#~nsfw doodles are like bird watching to me. good every once in a while but wouldnt make it a daily thing~
rui-drawsbox · 7 months
be me go to rui's tumblr to check on new art get flashbanged by topless angel derek and incubus baxter biting his lips ... close eyes, breathe deeply through nose more deep breaths RELEASE SCREAM try to breathe as normal (you can't) sit (kneel?) still contemplating your life choices 🧎‍♀️
that's it, thanks for putting yourself in my shoes for 10 seconds.
-k anon (hi, i'm alive)
JKSDGFASJKLDSAHJKL i just saw this gm k anon hope youre feeling better
lovely reaction 10/10 this just increased the chances of doing it again a 30%
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baby-fites · 5 years
u spoiled me and now im back for more, hc's of your favorite bnha characters? swf nsfw whatever u feel :-)
Oh I spoiled u but consider u spoiled me do u have any idea how much I love that bird? My faves tho that’s a long list I’m gonna narrow it down to the ones i have oc ships with but thats also still a long list lmfao. under the cut bc its fuckin a lot
-Worlds most intense cuddler, won’t even let go if he rolls over, he just picks up his partner and pulls them over to his other side.
-Knows every detail about them, favorite food, favorite color, blood type, birthday, height, quirk stats, favorite song, general daily routine. He has it memorized and in person it’s a little creepy, He means well though he’s just overzealous.
-Will ask them about their quirk constantly and when they stop talking has follow up questions, and follow up follow up questions. and follow up follow up q- He asks a lot.
-Does that really cute thing where she lies on her stomach and kicks her legs up in the air when she’s talking to a partner, you know she’s really excited about what they’re saying because her legs kick faster and she wiggles in place.
-Has a little scribble pad she brings with her to doodle in, usually she draws hearts and flowers and writes down things she’ll need to remember later.
-Cries when she gets gifts, especially food. She’ll take the food she won’t turn it down, she’s just tearin up a lil bit.
-Once he’s close enough and trusting enough he’ll start hiding his face in his partner instead of a wall- depending on where they are because pda can also be nerve-wracking.
-If he gets a call from his crush he will ignore it. Usually Nejiri will pick up and he will ask her to tell them he’s dead.
-No matter how long or committed your relationship is he still doesn’t really like talking on the phone. He can manage it for you if you need him or if there’s an emergency, but it still makes him anxious in general.
Tokoyami (yes again)
-Knows calligraphy and it shows because that’s how he writes out those long ass love letters and poems. They’re always beautiful.
-He’ll also fold said letters into little paper stars or cranes or other little origami animals, whatever the favorite of the person they’re written for is. 
-He’s the kind of person who would want his partner to wear his jacket or ring or something- anything of his just to remind them of him always.
-Doesn’t know what a feelings is.Seriously though liking someone makes him feel fucked up and scared and uncomfortable and he’ll simultaneously avoid them and stand in the same room as them at an uncomfortable rate. He won’t talk or even look at them when they look at him but he’s just There and the second they look away he stares so hard they can feel it.
-Will go through cycling phases of putting himself on the other side of the room and directly next to them. He’s either afraid to touch them or needs to be pressed as close as possible, and only he can decide when, approaching him first is a terrible idea he’ll bail.
-Not a cuddler at all but as touch starved as he is if he shares a bed with someone half the time he can’t help lightly resting his back to theirs. 
Mr. Compress
-He tries to be a romantic but it doesn’t work. Pulls flowers out of his sleeves. pulls a tablecloth off the flat table revealing a fully set up candle lit dinner. It’s so cheesy and bad. He tips his fucking hat. Pulls their chair out for them, opens doors. Like dude come on.
-Compresses their stuff so they think its missing then SoMeHoW is the one to find it. He truly believes this is smooth. It’s not.
-Makes up random things wrong with his arm and asks them to look at it, no matter how much knowledge they have of robotics.
Deku (age 18+)
-He cums so much. So Much. He didn’t used to but it’s a consistent side affect of OFA. The first time he had a wet dream in the dorms Todoroki caught him washing the sheets after and bluntly asked if he’d wet the bed.
