#~Virgil Mun Writings
greywoodrpg · 4 months
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Hello Greywood residents!
Bye bye May! Hello June! Can you believe we're rolling into summer time already? Make way for sunnier days ahead and another monthly update. Look out for these characters celebrating their birthdays in June: Katherine Baxter and Virgil Achyls. Remember, if you have a character birthday you'd like added to the main, please message the mods.
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Charity Gala hosted by Amy Baxter near the end of the month!
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Our May open starters are listed below:
Naia welcomes patrons to the Blue Frog Cafe...
Virgil has been caught sleep walking somewhere in town...
Finch accidentally bumps into you outside of a bookshop...
Sofia gets interrupted from her thoughts by an approaching person...
Morgana accidentally bumps into you somewhere in town...
Give them some loving attention or reach out to the mun to start something new if the starter is too old for you.
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𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕔𝕜
Done! Those on it, please reach out to the main to request a hiatus!
Thank you for your attention and happy writing!
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phantasmagoetia · 1 year
(Mun here: For those wondering about a couple of occurrences in Belphy's, @patronsaintofmanchester and @justaskasmodeus canon (see 'A Nice and Accurate Place to visit' on ao3) here's some things (mild nsfw, and some spoilers) diverting from the show canon:
Ligur is back, as an angel. God's sense of humor is really not Her strongest suit.
Aziraphale and Ligur worked together hunting down Jack the Ripper (long story I need to get around continue writing one day). Also the got.... -very- close during that
About as close as Aziraphale got with oscar wilde.
Uriel 'borrows' Aziraphale's books on a regular basis
Crowley slept through most of the second half of the 19th century after s1's victorian scene
Crowley got the Holy Water through other means long before the 60s.
Crowley and Leonardo Da Vinci went to rescue Michael (the Archangel) from the Vatican. No one but those three know the details.
Aziraphale was the angel that granted Dante and Virgil access to Dis
Raphael has been mentor to both Crowley and Aziraphale (not at the same time)
Raziel is Heaven's office gossip and Ligur's mentor and BFF. Raziel does not have any pronouns.
'Eric' is called either just Legion in this reality, or Manny, because who can resist a good pun.
Purgatory is a semi-abandoned Shopping Center/Mall right out of the 80s.
Heaven redecorated.
Plus a few easter eggs I will not spoilers.
But those are the basics we're working with :3 If you got any question, just ask.)
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sonatanotwo · 3 years
Bro wrote me this years ago... I still love it so much. I wrote this kinda based off it... including my attempt at matching the style a bit... though I am awful at present tense, so uh yeah. I never posted it, but came across it again recently and realized it was perfect with Day 3′s theme, SO. Here it is. lol There’s some headcanons here Bro and I have toyed with too... like the Academy... which is located in Colorado Springs (where I lived for awhile XD)... which is just a little over an hour drive south of Denver. :Db There’s a lot more about this headcanon’d time I’d like to write one of these days. XDa ANYHOO... 
It hasn't been since Christmas that Virgil's spoken to his brother. It's not really surprising as they haven't really spoken a whole lot over the past few years. Once almost inseparable, it now feels a bit like there’s a chasm between them.
It seemed like life had conspired to draw them apart ever since Scott had been accepted into the Air Force Academy. The last years of high school weren't the same without Scott being there. His brother called him every day at first, but days became weeks and weeks stretched to months. He came to hear more about how his brother was doing secondhand. Scott was busy. Scott was top of his class. Scott wasn't coming home for the summer. He never heard these things from Scott.
Then Virgil went to the Denver School of Advanced Technology.
He saw Scott a few times then, but couldn’t forget the first visit when he'd first been settling in. It had been then that he'd realized that the something that had always existed between them felt like it was missing. Perhaps it was one of those things that became lost when childhood came to an end or maybe the time apart had something to do with it. He hadn’t been sure, but either way he mourned it’s absence. He buried himself in his studies, concentrating on graduating and his plans for the future.
Now here he is, in Dad's jet with Scott at the controls, flying them home. All of Virgil's belongings from Denver packed in the hold, because he’s moving back home. He's a mechanical engineer now and will soon be a member of International Rescue. He's excited to finally begin to learn to fly the ship he'd long ago told their dad he’d pilot one day, but that’s not what's on his mind as he sits in the cockpit.
He'd been surprised it was Scott waiting to take him home instead of their Dad. The reunion had been happy at first, but now an uncomfortable silence had dropped over the cockpit. Attempts at conversing just feel awkward. It’s all so wrong. It had never been like this before.
Here he is finally having to face what he couldn't years before. Soon they’re meant to be partners, going into dangerous situations together to rescue those in need. How can they pull that off? They feel so disconnected from each other. It barely even feels like they’re best friends anymore, at least to him. Virgil isn’t sure if Scott has felt it too. Could it be just him who feels this way? He can’t bring himself to broach the topic, deciding instead to hope it just needs time.
