naturepointstheway · 2 years
Flufftober22 - Day 7: “Movie Marathon”
Cats the Musical - Tugger/Mistoffelees - Tuggoffelees - Day 7 - University AU - Mute Zurich!Misto inspired.
It hadn’t escaped Tugger’s notice that this past week whenever he saw Mistoffelees around the university campus, he had looked more glum than usual, avoiding everyone including himself. Wanting to do something to try to cheer him up, Tugger caught up with Jemima first chance he could get, with an idea of a movie marathon on the weekend already taking seed in his thoughts.
“Hey, Jemima?” Tugger said, flopping down on a couch next to her and her pile of study notes.
“Yeah?” Jemima asked, looking up and tossing aside her notes, putting study off in favour of a chat with Tugger.
“What movies is Misto into, you know?”
Tugger shrugged in an air of casualness. “Oh, he was looking down all week.”
“Sometimes he has weeks like that--this is one of those weeks.”
“And exams are looming close too.”
“That too,” Jemima agreed, wincing. “I have definitely not been procrastinating until the last minute.”
“I have,” Tugger said, sounding perhaps a little too proud of it. “Makes it more exciting, you know?”
“Anyway--movie marathon, huh?” Jemima said, pulling the topic back to where it was before. “I think he likes any movie that doesn’t overstimulate him, you know? And, yes, it’s October, but please stay away from horror movies.”
“Noted,” Tugger said, “Any dance movies?”
“I think he has a few in his collection, actually--maybe I can ask if he can pull some of those out? But ballets are long.”
“I know--but if they make Mistoffelees feel better? Sure, I’ll watch them with him.”
“And so will I,” Jemima hinted, “My flat or yours?”
“Oh definitely yours,” Tugger said, “We love our rowdy parties and loud karaoke nights. Which something tells me Misto isn’t as into.”
Jemima smiled, shaking her head. “Nah, but that’s okay, you know? He doesn’t have to be like everyone else.”
“So, this weekend then?”
“He’ll probably be okay with it, but I’ll ask anyway, and text you later.”
Tugger gave her a double thumbs up. “Excellent! Tell him I said hi, I love you.”
Jemima opened then closed her mouth and raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“I said, tell him I said hi, I’m looking forward to our movie marathon.”
“Yeah, sure, I’ll tell him you said that,” Jemima nodded, giving him another side-long look of amusement. “Can’t wait to see his reaction. Sad you won’t be there to see it!”
With that, Jemima sped off at a run, like she was late for her next class, though Tugger knew full well she didn’t have any classes today until the afternoon.
A second later, Jemima’s last words finally fully processed in his head.
Wait...she’s not going to tell him the first thing is she?
Knowing Jemima, he wouldn’t put it past her to do exactly that.
Which is how Tugger found himself snug on the old sofa at Jemima and Misto’s flat, a pile of ballet movies on the floor, with one already showing on the big flatscreen. Mistoffelees didn’t seem to mind being sandwiched between Jemima on his right and Tugger on his left--on the contrary, he practically melted into their presence. Jemima had her legs tucked up under the huge quilt, while Tugger sprawled his legs under it on the floor. Mistoffelees had his own legs crossed under him on the sofa, leaning back on a favourite cushion at his back, eyes fixed on the screen, very slowly devouring a chocolate bar in his hands--it had lasted thirty minutes so far, and it wasn’t even halfway eaten yet.
Aside from their initial greetings and some chit-chat earlier in the evening, all three stayed quiet as they watched the ballet on the screen, all transfixed by the graceful spins, jetes, and arabesques of the performers dancing through fantastical stories. Mistoffelees sat so still during the movie that Tugger kept glancing over to see if he’d fallen asleep, but he was still wide awake, all his focus on the show. He yearned to whisper to Mistoffelees how much more relaxed he looked now than he had all week, but knew the other cat didn’t like being interrupted when watching something he was fully absorbed in.