-Makes the most high pitched breathy sounds, he tries so hard to hold it together and be the strong tough silent type he thinks he’s supposed to be but he can’t do it, his breath hitches and he tears up and he can’t hold in his whiny little moans.
-at one point I said Tamaki does this bc he does but Deku also cries during sex. Every time. He just loves the person he’s with so much and he feels so good and he can’t help it he’s a crier in general.
Ururaka (age 18+)
-Is never sure what she’s supposed to sound like so she tries to hold her hand over her mouth and stifle herself, or she tries talking but she can never form a full sentence so it’s usually her chanting ‘yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah” and trying to announce when she’s going to cum.
-Really likes having her boobs played with but is embarrassed as hell about it. She’d love giving a titjob but she’d be red in the face the whole time. Suck on her nipples and she’ll be soaked in minutes.
-Sometimes thinks about what 0-gravity sex would be like. She’s kinda bummed that she’d get too nauseated to try it.
Tamaki (age 18 +)
-Even after a relationship has started he’ll still be too nervous to get it up sometimes. He ends up either walking out or shoving his head into a pillow. He needs patience.
-No he won’t gain his partners appearance or quirk if he gives them oral, but he always really, really wants to. And he’s really, really good at it.
-He loves the idea of blindfolding his partner so they can’t look at him, it takes so much of the pressure off. Of course he’s too shy to ask for that
Tokoyami (age 18+)
-Really likes having his feathers pulled, not hard enough to pull them out but just like you’d pull someones hair.
-Would get insta-hard from the prospect of candle lit sex complete with silk sheets and rose petals he’d be so into it.
-His feathers get all fluffed up when he cums and it’s really, really cute.
-Doesn’t want to be entirely naked for sex like. Ever. It’d take several months in a relationship for him to get past clothed grinding and the idea of being vulnerable with someone makes him feel sick.
-He’s so touch starved but also so uncomfortable being touched, he gets nauseated and sweaty and he feels gross but then the second he’s not being touched he wants it back asap. Progressing a sexual relationship is VERY stop and go with him.
-Won’t ask for what he wants but also won’t let his partner initiate out of nowhere, they’re just supposed to know what he wants and want the same thing at the same time. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, he has the communication skills of a wet egg salad sandwich.
Mr. Compress
-Talks big game like he’s some sort of sexual gift, casually mentions being called daddy, acts like the suavest thing on earth. Get him in the sheets and it’s “Yes sir/mistress, of course, anything” He wants to get dommed real bad.
-Sends nudes. Constantly. Don’t answer his texts in public ever because the message is probably a nude. Also sends videos, he sees it as a performance and honestly gets off a lot better knowing he’s being watched.
-In the same vein he wants to jack off in front of his partner while their in the same room, just so they’ll praise him and tell him how good he looks and how well he’s doing.
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eledritch · 6 years
So reading all of you amazing works as well as following the content of other lovely Sheith shippers has inspired to finally write some fan fiction and contribute too! It’s been literal years since I’ve written anything though, and of course the story that got me really excited is going to have to be a multi chapter monster. As the master of long and complex fanfics, any advice for beginners?
Good!! I believe in you.
Sure, why the heck not :’) been awhile since I made a big writing tips post and I feel like I have some new things to offer since the last one. I don’t know if your fic is gonna be an AU or canon-compliant, but since my specialty is long and complex multichapter AUs, this is mainly gonna be about that.
First, you can check out my ‘writing tips’ tag for my own tips and tips from others on tumblr: http://saltyshiro.tumblr.com/tagged/writing-tips
The most important advice I can give to you as a writer is to READ. I don’t read nearly as much as I used to, but I still try to when I can. Reading was what gave me the inspiration and knowledge I needed for worldbuilding, which is a vital part of not just AUs, but any long and complex fic. You need to be confident about writing the world you’ve stuck your characters in. You have to know that world better than anyone.
