#zoro has been learning how to cope from the feelings since the start
livstarlight · 4 months
The funniest (most galaxy brained) thing a fanfiction can do is having Sanji start brewing feelings for Zoro but not realizing they are those kind of feelings until it hits him right in the face (Thriller Bark, always Thriller Bark) and having Ace just waltz around and be his awakening while Zoro is just there losing his goddamn mind because he has been in love from the very beginning (there can be said a lot about him but at least he's self-aware) and I eat it up every single time
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doctorgerth · 4 years
Matchup for @mysticaltigersorceress​
Thank you so much Coop! ♥️♥️ Can I ask for a Romantic (sfw) matchup? I’m 21, asexual with a Male romantic pref. I have medium length Auburn hair, hazel eyes, and lotsta freckles! Average female height and athletic with lotsa leg strength. And when I say athletic, I’m working out 4-6 days a week for minimum of 2hrs on average. I love to learn new skills, jack-of-all-trades. I love teaching even more. I tend to be reserved in unfamiliar situations, but mom instinct can override my anxiety. Once I’m over my anxiety, I’m a huge tease, sassy and sarcastic (to the point people think I’m flirting when I’m not). I don’t mind going out every now and again, but prefer staying at home most of the time. Very caring and altruistic. I can read people very well. Exception is that I don’t usually expect people to like me romantically or anything like that, so it takes me by surprise when it happens and I become an anxious disaster. I have apathetic/depressive slums when my schedule is thrown off/I have nothing to do (rip covid19) and hyperactive episodes that hit when/wherever. When I’m upset (angry, sad, etc) I get nonverbal and just need to take space for awhile until I feel calm again. I also talk without thinking about how it’s actually coming out which has lead to some hilarious and awkward situations. INFP (with extroverted tendencies) virgo, yr of tiger. *mwah* thank you again babe!
Sure thing sweetheart, thanks so much for requesting!! 💕 Hope you like your matches *muah*
Your match is…
Zoro (Scorpio, ISTP)
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Of course it’s the athleticism that started his attraction for you, he couldn’t help it! Zoro takes training and maintaining his body, strength, and health very seriously, so it’s always nice to meet someone with the same drive. You’re so very intriguing in general, and very few things catch Zoro’s eye, but you wow him almost every single day. You’re so eager and quick to learn new things, whether that’s him introducing you to something or anyone else, you always have this determination to understand or master something challenging and it’s your persistence that constantly impresses him. Having you to teach him new things is always fun to him but it’s also enough for him to watch you try to figure something out yourself! 
Zoro definitely shares a more reserved nature with you and very much likes his alone time. Since the two of you have plenty of adventures as pirates, you much prefer to spend quality time together in a peaceful environment when the time allows. You two are total introverts and thrive off of that much needed alone time. Re-energizing in your alone time is no problem, you two are never offended if one or the other asks for some privacy because you both completely understand and relate to one another in that aspect. Zoro has more extroverted tendencies when out in public, but he doesn’t like to waste time with meaningless conversations. If the situation calls for it, he will be outspoken and will encourage you to do the same. He’s seen your protective, strong-willed side shine on more than a few occasions, so he’s always a bit baffled to see you acting anxious in new situations. He’s not the best at verbal encouragement, so you’ll probably get a shoulder bump or maybe even a hand squeeze to calm you down. It’s taken him some time to learn how to ease your anxiety, but he’s determined to get it right! He always tries his best and that’s what matters most. When your mom instinct kicks in, he can’t help but be proud at how much of a force of nature you can be. Your teasing, sassy, and sarcastic attitude is a major source of enjoyment for him, especially when you pop off at a certain blonde-haired cook, or any enemy for that matter. You’re sweet and caring with a hidden diva within you and Zoro is very much into that. He’ll tease you right back and Zoro is quite skilled at sarcasm. When you get sassy with him, even if you’re being spiteful, he can’t help but be attracted to it. 
