#werewolf!hot rod
theoceanoasis · 11 months
7 + 8 for your Halloween prompts! werebot hotrod and vampire Soundwave please and thank you!
He looked around in awe and excitement because his parents were finally letting him, go out with them. Although he wasn't going to be hunting. He was still excited because he'd always wanted to explore the outside world. Even if he could only do it at night. Sadly his parents had always been reluctant to let him come.
"Stay here."
His sire instructed as his parents went on their hunt. He stayed with his back pressed against a wall and out of sight. He looked around in awe studying the buildings around him and imagining the people inside. Everything was so new and exciting it was hard to wait for his parents return.
He waited for a while until he heard a noise that made him pause. He listened attentively wondering what it was.
When he realized it was something crying he immediately went to investigate. He followed the sound and was lead to a dak alleyway. Walking inside he noticed a box sitting against a wall.
Carefully he crept along looking for danger and only hearing something cry. He looked into the box and gasped as he found a tiny sparkling. Except it wasn't an ordinary sparkling, this one had ears and a tail.
When the sparkling noticed him staring. It stopped crying and stared back. Looking into his big blue optics shiny with tears. He felt a weird feeling wash over him.
It urged him to pick up the sparkling. Telling him that the sparkling belonged to him and that he needed to protect him and love him. Because the sparkling was his future mate.
He immediately picked the sparkling up, holding it protectively against his chest. The sparkling nuzzled against him and he looked around, wondering who would abandon such a perfect being.
He kissed the sparklings little head and rubbed it's twitching spoiler soothingly.
He heard his parents call and he left the alleyway.
"I'm over here!"
His parents rushed over and his carrier scolded him.
"I told you to stay put."
"I couldn't just leave him."
His parents finally realized what was in his arms and his carrier gasped.
"Is that?"
"A werebot and a small one at that."
"Must be the runt of the litter. No wonder they abandoned him."
His carrier shook his head and his sire frowned ordering him to put the sparkling back.
"Soundwave put him back and let nature take it's course."
He shouted holding the sparkling protectively.
"He's mine and I'm not going to let you hurt him."
He soothed the sparkling who made a distressed whimper. Looking at his parents with a glare he could see the shocked look on their faces.
"Their bonded."
His carrier whispered and his sire nodded.
"Soundwave found his mate."
He looked between his parents having no idea what they were talking about. Looking down at the sparkling he didn't care. All he cared about was that they wouldn't be separated.
"Fine we'll keep him."
He cheered and stroked the sparklings cheek.
"Does he have a name?"
His sire asked and he looked at the now sleeping sparkling. He felt something whisper into his mind and he said it out loud.
"Hot Rod."
His parents nodded and lead him back home.
"Come on now. We'll get Hot Rod sorted out while we eat."
He nodded and followed his parents with Hot Rod in his arms where he belongs.
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backyardboytoy · 6 months
Imagining that you walk into the woods in your local town, gently taking a stroll until when you take a small break you realise you weren’t leaning against a tree…it was a 10ft tall werewolf, and seemingly it was in heat as you could tell just by looking down.
It needs a womb to release in and it seems it’s chosen you…
Contents: Cumflation, Lactation, impregnation
"Oh boy, howdy -" is the stupid thing that ends up tumbling from my mouth. Because damn that's a big boy with a ridged rod between his legs. His heavy, audibly sloshing balls complement his whole horny monster look, fantastically.
The Wolfman huffs, the open air fogging from how hot his breath is. I couldn't really make out any pupils in the yellow of his eyes but his snout tilts down to where I am. A bit of drool is slinging down his jaws onto his own neck. He opens his mouth and i'm half expecting to be torn to shreads only for a deep guttural voice to ring out and say one thing.
"Huh?" Is the response I come up with because, hello??? My eyes jolt back down to the throbbing monster cock already so pent up its leaking pre in sticky globs onto the ground with every pulse. And it clicks what he seems to be at least trying to ask for. I tilt my head up at the Wolfman. "Uh, do you wanna fuck me?"
His ears perk up, and the drool starts reaching his chest. An impaitent panting noise fills the air.
Without a second thought, I grin. "Yeah, that's fine!" I hooked my hands under my pants and boxer briefs and pulled them down. "I've been horny all day. Fuck me good alright?" He all but lundged for me when I said  that. His clawed hands coming down and grabbed my sides. Hoisting me into the air dispite My yelp of surpise.
I feel the tip of his cock prod at my holes entrance. Looking down makes me swallow because his shaft is twice as large as a baseball bat. But I don't have any time to think further because he's already pushing it into me.
His cock manages to gape my hole open at a third of the way down his length on the first go. A grunt escaping me when I feel how much he's inside of me already.
A deep inhale from him is the only warning I get before an explosion of warmth fills me. "Fuck-" i grit my teeth when he immediately decided to cum on entry. It's a oozing sound when cum starts spilling out to paint the forest floor.
I pant and as soon as the sensation stops the hands on my sides pull me up and drop me back down on his monsterily thick cock. Turns out monster cum makes a great lubricant for getting a cock even deeper. A perverted squelch sound now pairs with each messy thrust.
I'm breathy, and look down to find out I'm almost halfway down his length when his cock tip nudges deep at my insides. Assuming he hit my cervix, made me huff. But surpisingly no pain had accompanied the prod just a nagging pleasure.
The Wolfman growled, his hands pulling me off his cock till only the tip was at my entrance again. All before slamming home into my hole. I yelled feeling the cock ram through my poor cervix and barrel into the wall of my womb. Why did that feel good? Holy shit? A churning sound hit my ears, and I looked down to see his heavy balls clentching.
Thick cum splattered into my waiting womb, with a purpose. Monster sperm violating and ready to impregnate any egg they could possibly hunt down. "Fuck fuck-" my stomach surged outwards this time. My cervix apparently not wanting to let the monsters cum let down. I looked four months pregnant with just cum.
With a huff, he fucked me back down his cock once more. Fuck, he was so big and there was so little room for my hole to accommodate, I could feel every pulsating vein decorating his shaft. He fucked me up and down, up and down. My belly sloshed every time me pulled me up and down.
I looked down once more to find I was nearly down to base but knew I wouldn't be taking his knot, unfortunately. His cock is so massive that even with his length fucking my cervix wide and his tip slamming into the wall of my womb his knot wasn't even reaching my ass.
He suddenly threw his head back and howled, cutting my thoughts short.
He stilted once more, his cock pressed against my womb. I felt his cock pulsating as each splash of cum shooting into my waiting womb. I groaned and watched my stomach grow further to accommodate my heavy womb. By the time he stopped coming I looked eight months pregnant.
My chest was wet, making my look down to see myself lactating through my shirt. I chuckled high off of monster cock and cum.
He got me pregnant. Fuck my body knew it was inevitable.
I could only groan when he fucked my down his length once more.
The joy of being a living condom for a monster in heat.
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galvanizedfriend · 6 months
KC Wip Wednesday
This is my humble contribution to WIP Wednesday! It's a scene from the rewriting of TVD S5 - Yokan's version. In it, The Originals never happens, most of the Mikaelsons remain in Mystic Falls and Klaus and Caroline are kind of a thing, but nobody knows (for sure). Remember that moment where Katherine locks herself up in a safe with Stefan to "cure" his PTSD? It's that, except it's Klaus, not Katherine. This alludes to a very Klefan past, btw. Be warned if you're not a fan.
Also, this is for @definedareasofuncertainty, who wanted me to write her Easter Klefan. 🤧 There you go, friend! And you know, not beta'ed and all that.
Klaus lies on his back, takes a calm breath as the heavy door is closed with a thud, engulfing them in absolute darkness. All in all, he'd say a metal box is hardly the most uncomfortable setting he's found himself in. He prefers the comfort of first-class accommodations, but he's traveled in worse. The grown man beating about beside him does make things rather unpleasant, though.
"Stop! Caroline! Get me out of here!" Stefan screams, smashing his fists against the iron safe's indestructible structure. The more desperate he gets, the more uncoordinated and weaker his movements become, thus making the effort completely useless, however accomplished in making the experience all the more miserable for him.
It's embarrassing how incapable Klaus is of saying no to Caroline whenever she asks for a favor. Locking himself up in a box with a traumatized Stefan has to be an all-time low. The things he won't do when she bats her eyelashes and says please.
"Oh, stop it," he remarks in a bored tone as he shoves Stefan aside. The old safe is rather spacious, but definitely not enough to comport two men, particularly if one of them won't stop bloody writhing like a worm in hot sand. "The more you scream, the more breathless you become." The more I want to tear your vocal cords to shreds.
"Get me out of here, Klaus, get me the fuck out of here!"
