tangydahliah · 2 years
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tangydahliah · 2 years
@ edgar allen ravens
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tangydahliah · 2 years
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the many shades of howl pendragon 🌟
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tangydahliah · 2 years
Bokuto + Wonho again
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tangydahliah · 2 years
Do Dan and Marc become grandparents one day?
Yep! And they’re the doting-est grandparents to ever grandparent. Neither Charlie nor Leon live in Montreal anymore, but Marc and Dan aren’t fixed to anything there, so it’s all “SURPRISE WE HAVE ARRIVED WITH PRESENTS. AND LOVE TO GIVE. HERE HAVE A HUNDRED, GO OUT TO DINNER, WE WANT GRANDCHILD TIME.”
Charlie and Leon are pretty resigned to it, but their respective baby daddy’s and momma’s are a little freaked out at first. Until they realise that they totally get free date nights every time Marc and Dan are around, and also they get a hotel room to be nice so they don’t have to host when they’re already tired (joke’s on them, Dan and Marc like hotel sex). 
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tangydahliah · 2 years
When does Marc start falling for Dan? Any good anecdotes about Marc being so very aggressively pro-Dan?
When Dan starts disappearing at nights, and Marc is INSANELY pissed off and then needs to reflect on why he is because Dan’s not the only one on the team that does it, and then has to confront the fact he is fucking PISSED that Dan is doing things without him (he’s aware he sounds insane, thanks), and the fact that Dan comes back exhausted, in crumpled clothes, smelling like bars, well. Marc’s unhappy. Marc doesn’t really understand his unhappiness until things come to a head, though.
Marc has always been a major Dan cheerleader, especially after they were out, so with the Habs during Dan’s tenure, it was tense, then after, mostly ignored, and then finally basically embraced, when Dan was (very much AGAINST HIS WILL) basically drafted as team mascot. WHILE PLAYING FOR THEIR RIVALS. Marc’s convincing sometimes. But while Marc did promise Dan that he’d call off the dogs in regards to the Habs-Sens brawl that left Dan pretty messed up in the face section? Yeah, that was a lie, the Habs locker room was basically highschool for a week and Marc was the queen bee mean girl. Don’t punch his boyfriend. Seriously, don’t punch his boyfriend. Every Hab learned the lesson well. 
That’s just Marc being in love, though. Hockey-wise, when a local Montreal newspaper stated that Dan was a  ’fourth-line also-ran roster-filler, who just happens to be married to the biggest name on the Canadiens roster and an easy publicity buy. Wonder why he keeps getting renewed’, Marc boycotted interviews with them and the team (circa Dan Riley, MASCOT!) followed, and they basically lost their entire reporting angle. Dan’s the hardest worker Marc knows, and if anyone’s going to say otherwise, he will essentially destroy them. 
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tangydahliah · 2 years
14. time travel Charlie and Marc
She’s in the crowd the night they win the Cup together. Close to her dad’s parents, who she only recognizes from their Cup photos, the both of them still so young. Her dad and her papa younger than she is now, her dad in a suit, all bittersweet happiness when her Uncle Ulf’s taking him on a ride across the ice. Can’t imagine not having been on the ice when Canada won gold, can’t imagine being anywhere but in her skates, and when her papa hands her dad the Cup he looked like he wanted to kiss him. Wanted to, and didn’t, and it’s almost completely unfathomable to her, with the way they’d been the first into the breach. They’ve been in love her whole life, sickeningly so, but this is the only time she thinks she’s ever seen them look desperate with it. They’re so young, and they’re so in love, and when she was younger she might have found it gross, they’re her parents, but tonight it just makes her a little melancholy. 
She stays close to the glass once the families are making their way onto the ice, her dad towering over her grandma, even without skates, and her papa catches her eye for a second, smile dimming, just for a second, while he looks like he’s trying to place her. She looks like him, she looks a lot like him, she’s always been told that, and she doesn’t want to change a thing about this night, not anything, not the Cup or the desperation or the photo that led to everything leaking, that led, in a slow, inexorable way, to her and Leon. She just smiles at him, wide, and he smiles back, automatic, because of course he does, because this is probably the greatest moment of his life, up to now, and when he’s caught up by her grandmere, she steps back from the glass and lets him have the moment, and she knows others, better, will come. 