So, instead, Tugger let himself quietly love how less tense and stressed Mistoffelees appeared as the movie--and then the second one (it was now already midnight)--played on. His posture became less stiff with time, relaxing so much that he uncrossed his legs and pushed his back feet towards Jemima, who gasped at the contact.
“Cold paws as always, Misto!”
Mistoffelees drew his feet back a little under the quilt, and, much to Tugger’s astonished delight, leaned his head on the latter’s shoulder. He was so warm and relaxed and purred with contentment that Tugger could feel his heart literally melting in his chest. He caught Jemima’s eye and she grinned, before mouthing an “Aw, so cute!” at him.
“I know.” Tugger mouthed back, before whispering to Mistoffelees: “Hey, mind if I ask Jem if she can take a photo of us with her phone?”
A sleepy little nod, before a paw tugged at his arm, as though Misto wanted him to put it around his shoulders. Tugger was only too happy to shift around to a more comfortable position to raise his arm and drape it around Mistoffelees’ shoulders. Tugger caught a glimpse of Mistoffelees’ soft smile and eyes closing with bliss as he tucked himself under his arm, head resting on his chest. Jemima looked ready to squeal at the cuteness of it all.
“Photo time?” she whispered.
An enthusiastic nod and wide grin from Tugger. “Yes!”
Jemima removed the quilt from her legs and leaned down to pick up her phone from the floor, fidgeting with it as she looked for the camera.
“Okay, ready!” she said in an excited whisper, now raising the phone to face Tugger and Mistoffelees. “This is too adorable.”
Tugger gave the camera an open mouthed grin with raised eyebrows and thumbs up as Jemima rolled her eyes from behind the scenes.
“Tugger, I’m going for cute...oh whatev.”
“Aaand there you are!” Jemima said, now turning the phone around so Tugger and Misto could see.
“Aw, look how adorable we are, Misto!”
Tugger felt Misto starting to shake against him with quiet laughter.
“What? What’s so funny?”
Misto looked up as he pointed at Tugger.
“Me? Why?”
A mysterious smile and happy squint of his eyes was the response from Misto before he put his head back down on Tugger’s chest, cosying up as the latter pulled his arm a little tighter around his shoulders.
We’re all cute here, but you’re the cutest, Misto. I love you.
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etchif · 10 months
More productions should give misto a little beard
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millenari · 2 months
Lindsay Chambers in Zurich!Misto makeup: friendly expression, approachable young man
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Lindsay Chambers in Broadway!Misto makeup: dont feed that thing after midnight
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missing-sock-misto · 24 days
Table of Contents- Part 2
Not everything is hyperlinked as that is just too many. Use search function.
Misc: pride cats, holiday, cats negativity, bows, text post, cats incorrect quotes, tumblr polls (brackets), art reference
Cats Productions, show reviews,
Vienna based: vienna 83, zurich, paris 1990, amsterdam
Asia: shiki, 2014, 2010, 2017, 2020, 2022 (Includes korea),
International Tours: 2019 international tour, 2022 international tour, cats german tour, cats dutch tour
London: London 90's london 2014 revival (Palladium), Uk tour 2
Broadway, Original- US Tours: Us tour 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6.2
South & Central: Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Santiago
Nonreplica: thunerseespiele, Tecklenburg (Circus), Gothenburg (emo tugger), melbourne (1920’s), wichita, warsaw, kilworth house (WW1), cats 2019, city springs, Santiago 2024, Cats pac nyc
Misc Cats: Rap Tap Tapper (street cat Tugger), Jellylorum, Gus, Growltiger, Rumpus Cat, Griddlebone, Psychic Twins, Coricopat, Tantomile, Cassandra, Grizabella. George the Jellicle Dog
The kittens: Tumblebrutus, Pouncival, Electra, Etcetera,
Misc Actors (May refer to understudies).
