#~ophelia's pop ballad~
lurinatftbn · 9 months
in a modern au what music would the characters be listening to?
Man, I'm bad at these sort of questions. I'll take a stab at it, though with the whole people-have-sides-you-never-expect motif this might not quite represent the whole truth:
Utsu: Probably a mix of slow jazz, synthwave, and video game OSTs she likes. She probably has extremely narrow tastes and listens to the same stuff she finds sentimental over and over.
Ran: Black metal and other adjacent punk stuff. Environmental soundscapes when she's reading.
Kam: A combination of classical music, extremely formulaic mainstream hip-hop, and kpop (not jpop, she'd hate the increased jazz influence).
Theo: Ballads, slowcore and folk rock. Broadly, any form of music where a girl sings about sad things while playing an acoustic guitar.
Ptolema: Electronic dance music; house, techno, etc. Synth-pop. Piano collections when she's working.
Seth: Extremely specific forms of indie and progressive rock. Math rock is his favorite. He is the most passionate about music in the class and will talk about it for hours.
Ophelia: <redacted>
Lilith: The same anime OP on loop for six hours.
Bardiya: Gothic country, trip-hop, lounge music. Enjoys watching string solos. Loosely follows modern classical scenes like New Complexity but doesn't actively listen to it away from performances.
Ezekiel: Melodic industrial and hardcore, or overly-sentimental piano music and alternative rock, depending on what he's currently feeling bitter about.
Fang: Experimental and improvisational music - fast jazz, avant-rock, vaporwave. Vocaloids. Probably used to compose when they had more free time.
Balthazar: Country music, but doesn't like religious stuff. Movie soundtracks.
that's all I have the brainpower for today, I think.
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bunbeeplays · 7 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 13 - A Stellar Start
It's the first snow of winter!
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It didn't snow a lot where Ophelia grew up, so she has some fun. She draws a heart in the snow before working up the courage to go talk to Libby.
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Luckily, she finds her outside and convinces her to build a snow pal together.
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Ophelia: We had a good time at the bar, huh?
Libby: Yeah, definitely.
Ophelia: I mean it, I want to hang out more. Just the two of us.
Libby: What are you... Brr! I wish the Watcher had bothered to put gloves on us.
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Libby: Are you... asking me out?
Ophelia adds the last finishing touches on the snow pal.
Ophelia: That depends. Are you saying yes?
Libby: You're lucky your charisma skill is better than your snow pal making skills. Fee, your hands are freezing! Come here.
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Ophelia: What do you say?
Libby: I say I have tomorrow off and I'd love to spend it with you.
Ophelia: Perfect! I know just the place! I'll pick you up at 10
Libby: Already have something planned, huh? What would you have done if I had said no?
Ophelia: Died of embarrassment.
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The next day, Ophelia shows up at the BFF house, ready for her first date with Libby.
Ophelia: Hi! You ready to do this?
Libby: Hard to prepare when you won't tell me what we're doing!
Ophelia: Well, spin into your cold weather outfit, cuz we're going to the city!
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The girls arrive at GeekCon!
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Libby: This is a geek paradise!
Ophelia: I thought this would be right up your alley. You know all about my work but I don't know anything about your astronaut career. I thought it'd be fun for us to work on the rocket.
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Libby: Are you sure? Some people think this is boring.
Ophelia: Everything is more fun with you, Lib. But if you don't want to spend all day babysitting me, we can always play video games or-
Libby: Are you kidding? I never get to infodump about rocket science! Let's do this!
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Ophelia isn't exactly a natural but with Libby's guidance, they make decent progress.
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Ophelia: Uh, Libby? Are you sure I'm just supposed to whack it with a hammer?
Libby: Yeah, really go for it! That's how you know it's working!
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They take a well-earned break, tired from all the hammering.
Ophelia: Wow, who knew rocket science was so easy and accessible?
Libby: I know, isn't it great?
Ophelia: Honestly, I think I could do anything with you at my side.
Libby: Back at you.
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Ophelia: We make a pretty good team!
Libby: Sure do! If the music thing doesn't work out, I'll put a good word in with my boss.
Ophelia: I know this isn't the most traditional date. I hope you're actually having fun and not just humoring me.
Libby: It's been wonderful.
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Libby knows that shy, sweet animation all too well. Ophelia is going in for their first kiss! Luckily, she has no intention to reject her advances. This is just what she's been waiting for.
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Libby: Wow. Ophelia: Sorry! You just looked really pretty and I... I hope that was okay.
Libby: We're on a date, Feefs. Of course it's okay, you queer disaster. Come on, we've done enough of my interests. Let's do something you like too.
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Libby and Ophelia pop on over to Planet Honey Pop to do some karaoke to a corny ballad. Libby has never sung a day in her life and sounds... less than great, but Ophelia is so smitten, she can barely hear anything over the sound of her own heartbeat anyway.
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Libby: Well that was fun! A little embarrassing, though.
Ophelia: Oh, hush. You were so cute.
Libby: Nice way of saying I'm tone-deaf. Listen, I've got to pack to go see my family for Winterfest but I had an amazing time.
Ophelia: So we're on the same page.
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star-shard · 2 years
TY so much to @powerofelvis !!
( Tagging @carnevol @venus-haze @h0unds-of-h3ll @ophelia-is-a-writer )
Last Elvis Song You Listened To: Young and Beautiful (I was watching Jailhouse Rock lol)
Current Elvis Song Stuck In Your Head: Burning Love!
Favorite Live Performance Moment: The Elvis: That's the Way It is, a lot of great comedy moments (mini guitar moment I luv u) But seeing him perform That's Alright revamped its so good.
Favorite Genre/Era You Like To Hear Elvis Sing Most: Rock, Country, and Blues. Can't pin down an era, they all got hits that get me going.
Current Favorite Elvis Song (bc how can you pick!): First thing that popped in: Crawfish. EP duets weren't too common but he does well in them.
Elvis Song You Tend To Skip: There are exceptions but I'd say most of his ballads don't grab me hard. Sorry, E.
What Kind Of Music Did You Listen To Before/Besides Elvis: Electronic, Disco, some Elton John, and honestly anything with a groove.
Are You Collecting Elvis' CD's, Cassette Tapes, 8-Tracks, or Records? I has no moneys :')
If You Could Have Been At Any Of Elvis' Live Performances, Which Would Choose: A tie between EP on the road in the 50s and EP's first Vegas show.
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groovyships · 2 years
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meruli · 3 years
My opinions on Friends units
This is me, as an idol fan, looking at the units’ themes, songs, and coords, instead of what I think about the characters and how they’re written.
Pure Palette
I think their concept as a unit is that they have infinite possibilities, like a brand new palette. Personally, I think giving the members their own image colors defeat this point. Coord wise, they’re rather hit or miss, but their miracle dresses definitely do feel palette-esque. Song wise, they’re average. Their songs don’t really particularly stand out or go wrong.
Suggested song: 
Sayonara Stay Tuned by Sayorana Stay Tuned
Honey Cat
They are themed around cats and... fashion? (Their catchphrase is Pretty, Sexy, Honey Cat). I think they could do more with the cat theme, by wearing more cat ears and using nya in their lyrics, like Wasuta. The fashion theme was prominent in Let’s Find It’s lyrics, but You x I’s coords, despite how ugly they were, fit the cat theme more. Their songs don’t really feel “fashionable” though.
Suggested songs:
I hated you. by Niji no Conquistador (fashionable) Ultra Miracle-cle Final Ultimate Choco Beam by Wasuta (cat)
Reflect Moon
BEST UNIT. Their moon theme is clearly reflected in their songs and coords. They certainly stand out music wise, with their combination of classical music and techno pop.
Suggested song:
Love Me Tear
What’s their theme??? Stars??? Their coords and songs are nice but their concept is just too vague. Also, with a name like that,  you’d expect them to mainly sing love songs.
Suggested song:
Sorrow Calibration by Moso Calibration
I Believe
Also vague, but I think their theme might be mythologies. This would explain the “Believe” in their unit name, as it could refer to beliefs. Their stage and coords also look myth-esque. I don’t really have a grasp on their music because they only have one song, but I think ballads would work well with them.
Suggested song:
Cradle of the Moonlit Sea by Mia REGINA
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documenting Larry and Archibald’s relationship in every episode (early 2000′s)
for the 1990′s episodes click here
Episode 13: King George and the Ducky (2000) - In Silly Songs with Larry, during the Barbara Manatee song, a photo of Archibald can be seen in the background of Larry’s house 
Episode 14: Esther...the Girl who Became Queen (2000) nothing happens in this one 
Episode 15: Lyle the Kindly Viking (2001) - Larry convinces Bob to let Archibald run the show for the day. Archibald, a true Theater Gay, is delighted at the opportunity to dazzle the audience and share his British culture  - Archibald forces Mr. Lunt to appear onstage in drag as Ophelia because “in Shakespeare’s day, *all the women’s roles were played by men*”  - “Silly Songs with Larry” is replaced by “Classy Songs with Larry.” Archibald seems very excited to announce this, not just because it’s a classy song, but because it’s his boyfriend singing. In a top hat. Larry plays along willingly of course.  - also the whole episode is about socialism so that’s fun 
Episode 16: The Ultimate Silly Song Countdown (2001)  nothing happens in this one 
Episode 17: Jonah Sing Along Songs and More (2002) - At the beginning of the episode Larry says that he is “so excited and just can’t hide it” but he doesn’t really say why. I think it’s because his boyfriend is supposed to be the star of the Jonah movie. - Archibald is afraid to come out of his dressing room because he doesn’t want to be swallowed by a whale. Larry tries to convince Archibald to come out of the closet his dressing room by offering to share his popcorn and accidentally covers himself in butter. For the laughs of course. no other reason. - When that doesn’t work, Larry teases Archibald by acting like a chicken and calls it “tough love.” Which doesn’t work. - Larry tries to inspire his boyfriend to come out of the closet his dressing room by dressing up as Indiana Jones, James Bond, and of course Larryboy. Which is very cute but also doesn’t work.  - Archibald finally comes out after Larry offers to replace him in the movie.
Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie (2002) - Archibald plays Jonah and Larry plays one of the Pirates who Don’t Do Anything. When Jonah asks the pirates to take him away from Ninevah, he makes some waggly eye gestures and says “money is no object.” Larry’s jaw drops and eye patch pops off.  - Larry is visibly concerned after Jonah is thrown overboard, and manages to throw him a life raft. Larry is also the first to react when Jonah is eaten by the whale anyway.
Episode 18: The Star of Christmas (2002)  Larry’s aesthetic is adorable but nothing happens
Episode 19: The Wonderful World of Auto-tainment! (2003)  Love the 60′s aesthetic, but nothing gay happens except maybe the robots? 
Episode 20: The Ballad of Little Joe (2003) Larry goes to cowboy camp (*ahem*) but nothing happens between him and Archibald here. Great episode though
Episode 21: An Easter Carol (2004)  nothing happens 
Episode 22: A Snoodle’s Tale (2004)  - Larry accidentally gets separated from Danish Immersion Camp and ends up at British Literary Camp instead. Instead of trying to get back to Danish Immersion Camp he decides to stay at British Literary Camp the whole summer. I wonder why Larry would suddenly have an interest in British literature? To impress a certain someone (who doesn’t appear in this episode) perhaps?  - episode also features body positivity, Jimmy Gourd in drag, and bi solidarity
Episode 23: Sumo of the Opera (2004) nothing happens
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aion-rsa · 3 years
New on Netflix: July 2021 Releases
By the power of Grayskull, Netflix’s list of new releases for July 2021 is here!
As you may have been able to tell by that clever opening, July is the month that Masters of the Universe: Revelation arrives on Netflix. This animated series from Kevin Smith continues the classic stories of He-Man and his buff friends. If nostalgia not be what ye seek, Netflix has plenty other original series this month as well. The amazingly hilarious sketch series I Think You Should Leave With Tim Robinson returns for season 2 on July 6. Also returning for a second season are Beastars, Never Have I Ever (both on July 15), and Outer Banks (July 30).
Netflix’s movie offerings are pretty thick this month since July marks the real beginning of the summer blockbuster season. The streamer is bringing not one, but three Fear Street films based on R.L. Stine’s classic book series. They arrive on July 1, July 9, and July 16 respectively. Also of note are Gundpowder Milkshake (July 14), Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans (July 21), and The Last Letter From Your Lover (July 23).
And if that weren’t enough, July sees a big influx of TV properties on Netflix. The Walking Dead season 10 (July 26), Wynonna Earp season 4 (July 26), and The Flash season 7 (July 28) all arrive at month’s end. These library titles will be complemented by The Twilight Saga (July 16) and the usual bevy of July 1 releases.