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tangydahliah · 2 years
I really miss dan and marc :-( do they start traveling after charlie and leon leave the house? Do they have a midlife crisis??? I bet marc does
Dragging Dan along on trips like three month of the year is NOT a mid-life crisis, it’s just EXPANDING THEIR HORIZONS. They visited Ulf! They visited Dan’s former teammate in Prague! They visit their kids more than is probably appreciated! They travelled cross-country by train and stopped like, every second city, practically, since they knew so many people. It is NOT A MID-LIFE CRISIS, SHUT UP ULF STOP CALLING IT THAT. IT IS VISITING. AND HORIZON EXPANDING. AND THEIR HOUSE IS VERY EMPTY.
(Dan never thought he’d say this, but…he really misses Montreal.)
Dan’s about to lose his mind before they get a dog. Travel dramatically decreases after that, except re: Charlie and Leon, though most of the time they’re sending them money to come because their rooms are still there and also Marc is just…very distraught about leaving the dog in a kennel or with a sitter, so.
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tangydahliah · 2 years
And to Dan Riley Lapointe, my husband, the father and favourite of my children, my best friend, and the love of my life. Never mind the book: my life would be far less interesting without you, and far worse. Je t’aime — Pierre
God, there are so many layers of sap, here. Which is fitting, because Pierre Marc Lapointe is the king of being unapologetically sappy about his husband.
The four designators he uses aren’t really in order of importance, and they’re pretty inextricable from each other. Best friend came first, husband later, father (and favourite, Marc knows what’s up) of Charlie and Leon later than that. Love of his life: the bones of that were there the second Dan announced Marc was his new best friend, and was right.
For Marc, ‘my life would be far less interesting without you’ is the ultimate in declarations of love, even more so than ‘far worse without you’. He’s just – Dan is never boring. At that point they have been in each others’ lives for over thirty years, and Marc is still fascinated by Dan, as much for the things they don’t have in common as they do: fascinated by his effortless kindness, by his patience with Charlie when Marc’s about ready to tear his hair out, by the way, on the surface, he can seem so simple, but never is. Marc is never, ever going to grow tired of cataloguing all the things that make Dan Dan to him.
And then, Pierre. A name he never uses, one he hates, honestly, but one that Dan has only ever used for him with this perfect mix of affection and exasperation, like Marc is being ridiculous and Dan is annoyed that he finds it cute. ‘Pierre’ comes out when Marc complains about character traits of Charlie’s that he is reluctantly aware are…his as well, when he gets so far off on a tangent he doesn’t remember where they started and he doesn’t think Dan does either, when he filches some food off Leon’s plate and Dan chides him because Leon never does. 
Pierre is not how he identifies himself, not his name, but it’s a nickname, between them, that captures all the ways they get on each other’s nerves and run out of patience with each other and butt heads, and a word for how fucking much they love each other even during those moments.
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tangydahliah · 2 years
Dan, Charlie, Riley Lapointes; the best
For the prompt:  Dan Riley. Charlie Riley Lapointe. A+ parenting
I got something in my eye writing this. Fuck, I miss the Riley Lapointes.
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tangydahliah · 2 years
Shane walked into the Paw Purrfect Animal Shelter with bags full of specialty pet food. He dropped them off at the donation bin and continued to the administrator’s office. He was here to help with the prepping for Shane’s Epic Day With The Stanley Cup. It was set to start with “Your Next Pet Is a Stanley Cup Winner” photography session. Nothing could ever be cuter than pets and the Stanley Cup. Shane was so proud of coming up with this idea.
