#zoots cousins
rottedbrainz · 1 year
@palettepainter made an OC that is also Zoots cousin, so I had to do the only right thing.
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Liv is amazing and sweet and I already love her!
As always there's more drawings under the cut :D
Caleb, Lottie, Mick, and Liv belong to @palettepainter
Gabe belongs to @posies-and-bundles
He loves spending time with ALL of his grand kids. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Also Gabe (who belongs to @posies-and-bundles) wants to have a guys night, but Mick and Tibbs have other plans :(
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palettepainter · 7 months
(While I have your attention - I'm going to be looking into starting a website and doing some merch!! I've already got some designs in mind that could be used for stickers, but I'll be doing a poll in the future with some other merch ideas - posters, t-shirts, keychains, etc - to see what you all like best!)
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(from prev post of Howdy and Barnaby)
"once or twice weed as well"
Excuse me (?)
listen man a dealer's a dealer
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feeling-kinda-sad-ngl · 2 months
whats the term when they just point out how crazy it is that you dont know something (they make it sound like its something evrryone should know) but dont elaborate on it? is it still mansplaining? genuinely wondering
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smolsaltypan · 1 year
It's about to be a very shitty time
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minisugakoobies · 1 year
The Rules - Part 1 | Bang Chan
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader Genre: smut, crack, strangers to lovers, Weddingl!AU Rating: M (18+) Warnings: drinking, kissing, exhibitionism, reader gets fingerfucked in public, dirty talk, a little bit of praise, Fuckboi!Chan has a tongue ring and a lip ring, his charisma is off the charts, reader's got impulse control problems Word Count: 4K Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own SKZ - they just inspire me
Summary: When your cousin asked you to be a bridesmaid, she gave you three simple rules to follow. Number one: Don't be late. Number two: Don't get super wasted. And rule number three: Don't fuck Chan.
A/N: This came from a request sent by @aprylynn back in, ummmm, let's not focus on how long this took and just enjoy 😆 This is just part 1, so let me know what you think - like if you want more! 💕
SKZ Masterlist
(dividers by @/saradika)
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When your cousin asked you to be a bridesmaid, she gave you three simple rules to follow:
Number one: Don't be late. "To be early is to be on time. To be on time is to be late. To be late is to get cut out of the family. Don't think Halmeoni won't drop you from her will if I ask."
Number two: Don't get super wasted. "What if I have a bridal emergency and you're completely zooted, upchucking wine spritzers in the bathroom?" As if you'd drink a wine spritzer.
And rule number three: Don't fuck Chan.
She announced the third rule the first time you gathered with her and her other bridesmaids to discuss wedding details. Chan, it turned out, was her fiancé's "Best Bro" from his college frat days.
"Binnie was in a frat? Huh," was your response upon learning this new factoid.
Sun Hee rolled her eyes. "I know, it's weird, but he's grown up a lot since I met him. Chan, on the other hand…" she grimaced. "He's a fuckboy. Of the highest magnitude. S-class. A summa cum fuckboy."
"More like a someone's gonna come fuckboy, amiright?" maid of honor Ji-won snarked, cracking herself up, but she quickly stopped when Sun Hee gave her the evil eye.
"And that's bad because…" you drawled.
"Because every goddamn time one of my friends hooks up with his slutty ass, they completely lose their shit. And I! Do! Not! Have the time to deal with the fallout!" Sun Hee clapped her hands after each word, like a deranged cheerleader. "So keep your hands and your holes away from that man!"
At first, when you met the groomsmen at the engagement party, you thought to yourself that Sun Hee's rule was unnecessary. Apparently, Changbin only hung out with other ridiculously good-looking guys. Any one of them could probably show you an amazing time, if you so desired. 
And then Bang Chan walked in.
Out of curiosity, you'd looked the guy up, scouring Changbin's insta for old photos. Just so you could see what all the fuss was about. It was pretty easy to identify why Sun Hee's friends were apparently throwing themselves at the man, between his muscular build, his warm eyes, and his heart-melting smile. And as a semi-famous music producer, he's a star on the rise, which only adds to his allure. But holy shit, you were not prepared for the charisma.
He strolled into the room in a leather jacket like he was walking onto a stage, radiating confidence from every inch of his rather thick frame, as if expecting an audience to start applauding at his presence. Maybe that's why you weren't surprised to see Changbin and his friends light up as they caught sight of their friend.
Of course, they weren't the only ones to notice him.
"Oh damn, look at the snack that just walked in," Ji-won whispered, tugging on your sleeve. "He's tasty."
"Yeah he is," another bridesmaid, Hae, piped up. "Is it too late to call dibs?"
"Gawi bawi bo!" Ji-won suddenly yelled, but you grabbed her hand as she threw a scissors symbol into the air.
"Sorry, ladies, but the bride's rules trump rock, paper, and scissors. That's Chan."
“That’s Chan? Well, shit.” Ji-won pauses. “Okay. Dibs on Jisung!” 
“Wait a minute!”
Ignoring the horny squabbling going on beside you, you discreetly ogle Chan over the rim of your cocktail. Changbin really needs to update his insta, because you were not prepared for Chan’s blond hair. Or the lip ring. Or, fuck, you nearly choke on your old fashioned as Chan laughs and something silvery inside his open mouth catches your eye. Is that a tongue ring too?!
This man could not be more your type. Absolute catnip, and your kitty is eager for a taste.
Whoa now. Deep breaths. You can do this. You have to do this, because otherwise you’ll let your cousin down. You can practically hear her disapproving tone right now. 
“Don’t even think about it.” 
With a startled jump, you realize Sun Hee is standing next to you. 
“Think about what?” you inquire, stirring your drink super casually. Like the most casually anyone’s ever stirred anything. Unbothered little rotations. 
Sun Hee is not easily dissuaded. “Don’t play dumb. You know exactly what I mean.” 
“I promise you, I’m not thinking anything.” If only that were true. You’d give anything to be head empty no thoughts right now. 
“I really wish I believed that,” Sun Hee sighs. “We both know you have a problem with… self-control.” 
You open your mouth to argue, but she merely points to the glass in your hand, and you quickly snap it shut. You’ve only been at the party for maybe half an hour, and this is your second drink.
Sun Hee’s not wrong. It’s well known to all your friends that you have a tendency to eagerly embrace all the delights life has to offer. Maybe “eagerly” isn’t the right word. “Greedily” might be more accurate. Often, unfortunately, to your detriment. But how can you resist, when the universe is constantly throwing so many pleasures your way - especially when they come in such gorgeous packages as Chan?
“Yeah, okay, maybe sometimes I indulge myself a little, but I told you I wouldn’t sleep with him, so relax, okay? I’m not going to do anything to ruin your big day. I promise you!” 
Sun Hee squints as she examines your face. Whatever she sees makes her smile, shoulders dropping in relief. “Thank you. Now let’s get this party started!” 
As she and Changbin greet their guests, you take another long look at Chan. He turns suddenly, catching your eye. Your breathing nearly stops when his gaze sweeps over you from head to toe. Then he smirks, tongue ring flashing as he licks his lips. 
Fuck. Okay. You can do this. You just need to exert a little willpower. Reign in those bad instincts of yours. Should be a piece of cake. 
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Somehow, the god of parties is on your side. Maybe it’s the drink you spill as you look for a spot to sit for dinner that pleases them - your tipsy faux pas is accepted as an offering. Whatever the reason, you manage to dodge Chan all evening. 
He does offer you the seat next to him at dinner, but Ji-won waves you over to her table, so you refuse him with a polite shake of your head. Ji-won quickly engages you in assisting her with talking to Jisung, but all you end up saying is “Hey Jisung, haaave you met Ji-won?” before Ji-won takes over. Gal’s a talker, which is good, because Jisung’s a bit on the quiet side. Or maybe he just can’t find a place to jump into the conversation, since Ji-won doesn’t appear to need to breathe in order to speak. 
After dinner comes more cocktails and gifts. While the maid of honor hands out gifts for Sun Hee and Changbin to open, you ignore Chan’s smile in favor of writing a list of who brought what, to help your cousin with her thank you notes later. Your Halmeoni would be so proud. 