He just doesn’t know what to do or say the whole rest of the trip home. Things feel a little easier once they arrive, but their dad, unsurprisingly, seems to catch on pretty quickly that something isn't right. Virgil notices the way he watches them. They've been home only a few days before he suddenly has them pack up and sends them off to the family ranch for training — just the two of them.
Their first exercise set out for them has them not in the training rooms, but outside, scaling one of the large rock formations not far from the ranch. 'No talking,' is the one rule their dad has imposed. Once that wouldn’t have been a problem at all, but that's not the case now; he’s barely able to read his brother.
Virgil’s now absolutely certain their Dad knows as he pauses his ascent, trying to interpret the slightly worried look Scott’s throwing down at him. He can’t work out what Scott’s worried about.
They’re using new gear Brains sent with them to test. Virgil's been pretty impressed with the multifunction version of the grapple gun Scott's making use of several yards above him — at least he is until unexpectedly the pack releases from the tool, sending Scott falling backwards with an unusually startled cry.
Their panicked gazes meet for the briefest second and Virgil knows Scott needs him. Virgil doesn’t think, he just moves, reaching out and grabbing for his brother's wrist as he falls past. With no chance to brace at all, growing shoulder muscles are put to the test as they're wrenched from the sudden weight of his falling big brother.
Suspended by Virgil’s own grapple line, they simply breathe for a moment, trying to recover from the scare. It's Scott who breaks the rule of silence first.
"So... what do you say we pause this exercise?"
"Agreed," Virgil responds eagerly.
Finding Scott a purchase, he's able to climb down a short ways to a wide ledge and Virgil soon joins him, sitting down beside each other, both still shaken.
"I'll pull the grapple apart when we get back," Virgil offers, worried since it's not often something Brains creates has a flaw.
"Good plan," Scott agrees distractedly, blue eyes locking with his suddenly. "Virgil..."
Virgil raises a questioning eyebrow, but doesn’t get a chance to respond. A hand hooks around his neck and Scott closes the distance between them, forehead pressing against his.
The last time Scott did this — when his brother left for the academy so long ago — is what first comes to mind. Then all the feelings and words come like a rush. The flood of relief, gratitude, trust and love. 'You saved me,’ ‘You’re amazing,’ and 'Thank you.'
He hasn't felt their bond like this in so long; suddenly it feels stronger than ever. Overwhelmed in the best of ways, tears form in Virgil's eyes. 'Anytime,' he replies, echoing his brother's feelings with much the same.
Scott pulls away only long enough to briefly get a look at him before closing the gap once more, this time to draw him into a tight hug that Virgil returns just as tightly. Tucking his face into his brother's shoulder, he feels for a moment like a boy again, finding comfort and safety in his brother's arms.
"I've missed you, Scotty," he admits out loud, knowing Scott can feel just how much, just as he can now sense how much Scott has been missing him. It’s like the door that had closed between them has been thrown wide open. He hopes it never closes again.
"Me too, Virg."
They sit on the ledge a little longer before mutually agreeing their done and head back to the ranch. Sitting on the porch side by side after dinner to watch the stars appear in the darkening sky, Scott makes the executive decision that they're going to head home in the morning.
They're already halfway home when they finally contact their Dad to let him know they're on their way home. At first he doesn't seem very happy with them, but as they try to explain, there's a change in his expression as he watches them talk — he knows and Virgil can see he’s relieved. 
Taking over the controls for a while to give Scott a break, a silence falls between them, but this time it could not be more comfortable. While they still have a lot of catching up to do, every one of Virgil's doubts are gone. He has his best friend back and something feels complete in a way it hasn't in a long time. They aren't back at the island yet, but now he really feels like he's home.
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platinumperformer · 6 years
🍟 - How does your muse feel about their body? Would they change it if they could?
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Metta feels good about his body, he’s proud of it! Alphys worked so hard to make it. But…There are days where he doesn’t feel quite as perfect as he used to. Looks are something that he’s always been self-conscious of. Even down to things like his voice. He tries his best to sound and look the way he thinks he should be. If he’s not putting on an act for someone else? He’s putting on an act for himself. He’s not sure what there is left to change that he hasn’t already So for now, no he wouldn’t change it. 
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Salem used to very much hate his body and everything about it, nothing was perfect and he was disgusting to look at, caused from the emotional and even physical abuse from Minerva. Though over time with the help of Aleister’s praise and affection. His view on it has changed quite drastically in a more positive light. Does he completely love his body now? No. But he’s not wanting to rip himself apart anymore and start from scratch.  Would he change anything about it? Maybe lose a pair of arms and maybe an eye. Just to make things less cumbersome like choosing clothing and focusing on one thing at a time. But he’s also accepted himself mostly for how he is. and if someone can love him like that, then that’s enough. 