Zoro both loves and hates how well you can read him. This is beneficial for when he doesn’t want to talk about his feelings (aka most of the time) but it can also be bothersome to him in other ways. You know him too well and that can be a bit frustrating as he’s worried you always find him predictable and/or boring. He appreciates that you always know when he’s upset and how to cheer him up, but oddly enough, he finds himself wishing he was a bit more unpredictable and harder to read. After all, knowing him so well means he has to be completely vulnerable with you and that honestly terrifies him. You can always tell when Zoro is upset about something, and much like you, he gets nonverbal and needs some space to sort things out. This simplifies most of your arguments as you two both share similar coping mechanisms, but more often than not, you two find yourselves trying to battle your emotions alone. You two both need to work on being more communicative when you are upset about something! 
He is well aware of how much schedule changes can bother you, so he tries his hardest to not disrupt your plans while also taking you out for adventure when he’s noticing you slipping into your slums. He finds your hyperactive episodes and random outbursts very charming as they remind him so much of his goofy captain whom he loves and respects deeply. He might not ever express excitement as well as you, but just know that he adores how cheerful and silly you can be and he will do anything to keep that warm smile on your face!! 
Other potential suitors:
Ace (Capricorn, ESTP) - Ace thinks you’re the coolest what with your multi-talents and eagerness to learn new things. You two are very similar in that sense, constantly challenging each other with random stimulating activities! Your care for your body and health is also very attractive to him and he is always down to work out and train with you. Your teasing and sassy attitude is very fun to him and he will mess with you just to rile you up sometimes! Ace is very much extroverted so he will consistently push you out of your shell and kick your anxiety in the ass. He thinks you’re wonderful and he’s seen your extroversion tendencies shine and he just wants everyone to bask in the sunshine that is you! I feel like you and Ace have very similar personalities in that you both get bummed out when you have nothing to do but thankfully you two share similar interests and know how to keep each other occupied to avoid the depression.
Coby (Taurus, ISFJ) - Coby also thinks you’re super neat and loves to learn new things from you. He totally understands your anxiety, but the longer he’s been in the Marines, the more outspoken and confident he becomes! This helps him to both relate to you and give you that push to overcome your anxiety! But, when it comes down to it, Coby is also very much introverted and does enjoy some relaxing time one-on-one with you. When your protective mom tendencies spill forth, he can’t help but fall in love with you all over again. Coby hardly needs protection but the way you look after him regardless is so heartwarming to him! Your teasing and sarcastic attitude tends to throw him off at the beginning of your relationship, just because he’s constantly worried about messing up, but the longer he’s with you the more he picks up your habits! Coby is pretty sassy and sarcastic now and can match your wit. He finds your hyperactivity and randomness very endearing as well!
Luffy (Taurus, ESFP) - Awww, two asexual babies! You and Luffy are very very similar despite your introversion/extroversion differences. Luffy hates being stuck in one place for a long amount of time, so he’s constantly seeking adventure with you to keep life exciting for the both of you! You’ll never fall into a depressive slum as long as you have this sweet sunshine boy. He struggles a bit with your social anxiety because he is quite possibly the most extroverted person on the planet, so he usually just throws you into social situations without second thoughts. However, he can kinda pick up on the uneasy vibes from you so he’ll stick close to ya to make sure you feel safe and comfortable! You two also have very hyperactive and random outburst moments that can be both adorable and maybe a lil annoying to those around you. But hey, you’re just two goofs in love who know how to enjoy each other’s company and enjoy life! 
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senyoun · 6 years
[Delayed Affection] Ch.1: Witnesses of Time
Fandom: One Piece
Relationships: Roronoa Zoro / OC
Tags: ANGST!, Unhealthy Friendship, Unhealthy Relationship, Therapy sessions, OC´s, Toxic Relationship, Depressions, Anxiety, later on smut
Word Count: 2.298
I jump onto the Angst-train guys.  You can also find this fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17509382/chapters/41244938
"Scars are the witnesses of time. They will follow you all your life and make you remember your mistakes."
"Tell me about your past friendship with Ms. Reynolds, Lienna."
Sitting in the comfortable but cold leather chair the young woman starred into her hands she folded and unfolded nervously. She eyed the woman seated across from her carefully and somehow pleading, maybe she would change her question to something more... comfortable. It was obvious that sooner or later Dr. Robin would address the difficult topics and Meg, or how the therapist called her, "Ms. Reynolds" was such a topic she would rather avoid talking about. By merely hearing that woman´s name lots of different and also opposing emotions started to boil up inside of her.