"Relax, Stefan. I'm here to help," he says. "I'm what you would call a greater agony to alleviate the smaller pain you feel being trapped inside the box. It's reverse psychology, or so Caroline read in a book. What do you think of a little werewolf venom high to speed up the process?"
"You're psychotic. You're fucking insane!" Stefan starts pounding on the box again. "Caroline! Caroline, open up! Open it now!"
"I'm sorry, Stefan!" comes her muffled apology. Even through the metal barrier she sounds thick with guilt. It was her idea, but already she's cracking. That bleeding heart of hers… "I'm sorry, I will -"
"Do not touch that box, Caroline," he commands with his full authority. "Leave it."
There's a long pause, the sound of Stefan's heart hammering away inside his chest in the box as they wait to see what she'll do. A beat goes by before she mumbles a final sorry and scurries away, likely to avoid the temptation of putting poor Stefan out of his misery.
Klaus' lips pull into a grin. "Good girl."
Stefan starts shaking beside him, his breath becoming even more labored. "I can't breathe," he gasps. "I can't - I can't -"
"You don't need to breathe, Stefan. It's all in your head," Klaus reminds him pointedly. "A vampire having a panic attack, honestly. When you think you've seen everything…"
"You're not fucking helping!"
"Pardon me. My bedside manners have gone a little rusty since the last time you've experienced them." Klaus casts Stefan a glance, sees the way his eyes widen in horror, his body growing stiff as a rod, and he can't contain the self-satisfied smile that draws across his lips. "We did once find comfort in each other's company, didn't we?" Stefan makes another panicked sound, smoothing his hands across the cold metal door above them, trying to find a way out. Klaus chuckles. "Don't worry, mate. Caroline can't hear us. Your sordid little secret is safe with me. It's just us here, alone under the cover of darkness. Nothing we haven't done a dozen times in the past. Ahh, the 20s…" he speaks around a dramatic sigh. "It was the roaring years, indeed."
"What are you doing?"
"Making conversation."
"I don't want to talk to you, I especially don't want to talk about that." Stefan nearly chokes on the last word, inching as far away from Klaus as the confined space will allow, as though the mere idea of touching him fills him with utter revulsion. Klaus knows better; it's the way he remembers exactly how it didn't what terrifies him.
Anybody who's met this watered down, colorless version of Stefan would never be able to tell how much of a free spirit he used to be. He was fun. A far cry from the shivering man beside him now. Tragic, really.
"I know you like to pretend it never happened. Frankly, you've become quite an embarrassment of your former self, so I wouldn't proudly advertise it either. This bunny-eating, crying in the dark skin you're wearing these days is someone is wouldn't be caught fraternizing with if you were the last human being on earth."
"Then leave me the fuck alone already."
"Don't flatter yourself. I'm not here for you," he snaps back. And then, putting a leash on his rising temper, he continues, "But since I have to be… I can recognize that there was something about that time we had together that suited us both, more than just for the obvious reasons."
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Sure you do. I was a tool for you."
"A tool for self-destruction."
Klaus huffs out a disdainful breath. "I was a balm to your tortured soul, Stefan, even at a time when you embraced your true self. I indulged you because you amused me, but at the end of the day, when we were together, it was all rather transactional. It wasn't about sentimentality or a shared appreciation for extravagance. It was about the hollow inside us. The fact we were always desperately seeking to fill it with… Anything, really. Whatever we could find. Passions. Pleasure. Violence. Cravings. But it never lasted, did it? Those things lack a purpose. They're all flitting in their essence, an immense explosion of satisfaction followed by… Nothing. We were both hungry, and we kept trying to find the thing that would sate us. You had lost your mind; I had lost my home. Like drawn to like." Klaus turns his face to Stefan, finds him staring back, eyes glinting with an emotion he can't quite read in the gloom. He always did fancy Stefan's eyes, though. There is something raw about them, something honest for a change. A little opening to the truth in his soul he tries so hard to hide from the outside world. "That's what the darkness is, Stefan," he continues. "Loneliness. It's what restrains us. The monster we cannot outrun. When it all stops - the laughter, the liquor, the hunger - and everything goes quiet around us, that's when we feel it. The curse of eternity. The weight of our years, deep in our bones. And the inevitable loneliness that comes with it. You had your names on the wall, I had my letters, but when all was said and done… We were both stuck in infinite darkness. Except for a few glorious stolen moments, in that repulsive room of yours." The corner of his mouth pulls up into a lopsided smile. "I was the bigger monster you needed in order to humanize yourself. Whatever you were, I was worse, and so I assuaged your guilt. Much like me being here right now. But then of course you found religion!" He laughs, closing his eyes and facing forward once more. "Your spiritual path towards the light. Elena Gilbert." He enunciates the name like it's coated in something toxic. His general distaste for Elena goes further than the fact she has thwarted so many of his plans. It's the boring saint act he cannot get over.
"Yes," Stefan says, his voice rough. "And then I lost her."
"Right. Because she chose your brother." Klaus chuckles. Stefan shifts uncomfortably beside him, the urge to hit him palpable in the air. It only spurs Klaus on. "How so very tacky. No taste, that one. Personally, I think there's no amount of blue eyes or good sex that can make Damon tolerable. What a wanker. I just want to bash his face against a wall whenever he opens his mouth."
Stefan scoffs. "Get in line."
"It's ironic, isn't it? You were at your absolute best behavior, weeding out all of your instincts, everything that made you fun and interesting in order to fashion yourself into a fairy tale prince for her, and what does she do? She chooses the dullard bad boy. Typical." Klaus shakes his head. "Ungrateful little -"
"Shut up."
"Martyr," he finishes with a smirk. "She probably thinks she's going to fix him, doesn't she? I bet he encourages it. But that's the difference between you and Damon, isn't it? Even with all your valiant efforts, you know creatures like us cannot be fixed. We're beyond salvation."
He gets a sudden twinge in his chest, an image flashing in his mind. A smile as bright as the sun. Hair the color of wheat. He sees her shifting under his sheets, feels the warmth of her touch, the brush of her rosy lips against his skin. It ignites a sense of joy inside him unlike anything else, a sense of possession, of belonging, of having found something that is far more precious or rare than any of the hundreds of treasures he's collected over the course of his life. But along with it comes the ever-present fear. Of loss. How long before he ruins her, like he's ruined everything else he's ever cherished? How long before he hurts her, even if he doesn't mean to? Before his darkness tarnishes her and kills that smile? Before she decides he's not worth it?
"How do you make yourself worthy?" he asks, the question tumbling out of his as though of their own accord. "How do you earn the affections of someone so…"
"Good?" Stefan finishes for him, reading his thoughts. "With sunshine and rainbows shining out of their eyes? Someone like, say… Caroline?" Klaus goes quiet, all his humor bleeding out of him in a second. "You don't," Stefan answers his own question. "You'll never be good enough for her, Klaus. Just like I was never good enough for Elena. Not really. The truth is they deserve much better than the two of us." He sighs, deflating with resignation next to Klaus. "I guess we did make quite a pair, you and I."
"Then perhaps we should die together," he says with an edge of aggression, his mood taking a sudden downturn. He's suddenly irritated. With Stefan, with this ridiculous situation, with himself for agreeing to that. "You and I, in a box, at the bottom of a quarry. Over and over again, drowning in suffering for all our sins and the women we don't deserve. How about that?" Silence stretches out between them, absolute. There's no response from Stefan, but there's also no pounding pulse, no disgruntled breaths. "Oh, look," he says dispassionately. "Someone's not having a panic attack anymore. Congratulations. You've conquered your fears. All you had to do was remember there are worse things than dying."
Klaus gives one violent kick on the door, sending it flying off its hinges. He pushes himself up, stepping out of the safe.
Caroline comes whooshing in, eyes wide as she takes in the state of the safe, the way Stefan is still down, cowering from the sudden burst of luminosity.
"What did you do to him?" she demands.
Klaus' mouth inches upward into the barest hint of a grin, no mirth whatsoever. "I fixed him."
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sora-writes-things · 2 months
Cursed Ink
An OC Transformation Oneshot
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Hi! Been awhile but I figured I’d post some writing again! This is for my main OC currently, Elijah, who is cursed by his tattoos to shapeshift into many kinds of creatures! This one in particular is his very first transformation, which is into a werewolf!
Content warnings: Body horror and cursing
Midnight. That’s when Elijah found himself jolted awake, a fierce burning on his skin where his recent paw print tattoo was located. It was a searing pain, like someone had dipped a metal rod into flame and pressed it into him, just below the collarbone. Like how he imagined a cow briefly felt when they were branded before it cauterized. He winced, trying to ignore the hellish sensation but to no avail.
The damn thing had healed days ago, albeit it was much earlier than his previous tattoos had managed to heal over. Why did it hurt so much now?