Mistos: Mukeni nel, Harry Francis, jal joshua, z downer, cj snide, Fergus Logan, alexander babenko, andrés pérez lópez, matthew levik, riccardo sinisi, timothy scott, christopher favaloro, ben tyrrell, ryan jackson, kieran macdonald, will geoghegan, Axel alvarez
Tuggers: Ben Colley (Those pictures) McGee Maddox, Sam lips, Gino emnes, Dan Partridge, Stanley Burleson, Ed Wade, Jack Danson, Dominik Hees, [Dominick- misspelled], Andrea Luca Cotti, Nathan Zach Johnson, George Hinson (Flippy boi)
Victoria: (g pazcoguin), F Dobinson (A), Mandais (A), Anneka Dacres (Dem, Cas), Taryn smithson (Teazer), Tayler Harris,
Munkustrap: Michael gruber, Jack Rebaldi, raffe watts, Roberto de groot
Songs: Jellicle songs, invitation song, Old gumbie cat song, the rtt song, Jellicle Ball, Pas de Deux, Pekes, catfight, memory, mistoffelees song,
Random Headcanons:
Katie as RTT's owner
Alonzo and his dogs
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carbuckety · 10 months
if u are still looking for drawing requests, perhaps a mistoffelees? :0
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behold!!!! tiny zurich misto be upon ye
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ratherchaseamouse · 10 months
zurich did the drag act
Ah, thank you for the correction! Yes I think more productions should play games with gender, be it for a joke or no. I’ve voiced my thoughts on drag king Misto and butch Tugger on many occasions lol
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Thinking about the nicknames for different Mistoffelees that Tugger has, I'm curious: what would his nickname for mute Mistoffelees (particularly thinking of Zurich here if you've seen that) be? (Hope your cold gets better soon--I've definitely caught a couple of things from being around kids as a cleaner at the childcare centre I work at on campus too, including a nasty ear infection *wince*).
BLESS i love thinking about different versions of tuggoff <3 i haven't seen Zurich, but i do know it's the one where mute!Misto is prominent!
Tugger would call him "Moonlight", and i have no explanation for that other than Tugger always says that the moonlight shines right out of Misto's eyes whenever he's happy, his eyes are so expressive and lovely
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real-reulbbr-band · 2 years
Which character is your favorite and why?
It normally changes overtime, Like I'll be super crazy about a character one day like my mungojerrie high rn and then a Completely different character the next. So, I guess to answer this I'll say the character(s) this happens the most consistently for which are Mistoffelees and Victoria. So, I'll go with them.
Let's start off with Victoria, at first, I didn't actually care too much for her and thought she was a very pretty cat, but I really got attached to her after watching the 2019 movie and hearing beautiful ghosts.( I went quite wild with Head canons from there and got attached to the way I personally see her) while the song is quite condescending towards Grizzabella, I feel like it's almost meant to be. Victoria is described as kind-hearted but naive so makes sense she didn't really think of it that deeply. I think it gives her an intresting flaw I wish we could've had a scene where she realizes the mess up and apologizes too grizabella maybe having the two bound a little more? Overall I just like Victoria whenever she isn't portrayed as perfect, when she's cooky, messes up and allowed to loosen up even If she's a little shy and hesitant to do so.
I think the reason I'm so attached to Mistoffelees is because of how much I like his storyline throughout the show. About wanting the validation from the cats he looks up to such as Munkustrap and in turn the rest of the tribe. He's just a really fun character to watch and think about also I remember my heart flying the first time I heard his "Presto!" so good memory association. or how different iterations and actors of him portray a similar concept. for example, me blabbing about misto warning
Shiki theatre Mistoffelees (from what I've seen) is played a lot more mischievously and playful rather than being very aloof. He's already confident in his abilities as he showcases them effortlessly throughout the show.
1981 Mistoffelees played by Jacob brent (aka what made me fall in love with the character in the first place) is another great take on the character in my opinion he's quiet but he's proud, just the right amount of adorable, kind and slightly sassy.