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twinkling-writings · 4 years
general headcanons 4 doppio ? ( you don't have too but i wanna know gdghfjmn )
(Why of course! As a Doppio Kinnie, I very much love writing for my kins. Adding Diavolo and Diavio here as well! ~ Mun Doppio )
💞General Doppio Headcanons💞
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- Vinegar Doppio is 25 years of age, transmale, and gay. - After playing with some sort of demon game with friends at the age of 16, he summoned a spirit that would not rest until the end of Golden Wind. - Doppio worked for a demon named “Diavolo” for years, sharing the same body as himself. - At the end of Golden Wind, he survived due to his body being separated from the bosses. - “Please I swear I never had control! Don’t hurt me please!” - Giorno and the others let him go peacefully, even paying for his therapy after the events of Golden Wind. - Overall he never imagined how things could have ended up this way. ~Bonus Headcanon (EVERYONE SURVIVES AU); After GW, he met up with Abbacchio and wanted to get to know him better. Eventually, the two hit it off and now they are together.
💝General Diavio Headcanons💝
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(Just to inform, Diavio is a form from my headcanons and is not canon in any way shape or form! ~ Mun Doppio) - Virgil Diavio is an alias for the combination of both Doppio and Diavolo. - Diavio is basically one step up from Doppio, and one step away from Diavolo. - Think of his personality this way, the same intentions of Diavolo and the same cold aura, but with the body and mind of Doppio. - Diavio is summoned by making the boss mad, but not wanting to reveal anything. - “Don’t you dare think I won’t hurt you... I’m not as innocent as one thinks...” - Diavio is no longer alive due to Diavolo’s infinite death loop. - Though he will make Doppio’s eyes go green, even in death.
😈General Diavolo Headcanons😈
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- Diavolo was a 33-year-old gay cismale demon, who took over the body of Vinegar Doppio. - Now, Diavolo has never disclosed anything about his past life. So there will be no backstory here. - Diavolo was a sadist, he wanted to see the world burn under his rule. - And when he saw the opportunity from a 16-year-old boy playing demons games, he took the chance. Fortunately, Giorno put this man into his eternal death loop with Golden Experience Requiem. - “Don’t you disrespect your boss little man... This is my world now not yours. You are my puppet and I am the puppet master.” - Diavolo left behind a daughter, wanting to leave behind some form of his so-called legacy. - Overall Diavolo was an asshole, a manipulator, and a liar. 
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stagtic · 4 years
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( found a video while searching for info on the history of radio that sums up the advent of radio in the ‘20s, for any other alastor muns who might want a brief synopsis of how all of that got started.
thinking about all the different types of programs that were available at the time, i think given virgil’s background as an actor and taking a cue from the “ alastor writes a porno ” bit that it was written by people that write for the show, i think virgil did radio drama. maybe the series he narrated -- and possibly wrote himself -- was a crime mystery series that subtly included details from his own crimes, as a way of subtly bragging about his prowess? serial killers tend to love bragging about how great at murder they are so i feel it makes sense )
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Belle: I regret giving you that blender for your wedding gift. Haze, drinking a sandwich: What, why? -- Ev: Look at all my kiddos! *hugs a l l of his kiddos* Baby Le: *reaches for Sel, whining to be held by her bc mommy's boy* Sel, not two seconds after she picks up Le: They are all unbelievably cute- Can we keep them like this? They can’t but we can- -- Solomon, in the original AU: Mommy doesn’t want me.... Selena, in cannon: I can’t have my little lion.... -- Denny: Who would your Greek parent be? Vi: Hades and Persephone. Rav: Athena. Kira: Aphrodite. Haze: Hestia. Denny: Um, why? Haze: I wanna be that one bitch who just fucked up everything by being born. Also fire is cool. -- May: One time when I was young I was training to be a vet before I found my calling in the funeral industry. One day a woman came in with her kitty and was very worried that the kitty was having a seizure in her sleep. The kitty was diagnosed with 'dreaming'. -- Evan, holding a still-not-pregnant Sel: This wife empty *Gently throws onto bed for lovemaking* YEET PFFFTT -- Evan with clingy children: *T H R I V E I N G* -- Rav: I’m gonna need a human skull and I can't have you ask any questions why. Vi: only if you also don't ask why Vi: *pulls out 7 pristine human skulls* take your pick. Rav: Vi: Rav: this one is fine -- Rav: I promised Remy we wouldn’t do anything illegal. Haze/Denny: Why would you lie to your husband/boyfriend/fiance like that?! -- Denny: hey babe, how does my shirt looks? Haze: that's the ugliest shirt i have ever seen Stranger: nice shirt, loser! Haze: sHUT THE HELL UP HIS SHIRT LOOKS AMAZING -- Mun Virgil, causing a situation to have Lilith go apeshit and be totally helpless: :) Mun Sky, writing Lilith going apeshit and being totally helpless: :) we hate her and it’s great -- Haze: Babe, can you make me some coffee please? Denny: how dark do you want it? Haze: as dark as my soul! Denny: Denny, confused: So, you want a cup of milk? -- Ezzie: A shot for me, and uh… she’ll have a Capri Sun El: Babe, I’m an adult. Ezzie: El: I can buy my own Capri Sun y e s -- Haze: *takes off his shirt* Denny: what a time to be alive -- Rav: When you have a song stuck in your head, it means your soulmate is singing it Denny: I know, but who the fuck keeps singing baby shark AT 3AM Haze: *panics*
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Angel drabble 1
The one who called himself ‘Virgil’ was an oddity among angels. In definition by itself, an angel was a sentient, a simple thought and conscious that was plucked out of pure magic and manifested into a physical form which was then passed off to a god, but tampering with the very existence of the wild, unknown force that threaded throughout the cosmos always lead to ‘quirks’, as they were called.