Elijah gritted his teeth and held his hand over the burning tattoo, flinching as the pain immediately grew worse. The paw print felt abnormally hot beneath his hand, and the skin throbbed slightly. He cursed under his breath and got up from his bed, grabbing his phone and turning on the flashlight before leaning over his dresser to look in the mirror, shining the light on his bare chest. The edges of the tattoo were noticeably red and inflamed. The ink seemed darker, as if it were freshly etched into the skin and not fully healed and slightly faded.
He inhaled sharply between his teeth, gently brushing at the black paw print with his fingertips. Instantly, the pain drove deeper into him with a jolt, like he was being stabbed with a knife. He folded over in response, barely stifling a grunt. His entire chest burned, like he’d been set on fire from the inside. He quickly began to feel feverish, his head pounding and his heart starting to race.
He glanced back up at the mirror, his phone’s flashlight pointed up at himself, and he froze immediately as he found that there was an unfamiliar gaze looking back at him. The eyes he saw in his own reflection weren’t his. Pain shot through his chest, almost like a warning against his instinctive panic. His breath hitched, but he managed to stay quiet as he leaned closer to the mirror, pulling back an eyelid. His irises seemed several shades lighter and the scleras were slightly darkened.
“What… The fuck…?” He whispered under his breath, trailing off as he noticed that his canine teeth suddenly seemed much longer… And sharper. He opened his mouth again, pulling at his lip with one finger and tracing over one fang with the fingernail on another. He stumbled backwards dizzily, dropping his phone face-down on the tiled floor with a loud smack. He pinched at one fang and tugged on it, as if it were maybe a fake fang from a Halloween store. It didn’t budge.
Elijah shuddered, hunching over slightly and clutching the shaved side of his head with his free hand, gripping the fang in his mouth so hard that it eventually drew blood from his finger. Pain began to surge up again and his body went rigid, a whimper finally escaping him. He doubled over once more, a different kind of burning sensation beginning along his back and shoulders. It was like a horrible itching feeling.
He reached back to start scratching, but he paused as he came across a texture that was completely foreign. It was soft and fluffy, like the coat of a young puppy. He couldn’t see it, but pale silver fur was beginning to sprout along his back, starting at the base of his neck and slowly spreading down along his spine. He trembled, now grabbing at his head with both hands. Tears welled in his eyes as a terrible, sharp pain began in his head. His thoughts were moving faster than he could keep up and the pounding ache in his head only served to disorient him more. His ears, now pointed at the tips, instinctively flattened back like those of a frightened animal.
Elijah drew in a deep breath, only for an abrupt jolt of pain down his back to force him to exhale in one heavy puff, a grunt escaping with it as he finally collapsed to the floor on his hands and knees. Something audibly cracked in his spine and he could feel his own vertebrae shifting in and out of place. It was sickening. But he had barely any time to think about it before a sharp, throbbing sensation began at the roots of his fingernails.
He looked down to see the black paint beginning to crack and chip away from his nails, which were starting to grow into long, sharp points. Claws. He lifted one hand to see that the skin on his palms were toughening and becoming slightly discolored, akin to the paw pads of an outdoor dog. Similar areas of skin could be seen on the tips of his fingers. He was unaware of the tip of his nose gaining the same pinkish-gray color. He swallowed hard, flexing his fingers a few times before he was struck with pain once again.
He completely doubled over, crying out as another series of crackling sounds erupted from his spine, the vertebrae now fracturing and forming new segments near his tailbone. Within seconds, a small, silver-furred tail poked out from the top seam of his pants, flicking several times before flattening against the back of his leg.
Tears welled up in his eyes again and he desperately tried to prevent them from spilling out, blinking repeatedly and squeezing his eyelids shut. A burning sensation slowly worked itself into the muscles of his arms, his breathing becoming more forced as sweat rolled down his face and glistened on his body where fur had not yet reached.
Elijah dug his fingertips into the floor, throwing his head back, an agonized groan slipping out from behind his tightly gritted teeth. The muscles in his upper arms stiffened before they began to swell, gaining a bit more mass than they normally had. Silver fur finally covered the remaining skin on his arms, concealing his tattoos in the process.
He let out a gasp as his body relaxed slightly, though his entire body ached with the promise of further changes that were yet to come. He shakily pulled himself upright, inhaling sharply while holding a hand, which was more like a monstrous paw now, over the tattoo below his collarbone. He leaned up against his dresser with a shudder, splaying his legs out in front of him. His tail, which had grown longer, idly thumped against the ground next to him.
Before long, he became aware of a building pressure on the bridge of his nose and on the sides of his bottom jaw. His ears flicked back, a grimace crossing his face once more as the moment of peace was broken. His breathing escalated as his back arched feverishly, his claws digging into the floor with a loud screech. He groaned softly before an abrupt surge of pain through his legs caused him to let out a wail, his voice breaking under the anguish he felt.
He helplessly kicked out his legs, the seams on his pants stretching and popping while his muscles, covered in long, silver fur, bulged out from beneath the fabric. His feet began to elongate, his joints creaking and snapping while claws grew from the tips of his toes, mirroring the ones on his hands. Rough paw pads formed at the bottom of each toe, save for the innermost toes on each foot, which became small dewclaws. Every other toe thickened, allowing for his feet to fully take on a more paw-like appearance.
Elijah folded in on himself, lips curled back into a snarl as his groans slowly transitioned into growls. His voice was deepening, gaining an animalistic rasp in the process. His entire body trembled, and he fell to his side, his chest heaving as he frantically clawed at the floor, simultaneously clawing at himself in helpless panic. His nose and mouth distended out into a muzzle, quickly followed by the growth of shorter fur to cover the rest of his face.
Pain ripped through his chest, and he howled in anguish as a soft crackling sound reverberated through his rib cage. He could both feel it and hear it. It was nauseating. His chest expanded while the rest of his body drew on mass it didn’t normally have. His muscles twitched and his limbs jerked uncontrollably, his tail thrashing and beating against the floor. The silver fur on his body grew longer and silkier to the touch, like a freshly-groomed adult dog.
His teeth, now nearly all fangs, shifted slightly in his mouth to better take up the space they occupied. His eyes burned, his irises almost completely white and his scleras now a dark shade of blue-gray. His vision lost color, although there wasn’t much to be seen in the dark anyway, save for what was illuminated by his phone’s flashlight. Every other sense felt heightened. The scents around him were overwhelming. The horrid sounds of creaking and cracking as his bones shifted ever so slightly were so amplified that it was almost too much to handle.
But then, as quickly as it had escalated, it was over. He didn’t immediately move, nor did he try to stand. He was too afraid of starting it up again. The pain had subsided to only a dull ache, but he still didn’t trust it.
He tried to close his eyes and go back to sleep, but the rest of his body seemed to have other plans. Against his will, he found himself standing on all four paws, the edges of his vision blurring as he swayed dizzily. He quickly found his footing, but everything around him seemed to be going dark. He could feel himself slipping away. His body was no longer his to control.
The last thing he felt before fully going unconscious was his own unfamiliar body rising back up on two feet and reaching for the handle to the bedroom door. Then, it all went completely black.
When Elijah awoke the next morning, he immediately became aware of how much his body ached. Sunlight was shining through an open window, blinding him as soon as he opened his eyes. He groaned softly, putting his arm over his eyes to block it out.
But then it clicked to him: He always closed the blinds in his room before he went to sleep. It was like second nature for him.
He abruptly sat up, coming to several more realizations. He was not in his bedroom, but rather lying in the middle of the living room floor. What little clothes he had on were in tatters. And most notably, the area around him was in complete disarray.
In the living room, the couch cushions had been yanked to the floor, with massive holes spilling out white stuffing in each one. The rug he sat on was shredded in some places, with tiny scraps strewn across the floor, leading to the kitchen.
The kitchen was completely ransacked. The pantry door had been ripped off its hinges, with open boxes of various snacks scattered all around. The freezer door was cracked open with food haphazardly thrown out in front of it, having clearly been picked through. Elijah narrowed his eyes and, with a wince, he stood up to investigate. As he looked around, he could see that several things had been torn open, but thrown aside with the food barely touched.
That is, all except for any meats, which he quickly discovered empty packaging for, with only tiny pieces remaining of the meat. “Weird…” He muttered under his breath before he caught sight of massive claw marks in the cabinets. He tilted his head to the side and traced over a set with his fingers, shuddering as he realized that they were perfectly spaced out with his own fingers.
It wasn’t until he found a thin tuft of midnight blue hair mixed with a shorter and thicker clump of pale silver fur that he began to piece together what happened. The tattered clothes. The ransacked freezer with all the raw meat missing and presumably eaten. The claw marks. The way his body ached so badly. The fact that he remembered waking up but couldn’t recall anything else.
