tainted-musix · 4 years
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This post is so tired girl .... what was the reason? Who asked for this 👁👄👁
Imagine how tired we are 🤡
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tainted-musix · 4 years
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Oldie but GOODIE
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tainted-musix · 4 years
Highly recommend this exquisite song
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tainted-musix · 5 years
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The devil works hard, but OT5 worked harder 🥺
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tainted-musix · 5 years
I’m still trying to analyze this video 🧐🧐🧐
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tainted-musix · 5 years
Rare (Album): Selena Gomez Review
Selena’s album just came out. I’m not a fan of Selena’s music but I am a fan of her in the general sense. She’s a good actress in my opinion and seems to be really kind hearted person. I loved her music during her Disney Channel era but after a few songs (2) off of her Stars Dance Album, I have been hesitant to listen to her music.
I heard Revival when to was released and it just wasn’t for me. But, she’s been away for a while focusing on her health and I like “Lose You to Love Me”. I’m not going to discuss her AMA performance but I really wanted to give this album listen and see if my music taste regarding her has evolved.
1. Rare - It’s catchy and has a decent chorus. It’s not a song that jumps out at me, but maybe it will help set the tone for the rest of the album. 
2. Dance Again - This song has a club type vibe. I like the vocals and production. This one really fits the pop mold and I really like that, it feels different from what has been released this year so far. I can see myself coming back to this one for sure. 
3. Look At Her Now - This is my first time hearing the song completely and I really like it. I think I just in general like Selena and EDM. But, yeah an empowering song and a bop as many know already. 
4. Lose You To Love Me - Really like this song. The lyrics are meaningful and feel personal. Very honest and raw I love it. A well produced and written ballad that every strong album needs. 100% approve
5. Ring - A very different vibe, but I like it. It reminds me of cabernet music. Highly recommend this one. 
6. Vulnerable - If you are looking for a relatable mid tempo song this is for you. It’s a really light song. Has the EDM sound but not so much production hat you feel like it’s a try hard chart worthy song. 
7. People You Know - The use of voice modulation is very interesting, but it has a that EDM sound as well.
8. Let Me Get Me - Slightly repeated EDM sound. It’s just predictable and repetitive. I like the vocal production and modification though. Lyrics are really saying anything. Just sounds like pop radio. 
9. Crowded Room (ft. 6lack) - I really this one. The background isn’t so busy, it’s simpler than some of the other songs. It’s just her vocals and I like her showing her range as well. This really woke me up, it's unexpected. Highly recommend.
10. Kinda Crazy - I like the beginning a lot. Much more stripped down song as well. It’s laid back. The lyrics don’t feel like anything. But the song itself is good. It’s one of those songs that you play in the car in the summer with the window down. 
11. Fun - It started and It's not for me. (Maybe you’ll like it though, but it’s a hard no for me) 
12. Cut You Off - I can see where she was going, but she missed the mark from on this one. This song is missing something, I don't know what but it is. The lyrics are fine. Just the sound of it displeases me.
13. A Sweeter Place (ft. Kid Cudi) - Decent. I like this song as the final song of the album good choice. 
This album has its strengths and weaknesses. Personally I would have liked maybe a wider range in the sound. I think she should broaden her sound a little more. I do however like how she plays with the production of her voice in every song. It helps take the attention off of the EDM sound. I like EDM but I think it’s better in doses. I think maybe if she had like 1 more ballad type songs or acoustic song with just a piano or guitar that would have really made the record pop. But, it’s a big step up for me from Revival. 
With all of that being said This album is about 2 or 3 songs too long. If the sound in the middle was different then maybe. But at some point the album is repetitive. There are good songs here though. Listening became a choir by the end and maybe it wouldn’t have felt that way if she got rid of Vulnerable, People You Know and Fun I think the album would’ve been more enjoyable. 
Other than that though overall for it to be her first album back after everything that’s happened, It is a solid body fo work. And I think it kicks off 2020 well (album wise). 
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tainted-musix · 5 years
If you haven’t seen the video for Wrong Direction by Hailee Steinfeld check it out. 