Zurich Mistoffelees played by Linsday chambers has grown on me a lot, him being mute in my opinion is a great way to make his showstopping moment in "Magical Mr. Mistoffelees" more rewarding. also, him not speaking made room for a lot of expressive moments from the character such as in "Bustopher johns" I just prefer the version of the song where Mistoffelees doesn't sing it.
Revival Mistoffelees is normally played up to be just a nice happy cat. I'm glad he can just let loose and have fun in this version even though most of the time he doesn't have much of a storyline going on.
2019 Misto, Ok I just really like his character arc? and the more I think about it trying to use regular stage production Mistoffelees for the storyline they were doing in the movie would've had him be side-lined a lot until his song most likely kind of like jenny. He's overhated in my opinion and the fics with him are literally my favourite thing ever.
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jennyanypenny · 1 month
🐾❤️and🧵for Cats ask
Already answered 🐾 and 🧵 here
Basically I saw Sideway’s video 2 years ago and thought the 98 costumes looked very cool so I watched it. I love Buenos Aires and Zurich a lot. I also want to add that Zurich has 1. the superior version of M&R and 2. Longer Gumbie Tap (very awesome)
❤️ What's your favorite romantical ship?
Misto/Jerrie . I blame Buenos Aires for this, they stood next to each other 1 time near the tire (I think, trust me) and did the bums section together during the Ball. Shout out to the other 2 productions that also have them do that part together. 🐛
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Misto’s Mating Dance Partners
Because the White Cat Lift AKA Mating Dance scene of the Jellicle Ball focuses mainly on Victoria and whoever she’s dancing with, what’s going on in the background is often ignored. But, there’s a clear pattern. The other cats pair off, go to the edges of the stage, forming a circle around Victoria and Her Man. They then do...whatever. There don’t seem to be official rules for what the pairs do, so some of them nap, some of the stare out into space, some of them cuddle...
And some of them blatantly fuck.
This scene is often called the Cat Orgy because of the blatant fucking that often occurs. So, you can watch the characters, see who pairs up with who and whether or not they fuck. Because Misto is my favorite character and one of the easiest to identify in even low-quality bootlegs, I went and watched him during this scene in every production in my bootleg collection.
Part One: Failure
In several of the older productions, I couldn’t see anything. Bootleggers and professionals alike tended to zoom in on Victoria and Her Man and stay there for most of the scene. Mexico 1991 mainly did this. Also, Vienna, with its Dark Voids and Weird Editing Choices was impossible to decipher.
Among the newer productions, Madrid was lost to Weird Editing Choices. Most of the dance wasn’t even visible! There were long close ups on Old Deuteronomy and Grizabella doing nothing when they should have been filming Victoria and Plato doing Something. It wasn’t even like they were distracted by an interesting background event. They just held the camera on characters who weren’t doing anything other than Reacting Slightly.
Part Two: Mistoria
Paris and Zurich paired Misto with Victoria for the Mating Dance. There was a slightly different dynamic with Misto and Victoria than there is when Plato or Tumblebrutus is Victoria’s Man. When Plato or Tumble, the most common choices for this part, approach Victoria, they’re awkward, but they still sort of take the lead. Victoria comes across as a bit shy at first, but she quickly gets into it. In the Mistoria versions, Misto is far more nervous approaching and often jumps back startled after touching Victoria. It feels like Victoria takes the lead in these versions, turning her back and basically being like “lift me”. Zurich Misto in particular is practically freaking out and the lift is kind of bizarre to watch because he looks so tiny!
Part Three: You’d Think Misto/Cassandra Would Be a Bigger Ship
Broadway-based productions, which paired Alonzo with Demeter, seemed to love pairing Misto with Cassandra for the Mating Dance. Troika and Buenos Aires did this and they did it in the same way. Misto and Cassandra practically have a dance of their own, performing the same motions when paired together. Usually, these pairs tend to seem like they’re improvising a little, but this specific couple has its own choreography.
