raysofsinshine · 4 years
October 2020 Event!
Last year, I had only two muses and did a Shattered Glass Event. This year, I’m doing another AU: Mythological Creatures!
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Ratchet is a good witch! Come to him for potions or some magic!
Pharma is a vampire! He’ll try not to bite without permission, but no guarantees
Ambulon is a patchwork zombie! Unlike classic zombies, he’s not really rotting, nor after brains. He’s not as smart as he use to be, and is pretty slow in the head.
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Rodimus Prime is La Catrina Ardiente
Hot Rod are a Werewolf! He howl and is the goodest boy
Wing is a Cervitaur (Half Mech/Half Stag)! He protects the wilds and is very knowledgeable in natural medicine and other spirits. He’s very gentle, but will not hesitate to harm you if you are damaging his forest
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Vos is Satan himself! Are you ready for his judgment?
Forestock is a simple Daemon, yet to be promoted. Don’t mind the drool of energon of the damned.
SG Forestock is a ghoul! They just kinda... exist and growl and slobber. That’s about it.
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SG Pharma/Phern is a mushroom spirit! Just a little mushy gal
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betterdoctorthanyou · 4 years
Zombulon lumbers over to Pharma and sits next to him. And stares blankly.
"Uuuhhh hey there, pretty mech. You okay?" He looks him over
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odysseywritings · 6 years
The Zorpa Show
“5! 4! 3! 2!”
The lights shine on in unison toward the stage as the announcer proudly greets the diverse, interplanetary audience to the show’s host.
“Lifeforms and androids! Get your hands together for the Zorpa Glasco Show! With your host… Zorpa Glasco!”
The host sits in a comfortable chair as her large fanged grin complements her gigantic singular eye containing a dark- orange iris. Her red dress suit likewise matches her dark green, scaly skin and runs her hawk-like hand through her tentacled mess of hair. The audience clamors in excitement from the clapping humans, the limbless Turnogs flailing around to the detriment of those surrounding them, the robots signaling a pixelated heart on their chest’s interfaces, and many more. Zorpa positions her 4 mantis-like legs to a more relaxing placement as she looks at the camera in front of her.
“Today guest comes from the harsh world of Atomos, which has recently been declared ‘the second worst planet to live on behind Earth,” she states in a professional matter, with the humans nodding in agreement. “Here to tell us about his struggles as a young Atomian is a brave soul who goes by the name of… The Yark.”
The audience applauds as a red humanoid with devil-horns on his head walks onto the stage. His gait is very similar but not identical to a human’s by walking 2 steps with his left foot that is repeated by another 2 steps with his right. His irises are a dull yellow and his expression never changes beyond a stoic, prey animal sense of defensiveness judging by his raised shoulders and an anxious stare at the noises coming from the audience. Once the audience’s reactions have died down, they can hear sounds coming from him that are akin to swarming locusts flying around inside of him.
“Mr. The Yark,” Zorpa asks. “As an Atomian, what would you first want to tell the people about the situation?”
The Yark silently stares as Zorpa for about 5 seconds as she puts her finger on her chin in a curious, analytical state. He proceeds to look at the audience for another 5 seconds before returning to Zorpa. After enough time had passed, the Yark slowly opens his mouth, his expression unchanging. He releases sounds that mimic screams of different voices that are distinct from each other. The screams are accompanied by a louder bombardment of locust-like sounds, which continues for a good dozen or so seconds. The volume and irritable noise causes one man to have his ears bleed slightly as he has a tear of sympathy fall from his eye. A robot has crackling sparks fly out of its antenna as its interface has a pixelated sad face. Zorpa looks on with a tissue to her eye as one of her hair tentacles withers away and falls off onto the ground. The Yark gradually closes its mouth and the haunting noises emitting from in slowly die out as well, save for some insectoid buzzing coming from his body which was only natural for his species. The audience applauds The Yark for coming out with his story, including Zorpa.
“Powerful, powerful stuff,” she says with a sober expression and tone. Abruptly afterward, she perks herself up saying “Coming up! Stay tuned for some hilarious stories by our next guest!”
Lively music involving brass instruments and synthesizers play as the audience applauds some more. The Yark has a camera zooming in on him, and his expression does not change despite the music. He slowly turns his head to the camera, causing the cameraman to back up slightly. The Yark stands there in repose until the commercial runs, showing an advertisement for a perfume for the necroid people of Zombulon.
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