More often than not, books aimed at children actually have better worldbuilding than books for adults. There are exceptions to this (a lot of sci-fi, like Dune & The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, for example, as well as dystopian fiction like The Handmaid’s Tale), but some of my favorite worlds remain those from children’s books. They include:
The Ever After in the May Bird & the Ever After series
The absurdist and time-period defiant world where anything goes (as long as it’s unfortunate) of A Series of Unfortunate Events
The Other World in Coraline & London Below Gaiman’s adult fantasy novel Neverwhere
The world populated by various small animals like mice, rats, and squirrels in Redwall by Brian Jacques
The medieval kingdoms of Goose Girl by Shannon Hale
The eerie surrealist circus world of The Palace of Laughter by Jon Berkeley
I’m also currently working my way through the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson, which is some INCREDIBLE worldbuilding in a high fantasy setting.
So what do all of these have in common? Well, contrary to popular belief, I don’t think you have to go Full Tolkien and write a brand new language as well as six thousand maps for your world. Nope. None of that is required. All that is required is that you LOVE the world you created. Love the heck out of it. Even if it’s a shitty world. Doesn’t matter. It’s YOUR shitty world. 
The more you love this world of yours, the more you’re gonna want to write about it, and the more reluctant you will be to let yourself drop the project. The pitfall many fanfic writers (and writers in general) fall into when writing long works is that they get burnt out and tired of their own story. You can’t get tired of your story if you keep adding to the world and finding new things to love and explore within it.
Worldbuilding reflects onto your characters, too - people are in many ways a product of their surroundings, after all. If your world is shitty, then your characters might end up a little shitty, too. But - and here’s the clever thing about this - because you love your world so much, and because your characters are an integral part of that world (they should be, if they’re your protagonist/villain/etc), you end up loving your characters, too. It feels like a betrayal if you stop writing their stories, and the world you’ve created should at this point feel almost like a real place, albeit within your head and your imagination. And when that happens, writing about your world and characters doesn’t feel like a chore or an obligation anymore. It feels like an adventure.
That being said, human brains have limits and it shouldn’t ALL exist in your head. You gotta take notes, do some doodles and simple maps if you’re into that, and also use resources made specifically to organize worldbuilding. I tend to just use good ol’ fashioned pencil and paper, but I’ve heard this tool is pretty good for digital organization:
Additionally, don’t be afraid to uh....“borrow” from other worlds that have been made before. The sooner you understand that everyone kinda steals (respectfully) from everyone (i.e. the lion king is hamlet; romeo and juliet is heavily inspired by the greek myth of pyramus and thisbe), the better off you’re gonna be in worldbuilding. You can, and unavoidably will, use worlds you’ve read about and/or experienced in the past in your own worldbuilding. It becomes a patchwork of your own, and once you have a base for your world, it becomes increasingly easy to add onto it and expand with more original ideas.
It can also be helpful to do a ton of research. Say you want your world to somewhat resemble Victorian England. How are you gonna know what that was like? Watch movies set in Victorian England to understand the aesthetic and speech. Watch documentaries to get a more factual basis. Read books set in Victorian England for the language and the societal ideas. Go on a Wikipedia or Google deep dive - almost always, you will end up in a much more interesting place than you expected. Listening to music can also be super helpful to get into a particular tone you want to see in your world, or can help you find the tone if you’re not sure what you want yet. I have playlists for most of my stories.
And, finally, understand that there’s always room for growth. I know my worldbuilding can be better than it is, so with every new story, I strive to make a more vibrant, vivid, lovable world than before. And guess what? Usually, not only does it work, but I also enjoy myself while writing more.
The key to long and complex fics is genuinely enjoying what you’re writing. You may be able to bullshit and slog your way through a shorter fic, but not a 200k monster. Another important key - know where your story is going to end up. 
You need a goal to work towards. Maybe it’s a scene you’ve been wanting to write since you came up with the story. It doesn’t have to be the ending, but it helps if it is. You should know the ending by at least the middle of the story. I’m pretty sure I’ve written stories where that wasn’t the case and I was just flying by the seat of my pants, seeing where my world and characters took me next...which is a valid way to approach writing, but riskier, and ultimately rather frustrating when writing fics since you can’t exactly go back and insert foreshadowing for the ending you didn’t know was coming, lol.