Plucking a single thought out of the theoretical hive-mind was in itself difficult. Letting it to grow and develop into a way one wished it was even harder. Letting these minute hints of sentience develop into their own forms was more efficient when done in batches, or clutches as most decided to refer them as. But even nests of mortal bird eggs needed a brooding mother, their more defined sentience and physical presence helping the developing beings to have some sort of pattern to go off of. At first the gods themselves held roost, but it was quickly realized that it simply took far too much time and most who hatched out of their developing state tended to be too wild to be tamed and used as favorable servants. Thus the task was handed down to other angels, the trusted seraphs of their respected deity, where their loyalty and disposition was desired in the overall batch of wet-wings.
In the case of Virgil, his clutch was supervised by another oddity among angels. They referred to themselves as ‘Pythagoras’, a seraph who shouldn’t have been one to begin with. In the angel society, there were, at its simplest, two groups: combatives, and non-combatives. Combative angels were was the label read- angels who were built to fight, to defend and to guard. They were the largest, shrewd and effective, but they had a far longer ‘gestation’ period. Non-combative angels, in turn, were smaller, easier to produce en masse, and were furthermore, tended to be viewed as not as bright outside of their designated posts. They were to do their job, and never were they to ascend very high in the ranks, unlike the combative ones who could rise to the very top as a seraph.
But then again, an oddity that was Pythagoras existed. A non-combative that had become a combative and ascended to the rank of seraph in a relatively very short period of time after the death of their god. The power fluctuation that had resulted in the destruction of the God of Justice had effected the entire Courts, and many of those under its domain had been effected- most leading to their corruption and eventual reemergence back into the very nature of magic in itself, to perhaps be reformed at another time. Pythagoras was one of the few who remained, changed, but not for the worst. They instead took up the mantle of leading the Courts until either their god was reborn or a new deity of the Courts was established.
Because of this strange oddity, there was inquiry about the seraph themselves roosting over a batch, to see how this change between roles would affect the group. The worst case was that the entire clutch was a dud and the tiny specks of thought would be returned to be collected and attempted at growth at a later date, the best case would be that the entire batch would be a perfect blend between the two classes, to create a loyal serving angel that was powerful and could effectively switch between working and protecting whenever they were needed.
The little project was conducted, and Pythagoras, along with the curious spectators from the Sphere of Knowledge, observed to see what case would come true.
The batch took far, far longer than any prior. Most never even began to develop at all, content in remaining as specks of sentience. The few that did develop further did not go very far, most stopping after a short while and never continuing again. Only one managed to make it to the hatching period.
At hatching, most angels tended to be a bit unrefined, too eager in making some form of themselves and breaking out to explore than to focus on the finer details. Many, especially the combative ones, favored size over definition, expanding themselves to be as large as they could expend themselves. The details were easily fixed after hatching, training the newer angels to use their connection to magic to reform and define themselves better now that they had better ideas of what they wanted to look like. Even the non-combatives tended to lack in refined forms, but they tended to favor a more manageable size and they had some idea of details.
This one survivor of the batch that Pythagoras hosted over was almost a complete opposite to a combative, and even to a non-combative to an extent. They were positively tiny, one of the smallest, if not the smallest angel to hatch at a barely three feet in height. What this one lacked in height made up in form, as every downy fluff on their body was solid, every feather on their armed wings smooth and correct. It was as if they spent so long fixating on the fluff that made up Pythagoras’ own wings that they simply forgot to make themselves a little bit bigger.
Color came to the tiny, very white angel later during their training, or at least in part, Speckles of grey crossed over their entire feature as if someone splattered them with paint. The angels from the Sphere of Knowledge were perplexed at the fact that the angel simply did not pick up colors like any of the others did, or even figure out an identity for themselves or picked out a symbol to represent themselves with on their mask that all angels first learned how to create through refocusing their connection to magic in this physical form. The small one’s blank mask was slightly too big for their face, and constantly kept sliding off, much to their dismay. They didn’t like seeing themselves in reflective surfaces, it turned out during training, after taking one look at their face in a mirror and immediately ducked to hide on the other end of the room.
The hypothesis was that the tiny angel lacked the comradery of his batch like so many others, ones who shared similar traits and kinship with familiarity of them developing alongside each other like siblings. Being the only one of his clutch, this small one had no one other than perhaps Pythagoras, whom they clung to whenever the elder came to observe. The soft grey speckles were instantly paired to the same color that adorned Pythagoras’ own feathers, the tiny angel taking a liking to the color. No one was quite sure why they were speckles, and the young wet-wing simply refused to talk at all.