He swallowed hard, forcing a smile despite the fact that his heart was beginning to race. He looked down at his hands, noticing how the paint had chipped away on his nails. He brushed a hand over his ear, flinching as he realized that it was pointed at the tip. He shakily traced the gaps between his teeth with a fingertip, his breathing escalating as he realized that his canine teeth were still sharpened.
The question that remained was why? His brain was going a mile a minute trying to come up with an answer. Was it a bite? No. A curse? Couldn’t be. Did this kind of thing just… Happen? Was that how becoming a werewolf worked? It certainly didn’t seem that way in any of the folklore.
Elijah paused, shaking his head. It didn’t matter. He could get to the bottom of this another time. But for now…
He had a lot of cleaning up to do.
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rainbowxocs · 6 months
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TW: Sam has themes of neglect, emotional abuse, and S.A in his story. Be careful when reading.
Name: Samuel Coleman
Special Titles: Grand Witch, Cursed One.
Username: @77mothboy77 , @haveyouseenhim?
Nicknames: Sam.
Age: 23.
Pronouns: He/They.
Sexuality: Polyamorous, Asexual, Gay.
Gender: Nonbinary, Crypticoric.
Species: Pure Hybrid, Witch.
Hybrid Info: 52% Cryptid, 12% Undead, 8% Alien, 8% Vampire, 4% Yokai, 4% Demon, 4% Merfolk, 4% Werewolf, 4% Human. 4% Fae.
Disorders: CPTSD, Anxiety, Paranoia, DPDR, Depression, Autism, Insomnia, Anorexia.
Active Addictions: Nicotine (Cigarettes), Self Harm.
Religion: Paganism.
Job: Paranormal Investigator.
Lives in: West Virginia, America, 2024.
Languages: English, Heavenly, Demonic, Yokai, Cryptid.
Height: 6ft
Race: Mixed Race.
Ethnicity: Cryptid.
Accent: Soft Southern.
Vehicle: Broom w Black Wood and Carvings, also has crystal dangling from it, Black Pickup Truck.
Powers: High Level Magic, Flight, Exorcisms, Protection Magic, Divination, Spirit Magic, Prophecy, Necromancy, Omens, Speaking to Moths, Illusions, Curses, Night Vision, Sigil Magic.
Weapons: Knives, Salt, Holy Objects, Unholy Objects, Crystals, Iron, Wards, Banishing Stones, Cleansing Rod.
Wand: Black Wood w Moth Carvings and Onyx, Can also use his hands.
Alignment: Neutral.
Main Color: Black.
Main Animal: Moth.
Main Hobbies: Reading, Witchcraft, Insect Keeping, Crafting, Flute, Guitar, Potion Making.
Diet: Vegetarian.
Favorite Drinks: Nectar, Rose Tea, Black Tea, Hot Chocolate.
Favorite Meal: Veggie Pizza.
Favorite Snacks: Honey.
Favorite Candy: Pumpkin Reese’s, White Chocolate.
Favorite Dessert: Pumpkin Pie, Vanilla Icecream, Gingerbread Cookies, Chocolate Cake.
Favorite Flower: Honeysuckle, Black Dahlias.
Scent: Mothballs, Sage, Incense.
Handedness: Right Handed.
Blood Color: Black.
Birthday: October 13th 2000 (Libra)
Awareness: Aware (Effect: Bittersweet.)
Fun Facts: Is naturally fuzzy and Nocturnal. Has his own nest. His nose and eyes bleed when he uses strong magic.
Special Interests: Magic, Moths.
Stims: Lights, Soft Things, Gemstones, Dice, Shiny Things.
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Stimboard: LINK
Moodboard: LINK
Fashionboard: LINK
Comfort Objects: Moth Plushies, Gnome, Old Doll.
Charity Coleman, Vincent.
Kate Coleman, Giles Batts.
Laura Coleman, Carmilla Karnstein.
Melanie Coleman, Yuki Onna.
Delilah Coleman, Abraham Von Helsing.
Evelyn Coleman, The Tall Man.
Dana Coleman, William Coleman.
Olive Coleman, The Grim Reaper.
Audrey Coleman, Seymour Coleman.
Morticia Coleman, Gomez Coleman.
Rosalie Coleman, Howard Coleman.
Bella Coleman, Mortimer Coleman.
Most Recent Generation:
Bigfoot (Great Uncle) (Mothmans Side) (Estranged)
Indrid Cold (Great Uncle) (Mothmans Side)
Loch Ness Monster (Great Aunt) (Mothmans Side)
Flatwoods Monster (Great Aunt) (Mothmans Side)
Fresno Nightcrawler (Great Uncle) (Mothmans Side)
Able Coleman (Grandmother), Mothman (Grandfather.)
Eternity Coleman, Oak Coleman. (Parents)
Lullaby, Victor, Iris, Skyla. (Siblings.)
Adoptive Family:
Bonehilda (Mother Figure.)
Alexander Leverett (Adoptive Nephew)
Michael Ansley (Adoptive Nephew)
Immanuel Ansley (Adoptive Nephew)
Guardians: Zadkiel.
Romance: Micah Coleman (Boyfriend.)
Patrons: Hecate, Circe, Morgan Le Fay.
Chewy (Chupacabra).
Axel (Axehound).
Hel (Hellhound).
Nyx (Death Moth)
Loki (Vampire Moth)
Apep (Ghost Moth)
Kali (Scorched Moth)
Coyote (Bloodvein Moth).
Dusties (Dust Sprites.)
Brief Personality: Sam is very quiet when you first meet him, he seems to not trust anyone or anything really. But when you break through his walls he is a very sweet and passionate person, they genuinely care about their family and just want to be accepted by other people. Which often means he will overwork himself just to “prove” himself to others, he honestly doesn’t know many connections where he doesn’t have to give something to another person.
Brief Backstory:
Sam was born to a long line of magical creatures. The occult was incredibly normal in their family, having connections to the occult and the divine. His family had a powerful inherent magic ability, however when Sam was born there wasn’t a celebration.
Long ago, one of Sam’s oldest ancestors made a deal with a demon, Azazel. As she was on the verge of being executed for witchcraft. She made a deal with the demon that the first boy born to their family would belong to Azazel. And to save her life she agreed.
This wasn’t a problem for many generations. They successfully had generations upon generations of women. The most recent generations couldn’t even remember the curse very well, until Sam came along.
Sam was treated differently than his sisters, he wasn’t given the same toys or the same opportunities. His family believed since that he would be given up to the demon at 18, there was no point in developing a relationship or spending money or time with him.
Sam tried everything he could in order to get his families approval. Becoming one of the most powerful magic users in his family. However nothing was enough. And the time was slowly ticking to when he turned 18.
A few weeks before his 18th birthday, he ran away from home and made an abandoned house his sanctuary. Completely demon proofing it.. well mostly.. even though the demon couldn’t get to him physically, he could still mentally torment him, and attempt to get him physically.
Sam eventually ends up being protected by the divine forces his family tried to keep him from. And he slowly realizes how weak Azazel actually is, unlike how his family thought for generations.
Sam ends up breaking the bond between him and Azazel and kills him. Before going to live with his real found family, protecting them from the occult.