I find late-night brainstorms best for figuring out how I want to end stories. I’ll open up a word doc, think for a good while, and then just start typing. Type it out stream of consciousness style. It doesn’t need to be a good explanation of the events, it just has to be an explanation. (This is also helpful in long stories for writing down reoccuring elements you don’t want to forget, such as slang, societal titles, a promise a character made to another than they really need to bring up again sometime...)
For example, here is my stream of consciousness brain-spew for my fic Seal It With A Kiss (this did not all end up happening quite like this, but here it is, warning for nsfw mentions lmao):
Witch Classes: Apprentice, novice, journeyman, master/magus, archmagus
The Wastes – western desert wasteland, Keith is from Blackwater, three days’ ride from the Citadel. It’s bordered by the River Acheron to the west, on the other side of which are the lands where Keith’s father lived with his first wife. The ocean is to the north, with the island of Cobao directly south of the Citadel.
The Citadel – centrally located, perched among Asphodel Peaks, near the lowland Oscuran Woods. Capital, Altea City, is three days’ ride to the east. Shiro’s grandparents live to the south on the shores of Lake Lucanus, a major fishing outpost bordered by the Dalterion Swamplands to the south.
THE VOID: mysterious dimension (or entity?) accidentally opened by witches eons ago (oops), which created Hell and unleashed demons/monsters/old gods (Voidborn). It is made up of what witches call infernal magic – a powerful and supposedly corrupted/corrupting form of quintessence. The Void is largely unknown and inaccessible to humans. Few return, and those who do are always changed by it.
HELL: Thought to be a reflection of the Void on a more physical/less abstract plane. Hell is made up of many pocket realms, including Daibazaal (one of the largest, ruled by the Galra), and Stratonikeia (ruled by Hecate). It is populated by Voidborn, who carve out sections of it for themselves in warlord-esque fashion.
Neither Hell nor the Void are inherently “evil,” though most witches consider them so, and they are dangerous. While the most well-established Voidborn rule with law and order, many other parts are lawless chaos centered around power struggles, and all Voidborn are morally gray to an extent.
VOIDBORN: Despite their vast differences, all Voidborn derive power from human souls & quintessence. Often generalized as demons, Voidborn are secular beings with no “holy” counterpart (i.e. angels), however, they come in many forms:
SPECTERS: generally the weakest Voidborn, they lack corporeal form and often “haunt” areas with histories of death, grief, and bloodshed, frightening humans and feeding off of their fear.
MONSTERS: a large and varied group of Voidborn, not as intelligent nor powerful as demons. They are the mostly likely to directly attack/kill/eat humans and are often hunted, with trophies of their heads displayed outside remote villages to ward off other monsters.
OLD GODS: a more rare group which often overlaps with greater demons; old gods can be benevolent if appeased (i.e. through ritual sacrifice, favors, offerings, worship, etc). They define territories for themselves and over time can become deified by local peoples, since old gods have been known to protect their lands and the people within them in exchange for worship.
LESSER DEMONS: more intelligent than monsters but less powerful than greater demons and old gods, they often rely on contracts and trickery to get their way. They are known to be petty, cruel, and ugly.
GREATER DEMONS: highly intelligent and powerful, they are dangerous beings who chiefly use contracts, torture, manipulation, and possession to take power from souls, which they crave more than any other Voidborn.
