takafritzz Β· 2 years
β™‘#; req - Can you make an Saiki K. hc where reader has a fever and needs someone to take care of them? But Saiki doesn't really know what to do because he's ofc never been sick before so he's just freaking tf out. @catanaartpr0duct
β™‘#; warnings - none!!
β™‘#; a/n - hihi!! here's part two to this thing i started. heh.
β™‘#; genre - fluff!! w/ a lil bit of comedy.
β™‘#; wordcount - 739
saiki k x sick!reader (part two)
these are for you. that was a flat out lie. where had it come from? he hadn't even consciously made the decision to tell you that. he was craving coffee jelly all day, and now he was sacrificing the one thing that brought him genuine joy. was this what people described as self sabotage?
"oh my god, that's so sweet! you really shouldn't have. thank you so much," your glowing smile might've compensated for his newfound lack of coffee jelly, "uh, please, come in!" you moved aside for him.
no, thanks, he told himself. thanks, was the response you heard. he really was on a roll today, huh? putting aside his confusion and frustration towards this unprecedented behaviour, kusuo nodded courtly and carefully entered your house, taking care to remove his shoes at the doorway and wait for you before going any further.
you led him to your kitchen, where a quaint table and two simple chairs stood off to the side. "here, have a seat," you tried to make him feel welcome, "what's in the bag, anyway?"
just some coffee jelly, he delicately unpacked the dessert, which came in a pack of three plastic cups decorated with bright cartoons and colourful text. with practiced precision, he tore open the packaging and pulled out a single cup, placing it before you.
"ooh, the kusuo special!" you laughed amiably as you inspected the cup. he never got over the way you said his name.
after bringing to the table two dessert spoons, you reached into the pack and retrieved another cup. without asking if he wanted one or making a big show of offering the sweet to him, you simply placed the coffee jelly in front of kusuo.
for a few moments, he stared at you dumbfoundedly. why were you being so nice? what was there to gain from sharing dessert with a quiet, inert person like him? he never made an extra effort to please you or interact with you - didn't that bother you?
reluctantly, he accepted this offer (he can never seem to resist a coffee jelly under any circumstance, anyway). the two of you sat at the kitchen table, consuming the bittersweet delicacies in what you liked to think was a comfortable silence. once finished, you stood up. now she'll kick me out and tell me i've overstayed my welcome, kusuo concluded.
"wait here. lemme go put that math homework away and i'll be right back, okay?" you defied kusuo's expectations yet again.
he listened for the light sound of you padding up the stairs. waited to hear it again. couldn't wait to hear it again, because that would mean you were coming back to him. coming back to sit with him and talk with him and smile and laugh at him.
after some time, kusuo realised that you had been upstairs for quite a while. he crossed his eyes and, using his clairvoyance, discovered that you'd passed out on your bed. he logically conceded that this must've been the result of a sudden tired haze. you were really sick, after all. your covers were still neatly folded and your math homework was thrown messily beside you. your legs draped lazily over the side of your bed.
this was his chance to leave. but it would surely be rude, right? for you to wake up and find that he had left you behind when you had intended to spend more time with him. as though his body had a mind of its own today, he bounded up the steps to your room.
once he entered your bedroom, he stood frozen for a couple of moments. was he even allowed to be in here?
you rolled over slowly, murmuring sleep talk. you almost fell off your bed. kusuo moved forward and hoisted your body back up with both arms. he carefully unfolded your blanket and laid it over you, ensuring that it covered enough of you without making you feel uncomfortable. he adjusted your pillow with one hand, holding your head in his other with the utmost level of care he possibly could. after putting your head down, his hand moved down to hold your cheek gently. a delicate thumb swept across it.
realising this, kusuo hastily recoiled and he felt himself warm up inside as every bit of exposed skin flushed beet red. she drools. cute, he thought. a content smirk found its way onto his lips.
thanks for reading!! likes + reblogs appreciated. have a nice day! <3 part one
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takafritzz Β· 2 years
Can you make an Saiki K. hc where reader has a fever and needs someone to take care of them? But Saiki doesn't really know what to do because he's ofc never been sick before so he's just freaking tf out.
β™‘#; warnings - none!!