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gremreviews · 6 months
Movie Reviews
Jingle all the Way (3.8/5)
Miracle on 34th Street ('94) (3.9/5)
Miracle on 34th Street ( '47) (3.9/5)
Spontaneous (3.9/5)
Still Waiting (3.7/5)
Waiting (3.8/5)
Annabelle Creation (4.2/5)
Spell (4/5)
Young Adult (3.5/5)
La Llorona (4/5)
Dotty and Soul (2.7/5)
Confess, Fletch (4.2/5)
The Island (4.1/5)
The Cave (4/5)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III ('93) (3/5)
Season of the Witch (3.4/5)
Doctor Sleep (4.3/5)
Breathe (4/5)
A Quiet Place Day 1 (3.8/5)
10 Cloverfield Lane (3.8/5)
2:22 (3.8/5)
A Babysitters Guide to Monster Hunting (3.3/5)
Afflicted (3.7/5)
Agent Revelation (2.8/5)
Allied (3.7/5)
Alone (1.8/5)
American Hangman (3.9/5)
An American Haunting (2.5/5)
Annabelle (2.1/5)
Annihilation (3.6/5)
Arrival (2/5)
Ashby (4/5)
Ashoka (3.7/5)
Bad Santa (3.2/5)
Barbie (2.9/5)
Baywatch ('17) (3/5)
Bedknobs and Broomsticks (3.6/5)
The Big Short (1.3/5)
The Bigfoot Trap (4.3/5)
Bitch Ass (2.8/5)
The Blair Witch Project (3.7/5)
Blair Witch 2 (3.5/5)
Blurt (4.2/5)
Boston Strangler (3/5)
The Boy Who Cried Werewolf (4.2/5)
Boyhood (3.5/5)
Cadaver (2.4/5)
Cadillac Man (2.9/5)
Captive State (3.7/5)
Case 39 (3.3/5)
Cargo (4/5)
Case 39 (3.3/5)
Casper (3.2/5)
Cloverfield (3.5/5)
Clue the movie (4/5)
Coming to America (3.7/5)
Crawlspace (3.5/5)
Critical Condition (2.6/5)
Cursed Friends (2.9/5)
Deck the Halls (3.7/5)
Deliver Us From Evil (3.9/5)
Diehard (3/5)
Dinner for Schmucks (4/5)
Disappearance at Clifton Hill (3/5)
Disaster Artist (3/5)
Disaster Movie (4/5)
Dog Day Afternoon (3.8/5)
Don’t Tell Mom The baby Sitters Dead (3.8/5)
Double Jeopardy (3.7/5)
Downsizing (2.9/5)
Drag Me to Hell (4/5)
Dungeons and Dragons Honour Among Thieves (4.2/5)
Edge of Darkness (3.9/5)
End of Watch (1.2/5)
Ernest Saves Christmas (4/5)
The Estate (2.9/5)
Event Horizon (1.8/5)
Every Breath You Take (3.9/5)
Face off (4/5)
Faster (3.7/5)
Fear of Rain (3.8/5)
Fear Street 1994 Part 1 (4.2/5)
Fear Street 1976 Part 2 (3.2/5)
Fear Street 1776 Part 3 (3.7/5)
Fear the Night (4.4/5)
Follow Her (3.4/5)
Four Brothers (3.9/5)
Free Guy (3.8/5)
Galaxy Quest (1.8/5)
The Generals Daughter (3.6/5)
The Giver (4.3/5)
Givers of Death (3.2/5)
The Good Son (3.8/5)
Grease Live! (4.4/5)
The Grudge (3.5/5)
Happiness for Beginners (3.7/5)
The Hateful Eight (3.6/5)
Haunt (3.7/5)
Heat (3.4/5)
Heist (3.5/5)
Heist 88 (3.6/5)
Hell or Highwater (3.2/5)
Hellraiser (-2/5)
Home Front (4.2/5)
The Host (4.2/5)
Hot Rod (2.9/5)
How High (2.4/5)
I See You (3.7/5)
Identity (3.8/5)
IF (3.6/5)
In and Out (3.7/5)
The Inhabitant (3/5)
Inheritance (3.1/5)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1.3/5)
Jack Reacher (3.5/5)
Jacob's Ladder (1999)(4.2/5)
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2.8/5)
Jules (3.8/5)
Keeping Company (2.7/5)
Last Vegas (3.5/5)
The Last Voyage of the Dementor (3.9/5)
The Lesson (2.9/5)
MA (4/5)
Magnolia (2/5)
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On (1/5)
Mindhunters (3/5)
Moon Manor (3/5)
Morning Glory (3.8/5)
Mother! (3.4/5)
Mousehunt (4.4/5)
The Muppets Treasure Island (3.7/5)
No Country for Old Men (3.8/5)
No Exit (3.3/5)
Out of Office (4/5)
Out of The Furnace (2.3/5)
Paranormal Activity Next of Kin (4/5)
Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (3.5/5)
Past Lives (4/5)
Pixie (3.3/5)
Predator (4.1/5)
Predator 2 (2.8/5)
Project Ithaca (2.6/5)
Rags (4/5)
The Ring (2.4/5)
Robotapocalypse (4/5)
Room 203 (2.2/5)
Rosemary's Baby (1968) (2.5/5)
Run With the Hunted (2.6/5)
Sahara (1.9/5)
Saving Christmas (1.8/5)
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (4.3/5)
Scrooged (3/5)
Secret in their Eyes (2.8/5)
Shooter (3.7/5)
Showing Up (2.6/5)
Significant Other (2.8/5)
Sleepwalker (4.6/5)
Smile (4.1/5)
Snipes (4.3/5)
Sonic the Hedgehog (4.5/5)
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (4.3/5)
SOS (Survive or Sacrifice) (3.3/5)
Spiderhead (1.7/5)
Staying Alive (2/5)
Steel Magnolias (2/5)
The Strays (3/5)
Suburban Gothic (3.8/5)
Super 8 (3.9/5)
Swindle (4.1/5)
The Talented Mr. Ripley (4.1/5)
Talk to Me (4.2/5)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ('90) (3.8/5)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II Secret of the Ooze ('91) (4/5)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2007) (4.5/5)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)(4/5)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (3.2/5)
Texas Rangers (2.8/5)
The Untouchables (2.9/5)
The Way Way Back (3.5/5)
Thieves (4.2/5)
This Is Where I Leave You (2.7/5)
Three Months (3.2/5)
Thunder Force (2/5)
Tommy Boy (3.2/5)
Tramps (2.4/5)
Triple 9 (2.4/5)
Tucker and Dale Vs Evil (3.3/5)
Underwater (2.9/5)
The Uninvited (2.7/5)
Urban Cowboy (1.7/5)
Us (4/5)
Vacancy (3.4/5)
Vanilla Sky (4/5)
Venom (4.1/5)
V/H/S (3.5/5)
Vindicta (3.9/5)
War of the Worlds (1953) (1.4/5)
War of the Worlds (2005)(4/5)
Watcher (3/5)
The Weather Man (2.2/5)
White Guys Cant Jump (4/5)
Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey (4.3/5)
The Wrath of Becky (4.3/5)
Wonderful Time of Year (2.8/5)
World War Z (3.7/5)
X ('22) (1.2/5)
You Are Not My Mother (3.1/5)
Zodiac (3.8/5)
Zoolander (3.8/5)
Zoolander 2 (2.9/5)
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renerox · 6 months
. “Well, I’m a hot rod freak for a fancy carDrive-in movies and caviar” Just like kiss with the hurricane Rockabilly Explosion is back again! Even more modern rockabilly bullets featuring The Fireballs, Camero Werewolf Band, The Jime, Carlos & The Bandidos, Bloodshot Bill, Vince Ray & The Boneshakers, Elektricni Orgazam, Buzzed Meg, Furious, The Galaxy Trio, Stray Cats, Hillbilly Hellcats, Slim…
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blueberryshelves · 8 months
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Book Review
Title: The Wolf King Author: Lauren Palphreyman
No. of Pages: 466
ISBN: 979-8-8539-3191-6
When a princess is kidnapped by an alpha, war rages between the humans and the wolves. But soon, forbidden attraction starts to grow. . .
Princess Aurora longs to escape the castle and the marriage that has been arranged for her.
But on the night before her wedding, at a dog fight where captured werewolves are made to fight for sport, she spares the life of a young wolf. It puts her on the radar of the powerful alpha who was going to kill him. And it changes everything.
That night, when the alpha escapes, he kidnaps her and takes her to the rugged lands north of the border — where the once warring werewolf clans are beginning to unite. He thinks that she is the key to winning the war against the humans.
Only, as they spend time around one another, forbidden attraction starts to grow. And as Aurora learns that not all wolves are bad, the alpha discovers that she is in danger from both his enemies, and those he once considered friends.
With monsters on both sides, a bloodthirsty war between humans and wolves raging, and undeniable passion growing between them — will their story end in love? Or tragedy?
And will Aurora ever get home?
Does she even want to?
An adult fantasy romance for fans of romantasy, werewolves, forbidden romance, and enemies to lovers Content Warning: Contains strong language and sexual situations
What did I think of the book?