By the time the festivities wind down, you feel you’ve dodged a bullet. As everyone says their goodbyes, you linger behind, helping your cousin and Changbin carry their ridiculous haul of presents into their car. The trunk is stuffed full as you attempt to shove one more box onto the pile, only for an avalanche of ribbons and envelopes to send it clattering to the ground. 
“Here, let me,” a pleasant voice hums in your ear as your fingers extend, reaching for the box, only for it to be swept up by another hand. And, of course, that hand is connected to the man you’ve been carefully avoiding all night. Guess the party gods have abandoned you.
“Thank you,” you reply politely, studiously avoiding his eyes as Chan beams at you. Jesus, he could literally light up a room with that megawatt smile. 
“No worries.” He helps to push some of the packages back, preventing another deluge. “I’m Chan, by the way. I didn’t get a chance to introduce m’self earlier.” 
You grant him a quick smile as you state your name, then glance over his shoulder, looking for backup - someone you can excuse yourself to catch up to, pretend they’re your ride home. But of course, everyone else is gone now, and your cousin and Changbin are back inside the restaurant, settling the bill. 
“Am I holding you up from something?” 
“Hmm?” You finally let yourself meet his gaze. It’s like you’ve been hit with the full force of the sun. Chan’s smile intensifies, eyes crinkling as he laughs lightly, and it’s too late, you can already feel yourself melting. 
“You look like you’re looking for something. Or someone?” 
“Oh. No, sorry, I was just making sure I hadn’t dropped anything on the way to the car,” you lie, clearing your throat awkwardly. 
Chan nods, sliding his hands into his pockets as he leans against the car. “So… you’re Sun Hee’s cousin, right?”
You nod. 
“She told me that you live here too,” he says. “It’s been years since I’ve been in town. I was thinking - since I’m gonna be here a few times between now and the wedding, I should find someone who can show me around a bit. Let me know what’s good.” He rolls his tongue over his lip ring. “Think you could help me out?”
Every time he drags his eyes down your body, you have to suppress a shiver of anticipation. He’s being incredibly obvious about what he means by showing him what’s good. 
“I - “ can’t think of a valid excuse because you’re too busy picturing what he can do with that tongue ring. “I don’t know how much free time I’ll have, with everything Sun Hee needs me to do for the wedding. She’s gonna be so busy. So, um, I don’t think I can. Help you.” Not your smoothest response, but not the worst, either.
Chan’s eyebrow rises slightly. He looks away, nodding. “Right, of course. Can’t let your cousin down, can ya? So…” He pushes himself off the car, taking a step towards you. “What about tonight then? Any plans?” 
Not a single one. An alarm goes off in your head as he takes another step closer. “Tonight?” 
“Yeah. Maybe we could go somewhere and talk? I know I could just ask ‘Bin for suggestions, but…” he shrugs. “He’s pretty busy too. And honestly? He’s gotten all mellow on me. Too boring and settled-down, y’know?” 
You laugh at his bluntness. “Binnie’s always been this way, as long as I’ve known him. You’re telling me he used to be different?” 
“Oh, you have no idea,” he hums, winking. “The stories I could tell… why don’t you let me buy you a drink, and maybe I’ll share a few?”
It’s very tempting, especially the thought of hearing some (hopefully) embarrassing tales about Changbin. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad? One drink wouldn’t be too much, even given how much you’ve already had this evening. You’ll give him some suggestions of places to check out while he’s in town, he’ll divulge some of Binnie’s college shenanigans, and then you’ll say you’re tired and bounce. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
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And then suddenly it’s two hours and several drinks later, and you’re nowhere near home. 
You had originally suggested going to a favorite spot, a bar owned by a friend where you could drink for cheap (and also potentially have someone who could bail you out if things with Chan got a little hot and heavy), but upon arriving had found it closed for repairs of some sort. Chan’s hotel just happened to be a block away and it just happened to have a really nice bar, so you thought, why not?
Why not, indeed, you’re thinking to yourself, playing with the melting ice in your empty glass. Why not sit side-by-side in the booth, so you can hear each other better? You really didn’t want to miss a single word he said. Why not let Chan drape his arm around your shoulders, since the bar has the air conditioning set to arctic blast and your sundress is not nearly as warm as its namesake? 
Chan has been nothing but a polite gentleman since you sat down, keeping you laughing with all of his deliciously embarrassing tales, to the point that your worries about crossing the line so firmly set by Sun Hee fade from your mind. 
“And after that, we were banned from ever visiting Ikea again,” Chan finishes, a crooked grin crossing his face as he waits for you to stop laughing.
You wipe a tear from the corner of your eye. “I cannot believe Binnie did that! That is… just the greatest story I’ve ever heard,” you inform him. “Thank you so, so much for sharing that.” 
Chan nods, leaning back against the vinyl of the booth seat. “Now, you’re not gonna run off and snitch to Changbin, are you? Tell him I’ve divulged all his dirty secrets?” 
You press your hand to your chest, looking scandalized. “Absolutely not! I would never. Everything you’ve told me stays with me.” You pause. “Until I need it.” 
“Fair.” His grin returns, cheekier than ever. “If you’re gonna use it for blackmail, I will be expecting a cut. Just to warn ya.” 
A server stops by your table to grab your empty glasses and drop off the check. It feels like the perfect opportunity to bring the night to a close - thank Chan for the drinks, since he didn’t even attempt to argue with you about paying, simply dropped his card on the tray, thank him for the gossip, and bid him a good evening. 
But no. You’re you, and so instead of saying “Thank you” or “Good night,” you say,
“I think we could come to an arrangement.” 
Chan tilts his head, eyes roaming from your smiling lips down to your goose-dimpled thighs and back, and you realize you may have miscalculated a bit. Because the sweet expression on his face has vanished, replaced by a look of hunger so ravenous, your pulse quickens - the primal reaction of prey realizing it’s exactly where a hunter wants it. 
“Could we now?” He shifts slightly, the arm around your shoulders falling between you as he signs the receipt. He taps the pen on the table. “I like the sound of that.” 
You do too, which is why there are klaxons suddenly blaring in your head. You should really leave. Instead of sliding further into the corner of the booth as Chan casually leans forward, blocking your view of the rest of the bar. 
That’s when the hand that was at Chan’s side creeps its way onto your exposed thigh. 
“I…” you trail off, totally engrossed by his fingers as they roam, unable to tear your eyes away. They’re more callused than you’d expected, roughened tips catching slightly on your soft skin in an enticing manner. “I do too.” 
He’s just a whisper away now, deep brown eyes fixed on your mouth as he smiles, a warm thing that sharpens as he says, “Maybe we should hammer out some terms? Y’know, just in case? We don’t have to talk here…” His hand slips ever so slightly down the inward curve of your thigh. “We can take this to my room. For privacy. Unless…” 
Sucking in a breath, you meet his eyes, and let your legs fall open just a bit. Chan huffs out a pleased laugh and his hand disappears beneath your skirt. 
The klaxons in your brain are completely silent now, but thankfully the bar is not. The jazzy music drifting down from the overhead speakers covers your tiny whimper when Chan skims his fingers along the newly formed damp patch in your underwear. 
“Mmm, someone seems to be into the idea of being touched in public. Are you into that, love?” 
As a matter of fact, you are, and it’s one of the many vices that’s gotten you in trouble in the past. You just can’t help yourself. Just like right now, even knowing you should walk away, that you might make a mess of things, you’re unable to stop. 
You don’t want to stop, so you nod. 
He arranges himself so he’s propped his head up on his elbow on the table. To anyone looking at your table, it just looks like the two of you are absorbed in deep conversation, huddled close, but not close enough to cause anyone’s eye to linger. 
Or so you hope, biting your lip to stifle a whine when Chan’s fingers push your panties aside.
“Good. Cause I am, too.” And then he’s pressed his finger inside you, groaning quietly at how easily it glides through your folds. His tongue plays with the small hoop nestled in the center of his plush bottom lip. “Oh, shit, you really like this. So fucking wet, dirty girl.”