This song is too good, I'm not letting it go down unheard. We are gonna hit this million 
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tainted-musix · 5 years
Wrong Direction - Hailee Steinfeld
I’m not a die hard fan of Hailee’s but I recently watched her show on Apple TV and it was really good. It’s the perfect balance of comedy and storytelling. And I heard that she was releasing a new song in 2020. I just finished the show (highly recommend) then I listened to the song. And I really like It. It’s a nice ballad. 
If you haven’t heard it go check it out!
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tainted-musix · 5 years
I’m confused....... really confused. I’m not saying I'm a belieber. I don’t know every song.... but I know most of them. I LOVED Journals and Purpose. But when Justin said he was coming back..... with R&B...... I was expecting journals on CRACK and this ain’t it.
I’m actually really disappointed. Ariana Grande didn’t have a successful 2019 by repeating the same words and mumbling over the track. Admittedly pop music that charts is repetitive often BUT this song is just a no for me right now.
He’s not talking about anything. At least with Chris Brown I know what he talks about EVERY time. It's sex and women, but it’s something. It's usually always fresh but this YUMMY YUMMY is tired tired.
I can’t believe this. I’m disappointed but I already know it's gonna get praised. It doesn't deserve it but it will. 
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tainted-musix · 5 years
The saddest thing about this fandom is that Camila really could say all of that stuff today... like “I don’t like black or asian people.” And at least 70% of this fandom would defend her like “welp it’s her right to have preferences.” I love Camila as a person but some of y’all can’t admit any wrongdoing on her part and that’s sad. Even when she herself apologizes it’s like “no need queen.” Stan culture is weird sometimes. No one cares about what’s right any more.
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tainted-musix · 5 years
There is a misconception here. Forgiveness isn’t earned or given. She simply didn’t ask. 
There has been no point today where I haven’t tried to step back and see things through her eyes and give her the benefit of the doubt. I have spoken on the matter separately and here. However, here I didn’t state what I said earlier, which is that I understand and believe that people can grow and change. But that doesn’t change the intention of what was done. 
I understand what you’re saying, but today the difference in these exchanges between blog owners and anons has been that some of us have been willing to listen to your side but you aren’t offering the same thing. It’s just defense, defense, defense. You aren’t actually listening, and I can sit here and give a long explanation about how, yes we are products of our environment but at that age she had the choice to be educated. I’m not taking away from the fact that she is now. But that doesn’t change that she was old enough to understand that words ALWAYS hold weight and have meaning and power. EVERY writer knows that. 
I’m also not going to pretend I haven’t made mistakes in my life but I haven’t judged people based on their race, nationality, age, size or sexual preference. I recognized that I have no place to judge anyone for that matter. But my feelings are valid. And I as a black person I am hurt that someone I support at any point in time held a bias of anyone with my skin color. I have the right to be hurt and I am.
Maybe you have been fortunate enough to not experience that from someone you look up to and support, but I haven’t. 
I’ve been a supporter of your blog for a while now, but this is where I draw the line on accountability. I really do appreciate that she apologized though. And I’m not asking for a lifetime of apologies I just think she could’ve already gotten ahead of this years ago.
I wish nothing against you, her, or anyone who shares the same perspective as you do on this topic. We are all just trying to live and learn from our mistakes. I never expect anyone to be perfect. I understand the difference between ignorance and racism, but expecting for people to relate to the judgement of others isn’t the way to get a point across. 
I’m not saying I can’t at some point move past this, but it takes time. And hours after an apology isn’t enough.
Link? // Here: twitter(.)com/motivatefenty/status/1207076981814235136 Its definitely her old tumblr account, she admitted as much years ago and theres proof of it. Even though its from before txf and shes changed, i think she still needs to make a sincere public apology instead of just deleting the tumblr entirely
She already did, but this is always going to come back to bite her in the ass. The price of being a celebrity, I guess.
This was when I was 15. With all the stupid shit I said at that age, I am in no condition of judging her. No one is, to be fair. We’ve all been problematic at some point.
