#I just love butches so much
socialtomcat · 2 months
fictional butches taking over my life. its all going to be okay everyone
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queenqunari · 2 years
Every time I mention butch lesbians assume I am lying in bed, kicking my feet, playing with my hair, and giggling. With little hearts floating around my head
Even if I’m not there physically, I am mentally
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jhonny · 5 months
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"stop talking like that boy you're ruining my tboy swag" - yami bakura, probably
or, when both bakuras are trans but only one of them has perfected the trans voice.
+ bonus thief king (as a treat)
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butchcharliee · 2 years
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@/FORESTDEITY on Twitter
[Terfs dni/18+]
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whaliiwatching · 7 months
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hm. them. also ding ding
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14fucks · 4 months
of course ill pay for your nails baby as long as i get to feel them digging into my scalp as i eat your pussy later tonight
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stonebutchooze · 4 months
seeing older butches makes my day better. seeing butches who inspire me and make my world go round and who are the coolest people in my eyes, just in mens shirts and jeans and completely bare faced, make me feel grounded. they feel like home. they heal my teen self who kept trying to fit into dresses and earrings. they heal the part of me with leg hair that people didnt understand why i was leaving it alone. they assure me of my worth just by existing. they make me want to nod at them on the street but also fall on my knees and bake bread for them and just care care care. care for a butch the way only a butch can, even just as a friend or a fellow stranger on the street. butches, man.
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gophergal · 2 months
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the explosive ladies.... look at them......
(looks better on pf)
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deadshadowcreature · 2 months
I think Otta would be very likely to hit on Packpatty instead of Mayjack
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thehealingsystem · 2 months
hey if your response to lesbian visibility week is to add on saying how much you hate "xyz" lesbians then you are a lesbophobe. plain and simple. you hate lesbians who don't meet your ideal criteria for what a "real lesbian" is (ever changing and impossible to meet if you actually care about pleasing strangers). and if you're a non-lesbian you should just not make a post at all if that's how you're gonna act. we're tired of this shit
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fxmmeangel · 2 years
i want to be someone’s femme
i want to show my butch off to my friends, giggling about how handsome they are. i wanna stand in front of them so i can glare at anyone who looks at them funny. i wanna carefully do their makeup to accentuate their pretty features, knowing they’ll wash it off soon, and knowing they only let me so that we could stare at eachothers faces for a while. i wanna wear their boxers while i sleep, and buy hoodies i know will fit them too so they can steal mine. i wanna be their home, someone they feel protected and loved by. i wanna tell them every day all the little things i love about them.
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sophientropy · 2 months
Imagine having a butch take you to gardens and forests and on hikes and to the beach like what're you doing, you tryna marry me??? yes i fucking will?????
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cordelia13 · 12 days
Have you ever had these moments when you tear up a little bit because you know you are with the right one? When you realize you are in this new place when you already had big fights, but you both know you just have to figure it out together instead of taking the fight as a reason to leave. This was really new to me. But my butch once told me, "I don't feel safe when every time I make a mistake, it’s a new reason for you to leave." And that was extremely eye-opening for me. My whole life, I was expected to be perfect. And when they said that, I realized I was projecting the same expectation on them. Perfection is an impossibly heavy burden.
I stopped doing that, being inconsistent/unreliable, and i’m still working on it. This not only helped me connect with the idea of forgiveness but also helped me to embrace myself in the way I am: Imperfect. And feeling I still deserve to be seen by those beautiful blue eyes with such kindness and patience.
Thank you, my love. We are learning. And it's beautiful.
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bonniesgirl · 9 months
the fact that Fionna and Cake gave us the enemies to lovers toxic yuri with butch bonnie and villain marceline is still a shock to me
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wokebutsleepy · 7 months
Call me a bee holder 🐝🤲
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Because there's beauty in my eyes
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butchladymaria · 1 year
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#bloodborne#not exaggerating when i say that even wearing PANTS was seen as an exclusively masc thing btw#there are Multiple cases of women literally PASSING AS DUDES by wearing pants. IN THE ARMY NO LESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#this one lady who wore pants to farm was seen so outlandish it warranted public backlash#women were arrested for wearing pants and button-down shirts as recently as THE SIXTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i could go more into maria's outfit as a whole but the pants ALONE make her canonically masc By Definition in the historical context :)#if ur abt to be fucking stupid on this post im Just going to block u btw#having said that if anyone DOES have normal responses or questions i really love history and i have a lot of resources#comment/reblog/inbox/dm are all fair game <333#in case anyone was curious what my inbox looked like after making that post#most of these are direct quotes :) its just silly to me#like holy [citation needed]#if u want to know more!!!!#i love her so much and im really tired of (overwhelmingly cis) people literally being so insecure in their own gender#that they just start reinventing gender roles in my inbox!!!!!#and everywhere else they can get their hands on#i think some of yall need to realize that uhhhhhhh#butch lesbians seeing maria as a butch lesbian is not fucking '''''''tokenism'''''''''''' or whatever#that is Literally Not What That Word Means#but it may be worth examining why you are so upset by it?#or barring that........have some genuine curiosity about the history of gender.......because its really cool to research imo
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