New on Netflix: July 2021
Coming Soon Cheech & Chong’s Still Smokin Feels Like Ishq — NETFLIX SERIES  How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast): Season 3 — NETFLIX SERIES 
July 1 Audible — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY Dynasty Warriors — NETFLIX FILM  Generation 56k — NETFLIX SERIES  Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway — NETFLIX ANIME FILM  Young Royals — NETFLIX SERIES  Air Force One Austin Powers in Goldmember Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me The Best of Enemies Boogie Nights Born to Play Bureau of Magical Things: Season 1 Charlie’s Angels Congo Dennis the Menace The Game Hampstead The Karate Kid The Karate Kid Part II The Karate Kid Part III Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda 2 Life as We Know It Love Actually Mary Magdalene Memoirs of a Geisha Midnight Run Mortal Kombat (1995) No Strings Attached Not Another Teen Movie Ophelia Sailor Moon Crystal: Seasons 1-3 She’s Out of My League Spanglish Star Trek The Strangers Stuart Little Supermarket Sweep: Season 1 Sword of Trust Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby Terminator 2: Judgment Day Underworld Underworld: Awakening Underworld: Rise of the Lycans What Dreams May Come Why Do Fools Fall in Love ZATHURA: A SPACE ADVENTURE
July 2 The 8th Night — NETFLIX FILM  Big Timber — NETFLIX SERIES  Fear Street Part 1: 1994 — NETFLIX FILM Haseen Dillruba — NETFLIX FILM  Mortel: Season 2 — NETFLIX SERIES Snowpiercer
July 3 Grey’s Anatomy: Season 17
July 4 We The People — NETFLIX FAMILY
July 5 You Are My Spring — NETFLIX SERIES 
July 6 I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson: Season 2 — NETFLIX COMEDY SPECIAL
July 7 Brick Mansions Cat People — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY Dogs: Season 2 — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY The Mire: ’97 — NETFLIX SERIES  The War Next-door — NETFLIX SERIES  Major Grom: Plague Doctor — NETFLIX FILM  This Little Love of Mine
July 8 Elize Matsunaga: Once Upon a Crime — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY  Home Again Midnight Sun RESIDENT EVIL: Infinite Darkness — NETFLIX ANIME
July 9 Atypical: Season 4 — NETFLIX SERIES Biohackers: Season 2 — NETFLIX SERIES  The Cook of Castamar — NETFLIX SERIES  Fear Street Part 2: 1978 — NETFLIX FILM How I Became a Superhero — NETFLIX FILM  Last Summer — NETFLIX FILM  Lee Su-geun: The Sense Coach — NETFLIX COMEDY SPECIAL  Virgin River: Season 3 — NETFLIX SERIES
July 10 American Ultra
July 13 Ridley Jones — NETFLIX FAMILY
July 14 A Classic Horror Story — NETFLIX FILM  The Guide to the Perfect Family — NETFLIX FILM  Gunpowder Milkshake — NETFLIX FILM Heist — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY My Unorthodox Life — NETFLIX SERIES Private Network: Who Killed Manuel Buendía? — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY
July 15 A Perfect Fit — NETFLIX FILM  BEASTARS: Season 2 — NETFLIX ANIME  Emicida: AmarElo – Live in São Paulo — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY  My Amanda — NETFLIX FILM  Never Have I Ever: Season 2 — NETFLIX SERIES
July 16 The Beguiled Deep — NETFLIX FILM  Explained: Season 3 — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY (NEW EPISODES WEEKLY) Fear Street Part 3: 1666 — NETFLIX FILM Johnny Test — NETFLIX FAMILY Twilight The Twilight Saga: New Moon The Twilight Saga: Eclipse The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn: Part 1 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn: Part 2
July 17 Cosmic Sin
July 20 milkwater
July 21 Chernobyl 1986 — NETFLIX FILM  The Movies That Made Us: Season 2 — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY One on One with Kirk Cameron: Season 1 Sexy Beasts — NETFLIX SERIES  Too Hot to Handle: Brazil — NETFLIX SERIES Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans — NETFLIX FAMILY
July 22 Still Working 9 to 5  Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop — NETFLIX ANIME 
July 23 A Second Chance: Rivals! — NETFLIX FAMILY Bankrolled — NETFLIX FILM  Blood Red Sky — NETFLIX FILM  Kingdom: Ashin of the North — NETFLIX FILM  The Last Letter From Your Lover — NETFLIX FILM Masters of the Universe: Revelation — NETFLIX SERIES Sky Rojo: Season 2 — NETFLIX SERIES 
July 24 Charmed: Season 3 Django Unchained
July 26 The Walking Dead: Season 10 Wynonna Earp: Season 4
July 27 All American: Season 3 Mighty Express: Season 4 — NETFLIX FAMILY The Operative
July 28 Bartkowiak — NETFLIX FILM   Fantastic Fungi  The Flash: Season 7 The Snitch Cartel: Origins — NETFLIX SERIES  Tattoo Redo — NETFLIX SERIES Too Hot to Handle: Brazil — NETFLIX SERIES
July 29 Resort to Love — NETFLIX FILM Transformers: War for Cybertron: Kingdom — NETFLIX ANIME
July 30 Centaurworld — NETFLIX FAMILY Glow Up: Season 3 — NETFLIX SERIES  The Last Mercenary — NETFLIX FILM Myth & Mogul: John DeLorean — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY Outer Banks: Season 2 — NETFLIX SERIES
July 31 The Vault
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Leaving Netflix: July 2021
July 5 The Iron Lady
July 7 The Invitation
July 14 Holidays
July 15 The Princess and the Frog
July 19 Love Sick: The Series: Season 1
July 22 Oh My Ghost Oh My Ghost 2 Oh My Ghost 3 Oh My Ghost 4
July 28 The Croods
July 30 Spotlight
July 31 A Clockwork Orange  Bride of Chucky Child’s Play 2 Child’s Play 3  Eat Pray Love  Four Christmases  Freak Show  Fred Claus  Friends with Benefits G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra Grand Designs: Season 10  Grand Designs: Season 15  Hardcore Henry  Hinterland: Seasons 1-3 Hook Horns Jupiter Ascending King Arthur  Little Baby Bum: Nursery Rhyme Friends: S1 The Little Rascals Mad Max My Best Friend’s Wedding Nacho Libre  Nights in Rodanthe The Patriot  Remember Me Seed of Chucky Step Up: Revolution Your Highness  Zombieland 
The post New on Netflix: July 2021 Releases appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3dxU7H0
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1albumaday · 4 years
The Chats - The Clap
Easy-peasy punk rock album 
Loving - If I am only my thoughts
Charming sun-dappled folk-pop, clean, gentle melodies
Steve Spacek - Houses 
iPhone/iPad recorded, latino and jazz accented dance/house beats
Ghali - DNA 
Total Flop and failed expectations. Mishmash of bland and frivolous lyrics and arrangements.
King Krule - Man Alive!
Alienating, violent, romantic, anguishing, doomed, noir / jazz, post-punk, soul, dubstep, electronic, garage rock, hip-hop
Justin Bieber - Changes
Disappointing comeback - boring r&b with zero sex appeal and cheesy lyrics and all-the-same songs
Guided by voices - Surrender your poppy field
Unusual time signatures, song lengths, and baroque-prog structures - mature rock and sometimes pixie / 80s dreamy
Corrections - Simply Activities
80s new wave and post punk nostalgia - cheesy vocals at times - first half more solid than second
Swim Mountain- If
A lovely mix of indie and funktronica, synth pop, r&b
Caribou - Suddenly
Sly and sofishticated sound design flits between uk garage disco and more - some tracks way less strong than others
Grimes - Miss Anthropocene 
Mix “Ethereal nu metal”, ambient, dance, electronic, drum’n’bass, country - is violent and dark but sexy, delicate and dreamy
Porridge Radio - Every Bad 
A dissonant lush indie rock sometimes dreamy sometimes dark and ironic with mantra-litany dusky lyrics from peaceful to desperate
Four Tet - Sixteen oceans
Wind instruments, synths and drum patterns gradually fade to calming ambient sounds, intense and meditative but also danceable and powerful
Kamaiyah - Got it made
Short, stripped-down, bubbling keyboards and drum-machine handclaps. NO current rap trends. windows-down bass-rattle record of one person’s confidence in her own sound and charisma
Poolside - Low season
Funk percussions, retro synths, pop and disco influences + indie vocals
Morioh Sonder - Is this psychedelia?
Surf pop and psych rock, dreamy post punk influences, danceable and whimsical 
KEYAH/BLU - Sorry, I forgot you were coming 
Perfect blend of rap, rnb, experimental pop, dark rhythms textured electronics, intimate tales 
TOPS - I feel alive
Pop, radiant and 80s romantic with a contemporary experimental palette
The Chats - High risk behaviour 
Classic old-school pure punk / cheerily undemanding fun
NIN - Ghosts V: Together
Buzzy ambient, melodic hooks, emotional palette of sounds 
NIN - Ghosts VI: Locusts
Together’s opposite, anxiety-inducing, despairing horns, breathing and devouring sounds.
Roger and Brian Eno - Mixing Colours
Feels like a balm for these anxious times
Fiona Apple - Fetch the bolt cutters
Handclaps, chants, makeshift percussion, echoes, whispers, screams, breathing, jokes, dog barks, rattling blues. Contains no conventional pop forms. freeing and powerful. 
The Weeknd - After Hours
Satisfying collision of new wave, dream pop, R&B, synth-pop nostalgia
BC Camplight - Shortly After Takeoff 
Jazzy eighties rock with some icy funk and electronic pop, painfully personal and uneasy but so self-deprecating it speaks like your best friend
Rone - Room with a view 
Deft splicing of beats-based electronics and dance music with classical influences. 21st century baroque chords, snatches of conversations, speeches, children’s voices
Other Lives - For their love
Bluesy acid-rock, dreamy meditation sounds, eerie string-crescendos, music for the afterlife
Lil Uzi Vert - Eternal Atake 
Drill-influenced rapping, melodic crooning, trends-aware hip-hop beats, untouchable pop sound production
Squarepusher - Be up a hello
Frantic breakbeats littered with echoes of classic jungle, hardcore, and drum’n’bass, ’90s drill’n’bass, glitchy 8-bit chaos
The Orielles - Disco Volador
Cosmic, playful, funky dreamy indie pop, shuffling organs, woozy guitar, shimmy-shimmy hand percussion
Portico Quartet - We welcome tomorrow
Perfect dreamy sequel of ‘Memory streams’
Charlie XCX - how i’m feeling now
Quarantine creation / 2020 romance manifesto of club-pop, trap, k-pop, video game sounds, fuzzy synths and crackling bass
Holy Fuck - Deleter
Trippy, psychedelic tapestry of euphoric escapism, ‘90s dance, glitchy beats, airy vocals, experimental electronics 
Luge - Luge
Energetic and playful avant-garde and quirky math rock, zolo? 
Good With Parents, Triple Stephens - Comments & Reflection
Playful indietronica synth pop + classical instruments 
Wishing - None of this was your fault 
Lo-fi indie, ambient, slowcore w/ fragile lyrics 
Bibio - Sleep on the wing 
Indie folk treated like ambient / a gorgeous soundscape of strings, guitars and flutes, feelings of loss, hope and escape. Perfect picture of tranquil countryside memories
Piotr Kurek - A Sacrifice Shall Be Made / All The Wicked Scenes
Electroacoustic experimental, meditative-ritualistic atmospheric music / conceived for theatrical performances 
Military Genius - Deep Web
Meditative ambient, retro-futurist soundscapes / hypnagogic pop, dark, abstract and mysterious / early ‘70s folk interjecting jazz-brass sections 
Jockstrap - Wicked City
Melancholy waltz and winsome ballads, fluttering strings, soft piano glissandi mixed with gnarly and distorted hip-hop beats, buzzing guitars and synths / cherubic vocals, pcmusic-style manipulated at times
Georgia - String Token 
Experimental ambient electronic, minimal, melodic, futuristic, hypnotic and grim
EVOL - Madball Manners
Lingering experimental rave electronic, hardcore, techno 
Upsammy - Zoom
Playful, sampling, abstract IDM, ambient techno, melodic and rhythmic, surreal, futuristic, sparkling synths and billowing pads
Tomasz Kunicki - Muzyka dla Świątyń
Playful and abstract IDM, glittering synths, obscure pads, glitchy and bleepy
Tomasz Kunicki - The sound is gone, where did it go, I have no idea
Very bassy and very dubby IDM, atmospheric ambient and loopy electronics
Kate NV - Room for the moon
80s new wave, progressive electronic, synth pop, cornucopia of melodies and genres. Wriggling synths, chirping flutes, warm baselines, jazzy sax, woodwinds, marimba. Russian girly vocals cartoon theme-song-like.
