werewolf-girlfriend · 7 months
Trick or Treat!
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you get dr pepper dog!
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themysterioust · 1 year
If Myst put 10% of the energy she puts into fawning over characters into actually finding a girlfriend, she'd be swimming in so much pussy. - DG
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bzdsentai · 10 months
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Yeah it’s super faithful to how these characters actually are.
Which makes people hating on Lois for jumping off a building to make Clark tell her shit she knew that he knew she knew all the more insane.
She literally does that shit all the time, Lois in the moment is like the most in character she’s been in this show so far. And she’s already pretty damn in character.
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drekkarstar · 4 months
“Nine People you want to know better” tag game
Tagged by @sarenhale, Thank you for the tag! I haven't done one of these in a while!
Last Song: UNDERWORLD by Lezel (don't look at me, this is from Ya Boy Kongming. The guitar and vocals slaps)
Favorite Color: dark blues, rich greens, and fully saturated blacks.
Last Movie/TV Show: Last Show: My friend showed me an episode of A Sign of Affection. It's an anime about a woman who is deaf and just her livin' her life with some minor drama.
Last Movie: I rewatched the new Dune. I love the visuals and music!
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Sweet: Not for me really. Unless it's in coffee/drink form. Spicy: A tinee tiney bit. Savory: All the waaaay. Saltiness with some savory is heaven! (Help it is also slowly killing me. The food is so unhealthy but I love it)
Relationship status: Single
Last thing I googled: The trademark symbol....I needed it for a meme.
Current Obsession: Moving outta my house lol. But also just trying to see what new hobbies I can get into. Making mead or smithing.
Last Book: I just started Gideon The Ninth! (I know this question probably means the last book I finished but.....That was a while ago, I'm trying to get back into it!)
Looking forward to: A cabin trip to the mountains of the Carolinas! It's tentative to happen, but I really hope it does. It's super relaxing and would be very appreciated after the last year.
Tagging @raccooncityriots , @nexu101 , @sayonaramidnight, @matsufubu, @zzdigital , @faramircaptainofgender , @hylfystt
Thank you again for tagging me in this! I'd be excited to see what you all have to say too!
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Now draw a sandslash, please! - via @zzdigital
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sandslash genuinely gave me the most trouble but i like how the shading came out at least
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lights-on-why · 1 year
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I posted 2,239 times in 2022
That's 1,768 more posts than 2021!
156 posts created (7%)
2,083 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 630 of my posts in 2022
#low star trek - 8 posts
#goncharov - 6 posts
#:( - 5 posts
#!! - 5 posts
#lotr - 5 posts
#poetry - 4 posts
#but - 3 posts
#andor - 3 posts
#arcane - 3 posts
#doctor who - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i feel like people try and solve the issue that women aren't in control of their bodies by giving them the chance to give away control over
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I think it's really important that Tumblr has not only made an incredible joke, they've also provided a new way to mildly break the site
For $80 which ig they're not gonna complain about, but still
76 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
For everyone else who keeps seeing people mention the child slavery lawsuit, here's an actual article about it. :)
85 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
300 people are currently watching a guy give a lecture he wasn't supposed to give.
He's doing surprisingly well but keeps asking us if we have any ideas or anything to add it's great fun
116 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
Checking the mirror just in case it says "have weird conversations with me and tell me about your life" on my forehead
196 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
all these posts about characters who get mad and go absolutely feral and all these posts about characters who get quiet like a falling bomb or tense up like a tiger ready to pounce
Get yourself a girl who can do both. Get yourself a Sam Vimes
203 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ramtiger · 1 year
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I posted 37,695 times in 2022
88 posts created (0%)
37,607 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 7,067 of my posts in 2022
#pkmn - 986 posts
#jjba - 384 posts
#video kojima - 237 posts
#tf - 222 posts
#megaman - 202 posts
#tiktok - 178 posts
#splatoon - 177 posts
#cats - 138 posts
#mp100 - 128 posts
#ideas - 125 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i've never seen little shop of horrors but i know exactly what happens in it because someone on ff.net made all the xmen evolution character
My Top Posts in 2022:
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hello transformers fandom i started watching prime 3 days ago and i think im stuck here. anyway knockout
30 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
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delicious breakfast
37 notes - Posted December 12, 2022
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"Kantonian Beheeyem, the Drifting Pokemon. A grass and steel type. These mysterious pokemon migrate along sea currents. They seem to be able to communicate with each other, but other pokemon seem completely puzzled by their speech. Some believe these pokemon originate from space."