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tainted-musix · 5 years
I am black and I can say at 11 years old I knew what racism was/is. Age isn’t an excuse AT ALL especially because she is a person of color herself. I am not going to brush this off. I’m a fan of her and believe she is talented but those posts hurt me. And nobody can take that away from me. no amount of words are going to change the pain I feel. I CANT change my skin color and I’m not ashamed of being black. But the last thing that needs to be happening here is fans making excuses for what she’s said/done in the past. 
Link? // Here: twitter(.)com/motivatefenty/status/1207076981814235136 Its definitely her old tumblr account, she admitted as much years ago and theres proof of it. Even though its from before txf and shes changed, i think she still needs to make a sincere public apology instead of just deleting the tumblr entirely
She already did, but this is always going to come back to bite her in the ass. The price of being a celebrity, I guess.
This was when I was 15. With all the stupid shit I said at that age, I am in no condition of judging her. No one is, to be fair. We’ve all been problematic at some point.
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tainted-musix · 5 years
Camila’s Apology through a Black Fans Perspective
I would like to first of all state that I am black. I am not a camilizer because I don’t associate with the harsh and cruel things they (some of them) have said or done in efforts to take down other careers. I have however been a fan of Camila and ALL of the other girls. I’ve been with them since I was 12 and I know that I have grown a lot. So have they and I acknowledge that. However I really don’t know how I feel about ANY of this.
I am in college now and I’ve started embracing and learning about my culture and the historical significance of African Americans in the US. And it has never been rainbows and sunshine. I have grown up and still live in the South (Georgia) specifically. I’ve grown up in a predominantly white area and gone to predominantly white schools. I go to college in Atlanta and if you think for a second it's a “Black Mecca” you are MORE than wrong. 
The music and entertainment industry paint and try to make Atlanta out to be this safe place for black culture. And it's not. Nowhere is. Not everyone understands the uneasiness of being around police officers. Even if I’m driving down the road and cop car passes I feel uneasy. I feel stiff because I’m afraid that if I look l a certain way I might get pulled over. My town is small and everyone I have come across has been for the most part kind. That doesn’t change the fact that there's a Confederate monument in the city square. And it doesn't change the fact that every day in the parking lot of my high school, my white peers would listen to rap music and say the N word on a daily bases. It also doesn’t change the fact that some boys drive their trucks through the street sporting Confederate flags. It doesn’t change the fact that everybody wants to be about that life until it's not profitable or jail time is involved. 
One of Camila’s Tumblr accounts has been discovered with racist reblogs and I really don't know what to feel. When I got on twitter an hour ago and saw her apology I was confused. I thought she was finally apologizing more publicly about what she called Normani. It wasn’t until a little later I found out what really happened. 
I knew what she said about Normani and I know it was wrong at that time I was 15 when it came out. 15 which is when it is claimed those messages came out and she said she was young and made mistakes. And the Tumblr account is said to have been from when she was 14. I don’t accept her apology right now. And it is so heartbreaking to see what she reblogged. I went through the pictures of it on twitter and I am disgusted, that anybody would think those stereotypical posts are funny, in any context. 
And the people who are saying it’s not real. Then why was it deleted? The people who are accepting her apology most of them aren’t black and have NO CLUE what it's like to be black. They have no clue of the struggles we face everyday. RACISM is not dead. 
Music is my safe space. I make it, I listen to it, I'm inspired by it. So for me to go on the internet and see this from an artist I have supported since I found out about the group and has supported these beliefs is beyond painful. I don’t know what to believe and what not to believe. 
What hurts the most though is that this is a fellow person of color. Latin people know what it's like to not be accepted here and this is what we get. A sorry apology about how she was ignorant to this. How are you ignorant to something that happens to you? At 11 I knew what racism was. The Trayvon Martin case showed me how cruel the world is to people who have the same skin as me. Camila is 4 years older than me. THIS CASE HAPPENED IN HER STATE but I’m expected to believe she didn’t know that the things she said, reblogged or liked were wrong. NO. I don’t accept that. 
Admittedly when the messages came out about Normani I gave it a pass because I was so used to that being the norm around me. I am 18 and I'm older now. I have learned about systematic racism and slavery, and how African Americans were taken, broken and beaten down to build America and somehow we still can’t find equality here. 