Leslie, the shelter administrator, was waiting for him. “I’m not sure how heavy the Stanley Cup is. I looked it up, but I felt it was better to be prepared.” She pointed to a small trolley that was used to carry heavy bags of pet food and other shelter items. “I have this ready to help carry in the coveted trophy.” She said with a smile. Shane nodded and pointed to the doors, “Ilya is outside with the Cup. I bet there are probably a couple of people talking him into taking selfies.” The shelter’s parking lot was shared with a tattoo parlor and a really cute stationary store. It was a sunny Saturday morning, and if there were people about, they’d find Ilya. It was a given. The fact that people recognized Ilya did not surprise Shane. Ottawa loved their Centaurs’ captain for bringing home the Stanley Cup. Fans were always ready to let Ilya know that he was the best captain ever. Ilya ate it up, and he deserved it. Shane could not have been happier for his captain, his team and himself. It could have been intrusive but the fans were actually well behaved. They were going to the cottage in a couple of days, so Shane’s day with the Stanley Cup was a nice way to end their stay in Ottawa until they came back to prepare to repeat their successful year.
Leslie gave a slight laugh as she stood up, “Ilya is definitely Ottawa’s now. You’ve always been, but now you’re home.” Shane shook his head, “I understand, Ilya is the captain who brought the Cup home. That means a lot to this hockey town.” Leslie nodded her head as they started towards the parking lot.
“Shane, thank you so much for doing this. We never ever dared hope for this when you started volunteering here.” Leslie said while she pushed the trolley. “I don’t mean the Centaurs not winning the cup, but you sharing it with us.” She pointed to her Centaurs tee shirt as if to say, see I never doubted.
“It’s my pleasure. And hopefully the pictures of the Stanley Cup with the shelter animals, all these cuties in need of homes will lead to adoptions. I’ve loved volunteering here. I’m so glad you don’t mind my sporadic hours.” When Shane had decided to offer up some of his non hockey playing time to an animal shelter he made it clear to everyone that his volunteer hours were going to be random, intermittent and very scattered. There was no point in making promises he would not be able to keep. Thankfully the small animal shelter with the shoestring budget was glad to take his help when he showed up. The very first question he was asked during his volunteer interview was: “Are you sure you won’t mind cleaning cages?” And he did not because it let him play with the kittens. All the kittens. They even let him name a couple that would be part of this photography session. His favourite so far was Jeff the little tripod tuxedo cat. He was a classy little thing, white paws, black jacket.
They arrived at the parking lot to find Ilya talking with a couple of people, no surprise. “Shane, they work at the tattoo shop. Marly here owns it. We were discussing my new tattoo.” Ilya pointed to his forearm, where the goose in flight was still in the process of healing. It was another Luca Haas design, like all the other tattoos that were part of a sleeve in process.
Before Shane could respond Ilya continued, “This is my husband Shane Hollander, he plays hockey with me, but is not the captain.” Shane shook his head. Of course Ilya took every opportunity to remind Shane who was captain as if Shane could forget. Every time they went somewhere Ilya was sure to make a comment about the captain’s chair if he was the one driving. Introductions were exchanged before the moment of truth, the Stanley Cup being revealed to a couple of unsuspecting people. As it was transferred to the trolley, quick selfies were taken by the excited tattoo artists. They all were exclaiming that this was the best way to start a Saturday.
“Here is the spot we set up with the photographer.” Leslie walked them to a room that had a bunch of windows where possible adopters could see the kittens play. She also explained that the blinds were down to prevent the sunshine from making the photographer's job more challenging. There was a makeshift platform for the Stanley Cup, a photographer’s stand as well as other props, both to entertain the cats and for the photographer to use.
A couple of other volunteers were already there, as it would be all hands on deck when it came to herding the kittens. There were a couple of older cats, but as was their want they were acting all nonchalant, like it was a common boring occurrence to have the Stanley Cup in their space.
Shane and Ilya walked over to where the 20 or so cats were being held in a makeshift enclosure that ensured they’d be safe while the photographer did what they had to do.
“We’ll place this towel in the bowl part to prevent the cats from damaging anything.” Leslie said as she lined the Cup. Both Ilya and Shane laughed. “Do that because it’ll make it better for the cats, but don’t worry about the Cup. It has seen worse, a lot worse than some cute kitties.” Neither wanted to go into detail on what was worse than kittens, but they wanted to assure everyone that this was nothing in comparison to what they had seen and heard of what the Stanley Cup had been put through.
The photographer took pictures of the cats playing, no point in not taking advantage of this opportunity. Some casual pictures of the cats investigating this new thing that they had discovered. They tried climbing it, but were not able to do it successfully. A couple jumped into the cup with graceful leaps. The acrobatics were actually quite impressive.