*Haggar has been cloaking Keith from Krolia so she cannot find her son since Keith went to the Citadel*
Shiro was captured by Haggar, who experimented on him (gave him the arm, which is powered by infernal energy/Void quintessence and began to corrupt his soul/erode it) and used him as a gladiator, until she managed to capture and slay Kurobasanir, whose quintessence she combined with the remnants of Shiro’s soul. His soulless, empty body was left to fight in the arena as a kind of robotic killing machine, while Shiro’s self became entangled with Kurobasanir. Because Kurobasanir was dead but Shiro was alive and so determined to stay alive, Shiro’s soul (primed with the Void energy which allowed him to stand up against Kuro) took control, though he gained Kurobasanir’s memories, abilities, and personality, while losing/forgetting his own. However as time passes with Keith, Shiro’s subconscious (ironically the only part of him which is still conscious/knows who he is) begins to break through, making him more ‘human’ as he starts to remember who he is/have doubts that he is really Kurobasanir.
He is unable to shift into any other human but Shiro, falls in love with Keith (demons are supposedly incapable of love), experiences sudden surges of emotion/nostalgia and feels protective towards Shiro’s family/horse/possessions/etc, is mostly unaffected by spells that should exorcise or defeat demons, and acts differently than the original Kurobasanir according to the late incubus’s friends. Because Kurobasanir was a sadist, but Shiro is not, so when he fucks Keith in front of the other demons, they know something’s up because he’s not hurting Keith at all.
What he doesn’t remember/know, though, is that this whole thing is a trap set by Haggar in order to lure Keith, who is a cambion (half demon, half human) to her so she can experiment on him in her quest to gain immortality so she can stay with Zarkon forever without surrendering her soul/turn her own soul into a demon’s essence. Because cambion, once mature, are effectively immortal and have a soul, while still retaining dormant Void magic within them which allows for their immortality and more demonic qualities. They are also extremely rare, and Haggar only knows of Keith because Hekate (Krolia) was her mentor and mentioned him.
So when Keith and Shiro go to find Shiro at the Samhain Tourney, Keith sees Shiro’s soulless body fighting and goes to break him out of his cell in the intermission; Shiro, not recognizing him/caring about him/trained to kill on sight tries to kill him, Keith is horrified and unable to bring himself to hurt Shiro, so he is saved by Kurobasanir, who realizes the situation fully once he comes face to face with the body that was once his, realizing his (Shiro’s) soul has been transferred into the incubus’s.
Before he can tell Keith this, though, Keith is captured by Haggar (who he recognizes as Honerva) and the two are separated. Keith cries alone in his cell, thinking Shiro is gone for good and also thinking Kurobasanir betrayed him and/or will be killed or tortured, leaving him utterly alone again. Lots of time passes and Keith realizes Haggar is trying to break the bond between him and Kurobasanir, because they’re both trapped and the contract must be sealed via sex. So Keith is in agony (and very very horny) because he can’t touch Shiro, and the contract is on the verge of breaking (and causing a great deal of pain and harm to both of them, since it was broken against their will) when Hekate/Krolia shows up, kicks BUTT, and bc she’s Mom of the Year, rescues Keith and brings him to Shiro while explaining on the way what happened. She also mentions that Keith’s father left because he was fulfilling the contract Hekate had with him, which was that because he was infertile she would bear him a “human” son (Keith), who would be blessed by her and live a happy/prosperous life, but in exchange Keith’s dad would only get sixteen years with his son, and then Hecate would take his soul.
As it turns out, though, Hekate/Krolia grew pretty darn fond of Keith’s dad (he’s a human teddy bear hedge mage unfazed by demons, what’s not to love), so he’s just chilling in Hell with her and had planned to come back and tell Keith the whole story, but when he returned Keith had gone off to the Citadel & Haggar was hiding Keith from Hecate.
So Keith and Shiro reunite and they’re so desperate for each other that they basically end up fucking while escaping (Keith is VERY EMBARRASSED but Krolia is like boi I am the mistress of dark magic, I don’t care, get that demon dick, proud of u son. Plus Shiro does his best to hide Things), cue a very wild scene in which both Keith and Shiro are kicking ass while fucking, since Shiro has regained his powers and Keith is Restored By The Power of Shiro’s Dick. Amen. Hallelujah.