The idea to pair Misto and Cassandra most likely comes from Misto later choosing Cassandra as his “lovely assistant” when he brings back Old Deuteronomy. In most productions, they don’t have much interaction outside of that. In Troika, Cassandra is also one of the cats who sometimes stands in for Coricopat and Tantomile, who were cut. Coricopat and Tantomile’s twin stuff was given to Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, while a lot of their psychic moments were given to either Demeter or Cassandra. So, in Troika, Misto and Cassandra are both mystical cats of some sort, which brings them together, because it’s something other cats don’t get.
I’m not super into this ship, because I generally don’t ship Misto with women, but the implications of the pairing in the Troika version are interesting.
Part Four: Lonely Misto
Hamburg, The German Tent Tour, and probably Moscow didn’t pair Misto with anyone. He just sat by himself. In Hamburg, there was a reason for this. Just like how Buenos Aires and Troika gave Misto’s role of fetching Old Deuteronomy to Skimble, Hamburg has a Mistotable instead of a Skimbletable.
I probably should’ve listed Moscow as a failure, but I’m still not sure what happened there.
The German Tent Tour just has Misto sitting by himself. He crawls to the Cuddle Pile, does a handstand, and no one cares.
But, the German Tent Tour shows signs of being part of a trend. While earlier, Broadway-based shows liked pairing Misto and Cassandra, newer productions never seem sure who to pair him with, so you have this scene of a lonely Misto surrounded by happy, horny straight couples and looking a bit out of place. This was probably unintentional, but it gives Misto an extra layer of gay coding.
Part Five: More Recent Stuff That Doesn’t Fit in the Other Categories
The 2013 UK Tour does something a bit interesting. Misto just sort of naps during the Mating Dance, but Carbucketty, who’s been following him around and imitating his dance moves for the past few minutes, lies down to nap at his feet. They don’t really interact and they’re barely touching, but it still counts as a pair. This is the closest I’ve gotten to finding a version where Misto’s paired with a tom. Of course, compared to most of the straight couples in any version of this scene, there is no horniness to be found. So, they’re two bros napping next to each other, but not quite cuddling ‘cause they’re not gay :(
Also I think Carbucketty might’ve ditched Misto for Rumpleteazer at the last second. We can never have nice things.
The Broadway Revival, having different choreography and staging for most of the Jellicle Ball is interesting in the way the Broadway Revival is usually interesting (kind of frustrating tbh). In the new choreography, everything from Bomba’s solo through the Mating Dance is basically one scene. Some queens dance, even more queens join them, a bunch of toms show up and pair up with them, the Boys Ballet and Whirlygigs are replaced with a romantic dance, everyone takes a hit of moonlight and things start to resemble other productions a bit more from there.
Because the pairs pair up quickly and stay together for a long time, it’s easy to see all of them. Only most of the cast is paired up, but I can identify, Tugger/Bomba, Munk/Demeter, Alonzo/Cassandra, Skimble/Jenny, Plato/Victoria, Coricopat/Tantomile (why do the siblings always stay together for the horny scenes?), Mungojerrie/Rumpleteazer (they’re probably not siblings in this version, so they get a pass), Pouncival/Electra, and Carbucketty/Sillabub.
Jellylorum, Tumblebrutus, and Mistoffelees are absent. They’re offstage until the Mating Dance properly starts. I have no idea where Tumblebrutus went, but this isn’t about him. Tugger crawls past Misto and they almost interact before Tugger leaves with Bomba. Jellylorum pairs up with Misto, presumably because neither one could find an actually date.