The Wolf King: A Fantasy Romance by Lauren Palphreyman My rating: ⭐⭐ 2 of 5 stars
*Disclaimer: Spoilers* I have very mixed feelings about this book. On one hand, the concept and the Celtic werewolves were really interesting. But on the other hand, this book had some major issues that negatively affected the reading experience of the story for me. The pacing is all over the place, and the writing is less-to-be-desired. Descriptions and imagery were repetitive to the point of being almost mind numbing, and I quickly dreaded getting through 400+ pages of this. It ruined the reading experience of many decent parts of the book that were actually well done. The "romance" is okay despite being extremely rushed and awkward to me. Personally, the relationship between Blake and Aurora felt much more natural and legit than with Callum. I guess this is just one of those books that is focused on the hot rods and steam, and little else, but with the cover design and premise I was expecting more. Thankfully, to me, the last 10-ish chapters were really worth pushing through the book for, it had me on the edge of my seat wondering how things were going to play out, and was satisfying enough to leave me wanting more. I really wish Aurora's character had more focus on coming into her own as a person, and gaining a sense of self and freedom from the way she was raised and treated in her own Kingdom. It would have made for such beautiful character development, and a deeper connection between her and the werewolves, and their wilder, untamed ways of life, etc. While we see some of this here and there in the story, (and oh my gosh is it beautiful and gripping when those scenes do happen), it unfortunately gets washed out constantly by other more prominent details that mainly includes the broken record of how Callum affects her as the "hottie alpha" every other page of the book… *inwardly groans*. There is a cliff hanger… I'm kind of mad about it, but to be honest, yes, I will more than likely read the second book that is promised, though I am dreading the writing. I can only hope book two will be more polished than book one. Favorite character/s: Hands down, it has to be Blake. To me, this character was the most "fleshed out" character in the book, and the author's potential as a writer really shone through this character. It was a breath of fresh air to read his scenes. He is so extremely interesting, and the major reason I didn't end up dnf-ing this book half way through. What drew me to this book? I was in desperate need of a new werewolf book. The cover and title snatched my attention over other books purely because it wasn't copy-paste like a lot of fantasy books are seeming to be these days. (E.g. Kingdom of X and X, Court of X and X, The King/Queen of X and X. Ugh, enough already!) Stars: This book has so much potential. With more polishing and refinement of the writing, it really could've hit a 4/5 stars easily for me. But the issues it has were like a thorn in my side the whole way through, so this sits about a 2.5 out of 5 stars. View all my reviews
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theoceanoasis · 11 months
8 werewolf please!!
It was late and he should be exhausted. However he had a large grin on his face after spending the day with Soundwave. It was their one year anniversary and Soundwave had surprised him with tickets to an amusement park he'd always wanted to go to.
He felt giddy as he opened the door. Having spent the last few minutes making out with Soundwave in his car.
Unfortunately that feeling didn't last long. He'd just opened the door to his room, ready to climb into bed when he froze in shock. He stared at his trashed room his eyes raking over his destroyed stuff.
When he saw his secret box hidden under the floorboards, laying face down in the middle of the floor his heart sank.
"Hot Rod come here now."
He shivered and felt fear wash through him like a tidal wave. His legs shook which caused his whole body to tremble. The giddy feeling from earlier was gone. Now it was replaced with a gnawing anxiety that filled him with dread.
On autopilot his body walked towards his parents room. He was terrified of what awaited him inside. However he couldn't do anything to change his fate. Not when his body wouldn't respond.
Entering his parents room he found his mom crying. His dad had an angry expression on his face and was holding a belt. On the floor lay pictures of him with Soundwave along with love letters. Tickets for things like movies. Little trinkets and gifts he'd been given.
All of it was destroyed and he felt his heart clench painfully.
His dad looked at him with an icy glare as his mother wailed about raising him to be the f word.
"Do you have anything to say for yourself?"
He stayed silent out of fear.
"I didn't raise you to be like this. It's something wrong and unacceptable."
His mother added in.
"Don't worry. We'll find a nice camp that will fix you right up. It will get rid of these... Tendencies."
His eyes widened and he cried pleading with them not to. Of course they didn't listen and his dad yelled at him. Standing up he hit him with a belt so hard he fell to the ground.
He then began hitting him over and over again. Not just with the belt, but with his fists and feet. He felt a sharp kick to his side that knocked the air out of his lungs. The pain ripped through his skin as his father beat him. His mother said nothing just crying silently about him being gay.
His father was unrelenting and was lost in a blind rage. He kept going even though his back was bloody. Even though his whole body was covered in bruises. His dad continued and he had a sicking realization, that he was going to kill him. He would rather have a dead son then a son that was gay.
Finding a strength he didn't know he had. He lifted himself up and ran. He ran as fast as he could not stopping for anything. He knew what would happen if he did. He ignored his parents shouts as he opened the door and ran into the woods behind his house.
He ran as far and as fast as he could. Stumbling through the forest uncaring as branches ripped into him.
He kept going until he lost his father. Then standing in the middle of the forest his chest heaving. He looked around shaking in terror having no idea where he was or how to get there.
Hyperventilating he felt back spots in his eyes and then the feeling of hitting the ground. His vision was blurry and he felt numb all over. The last thing he saw was a tree nearby, before it all went dark.
Waking up with a start he looked around the unfamiliar room or at least he thought it was a room.
He looked down feeling something soft brush against him and found himself wrapped in soft blankets.
Confused he tried to remember how he got here and that's when the memories came rushing back. He felt tears fall at the same time he panicked.
His dad was going to be so angry. His body twinged with pain however he ignored it. His mind worried about what his dad would do to him later.
"It's okay you're safe."
He jumped and looked over in shock to see a large wolf staring at him. He shook with fear, but remained frozen in place. Wondering vaguely if he'd gone insane, because he could have sworn the wolf was talking.
"Don't be scared. I have to show you something."
He gave the wolf a confused look wondering what was happening to him. Not only was the wolf apparently talking, he also had his boyfriend's voice.
Maybe his father did kill him and maybe he was in some strange afterlife or something.
The wolf began changing and he gaped as it turned human. He watched in shock as the human looked up and he made eye contact with Soundwave.
"wha--? How?"
He stared at Soundwave who'd been a wolf before.
"I have been trying to find a way to tell you."
"What are you?"
"A werewolf."
"How did I get here?"
He looked around in confusion because this wasn't Soundwave's house.
"I found you passed out in the middle of the forest and I brought you here. I've been treating your injuries."
He looked down noticing the bandages for the first time.
"How long have I been out?"
"Two days."
"Two days!"
He shouted in shock as his mind raced.
"I have to get back right now. My parents are going to be so pissed. My dad's probably going to kill me."
Soundwave growled and he froze staring at his werewolf boyfriend.
"You are never going back to them again."
"What? Soundwave you can't just keep me here, like some prisoner."
"I'm not going to, but I'm also not letting you go back to your parents. They hurt you Hot Rod. I found you alone passed out in the woods bleeding all over. Your dad could have killed you."
He looked away ashamed.
"He found out."
Soundwave growled again.
"They don't deserve you. Stay with me Hot Rod. I want to protect you. I want to keep you safe and I never want your parents to hurt you again. If you go back I might not be able to help you... I was so scared when I found you laying on the ground unresponsive. I don't want something like that to happen again. You don't deserve to be beaten or made to feel like your sexuality is evil."
He cried and Soundwave wrapped his arms around him. He pressed into his chest taking in his scent and felt his eyes close.
He whispered and Soundwave rubbed his back. While helping him back under the blankets.
"You should get some rest. We'll talk when you wake up."
He nodded and looked up at Soundwave worried he was going to leave him alone.
"Don't leave me."
He begged.
"I won't."
Soundwave kissed him and then laid next to him. He cuddled against him and Soundwave held him in his arms.
Feeling his eyes grow heavy he fell asleep a moment later.
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paulisded · 1 year
The Ledge #580: Some Stuff
Tonight's show is a mishmash of primarily recent releases. There's some material from great box sets. There's a set devoted to a classic old live album and one brand new one. I've got a set from that great new tribute album, Jem Records Celebrates Ray Davies, along with more material from the tribute album I premiered last week, Goo Goo Muck - A Tribute to The Cramps. There's also a Rum Bar Records set, and previews of new records by Graham Parker & The Goldtops, Tamar Berk, and others. It's a show featuring a wide variety of genres that you only hear on shows like The Ledge.
As for this week's "52 Weeks of Teenage Kicks" series, I have a mystery track by a band called The Shades. The cover is from the soundtrack to the Elle Fanning film, Teen Spirit, but I have yet to find out any information regarding the band. Could it be something cooked up in the studio by the film's musical directors? Who knows? And like always, I must again plead with y'all for more versions of "Teenage Kicks". If you are a musician, or have any contact with artists that could record their own take on the classic, please contact me!
1. The Shades - Teenage Kicks
2. Nick Piunti - Til The End of The Day
3. The Gold Needles - Village Green Preservation Society
4. Johnathan Pushkar - David Watts
5. The Anderson Council - This Is Where I Belong
6. The Grip Weeds - Where Have All The Good Times Gone
7. Graham Parker & The Goldtops - Cannabis
8. The Connells - Slackjawed (Demo)
9. Animal Piss, It's Everywhere - Jesus Got Under My Skin
10. Tamar Berk - sunday driving
11. David Bowie - Medley: The Jean Genie / Love Me Do(feat. Jeff Beck)
12. David Bowie - Round And Round (feat. Jeff Beck)
13. The Jesus And Mary Chain - Just Like Honey 
14. The Jesus And Mary Chain - Sometimes Always 
15. The Brains / Rezurex - Goo Goo Muck
16. Night Beats - I Was A Teenage Werewolf
17. Flamin' Groovies - Fissure Of Rolando
18. Shooter Jennings - Human Fly
19. The Cornfed Project - Date Night
20. The Cruzados - Motorcycle Girl (Live)
21. JJ & The Real Jerks - Girl I Want My Money Back
22. The Gypsy Moths - A Six Man Bicycle
23. The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Unfree Child
24. The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Watch Yourself
25. Star Arcana - Tomorrow Never Knows
26. Mick Flinn Band - Do What You Wanna Do
27. Eddie & The Hot Rods - Ignore Them (Always Crashing In The Same Bar)
28. Lonesome Kings - Zodiac (Preacher Boy Mix- feat Preacher Boy)
29. The Monks - Johnny B.Rotten
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cryptonews256 · 2 years
Teen Wolf (1985) Owes Marty McFly a Huge Debt of Gratitude
Before Alcide Herveaux, before Tyler Lockwood, even before Jacob Black, there was another hunky young werewolf that all the girls wanted to date – Scott Howard of 1985’s Teen Wolf. This campy indie comedy from director Rod Daniel coasted to unlikely success through its association with another Michael J. Fox hit, Back to the Future. Michael J. Fox was a hot commodity in the mid-1980’s. Then in…
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raysofsinshine · 4 years
October 2020 Event!