Khruangbin - Mordechai 
Psychedelic / funk rock with some soul, dub, lounge, poolside disco - exotic and atmospheric 
Dalai Lama - Inner world
Chanted mantras rhythmically woven into wafting new-age flutes, chimes, strings and free-form guitar picking. 
K-Lone - Cape Cira
Tropical ambient house, warm, lush, soft. Zen yet bouncy rhythms. Digital and analogue recordings, at times feels like you’re underwater. 
Arca - KiCk i
Experimental industrial club rhythms with reggaeton and folk influences
The Beths - Jump Rope Gazers
Sleek and personal indie rock, romantic ballads, more sentimental and slow than the previous album
J Lloyd - Kosmos
Tasteful soul and funk pop in 25 tiny tracks, charming low-key, rich textures, good vibes
Julek Polsk - Tesco
Dissonant, ominous, dense, post industrial ambient, noise, sound collage, deconstructed club music
Taylor Swift - folklore
Folk/chamber pop, indie folk, bittersweet, mellow, melancholic ballads
Bill Callahan - Gold Record 
Contemporary folk, warm and deep vocals, pastoral, peaceful and melancholic 
Mura Masa - R.Y.C. 
Indietronica, post-punk revival, catchy indie/synth pop, early 2000 EMO, lots of hip collabs
Fontaines D.C. - A Hero's Death 
Post-punk, indie rock, art punk, gothic rock, raw deadpan male vocals, darkish and melodic
RAMzi - cocon 
Tribal House, ambient dub, balearic beats, downtempo, hypnotic and tropical 
Auguste - Indust 
Experimental ambient electronic + field recordings, glistening and splintered sounds 
Paul Blackford - Betamax
Dreamy and hypnotic trip hop, downtempo, synth wave
A.G.Cook - 7G
49-track archival collection of sketches, cover versions, volatile lab experiments, divided into 7 discs. a glimpse at the whirring cogs beneath hyperpop’s pristine casing.
Clap clap - Liquid Portraits 
Experimental musical tapestry and collage / high-energy concoction of unpredictable and wavy rhythms, exotic vocals and heavy, relentless bass and drums / UK Bass, ambient dub, footwork + far-flung field recordings
E.M.M.A. - Indigo Dream 
Progressive electronic, ambient house / 80s melodic atmospheres, goosebump-inducing synths, whimsical melodies and classical leanings
Leif - Music for screen tests 
Performed live @ Barbican as a 54min session ambient / drone film soundtrack (Andy Warhol's Screen Tests)
Crack Cloud - Pain Olympics
Post/art/dance punk, experimental rock - energetic, anxious, apocalyptic, dark, male vocals
Document - A Camera Wanders All Night 
Post-punk, noise rock, past-hardcore, distorted and raw male vocals
Keisuke Matsuda - Clumsily Back Up
Experimental electronic with playful hummed vocals, lo-fi beats, melodic, youthful, dreamlike
Coi Leray - Now or Never
Gen-Z superstar, melodic flows, bouncy trap, energetic killer lyrics 
The Ophelias - For Luck
Artful, string-laden indie-pop EP, grungy dream-pop, a quarantine remake and a Joni Mitchell cover
Romare - Home
Deep house, UK Bass, groovy and detailed sonic palette + soul and funk influences - dancefloor highs and after party wind-downs
Mulatu Astatke, Black Jesus Experience - To Know Without Knowing 
Ethio-Jazz, Cuban, funk, reggae workout + rapid-fire rap or Afrobeat drums 
Good Doom - Spider Temple Valley
Experimental psych-wave, gentle and peaceful lo-fi, dreamy and oozy with flute, sax and field recordings
Ralph Kinsella - Abstraction
Dark ambient experimental / instrumental electronic
IDLES - Ultra Mono
Post-punk, garage punk, hardcore, noise rock, raw male vocals, dense, energetic, angry, political
Mild Orange - Mild Orange 
Alternative, Indie rock, dream pop, 
Skinshape - Umoja
Experimental psychedelic rock - afro beats - afroswinig - funky - world music
Vulfpeck - The Joy of Music, The Job of Real Estate
Mixed bag of funk, jazz, soul, self-indulgent? classical reworks, progressive electronic, melodic and uplifting, groovy drums and bass lines 
OPN - Magic OPN 
Manipulated and sequenced archive radio and sounds collages as interludes, uncanny processed voices, poppish trope ballads, art pop, sentimental and surreal, dense, progressive hypnagogic electronic and more
Pa Salieu - Send them to coventry
Combined dancehall, Afrobeats, hip-hop and grime. Scattered drums, stop-start energy, handpicked words and rhymes. skips from trap trills to baile breakdowns.
Mama Ode - Tales & Patterns of the Maroons
Classic hip-hop album with jazz, funk, blues and reggae influences. Creole Sega Rap Roots music, afro-drum patterns and grooves
Tony Allen, Hugh Masekela - Rejoice
Live sessions of unique fusion of afrobeat and swing-jazz with lyrics in English, Yoruba and Zulu 
Miley Cyrus - Plastic Hearts
Pop rock, 80s synth-rock, grit and freewheeling sense of fun, rough-hewn panache of vocal performance, bittersweet eclectic and sentimental / collabs with rock idols
LCD Soundsystem - Electric lady sessions 
Live recording with some new wavy covers 
Harry Styles - Fine line 
Not catchy / mediocre pop 
Boothe - 8 or 9 Walled Room
10 minutes of playful electronic and soft vocals
Good with parents - Good with parents 
Clever indietronica synth pop, fun + ironic + millennial + sax 
Taylor Skye - Kode fine & sons 
Synth, beats and pop vocals 
Famous - England 
Wonky pop punk mixed to electronic sounds and raw spoken vocals
Orville Peck - Pony 
Simple pop rock Johnny Cash style ballads and 80s
Sassy 009 - Kill Sassy 009
Distorted electro pop with strong vocals + post-punk notes
J-Walk - Mediterranean Winds 
Jazzy electronica with glassy synth pads cheesy and chilled out
Mattiel - Satis Factory 
Punky garage rock strong female vocals
Ross Backenkeller - Come Around
Country dreamy and melancholy guitar and vocals 
Legss - Writing Comedy 
Art rock and a dark underbelly of post-punk + topnotch spoken track and electronic sounds
BEA1991 - The Lost Demo EP
Trip-hop with Bjork-style vocals
BEA1991 - Brand New Adult 
Chamber folk and yacht rock meld with R&B and trip-hop
Matt Maltese - Krystal
Lo-fi flowy bedroom pop breakup album
Faye Webster - Atlanta Millionaires Club
Folk-pop, mellow and melancholy soul with an r&b tinge
Infinite Bisous- Period 
Soothing and warm bedroom night album 
Achille Lauro - 1969
Trap changed into rock with romanticised lyrics 
Jerkcurb - Air Con Eden 
Indie-psych and retro Americana, atmospheric, sensitive, wobbly
Octo Octa - Resonant Body
Breakbeats and house bangers
Jazz fusion, disco rhythms and high-gloss art rock
Orphan - Yijoda
Glitchy and sharp electronics + ambient-atmospheric sounds
Honeymoan - Body
Avant-garde pop tapestry of beats and synths with playful vocal
U-Bahn - U-Bahn
Traditional new wave DEVO-moulded, Hypnagogic pop, art-punk, some vaporwave synth sounds
Hail Conjurer - Erotic Hell
Obscure and raw Finnish black metal 
Ride for revenge - Chapter of alchemy 
Quality black metal with long and short tracks pretty smooth 
Boys Age - Neverchanging, Neverending 
Lo-fi, slow-tempo, soul, r&b, mellow tracks with sad very low vocals
MorMor - Some place else 
Indie-pop with sweet synths and delicate vocals 
Felicita - hej!
Overproduced pop dance hits broken down into harsh and jarring staccato melodies, hissing ambient and screams
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Ghosteen
Endlessly giving and complex meditation on mortality and our collective grief, scored by synths, pianos, and electronics
Portico Quartet - Memory Streams
Ethereal keyboards, hypnotic grooves, layered post-rock textures mixed with electronic, ambient and magnetic jazz build-ups
Charles Rumback + Ryley Walker - Little common twist 
Mellow and pastoral folksy guitar melodies and soft drums + ambient tones, drone electronic
Shadowax - Nikolai Reptile
Effervescent techno and mutant bass jams
The Rhythm Method - How do you know I was lonely?
Ostensibly witty and warm pop songs from hip hop to indie and electronic about romance and millennial youth
Martin Dupont - Accident of Stars
80s kinda goth new wave full of electronics, guitars synths and clarinets
Raime - Planted
Latin American and Chicago footwork influences merged with alien sounds, half-heard voices, dark and rhythmic bass and percussions
Sunn 0))) - Pyroclasts
Sunn 0))) - Life Metal
Slow-motion drone feels like a religious ritual / pipe organ and cello, guitars webbing together the space between notes
Special Request - Vortex 
Breakbeat barnstormers and house epics, with room for bleep, electro and gabber
Caterina Barbieri - Ecstatic Computation
Oscillating sequencers, rhythmic pulsations, cascades of synthesiser melodies echoing dance music/new age
Battles - Juice B Crypts 
Playful electronic wizardry, dense array of beats, bleeps and squelches, loopy keyboards and guitars, ecstatic vocals
Haruomi Hosono - HOCHONO HOUSE
Home-recorded aesthetic, funk shaped into minimalist space-age lounge music 
Florist - Emily Alone 
Thoughtful, calming and melancholic, full of hushed, enveloping guitar sounds and gentle vocals
Spencer Radcliffe - Hot Spring 
Alt-country, indie falk americana, very relaxed,pastoral and wry poetics
Ciamkam - Play-doh Dog 
Noise ambient / screeching, dissonant, surreal, ominous 
Equiknoxx - Eternal Children 
UK soundsystem style, reggae groundings, earthy dancehall with a vast range of puzzling vocalists
Eh hahah - Fissure
Experimental deconstructed electronic, sound collage, glitches and post-club music
Upsammy - Wild Chamber 
Lucid shades of IDM, bleep techno, perky synths and frazzling hi-hats, polyrhythmic drum patterns
Otik - Blasphemy
Fresh, vibrant, dark experimental club music, techno + dance + electronic 
Shanti Celeste - Tangerine
Tech / ambient / deep house, breakbeat, rhythmic and mechanical yet dreamy 
Bez - Banki Mydlane
Dream pop, shoegaze, noise pop, space rock, reverberated female vocals + spoken word
Yu Su - Roll with the punches 
Ambient dub, downtempo, tribal ambient, sampling, mellow, atmospheric with female vocals
Drive45 - Dried up 
Bitpop, Artpop, indietronica, quirky and playful, androgynous vocals 
Lala &ce - Le son d’apres 
French hip hop, trap, cloud rap, alternative b&b, dancehall / sparse dark and ominous, warm female vocals
Leif - Loom Dream
Tribal ambient / ambient techno + field recordings / pastoral, ethereal, atmospheric 
deathcrash - Sundown (a collection of home recordings)
Slowcore, drone ambient, post-punk, fragile male vocals
FEET - What’s inside is more than just ham
Post-punk, indie-rock, dance-punk, sarcastic, playful, technical, male vocals
Coi Leray - EC2
Trap, hyphy, pop rap
Ariwo- Quasi 
Dub techno, afro-cuban jazz, ambient techno, chants, programmed beats, pulsating relentless rhythms and percussions, loud sax
Floating Points - Crush
Strikingly melodic and elegant, cinematic, frantic and distorted rhythms, shuddered synths, vibrant breakbeats, sampling, UK garage nodding
Jacques Greene - Dawn Chorus
Bittersweet, sad but triumphant, mix of experimental electronic and lightweight techno + field recordings, hazy sampled textures, distorted drones + disco house + percussions + spoken word
Men I Trust - Oncle Jazz
Indie electronic, minimal, chillout downtempo, dreamy female vocals, jazzy
Raveena - Lucid 
R&B, soul, experimental, pop, groovy, jazzy and dreamy, with some field and spoken words recordings
Shit and Shine - Very high 
Lazy hippie funk with slowed rnb vocals 
Saloli - The deep end
New Age-inspired delicate only-synth music 
Adrianne Lenker - abysskis 
Guitar and sweet and warm vocals 
Ever ending kicks - Ideas relayed 
Sweet lo-fi similar to the previous two 
Negative Gemini - Bad Baby 
Solid synth pop with dreamy intimate vocals
Okay Kaya - Both
melancholy bedroom-pop sarcastic and harsh lyrics
Trust Fund - Bringing the Backline
Witty yet melancholy self-aware pop-rock
Jockstrap - Love is the key to the city 
A fusion of Bossa Nova, 1930s Disney-esque orchestra, and coarse electronica
Noah Cyrus - Good Cry
Pop and rnb debut album with a bit of gospel and melancholy
Carla dal Forno - Top of the pops
Alternative indie electronic, subtle instrumental backdrops with plaintive vocals
Lala Lala - The lamb 
Alternative/Indie rock with grunge tones and personal and warm vocals
Diamond Thug - Apastron
Progressive but dreamy pop, graceful vocals
Denh Izen - Storage Solutions 
Dark and charming sounds with warm and distorted vocals, desperate but calm
Imperial Triumphant - Vile Luxury 
New York Jazz mixed with top-notch black metal great for a sci-fi dystopian movie - especially Cosmopolis
Oliver Coates - Shelley’s on Zenn-La
Beat-oriented electronic music, sublime cello and synths
Dylan Carlson - Conquistador
drone-metal imaginary Western mostly solo electric guitar
Project Pablo - Come to Canada you will like it 
Dozy laid back deep house with  jazzy chords and subtly swinging drums
Ryley Walker - The Lillywhite Sessions 
Dave Matthews Band tribute with proggy folk, primitive guitar, free improv, Chicago jazz-rock on darker tones 
Grouper - Grid of Points
Empty room, piano and voice slip through your fingers like water
Kali malone - Cast of Mind
Glacial synth tones mapped to acoustic woodwind and brass 
Likes - New Pedal
Short tracks of fun glitch / hypnagogic pop
Jake Tobin - Fifth Thought
Fun and whimsical take on classical sax sounds and guitars
Jake Tobin - 135
Avant-prog / jazz fusion / romanticism / off-kilter melodies / psychedelic chords with the emotion and aesthetic of bedroom pop
Twig Twig - Darkworld Gleaming
Experimental pop, whimsical instrumentation, lo-fi uplift, beats and loops
George Clanton - Slide
Cult 2020s electronic born from vaporware influences mixed with whispery chillwave and downtempo R&B, feels like a 90s rave in an open field, no irony
Good Doom - Mood Life
Unique, very chill, dreamy sound, incorporates world music, trip hop beats, lo fi bedroom pop, krautrock and noise
Ex:Re - Ex:Re
Husky and mellow ambient pop, dream pop? Lethargic and melancholic 
Zaumne - Emo Dub
Minimalistic ominous and repetitive ambient house with ASMR-like spoken words
Ehh hahah - And the weather so breezy, man, why can’t life always be this easy?