Now, the actress who played Jellylorum in this production has said in interviews that she played Jellylorum as the same age as Tugger. (The actors are besties irl so they made their characters besties too). So, this isn’t quite as weird as if feels when you first read it. Everyone’s the same age in this show, except for the kittens. Electra, Sillabub, and Pouncival were played as literal children in every scene but this one, because no one can escape the cat orgy (except Tumblebrutus, for some reason). But, unlike in 1998, which featured a lot of crack pairings during this scene (Tugger/Jenny, anyone?), pretty much every pairing in the 2016 orgy is the most obvious pairing possible. Anyone who didn’t have an obvious opposite gender counterpart was given one, except for Misto, Jelly, and Tumble. They could’ve brought back Peter (renamed Asparagus) from the opening to be Jelly’s obvious pairing, and then just had Tumble nap on Misto’s feet like 2013 Carbucketty, but they didn’t.
The result is that they created a bunch of comphet pairings but simply couldn’t do so for Misto. All his usual comphet pairing were taken. Cassandra’s with Alonzo and Victoria’s with Plato. Knowing that Tyler Hanes and Ricky Ubeda both shipped Tuggoffelees, they probably didn’t want to do the comphet thing either. Up until this point, this production had actually downplayed Tugger/Bomba, compared to other versions and added Tugger/Misto moments. I think, if it’d been allowed, Tugger and Misto would’ve been paired up there. Bomba can be like 1998, not having her usual partner and just going with whoever’s not paired up, which would be Tumblebrutus this time. Peter could be there for Jelly. Everyone’s happy!
But seriously, Gay Misto Mating Dance Scene when? Somebody get on that. People already find the horniness in Cats to be weird and adding gay horniness won’t make much of a difference.
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naturepointstheway · 2 years
Flufftober22: Day 8: Shooting Star
Cats the Musical - Tuggoffelees - University AU - Mute autistic Mistoffelees (based on Zurich production) - Rating: G. @flufftober
Ordinarily, being awoken at one in the morning by a text would annoy Tugger (who would still check anyway lest it was an emergency), but when a cursory glance at the screen told him it was from Mistoffelees, he immediately grabbed his phone to read it. 
You’re watching the meteor shower too, right?
Meteor shower? That was the first time Tugger had ever heard anyone talk about it--he’d heard about them before but had never paid much attention. To be honest, it wasn’t as though he hung around people interested in them--he wasn’t much of a space fan like Misto clearly was.
There’s a meteor shower? 2nite?
Yes - are you going to see it?
Not every1 is interested in watching meteor showers.
One second after he sent that, he immediately wanted to take it back, realising too late how it sounded over text.
Shit I meant I didn’t know any1 interested in meteor showers.
Until now.
He waited about half a minute to check if Misto was going to respond. A minute passed before he grew worried.
Hey, Misto. It’s ur giant bore here.
I’m always bothering people.
And it’s 1 am.
No ur not. I luv wen u get excited about things you love.
So, meteor shower outside now?
Also 1 am?
You KNOW I’ve pulled all nighters. 1 am is nothing.
It’s happening right now if you go outside.
Of course you would be a chronic all-nighter ;)
Lol, thx. I think.
Awsum! Gonna grab a jacket first. I’ll txt u wen I’m outside.
With that, Tugger went to grab his jacket tossed over the back of his chair and pocketed the phone. As he quietly shut the bedroom door and made his way down the hall, excitement sparked inside him, surprising him. He never got this excited about space things--or perhaps he was excited by Misto’s excitement about this spectacle--his love for everything he was passionate about always remained nothing short of infectious and heartwarming.
Finally reaching the front door, he pulled it open, making sure it wouldn’t lock him out (he half hoped it would--just so he could have an excuse to ask Misto if his flat had a spare sofa for him to sleep on), and sat down on the steps, craning his head back to stare at the stars sparkling above him. He knew it would take time for his eyes to adjust enough to see more stars--and hopefully shooting stars too.
Hey Misto. I’m outside now. It’s actually nice out here.
I hope you don’t have too much light pollution where you are.
Not 2 bad I think. Can see the Milky Way pretty well.
Oh good. You will be able to see them.
