#zona’s butch/femme tag
There’s something sexy about sitting on the couch in my night gown, Netflix on, cat snuggled at my side, while I write down in my journal sexual fantasies I have about my butch and I😌
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My smooch-o-meter is empty, and it can only be filled by my butch smooching my forehead😔
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When i say I love masculinity, I mean lesbian masculinity. I mean butches. Butch lesbians are the epitome of what I adore. Butches are incredibly top tier. When I say I love masculinity, I mean butches
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Tonight my butch and I were talking about the sacredy of butch/femme relationships. How amazing. How special and beautiful they are. We just love being a butch/femme dynamic. I’ve watched them grow into their butchness. I’m so happy. They’re so amazing. They’re so happy they decided to let me into their experience of butchness (which I’m honored), and how validated they feel by me. They’re just wonderful. I’m so honored how much they trust me when they are vulnerable. Ugh I LOVE BEING A FEMME
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