With such lack of success in training, it was decided that Pythagoras would attempt to teach the small one singly, rather than be bombarded with new faces all the time. It was almost instantly after they brought the tiny angel to their office that they scuttled over to the bookshelf, fluffed antennae-like ears twitching as they seemed to listen to something that no one else could hear.
“My name is Virgil,” they told Pythagoras suddenly a few days later, clutching a book in their clawed wings that had the same name etched onto the cover, their voice holding so much finality that even if they wanted to argue, the elder wouldn’t be able to.
“Of you are,” Pythagoras replied softly, reaching out to ruffle the tiny angel’s head as the fluff there turned the same unusual color of the tome. “It is nice to meet you, Virgil.”
Virgil, it turned out, could hear something that came from the books that no one else could hear. He spoke at length to the many tomes in Pythagoras’ office, often silent and nodding before whispering to the leather covers. He learned far more from the book than any of the training he had gone through, picking pronouns for himself, adorning a symbol on his mask that Pythagoras did not recognize, and no one in the Sphere of Knowledge knew either, and even focusing on resizing himself, although even he only reached up to about five foot in height at his tallest. He preferred being small, hiding on the shelves, the fluff of his body sucking in all the dust and dirt that had collected in the cracks and gaps over time. But talking to others outside of Pythagoras was, in itself, still a faraway concept for the small angel, referring not to speak at all, and even with Pythagoras he oftentimes stopped whatever he was saying, antennae twitching as he focused his entire attention on whatever nearest book was saying to him and start talking to that instead.
It was with hesitance that Pythagoras assigned the small angel to the Sphere of Knowledge itself. There wasn’t exactly a ruling deity over it, instead everyone but no one possessed it. In theory a god would assign someone to it in case they needed to find some sort of information and they were available to do so. In current age it was used for angels who simply did not quite meet the expectations of their deity: too independent, rebellious, emotional, weak, or simply no longer required. The reason why most of them never corrupted for the transfer itself was because there Sphere was massive. It did not just include written knowledge, but skills for objects no longer made, languages, crafts, recipes, raising extinct plants, and creating their own knowledge for knowledge sake. There was no point in having information if one didn’t know how to use it, and it was a stew pot of constant information.
What did corrupt angels was the mere fact there was so much information. Many became so entrenched in their work that the knowledge consumed them. Which was why all those in the Sphere of Knowledge were required to sleep, while it was so unnecessary for everyone else.
Integrating Virgil was easier than expected. Just leading him to the library and he was off climbing all over the shelves, whispering excitedly to all the new book friends. What was difficult was getting him to sleep now that he had so many new tomes to talk to other than Pythagoras’ stash in the office. The others of the Sphere tried to help, but if Virgil was uncomfortable around others, he certainly did not like them trying to pick him up and carry him out of the library.
The task was usually left for Pythagoras, who was called in at the maximum weeks he could be awake for, gently carrying the tiny angel away while said angel told the elder excitedly all the gossip the books had.
“He doesn’t even read them,” the one angel told another with a bemused shake of their head. “Somehow he just… knows.”
Most knew not to bother the strange, tiny angel who somehow could hear books speak, unless they wanted information and couldn’t find the right source. Some persuasion was in order, but Virgil would eventually lead them to the right books, although his peering over the top of the shelves while watching them read was always a bit disconcerting.
Still, Virgil was a strange angel, but strange angels were always welcome in the Sphere of Knowledge.
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akumanoken · 5 years
*places url for the sacrificial altar*
Send me your URL and I'll tell you (accepting)@stellarcomedy
My Opinion on;
Character in general: First off the character names kill me... Dante and Virgil, Clint an Eastwood?? Isolde?? we don’t talk about Tristan....ripHow they play them: I love Eastwood but that’s to be expected, but friggin... I’ve been reading Isolde and I love him so much.  She does such a great job with all of them!!!The Mun: First off all, she’s the best and so talented in so many ways!!! Her drawing is so lovely, and her writing is just as spectacular!!
Do I:
RP with them: YESWant to RP with them:  A L W A Y S
What is my;
Overall Opinion:
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**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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greywoodrpg · 7 months
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Hello Greywood residents!
It's time for another one of our classic monthly updates! We've had some newcomers so please be sure to make them feel welcome and reach out to create plots and threads if you haven't already done so. We have some in-character birthdays to look forward to in March! Make time to celebrate: Santiago Flores and Corey Patterson.
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No major events are scheduled for this month but there might be a minor environmental update to look out for...
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Our February open starters are:
Jacob Coates is having a groggy start at a cafe...
Nathan Winters is battling fatigue at Paranormal Beans & Comics...
Guinevere Malloy is indulging with a cigarette outside of the Town Center...
Virgil Achyls is by the frozen lakeside...
Willow Chamberlain is having a boring night at Harley's Gourmet Burgers...
Give them some loving attention or reach out to the mun to start something new if the starter is too old for you.