Tugger suddenly had an idea.
I have the app that turns txt msgs to voice.
If u tell me all about shooting stars, I can have txt to voice read it aloud.
You’re interested?
Sure! I LUV wen u tell me everything u know about ur passions! LUV. Heart Eyes.
Ok. I will try.
First off: are they actually stars?
Tugger quickly turned on text to voice so he could pay more attention to the stars, looking for the elusive meteor shower Misto was talking about. Not a minute later, text to voice reported a new text from “My stow”:
“No,” the voice read aloud, “They are actually very tiny pieces of space rocks, usually asteroid fragments, or even dust that burns up in the atmosphere.”
A pause passed before it read aloud new texts.
“They can burn really hot, over 3000 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s why they’re so bright they can leave an afterimage on your eyes.”
Isn’t that the same temperature as the sun?
“Not quite,” the app read aloud the response, “The sun’s surface is at least 9000 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s 27 million degrees at its core.”
Damn. And we can feel it from--
“Amazing that we can still feel the power of the sun’s heat even from 93 million miles away, isn’t it?”
It sure the hell is.
I was *just* thinking about that!
So, seen any meteors? Shooting stars?
Uh what would you prefer me to call them?
Again, he waited for the read aloud of the response.
“Technically you should call them meteors. But shooting stars is fine. Incorrect but everyone calls them that so asterisk shrugs asterisk. I have seen a couple so far.”
Haha I’m lving that the app just read aloud your asterisks too.
A couple? Damn I best keep my eyes to the stars, huh?
Wen did u first see a meteor?
And hey, feel free to give me all the fun facts on meteors!
I’ll tell u if I c 1!
With that, Tugger put his phone back down and leaned back, stretching out his long legs as he locked his eyes onto the stars. This was honestly quite relaxing, being out here with nothing but the stars above him and a stillness to the world as everyone slumbered or did whatever they did at this time of night.
He rested his arms behind him as the text to voice app continued to read aloud Misto’s messages, filled with excitement at telling him when he had seen his first shooting star--he had been looking through a telescope at the Belt of Orion at the time when a meteor streaked straight through the field of vision, leaving an afterimage on his eyes for a few minutes afterward.
And then!
Even though no one was around, Tugger still gasped and pointed up at the sky when a shooting star streaked for half a second across a tiny star, burning brilliant and glorious before fading out forever.
Oh...OH. I get it! I get why Misto loves this so much! Space is still horrifying though.
Tugger swiftly grabbed his phone and began typing at breakneck speed.
Misto! I saw one! I SAW one!
I get y u love this so much!
Space is still horror but it’s sexy when it wants to be.
He quickly turned off the text to audio app, his curiosity now satisfied. Still, he wanted to stay out here, texting with Misto.
:) :) :)
Space is sexy? Oh Tugger, never change ;)
Now I really wish I was there with you.
That would have been perfect.
Sharing this moment together.
But we did. Just in different flats.
Texting still counts.
I don’t feel as lonely even when texting you.
<3 <3
I’m always here for you, Misto.
Thanks, Tugger, for sharing this moment with me. I appreciate it. :) <3
U gng to bed soon? Or?
I think I might watch a little longer. Then maybe I’ll sleep.
Me too.
Goodnight, Tugger. Thank you, again, for sharing this with me.
Night, Misto :) Don’t let the shooting stars fall on you ;)
Tugger vowed never to forget this magical night, ever.
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etchif · 10 months
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Zurich Misto<3
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millenari · 1 year
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zurich is a weird production bc almost the whole cast is consistently mean to misto (or at least ensemble misto) for no reason but my favorite example of this is Grizabella, the 'touch me its so easy to leave me' cat, shoving him aside when he goes to greet her during her intro.