There’s no reason to argue with him. If it wasn’t clear by the ridiculous amount of slick between your legs, it’s clear by the way you cant your hips forward, trying to urge him to slip his whole middle finger in too as he teases you with the tip. With a throaty chuckle, he obliges. 
“There you go. Is that what you needed?” 
“Mmm,” you hum, muffling your moan with pursed lips. He strokes inside you languidly, enjoying the choked breaths that punch their way out of your throat, before adding another finger. 
You bow your head slightly, trying to hide behind Chan, who leans forward with a smirk, close enough for his lips to brush your cheek. If you turned your face a little, you could kiss him right now, but you’re too focused on the way he’s playing your pussy like one of his soundboards, tweaking and fondling just right, to do anything but try to breathe. 
“Can I tell you something?” he whispers. 
“I had my eye on you all during the party. Kept trying to get your attention, wanted to convince you to go home with me tonight. ‘M glad it worked out.” 
“Who, hnngh, who said I’m going home with you?” you manage to spit out around your groans. 
Chan’s fingers still. “Wait, you don’t wanna come back to my room?” 
“I didn’t say that.” The look he gives you makes you feel dangerous, having such an irresistible man hanging on your every word. It’s such an intoxicating power. “I just meant I’m not convinced y-yet, fuck.” 
You stutter as Chan starts tracing your inner walls, caressing your g-spot hard enough to make you curse. He’s accepted the gauntlet you’ve thrown down with surprising speed, and you suck on the insides of your cheeks, biting gently into your own mouth to keep from shouting out loud.
“Something you should know about me, love - ‘m a bit competitive. I don’t back down from challenges.” 
Chan’s fingers plunge faster and faster, alternating thrusts with strokes. The more his speed increases, the more his arm flexes, biceps rippling under his tight t-shirt. If the bartender were to just glance over, he’d see the way your head is tipped back in ecstasy, and there’s no denying the pleasure flitting across your face. You could be caught so easily.
“Look at you, taking it so well. Bet you’d look so good taking my cock.”
Your eyes fall to the obvious bulge in Chan’s lap. You just know he’d feel so good. Why didn’t you take this to his room? You could be riding him right now. 
Oh well, you’ll just have to let him keep fingering you until you cum all over his hand in the middle of this bar. 
You’re getting close now, but his plunging fingers aren’t quite enough to give you what you so desperately desire. Unashamed to beg for what you want, you gasp out, “More,” hands balling into fists as tight as the knot inside you. 
Chan smirks. His thumb finds your clit. You find the edge. And fall right over. 
“Shiiiiit,” you groan, thighs twitching together, muscles contracting to trap Chan’s hand as an orgasm overtakes you, shockingly fast. So he doesn’t back down from challenges and he’s an overachiever. 
“There you go, love,” he coos. Your abdomen shakes from the force of your climax. He slowly circles your oversensitive nub until he finally stops, and one final shudder passes through you. “Made such a mess for me.” 
Your only response is a string of curse words that would send Halmeoni right to her grave. Chan laughs, bringing his hand to his mouth, and you swear again as he thoroughly cleans his fingers with his tongue, rolling the little stud over and around.
“Have I convinced you now?” he asks, eyes gleaming, tone smug. So, so smug. It’s almost shameful how hot you find that. 
You’re definitely convinced of his skills. And if you go back to his room with him, there’s no telling what other talents he might share. 
Then again… if he works this hard to impress you now….
With a polite smile, you gently pat his arm, silently asking him to give you some space to shimmy your panties back into place. His eyebrow lifts as he waits for your answer.
“Not really.” 
Based on his dazed expression, it’s pretty evident that Chan has never gotten anything less than a rave response to his skills. How absolutely delightful. Your shoulders shake with suppressed laughter as he blinks at you. 
“Thank you for the drinks. But I should really get going, got a ton of stuff to do with Sun Hee in the morning.” Not a total lie, since you do have plans for brunch with your cousin and the other bridesmaids. But brunch never usually stops you from anything. 
“Come on, love - you really want to leave now?” He’s recovered from his shock, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek. “The night’s just getting started. That was just a small taste of what could happen.” He leans in, lips just brushing your ear as he murmurs, “Don’t you want more?”
Chan’s a fighter. Good to know.
“Mmm, maybe. But not tonight.”
He pulls back, searching your gaze. “You’re sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure.” You laugh, nudging him with your knee. Chan slowly rises to his feet, shuffling aside to let you out of the booth. The stupefied look is back. Baffled hunter realizing his trap didn’t spring. 
“Well… if you change your mind, you know where I am. Room 143.” 
He rubs the back of his neck as he speaks, and there’s something kind of sweet about it, like he’s a little unsure of himself, possibly for the first time in his life, so you place your hands lightly on his chest. Damn, he’s so solid. He could definitely rail you through the wall of this bar, if you so asked. 
But not tonight. 
“Sweet dreams, Chan.” Your words warms his lips as you cross the space between you. Even though his hands grip your hips, even though his tongue tastes like scotch, even though the moan he exhales sends shivers from your head to your toes, you break away, and head for the door. 
As you sit in the lobby, waiting for your ride, it’s impossible not to pat yourself on the back, gloating over your victory. You kept your promise to your cousin and got to tease an incredibly hot man into giving you an orgasm at the same time. But what strikes you the most was the wild glint you saw in Chan’s eye as you walked away. 
This is going to be so much fun. 
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Masterlist 💜 Find me on AO3 💜 
© 2023 by minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost. I do not allow translations of my works.
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meldoesthedraw · 5 months
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Mari-lore comics #1-3: "Cousins"
In mid Feb I experienced a POWERFUL surge of inspiration to finally draw out some comics detailing Marisol's relationships with other muppets/an origin story for her of sorts... so introducing Mari-lore Comic #1-3 !! a chat with good ol' cousin Zoot lol When I created her, I envisioned her as a writer for Up Late With Miss Piggy, so this is the gonna deal with how she joined the staff and who she befriends and, of course, how she develops a relationship with a certain muppet keyboardist (gasp).... so yes! I have like 10 of these drawn, but hoping to draw more soon. All that said, if you read these at all THANK YOU <3 I'm kind of flying by the seat of my pants with this series lol but I hope you enjoy!!
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eminsunnytoons123 · 5 months
The parodies cousin Show characters
Part 4
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Dedicated to all my besties, Sisters, Brothers, pen pals And girlfriend: @splashy900 @kxllboii @cheezekennith @aquamarine-dream-queen @dayzsaclark @oscarandgrinchfan @moshywoosh @ilovescaredysquirrel2 @nuggetaubrey @sharkyy599 @nightkit92 @familyoffood @mysafespaceblog13 @thelazzyblogzz @sugar-miss1 @shrimpathizer @shypeachrunaway @iggyguyy @sophia-does-skits @typical-sophie @peaceforpeople @ben5569 @muppet-fan-real @xxkurosakutisaxx @ducktoonz903707 @artismeyou-12 @blackstar044 @acen402 @walt-diego-rodriguez @nia1sworld @rumplestiltsbear @s4gefr0g @beeware-of-lulu @leafith @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing @muppet-fan-frr that always loved me And supported me for how I am, And that always loved my Work, heres the part 4 of the parodies cousin Show characters =^_^= 💘💗💝💕🩷💞💓
So, heres now professor eyebrows And the colorful groove, the cousins of dr teeth And the electric Mayhem gang =^_^=
But first before I tell some info about them, Heres the characters I did now:
Lucille the ladybug (Kermit's parodie cousin), ms. Moosa (miss piggy's parodie cousin), Garrett Rhino (fozzie's parodie cousin), Franklin the best (gonzo's parodie cousin), Harris the King ant (pepe the King prawn's parodie cousin), Calvin the bat (rizzo's parodie cousin), Houston the bull (rowlf's parodie cousin), Austin the King Buffalo (sam the eagle's parodie cousin), professor Charles van rosecrew (dr bunsen's parodie cousin), Carson (beaker's parodie cousin), Isabella (Walter's parodie cousin), Ruby (scooter's parodie cousin), professor eyebrows (dr teeth's parodie cousin), Anders (Janice's parodie cousin), Sgt Paulo Madden (Floyd Pepper's parodie cousin), Petunia Crazenia (Animal's parodie cousin), sadee (Lips' parodie cousin) And Roxanne (zoot's parodie cousin)
Now some info about them:
Professor eyebrows - professor eyebrows is dr teeth's parodie cousin counterpart, he is the leader of the colorful groove band, And he plays the accordion. And he is Austin's love interest, And he loves eating Strawberry shortcake. His headcanon voice actor is Jeff Trammel, And his voice claim is cannonball from Craig of the creek
Anders - Anders is Janice's parodie cousin counterpart, he is the tambourine player in the colorful groove band, And he is Sgt Paulo Madden's love interest. His headcanon voice actor is Del the funky homosapien, And his voice claim is deltron from Craig of the creek.