Progressive experimental electronic, deconstructed club music, EDM, bubblegum bass, playful yet dark
Kate NV - для FOR
Progressive electronic, ambient, new age, minimalist, surreal, otherworldly and playful. wet, fleshy bleeps; bubbly, liquid noise
Leon Chang - re:treat
Mellow lo-fi hip hop, downtempo, electronic, future bass, sampling 
Coi Leray - Everythingcoz
Pop rap, trap, hyphy tunes, powerful + well produced 
Domenique Dumont - Miniatures de auto rhythm 
Sophist-pop, balearic beat, chillwave, dreampopish, soft female vocals, lush, summery and rhythmic
Big Joanie - Sistahs 
Pretty standard textbook indie-rock, post-punk with female vocals 
Darto - Fundamental Slime 
Haunting and spacious, deep male vocals, intriguing eerie melodies, dream state lullabies + sax and spoken word bit
Old Maybe - Piggity Pink 
Chaotic post-punk, unusual time signatures, strong shouted female vocals
Brad Mehldau Trio - Seymour Reads the Constitution! 
Elegant and melodic modal jazz - post-bop album, fragmented but coherent, ever changing time signature and tempo
Ross Backenkeller - Bardo
Folk indie guitar melodies with honest and gentle vocals
Maruego - Tra Zenith e Nadir
Italian trap with disillusioned and ironic lyrics + cool collabs
Nervous Condition - Untitled 
Forceful drums, wails of sax and commanding vocals - mix of experimental rock, post-punk, no wave, jazz
Powerplant - Dogs Sees Ghosts
Synth punk, garage punk fast and fun
Wool & The Pants - Wool & The Pants
Experimental r&b / soul / hiphop vibez pretty smooth and lo-fi
TOPS - Sugar at the gate 
Soft rock tunes, vintage atmosphere, fuzzy, honey-dipped songs 
Slothrust - Show me how you want it to be 
Covers album with grungy sounds and good arrangements 
Rone - Mirapolis
Misty synths and heavy bass lines, dreary and melancholic industrial electronics, packed with doomed vocals of all sorts of guests. 
Ada Babar & Kasra Kurt - Nino Tomorrow
Weird pop and experimental DIY with MIDI keyboards and guitar, playful lyrics, video game menu music
Good Doom - New Shapes for you
Evocative, dreamy and atmospheric melodies, warm at times, chilly, spooky, grungy, dark at others, synth buzzes, glitchy drums
Phoebe Bridgers - Stranger in the alps
Atmospheric ballads for sad times, deeply personal stories of heartbreak and loss 
Florist - If Blue Could Be Happiness
Indie folk, soft and atmospheric, pure gentle quiet and soft female vocals about understanding light and darkness. Swooping guitar, dots of piano notes, gentle beats that recall Simon and Garfunkel
Wishing - Heat Death 
Ambient pop, lo-fi indie beats w/ soft vocals that make you feel things you haven’t felt in a while
Martyn Heyne - Electric Intervals
Ambient in the broadest sense, calm instrumental downtempo guitar-centric with electronic flourishes
Equiknoxx - Colón Man
Vivid and tactile masterful sound design, syncopated loops, wonky and scintillating rhythms 
American Pleasure Club - I blew a dandelion and the whole world disappeared 
Lo-fi acoustic guitar with raw male vocals
Andrea Laszlo De Simone - Uomo Donna 
Progressive pop, baroque/psychedelic pop + field recordings / bittersweet and pastoral 
Drive45 - Have you seen me? 
Bitpop indietronic, glitch pop, sequencer, dance pop
Drive45 - System Format
Bitpop indietronic, playful video game sounds
Leon Chang - bird world 
Bitpop electronic, sequencer, videogame music, future bass / uplifting mellow and playful 
dynastic - SPACE/SUMMER 
Glitch hop, electronic bubblegum, kawaii future bass, mellow and uptempo, cheesy sax, chaotic sounds + dance floor dnb
Darto - Human Giving 
Spacey experimental electronic mixed with post-punk, warm tones, 80s synths, soft melodic vocals + spoken bits
Pregnant - Duct Tape
Indie/art/soft rock, electronic, brilliant pop tunes, dreamy yet rhythmic
Ever Ending Kicks - Music World
DIY colourful dreamy hazy songs 
Mild Eye Club - Skiptracing 
Low-key folk dreamy with 60s 70s vintage links
Loving - Loving 
Easy and dreamy pop melodies, wavy, warm and mellow
Lala Lala- Sleepyhead 
Alternative/Indie rock with grunge tones and personal and warm vocals
Gruff Rhys - Set fire to the stars
Soundtrack to the homonym 2014 film set in the 50s - soft romance rock, jazz-inspired, elegant and familiar
Oliver Coates - Upstepping
Deep house, techno, footwork blended with sharp and experimental classical strings 
Garden Center - Garden Center
Erratic pop music, fun and playful electronic sounds, silly vocals
Raime - Tooth
Ominus and gloomy sound of dub, electronic and post-rock / stripped down to the flesh 
Amiina - Fantomas 
Violin, cello, drums, percussion, metallophone, harp, ukulele and electronics fused in a contemporary classical post-rock gentle melody-focused experimentation
Jake Tobin - Sorta Upset
Short tracks of experimental rock, avant-prog - eclectic and dissonant, technical and manic
Jake Tobin - Accidentally on Purpose
Post-modern experimental pop, jazz influenced sounds, off-kilter saxophone, silly humour 
Vanishing Twin - Choose your own adventure
Swathes of percussion, exotic drum beats and funky guitars merge into a cosmic blend of reverberating bleeps with jazz skits / heady voyage across sound influences
Good Doom - Hug
Good Doom - Naps
Both off-beat lo-fi with a rock twists, spacey, fuzzy, grainy sounds
Zeal & Ardor - Devil is fine
Top notch black metal merges African-American spiritual slave music and some electronic beats and sounds
Shield Patterns - Mirror Breathing
Haunting vocals and sensual cello, clarinet and piano, all wrapped up in ethereal synths
Ashley Henry - Ashley Henry’s 5ive
Complex and uplifting post-bop jazz, imaginative flare, delicate and soothing piano
Florist - The Birds Outside Sang 
Lo-fi indie, ambient-dream pop,sparse, minimalist keyboard leads bordering on chilly drones + intimate and personal songwriting
Acustic lo-fi bedroom pop with an airy tone and somber feel but still feels fresh and lighthearted 
Told Slant - Going By
Slowcore indie pop/folksy emo, ‘intimate spaces in which small town kids write memories of touch, togetherness, loss, love, depersonalisation’
Kate NV - Binasu
Art pop, progressive electronic, sequencer, joyful grooves but also atmospheric and ethereal sounds, eclectic and dense, melodic female vocals
Zaumne - Przezycia
Minimal ambient techno with a couple of spoken word bits 
Mauno - Rough Master
Enticingly and eclectic indie rock, smooth vocals, strings and moody guitars, delicate piano, powerful drums
Susso - Keira
Tribal house, tribal ambient, folktronica, Mande music, rhythmic and powerful chants
Phern - Cool Coma  
Psychedelic pop, lo-fi, mellow and playful 
Hellier Ulysses - Ulysses Hellier 
Experimental rock, math rock, jangle pop mixed with post-punk, technical, lo-fi, uncommon time signatures
Brad Mehldau Trio - Blues and Ballads 
Deceptively sweet-sounding jazz album, songs are played with variations and every phrase is a cliffhanger - gracefully executed + bonus of my fav song <3
Adeodat Warfield - Pacific, Missouri 
Synth pop with electronic beats, vaporware notes
Ross Backenkeller - Rare Please
Folk indie guitar melodies with honest and gentle vocals
Grimes - Art Angels
Immaculate and authentic, synthetic and unreal but also super pop, folk, and dance / POST-art pop?
Jake Tobin - Third and Fourth Thoughts
Short tracks of weird avant-prog where the vocals follow the melodies all the time
Florist - Holdly
Vocals move slowly and sweetly through gentle meditation sound and soft guitars
Starry Cat - Starry Cat
Indie pop, lo-fi indie, wavy and shaky, bitter-sweet and personal male vocals 
Acustic lo-fi bedroom pop with a somber feel but still feels fresh and lighthearted nearly asmr-like vocals 
Wishing - To Forget
Lo-fi indie slowcore, fuzzy synths + acoustic sounds mixed with short electronic tracks / lyrics are whispered and very intimate 
Oren Ambarchi - Live Knots 
Two very long live recorded tracks of propulsive drumming full of tensions and releases + droning notes, plucked strings and mournful guitar 
Juxta Phona - we will not be silence 
Ambient, electronic, minimal melodies over crisp, tactile beats
Khruangbin - The Universe Smiles Upon You
Psychedelic / Funk rock, rhythmic and jazzy, tropical warm and peaceful
Red Sea - In The Salon 
Indie experimental rock, psychedelic pop, math rock, melodic yet uncommon time signatures 
Eyeliner - Buy Now 
Synth-pop/funk - vaporwave / instrumental, melodic, uplifting, lush, futuristic / great bass lines! 