Thankfully they finish up by the time they find the Holts, who were being forced to do alchemy stuff in Haggar’s lab. Haggar’s druids attack them, but Keith, who has read up on Honerva’s magic/theories, and Krolia, who mentored Honerva and is now pissed at her bc she tried to use Krolia’s son for her experiments, defeat the druids and are about to destroy Haggar’s research. Then Haggar bursts in, and in a desperate attempt to save her life’s work tells Keith that she can separate Shiro’s soul from Kurobasanir if he spares her/her work. Shiro is actually the one who hesitates, since he thinks Keith deserves much better than him and should have him fully human, as he appeared in their future together. But Keith has made up his mind – he loves Shiro in any and every form, and he’s done with Haggar’s shit. Furious at the thought of what she did to Shiro and planned to do to him, Keith’s magic creates a massive explosion which destroys the lab as Krolia uses one of Haggar’s traveling crystals to take them all away from Daibazaal.
Krolia takes them to her realm of Stratonikeia, a much more chill part of Hell. Because it’s Samhain and everyone is partying, Hecate’s palace is hectic and full of drunk demons and debauchery bc demons just wanna have fun, okay? Krolia makes sure the Holts are given safe accomodations so they can rest up and receive treatment before returning home. Meanwhile, Keith and Shiro are very shaken and Keith is weak from using so much magic to destroy Haggar and her lab. He and Shiro manage to escape the party and get to a balcony or something, where Shiro tearfully apologizes for everything, saying he understands if Keith wants to break ties after their contract is over, and that he wishes it didn’t have to end like this. Keith is quiet, then tells him that nothing is ending, pointing out that apparently he’s also immortal, and that technically Shiro gets his immortal soul in return for completing the contract. Shiro misunderstands, panicking and assuring Keith he will not take his soul and will leave him alone, but Keith cups his face and says he wants Shiro to have him forever, because he loves him, and never stopped loving him. Disbelieving but hopeful, Shiro embraces him gently, and when they kiss Keith begins to show his demonic characteristics (little horns, glowing eyes, tail, reddish scales).
Epilogue – Keith and Shiro get married. In Hell. It’s beautiful. They also have the most romantic, tender, kinky demon/cambion sex ever. They’re in love and together forever :’))
I hope that helps, dear!! Best of luck in your writing endeavors. 
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pratktcven · 8 years
love in a time of social media
love in a time of social media part one. shance. eventual nc-17. alternate universe. lance is the king of shitposts and selfies. shiro is an artist who loves his dog and fatalistic humor. somehow, they fall in love. warning! underage drinking and casual use of marijuana
They meet online.
Specifically, they meet on tumblr. Shiro is an artist of middling popularity and Lance is a shitposter of the highest caliber. Shiro follows Lance months before Lance follows him; indeed, Lance is unaware of Shiro's work until Shiro @'s him in a small comic.
'I couldn't resist,' Shiro types below the image. 'Thank you for the inspiration, @lances-a-lot.'
Shiro—@white_iron—has a simple art style and a sharp sense of humor that makes Lance laugh out loud. He reblogs the comic, telling his followers to check it out, and proceeds to creep on Shiro's blog. Lance's first stop is Shiro's small about section.
Hello! My name is Shiro. I am a post-grad history student and I spend my limited free time walking my dog or doodling. art tag doodles photography
Shiro's blog consists mainly of his artwork. Occasionally, Shiro will also post real-life pictures of his dog, a beautiful black and white akita with bright eyes and a dopey smile. There aren't any pictures of Shiro himself. Lance—who takes roughly a thousand selfies every day—comments on this oddity to Blue, his enormous gray long-hair.
Blue blinks at him.
"My curiosity has been piqued," Lance replies primly.
Blue blinks her big gold eyes at him again.
"Enough of your judgement!" Lance over-dramatizes. "I can follow who I want!"
Shiro's blog is twenty-four pages of self-produced content that Lance blazes through in less than an hour. There are no reblogs. Lance nearly twitches at the restraint and—after a moment—decides to check if Shiro's likes are public.
"Jackpot!" Lance crows when the page loads.