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𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕔𝕜
Our monthly activity check will take place tomorrow, March 1st!
If you think you will not make this activity check please reach out to the main to request a hiatus!
Thank you for your attention and happy writing!
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deputyscreed · 6 years
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Below the giant header text is information pertaining to my Deputy for the events of New Dawn. So as such there are SPOILERS APLENTY! If you haven’t beat the game, don’t want to be spoiled by information pertaining to it, and so on, DO NOT READ BELOW THE HEADER-TEXT.
This is just a rough outline/backstory.
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The Judge is someone that Samantha ‘Rook’ Creed took to easily.
Creed had never felt confident in her decisions and actions throughout the civil war that followed the botched arrest. Yes, she believed arrests would be made and were necessary, but no they didn’t go about it the right away. The all-out war that consumed the tri-county area weighed heavy on her shoulders. For someone who second guessed their worth as an officer, wielding a gun rather than a syringe, she was always uneasy about it, but she did what she had to do. People were losing their homes, their livelihood and their lives. It was a necessary process.
When the bombs went off, she moved on autopilot, followed Whitehorse’s directions as she always had. It led to her being isolated, underground, alive when everyone else as she understood it, was dead. Trapped with the man who she’d tried to arrest at the start of it all.
Years in a bunker with Joseph Seed would change anyone, even the most stubborn of non-believers, and Creed always had a kernel of faith tucked away beneath layers of bone and sinew. It wasn’t something she ever acknowledged. Her actions had shaped her, and the guilt came pouring out. While she never confessed to John, she did to Joseph. From her years in the foster system, feeling unwanted and embracing that loneliness, twisting it to her own advantage to becoming an EMT in hopes it’d make her feel some kind of connection to others.
A connection, whether she wanted it or not, was forged with Joseph and after seven years together, it was finally time to go topside. She felt like a child again, afraid of going out on her own, and so she hid beneath a mask and begged Joseph to tell nobody who she was.
So, she became his Judge, a voiceless, faceless shape that continued to follow actions, but this time it was in the name of the Father that had forgiven her of sins she thought unforgiveable.
Despite people in game seeming to at random, know who the Judge is (aka the Dep) I’m going to switch that around. Unless Creed has told somebody who she is/removed her mask/or they’ve figured it out through IC interactions (or us the mun’s talking) then no one knows who the Judge is. There may be rumors floating about, but please don’t meta that knowledge without first discussing it with me. I hate when a perfectly good masked vigilante is outed without some good build up/tension.
During their time in the bunker, the Deputy took up many facets of the people, specifically, the Herald’s she’d killed in hopes of atoning for their deaths. She started drawing on spare paper, on the walls with chalk, emulating John’s handiwork with a tattoo before ultimately tattooing the tree on Joseph’s chest and the cross upon his back. (This is my own personal canon, I won’t force it on any Joseph IC.)
While she left marks on Joseph, so too did the Father on her. At first she tried to cut the sins, the names of those she’d wronged (Eli, Joey, Staci, Virgil) into her skin but it was sloppy, and she couldn’t reach the large expanse of space that was her back. So instead Joseph helped her, and was far more gentle about it than she was to herself.
She became an expert hunter to honor Jacob, and while she agreed to leave her 1911 behind in the bunker, she still has an arsenal of modern weapons hidden away at her Keep outside of New Eden that she maintains, but never uses.
Faith is harder to honor, but the Judge developed a resistance to the bliss, able to pass through it (with the sometimes aid of fire in the worst of places).
There’s nothing wrong with her vocal chords, she just doesn’t trust herself to speak. Her words could be untrue, could be wrong and she doesn’t want to lead anyone astray. It’s not her job.
Truthfully, she’s glad to no longer be THE deputy of Hope County. The one trying to keep everything together. There’s a peace in having no responsibility, in having no expectation aside from following orders. In a way she’s become more like Jacob in that regard as well.
I already have a verse for this, but I’ve never used it. It’s tag is V HE WAS RIGHT ––  ( collapse ) . If you want to write in New Dawn verse please just drop me a message. <33
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sonatanotwo · 5 years
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(EXCEPT I’M NOT GONNA BE. OMG. THIS DOTING and stuff and just... Virg what is going on in your head? I’m wondering if it could be Mom related... CAUSE I MEAN. Wha??? I guess we’ll never know, unless can make Rob talk. But oh man I think I’m gonna try to write something. ...later. After I’ve slept. 😂)
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cheesekatze · 6 years
Light in the Darkness Ch.2
Mun: Thank you guys for reading once more. I have a lot of plans for these guys and there will be fluff coming up in the chapter after this, along with a lot of angst. Special thanks to @residentanchor for continuing to encourage me to write this. I will not be opening a taglist for this, so please do not ask.
Chapter 1/Beginning Chapter
Logan was rather thankful for the silent and uninterrupted journey home.  