β™‘#; a/n - hihi!! haven't gotten a req in a while, so thanks! i love kusuo and totally agree that he'd be useless if you had a fever. kekeke. let's do it!! '^'
β™‘#; genre - fluff!! w/ a lil bit of comedy.
β™‘#; wordcount - 697
saiki k x sick!reader (part one)
kusuo, since birth, has had probably a total of zero sick days. we can owe this, of course, to his psychic powers. also, kurumi is an angel who takes care of her son like no other mother.
unfortunately, his pristine health record does mean an extreme lack of experience when it comes to helping/comforting/dealing with people when they're feeling under the weather.
it was a mundane summer tuesday afternoon when you happened to had caught an insufferable fever the weekend prior. a raging headache, sore limbs, a burning temperature: the whole package.
tuesdays were also when your class (which kusuo was also in) received your weekly maths homework. you, obviously, weren't there to collect it, so the teacher asked someone to deliver it to you. thankfully, kusuo knew the route to your house, as you had walked home with him and his friends a few times before.
knowing this, and not wanting to bear the responsibility themselves, your classmates and friends offered kusuo up.
he feigned annoyance at this. like it was an inconvenience, even though he was harbouring deep feelings towards you for some time now. still, he wouldn't let others do the task.
on the way to your house, he stopped by a local convenience store, hoping to find his preferred coffee jelly brand on offer. luckily, the store was doing a buy one get one free deal, which was excellent.
eventually, he made it to your house with the plastic bag carrying his bittersweet treat hanging from his left hand. with his right, he rung your doorbell, and stood, awaiting a response.
i should just leave the homework and let her deal with it, he thought to himself. and yet, contradicting his inner voice, he chose to continue to wait. it's none of my business anyway, he tried to convince himself that he was imposing or involving himself in an ordeal which shouldn't have concerned him. why did he accept?
he would never in a million years admit this, but a minuscule part of kusuo hoped. it longed that you would rush to open the door for him and welcome him inside and talk to him forever and -
the sound of the door being unlocked came abruptly from within and kusuo suddenly became aware that he was still carrying the bag stocked with coffee jelly in his hand. before he could do anything about this or put the bag away, you opened the door.
you looked so vulnerable and tired to kusuo. this was a way in which he had never before seen you: you were wrapped in a grey blanket that appeared soft and warm, a curled fist coming up to rub gently at your eye. with the other, you were clasping the two sides of your blanket so that it couldn't fall away.
you blushed after realising who was standing in front of you, hot red burning across your cheeks and ears. you and kusuo were in no way close and only made small talk occasionally, so naturally, you felt embarrassed that he was seeing you in such a mess.
kusuo, too, became flustered. his eyes widened at the sight of you looking so small and innocent when enveloped by the cover, and a pink tint brushed his nose and cheeks. all of a sudden, he was overcome by a desire to protect you and hold you close in his arms. no, that's creepy, he chided himself in a stern voice.
a sense of guilt washed over him. he wished he hadn't intruded like this and made you get up just to open the door for him. now what?
"kusuo!" you swiftly removed your blanket and folded it, "i'm so sorry. i wasn't exactly expecting anyone today." you nervously laughed, scratching the back of your neck. he shook his head to reassure you that you had done nothing wrong.
it's fine. i just came to drop some maths homework off, he calmly established why he was paying you a visit. your eyes flitted down to the plastic bag holding his cherished dessert, and he took notice of this. now he felt bad. also i bought you these, he added hurriedly.
thanks for reading!! likes + reblogs appreciated. have a nice day! <3 part two
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takafritzz Β· 2 years
thinking about the time i told my sister i don't like mitski and she said "but aren't you a feminist?"
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takafritzz Β· 3 years
β™‘#; warnings - none!!
β™‘#; a/n - this is too self indulgent but this scenario has been living in my head all day :3 hope you enjoy!! mwah mwah. [reqs always open].
β™‘#; genre - fluff!! in which jean has a cousin's wedding to go to, so he asks for your help to teach him slow dancing with a partner T-T
β™‘#; wordcount - 2,298
Tumblr media
can i have this dance?
"i cannot believe my mom's making me do this," jean grumbled with a sigh, letting his forehead drop into the safe tent created by his folded arms on the lunch table that you, him, sasha and connie were sat at.
all three of you felt sorry for him; he was being dragged along to the wedding of some distant cousin he had never even met on the weekend when you were supposed to go out bowling for your birthday.
unbeknownst to your friends, though, you were especially upset at jean's necessary absence considering your harboured feelings towards him. not that you were going to let him feel bad about that, of course. he was already in a bad mood.