What’s crazy is I bought tickets for her concert and I JUST got my albums in the mail yesterday and I was so excited. I bought it on iTunes. I streamed it. I have supported her through thick and thin BUT she only acknowledges this because she was caught. She’s been known about this blog she had and had the opportunity years ago to address it and didn’t. 
I have not accepted her apology yet, but maybe I will in the future. I don’t know if she deserves it but when I do, if I do choose to accept her apology it will be for me not for her. 
I stated at the beginning of this post that I have grown and so has she and the other girls. I believe that people can change and grow. And from what she has said in the past few years and her speaking out about the black lives matter movement I can see that growth. But, I don’t know if I can get over the fact that she only wants to address her problems as they happen. 
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tainted-musix · 5 years
Why Romance Is Flopping.
I’m cutting the bullshit in this post, because people need a wake up call. But before I possibly get dragged I just want to state that I love Camila’s music (I believe that OMG deserved better, but that’s neither here nor there). In this analytic post, I am cutting out the relationship talk except for in one point I have to make. I am writing this as if I am not a big fan. I will show some grace but not much. With that being said lets begin:
“I think this particular moment after such a successful first album, it’s literally a make or break situation. Everyone’s watching this time, whereas the first time I could make a lot of mistakes and it didn’t matter too much because I was learning. This time around there’s a lot more stressful experience. It’s whether I can be a career artist fro the rest of my life or I had a very big album in 2011. That’s the difference, it’s a artists of the times or a career” - Ed Sheeran (nine days and nights 
If you watch the video at 2:10 - 2:50 Ed Sheeran discusses the importance of an artists second album. It’s make or break, in a sense. I heard these words around 3 months ago and ever since the Romance release date it’s been rattling in my head. Naturally, I tried to push it off. I was like there’s no need to worry Camila is a talented artist with loyal fans there’s nothing to worry about...... WRONG! 
I’m going to list the 2 MAJOR problems and then the rest of them in a second, but let me paint you a picture. Señorita has dropped. Every time I get on google there's a new card speculating Camila and Shawn are dating. A week or two goes by they are dating, blah blah. Fast forward to early last week I get a google card that reads, “Why Camila Cabello’s album is flopping”. I was like no, not possible. A few days day before Billboard releases the album ranks I read the article. It basically says the numbers aren’t looking that great like the first album. So I’m like no there’s still time. A few days later Billboard says Romance is #3.
So what went wrong? I’ll tell you.
The 2 biggest problems:
1.The comparison between Romance and Camila 
2. Too many singles 
BUT before I talk about those we need to talk about the other BIG problem. Problems started WELL before the album release date and tour was announced. 
Albums are already hard to create to begin with, concept albums are even trickier. A concept albums purpose is to tell a story or show a theme through lyrics. Camila chose Romance. Concept albums are tricky because they risk being repetitive and depending on the topic unrealistic. This album struggles with this. An article from Vulture says this and compares Camila to Romance. The main point of the article is basically saying Romance doesn’t do in 47 minutes, what Camila in 37. They make the claim that Camila was clear and direct and the only songs that really do that in Romance are First Man, Cry for Me, and Shameless (basically). They also go on to talk about the deep cuts of Camila, “Consequences” and “Real Friends”, and how Romance lacks that emotion besides the maybe 5 songs. And I would be lying if I said some of the things said there aren’t true. 
The next problem toes the line of the comparison problem. Shameless and Liar simply should not have put out at the same time. I understand completely why it was done. She talked about it with Zach Sang. 
In this video she talks about how she likes putting out two singles. And that’s perfectly fine. She doesn’t have to follow the “written” rules of pop. Again I understand why this was done because Havana and OMG happened just like this, but the issue is that sometimes that kind of roll out only works once. And in this case that’s true. And the different is the song that wasn’t intercepted well didn't make the album. In this case both songs did. Those songs also had rappers on them and that’s just a formula that works. 