Ricky Eat Acid - Three love songs
First half found sounds, experimental electronics, fuzzy piano loops. Second half IDM beats and keys, choir-like vocals / “might be the sound of music having a dream within a dream about music”
Jake Tobin - Torment 
Jake Tobin - Life as a Clerical Error
Weird dissonant mix of avant-prog, art punk and jazz fusion but in an amazing way
Richard Dawson - Nothing Important 
Brittle, crudely amplified nylon-string acoustic guitar, experimental drones, folk sketches, imitation field cries, and free jazz diversions
Ever Ending Kicks - Weird priorities
Sentimental chill instrumental and colourful with gentle vocals
Gruff Rhys - American Interior
John Evans-themes concept album - witty folk oriented retro-futurist music 
Michael Andrews - Spilling a rainbow
Well-crafted pop tunes, nostalgic and lighthearted memories of folk rock with a dash of avant-garde electronic haze
Pill Friends - Blessed Suffering
Lo-fi indie/emo noisy and raw with existential and stark male vocals 
Told Slant - Still Water
Lo-fi/bedroom-punk with folksy guitars and delicate vocals as if they could break down in tears at any moment
Hype Williams - Find out what happens when people stop being polite and start gettin reel
Ypnagogic vortex of incredibly canny hard to pinpoint music with distorted spoken vocals
Zach Hill - FACE TAT
Constant restless drumming, squiggly melodic instrumental hooks, mosaics of disconnected noises, fuzzy sounds and vocals
Amplifier Machine - her mouth is an outlaw
Half-improvised ambient - drone - experimental - electronic - post-rock
E. Bandel, Victory & Good Hunting - s/t
Classical, piano, folk, melancholic, haunting
Seabear - The ghost that carried us away
Indie/folk multi-instrumental dynamic floating sound, warm melodies, calm and gentle vocals
A masterful noise/experimental rock with elements of post-punk, drone and electronic - disorienting rhythms, tempo-shifting, noisy outbursts
The Darkness - One way ticket to hell
Hard / glam rock ballads and pop tunes 
The Emperor Machine - Aimee Tallulah is hypnotised 
Mix of electro euro disco, post-punk, krautrock, sci-fi scores, jazz-funk. Thick dance rhythms and mind-altering synths
ESG - Step Off 
Sweet soul with a punk attitude, jazzy sassy vocals
Hella - Hold your horse is 
Non-stop, indie-audio assault / Nintendo music / midi and electronic beats / head-spinning leading drums, very fast guitars
Eels - Electro-Shock Blues
elegantly sad grief and death themed album, deeply personal, yet brilliant pop tunes, post-grunge, jazzy arrangement, archive sounds, electronics
Duster - Stratosphere
Bashful slowcore lo-fi experimental space/indie rock
Bobbi Humphrey- Fancy Dancer 
Funky jazz with forms of world music, soul, club music and pop
Kevin Ayers - Bananamour
Progressive pop, art rock with mix of soul, r&b, reggae - choirs and country type ballads
Kevin Ayers - Whatevershebringswesing
Experimental new age prog rock, semisweet tunes, lighthearted, skewed sounds
Kevin Ayers - Shooting at the moon
Experimental, progressive, avant-garde, rock with jazz influences, sound recordings, excellent songwriting
6 notes · View notes
trespeak · 5 years
What's your favorite house album?
Wow, that’s a toughie. Might just have to give you a list instead.
This ended up being pretty long so I’ve put all the big descriptions I wrote for each of ‘em under the cut, but here’s the gist:
Daft Punk, Discovery (2001)
Kaskade, Fire and Ice (2011)
deadmau5, For Lack of a Better Name (2009) and 4x4=12 (2010)
Phantoms, Phantoms (2017)
Justice, † (2007) 
Lazy Rich’s singles
Porter Robinson/Virtual Self – Spitfire (2011) and Virtual Self (2017)
I like a lot of deep house and electro house, so most of my picks here are within either or both of those subgenres (as well as progressive house, in deadmau5′s case).
For more of my thoughts (and there are many!), see below.
Daft Punk, Discovery (2001)
Accept no substitutes. For Guy-Manuel de Homem Christo and Thomas Bangalter, making quality tunes seems to just be second nature. Their second album replaces the underground, city-street feel of Homework with a shiny, discotheque-ready sound that stands on the shoulders of giants but does so as a means of updating and widening the reach of their own influences (with “Harder Better Faster Stronger”’s use of “Cola Bottle Baby” as a perfect example thereof). My favorite track on the record, “Digital Love,” perhaps only barely qualifies as house, but between the earnestness of the vocoded lyrics and the heart-stopper of a guitar solo, I don’t even mind – who cares about genre conventions when you’re a smitten robot? It’s utterly brilliant and its era exists as the gold standard for many DP fans, myself included among them.
Kaskade, Fire and Ice (2011)
Ryan Raddon’s seventh album and the one I hold the most nostalgia for. An ambitious effort on Kaskade’s part, Fire and Ice is a double album, with original tracks on one side and remixed, chilled-out versions of the same songs on the other (geddit?). The ICE mixes are something of a mixed bag, with some having more reason to exist than others, but the Fire side of the album earns it a place here on its own, with Skrillex and Raddon giving us their own brilliant take on a classic track from Guy Manuel de Homem Christo on “Lick It,” as well as the smooth vibes of Ryan’s collaboration with his band Late Night Alumni and Inpetto on “How Long.” Another standout track: “ICE,” a big, bumping jam Ryan made with Dan Black and Dada Life.
deadmau5, For Lack of a Better Name (2009) and 4x4=12 (2010)
Oh, Joel. These days he’s earned a controversial status as full-time internet troll alongside his career as a musician, but he’s still had a palpable impact on the industry at large (pop juggernaut Marshmello more or less owes his entire career to the allure of the man in the cute mask, and while Daft Punk did it first, Mello’s own interpretation is particularly and explicitly influenced by the way deadmau5 did it). These two albums dropped when I was twelve/thirteen and still opening my eyes to the wide world of electronica, and I think they’re particularly significant as the point where I went from being a casual fan of it to a devotee, sparking an investment in the Scene® that I still have to this day. The degree of control Joel flexes over his work at its peak was unprecedented for the time and still holds up now – “Strobe,” the album closer on For Lack Of, is particularly notable in how it makes ten minutes feel like no time at all in how it builds and shifts with just a few simple, powerful elements in play at a time. “Ghosts ‘n Stuff” earned Joel and vocalist Rob Swire a crossover hit, and “Raise Your Weapon” stands as an early illustration of what the North American take on dubstep would sound like in the years to come. 
Phantoms, Phantoms (2017)
Kyle Kaplan and Vinnie Pergola’s debut record is a clever mission statement for their work. Their deep house tunes are infused with pop sensibilities, placing them in company with contemporaries like Jamie xx and Disclosure as house DJs making an effort to bridge the gap between the radio airwaves and the dance floor. My favorites include “Just a Feeling” with Verite, a modody track called “Downtown,” and the utterly brilliant “Need You Closer,” a collab with Hayley Kiyoko that easily converted me into the Church of Lesbian Jesus. (Their recent work is also worth a nod as well – they’ve been building up singles to drum up interest in a new EP, including one of their best tracks to date, a driving progressive house tune called “Designs for You.”)
Justice, † (2007)
Gaspard Auge and Xavier de Rosnay’s debut record remains their best. There’s so many iconic tracks on this one: The slick vibes of “Genesis” and “Newjack,” the ever crowd-pleasing “D.A.N.C.E.,” the pumping “Phantom” and its sequel, the nu-disco sleaze of “DVNO”, and the ear-splitting delight of “Waters of Nazareth.” The record earned them a positive, if daunting, comparison to fellow French house pioneers Daft Punk, and while their work on it shares an obsession with taking diverse samples and reconfiguring them into their own image, Justice’s fascination with the macabre aesthetic of 70′s horror films and the rock ‘n roll ethos of T. Rex earned them a distinct spot in the pantheon of electronic acts with this record (as well as its followup, the different-but-still-great Audio, Video, Disco).
Feed Me - Feed Me’s Big Adventure (2011) and Calamari Tuesday (2013)
Jon Gooch was one of the earliest musicians to emerge under deadmau5′s mau5trap label, and still shines as one of its leading acts today (High Street Creeps, released earlier this year, has jams for days). While he started his career making drum ‘n bass tracks as Spor, the bulk of his work since 2009 has been under the Feed Me alias, where he’s dabbled in all manner of electronic but mostly hews close to the realm of electro house. Gooch’s experience in making complex tunes meant that Feed Me came out swinging, with tracks like “Grand Theft Ecstasy” and “Muscle Rollers” exhibiting a confidence and technical skill from the outset that most producers would kill for on their first record. By the time his first proper full length released two years later, he’d developed a consistent feel that made collaborations with indie bands (”Love Is All I Got,” with Crystal Fighters) and soulful singers (”Last Requests,” with Jenna G) feel as natural as hard-hitting bangers (”No Grip” and “Death by Robot”). Mix in a little bit of both and you get “Ophelia,” a anthemic ballad made with YADi – my favorite song from the record, and a earworm that still sticks with me six years on. Love, don’t let me drown…
and some honorable mentions!
Lazy Rich’s singles! Richard Billis is a Canadian DJ who retired from producing tunes in 2017, but for the decade or so he was releasing music, the electro house singles he released were nothing short of iconic. Songs like “Blast Off” (with Hirshee and Lizzie Curious) and “Flash” (with Hot Mouth) are energetic, breezy and danceable. There’s nothing quite like a good Lazy Rich drop; his beats hit the dance floor with the weight of a truck, and have a sonic diversity among them that would predict the electronic scene’s shift toward the dynamism of future bass. It makes me sad that we won’t get any more of them, but Billis left behind such an evergreen catalog of singles that it’s hard to be down for very long. (I used to use his remix of Zedd’s “Stars Come Out” as a theme song of sorts on an old website where you could be a DJ with your friends. The fond memories are strong with this one.)
Porter Robinson/Virtual Self – Spitfire (2011) and Virtual Self (2017) – Leave it to Porter Robinson to carve out a completely separate musical persona just to hearken back to his halcyon days as a young producer. My initial introduction to him was just after he’d emerged from the hands-up scene, while he had his eyes set on stardom through what he called “complextro,” and it was surprising to find that his work not only lived up to its genre classification but actively carved out a market for its sound, even before Porter had dropped an album. If the dubstep and house feel of Spitfire was a revelation, the DDR vibes of the Virtual Self EP are a revitalization; similar in ethos, but with an owned, Serial Experiments Lain-styled technological aesthetic. Porter does a lot of work to keep the two projects separate (even going as far as to delineate live shows between the aliases), but rather than fragmenting his work the distinction only ends up strengthening his catalog, in much the same way Jon Gooch’s work as Feed Me complements his earlier collection as Spor.
JOYRYDE’s singles and upcoming album - John Ford Jr. is an English DJ who knows what he likes: fast cars, bumping house beats, mean-muggin’ rap jams, and making tunes that blend all of the above in one way or another. His JOYRYDE project is only a few years old, emerging in 2016, but it’s very much the culmination of years of diggin’ in the crates and building a sound that blends the hip-hop influences of trap with the boogie-bounce sensibility of house. No sooner is this evident than the “parental discretion is advised” warning (and subsequent punchy opening bars) that welcomes you into “HOT DRUM,” though his other tracks (including “MAXIMUM KING” and the Rick Ross-assisted “WINDOWS”) share that kinetic energy. He’s one to watch!
Also worth your time:
Oliver’s Mechanical EP and their album Full Circle
Mord Fustang’s All Eyes On… compilations
Botnek’s singles from 2016 onward
Chris Lake’s releases with his label Black Book Records
Self Help by Walker and Royce
pretty much everything by Ellie Herring and Chrissy (Murderbot)
Fantasmas by Zavala
anything Wolfgang Gartner has made (particularly his early 2010s singles)
That’s all I got for now. If you made it this far, you’re an angel. Thanks for indulging me :)
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vexdrolo · 6 years
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please give me all the plots, just hmu and we can talk things. (especially for the two new ones bc i don’t know what i’m doing with them yet.) if you click on their names i added links to their pinterests because that’s where i do most of my character development. 
LUELLA MAE “LUE” NASH. 22. artist. creek.
a plain white tee shirt covered in dried paint, honeysuckle, fresh baked chocolate chip cookies, skipping rocks, the sound of leaves rustling in the breeze, stargazing, messy blonde hair catching sun rays, lemon and honey, love letters spritzed with perfume, floral sundresses and floppy hats, power ballads, holding a butterfly on an outstretched finger, accidental bruises and band-aid covered knees, blowin’ big pink bubblegum bubbles until they pop, pinky promises, hushed bedtime prayers.
Literal god damn ray of sunshine. Painting is her drug of choice, thank you very much. And wine. Her tolerance is non-existent though. Likes trashy romance novels, pretty things, and people liking her. Sheltered and naive and extremely unworldly. A burnout, but like, a classy burnout. Also an orphan. The apple of her brother’s eye and he will protect her at all costs. Has been in slaughter for the last four years and was really angry about it at first but like it’s not the worst. Teaches beginners painting classes at Vino and Van Gogh and cries a lot for various reasons.
ANGELINA OPHELIA “ANGEL” BOOKER. 24. tour guide. bone.
angelic ○ shimmery eye shadow and highlighter dusted cheekbones ○ cocoa butter ○ spearmint gum ○ velvet scrunchies ○ eyes that roll back in her head so far all you can see is the whites ○ theatrical hand gestures ○ bong hits and acid trips ○ ripped jeans and silky camisoles ○ cheap costume jewelry ○ poetry about flowers and the burden of existence ○ the worn down spine and dog eared pages of a beloved book ○ sun kissed skin ○ wishbones snapped in half ○ a smile that never reaches the eyes
[ tw: drugs]
Angel, doesn’t the name say it all? Grew up on the old Booker Salvage Yard, the youngest of a large brood who word hand-me-downs until she left for college. Majored in English Lit at ASU, now gives enjoyably theatrical tours through old town Slaughter. Seems nice, but is she really though? Seems chill, but is really dramatic as fuck. Seems like she isn’t really what she seems. Just wants to get high, trip balls, and write about her own existential dread. Extremely articulate and well read, but still calls everyone “bro”, “dude” and “my guy”, (regardless of gender).