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jennanydots · 3 years
thinkin about how in the zurich boot misto is a completely silent character so whenever he Would have a line the spotlight falls on him And tantomile n coricopat as they sing in his place like theyre relaying his THOUGHTS
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carbuckety · 1 year
Take this as an invitation to bitch about something, Cats related or otherwise
An invitation to... bitch, you say...? Ooooooh.... don't mind if i doooo
I am SO SO SO tired of the basic deuteronomy brothers. Like I think in a vacuum it's cool! Tugger and Munk are brothers, if you throw Mac into the mix it becomes good angst fodder, all well and good. But I almost never see anything BEYOND those 2 or 3 when there are other cats I think could make good Deut bros as well. Especially when you consider how varied other parent/kitten hcs are for other cats, why can't Deut be the same way?! Think outside the box! Think beyond just Tugger, Mac & Munk!
I like to accentuate the positive (or maybe I just like the song) so now this is positive bitching (if there is such a thing) about my own hcs for deut bros and why I think they would make fun deut bros (okay this is just infodumping)
My favorite Deut bros - Victor, Munk, Misto, and George. And this got really long so all of that under the cut.
Victor is the oldest imo, he's probably from a past life of Deuteronomy's actually, that would be mega cool right? He doesn't drop in on the tribe much, he's more of a visiting cousin (as I like to think many swing cats like Greycat, Caramel, or AJ are) but all the tribe likes him, because he can be quite charismatic, and also when he comes to say hi he usually has some fun stuff for the other cats. He's not much of a storyteller but he makes up for it in silly trinkets he brings back from wherever he's been to, whether it's near or far.
Munkustrap being Old Deuteronomy's son and for that reason the head protector of the tribe is just something I adore far too much to ever let go, ppl are totally right for letting that be a popular fandom hc. So yadda yadda, all the regular reasons why I consider Munk to be Deuteronomy's son, common fandom hc stuff here.
(I also like to think Victoria is Munk's daughter, which would make Misto her zany uncle, and I adore that dynamic SO much.)
(Mostly cause of Zurich) I think of Misto as a bit of an outsider to the tribe, because he has magic like his father but he hasn't quite harnessed it/it's very different from Deuteronomy's, so the tribe isn't quite as sure how to... deal with him (and he's frankly not sure how to deal with them either). So he is kind of splintered off from the rest of the tribe while he still learns the full extent of his abilities. It creates a bit of friction between him and the tribe, they don't fully understand each other yet but eventually everyone will hash it out and become buddies XD. Also because he is the only magical one of the 4 he's expected to take Old Deuteronomy's place when Deut ascends to the Heaviside Layer for the final time and the tribe currently is like "really, him? I mean I like him and all but... Misto?" So they're all sorta working on that still. Did you know I'm incredibly normal about Zurich Misto
George... really he is here because I think Misto and George as brothers is the silliest idea ever. George is not magical but he is closest to Mistoffelees, he doesn't do super well with talking or singing but he is quite a dancer and loves to hang out with Misto and practice their dance moves together, like be each others' partners and do lifts and fun stuff like that. They have a very simple relationship and don't expect too much from each other, which is good because they're still the sons of freakin' Old Deuteronomy so there's certain expectations placed on their shoulders.
But also, aside from Misto, George is great as Old Deuteronomy's son because he is quite peppy and sunshine-y and constantly energetic and moving, and it's a great foil to the often-stationary and sunbathing Old Deut + Victor, and on-guard protective Munkustrap. George is very casual and laid-back, easily one of the most approachable of the Deuteronomy brothers, and he is who cats go to when they are looking for some simple games to play to enjoy a nice day, that sort of stuff. He's the youngest, being just out of kittenhood, and so still enjoys a good tussle with Tumblebrutus and Pouncival, + a nice gossip with Cettie and Lettie. But also, he likes hanging out with the older cats too and listening to their stories, he is easily the one who chills with the tribe the most and just coasts along. Basically, he's the sunshiney chill dude who is here to have an awesome time and spout bad, idiomatic advice LOL.
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isolationstreet · 5 years
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