"Didn´t we already go through that? There is not much to talk about it anyway. We were best friends until I realised I was nothing more than a tool for her. She used me to make herself look better in front of others. She´s a slu-"
"Ah, ah, language, Lienna. We are civilized and won´t put ourselfs on the same level as the people who hurt us." Dr. Robin interfered and after murmuring a quiet ´Sorry´, Lienna continued: "She is... a woman who enjoyed snatching the things I wanted right under my nose. When I told her about a dress I thought of pretty, she bought it to herself 2 days later. When I wanted to get a new haircut, she got it first. And do you know what the worst is? She always surpassed me. The dress I liked, she was stunning in it. The haircut? She rocked it better than I ever could. All I aimed for, she was always first and better in it than me." Lienna didn´t know when she started to get mad or when she began to clench her fists into the leather seat. She hated herself for letting that get so close to her since she now knew what kind of person Meghan was.
Putting her pen on the lips the raven-haired therapist thoroughly observed her client. "You were saying "what the worst is". Do you still consider her as superior?"
Shooting her gaze to the therapist as if she was caught off guard, Lienna nearly gasped at that question. "Of course not!" She hesitated and bit her lip before going on, "But I can´t deny that she still has something, someone I wanted so much. She could´ve taken everything from me. All the clothes, all the things. But she decided to take him as well. And that is what will make her always superior to me. Also because he chose her since, again, Meghan was faster than me."
"You are talking about Zoro, right? I assume you are trying to avoid any thought of him, is that the reason why you refuse to use his name?" And after Lienna nodded sadly Robin added: "But what strikes me as odd: I learned a lot about Zoro´s character from your previous stories. You are still not ready to talk about him directly, but to me it doesn´t make sense how he could even fall for someone as Ms. Reynolds?"
Lowering her head, Lienna starred at her thighs. She lost a lot of weight in these past 5 years, hunger simply wasn´t present and in the first months all nutrition she took to herself was puked out some hours later. Instead her alcohol consumption increased a lot but thankfully she started to get slowly rid of this unhealthy habit. "Meghan has a really unique talent: She wraps everyone around her finger. She is very good at manipulating people, I mean, I am the prime example, right? Even headstrong and cautious people like him are an easy prey for her."
Satisfied with the answer, Dr. Robin started a different topic. "Tell me how you met Ms. Reynolds."
Taking a deep breath and collecting all the courage she had Lienna started to speak.
Now that she stood in front of the still closed classroom door, the young girl´s anxiety reached a new high and restlessly she plucked on the hem of her skirt. Today was Lienna´s first day at the East Blue Middle School and she would prefer to just sink into the ground than going into the -with lots of strangers filled- classroom. But she promised her mom to not cause any problems and she really didn´t want to upset her, so when the teacher opened the door and winked her in, Lienna held her breath and stepped in.
It was lunch break when she approached Lienna. The brown-haired girl was wearing twin-tails which fell over her shoulder and on the desk she was supporting herself with. She starred down at the blue-eyed girl with a big smile. "Hi, I´m Meghan but you can call me Meg. Welcome to Class 1-C! I hope we can be good friends in the future!"
"I swear to god maths is killing me. Who needs something as useless and overly complicated as Integrals? I mean where in daily life would you need that anyway?" Meghan was walking besides Lienna sighing painfully. She pushed out her big chest annoyed. The whitette giggled slightly. "You only have to know it for the exams, after that you can just forget about it." Upon hearing those words Meghan swayed with her hips. "I can´t wait to get out of school and into university." She turned to Lienna. "And I can´t wait for us to move into our own apartment, we´re gonna be the coolest commune on the campus! Also..." Meghan licked her lips seductively. "... I can´t wait to lay my eyes and fingers on the boys." Now it was Lienna´s turn to sigh. "As long as you don´t forget to keep studying." The Brunette grinned. "That´s what I have you for, Lia. You will help me out if I need you, right?" Her gaze was intense and after some moments Lia answered. "S-sure."