IMOGEN MATILDA “GINNY” BEAUFORT. 27. guidance counselor. mist.
wrinkled button down’s with the sleeves rolled up ○ perfume covering up cigarette smoke ○ the creak of an old floorboard in an empty house ○ a screeching forgotten tea kettle ○ wilting bluebells ○ scratched out words in a journal ○ dark red lipstick feathering at the edges ○ photoalbums collecting dust on a shelf ○ color coded sticky notes on a wall calendar ○ worn brown leather ○ fingerprints on a fog covered mirror ○ night terrors and cold sweats ○ the evenly paced clicking of a flat heel ○ a thousand yard-stare ○ cut-out obituaries held together with an alligator clip ○ broken porcelain dining plates ○ the flickering light of a candle you swear you blew out .
[ tw: death ]
Que Yoav’s cover of Where Is My Mind playing in the background. Haunting and a bit peculiar - with a deep love of button down shirts dark wash and brown leather shoes. May or may not be convinced that she sees ghosts, and that’s really none of your damn business. Smokes like a teenager worried her parents are gonna catch her doing it - but they can’t, because they’re dead. Depressed, afraid, and emotionally constipated. But she’s mostly a good person, and has a really cute dog named sable to make up for it. Came back to Slaughter about a year ago (and some change), currently trying to deal with the newest in a long string of deaths in her family. 
NADINE MARIE “NADS” BERNARD. 22. fashion student. iron. 
double-breast trechcoat; cat-eye sunglasses; a passport with too many stamps / monogrammed paper shopping bags hanging from each arm / bleach-stained washcloths; lysol wipes / pencil skirts with thick white stockings / a piano scale / milk & honey; champagne kisses / words of ice; temper of fire / tennis bracelets and silk blouses / the cut of skates across fresh ice / pale lips; pale skin; dark eyes / a silent scream.
nadine is one of my unfinished babes so i don’t have her entirely fleshed out. but she’s a little carrie bradshaw and a little miranda priestly, and a pinch of serena van der woodsen. she’s taking a break from fashion school to look for her half-sister, manon, which is why she’s in slaughter.
DARLA JANE  “DJ” AUERBACH. 26. cam girl. rot. 
oops don’t have an aesthetic thing written for her yet, please see pinboard. 
darla is also unfinished and yet again i do not have her entirely fleshed out. but idk she’s fiona gallagher meets effy stonem with a super tragic backstory. she’s one of a set of co-dependent triplets. an actual train wreck. yes she’s a cam girl but is she a successful one? not really, she doesn’t enjoy men telling her what to do. :/
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theguitardiary said: I love finding new music! Especially when you’re not expecting it. We seem to have similar tastes in music! Who do you listen to now in this modern age? There’s only a handful of bands I like but I’m convinced there’s more out there. They’re just not as well known.
Yes, it seems so!  :)
Hmm, i don’t like that much of modern bands, if saying modern we mean completely new bands with young people being around for a couple of years. I’m aware that i probably don’t search enough, but these days i don’t even know where to look for bands, 2000-2009 days were much easier in this case.  Maybe it’s just me, but sometimes i look at new trendy bands and just can’t treat them seriously, for example i take one look at this Youngblud guy and i don’t have to listen to him to know he’s just another variation of 5 seconds of summer or 21 pilots or Imagine Dragons shit. “New British rock poet” lol, i just can’t. Or Pale Waves, they dress like tumblr goths so you expect goth music, but they play watery pop and the girl says she wants to be like Taylor Swift and Avril Lavigne. I listened to Avril Lavigne in elementary school, but ever since i found lots of actual punk/rock artists and it’s not like it’s the best thing under the earth (anyone remembers times when Avril Lavigne was the biggest faux pas in rock circles?). It’s just some weird trend with people my age/younger becoming some “punk rock/indie queens” with edgy mall goth looks, and of course press falls all over itself in praises and calling them new punk rock princesses and whatnot, and it turns out they don’t listen to classic stuff, they all actually listened to Taylor Swift and want to be Avril Lavigne, each and everyone. This or hair metal bands.  I’m not saying it’s neccesarily a crime, but it’s such a common thing, you can see how they compile clothes or videos or even straight up stylize their own songs after “Let Go” or “Under My Skin”. I’m all for nostalgia, but “imitation is the highest form of flattery” saying isn’t an explanation, all that flattery mostly ends up as clowning and copying rather than a wink to your influences. What’s with all that recent acceptance for copying and ripping off older artists? We reached the point where the world is obsessing over old cringe tumblr aesthetics sold as “new wave”, with skinwalking this rock star or another. Everybody claps and grins as if they haven’t seen it all somewhere else before. And then we have horrors like Starcrawler ripping off Katie Jane Garside look and everyone being fine with it. Develop some sort of personality, make up a new one if you dont’ have it, stop ripping off your teenagehood idols, ffs.
*End of a massive modern bands rant*  
For the record, I’m sure there are some good independent bands, but i honestly don’t know where to find them and i admit i’m very picky. 
Forever Still - at first they may look like a “throwaway Arch Enemy opera metal lady + a bunch of black-wearing random guys” type of band, but thankfully it’s not the case. Maja Shining has an actual personality and a pretty voice. They’re from Denmark, they play alt rock with melodic vocals, mainly a cross between calmer ballads and more metal songs, people compared them to Evanescence because of a trained vocals singer and emotional lyrics, but to me they’ve developed a thing of their own. They use elements of metal, but they actually have memorable riffs and melodies. There’s also a lot of piano in their music and on “Breathe In Colors” (and live shows) they use theremin, which is rarely used instrument in rock. 
 This band is very impressive, i followed them since their independent days, they eventually were signed by Nuclear Blast but they literally did everything themselves, from cover art to music videos to producing their music. The bass player  was apparently an apprentice of Metallica producer/engineer, don’t remember which one though, and you can hear it, i believe they were recording stuff at home but their early songs were top notch in production. It’s funny how their first EPs and first album were self released and sold through internet and yet they sounded like a major label band! And they could literally go on without signing anyone cause they got fans and were selling CDs and merch themselves, but Nuclear Blast got interested in them and they got signed. For a modern day band, they’re doing pretty well which is impressive especially considering everything they achieved, they did it themselves. I think 15 years ago they would be bigger, blame rock’s role in mainstream, or lack thereof. If it was 2003, they would be MTV’s favourites probably. They take care about even small things and i’d say a part of the success is how they’re all in contact with fans instead of playing big rock stars. They toured with Lacuna Coil, Children of Bodom, etc. 
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Also CONCEPT ALBUMS! They do concept albums. First album “Tied Down” was more emotion driven with ups and downs of a sort, calm and aggressive points, the newest one is much heavier and electronic. “Tied Down” is about depressed person going through some shit and then idk letting go of toxic stuff, “Breathe In Colors” album is much cooler to me, cause it’s darker and heavier and has that electronic cathastrophic decay feeling, i’d say it’s their “Blade Runner” record (i’d say the cover and “Breathe In Colors” video are direct references), especially since they said they were inspired by “Blade Runner” and “Akira”. It’s been released in 2019 and it’s cool, cause i really missed that sort of element in music, the “social fear of the future”/”digital era emptiness” kind of cyberpunk stuff that was in before turn of the century.
I’d say to listen/watch  Miss Madness ,  Scars , Break The Glass   Rewind  Breathe In Colors
Bandcamp: https://foreverstill.bandcamp.com/
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Destructive Daisy - that’s an all-girl grunge band from my country, Poland. Unfortunaly they no longer exist i think, they stopped posting/playing apparently... They were a big hype awhile back, cause they were the only grunge girl band in Poland (at least that we knew of), they’ve got some attention after they released EP and they even supported Mudhoney at their Poland show in 2013 or so. Then they recorded Ophelia’s Dreams album in 2016 and vanished. That’s a shame, cause althought i wasn’t so crazy about them at the time, they’ve got some nice songs and they had those L7 / 7 Year Bitch kinda grunge girl vibes and people looked up to them expecting some next move, but i guess everyone expected too much from them and they played for fun without big plans, idk.  
I’d recommend Destructive Daisy EP. Haven’t listen to their stuff in a few years tbh.
Bandcamp: https://destructivedaisy.bandcamp.com/
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Hmm, i only listened to select songs from Le Butcherettes and never cared enough to follow their new records, I like this video:
But I like that weird crossover the chick (Teri Gender Bender? I think that was her name) did with... Melvins. I’m a simple man, I see Melvins, i click.  The band’s Crystal Fairy and it’s been a bit of surprise to me. I don’t know if they tour/plan anything more, i suppose it’s a one-off project from 2017. But the album is dope. It’s very Melvins though, don’t know how much of guitar work is done by Teri, to me it’s 100% Melvins and she probably wrote lyrics and melodies, but i don’t know. “Crystal Fairy”, “Sweet Self” however sounds to me like Teri composition. Hard to tell, cause to me both bands have some “twisted blues” quality, it’s just Melvins are heavier. It’s basically Melvins led by a female. If anyone ever wondered how it’s like to have female-fronted Melvins, this is it. 
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I like Evanescence and Linkin Park, but that’s not exactly “modern” anymore, haha. When you know for example “In The End” song is 20 years old... crazy. Most surprising band i listen to is maybe Sum 41. All the older bands and punks hated them a lot before and call it pop punk, and yes, they had a few irritating happy boys songs, but they’ve got some darker “punk-metal” albums. They had the best guitar skills of those pop punk bands from 00′s, added a good deal of metal (”Chuck”) and piano (”Screaming Bloody Murder”) at some point, but they’re totally fine if someone likes that fast melodic punk like Green Day or NOFX. 
Maybe also White Lung, i don’t know all of their albums and listen to it more casually, but it’s female fronted and they’ve got that various layered guitars sound. 
Ok that’s it, if i were to tell you in person, i’d probably say 3 words, but in writing i always end up writing long essays :p 
If anyone else following this blog has any recommendations of new bands, of course you can send me in ask!
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mianmimi · 5 years
Emilie Autumn anon here. Haha, yeah, I know her music’s not for everyone. If you only liked Castle Down and weren’t too keen on Liar, then it’s likely you won’t enjoy her Opheliac or Fight Like a Girl eras, FLaG characterized by harsher sounds compared to her Opheliac era, though ironically the lyrics are focused on recovery and not as rage-filled as in her Opheliac era (her Opheliac era can be triggering for survivors of sexual assault, btw, as she is explicit about her own experience and suffering and doesn’t mince words when she calls rapists out, Liar is from this era). However, you might like stuff from her Enchant era, when she was pop baroque-ish and indie and sang about fairies and knights and Shakespeare characters. Maybe you’d enjoy songs like:
  Chambermaid: That moment when she sings “Tell me what I have to do to make you understand it’s a lost cause, lover” / “Hold me close when you were thinking of her” / “I don’t want to hear you say you love me” / “You’ve been gone such a long time won’t you tell where” / “Before I have to see this face I once adored” KILLS me with strordo feels. And it fits what you did with Misery Loves Company. Less a character’s thoughts and more like a dialogue between Mordo and Stephen. I also love the potential drama found in Stephen and Mordo fucking during Stephen’s time in KT, with Mordo knowing that Christine means something to Stephen yet not knowing exactly what, and thinking that Stephen is not attracted to him and just using him as a port in a storm while thinking of Christine. But Stephen’s just thinking of Mordo, probably in an incoherent inner monologue that’s pretty much Why is the world’s most beautiful man taking my dick??? *gives self a mental high-five*
  How Strange: Or as I like to call it, Emilie Autumn’s first and last foray into the uncharted lands of R&B lol
  Juliet: A song about *drum roll* Romeo and Juliet. She manages to make it sweet yet at the same there’s an undercurrent of “oh shit something’s about to happen” because... you know. Spoilers for all five people that don’t know but Romeo and Juliet die at the end. I love it mostly for the violin solo at the end. Emilie is quite the accomplished violinist and when she throws those violin solos it’s fucking awesome.