Sgt Paulo Madden - Sgt Paulo Madden is Sgt Floyd Pepper's parodie cousin counterpart, he is the saxophone player in the colorful groove band, And he is Anders' love interest. His headcanon voice actor is Parvesh Cheena, And his voice claim is Raj from Craig of the creek.
Petunia Crazenia - Petunia Crazenia is Animal's parodie cousin counterpart, she plays the marimba instrument in the colorful groove band, And she gets along with animal very well since theyre both energetic And Crazy. Her headcanon voice actress is Lauren Tom, And her voice claim is Kuki sanban/numbuh 3 from Codename: kids next door.
Sadee - sadee is Lips' parodie cousin counterpart, she plays the clarinet And even bagpipe in the colorful groove band, she is the Calm one in the band And she is Roxanne's love interest. Her headcanon voice actress is Eliza Schneider, And her voice claim is Liane cartman from South Park.
Roxanne - Roxanne is zoot's parodie cousin counterpart, she plays the chimes in the colorful groove band, she is the sort of arrogant And quiet Lady, she is sadee's love interest. Her headcanon voice actress is Casey Wilson, And her voice claim is Felina Meow from littlest pet shop.
I hope y'all will like these =^_^= 💗
NOTE (PLEASE READ THIS NOTE): And also, again, if y'all wanna make fanart, headcanons, ships, OC's... Etc out of the parodies cousin Show gang, then do it. You dont have to ask me for my permission. But please @ me in the post so I can see it, And i'll be very Grateful if y'all give the parodies some attention as if theyre like OFFICIAL like the muppets. But only only the parodies, you can even make fanart, headcanons, ships, OC'S, etc out of the moopets, whatnot Show gang and the teppums Show gang too. 💘💝
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darrowfire15 · 3 months
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A sketch of my Muppetsona with @palettepainter 's Zoot cousin OC, Penny. He's staging the lights for her fashion show. Trust him, he knows what he's doing.
I love all of Zoot's cousins that they have created, but Penny, Lazer, and Raph always stood out to me. I highly recommend to go and check out their art, they are a very talented artist.
Also, Trans pride! Both are transgender and it's Pride month
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punster-2319 · 3 months
Ranking the Classic MGM Tom and Jerry Cartoons (Favorite to Least Favorite)
1. Solid Serenade (1946)
2. Trap Happy (1946)
3. Tee for Two (1945)
4. The Cat Concerto (1947)
5. Mouse Trouble (1944)
6. Jerry’s Cousin (1951)
7. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse (1947)
8. Texas Tom (1950)
9. Heavenly Puss (1949)
10. The Zoot Cat (1944)
11. Cat Fishin’ (1947)
12. Flirty Birdy (1945)
13. The Mouse Comes to Dinner (1945)
14. Springtime for Thomas (1946)
15. Baby Puss (1943)
16. Kitty Foiled (1948)
17. Little Quacker (1950)
18. Mouse in Manhattan (1945)
19. Jerry and the Lion (1950)
20. The Million Dollar Cat (1944)
21. The Truce Hurts (1950)
22. Fit to Be Tied (1952)
23. Quiet Please! (1945)
24. Pecos Pest (1955)
25. Puttin’ on the Dog (1944)
26. The Bodyguard (1944)
27. The Dog House (1952)
28. Safety Second (1950)
29. Part Time Pal (1947)
30. Saturday Evening Puss (1950)
31. Down Beat Bear (1956)
32. The Missing Mouse (1953)
33. Little Runaway (1952)
34. Professor Tom (1948)
35. Cue Ball Cat (1950)
36. Jerry’s Diary (1949)
37. Tom and Jerry in the Hollywood Bowl (1950)
38. Jerry and the Goldfish (1951)
39. The Flying Cat (1952)
40. The Duck Doctor (1952)
41. Sufferin’ Cats (1943)
42. Love That Pup (1949)
43. The Yankee Doodle Mouse (1943)
44. The Invisible Mouse (1947)
45. The Little Orphan (1949)
46. Nit-Witty Kitty (1952)
47. Jerry and Jumbo (1953)
48. Timid Tabby (1957)
49. The Bowling Alley-Cat (1942)
50. Puss Gets the Boot (1940)
51. Hatch Up Your Troubles (1949)
52. Sleepy-Time Tom (1951)
53. Fine Feathered Friend (1942)
54. Two Little Indians (1953)
55. Pet Peeve (1954)
56. Muscle Beach Tom (1956)
57. Smarty Cat (1955)
58. Puss n’ Toots (1942)
59. The Night Before Christmas (1941)
60. The Lonesome Mouse (1943)
61. The Milky Waif (1946)
62. Mouse Cleaning (1948)
63. Mouse for Sale (1955)
64. Posse Cat (1954)
65. The Two Mouseketeers (1952)
66. Touché, Pussy Cat! (1954)
67. Tom and Chérie (1955)
68. Tennis Chumps (1949)
69. Salt Water Tabby (1947)
70. A Mouse in the House (1947)
71. Fraidy Cat (1942)
72. The Midnight Snack (1941)
73. Barbecue Brawl (1956)
74. Royal Cat Nap (1958)
75. Hic-cup Pup (1954)
76. Old Rockin’ Chair Tom (1948)
77. Push-Button Kitten (1952)
78. Slicked-up Pup (1951)
79. Puppy Tale (1954)
80. Triplet Trouble (1952)
81. The Cat and the Mermouse (1949)
82. Casanova Cat (1951)
83. The Framed Cat (1951)
84. Cat Napping (1951)
85. Cruise Cat (1952)
86. That’s My Pup! (1954)
87. Dog Trouble (1942)
88. Little School Mouse (1954)
89. Pup on a Picnic (1955)
90. Robin Hoodwinked (1958)
90. The Vanishing Duck (1958)
92. Just Ducky (1953)
93. Downhearted Duckling (1954)
94. Southbound Duckling (1955)
95. That’s My Mommy (1955)
96. Happy Go Ducky (1958)
97. Tot Watchers (1958)
98. Busy Buddies (1956)
99. Tom’s Photo Finish (1957)
100. Polka-Dot Puss (1949)
101. Smitten Kitten (1952)
102. Life with Tom (1953)
103. His Mouse Friday (1951)
104. Mucho Mouse (1957)
105. Blue Cat Blues (1956)
106. Designs for Jerry (1954)
107. Neapolitan Mouse (1954)
108. Mice Follies (1954)
109. Johann Mouse (1953)
110. Baby Butch (1954)
111. The Flying Sorceress (1956)
112. The Egg and Jerry (1956)
113. Tops and Pops (1957)
114. Feedin’ the Kiddie (1957)
There’s all 114 classic MGM Tom and Jerry cartoons ranked (I’m not ranking the later Gene Deitch or Chuck Jones shorts).
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rottedbrainz · 1 year
Some muppet OC stuff!!!!
+ gender bent Floyd and Animal! Also gender bent Rose and Tibbs!
+ Rose Voice Claim!!!
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palettepainter · 9 months
Just as a general heads up uh, don't expect a whole lotta accuracy when it comes to the technical stuff concerning electricity in Hired Sparky. I'm doing my best to research bits and bobs to make the story seem more real, but man is understanding this stuff hard
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my-muppet-art1224 · 11 months
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Floyd pepper kids
Scooter/skeeter are the oldest being 18.