The large demon quickly thrust the door behind himself shut, knowing full well that his return into Hell would be sensed by at least his other two demon lord companions. They were probably already journeying to see why he was so early in returning from his stroll of Earth.  He usually spent hours studying the plants and wildlife and how it has changed over the years.  He never came home early for anything, so no doubt they would be upon him soon.
Logan scurried to his own room, carefully set the sleeping angel on his bed, and grabbed the first-aid kit that he kept there to rigorously patch this angel up. He disinfected all of the wounds thoroughly before bandaging them up and then left the bundle of feathers under the covers to allow him an optimal location of rest. It could get rather cold in his home, so Logan understood that keeping this being covered was a requirement, especially since that blue polo had to be thrown away from the excessive blood stains now covering the fabric.
Logan’s eyes flickered to the general direction of his front door as two distinct knocks echoed out after one another. The first was undoubtably Virgil as he tended to be the more reserved and ‘chill’ one out of his companions. That meant Roman followed after because he always believed Virgil’s quiet knocks to not be loud enough to hear through the door.  
Logan walked to the front door, after closing his bedroom door behind himself, to invite the other two demon lords inside. “ You wish to inquire as to why I returned earlier than expected? you will be required to come inside, I’m afraid. This issue is to not be heard by untrustworthy ears. “
Virgil stepped in first, a curious glance directed at the older demon. With a flick of his tail and hands stuffed in his cloak he walked past. The one thing that confused any whom had taken notice of it is that this demon lord did not have wings. The reason was rather idiotic, or maybe it was smart, but word on that later. “ Log, you have a lot of explaining to do.” Blowing a strand of dyed violet out of his face, Virgil examined Logan’s behavior through and through and noticed his oddly confused stance.
Roman proudly waltzed into the living room, letting his prideful nature and succulent looks show through. They would not effect the near emotionless Demon of Wrath, but many demons and humans alike had fallen prey to those dashing looks. Roman’s large red wings opened to add flair to his pose, which he nearly always got into upon entering any room other than a toilet. Logan carefully shut the door behind him, even as Roman spun around on his heels and stared Logan down, hoping to keep his angel resting still. “ You never do anything early or late. You have always been the type of person to be perfectly punctual. You are also being rather cryptic.... which is Panic at the Everywhere’s thing, not yours. Explain, Microsoft-Nerd.”
“ If you would allow me a moment to collect the right vocabulary to explain this, I would.” Logan Fauste paused, taking a deep breathe while collecting his thoughts. “ My walk was interrupted....by an angel.-”  
“ An Angel?!! Did you get hurt? You better not have any holy water on your skin. I will seriously force you to bathe right now if you do.” Virgil piped up, the violet demon getting unusually loud and hyperactive for someone of the sin Sloth, from the area of the sofa he lingered upon.  
Logan took a moment to shake his head no and find the right words to explain with once more. “ Let me rephrase....I found an injured angel....an unconscious one at that. “ He began, punctuating his words very clearly with flashy white fangs showing. “ For some unknown reason...I took...pity?” He closed his mouth, showing a look of annoyance for not understanding his own actions. A pale hand clambered up to rub at the back of his neck in mild hesitance for what he was about to say.  “ I may have...brought him here to...mend most of his wounds.”
The two demons before him had two very opposing reactions to one another’s. Roman, as happy-go-lucky and exciteable as he could be, had an open-mouthed smile at the news while Virgil, as anxious and frightenable as ever, stared at Logan as if he had committed the most heinous of acts. “ You brought our enemy here?!!”  
Before Logan could further explain, a shriek cut through the house. The tall demon rushed back in the direction of his room, the other two following close behind.
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akumanoken-archive · 6 years
Let me tell a 2018 story…
I started this blog just a little after the start of 2018, it was my first multimuse blog and to top my lack of experience it was a full OC centered blog from a small and almost exclusive fandom which mostly no one ever heard about. At first all was nice and good, but after just two months the fandom started to die and I saw myself without having anywhere to go. I was scared. So scared. It’s hard to tell how much I dreaded to leave my boys behind.
They were no more than toodlers in my hands and I saw they would be gone if I didn’t do anything. However, with what little time I had I couldn’t build pages of AUs nor write much with the many interesting people I followed on my dash. Not to mention how awkward I felt with my boys from completely different fandoms and their lack of information.
I don’t remember exactly how I came around your blog, but I totally stalked your threads for a good while before trying to approach. I didn’t even know how to try to start a conversation, that’s how out of place I felt. Still, upon seeing that you had problems just like I did (and still do) made me feel more comfortable to try to start talking, it made me remember there was a person behind the blog, not just a bunch of letters in the screen.
It was a relief to me when you accepted to RP with me even though it was such an awkward predicament. I didn’t have much to offer and, at that time, the only muse I had a complete hold of was Virgil. To write replies with Eastwood was akin to explore a whole new dungeon of which I knew some stuff, but didn’t have so much of an idea of the layout. And yet… you were so patient with me. You put up with my crazy ideas and AUs, with all the nonsense I had to offer and helped me explore my own muse to a new depth.