  Let the Record Show: You won’t enjoy this one, probably lol But for anyone interested in both Emilie and those songs I was going to use for that Karl Mordo Can’t Stop Falling for Problematic Men mix, this is one of them. It’s prime post-DS Mordo. “If I’m going down then I’m going down good” / “If I’m going down then I’m going down clean” / “If I’m going down then I’m going” / “The prettiest wretched whore you’ll ever see”
  Opheliac: Same as above lol this song is the one that gives the name to an era. Same as above, this was part of the fanmix. “I’ve been so disillusioned” / “I know you’d take me back, but still I feign confusion” / “I couldn’t be your friend, my world was too unstable” / “I’m open to attack, but I don’t wanna hurt you” / “How could you possibly think you had the power to know how to keep me breathing?” / “You know the games play and the words I say when I want my own way” / “You know the lies I tell when you’ve gone through hell and they say I can’t stay” / “You know how hard it can be to keep believing in me when everything and everyone becomes my enemy” / “And when there’s nothing more you can do, I’m gonna blame it on you” / “It’s not the way I wanna be” / “I only hope that in the end you will see”
  Mad Girl: Back to songs you might enjoy! lol This one is from the Opheliac era, actually, back when Emilie was obsessed with tragic women from fiction (mostly Shakespeare and Brit Lit) like Ophelia. For an Opheliac era song, its instrumentation is different and softly melancholic. Quick confession, this song always makes me cry. This one is also one of the songs for the aforementioned fanmix, because I will die before I stop referring to Karl Mordo as the classic-tragic-maiden-but-as-a-gay-man character that he is. “In all your fairytales, how did the prince say he loved you?” / “How did your father die?” / “Was he a good man?” / “My melancholy state, folly, fear, and hate, I know” / “My friend in this world is a bottle of nothing” / “Still I try, still I fall”
  Rapunzel: And we have arrived to the Enchant era! This song gives me sweet young Mordo staring out his window dreaming of his prince while stuck in Bavaria vibes. “If you sing loud and clear, someone passing by will surely hear you” / “No, you can’t be afraid”
  Rose Red: Another from Enchant. As you can tell, it’s vaguely related to Rose Red the fairytale. “Tell me no stories and I’ll tell you no lies” / “No one wants to hurt me but everybody tries” / “For this freedom I have given all I had” / “For this darkness I gave my light” / “For this wisdom I have lost my innocence” / “Take my petals and cover me with night”
  What If: This is peak Enchant era, imo. “I am far too tried to stay here” / “And I don’t care what you think of me” / “’Cause I think you were wrong about me” / “And what if you were?” / “What if I’m the kindest demon, something you may not believe in?” / “What if I’m a siren, singing gentlemen to sleep?” / “What if I’m a weeping willow, laughing tears upon my pillow?” / “What if I’m a socialite, who wants to be alone?” / “What if I’m an angel, without wings to take me home?” / “What if I’m a crowded desert, too much pain with little pleasure?” / “What if I don’t know who I am, will that keep us both from trying?”
  Special mention goes to Shalott, which I believe I already mentioned in the original post I made (or how I like to call it, Anon’s Evangelizing for Emilie Autumn lol), but I never added the lyrics that make go Mordo-bby-ilu-get-urself-a-good-man-ok. “She looks up the mirrored glass” / “She sees a handsome horse and rider pass” / “She says, ‘That man’s gonna be my death ‘cause he’s all I ever wanted in my life’” / “I know he doesn’t my name and that all the girls are all the same to him” / “So I’ll meet my death” / “But with my last breath I’ll sing to him my love and he’ll see my face in another place”
Heya Nonny!
Oh wowowow! I’m listening to the song recommendations again right now. You hit the nail on the head with the songs I’d like more. I ended up listening to the Enchant album twice while the Opheliac album was very hard to get through, more so because of the subject matter though. It’s very raw and there’s a lot of pain and anger there. I don’t know much about the artist but I hope she’s recovering and is doing well now. Rape is a brutal experience and for her to share the emotions and thoughts she went through is extremely powerful and heartbreaking.
I actually really enjoyed “Shalott” and the acoustic version of “Mad Girl.” Her voice is super emotive and lively, raw with emotions. I can see why people can hear stordo, and more specifically Mordo in the songs.
“Juliet” has a gorgeous violin number at the start and throughout and it makes me think of Mordo playing the violin in his family castle, just thinking of the romances he used to read and how life is more tragic than romantic. T____T
“Chambermaid” really does give off the vibe that Christine’s still in the background of Mordo’s mind when he’s with Stephen. I also really enjoyed the fortune telling and card reading motifs of the song. It really needs to the magic aspect of strordo, as well as the ‘fated to meet’ aspect of their pairing.
“Rose Red” and “Rapunzel” give me youthful Mordo vibes. When he’s still hopefully and longing for the love found hia fairytales.
And okay.....I really, really fucking liked “How Strange.” Especially this part...
You know I think it's strange
Just a little bit deranged
That you think I'm gonna change to make you happy
If you can tell me why
I should wait around then I
May be coming down
But until then this means
You can see me in your dreams
Oh man that entire part makes me think of Mordo looking back at the night he walked away. He’s not gonna change just to make Stephen feel happy, and he’s asking why he should stay and wait. It’s so sad and I love it.
My favorite one amongst these songs though is....
“What If.” It’s honestly such a gorgeous song! Also a very vulnerable one.
And I'm far too tired to stay here anymore
And I don't care what you think anyway
'Cause I think you were wrong about me
Yeah what if you were, what if you were
And what if I'm a snowstorm burning
What if I'm a world unturning
What if I'm an ocean
Far too shallow, much too deep
What if I'm the kindest demon
Something you may not believe in
What if I'm a siren
Singing gentlemen to sleep
Ummmm....excuse me. That’s all Mordo to me. It’s heartbreaking, full of turmoil, full of brimming heartache and upheaval, like Mordo doesn’t even know who he is or where he belongs anymore. It makes me think of those months he spent away trying to figure it all out alone. Baby just....just please go home. Stephen’s waiting for you. Let him explain and make up for it baby ;____; Please
Thank you so much for sharing these recommendations Nonny! I’m not much of a rock or folk person. I’m actually realllly vanilla with my music taste, namely old power ballads and musical showstoppers hehehe. But that’s why I really appreciate it when people share different types of music with me! I enjoy discovering new things. And now I’m currently replying “What if” pretty much endlessly. I wouldn’t have discovered it if not for you. So thank you for sharing these Nonny!
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allaboutmusicpl · 8 years
W trzecim odcinku kolejne osoby przedstawiają Wam swoje podsumowanie roku. Mamy dużą różnorodność od Rihanny, poprzez Toma Odella i Lady Gagę, a kończąc na jednym z członków zespołu Bee Gees. Dzisiaj swoje Best ofy prezentują Łukasz Tworzewski, Dominika Mrówczyńska, Dorota Kutnik, Kasia Turowicz i Marta Muśko.
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Rihanna – Anti
OneRepublic – Oh My My
Tom Odell – Wrong Crowd
BeMy – Grizllin’
Zayn – Mind Of Mine
Piotr Zioła – Revolving Door
Organek – Czarna Madonna
Lady Gaga – Joanne
Green Day – Revolution Radio
Brodka – Clashes
Beyonce – Lemonade
Bastille – Wild World
Panic! At The Disco – Death of a Bachelor
Julia Marcell – Proxy
Lukas Graham – Lukas Graham
Sylwia Grzeszczak – Tamta Dziewczyna
James Arthur – Back from the Edge
Hey – Błysk
Robbie Williams – The Heavy Entertaiment Show
Shawn Mendes – Illuminate
[su_column size=”1/2″]
Rok 2016 przeszedł już do historii. Jedno jest pewne. To był bardzo dobry rok w muzyce. Na półkach sklepowych zagościło wiele wartych uwagi albumów. Wybrałem najlepszą 20, która towarzyszyła mi najczęściej. Minione 12 miesięcy zapamiętam  następująco:
BeMy, Zayn, Piotr Zioła, Lukas Graham  oraz Shawn Mendes  jako muzyczni debiutanci stworzyli swój niepowtarzalny styl, postawili poprzeczkę bardzo wysoko oraz zagwarantowali sobie sukces, a także bardzo udany muzyczny start.
Lady Gaga, Brodka, Julia Marcell, Beyonce czy Robbie Williams nie boją się eksperymentów z muzyką. Każdy z nich pokazał zupełnie nową , jakże doskonałą odsłonę.
Green Day, Panic At The Disco, James Arthur, Sylwia Grzeszczak, Hey, Bastille oraz Organek nagrali dobre albumy, których słucha się z ciekawością od początku do końca.
Trzecie miejsce na podium przypadło Tomowi Odellowi. Artysta pomieszał pop, jazz, soul i trochę rocka i zaprezentował doskonały album. Oprócz robiących wrażenie ballad, możemy posłuchać choćby szybkich i przebojowych kawałków, które wprowadzają świeżość na rynek muzyczny.
Najlepszy krążek w karierze w tym roku zaprezentowali również OneRepublic. To płyta przepełniona przebojowością i dobrą produkcją. Zabawa z elektroniką zaowocowała doskonałymi chwytliwymi kompozycjami z szybko wpadającymi w ucho refrenami.
Nie mogło być inaczej w przypadku miejsca pierwszego. Rihanna i jej album Anti to najlepszy krążek w dyskografii artystki i najczęściej słuchana przeze mnie płyta  minionego roku. Wydana niespodziewanie, zawierająca genialny, dobrze wyprodukowany materiał. Dla mnie Rihanna zostawiła konkurencję daleko w tyle, udowadniając, że nadal jest w formie i jeszcze nie raz zaskoczy. Powróciła w wielkim stylu.
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Rihanna – Love On The Brain
Tom Odell – Sillhouette
BeMy – Oxygen
OneRepublic – Better
Beyonce feat. Kendrick Lamar – Freedom
Zayn – Rear View
Julia Marcell – Tarantino
Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons with Logic & Ty Dolla $ign ft. X Ambassadors – Sucker For Pain
Sia – The Greatest
Organek – Ki Czort
Lady Gaga – Milion Reasons
Piotr Zioła – W Ciemno
Brodka – Horses
Bastille – Warmth
Justin Timberlake – Can’t Stop The Feeling
Panic! At The Disco – Emperor’s New Clothes
Lukas Graham – 7 Years
James Arthur – Back from The Edge
Margaret – Cool Me Down
Shawn Mendes – Treat You Better
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Chłopaki z BeMy zagwarantowali sobie dobry start, a piosenka Oxygen idealnie reprezentuje materiał z debiutanckiego albumu. Muzycznie nagrali barwną, różnorodną opowieść, gdzie głównym bohaterem jest indie-rock, który w ich wykonaniu brzmi bardzo dobrze . Teledysk do Oxygen jest również jednym z lepszych klipów tego roku.
Drugie miejsce zdecydowanie zasłużone. Taneczna wersja Toma odpowiada mi najbardziej. Piosenka Sillhouette zapadła mi w pamięci od pierwszego jej usłyszenia. Mam nadzieję, że w przyszłości artysta będzie miał w swoim dorobku więcej tego typu  utworów.
Numerem jeden spośród wszystkich piosenek wydanych w zeszłym roku jest zdecydowanie Love On The Brain. Odkąd  usłyszałem ten utwór  w styczniu nie mogę przestać go słuchać. Wiedziałem, że w przyszłości zostanie kolejnym singlem , który spodoba się słuchaczom.  Takiej piosenki Rihanna w swoim reper turze dotąd nie miała. Za jej sprawą zaskoczyła kolejnym muzycznym, doskonałym obliczem. Choć wersja studyjna jest bardzo dobra, to jej idealne wykonanie na żywo utwierdza tylko w przekonaniu, że Rihanna jest świetną piosenkarką, która uczciwie zapracowała na sukces.
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Tom Odell – Wrong Crowd
David Bowie – Blackstar
The Last Shadow Puppets – Everything You’ve Come To Expect
Metallica – Hardwired… To Self Destruct
Jack Garratt – Phase
Radiohead – A Moon Shaped Pool
Bon Iver – 22, A Million
The lumineers – Cleopatra
Bastille – Wild World
Korn – The Serenity of Suffering
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Tom Odell – Wrong Crowd
David Bowie – Lazarus
The Last Shadow Puppets – Bad Habits
Rihanna – Love On The Brain
Metallica – Atlas, Rise!
Jack Garratt – Surprise Yourself
Iggy Pop – Gardenia
Bon Iver – 33 “GOD”
Radiohead – Daydreaming
The Lumineers – Ophelia
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Rok 2016 był na tyle obfity w dobre albumy, że ciężko było wybrać te kilka, które utkwiły w głowie najbardziej. Jednak zdecydowanym numerem 1, zapętlonym do tej pory w moich głośnikach jest Tom Odell. Po debiutanckim krążku nikt nie wiedział, czego spodziewać się po młodym muzyku. Płytą Wrong Crowd udowodnił, że idzie w dobrym kierunku, a przede wszystkim rozwija swój nieprzeciętny talent. W pierwszej trójce nie mogło zabraknąć oczywiście Blackstar, które (na szczęście!) David Bowie zdążył wydać przed swoją śmiercią. TOP 3 zamyka powracający po 8 latach skład The Last Shadow Puppets z wyjątkowością Alexa Turnera na czelę. Mimo tego że moje TOP 10, opiera się głównie na rockowych brzmieniach to warto wspomnieć o bardziej elektronicznej, ale niezwykle dobrej debiutanckiej płycie Phase Jacka Garratta. Na pewno jeszcze nie raz o nim usłyszymy.