And on a smaller scale Liar gives a “Havana” remake vibe and it just doesn’t work and was my least favorite of the two personally. In her defense though I don't think it’s fair to ask artists to constantly invent something that's never been done before. However, in this industry growth and change are the thing that separate the career artist from an artist of the times. 
The third issue is South of the Border and Señorita. This is the beginning of the second BIG problem, too much music. 
I didn’t see this as a problem until I read the Forbes article on it. And I can understand the issue. Camila spent a decent amount of time away from the public eye. She is not an artist that is always releasing music like rappers or some r&b artists. So over saturation can/is a major problem. 
So Mi Persona Favorita comes out. It's a feel good song that got her a Grammy, tugs on the heart strings. Then Find U Again comes out. I’m like ok this is a nice little situation. It’s summer, I’m like ok album will come out 2020, she’s easing us into it (I’m into it, whatever trouble that you're thinking I could get into it). AND BOY DID SHE GET INTO SOME TROUBLE with the next release, Señorita. And right here is where you STOP! The marketing department really fucked this one up. If you know somethings going to be hot before it’s released and you know you’re going to milk a relationship and you are going to put your focus on that DON’T RELEASE ANYMORE MUSIC! But apparently, as must of us already discovered, Epic only hires buffoons. South of the Border drops and I love it. Gives the latin vibes everybody wants at the end of summer. We are having a great time then Liar and Shameless. Then the videos, the relationship, The VMAs. The announcement of an album all while beginning to get hated on for a relationship that didn’t need to be created. 
While people are calling bullshit on the relationship. Cry for Me is released. At this point, I’m confused. Like are we putting out the whole album now. Then we have the making out in the street and release of Easy and then SNL. And more relationship and release of Living Proof and AMAs performances (seriously she performed 3 times that night) and the announcement that the Romance tour tickets are going on sale soon and the album will be out December 6................................................................
I just want to know what the thought process was. THAT is WAY TOO MUCH CAMILA and the album isn’t even out yet. 
And on top of that, album hasn’t even dropped yet and Presale tickets are on sale and a few days from then regular sale. So HOW EXACTLY? I just want to know who was in charge of the numbers. Because anybody with half a brain can CLEARLY see that some of these songs weren’t charting well or staying on the charts for that matter. So who gave the green light to be like ok, release the album. This is the worst roll out for an album, thank you, next right after Sweetener was WAY better than this. 
WHO SCHEDULES AN ARENA TOUR BEFORE ALBUM SALES EVEN COME OUT! Realistically she wasn’t selling out every single show last tour, but all of a sudden we are doing arenas. Camila has fans I’m not saying she doesn’t but there are a lot of unsold tickets and things aren’t looking good right now. They oversaturated the market and now they are scrambling to put the pieces together. AND LETS NOT FORGET the album was leaked 2 weeks before the release. 
AND another big problem with all these singles is that the other songs left that people hadn’t heard weren’t strong enough to carry the weight of the leak and the songs that weren’t heard besides maybe 2 were repetitive. Half the album was already out and one of the songs was leaked a year ago. The other one was already come and gone from #1. The album release should've either been pushed back or all those singles shouldn’t have been released. 
The label needs to stop with the lying and trying to save face because they fucked up. This relationship has caused some fans to leave, people don't want listen to the album because it's repetitive, she's getting slut shamed on social media and she's supposed to do Cinderella soundtrack. 
And the is a problem on it's own and is my biggest worry because that soundtrack could turn into Camila’s version of Ariana’s Charlie’s Angels Soundtrack really quick and that went TERRIBLY. And for her sake if it goes poorly I don't want that project. It's too much Camila at once. There was no pacing and that is the problem with this album. She was gone for months and when she comes back it’s her team trying to put her in the headline EVERYDAY. We get it you’re spending New Year’s with Shawn.
This era is just repetitive and predictable. Talent and songwriting are not going to be the downfalls of her career. It's going to be the lies she’s forced to tell, the secrets she’s supposed to keep, and her likablitly going down the drain.
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tainted-musix · 5 years
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This IS MY CHRISTMAS GIFT, it’s a wrap 🥳
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tainted-musix · 5 years
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cut the cameras....deadass.
17 years old
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tainted-musix · 5 years
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