To see how Souji and Eastwood grew closer and developed a real bond is something amazing and I can’t put in words how it feels to me. For lack of words I dare say it’s magical in my point of view. I love to see them together and how they act and are protective of one another. I adore how Souji cares for Astra and how much he thinks of him, how he supports him. And I can’t wait for Spring to come and their marriage to happen. I just can’t have enough of them and, even though I take ages to reply at times, I’m always thinking about them in the back of my head.
Unfortunately, we don’t talk a lot, but the fault is on my end as I always feel like I’m being a nuisance and getting in the way of your activities and conversations with other muns who came way before me. I do wish for this to lessen along the time though. You’re a sweetheart and helped me a lot through this year in your own way. I can’t thank you enough for all the support and kind words you wrote me when I felt down or needed advices. I truly can’t thank you enough and I’m afraid there’s no other way I have to show my gratitude for all you’ve done. Thank you for giving me a chance. Thank you for not letting me give up. Thank you for understanding my problems. Thank you for everything.
With all of these in mind, I can only hope to do better next year. To be someone better and worthy of all your kindness and time. To break out of my shell and talk more to you and have many more memories together.
Sincerely, Fishushu Jurr
Year end confesstions! @stellarcomedy
Oh my god I just started crying.... No honey thank you for giving me a chance!! I’m so glad that we got to talk and get to know each other.  You really are one of the kindest and strongest people I know, and I’m so lucky to have you as a friend.  Please don’t ever feel like a nuisance or that you have to curb how much you talk to me because I’m always down to talk with you about whatever whenever.  Even if I’m busy at work I will make sure to respond as soon as I can... 
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SHIPPING INFO !! answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. repost ! do not reblog.
what is your otp for your character?:  OH MAN. I’m not gonna name any so I don’t upset anyone but....YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. *stares at* You know when I have an OTP...I scream about them all the time lmao
what are you willing to write when it comes to shipping?: I’ll RP just about anything haha. 
how large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?:  For someone younger than Milo, probably someone who’s at least twenty. If they’re older then I don’t really have one. I mean she’s got some ships where they’re a year older and then she’s got Jack who is in his 50s, Joel in his late 40s, and Jesse in his late 30s. *squints* They all start with J. I’d count baal who is hundreds of years old but hes a prince of hell so im not counting that.
are you selective when shipping?: I can be. I mean, as long as there chemistry and the other mun and I talk OOC as well I’m usually pretty chill. I like to get to know the mun as well and even if characters have chemistry I can’t bring myself to ship unless I know the other person. It makes the whole process easier.
how far do steamy moments have to go before they are considered ns.fw?: Clothes off and danger zones are getting involved.
who are the characters you ship your character with? Right now I have ships with Jesse McCree(OW), Joel Miller(TLoU), Becky Phillips (OC), Jack Morrison (OW), Kelly Maxwell (AvED), Baal (AvED), Kekipi Nalzheehii (OC), Virgil Gundersen (OC), Vincent Cooper (SH), Agent (OC), Lucy Griffith (OC), Maria (SH) and those are the “finalized” ones. There are still some people I’m discussing ships with and I’m of course open to discussing more :>
does one have to ask to ship with you?: Yeahhhhhh...I don’t assume anyone wants to ship with Milo haha. I also don’t go seeking ships so its easier for someone to come to me.
how often do you like to ship?: Uhhhh I guess if theres really good chemistry I like to ship
are you ship obsessed or ship more - or - less?: I’m not obsessed at all. At least I don’t think I am. I love my ships and I love when I get new ones but like I said, i don’t actively seek them.
are you multiship?: Awwww yeahhh
what is your favourite ship in your current fandom?: I’m fandomless so EYYYY *finger guns*
finally, how does one ship with you?: RP with me for a while and if there’s good chemistry hit me up in IMS, disc, or tags. Something, just let me know and we can discuss it and if everything works out then BOOM. Ship.
TAGGED BY: Stolen from @spillcdblood TAGGING: @dustysixshooter @reawakenedvesaniae @desxderium @bountyman @abyssstaresback @shortstoutandswedish @violentnonretirement @black-vvolf  @bandit-of-all-bandits
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plushiehoarded-blog · 7 years
( drops my url / virgilsandcrs if you'd prefer !! )
@defensivesarcasm || no longer accepting || Send me your URL and I’ll tell you
My Opinion on;
Character in general: I’ve only interacted with your Virgil, who is a lovable character all around, charming in his gloominess, like Eeyore if his cynicism was intensified. How they play them: Sylveon has their Virgil down perfectly!! I can absolutely hear his voice and see him doing the things they write!! I haven’t written with their Patton and Roman, but I’ve seen those blogs and they write them just as well!!The Mun: There is not a big enough book to write in just how much love I have for Sylveon. They’re sweet and so interesting! We share a lot of interests and there is nothing in my current vernacular to explain how awesome they are!!
Do I:
RP with them: Yes!Want to RP with them: ❤
What is my;
Overall Opinion:
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**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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