"when is it again?" asked connie. this was a question you knew the answer all too well to. jean peeked up from the table, rolling his eyes in thought as he tried to remember the exact date.
"it'll be, uh, this weekend, actually," he clicked his tongue. his eyes flicked over to yours and a soft, apologetic smirk adorned his features, "i'm so sorry i can't make it to your birthday bowling day."
you offered a bright grin in return, waving your hand dismissively. "it'll be fine! it sucks that they didn't let us cancel the reservation, but one of us'll play in your name, so don't worry. we'll do you proud." you joked, trying to cheer him up.
"i'll do it! i'm great at bowling," sasha excitedly took on the responsibility of playing for jean, "and besides, a wedding can't be that bad, right? there's free food, after all!" she stared longingly at your untouched butter croissant. noticing this, you slid your tray across the table to her seat. she snatched the pastry up without hesitation, but you were glad to see her so delighted.
"sure, sash, but there's also having to wear a suit, forced small talk with great aunts who claim they knew me since i was a baby, awkward photoshoots and worst of all: dancing," jean listed each event on his fingers.
"what, now you can't dance?" connie raised an eyebrow up, "you were fine at that party last week."
"first off, i was drunk. second of all, i mean slow dancing, you idiot. i can't do it right for the life of me, and it's always with some girl i either don't know or hate. i swear my family has something against me!"
"aw, too bad that you can't take a plus one," you sympathised with him.
"yeah, i know," he shrugged, "well, i'll see you guys in class. i've gotta go deal with my existential crisis while pissing in the little boys room." he pursed his lips and raised his eyebrows as he slung his bag over his shoulder and sauntered away. you and sasha both waved silently at him.
"lemme join! love me a good whizz," connie rushed after jean, saluting the both of you as he trailed behind him.
"bye, guys," sasha giggled.
"see ya," you called after them.
"poor jean," sasha commented. you nodded in agreement.
"i know. he really doesn't wanna go to this thing, huh?"
"yeah. i would have a meltdown and refuse to move if my parents were forcing me to go somewhere i badly didn't wanna go."
"always coming through with the genius solutions, sash."
"i know. thanks. oh, yeah, it'll be your birthday, too! aren't you sad that he won't make it?"
"nah, it's cool. i get it," you shrugged nonchalantly, trying to change the subject as quickly as possible, "it's not like he's doing it on purpose or something."
"would you be sad if he was?"
"doing it on purpose? of course, he's one of my best friends!"
"uh huh," sasha's eyelids drooped halfway, a playful smile teasing you, "totally best friends."
"what do you mean? you're not tryna convince yourself i have a crush on him again, are you? come on, sasha, i've told you a million times: i don't like him like that, so would you stop before you embarrass me in front of someone?" you plead with her. nerves fluttered around your stomach following your blatant lie.
"someone like... jean?" she winked, batting her eyelashes at you. you got up from the lunch table.
"nope. not dealing with this," you turned on your heel and broke into a swift walk, hoping to get away fast enough so you could lose sasha before she caught up to you and interrogated you on the matter any further.
"hey, wait up! i need to go to the toilet! why are you walking so freaking fast?! jeez, chill out!" with each desperate cry, her voice became more distant to you. thank god.
you knew full well that if there would be anyone who could squeeze a secret out of you, it would be sasha. she just had a way with these things. so you had to make sure it was near impossible for her to find you, or you would cave.
after a solid ten minutes of wandering around your school building, you gave a wary glance to your left and then your right. you let out a relieved sigh: sasha was nowhere to be seen.
you slid against the wall you were leaning on until you eventually landed on a step of the staircase. you rested your head against the wall, fishing for your phone from your pocket. once you managed to get it out, you found that there were 15 notifications, all from jean. your eyes widened in surprise. they were all new messages.
help, this idiot won't leave me alone under a blurred picture of him being chased by connie, who wore a wolfish grin.
where you guys at?? followed by a picture of your empty lunch table.
bouta kill myself came after a video of connie banging against a toilet stall that jean was hiding in, as he sang to him.
bored. was the last text message, and preceded a picture of jean biting his lip.
you scoffed in amusement while typing out an answer to indicate your whereabouts. you may as well keep him company so long as connie wasn't disturbing him. after a short wait, footsteps became gradually louder behind you. you twisted around to be met with jean's looming figure. he silently took a place on the step above you.