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Lista najlepszych utworów 2016 roku jest zbliżona do TOP 10 albumów wydanych w tym roku. Dokładnie tak samo ma się tutaj pierwsza trójka, Zaczynając od Toma Odella, przez zapamiętanego przez wielu Bowiego, aż do charyzmatycznych The Last Shadow Puppets. Pomimo, że każdy z tych utworów jest singlem promującym płytę to są one największymi smaczkami, które się na nich znajdują. Poza ramy porównań do najlepszej dziesiątki albumów wykracza Rihanna i jej delikatne Love On The Brain oraz nieśmiertelny Iggy Pop z singlową Gardenią.
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Lady Gaga – Joanne
Michael Buble – Nobody but Me
Rihanna – Anti
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – This Unruly Mess I’ve Made
Bastille – Wild World
Solange – A Seat at the Table
Alicia Keys – Here
David Bowie – Blackstar
Birdy – Beautiful Lies
OneRepublic – Oh My My
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Rihanna – Love On The Brain
Bastille – Good Grief
Justin Timberlake – Can’t Stop The Feeling
Michael Buble – Nobody But Me
Red Hot Chilli Peppers – Dark Necessities
Emeli Sande – Breathing Underwater
Kings of Leon – Walls
Lady Gaga & Florence Welch – Hey Girl
Sting – I Can’t Stop Thinking About You
Kodaline & Kygo – Raging
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W tym roku na pierwszym miejscu umieściłam najnowszy krążek Lady Gagi, czyli Joanne. Może kogoś zdziwi ten wybór, jednak według mnie ta muzyczna zmiana wyszła wokalistce na dobre. Joanne to: mniej kontrowersji, a więcej muzyki, dobre piosenki takie jak Hey Girl, Million Reasons czy Angel Down i przede wszystkim duże zaskoczenie. W moim rankingu srebro przypadło Michaelowi Bublé i jego krążkowi Nobody But Me. Album tego przeuroczego wokalisty zdecydowanie zasługuje na docenienie. Trzecie miejsce przyznałam Rihannie i genialnemu Anti. Jest to chyba moja ulubiona płyta wokalistki. Cieszę się, że na tym albumie znalazło się miejsce dla Love On The Brain, Needed Me czy Same Ol’ Mistakes, bo pokazują one lepsze oblicze piosenkarki. Moje podium to krążki, od których oczekiwałam dużo i się nie rozczarowałam.
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Love On The Brain to bez wątpienia jeden z najlepszych utworów jakie Rihanna w ogóle wydała. Spokojniejsze brzmienia naprawdę pasują do wokalistki i mam nadzieję, że sukces tej piosenki sprawi, że będzie ona wydawała więcej tak dobrych kompozycji. Warto docenić też powrót Bastille. Good Grief to piosenka, która szybko opanowała radiowe rozgłośnie, a mi wyjątkowo wpadła do ucha. Miałam okazję usłyszeć ją na żywo na Open’erze i od tej pory chętnie wracam do tego kawałka z Wild World. Na podium postanowiłam umieścić również bardzo energiczną i pozytywną piosenkę Justina Timberlake’a. Can’t Stop The Feeling to niekwestionowany hit tego lata, a dla mnie wyróżnia się również spośród piosenek, jakie wydano w 2016 roku.
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PJ Harvey – The Hope Six Demolition Project
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Skeleton Tree
Kate Bush – Before the Dawn
Radiohead – A Moon Shaped Pool
Warpaint – Heads Up
David Bowie – Blackstar
The Last Shadow Puppets – Everything You’ve Come To Expect
Bat For Lashes – The Bride
Jean Michel Jarre – Oxygene 3
The Rolling Stones – Blue & Lonesome
The Last Shadow Puppets – The Dream Synopsis EP
Jean Michel Jarre – Electronica 2: The Heart of Noise
Iggy Pop – Post Pop Depresion
Placebo – Life’s What You Make It EP
Passenger – Young As The Morning, Old As The Sea
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Muzyka może być dobra lub zła. Muzyka to emocje, to wolność. To coś, dzięki czemu czujemy intensywniej, chłoniemy bardziej, żyjemy mocniej. Ten klucz zadecydował o kolejności mojego zestawienia albumów wydanych w 2016 roku. Właśnie dlatego w tym rankingu nie mogło zabraknąć artystów i zespołów, którzy swoimi kolejnymi, wyjątkowymi wydawnictwami wciąż dostarczają nam od wielu lat tego, czego w muzyce szukamy najbardziej.
Mowa oczywiście o takich muzykach jak The Rolling Stones, Iggy Pop, Jean Michel Jarre czy Placebo. Rok 2016 przyniósł nam także świetne albumy młodszej generacji muzyków – The Last Shadow Puppets, Bat For Lashes czy Warpaint nie zawiedli moich oczekiwań, choć pozostawili po sobie pewien niedosyt.
Tuż poza podium uplasowali się wraz ze swoimi najnowszymi płytami David Bowie oraz grupa Radiohead. Miejsce trzecie to zjawiskowy, niezwykle wyczekany przez mnie album równie fantastycznej Kate Bush.
Nieco wyżej uplasowała się formacja Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, która dźwignęła brzemię tragedii, jaka spadła na lidera zespołu, czego dowodem jest niesłychanie poruszający album, jeden z najlepszych w ich dorobku.
Ona nie musi niczego udowadniać, nikomu nie musi się podobać. PJ Harvey i jej kapitalna płyta The Hope Six Demolition Project zawładnęły mną i moim fonograficznym zestawieniem roku 2016.
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PJ Harvey – The Wheel
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Jesus Alone
PJ Harvey – The Ministry of Social Affairs
Kate Bush – Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)
Warpaint – New Song
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Rings of Saturn
Bat For Lashes – In God’s Home
PJ Harvey – The Ministry of Defence
Radiohead – Burn the Witch
David Bowie – Girl Loves Me
Jean Michel Jarre – Oxygene, Pt. 17
The Last Shadow Puppets – Totally Wired
Bat For Lashes – Sunday Love
Warpaint – Whiteout
The Last Shadow Puppets – Aviation
Jean Michel Jarre feat. Pet Shop Boys – Brick England
The Rolling Stones – Rid ‘Em On Down
Iggy Pop – Sunday
David Bowie – I Can’t Give Everything Away
The Last Shadow Puppets – Les Cactus
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Wielkie albumy tego roku to także niesamowite utwory wypełniające ich tracklisty. Pełen wachlarz emocji, niewypłukane z treści słowa, mieniący się kontrastami kalejdoskop dźwięków. To zestawienie jest pod każdym względem niejednorodne. Wielkie powroty i równie wielkie bezpowrotne odejścia. Radość i smutek.
Muzycznie jest to z kolei konglomerat przeróżnych brzmień – od bluesowych dźwięków w Rid ‘Em On Down Stonesów, przez baroque pop nowego albumu Bat For Lashes, po skrajnie elektroniczne odcienie słyszalne w Oxygene, Pt. 17 czy Brick England Jarre’a. Od art rocka w postaci Warpaint, przez psychodelię reprezentowaną przez The Last Shadow Puppets, kończąc na albumach Blackstar i Skeleton Tree łączących w sobie eksperymentalnego rocka. Podobnie jak w przypadku płyt, tak też zestawienie utworów zdominowała niezastąpiona Polly Jean Harvey.
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Barry Gibb – In The Now
Thalia – Latina
Black – Any Colour You Like
Bon Jovi – This House Is Not for Sale
Elvis Presley – The Wonder Of You
Céline Dion – Encore Un Soir
Ani Lorak – Разве ты любил
SEREBRO – Сила трёх
Leonard Cohen – You Want It Darker
Britney Spears – Glory
Beyonce – Lemonade
Lady Gaga – Joanne
Polina Gagarina – 9
Cristian Castro – Dicen
LP – Lost On You
Metallica – Hardwired… To Self Destruct
Meat Loaf – Braver Than We Are
Rihanna -ANTI
OneRepublic – Oh My My
David Bowie – Blackstar
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Po 15-letnim “antrakcie”, Barry Gibb przeszedł ciężką próbę odnalezienia się w skomercjalizowanym świecie – teraz, w teraźniejszości, jako solista bez wyboru. In The Now jest niczym ekscytujące spotkanie po wielu latach z przyjacielem, który wzruszył dawnymi wspomnieniami, zaskoczył nowymi pomysłami, otoczył spokojem oraz rodzinnym ciepłem. Dla/od duszy i serca, warto wspomnieć o symfonicznym The Wonder Of You Elvisa Presleya i poruszającym monologu Encore Un Soir od Céline Dion.
Ostatnio w zatrważającej częstotliwości, towarzysząca twórcom, bądź dotykająca ich najbliższych – śmierć, związane z nią cierpienie i tęsknota, wielokrotnie stają się inspiracją i twórczym podłożem dla wielu wspaniałych dzieł. Nieustannie wzbogacając się o kolejne przeżycia, co raz częściej sięgamy po tytuły nostalgiczne, momentami mroczne, lecz często nieodłącznie piękne. Paradoksalnie takie jest muzyczne, wspaniałe życie Colina Vearncombe znanego jako Black, zawarte w dwóch częściach Any Colour You Like.
W poszukiwaniach radosnych treści, pozytywne wibracje dotarły aż ze słonecznego Meksyku i roztańczonej płyty Latina w wykonaniu Thalii. Artystka wyruszyła w podróż w czasie o dwie dekady wstecz, nagrywając muzykę, jej rytm i porywające do tańca dźwięki, jakie dyktuje jej latynoska dusza.
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Barry Gibb – Grand Illusion
Ani Lorak – Разве ты любил
Bon Jovi – This House Is Not For Sale
Thalía – Vuélveme a Querer
LP – Lost On You
Paul Stanley & Ace Frehley – Fire & Water
Ani Lorak & Grigoriy Leps – Уходи по-англйски
Bon Jovi – Born Again Tomorrow
Beyonce – Daddy Lessons
Serebro – Storm
Ani Lorak & EMIN – Я не могу сказать
Beyonce  & Kendrick Lamar – Freedom
Britney Spears – Change Your Mind (No Seas Cortes)
Thalía & Silvestre Dangond – De TI
Valeriy Meladze – Прощаться нужно легко
Rihanna – Love On The Brain
Sergey Lazarev – You’re the Only One
Lady Gaga – Million Reasons
Lady Gaga – Come To Mama
Cristian Castro – Perdonar
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Kompozycje poruszające lirycznie i przekazujące dobrą energię – to one stały się towarzyszem dnia codziennego i zasiliły moje zestawienie najlepszych utworów. Od pojawienia się In The Now Barry’ego Gibba nieustępliwą dominację wiódł numer Grand Illusion. Odnalazłam w nim wszystkie składowe, których podświadomie szukałam w muzyce od długiego czasu – rock’n’rollową moc, intrygujący wokal. Wszystko za co darzę twórczość Bee Gees niesłabnącym uwielbieniem.
Królowa jest tylko jedna – przynajmniej w moim zestawieniu. Ani Lorak by umilić jesienną chandrę, wydała nowy album i rozpieściła fanów kompozycjami o miłości, ukazując jej różne oblicza. W Разве ты любил ukraińska wokalistka dzieli się poruszającą opowieścią o miłosnym rozczarowaniu, okraszoną cudowną melodią.
Muszę przyznać, że o ile wiele tegorocznych propozycji pop się obroniła, o tyle rockowa scena stoi w twórczym bezruchu. Z pomocą urozmaicenia playlisty przyszli muzycy Bon Jovi z ich 13. studyjną płytą i tytułowym singlem. Panowie zregenerowali siły i stworzyli naprawdę przyzwoity krążek z potencjalnymi kandydatami na wieloletni przebój.
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Best of 2016. Najlepsze albumy i utwory redakcji All About Music Cz. 3 (Łukasz Tworzewski, Dominika Mrówczyńska, Dorota Kutnik, Kasia Turowicz, Marta Muśko) W trzecim odcinku kolejne osoby przedstawiają Wam swoje podsumowanie roku. Mamy dużą różnorodność od Rihanny, poprzez…
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groovyships · 3 years
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irlsarahlynn: girldate w the bestie ;)) birthday collab w @kycrafts drops in three days look out 4 it !!! <3
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groovyships · 2 years
I think if I'm still self shipping by the time I'm 30 I'll have earned the right to undo Sarah Lynn's death to have her age with me
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groovyships · 2 years
ALL of my F/Os are trans. EVERY single one. EVEN the platonic and familial ones
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