Last year, I had only two muses and did a Shattered Glass Event. This year, I’m doing another AU: Mythological Creatures!
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Ratchet is a good witch! Come to him for potions or some magic!
Pharma is a vampire! He’ll try not to bite without permission, but no guarantees
Ambulon is a patchwork zombie! Unlike classic zombies, he’s not really rotting, nor after brains. He’s not as smart as he use to be, and is pretty slow in the head.
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Rodimus Prime is La Catrina Ardiente
Hot Rod are a Werewolf! He howl and is the goodest boy
Wing is a Cervitaur (Half Mech/Half Stag)! He protects the wilds and is very knowledgeable in natural medicine and other spirits. He’s very gentle, but will not hesitate to harm you if you are damaging his forest
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Vos is Satan himself! Are you ready for his judgment?
Forestock is a simple Daemon, yet to be promoted. Don’t mind the drool of energon of the damned.
SG Forestock is a ghoul! They just kinda... exist and growl and slobber. That’s about it.
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SG Pharma/Phern is a mushroom spirit! Just a little mushy gal
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quailsprout · 3 years
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feeding on fever down on all fours show you what all that howl is for
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aureli-moon-jelly · 5 years
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Happy Halloween! Also OotD #12 Are hotdogs sandwiches? Does that make ketchup a jam? These existential questions are what strikes fear in our hearts. Marshal and Rod decided to go as a couple- a werewolf and a skeleton. Marshal spent a while fluffing his fur up. Ursula decided to try out her sewing skills and made a Hatsune Miku cosplay for Halloween!
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mrcleanheichou · 3 years
Wolves Are (NOT) Scary Chapter 4
Pairing: Werewolf!BTS X Female human reader
Genre: Fluff, smut, angst
Warnings: Descriptions of wolves fighting and injuries, blood
Word count: 2,536
Summary: All Y/N wants to do is find her creativity and motivation but she finds 7 werewolves instead.
Author note: I honestly had no plan of having any angst in this story but here we are. I rewatched the movie Blood and Chocolate for the 20 millionth time and decided there needs to be wolf conflict. That movie is where i got the way they transform from.
I wish i could write more than 3,000 words but I’m cursed or something because I just can’t
Taglist:  @scuzmunkie @dustyinkpages @thickemadame @thedarkwinterrose @momoriki @iistrangers @openup-yourmind @sinceritythatcouldntbedelivered @lovelyseokjinnie
 Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5
~Present Day~
It’s a beautiful summer day, the weather is hot and there’s a slight breeze that causes the leaves of the big oak tree you were sitting under to escape the sun. You brought a book with you to read while the others played in the river but it was long forgotten in favor of running your fingers through the hair of your mate who is currently pretending to be asleep with his head on your lap.
“Shouldn’t you be out there too? Pack bonding and all that jazz,” you ask poking the lazy werewolf’s cheek.
“I am bonding with my pack. You’re in the pack too, right?” Yoongi says opening one eye to look at you in feigned annoyance.
You couldn’t go in the water because of the monthly curse of your own. You knew your period was coming when the camping trip was being planned. Namjoon offered to move it to another time but you knew everyone was antsy to spend time in the forest so you decided to grin and bear it. Now you’re semi regretting that decision. Cramps were hitting hard today but you were trying to power through it. Yoongi could see right through your attempts so he decided to stay with you. Mostly because he felt bad but also because he didn’t want to be roped into fishing with Jin again. Last time he made Yoongi transform with him and try to catch fish the old fashion way. Yoongi was not in the mood to stick his face in the water.
Asking him to get up you reach over to one of the coolers to grab a tuna sandwich and a water. You didn’t get one for Yoongi because he’s content taking bites from it and sharing your water. You’ve long come to terms that his love language is sharing, although he doesn’t do it with Jungkook because the younger wolf growls at him. The maknae got butthurt the day you told him you were gonna hire a dog trainer for his food aggression. Speaking of growling, there were two loud sounds of growling and water splashing to your left.
Jimin and Jungkook were wrestling in the river and it was quickly turning from playing to actual fighting. For how cute and lovable he is in his human form he’s a bit aggressive as a wolf. That was a bad trait Jungkook was trying to work on. Namjoon explained to you before that his wolf side is in the middle of “puberty” and it turns him into a horny confrontational meathead sometimes.
Aloud yelp rang through the air as Jungkook grabbed his hyung by the scruff of his neck and flipped him into the shallow water causing everyone to freeze and turn to Namjoon looking for his reaction. He was currently holding a fishing rod on the opposite riverbank.
“Here we go again” Yoongi sighed as the alpha transformed and ran to where the fight was happening. The large gray wolf grabbed the slightly smaller midnight black wolf by the scruff and threw him off Jimin. Jungkook landed on his side a few feet away and had a defiant look in his eyes as he got up trying to challenge Namjoon. In the bangtan pack everyone agreed there would be no challenges to Namjoon’s status as alpha because everyone knew he was the best choice as leader, that didn’t stop Jungkook’s wolf from testing him from time to time. Jungkook’s dad was his family pack’s alpha so he has a bit of that authoritative blood in his veins.
Jungkook lunged at Namjoon and immediately ended up on his back with large teeth around his throat. Namjoon would never actually hurt him but he did bite down a little harder than he normally would to put him in his place. Letting go once he heard whining coming from the younger pack member, he put his nose right at Jungkook’s and snarled causing the black wolf’s tail to tuck up between his legs.
Feeling his warning was adequate the older wolf got off and returned to his human form, “Go to your tent and stay there until I feel you can be civil enough to apologize to Jimin.”
Jungkook scrambled to get up and slinked off towards the camp area, going past you and Yoongi on his way. Even without being able to see his expression you knew he was pouting from getting his ego bruised.
You could hear Yoongi grumbling about not being able to have one day without somebody causing trouble.  Giving the rest of your sandwich to Yoongi you get up to follow Jungkook to see if he’s okay. The youngest was very sensitive even if his wolf didn’t show it. He looks up to Namjoon so much and getting put in his place like that really messes with him even if its deserved. You knew if you didn’t go no one else would. To wolves, alpha’s word is law and no one goes against it. If he says someone needs to be alone that means no one goes to give comfort. It’s an ‘I tell you to jump and you ask how high’ dynamic. Being the stubborn human you are you’ve never listened to that, which has caused tension in the past but you didn’t care. You’re not a wolf and they need to remember that even if it pisses Namjoon off sometimes.
The campground wasn’t too far from the river, only a five minute walk. Heading straight to Jungkook and Jin’s tent and peaking your head through the door flap you could see him curled into a ball with his tail covering his face. A low growl emanating from the mass of fur did make you jump slightly. No matter the fact that they would never knowingly cause you harm sometimes your innate human nature did make you flinch.
“Don’t growl at me mister. I just wanted to check on you,” all you got was a huff in reply. Taking that as an okay to get closer you sit down on the nearest sleeping bag a couple feet away from him.
Silently Jungkook sat up with his back facing you and transformed,  “Go away, Y/N. Leave me alone.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” you ask reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder.
Jungkook immediately tenses up and turns on you shoving your hand off with an enraged look in his eyes. “Are you deaf? You’re not a wolf, you’ll never understand so mind your fucking business.”
His reaction was shocking, he’s never acted like this after an episode especially not towards you. Trying not to take it to heart since you know he was probably just lashing out because he was embarrassed. “Hey, it’s alright. Not one will hold this against you”
“Shut up!” he gets in your face forcing you to lean back a little, honestly afraid. “You’re just a dumb useless human. I don’t understand why Namjoon let you in the pack.”
“Don’t say that Kookie,” your voice trembling, tears threatening to fall down your cheeks. “I know you don’t mean it.”