"hey," you greeted him. he smiled softly.
"hey. what are you doing here? you okay?" his eyebrows were knitted together in a concerned expression. you nodded.
"yeah. fine. just had to get away from sasha."
"no way! you saw my texts, right? i had to get away from connie! look at us!" his contagious boyish laughter rang throughout the stairwell. it was your favourite sound. you couldn't stop yourself from laughing along with him.
"i know! look at us."
"ah, you're the only one who gets me, y/n."
"hm... wish i could say the same for you."
"uh, you absolutely can, cause i get you so well it's scary."
"do you?"
"that's right, which is how i know you desperately wish you could be my plus one at the wedding," he virtually read your mind. you rolled your eyes.
"pfft, in your dreams, jeanbo," you teasingly called him by the nickname you had heard his mother use on him. he took your face in one of his large hands, squishing your cheeks to prevent you from saying anything else.
"shh, shh, shh. don't they say if you dream hard enough, it'll eventually come true?"
you were glad his hand was enveloping your cheeks so he couldn't see the rosy blush creeping onto them. you swatted him away, slapping gently at his face with both of your hands.
"awh, you're so cute when you try to fight back. come on, get up," he trapped both of your wrists in his free hand and used this grip to lift you up with him, releasing his hold on you once the two of you were up.
"where are we going?" you dusted your pants off, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow.
"nowhere. just here," he skipped a few steps to jump down to the floor, looking at you expectantly for you to join him. reluctantly, you followed, wondering where he was going with this.
"just what are you planning, huh?"
"so many questions! god, you nag a lot. the guy who marries you is gonna be in for a ride."
"shut up. why are we just standing here?"
"you know how i said i hate dancing? but that i'm gonna have to do it anyway? and that i might kill myself from embarrassment?"
"uh huh, something like that."
"yeah, well, the wedding's this weekend, as you already know, and i gotta be ready. and you've been to weddings before, right?"
"a couple."
"well, your mom's always bragging about how graceful and elegant a dancer you are. you seem to know your stuff, y/n."
"i just copy people around me. look, there's nothing much to it, jean, it's really not that -"
"then help me out! if it's so easy, why don't you help me learn how?"
"what?" you were in slight shock at his sudden request, and only a few days before the wedding, too. the tips of his ears went a subtle red, and you caught his eyes nervously glancing towards the floor.
"help me out...?" he repeated himself. you broke out in a series of hushed snickers, covering your mouth with your palm.
"why're you laughing? am i that much of a joke to you?" he seemed to take this to heart.
"not at all! it's just... awh, you're so cute when you ask for stuff, jeanbo!" you broke out in a fit of giggles again. a pout formed on his lips and he crossed his arms in defiance towards the repeated nickname.
"well, now i don't want your help anymore," he turned his back to you. you tried to subdue your laughter, walking up behind him and tapping him on the shoulder.
"no, come on, i'm sorry," you gave a good-natured smile, "of course i'll help you."
without a word, he faced you again. the pout was gone now, replaced by a cocky smirk.
"you could never say no to me," before you could protest, he took your hand and placed it on his shoulder, clasping the second in his. he swallowed before cautiously placing his own free hand on your waist, as though asking for your permission. you quietly nodded, feeling heat rise in your cheeks. at least you weren't alone, you realised, as you took notice of a slight pink tint falling across jean's sharp features.
you cleared your throat, "on one condition. i'll help you, on one condition." jean groaned, rolling his head back.
"go on."
"i get to call you by that stupid nickname you hate so much."
"what, jeanbo?"
he sighed before complying, "be my freaking guest, i guess."
"alright!" you drummed excitedly on his shoulder.
the two of you fell silent, each waiting for the other to do something. you took the first step forward, prompting him to shift backwards. you cocked your head to the left as a subtle signal, which he promptly picked up on. before you knew it, the two of you were gliding across the small area of the stairwell, being careful not to step on each other and keeping a measured but regular pace. he surprised you by suddenly twirling you around, earning a short yelp from you. he chuckled in response to your shock, and you heard this victorious sound vibrate from his chest as you fell against his torso.
it felt good. this felt right; you being here with jean, being held so close to him in his arms. your eyes were closed as you tried to hold onto this moment for as long as you could. it probably wouldn't be happening anytime soon again.