Dr. Robin listened carefully and occasionally wrote something in her notebook. "I see. Did the friendship start to crumble when Zoro came into your lives? Or did something happen before?" She shifted in her seat and eyed Lienna carefully waiting for a reaction.
The Doc was a tall and beautiful women with long, black hair and hazel eyes which gave off a friendly and warm feeling. She was someone you know you can trust and can talk to. When Lienna first came into her practice for her first session she immediately felt that she could even entrust her darkest secrets to this woman, hell, the Doc would most likely even join her for a murder. Sometimes, when topics became rather difficult for Lienna to talk about, Dr. Robin knew exactly what buttons to push to make the Whitette spill what she wanted to know. The sessions were rough with her but Lienna was thankful for the Doc´s direct attitude. Dr. Robin doesn´t talk things pretty, she states out even the most uncomfortable facts and it was not unusual that Lienna started to cry like a baby in some of the sessions.
"I honestly don´t know. I mean, when we went through puberty both of us changed, I guess. She became more and more confident since her body was pretty well developed and she has always been popular with the boys. And I... well I just became more..."
"... submissive? Obeying?" Dr. Robin ended her sentence.
Lienna stayed silent and played around with her hands again. She couldn´t deny the truth of it as much as it hurt and before she could think of anything to reply to the Doc, latter spoke again.
"Where you scared of her? Were you afraid of the things she eventually could´ve done to you if you disobeyed?"
Shrugging, the younger woman impatiently pulled at her fingers. She knew that the Doc studied her body language just as much as her verbal answers so there was no need to actually say something. Closing her eyes and smiling softly, Dr. Robin stood up. "I think we made good progress today." Walking over to Lienna who also raised from her chair, the black-haired woman placed a hand on her clients shoulder in a soothing way. "Let´s continue there next week, shall we?"
While she was sitting in the tram on her way to the office Lienna thought about Dr. Robin´s last words.
´Where you scared of her?´
She was. After they moved into their shared apartment, Meghan started to finalise her authority over Lienna and she was at her mercy, not able to do anything. And when he became part of their lives it only got worse since Lienna didn´t want to give Meghan any area she could attack and in front of him she also wanted to leave a good impression. She wondered what he thought really of her, did he only see her as the friend of his girlfriend all this time? Did he consider her as friend of him? Geez, she hated the post-session hours. Her thoughts went completely on rampage and made her forget her principles, for example to waste as less thoughts as possible on him. It only hurt her in the end and caused her sleepless nights she spend with crying into her pillow.
When the robot-like voice announced the trams arrival at Blue Water Station, Lienna forced herself back into reality and made her way to the exit. From here on it would only be a good 10-minute walk to her workplace and some fresh air would help lifting her spirits, even if it was just for a bit. Though she had to admit, the work at the Galley-La Company really did help a lot coping with her anxieties and depressions.
The Galley-La Company became famous in the 17th century as one of the largest ship-building companies in the city. To adapt to the industrialization they changed their business model to architecture. And nowadays the company is responsible for most of the buildings which were built in the vast city. When Lienna finished University and passed her exams she took the chance to apply for the assistance job the company was offering. Not only was this a huge step in her career, it was also her long-awaited possibility to leave. She couldn´t believe it when the chef, Iceburg told her after her interview that she convinced him to be the right choice for it. Especially, since she was directly working under him.
It was also Iceburg that got her on top of Dr. Robins way too long waiting list. Despite trying her best to keep her depressions and anxiety out of her workplace and at home, Lienna one day bursted out in tears when she messed up the model of a new Health Care Center Iceburg was working on. But instead of scolding her, Iceburg helped her out of her panic attack and talked her through it. When some of her colleagues told her that Iceburg treats his employees like his family, there weren´t exaggerating.
Waving to the twin-receptionists Mozu and Kiwi, Lienna went to the elevators, which carried her to the floor where her office was. The elevator was entirely empty besides her and especially after sessions she was happy to just listen to the lame elevator music before the turmoil of daily life comes haunting her. Stepping out of the elevator she was greeted by a tall, blonde man who looked way too stressed for his own good. "Morning, Paulie, going for a smoke?" The addressed man sighed exhausted and scratched the back of his head. "Morning, Lienna. Don´t ask, it´s only 10 am and I´m already done with everything and everyone for the day. We have way too much work. Anyway, see you later at lunchtime." Poor man, being Iceburgs head-engineer surely was an exhausting job since that man could come up with some really crazy stuff which Paulie had to put into reality.