“If I was alpha I’d never let you in,” spitting the words like venom Jungkook gets up and tries to walk out of the tent but is met with a furious Yoongi blocking his way. “Hyung, move before I move you myself.”
“Everyone else may excuse your behavior but I won’t,” The older man snarled. “You will apologize to Y/N and stop being a petulant child before I put you in your place.”
“I said move.” Jungkook said in a low voice that didn’t even sound like him causing a chill to run down your spine. Yoongi even had a surprised expression before a bright light engulfed both of them. Seeing that you knew it was about to get bad .  Backing up to the furthest bit of the tent you tried to think of what to do. The only exit was blocked, you really didn’t want any part of this. Almost as if reading your mind Jungkook turned his attention to you staring in your eyes as he stalked towards you. Something wasn’t right with Jungkook and you could see it in his eyes. He looked feral, not like a werewolf at all but like an actual wolf.  Jaws open with large canines on display with drool dripping like a rabid animal. As he was getting close to you a howl could be heard. Yoongi was calling for the rest of the pack. This enraged Jungkook and he ran out of the tent.
Letting out the breath you’d been holding you covered your ears with your hands, closed your eyes and curled into a ball. You didn’t dare  go out there, you didn’t want to see your mates fighting. In all the years you’d been with them you’ve only seen scuffles never full on fighting. The sounds felt like they lasted forever. Suddenly they got much louder.
Even with your attempts to shield yourself you still heard the loud crunch of what sounded like bone and a loud pained cry.
“Take Y/N and go get Yuna!” Jin yelled.
Taehyung burst into the tent and dragged you to your feet by the arm you hurried to follow after him out of the tent. You could see Namjoon in wolf form holding Jungkook on his side by the neck, laying on top of him with Jimin also holding his back end down.  The was load roaring coming from him as he he struggled against Namjoon. Laying under a tree was Yoongi, one of his front legs was bent at a weird angle and blood was coming from a huge gash on his shoulder, one of his ears was ripped as well. Hoseok was in human form holding his head in his lap trying to keep him calm.
Taehyung was panicking as he he jumped into the driver’s seat of Jungkook’s truck. You couldn’t hold your tears back as you looked in the side view mirror and saw Jungkook get out of Namjoon’s grasp and body slam him into a tree before Taehyung floored the gas pedal.
~3 years ago~
After coming out of the grocery store with snacks and ingredients to make real ramyeon not instant ramyeon you were grateful to find Tae laying off to the side of the entrance where you left him. You knew Jimin said he would stay put but most dogs only listen to their owners. To be fair if he did run off it would be Jimin’s fault not yours because he gave his pet to a stranger.
Calling Tae to you you headed off back to the bakery to return your new friend to his owner. If big city life taught you one thing it was that the real experiences happen in the areas not well traveled. All your favorite restaurants and coffee shops back home were well hidden off the beaten path. So why would this place be any different? So instead of going the fast way back you headed up a side street.
After making it halfway to the next stop sign you heard a loud whine behind you and looked back to find Tae sitting at the corner where the main road was.
“Come on, Tae.” you make kissey noises at him like you’ve seen other people do to their dogs. “We’re going this way.”
When he didn’t move you sighed and started walking back to him. You could always come back another day since you have things that need to be refrigerated.
“Are you new here?” You hear a female voice call out, before you can even turn around Tae runs to you growling with his hackles up putting himself between you and the source of the voice. You panic trying to figure out what to do, how do you control an animal that isn’t yours? What do you do if he attacks this woman? The woman didn’t seem phased at all, rather, she looked amused. Even the black cat she was cradling in her arms didn’t look affected by the terrifying display either.
“Tae stop it!” you rushed over to grab his collar but you didn’t find one on his neck so you tried pulling on his fur. He ignored you.
“Yeah Tae, stop it.” The woman said in a mocking tone staring the angry dog in the eyes. Even the feline in her arms seemed to sneer at him. Turning her attention to your panicked face she offered you a friendly smile.
“I’m so sorry! He’s not mine I’m watching for his owner. I don’t know how to stop him!” You’re on the verge of crying while trying to move Tae with all your might.
“It’s okay, most dogs are all bark and no bite.” the woman laughs with a smile and a wave of her hand in front of the angry dog. Suddenly Tae stopped growling and laid down. He was still staring her down and if looks could kill the woman would be dead. You were finally able to get a good look at her. She was wearing a white flowing sundress with short heeled black leather boots. A black boaters hat was adorned on top of her long black waist length hair. She had big doe eyes and bright red lips that on anyone else would look way too bright but the color seemed to fit her perfectly.
“My name’s Yuna, here’s my card.” she hands you a forest green card with ‘Black Cat Apothecary and Herb dispensary’ written in black. The back side has a drawing of a cat with yellow eyes and an address.
“Come visit my shop anytime when you don’t have your bodyguard.” She says nodding to Tae who still hasn’t taken his eyes off her. With one last smile to you, Yuna and her cat walked off leaving you alone with Tae.
“C’mon lets take you back.” you say cautiously, to your relief he finally took his eyes off of Yuna’s retreating figure to look at you. He huffed and got up following you to the main road.
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lfklhp · 2 years
Hoseok 🐿 Fic Rec
💜 = personal favorites / ✓ = completed / ✐ = ongoing / ✗ = discontinued, hiatus / strike through = deactivated, deleted
Supernatural / Fantasy / Magic/ Superhero AU
My Moon (5.6k) s | werewolf au
Part of the wolf au by the author
Bad Beta, Sweet Beta (5.6k) s, f | werewolf au, beta hoseok, brother's best friend
Part of the Bad And Sweet Trilogy
Run Little Rabbit (15.3k) s, little a & f | wolf shiter hoseok x rabbit shifter reader, college
Orectic (21k) f s | hybrid au
Polaris (11.5k) f, s | time traveler au
2 a.m. (0.4k) f
Remember Me Not (14.5k) heavy a | fantasy au, genie au
Novae (1.8k) a, f
Η πρώτη έκλειψη* (1.6k+) f | fallen gods au
Between Heaven and Hell (19.5k) a, f | war au, god au
Part of The Worshiper Series
Hello, Sunshine (3.7k) f | soulmate au, reincarnation au
Bonus Part: Here Comes the Sun (7.7k) a, f
Part of the Recordatio Series
Head over Heels to Hell (27.5k) f, a | reverse soulmate au, historical au, childhood friends to enemies to lovers
Hogwarts AU
Let the Games Begin (19.5k) f | hogwarts, enemies to lovers
Part of The Reputation series
Glistening Night (3.7k) s
Friends / FWB / Sibling’s Friend (vice versa) / Step-Sibling AU
Spaces in Between (11.7k) s f a | best friends to lovers, fwb
Midnight Confessions 💜 (26.8k) f s | best friends to lovers, mutual pining, buzzfeed unsolved au
Snowed In (15k) s, f | best friends to lovers. domestic au
Project Dream Girl 💜 (35k) f, a, eventual s | christmas au, childhood friends to lovers
Cry to My Room (17.6k) a, s | friends to lovers, roommate au
College / High School / School AU
Not Interested (20k) s, f, a | college au, swimmer au, enemies to lovers
Starting Again (11k) f | professor/adult student, single parent au
Other AUs
Dust of Snow (14.8k) a f s | soulmate, fake dating
If I Could Tell Her (16k) f, a | college au, fake dating au
I Flirt in #MyCalvins light s | underwearmodel hoseok
Hot Rod (10k) s, f | 1950s au (greaser hoseok x reader)
Part of the Rewind series
Matters of the Heart (13k) romance, s | victorian au
Part of the A Very, Merry Fic-Mas!
Head In The Clouds (9.1k) s | strangers to lovers, mile high club
Madeleine (20.9k) f, a, s | arranged marriage
Silver Bells and Cockle Shells (22.2k) a, f, s | widowed dad
Sequel: Sleigh Bells Ring (10.2k) f | christmas au (Part of the 12 Days of Bangtan)
Part of the Bound series
Blue Side a | hanahaki au, fwb
Need a Fix (7.2k) a, f, s | pharmacist, hanahaki au, unrequited love, age gap, co-workers to lovers
Crashing into You 💜 (28.8k) s, a, light f | mafia/gang au
For the First Time (What’s Past Is Past) (15.7k) f, light a, eventual s | neighbor au
Intertwine (14.4k) s, a bit a | exes au
Epilogue: Tidal Waves (11.4k) s, a
Completed Series
Bloom eventual s | brother’s best friend (3 ch ✓)
Jungle Park 💜 f | workplace romance, co-workers to lovers (24 ch ✓)
Part of The Slice of Life Series
Incompleted Series
Hope World a | dancers (6 ch ✗ - Dec 5, 2019)
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