It's based off of the Utsuro-bune story, where allegedly a mysterious woman in a strange, hollow boat washed ashore in 1803. Some ufologists maintain that this was an alien encounter, but honestly she was probably just some foreign lady. Super interesting story. All the colors are picked from the 19th century image I found with color! I went with Kanto because the area where she washed up is now in real world Kanto.
38 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
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ulterior motives
47 notes - Posted December 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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same guys, different universes
95 notes - Posted December 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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probablybadrpgideas · 3 years
Have you seen the movie Gamers: Dorkness Rising? It's probably the best D&D movie out there, aside from a couple "no homo" jokes that haven't aged very well. It's free on youtube, and is technically the second film on a series, but the first film has no bearing on this one aside from a joke at the end. (It's also worth a watch, though much more amateur budget. It's also just a generic TTRPG instead of D&D)
I wasn’t a fan personally but you could tell they were having a lot of fun making it, which is nice - Paper
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c-rowlesdraws · 3 years
How about an opinion on my all time fave, Dr. Bashir?
Dr. Bashir! I love him. I love his passion and his optimism, and even his obnoxiousness in the early seasons... and now that the stress and trauma of the war are taking their toll on him, I miss those parts of him. His inner light is dimming a bit from everything he’s been through, and it breaks my heart.
Headcanon: the padding that Mr. Siddig had to wear to give him a more ✨ heroic shape ✨ or whatever is real in-universe. Bashir is self-conscious about his narrow shoulders, so he has some (appropriately 90’s) padding in his uniform— an augmented silhouette to go with his augmented brain.
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dat-soldier · 3 years
Go squarty it’s your girth day
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50, 33. 18
Predictable answer, but the original Wally West with New 52 and Rebirth. He seems to be doing better in Infinite Frontiers tho.
This is a tough one cause I don't read a lot of team books and the ones I do read, the members usually get solos too. So I'm gonna cheat and say Hank Pym should get a (new) solo since I don't know if he's had one since the Silver Age.
Most things from the MCU don't belong in comics. What works on the TV and movie screens doesn't automatically mesh with comics as a medium or the comics continuity/characters. Matt Murdock is not nearly as religious as he is in the comics compared to the MCU and Soule and Zdarsky somehow made it an even bigger part of his character in their runs.
I'm also a little worried they're gonna change Kamala Khan's powers to be more like her (allegedly different) mcu powers.
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themysterioust · 2 years
It involves the boner clown
@zzdigital has started Hunter X Hunter. I am getting highlights.
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bzdsentai · 8 months
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God put him on this earth to do one thing and one thing only, fuck with Aquaman.
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dashnite · 6 years
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Thank you so much for the well wishing guys. I’m actually feeling better now :’)
I’m 22 years old now, but I still feel like a teen in so many aspects lol. Maybe it’s the testosterone, second puberty and all that.
I would very much like to not expect things that much. I have to learn that no one’s gonna live my life for me. I have to go and get things done. It’s easier said than done hahah, but I’m really hoping I can put that to practise now :)
Also that goes without saying but ily all <3 you really brightened an awful rainy day ^-^
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power-rangers · 3 years
Dino Fury seems neat! I watched the sentai version, it really was bland story wise, so the changes made have me interested. Especially void knight, who was not the main villain
Nice! Nice! I can’t wait!
0 notes
ramtiger · 4 years
i’m planning on running hot spring scramble from fire emblem awakening as an easy dnd short to practice doing combat!
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