Animal is the baby. His 14
My head cannon for the kids
How they were adopted
The twins- Floyd is the brother of the twins mom, who gave up her kids for a man and just dropped them off on Floyd's doorstep and just ran away and never been seen again. The kids were about 1/2 years old when this happened. Floyd took them under his wing very quickly and began his parenthood of a single dad that night.
Animal- basically the same story as episode 3 in electric mayhem, but with the twins added in (they would be around 4 or 5) and Floyd would know dr.teeth by then.
Floyd- he balanced out his work life at the music store and took care of the kids at the same time. There were a lot of ups and downs, but overall he was doing the best he could. Later down the road, after teeth ran away from home, he would watch the kids for Floyd, while Floyd goes to work
When the kids got a little older. Floyd, the kids and teeth went on a big road Trip, just to explore and wanted to get out of the routine that they were stuck on for a while, they wanted something new, something crazy. That's how they met the rest of the band.
Janice- backpacking on the side of the road, she was a runaway getting away from her toxic family and wanting her own life
Zoot- they met at one of the parks, they stopped at. Animal ran away, because he was throwing a big tantrum and he trip over zoot, while zoot was taking pictures of the pigeons. Floyd apologized and a little of this happened and zoot just started to vibe them.
Lips- Janice cousin, he also ran away and was trying to find his cousin, when they finally bumped into each other in a Coffee shop. Janice and him talk for a while, lips decide to tag along and just go with the flow.
What the kids call the band mates
Floyd - scooter (dad, pop's) skeeter (old man, dad, pop's, grumpy) animal ( dada, dad)
Janice -the kids(auntie, aunt, aunt Janice, janice)
Dr. Teeth- the kids (big bro, uncle teeth, teeth)
Zoot- the kids (zoot toot, zoot, uncle zoot)
Lips- the kids (bubba, lips, curls, uncle/aunt lips)
The kids jobs
Scooter - works as a tech guy for Kermit at the Muppet theater, he makes sure everything is up and running.
Skeeter - she is a soccer coach for preschool kids and she is a soccer player
Animal - his is the drummer for the electric mayhem. He also helps out at the animal shelter, when he has free time
Scooter is in a 3 year relationship with his boyfriend Walter. They love each other very much
Skeeter is about to get married by her childhood sweetheart summer penguin. They just haven't picked a day yet
Animal is just happy with himself, he hasn't found anyone yet, but he is more focused on other things than love.
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devilsrecreation · 1 year
Some random incorrect Electric Mayhem quotes
Zoot: *at Robin* Uh…want a beer?
Floyd: He’s 10!
Zoot: I dunno! What am I supposed to do with him?!
Teeth: Heeeyyyy~
Sam: …..
Teeth: What’cha dooooin?
Sam: I’m busy.
Teeth: How busy would you say you are from 8 to 9?
Sam: 14!
Teeth: Sam, I’m no mathmatologist, but I’d say that’s a lot
Sam: *opening the door for Teeth* IT IS!
Piggy: Take. It. OFF.
Floyd: *wearing a shirt with an offensive pig joke* I. Would. Rather. Die.
Floyd: *screaming*
Probably MMW
Teeth: Alright! Looks like the next country we’re playin’ in is Israel
Zoot: Never heard of it
Floyd: Zoot, you’re Jewish
Zoot: …..Oh yeah
Animal: Nenenenenenenenenenenene-
Nora: *whispering loudly* Animal, what are you doing?!
Animal: Stealth noise! Nenenenenenenenenenenene
Floyd: *laughs* Nenenenenenenenenenenene
Nora: Everyone, shut up! We’re going to get caught!
Literally all of the Mayhem (and Moog): Nenenenenenenenenenene
Constantine vs the Mayhem
Constantine: When I’m done with you, you won’t be able to see out of both eyes
Dr. Teeth: Congratulations, you are as effective as pollen.
Constantine: I MEAN I’m going to make you feel pain!
Janice: Um, meat already does that so-like….next
Constantine: You won’t be able to think straight!
Zoot: Try having ADHD.
Lips: That already happens to me!
Floyd: C’mon man, be creative!
Scooter: I’m part of Gen Z! You’re late to the party!
Floyd: We’re like one big happy family! I’m the dad and Janice is the mom-
Janice: Why am I the mom? Like, what gender roles are we pushing here?
Zoot: I know they’re probably thinking I’m like the son? but I’m not….I’ll be the gay emo cousin
Teeth: I’ll be the son! The hotshot who’s only dream is to be a star~
Animal: Out of jail uncle!
Lips: And I’m the sassy aunt…who talks sh/t about everyone
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jpbjazz · 2 months
‘’Pepper was the embodiment of the West Coast "cool" style. He's very individual. You can hear it. You know it. Art was a very lyrical player. Especially at a time when most of the alto players were in a Charlie Parker bag, Art had a distinct style of his own."
- Shelly Manne
Né le 1er septembre 1925 à Gardena, en Californie, Arthur Edward Pepper Jr. était le fils d’Arthur Pepper Sr., un machiniste qui était devenu plus tard matelot de la marine marchande, et de Mildred Bartold. Pepper avait eu une enfance difficile, car ses parents étaient alcooliques et faisaient souvent preuve de violence.
Ses deux parents étant alcooliques, Pepper avait été élevé par sa grand-mère paternelle.
Pepper, qui avait grandi dans un environnement musical (le cousin de sa mère, Gabriel Bartold, était un prodige de la trompette), avait commencé à jouer de la clarinette à l’âge de neuf ans. Son premier professeur était Leroy Parry. Pepper était passé au saxophone alto trois ans plus tard. Plus jeune, le père de Pepper l’emmenait souvent dans des boîtes de nuit où il lui faisait jouer de la clarinette afin d’impressionner les clients, ce qui lui permettait de se faire un peu d’argent de poche.
Lorsque Pepper avait commencé à s’intéresser au jazz, ses idoles étaient Benny Goodman et Artie Shaw. Il appréciait aussi l’orchestre de Jimmy Lunceford, et plus particulièrement le saxophoniste alto Willie Smith. Le cornettiste Mugsy Spanier était un autre de ses préférés.
Au cours de son adolescence, Pepper avait été particulièrement influencé par d’autres saxophonistes comme Benny Carter, Charlie Parker, Lester Young et Lee Konitz. Pepper considérait Lester Young comme « le plus fantastique saxophoniste de tous les temps — égalé beaucoup plus tard par le seul John Coltrane.’’ Il avait ajouté: ‘’Il était meilleur que Charlie Parker, à mon humble avis. ».
Même si Pepper n’avait pas tellement apprécié Parker au début, il était revenu sur sa position par la suite. Pepper avait déclaré: « J’avais découvert Parker et je n’avais pas aimé. Ça me semblait trop rude […] Bird avait une bonne oreille pour les transpositions, un grand sens du blues et c’était un grand technicien. Il pouvait jouer très vite, et ses lignes étaient magnifiques. Tout était pensé chez lui ; tout avait un sens. Je n’ai jamais aimé ce son, mais, c’est une affaire de goût personnel […] Maintenant, quand je réécoute, j’aime tout. C’était un génie. »
Pepper avait aussi une admiration sans bornes pour John Coltrane. Pepper écrivait dans son autobiographie: « Mais alors, quand j’ai entendu Coltrane ! A la fin des années cinquante, j’ai entendu Coltrane avec Miles Davis, sur le disque Kind of Blue. Il y avait tout ce que l’on pouvait imaginer : plus de notes que Bird, un jeu plus complexe, et j’en aimais le son. Tout ce qu’il jouait se tenait, avait un sens pour moi. Il me touchait. C’est le seul type qui m’ait un jour fait dire : « Je donnerais mon bras droit pour jouer comme ça ! ». Pepper admirait aussi Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie, Ray Brown, Paul Cambers, Philly Joe Jones, Zoot Sims, Gil Evans et Gerry Mulligan. Quant à Stan Getz, il trouvait sa musique trop ‘’glaciale.’’