Shiro's likes are a riot of memes and shit-posts. Art references and how-to's. Nerdy history jokes. Links to academic articles. Male fitspo. Healthy recipes, juice cleanse tips, and over-indulgent foodie pics. NSFW gifs of twinks writhing open-mouthed on rumpled sheets. Pictures of space and nature. Lots of dogs. Several of Lance's selfies. More than one necromancy pun. If it is at all possible to fall in love with someone based on their likes, Lance does it.
Lance's infinite scrolling comes to a halt at half past one, when his one of his many phone alarms notifies him of the time. Lance groans, closes his browser, and hauls his butt out of his narrow bed. It takes him a couple minutes to find an acceptably clean pair of skinny jeans and an unwrinkled sweater; he hasn't done laundry for several weeks.
"After lab," Lance tells Blue as he wriggles out of his worn sweats into his socially acceptable denim. "I'll do a load tonight."
Blue flicks her tail at him, a rude gesture that Lance returns with one of his own. Blue sends him baleful glance.
"Don't look at me like that," Lance says even as he plants a kiss between Blue's mismatched ears. She lost half of her left ear in a fight before the shelter picked her off the street. "You started it."
Blue meows loudly and bats Lance's nose.
"Okay, okay, you're right. I started it." Lance presses one more kiss on his cat's skull. "Have fun bird-watching. I'll see you later."
Then—with his good-byes said—Lance grabs his notebook-laden satchel, and is out the door.
Lance's lab is as much of a challenge as it always is. Lance is good at math—numbers and variables are easy—but his brain refuses to wrap around the concepts of physics. It's a small miracle that Pidge is his lab partner; without her, Lance is certain he would fail.
"You're a lifesaver," Lance gushes as they leave the old building. "Let me buy you pizza to show my gratitude."
"I told Matt I'd have dinner with him," says Pidge. "His roommate is going through some sort of clean eating phase and it's driving him nuts."
"He can come," Lance says. Then, less magnanimously, "But he has to get his own slice."
Pidge rolls her eyes as she texts her older brother. Lance shoots a text to Hunk, who responds with a single thumbs up emoji. They all meet at less than ten minutes later at the off-campus pizzeria that sells by the slice. Lance gets three for himself and two for Pidge; Matt, who is the only person over the age of twenty-one, covertly buys a pitcher of beer that they pour into their small, plastic water cups.
"Sweet, sweet, processed goodness," Matt half-cries as he chews, his mouth filled with cheese, pepperoni, and grease. "How I missed you."
Lance would be more sympathetic to Matt's dilemma if the man hadn't embarrassed him in a game of beer pong at a sorority the week before. Lance can't prove it, but he knows in his heart of hearts that Matt cheated. Nobody beats Lance at beer pong, okay. Nobody.
"That bad?" Pidge grins.
"You have no idea," Matt bemoans. "Like—Takashi's a great dude, don't get me wrong—but when I found him on Craig's List I was more worried about being murdered in my sleep than I was about weird diet habits. Turns out I should have been more worried about the diet habits. Our fridge is filled with kale. Kale, Kit-Kat. From the farmer's market."
"Kale is really good for you," Hunk interjects.
"That's what Takashi said," Matt mutters. "I don't know how much longer I can go on like this."
"Hasn't it only been three days—"
"An eternity—"
Lance laughs at Matt's plight and, once dinner is finished and the four of them part ways, he takes out his phone to tweet about the roundabout retribution.
Lance @lancesalot #revenge is best served blanched. or in a smoothie. #kale #healthyliving #karma
It's a little past nine when Lance returns to his apartment. His roommate, Rolo, and his ambiguously defined girlfriend/partner-in-crime, Nyma, are sitting on the couch sharing a joint. A bag of popcorn is ready on the battered coffee table and the television is playing an old nineties buddy-cop flick.
"Hey," Rolo says, smoke curling upwards from his mouth. "Wanna join?"
"Nah." Lance turns down the proffered joint with a shrug. "Gotta take my laundry down. You feed Blue?"
"Like she'd let me forget."