"y/n?" jean's voice felt close to you, and it snapped you out of your little daydream. your eyes were met with his honey brown ones. his face was way too close. "oh thank god. i thought you fell asleep for a second there."
"sorry, just spaced out for a minute. uh, sorry," you averted your gaze from him. he didn't move.
"it's cool. we seem pretty good at this, huh?"
"yeah, i guess. for a first timer, you're not too shabby, jeanbo. do you wanna continue, or?"
before you could say anything else, jean closed the gap between the two of you. his lips gingerly crashed against yours as your eyes widened tenfold. what was he doing? his eyes were tightly shut, his eyebrows drawn together in a look of focus. despite your confusion, and fear, and doubts, you didn't pull away. eventually, he moved away from you.
"jean?" was all you managed to ask, but you felt it was enough of a question in itself.
"i'm sorry. i just, uh, i like it when you call me jeanbo. and i like you, in general."
"i - really?" you gulped, "in what way?" your stupid question was followed by a nervous scoff.
"in the 'will you let me take you out so i can dance whenever i want, wherever i want, so long as it's with you' typa way. like, 'i could dance with you forever and i wouldn't get tired' typa way." by now, the two of you were untangled, and jean was holding both your hands in his.
"i - i like you in that way, too," you were in an immeasurable amount of disbelief, "in the 'i would never get sick of teaching you how to dance' typa way."
"then, y/n, i have one question for you. can i have this dance?"
thanks for reading!! likes + reblogs appreciated. have a nice day! <3
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takafritzz Β· 3 years
Hey I read your rules and I wanted to ask if you could write some Shoji X very talkative and bubbly gf who sings 24/7 if you don't mind. Would be nice! Cya :>
hihi!! thank you so much for your request! i'm so excited to write for shoji, cause he's just so adorable. anyway, i'm so sorry i took so long with your request! (reminder that requests are still open). i love you; stay safe + drink water!! <3
Mezō Shōji With a Very Bubbly GF Who Sings!
Honestly, so many people will probably argue with me, but I can fight, so here goes nothing: Mezō probably adores having an extroverted, bubbly girlfriend who can't stop talking. There. I said what I said.
What with him being such an introvert who only ever speaks when necessary, having an extroverted s/o really helps him out.
You often find yourself ordering for him - which confuses many strangers around you - or speaking on his behalf if he's feeling especially shy.
Wait, but ordering for this boy is so cute oh my god. Just imagine standing in the queue, waiting for your turn to put in your order. Right before you reach the front, your sweet, huge boyfriend leans all the way down to your ear and tentatively whispers an innocent:
"Could you please order for me, love?" he starts twiddling gingerly with your fingers, careful not to hurt you.
"Of course, Mezō," you smile gently at him, reassuring him that it's okay for him to ask these things from you. He smiles back (or, you detect the smile from his eyes) with a soft blush, and that's enough to show you just how grateful he is to have you as his girlfriend.
Everyone's giving you either cute or weird stares, cause you can only imagine how it looks with this giant of a boy looming behind you with two of his large hands placed on your shoulders as you order your food with a bright grin plastered on your face. The contrast is evident wherever you go.
Also, let it be known that Mezō absolutely lives for your singing voice. If you're just walking around, singing or humming while minding your own business, expect to be followed around by him.
Every time he hears you singing, he likes to close his eyes and relish in the sound of your voice. He finds you so perfect and beautiful in every single way, and this is no exception.
When you two are cuddling - you know, you curled up on his lap, palm resting on his chest above his heart so you can feel each beat. Him cradling you to his torso, ever so slightly rocking you, almost lulling the both of you to sleep. His nose nuzzled in your hair, a kiss planted every now and then. His hands holding you close, keeping you warm and occasionally twirling a stray strand of hair around his index finger. You know.
Anyway! When you two are cuddling, sometimes he'll ask you to sing to him if he's a bit sleepy or feeling soft or whatever it is. Give him what his lil heart wants.
