taketakeru-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Iwa-Chan could run a hundred laps no problem! Maybe even two hundred. But I hope somethin’ happens. It’d be a waste if nothin’ good shows up. N’then I c’n tell mom stories n’she’ll have t’believe me ‘cause y’were there too!”
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“Of course there has to be! Nothing’s more special than having Oikawa-san and his tag-along miniature, so if nothing cool happens–!” Oikawa had to pause to think of something. “I’ll make Iwa-chan run laps!” Just because he could. There was absolutely no abuse of his authority as a captain, of course.
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taketakeru-blog ¡ 8 years
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taketakeru-blog ¡ 8 years
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“So have I been nice t’you, Tetsu? I can’t really tell. I’ve been told m’unfriendly n’I don’t smile often. It do it enough, right? M’not that bad. Gotta be a level between Uncle Tooru smile and Iwa-Chan smile.” One smiles too much and the other almost never.
Finally back at the school, he let out a small noise. He’d have to see his captain again. Hopefully no spiking. “D’you think you’ll like my captain?”
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“I get where you’re coming from, yeah. Just a little ridiculous that someone would have that kind of reaction. S’not right.” He gives a little shrug and a laugh. “I’m a firm believer in being nice to people unless they’ve personally given you a reason not to be.” 
“I’m glad I met you, too.” He beams widely at the other, smile curving at his eyes until they’re not visible. “It’s nice to be around you. Cheesy is where it’s at, though. Gotta show you’re appreciation in some kinda gross way, right?”
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taketakeru-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Y’think this is bad, what till m’tall enough t’pick y’up...properly. Ya world’s gonna change.”
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“Alright, alright.” Snatches it away from him. “Thanks.”
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taketakeru-blog ¡ 8 years
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Oh good. It would seem as though his little train to Guilt Station had worked, but for all the wrong reasons. Was he gonna grow up to be just like Tooru? He hoped not, he needed to be better so he could flaunt it and ruin his uncle’s day.
“D’you think anythin’ cool’s gonna happen? It’s gotta, right? I bet it will and we’ll be there t’see it!”
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The brat was guilt tripping him, and Oikawa had never felt so much pride before in his life. Takeru was really taking after him (in all of the right ways!), for all that his sibling despaired at it. “You can always count on your Tooru-nii-chan!” He declared cheerfully, reaching out to ruffle what little hair Takeru had. Grinning at his nephew, he tilted his head to the side, a mischievous gleam to his eyes. “This is going to be exciting~!”
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taketakeru-blog ¡ 8 years
↖ easily manipulates Tooru
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taketakeru-blog ¡ 8 years
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“M’gonna throw it at ya if y’don’t hurry up.”
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Reaches for the phone.
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taketakeru-blog ¡ 8 years
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Holds out his phone.
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“Yes. Yes, I do.”
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taketakeru-blog ¡ 8 years
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Holds up phone with the picture. “D’ya want me t’get rid of it ‘er not?”
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“Pure child my ass.”
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taketakeru-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Friends?” Takeru questions, staring at his mother curiously. “I don’t have that many. Besides, do you really need to invite everyone?”
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taketakeru-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Cause compare t’you I’m a pure child who’s done no wrong.”
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“How on earth does sis not know your evil intentions…”
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taketakeru-blog ¡ 8 years
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“I’ll use yer soul t’fuel m’strength when I crush th’souls n’dreams o’my enemies.”
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“You’re going to be the death of my, spawn of satan.”
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taketakeru-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Well, yeah, but I don’ want everybody t’know.”
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Fucking screams and throws his phone across the room.
“Demon spawn! Demon spawn!”
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taketakeru-blog ¡ 8 years
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Wiggles fingers and pokes Tooru in the sides from a blind spot. “I’ll delete it if y’practice with me.”
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[text: Devil Spawn] I love you ??
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taketakeru-blog ¡ 8 years
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[Text: Tooru] Y’seem t’forget I got a picture of yer butt on m’phone. So I can show Iwa and Mom. Y’think she’d believe ya then?”
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[text: Devil Spawn] Blood vs blood, child
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taketakeru-blog ¡ 8 years
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[Text: Tooru] Y’think she’ll believe ya?
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Changes the phone contact name.
[text: Devil Spawn] I’ll tell sis about your dangerous thug life style
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taketakeru-blog ¡ 8 years
[Text: Tooru] [IMG.FILE]
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[text: Sis’ kid] Don’t you dare show Iwa-chan
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