"Good Morning! How is Robin doing?" Someone approached her as soon as she stepped through the door of the main office. Iceburg was leaning against Kalifa´s desk and both looked up when they heard someone entering. Before answering, Lienna took off her coat and placed her handbag on her desk. "I think she´s doing good. She doesn´t really talk about herself, so her private life is more or less a mystery to me. But she seemed to be happy with the progress we made today, so..." The Whitette shrugged but Iceburgs eyes lightened up, he came over to her and placed both of his hands on her shoulders. "That sounds really good, I´m happy for you!" Kalifa who still sat on her desk adjusted her glasses and narrowed her eyes: "Direct body contact without getting permission of the employee, thats sexual harrassment." she stated bluntly and Iceburg shuddered upon her words. Lienna though waved it off. "It´s fine, Kalifa."
The following hours went by without any exciting events. She finished transfering some paper-plans to the computer and constructed the 3D-Model for it and during lunch time she tried to take part into some daily conversations her colleagues held. It was around 5 p.m. when she decided to call it a day and made her way home. Saying her goodbye´s to Iceburg and Kalifa who both tended to work until late in the evening -damn workaholics-, Lienna stepped out of the large building and instantly pulled her warm scarf deeper into the face. The late afternoons really started to get cold and if not for the city lights everything would´ve been engulfed in darkness.
Drawing a comparison, Lienna decided that it has been a good day. Sure, her early morning session with Dr. Robin has been exhausting, but her work and the constant but somehow cute bickering between Iceburg and Kalifa made up for it. She managed to eat most of her lunch and drank a lot of water and as soon as she came home she would take a nice relaxing bath and end the day with a good book. She smiled, her nose and cheeks slightly red from the cold she strolled out of the tram station which was closest to her apartment.
Lienna just turned around the corner when she saw him standing there. And the whole world seemed to freeze. With a pale face and wide eyes she starred at him, frozen at her spot, talking to two men which seemed to be his friends. There goes her good mood. She wanted to run away or hide but the sheer sight of him turned her legs into stone and she was unable to move. Her heart hammered in her chest and cold sweat made its way down her spine and set off a weird contrast to her bodyheat. She tried to calm her breathing as the Doc taught her, else she would run into the danger of hyperventilating and just as she closed her eyes to soothe herself and opened them again, their gazes met.
Over the range of approximately 15 meters blue eyes looked into grey ones which looked more surprised than shocked. She saw his, still so kissable, lips moving but the chattering and traffic noises of the environment made it impossible for her to hear his words. Not that she wanted to hear them. She wanted to get away, as far away as possible, somewhere where she doesn´t have to see him, even though, at the same time, there was nothing more she wanted. He gestured something to his friends and started to move towards her with fast steps. That´s when reality finally woke up her senses and her legs seemed to function again. She turned around and dived into the sea of people, desperately trying to escape his gaze and his entire being before he could even reach out to her.
Closing the door to her apartment behind her she sank down to her knees, trying to catch her breath. She practically ran all the way to her apartment, taking small detours to stay out of sight. Thank God that man had a way too bad sense of orientation.
Why is he here?
This question kept echoing in her head and only when she felt her face being wet, Lienna realised she had started to cry uncontrollably. With shaking deep breaths she tried again to calm herself and after a while she was able to stand up, take off her shoes and coat and pulling out her phone to dial Dr. Robins number with shivering fingers.
"Oi, you have been searching now for nearly an hour, Zoro. She´s gone." The raven-haired man slapped him on the back, trying to compensate his friend. "Shit! I never expected her to be here out of all places. And damn, she´s fast. I need to find her, Luffy!" Zoro gasped between his heavy breaths and braced the hands on his knees. The man named ´Luffy´raised an eyebrow. "What´s your relation with her, anyway?" The Greenette erected himself and sternly looked into the distance where Lienna had run off to. "She is the one I should´ve choosen instead."
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