A l’âge de quatorze ans, Pepper avait joué du saxophone alto avec le groupe de son high school dans le cadre de soirées de danse. Un an plus tard, il avait commencé à improviser sur Central Avenue, le principal quartier de couleur de Los Angeles où on retrouvait de nombreuses boîtes de nuit. À l’époque, Central Avenue était pour Los Angeles une sorte d’équivalent de la 52e rue pour la ville de New York. UNE CARRIÈRE PROMETTEUSE
Pepper, qui avait appris principalement la musique en autodidacte, avait seize ans lorsqu’il avait commencé à se produire au Ritz et l’Alabam, deux clubs de Los Angeles, tout en poursuivant parallèlement ses études. Au Ritz et à l’Alabam, Pepper avait commencé à improviser avec des musiciens comme Louis Armstrong, Roy Aldridge, Jimmy Blanton, Johnny Hodges, Coleman Hawkins, Ben Webster et Dexter Gordon. Impressionné par le talent de Pepper, Gordon l’avait présent au batteur Lee Young, le frère de Lester Young. Young était vite devenu une sorte de mentor pour Pepper, et l’avait présenté au légendaire saxophoniste Benny Carter. À l’époque, Pepper a seulement dix-sept ans.
Dans son autobiographie, Pepper racontait son séjour dans l’orchestre de Carter:
"I had never played much lead alto, so with Benny I played second alto, he played lead, but in my book I had two parts written in most of the arrangements and sometimes, if there wasn't a large audience, Benny would just get off the stand and let me play his parts. I'd get all his solos. I learned that way how to play lead in a four-man saxophone section. And I learned a lot following Benny, listening to his solos, what he played against the background."
Carter étant sur le point de partir en tournée dans les États du Sud, il avait jugé préférable de ne pas exposer le jeune Pepper à une autmosphère de confrontation raciale, d’autant plus que son orchestre était uniquement composé de musiciens de couleur. Carter avait donc décidé de lui faire passer une audition avec l’orchestre de Stan Kenton. Ce dernier avait tellement été impressionné par le talent de Pepper qu’il l’avait aussitôt engagé comme premier saxophoniste alto.
Après avoir écouté les arrangements complexes de Kenton, Pepper n’avait pas tardé à se rendre compte qu’il avait besoin d’en apprendre davantage sur la théorie musicale afin d’exécuter plus efficacement ses solos. C’est le saxophoniste ténor de Kenton, Red Dorris, qui était venu à la rescousse de Pepper.
Après avoir entendu le jeune Pepper jouer pour la première fois, le guitariste Johnny Martizia avait déclaré: ’’Quel son splendide ! […] Je n’en croyais pas mes yeux. ». À l’époque, Pepper avait aussi commencé à partager la scène avec de grosses pointures comme Coleman Hawkins, T-Bone Walker, Dexter Gordon, Charles Mingus, Slick Jones, Art Tatum, Ben Webster, Johnny Hodges, Roy Eldridge et même son idole Lester Young.
Pepper s’était joint par la suite au grand orchestre de Stan Kenton, avec qui il était parti en tournée jusqu’à sa mobilisation en 1943. C’est aussi avec Kenton que Pepper avait fait son premier enregistrement la même année.
Peu après son 18e anniversaire de naissance, Pepper avait reçu son avis de mobilisation. Il a été enrôlé en février 1944. À l’époque, Pepper venait tout juste d’épouser son amie de coeur de seize ans, Patti Moore. Avant que Pepper n’ait eu le temps de partir outre-mer, Patti avait donné naissance à une fille, Patricia Ellen, qui était née le 5 janvier 1945.
Après avoir passé quelques mois en Angleterre, Pepper avait été affecté à la police militaire comme sergent de la garde chargée de la surveillance de Malborough Street Jail à Londres. Durant son séjour à Londres, Pepper avait aussi eu l’occasion de jouer à l’Adelphi Theater, ce qui lui avait permis de rencontrer les meilleurs musiciens de jazz britanniques comme George Shearing et Victor Feldman. Il avait également joué en concert avec le groupe de Ted Heath.
Après la guerre, Pepper était retourné à Los Angeles. En 1947, Pepper s’était joint à un autre groupe dirigé par Kenton, le Kenton Innovations Orchestra, avec lequel il était demeuré jusqu’à la fin de 1951 avant de former son propre groupe. À l’époque, l’orchestre de Kenton comprenait plusieurs grands musiciens de jazz comme les trompettistes Maynard Ferguson et Shorty Rogers, les joueurs de trombone Kai Winding et Milt Bernhart, les saxophonistes Bob Cooper et Bud Shank, ainsi que le batteur Shelly Manne.
Au cours de cette période, Pepper avait également joué avec Zoot Sims, Chet Baker (avec qui il avait enregistré deux albums à succès) et Stan Getz.
Pepper avait quitté l’orchestre de Kenton à la fin de 1951, car il en avait assez des tournées incessantes.
Dans les années 1950, Pepper ��tait reconnu comme un des meilleurs saxophonistes alto du jazz. Il s’était d’ailleurs classé immédiatement derrière Charlie Parker comme meilleur saxophoniste lors d’un sondage des lecteurs du magazine Down Beat en 1952. Avec Chet Baker, Gerry Mulligan et Shelly Manne, Pepper avait souvent été associé au jazz de la Côte ouest, par opposition au jazz de la Côte est qui mettait en vedette Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie et Miles Davis, même si au niveau du style, il était davantage apparenté à ces derniers.
Musicien très lyrique et très mélodique, Pepper avait souvent été comparé à des saxophonistes alto comme Lee Konitz et Paul Desmond. Comme l’affirmait le batteur Shelly Manne, ‘’Pepper was the embodiment of the West Coast "cool" style. He's very individual. You can hear it. You know it. Art was a very lyrical player. Especially at a time when most of the alto players were in a Charlie Parker bag, Art had a distinct style of his own." Un autre ancien membre de l’orchestre de Stan Kenton, le saxophoniste ténor Bob Cooper précisait: "I always felt that Art's major influence was Lester Young; that came out more clearly when I heard him playing tenor a few times... And to transfer that beautiful sound to the alto!... I think his sound wasby far the best alto sound at the time."
Au début de 1952, Pepper avait formé un premier groupe avec le contrebassiste Joe Mondragon, le batteur et vibraphoniste Larry Bunker et le pianiste Hampton Hawes. Au cours de cette période, il avait aussi travaillé avec les batteurs Bud Rich et Shelly Manne. C’est aussi en 1952 que Pepper avait réalisé ses premiers enregistrements sous son nom. Il a aussi enregistré avec d’autres anciens membres de l’orchestre de Kenton comme Shorty Rogers et Shelly Manne. Pepper avait signé un contrat avec les disques Contemporary en 1957.
PROBLÈMES DE CONSOMMATION Pepper avait connu une adolescence plutôt turbulente. Abandonné à lui-même, il avait commencé à courir les rues, à se battre, à boire et à consommer une série de drogues douces. Il faisait aussi souvent l’école buissonnière.
Dans les années 1940, Pepper avait développé une dépendance envers l’héroïne, ce qui lui avait mérité plusieurs peines d’emprisonnement. Après son arrestation pour possession d’héroïne en 1953, Pepper avait été enfermé durant quinze mois au Fort Worth U.S. Public Health Service Hospital. Un malheur arrivant rarement seul, sa femme Patti en avait profité pour divorcer et se remarier.
Pepper était de nouveau retourné vers ses anciens démons après sa libération en mai 1954. Arrêté en décembre, il avait été envoyé à la prison du comté de Los Angeles, puis à Terminal Island, où il avait passé environ un an. Au milieu de l’année 1960, Pepper avait purgé une peine de prison de quatre-vingt-dix jours, avant d’être envoyé à San Quentin et à Tehachapi où il avait été enfermé durant quatre ans et demi. Trois mois après sa libération, Pepper avait échoué un test de drogue, ce qui lui avait valu six mois de détention au Chino Institute for Men. Libéré sur parole, Pepper avait de nouveau été emprisonné à San Quentin après avoir enfreint ses conditions de libération. Il a été libéré en 1966.