Most of the time when you do sing to him while you're cuddling, he'll fall asleep to the feeling of your soft voice vibrating against his chest. Plus, your voice soothes him better than anything else can.
Since you're real chatty, you've helped him develop his listening skills a whole lot. You know that thing that's like 'talks a lot' and 'listens'? Yeah, that's you and Mezō.
You've basically become the cutest couple of 1-A, cause everyone finds your interactions super sweet. You're always making jokes or telling him all about the latest thing on your mind, and he's always there, listening with eager eyes and nodding along to everything you say. He's just so mesmerised by you.
He was a bit apprehensive about taking off his mask in front of you for the first time, since he knew you were an excitable person, so he wasn't sure how you'd react. When he did for the first time, it was such a personal moment that brought the two of you much closer to each other.
It happened about two weeks after you started dating, and after much asking and pestering on your end. Until then, you had been showering him with kisses only on his cheeks, hands, forehead and wherever else you could find.
You still made sure to tell him that it was important that he felt comfortable when he eventually decided to show you his face. And he did. But his flushed face told you otherwise.
He reluctantly peeled his mask off, pupils glancing off to the side in an effort to avoid eye contact. Once it was hanging around his neck, your eyes widened for a few moments, taking in how utterly pretty he was to you. You scanned his face with awe, taking in the beauty of each of his features in full now that you could see all of him. He was - and this is an understatement - gorgeous to you.
He loves you so so much. Mezō would literally never trade you for anyone in the world, and it shows.
He was very excited when you first met his parents, and it went really well, actually. They liked you and found your personality beneficial to Mezō coming out of his shell.
He takes you on the nicest little dates. Summer carnivals, flowery gardens, scenic parks and for special occasions: candlelit dinners at your favourite restaurant(s).
He brings you flowers regularly to show his appreciation and love for you, because he knows that he probably doesn't express himself as much as he would like to, and you're constantly voicing the fact that you care for him a lot.
Anyway, Mezō love love loves you to a degree which I cannot type up. So, yeah, you two are perfect for each other and never change the way you are cause he would never if he got the choice.
Lots (and I mean LOTS) of movie nights. It's the perfect date for you, really. You get to talk and talk about how much you're enjoying the movie and how great the characters and plot are, and he gets to fall in love with you even more while watching a cool production. Everyone wins!!
Nicknames he would call you include: love, sweetheart, angel. This guy loves you to a fault.
thanks for reading!! likes + reblogs appreciated. have a good day! <3
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takafritzz Β· 3 years
hihi!! ohmygodi'msosorryfornotunderstandingaaaaaahhhhh. well, i'm an idiot! of course i can do that, my precious anon!! thank you so so much for your lovely request. i love you; stay safe + drink water!! <333 (btw tell me if you want a part two, cause these were super fun to write. i loved em. hehe).
request: Can you write a "they find out they're gonna be dads" with the pairs ?? Like iwaizumi and oikawa/ kuroo and kenma/ ushijima and tendou/ and asahi amd noya ?? Plz ? Post-timeskip obvs !! Take ur time !! Have a great day !!!! πŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’“πŸ’πŸ’žπŸ’Ÿβ£πŸ’˜
Finding Out They're Gonna Be Dads Haikyuu Post-Timeskip HC's!
iwaizumi: at first, hajime would just sort of stand there, mouth agape as he registered the positive pregnancy test in your hand and the sentence you had just uttered. 'hajime, you're gonna be a dad'. did he really hear that right? there was no way. 'really?'. he swallowed nervously. you nodded, and that was all it took for him to crouch down beside you on the bathroom floor and envelop you in his arms, pulling you tight against him. he tried his best to blink away his tears, but he couldn't stop a few sniffles from escaping. after all, sharing a kid with you was something hajime had often dreamt of, and now his dream was coming true. he couldn't ask for more.
oikawa: this man wouldn't know how to act initially. 'i'm sorry, what, princess?'. he'd just stand there, internally panicking but trying to keep a cool head. but once you confirmed your earlier statement, his smirk would be replaced with an excited grin and his eyes would widen tenfold. 'wow. wow!'. he'd pick you up, peppering your face with kisses as he muttered 'i love you's and 'thank you's, because while tōru had never explicitly objected to the idea of having a baby with you, it was something he never really knew that he wanted. he was so busy with his life with just you that he never even considered the possibility of another small human in it. yet here he was.
