempting to maintain as much distance as you could.
“Caleb, I’m moving back to London” You eventually reveal the secret you had retained from him for so long. You realised you unlocked his emotions. They all surged through him.
He stood there bewildered, not recognizing the emotions which were going through him, but one he understood was the anger at himself was filling his mind. He needed to clench onto you but deep down he understood he was too late.
He gawked as you turn on your heels and walk away from him. You had offered him everything, he just tossed it out the window and now he had to live with the consequences, how he lost his first love because of his so-called game. He was stiffened. He hadn’t remembered the boys appearing next to him.
“We didn’t know as well. Z” He heard Brandon behind him. He wanted to grab you and pull you closer to him and confide how he didn’t know what these emotions he was having were, it was love but it was a little too late.
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multiiiii · 4 years
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Did anyone else find this attractive or???
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kuwonuscissors · 5 years
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he always looks so good 😔
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yukiaoju · 5 years
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he's just so fucking cute
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ahhhhaustin · 5 years
Bringing back videos of the boys that you probably forgot existed pt. 7
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