Durant la période de son mariage avec Diane Suriago en 1957, Pepper éprouvait des difficultés à se trouver du travail et subvenait à ses besoins gràce à de menus emplois (il avait notamment travaillé dans une boulangerie). Il faut dire que Pepper n’avait guère aidé sa cause puisque Diane était elle-même toxicomane, tout comme plusieurs de ses autres liaisons féminines. Après sa libération de San Quentin en 1966, Pepper était sans le sou et n’avait même plus de saxophone pour jouer. Comme Pepper l’avait écrit dans les notes de pochette de son album ‘’Living Ledgend’’: ‘’I had switched to tenor for two reasons. Rock was in vogue, and only tenor players seemed to be working. But the major reason was that after all my years of playing, I had been influenced to the point of imitation by another musician, [tenor] John Coltrane. I felt what I wanted to say I could only say with the tenor." Après être retourné vers l’alto quelques années plus tard, Pepper avait finalement conclu qu’il n’existait pas d’instrument idéal.
Lors de son séjour à San Quentin dans les années 1960, Pepper avait joué dans un groupe qui comprenait le saxophoniste alto Frank Morgan. Sous les conseils de son père, Pepper avait tenté de casser sa dépendance en se faisant admettre dans un sanatorium. Il y avait un seul problème: après sa libération, Pepper avait rencontré un vendeur de drogues et il avait aussitôt replongé.
Malgré ses problèmes de consommation, Pepper avait énormément enregistré. En 1957, il avait enregistré un album intitulé ‘’Art Pepper Meets The Rhythm Section’’, qui mettait en vedette la section rythmique de Miles Davis composée de Philly Joe Jones, Paul Chambers et Red Garland. Trois ans plus tard, Pepper avait enregistré avec Wynton Kelly, Jimmy Cobb et Paul Chambers l’album ‘’Gettin’ Together’’, ainsi que l’album ‘’Intensity’’ avec le contrebassiste Jimmy Bond.
Étonnamment, la dépendance de Pepper envers les narcotiques n’avait jamais affecté la qualité de ses enregistrements et de ses performances, contrairement à un Charlie Parker, par exemple.
En 1968, Pepper avait reçu une invitation pour jouer avec le groupe de Buddy Rich. Il y avait seulement un problème: il avait mis son saxophone au clou. Don Menza, un des saxophones ténor de Rich, était allé chercher le saxophone de Pepper chez le prêteur sur gages, ce qui lui avait permis de faire son premier enregistrement en plus de sept ans. Malheureusement, Pepper était tombé malade et avait dû être hospitalisé à la suite de problèmes de rate. Après trois mois d’hospitalisation, Pepper était retourné brièvement avec le groupe de Rich comme troisième saxophone alto, sa santé ne lui permettant plus d’assumer le rôle de premier soliste.
Sa santé continuant de se détériorer, Pepper avait pris les grands moyens pour se débarrasser de sa dépendance et avait décidé de suivre une cure de désintoxication à Synanon, à Santa Monica, en Californie. Comme Pepper l’avait reconnu dans son autobiographie: « Je ne savais faire que ça : boire et me camer. ». C’est à Synanon que Pepper avait fait la connaissance de Laurie Miller, qui était devenue sa troisième épouse en 1974. Miller avait joué un rôle très positif dans la vie de Pepper et lui avait apporté plus de stabilité dans sa vie personnelle. C’est aussi grâce à Miller que Pepper, enfin débarrassé de ses anciens démons, avait pu reprendre avec succès sa carrière musicale.
Dans une entrevue, Pepper était revenu sur cette période troublée de sa vie en expliquant que celle-ci lui avait permis de mûrir, tant comme musicien que comme individu. Il précisait:
‘’The next period in my life, because of my addiction problem, was a terrible one. But I don't think I could have avoided it. I mean, I tried to stay out of it for a long time, knowing what it might do. I think that in my searching for something - for love, acceptance or whatever it is, to be a real man, to relate to my father, and all those things - going to prison was a help. It was part of my evolution, as a human being and as a musician.’’
Au cours de la même entrevue, Pepper avait aussi abordé sa rencontre cruciale avec Laurie. Il expliquait:
‘’We met in Synanon, the rehabilitation centre. (Laurie - It was in 1969). It was very strange. She had been to Westlake School of Music when I was there; she wanted to be a singer [...]. When we were both in Synanon, I was looking for a woman I could love. After you're there a certain length of time, you're allowed to search for a person to get into a relationship with. You find a girl, and then you go to your tribe leader, it's all in tribes, you see. (It's very complicated. It takes three chapters in the book to explain it.) You have to get permission, and make sure that she hasn't been in Synanon too much longer than you, and that she won't be a bad influence, and so forth. Then you can have a courtship and if everything works out all right, you can go on from there.’’
Après avoir entrepris une thérapie à la méthadone au milieu des années 1970, Pepper avait fait une tournée en Europe et au Japon avec ses propres formations. Il avait aussi enregistré plusieurs albums, principalement sur étiquette Galaxy, une filiale de Fantasy Records.
De 1968 à 1975, Pepper n’avait enregistré qu’un seul album. En 1975, il était retourné aux studios de Contemporary pour enregistrer une série d’albums qui lui avaient permis de connaître une véritable renaissance. Avant de reprendre ses enregistrements, Pepper avait reçu le soutien inestimable de Ken Yohe, le représentant des instruments de musique Buffet qui lui avait procuré un assortiment complet de saxophones et lui avait organisé des cliniques dans les collèges afin de l’aider à s’en sortir financièrement. Après avoir repris ses enregistrements, Pepper avait fait de nombreuses apparitions en concert et dans les clubs, principalement avec son propre quartet. En 1975, il avait également collaboré avec le big band expérimental du trompettiste Don Ellis, avec qui il avait fait plusieurs tournées aux États-Unis, en Europe et au Japon. Pepper avait aussi composé la trame sonore du film ‘’The Gauntlet’’ de Clint Eastwood en 1977.
Au cours des dernières années de sa vie, Pepper avait enregistré plusieurs albums, dont ‘’Winter Moon’’, réalisé avec un orchestre à cordes, un projet qu’il chérissait depuis longtemps. Il avait aussi enregistré un album live de trois disques intitulé ‘’Live At the Village Vanguard’’ (un quatrième disque fut publié après sa mort), ainsi que deux albums live enregistrés à Londres avec le pianiste Milcho Leviev, ‘’Blues for the Fisherman’’ et ‘’True Blues.’’
VIE PERSONNELLE Pepper avait publié son autobiographie en 1980. Intitulée ‘’Straight Life’’, L’ouvrage avait été écrit en collaboration avec sa troisième épouse, Laurie Pepper. Peu après la publication du livre, le réalisateur Don McGynn avait tourné un documentaire sur la vie de Pepper intitulé ‘’Art Pepper: Notes from a Jazz Survivor.’’ Le documentaire comprend des entretiens avec Pepper et son épouse Laurie, ainsi que des extraits d’un concert au Malibu Jazz Club.
Usé par des années de dépendance, Art Pepper s’est éteint à la suite d’une hémorragie cérébrale à Los Angeles le 15 juillet 1982. Il était âgé de seulement cinquante-six ans. Il a été inhumé au Forever Cemetery de l’Abbey of the Psalms Mausoleum, à Hollywood.
Après la mort de son mari, Laurie Pepper avait continué de gérer sa maison d’éditions, la Arthur Pepper Music Corporation, et de produire et de faire la promotion de sa musique. Laurie avait toujours été très impliquée dans la carrière de son mari. Elle était non seulement son épouse, mais aussi sa gérante, son agente et sa publiciste.
Connu principalement pour ses enregistrements avec l’orchestre de Stan Kenton, et surtout pour sa collaboration avec l’arrangeur Marty Paich, Pepper s’était également fait remarquer comme accompagnateur de Mel Tormé et d’autres chanteurs. Paich avait salué le sens du swing de Pepper en ces termes: "He had the notes, and he was swinging all the time. That's very important.... Art always swung. And he played all the instruments... exactly the same. He put them in his mouth and it was Art Pepper."