kuroo: he would be completely different to the cocky, annoying guy you were used to. a small giggle would escape his lips because of the disbelief he was in. 'it is mine, right?' he'd try to play off his nervousness with a joke, but you saw through his exterior. you simply nodded, lips pursed as you tried to keep your emotions from overwhelming you. 'oh my god' he choked out in a whisper. a palm flew up to cover his mouth while his other hand wrapped around your waist and hugged you to his chest. all you could do was hug him back, unable to respond from how happy you were. 'i'm gonna be a dad' you heard the bright grin in his voice.
ushijima: i feel like he wouldn't really sob or cry or anything like that, mainly because he's not super emotional as a person. 'i'm going to be the father of our baby?'. 'yeah, toshi'. 'and you'll be the mother of my child'. this time, it isn't a question. it's more of a statement. you silently nodded. 'mhmm'. alright, there may be a few tears pricking at the corners of his eyes, and they'll likely glisten a bit or whatever. he'll just slowly approach you, taking in your beauty all over again like the first time he saw you. because now he sees you differently; he sees you as this amazing, strong woman who's gonna hold a part of him. he's just so astounded by this new, domestic life you'll share.
kenma: kenma's probably the type of guy to not even want a kid in the first place, but when he sees your face as you break the news of your pregnancy to him, he's a goner. he's practically melting, and all he can imagine now is raising a mini version of the both of you together. 'my baby?'. he might not be able to find all the right words, but trust me when i say his heart is overflowing with utter adoration. he's so happy that he's going to be the father of your child, and what makes him even happier is that he didn't think he needed this in his life until this very moment. there are tears pouring out of his eyes, and all he can do is cling onto you and think of the future.
tendō: oh my god, satori's had baby fever since day one, i don't even know how you dealt with him enough to wind up bearing his child. 'no. no way'. he's cautious at first, cause one million thoughts are racing through his head right now. once you tell him you're serious, he's officially lost it. 'y/n, if this is some kind of prank, i'll never forgive you' he threatens. you shake your head, assuring him the news is true. 'WOO!' he jumps up multiple times, fist pumping the air and beaming from ear to ear. he whisks you into his arms bridal style, kissing virtually any exposed skin he can find. 'yes, yes, yes! i'm gonna be a dad!'. yeah, he happy cries for as long as you'll let him.
asahi: 'p-pregnant?' he puts down his glasses, looking away from his laptop screen to meet your eyes instead. 'yeah, 'sahi'. you smile tentatively. he stands up, and you can see tears already welling up in his eyes. he takes your hands in his, gingerly rubbing circles with his thumbs. this poor baby is so dumbfounded he doesn't know what to do. 'so we're gonna be parents'. he takes things step by step. 'yeah' you scoff. he laughs along, cupping your face in his hands and pressing a long, chaste kiss to your forehead. 'thank you so much for everything. i can't wait to start our family together'. his cheek rests on top of your head. you stay there for a while, holding him.
nishinoya: give him time, okay? cause when you tell him, his first reaction is to ask you to repeat yourself again. and again. and again. 'you're serious, babe?' he still doesn't know whether he can trust the information. the second he does, though, he's so vulnerable in a way you've never seen before. picture him slowly crawling up to you with a wavering smile on his lips. once he reaches you, he'll sit on his knees, wrap his arms around your waist and place his ear against your stomach if you'll let him. 'my beautiful baby is in there. wow. we made that. us. together.' truly baffled at this miracle of life. prepare for nine months of this boy never leaving your side.
thanks for reading!! likes + reblogs appreciated. have a good day! <3
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takafritzz Β· 3 years
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< request rules !! >
current status : - open
dos : - fluff, angst, drabbles, fics, hc’s, etc. if you have any questions, just ask!
don’ts : - NSFW + dark content. i am a minor! (also fandoms i don’t know).
fandoms : - haikyuu!!, aot, bnha, knb, saiki k, etc. just ask!
dni : - if you’re racist, sexist, homophobic, ableist, etc. that’s yucky, so i don’t want it on my page.
disclaimer : - i won’t write a request if i don’t feel inspired. i have to like it to write it! i also only write for female readers. thank you!!
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