“Hollander, we just need to figure out how to teach the cats to skate, and we’d win all our games. Look at this little one who’s trying to climb me.” Ilya grimaced, because even though the kitten was young, the claws were sharp.
“This is Jeff.” Said Shane.”The classiest little tripod tuxedo cat.” He picked up the cat and placed him on his shoulder. “Look what I taught him to do.” He bragged to Ilya as Jeff made himself at home on this perch as if he was made for it. “The foster mom told me he was the runt of the litter, and has had a rough time. Even though he has three legs, it does not stop him.” He turned to Jeff and whispered, “But look how big and strong you are now. Almost climbing Ilya, only big strong cats attempt that.”
Ilya looked at Shane with an enigmatic smile and walked over to Leslie. “Hollander, come here and see the kittens posing. The older cats look like teenagers who are too cool for this.” Laughed Ilya as he picked up the cat that had just been in the cup. “No, little cat, don’t chew the cup. It’s been in bad places, is not healthy.” He admonished the calico that was trying to eat the Cup. He turned to Leslie and said, “Those are probably the healthiest teeth that have taken a bite out of this thing.”
The photography session progressed, as every cat was prepared for its own time with the trophy. Some were very excited, others looked like all they wanted was to be left alone. Shane had long ago put Jeff down for his turn to be made famous. But he was always on the lookout for the little tripod.
“Leslie, do you need me to help with the rest of the pictures or can I go be with the kitties?” Shane asked. While he was ready to help as needed, he really wanted to spend quality time with the cats. They were so fun to play with. Sometimes Ilya said Shane reminded him of an angry kitten, while that used to annoy him, now that Shane had seen and spent time with angry kittens, and saw their claws and how they could defend themselves but still be adorable, he hated it less.
“We’re good here. We’re right on schedule, so feel free to go into the enclosure. Be careful though, they’re feeling rambunctious.” Shane immediately got in with the kitties. Jeff immediately jumped on his shoulder while the other kittens walked over his legs and others attempted to undo his shoelaces. Shane found himself under a pile of cats. Soft fur on his legs as they treated his body like their own cat toy.
Shane looked over at Ilya, a wide smile on his face as the cats continued to play with him. “I’m trapped. Help Ilya. Help. What if I can never move again?” Ilya laughed at Shane’s predicament, and stood back to enjoy the scene in front of him.
“Being held hostage by a cat is a serious thing, Hollander. You are officially not allowed to get up. Is a law that if a cat sits on your lap you cannot move.” Ilya entered the enclosure, sat beside Shane and laughed as cats climbed over him, and made themselves comfortable. “Is okay. We are now both held hostage. Is very serious, we are trapped here. They’ll have to send us food.” Shane laughed as he pulled Jeff from his shoulder. “See Jeff, we’re all in this together.” Jeff purred in agreement.
Ilya leaned into Shane, “He can come home with us if you want. I asked Leslie if he’s ready to be adopted.” Shane gave a happy gasp, and turned to Jeff. “See Jeff, I told you once Ilya met you we could all go home together. Don’t worry about your new sister Anya, I already have ideas on how to introduce you.” Jeff listened to Shane while he fell asleep.
“Hollander, was this the plan? To make me fall in love with Jeff? Was this another blind date with an animal? So sneaky. I like it.” Ilya laughed and reached out to scratch under Jeff’s chin.
“Nah, I was going to bring him home once he was ready to be adopted, but I’m glad you met him first.” Shane looked at the kittens that had fallen asleep on their legs. “Shit Ilya, I don’t want to wake up the cats so I guess we really are stuck here.”
With permission, the Paw Purrfect Animal shelter posted its most popular picture to date. A picture that went viral in no time. A picture of Shane and Ilya in the cat enclosure, Jeff on Shane’s shoulder and a bunch of cats asleep on their legs. A picture that had a single word description: Trapped.
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tangydahliah · 2 years
Shane: "I hate you."
Ilya: "Yes, I know. Show me."
-- author Rachel Reid elevating ‘hate sex but they actually like each other’ to new levels of hnnnngh in "Heated Rivalry"
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