Bien qu’il ait surtout joué du saxophone alto, Pepper jouait aussi de la clarinette et du saxophone ténor à l’occasion. Sous l’influence de John Coltrane, Pepper avait incorporé des éléments de jazz modal à sa musique dans les années 1960.
Pepper s’était marié à trois occasions. Il avait d’abord épousé Patricia (Patti) Madeleine Moore en 1943, avant d’unir ses destinées à Diane Suriago en 1957. Pepper s’était marié une dernière fois avec Laurie La Pan Miller en 1974. Pepper avait eu un seul enfant, une fille nommée Patricia Ellen qui était née de son mariage avec Moore.
Préoccupé par le racisme et la discrimination raciale, Pepper avait écrit dans son autobiographie: ‘’Le soir, à la fin du boulot, je sortais héler un taxi. Freddie [le trompettiste noir Freddie Webster] se cachait. Quand j’ouvrais la portière, Freddie se précipitait dans la voiture : sinon, personne n’aurait voulu prendre un Noir. Je craignais toujours que le taxi ne fasse une réflexion et que Freddie le descende. » Mais le racisme n’était pas toujours à sens unique. Les relations n’étaient pas toujours harmonieuses entre les musiciens blancs et les musiciens noirs. Certains musiciens de couleur étaient d’avis que les blancs ne savaient pas jouer du jazz, qu’ils considéraient comme une sorte de chasse-gardée. Pepper lui-même avait été victime de ce genre de préjugés à de nombreuses reprises.
Pepper a également raconté dans son autobiographie un événement qui s’était produit lors de son séjour dans l’armée. À Durham, en Caroline du Nord, Pepper voulait assister à un concert de Benny Carter, mais il n’était pas parvenu à obtenir une place au parterre car son accès était réservé aux Noirs. Après avoir accepté bien malgré lui d’être relégué dans les loges, Pepper avait tenté de redescendre et de se rendre près de la scène. C’est alors qu’il était passé à un cheveu de se faire lyncher par les spectateurs noirs en colère.
Véritable virtuose, Pepper disposait d’une technique impressionnante et d’un grand sens du jazz. Pepper, qui avait toujours l’air de jouer sans effort, avait souvent nié pratiquer de longues heures, mais des témoignages de ses confrères musiciens laissaient croire le contraire. Un de ses amis musiciens, Alan Dean, avait raconté que lors d’un séjour en Angleterre pendant la guerre, Pepper pratiquait durant des heures avant de s’endormir. Pepper avait aussi rappelé dans son autobiographie un épisode qui s’était produit durant son emprisonnement à Fort Worth. Il expliquait: "I'd go to the band room in the morning, sweep the floor, clean the place, and make sure everything was locked up, and then I'd get out my horn. I'd close the door in this little room and just sit there and practice. I did that every day... and I really got down with music."
Pepper avait influencé plusieurs musiciens de jazz au cours de sa carrière. Benny Carter, qui avait été un des premiers à lui donner sa chance, avait dit de lui: « Le talent d’Art, la qualité du son, sa conception du rôle de premier saxophone, ses idées, tout m’impressionnait chez lui. » Quant au pianiste, arrangeur et chef d’orchestre Marty Paich, il avait déclaré: « Quand j’ai fait connaissance d’Art, c’était le plus grand saxophoniste que j’aie entendu. Bien au-dessus de tous les autres. Je trouvais incroyable qu’on puisse jouer aussi merveilleusement […] Pour moi, la west coast, c’était Art et son style mélodique, très différent du style new-yorkais, plus dur […] Il avait tant de classe. A son arrivée, les gens se calmaient ; quand il jouait, il dégageait une telle autorité ! La salle ne se dressait que pour lui quand nous jouions ensemble.» Le critique de jazz Scott Yanow considérait également Pepper comme le meilleur saxophoniste alto au monde.
Art Pepper avait reçu plusieurs distinctions au cours de sa carrière. Élu au deuxième rang des meilleurs saxophonistes alto par les lecteurs du magazine Down Beat en 1952, il avait été couronné meilleur saxophoniste alto par les critiques du même magazine en 1957, 1977 et 1980. En 1980, le magazine Swing Journal avait décerné à Pepper le prix de l’album de l’année pour son disque ‘’One September Afternoon’’, paru sur étiquette Galaxy.
C-2023-2024, tous droits réservés, Les Productions de l’Imaginaire historique
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minisugakoobies · 1 year
I’m so excited about the drabble that’s not a drabble anymore!!! Also YES PLEASE GIMME THE TEASER!!!!!!!!!!
Ahhhh, I'm glad you're excited! Ok then! 💕 Title: The Rules Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader Genre: strangers to lovers, smut, Wedding!AU WC: 634, final TBD Warnings: none for the teaser Summary: How long can you follow the rules?
When your cousin asked you to be a bridesmaid, she gave you three simple rules to follow:
Number one: don't be late. "To be early is to be on time. To be on time is to be late. To be late is to get cut out of the family. Don't think Halmeoni won't drop you from her will if I ask."
Number two: Don't get super wasted. "What if I have a bridal emergency and you're completely zooted, upchucking wine spritzers in the bathroom?" As if you'd drink a wine spritzer.
And rule number three: Don't fuck Bang Chan.
She announced the third rule the first time you gathered with her and her other bridesmaids to discuss wedding details. Bang Chan, it turned out, was her fiancé's "Best Bro" from his college frat days.
"Binnie was in a frat? Huh," was your response upon learning this new factoid.
Sun Hee rolled her eyes. "I know, it's weird, but he's grown up a lot since I met him. Chan, on the other hand…" she grimaced. "He's a fuckboy. Of the highest magnitude. S-class. A summa cum fuckboy."
"More like a someone's gonna come fuckboy, amiright?" maid of honor Ji-won snarked, cracking herself up, but she quickly stopped when Sun Hee gave her the evil eye.
"And that's bad because…" you drawled.
"Because every goddamn time one of my friends hooks up with his slutty ass, they completely lose their shit. And I! Do! Not! Have the time to deal with the fallout!" Sun Hee clapped her hands after each word, like a deranged cheerleader. "So keep your hands and your holes away from that man!"
At first, when you met the groomsmen at the engagement party, you thought to yourself that Sun Hee's rule was unnecessary. Apparently, Changbin only hung out with other ridiculously good-looking guys. Any one of them could probably show you an amazing time, if you so desired. 
And then Bang Chan walked in.
Out of curiosity, you'd looked the guy up, scouring Changbin's insta for old photos. Just so you could see what all the fuss was about. It was pretty easy to identify why Sun Hee's friends were apparently throwing themselves at the man, between his muscular build, his warm eyes, and his heart-melting smile. And as a semi-famous music producer, he's a star on the rise, which only adds to his allure. But holy shit, you were not prepared for the charisma.
He strolled into the room like he was walking onto a stage, radiating confidence from every inch of his rather thick frame, as if expecting an audience to start applauding at his presence. Maybe that's why you weren't surprised to see Changbin and his friends light up as they caught sight of their friend.
Of course, they weren't the only ones to notice him.
"Oh damn, look at the snack that just walked in," Ji-won whispered, tugging on your sleeve. "He's tasty."
"Yeah he is," another bridesmaid, Hae, piped up. "Is it too late to call dibs?"
"Gawi bawi bo!" Ji-won suddenly yelled, but you grabbed her hand as she threw a scissors symbol into the air.
"Sorry, ladies, but the bride's rules trump rock, paper, and scissors. That's Chan."
“That’s Chan? Well, shit.” Ji-won pauses. “Okay. Dibs on Jisung!” 
“Wait a minute!”
Ignoring the horny squabbling going on beside you, you discreetly ogle Chan over the rim of your cocktail. Changbin really needs to update his insta, because you were not prepared for Chan’s blond hair. Or the lip ring. Or, fuck, you nearly choke on your old fashioned as Chan laughs and something silvery inside his open mouth catches your eye. Is that a tongue ring too?!
This man could not be more your type. Absolute catnip, and your kitty is eager for a taste.
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