Blue—who is perched on the windowsill—releases a single, plaintive meow. She has no problems letting anyone know what she wants and when she wants it, especially when it comes to being fed.
"Thanks man."
"De nada."
It doesn't take Lance long to gather his dirty clothing and stuff it into his hamper. He takes it all to the basement, throws a few loads in, and settles into one of the old armchairs that have accumulated in the corner. He knows that he should read ahead for his classes, but the siren song of social media grips him. An internal debate rages inside him for all of three seconds before he opens his tumblr account.
Lance barely feels the twinge of guilt.
There are several asks—all anonymous, as per usual—and one unread message. Lance is a little surprised by the latter; after a few weird encounters, he changed his setting so that he could only receive messages from people he followed. He clicks on the conversation first.
white_iron Thanks for the follow! I'm really flattered. You're one of my favorite blogs.
Lance smiles at the message.
lances-a-lot no problem!!! ur art was super funny i laughed at everything pretty sure my cat thinks i'm crazy now
After hitting send, Lance plugs in his chunky headphones into the audio jack. He has a new chillwave playlist that Pidge gave him, but he knows that if he doesn't give Tycho his full attention Pidge may murder him. So instead, Lance pulls up his trusted Rihanna compilation and double clicks on the first song. He bops his head in time with the beat and opens his asks, quickly answering his anons.
Several chart-toppers later, a small ping interrupts Rihanna's plea for the dj to turn the music up. Lance looks at the vertical line of icons on the side of the page and sees that he has another message from Shiro. Lance opens the conversation immediately and reads:
white_iron My dog already knows I'm crazy.
white_iron sent a photo post.
A small preview image has been loaded into the conversation. It is a cartoon version of Shiro's akita, her expression morphed into one of extreme judgement. Her eyebrows—twin dots of white on her dark face—are low over her big eyes and her ruff is fattened comically around her muzzle. Lance cannot help but laugh at the exaggerated accuracy and immediately reblog it.''
white_iron Stare into the depths of your decrepit soul and find you wanting?
lances-a-lot haha, yes! blue acts like i dont spoil her rotten shes such a princess
white_iron I definitely know how that goes. Bee has three dog beds, but she insists on sleeping in my bed or in my roommate's.
lances-a-lot blue has peed in every. single. bed i bought for her i stopped trying after awhile it was getting to be an expensive exercise in futility
white_iron Two words. Dog toys.
Lance talks to Shiro for the next couple of hours while his laundry finishes. Mostly, they swap stories about their pets and commiserate about their less than desirable—if not inadvertently hilarious—behavior. Lance even tells Shiro about how he rescued Blue. In turn, Shiro talks about the process he had to go through to adopt Bee. Shiro mentions that Bee is a service dog; what for, he does not say.
Don't be that asshole, Lance reminds himself as the topic wanes. His comfort is more important than your curiosity.
Lance is having such a good time talking to Shiro that he barely notices midnight pass. In fact, if it weren't for the enormous, jaw-cracking yawn that his body produces, Lance would not have noticed at all.
lances-a-lot dude i just noticed what time it was like i could seriously talk about blue forever but laundry sleep ADULTING i have calc at 8 am, ugh kill me now
white_iron Tell me about it. I have to TA an 8 a.m. class.
There is a small pause. Lance gnaws on his bottom lip as he watches the ellipsis that indicates typing flicker in and out of existence.
white_iron Talk to you tomorrow?
Lance bites down harder on his lip. Normally, he would send back a quick affirmation before logging off, but his interaction with Shiro feels different than the interactions he's had in the past. Their chemistry is undeniable and their conversation never felt flat or stilted. Yet while Lance knows he's been lowkey flirting with Shiro, he cannot be sure if Shiro has been flirting back.
Fuck it, Lance thinks as he gathers all his courage and sets his fingers back on the keyboard. He can feel how warm his cheeks are. Just do it.
lances-a-lot its a date ;)
After he sends the message, Lance closes his laptop and jumps off the armchair. He feels jittery and unsure, yet also oddly hopeful that maybe this time—for the first time—his interest won't be a mistake.
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